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Re: NSM Staff Re: New Recruit

You have answered my concerns very well.  Thank you.
My two biggest worries were the infiltration of the filth into the party.  But I can see your point.  It would be foolish and almost ridiculous to the point of water-headed idiocy for someone outside the aryan race to attempt joining the ranks of the NSM.  I do hope, however, that in the future the party will have the funds to do some further background checks in respect to bloodlines to further weed out those that shouldn't be making the cut to being with.

The government worry was one of my bigger concerns after talking to the same jack asses that were keeping me from joining the party for so long.  Which is ironic really--they claim the Nazi party employs fear to keep its members in line, when really it was those not belonging to the party who were untilizing fear to keep me from jumping the proverbial fence.  I had heard often of federal retribution for our position and political beliefs.  Phone tappings, FBI files, and under the ever constant watch of the feds.  Not that I'm too worried about this--I have nothing to hide and have done nothing wrong--I just like my life simple and direct without too much looming behind the curtains unless i put it there.

Thank you once more.

On Feb 15, 2008 8:40 AM, William Herring <> wrote:
Excellent! We are always looking for new members with writing and journalism skills. to answer your questions- We do the best we can when it comes to screening new recruits. As far as authenticating the race of an individual, it is very unlikely that a non-white would put in an application to join America's Nazi Party... Even if they did, there is little harm they could do. We are a 100% strictly legal political party. If a non-white person tried to join with the intent of causing trouble, our security team would quickly send them down the road.
As far as your personal safety, do not be alarmed. At all times the NSM maintains a very strict policy towards legality. No criminal actions of any kind are tolerated. Obviously the government knows who we are, but they leave us alone because of our policies. We are trying to change America by utilizing the law and the Constitution. We hold public rallys only after attaining the proper permits.
Your picture may be made public if you attend our rallys, but since we are 100% legal, there are no legal consequences to this. Obviously we are Nazis and most people hate our guts, so there is always the element of danger from protestors, but never from law enforcement or the government. In fact, we work closely with the police in all of our communities. The cops and law enforcement are holding back the hordes of animals trying to destroy this country, so we respect them and always cooperate with them fully.
I hope I have answered your questions. Good to have you on board!

                                                                          William Herring
                                                                           NSM Staff Corps

Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 03:24:19 -1000
Subject: Re: NSM Staff Re: New Recruit

Dear Sir,
I thank you very much for your response, and understand the load the NSM is working under with its influx of members.

My application is currently sitting here in front of me on my desk and will be sent to the NSM Applications center ASAP as I myself am experiencing quite a load (and for the menial pay undeserved as I'm sure is also understandable).  I look forward to it being processed so that I may become a part of a party I have waited far too long to join.

I would love nothing more than to take on the responsibility of a Hawaiian Unit.  The sooner the better.  I was also in hopes that I might be able to submit my own flare of journalism to the movement and its publications.  I have a passion for the craft as well as photography/photojournalism.

I did have some questions after seriously searthing the site, and I hope that you can answer them.  They do not apply to myself, but I am very curious for the sake of my own security as well as the security or the purity of the party.  How is the NSM assuring that no mixed race is accepted into the party lines?  Though I am sure I am not a mixed race just as sure as I am not a sex offender.  And personally, what are the risks I can expect to face once accepted into the party outside of public verbal abuse and some concerned looks?  By that I mean can I trust the party to keep our current government out of my home and business?

Again, I thank you very much for responding to my initial e-mail and hope to hear soon your responses regarding my inquiries.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 2:49 AM, William Herring <> wrote:

Comrade- Thank you for your e-mail. At this time, the NSM does not have a unit in Hawaii. However, if you are willing to take on the responsibility, you can be the first Hawaiin unit ever. We must establish a 'global beach head" and unite National Socialists worldwide if we want to secure our victory. Visit our main website at and download an application. We are more than happy to accept you in our ranks as long as you are not a convicted sex-offender. That is our one stipulation. We look forward to hearing from you. 88!
                                                                William Herring
                                                                 NSM Staff Corps

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:03:24 -0500
Subject: NSM Staff Re: New Recruit

On 2/14/08, Derek <> wrote:
After much thought, and some reading, I am looking to learn more and be a part of this movement.
But I'm noticing there are not Hawaii contacts or chapters.
What am I to do about this?
-Derek Baumer

"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."

Commander Jeff Schoep
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National Socialist Movement

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