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New Greetings Mail from Berlin

aithful brother Rich!
Many thanks for your greetings!
This question doesn't have to be answered easily!why?
Here in Germany there are only very few "identity Christen" .Offizielle "identity churches" gives this wouldn't garkeine, the state become allow!
For many years I have been a true child God!
I was allowed to conduct Bible studies in a baptist community in the middle of the 80 umpteen years. Since 1990 I have served a free Bible community at the word every year at Pentecost. There I was excluded at the end of December 2006 because I was at this " world convention of Aryan, nation, "!
One wants no-one Nazi and racialists parish priest "!
However, I stand by my people, my race and my God Yahweh!
Unfortunately, there are different groups of the CJCC (zB A.B. Kreis contact with Odinisten etc.). I am absolute Christian and white nationalist, this one "Christian identity" is an absolute truth !!! I am sorry for the separation from Brd.Jon and Brd.Laslo but the UCOY is a good community of faithful God children. Dear Rich, I don't understand the quarrel between white Christian brothers, our race! The "Kirche von Jesus Christus" is here in Germany and Austria, a free sovereign "identity church"! I would like that I answer for it " Aryan nation " further lives, exists and testimonial gives!!
This, this is said I may not have contact to UCOY?
Brd.Mike Hallimore, Brd.Eli James and others also have contact to CJCC on/to and UCOY anyway! Please bring him, if brother dear to you, Rich, will soon send a German text, on the official home page of CJCC/on, thanks!
God save you,WHITE POWER-83-,your Brother P.J.

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