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Re: Problems Concerning my NSM account >>>

NSM Forum Staff,
Please reinstate this young lady at NSM Forum. Our young people are our future. When I was 16 I always used to tell older girls I was 18, for obvious reasons. Such youthfull transgressions are hardly a reason to ban someone. Reinstate her account. If there is some major issue I am not aware of inform me, otherwise unban her from access. 88

On 5/29/08, Bec <> wrote:

I am contacting you in concern to my account on the NSM official
forum, and my reputation. I tried speaking to other officials, but
have gotten no feedback. I am reaching out to you in hopes for an

I was not aware that I was banned from the forum until I logged on
and realized so. It seems they banned me for being underage, which I
fail to understand. I contacted the administrator, and they explained
that nobody thought I was who I claim to be, which is not true by far.

I will explain, however, the age issue as I see it; a
misunderstanding.  For some reason my age was entered wrong when I
joined, but I did not see this because not only was I not allowed to
view my profile because I was not a trusted forum member, but also
because a family emergency took me away from the computer and all
forums for several months. I returned in April and noticed that my
age was wrong, and to avoid confusion, and to prevent lying to my
comrades.  I informed them that I was indeed 17 years old, and they
assured me the problem would be taken care of. Well, needless to say
I was banned days later.

Please note that I am in now way upset. I support the NSM with my
heart and soul, and this was a blow to my beliefs. I have been
through a lot, and the NSM has only supported my and helped motivate
me. I do not want to be banned any longer, I wish instead to rally
with my comrades to proclaim out beliefs and the truth. Hail victory!

Thank you for reading my e-mail and taking the time to consider my

Sieg Heil,


p.s. My username on NSM88 is Angel_Miller. I am also featured at New
Saxon under the same username.

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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