WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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Re: Greetings from the NSM

248.720.9004  I am interested in learning more about your organization.  I only know what Ive gathered from your site.  I am glad you guys are here in Detroit.  Your peresence is long overdue.  Give me a call, let me know when when something is going on around here.

--- On Thu, 5/8/08, William Herring <> wrote:
From: William Herring <>
Subject: Greetings from the NSM
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 4:31 PM

Hello Sir. My name is William Herring and I am a member of the NSM Staff Corps. If you send me your phone number via e-mail, I can put you in touch with the Michigan people closest to you. Or if you prefer not to have your private number out there on the Internet, I can be reached anytime after 5PM at (701) 235-5004. Our ranks and our organization continue to swell every month. We hope that you decide to become a part of this cause to save our race from extinction.
                                                                                   W. Herring, NSM Staff Corps

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