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Re: NSM Staff Re: membership

Thank you for your comments. I was a Pipe Welder since the age of 18, I have been dissabled for 3 years now. I am unable to drive a car.I have some computer skills. I would stand with the NSM any time. I enjoy your radio shows, and reading the articles on the site. thanks dave in NH
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 12:42 AM
Subject: RE: NSM Staff Re: membership

Comrade- Your courage is inspiring. A terrible disease like MS is no laughing matter. We have several different divisions with a multitude of duties, many of them which do not require physical, uniformed activity. We sincerely appreciate your interest in this noble cause. Since you are physically impaired, what other types of skills and/or abilities do you possess? Are you perhaps a computer technician or something along those lines? We would not turn away a white man who has noble intentions and a pure heart simply because he happened to have the misfortune to develop a degenerative muscular disorder. Write us back and let us know what particular skills you possess and we will see to it, if you decide to become a member or a supporter, that your talents can be used to further the cause of the white race. Again, we salute your courage! As far as I am concerned, a man who can combat MS and still lead a productive life and care for his race is as much a man as I or anyone else. Be well Comrade.
                                                                  William Herring
                                                                  NSM Staff Corps

Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 21:35:21 -0500
Subject: NSM Staff Re: membership

On 1/18/08, david <> wrote:
Greetings Sir,
 I am a 35 year old white man from New Hampshire married for 15 years with one son. I would like to join a rank of your group. I suffer from MS. I dont know if your group would have any need for me or not, I am free everyday to do any task that needs to be completed. thanks dave in NH

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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