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NSM Bully Tactics, jews in MT make wild claims


I was searching for something on the internet tonight, and ran accross this article from last year on the NSM and S. Stuarts run for Montana State Legislature last year. Now we have a candidate running for President "JT Bowles" ( Shawn Stuarts Campaign upset the MT. Human Wrongs Network so terribly that they published fear filled articles such as this laughable piece below. Keep in mind when the Race was said and done we were informed that Comrade Stuart recieved 15 to 17% of the votes in his run for Office. Now we are asking that our Comrades support the Bowles for President Campaign, and give the system another well deserved shock! First join us in Commemoration of Commander Rockwell, then read the article below the Commemoration. Hail Victory! Commander Schoep

August 25, 1967 and 2007.

A Time of Commemoration!

On August 25, 1967, US Navy Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, was assassinated and non-Whites everywhere celebrated the death of this pro-White National Socialist pioneer. They thought it was the end of National Socialism in the USA and White people would never again unite and raise a voice against their new Wall Street masters.

On August 25, 2007, members and friends of the National Socialist Movement led by Jeff Schoep along with 2008 NSM Presidential candidate John Taylor Bowles will commemorate the assassination of Commander Rockwell by celebrating the running of the first National Socialist for President in the USA exactly 40 years later in tribute to Commander Rockwell !!!

The non-Whites aren't celebrating now like they were 40 years ago!!!


Supremacist group uses bully tactics

By Travis McAdam Montana Human Rights Network - 04/05/2006

When we brought the white supremacist affiliations of legislative candidate Shawn Stuart to the attention of The Montana Standard, we felt it was information the Butte community needed to know.

We?re glad that The Standard agreed. The newspaper provided a needed service to the community when it ran the article on Stuart over the weekend. The Standard helped shine the light of public scrutiny on the racist and anti-Semitic beliefs of Stuart and the National Socialist Movement.

Public and critical exposure is a valuable tool for communities trying to keep hate groups from taking hold. Unfortunately, those of us who help expose the agendas of hate groups often become targets ourselves.

Following publication of the article, Stuart?s National Socialist Movement began targeting Montana Human Rights Network employees. It began with harassing phone calls and continued with postings on National Socialist Movement websites.

One website features my home address and telephone number, as well as those of my fellow Network coworkers Ken Toole and Christine Kaufmann. Websites for the National Socialist Movement are also smearing the Network?s reputation, saying that we engage in ?terrorist bombings and arsons.? These actions by the National Socialist Movement illustrate the tactics hate groups like to use-intimidation, threats of violence, and misinformation.

White supremacists prefer to use these tactics under the cover of night and anonymously. In other words, they are bullies and thugs who feast on public apathy and target those of us who stand up to them.
Many people do not take the hate movement seriously, since the number of hardcore racists is relatively small. However, just like the school yard bully, they will continue trying to intimidate us until the larger community publicly condemns them.

Montana?s history is full of examples of racist and anti-government bullies trying to run roughshod over communities. In the early 1990s, a group of neo-Nazi skinheads terrorized Billings? Jewish community. It began with cemetery vandalism and escalated to a brick being thrown through the front window of a Jewish home.

In the mid-1990s, the Montana Freemen formed their own illegal courts and issued death warrants for criminal justice employees in Eastern Montana.

In 2001, David Burgert and Project 7, a militia group, compiled hit lists containing personal information about criminal justice employees and their families in the Flathead area.

Beginning in 2004, Kevin McGuire, a racist recruiter in Bozeman, posted false and misleading propaganda about local citizens on racist websites before running for the local school board.

The logical question to ask in all of these cases is, ?What happened?? With the Montana Freemen and Project 7, group activists were arrested and sentenced to prison. In Bozeman, Kevin McGuire has had problems following the law, but he remains on the streets.

However, thanks to the Network and its Bozeman affiliate, the people of Bozeman have a clear picture of who McGuire is and what he represents.

The community of Billings came together and opposed the neo-Nazi skinheads in the ?Not in Our Town? campaign, which has been replicated in cities across the nation.

All the Montana examples reveal a common theme. White supremacists and anti-government bullies cannot win if we stand together.

It is up to us to tell those who target our communities that we will not look the other way and be complacent. Instead, we will tell them that, if they target one of us, they will have to answer to all of us. Right now, it is our staff that is under fire from the National Socialist Movement.

Tomorrow, it could be a local judge, elected official, or business owner. Butte now has the opportunity to say, ?Not in Our Town.? Travis McAdam is the Montana Human Rights Network?s Research Director. The Network can be reached at P.O. Box 1222, Helena, MT 59624, or


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