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Re: Farewell

Wotan talks to me. Those who attack me attack Wotan.
Go now and play cyber ASSatru with your afraid to be labeled pagans...
PS, you're probably a child rapist who's too chicken to come to cleveland and fight me!!
OK, if any of you fags and wannabe WRL's have any balls, come to Pgh's Frick Park on June 21st, at 11 o'clock and face me, one on one!!
Also, I shall be attending the next 2 Satanic Concerts in Cleveland, and I shall be in Texas on June 14th!!
Come and face me if you have the guts, people!!

Hal Terrill <> wrote:
To all concerned, this will be my last communication by e-mail.  It was not long ago that I was passing out N.S. fliers only to realize that the result to this would be mockery of everything I believe by the dominant media.  With careful consideration I meditated on what I really believe.  A stranger gave me a web address It opened my eyes and I've been in contact with several of the individuals involved with it.  They advised me to seek a spiritual plane for my development to achieve the 14 Words.  This cyberworld forums and the like is an escape and accomplishes absolutely nothing.  I wish to confront reality.  My kinsmen from W.O.T.A.N. have given me the inspiration to do just that.  To all those that claim to be Wotanists, such as Hardy Lloyd, they will not stand the test of time.  Lloyd is a disgrace to Wotanism.  He blackens the name of Wotanism with his incoherent ranting and adolescent posturing.  I will let history decide what such "men" as him and his like are.  For those who are my true friends, and to folks I admire on this list such as Tom Metzger, please check out the material on site mentioned.  They are the only ones I know who are keeping the true legacy of David Lane's 14 Words and his vision of Wotanism alive. 
Farewell kinsmen.... F.U. everyone else.  No more contact

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