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NSM Press Release: Governor of Missouri denounces NSM March in Capitol, but cannot stop it!

NSM Press Release:
Missouri's Governor publically denounces NSM as a hate group, as our legal right to march is recognized by the State.
Our retort to the Governors message below is this:  Gov Blunt may use his website and the media outlets to call us a hate group, but we stand firmly with the truth in hand, and majority White interests at heart. Gov. Blunt may see our stance against illegal immigration as hate, he may see our stance against crime & violence as hate, he may see our stance against sending our young men and women off to wars of aggression in foreign lands as hate, he may even see the fact that we stand as a White Civil Rights group as hate. With that said the only hate we hear comes from Gov. Blunt himself, blind hatred of those who speak out and stand for White Rights and against the flood of illegal immigration here in our Homeland.
In a Conservative State like Missouri, it seems like a very bad Political move on his part. While Gov. Blunt sits in his Ivory Tower casting stones, and scoffing at the White working class citizens of Missouri, perhaps he will recall this moment and understand why he won't be re-elected in the future.
In Solidarity with the Blue Collar workers & working Middle class who want an end to the illegal alien invasion of America. 
Commander Jeff Schoep/ NSM HQ
Here is the Press Release from the Governors Office:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Contact: Jessica Robinson, 573-751-0290

Gov. Blunt to Hate Group: You are Not Welcome

          JEFFERSON CITY – Gov. Matt Blunt today made it perfectly clear to Neo-Nazis planning to march on the State Capitol grounds next month that they are not welcome.  The law does not allow the denial of a permit request from the National Socialist Movement, despite Gov. Blunt's fierce objections to the organization.

          "While I prefer to ignore this hate group, the media have continued to draw attention to their march, and Missourians are asking why they are being allowed on the Capitol grounds.  The answer is they are benefiting from the very laws they seek to destroy," Gov. Blunt said. "The great people of this nation have long recognized that we have certain moral responsibilities to one another. Not so many years ago, a generation of exceptional American heroes confronted the dangerous ideologies of Nazi Germany and won.  It is repulsive to me that the evil and despicable views that led to horrific and unthinkable crimes against humanity would be celebrated by this group."

          Earlier the City of Jefferson had approved a parade permit for the group and the Office of Administration was required by law to approve their request to be present on the Capitol grounds.

          Gov. Blunt considered every option for the Office of Administration to deny the permit but did not believe it was appropriate for taxpayer money to go to this group for its attorney's fees as a loss in court was more than likely if the lawful permit was challenged.

          "The group crossed t's, dotted i's and otherwise met all requirements for a permit defined by law, so we were forced to allow them to be on Capitol grounds," said OA commissioner Larry Schepker.

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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