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Re: All correspondence is answered Sir

SS Herring,
You know I will ask you every now and then about answering e-mails, don't get so defensive (ha ha). I am simply checking to make sure all the spark plugs are firing in the NSM V-12 engine.
Good to hear the drama is being squashed with the local byrds, and yes I will see you in Nov. trying to bring as much extra troop support in as possible for that. 88

On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 11:26 AM, William Herring <> wrote:
Yes Jeff, I am answering all emails you forward to me. That is a serious responsibility and I do not take it lightly. If there are any delays or lags it is because the internet service here sucks. We have had nothing but trouble with it since it was hooked up. It is seriously pissing me off, but what can you do? We have lost service 3 times in just a couple weeks. The AT&T tech has been here twice to fix the problem. However, it seems to be working fine now and I am on top of all the correspondence you have forwarded to me. I answer each and every one.
By the way, I have also rectified the situation with Angela and Cynthia. Angela was so pissed off at the accusations and bullshit heaped on her that she quit the NSM. I tired to talk her out of it, but she was furious and her mind is made up. But I have communicated with Cynthia and I will be meeting with the entire Springfield unit soon. I love my woman, but I also have  taken an oath to this organization. So the personal shit will remain personal and I will continue to perform my duties.
Angela and Cynthia are no longer at eachother's throats. (I made sure of that- with all the shit going on in my life, I certainly don't need to deal with 2 skinbyrds involved in a pissing match...)
I will be in Columbia on November 8th. I am also in constant contact with Sgt. Connelly and any and all Security matters will be addressed and seen to for this event. Talk to you soon Sir.
                                                                          SS Herring
                                                                          Springfield Unit

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Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement

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