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Re: Your interest in the NSM

Thank you so much for your reply sir.

I work at 2 today and 6pm tomorrow so you might miss
me. The rest of the week until friday I start at 6pm.
I hope we have a chance to connect.

Rick Hiller
"Courage is my Honour"

--- William Herring <> wrote:

> Thanks for your message Comrade. At one point or
> another we have all simply had enough of the world
> and decide to become a part of a solution instead of
> sitting around bemoaning our fate. Welcome to the
> real world my friend. Like yourself, many of us have
> also gone through rough times financially and have
> struggled just to put food on the table and keep the
> lights on.
> We gladly welcome you into the ranks of proud white
> patriots who are no longer willing to sit back and
> watch as our society and our race tumbles into
> oblivion. We have several different divisions so
> that our members can decide which level of
> commitment suits them best. Our SS Division is not
> voluntary, it is an honor and a priveledge to be
> invited into the ranks of the security squads, one
> that must be earned after a period of service and
> the proving of one's loyalty to this cause.
> I will call you tommorow in the early afternoon and
> we can further discuss the NSM and what can be
> expected of you should you choose to make a
> comittment to this Movement. We have a monumental
> task ahead of us. But we are Aryans and no hardship
> or obstacle is insurmountable! I will speak with you
> soon. 
>                             Sincerely,
>                             SS Mann W. Herring
>                             NSM Staff Corps
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> to burn a DVD with Windows®.


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