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RE: Sunday meeting

Thanks for taking the time to talk to me.  I apologize for my hesitations, but her protection and hapiness is my greatest concern.  But I am sick of just thinking about the problem and not being invloved in the process to fix it which is why I contacted you in the first place.  It is confusing to know what to do.  I will talk to her and get back to you.  You are very sincere and knowledgable and I appreciate that.
Heil Hitler!

Subject: Sunday meeting
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 14:49:09 -0400

Just wanted to tell you that I appreciated you taking the time to come over today. I was encouraged that you have come to certain conclusions on your own with little information. You appear to be the kind of man we need in our ranks. You saw the world for what is was and felt a sense of something wrong and have the desire to do something about it. That is the first step. I more than understand your hesitation and your concern for your lady. Our beliefs are despised around the world due to jew brainwashing, and people would love to see us dead. But this organization, the NSM is the largest and most capable group in America today. We can, we must and we will achieve our goals and secure the existence of our Race and a future for White children. I took an oath to uphold and defend this belief and I will do so to the last drop of blood in my veins and the last breath in my lungs. Our movement is a federally recognized, LEGAL political party. You will never be asked to do anything that violates any law of this country. In fact, if you do break the law, (a criminal act, not a petty misdemeanor or traffic violation, we are realists, after all) you will be expelled from the Party. We cherish law and order, something Whites have always held in high regard, unlike non-white vermin. You seem to me to be a good man Keith who cares about this country and the future. You do not necessarily have to put on the uniform and go out into public and be harassed by assholes. We also have non-uniformed divisions. Any level of comittment you are willing to put forth is acceptable. The only thing that matters is that you contribute in some way. As you said, the time for fence-sitting is long past. Brother, take your time and talk it over with your lady. Like we talked about, our women are to be cherished and treasured. They are not property, they are our equals and partners and have all the right to be a part of government and politics. I tell you one thing, some of the fiercest warriors in Aryan history were women. Try and fuck with a loving mother's children and see what happens to you; she will cut your balls off and feed them to you. Some of our top administrators are women because we recognize their invaluable contributions in the form of reason, logic and sensibility, sadly something men lack from time to Hope to hear from you soon Brother. Please give my best to your lady.
                                                                     For Race and Nation,
                                                               Cpl. William Herring, NSM Fargo
                                                                           Heil Hitler!

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