WikiLeaks Document Release February 2, 2009 Congressional Research Service Report RS21282 Military Service Records and Unit Histories: A Guide to Locating Sources Julissa Gomez-Granger and Kim Walker Klarman, Knowledge Services Group June 13, 2007 Abstract. This report is a guide to locating individual service records and military unit histories from American Revolution to the present. It provides referral information for locating individual service records of discharged and deceased veterans. It includes information regarding locating and obtaining active service records. Also included are relevant addresses and Web sites of government agencies, historical associations, and a select bibliography. ¢ £ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ ¢ This report is a guide to locating individual service records and military unit histories from the American Revolution to the present. This guide provides referral information for locating individual service records of discharged and deceased veterans. It includes information regarding locating and obtaining active service records. Also included are relevant addresses and websites of government agencies, historical associations, and a select bibliography. This report will be updated as needed. ¢ Active Duty Personnel .............................................................................................................. 1 Discharged, Deceased, or Retired Personnel............................................................................. 2 Military History Centers ........................................................................................................... 2 Additional Sources for Research............................................................................................... 4 CRS Reports.............................................................................................................................. 4 Select Bibliography................................................................................................................... 4 Author Contact Information ............................................................................................................ 5 LATROP=amehcs_&latrop=dad_&5754691,872=diegap_?egap/latrop/lim.cmsu.rewopnam.www//:sptth 0305-43122 AV ,ocitnauQ )02-BSMM( daoR toillE 8002 1429-487 )307( sproC eniraM .S.U sretrauqdaeH 0232-338 )008( :leT sproC eniraM eht fo tnadnammoC evreseR evitcanI ro ,evreseR sproC eniraM teelF ,evreseR ydaeR laudividnI :sproC eniraM LATROP=amehcs_&latrop=dad_&8317391,872=diegap_?egap/latrop/lim.cmsu.rewopnam.www//:sptth 0305-43122 AV ,ocitnauQ daoR toillE 8002 0393-487 )307( )01-BSMM( hcnarB troppuS tnemeganaM lennosreP 0173-862 )008( :leT sproC eniraM .S.U sretrauqdaeH evreseR sproC eniraM detceleS dna sproC eniraM mth.3mda/mda/cpgc/qh/lim.gcsu.www//:ptth 4081-30222 AV ,notgnilrA 0011 etiuS ,draveluoB nosliW 0024 4750-436 )668( dnammoC lennosreP drauG tsaoC 3171-394 )202( :leT )3-mda-CPGC( ,rednammoC evreseR drauG tsaoC dna drauG tsaoC psa.hsalfxedni/lim.ymra.crh.www//:sptth 4440-23322 AV ,airdnaxelA teertS llavotS 002 RSM-CRHA :NTTA 8290-523 )307( :leT dnammoC secruoseR namuH ymrA .S.U drauG lanoitaN ymrA dna ymrA psa.sdrocer/ecnatsissaremotsuc/lim.fa.crfa.cpra//:ptth lim.fa.revned.cpra@retnectcatnoc.cpra :liam-E 0064-08208 OC ,revneD 0064 etiuS ,ecalP notgnivrI .E 0676 B/ASSPD/CPRA QH 2010-525 )008( :leT RMSD/retneC lennosreP evreseR riA evreseR ecroF riA 97=1sdorp&0572=2sdorp?psa.tnetnoc_niam/lim.fa.hplodnar.cpfa.ksa//:ptth 1274-05187 XT ,BFA hplodnaR 91 etiuS ,tseW ,teertS C 055 0005-565 )012( PRSPD/CPFA QH 5773-616 )008( :leT retneC lennosreP ecroF riA .S.U drauG lanoitaN riA dna ecroF riA ¢ ¢ /lim.fa.muesumlanoitan.www//:ptth 33454 HO ,BFA nosrettaP-thgirW teertS ztaapS 0011 6823-552 )739( :leT ecroF riA .S.U eht fo muesuM lanoitaN arhfa/ua/ 4246-21163 LA ,BFA llewxaM 5041 gnidliuB elcriC tluannehC 006 5932-359 )433( :leT ycnegA hcraeseR lacirotsiH ecroF riA .S.U lim.fa.qh.yrotsihecrofria.www//:ptth lim.fa.nogatnep@hcraeser.oshfa :liam-E 0005-23002 CD ,BFA gnilloB 49 xoB ,eunevA yelkoorB 3 noisiviD sisylanA dna hcraeseR HOH/FA 2322-404 )202( :xaF eciffO seidutS lacirotsiH ecroF riA 4622-404 )202( :leT ecroF riA setatS detinU ecroF riA ¢ ¢ lmth.xedni/lennosrep-yratilim/siuol-ts/vog.sevihcra.www//:ptth 0015-23136 OM ,siuoL .tS eunevA egaP 0079 5919-108 )413( :xaF sdroceR lennosreP yratiliM 0080-108 )413( :leT retneC sdroceR lennosreP lanoitaN :tcatnoc ,I raW dlroW fo trats eht ecnis sdrocer yratilim roF lmth.sdrocer-1-ww-erp/sdrocer-ecivres-yratilim/snaretev/vog.sevihcra.www//:ptth 80402 CD ,notgnihsaW )yratiliM-BTCWN( hcnarB sdroceR liviC dna yratiliM dlO noitartsinimdA sdroceR dna sevihcrA lanoitaN :tcatnoc ,I raW dlroW-erp era taht sdrocer noisnep dna yratilim roF sdroceR noisneP dna ecivreS yratiliM lmth.sdrocer/snoitseuq/atadyvan/lim.yvan.www//:ptth 0213-55083 NT ,notgnilliM evirD ytirgetnI 0275 5884-478 )109( :leT )E213-SREP( dnammoC lennosreP lavaN evreseR evitcanI dna evreseR ydaeR laudividnI yvaN ,evreseR evitcA yvaN ,yvaN ¢ lim.yvan.yrotsih.www//:ptth 0605-47302 CD ,draY yvaN notgnihsaW ES ,teertS eseerB reddiK 508 2884-334 )202( :leT retneC lacirotsiH lavaN yvaN muesum/ude.ammsu.www//:ptth 42011 YN ,tnioP sgniK daoR taobmaetS 003 7835-377 )615( :leT muesuM eniraM tnahcreM naciremA eniraM tnahcreM /gro.egatireheniram.www//:ptth 8990-43122 AV ,ocitnauQ 899 xoB .O.P 5697-046 )307( eunevA htfiF 703 5857-793 )008( :leT noitadnuoF egatireH sproC eniraM /DH/lim.cmsu.cmqh.100teniqh//:ptth 43122 AV ,ocitnauQ eunevA lleeroM 9703 4784-234 )307( :leT noisiviD yrotsiH sproC eniraM sproC eniraM psa.xednimuesum/muesum/pc-g/qh/lim.gcsu.www//:ptth 5914-02360 TC ,nodnoL weN eunevA nagehoM 51 ymedacA drauG tsaoC .S.U 1158-444 )068( :leT muesuM drauG tsaoC lmth.tcelloc/yrotsih/pc-g/qh/lim.gcsu.www//:ptth 1000-39502 CD ,notgnihsaW WS ,teertS dnoceS 0012 sretrauqdaeH drauG tsaoC .S.U 1564-273 )202( :leT )42290-GC( eciffO s'nairotsiH drauG tsaoC .S.U drauG tsaoC ihmasu/lim.ymra.www-elsilrac//:ptth 1205-31071 AP ,elsilraC evirD sreidloS 059 retneC noitacudE & egatireH ymrA .S.U 1793-542 )717( :leT /etutitsnI yrotsiH yratiliM ymrA .S.U hmc/lim.ymra.www//:ptth 8505-91302 CD ,notgnihsaW riaNcM .J yelseL troF eunevA drihT 301 llaH snilloC 2404-586 )202( :leT yrotsiH yratiliM fo retneC ymrA .S.U ymrA ¢ ¢ Alternate Record Sources of Military Service Data, Personnel-Related Records, and Medical- Related Records at NARA Repositories of Primary Sources; website from the University of Idaho Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration Nationwide Gravesite Locator Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress CRS Report RS20900, D-Day: The French Jubilee of Liberty Medal, by Barbara Salazar Torreon. CRS Report RS21474, Military Awards: Sources of Information, by Julissa Gomez-Granger. CRS Report RS21545, Military Funeral Honors and Military Cemeteries: Frequently Asked Questions, by Mari-Jana "M-J" Oboroceanu. CRS Report 95-519, Medal of Honor: History and Issues, by David F. Burrelli. CRS Report RL30011, Medal of Honor Recipients: 1979-2008, by Julissa Gomez-Granger. ¢ Beers, Henry Putney. The Confederacy: A Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America. Washington: National Archives and Records Administration, 1998. Center of Military History. Order of Battle of the United States Land Force in the World War. Washington: Center of Military History, U.S. Army, 1988. 3 v. v. 1: World War I. Controvich, James T. United States Army Unit Histories: A Reference and Bibliography. Manhattan, KS: Military Affairs/Aerospace, 1983. ----United States Army Unit Histories. 1987 Supplement: A Reference and Bibliography. Manhattan, KS: Military Affairs/Aerospace, n.d. ----United States Army Unit Histories. 1992 Supplement "B": A Reference and Bibliography. Suppl. 2. Manhattan, KS: Military Affairs/Aerospace, n.d. ----United States Army Unit Histories. 1996 Supplement "C": A Reference and Bibliography. Suppl. 3. Manhattan, KS: Military Affairs/Aerospace, n.d. ¢ ----United States Army Unit Histories. 1999 Supplement "D": A Reference and Bibliography. Suppl. 4. Manhattan, KS: Military Affairs/Aerospace, n.d. Dinackus, Thomas D. Order of Battle: Allied Ground Forces of Operation Desert Storm. Central Point, OR: Hellgate Press, 2000. Dornbusch, C. E. Military Bibliography of the Civil War. New York: New York Public Library, 1971. ----Unit Histories of the United States Air Forces. New York: Arno Press, 1980. Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. New York: T. Yoseloff, 1959. Stanton, Shelby L. Order of Battle, U.S. Army, World War II. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1984. ----Vietnam Order of Battle. New York: Galahad Books, 1986. U.S. Department of the Army. Office of Military History. Order of Battle of the United States Army Ground Forces in World War II, Pacific Theater of Operations: Administrative and Logistical Commands, Armies, Corps, and Divisions. Washington: Department of the Army, 1959. U.S. Naval War Records Office. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. Harrisburg, PA: National Historical Society, 1987. 30 v. U.S. War Department. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Washington: GPO, 1880-1901. 70 v. Julissa Gomez-Granger Kim Walker Klarman Information Research Specialist Information Research Specialist, 7-8981, 7-6088