For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Order Code RS20151 Updated July 27, 2000 CRS Report for Congress Received through the CRS Web National Guard and Reserve Funding, FY1990-2001 Mary T. Tyszkiewicz Analyst in National Defense Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division Summary This report provides data on trends in funding for the National Guard and Reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces from FY1990-FY2001. The percentage of National Guard and Reserve (NG&R) funding has held fairly steady over this period at 7-8% of the Department of Defense (DOD) budget. The NG&R budgets range from a high of $28.2 billion in FY1992 to a low of $22.7 billion in FY1997, as measured in constant FY2001 dollars. Personnel end-strength for the NG&R has decreased from a high of 1,154,570 service members in FY1991 to a low of 870,917 in FY1999. This is a 33% decline over that period. This report will be updated as new data is available. This report provides data on trends in funding for National Guard & Reserve components and end-strength levels1 for Fiscal Years (FY) 1990-2000 and the budget request for FY2001.2 The reserve components include the Army National Guard, Air National Guard, Army Reserve, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and Air Force Reserve. The National Guard and Reserve units of the U.S. military have somewhat different heritages. The National Guard descends from the British and colonial American militia traditions, in which armed citizens would drill and be ready to defend their localities and homes. The National Guard is thus a dual state-federal force, functioning both as the militia of the states under the control of state authorities and as a federal military reserve force. In contrast, the Reserves of each service are purely federal forces, created in the 20th century. 1 End-strength level is defined as number of military personnel on duty as of the last day of the fiscal year (September 30th). 2 FY2000 data in Tables 1-3 represent a DOD estimate and include Administration-proposed supplemental appropriations and rescissions. The FY2001 data in Table 1 represents the Administration's February 2000 request and does not include changes due to congressional action. FY1990-1999 data in Tables 1-3 represent actual figures. Congressional Research Service ~ The Library of Congress CRS-2 Trends In recent years, Congress has perennially debated whether the Pentagon adequately funds Guard and Reserve components. Each year in the 1990s, Congress has added money to the Pentagon's Guard and Reserve budget. Table 1 shows National Guard and Reserve funding for FY1990-2000 and the FY2001 budget request, by appropriations title. Appropriations titles are the most general category in the annual DOD appropriations bills approved by Congress. The major titles for National Guard and Reserve funding are military personnel, operation and maintenance (O&M), procurement, and military construction. The last column of Table 1 shows end-strength levels for FY1990-1999. Personnel end-strength for the NG&R has decreased from a high of 1,154,570 service members in FY1991 to a low of 870,917 in FY1999. This is a 33% decline over that period. New equipment for National Guard and Reserve forces is normally procured in regular appropriations procurement accounts for each of the services. This account category is shown in Table 1 as the "Service Procurement Accounts." In addition, Congress has sometimes set aside funds in a separate NG&R procurement account for additional equipment not requested by DOD in the active service accounts.3 This account category is shown in Table 1 as "NG&R Procurement." It is important to remember that most Guard and Reserve equipment is funded in the active component accounts. The NG&R procurement account is for additional equipment over and above equipment in the active component accounts. Table 1 shows National Guard and Reserve funding in budget authority 4 in current year dollars. Tables 2 and 3 show the same data for FY1990-2000 by appropriations title and component (respectively) in constant FY2001 dollars. Constant dollars measure the cost of goods and services in terms of prices in a given (constant) year. Fixing the purchasing power of the dollar to a given year eliminates changes in prices due to inflation in comparing budgets from year to year. As Figures 1 and 2 show, measured in constant FY2001 dollars, National Guard and Reserve (NG&R) funding has held relatively steady as a percentage of the DOD budget from FY1990-1999. The total has varied between 7-8% of the Department of Defense (DOD) budget and ranges from a high of $28.2 billion in FY1992 to a low of $22.7 billion in FY1997, as measured in constant FY2001 dollars. 3 The NG&R procurement account is not the only, or even the primary source for Guard and Reserve equipment. Guard and Reserve units get "cascaded" used equipment from the Active Forces, which are not accounted for in these totals. 4 Budget authority (BA) is the authority provided by Congress via law to the DOD to enter into obligations for the provision of goods and services. Current dollars are the dollar value of goods and services in terms of prices current at the time of purchase. CRS-3 Table 1: National Guard & Reserve Funding by Appropriations Title and End-Strength Levels, FY1990-2000 (budget authority in millions of current year dollars) Service Military Operation & NG&R Military End- Procurement Total Personnel Maintenance Procurement Construction1 Strength2 Accounts FY1990 Army National Guard 3,297.0 1,868.0 331.8 1,916.2 230.0 7,643.0 444,224 Air National Guard 1,067.0 2,030.0 238.7 906.9 236.0 4,478.6 117,786 Army Reserve 2,204.0 872.0 88.9 577.8 99.0 3,841.7 310,071 Naval Reserve 1,572.0 923.0 148.8 246.5 54.0 2,944.3 152,789 Marine Reserve 314.0 78.0 118.6 40.9 NA 551.5 44,530 Air Force Reserve 663.0 1,020.0 64.0 234.6 46.0 2,027.6 83,813 Total 9,117.0 6,791.0 990.8 3,922.9 665.0 21,486.7 1,153,213 FY1991 Army National Guard 3,320.0 2,026.0 805.7 860.2 313.0 7,324.9 446,121 Air National Guard 1,106.0 2,327.0 647.5 426.5 181.0 4,688.0 117,786 Army Reserve 2,243.0 946.0 71.1 224.5 77.0 3,561.6 309,681 Naval Reserve 1,620.0 1,022.0 658.8 301.4 80.0 3,682.2 151,510 Marine Reserve 291.0 85.0 160.0 42.6 NA 578.6 44,933 Air Force Reserve 629.0 1,086.0 155.1 126.2 39.0 2,035.3 84,539 Total 9,209.0 7,492.0 2,498.2 1,981.4 690.0 21,870.6 1,154,570 FY1992 Army National Guard 3,734.0 2,382.0 344.2 626.2 246.0 7,332.4 426,528 Air National Guard 1,286.0 2,532.0 558.0 501.9 236.0 5,113.9 119,083 Army Reserve 2,516.0 1,099.0 103.7 196.4 117.0 4,032.1 302,850 Naval Reserve 1,864.0 941.0 383.9 114.6 53.0 3,356.5 142,314 Marine Reserve 380.0 101.0 158.0 32.6 NA 671.6 42,256 Air Force Reserve 797.0 1,255.0 362.0 151.8 11.0 2,576.8 81,874 Total 10,577.0 8,310.0 1,909.8 1,623.5 663.0 23,083.3 1,114,905 FY1993 Army National Guard 3,466.0 2,418.0 399.2 686.0 227.0 7,196.2 409,919 Air National Guard 1,244.0 2,667.0 413.8 518.5 323.0 5,166.3 117,162 Army Reserve 2,255.0 1,083.0 32.2 131.5 45.0 3,546.7 275,900 Naval Reserve 1,709.0 910.0 131.2 115.6 16.0 2,881.8 132,395 Marine Reserve 358.0 84.0 205.0 19.5 NA 666.5 41,738 Air Force Reserve 732.0 1,283.0 125.0 54.4 32.0 2,226.4 80,562 Total 9,764.0 8,445.0 1,306.4 1,525.5 643.0 21,683.9 1,057,676 FY1994 Army National Guard 3,449.0 2,236.0 193.4 979.4 295.0 7,152.8 396,928 Air National Guard 1,259.0 2,665.0 339.9 256.8 241.0 4,761.7 113,587 Army Reserve 2,155.0 1,073.0 126.3 424.0 99.0 3,877.3 259,856 Naval Reserve 1,594.0 761.0 146.7 62.8 24.0 2,588.5 107,627 Marine Reserve 347.0 91.0 120.3 30.2 NA 588.5 40,711 Air Force Reserve 788.0 1,363.0 241.7 96.3 73.0 2,562.0 79,621 Total 9,592.0 8,189.0 1,168.3 1,849.5 732.0 21,530.8 998,330 FY1995 Army National Guard 3,462.0 2,442.0 120.9 594.4 189.0 6,808.3 374,930 Air National Guard 1,280.0 2,782.0 245.0 187.1 249.0 4,743.1 109,825 Army Reserve 2,177.0 1,240.0 133.0 149.0 56.0 3,755.0 241,300 Naval Reserve 1,415.0 848.0 107.9 72.6 (2.0) 2,441.5 100,597 Marine Reserve 353.0 85.0 75.7 44.4 NA 558.1 40,933 Air Force Reserve 777.0 1,473.0 90.9 55.2 57.0 2,453.1 78,267 Total 9,464.0 8,870.0 773.4 1,102.7 549.0 20,759.1 945,852 CRS-4 Service Military Operation & NG&R Military End- Procurement Total Personnel Maintenance Procurement Construction1 Strength2 Accounts FY1996 Army National Guard 3,353.0 2,448.0 100.9 780.2 137.0 6,819.1 369,975 Air National Guard 1,313.0 2,774.0 260.4 296.9 165.0 4,809.3 110,484 Army Reserve 2,129.0 1,118.0 90.0 190.5 73.0 3,600.5 226,211 Naval Reserve 1,385.0 839.0 40.0 16.5 19.0 2,299.5 97,956 Marine Reserve 385.0 103.0 100.0 59.4 NA 647.4 42,077 Air Force Reserve 790.0 1,517.0 176.2 181.7 36.0 2,700.9 73,668 Total 9,355.0 8,799.0 767.5 1,525.2 430.0 20,876.7 920,371 FY1997 Army National Guard 3,405.0 2,298.0 100.8 859.0 78.0 6,740.8 370,044 Air National Guard 1,348.0 2,742.0 224.3 286.9 185.0 4,786.2 110,022 Army Reserve 2,060.0 1,141.0 113.7 91.3 56.0 3,462.0 212,850 Naval Reserve 1,420.0 890.0 199.7 29.5 38.0 2,577.2 95,317 Marine Reserve 394.0 110.0 102.8 29.0 NA 635.8 41,997 Air Force Reserve 787.0 1,505.0 39.6 130.4 53.0 2,515.0 71,986 NG&RE, Other 3.7 3.7 Total 9,414.0 8,686.0 784.6 1,426.1 410.0 20,720.7 902,216 FY1998 Army National Guard 3,459.0 2,447.0 68.8 524.0 122.1 6,620.8 362,444 Air National Guard 1,382.9 3,081.8 302.9 318.6 190.4 5,276.7 108,096 Army Reserve 2,040.0 1,211.1 73.7 84.4 74.2 3,483.3 204,968 Naval Reserve 1,394.0 924.0 78.7 76.2 47.3 2,520.2 93,171 Marine Reserve 394.7 116.4 73.7 26.2 611.1 40,842 Air Force Reserve 802.9 1,653.3 49.2 262.3 30.2 2,797.9 71,970 Defense-wide 10.0 10.0 Total 9,473.5 9,433.6 647.0 1,301.7 464.2 21,320.0 881,491 FY1999 Army National Guard 3,636.2 2,805.6 20.0 1,017.1 151.3 7,630.2 357,469 Air National Guard 1,452.0 3,216.1 212.0 355.6 185.7 5,421.4 105,715 Army Reserve 2,182.9 1,258.5 20.0 143.4 102.1 3,706.9 206,836 Naval Reserve 1,450.6 982.0 60.0 107.0 31.6 2,631.2 89,172 Marine Reserve 401.3 127.0 20.0 548.3 39,953 Air Force Reserve 856.7 1,790.2 20.0 199.4 34.4 2,900.7 71,772 Total 9,979.7 10,179.4 352.0 1,822.5 505.1 22,838.7 870,917 FY2000 (Est.) Army National Guard 3,605.2 3145 29.8 951.4 236.2 7,967.6 Air National Guard 1,529.0 3224.3 29.8 560.8 262.4 5,606.3 Army Reserve 2,292.0 1461.6 29.8 222.6 110.8 4,116.8 Naval Reserve 1,473.4 954.0 19.9 204.8 28.3 2,680.4 Marine Reserve 412.7 138.2 19.9 570.8 Air Force Reserve 892.6 1,773.3 19.9 190.2 64.1 2,940.1 Total 10,204.9 10,696.4 149.1 2,129.8 701.8 23,882.0 FY2001 (Request) Army National Guard 3,747.6 3182.3 1,049.5 59.1 8,038.5 Air National Guard 1,627.2 3446.4 362.3 50.2 5,486.1 Army Reserve 2,433.9 1,521.4 182.7 81.7 4,219.7 Naval Reserve 1,528.4 960.9 91.7 16.1 2,597.1 Marine Reserve 436.4 134.0 570.4 Air Force Reserve 981.7 1,885.9 142.9 14.9 3,025.4 CRS-5 Service Military Operation & NG&R Military End- Procurement Total Personnel Maintenance Procurement Construction1 Strength2 Accounts Total 10,755.2 11,130.9 1,829.1 222.0 23,937.2 Sources: Military personnel, operation & maintenance, and military construction data from DOD Comptroller, National Defense Budget Estimates, various years; procurement data from DOD Procurement Programs (P1-R), various years; end-strength data from Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs). Notes: NA = not available. Totals may not add due to rounding errors. 1. Marine Corps Reserve military construction included in Naval Reserve figures. 2. End-strength level is defined as number of military personnel on duty as of the last day of the fiscal year (September 30th). Table 2: National Guard and Reserve Funding by Appropriations Title: Fiscal Years 1990-2000 (budget authority in millions of constant FY2001 dollars) Service NGR NG&R Military Procure- Military NGR DOD % of FY O&M Procure- Personnel ment Constr. Total Total DOD ment Accounts Total 1990 11,903.6 8,866.7 1,293.6 5,121.9 868.3 28,054.2 379,900 7.38% 1991 11,519.9 9,372.0 3,125.1 2,478.6 863.1 27,358.8 354,700 7.71% 1992 12,957.2 10,180.1 2,339.6 1,988.9 812.2 28,278.0 336,600 8.40% 1993 11,626.6 10,056.0 1,555.6 1,816.5 765.7 25,820.3 318,200 8.11% 1994 11,171.7 9,537.6 1,360.7 2,154.1 852.6 25,076.6 292,800 8.56% 1995 10,807.4 10,129.0 883.2 1,259.2 626.9 23,705.7 291,900 8.12% 1996 10,460.7 9,839.0 858.2 1,705.5 480.8 23,344.2 284,500 8.21% 1997 10,305.4 9,508.5 858.9 1,561.1 448.8 22,682.8 282,400 8.03% 1998 10,157.0 10,114.2 693.7 1,395.6 497.7 22,858.3 277,200 8.25% 1999 10,487.3 10,697.1 369.9 1,915.2 530.8 24,000.3 292,600 8.20% 2000 10,494.5 11,000.0 153.3 2,190.3 721.7 24,559.9 287,900 8.53% Notes: Totals may not add due to rounding errors. CRS calculations based on deflators from the DOD Comptroller. Table 3: National Guard and Reserve Funding by Component Fiscal Years 1990-2000 (budget authority in millions of constant FY2001 dollars) Army Air Marine Air Army Naval FY Nat'l Nat'l Corps Force Total Res. Res. Guard Guard Res. Res. 1990 9,979.1 5,847.5 5,015.9 3,844.2 720.1 2,647.3 28,054.2 1991 9,163.0 5,864.4 4,455.3 4,606.2 723.8 2,546.0 27,358.8 1992 8,982.5 6,264.7 4,939.5 4,111.8 822.7 3,156.7 28,278.0 1993 8,568.9 6,151.8 4,223.3 3,431.5 793.6 2,651.1 25,820.3 1994 8,330.8 5,545.9 4,515.8 3,014.8 685.4 2,983.9 25,076.6 1995 7,774.7 5,416.4 4,288.0 2,788.1 637.3 2,801.3 23,705.7 1996 7,625.1 5,377.7 4,026.1 2,571.3 723.9 3,020.1 23,344.2 1997 7,379.1 5,239.4 3,789.8 2,821.2 696.0 2,753.1 22,682.8 1998 7,098.6 5,657.4 3,734.6 2,702.1 655.2 2,999.8 22,858.3 1999 8,018.3 5,697.1 3,895.4 2,765.0 576.2 3,048.2 24,000.3 2000 8,193.7 5,765.4 4,233.6 2,756.5 587.0 3,023.5 24,559.9 Notes: Totals may not add due to rounding errors. CRS calculations based on deflators from DOD Comptroller. CRS-6 Figure 1. National Guard And Reserve Funding by Appropriations Title (budget authority in constant FY2001 dollars) 30,000 25,000 Constant FY01 $ in Millions 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Fiscal Year Mil Pers O&M NG&R Proc. Service Proc Figure 2. National Guard and Reserve Funding by Component (budget authority in constant FY2001 dollars) 30000 25000 Constant FY01 $ in millions 20000 15000 10000 5000 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Fiscal Year ARNG ANR USAR USNR USMCR USAFR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see