Number: RS20079 Title: Livestock Price Reporting Issues Authors: Geoffrey S. Becker, Resources, Science, and Industry Division Abstract: On April 2, 2001, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) implemented the Livestock Mandatory Price Reporting (LMPR) law. LMPR was passed as part of USDA's FY2000 appropriations law (P.L. 106-78), to address the concerns of some livestock producers about low prices, increasing industry concentration, and the availability of price information. The new law requires large packers to report not only negotiated sales, but also forward contract and formula arrangement transactions. Since implementation, LMPR has provided new information and further disclosure on pricing, but the system has experienced problems. On May 14, USDA announced an error in the computer program, which incorrectly calculated published prices. Since then, USDA has announced corrections. On August 3, USDA announced a new confidentiality rule, to go in effect on August 20. Pages: 6 Date: Updated August 15, 2001