For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ ¢ ¢ In the 110th Congress, the House and the Senate passed several different versions of omnibus energy legislation containing provisions to address climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. The House originally passed H.R. 6 in January 2007. The Senate passed an amended version in June 2007. In August 2007, the House passed a new and broader-ranging omnibus energy bill, H.R. 3221. On December 6, 2007, the House substituted the Senate's text of H.R. 6 with an amendment containing many provisions from H.R. 3221 and some from Senate-passed H.R. 6. On December 13, the Senate again passed an amended H.R. 6. This report compares climate- specific provisions in the various energy bills. The version of H.R. 6 passed by the Senate on December 13 was very similar to the version passed by the House on December 6, though without controversial provisions that would have reduced tax incentives for oil production. All the climate change-specific provisions covered in this report were identical in these versions. The House had already omitted in H.R. 6 most of the climate-specific provisions contained in H.R. 3221. Remaining in H.R. 6, as passed by both the House (12/6/2007) and Senate (12/13/2007) are: programs to develop carbon sequestration technologies; international programs to promote efficient and clean energy; and an Office of Climate Change and Environment in the Department of Transportation. This report compares provisions specifically directed at climate change in recently passed omnibus energy legislation, including H.R. 3221 as passed August 4, H.R. 6 as passed by the Senate on June 21, H.R. 6 as passed by the House on December 6, and H.R. 6 as passed by the Senate on December 13, 2007. Comments on provisions are included as appropriate. ¢ ¢ In the first session of the 110th Congress, the House and the Senate passed very different versions of omnibus energy legislation. The House originally passed H.R. 6 in January 2007. The Senate passed an amended version in June 2007. In August 2007, the House passed a new and broader- ranging omnibus energy bill, H.R. 3221. On December 6, 2007, the House substituted the Senate's text of H.R. 6 with an amendment containing many provisions from H.R. 3221 and some from Senate-passed H.R. 6. The Senate, then, on December 13, concurred with the House-passed version but eliminated controversial provisions taking away tax incentives for the oil industry and setting a minimum standard for renewable energy in electricity generation. This report compares climate-related provisions in the current energy legislation. The provisions covered in this report were identical in the versions of H.R. 6 passed by the House on December 6 and the Senate on December 13. Most provisions in the current version of H.R. 6, originated in the House-passed H.R. 3221, although many provisions in H.R. 3221 that specifically addressed climate change or greenhouse gas emissions were omitted. Provisions previously passed by the House but now omitted from H.R. 6 include: statements of federal climate change policy; repeal and replacement of the U.S. Global Change Research Program; assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation strategies; and required reductions of greenhouse gases (GHG) by federal agencies. While virtually all energy provisions have implications for GHG emissions or technology development, H.R. 6, as passed by the House on December 6, 2007, and the Senate on December 13, includes several provisions that specifically address climate change or greenhouse gases. These climate-specific provisions in the latest versions of H.R. 6 include: · measures to promote GHG reducing technologies1 overseas, · assessments of geological and terrestrial carbon sequestration, · establishment of an Office of Climate Change and Environment in the Department of Transportation, and · an audit of the U.S. tax code to estimate the magnitude of impacts of its provisions on GHG emissions. This report compares provisions specifically directed at climate change topics in recently passed omnibus energy legislation. The provisions covered in this report are identical in the versions of H.R. 6 that passed the House on December 6 and the Senate on December 13. (For legislation on energy efficiency and renewable energy, see CRS Report RL33831, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation in the 110th Congress, by Fred Sissine, Lynn J. Cunningham, and Mark Gurevitz.) A side-by-side comparison follows of House-passed H.R. 3221 with H.R. 6 (passed by the Senate 6/21/2007; by the House 12/6/2007 and the Senate 12/14/2007). The headings used in the side-by-side table are those in the latest-passed bill, H.R. 6 as passed by the House on December 6, 2007. 1 The term "clean and efficient energy" is defined in House-passed H.R. 6 Title IX as technology that will, inter alia, reduce GHG emissions compared to technologies in widespread commercial use in a recipient country. .ycilop egnahc etamilc no etatS fo yraterceS dna tnediserP eht ot resivda lapicnirp a sa evres dna sGHG fo snoissime gnicuder gninrecnoc slaog .S.U ecnavda ot egraL-ta-rodassabmA na yb dedaeh ,etatS fo .tpeD eht nihtiw egnahC etamilC labolG .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN no eciffO na sehsilbatse 3012 .ceS .noitatpada rof deen eht sserdda dna ,seirtnuoc gnittime rojam lla morf stnemtimmoc noitagitim gnidnib edulcni dluow taht CCCFNU eht rednu tnemeerga wen a fo noitaitogen ni etapicitrap ot si setatS detinU eht ,ssenevititepmoc .S.U dna stseretni cimonoce dna lanoitan .S.U gnitcetorp elihW .srehto dna ,lizarB .9002 ni ytaert labolg a no tnemeerga ,aidnI ,anihC ,)8-G( 8 fo puorG eht gnihcaer fo laog a evah .N.U eht dna ycilop s'hsuB htiw egnahc etamilc no eugolaid level tnediserP htoB .8002 hguorht nur ot ,CD ,notgnihsaW hgih ni gnigagne yb laog siht evres ot si ni 7002 rebmetpeS gninnigeb ,snoitaitogen CCCFNU setatS detinU ehT .)CCCFNU( egnahC eht ot lellarap ,snoitan gnittime-GHG rojam htiw etamilC no noitnevnoC krowemarF egnahc etamilc no eugolaid level-hgih a detaitini hsuB snoitaN detinU eht rednu seirtnuoc tnediserP .GHG ecuder ot stnemtimmoc gnidnib edulcni gnittime )GHG( sag esuohneerg ton dluohs ytaert 2102-tsop a sdrawot snoitaitogen taht rojam lla morf stnemtimmoc stsisni tub ,)locotorP eht fo ytaert tnerap( snoitaitogen noitagitim niatbo ot kees dna ,ssecorp CCCFNU ni etapicitrap ot seunitnoc setatS detinU ehT egnahc etamilc latnemnrevogretni eht ni ylevitcurtsnoc dna ylevitca erom .yltsoc oot eb ot deviecrep saw ti dna )anihC gnitapicitrap ,elor pihsredael a ekat lliw ,.g.e( srettime yrtnuoc gnipoleved egral yb stnemtimmoc setatS detinU ehT .yciloP fo tnemetatS niatnoc ton did ti esuaceb ,snoissime GHG lanoissergnoC sniatnoc 2012 .ceS ecuder ot seirtnuoc dezilairtsudni yb stnemtimmoc .noisivorp siht dettimo 6 .R.H dessap ,A eltitbuS ,egnahC etamilC labolG htiw ,locotorP otoyK eht detcejer setatS detinU ehT -esuoH ,6 .R.H dessap-etaneS eht ekiL .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN no yciloP setatS detinU ,II ELTIT )5259-7 ;vog.col.src@tteggelaj( tteggeL enaJ ;)1327-7 ;vog.col.src@rehctelfs( rehctelF nasuS :strepxE SRC 7002 FO TCA YTIRUCES DNA ECNEDNEPEDNI YGRENE )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H 6 .R.H dna 1223 .R.H ni snoisivorP egnahC etamilC . 1 elbaT ¢ ¢ .noitatnemelpmi eht no troper launna na timbus ot si DIA .S.U fo rotartsinimdA ehT .secivres tnemeganam latnemnorivne dna ygrene dna ,stcudorp seigolonhcet ygrene tneiciffe dna naelc edam-naciremA fo esu eht etomorp ot dna ,seigolonhcet ygrene tneiciffe dna naelc etomorp taht seirtnuoc gnipoleved ni smargorp dna seicilop troppus ot 2102 - 8002 sraey lacsif eht revo )DIA( tnempoleveD lanoitanretnI .2022 rof ycnegA .S.U eht rof yllaunna noillim .ceS 1223 .R.H sa emas eht si 119 .ceS 002$ sezirohtua ,seirtnuoC gnipoleveD rof ecnatsissA setatS detinU ,2022 .ceS gro.pihsrentrapcificapaisa.www//:ptth .yrtnuoc tneipicer ".srotces tekram yek ni secivres dna sdoog ,seigolonhcet a ni esu laicremmoc daerpsediw ni .seirtnuoc pihsrentrap xis eht morf ygrene renaelc ni edart dna tnemtsevni gnidnapxe" seigolonhcet ot derapmoc snoissime snoitcuder snoissime GHG eriuqer sa sucof s'PPA eht sebircsed etisbew stI .aeroK htuoS sag esuohneerg ecuder ,aila retni ton seod taht krowemarf gnidnib-non dna napaJ ,aidnI ,anihC ,adanaC ,ailartsuA ,setatS detinU ,lliw taht ygolonhcet sa "ygolonhcet a sa tub ,etamilC dna tnempoleveD eht sedulcni yltnerruc tI .krowemarf locotorP otoyK dna ygrene tneiciffe dna naelc" senifed naelC no pihsrentraP cificaP-aisA CCCF NU eht fo edistuo ,yllanoitanretni egnahc etamilc tI .etamilC dna tnempoleveD naelC s'tnemnrevoG .S.U eht sezingocer sserdda ot evitaitini rojam a sa hsuB .W.G tnediserP no pihsrentraP cificaP-aisA eht ot tI .gnidnuf etauqedani seton dna yb dehcnual saw )PPA( etamilC dna tnempoleveD naelC secnerefer dna 1223 .R.H fo sgnidniF seitirohtua gnitsixe sweiver ,sgnidniF no pihsrentraP cificaP-aisA s'tnemnrevoG .S.U ehT lanoissergnoC eht stimo XI eltiT .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN lanoissergnoC ,1022 .ceS ,B eltitbuS )5259-7 ;vog.col.src@tteggelaj( tteggeL enaJ ;)1327-7 ;vog.col.src@rehctelfs( rehctelF nasuS :strepxE SRC seirtnuoC ngieroF ni seigolonhceT ygrenE tneiciffE dna naelC etomorP ot ecnatsissA )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .2102 -8002 fo raey lacsif hcae ni yrassecen eb yam sa smus sezirohtuA .2102 .ycnegA tnempoleveD -8002 ni stroper launna timbus llahs dna edarT eht yb seigolonhcet tneiciffe yraterceS ehT .meht teem ot stropxe dna naelc ot nevig eb ot ecnereferp .S.U dna slaog eseht gnitomorp eht snetfos tub ,1223 .R.H fo 6022 stcejorp ot tnemtaert laitnereferp .ceS sa emas eht ylraen si 519 .ceS evig ot dna ,seigolonhcet ygrene .snoitca detaler dna ,seigolonhcet tneiciffe dna naelc fo esu eht etomorp ygrene tneiciffe dna naelc ot ycnegA tnempoleveD dna edarT ni tnemtsevni retaerg etomorp dluohs .S.U eht )3( dna ,)CIPO( noitaroproC CIPO taht ssergnoC eht fo esneS tnemtsevnI etavirP saesrevO eht s`1223 .R.H sedulcni tub sgnidniF )2( ,noitartsinimdA edarT lanoitanretnI lanoissergnoC eht stimo 419 .ceS eht dna ecivreS laicremmoC ngieroF .S.U eht hguorht ecremmoC .4022-3022 noitces s`1223 fo yraterceS eht )1( yb nekat .R.H sa emas eht era 319-219 .sceS .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN eb ot spets eniltuo 6022-3022 snoitceS )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .2102 - 8002 raey lacsif hcae rof dezirohtua si yllaunna noillim 3$ dna ,margorp siht fo noitatnemelpmi no deriuqer si troper launna nA .egnahc etamilc yb desop segnellahc sserdda dna snoissime GHG ecuder ot noitarepooc lanoitanretni dna ,egnahcxe lanoitacude dna hcraeser nehtgnerts ot margorp a hsilbatse ot etatS fo yraterceS eht sezirohtua ,margorP egnahcxE .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN egnahC etamilC labolG eht ,7022 .ceS .0202 - 8002 raey lacsif hcae rof noillim 5$ sezirohtuA .ssergnoC ot troper lainneirt a seriuqeR .sraey 21 ni etanimret llahs ecroF ksaT ehT .seigolonhceT ygrenE tneiciffE dna naelC fo tropxE eht no retneC ycnegaretnI na hsilbatse llahs hcihw ,puorG gnikroW ycnegaretnI na hsilbatse osla llahs ecroF ksaT ehT .sraey 3 yreve detadpu eb llahs ygetarts ehT .noitazinagrO edarT dlroW eht fo selur eht htiw tnetsisnoc ,smsinahcem dna stnemurtsni laicnanif detaler poleved ot dna ,seirtnuoc gnipoleved rojam ni seigolonhcet .2102-8002 raey ygrene tneiciffe dna naelc fo ,tropxe lacsif hcae rof noillim 5$ sezirohtuA eht etatilicaf ot dna ,noitpoda etomorp .noitatnemelpmi no ssergnoC ot ot ygetarts a timbus llahs ecroF troper launna na seriuqeR .)2002( nalp ksaT eht ,raey 1 nihtiW .seigolonhceT cigetarts raey-evif sti htiw drocca ni ygrenE tneiciffE dna naelC ,evitaitinI stropxE ygolonhceT ygrenE rof noitarepooC lanoitanretnI no naelC a troppuS ot puorG gnikroW ecroF ksaT a syad 09 nihtiw hsilbatse ycnegaretnI eht ot ecnatsissa edivorp ot tnediserP eht seriuqer 619 .ceS .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN ot tnediserP eht seriuqer 8022 .ceS )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .2102-8002 raey lacsif hcae ni noillim 02$ sezirohtuA .raey lacsif roirp eht ni noitatnemelpmi gnidrager deriuqer si ssergnoC ot troper launna nA .seigolonhcet .3102-9002 raey ygrene edam-naciremA etomorp lacsif hcae ni noillim 02$ sezirohtuA dna ;secitcarp tseb no noitamrofni .setatS detinU eht ni derutcafunam fo yrotisoper a etaerc ;stnemnrevog yllaitnatsbus eb lliw seigolonhcet rehto morf gnidnuf lanoitidda esohw dna setatS detinU eht ticilos ;snoissime GHG ecuder ni detaroprocni seititne ot secnereferp ot secivres dna sessecorp ,seigolonhcet evig llahs noitadnuoF eht ,)6(329 .ceS gnitartsnomed stcejorp ot nI .1223 .R.H fo C eltitbuS ot lacitnedi stnarg ekam ,aila retni ,llahs noitadnuoF ylraen si tI .snoissime GHG gnicuder ehT .snoissime GHG gnicuder fo slaog ygrene dna ycilop ngierof fo slaog ygrene dna ycilop ngierof evres ot ,noitaroproc tnemnrevog evres ot ,noitaroproc tnemnrevog a sa noitadnuoF ygrenE naelC a sa noitadnuoF ygrenE naelC lanoitanretnI na sehsilbatse B eltitbuS .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN lanoitanretnI na sehsilbatse C eltitbuS )5259-7 ;vog.col.src@tteggelaj( tteggeL enaJ :strepxE SRC noitadnuoF ygrenE naelC lanoitanretnI .secruos gnidnuf gniyfitnedi dna ,ecnatsissa .S.U gnidulcni ,sdeen esoht teem ot ygetarts a dna ,tpada ot seirtnuoc gnipoleved fo sdeen detapicitna dna tnerruc fo tnemssessa na niatnoc tsum tI .seirtnuoc gnipoleved no egnahc etamilc labolg fo tcapmi eht no tnemtcane retfa syad .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN 081 nihtiw troper a seriuqer 9022 .ceS )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .sraey 5.6 nihtiw detaulave eb ot si E-APRA .2102 ni noillib 3.1$ ot gnisir ,8002YF rof noillim 3$ rof noitazirohtua htiw dnuF noitareleccA noitamrofsnarT ygrenE na yrusaerT eht fo tnemtrapeD eht ni sehsilbatsE .sesag esuohneerg gnicuder edulcni slaoG .seigolonhcet ygrene levon no hcraeser ksir hgih dna mret-gnol tcudnoc ot ,)EOD( ygrenE fo tnemtrapeD eht fo yraterceS eht ot gnitroper ,)E-APRA( ygrenE -ycnegA stcejorP hcraeseR decnavdA .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN eht sehsilbatse A eltitbuS ,VI eltiT )5259-7 ;vog.col.src@tteggelaj( tteggeL enaJ :trepxE SRC ygrenE-ycnegA stcejorP hcraeseR decnavdA YGOLONHCET DNA ECNEICS )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .tnempoleved dna hcraeser rof seitisrevinu ot margorp tnarg a rof noillim 01$ sezirohtua 807 .ceS .hcraeser ytefas rof "raey lacsif hcae ni" noillim 5$ dna ,hcraeser .dehsilbatse eb dna gniniart 507 .ceS rof dezirohtua dluow ecneics noitartseuqes lacigoloeg si noillim 1$ rehtonA .3102-9002 ni seerged etaudarg rof margorp tnarg raey lacsif hcae rof erutpac nobrac A .noitartseuqes dna erutpac htiw elacs egral ,307 .ceS rof noillim 002$ detaicossa ytefas dna ,htlaeh cilbup dna ,gnitset dna noitartsnomed 207 ,tnemnorivne eht no egarots 2OC .ceS rof 2102-8002 raey lacsif hcae fo stcapmi laitnetop ssessa ot margorp ni noillim 042$ sezirohtuA .1223 .R.H hcraeser a tcudnoc dluow )APE( ni noisivorp ralimis eht ot derapmoc ycnegA noitcetorP latnemnorivnE ehT A eltitbuS rof snoitairporppa rehgih .smargorp erutpac dna noitartseuqes ylthgils sezirohtua 6 .R.H .tcA retaW elacs-egral eht weiver dluow .woleb ,seitivitca dna tnemssessa noitartseuqes gniknirD efaS eht htiw tnetsisnocni si )SAN( secneicS fo ymedacA lanoitaN lairtserret dna lacigoloeg no snoisivorp osla eeS ro htiw stcilfnoc taht tnemeriuqer yna eht ,1102 ni gninnigeB .2OC fo secruos fo noitaglumorp sezirohtua A eltitbuS lairtsudni morf stset noitartsnomed .6 .R.H naht F eltitbuS ,VI ni gnihton taht setats osla IIV eltiT erutpac nobrac elacs-egral eltiT rednu smargorp rof snoitairporppa fo level rehgih 3 tsael ta tcudnoc dluow dna ,secruos a sezirohtua 1223 .R.H .tnemnorivne eht no dna ytefas .stset noitartsnomed gnitareneg-yticirtcele ro lairtsudni egral dna htlaeh cilbup no noitartseuqes dna erutpac 2OC fo erutpac nobrac elacs-egral .stcejorp morf edixoid nobrac gnisu ylbareferp stcapmi ssessa ot yrassecen serudecorp senimreted taht fo rebmun eht rof timil a tes ton seod noitartsnomed erutpac nobrac ,stset noitartseuqes emulov-egral laitini hcraeser tcudnoc rotartsinimdA APE eht taht eriuqer ti ,oslA .tcejorp neGerutuF eht rof dna egarots nobrac edulcni 7 tcudnoc dluow EOD .noitartsnomed ton seod 6 .R.H .ecneics noitartseuqes lacigoloeg rof detcudnoc stset sedulcxe yllacificeps ot margorp EOD eht sdnapxe tI dna egarots nobrac rof D&R margorp tnarg desab-ytisrevinu a hsilbatse ro ,smargorp ti tub ,1223 .R.H fo F eltitbuS ,VI .1223 .R.H fo F eltitbuS ,VI eltiT edulcni ot erutpac nobrac rof margorp EOD eht fo weiver SAN na edulcni ton seod 6 .R.H eltiT ot ralimis si A eltitbuS ,IIV eltiT ot ralimis si 6 .R.H fo III eltiT EOD eht sdnapxe F eltitbuS ,VI eltiT )7151-7 ;vog.col.src@reglofp( regloF reteP :trepxE SRC egarotS dna erutpaC nobraC )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .tnemtcane retfa shtnom 81 nihtiw ,]4264 .ceS[ ytisnetnI dna ycneuqerF enacirruH no dna ]3264 .ceS[ steehS ecI no ssergnoC ot .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN stroper dna seiduts seriuqer G eltitbuS .]2264 .ceS[ egnahcxE noitamrofnI hcraeseR egnahC labolG a dna ,]3364 .ceS[ puorg gnikrow ycnegaretni na gnidulcni ,tnemeganaM ataD labolG rehtO dna etamilC sehsilbatsE .hcraeser cihpargomed dna cimonoce gnidda yb "hcraeser" fo epocs eht snediW .]9164 .ceS[ ssergnoC ot yllaunna troper )4( dna ]8164 .ceS[ egnahc labolg fo stceffe eht ot tpada ro etagitim ot snoitpo ycilop ssessa yllacidoirep )3( ;]7164 .ceS[ egnahc labolg ot seitilibarenluv ssessa yllacidoirep )2( ,])a(4164 .ceS[ srekam -noisiced dna seitinummoc fo sdeen noitamrofni ot dnopser )1( margorp hcraeser eht taht seriuqeR .nalP eht .tnediserP eht ot eettimmoc stnemelpmi )"margorP eht"( margorP ycnegaretni eht morf gnitroper dna noitanidrooc tegdub hcraeseR egnahC labolG ehT .)"nalP sevom 6 .R.H .tnemssessa ycilop dna ;secivres tneilc .6 .R.H ni eht"( nalP hcraeseR egnahC labolG ro resu ;tnemeganam dna noitisiuqca atad lanoitarepo :sa sksat hcraeser cificeps gnidrager lanoitaN eht poleved dna "eettimmoc hcus ,margorp gnitsixe eht rednu "hcraeser" deredisnoc snoisivorp reworran tub ycnegaretni" na hsilbatse ot eb ton yam taht snoitcnuf sedulcnI .seicilop atad detaler era ,margorP hcraeseR tnediserP eht stceriD .sdnuf "etacolla" egnahc labolg laredef sehsilbatse dna snoissim ycnega egnahC etamilC tpurbA ,703 ot ytirohtua htiw ,yciloP ygolonhceT laredef ot tnemeganam atad sddA .ngised margorp .ceS dna ,metsysocE lairtserreT dna ecneicS fo eciffO esuoH etihW ni srekam-noisiced laitnetop fo elor eht sesaercnI morf snoissimE edixO suortiN eht fo dael rednu tub ,)PRCGSU( .detneiro-ycilop dna lanoitarepo erom PRCGSU dna enahteM dna noitartseuqeS margorP hcraeseR egnahC labolG eht sekam 1223 .R.H ,wal gnitsixe ot derapmoC .epocs nobraC fo tnemssessA ,603 .ceS .S.U gnitsixe seunitnoC .0991 fo tcA ni labolg era taht segnahc latnemnorivne rehto dna hcraeseR egnahC labolG eht ,606-101 egnahc etamilc sedulcni 1223 .R.H ni "egnahc labolG" .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN .L.P secalper dna slaeper G eltitbuS )5259-7 ;vog.col.src@tteggelaj( tteggeL enaJ :trepxE SRC hcraeseR egnahC labolG )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .]9026 .ceS[ BMO fo rotceriD eht ot stroper sutats ycneiciffe launna stimbus dna ,])e( dna )d(2016 .ceS[ stegrat sti eveihca ot snoissime GHG sti seganam dna snalp stimbus ycnega hcaE .]2016 .ceS[ 0502YF yb snoissime GHG ten orez eveihca ot ,0502-0102 rof ycnega hcae rof stegrat noitcuder GHG launna etaglumorp llahs APE eht fo rotartsinimdA ehT .]1016 .ceS[ levart ria lla dna ,srotcartnoc yb demrofrep krow ot eud esoht gnidulcni .xirtam siht ni erehwesle debircsed ,snoissime GHG sti ,raey gnidecerp eht rof snoissime GHG ecuder ot tnalp rewop lotipaC .S.U eht ot snoitacifidom sti troper yllaunna ot ycnega laredef no sllib htob ni snoisivorp detaler ,etarapes eeS .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN hcae seriuqer A eltitbuS IV eltiT )5259-7 ;vog.col.src@tteggelaj( tteggeL enaJ :trepxE SRC snoissimE saG esuohneerG fo tnemeganaM dna yrotnevnI tnemnrevoG laredeF TNEMNREVOG LARTUEN-NOBRAC .8102 ,03 .tpeS no sdne snoititepmoc ezirp ecnuonna ot ytirohtua ehT .snoititepmoc eht gniretsinimda ytitne tiforp-non ,etavirp eht yb slaudividni dna seititne etavirp morf desiar eb ot smus dna snoitairporppa morf semoc gnidnuF .nevig .6 .R.H dessap sdrawa no ssergnoC ot gnitroper htiw -esuoH fo tnempoleveD dna hcraeseR detareleccA ,]1074 .ceS[ rewop negordyh gnicnavda --IV eltiT rednu sraeppa tub 1223 .R.H ni hcraeseR .1223 .R.H rof "sezirP-H" hsac ,evititepmoc egnahC labolG rednu saw margorp ezirP-H ehT ni snoisivorp ot ralimis si 456 .ceS .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN sehsilbatse ,1074 .ceS ,H eltitbuS )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .tnemtcane fo sraey 4 nihtiw stluser no ssergnoC ot troper ot dna ,seigetarts detceles tset ot ",gnimraw .woleb ,snoisivorp labolg" fo stcapmi evitagen ecuder dna smargorP efildliW dna secruoseR larutaN eeS noitartseuqes nobrac ecnahne dluow ".egnahc .]1247 taht seigetarts tnemeganam yduts .sesag etamilc ot tpada ot ...deyolpme eb nac .ceS ,2 retpahC ,D eltitbuS ,IIV ot--ecivreS efildliW dna hsiF eht dna esuohneerg deman fo snoissime ecuder ro noitartseuqes taht seigetarts noitagitim ro seigetarts eltiT[ noitartseuqes lairtserret ecivreS kraP lanoitaN eht ,tnemeganaM esaercni ot serusaem sa noitatpada gninifed noitatpada mret-gnol dna mret gnidrager snoisivorp detaler eeS dnaL fo uaeruB eht ,ecivreS tseroF yb ,1223 .R.H ni noisivorp eht naht epocs dna noitinifed -raen poleved" llahs ...roiretnI eht fo eht--seicnega tnemeganam ecruoser reworran a sah 6 .R.H dessap-esuoH ni noisivorp sihT yraterceS eht )C()3()c(217 .ceS rednU .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN laredef eht rof sedivorp )f(2016 .ceS .1102YF yb sesaec tcejorp setacifitrec dna stesffo tolip ehT .1102 ,1 lirpA yb egnahcxe stesffo tolip eht etaulave dna ,8002 ,1 lirpA yb stesffo noissime GHG rof stekram no troper a eussi ot lareneG rellortpmoC eht stcerid 3016 noitceS .setacifitrec dna stesffo fo esahcrup rof 0102 dna 9002YF ni snoitairporppa yranoitercsid fo %10.0 naht erom on ot eciffo hcnarb evitalsigeL ro ycnega evitucexE hcae ni detimil tub ,yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus sezirohtuA .raey eno fo sdoirep rof ycnega na tpmexe yam tnediserP ehT .]3016 .ceS dna )3()e(2016 .ceS[ setacifitrec ygrene elbawener ro stesffo GHG deifilauq esahcrup ot seicnega sezirohtuA .0102 yb detcane neeb sah margorp edart -dna-pac ediw-ymonoce yrotadnam lanoitan on fi 5102YF ni stesffo GHG hguorht trap ni stegrat rieht eveihca .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN ot seicnega swolla A eltitbuS IV eltiT )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .ffitnialp gniliaverp yllaitnatsbus a ot dedrawa eb dluoc noitagitil fo stsoC .detats era stnemyap hcus fo tnuoma eht no stimiL .stcapmi gnimraw labolg rof ffitnialp eht gnitasnepmoc rof ro tcejorp noitagitim laicifeneb a rof tnemyap a drawa ot dezirohtua eb dluow truoc a ,seidemer APA ot noitidda nI .denifed yldaorb gnieb "elbatubirtta" dna "mrah" htob--deriuqer sa snoissime sag esuohneerg sti ecuder ot eruliaf s'ycnega laredef a ot elbatubirtta mrah segella ehs/eh fi ,APA eht yb deriuqer .enirtcod gnidnats rednu seussi lanoitutitsnoc esiar osla sa ",deveirgga" deredisnoc yam--gnimraw labolg etabrecaxe lliw tem neeb dah eb dluow nosrep A .noitca ycnega stnemeriuqer s'IV eltiT fi naht sesag esuohneerg erom lanif ot noitca ycnega laredef fo weiver fo noissime s'ycnega laredef a taht--noitasuac lacisyhp fo laiciduj stimil taht etutats a ,)APA( tnemetats s'noitces eht ,revewoH .ffitnialp eht ot mrah tcA erudecorP evitartsinimdA eht cificeps desuac sGHG ecuder ot eruliaf s'ycnega laredef fo sesoprup rof "noitca ycnega lanif" a rehtehw ot sa ytniatrecnu cifitneics yb detrawht a sa )IV eltiT yb edam tnemdnema yna ton era IV eltiT fo snoitaloiv rof seicnega laredef gnius rednu ro( IV eltiT rednu ycnega laredef snosrep taht erussa ot kees ylbamuserp "elbatubirtta" a yb ytud ro tca yranoitercsidnon yna dna "mrah" fo snoitinifed daorb eht ,1223 .R.H nI .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN senifed 2126 .ceS ,B eltitbuS ,IV eltiT )1987-7 ;vog.col.src@ztlemr( ztleM treboR :strepxE SRC weiver laiciduJ--ycneiciffE ygrenE tnemnrevoG laredeF )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .seicilop fo egnar .2102-8002 sraey lacsif rof latot a rednu yticapac noitartseuqes .seigetarts noillim 02$ sezirohtuA .smetsysoce nobrac etamitse )3( dna dna tnemssessa eht tuo yrrac ot latsaoc dna naeco gnirevoc ,seiceps tnalp evitan gnizisahpme 2102-8002 sraey lacsif rof latot noillim )e( noitcesbuS sedulcnI .egnahc etamilc ,egarots ecnahne ot seigetarts 51$ sezirohtua 4247 .ceS .seiceps ot tpada ot sa llew sa ,snoissime poleved )2( ,)ygolodohtem tnalp evitan gnizisahpme ,noitartseuqes GHG ecuder ot dna noitartseuqes no tnemmoc cilbup ecnahne ot seigetarts poleved ecnahne ot htob seigetarts poleved htiw( nobrac fo sexulf launna dna )ygolodohtem no tnemmoc cilbup llahs yraterceS ehT .sexulf nobrac dna stnuoma egarots nobrac gniwollof( sessecorp dna stnuoma .slevel tnereffid ta tub noitazirohtua gnidnuf niatnoc sa llew sa ,snoissime edixo suortin lairtserret ssessa )1( ,srehto egarots nobrac lairtserret ssessa sllib dessap-esuoH .ssessa ot tahw no dna ,tlusnoc dna enahtem edulcni ot snoisivorp dna sdaeh ycnega laredef htiw ,sdaeh ycnega laredef htiw noitatlusnoc ot mohw htiw ,weiver sti dna ygolodohtem no llib sdnetxE .6 .R.H dessap-etaneS dna noitatlusnoc ni ,tsum roiretnI ni ,tsum roiretnI eht fo yraterceS .1247 dessap-etaneS ni liated eroM .ralimis etiuq era smargorP 1223 .R.H ot ralimis yrev si 217 .ceS eht fo yraterceS .603 .ceS .ceS ,2 retpahC ,D eltitbuS ,IIV eltiT )6627-7 ;vog.col.src@etrogr( etroG ssoR :strepxE SRC tnemssessA noitartseuqeS lairtserreT .2102-8002 sraey lacsif rof latot noillim 03$ sezirohtuA .setatS detinU eht fo yticapac egarots 2OC eht fo tnemssessa lanoitan a )ygolodohtem eht fo noitacilbup fo sraey 2 nihtiw( tcudnoc dna ,rof ygolodohtem .margorp eht rof sraey a poleved dluow taht yevruS .2102-8002 sraey evif revo noillim 03$ sezirohtuA lacigoloeG .S.U eht yb tuo deirrac eb .6 .R.H fo noisrev lacsif rof latot noillim 03$ sezirohtua .1223 .R.H fo D eltitbuS ot )IOD( roiretnI eht fo tnemtrapeD dessap-etaneS eht dna 1223 .R.H ni snoisivorp ralimis oslA .1 retpahC ,D eltitbuS ,IIV eltiT ,IIV eltiT sa margorp emas eht ni margorp a sehsilbatse sa margorp emas eht sehsilbatse 6 .R.H dessap-esuoH 1223 .R.H ni sa emas eht si 117 .ceS eht sehsilbatse 303 .ceS ,III eltiT 1 retpahC ,D eltitbuS ,IIV eltiT )7151-7 ;vog.col.src@reglofp( regloF reteP :strepxE SRC tnemssessA noitartseuqeS lacigoloeG noitagitiM egnahC etamilC dna erutpaC nobraC SNOISIVORP EETTIMMOC SECRUOSER LARUTAN )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .seicnega laredef deificeps fo sdaeh era srebmeM .erutcurtsarfni retaw laredef dna ,tnemnorivne naeco .dezirohtua eht ,sdnal laredef no egnahc etamilc ton si licnuoC tnemeganaM secruoseR larutaN fo stcapmi sserdda ot egnahC etamilC a ,6 .R.H dessap-esuoH dna etaneS htob nI .licnuoC no licnuoC tnemeganaM secruoseR eht gniman ni desu htob era "lanoitaN" dna "larutaN" lanoitaN a hsilbatse ot roiretnI .sdnal etats ro etavirp ot ron ,secruoser larutan lla ot eht fo yraterceS eht seriuqer 1447 .ceS stcapmi revoc ton seod licnuoC eht ,1223 .R.H rednU .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN ,A retpahcbuS ,4 retpahC ,A noisiviD .)2627-7 ;vog.col.src@kcubg( kcuB eneG ;)7627-7 ;vog.col.src@nrocl( nroC ennyL ;)0706-7 ;vog.col.src@hkiehsp( hkiehS ezavreP :strepxE SRC smargorP efildliW dna secruoseR larutaN .).qes te F003 .C.S.U 24( tcA retaW gniknirD efaS eht gnidulcni ,swal latnemnorivne laredef lla htiw ylpmoc snoitadnemmocer lla taht erusne ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .sdnal cilbup no seitivitca noitartseuqes nobrac .sdnal lacigoloeg eganam ot krowemarf laredef no seitivitca noitartseuqes a gnidnemmocer seettimmoc nobrac lacigoloeg gnitcudnoc rof secruoser larutan lanoissergnoC krowemarf noitacifitrec dna yrotaluger .1223 .R.H ni naht deliated dna evisnetxe eht ot yraterceS eht morf raey dednemmocer a no troper ot roiretnI erom si noisivorp 6 .R.H dessap-esuoH ni snoisivorP eno nihtiw troper a seriuqer 417 .ceS eht fo yraterceS eht seriuqer 2347 .ceS .sesael ygrene laredef morf derots 2OC fo tnuoma eht no ,yrotnevni na dna ,sdrocer .noisivorp .1347 .ceS 1223 niatniam ot roiretnI eht fo tnemtrapeD eht yfiralc ot dednetni raeppa snoitacifidom txet roniM .R.H ot ralimis yllaitnatsbus si 317 .ceS .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN eht seriuqer 1347.ceS ,3 retpahC )7151-7 ;vog.col.src@reglofp( regloF reteP :strepxE SRC seitivitcA noitartseuqeS )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .elbissop tnetxe mumixam eht ot ygetartS eht fo slaog eht eveihca ot seitirohtua gnitsixe esicrexe ot seicnega seriuqeR .serusaem dna slaog ,snalp ecruoser .devloser eb yam secitcarp ycnega laredef rehto fo noitaredisnoc ro snalp ,slaog rehto dna ygetartS eht neewteb stcilfnoc dna ,sredlohekats rehto dna seicnega woh raelcnu si ti ,rehtruF .sdnal laredef no egnahc laredef htiw noitatlusnoc seriuqeR etamilc sserdda ot serusaem edulcni lliw yllacificeps .segnahc etamilc ot tpada ot statibah tub ,sdnal etavirp dna tnemnrevog htob edulcni dna efildliw tsissa ot sraey owt nihtiw ot sraeppa ygetartS lanoitaN eht ,1223 .R.H rednU .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN ygetartS lanoitaN a seriuqer 4547 .ceS .gnimraw labolg ot tpada dna evivrus ot statibah rieht dna efildliw tsissa ot ,sredlohekats htiw gnitarepooc ,tnemnrevog laredef eht fo ycilop .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN eht setats ,2547 .ceS ,B retpahcbuS .2102YF -8002YF rof noillim 02$ sezirohtuA .tnemmoc cilbup dna weiver reep ot tcejbus dna dehsilbup eb ot ".ecremmoC fo yraterceS eht htiw yltnioj krow" tnemssessa rof ygolodohtem ;egarots ot si yraterceS eht ,smetsysoce enirautse dna ,latsaoc nobrac fo tnemssessa lanoitan eraperp ,naeco roF .metsysoce eniram ro retawhserf ,lairtserret ot yraterceS .seicnega laredef deificeps yna ot seilppa metsysoce mret ehT .smetsysoce rof tsuj htiw tlusnoc ot yraterceS eht stceriD .gnikam-noisiced ton ,)snoissime GHG ecuder ro seiticapac noitartseuqes ni ecneics etaroprocni )4( dna esaercni ot denifed ylworran( seigetarts noitagitim .seiceps tnalp evitan ;segnahc tnemeganam tnemelpmi ot dna noitatpada poleved ot ytirohtua daorb evah ezisahpme ot seigetarts noitatpada slocotorp poleved )3( ;egnahc etamilc ot sraeppa yraterceS eht ,6 .R.H dessap-esuoH rednU dna noitarotser seriuqeR .yrautse tnuocca otni gnikat secruoser eganam na gnidulcni ,metsysoce latsaoc )2( ;egnahc etamilc ot seitilibarenluv .smetsysoce ro ,citauqa retawhserf ,lairtserret .])C()3()c(603§[ egnahc etamilc fo esabatad a poleved )1( llahs seicnega lairtserret morf snoissime enahtem dna ,edixo yna edulcni llib siht rednu smetsysocE ot tpada smetsysoce lairtserret laredef woh gnibircsed raey 1 nihtiw suortin ,nobrac fo tnemssessa lanoitan a fo tnenopmoc .]217§[ egnahc etamilc rof seigetarts pleh ot seigetarts noitagitim ro ssergnoC ot nalp a timbus ot roiretnI a si 6 .R.H dessap-esuoH dna etaneS ni seigetarts noitagitim dna noitatpada poleved ot noitatpada poleved ot roiretnI fo yraterceS eht seriuqer 1447 .ceS noitagitim ro noitatpada gnizirohtua noisivorp ehT roiretnI eht fo yraterceS eht stceriD eht fo yraterceS eht seriuqeR ,A retpahcbuS ,4 retpahC ,A noisiviD )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .yrassecen era taht smus hcus sezirohtuA .ytilibigile rof nalP noitavresnoC .margorp ni gnimraw labolg no sisahpme retaerg efildliW a seriuqeR .gnirahs si 1223 .R.H ni egnahc yramirP .IOD rof snoitairporppa -tsoc dna snoitacolla gnidnuf seificepS ni dedulcni margorp gnitsixe na seifidoC .tatibah .tatibah dna efildliw tifeneb ot margorP dna efildliw no egnahc etamilc fo stcapmi sserdda stnarG efildliW labirT dna etatS ot ylelos era stnarg taht yficeps ton seod 1223 .R.H .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN a sezirohtua 1647 .ceS ,C retpahcbuS .sebirt naidnI dna setatS ot stnarg rof %03 dna ,gnimraW labolG dna efildliW no yciloP lanoitaN eht rof %52 ,ygetartS eht tnemelpmi ot %54 .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN :snoitairporppa setacolla 6547 .ceS .tatibah dna efildliw ni segnahc detaler-etamilc tceted ot rotinom ot dna ,hcraeser tcudnoc ot yevruS lacigoloeG .S.U eht ni retneC ecneicS efildliW dna gnimraW labolG lanoitaN a ,draob yrosivda .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN ecneics a sehsilbatse 5547 .ceS )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ ".yrassecen era sa smus hcus" sezirohtuA .sserdda yam stcejorp dednuf taht seitivitca dna srotcaf sserts cificeps stsil noisivorp ehT .yraterceS eht yb devorppa neeb evah taht snalp etats tnemelpmi ot setats latsaoc elbane ot stnarg ekam ot yraterceS eht sezirohtuA .enoz latsaoc eht ni egnahc etamilc fo secneuqesnoc rof eraperp ot dna egnahc etamilc ot snoitubirtnoc eziminim ot snalp gnipoleved ni setats latsaoc tsissa ot stnarg ekam ot yraterceS eht sezirohtuA .margorp esnopser dna gninnalp ycneiliser egnahc etamilc latsaoc a hsilbatse ot ecremmoC .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN fo yraterceS eht seriuqer 2747 .ceS )7527-7 ;vog.col.src@nnizj( nniZ yerffeJ ;)4580-7 ;vog.col.src@retracn( retraC elociN :strepxE SRC seussI enoZ latsaoC )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .noisiver tuohtiw ssergnoC ot dettimbus eb llahs dna ,tnemtcane retfa raey eno nihtiw deriuqer si metsyS eht fo stnemele dennalp dna gnitsixe rof troper etamitse tsoc tnednepedni nA .retfaereht sraey owt yreve dna ,tnemtcane fo sraey owt nihtiw eud si ssergnoC ot troper A .weiver lanoissergnoc roirp tuohtiw deerga eb yam stsoc elcyc efil ni noillim 052$ gnideecxe stessa laredef wen erucorp ro poleved ot stnemeerga ro tcartnoc oN .metsyS eht niatniam dna troppus ot spihsrentrap noitavresbo latnemnorivne rof sretneC tnioJ dna eettimmoC yrosivdA metsyS a ,)AAON( ycnegA daeL a ,)GWI( puorG gnikroW ycnegaretnI laredef a ,seititnE noitanidrooC noitamrofnI lanoigeR ,licnuoC pihsredaeL hcraeseR naecO lanoitaN a gnidulcni ,seititne laredef-non dna laredef rof seitilibisnopser tuo syal noisivorp ehT .sekaL taerG eht gnidulcni ,snoitcaretni tnemnorivne cirehpsomta dna cinaeco dna ,ytilibairav etamilc larutan ,egnahc etamilc dna rehtaew ot detaler stneve tciderp dna ,nialpxe ,kcart ,erusaem ot desu atad etanimessid dna rehtag ot )metsyS ,retfaereh( metsyS noitavresbO naecO dna latsaoC detargetnI .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN lanoitaN a sehsilbatse 3747 .ceS )2627-7 ;vog.col.src@kcubg( kcuB eneG ;)2707-7 ;vog.col.src@yessirromw( yessirroM enyaW :strepxE SRC snaeco eht ni snoitciderp egnahc etamilc gnicnahnE )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .yduts eht rof noillim 3$ sezirohtuA .deifitsuj yllacimonoce dna elbisaef yllacigolonhcet si esu ro egarots .stsoc gnitarepo dna erutpac nobrac taht swohs dna snoissime edixoid nobrac eziminim yduts eht fi tcejorp noitartsnomed dna ycneiciffe ygrene dezimixam a tcudnoc yam tcetihcrA ehT ot tnalp rellihc dna sreliob maets eht .tnalP rewoP lotipaC eht morf dettime etarepo ot dna ,tnalp rewop lotipaC edixoid nobrac esu dna ,erots ,erutpac eht ni noitsubmoc laoc morf edixoid ot sdohtem gnitaulave yduts ytilibisaef nobrac esu ro erots dna erutpac a tcudnoc ot deriuqer si lotipaC ot seigolonhcet llatsni ot detcerid eht fo tcetihcrA .nalp lotipaC eht .laoc gninrub fo si COA eht ,snoissime edixoid otni detaroprocni dna nekat serusaem tluser a sa tnalp rewop lotipaC nobrac gnicuder fo esoprup eht rof no troper a timbus llahs lotipaC eht morf dettime edixoid nobrac ,4568 .ceS nI .tnempiuqe ciatlovotohp eht fo tcetihcrA eht ,tnemtcane fo esu ro egarots dna erutpac ralos dna leuf 58E fo esu eht fo shtnom 6 nihtiW .xelpmoC eht etartsnomed ot margorp egaruocne dna ,nalP retsaM xelpmoC .edixoid nobrac fo esu lotipaC eht ,morf snoissime sag tnarg evititepmoc a hsilbatse ot lotipaC eht ni serusaem ycneiciffe ro egarots dna erutpac nobrac gniyduts rof snoisivorp esuohneerg ecuder ot dna ,ni ygrene dna yduts ytilibisaef a etelpmoc ygrene edulcni ,rennam tneiciffe ygrene dessap-etaneS eht sniatnoc dna ,xelpmoC lotipaC elbawener fo esu dna ycneiciffe ygrene ot lotipaC eht fo tcetihcrA na ni tnalP rewoP lotipaC eht etarepo eht ni ygrene elbawener dna ycneiciffe no snoisivorp eht esaercni ot snoitpo yduts ot eht seriuqer )noitartseuqes ot )COA( lotipaC eht fo tcetihcrA s`1223 .R.H fo erom sniatnoc 6 .R.H dessap-esuoH snoisivorp fo yteirav a sniatnoc V eltiT nobrac( 503 .ceS ,III eltiT eht stcerid 3 traP ,F eltitbuS ,IIIV eltiT )9327-7 ;vog.col.src@lebaa( lebA ymA ;)9307-7 ;vog.col.src@enissisf( enissiS derF :strepxE SRC tnalP rewoP lotipaC--lotipaC eht fo tcetihcrA ".snoitulos" ylpmis fo rovaf .esu ygrene detaler-noitatropsnart dna ni detanimile si snoitulos "tsoc-wol" fo esuohgniraelc noitsegnoc ecuder ot snoitulos tsoc a gnihsilbatse dna gniyfitnedi ot ecnerefer cificeps -wol yfitnedi ot stcejorp noitatropsnart eht ,oslA .egnahc etamilc no smetsys noitatropsnart rojam yduts ,APE htiw noitanidrooc .S.U fo tcapmi eht otni yduts sti gnitcudnoc ni ni ,lliw taht noitatropsnarT margorP hcraeseR egnahC labolG .S.U eht htiw tlusnoc .TOD nihtiw fo tnemtrapeD eht nihtiw ot detcerid si eciffO eht ,APE ot noitidda ni ,taht tpecxe tnemnorivnE dna egnahC etamilC tnemnorivnE dna egnahC etamilC 1223 .R.H ot ralimis era snoisivorp 6 .R.H dessap-esuoH fo eciffO na sehsilbatsE--IX eltiT .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN rof retneC a sehsilbatsE--IIIV eltiT )2669-7 ;vog.col.src@iccubocayb( iccubocaY tnerB ;)2586-7 ;vog.col.src@rehtull( rehtuL adniL :strepxE SRC noitatropsnarT fo tnemtrapeD--A eltitbuS ERUTCURTSARFNI DNA NOITATROPSNART--IIIV ELTIT )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .snoitadnemmocer ycilop gnidulcni stluser eht troper ot dna ,egnahc etamilc yb detceffa sretsasid larutan fo ytisnetni dna rebmun desaercni eht morf gnitluser secivres dna smargorp s'ycnega eht rof dnamed desaercni eht yduts ot ycnegA tnemeganaM ycnegremE laredeF .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN eht fo rotartsinimdA eht stcerid 2 traP )4580-7 ;vog.col.src@retracn( retraC elociN :strepxE SRC tnemeganaM ycnegremE--2 traP .stcejorp sti no egnahc etamilc fo tceffe eht rof tnuocca stcejorp dna seiduts secruoser retaw 'sreenignE fo sproC ymrA taht erusne ot ymrA eht fo yraterceS eht tcerid dluow tI .snoitadnemmocer ycilop ekam ot dna ytilauq retaw dna ,secruoser retaw ,sdehsretaw no egnahc etamilc fo stcapmi eht yduts ot secneicS fo ymedacA lanoitaN eht htiw tnemeerga na otni retne ot rotartsinimdA APE eht tcerid dluow tI .snoitadnemmocer ycilop ekam ot dna ,egnahc etamilc fo stceffe eht gnidulcni ,seussi secruoser retaw no troper dna etaulave ot noissimmoC retaW yrutneC ts 12 a setaerc tI .seitiroirp rehto gnoma stneve rehtaew detaler egnahc -etamilc fo noitaredisnoc sedulcni taht stcejorp secruoser retaw rof ycilop .dettimO .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN lanoitan a sehsilbatse 1 traP-G eltitbuS )9227-7 ;vog.col.src@ydocb( ydoC ysteB ;)4580-7 ;vog.col.src@retracn( retraC elociN :strepxE SRC ssenderaperP tnemeganaM ycnegremE dna secruoseR retaW )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ .7002 ,6 rebmeceD no esuoH eht yb dessap sa 6 .R.H ,llib dessap-tsetal eht ni esoht era elbat eht ni desu sgnidaeh ehT :etoN .9002YF dna 8002YF rof noillim 5.1$ sezirohtuA .tnemtcane retfa sraey owt nihtiw ssergnoC ot eud si troper A .stceffe esoht fo edutingam eht etamitse ot dna ,snoissime sag esuohneerg rehto dna nobrac no stceffe tsegral eht evah taht snoisivorp xat fo sepyt eht yfitnedi ot ,6891 fo edoC euneveR lanretnI eht fo weiver evisneherpmoc a ecudorp ot secneicS fo ymedacA lanoitaN eht htiw tcartnoc ot .10041 .ceS ,.A eltitbuS ,VIX eltiT yrusaerT eht fo yraterceS eht seriuqer 1223 .R.H ot lacitnedi si 2151 .ceS .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN 10041 .ceS ,A eltitbuS ,VIX eltiT )8327-7 ;vog.col.src@rekrapl( rekraP yrraL ;)5259-7 ;vog.col.src@tteggelaj( tteggeL enaJ :strepxE SRC .edoc xat eht fo tidua nobraC SNOISIVORP REHTO--VIX ELTIT )7002/41/21 etaneS ;7002/6/21 esuoH dessaP( )7002/12/6 etaneS dessaP( )7002/4/8 esuoH dessaP( stnemmoC 6 .R.H 6 .R.H 1223 .R.H ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Jane A. Leggett, Coordinator Linda Luther Specialist in Energy and Environmental Policy Analyst in Environmental Policy, 7-9525, 7-6852 Eugene H. Buck Larry Parker Specialist in Natural Resources Policy Specialist in Energy and Environmental Policy, 7-7262, 7-7238 Nicole T. Carter Pervaze A. Sheikh Specialist in Natural Resources Policy Analyst in Natural Resources Policy, 7-0854, 7-6070 M. Lynne Corn Fred Sissine Specialist in Natural Resources Policy Specialist in Energy Policy, 7-7267, 7-7039 Susan R. Fletcher Robert Meltz Specialist in International Environmental Policy Legislative Attorney, 7-7231, 7-7891 Peter Folger Wayne A. Morrissey Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy Information Research Specialist, 7-1517, 7-7072 Ross W. Gorte Specialist in Natural Resources Policy, 7-7266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see