For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Order Code RL33905 Senate Committee Expenditures Resolutions, 110th Congress, and Funding Authorizations, 104th - 110th Congresses March 7, 2007 R. Eric Petersen Analyst in American National Government Government and Finance Division Senate Committee Expenditures Resolutions, 110th Congress, and Funding Authorizations, 104th - 110th Congresses Summary All standing and select committees of the Senate, except for the Appropriations and Ethics Committees, obtain their operating budgets pursuant to a biennial committee funding resolution. On March 1, 2007, the Senate adopted by unanimous consent S.Res. 89, authorizing expenditures by committees of the Senate for the period March 1, 2007, through February 28, 2009. On February 14, 2007, the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration held a hearing on Senate committee expense resolutions. Under a year-long continuing resolution setting Senate expenditures for FY2007, committee spending levels were generally set at FY2006 levels plus a small increase to provide cost of living adjustments (COLA) to staff salaries. Most Senate committees submitted requests that fell within guidelines established by the Committee on Rules and Administration that would allow the panel to mark up and report a resolution that fell within the limitations of available resources for Senate committee activity. The panel heard statements from the chairman and ranking member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, and the ranking members of the Committees on Foreign Relations and Finance, whose budget requests were higher than the established guidelines. Each Senator offered a statement in support of their larger budgets due to anticipated increases in workloads for their panels in the next two years. Areas accounting for the increases included increased oversight, expansion of other committee activities, or the need to add or retain appropriately qualified staff. On January 12, 2007, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell signed a joint leadership letter stating that committee budgets would be apportioned to reflect the membership ratio of the Senate, with up to an additional 10% to be allocated to committee chairs for administrative expenses, as determined by the Rules Committee. The joint leadership letter noted that no committee budget may be allocated to reduce the Republican staff salary baseline below that of FY2006, if that money is available. The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration has jurisdiction over committee funding resolutions and issues regulations governing committee funding and staff. Committee funding and staff are also regulated by Senate rules, as well as by statute. The funds authorized by resolution are appropriated in legislative branch appropriations acts. This report, which will be updated as events warrant, provides committee funding requests and authorizations for Senate committees in the 104th-110th Congresses. Contents 110th Congress Committee Funding Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Senate Committee Funding Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 List of Tables Table 1. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 110th Congress, Nominal Dollars ......5 Table 2. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 109th Congress, Nominal Dollars ......6 Table 3. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 108th Congress, Nominal Dollars ......7 Table 4. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 107th Congress, Nominal Dollars ......8 Table 5. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 106th Congress, Nominal Dollars ......9 Table 6. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 105th Congress, Nominal Dollars . . . . . 10 Table 7. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 104th Congress, Nominal Dollars . . . . . 11 Table 8. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 109th Congress, Constant Dollars . . . . . 12 Table 9. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 108th Congress, Constant Dollars . . . . . 13 Table 10. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 107th Congress, Constant Dollars . . . . . 14 Table 11 Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 106th Congress, Constant Dollars . . . . . 15 Table 12. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 105th Congress, Constant Dollars . . . . . 16 Table 13. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 104th Congress, Constant Dollars . . . . . 17 Senate Committee Expenditures Resolutions, 110th Congress, and Funding Authorizations, 104th - 109th Congresses 110th Congress Committee Funding Actions All standing and select committees of the Senate, except for the Appropriations and Ethics Committees, obtain their operating budgets pursuant to a biennial committee funding resolution. On March 1, 2007, the Senate adopted by unanimous consent S.Res. 89, authorizing expenditures by committees of the Senate for the periods March 1, 2007, through September 30, 2007; October 1, 2007, through September 30, 2008; and October 1, 2008, through February 28, 2009. On February 14, 2007, the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration held a hearing on Senate committee expense resolutions. Senator Dianne Feinstein, who chairs the panel, noted that under a year-long continuing resolution setting Senate expenditures, FY2007 spending levels were generally set at FY2006 levels plus a small increase to provide cost of living adjustments (COLA) to staff salaries. The chairwoman noted that for committee expenses, the panel expected to mark up and report a resolution setting committee expense levels through February 28, 2009, at 100% of FY2006-authorized levels for FY2007-FY2009, plus a COLA payable in January of calendar years 2007-2009. Senator Feinstein noted that in preparing their biennial funding requests, all but three Senate committees submitted requests that fell within guidelines established by the Committee on Rules and Administration that would allow the panel to mark up and report a resolution that fell within the limitations of available resources for Senate committee activity.1 The committee then heard statements from the chairman and ranking member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, and the ranking members of the Committees on Foreign Relations and Finance. The budget requests of those panels were higher than the guidelines established by the Rules and Administration Committee. Each Senator offered a statement in support of their larger budgets due to anticipated increases in workloads for their panels in the next two years. Areas accounting for the increases included increased oversight, expansion of other committee activities, or the need to add or retain appropriately qualified staff. When the Committee on Rules and Administration met on February 28 to mark up and report a funding resolution, the additional funding requests made by the three panels were not 1 Oral comments of Senator Dianne Feinstein at the hearing of the Committee on Rules and Administration on committee funding, Feb. 14, 2007. CRS-2 included. Senator Feinstein indicated that requests for additional funds could be met through a reserve fund or legislative branch appropriations, if sufficient funds were available.2 On January 12, 2007, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell signed a joint leadership letter stating that committee budgets, including joint and special committees, would be apportioned to reflect the membership ratio of the Senate, with up to an additional 10% to be allocated to committee chairs for administrative expenses, as determined "by the Rules Committee, with the total administrative expenses allocation for all Committees not to exceed historic levels." Additional administrative expenses are to be expended by a committee chair after consultation with the committee's ranking member. The joint leadership letter noted that funds for committee expenses are to be "available to chairs consistent with the Senate rules and practices of the 109th Congress," and that "no committee budget may be allocated to reduce the Republican staff salary baseline below that of fiscal year 2006, if that money is available."3 Table 1 provides Senate committee funding requests and authorizations for Senate committees in the 110th Congress. Senate Committee Funding Rules The Senate biennial committee funding process applies to all Senate committees except Appropriations4 and Ethics,5 which have permanent authorizations for their staff and operating expenses. The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration has jurisdiction over committee funding resolutions and issues regulations governing committee funding and staff. Committee funding and staff are also regulated by Senate rules, especially Rule XXVI, paragraph 9, and Rule XXVII, as well as by statute. The funds authorized and allocated by resolution are appropriated in legislative branch appropriations acts. Under Senate Rule XXVI, clause 9, each Senate committee (except Appropriations and Ethics) is required to report a funding resolution providing for its expenses for March 1 of that year through February 28 of the following year by January 31 of the first session in which a new Congress convenes. The rule also allows the Committee on Rules and Administration to mandate a process by which funds may be authorized for a two-year period. The Senate took several steps in 1999 to move to a biennial funding process that more clearly reflects a fiscal year 2 Oral comments of Senator Dianne Feinstein at the Committee on Rules and Administration markup on committee funding, Feb. 28, 2007. 3 "Joint Leadership Agreement on Committee Funding," Congressional Record, daily edition, Jan 12, 2007, p. S501, at [ dbname=2007_record&page=S501&position=all]. 4 P.L. 79-601, Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, Section 202(b), 80 Stat. 834. 5 S.Res. 290, 96th Congress, adopted Nov. 29, 1979; and S.Res. 425, 97th Congress, adopted Aug. 12, 1982. CRS-3 orientation. In the funding resolution agreed to in at the beginning of each subsequent Congress, the aggregate authorization for each committee is apportioned among three calendar periods -- from March 1 to September 30 of the first year of a Congress, from October 1 to September 30 of the following year, and from October 1 to the following February 28. This permits the Senate to identify more precisely the amounts authorized for each fiscal year and the subsequent appropriations required. Each committee supports its request by submitting supplementary materials, including those specified by the Rules and Administration Committee. In recent Congresses, that panel has advised committees on the permissible increase, or required decreases, it hopes to impose on Senate committees, compared to the funding level in the previous Congress. Committees requesting funds in excess of these guidelines have been asked to include a justification in their budget submissions.6 The Rules and Administration Committee may then hold hearings at which committee chairs, ranking minority members, and other Senators may testify. In recent congresses, however, the committee has held hearings only on certain requests, or has not held hearings. The Rules and Administration Committee chair will normally introduce an omnibus resolution incorporating the amounts requested by each of the Senate committees in their individual resolutions. The Rules and Administration Committee will then usually meet to mark up the resolution and, after final approval by the committee, report it to the Senate and issue an accompanying written report. On occasions where both parties have been in agreement on the funding resolution, it has been discharged by unanimous consent from the committee without a formal markup or written report. In the 105th-109th Congresses, the Senate has agreed to the funding resolution by unanimous consent with little, if any, floor discussion. If a committee requires additional funds after the omnibus resolution has been agreed to, funds may be requested essentially in the same way as they were for its two-year budget. The Senate has minimized the need for supplemental funding, however, by allowing committees to use unspent funds from one period specified in the omnibus resolution during the next funding period. Since the 106th Congress, the omnibus funding resolution has also contained a special reserve from which unexpected funding needs by any Senate committee could be met, upon the request of its chair and ranking member, and the approval of the chair and ranking member of the Rules and Administration Committee. Senate Rule XXVII requires that each committee's staff reflect the ratio of majority and minority committee members and that the minority receive "fair consideration" in the appointment of staff. A majority of the minority party members of a committee may request at least one-third of the personnel funds for hiring minority staff. This ratio is calculated after excluding funds for staff who perform administrative and clerical functions for the committee as a whole, if any, as agreed to by the chair and ranking minority member. Committee staff may be supplemented 6 The guidelines the Committee on Rules and Administration provides to other Senate committees are not publicly available. CRS-4 by consultants and staff detailed to the committee from federal agencies, subject to such restrictions as the Committee on Rules and Administration may impose. Tables 2 through 7 provide committee funding requests and authorizations for Senate committees in the 104th-109th Congresses. Tables 8 through 13 provide the same information, calculated in constant (January 2007) dollars. CRS-5 Table 1. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 110th Congress, Nominal Dollars 110th Congress Request 110th Congress Approved % of Committee 3/1/2007- 10/1/2007- 10/1/2008- 3/1/2007- 10/1/2007- 10/1/2008- Difference Totals Totals Request 9/30/2007 9/30/2008 2/28/2009 9/30/2007 9/30/2008 2/28/2009 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,204,538 $3,862,713 $1,640,188 $7,707,439 $2,204,538 $3,862,713 $1,640,188 $7,707,439 $0 100.00% Armed Services $4,073,254 $7,139,800 $3,032,712 $14,245,766 $4,073,254 $7,139,800 $3,032,712 $14,245,766 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,370,280 $5,905,629 $2,507,776 $11,783,685 $3,370,280 $5,905,629 $2,507,776 $11,783,685 $0 100.00% Budget $3,554,606 $6,230,828 $2,646,665 $12,432,099 $3,554,606 $6,230,828 $2,646,665 $12,432,099 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,652,466 $6,400,559 $2,718,113 $12,771,138 $3,652,467 $6,400,560 $2,718,112 $12,771,139 $1 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $3,083,641 $5,404,061 $2,295,042 $10,782,744 $3,083,641 $5,404,061 $2,295,042 $10,782,744 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,841,799 $4,978,284 $2,113,516 $9,933,599 $2,841,799 $4,978,284 $2,113,516 $9,933,599 $0 100.00% Finance $4,203,707 $7,356,895 $3,120,762 $14,681,364 $3,970,374 $6,956,895 $2,954,095 $13,881,364 -$800,000 94.55% Foreign Relations $3,469,450 $6,071,938 $2,575,710 $12,117,098 $3,265,283 $5,721,937 $2,429,876 $11,417,096 -$700,002 94.22% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $4,794,663 $8,402,456 $3,568,366 $16,765,485 $4,794,663 $8,402,456 $3,568,366 $16,765,485 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and $5,393,404 $9,451,962 $4,014,158 $18,859,524 $5,393,404 $9,451,962 $4,014,158 $18,859,524 $0 100.00% Governmental Affairs Judiciary $5,220,177 $9,150,340 $3,886,766 $18,257,283 $5,220,177 $9,150,340 $3,886,766 $18,257,283 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,461,012 $2,561,183 $1,087,981 $5,110,176 $1,461,012 $2,561,183 $1,087,981 $5,110,176 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,373,063 $2,405,349 $1,021,186 $4,799,598 $1,373,063 $2,405,349 $1,021,186 $4,799,598 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,259,442 $2,207,230 $937,409 $4,404,081 $1,259,442 $2,207,230 $937,409 $4,404,081 $0 100.00% Special Committee on Aging $1,524,019 $2,670,342 $1,133,885 $5,328,246 $1,524,019 $2,670,342 $1,133,885 $5,328,246 $0 100.00% Indian Affairs $1,183,262 $2,071,712 $879,131 $4,134,105 $1,183,262 $2,071,712 $879,131 $4,134,105 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $3,334,682 $5,848,084 $2,483,180 $11,665,946 $3,220,932 $5,643,433 $2,396,252 $11,260,617 -$405,329 96.53% Reserve Fund $4,375,000 $7,500,000 $3,125,000 $15,000,000 Totals $55,997,465 $98,119,365 $41,662,546 $195,779,376 $59,821,216 $104,664,714 $44,388,116 $208,874,046 Source: Data taken from individual committee funding resolutions introduced in the Senate for the 110th Congress and S.Res. 89 as adopted by the Senate March 1, 2007. CRS-6 Table 2. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 109th Congress, Nominal Dollars 109th Congress Request 109th Congress Approved % of Committee 03/01/2005- 10/01/2005- 10/01/2006- 03/01/2005- 10/01/2005- 10/01/2006- Difference Totals Totals Request 09/30/2005 09/30/2006 02/28/2007 09/30/2005 09/30/2006 02/28/2007 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,090,901 $3,670,623 $1,562,289 $7,323,813 $2,090,901 $3,670,623 $1,562,289 $7,323,813 $0 100.00% Armed Services $3,859,485 $6,778,457 $2,886,176 $13,524,118 $3,859,485 $6,778,457 $2,886,176 $13,524,118 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,196,078 $5,611,167 $2,388,363 $11,195,608 $3,196,078 $5,611,167 $2,388,363 $11,195,608 $0 100.00% Budget $3,367,870 $5,915,179 $2,518,660 $11,801,709 $3,367,870 $5,915,179 $2,518,660 $11,801,709 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,463,046 $6,080,372 $2,588,267 $12,131,685 $3,463,046 $6,080,372 $2,588,267 $12,131,685 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $2,923,302 $5,133,032 $2,185,132 $10,241,466 $2,923,302 $5,133,032 $2,185,132 $10,241,466 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,696,689 $4,732,998 $2,014,046 $9,443,733 $2,696,689 $4,732,998 $2,014,046 $9,443,733 $0 100.00% Finance $4,081,365 $7,165,470 $3,049,082 $14,295,917 $3,765,508 $6,610,598 $2,813,662 $13,189,768 -$1,106,149 92.26% Foreign Relations $3,290,588 $5,769,387 $2,452,849 $11,512,824 $3,095,171 $5,434,387 $2,313,266 $10,842,824 -$670,000 94.18% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $4,545,576 $7,981,411 $3,397,620 $15,924,607 $4,545,576 $7,981,411 $3,397,620 $15,924,607 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental $5,112,891 $8,977,796 $3,821,870 $17,912,557 $5,112,891 $8,977,796 $3,821,870 $17,912,557 $0 100.00% Affairs Judiciary $4,946,007 $8,686,896$3,698,827 $17,331,730 $4,946,007 $8,686,896 $3,698,827 $17,331,730 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,383,997 $2,431,002$1,035,189 $4,850,188 $1,383,997 $2,431,002 $1,035,189 $4,850,188 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,302,943 $2,286,820 $973,120 $4,562,883 $1,302,943 $2,286,820 $973,120 $4,562,883 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,394,529 $2,445,763$1,040,152 $4,880,444 $1,193,865 $2,096,382 $892,457 $4,182,704 -$697,740 85.70% Special Committee on Aging $1,445,446 $2,537,525$1,080,025 $5,062,996 $1,445,446 $2,537,525 $1,080,025 $5,062,996 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,124,384 $1,972,189 $838,771 $3,935,344 $1,124,384 $1,972,189 $838,771 $3,935,344 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $3,050,594 $5,355,503$2,279,493 $10,685,590 $3,050,594 $5,355,503 $2,279,493 $10,685,590 $0 100.00% Reserve Fund $4,375,000 $7,500,000 $3,125,000 $15,000,000 Totals $53,275,691 $93,531,590 $39,809,931 $186,617,212 $56,938,753 $99,792,337 $42,412,233 $199,143,323 -$2,473,889 Source: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the Senate for the 109th Congress (2005-2006). CRS-7 Table 3. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 108th Congress, Nominal Dollars 108th Congress Request 108th Congress Approved % of Committee 03/01/2003- 10/01/2003- 10/01/2004- 03/01/2003- 10/01/2003- 10/01/2004- Difference Totals Totals Request 09/30/2003 09/30/2004 02/28/2005 09/30/2003 09/30/2004 02/28/2005 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $1,949,860 $3,431,602 $1,462,700 $6,844,162 $1,949,860 $3,431,602 $1,462,700 $6,844,162 $0 100.00% Armed Services $3,594,172 $6,328,829 $2,698,836 $12,621,837 $3,594,172 $6,328,829 $2,698,836 $12,621,837 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $2,979,871 $5,244,760 $2,235,697 $10,460,328 $2,979,871 $5,244,760 $2,235,697 $10,460,328 $0 100.00% Budget $3,136,108 $5,522,410 $2,355,010 $11,013,528 $3,136,108 $5,522,410 $2,355,010 $11,013,528 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,227,950 $5,681,955 $2,422,263 $11,332,168 $3,227,950 $5,681,955 $2,422,263 $11,332,168 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $2,724,301 $4,795,783 $2,044,614 $9,564,698 $2,724,301 $4,795,783 $2,044,614 $9,564,698 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,516,590 $4,427,783 $1,886,876 $8,831,249 $2,516,590 $4,427,783 $1,886,876 $8,831,249 $0 100.00% Finance $3,511,241 $6,179,693 $2,634,121 $12,325,055 $3,511,241 $6,179,693 $2,634,121 $12,325,055 $0 100.00% Foreign Relations $2,933,624 $5,163,940 $2,201,453 $10,299,017 $2,516,590 $4,427,783 $1,886,876 $8,831,249 -$1,467,768 85.75% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $4,764,738 $8,387,779 $3,576,035 $16,728,552 $4,764,738 $8,387,779 $3,576,035 $16,728,552 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental $4,236,427 $7,457,494 $3,179,327 $14,873,248 $4,236,427 $7,457,494 $3,179,327 $14,873,248 $0 100.00% Affairs Judiciary $4,605,727 $8,110,222 $4,605,727 $8,110,222 $3,548,551 $16,264,500 $3,548,551 $16,264,500 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,288,413 $2,269,014 $967,696 $4,525,123$1,288,413 $2,269,014 $967,696 $4,525,123 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,215,913 $2,139,332 $911,668 $4,266,913$1,215,913 $2,139,332 $911,668 $4,266,913 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,112,475 $1,958,451 $834,987 $3,905,913$1,112,475 $1,958,451 $834,987 $3,905,913 $0 100.00% Special Committee on Aging $1,347,927 $2,372,258 $1,011,165 $4,731,350$1,347,927 $2,372,258 $1,011,165 $4,731,350 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,051,310 $1,848,350 $787,173 $3,686,833$1,051,310 $1,848,350 $787,173 $3,686,833 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $2,117,309 $3,726,412 $1,588,401 $7,432,122$2,117,309 $3,726,412 $1,588,401 $7,432,122 $0 100.00% Reserve Fund $3,500,000 $6,000,000 $2,500,000 $12,000,000 Totals $48,313,956 $85,046,067 $36,346,573 $169,706,596 $51,396,922 $90,309,910 $38,531,996 $180,238,828 -$1,467,768 Source: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the Senate for the 108th Congress (2003-2004). Note: Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-8 Table 4. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 107th Congress, Nominal Dollars 107th Congress Request 107th Congress Approved % of Committee 03/01/2001- 10/01/2001- 10/01/2002- 03/01/2001- 10/01/2001- 10/01/2002- Difference Totals Totals Request 09/30/2001 09/30/2002 02/28/2003 09/30/2001 09/30/2002 02/28/2003 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $1,794,378 $3,181,922 $1,360,530 $6,336,830 $1,794,378 $3,181,922 $1,360,530 $6,336,830 $0 100.00% Armed Services $3,301,692 $5,859,150 $2,506,642 $11,667,484 $3,301,692 $5,859,150 $2,506,642 $11,667,484 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $2,741,526 $4,862,013 $2,079,076 $9,682,615 $2,741,526 $4,862,013 $2,079,076 $9,682,615 $0 100.00% Budget $2,880,615 $5,112,126 $2,187,120 $10,179,861 $2,880,615 $5,112,126 $2,187,120 $10,179,861 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $2,968,783 $5,265,771 $2,251,960 $10,486,514 $2,968,783 $5,265,771 $2,251,960 $10,486,514 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $2,504,922 $4,443,495 $1,900,457 $8,848,874 $2,504,922 $4,443,495 $1,900,457 $8,848,874 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,318,050 $4,108,958 $1,756,412 $8,183,420 $2,318,050 $4,108,958 $1,756,412 $8,183,420 $0 100.00% Finance $3,230,940 $5,729,572 $2,449,931 $11,410,443 $3,230,940 $5,729,572 $2,449,931 $11,410,443 $0 100.00% Foreign Relations $2,495,457 $4,427,295 $1,893,716 $8,816,468 $2,495,457 $4,427,295 $1,893,716 $8,816,468 $0 100.00% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $3,895,623 $6,910,215 $2,955,379 $13,761,217 $3,895,623 $6,910,215 $2,955,379 $13,761,217 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental $4,380,936 $7,771,451 $3,323,832 $15,476,219 $4,380,936 $7,771,451 $3,323,832 $15,476,219 $0 100.00% Affairs Judiciary $4,230,605 $7,507,831 $3,212,052 $14,950,488 $4,230,605 $7,507,831 $3,212,052 $14,950,488 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,183,041 $2,099,802 $898,454 $4,181,297 $1,183,041 $2,099,802 $898,454 $4,181,297 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,119,973 $1,985,266 $848,624 $3,953,863 $1,119,973 $1,985,266 $848,624 $3,953,863 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,022,752 $1,814,368 $776,028 $3,613,148 $1,022,752 $1,814,368 $776,028 $3,613,148 $0 100.00% Special Committee on Aging $1,240,422 $2,199,621 $940,522 $4,380,565 $1,240,422 $2,199,621 $940,522 $4,380,565 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $970,754 $1,718,989 $734,239 $3,423,982 $970,754 $1,718,989 $734,239 $3,423,982 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $1,859,933 $3,298,074 $1,410,164 $6,568,171 $1,859,933 $3,298,074 $1,410,164 $6,568,171 $0 100.00% Reserve Fund $2,000,000 $3,700,000 $1,600,000 $7,300,000 Totals $44,140,402 $78,295,919 $33,485,138 $155,921,459 $46,140,402 $81,995,919 $35,085,138 $163,221,459 $0 Source: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the Senate for the 107th Congress (2001-2002). Note: Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-9 Table 5. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 106th Congress, Nominal Dollars 106th Congress Request 106th Congress Approved % of Committee 10/01/1999- 10/01/2000- 10/01/1999- 10/01/2000- Difference Totals Totals Request 09/30/2000 02/28/2001 09/30/2000 02/28/2001 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,118,150 $903,523 $3,021,673 $2,118,150 $903,523 $3,021,673 $0 100.00% Armed Services $3,796,030 $1,568,418 $5,364,448 $3,796,030 $1,568,418 $5,364,448 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,160,739 $1,348,349 $4,509,088 $3,160,739 $1,348,349 $4,509,088 $0 100.00% Budget $3,449,315 $1,472,442 $4,921,757 $3,449,315 $1,472,442 $4,921,757 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,823,318 $1,631,426 $5,454,744 $3,823,318 $1,631,426 $5,454,744 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $2,924,935 $1,248,068 $4,173,003 $2,924,935 $1,248,068 $4,173,003 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,688,097 $1,146,192 $3,834,289 $2,688,097 $1,146,192 $3,834,289 $0 100.00% Finance $3,762,517 $1,604,978 $5,367,495 $3,762,517 $1,604,978 $5,367,495 $0 100.00% Foreign Relations $3,158,449 $1,347,981 $4,506,430 $3,158,449 $1,347,981 $4,506,430 $0 100.00% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $4,560,792 $1,946,026 $6,506,818 $4,560,792 $1,946,026 $6,506,818 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs $5,026,582 $2,144,819 $7,171,401 $5,026,582 $2,144,819 $7,171,401 $0 100.00% Judiciary $4,845,263 $2,068,258 $6,913,521 $4,845,263 $2,068,258 $6,913,521 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,647,719 $703,526 $2,351,245 $1,647,719 $703,526 $2,351,245 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,330,794 $567,472 $1,898,266 $1,330,794 $567,472 $1,898,266 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,246,174 $531,794 $1,777,968 $1,246,174 $531,794 $1,777,968 $0 100.00% Special Committee on Aging $1,459,827 $622,709 $2,082,536 $1,459,827 $622,709 $2,082,536 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,260,534 $537,123 $1,797,657 $1,260,534 $537,123 $1,797,657 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $2,674,687 $1,141,189 $3,815,876 $2,674,687 $1,141,189 $3,815,876 $0 100.00% Reserve Fund $3,700,000 $1,600,000 Totals $52,933,922 $22,534,293 $75,468,215 $56,633,922 $24,134,293 $75,468,215 $0 Source: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the Senate for the 106th Congress (1999-2000). Note: Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-10 Table 6. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 105th Congress, Nominal Dollars 105th Congress Request 105th Congress Approved % of Committee 030/1/1997- 03/01/1998- 03/01/1997- 03/01/1998- Difference Totals Totals Request 09/30/1998 02/28/1999 09/30/1998 02/28/1999 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $1,747,544 $1,792,747 $3,540,291 $1,747,544 $1,792,747 $3,540,291 $0 100.00% Armed Services $2,704,397 $2,776,389 $5,480,786 $2,704,397 $2,776,389 $5,480,786 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $2,853,725 $2,928,278 $5,782,003 $2,853,725 $2,928,278 $5,782,003 $0 100.00% Budget $3,105,190 $3,188,897 $6,294,087 $3,105,190 $3,188,897 $6,294,087 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,448,034 $3,539,226 $6,987,260 $3,448,034 $3,539,226 $6,987,260 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $2,637,966 $2,707,696 $5,345,662 $2,637,966 $2,707,696 $5,345,662 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,431,871 $2,494,014 $4,925,885 $2,431,871 $2,494,014 $4,925,885 $0 100.00% Finance $3,329,727 $3,416,328 $6,746,055 $3,028,328 $3,106,591 $6,134,919 -$611,136 90.94% Foreign Relations $2,710,573 $2,782,749 $5,493,322 $2,710,573 $2,782,749 $5,493,322 $0 100.00% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $4,113,888 $4,223,533 $8,337,421 $4,113,888 $4,223,533 $8,337,421 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs $4,533,600 $4,653,386 $9,186,986 $4,533,600 $4,653,386 $9,186,986 $0 100.00% Judiciary $4,362,646 $4,480,028 $8,842,674 $4,362,646 $4,480,028 $8,842,674 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,339,106 $1,375,472 $2,714,578 $1,789,109 $1,375,472 $3,164,581 $450,003 116.58% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,084,471 $1,112,732 $2,197,203 $1,084,471 $1,112,732 $2,197,203 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $2,776,450 $1,153,263 $3,929,713 $1,698,430 $1,153,623 $2,852,053 -$1,077,660 72.58% Special Committee on Aging $1,133,674 $1,162,865 $2,296,539 $1,133,674 $1,162,865 $2,296,539 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,143,046 $1,171,994 $2,315,040 $1,143,046 $1,171,994 $2,315,040 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $2,506,182 $2,574,036 $5,080,218 $2,114,489 $2,171,507 $4,285,996 -$794,222 84.37% Reserve Fund Totals $47,962,090 $47,533,633 $95,495,723 $46,640,981 $46,821,727 $93,462,708 -$2,033,015 Source: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the Senate for the 105th Congress (1997-1998). Note: Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-11 Table 7. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 104th Congress, Nominal Dollars 104th Congress Request 104th Congress Approved % of Committee 03/01/1995- 03/01/1996- 03/01/1995- 03/01/1996- Difference Totals Totals Request 02/28/1996 02/28/1997 02/28/1996 02/28/1997 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $1,708,179 $1,746,459 $3,454,638 $1,708,179 $1,746,459 $3,454,638 $0 100.00% Armed Services $2,948,079 $3,015,532 $5,963,611 $2,641,704 $2,702,669 $5,344,373 -$619,238 89.62% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,738,802 $2,851,936 $6,590,738 $2,788,802 $2,851,936 $5,640,738 -$950,000 85.59% Budget $3,032,295 $3,101,181 $6,133,476 $3,032,295 $3,103,181 $6,135,476 $2,000 100.03% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,369,312 $3,445,845 $6,815,157 $3,369,312 $3,445,845 $6,815,157 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $2,678,348 $2,739,487 $5,417,835 $2,579,566 $2,636,292 $5,215,858 -$201,977 96.27% Environment and Public Works $2,351,491 $2,404,115 $4,755,606 $2,376,346 $2,430,379 $4,806,725 $51,119 101.07% Finance $3,248,413 $3,333,157 $6,581,570 $2,960,173 $3,026,449 $5,986,622 -$594,948 90.96% Foreign Relations $2,719,280 $2,782,054 $5,501,334 $2,647,720 $2,708,841 $5,356,561 -$144,773 97.37% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $4,018,405 $4,111,256 $8,129,661 $4,018,405 $4,111,256 $8,129,661 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs $4,515,333 $4,618,593 $9,133,926 $4,429,312 $4,530,725 $8,960,037 -$173,889 98.10% Judiciary $4,343,438 $4,444,627 $8,788,065 $4,260,450 $4,359,828 $8,620,278 -$167,787 98.09% Rules and Administration $1,309,439 $1,340,234 $2,649,673 $1,309,439 $1,340,234 $2,649,673 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,000,980 $1,023,582 $2,024,562 $1,059,861 $1,083,793 $2,143,654 $119,092 105.88% Veterans Affairs $1,036,481 $1,060,341 $2,096,822 $1,097,451 $1,122,714 $2,220,165 $123,343 105.88% Special Committee on Aging $1,046,685 $1,070,031 $2,116,716 $1,108,255 $1,132,974 $2,241,229 $124,513 105.88% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,056,916 $1,079,534 $2,136,450 $1,119,088 $1,143,036 $2,262,124 $125,674 105.88% Select Committee on Intelligence $2,228,666 $2,280,704 $4,509,370 $2,064,860 $2,113,120 $4,177,980 -$331,390 92.65% Totals $46,350,542 $46,448,668 $92,799,210 $44,571,218 $45,589,731 $90,160,949 -$2,638,261 Source: Data taken from committee funding resolutions introduced in the Senate for the 104th Congress (1995-1996). Note: Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-12 Table 8. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 109th Congress, Constant Dollars 109th Congress Request 109th Congress Approved % of Committee 3/1/2005- 10/1/2005- 10/1/2006- 3/1/2005- 10/1/2005- 10/1/2006- Difference Totals Totals Request 9/30/2005 9/30/2006 2/28/2007 9/30/2005 9/30/2006 2/28/2007 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,219,359 $3,896,134 $1,658,271 $7,773,765 $2,219,359 $3,896,134 $1,658,271 $7,773,765 $0 100.00% Armed Services $4,096,599 $7,194,904 $3,063,493 $14,354,997 $4,096,599 $7,194,904 $3,063,493 $14,354,997 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,392,435 $5,955,899 $2,535,096 $11,883,430 $3,392,435 $5,955,899 $2,535,096 $11,883,430 $0 100.00% Budget $3,574,781 $6,278,589 $2,673,398 $12,526,768 $3,574,781 $6,278,589 $2,673,398 $12,526,768 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,675,805 $6,453,931 $2,747,282 $12,877,017 $3,675,805 $6,453,931 $2,747,282 $12,877,017 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $3,102,900 $5,448,389 $2,319,380 $10,870,669 $3,102,900 $5,448,389 $2,319,380 $10,870,669 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,862,365 $5,023,778 $2,137,783 $10,023,926 $2,862,365 $5,023,778 $2,137,783 $10,023,926 $0 100.00% Finance $4,332,111 $7,605,694 $3,236,408 $15,174,213 $3,996,849 $7,016,732 $2,986,524 $14,000,105 -$1,174,107 92.26% Foreign Relations $3,492,751 $6,123,840 $2,603,544 $12,220,135 $3,285,328 $5,768,258 $2,455,386 $11,508,973 -$711,163 94.18% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $4,824,842 $8,471,763 $3,606,359 $16,902,964 $4,824,842 $8,471,763 $3,606,359 $16,902,964 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental $5,427,011 $9,529,363 $4,056,674 $19,013,047 $5,427,011 $9,529,363 $4,056,674 $19,013,047 $0 100.00% Affairs Judiciary $5,249,874 $9,220,591$3,926,071 $18,396,536 $5,249,874 $9,220,591 $3,926,071 $18,396,536 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,469,025 $2,580,355$1,098,788 $5,148,168 $1,469,025 $2,580,355 $1,098,788 $5,148,168 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,382,992 $2,427,315$1,032,905 $4,843,212 $1,382,992 $2,427,315 $1,032,905 $4,843,212 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,480,204 $2,596,023$1,104,056 $5,180,283 $1,267,212 $2,225,177 $947,287 $4,439,676 -$740,607 85.70% Special Committee on Aging $1,534,250 $2,693,422$1,146,378 $5,374,050 $1,534,250 $2,693,422 $1,146,378 $5,374,050 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,193,463 $2,093,354 $890,302 $4,177,119 $1,193,463 $2,093,354 $890,302 $4,177,119 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $3,238,013 $5,684,528$2,419,538 $11,342,079 $3,238,013 $5,684,528 $2,419,538 $11,342,079 $0 100.00% Reserve Fund $4,643,786 $7,960,776 $3,316,990 $15,921,552 $0 Totals $56,548,780 $99,277,873 $42,255,726 $198,082,379 $60,436,888 $105,923,260 $45,017,905 $211,378,054 -$2,625,877 106.71% Source: Based on U.S. Department Of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Feb. 21, 2007, at []. Note: January 2007 dollars. Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-13 Table 9. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 108th Congress, Constant Dollars 108th Congress Request 108th Congress Approved % of Committee 3/1/2003- 10/1/2003- 10/1/2004- 3/1/2003- 10/1/2003- 10/1/2004- Difference Totals Totals Request 9/30/2003 9/30/2004 2/28/2005 9/30/2003 9/30/2004 2/28/2005 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,145,016 $3,775,061 $1,609,097 $7,529,173 $2,145,016 $3,775,061 $1,609,097 $7,529,173 $0 100.00% Armed Services $3,953,902 $6,962,262 $2,968,954 $13,885,118 $3,953,902 $6,962,262 $2,968,954 $13,885,118 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,278,117 $5,769,692 $2,459,461 $11,507,270 $3,278,117 $5,769,692 $2,459,461 $11,507,270 $0 100.00% Budget $3,449,992 $6,075,131 $2,590,716 $12,115,838 $3,449,992 $6,075,131 $2,590,716 $12,115,838 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,551,026 $6,250,645 $2,664,700 $12,466,370 $3,551,026 $6,250,645 $2,664,700 $12,466,370 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $2,996,968 $5,275,778 $2,249,253 $10,522,000 $2,996,968 $5,275,778 $2,249,253 $10,522,000 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,768,468 $4,870,946 $2,075,728 $9,715,142 $2,768,468 $4,870,946 $2,075,728 $9,715,142 $0 100.00% Finance $3,862,670 $6,798,200 $2,897,762 $13,558,632 $3,862,670 $6,798,200 $2,897,762 $13,558,632 $0 100.00% Foreign Relations $3,227,241 $5,680,783 $2,421,790 $11,329,814 $2,768,468 $4,870,946 $2,075,728 $9,715,142 -$1,614,672 85.75% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $5,241,626 $9,227,286 $3,933,949 $18,402,862 $5,241,626 $9,227,286 $3,933,949 $18,402,862 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental $4,660,438 $8,203,892 $3,497,536 $16,361,866 $4,660,438 $8,203,892 $3,497,536 $16,361,866 $0 100.00% Affairs Judiciary $5,066,700 $8,921,949$3,903,715 $17,892,364 $5,066,700 $8,921,949 $3,903,715 $17,892,364 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,417,366 $2,496,113$1,064,550 $4,978,029 $1,417,366 $2,496,113 $1,064,550 $4,978,029 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,337,610 $2,353,451$1,002,914 $4,693,975 $1,337,610 $2,353,451 $1,002,914 $4,693,975 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,223,819 $2,154,466 $918,558 $4,296,844 $1,223,819 $2,154,466 $918,558 $4,296,844 $0 100.00% Special Committee on Aging $1,482,837 $2,609,690$1,112,369 $5,204,896 $1,482,837 $2,609,690 $1,112,369 $5,204,896 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,156,532 $2,033,346 $865,959 $4,055,837 $1,156,532 $2,033,346 $865,959 $4,055,837 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $2,329,224 $4,099,377$1,747,379 $8,175,980 $2,329,224 $4,099,377 $1,747,379 $8,175,980 $0 100.00% Reserve Fund $3,850,304 $6,600,522 $2,750,217 $13,201,043 Totals $53,149,553 $93,558,069 $39,984,391 $186,692,013 $56,541,083 $99,348,754 $42,388,546 $198,278,384 -$1,614,672 106.21% Source: Based on U.S. Department Of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Feb. 21, 2007, at []. Note: January 2007 dollars. Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-14 Table 10. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 107th Congress, Constant Dollars 107th Congress Request 107th Congress Approved % of Committee 3/1/2001- 10/1/2001- 10/1/2002- 3/1/2001- 10/1/2001- 10/1/2002- Difference Totals Totals Request 9/30/2001 9/30/2002 2/28/2003 9/30/2001 9/30/2002 2/28/2003 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,180,137 $3,865,978 $1,653,019 $7,699,134 $2,180,137 $3,865,978 $1,653,019 $7,699,134 $0 100.00% Armed Services $4,011,496 $7,118,762 $3,045,525 $14,175,783 $4,011,496 $7,118,762 $3,045,525 $14,175,783 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,330,905 $5,907,258 $2,526,040 $11,764,203 $3,330,905 $5,907,258 $2,526,040 $11,764,203 $0 100.00% Budget $3,499,895 $6,211,141 $2,657,311 $12,368,348 $3,499,895 $6,211,141 $2,657,311 $12,368,348 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $3,607,018 $6,397,817 $2,736,091 $12,740,926 $3,607,018 $6,397,817 $2,736,091 $12,740,926 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $3,043,435 $5,398,766 $2,309,021 $10,751,223 $3,043,435 $5,398,766 $2,309,021 $10,751,223 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $2,816,389 $4,992,310 $2,134,009 $9,942,708 $2,816,389 $4,992,310 $2,134,009 $9,942,708 $0 100.00% Finance $3,925,534 $6,961,327 $2,976,622 $13,863,483 $3,925,534 $6,961,327 $2,976,622 $13,863,483 $0 100.00% Foreign Relations $3,031,935 $5,379,084 $2,300,831 $10,711,850 $3,031,935 $5,379,084 $2,300,831 $10,711,850 $0 100.00% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $4,733,112 $8,395,787 $3,590,732 $16,719,631 $4,733,112 $8,395,787 $3,590,732 $16,719,631 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental $5,322,758 $9,442,173 $4,038,396 $18,803,327 $5,322,758 $9,442,173 $4,038,396 $18,803,327 $0 100.00% Affairs Judiciary $5,140,109 $9,121,879$3,902,585 $18,164,574 $5,140,109 $9,121,879 $3,902,585 $18,164,574 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,437,374 $2,551,222$1,091,605 $5,080,201 $1,437,374 $2,551,222 $1,091,605 $5,080,201 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,360,747 $2,412,062$1,031,063 $4,803,872 $1,360,747 $2,412,062 $1,031,063 $4,803,872 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,242,625 $2,204,424 $942,860 $4,389,910 $1,242,625 $2,204,424 $942,860 $4,389,910 $0 100.00% Special Committee on Aging $1,507,090 $2,672,500$1,142,717 $5,322,308 $1,507,090 $2,672,500 $1,142,717 $5,322,308 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,179,449 $2,088,541 $892,087 $4,160,076 $1,179,449 $2,088,541 $892,087 $4,160,076 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $2,259,785 $4,007,101$1,713,324 $7,980,209 $2,259,785 $4,007,101 $1,713,324 $7,980,209 $0 100.00% Reserve Fund $2,429,964 $4,495,433 $1,943,971 $8,869,369 $0 Totals $53,629,794 $95,128,132 $40,683,840 $189,441,765 $56,059,758 $99,623,565 $42,627,811 $198,311,134 $0 104.68% Source: Based on U.S. Department Of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Feb. 21, 2007, at []. Note: January 2007 dollars. Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-15 Table 11 Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 106th Congress, Constant Dollars 106th Congress Request 106th Congress Approved % of Committee 10/1/1999- 10/1/2000- 10/1/1999- 10/1/2000- Difference Totals Totals Request 9/30/2000 2/28/2001 9/30/2000 2/28/2001 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,573,514 $1,097,764 $3,671,278 $2,573,514 $1,097,764 $3,671,278 $0 100.00% Armed Services $4,612,108 $1,905,600 $6,517,708 $4,612,108 $1,905,600 $6,517,708 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,840,241 $1,638,220 $5,478,461 $3,840,241 $1,638,220 $5,478,461 $0 100.00% Budget $4,190,856 $1,788,991 $5,979,846 $4,190,856 $1,788,991 $5,979,846 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $4,645,263 $1,982,153 $6,627,416 $4,645,263 $1,982,153 $6,627,416 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $3,553,743 $1,516,380 $5,070,124 $3,553,743 $1,516,380 $5,070,124 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $3,265,989 $1,392,603 $4,658,592 $3,265,989 $1,392,603 $4,658,592 $0 100.00% Finance $4,571,390 $1,950,019 $6,521,410 $4,571,390 $1,950,019 $6,521,410 $0 100.00% Foreign Relations $3,837,459 $1,637,773 $5,475,231 $3,837,459 $1,637,773 $5,475,231 $0 100.00% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $5,541,280 $2,364,387 $7,905,667 $5,541,280 $2,364,387 $7,905,667 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs $6,107,207 $2,605,916 $8,713,123 $6,107,207 $2,605,916 $8,713,123 $0 100.00% Judiciary $5,886,907 $2,512,896 $8,399,804 $5,886,907 $2,512,896 $8,399,804 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $2,001,949 $854,771 $2,856,720 $2,001,949 $854,771 $2,856,720 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,616,891 $689,468 $2,306,359 $1,616,891 $689,468 $2,306,359 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $1,514,079 $646,120 $2,160,199 $1,514,079 $646,120 $2,160,199 $0 100.00% Special Committee on Aging $1,773,664 $756,580 $2,530,244 $1,773,664 $756,580 $2,530,244 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,531,526 $652,595 $2,184,121 $1,531,526 $652,595 $2,184,121 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $3,249,697 $1,386,524 $4,636,221 $3,249,697 $1,386,524 $4,636,221 $0 100.00% Reserve Fund $4,495,433 $1,943,971 Totals $64,313,762 $27,378,760 $91,692,522 $68,809,195 $29,322,731 $91,692,522 $0 100.00% Source: Based on U.S. Department Of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Feb. 21, 2007, at []. Note: January 2007 dollars. Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-16 Table 12. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 105th Congress, Constant Dollars 105th Congress Request 105th Congress Approved % of Committee 3/1/1997- 3/1/1998- 3/1/1997- 3/1/1998- Difference Totals Totals Request 9/30/1998 2/28/1999 9/30/1998 2/28/1999 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,203,931 $2,260,939 $4,464,869 $2,203,931 $2,260,939 $4,464,869 $0 100.00% Armed Services $3,410,674 $3,501,468 $6,912,142 $3,410,674 $3,501,468 $6,912,142 $0 100.00% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $3,599,001 $3,693,024 $7,292,024 $3,599,001 $3,693,024 $7,292,024 $0 100.00% Budget $3,916,138 $4,021,706 $7,937,844 $3,916,138 $4,021,706 $7,937,844 $0 100.00% Commerce, Science and Transportation $4,348,519 $4,463,526 $8,812,045 $4,348,519 $4,463,526 $8,812,045 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $3,326,894 $3,414,835 $6,741,729 $3,326,894 $3,414,835 $6,741,729 $0 100.00% Environment and Public Works $3,066,976 $3,145,348 $6,212,324 $3,066,976 $3,145,348 $6,212,324 $0 100.00% Finance $4,199,315 $4,308,532 $8,507,847 $3,819,203 $3,917,905 $7,737,108 -$770,740 90.94% Foreign Relations $3,418,463 $3,509,489 $6,927,952 $3,418,463 $3,509,489 $6,927,952 $0 100.00% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $5,188,266 $5,326,546 $10,514,813 $5,188,266 $5,326,546 $10,514,813 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs $5,717,590 $5,868,659 $11,586,249 $5,717,590 $5,868,659 $11,586,249 $0 100.00% Judiciary $5,501,990 $5,650,027 $11,152,017 $5,501,990 $5,650,027 $11,152,017 $0 100.00% Rules and Administration $1,688,825 $1,734,689 $3,423,514 $2,256,351 $1,734,689 $3,991,039 $567,525 116.58% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,367,690 $1,403,332 $2,771,022 $1,367,690 $1,403,332 $2,771,022 $0 100.00% Veterans Affairs $3,501,545 $1,454,448 $4,955,992 $2,141,990 $1,454,902 $3,596,892 -$1,359,100 72.58% Special Committee on Aging $1,429,743 $1,466,558 $2,896,301 $1,429,743 $1,466,558 $2,896,301 $0 100.00% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,441,563 $1,478,071 $2,919,633 $1,441,563 $1,478,071 $2,919,633 $0 100.00% Select Committee on Intelligence $3,160,694 $3,246,268 $6,406,962 $2,666,707 $2,738,615 $5,405,322 -$1,001,640 84.37% Reserve Fund Totals $60,487,816 $59,947,463 $120,435,279 $58,821,687 $59,049,637 $117,871,324 -$2,563,955 97.87% Source: Based on U.S. Department Of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Feb. 21, 2007, at []. Note: January 2007 dollars. Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. CRS-17 Table 13. Senate Committee Funding, Committee Requests and Funding Approved by the Senate, 104th Congress, Constant Dollars 104th Congress Request 104th Congress Approved % of Committee 3/1/1995- 3/1/1996- 3/1/1995- 3/1/1996- Difference Totals Totals Request 2/28/1996 2/28/1997 2/28/1996 2/28/1997 Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry $2,268,785 $2,319,628 $4,588,412 $2,268,785 $2,319,628 $4,588,412 $0 100.00% Armed Services $3,915,606 $4,005,196 $7,920,802 $3,508,682 $3,589,655 $7,098,337 -$822,465 89.62% Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs $4,965,836 $3,787,910 $8,753,746 $3,704,056 $3,787,910 $7,491,966 -$1,261,780 85.59% Budget $4,027,461 $4,118,954 $8,146,415 $4,027,461 $4,121,611 $8,149,072 $2,656 100.03% Commerce, Science and Transportation $4,475,083 $4,576,733 $9,051,816 $4,475,083 $4,576,733 $9,051,816 $0 100.00% Energy and Natural Resources $3,557,352 $3,638,556 $7,195,909 $3,426,151 $3,501,494 $6,927,645 -$268,264 96.27% Environment and Public Works $3,123,224 $3,193,119 $6,316,343 $3,156,237 $3,228,003 $6,384,239 $67,896 101.07% Finance $4,314,506 $4,427,062 $8,741,569 $3,931,669 $4,019,696 $7,951,365 -$790,203 90.96% Foreign Relations $3,611,718 $3,695,093 $7,306,811 $3,516,673 $3,597,853 $7,114,525 -$192,286 97.37% Health, Education, Labor and Pensions $5,337,201 $5,460,525 $10,797,726 $5,337,201 $5,460,525 $10,797,726 $0 100.00% Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs $5,997,216 $6,134,364 $12,131,580 $5,882,963 $6,017,659 $11,900,622 -$230,957 98.10% Judiciary $5,768,906 $5,903,305 $11,672,211 $5,658,683 $5,790,675 $11,449,358 -$222,853 98.09% Rules and Administration $1,739,182 $1,780,084 $3,519,266 $1,739,182 $1,780,084 $3,519,266 $0 100.00% Small Business and Entrepreneurship $1,329,491 $1,359,510 $2,689,001 $1,407,696 $1,439,482 $2,847,178 $158,177 105.88% Veterans Affairs $1,376,643 $1,408,333 $2,784,976 $1,457,622 $1,491,176 $2,948,799 $163,823 105.88% Special Committee on Aging $1,390,195 $1,421,203 $2,811,399 $1,471,972 $1,504,804 $2,976,776 $165,377 105.88% Select Committee Indian Affairs $1,403,784 $1,433,825 $2,837,609 $1,486,360 $1,518,168 $3,004,528 $166,919 105.88% Select Committee on Intelligence $2,960,090 $3,029,206 $5,989,296 $2,742,524 $2,806,623 $5,549,147 -$440,149 92.65% Reserve Fund Totals $61,562,279 $61,692,609 $123,254,888 $59,199,000 $60,551,778 $119,750,779 -$3,504,109 97.16% Source: Based on U.S. Department Of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Feb. 21, 2007, at []. Note: January 2007 dollars. Renamed committees are listed according to their names in the 110th Congress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see