For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¡ ¢ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¡ ¢ When natural or man-made disasters occur, there are several tax relief provisions that apply to affected taxpayers. This report focuses on permanent tax relief laws that are intended to benefit victims of both presidentially and non-presidentially declared disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts, wildfires, wars, and terrorist attacks. The selected laws are summarized in table format and are arranged by different categories, including "losses," "gains exempted from income," and "postponements." For each law summarized, the table contains the corresponding Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section citation and a brief description of the provision. The descriptions are combinations of verbatim and summarized IRC text. Several bills introduced in the 110th Congress propose to create permanent tax relief provisions for disaster victims. The Catastrophe Savings Account Act of 2007 (H.R. 1787 and S. 927) would provide for tax-exempt catastrophe savings accounts (CSAs) and would allow tax-free distributions from these accounts to pay expenses resulting from presidentially declared disasters. The Hurricane and Tornado Mitigation Investment Act of 2007 (S. 930 and H.R. 913) and the Homeowners Insurance and Mitigation Assistance Act of 2008 (H.R. 6762) would allow individual and business taxpayers a tax credit for 25% of their qualified hurricane and tornado mitigation property expenditures up to $5,000 for any taxable year. The Fair Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2008 (H.R. 6640), introduced on July 29, 2008, includes several permanent provisions that would enhance the recovery of expenses incurred as a result of presidentially declared disasters. In regard to calculating the deductions for losses, this bill waives the 10% adjusted gross income rule and raises the deductible to $500. The bill also allows for deduction and recovery of qualified disaster expenses in the year in which they are paid or incurred, and raises the net operating loss carryback period for disasters from three years to five. Taxpayers would also be allowed to use mortgage revenue bonds to finance loans of up to $150,000 for repairing principal residences damaged by presidentially declared disasters. This report will be updated as warranted by legislative events. ¡ Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Additional Resources ...................................................................................................................... 7 IRS Publications........................................................................................................................ 7 CRS Reports.............................................................................................................................. 7 Table 1. Losses ................................................................................................................................ 2 Table 2. Net Operating Losses......................................................................................................... 3 Table 3. Gains Exempted from Income ........................................................................................... 3 Table 4. Postponements ................................................................................................................... 5 Table 5. Tax Reimbursements.......................................................................................................... 6 Table 6. Retirement Plans--Rollovers ............................................................................................ 6 Table 7. Underpayment of Income Tax ........................................................................................... 6 Author Contact Information ............................................................................................................ 7 ¡ When natural or man-made disasters occur, there are several tax relief provisions that apply to affected taxpayers. This report focuses on permanent tax relief laws that are intended to benefit victims of disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts, wildfires, wars, and terrorist attacks. The selected laws are summarized in table format and are arranged by different categories, including "losses," "gains exempted from income," and "postponements." For each law summarized, the table contains the corresponding Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section citation and a brief description of the provision. The descriptions are combinations of verbatim and summarized IRC text. Some tax relief provisions are available only to victims of presidentially declared disasters. A presidentially declared disaster is defined in IRC Section 1033(h)(3) to mean "any disaster which, with respect to the area in which the property is located, resulted in a subsequent determination by the President that the area warrants assistance by the Federal Government under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act" (Stafford Act). Other tax relief provisions are more broadly available to disaster victims regardless of the event's presidential declaration status. Descriptions of the IRC sections in this report will indicate whether certain provisions are available only for victims of presidentially declared disasters. In response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma in 2005, Congress passed temporary enhancements to existing tax laws to provide extra tax relief to victims of these hurricanes. These modifications were part of the Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-73) and the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-135). Table notes indicate where the permanent laws described in this report were enhanced by either P.L. 109-73 or P.L. 109-135.1 Several bills introduced in the 110th Congress propose to create permanent tax relief provisions for disaster victims. The Catastrophe Savings Account Act of 2007 (H.R. 1787 and S. 927) would provide for tax-exempt catastrophe savings accounts (CSAs) and would allow tax-free distributions from these accounts to pay expenses resulting from presidentially declared disasters. The Hurricane and Tornado Mitigation Investment Act of 2007 (S. 930 and H.R. 913) and the Homeowners Insurance and Mitigation Assistance Act of 2008 (H.R. 6762) would allow individual and business taxpayers a tax credit for 25% of their qualified hurricane and tornado mitigation property expenditures up to $5,000 for any taxable year. The Fair Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2008 (H.R. 6640), introduced on July 29, 2008, includes several provisions that would enhance the recovery of expenses incurred as a result of presidentially declared disasters. In regard to calculating the deductions for losses, this bill waives the 10% adjusted gross income rule and raises the deductible to $500.2 The bill also allows for deduction and recovery of qualified disaster expenses in the year in which they are paid or incurred,3 and raises the net operating loss carryback period for disasters from three years to five. 1 See CRS Report RS22269, Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005, by Erika Lunder, and CRS Report RS22344, The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005, by Erika Lunder, for information on additional provisions for victims of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. 2 Currently, to calculate the deduction for a casualty loss, taxpayers must reduce the loss by $100 and reduce their total losses by 10% of their adjusted gross income. Only the excess over these limits is deductible. 3 Includes expenses for repairs on property, removal of debris, demolition of structures, and the abatement or control of hazardous substances. Currently, taxpayers may be required to capitalize these expenses over a period of years. .elbitcuded si sessol desrubmiernu fo tnuoma eritne eht taht os ,ytreporp esu-lanosrep fo sessol no amliW dna ,atiR ,anirtaK senacirruH fo smitciv rof stimil eseht devomer )37-901 .L.P( 5002 fo tcA feileR xaT ycnegremE anirtaK ehT .a .slaudividni ot seilppA .)i(561 .ceS ni debircsed sa ,ssol ytlausac a sa detaert eb llahs ssol eht neht ,retsasid eht fo nosaer yb ecnediser a sa esu rof efasnu deredner neeb sah ecnediser eht · fi dna ,ecnediser eht etacoler ro hsilomed ot ,detacol si ecnediser eht hcihw ni tnemnrevog lacol ro etats eht yb ,deredro si reyapxat eht noitanimreted hcus fo etad eht retfa yad ht021 eht naht retal ton · ecnediseR fo noitacoleR ,fi ,tcA droffatS eht rednu ecnatsissa tnarraw ot tnediserP eht yb ro noitilomeD denimreted neeb sah hcihw aera na ni detacol si ecnediser esohw reyapxat a fo esac eht nI )k(561 .ceS .sessenisub dna slaudividni ot seilppA .rennam raluger eht ni nruter 6002 reh ro sih no ti tcuded dna tiaw yam reyapxat eht ,esiwrehtO .nruter 5002 dednema na elif yam reyapxat eht ,delif neeb ydaerla sah nruter 5002 eht fi ;nruter 5002 reh ro sih no ti tcuded ot tcele yam 6002 gnirud emit )"sessoL ytlausaC" yna ssol retsasid a sreffus ohw reyapxat a ,elpmaxe roF .tifeneb xat detidepxe na eviecer sa nwonk osla( ot redro ni raey xat gnidecerp yletaidemmi eht rof nruter reh ro sih no ssol eht tcuded sessoL retsasiD ot tcele yam retsasid deralced yllaitnediserp a ot eud ssol a sniatsus ohw reyapxat A )i(561 .ceS .sretsasid deralced yllaitnediserp yb desuac sessol ot gnitaler snoisivorp cificeps rof woleb )k(561 .ceS dna )i(561 .ceS eeS .sessenisub dna slaudividni ot seilppA .sessol gnitcuded ni detimil ton yllareneg era sessenisuB a.elbitcuded si stimil %01 dna 001$ eseht revo ssecxe eht ylnO .emocni ssorg detsujda rieht fo %01 yb sessol tfeht dna ytlausac latot rieht ecuder osla dna 001$ yb ssol eht ecuder tsum sreyapxat ,retsasid ralucitrap a morf gnitluser ytreporp esu-lanosrep fo ssol tfeht ro ytlausac a rof noitcuded a erugif ot ,yliranidrO .tcuded nac slaudividni taht sessol desrubmiernu eht fo tnuoma eht no snoitatimil ecalp )2()h(561 dna )1()h(561 .sceS .esiwrehto ro ecnarusni yb desrubmier ro detasnepmoc ton era yeht hcihw rof ,sessol sessoL ytlausac gnidulcni ,sessol tcuded yam sreyapxat taht elur lareneg eht sehsilbatse 561 .ceS 561 .ceS noitceS edoC noitpircseD euneveR lanretnI sessoL .1 elbaT victims of disasters are also not included in this report. does it discuss tax incentives for charitable giving. Measures providing for direct funding to actions that have created tax incentives to encourage redevelopment in disaster-affected areas, nor This report focuses solely on provisions for tax relief from disasters. It does not cover legislative $150,000 for repairing principal residences damaged by presidentially declared disasters. Taxpayers would also be allowed to use mortgage revenue bonds to finance loans of up to ¡ .slaudividni ot seilppA .ecnatsissa tnemnrevog lacol ro ,etats ,laredef tnarraw ot denimreted sretsasid ro ,erutan cihportsatac a fo eb ot yrusaerT eht fo yraterceS eht yb denimreted sretsasid rehto dna ,stnedicca reirrac nommoc ,sretsasid deralced yllaitnediserp ,snoitca yratilim cificeps ,skcatta emocnI morf detpmexE tsirorret yb detceffa slaudividni no nedrub eht esae ot dednetni si noisivorp ehT .bstnemyap stnemyaP noitagitiM noitagitim retsasid niatrec fo esac eht ni ekam ro astnemyap feiler retsasid deifilauq sa dna feileR retsasiD eviecer sreyapxat stnemyap yna fo emocni morf noitpmexe eht rof sedivorp noisivorp sihT 931 .ceS noitceS edoC noitpircseD euneveR lanretnI emocnI morf detpmexE sniaG .3 elbaT .noitamrofni erom rof amliW dna ,atiR ,anirtaK senacirruH yb detceffA sreyapxaT rof noitamrofnI ,2944 noitacilbup )SRI( ecivreS euneveR lanretnI eht eeS .sessenisub dna slaudividni htob ot seilppa siht ;raey ssol gnitarepo ten eht erofeb sraey xat evif eht ot kcab deirrac eb nac ssol enoZ ytinutroppO fluG deifilauq a saw taht ssol gnitarepo ten a fo noitrop ehT :)531-901 .L.P( 5002 fo tcA enoZ ytinutroppO fluG .a sessenisuB rof noitcudeD .sretsasid deralced yllaitnediserp ot eud sLON ssoL gnitarepO teN deniatsus taht smraf dna sessenisub llams rof dewolla si LON a rof kcabyrrac raey-eerht A )b(271 .ceS slaudividnI rof noitcudeD .tfeht morf ro ,ytlausac rehto ro kcerwpihs ,mrots ,erif morf ytreporp ssoL gnitarepO teN fo ssol a sniatsus reyapxat laudividni na nehw dewolla si LON a rof kcabyrrac raey-eerht A )b(271 .ceS .sretsasid yb detceffa sessenisub dna slaudividni rof snoisivorp cificeps rof woleb )b(271 .ceS eeS .sessenisub dna slaudividni ot seilppA .ylevitcepser ",srevoyrrac" dna "skcabyrrac" sa nwonk era sdohtem esehT .raey LON eht retfa sraey 02 ot pu rof emocni elbaxat tsniaga deilppa dna drawrof deirrac neht dna ,raey LON eht erofeb asraey xat owt eht ni emocni elbaxat tsniaga detcuded dna kcab deirrac eb yam LON a ,lareneg nI .raey eht gnirud emocni naht sesnepxe erom derrucni sah reyapxat eht nehw srucco yllareneg sihT noitcudeD .emocni elbaxat evitagen a ni gnitluser ,emocni elbaxat eht naht retaerg era snoitcuded ssoL gnitarepO teN xat elbawolla s'reyapxat a ,raey xat a gnirud ,nehw srucco )LON( ssol gnitarepo ten A 271 .ceS noitceS edoC noitpircseD euneveR lanretnI sessoL gnitarepO teN .2 elbaT ¡ .slaudividni ot seilppA .cte ,noitatropsnart ,doof ,gnisuoh sa hcus ,lavivrus cisab rof derrucni sesnepxe ot detimil si noisulcxe sihT .ecnediser eht fo ycnapucco ro esu fo ssol eht morf derrucni sesnepxe gnivil rof dlohesuoh eht fo srebmem dna laudividni eht esrubmier sesnepxE gniviL ro etasnepmoc ot tcartnoc ecnarusni na morf edam stnemyap edulcni ton seod emocni niatreC rof stcartnoC ssorg ,ytlausac a hcus fo ecnerrucco fo taerht ro ecnerrucco eht fo esuaceb seitirohtua ecnarusnI rednU latnemnrevog yb ecnediser lapicnirp reh ro sih ot ssecca deined si ohw ro ,ytlausac devieceR stnemyaP rehto ro ,mrots ,erif yb deyortsed ro degamad si ecnediser lapicnirp esohw reyapxat a roF 321 .ceS .slaudividni ot seilppA .ecnediser lapicnirp a ot ytlausac a ni gnitluser )msirorret ro raw fo tca ro( retsasid edam-nam ro larutan a dna ecnediser a fo noisrevnoc yratnulovni eht edulcni secnatsmucric neeserofnu ,)2()e(3-121.1§ .geR rednu detsil sA .noisulcxe decuder a mialc yam reyapxat eht ,ecnatsmucric neeserofnu na secneirepxe tub tset esu eht teem ot sliaf reyapxat a fI .)evif tsal eht fo ecnatsmucriC tuo sraey owt rof osla ,esuoh eht denwo sah( tset pihsrenwo na dna )sraey evif tsal eht fo neeserofnU na fo tuo sraey owt tsael ta rof esuoh eht ni devil sah( tset esu a steem reyapxat eht fi dedulcxe tnevE eht ni ecnediseR si snruter tnioj gnilif selpuoc deirram rof 000,005$ dna sreyapxat elgnis rof 000,052$ lapicnirP fo elaS ot pu fo niaG .xat ot tcejbus si dna niag latipac a si ,stnemevorpmi emoh sulp ,tsoc morf niaG fo noisulcxE lanigiro eht revo ecirp elas eht fo ssecxe eht ,ecnediser lanosrep a slles laudividni na nehW 121 .ceS .)sraey eerht si ytreporp ssenisub denmednoc sretsasiD rof doirep tnemecalper eht( dezilaer si niag noisrevnoc eht fo trap yna hcihw ni raey deralceD yllaitnediserP xat tsrif eht fo esolc eht retfa sraey owt si ytreporp ssenisub rof doirep tnemecalper ehT yb degamaD ytreporP .esoprup ssenisub fo epyt a rof dleh llits si ytreporp tnemecalper eht sa gnol sa ,noisrevnoc ssenisuB rof eluR eht no niag ezingocer ot gnivah diova ot redro ni ytreporp lanigiro eht ot ecivres ni detaler laicepS :snoisrevnoC ro ralimis si taht ytreporp htiw ti ecalper ot deriuqer ton si reyapxat eht ,retsasid deralced yratnulovnI yllaitnediserp a fo tluser a sa detrevnoc yliratnulovni si ytreporp ssenisub s'reyapxat a fI )h(3301 .ceS .dezilaer si niag noisrevnoc eht fo trap yna hcihw ni raey xat tsrif eht fo esolc eht retfa sraey ruof si retsasid deralced yllaitnediserp a fo tluser a sa detrevnoc yliratnulovni ytreporp rof doirep tnemecalper ehT )3( .ytreporp tnemecalper eht fo tsoc eht sdeecxe dnuf nommoc eht taht tnetxe eht ot ylno niag ezingocer ot tcele yam renwo eht ,)stnetnoc sti ro( ecnediser detrevnoc eht ot esu ro ecivres ni detaler ro ralimis si taht ytreporp esahcrup ot desu si dnuf eht fI .dnuf nommoc a sa detaert eb yam stnetnoc sti ro ecnediser eht rof deviecer sdeecorp ecnarusni rehto ynA )2( .dezingocer ton si )ycilop sretsasiD ecnarusni eht rednu derevoc gnieb sa detsil ton si taht emoh eht ni ytreporp( ytreporp deralceD yllaitnediserP lanosrep deludehcsnu rof sdeecorp ecnarusni fo tpiecer eht morf dezilaer niaG )1( yb degamaD ytreporP lanosreP rof seluR :sdeecorp ecnarusni laicepS :snoisrevnoC niatrec gnidrager skaerb xat eerht rof yfilauq retsasid deralced yllaitnediserp a fo tluser yratnulovnI a sa detrevnoc yliratnulovni si )stnetnoc sti fo yna ro( ecnediser lapicnirp esohw sreyapxaT )h(3301 .ceS .sretsasid deralced yllaitnediserp yb degamad ytreporp ssenisub dna laitnediser htob rof selur laiceps rof woleb )h(3301 .ceS eeS .sessenisub dna slaudividni ot seilppA .ytreporp detrevnoc eht ot esu ro ecivres ni detaler ro ralimis ytreporp ni rennam ylemit a ni detsevnier dna ,fo desopsid yliratnulovni ro yliroslupmoc si ytreporp fi derrefed si snoisrevnoc yratnulovni morf dezilaer niaG .drawa noitanmednoc a ro ecnarusni sa hcus ,tnemyap ni yenom ro ytreporp rehto seviecer ehs ro eh dna noitanmednoc fo taerht eht rednu fo desopsid ro snoisrevnoC ,denmednoc ,nelots ,deyortsed si ytreporp s'eno nehw srucco noisrevnoc yratnulovni nA 3301 .ceS noitceS edoC noitpircseD euneveR lanretnI ¡ .sexat ytlanep dna emocni gnirrucni tuohtiw rehtona ot nalp tnemeriter eno ni sdnuf eht gnirrefsnart fo ssecorp eht si revollor A .b .6002 ,82 yraurbeF naht reilrae on gnidne ,amliW ro ,atiR ,anirtaK senacirruH yb detceffa sreyapxat niatrec rof stca evitisnes-emit rehto niatrec gnimrofrep dna ,sexat gniyap ,snruter gnilif ot deilppa taht senildaed dnetxe ot SRI eht swolla )37-901 .L.P( 5002 fo tcA feileR ycnegremE anirtaK ehT .a .sessenisub dna slaudividni ot seilppA .noitca yratilim ro tsirorret ,retsasid eht fo etad eht retfa sdoirep rof sexat ot snoitidda dna ,seitlanep ,tseretni etaba ro eviaw ot SRI eht swolla noisivorp siht ,noitidda nI .swal eunever lanretni eht rednu dettimrep ro deriuqer tca rehto yna )7( ro ,dnufer ro tiderc rof mialc hcus no tius yna fo gnilif eht )6( ,dnufer ro tiderc rof mialc a fo gnilif eht )5( ,noisiced truoC xaT a fo weiver ro ycneicifed a fo noitanimreteder rof noititep truoC xaT a fo gnilif eht )4( ,)stessa nalp fo brevollor eht ro snoitubirtnoc fo noitaziretcarahcer ,snoitubirtsid deriuqer gnidulcni( nalp tnemeriter deifilauq a ot snoitubirtnoc fo gnikam eht )3( ,)gnidlohhtiw xat emocni gnidulcni( xat tnemyolpme ro ,xat esicxe ,xat refsnart gnippiks-noitareneg ,xat tfig ,etatse ,emocni yna fo tnemyap eht )2( snoitcA yratiliM ro ,xat esicxe ro ,tnemyolpme ,tfig ,etatse ,emocni fo nruter yna fo gnilif eht )1( tsirorreT ro retsasiD deralceD yllaitnediserP :)"retsasid deralced yllaitnediserp fo fo nosaeR yb seeF nosaer yb senildaed detaler-xat niatrec fo tnemenoptsoP" ,1-A8057.103§ .geR rep( edulcni ro/dna tseretnI etabA denoptsop eb yam taht snoitca reyapxat ehT .snoitca yratilim ro tsirorret yb ro retsasid dna senildaeD niatreC deralced yllaitnediserp a yb detceffa sreyapxat rof araey eno ot pu rof swal xat laredef enoptsoP ot ytirohtuA rednu desopmi snoitatimil fo etutats ro enildaed yna enoptsop ot dettimrep si SRI ehT A8057 .ceS noitceS edoC noitpircseD euneveR lanretnI stnemenoptsoP .4 elbaT .noitagitim drazah rof ytreporp eht fo renwo eht fo tifeneb eht rof ro ot edam eb tsum stnemyap ehT .tcA ecnarusnI doolF lanoitaN eht ro tcA droffatS eht ot tnausrup diap tnuoma yna si tnemyap noitagitim retsasid deifilauq A .b .eraflew lareneg eht etomorp ot redro ni retsasid deifilauq a htiw noitcennoc ni ,foereht ytilatnemurtsni ro ,ycnega ,tnemnrevog lacol ,etatS ,laredeF a yb diap si tnuoma hcus fi )4(ro ;retsasid deifilauq a morf gnitluser seirujni lacisyhp lanosrep ro htaed eht ot eud ,reirrac nommoc a sa noitatropsnart fo elas ro gnihsinruf eht ni degagne nosrep a yb )3(;retsasid deifilauq a ot eud si tnemecalper ro ,noitatilibaher ,riaper hcus rof deen eht taht tnetxe eht ot stnetnoc sti ecalper ro riaper ot ,ecnediser lanosrep a etatilibaher ro riaper ot derrucni sesnepxe yrassecen dna elbanosaer rof yap ro esrubmier ot )2(;retsasid deifilauq a ot eud derrucni sesnepxe larenuf ro ,gnivil ,ylimaf ,lanosrep yrassecen dna elbanosaer rof yap ro esrubmier ot )1( :snaem rehto yna yb ro ecnarusni yb detasnepmoc ton si tnemyap eht erehw ,laudividni na fo tifeneb eht rof ro ot diap tnuoma yna sedulcni tnemyap feiler retsasid deifilauq A .a ¡ .slaudividni ot seilppA .ecneicsnoc doog tsniaga dna elbatiuqeni eb dluow ytlanep eht fo noitisopmi eht dna ecnatsmucric lausunu rehto ro retsasid ,ytlausac ot eud si tnemyaprednu eht fi ytlanep tnemyaprednu eht eviaw ot dezirohtua si SRI ehT xaT .tnemyaprednu emocnI detamitsE yaP eht fo doirep eht rof ,tnemyaprednu eht no eurcca dluow taht tseretni eht ot ot laudividnI yb eruliaF lauqe ytlanep a ot tcejbus si xat emocni detamitse reh ro sih syaprednu ohw laudividni nA 4566 .ceS noitceS edoC noitpircseD euneveR lanretnI xaT emocnI fo tnemyaprednU .7 elbaT stnuoccA tnemeriteR laudividnI 804 .ceS dna snalP .slaudividni ot seilppA tnemeriteR reyolpmE 204 .ceS .enildaed revollor eht ot tcejbus laudividni eht fo lortnoc elbanosaer eht dnoyeb stneve rehto ro ,retsasid ,ytlausac edulcni spihsdrah deredisnoc eb dluoc taht stnevE .ecneicsnoc :snoitces ot seilppA doog ro ytiuqe tsniaga eb dluow enildaed eht eviaw ot eruliaf erehw snoitautis pihsdrah ni doirep yad-06 eht eviaw ot yrusaerT eht fo yraterceS eht rof wolla osla snoitces htoB noisnetxE enildaeD--snalP .sexat ytlanep dna emocni gnirrucni diova ot redro ni syad tnemeriteR otni 06 nihtiw nalp elbigile na ot derrefsnart eb tsum ,yraicifeneb ro ,tnapicitrap ,eeyolpme eht snoitubirtsiD derrefeD yb deviecer snalp derrefed-xat morf snoitubirtsid revollor taht etatcid 804 dna 204 .sceS -xaT fo srevolloR noitceS edoC noitpircseD euneveR lanretnI srevolloR--snalP tnemeriteR .6 elbaT .sessenisub ot seilppA .retsasid hcus fo emit eht ta elas rof sebut ro srepap etteragic ro stcudorp occabot hcus gnidloh nosrep eht ot edam eb llahs noitces siht yb dezirohtua stnemyap ehT .retsasid hcus fo emit eht ta elas rof dednetni dna dleh erew sebut ro srepap etteragic ro stcudorp occabot hcus fi ylno edam era stnemesrubmieR .retsasid hcus fo nosaer yb laiciffo dezirohtua ylud a yb denmednoc ro ,elbatekramnu deredner ,tsol erew hcihw ,devomer stcudorP sebut dna ,srepap etteragic ,stcudorp occabot no diap seitud smotsuc dna denimreted occaboT fo ssoL ro diap ylsuoiverp sexat eunever lanretni eht fo tnuoma eht )tseretni tuohtiw( esrubmier rof tnemesrubmieR xaT llahs yrusaerT eht fo yraterceS eht ,retsasid deralced yllaitnediserp a fo esac eht nI 8075 .ceS noitceS edoC noitpircseD euneveR lanretnI stnemesrubmieR xaT .5 elbaT ¡ ¡ The toll-free IRS disaster help line is (866) 562-5227. Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief for Individuals and Businesses,,id=156138,00.html Publication 547, Casualties, Disasters and Thefts Publication 4492, Information for Taxpayers Affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma CRS Report RS22249, Income Tax Relief in Times of Disaster, by Pamela J. Jackson. CRS Report RS22269, Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005, by Erika Lunder. CRS Report RS22344, The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005, by Erika Lunder. Jennifer Teefy Information Research Specialist, 7-7625 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see