For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ £ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¢ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress £ ¢ Authorities to direct federal preparedness for and response to public health emergencies are found principally in the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act), and are administered by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). Three recent laws provided the core of these authorities. P.L. 106-505, the Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act of 2000 (Title I of the Public Health Improvement Act), established a number of new programs and authorities, including grants to states to build public health preparedness. P.L. 107-188, the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, was passed in the aftermath of the 2001 terror attacks. It reauthorized several existing programs and established new ones, including grants to states to build hospital and health system preparedness. P.L. 108-276, the Project BioShield Act of 2004, established authorities to encourage the development of specific countermeasures (such as drugs and vaccines for bioterrorism agents) that would not otherwise have a commercial market. The laws above built upon existing broad authorities allowing or requiring the Secretary of HHS to prepare for or respond to outbreaks of infectious disease and other unanticipated health threats. Other laws--such as P.L. 107-296, creating a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-- have added to the slate of public health preparedness and response authorities as well. Further, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (the Stafford Act, administered by DHS), which authorizes federal assistance and other activities in response to presidentially declared emergencies and major disasters, is also, to some extent, a source of federal authority for the response to public health threats. The 109th Congress passed P.L. 109-417, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. The act reauthorized a number of expiring preparedness and response programs in the PHS Act, and established some new authorities, including the creation of a Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a new office in HHS to support, coordinate, and provide oversight of advanced development of vaccines and biodefense countermeasures. The act's provisions reflected the concerns of Members of the 109th Congress and others regarding the flawed response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and the threat of a possible influenza pandemic. A comparison of provisions in P.L. 109-417 with preexisting law is provided in Table 1 later in this report. The 110th Congress will likely be interested in the implementation of provisions in P.L. 109-417, and in the continued evolution of relationships between HHS, DHS, the states, and others among whom coordination is essential in a time of heightened concern about national security. Members of the 110th Congress may wish to consider legislation to address additional expiring public health authorities, such as the Select Agent program to control access to pathogens that could be used for bioterrorism, which expires at the end of FY2007. Congress may also wish to examine the adequacy of certain permanent emergency response and funding authorities of the Secretary of HHS. £ Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Legislative History .......................................................................................................................... 2 The 109th Congress.................................................................................................................... 2 Major Legislation in the 107th and 108th Congresses ................................................................ 5 Major Legislation Prior to the 2001 Terrorist Attacks............................................................... 6 Additional Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports ........................................................... 7 Table 1. Provisions of P.L. 109-417, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, and Comparison with Preexisting Law ............................................................................................... 8 Author Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 29 £ On December 19, 2006, President George W. Bush signed S. 3678, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (P.L. 109-417), which authorizes appropriations through FY2011 to improve bioterrorism and other public health emergency preparedness and response activities, and establishes the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the advanced research and development of medical countermeasures. The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act effected the second comprehensive reauthorization of federal programs designed to improve the nation's readiness for public health threats such as bioterrorism or pandemic influenza. Many of these authorities, found principally in the Public Health Service Act and implemented by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), were first explicitly authorized in 2000 (P.L. 106-505), amid growing concerns about global terrorist activity and emerging infectious diseases. Congress reviewed, extended and expanded many of these authorities following the terrorist attacks of 2001 (P.L. 107-188). The anthrax attacks, in particular, had put a harsh spotlight on a public health system that was poorly coordinated and otherwise unfit for 21st century challenges. As the 109th Congress began its consideration of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act in 2005, Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, while a new strain of avian flu, on a steady march across Europe and Asia, threatened a global pandemic. In this context, Members of Congress considered the challenges of bolstering a public health system that is based largely in state authority, and a healthcare system that is largely in private hands. Congress grappled, on the federal level, with integrating the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) into the nation's preparedness and response activities. The challenges of building effective, coordinated systems across federal agencies, with state and local governments, with private industry, with citizens, and with foreign nations, were formidable as well. The 110th Congress will likely be interested in the implementation of provisions in P.L. 109-417, and in the continued evolution of relationships between HHS, DHS, the states, and others among whom coordination is essential in a time of heightened concern about national security. Members of the 110th Congress may wish to consider legislation to address additional expiring public health authorities, such as the Select Agent program to control access to pathogens that could be used for bioterrorism, which expires at the end of FY2007. Congress may also wish to examine certain permanent emergency response and funding authorities of the Secretary of HHS.1 This report discusses some key provisions in the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (P.L. 109-417), and provides a history of prior public health and medical preparedness and response legislation. A comparison of provisions in P.L. 109-417 with preexisting law is provided in Table 1 later in this report. 1 For more information, see CRS Report RS22602, Public Health and Medical Preparedness and Response: Issues in the 110th Congress, by Sarah A. Lister. £ ¢ In July 2006, Senator Burr introduced S. 3678, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. This bill proposed a comprehensive reauthorization of health preparedness and response programs in Title I of P.L. 107-188, the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. In addition, several bills were introduced in the 109th Congress to enhance Project BioShield, the HHS program to develop and procure specific countermeasures (such as drugs and vaccines for victims of bioterrorism) for the Strategic National Stockpile. These included S. 3 (Gregg), S. 975 (Lieberman), S. 1873 (Burr), S. 1880 (Kennedy), S. 2564 (Burr), and H.R. 5533 (Rogers).2 The two legislative initiatives proceeded along parallel tracks until December 2006, when BioShield provisions were attached to S. 3678 as a new Title IV, and the amended bill passed in both chambers. The bill was signed by the President on December 19, 2006, and became P.L. 109-417. Some key provisions of this law are discussed below. A comparison of provisions in P.L. 109-417 with preexisting law is provided in Table 1 later in this report. One of the most difficult challenges faced by Congress and other policymakers following the 2001 terror attacks was to envision those catastrophic threats for which the nation must be prepared, define the capabilities needed to assure national preparedness, and determine the appropriate federal activities and incentives needed to achieve these goals among federal, state, and local governments, and the private sector. Both of the earlier bioterrorism laws, P.L. 106-505 and P.L. 107-188, had called on the Secretary of HHS, in collaboration with other stakeholders, to define core national capacities for preparedness and response for public health and medical emergencies. The process has been a challenge. However, recent efforts at DHS, to develop national preparedness goals and target capabilities, have helped to define certain large-scale public health and medical capabilities--such as rapid disease detection, mass prophylaxis, and medical surge--that would be required for an effective response to mass casualty incidents, and that would require a substantial federal coordinating effort.3 The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act would require the Secretary of HHS to prepare a quadrennial National Health Security Strategy and implementation plan, to include preparedness goals for federal, state, and local governments in harmony with national preparedness and response efforts at DHS. In October 2006, the President signed P.L. 109-295, the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 (called the "Post-Katrina Act," included in DHS appropriations for FY2007). The act reauthorized and reorganized programs in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA, in DHS).4 Among other things, the law also codified the position of Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at DHS, the individual who coordinates all departmental activities regarding medical and public health aspects of disasters. Since the Secretary of DHS serves as the federal lead for a coordinated national response to disasters, including terrorism, Members of Congress 2 For more information, seeCRS Report RS21507, Project BioShield: Purposes and Authorities, by Frank Gottron. 3 For more information, see CRS Report RL32803, The National Preparedness System: Issues in the 109th Congress, by Keith Bea. 4 See CRS Report RL33729, Federal Emergency Management Policy Changes After Hurricane Katrina: A Summary of Statutory Provisions, by Keith Bea et al. £ were interested in clarifying the relationship between the CMO and the Secretary of HHS in disaster preparedness and response. The Post-Katrina Act provides that the CMO "shall have the primary responsibility within the Department for medical issues related to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters."5 (Emphasis added.) The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act provides that "The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall lead all Federal public health and medical response to public health emergencies and incidents covered by the National Response Plan...."6 (Emphasis added.) Members of Congress will likely be interested in how this statutory division of authority is implemented by the two departments. The 109th Congress considered several measures to improve Project BioShield, a program to encourage the development of promising chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear countermeasures that the private sector might not otherwise develop. The 108th Congress launched the program in the Project BioShield Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-276), providing $5.6 billion for the program over 10 years. Project BioShield allows the government to guarantee a market for specified amounts of particular countermeasures. Under this program, HHS can solicit bids for specific countermeasures and execute contracts for the delivery of countermeasures at guaranteed prices even if the countermeasure has up to eight more years of development.7 The government only pays for the countermeasure on delivery. As time has passed with little perceived progress on some major identified countermeasure targets, criticism of this program has mounted. The cancellation of the next-generation anthrax vaccine contract, the largest BioShield contract to date, has highlighted these criticisms. The 109th Congress considered several measures to improve Project BioShield results, including S. 3 (Gregg), S. 975 (Lieberman), S. 1873 (Burr), S. 1880 (Kennedy), S. 2564 (Burr), and H.R. 5533 (Rogers). Congress incorporated some of the proposals in these bills into the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, Title IV. This law requires the HHS Secretary to develop and make public a strategic plan to guide HHS research and development and procurement of countermeasures. It also creates the Biodefense Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in HHS. This office is to help implement the strategic plan, directly support countermeasure advanced development, and facilitate communication between the government and countermeasure developers. This law allows HHS to make milestone-based payments for Project BioShield contracts which do not have to be repaid even if the product is never delivered. It also permits the HHS Secretary to hold meetings and execute specific agreements with multiple potential countermeasure developers that would otherwise violate antitrust laws, contingent on prior approval of the Attorney General and the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. Since FY2002, Congress has provided approximately $7 billion in grants to states to build public health and hospital preparedness for public health threats. Presumably due to national security concerns and other sensitivities, HHS has not published comprehensive or state-specific information regarding states' performance toward meeting the objectives for these grant programs. Congress has been keenly interested in the management of these grants, on topics ranging from the relevance of broad program goals in achieving national preparedness, to the 5 P.L. 109-295, 120 STAT 1409. 6 P.L. 109-417, Section 101. 7 For more information, seeCRS Report RS21507, Project BioShield: Purposes and Authorities, by Frank Gottron; and CRS Report RL33907, Project BioShield: Appropriations, Acquisitions, and Policy Implementation Issues for Congress, by Frank Gottron. £ rigor of fiscal accounting mechanisms, to the balance of federal vs. state funding shares, to issues of program transparency. The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act extended the programs, adding certain new program elements including federal authority to withhold funds for failure to meet program requirements, a state matching requirement, and a requirement that the Secretary of HHS publish certain information about program activities and performance on a federal Internet website available to the public. There was considerable discussion in the 109th Congress regarding whether a medical disaster response could function effectively when the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS), a key federal medical response asset, was based at DHS rather than at HHS.8 NDMS had been transferred from HHS to DHS in P.L. 107-296, the Homeland Security Act, effective when the new department was created in 2003. In studying the response to Hurricane Katrina, Congressional and White House investigators found that, among other problems, NDMS deployments were made by FEMA without the knowledge or involvement of personnel at HHS.9 The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act transferred NDMS back to HHS, effective January 1, 2007.10 (Congress also made this transfer in the Post-Katrina Act. The transfer was supported by the Administration.11) A key to the management of incidents of bioterrorism or emerging infectious disease threats is the ability to detect the incidents early, and to distribute countermeasures to affected populations in time to prevent or cure illness. An element of early detection are the information systems used to report and compare a variety of types of relevant information in a timely manner across jurisdictions. The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act requires the Secretary of HHS to establish a national electronic network for sharing of public health surveillance information in near-real time, and authorizes grants to states to establish or operate systems in this network. The act also requires the Secretary to establish a nationwide system to track influenza vaccine that may be used during a pandemic, and to identify ways to expand the use of telehealth capabilities in emergency response. Achieving near-real-time national information systems for disease detection or resource tracking is complicated by the need to develop a common set of data standards to serve multiple purposes. At the same time, the systems must address concerns about the privacy and security of personal health information, as well as commercially sensitive information such as the health status of food-producing animals, or the quantities and distribution pathways of patented medicines.12 8 NDMS consists of a number of medical response teams that can deploy to a scene rapidly and set up self-sustaining field operations for up to 72 hours, until additional federal support arrives. Additional information about NDMS is available in CRS Report RL33096, 2005 Gulf Coast Hurricanes: The Public Health and Medical Response, by Sarah A. Lister. 9 See the U.S. House of Representatives, A Failure of Initiative: The Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina, p. 297, February 2006, at; U.S. Senate, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Hurricane Katrina: A Nation Still Unprepared, chapter 24, p. 29, May 2006, at; and the White House, The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned, p. 47, February 2006, at learned/. 10 See HHS NDMS home page at 11 Office of Management and Budget, "Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 5441--Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill, FY2007," Senate version, July 12, 2006, p. 2, at legislative/sap/109-2/hr5441sap-s.pdf. 12 For more information, see the HHS Health Information Technology home page at, and (continued...) £ Authority for health professions programs in Title VII of the Public Health Service Act expired in 2002. These programs, administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency in HHS, are primarily intended to alleviate shortages and maldistributions of healthcare workers. The public health workforce has, in contrast, received little federal attention over the years.13 The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act would authorize a loan repayment demonstration project for individuals who serve in health professional shortage areas or areas at high risk of a public health emergency. S. 506, the Public Health Preparedness Workforce Development Act of 2005, introduced in the Senate, proposed broader provisions to provide scholarship and loan repayment programs for health professionals who work in government public health agencies. The bill did not advance in the 109th Congress. Following the terror attacks of 2001, the 107th Congress passed the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act (P.L. 107-188, signed in June 2002, often called "the Bioterrorism Act") to improve the nation's readiness for bioterrorism, emerging infectious diseases, and other public health threats. A program of grants for state and local public health capacity, administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was reauthorized at $1.08 billion for FY2003, and such sums as may be necessary through FY2006.14 (The program had previously been authorized at $50 million for FY2001, prior to the terror attacks.) The law stipulated a funding formula, including a base amount plus an amount determined by population, with the intent that every state and territory receive funding for a variety of core public health preparedness activities. Under prior statutory authority (see below), the grants had been competitive. The Bioterrorism Act also established, for the first time, a program of grants to states to prepare hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities for bioterrorism and other mass-casualty events, to be administered by HRSA. Congress authorized $520 million for this program in FY2003, and such sums as may be necessary through FY2006. The Bioterrorism Act contained a number of other provisions for public health preparedness. Title I of the act included numerous additional provisions for building federal public health capacity, including creation of the position of Assistant Secretary for Public Health Emergency Preparedness (ASPHEP) at HHS,15 and expansion of security and preparedness activities at CDC. (...continued) the biosurveillance workgroup page at See alsoCRS Report RL32858, Health Information Technology: Promoting Electronic Connectivity in Healthcare, by C. Stephen Redhead. 13 For more information, see the section "Trends Affecting the Health Workforce: Emergency Preparedness," in CRS Report RL32546, Title VII Health Professions Education and Training: Issues in Reauthorization, by Bernice Reyes- Akinbileje. 14 The authorization for FY2002 funds was signed in June 2002, after the emergency supplemental appropriation for FY2002 was passed in January 2002 and distribution of awards to states was imminent. Conferees reported (in H.Rept. 107-481, accompanying P.L. 107-188) that they did not intend to delay or disrupt the ongoing awards process, and directed the Administration to continue its current approach to the awards. 15 This position was renamed the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, and the authorities were amended, in the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. £ Title I also expanded the program for the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) of countermeasures to diagnose and treat potential victims of terrorism or other public health emergencies. Title II of the act called on the Secretary of HHS to register laboratories and individuals in possession of Select Agents, those biological agents and toxins that pose a severe threat to public health and safety, and to promulgate new safety and security requirements for such facilities and individuals. Title III contained several provisions to protect the nation's food and drug supply and enhance agricultural security. Finally, Title IV of the act included provisions aimed at protecting the nation's drinking water supply, including authorizing $160 million to provide financial assistance to community water systems to conduct vulnerability assessments and prepare response plans.16 The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-276, signed in July 2004) created market incentives for the development of drugs, vaccines, biologics, other treatments and tests for biological and chemical agents--collectively called countermeasures--that would not otherwise be attractive to entrepreneurs.17 In addition, budget authority for the SNS was transferred from DHS back to HHS in the act, though both the Secretaries of HHS and of DHS retain authority to deploy SNS assets in an emergency. CDC continues to provide administrative management of the SNS, as it always has. In creating the new Department of Homeland Security, the 107th Congress considered a variety of public health preparedness programs and where they would best be located. In the end, the Homeland Security Act (P.L. 107-296, signed in November 2002) transferred to the new department only the Metropolitan Medical Response System (a municipal grant program), NDMS, and budget authority for the SNS, leaving most public health preparedness and response activities in HHS. The act directed the Secretary of HHS to collaborate with the Secretary of DHS in setting priorities for human health-related countermeasures research and development, and for all public health-related activities to improve state, local, and hospital preparedness and response, though these programmatic activities remained at HHS. Prior to the terrorist attacks of 2001, Congress passed the Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act of 2000 (Title I of the Public Health Improvement Act, P.L. 106-505, signed in November 2000) to address growing concerns about bioterrorism and emerging infectious diseases, and about the ability of the public health system to respond. Among other provisions, the law authorized $50 million for FY2001 (and such sums as may be necessary through FY2006) for competitive grants to build capacity in state and local health departments. This and other provisions would augment several public health infrastructure programs begun by CDC in the 1990s, including grants to states for epidemiology and laboratory capacity, and the creation of the Laboratory Response Network to assure nationwide capability for testing of biological agents during an actual or suspected bioterrorism incident. 16 For a summary of P.L. 107-188, see CRS Report RL31263, Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act (P.L. 107-188): Provisions and Changes to Preexisting Law, by C. Stephen Redhead, Donna U. Vogt, and Mary Tiemann. 17 For more information on Project BioShield, see CRS Report RS21507, Project BioShield: Purposes and Authorities, by Frank Gottron and CRS Report RL32549, Project BioShield: Legislative History and Side-by-Side Comparison of H.R. 2122, S. 15, and S. 1504, by Frank Gottron and Eric A. Fischer. £ In the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-132, signed in April 1996), Congress called on the Secretary of HHS to establish a program to identify and list specific infectious agents that could be used for bioterrorism, and to require the registration of facilities (typically laboratories) shipping those agents. The resultant Select Agent program is overseen by CDC and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Program authority was expended and extended through FY2007 in P.L. 107-188, in the aftermath of the anthrax attack. For more information regarding provisions in P.L. 107-188, see · CRS Report RL31263, Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act (P.L. 107-188): Provisions and Changes to Preexisting Law, by C. Stephen Redhead, Donna U. Vogt, and Mary Tiemann. · For more information regarding Project BioShield, seeCRS Report RS21507, Project BioShield: Purposes and Authorities, by Frank Gottron. · CRS Report RL33907, Project BioShield: Appropriations, Acquisitions, and Policy Implementation Issues for Congress, by Frank Gottron. For more information regarding public health preparedness and response authorities and programs in general, and in the context of specific threats, see: · CRS Report RS22602, Public Health and Medical Preparedness and Response: Issues in the 110th Congress, by Sarah A. Lister; · CRS Report RL33579, The Public Health and Medical Response to Disasters: Federal Authority and Funding, by Sarah A. Lister; · CRS Report RL31719, An Overview of the U.S. Public Health System in the Context of Emergency Preparedness, by Sarah A. Lister; · CRS Report RL33096, 2005 Gulf Coast Hurricanes: The Public Health and Medical Response, by Sarah A. Lister; · CRS Report RL33145, Pandemic Influenza: Domestic Preparedness Efforts, by Sarah A. Lister; · CRS Report RL33738, Gulf Coast Hurricanes: Addressing Survivors' Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Needs, by Ramya Sundararaman, Sarah A. Lister, and Erin D. Williams. For more information regarding the Stafford Act and related preparedness and response planning activities in DHS, see: · CRS Report RL33729, Federal Emergency Management Policy Changes After Hurricane Katrina: A Summary of Statutory Provisions, by Keith Bea et al. · CRS Report RL33053, Federal Stafford Act Disaster Assistance: Presidential Declarations, Eligible Activities, and Funding, by Keith Bea. ycnegreme lacidem dna htlaeh cilbup htiw gnilaed seicilop dna sevitaitini ,smargorp lanoitanretni ni pihsredael edivorp )6( dna ;seititne etavirp dna cilbup rehto dna noitartsinimdA secivreS lareneG eht ,ytiruceS dnalemoH dna AV fo seiraterceS eht htiw noitanidrooc ni ,seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup ot esnopser laredef fo stcepsa htlaeh cilbup dna lacidem rof troppus lacitsigol edivorp )5( ;seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup ot tcepser htiw secivres lacidem ycnegreme devorpmi etomorp ot dna ,seitivitca esnopser dna ssenderaperp fo noitargetni erusne ot slaiciffo htlaeh labirt dna lacol ,etats ,laredef 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tnetsisnoc dna ,ycnega laredef tnaveler rehto yna fo daeh eht dna ,)SHD( ytiruceS dnalemoH fo tnemtrapeD eht ,noitatropsnarT ,)DOD( esnefeD ,)AV( sriaffA snareteV fo seiraterceS eht htiw noitaroballoc ni )SHH( ,llahs yraterceS ehT .nalp rosseccus yna ro )PRN( nalP esnopseR secivreS namuH dna htlaeH lanoitaN eht yb derevoc stnedicni dna seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup fo yraterceS eht fo snoitcnuf ot esnopser lacidem dna htlaeh cilbup laredef lla dael ot yraterceS :esnopser dna ssenderaperp eht gniriuqer 1082 noitceS wen a sehsilbatse dna tcA )SHP( lacidem dna htlaeh ecivreS htlaeH cilbuP eht fo 1082 noitceS gnitsixe eht slaepeR .noisivorp elbacilppa oN cilbup rof pihsredael laredeF GNINNALP DNA NOITAZINAGRO ,PIHSREDAEL ,ESNOPSER DNA SSENDERAPERP LANOITAN :I ELTIT 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP waL gnitsixeerP htiw nosirapmoC dna ,tcA ssenderaperP sdrazaH-llA dna cimednaP eht ,714-901 .L.P fo snoisivorP .1 elbaT dna 8002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus fo noitairporppa eht sezirohtua tub ,7002YF rof gnidnuf ezirohtua ylticilpxe ton seod ,eettimmoC yrosivdA eht roF .seicnegremE htlaeH cilbuP dna slaudividnI ksiR-tA no eettimmoC yrosivdA na hsilbatse ot yraterceS eht eriuqer ot )2()b(F913 noitceS sdnemA .noitces siht ni debircsed seitud eht gnitnemelpmi no edam ssergorp eht gnibircsed troper a ssergnoC ot timbus dna eraperp ot ,tnemtcane retfa raey eno naht retal ton ,yraterceS eht seriuqeR .setats ot stnarg ssenderaperp dna SNS eht gnidulcni ,smargorp ssenderaperp lareves gniganam ni tnuocca otni slaudividni .seitivitca ssenderaperp ksir-ta fo sdeen eht ekat ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .yraterceS fo yteirav a gnitcudnoc nehw snoitalupop elbarenluv rehto eht yb denimreted sa ,ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a fo tneve eht dna nerdlihc fo sdeen eht redisnoc ot yraterceS eht deriuqer tcA SHP ni sdeen laiceps evah ohw slaudividni rehto dna snezitic roines eht ni snoisivorp lanoitiddA .raey eno retfa tesnus hcihw ,msirorreT ,nemow tnangerp ,nerdlihc sa denifed ,slaudividni ksir-ta fo sdeen dna nerdlihC no eettimmoC yrosivdA lanoitaN eht fo tnemhsilbatse eht sserdda ot tcA SHP eht fo 4182 noitceS wen a sehsilbatsE eht ,2002 ni ,deriuqer 881-701 .L.P .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN slaudividni ksir -tA ]b6-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .6002YF-3002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna 2002YF rof noillim 905$ ,tnempoleved eniccav xopllams rof ,dezirohtua dna ,dnuf evreser laiceps ]201 noitceS[ .6002YF ni deripxe a ni stnuoma ot noitidda ni ,6002YF-3002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa hcihw ,SNS eht rof ytirohtua snoitairporppa dnetxe ton seoD smus hcus dna 2002YF rof noillim 046$ dezirohtuA .SNS eht yolped ot ytirohtua evah ]213 § .C.S.U 6[ SHD fo yraterceS eht dna ])G()2()a(b6 .weiver hcus -d742 § .C.S.U 24[ SHH fo yraterceS eht htoB .tcA noitamrofnI no desab stnetnoc eht ot snoitacifidom ro snoitidda yrassecen fo modeerF eht rednu erusolcsid morf snoitacol elipkcots no ekam dna ,seilppus lacituecamrahp-non gnidulcni ,elipkcots noitamrofni detcetorP .ytiruces lacisyhp sti erusne dna ,AV dna SHD eht fo stnetnoc eht fo )slaudividni ksir-ta tnuocca otni gnikat( fo seiraterceS eht htiw noitanidrooc ni ,SNS eht eganam ot yraterceS weiver launna na tcudnoc ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .SNS eht eht deriuqeR .ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup rehto ro kcatta tsirorretoib gniniatniam ni noitneverP dna lortnoC esaesiD rof sretneC eht a fo tneve eht ni sdeen ytiruces htlaeh s'noitan eht teem ot seilppus fo rotceriD htiw etaroballoc ot yraterceS eht eriuqer ot ])1()a(b6 rehto dna ,secived lacidem ,seniccav ,sgurd fo )SNS( elipkcotS lanoitaN -d742 § .C.S.U 24[ tcA SHP eht fo )1()a(2-F913 noitceS sdnemA cigetartS a rof ytirohtua yrotutats dedivorp 2-F913 noitceS tcA SHP elipkcotS lanoitaN cigetartS ]201 noitceS[ .1102YF-7002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus fo noitairporppa eht sezirohtuA .A913 noitceS slaepeR .yraterceS eht yb etairporppa denimreted sa seitud rehto dna ;evitaitinI ssenidaeR seitiC eht dna )SNS( elipkcotS lanoitaN cigetartS eht ,)I913 noitceS ot tnausrup( slanoisseforP htlaeH reetnuloV fo noitartsigeR ecnavdA eht rof metsyS ycnegremE eht ,)tca siht ni detangised sa ,3182 noitceS ot tnausrup( sproC evreseR lacideM eht etanidrooc llahs dna ;)tca siht ni detangised sa ,2-C913 noitceS ot tnausrup( tnemeergA evitarepooC ssenderaperP latipsoH eht ,SMDN fo seitilibail dna stessa ,lennosrep ,snoitcnuf eht rof ytilibisnopser dna revo ytirohtua evah llahs RPSA ehT .esnopser dna ssenderaperp 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP rednu debircsed slaog ssenderaperp eht eveihca ot desu eb llahs eb gnidnuf ssenderaperp htlaeh cilbup taht tnemeriuqer ehT :etoN sdrawA .slanoisseforP htlaeH reetnuloV fo noitartsigeR ecnavdA .6002YF-4002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna ,seirotirret rof metsyS ycnegremE eht ni etapicitrap ,9002YF yb ,llahs dna setats ot stnarg kcolb rof 3002YF rof noillib 80.1$ dezirohtuA seititne elbigilE .noitamrofni rehto dna ,yraterceS eht yb denifed .yraterceS eht yb ksir fo tnemssessa eht ni noitacifidom yna ot tcejbus sdradnats ot gnidrocca ecnamrofrep 'seetnarg ,sllird fo tcudnoc ,seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup rehto revo ytiroirp ekat ot saw esaesid launna eht gnidrager stroper ,deriuqer sa ,yraterceS eht ot timbus suoitcefni fo skaerbtuo dna msirorretoib ot esnopser dna ssenderaperp llahs seetnarG .airetirc lanoitidda niatrec dna gninnalp azneulfni rof sdnuf fo esU .tuo deirrac eb ot seitivitca eht gnibircsed cimednap gnidulcni noitamrofni niatnoc ot ,nalP esnopseR dna nalp esnopser dna ssenderaperp ycnegreme na timbus ,drawa ssenderaperP ycnegremE htlaeH cilbuP sdrazaH-llA na ,deriuqer na gniviecer fo syad 06 nihtiw ,tsum dna sdeen yticapac htlaeh cilbup sa ,yraterceS eht ot timbus dna eraperp llahs seetnarG .setats eroc fo noitaulave B913 noitceS a detelpmoc evah tsum seititne elbigilE fo snoisividbus lacitilop niatrec ro ,setats fo aitrosnoc ,setats sa .snoisividbus fo aitrosnoc ro ,setats fo snoisividbus lacitilop ,setats erew snoitairporppa seititne elbigile senifeD .)k( hguorht )i( snoitcesbus setangiseder seititne elbigilE .seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup rehto dna msirorretoib ot rof ytirohtua dna seititne ro sdda dna )i( hguorht )a(1-C913 snoitcesbus tcA SHP esnopser dna ssenderaperp htlaeh cilbup evorpmi ot seititne elbigile ot elbigile :ssenderaperp htlaeh secalper dna slaepeR .C913 dna B913 snoitceS tcA SHP slaepeR sdrawa ekam ot yraterceS eht deriuqer tcA SHP eht fo 1-C913 noitceS cilbup rof setats ot stnarG SSENDERAPERP YTIRUCES HTLAEH CILBUP :II ELTIT ]1-d742 ]301 noitceS[ .ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a fo tneve § .C.S.U 24[ .6002YF-2002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna eht ni snoitarepo labirt dna ,lacol ,etats ,laredef fo ytiunitnoc ,1002YF rof noillim 4$ dezirohtuA .msirorretoib fo stca ro ,snegohtap )6( dna ;seitivitca esnopser dna ,ssenderaperp ,gninnalp labirt tnatsiser-gurd ,esaesid suoitcefni fo skaerbtuo niatnoc dna ,esongaid dna ,lacol ,etats ,laredef fo noitanidrooc )5( ;slaudividni ksir-ta fo ,tceted ot elba eb ot smetsys htlaeh cilbup lacol dna ,etats ,lanoitan sdeen eht rof snoisivorp )4( ;esnopser dna ssenderaperp lacidem rof dedeen seiticapac esoht hsilbatse ot ,slaiciffo htlaeh lacol dna etats rof seitilibapac )3( ;esnopser dna ssenderaperp htlaeh cilbup rof htiw rehtegot ,yraterceS eht deriuqer tcA SHP eht fo A913 noitceS seitilibapac )2( ;smetsys dna seitilibapac esnopser fo noitargetni )1( :rof slaog ssenderaperp edulcni ygetartS ytiruceS htlaeH ]hh003 § .C.S.U 24[ .htlaeh cilbup tcetorp ot ytirohtua lanoitaN eht taht gniriuqer )b(2082 noitceS wen a sehsilbatsE evitalsigel wen rof snoitadnemmocer gnidulcni ,slaog ssenderaperp lanoitan eht gniteem sdrawot edam ssergorp no ,retfaereht yllainneib .ecrofkrow htlaeh cilbup deraperp dna ,raey eno nihtiw ssergnoC ot troper ot yraterceS eht deriuqeR a hsilbatse ot ygetarts a dna ,ssenderaperp drawot seititne .slaog evif sti gniveihca dna nalp lanoitan eht gnitnemelpmi ni ssergorp labirt dna ,lacol ,etats ,laredef yb edam ssergorp fo noitaulave etaulave ot serusaem emoctuo poleved dna stnemnrevog lacol na edulcni llahs nalp dna ygetarts ehT .nalp rosseccus yna dna etats htiw etanidrooc ot yraterceS eht deriuqeR .ssenidaer ytilicaf ro ,)SHD( ytiruceS dnalemoH fo tnemtrapeD eht yb depoleved erachtlaeh rehto dna latipsoh ecnahne )v( dna ;seitivitca esnopser dna ,PRN eht dna metsyS tnemeganaM tnedicnI lanoitaN eht ,laoG ,ssenderaperp ,gninnalp lacol dna ,etats ,laredef fo noitacilpud eziminim ssenderaperP lanoitaN eht htiw tnetsisnoc eb dna )b( noitcesbus dna noitanidrooc erusne )vi( ;serusaemretnuoc niatniam dna poleved ni debircsed slaog ssenderaperp eht gniveihca rof ssecorp eht )iii( ;seicnegreme hcus ot dnopser dna tceted ot yticapac eht evah yfitnedi llahs ygetarts ehT .esnopser dna ssenderaperp ycnegreme stnemnrevog lacol dna etats taht erusne )ii( ;seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup htlaeh cilbup rof nalp noitatnemelpmi dna ygetartS ytiruceS rehto ro msirorretoib fo tneve eht ni stnemnrevog lacol dna etats htlaeH lanoitaN detanidrooc a ssergnoC ot timbus dna eraperp tsissa )i( :slaog ssenderaperp lanoitan evif dehsilbatsE .seicnegreme ot ,retfaereht sraey ruof yreve dna 9002 ni gninnigeb ,yraterceS htlaeh cilbup rehto dna msirorretoib ot dnopser dna rof eraperp eht gniriuqer ,tcA SHP eht fo )a(2082 noitceS wen a sehsilbatsE ot nalp lanoitan a tnemelpmi dna poleved ot ,A913 noitceS tcA SHP ot ygetartS .tcA SHP eht fo 1082 dna A913 snoitceS gnitsixe slaepeR tnausrup ,SHH fo yraterceS eht deriuqer tcA SHP eht fo 1082 noitceS ytiruceS htlaeH lanoitaN ]103 dna 201 snoitceS[ .raey lacsif tneuqesbus hcae 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP niatrec rof sdrawa ekam ot ,7002YF rof ,yraterceS eht sezirohtuA ot ,3002YF rof ,yraterceS eht dezirohtuA .noitces siht fo sesoprup eht rof setats deredisnoc erew ociR otreuP fo htlaewnommoC .1102YF hguorht eht dna aibmuloC fo tcirtsiD ehT .noitairporppa elbaliava ,3002YF ot wal gnitsixeerp ni deilppa ti sa ,alumrof gnidnuf eht nopu desab seirotirret dna setats rof stnuoma muminim tnereffid eht niatniam yraterceS eht taht gniriuqer dna ,)h( noitcesbus dehsilbatsE .noitalupop no desab tnuoma lanoitidda na sulp gnidnuf fo sa )j( noitcesbus gnitangiseder ,1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP sdnemA level muminim a deetnaraug eetnarg hcae htiw ,ssenderaperp latipsoh dna htlaeh cilbup rof seirotirret dna setats ot stnarg kcolb drawa tnemeriuqer .tca siht fo 503 ot ,3002YF rof ,yraterceS eht deriuqer )j(1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP hguorht-ssap dna ,gnidnuf noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg pihsrentrap ssenderaperp latipsoh desab-ksir ,alumrof gnidnuf eht dna ,tca siht fo 102 noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp .1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp latipsoh --ssenderaperp latipsoh htlaeh cilbup eht htob ot ylppa ereh debircsed snoisivorP :etoN dna htlaeh cilbup eht htob ot deilppa ereh debircsed snoisivorP :etoN dna htlaeh cilbup rof stnarG ]102 noitceS[ .1102YF-8002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna ,7002YF rof noillim 53$ fo snoitairporppa eht sezirohtuA .seititne htlaeh cilbup labirt dna ,lacol ,etats ot tcejorp hcus morf stluser yna troper ot dna ,ecnacifingis msirorretoib ro htlaeh cilbup fo snegohtap rof snemiceps lacinilc emit-laer ezylana ot tnempiuqe lacidem citsongaid decnavda esu ot stcejorp noitartsnomed tolip rof ,tca siht yb D913 noitceS ni dehsilbatse smetsys atad fo krowten elbareporetni eht ni etapicitrap taht retnec lortnoc nosiop ro seitisrevinu tnemevorpmI ,seirotarobal lacinilc ,slatipsoh ot stnarg drawa ot yraterceS noitceteD esaesiD eht gnizirohtua )h(1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP wen a dehsilbatsE .noisivorp elbarapmoc oN emiT-laeR rof stnarG .snoitces retal ni debircsed era ,tca siht ni dehsilbatse sa ,)k( dna )j( ,)g(1-C913 snoitceS ni ,stnemeriuqer lacsif dna evitartsinimda esehT .woleb debircsed stnarg ssenderaperp latipsoh eht dna ereh debircsed stnarg ssenderaperp htlaeh cilbup eht htob rof yltnioj dehsilbatse era stnemeriuqer lacsif dna evitartsinimda rehto niatrec dna alumrof gnidnuf ehT :etoN ]102 noitceS[ .slaudividni ksir-ta fo sdeen eht rof ssenderaperp erussa ot seitivitca rof dna ,sllird deriuqer rof secitcarp tseb fo yduts a rof 7002YF rof noillim 01$ dna ,1102YF-8002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna ,stnarg tnemevorpmI noitceteD esaesiD emiT-laeR rof desu eb llahs 000,000,53$ hcihw fo ,7002YF rof sdrawa rof noillim 428$ sezirohtuA .seitivitca tnaveler .snoitces retal ni debircsed era dna ,stnarg ssenderaperp latipsoh fo noitanidrooc eht erussa ot SHD fo yraterceS eht htiw tlusnoc dna htlaeh cilbup eht htob rof yltnioj dehsilbatse erew stnemeriuqer llahs yraterceS ehT ).stnarg eseht rof ytivitca deriuqer a ton evitartsinimda rehto niatrec dna alumrof gnidnuf ehT :etoN si ,ytilibapac lacidem ,3# laoG :etoN( .snoitarepo fo ytiunitnoc )5( dna ;noitanidrooc )4( ;slaudividni ksir-ta fo sdeen eht ]a3-d742 § .C.S.U )3( ;ytilibapac htlaeh cilbup )2( ;noitargetni )1( :gnidrager )tca siht 24[ .3002YF dnoyeb yraterceS eht ot dedivorp saw gnidnuf gnidrawa ni dehsilbatse sa( )b(2082 noitceS fo snoitcesbus gniwollof eht ni ytilibixelf retaerg ;3002YF ot ylno deilppa stnarg kcolb sa dedrawa 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP noitceS[ .srotcaf gnitagitim era ereht fi seetnarg erom ro eno rof gnidlohhtiw ecuder ro eviaw ot yraterceS eht sezirohtuA .seruliaf evitucesnoc rof desaercni era dlehhtiw stnuomA .dlehhtiw era stnuoma hcihw morf setats ni seititne ot ecnereferp gnivig ,)tca siht ni dehsilbatse sa( )1()b(2-C913 noitceS ni debircsed seititne "pihsrentrap" metsys htlaeh dna latipsoh ot stnuoma hcus yna etacollaer ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .stnemeriuqer teem ot liaf taht seetnarg morf sdrawa fo snoitrop dlohhtiw llahs yraterceS eht hcihw yb salumrof sehsilbatsE .)2( dna )1( ni dehsilbatse stnemeriuqer teem ot eruliaf rieht fo seetnarg yfiton ot ssecorp a tnemelpmi dna poleved dna ,seetnarg ot ecnatsissa lacinhcet etairporppa edivorp llahs yraterceS ehT .snalp azneulfni cimednap etats rof airetirc poleved )2( ,dna ;stnemeriuqer esicrexe dna tset launna gnidulcni ,ssenderaperp 'seetnarg erusaem ot sdradnats ]2-d ,1-d742 §§ evitcejbo dna skramhcneb desab-ecnedive elbarusaem ylppa .C.S.U 24[ .seiticapac eseht ot tcepser htiw sutats rieht fo stnemssessa dna poleved )1( :ot ,tnemtcane fo syad 081 nihtiw ,yraterceS tcudnoc ot setats ot stnarg drawa ot yraterceS eht deriuqer B913 eht gniriuqer )g(1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP wen a sehsilbatsE noitceS .staerht htlaeh cilbup tabmoc ot smetsys htlaeh cilbup lacol dna etats ,lanoitan rof seiticapac ,sraey evif yreve esiver ot dna ,3002 enuJ .tca siht fo 503 yb ,hsilbatse ot yraterceS eht deriuqer tcA SHP eht fo A913 noitceS sdnuf fo gnidlohhtiw dna noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg pihsrentrap ssenderaperp latipsoh tnemerusaem ecnamrofrep eht dna ,tca siht fo 102 noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp .1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp latipsoh --ssenderaperp latipsoh htlaeh cilbup eht htob ot ylppa ereh debircsed snoisivorP :etoN dna htlaeh cilbup eht htob ot ylppa ereh debircsed snoisivorP :etoN dna htlaeh cilbup rof stnarG ]a3-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .seititne hcus fo aitrosnoc ro ,seitilicaf erac yramirp ro ,sretnec htlaeh ,scinilc ,)slatipsoh s'nerdlihc gnidulcni( slatipsoh ,stnemtraped htlaeh lacol ,snoisividbus lacitilop ot elbaliava edam erew sdrawa hcus fo snoitrop etairporppa taht erusne ot ,3002YF rof ,yraterceS eht deriuqeR .tcirtsiD eht nihtiw detacol ecnacifingis lanoitan fo seititne fo noitartnecnoc eht fo sisab eht no ,sesoprup hcus rof ksir fo eerged hgih ylralucitrap a ecaf ot dna ,deen temnu tnacifingis a evah ot ]102 noitceS[ aibmuloC fo tcirtsiD eht redisnoc llahs yraterceS ehT .staerht hcus fo .seititne lacol hcus htiw ecnerrucnoc ro lavorppa ,susnesnoc ksir fo eerged hgih ylralucitrap a ecaf taht dna ,staerht htlaeh cilbup ot eht gnivlovni ssecorp a hguorht htlaeh cilbup fo stnemtraped dnopser dna ,rotinom ,tceted ,yfitnedi ot yticapac dliub ot deen temnu lacol dna snoisividbus lacitilop ot sdrawa fo snoitrop etairporppa lanoitidda na evah taht seititne elbigile ot sdrawa rof snoitairporppa elbaliava ekam seedrawa taht erusne ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR fo noitrop a evreser ot ,3002YF rof ,yraterceS eht dezirohtuA .3002YF ot wal .seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup rehto gnitsixeerp ni deilppa ytirohtua hcus sa ,deen temnu lanoitidda ro skcatta tsirorretoib morf ksir fo eerged hgih a ecaf dna ,seicnegreme rof sdrawa ekam ot ,7002YF rof ,yraterceS eht sezirohtuA htlaeh cilbup ot gnidnopser rof erutcurtsarfni lacol laitnatsbus a evah ,stnediser fo rebmun laitnatsbus a evah taht snoisividbus lacitilop 3 naht .3002YF ot erom ton ot sdrawa ekam ot snoitairporppa fo noitrop a evreser yam wal gnitsixeerp ni deilppa ytirohtua hcus sa ,snoisividbus lacitilop yraterceS eht :swollof sa ,snoisividbus lacitilop niatrec rof sdrawa ekam 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP na tcudnoc ,sraey owt yreve naht ssel ton ,llahs seetnarG . tnemtcane fo syad 081 nihtiw yraterceS eht yb denimreted eb ot era hcihw ,stnemeriuqer gnitroper rehto dna ,noitamrofni tegdub etairporppa ,sevitcejbo dna slaog margorp ot tcepser htiw ecnamrofrep ,seitivitca dednuf gnibircsed stroper launna yraterceS eht ot timbus ot seetnarg gniriuqer ,)j(1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP wen sehsilbatsE .tca snoisivorp evitartsinimda siht fo 503 noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp latipsoh dna lacsif lanoitidda eht dna ,tca siht fo 102 noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp --ssenderaperp latipsoh htlaeh cilbup eht htob ot ylppa ereh debircsed snoisivorP :etoN .snoisivorp elbacilppa oN dna htlaeh cilbup rof stnarG ]503 dna 102 snoitceS[ .seitivitca hcus tuo yrrac ot si lennosrep hcus fo tnemngissa yramirp eht rehtehw fo sseldrager ,sdrawa hcus yb detroppus seitivitca tuo gniyrrac era ohw ,seicnega labirt ro ,lacol ,etats yb deyolpme slanoisseforp rehto dna htlaeh cilbup fo sesnepxe detaler dna yralas yap ot desu eb yam sdrawa taht seifiralC .doirep raey-owt gnidecerp eht rof eetnarg eht yb deniatniam serutidnepxe hcus fo level egareva eht naht ssel ton level a ta ,ylevitcepser ,ssenderaperp erac htlaeh ro htlaeh cilbup rof serutidnepxe niatniam llahs seetnarg ,tca siht ni dehsilbatse sa ,)h(2-C913 dna )i(1-C913 snoitceS tcA SHP ot tnausrup ])j(a3-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .noitces siht rednu seitivitca rof dedivorp edam ssenderaperp latipsoh dna htlaeh cilbup rof sdrawa roF sdnuf cilbup lacol dna etats rehto tnalppus ton dna tnemelppus ot desu eb ssenderaperp latipsoh dna htlaeh cilbup rof setats ot detairporppa .tca siht fo 503 stnuoma taht seriuqer ,)j( noitcesbus ,1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg pihsrentrap ssenderaperp latipsoh gnidnuf etats fo ecnanetniam eht dna ,tca siht fo 102 noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp .1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp latipsoh --ssenderaperp latipsoh htlaeh cilbup eht htob ot ylppa ereh debircsed snoisivorP :etoN dna htlaeh cilbup eht htob ot ylppa ereh debircsed snoisivorP :etoN dna htlaeh cilbup rof stnarG ]102 noitceS[ .dnik ni ro hsac ni eb yam dna ,snoitanod etavirp ro cilbup hguorht ro yltcerid dedivorp eb yam stnuoma laredef -noN .sraey lacsif tneuqesbus dna dnoces eht rof tnuoma latot eht fo %01 dna ,raey lacsif tsrif eht rof tnuoma latot eht fo %5 fo tnuoma eht ni ,stnemeerga evitarepooc eht troppus ot sdnuf laredef-non elbaliava ekam seedrawa taht ,9002YF ni gninnigeb ,tnemeriuqer wen a gnidda ,1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP sdnemA .tca siht fo 503 noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg pihsrentrap ssenderaperp latipsoh tnemeriuqer gnihctam eht dna ,tca siht fo 102 noitceS ni dehsilbatse stnarg ssenderaperp --ssenderaperp latipsoh htlaeh cilbup eht htob ot ylppa ereh debircsed snoisivorP :etoN .noisivorp elbacilppa oN dna htlaeh cilbup rof stnarG ]102 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP dna ,seitilibapac htlaehelet lanoitan fo sutats eht no ssergnoC ot troper dna etaulave ot ,seicnega laredef tnaveler rehto dna noissimmoC snoitacinummoC laredeF eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni ,yraterceS eht seriuqeR .)e( dna )d( snoitcesbus rednu detcudnoc seitivitca eht gninrecnoc troper a ssergnoC eht dna yraterceS eht ot timbus dna ,noitaulave tnednepedni na tcudnoc eciffO ytilibatnuoccA tnemnrevoG eht taht ,tnemtcane fo sraey ruof nihtiw ,seriuqeR .yraterceS eht yb denimreted stnemeriuqer rehto dna ,sdradnats lacigolonhcet rehto dna ytilibareporetni htiw tnetsisnoc seitivitca rof ,ytilibapac ecnallievrus ecnahne ot setats fo aitrosnoc ro setats ot stnarg drawa ot yraterceS eht gnizirohtua )e(D913 noitceS wen a setaerC .seitivitca ])b(4 deriuqer dna stnemele margorp poleved dna ;krowten eht -d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .skrowten ecnallievrus dna snoitacinummoc lanoitan etaulave dna ,tnemelpmi ,poleved ot spets gniniltuo nalp cigetarts ot 6002YF-2002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dezirohtua a ssergnoC ot timbus ,tnemtcane fo syad 081 nihtiw ;krowten )c(D913 noitceS .skrowten hcus rof sdradnats gnitroper dna lacinhcet )ecnallievrus( "ssenerawa lanoitautis" htlaeh cilbup cinortcele hsilbatse ot ,slaiciffo htlaeh cilbup lacol dna etats dna sredivorp emit-laer raen elbareporetni ediwnoitan a hsilbatse ,tnemtcane erac htlaeh htiw noitarepooc ni dna raey eno nihtiw ,yraterceS eht fo sraey owt nihtiw :yraterceS eht taht eriuqer ot )d(D913 deriuqer dna skrowten ecnallievrus dna snoitacinummoc trela htlaeh noitceS tcA SHP wen a setaerC .daorba dna yllacitsemod cilbup fo tnemhsilbatse eht rof dedivorp )b(D913 noitceS .seicnegreme skrowten htob staerht htlaeh cilbup gnitabmoc dna tsniaga gnidnefed htlaeh cilbup rehto dna msirorretoib gnitabmoc dna tsniaga ygolonhcet noitamrofni dna ni elor s'CDC ezingocer ot )a(D913 noitceS tcA SHP sdnemA gnidnefed ni elor laitnesse s'CDC dezingocer )a(D913 noitceS tcA SHP ecnallievrus htlaeh cilbuP ]503 dna 102 snoitceS[ .slaog emoctuo fo tnemeveihca eht ot gnitubirtnoc tseb era taht seitivitca esoht no noitamrofni edivorp ot tamrof lufesu a ni etisbew tenretnI cilbup a no rennam ylemit a ni elbaliava atad hcus ekam dna seetnarg yb dettimbus atad eht elipmoc ot yraterceS eht gniriuqer ,)k(1-C913 noitceS tcA SHP wen sehsilbatsE .sreviaw tnarg ot yraterceS eht rof dna ,sgnidlohhtiw hcus laeppa ot seetnarg rof sedivorP .dlehhtiw era stnuoma hcihw morf setats ni seititne ot ecnereferp gnivig ,)tca siht ni dehsilbatse sa( )1()b(2-C913 noitceS ni debircsed seititne "pihsrentrap" metsys htlaeh dna latipsoh ot noitacollaer rof yraterceS eht ot denruter eb llahs egatnecrep siht gnideecxe stnuomA .raey lacsif txen eht otni revo deirrac eb yam taht sdrawa fo segatnecrep launna mumixam enimreted ot ,snoisividbus lacitilop dna setats htiw noitatlusnoc ni ,yraterceS eht seriuqeR .seitivitca hcus rof sdnuf fo tnemyap dlohhtiw yam yraterceS eht dna ;yraterceS eht yb denimreted sa stnuoma hcus setatS detinU eht ot yaper llahs seetnarg ,gniraeh a rof ytinutroppo dna eciton retfa dna ,stnemeriuqer margorp htiw ecnadrocca ni ton seitivitca roF .serutidnepxe margorp fo tidua tnednepedni 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP dna ,lacol ,etats neewteb noitacinummoc etomorp ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .cimednap azneulfni na gnirud eniccav azneulfni desahcrup yllaredef fo noitubirtsid laitini eht kcart ot ,srotubirtsid dna ,srelaselohw ,srerutcafunam fo noitarepooc yratnulov eht htiw ,SHH fo yraterceS eht sezirohtua hcihw ,A913 noitceS noitubirtsid dna wen a setaerc dna tcA SHP eht fo A913 noitceS gnitsixe slaepeR .noisivorp elbacilppa oN gnikcart eniccav azneulfnI ]302 noitceS[ .0102YF-7002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus sezirohtuA .airetirc ytilibigile naol sehsilbatsE .yraterceS eht yb detangised sa ,ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a fo ksir ta saera rehto ro saera egatrohs lanoisseforp htlaeh evres taht stnemtraped htlaeh labirt ro ,lacol ,etats ni evres ot eerga ohw slaudividni rof smargorp tnemyaper naol gnitarepo ni meht tsissa ot setats ot sdrawa ekam ot yraterceS eht sezirohtuA .0102YF-7002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus sezirohtuA .stnemtraped htlaeh labirt dna lacol ,etats no noitapicitrap hcus fo tcapmi eht dna tcejorp eht ni noitapicitrap gnidrager tnemtcane retfa sraey eerht naht retal ton ssergnoC ot troper llahs yraterceS ehT .0102YF--7002YF gnirud snoitangised egatrohs gnikam ni yraterceS eht yb deredisnoc eb ton llahs tcejorp noitartsnomed siht ot tnausrup decalp slaudividnI .sraey owt naht ssel ton fo doirep a rof evres ot eerga llahs dna ,margorp CSHN eht fo snoisivorp tnaveler rehto dna ,tcartnoc fo hcaerb ,snoitagilbo ecivres eht htiw ylpmoc llahs ecnatsissa hcus gniviecer slanoisseforp htlaeH .tnatsissa naicisyhp ro ,renoititcarp esrun ,efiwdim esrun a sa deifitrec eb ro ,noisseforp htlaeh rehtona ro ,htlaeh latnem dna laroivaheb fo margorp etairporppa na ,yrtsitned ,enicidem cihtapoetso ,enicidem ni ,yduts ]t452 § .C.S.U 24[ .margorp fo esruoc devorppa na ni dellorne eb ro ,eerged a evah tsum )CSHN( sproC ecivreS htlaeH lanoitaN eht fo snoisivorp tcartnoc slaudividni elbigilE .ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a fo ksir ta aera na ro fo hcaerb dna snoitagilbo ecivres ,airetirc ytilibigile eht ot tcejbus aera egatrohs lanoisseforp htlaeh a sevres taht tnemtraped htlaeh ,stsicamrahp dna srotcod citcarporihc rof smargorp tnemyaper naol lacol a ni ro ,yraterceS eht yb denimreted sa ,ycnegreme htlaeh rof stcejorp noitartsnomed dezirohtua tcA SHP eht fo L833 noitceS cilbup a fo ksir ta saera ro saera egatrohs lanoisseforp htlaeh fo rebmun tnacifingis a sevres taht tnemtraped htlaeh etats a ni ]a7-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .6002YF-2002YF evres ot eerga ohw dna ].qes te 1-l452 §§ .C.S.U 24[ .qes te B833 rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dezirohtuA .ssenidaer ycnegreme noitceS tcA SHP ni debircsed margorp tnemyaper naol CSHN htlaeh cilbup evorpmi ot detaivella eb dluohs senimreted yraterceS eht rof elbigile era ohw slaudividni fo noitapicitrap eht rof tcejorp eht taht egatrohs a si ereht erehw snoisseforp htlaeh eht fo yrogetac noitartsnomed a hsilbatse ot ,noitairporppa na nopu gnidneped yna ni slaudividni fo gniniart dna noitacude eht rof ecnatsissa laicnanif stnemecnahne ,yraterceS eht eriuqer ot tcA SHP eht fo L833 noitceS sdnemA edivorp ot margorp tnarg a dezirohtua tcA SHP eht fo H913 noitceS ecrofkrow htlaeh cilbuP ]202 noitceS[ .1102YF-8002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus fo noitairporppa eht sezirohtuA .staerht htlaeh cilbup sserdda ot seitilibapac eseht dnapxe dna etargetni ot snaem 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP .T treboR eht rednu tnediserP eht yb deralced retsasid rojam ro ycnegreme na )2( ;].qes te 1061 §§ .C.S.U 05[ tcA seicnegremE .snoisivorp lanoitaN eht rednu tnediserP eht yb deralced ycnegreme rehto dna ,tnemeriter dna noitarapes ,noitomorp ,secnawolla lanoitan a )1( :sa denifed ,ecnacifingis lacol ro etats ,lanoitan dna yap ,stnemtnioppa ,seltit dna sknar ,sedarg hsilbatse hcihw ,].qes fo deen erac htlaeh cilbup ycnegreme ro tnegru na rof ssenidaer te 402 §§ .C.S.U 24[ 122-302 snoitceS tcA SHP ni dezirohtua si SHP sproC denoissimmoC tnemyolped gnidrager A302 noitceS tcA SHP wen a sehsilbatsE eht fo sproC denoissimmoC ehT .noisivorp elbacilppa yllareneg oN SHP eht fo noitazilativeR ]502 noitceS[ .yticapac yrotarobal desaercni rof deen ).noitamrofni erom rof /vog.draobytirucesoib.www//:ptth erutuf eht fo stnemssessa dna ediwnoitan yticapac yrotarobal eeS .ytiruces lanoitan ro htlaeh cilbup netaerht ot desusim eb lacigoloib tnemniatnoc mumixam fo snoitaulave cidoirep lliw hcraeser lacigoloib tnatropmi yllativ morf gnimmets seigolonhcet ,dna ;seirotarobal lacigoloib tnemniatnoc mumixam ni srekrow dna egdelwonk taht ytilibissop eht eziminim ot syaw no seicnega rof stnemeriuqer gniniart dna mulucirruc eroc a :gninrecnoc dna stnemtraped laredef lla sesivda draoB ehT .htlaeH fo setutitsnI snoitadnemmocer ro ,ecnadiug ,ecivda ,seicnega dna stnemtraped lanoitaN eht ni seitivitcA ygolonhcetoiB fo eciffO eht yb deretsinimda laredef tnaveler ot edivorp ,SHH fo yraterceS eht yb detseuqer si ,etutats ni ytirohtua ticilpxe na evah ton seod hcihw ,ytirucesoiB ytirucesoiB rof draoB nehw ,llahs ytirucesoiB rof draoB yrosivdA ecneicS lanoitaN ehT rof draoB yrosivdA ecneicS lanoitaN ehT( .noisivorp elbacilppa oN yrosivdA ecneicS lanoitaN ]402 noitceS[ .1102YF-7002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus sezirohtuA .tca siht fo 301 noitceS ni dehsilbatse ygetartS ytiruceS htlaeH lanoitaN eht rof snoisivorp ot gnidrocca ,ssergnoC eht ot stroper lainnerdauq sti ni noitces siht fo noitatnemelpmi no setadpu edivorp ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .sesoprup gnikcart rof deniatbo noitamrofni fo ytilaitnedifnoc eht erusne ot senilediug poleved ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .)191 -401 .L.P( 6991 fo tcA ytilibatnuoccA dna ytilibatroP ecnarusnI htlaeH eht fo )c(462 noitceS rednu detaglumorp snoitaluger eht htiw tnetsisnoc snoitcetorp ycavirp ot tcejbus eb osla llahs dettimbus noitamrofnI b.)ytitne latnemnrevog etats ro laredef yna ot wal fo noitaloiv detcepsus a fo gnitroper eht ro ,ytitne latnemnrevog etats ro laredef a yb detcudnoc ytivitca lufwal esiwrehto yna( 3381 § .C.S.U 81 rednu sterces edart fo tfeht dna eganoipse cimonoce no noitibihorp eht ot noitpecxe eht dna 2381 § .C.S.U 81 rednu sterces edart fo tfeht rof seitlanep lanimirc eht ot tcejbus si noitamrofni noitubirtsid eniccav fo ycnega eht yb erusolcsid cilbup ynA .])4()b(255 § .C.S.U 5[ laitnedifnoc ro degelivirp dna nosrep a morf deniatbo noitamrofni laicnanif ro laicremmoc dna sterces edart gninrevog )AIOF( tcA noitamrofnI fo modeerF eht ot noitpecxe eht htiw ecnadrocca ni laitnedifnoc niamer llahs ,tca siht rednu ,yna fi ,srotcartnoc sih ro yraterceS eht ot dettimbus noitamrofni noitubirtsid eniccaV .eniccav azneulfni lanosaes fo noitubirtsid evitceffe eht gnidrager ,margorp gnikcart eht ni etapicitrap ot eerga sa srotubirtsid dna ,srelaselohw ,srerutcafunam hcus dna slaiciffo htlaeh cilbup labirt 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP fo yraterceS eht ot SMDN fo seitilibail dna ,stessa ,lennosrep ,snoitcnuf eht derrefsnart ,)692-701 .L.P( 2002 fo tcA ytiruceS dnalemoH ehT .lmth.xedni/vog.shhd.smdn.www//:ptth eeS .tuo deirrac neeb sah refsnart ehT .7002 ,1 yraunaJ evitceffe ]11-hh003 ,SHH ot SMDN derrefsnart osla ,7002 ,tcA snoitairporppA § .C.S.U 24[ .PEHPSA SHH eht rof dna snoitarepo SMDN rof 6002YF ytiruceS dnalemoH fo tnemtrapeD ,592-901 .L.P :etoN --2002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dezirohtuA .sreetnulov SMDN rof sthgir tnemyolpme-er dna tnemyolpme dna ,seirujni krow ]103 noitceS[ .1102YF-7002YF rof rof noitasnepmoc ,snoitcetorp ytilibail dehsilbatsE .seeyolpme laredef yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus sezirohtuA .erutuf eht ni SMDN yraropmet sa sreetnulov SMDN detavitca detnioppA .ycnegreme fo erutcurts dna ezis etairporppa ,snoissim ,selor eht gnibircsed htlaeh cilbup rehto ro kcatta tsirorretoib a ot ylevitceffe dnopser ssergnoC ot troper a timbus dna ,DOD dna ,AV ,SHD htiw dna ezilibom ot SMDN eht fo ssenilemit dna ytilibapac eht tset ot noitanidrooc ni ,SMDN fo weiver tnioj a tcudnoc ot ,tnemtcane sesicrexe tcudnoc ot SHH fo yraterceS eht deriuqeR .seititne etavirp fo syad 081 nihtiw ,SHH fo yraterceS eht seriuqeR .7002 ro cilbup etairporppa rehto dna setats htiw noitaroballoc ni )AMEF( ,1 .naJ evitceffe ,RPSA eht fo ytilibisnopser eht rednu ,SHH ot ycnegA tnemeganaM ycnegremE laredeF eht dna AV ,DOD ,SHH yb )SMDN( metsyS SMDN fo seitilibail dna ,stessa ,lennosrep ,snoitcnuf eht srefsnarT detanidrooc eb ot ,SMDN dezirohtua tcA SHP eht fo )b(1182 noitceS lacideM retsasiD lanoitaN YTICAPAC EGRUS LACIDEM SDRAZAH-LLA :III ELTIT ]602 noitceS[ .secivres erac htlaeh gnidivorp si reciffo hcus hcihw ni ytinummoc eht ni dedivorp secivres erac htlaeh ot noitpursid elbanosaernu esuac ton dluow tnemyolped taht senimreted yraterceS eht taht gnidivorp ,ecivres detagilbo fo doirep rieht gnirud sproC ecivreS htlaeH lanoitaN eht ni gnivres lennosrep sproC denoissimmoC fo tnemyolped ycnegreme eht ezirohtua ot )f(133 noitceS tcA SHP sdnemA .deen erac htlaeh cilbup ycnegreme ro tnegru na ot esnopser ni noitcerid s'yraterceS eht rednu ecivres rof )dengissa eb yam sproC denoissimmoC eht fo sreciffo erehw seicnega ta slaiciffo htiw detaitogen stnemeerga ni dedivorp sa tpecxe dna ,esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD eht dna drauG tsaoC setatS detinU eht ot tcepser htiw tpecxe( SHH eht fo edistuo ytitne na ot noitces siht rednu dengissa reciffo sproC denoissimmoC yna yolped ot ytirohtua elos eht yraterceS eht tnarg ot 412 noitceS tcA SHP sdnemA .tnemyolped rof serudecorp etairporppa hsilbatse ot dna ,ytilibatnuocca dna tnemssessa fo snaem dna ,sevreseR evitcA dna sproC ralugeR ytud-evitca eht rof )smaxe lacidem dna gniniart gnidulcni( stnemeriuqer ssenidaer hsilbatse ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .sproC eht fo srebmem fo tnemyolped eht rof etairporppa si ,yraterceS eht fo tnemgduj eht ni ,taht ycnegreme yna )3( ro ;913 noitces tcA SHP rednu yraterceS eht yb deralced ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a ;]qes te 1215 §§ .C.S.U 24[ tcA ecnatsissA ycnegremE dna feileR retsasiD droffatS 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP ,)"krowten noitacifirev" eht( smetsys fo krowten elbareporetni latipsoh dna ,snoitatidercca ,sesnecil ,slaitnederc rieht yfirev ot lanoitan elgnis a niatniam ot smetsys noitacifirev etats gnitsixe knil slanoisseforp htlaeh fo noitartsiger ecnavda eht rof esabatad cinortcele sreetnulov lanoisseforp ot yraterceS SHH eht eriuqer ot I913 noitceS tcA SHP sdnemA na hsilbatse ot yraterceS eht deriuqer tcA SHP eht ot I913 noitceS htlaeh gnigaruocnE ]203 noitceS[ .tnemtcane nopu evitceffe si noisivorp sihT .gnineercs lacidem rof noitacol etanretla na ot slaudividni fo noitcerid eht dna dezilibats neeb ton sah ohw laudividni na fo refsnart eht tsniaga snoitibihorp eht morf ,renoos si revehcihw ,noitaralced s'yraterceS eht fo noitanimret eht litnu ro syad 06 rof ,tpmexe eb yam latipsoh eht ,ycnegreme eht fo ecneuqesnoc a sa locotorp retsasid sti stnemelpmi aera ycnegreme deralced a hcus nihtiw latipsoh a fi )2( dna ;nalp cimednap ro ssenderaperp ]5-b0231 § .C.S.U 24[ .nalp ssenderaperp ycnegreme ycnegreme etats etairporppa eht ot tnausrup eb llahs gnineercs etats etairporppa na ot tnausrup gnineercs lacidem rof noitacol lacidem rof snoitacol etanretla ot slaudividni fo noitcerid etanretla na ot slaudividni fo noitacoler ro noitcerid eht dna ,laudividni gnidrager stnemeriuqer ALATME fo noitacifidom ro reviaw dezilibats-non a fo refsnart eht tsniaga snoitibihorp eht morf ,sruoh s'yraterceS eht )1( :esaesid suoitcefni cimednap a sevlovni tcA 27 rof ,tpmexe eb yam latipsoh eht ,ycnegreme eht fo ecneuqesnoc SHP eht fo 913 noitceS ot tnausrup deralced ycnegreme htlaeh a sa locotorp retsasid sti stnemelpmi aera ycnegreme deralced a cilbup eht fI :swollof sa ,tcA droffatS eht ro tcA seicnegremE hcus nihtiw latipsoh a fi :swollof sa ]dd5931 § .C.S.U 24[ stnemeriuqer lanoitaN eht ot tnausrup tnediserP eht yb noitaralced ALATME niatrec eviaw yam yraterceS eht ,].qes te 1215 §§ .C.S.U 24[ retsasid ro ycnegreme na DNA 913 noitceS tcA SHP ot tnausrup tcA droffatS eht ro ]1061 § .C.S.U 05[ tcA seicnegremE lanoitaN eht noitanimreted ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup tnerrucnoc a si ereht rehtie ot tnausrup tnediserP eht yb noitaralced retsasid ro ycnegreme a )ALATME( tcA nehw stnemeriuqer ALATME fo reviaw eht gnidrager ])b(5-b0231 na DNA ]d742 § .C.S.U 24[ 913 noitceS tcA SHP ot tnausrup robaL evitcA dna tnemtaerT § .C.S.U 24[ tcA ytiruceS laicoS eht fo )b(5311 noitceS sdnemA noitanimreted ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup tnerrucnoc a si ereht nehW lacideM ycnegremE ]203 noitceS[ .sisylana s'yraterceS eht yb deifitnedi seitilicaf laredef yna ot tcepser htiw gnidnatsrednu fo adnaromem etairporppa poleved ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .stessa lacidem elibom eriuqca ot yraterceS eht sezirohtuA .seitilicaf erachtlaeh sa desu eb dluoc ,ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a fo tneve eht ni ,hcihw seitilicaf laredef era ereht rehtehw )2( dna ;seigetarts rehto dna ,stessa lacidem elibom fo noitarepo dna noitisiuqca eht hguorht ,ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a fo tneve eht ni seitinummoc lacol ot yticapac egrus lacidem lanoitidda edivorp ot SHH fo yticapac eht gnivorpmi fo ytilibisaef dna stifeneb eht )1( :fo sisylana na tcudnoc ot yticapac yraterceS eht gniriuqer ,3082 noitceS tcA SHP wen a sehsilbatsE .noisivorp elbacilppa oN egrus lacidem gnicnahnE ]7118 § .C.S.U 83[ .SMDN ni ffats retnec lacidem AV fo noitapicitrap eht etatilicaf ot margorp gniniart a hsilbatse ot ,rotceriD AMEF eht dna DOD dna SHH fo seiraterceS eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni ,yraterceS AV eht deriuqeR .]313 § .C.S.U 6[ .ytirohtua margorp ot stnemdnema rehto tuohtiw ,3002 hcraM ni evitceffe ytiruceS dnalemoH 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP fo sloohcs detidercca ta ssenderaperP htlaeH cilbuP rof sretneC .slairetam eseht fo gnihcaet dna noitanimessid eht rof edivorp ot )4( hsilbatse ot yraterceS eht sezirohtuA .raey lacsif tneuqesbus hcae dna ;stnega suoregnad rehto dna snopaewoib laitnetop fo noitacifitnedi dna 8002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna 7002YF rof dna noitingocer eht rof lennosrep htlaeh cilbup rehto dna bal noillim 3$ sezirohtua dna ,saera egatrohs htlaeh ni sreciffo gnicalp fo gnitset ycneiciforp rof slairetam poleved ot )3( ;seicnegreme htlaeh yb ecivreS ecnegilletnI cimedipE eht dnapxe ot yraterceS eht cilbup rehto ro msirorretoib ot dnopser ot gninnalp ediw-ytinummoc sezirohtuA .raey lacsif tneuqesbus hcae dna 8002YF rof yrassecen rof slairetam noitacude poleved ot )2( ;snoitalupop elbarenluv rehto eb yam sa smus hcus dna 7002YF rof noillim 21$ sezirohtua dna nerdlihc fo sdeen laiceps eht gnizingocer ,seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup dna ,seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup ot sesnopser evorpmi ot fo smitciv rof erac ot dna stnega suoregnad rehto dna snopaewoib ,smargorp gnitsixe elbacilppa gnitpada yb ,sgniniart dna alucirruc laitnetop yfitnedi ot lennosrep ycnegreme rehto dna slaiciffo esnopser lacidem dna htlaeh eroc poleved ot ,DOD htiw htlaeh hcaet ot slairetam noitacude poleved ot )1( :stnarg drawa noitaroballoc ni ,yraterceS eht gniriuqer ,)e(-)a(F913 snoitceS ot ,snoitazinagro lanoisseforp dna puorg gnikrow ycnegaretni eht wen setaerc dna )g(F913 noitceS tcA SHP gnitsixe eht slaepeR htiw noitaroballoc ni ,yraterceS eht deriuqer )g(F913 noitceS tcA SHP gniniart dna noitacude eroC ]303 noitceS[ .1102YF-8002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna 7002YF rof noillim 22$ sezirohtuA .yraterceS eht yb tnemngissa na ot tnausrup tluser taht sesnepxe etairporppa revoc dna ediser srebmem eht erehw aera eht morf slaiciffo labirt ro ,lacol ,etats eht fo ecnerrucnoc eht htiw CRM eht fo srebmem gnilliw yolped ot dna ,snoitaluger dna swal ecivres livic elbacilppa htiw ecnadrocca ni CRM eht fo lennosrep tnettimretni sa evres ot slaudividni detceles tnioppa ot yraterceS eht sezirohtuA .stnemeriuqer etats edesrepus ot ton ,stnemeriuqer noitacifitrec dna sllird poleved llahs ohw rotceriD a tnioppa ot yraterceS eht seriuqeR .noitamrofni noitacifitrec dna erusnecil tnaveler sebircsed taht CRM eht fo rebmem hcae rof drac noitacifitnedi na poleved ot dna ,sreetnulov snoisseforp htlaeh fo CRM a niatniam dna hsilbatse ot ,slaiciffo labirt dna ,lacol ,etats htiw noitatlusnoc ni dna syad 081 nihtiw ,yraterceS SHH eht gniriuqer tcA SHP eht fo 3182 noitceS wen a setaerC .1102YF hguorht yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus sezirohtuA .eeyolpme laredef a sa tnemtnioppa na etutitsnoc ton seod esabatad eht ni laudividni na fo noisulcni taht seifiralC .slanoisseforp htlaeh reetnulov rof stnemeriuqer gnisnecil fo noitacilppa eht eviaw ot smsinahcem tnemelpmi dna hsilbatse ot setats egaruocne dna ;SHD dna AV eht ni smetsys elbarapmoc htiw gnitargetni fo ytilibisaef eht ssessa ;atad fo ytilaitnedifnoc dna ot ssecca etats erussa ;)CRM( sproC evreseR lacideM dna SMDN fo spihsrebmem eht etaroprocni ;stnemeriuqer metsys ]b7-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .6002YF-3002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hsilbatse :llahs yraterceS ehT .ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a gnirud hcus dna ,2002YF rof noillim 2$ dezirohtuA .seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup secivres htlaeh edivorp ot reetnulov ohw slanoisseforp erac gnirud secivres htlaeh edivorp ot slanoisseforp htlaeh etats-fo-tuo htlaeh fo sesnecil dna slaitnederc eht gniyfirev fo esoprup eht timrep ot setats egaruocne ot yraterceS eht dezirohtuA .seicnegreme rof ,setats fo puorg ro etats a yb deniatniam gnieb metsys hcae htlaeh cilbup gnirud dnopser ot reetnulov yeht nehw segelivirp 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP .tca siht ni dehsilbatse sa ,)A()1()b( noitcesbus ni debircsed sa seititne "pihsrentrap" rof sdrawa ekam ot tnuoma siht fo noitrop a evreser yam yraterceS ehT .1102YF--8002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna 7002YF rof noillim 474$ sezirohtuA .slaog ssenderaperp deriuqer eht eveihca ot sdnuf rof deen tnacifingis a evah ro ksir fo eerged hgih a ecaf ,SHD fo yraterceS eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni yraterceS eht yb denimreted sa ,taht saera rof era dna ;slatipsoh gnitapicitrap -SMDN erom ro eno edulcni dluow ;aera eht ni srentrap metsys htlaeh fo yteirav eht gnoma noitanidrooc ecnahne dluow :slasoporp rehtehw redisnoc llahs yraterceS eht sdrawa gnikam nI ).stnarg eseht rof ytivitca deriuqer a ton si ,ytilibapac htlaeh cilbup ,2# laoG :etoN( .snoitarepo fo ytiunitnoc )5( dna ]b3-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .6002YF ;noitanidrooc )4( ;slaudividni ksir-ta fo sdeen eht )3( ;ytilibapac -4002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dezirohtuA .yraterceS eht lacidem )2( ;noitargetni )1( :tca siht ni dehsilbatse sa ,)b(2082 yb ksir fo tnemssessa eht ni noitacifidom yna ot tcejbus ,seicnegreme noitceS fo snoitcesbus gniwollof eht rednu debircsed slaog htlaeh cilbup rehto revo ytiroirp koot esaesid suoitcefni fo skaerbtuo ssenderaperp eht eveihca ot desu eb llahs sdrawA .seitivitca lacol dna msirorretoib ot esnopser dna ssenderaperp rof sdnuf fo esU .nalp dna etats tnaveler rehto dna nalP esnopseR dna ssenderaperP esnopser dna ssenderaperp ycnegreme s'etats eht htiw tnetsisnoc dna ycnegremE htlaeH cilbuP sdrazaH-llA 'setats eht htiw detanidrooc eb tsum slasoporp tnarG .stnemnrevog lacol ro/dna setats tnetsisnoc dna ,eriuqer yam yraterceS eht sa noitamrofni hcus erom ro eno dna )seitilicaf erachtlaeh rehto ro( slatipsoh erom ro eno edulcni ot sdrawa rof snoitacilppa timbus llahs seititne elbigilE neewteb spihsrentrap erew seititne elbigilE .seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup .yraterceS eht yb dehsilbatse senilediug rehto dna msirorretoib rof ssenderaperp latipsoh dna ytinummoc elbacilppa yna ot erehda lliw yeht taht ecnarussa edivorp seititne evorpmi ot stnarg dezirohtua tcA SHP eht fo 2-C913 noitceS hcus taht dedivorp ,)tca siht ni detangised sa( )1()b(1-C913 .714 noitceS ot tnausrup stnarg ssenderaperp htlaeh cilbup rof elbigile -901 .L.P fo II eltiT ni snoisivorp rehto htiw gnola ,elbat siht fo snoitces era taht ,owt eht fo aitrosnoc ro ,setats fo snoisividbus lacitilop reilrae ni debircsed era snoisivorp esehT .stnarg ssenderaperp latipsoh ,setats )2( ro ;owt eht fo aitrosnoc ro ,setats fo snoisividbus dna htlaeh cilbup eht htob rof yltnioj dehsilbatse era stnemeriuqer lacitilop erom ro eno ,setats erom ro eno )iii( DNA ;semoh evitartsinimda rehto niatrec dna alumrof gnidnuf ehT :etoN gnisrun ro ,stessa lacidem elibom ,sretnec htlaeh latnem ,seitilicaf erac yramirp ,sretnec htlaeh ,scinilc gnidulcni ,seitilicaf erac htlaeh ]a3-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .6002YF--4002YF lacol rehto erom ro eno )ii( DNA ;retnec amuart detangised rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna 3002YF rof noillim 025$ a eb llahs hcihw fo eno tsael ta ,slatipsoh erom ro eno )i( dezirohtuA .snoisividbus fo aitrosnoc ro ,setats fo snoisividbus lacitilop :fo "spihsrentrap" )1( :eb llahs seititne elbigilE .seicnegreme htlaeh ,setats erew seititne elbigilE .seitivitca evitartsinimda dna gninnalp cilbup rof ssenderaperp latipsoh dna ytinummoc ecnahne dna detaler rof dna ,seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup rehto dna msirorretoib rof yticapac egrus yticapac egrus evorpmi ot seititne elbigile ot stnarg evititepmoc ,seitilicaf erac yramirp dna ,sretnec htlaeh ,scinilc ,)slatipsoh s'nerdlihc evorpmi ot ssenderaperp drawa ot yraterceS eht seriuqer hcihw ,2-C913 noitceS wen gnidulcni( slatipsoh fo ssenderaperp eht ecnahne ot seititne elbigile ot latipsoh lanoiger a setutitsbus dna 2-C913 noitceS tcA SHP gnitsixe eht slaepeR sdrawa ekam ot yraterceS eht deriuqer tcA SHP eht fo 1-C913 noitceS dna etats rof spihsrentraP ])g(6-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ .AMEF ]403 noitceS[ .raey dna tnemtrapeD ecitsuJ eht yb tuo deirrac gniniart lennosrep esnopser lacsif tneuqesbus hcae dna 8002YF rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus ycnegreme rof ecnatsissa lacinhcet edivorp ot ,rotceriD AMEF eht dna hcus dna 7002YF rof noillim 13$ sezirohtua dna ,htlaeh cilbup lareneG yenrottA eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni ,yraterceS eht dezirohtuA 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP yb dediug ,eciffo siht fo rotcerid ehT .SHH ni )ADRAB( ytirohtuA tnempoleveD dna hcraeseR decnavdA lacidemoiB eht sehsilbatsE .sesaesid suoitcefni gnigreme dna stnega )NRBC( raelcun dna ,lacigoloidar ,lacigoloib ,lacimehc ot serusaemretnuoc fo tnemerucorp dna ,troppus noitavonni ,D&R s'SHH ediug lliw nalp ehT .7002 enuJ yb eud si nalp sihT .serusaemretnuoc fo tnemerucorp eht dna ,sevitaitini noitavonni cigetarts ,tnempoleved dna hcraeser decnavda htiw stnemeriuqer esaesid suoitcefni gnigreme dna esnefedoib ytirohtuA etargetni ot nalp cigetarts a hsilbup dna poleved ot yraterceS tnempoleveD dna hcraeseR eht gniriuqer tcA SHP eht fo L913 noitces wen a setaerC .noisivorp elbacilppa oN decnavdA lacidemoiB TNEMPOLEVED GURD DNA ENICCAV ESNEFEDOIB DNA CIMEDNAP :VI ELTIT ]7118 § .C.S.U 83[ .6002YF-3002YF ]603 noitceS[ .1102YF-7002YF rof yrassecen eb rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dna ,2002YF rof noillim 331$ yam sa smus hcus sezirohtuA .SHH fo yraterceS eht fo troppus dezirohtuA .ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup rehto ro kcatta tsirorretoib a ni ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a ot esnopser ni slacituecamrahp gniwollof retnec lacidem AV a ta erac gnikees slaudividni ot gnilesnuoc dna ,tnempiuqe ,seilppus lacidem ,dedeen sa ,elbaliava htlaeh latnem edivorp ot ,puorg gnikrow ycnegaretni eht dna ,ssorC ekam ot ,sisab elbasrubmier a no dna stcartnoc tnemerucorp deR naciremA eht ,yraterceS SHH eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni ,yraterceS gnitsixe hguorht ,yraterceS AV eht seriuqeR .seicnega laredef AV eht deriuqeR .SMDN ni noitapicitrap AV etatilicaf ot margorp detangised rehto htiw noitanidrooc ni dna sisab elbasrubmier gniniart a hsilbatse ot ,AMEF fo rotceriD eht dna ,SHH dna esnefeD a no ,yrassecen sa ,SHH fo yraterceS eht dna SMDN ot troppus fo seiraterceS eht htiw noitaroballoc ni ,yraterceS AV eht deriuqeR lacitsigol lacidem gnidivorp ,dna ;PRN eht yb derevoc stnedicni .esnopser lacidem ycnegreme ni lennosrep erac htlaeh AV niart dna seicnegreme htlaeh cilbup fo tneve eht ni yraterceS SHH dna ,metsys erac htlaeh AV eht tuohguorht tnempiuqe dna seilppus eht fo troppus etairporppa eht rof ffats gniniart dna gnippiuqe lacidem dna slacituecamrahp rof metsys gnikcart dezilartnec a poleved ,gnizinagro :yb seitilicaf hcraeser dna sretnec lacidem AV fo ot yraterceS AV eht deriuqeR .seitilicaf eseht ta sdeen ytiruces eht ssenidaer eht ecnahne ot yraterceS AV eht seriuqeR .ycnegreme fo noitaulave na fo stluser eht no desab ,kcatta lacigoloib ro lacimehc htlaeh cilbup a rof ssenidaer ot kcatta lacigoloib dna lacimehc rof a ot dnopser dna ffats tcetorp ot seitilicaf hcraeser dna sretnec sriaffA ssenidaer AV ot secnerefer egnahc ot ]7118 § .C.S.U 83[ sdnemA lacidem AV fo ssenidaer eht ecnahne ot yraterceS AV eht detceriD snareteV fo tnemtrapeD .714-901 .L.P fo II eltiT ni snoisivorp rehto htiw gnola ,elbat siht fo snoitces reilrae ni debircsed era ,tca siht ni dehsilbatse sa ,)k( dna )j( ,)g(1-C913 snoitceS tcA SHP ni ,stnemeriuqer lacsif dna evitartsinimda esehT .102 noitceS ni stnarg ssenderaperp htlaeh cilbup eht dna ,ereh debircsed stnarg ssenderaperp latipsoh eht htob rof yltnioj dehsilbatse era stnemeriuqer lacsif dna evitartsinimda rehto niatrec dna alumrof gnidnuf ehT :etoN ]503 noitceS[ .tca siht ni dehsilbatse sa ,)h(1-C913 noitceS ni stnemeriuqer rehto dna alumrof eht ot gnidrocca detacolla eb llahs snoisividbus lacitilop dna setats ot drawa rof stnuoma gniniameR 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP rof deen eht enimreted ot sraey evif yreve deweiver eb lliw detpmexe noitamrofnI .staerht NRBC ot seitilibarenluv nwonk ylcilbup esiwrehto ton dna tnacifingis laever atad eht fi )AIOF( tcA noitamrofnI fo modeerF eht rednu erusolcsid morf seitivitca ADRAB hguorht detareneg atad cifitneics dna lacinhcet stpmexE .dednepxe litnu elbaliava niamer ot 8002YF--6002YF rof noillib 70.1$ fo noitairporppa eht sezirohtua dna seitivitca ADRAB dnuf ot "dnuF tnempoleveD erusaemretnuoC lacideM esnefedoiB" eht sehsilbatsE .yllainneib ssergnoC ot seitirohtua gnirih eseht fo esu troper lliw yraterceS ehT .ssel si revehcihw ,seeyolpme ADRAB fo rebmun latot eht fo %05 ro slaudividni hcus 001 naht erom on erih nac yraterceS ehT .sraey evif deecxe ot ton smret rof yap level roines fo level tsehgih eht ta ADRAB rof stnatlusnoc laiceps sa ro snoitisop lanoisseforp ro cifitneics ot slaudividni deifilauq ylhgih tnioppa ot yraterceS eht swollA .slaudividni ksir-ta rehto dna ,ylredle eht ,nemow tnangerp ,nerdlihc rof evitceffe dna efas eb ot ylekil era taht serusaemretnuoc ot ytiroirp evig ot yraterceS eht swollA .sretnec hcraeser hsilbatse dna ;slanoitan ngierof ot sdrawa ekam ;stnemyap desab -enotselim dna stnemyap decnavda ekam :ot ADRAB swollA .dnamed no SHH eht ot dedivorp eb troppus siht hguorht detareneg atad yna taht tseuqer yam yraterceS ehT .stimil noititepmoc dna ,stcartnoc secivres lanosrep ;weiver reep detidepxe ;sdlohserht esahcruporcim dna noitisiuqca deifilpmis desaercni :fo esu eht edulcni esehT .snoitcasnart rehto ro ,stnemeerga evitarepooc ,stcartnoc ,stnarg detaler-ADRAB gnidrawa nehw seitirohtua lareves yraterceS eht sedivorP .1732 § .C.S.U 01 ni dnuof yraterceS DOD eht fo taht ot ralimis ,seitivitca ADRAB rof ytirohtua "noitcasnart rehto" yraterceS eht stnarG .ecirp dna emit tnempoleved erusaemretnuoc ecuder ot noitavonni troppus yllaicnanif dna ;lavorppa tcudorp etomorp ot srecudorp erusaemretnuoc ot ecivda ADF etatilicaf ;D&R decnavda erusaemretnuoc troppus yllaicnanif dna etomorp ;aimedaca dna ,yrtsudni ,seicnega laredef rehto ,SHH neewteb noitaroballoc etatilicaf :lliw ,nalp cigetarts eht 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP hcae dna 7002YF rof noi llim 1$ fo noitairporppa sezirohtuA .snoitalupop elbarenluv rehto dna ,nemow tnangerp ,nerdlihc rof evitceffe dna efas eb ot ylekil serusaemretnuoc fo tnempoleved gnidrager ecivda niatbo ot dna ,tnempoleved erusaemretnuoc etarelecca yam taht sloot hcraeser rehto ro hcraeser erusaemretnuoc rof sledom lamina detpecca yfitnedi ot ,hcraeser erusaemretnuoc evitavonni yfitnedi ot spuorg gnikrow etaerc yam yraterceS ehT .egelivirp ro sutats ecivres livic fo ssol tuohtiw draob eht ot deliated eb nac seeyolpme tnemnrevog laredeF .etairporppa nehw meid rep dna sesnepxe levart eviecer lliw rebmem hcaE .krow draob ni degagne yad hcae rof VI level eludehcS evitucexE fo tnelaviuqe etar yliad eht deecxe ot ton yap eviecer lliw srebmem rehtO .yap lanoitidda eviecer ton yam seeyolpme tnemnrevog laredef era ohw draob eht fo srebmem ehT .elbasivda smeed ti sa ynomitset ekat dna sgniraeh dloh yam draob ehT .nosrepriahc eht sa srebmem eht fo eno tnioppa lliw yraterceS ehT .draob eht fo srewop eht no tceffa on evah lliw dna stnemtnioppa laitini eht sa rennam emas eht ni dellif eb lliw seicnacaV .retfaereht yllaunna eciwt tsael ta dna tnemtcane fo raey eno nihtiw rucco lliw gniteem draob laitini ehT .smret evitucesnocnon eerht fo latot a ro smret raey -eerht evitucesnoc owt naht erom on evres yam srebmem draoB .sremusnoc erachtlaeh gnitneserper noitazinagro na morf eb tsum hcihw rehtona dna redivorp erachtlaeh gnicitcarp a eb tsum hcihw fo eno ,srebmem rehto evif ;aimedaca morf slaudividni ruof ;yrtsudni morf slaudividni ruof ;draob eht fo snoitcnuf eht troppus ot yrassecen sa slaiciffo laredef hcus edulcni lliw sihT .strepxe lacidem dna ,htlaeh cilbup ,cifitneics tnenimeerp edulcni lliw pihsrebmem draoB .yllarutan rucco taht esoht gnidulcni ,stnega NRBC erutuf dna tnerruc ot detaler srettam lacinhcet ,cifitneics no ecnadiug dna ecivda trepxe htiw yraterceS eht edivorp ot ,draoB ecneicS esnefedoiB lanoitaN draoB eht gnihsilbatse tcA SHP eht fo M913 noitceS wen a setaerC .noisivorp elbacilppa oN ecneicS esnefedoiB lanoitaN ]104 noitceS[ .sraey evif retfa eripxe ot )woleb ees( draoB ecneicS esnefedoiB lanoitaN eht ro ADRAB rednu spuorg gnikrow swollA .tnemtcane retfa sraey neves stesnus noitpmexe sihT .erusolcsidnon deunitnoc 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP hcus erofeb yraterceS SHD eht dna ,)CTF( noissimmoC edarT laredeF eht fo namriahC eht ,lareneG yenrottA eht )dessucsid eb ot scipot gnidulcni( yfiton tsum yraterceS ehT .swal tsurtitna etaloiv esiwrehto dluow taht serusaemretnuoc fo egarots ro ,esahcrup ,noitubirtsid ,erutcafunam ,tnempoleved eht gnidrager srepoleved erusaemretnuoc elpitlum noitanidrooc htiw snoitatlusnoc dna sgniteem tcudnoc ot yraterceS eht swollA .noisivorp elbacilppa oN dna noitaroballoC ]404 noitceS[ .ecnatsissa etis-no dna etis-ffo htiw srerutcafunam erusaemretnuoc edivorp ot noitartsinimdA gurD dna dooF eht ni strepxe fo maet a sehsilbatse sihT ".ecnatsissA lacinhceT" 565 noitces gnidda yb ].qes te bbb063 § .C.S.U 12[ E retpahcbus V retpahc tcA citemsoC dna ,gurD ,dooF laredeF eht sdnemA .noisivorp elbacilppa oN ecnatsissa lacinhceT ]304 noitceS[ ".)B()1()c(2-F913 noitceS rednu serusaemretnuoc ytiruces ton era taht taerht htlaeh cilbup rehto ro esaesid suoitcefni gnirrucco yllarutan yna morf gnitluser mrah taert ro ,tneverp ,etagitim ,esongaid ot serusaemretnuoc erucorp ot desu eb llahs noitcesbus siht rednu elbaliava .snoitisiuqca edam sdnuF eht fo enoN" dne eht ta gnidda yb ])a(023 §.C.S.U erusaemretnuoc dleihSoiB tcejorP rof snoitairporppa rof noitazirohtua 6[ 2002 fo tcA ytiruceS dnalemoH eht fo )a(015 noitceS sdnemA eht si 2002 fo tcA ytiruceS dnalemoH eht fo )a(015 noitceS .yraterceS eht yb esu ycnegreme na rof dezirohtua neeb sah ro sraey thgie nihtiw lavorppa hcus rof yfilauq ylekil lliw denimreted sah yraterceS eht taht erusaemretnuoc a si ro tekram eht rof devorppa si dna ;erusaemretnuoc yrassecen a si ti senimreted yraterceS eht ;stcudorp hcus fo esu yb desuac secneuqesnoc htlaeh esrevda tneverp ro ,yfitnedi ,taert ot ro ,taerht lairetam a sa deifitnedi tnega NRBC yna morf mrah tneverp ro ,yfitnedi ".taert ro ,tneverp ,etagitim ,esongaid" gnitresni dna sraeppa ti ,taert ot ytiroirp a eb ot senimreted yraterceS eht taht ecived ro ecalp hcae "tneverp ro ,yfitnedi ,taert" gnikirts ,])B()1()c(b6-d742 tcudorp lacigoloib ,gurd a naem ot "erusaemretnuoc ytiruces" senifed § .C.S.U 24[ tcA SHP eht fo )B()1()c(2-F913 noitceS sdnemA ])B()1()c(b6-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ tcA SHP eht fo )B()1()c(2-F913 noitceS .nosrep taht ni secudorper taht dna nosrep a yb deriuqca esaesid a sa esaesid suoitcefni senifeD .stcudorp hcus fo esu yb desuac secneuqesnoc htlaeh esrevda ro ytiruces lanoitan gnitceffa ycnegreme .stcudorp hcus fo esu htlaeh cilbup a esuac yam taht )esaesid suoitcefni esuac taht esoht yb desuac secneuqesnoc htlaeh esrevda ro ytiruces lanoitan gnitceffa gnidulcni( tnega NRBC yna morf mrah taert ot ,etagitim ,esongaid ycnegreme htlaeh cilbup a esuac yam taht tnega NRBC yna morf mrah ot ytiroirp a si senimreted yraterceS eht taht ecived ro ,tcudorp tneverp ro ,yfitnedi ,taert ot ytiroirp a si senimreted yraterceS eht dleihSoiB tcejorP lacigoloib ,gurd a sa "erusaemretnuoc deifilauq" a enifed ot ])a(a6 taht ecived ro ,tcudorp lacigoloib ,gurd a sa "erusaemretnuoc deifilauq" yb derevoc serusaemretnuoc -d742 § .C.S.U 24[ tcA SHP eht fo )a(1-F913 noitceS sdnemA a denifed ])a(a6-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ tcA SHP eht fo )a(1-F913 noitceS fo noitacifiralC ]204 noitceS[ .raey lacsif tneuqesbus 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP rehto sesoprup rof tnemeerga hcus rednu deriuqca noitamrofni yna fo esu ehT .].qes te 1131 § .C.S.U 51[ tcA ssecorP liviC tsurtitnA eht rednu noitagitsevni tsurtitna na deredisnoc eb lliw noitpmexe na gniwener ro gnitnarg rof lareneG yenrottA eht yb noitaredisnoC .dewener eb ton dluohs ti enimreted namriahC CTF eht dna lareneG yenrottA eht sselnu sraey eerht retfa dewener yllacitamotua eb lliw snoitpmexE .devlovni erusaemretnuoc eht fo ytilibaliava eht gnirusne rof yrassecen ylbanosaer ton si taht tceffe evititepmocitna laitnatsbus a evah ton lliw tcudnoc derevoc taht senimreted lareneG yenrottA eht taht tnetxe eht ot ylno detnarg eb lliw swal tsurtitna eht ot noitpmexe nA .stnemeerga dettimbus ot snoitacifidom esoporp ro ,trap ni ro elohw ni tnarg ,yned ot syad 51 sah lareneG yenrottA ehT .noitamrofni tnaveler rehto yna dna ,yrassecen si tnemeerga na hcus yhw fo noitanalpxe na ,sevitcejbo s'tnemeerga eht eveihca ot esu sdohtem eht fo noitpircsed a ,tnemeerga eht fo ecnatsbus eht fo tnemetats cificeps a ,tnemeerga eht fo esoprup dednetni eht fo noitanalpxe na lareneG yenrottA eht ot edivorp lliw yraterceS eht ,tnemeerga desoporp eht ot noitidda nI .swal tsurtitna fo noitaloiv eb ton lliw stnemeerga devorppa hcus htiw ecnadrocca ni tcudnoC .namriahC CTF eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni lareneG yenrottA eht yb lavorppa rof yraterceS eht yb dettimbus eb nac sgniteem eseht morf gnitluser seinapmoc ro slaudividni neewteb stnemeerga nettirW .namriahC CTF eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni lareneG yenrottA eht fo lavorppa eht ot tcejbus swal tsurtitna morf tpmexe eb osla yam sgniteem eseht morf gnitluser stnemeerga ro tcudnoC .swal tsurtitna etaloiv ton lliw sgniteem eseht ni noitapicitraP .stseuqer AIOF ot tcejbus eb ton lliw tpircsnart eht ,ytiruces lanoitan mrah yam tpircsnart eht gnisolcsid taht edam si noitanimreted a fI .gniteem eht fo tpircsnart mitabrev a peek lliw yraterceS ehT .noitamrofni yrateirporp ro ,laicremmoc ,laitnedifnoc laever ot stnapicitrap eriuqer tonnac yraterceS ehT .gniteem eht edistuo desolcsid si noitamrofni yrateirporp ro ,laicremmoc laitnedifnoc ,ytiruces lanoitan on taht erusne ot rennam a ni dleh dna ,)woleb denifed( "seitivitca derevoc" ot detimil eb lliw snoissucsiD .serusaemretnuoc fo noitubirtsid ro ,egarots ,esahcrup ,erutcafunam ,tnempoleved eht ni devlovni slaudividni dna ;yraterceS SHD eht ;namriahC CTF eht ;lareneG yenrottA eht ot nepo eb tsum sgniteem ehT .sgniteem eht dael lliw yraterceS ehT .sgniteem 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP rednu noitadnemmocer a ekam ,llac hcus ot tnausrup deniatbo noitamrofni no trap ni desab ,lliw seiraterceS eht ,)5( hpargarap rednu tnemerucorp rof snoitidnoc eht steem taht erusaemretnuoc hcus fo tnempoleved tsrif eht nopu ,taht tnemtimmoc a ekam )ii( dna ;erusaemretnuoc hcus fo tnempoleved eht rof llac a eussi )i( - ot lasoporp a tnediserP eht ot timbus yltnioj yam seiraterceS hcus ,sesu evitanretla rof ylno deraelc ro ,desnecil ,devorppa si ro erusaemretnuoc ytiruces a sa tnemerucorp rof elbaliavanu yltnerruc rehtie si tub etairporppa eb dluow erusaemretnuoc a taht noitanimreted a ekam yraterceS eht dna yraterceS ytiruceS dnalemoH eht ,)3( hpargarap rednu tnemssessa na ot tnausrup ,fI ".yltnerruc" erofeb "ro depoleved ton" stresnI tnediserP eht ot lasoporP )A()4()c( .stseuqer AIOF morf tpmexe eb ro ytiruces lanoitan mrah .)2( hpargarap rednu deifitnedi ot dnet dluow segduj yraterceS eht taht noitamrofni laever ton staerht cificeps sserdda ot serusaemretnuoc cificeps fo ssenetairporppa seod ti sa gnol sa elbaliava ylcilbup stnemssessa eseht gnidrager dna ytilibaliava eht sisab gniogno na no ssessa llahs ,yraterceS ytiruceS noitamrofni ekam ot ssecorp a etutitsni lliw yraterceS ehT .)B( dnalemoH eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni ,yraterceS ehT serusaemretnuoc hpargarap wen a gnidda yb )3( hpargarap )c( noitcesbus sdnemA fo ssenetairporppa dna ytilibaliava fo tnemssessA )3()c( ".lacidemoib" dnuf evreser laiceps fo ytilibaliava ;serusaemretnuoc drow eht evomer ot gnidaeh )c( noitcesbus sdnemA lacidemoib niatrec fo tnemerucorp gnidrager ytirohtua lanoitiddA )c( ".serusaemretnuoC ytiruceS dna elipkcotS lanoitaN cigetartS .b6-d742 .ceS" si gnidaeh eht tnemerucorp dleihSoiB taht os ]b6-d742 § .C.S.U 24[ 2-F913 noitces tcA SHP sdnemA elipkcotS lanoitaN cigetartS b6-d742 § .C.S.U 24 tcejorP dna SNS ot segnahC ]504 noitceS[ .)2102 ,91 rebmeceD( tnemtcane retfa sraey xis eripxe llahs noitces siht rof ytirohtuA .stnemeerga detpmexe eht etucexe ot yrassecen ylbanosaer ton si taht srotitepmoc neewteb noitamrofni gnignahcxe ro secirp gnittes ,erahs tekram gnitacolla sedulcxe sihT .stnemeerga devorppa -lareneG yenrottA eht ni detpmexe ylsserpxe erusaemretnuoc a fo egarots ro ,esahcrup ,noitubirtsid ,erutcafunam ,tnempoleved eht ot gnitaler ytivitca yna sa "seitivitca derevoc" senifeD .swal etats ralimis yna dna ,]54 § .C.S.U 51[ tcA noissimmoC edarT laredeF eht ,])a(21 § .C.S.U 21[ tcA notyalC eht yb nevig taht sa emas eht sa "swal tsurtitna" senifeD .tnemtcane retfa raey eno gnitrats ,yllainneib snoitpmexe eseht fo esu eht troper llahs riahC CTF eht dna lareneG yenrottA ehT .swal tsurtitna ot tcejbus era tnemeerga eht ni naht 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP .tnemnrevoG eht fo ecneinevnoc eht rof stcartnoc fo noitanimret ot gnitaler )noitalugeR noitisiuqcA laredeF eht gnidulcni( noitaluger ro wal fo snoisivorp rednu srodnev fo sthgir gnitceffa sa deurtsnoc eb yam esualcbus siht ni gnihtoN .tcartnoc eht rednu rodnev eht yb mrofrep ot eruliaf a si ereht fi diaper eb ot deriuqer si tnemyap ecnavda hcus taht edivorp llahs tcartnoc ehT .yreviled fo ecnavda ni ,tnuoma tcartnoc eht fo tnecrep 01 deecxe ot ton ,tnuoma na yap yam yraterceS eht ,tcejorp a fo sseccus erusne ot yrassecen si tnemyap ecnavda na taht )noitercsid s'yraterceS eht ni( senimreted yraterceS eht fi ,taht edivorp yam tcartnoc eht ,wal fo noisivorp rehto yna gnidnatshtiwton ,taht tpecxe ,rof detcartnoc stinu fo rebmun latot eht fo ,yraterceS eht ot elbatpecca ,noitrop a fo edam neeb sah yreviled litnu edam eb yam tnemyap on taht edivorp llahs tcartnoc ehT .tcudorp yreviled no denoitidnoc tnemyaP )I( dehsinif reviled ot sliaf rodnev eht fi diaper eb ot evah ton od dna tsoc tcartnoc latot eht fo %05 deecxe ton llahs stnemyap :smret gniwollof eht edulcni )yam ,woleb deificeps esehT .yreviled tcudorp erofeb stnemyap enotselim srodnev sa ,ro( llahs noitcesbus siht rednu stnemerucorp rof tcartnoc A yap ot SHH wolla ot )I( hpargarap ni smret tcartnoc eht sdnemA smret tcartnoC )ii()C()7()c( .noitces siht fo )1()f( noitcesbus rednu rof dedivorp noitairporppa eht morf diap eb llahs ,)i( esualc ni debircsed stsoc eht naht rehto ,noitces siht rednu yraterceS eht ot stsoc lautca ehT stsoc rehtO )ii( .tnemerucorp hcus rof rodnev a ot yraterceS eht yb edam stnemyap rof elbaliava eb llahs )01( hpargarap rednu dnuf evreser laiceps ehT .hpargarap siht fo snoisivorp eht htiw ecnadrocca ni erusaemretnuoc ytiruces a fo tnemerucorp rof yraterceS eht .6002YF ni deripxe sdnuf esoht rof htiw tnemeerga na otni retne llahs yraterceS ytiruceS dnalemoH ehT noitazirohtuA .elipkcotS lanoitaN cigetartS eht rof detairporppa tnemeerga ycnegaretnI )i( sdnuf eht morf diap erew SHH ot stsoc snoitisiuqca dleihSoiB tcejorP rehto ,wal suoiverp eht rednU .)ii( esualc sekirtS stsoc ;tnemeerga ycnegaretnI )B()7()c( .elipkcots eht fo sdeen eht teem ot dedeen eb lliw taht tcudorp eht fo seititnauq ehT )i( :gniwollof eht redisnoc dna enimreted llahs yraterceS eht ,erusaemretnuoc ytiruces a ot tcepser htiw )A( hpargarapbus rednu noitanimreted a gnikam nI ".sdeen elipkcots eht teem ot" htiw "elipkcots eht fo sdeen eht teem ot" secalpeR stnemeriuqeR )B()5()c( .erusaemretnuoc hcus fo tnemerucorp eht rof elbaliava edam eb )01( hpargarap rednu dnuf evreser laiceps eht taht )6( hpargarap 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP .SRC fo noisiviD waL naciremA ,yenrottA evitalsigeL ,heY .T nairB yb dedivorp noitamrofnI .b .SRC fo noisiviD waL naciremA ,yenrottA evitalsigeL ,namidnewS .S neelhtaK yb dedivorp noitamrofnI .a .tcA ecivreS htlaeH cilbuP eht ni snoitces ot refer wal ni snoitces dna ,SHH fo yraterceS eht ot srefer "yraterceS eht" ,detats esiwrehto sselnU :etoN .tnemnrevoG setatS detinU eht fo seicnega rehto htiw sgnikatrednu evitaroballoc rehto dna stnemeerga ycnegaretni otni retne ot ,)B( hpargarapbus ot tcejbus ,dezirohtua era yraterceS eht dna yraterceS .SHH yb dehsilbatse ytiruceS dnalemoH eht ,noitces siht rednu seitivitca tuo gniyrrac nI stcartnoc tnemerucorp rednu serusaemretnuoc niatbo lareneg nI )A( ot seicnega evitucexe rehto wolla ot )8( hpargarapbus sdnemA noitarepooc ycnegaretnI )8( .tcudorp eht poleved ot dneps lliw SHH taht gnidnuf fo tnuoma eht yficeps yam SHH .seitreporp noitartsinimda dna gnisod gnidulcni ,ecnatpecca rof seriuqer tnemnrevog eht scitsiretcarahc erusaemretnuoc yficeps yam SHH .tcudorp fo egrus a rof tseuqer ycnegreme na ot dnopser ylkciuq ot elba eb ot ytilibapac gnirutcafunam citsemod a hsilbatse rerutcafunam tcudorp dleihSoiB tcejorP a taht eriuqer yam SHH .lavorppa s'yraterceS eht tuohtiw ytitne rehtona ot ytivisulcxe siht ngissa tonnac ynapmoc ehT .sdeen s'tnemnrevog eht teem nac rodnev eht sa gnol sa ,tcartnoc eht fo noitarud eht rof tcudorp eht fo reilppus tnemnrevog evisulcxe eht si rodnev eht taht tcartnoc noitisiuqca eht ni yficeps yam SHH .snoitisiuqca dleihSoiB tcejorP ni stnemeriuqer wen edulcni ot SHH gniwolla hpargarap smret tcartnoc eht ot snoitcesbus wen sddA .noisivorp elbacilppa oN 714-901 .L.P waL gnitsixeerP £ Sarah A. Lister Frank Gottron Specialist in Public Health and Epidemiology Specialist in Science and Technology Policy, 7-7320, 7-5854 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see