For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Order Code RL33313 Congressional Membership and Appointment Authority to Advisory Commissions, Boards, and Groups Updated March 26, 2008 Matthew E. Glassman Analyst on the Congress Government and Finance Division Congressional Membership and Appointment Authority to Advisory Commissions, Boards, and Groups Summary Over the past several decades, Congress, by statute, has established a wide array of commissions, boards, and advisory bodies to provide it with assistance in meeting various legislative, investigative, and administrative responsibilities. Some of these entities are temporary and created to serve specific functions, such as studying a discreet policy area or performing one-time tasks. Others are permanent, serving an ongoing purpose, such as overseeing an institution or performing a regular administrative function. The majority of these congressional bodies provide that Members of Congress, particularly the leadership, be intimately involved in the appointment process, either through direct service on a commission, or by appointing or recommending candidates for membership. The choice of a particular mechanism for membership appointment may have implications for the ability of these entities to fulfill their congressional mandates. Examination of the statutory language creating these bodies reveals several common approaches to membership selection. Each alternative schema has its advantages. A commission or board composed entirely of Members permits a high degree of congressional control over the entity's operations. Bodies composed mainly of qualified private citizens or executive branch appointees may provide a broader expertise than Member-only bodies. Assemblages of mixed membership provide some of the advantages of both Member and citizen-only appointment schemes. This report contains a compilation of commissions and boards that demonstrates the range of alternative membership appointment structures. It includes any statutorily created advisory entity (boards, advisory panels, etc.) whose membership scheme mandates the participation of Members of Congress either as potential members or as participants in the process of appointing the membership. For each entity, information on the purpose, duration, appointment structure, and term of appointment is provided. Finally, information on the involvement of Members of Congress in the appointment process is presented in a series of tables. This report will be updated at the beginning of each Congress. Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Membership Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Direct Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Qualification Provisos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Separation of Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Impact of Appointment Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Organization of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Listing of Individual Congressional Advisory Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 List of Tables Table 1. Appointment Role of the Speaker of the House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Table 2. Appointment Role of the House Minority Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Table 3. Appointment Role of the House Majority Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Table 4. Appointment Role of the President of the Senate or the President Pro Tempore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Table 5. Appointment Role of the Senate Majority Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Table 6. Appointment Role of the Senate Minority Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Table 7. Appointment Role of Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Table 8. Summary of Appointment Authority of Congressional Leaders and Committee Leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Congressional Membership and Appointment Authority to Advisory Commissions, Boards, and Groups Introduction Over much of its history, Congress has created a wide array of advisory bodies, separate from each chamber's committees and officers, in order to better exercise its legislative, oversight, and investigative mandates, and to attend to both temporary and ongoing administrative tasks and responsibilities. During the past two decades, Congress has established or renewed the existence of hundreds of statutory entities to study, advise on, coordinate, or monitor matters of particular interest to Congress. These entities vary in several dimensions, including their official designation, purpose, lifespan, membership, and mechanism by which members are appointed. Many of these bodies are expressly identified as commissions, but others are designated as boards, advisory committees, or by other terms. In this report, they are referred to generically as "congressional advisory bodies." These groups are generally created to address a single purpose, perhaps to study a discrete policy issue, or to attend to one-time or recurring administrative functions. Often, they have a well- defined mandate, which typically includes the submission of a final report to Congress detailing findings and recommendations. Although some have a specific lifespan, many have been created to provide ongoing support and advice (for instance, the boards of visitors for the United States military service academies, or the Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol). The statutory provisions creating a substantial proportion of congressional advisory bodies provide for a membership that, either entirely or in part, (1) includes, (2) is chosen by, or (3) is recommended by Members of Congress. This report addresses only those statutory groups whose membership involves congressional participation in one or more of these forms. It provides selected background information on these groups and specific information relating to the role of Members of Congress in the appointment process. This report is intended to inform Members of Congress of their specific appointment responsibilities and to make them aware of their opportunities to serve as members of congressional advisory bodies. Additionally, observations regarding the rationale and effects for the many variations in the appointment schemes for existing bodies are intended to provide some alternatives to legislators to facilitate the drafting of membership language in future statutes. CRS-2 Scope Following an examination of the appointment schemes to various congressional advisory bodies, this compilation attempts to identify all congressional advisory bodies currently in existence. It includes any statutorily created advisory entity (boards, advisory panels, etc.) whose membership scheme mandates the participation of Members of Congress, either as potential members or as participants in the process of appointing the membership. Entities created by Congress that have neither congressional membership nor congressional involvement in the appointment process have been omitted.1 Boards and commissions to which Congress has "advise and consent" authority are also omitted, unless Members of Congress otherwise participate in the appointment process. Also excluded are ad hoc commissions and advisory groups empaneled by individual committees of Congress under their general authority to procure the "temporary services" of consultants to "make studies and advise the committee with respect to any matter within its jurisdiction," pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 72a or under chamber rules or resolutions. The membership of these entities, such as the Advisory Commission to Study the Consumer Price Index, might be selected by the chairman and ranking minority member of the committee concerned, and these bodies are generally empaneled for short durations. This report does not include caucuses, observer groups, or working groups created by means other than statute. Tracking the provisions of law that create congressional advisory bodies is an inherently inexact exercise. Although many such bodies are created in easily identifiable freestanding statutes, others are contained within the statutory language of lengthy omnibus legislation.2 It is also sometimes difficult to determine when such bodies have ceased to operate,3 as termination dates are not always included in the organic statute, or may be tied to ambiguous conditions. Membership Composition When making appointments to congressional advisory bodies, Members of Congress may be empowered to act independently or in concert with congressional leaders. Structurally, variations in the autonomy of appointment officials fall within several common patterns. 1 See, for example, the membership appointment scheme for the Advisory Commission on Drug Free Communities (21 U.S.C. 1543), established by P.L. 105-20; 111 Stat. 232. All appointments are made by the President with no congressional involvement. 2 For example, provisions for the establishment of 12 separate advisory bodies were included in the text of the FY1999 Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (P. L. 105-277; 112 Stat. 2681). 3 In at least one instance, a commission mandated by law never formally organized. Membership selection for the Commission on State and Private Forests (16 U.S.C. 1601 note; P.L. 101-624; 104 Stat. 3548) was not completed, apparently due to presidential reservations about the appropriateness of the appointment scheme (see "Separation of Powers Issues," below). CRS-3 Direct Designation. The statutory scheme may mandate that membership of a congressional advisory body be made up in whole or in part by specifically designated Members of Congress, typically members of the leadership or of specified committees. In most such cases, leadership service is limited to bodies concerned with the internal administrative functions of the House and Senate. For example, membership of the Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol includes the Speaker of the House, the President pro tempore of the Senate, the majority and minority leaders of the House and the Senate, and the chairmen and the ranking minority members of the Committee on House Administration and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. Statutes requiring the appointment of specific members of congressional or committee leadership to commissions are not as common as those that simply grant appointment authority to these leaders. Appointment. Selected leaders, often with balance between the parties, may appoint congressional advisory body members, who may or may not be Members of Congress. For appointments made by congressional leaders, the statutory scheme generally mandates that appointments be made by leaders of both parties. The members of some congressional advisory bodies are selected by majority and minority party leaders in equal numbers.4 In other instances, the majority party appoints a greater number.5 In a few cases, the majority/minority ratio of appointments to a commission varies, depending upon whether the President is of the same party as the majority in the House or the Senate.6 One common component of statutory appointment schemes for congressional advisory bodies is the requirement that Members of Congress serve on these panels. Certain bodies, such as the British American Parliamentary Group, are composed entirely of Members of Congress. In other instances, a statute may require that a certain specified number of Senators or Representatives be selected.7 Recommendation. Selected leaders, again often with balance between the parties, may be authorized to recommend members, who may or may not be Members 4 See, for example, the Congressional Award Board. The majority and minority of the House and the Senate each are given the authority to appoint 12 members. 2 U.S.C. 803; P.L. 96- 114; 93 Stat. 852. 5 Under the appointment scheme for the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, for example, the majority party enjoys a three-to-two advantage in making appointments to the commission. P.L. 106-173; 114 Stat. 15. 6 See, for example, the details of the appointment scheme for the National Prison Rape Reduction Commission in Table 1. 7 For example, the law creating the Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary Commission (P.L. 107-202; 116 Stat. 739) provided that eight of the 15 members of the commission be appointed by congressional leaders, and that at least two Senators and two Representatives be among those selected. CRS-4 of Congress, for appointment to a congressional advisory body. They may do so either in parallel or jointly, and the recommendations may be made either to other congressional leaders, such as the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate, or to the President. Qualification Provisos. Some statutory provisos may have the effect of limiting the degree of autonomy a Member has in appointing or making recommendations of individuals for congressional advisory body membership. For example, the appointing official may be required by law to select members who are specifically qualified by virtue of their education, knowledge, training, experience, expertise, distinguished service, or recognized eminence in a particular field or fields.8 In other instances, appointments are expressly limited to individuals occupying specific federal, state, or local government positions, representing a particular occupation, or serving as head of a particular public or private sector institution or organization. Separation of Powers In many instances, the authority to appoint members to the entities covered in this report is shared by the executive and legislative branches.9 When the appointment authority set out in a statute creating a congressional advisory body is shared by the President and Members of Congress, questions about implementation of the appointment scheme have sometimes prompted the President to comment on separation-of-powers issues raised under the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. Some statutes instruct the President to appoint congressional advisory body members from a list provided by congressional leadership. For example, the appointment scheme for the Commission on Interoperable Data Sharing provides for nine members, one member appointed by the President to serve as chairman, and eight members appointed by the President "from a list of nominees jointly provided by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the minority leader of the House of Representatives, the majority leader of the Senate, and the minority leader of the Senate."10 In the signing statement accompanying the law, President George W. Bush noted that methods of selection included in the Appointment Clause of the Constitution include "appointment by the President with Senate consent, or by the 8 For example, P.L. 109-58 (119 Stat. 594) prescribes that nominees for the United States Commission on North American Energy Freedom must be "knowledgeable on energy issues, including oil and gas exploration and production, crude oil refining, oil and gas pipelines, electricity production and transmission, coal, unconventional hydrocarbon resources, fuel cells, motor vehicle power systems, nuclear energy, renewable energy, biofuels, energy efficiency, and energy conservation." 9 See, for example, the membership appointment scheme for the Commission on Broadcasting to the People's Republic of China, which consists of 11 members, three appointed by the President and two each appointed by the Speaker of the House, the majority leader of the Senate, the minority leader of the House, and the minority leader of the Senate (P.L. 102-138; 105 Stat. 705). 10 P.L. 107-173; 116 Stat. 543. CRS-5 President alone," but not by the President "from a pool of persons selected by congressional leadership."11 Similarly, in a statement accompanying the signing of legislation creating the Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary Commission,12 the President made it clear that he would not be bound by the membership recommendations of House and Senate leadership required by the statute, but would rather "welcome, as a matter of comity, the suggestions of the congressional leadership for those positions."13 Impact of Appointment Framework As the foregoing discussion suggests, several alternative approaches are available to legislators in drafting membership selection language. The decisions made when devising a congressional advisory body's membership framework are not arbitrary or without consequence. Inclusion of legislators on such panels insures that Congress will be able to exercise a certain degree of control over the operations of the entity concerned. At the same time, service by Members on congressional advisory bodies is arguably antithetical to at least one of the rationales for creating the entity in the first place, namely, to reduce the workload of Congress by delegating certain functions to temporary bodies. Even in the absence of direct membership on a congressional advisory body, in drafting the particulars of an appointment scheme, legislators can dictate, to some degree, the measure of autonomy an entity enjoys. For example, although the legislation creating the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the 9-11 Commission) did not stipulate that Members of Congress be included in the commission's membership, it did call for nine of the 10 members of the commission to be selected by congressional leaders.14 Attention to the proper balance between the number of members appointed by congressional leaders and by other individuals, or to the number of Members of Congress required to be among the appointees, or to the qualifications of appointees, can be significant factors in enabling an advisory body to fulfill its congressional mandate. Organization of the Report Each currently functioning congressional advisory body, regardless of when it was initially established, is profiled following the narrative portion of this report.15 For each entity, a brief summary of its purpose or role is provided, as well as the following information: 11 Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, vol. 38, May 20, 2002, p. 822. 12 36 U.S.C. note prec. 101; P.L. 107-41; 115 Stat. 226. 13 Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, vol. 37, Sept. 24, 2001, p. 1336. 14 The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (P.L. 107-306; 116 Stat. 2408) was established to examine and report upon issues relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. 15 See, for example, the Board of Trustees for the American Folklife Center, which is ongoing, but was established in 1976 pursuant to P.L. 94-201 (20 U.S.C. 2103). CRS-6 ! Advisory body type: Congressional advisory bodies can be generally grouped into four categories. Most advisory bodies study particular policy problems or investigate events (policy advisory bodies) and report their findings to Congress. Less common are advisory bodies that commemorate a person or event (commemorative advisory bodies). Policy and commemorative advisory bodies are often -- although not always -- temporary in nature. Congress has also created a number of advisory bodies that oversee ongoing functions of Congress (operational advisory bodies) or serve diplomatic or interparliamentary functions (diplomatic advisory bodies). These advisory bodies differ from policy or commemorative bodies in that they typically are created to serve ongoing functions, often have administrative authority, and usually do not have statutory termination dates. ! Statutory duration of the advisory body: The termination date is provided for each advisory body, where appropriate. Occasionally, termination dates are ambiguous, due to their contingency upon an associated time line within the statute, such as the date of submission of a final report. ! FACA applicability: Advisory bodies established in the executive branch that report to the president are subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), which governs their creation, administration, and management.16 Advisory bodies that are appointed by Congress and report only to Congress are not specifically bound by the requirements set forth in FACA. Because many commissions involve both congressional and presidential participation, some of the entities in this report may be governed by FACA. Occasionally, statutes creating congressional advisory bodies will incorporate explicit statutory language exempting a commission from FACA requirements, either in whole or in part. ! Membership Appointment Scheme: Each entry includes the advisory body's membership appointment scheme. The particulars of congressional involvement in the appointment process are varied. The statutory language of membership appointment schemes detail a wide range of membership patterns for the benefit of lawmakers who might be contemplating creation of advisory bodies. In the legislative branch, the individuals most commonly empowered to make appointments to commissions and similar bodies are the Speaker of the House, the President or President pro tempore17 of the 16 5 U.S.C. Appendix; 86 Stat. 770. 17 The appointment power of the President pro tempore of the Senate is subject to the conditions of 2 U.S.C. 199, which requires involvement of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate if a statute specifies that the appointment is to be made on the basis of the appointee's affiliation with the majority or minority political party, or if not, upon the joint (continued...) CRS-7 Senate, and the majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate. The majority leader of the House is less often included in these mechanisms, since the appointment role of the minority leader in that chamber may be paired with the Speaker's appointment role. ! Term of Appointment: Most ongoing congressional advisory bodies have fixed terms of appointment set by statute. Statutes creating temporary commissions often provide that appointments are for the "life of the commission." Listing of Individual Congressional Advisory Bodies The more than 85 entries on the following pages highlight the broad diversity of matters Congress has felt deserved examination beyond the established organizational structure of Congress. Entries are arranged alphabetically. Citations to the United States Code and the Statutes at Large are provided where particulars relating to the scope, purpose, and composition of these bodies may be located. The Internet address of the entity's website is also provided, if available. Information on the involvement of Members of Congress in the appointment process for congressional commissions is presented in a series of tables. Tables 1 through 6 list the appointment responsibilities of each of these major congressional leaders. Table 7 lists other congressional leaders, namely, the chairmen or ranking minority members of specified committees in the House and Senate who may also be granted authority to make or recommend appointments, or be designated as members of an advisory body.18 A final table, Table 8, summarizes all leaders' appointment authority. 17 (...continued) recommendation of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate (P.L. 96-576; 94 Stat. 3355). 18 See, for example, the Commission for the Judiciary Office Building, the membership of which includes the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House (P.L. 100-480; 102 Stat. 2334). CRS-8 Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission 36 U.S.C. § note prec. 101; P.L. 106-173, 114 Stat. 15; P.L. 108-59, 117 Stat. 861. Advisory Body Type: Commemorative Summary: The mission of the commission is to commemorate the 200th birthday of Abraham Lincoln; emphasize the contribution of his thoughts and ideals to America and the world; and serve as a catalyst for strengthening freedom, democracy, and equal opportunity for all. Duration: The commission is to terminate 120 days after submitting its final report. The commission is required to submit a final report to Congress not later than the expiration of the four-year period beginning on the date of the formation of the commission. P.L. 108-59 extended the reporting deadline to not later than April 30, 2010. Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 15 members: (A) Two members appointed by the President; (B ) One member appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Governor of Illinois; (C) One member appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Governor of Indiana; (D) One member appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Governor of Kentucky; (E) Three members, at least one of whom shall be a Member of the House, appointed by the Speaker; (F) Three members, at least one of whom shall be a Senator, appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; (G) Two members, at least one of whom shall be a Member of the House, appointed by the minority leader of the House; and (H) Two members, at least one of whom shall be a Senator, appointed by the minority leader of the Senate. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-9 Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance 20 U.S.C. §1098, P.L. 99-498, 100 Stat. 1492. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The committee serves as an independent source of advice and counsel to Congress and the Secretary of Education on student financial aid policy. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Yes. Appointment Structure: The advisory committee comprises 11 members appointed by the following: (A) Three members appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the majority leader and the minority leader; (B) Three members appointed by the Speaker of the House upon the recommendation of the majority leader and the minority leader; and (C) Five members appointed by the Secretary of Education including, but not limited to, representatives of states, institutions of higher education, secondary schools, credit institutions, students, and parents. Term of Appointment: Appointments last three years. CRS-10 Advisory Committee on the Protection of Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates 18 U.S.C. § 3056(a)(7), P.L. 98-587, 98 Stat. 3111; P.L. 90-331; 82 Stat 170. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The purpose of the committee is to assist the Secretary of Homeland Security in identifying "major candidates" for President and Vice-President. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The advisory committee comprises five members: (A) The Speaker of the House of Representatives; (B) The minority leader of the House of Representatives; (C) The majority and minority leaders of the Senate; and (D) One additional member selected by the other members of the committee. Term of Appointment: The additional member is appointed prior to each presidential election. CRS-11 Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress 44 U.S.C. § 270; P.L. 101-509; 104 Stat. 1417. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The committee was established to advise Congress and the Archivist of the United States on the management and preservation of the records of Congress. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The committee comprises 11 members: (A) The Secretary of the Senate; (B) The Clerk of the House of Representatives; (C) The Archivist of the United States; (D) The Historian of the Senate; (E) The Historian of the House of Representatives; and (F) Six appointees, one appointed by each of the following: (i) The Speaker of the House of Representatives; (ii) The Minority Leader of the House of Representatives; (iii) The Majority Leader of the Senate; (iv) The Minority Leader of the Senate; (v) The Secretary of the Senate; and (vi) The Clerk of the House of Representatives. Term of Appointment: Appointments last two years. CRS-12 American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress, Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. § 2103, P.L. 94-201, 89 Stat. 1130. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress. The center was created by Congress in 1976 "to preserve and present American Folklife." The Center incorporates the Archive of Folk Culture, which was established at the Library in 1928 as a repository for American Folk Music. The Center and its collections have grown to encompass all aspects of folklore and folklife from this country and around the world. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 19 members: (A) Four members appointed by the President from among individuals who are officials of Federal departments and agencies concerned with some aspect of American folklife traditions and arts; (B) Four members appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate from among individuals from private life who are widely recognized by virtue of their scholarship, experience, creativity, or interest in American folklife traditions and arts, and four members appointed by the Speaker of the House from among such individuals; (C) Four members appointed by the Librarian of Congress from among individuals who are widely recognized by virtue of their scholarship, experience, creativity, or interest in American folklife traditions and arts; and (D) Seven ex officio members including -- (i) The Librarian of Congress; (ii) The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution; (iii) The chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts; (iv) The chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities; (v) The president of the American Folklore Society; (vi) The president of the Society for Ethnomusicology; and (vii) The director of the Center. Term of Appointment: Appointments last two years. CRS-13 Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. § 4703, P.L. 99-661, 100 Stat. 4007. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the foundation. The purpose of the foundation is to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue careers in these fields. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 13 members: (A) Two members from the Senate, one appointed by the majority leader and one appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; (B) Two members from the House, one appointed by the majority leader and one appointed by the minority leader of the House; (C) Eight members, not more than four of whom shall be of the same political party, appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and (D) The Secretary of Education, or his designee, who serves ex officio as a member of the board but shall not be eligible to serve as chairman. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-14 British American Parliamentary Group 22 U.S.C. 276(l), P.L. 102-138, 105 Stat. 676. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: The group brings together selected U.S. and British lawmakers at conference meetings to discuss mutual concerns and to strengthen the alliance between the two nations. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The membership of the group shall not exceed 24 Members of Congress. Of the Members of Congress appointed: (A) Half are appointed by the Speaker of the House from among Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (B) Half are appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. Term of Appointment: Appointments are made prior to each conference. CRS-15 Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group 22 U.S.C. 276(d); P.L. 86-42, 73 Stat. 72; P.L. 95-45, 91 Stat. 222; P.L. 103-437, 108 Stat. 4588. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: The group brings together lawmakers to exchange information and promote better understanding between Canadian and U.S. parliamentarians on common problems and concerns, as well as differences, in relations between the two countries. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The membership of the group shall not exceed 24 Members of Congress. Of the Members of the Congress: (A) Half are appointed by the Speaker of the House from Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Foreign Affairs Committee); and (B) Half are appointed by the President of the Senate upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate from Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Foreign Relations Committee). Term of Appointment: Appointments are made prior to each meeting. CRS-16 Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation, Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. 5702, P.L. 102-281, 106 Stat. 142. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the foundation. The Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation is an independent Federal government agency established to "encourage and support research, study and labor designed to produce new discoveries in all fields of endeavor for the benefit of mankind." Governed by a presidentially appointed board of trustees, the foundation seeks to nurture and recognize pioneering individuals and programs which reflect the visionary spirit and pioneering heritage of Christopher Columbus. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 13 members: (A) Two members appointed by the President in consultation with the President pro tempore of the Senate; (B) Two members appointed by the President in consultation with the minority leader of the Senate; (C) Two members appointed by the President in consultation with the Speaker of the House; (D) Two members appointed by the President in consultation with the minority leader of the House; and (E) Five members appointed by the President. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-17 Citizen's Coinage Advisory Committee 31 U.S.C. 5135, P.L. 108-15, 117 Stat. 616. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The committee was created to advise the Secretary of the Treasury on any theme or design proposals relating to circulating coinage, bullion coinage, Congressional Gold Medals, and national and other medals; advise the Secretary of the Treasury with regard to the events, persons, or places to be commemorated by the issuance of commemorative coins in each of the five calendar years succeeding the year in which a commemorative coin designation is made; and make recommendations with respect to the mintage level. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The advisory committee comprises 11 members: (A) Seven persons appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury -- (i) One from among individuals who are specially qualified to serve on the advisory committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience as a nationally or internationally recognized curator in the United States of a numismatic collection; (ii) One from among individuals who are specially qualified to serve on the advisory committee by virtue of their experience in the medallic arts or sculpture; One (iii) from among individuals who are specially qualified to serve on the advisory committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience in American history; (iv) One from among individuals who are specially qualified to serve on the advisory committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience in numismatics; and (v) Three from among individuals who can represent the interests of the general public in the coinage of the United States; (B) Four persons appointed by the Secretary on the basis of the recommendations of the following officials, who shall make the selection for such recommendation from among citizens who are specially qualified to serve on the advisory committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience: (i) One person recommended by the Speaker of the House; (ii) One person recommended by the minority leader of the House; (iii) One person recommended by the majority leader of the Senate; and (iv) One person recommended by the minority leader of the Senate. Term of Appointment: Appointments last four years. CRS-18 Commission for the Judiciary Office Building 40 U.S.C. 6503, P.L. 100-480, 102 Stat. 2334. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The commission is responsible for the supervision of the design, construction, operation, maintenance, structural, mechanical, domestic care, and security of the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building. The commission shall prescribe regulations to govern the actions of the Architect of the Capitol under this chapter and to govern the use and occupancy of all space in the building. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises the following 13 members or their designees: (A) Two individuals appointed by the Chief Justice from among justices of the Supreme Court and other judges of the United States; (B) The three members of the House Office Building Commission; (C) The majority leader and minority leader of the Senate; (D) The chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; (E) The chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; and (F) The chairman and ranking minority member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Term of Appointment: Not specified; the commission has never met. CRS-19 Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad 16 U.S.C. 469j, P.L. 99-83, 99 Stat. 280. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: The law directs the commission to: (1) identify and report on cemeteries, monuments, and historic buildings in Eastern and Central Europe that are associated with the heritage of U.S. citizens, particularly endangered properties; and (2) obtain, in cooperation with the Department of State, assurances from the governments of the region that the properties will be protected and preserved. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 21 members appointed by the President: (A) Seven appointed after consultation with the Speaker of the House; and (B) Seven appointed after consultation with the President pro tempore of the Senate. Term of Appointment: Appointments last three years. CRS-20 Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism P.L. 110-53; 121 Stat. 501 Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The purposes of the commission are to: (1) assess current activities, initiatives, and programs to prevent weapons of mass destruction proliferation and terrorism; and (2) provide a clear and comprehensive strategy and concrete recommendations for such activities, initiatives, and programs. Duration: The commission terminates 60 days after submission of its final report, which is due no later than 180 days after appointment of the commissioners. Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises nine members: (A) One member appointed by the leader in the Senate of the Democratic Party (majority or minority leader, as the case may be), with the concurrence of the leader in the House of Representatives of the Democratic party (majority or minority leader as the case may be), who shall serve as chairman of the Commission; (B) Two members appointed by the senior member of the Senate leadership of the Democratic party; (C) Two members appointed by the senior member of the Senate leadership of the Republican party; (D) Two members appointed by the senior member of the leadership of the House of Representatives of the Democratic party; and (E) Two members appointed by the senior member of the leadership of the House of Representatives of the Republican party. It is the sense of Congress that individuals appointed to the commission should be prominent U.S. citizens, with significant depth of experience in the nonproliferation or arms control fields. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-21 Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission) 22 U.S.C. 3003; P.L. 93-304; 90 Stat. 661; P.L. 99-7; 99 Stat. 18. Advisory Body Type: Policy / Diplomatic Summary: The commission, also known as the Helsinki Commission, is an independent U.S. Government agency created in 1976 to monitor and encourage compliance with the Helsinki Final Act and other OSCE commitments. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 21 members: (A) Nine Members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House, five Members selected from the majority party and four Members selected, after consultation with the minority leader of the House, from the minority party. (B) Nine Members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate, five Members selected from the majority party of the Senate, after consultation with the majority leader, and four Members selected, after consultation with the minority leader of the Senate, from the minority party. (C) One member of the Department of State appointed by the President of the United States; (D) One member of the Department of Defense appointed by the President of the United States; and (E) One member of the Department of Commerce appointed by the President of the United States. Term of Appointment: Congressional appointees serve for the duration of the Congress from which they were appointed. CRS-22 Commission on the National Guard and Reserve P.L. 108-375; 118 Stat. 1880; P.L. 109-364; 120 Stat. 2197. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The purpose of the commission is to conduct a comprehensive examination of how the Guard and Reserves are used in national defense, including homeland defense, and to recommend any needed changes in laws and policies governing the National Guard and Reserves. Duration: The commission will terminate 90 days after submitting its final report, which was due January 31, 2008. Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 13 members: (A) Three members appointed by the chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate; (B) Three members appointed by the chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives; (C) Two members appointed by the ranking minority member of the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate; (D) Two members appointed by the ranking minority member of the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives; and (E) Three members appointed by the Secretary of Defense. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-23 Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan P.L. 110-181. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The purpose of the commission is to: (1) study federal agency contracting for the reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan; (2) study federal agency contracting for the logistical support of coalition forces operating in Iraq and Afghanistan; and (3) study federal agency contracting for the performance of security functions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Duration: The commission is to terminate 60 days after the submission of its final report, which is due no later than two years after the appointment of commissioners. Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises eight members: (A) Two members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, in consultation with the chairmen of the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate; (B) Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the chairmen of the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives; (C) One member appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, in consultation with the ranking minority members of the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate; (D) One member appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the ranking minority member of the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives; and (E) Two members appointed by the President, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-24 Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack P.L. 106-398; 114 Stat. 1654A-345; P.L. 109-163; 119 Stat. 3434; P.L. 109-364; 120 Stat. 2403. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission is to review the threat posed to the United States by EMP and recommend policy changes to Congress. Duration: The commission is to terminate on November 30, 2008. Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises nine member: (A) Seven members appointed by the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the chairmen and ranking minority members of the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives; and (B) Two members appointed by the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-25 Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol 2 U.S.C. 1801; P.L. 101-163; 103 Stat. 1068. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The commission recommends candidates for appointment as Architect of the Capitol. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises eight members: (A) The Speaker of the House; (B) The President pro tempore of the Senate; (C) The majority and minority leaders of the House and the Senate; and (D) The chairmen and the ranking minority members of the Committee on House Administration of the House and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. Term of Appointment: Not Applicable CRS-26 Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China 22 U.S.C. 6911; P.L. 106-286; 114 Stat. 895. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission was created by Congress in October 2000 with the legislative mandate to monitor human rights and the development of the rule of law in China, and to submit an annual report to the President and the Congress. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 23 members: (A) Nine Members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House, five selected from the majority party and four selected, after consultation with the minority leader of the House, from the minority party; (B) Nine Members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate, five, after consultation with the majority leader of the Senate, from the majority party, and four, after consultation with the minority leader of the Senate, from the minority party; (C) One representative of the Department of State, appointed by the President from among officers and employees of that Department; (D) One representative of the Department of Commerce, appointed by the President from among officers and employees of that Department; (E) One representative of the Department of Labor, appointed by the President of the United States from among officers and employees of that Department; and (F) Two at-large representatives, appointed by the President, from among the officers and employees of the executive branch Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-27 Congressional Advisers for Trade Policy and Negotiations 19 U.S.C. 2211; P.L. 100-418, 102 Stat. 1269-1270. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The advisers provide advice on the development of trade policy and priorities for the implementation thereof. They are also accredited by the United States Trade Representative on behalf of the President as official advisers to the U.S. delegations to international conferences, meetings, and negotiating sessions relating to trade agreements. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 10 members: (A) Five members of the Committee on Ways and Means, chosen by the Speaker of the House, upon the recommendation of the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, not more than three of whom are members of the same political party; and (B) Five members of the Senate Committee on Finance, chosen by the President pro tempore of the Senate, upon the recommendation of the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, not more than three of whom are members of the same political party. Term of Appointment: Appointments last for the session of Congress from which the appointees are chosen. CRS-28 Congressional Award Board 2 U.S.C. 803; P.L. 96-114; 93 Stat. 852; P.L. 106-63; 113 Stat. 510; P.L. 109-143: 119 Stat. 2659. Advisory Body Type: Commemorative Summary: The board oversees the Congressional Award programs. Congress established the Congressional Award in 1979 to recognize initiative, achievement, and service by young people. Duration: The board will terminate on October 1, 2009. Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 25 members: (A) Six members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall be a past recipient of the Congressional Award; (B) Six members appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall be a local Congressional Award program volunteer; (C) Six members appointed by the Speaker of the House, one of whom shall be a local Congressional Award program volunteer; (D) Six members appointed by the minority leader of the House, one of whom shall be a past recipient of the Congressional Award; and (E) The director of the board, who serves as a nonvoting member. Term of Appointment: Appointments last four years. CRS-29 Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States P.L. 110-181. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission is to examine and make recommendations with respect to the long-term strategic posture of the United States. Duration: The commission terminates on June 1, 2009. Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 12 members: (A) Three appointed by the chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives; (B) Three appointed by the ranking minority member of the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives; (C) Three appointed by the chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate; and (D) Three appointed by the ranking minority member of the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-30 Congressional Hunger Fellows Program, Board of Trustees 2 U.S.C. 1161; P.L. 107-171; 116 Stat 335. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the Congressional Hunger Fellows Program. Each year 24 participants are selected for this 12-month program. Fellows are placed for six months with urban and rural community-based organizations all over the country involved in fighting hunger at the local level, such as food banks, economic development agencies, local advocacy groups, and faith-based organizations. They then move to Washington, DC, to complete the year with six months of work at national organizations involved in the anti-hunger and poverty movement, including national advocacy organizations, think tanks, and federal agencies. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises seven members: (A) Two appointed by the Speaker of the House; (B) One appointed by the minority leader of the House; (C) Two appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; (D) One appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; and (E) The executive director of the program, who serves as a nonvoting ex officio member of the board. Term of Appointment: Appointments last four years. CRS-31 Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 42 U.S.C. 5616. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The council's primary functions are to coordinate federal juvenile delinquency prevention programs, federal programs and activities that detain or care for unaccompanied juveniles, and federal programs relating to missing and exploited children. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Applicable Appointment Structure: The council comprises: (A) Three members appointed by the Speaker of the House, after consultation with the minority leader of the House; (B) Three members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, after consultation with the minority leader of the Senate; (C) Three members shall be appointed by the President; and (D) The following individuals from the executive branch: the Attorney General, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, such other officers of Federal agencies who hold significant decision making authority as the President may designate. Appointments shall be made without regard to political affiliation and from among individuals who are practitioners in the field of juvenile justice and who are not officers or employees of the United States. Term of Appointment: Appointments last for either one, two, or three years. CRS-32 Denali Commission 42 U.S.C. 3121 note; P.L. 105-277; 112 Stat. 2681-637. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission is a federal-state partnership designed to provide critical utilities, infrastructure, and economic support throughout Alaska. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises seven members, who are appointed by the Secretary of Commerce: (A) The Governor of the State of Alaska, or an individual selected from nominations submitted by the Governor, who shall serve as the state cochairperson; (B) The president of the University of Alaska, or an individual selected from nominations submitted by the president of the University of Alaska; (C) The president of the Alaska Municipal League or an individual selected from nominations submitted by the president of the Alaska Municipal League; (D) The president of the Alaska Federation of Natives or an individual selected from nominations submitted by the president of the Alaska Federation of Natives; (E) The executive president of the Alaska State AFL -- CIO or an individual selected from nominations submitted by the executive president; (F) The president of the Associated General Contractors of Alaska or an individual selected from nominations submitted by the president of the Associated General Contractors of Alaska; and (G) The federal cochairperson, for whom the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House shall each submit a list of nominations, including pertinent biographical information, to the Secretary. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission, except for the Federal cochairperson, whose appointment lasts four years. CRS-33 Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission 16 U.S.C. 431 note; P.L. 106-79; 113 Stat. 1274. Advisory Body Type: Commemorative Summary: The commission shall consider and formulate plans for such a permanent memorial to Dwight D. Eisenhower, including its nature, design, construction, and location. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 12 members: (A) Four persons appointed by the President, not more than two of whom may be members of the same political party; (B) Four Members of the Senate appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate, of whom not more than two appointees may be members of the same political party; and (C) Four Members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the House, of whom not more than two appointees may be members of the same political party. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-34 Election Assistance Commission 42 U.S.C. 15321; P.L. 107-252, 116 Stat. 1673. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission serves as a national clearinghouse and resource for information and review of procedures with respect to the administration of federal elections. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission is comprised four members appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Before the initial appointment of the members of the commission and before the appointment of any individual to fill a vacancy on the commission, the majority leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the minority leader of the Senate, and the minority leader of the House shall each submit to the President a candidate recommendation with respect to each vacancy on the commission affiliated with the political party of the Member of Congress involved. Term of Appointment: Appointments last four years. CRS-35 Election Assistance Commission, Board of Advisors 42 U.S.C. 15341; P.L. 107-252, 116 Stat. 1678. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission serves as a national clearinghouse and resource for the compilation of information and review of procedures with respect to the administration of federal elections. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board of advisors comprises 37 members: (A) Two members appointed by the National Governors Association; (B) Two members appointed by the National Conference of State Legislatures; (C) Two members appointed by the National Association of Secretaries of State; (D) Two members appointed by the National Association of State Election Directors; (E) Two members appointed by the National Association of Counties; (F) Two members appointed by the National Association of County Recorders, Election Administrators, and Clerks; (G) Two members appointed by the United States Conference of Mayors; (H) Two members appointed by the Election Center; (I) Two members appointed by the International Association of County Recorders, Election Officials, and Treasurers; (J) Two members appointed by the United States Commission on Civil Rights; (K) Two members appointed by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board under section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; (L) The chief of the Office of Public Integrity of the Department of Justice; (M) The chief of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice or the chief's designee; (N) The director of the Federal Voting Assistance Program of the Department of Defense; (O) Four members representing professionals in the field of science and technology, one each appointed by the Speaker and the minority leader of the House; and one each by the majority and minority leaders of the Senate. (P) Eight members representing voter interests, of whom four members shall be appointed by the House Committee on House Administration, two appointed by the chair and two appointed by the ranking minority member; and four members appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, two appointed by the chair and two appointed by the ranking minority member. Term of Appointment: Appointments last two years. CRS-36 Federal Judicial Center Foundation Board 28 U.S.C. 629b; P.L. 100-702; 102 Stat. 4647. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: Congress created the foundation in 1990 to receive gifts to support the work of the Federal Judicial Center. The foundation is governed by its own board, which has sole responsibility to determine whether to accept gifts offered to the foundation. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises seven members: (A) Three members, including the chairman, appointed by the Chief Justice of the United States; (B) Two members appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate; and (C) Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House. Term of Appointment: Appointments last five years. CRS-37 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 5 U.S.C. 8472; P.L.99 -- 335; 100 Stat. 514. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board establishes policies for the investment and management of the Thrift Savings Fund and the administration of subchapter III of this chapter. It also shall review the performance of investments made for the Thrift Savings Fund and review and approve the budget of the board. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises five members: (A) Three members appointed by the President, of whom one shall be designated by the President as chairman; and (B) Two members appointed by the President, of whom: (i) One shall be appointed by the President after taking into consideration the recommendation made by the Speaker of the House in consultation with the minority leader; and (ii) One shall be appointed by the President after taking into consideration the recommendation made by the majority leader of the Senate in consultation with the minority leader of the Senate. Term of Appointment: Appointments made with congressional recommendation last two years. CRS-38 Gallaudet University, Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. 4303; P.L. 83-420; 68 Stat. 265; P.L. 99-371; 100 Stat. 782. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the university. Gallaudet University is a world leader in liberal education and career development for deaf and hard-of-hearing undergraduate students. The university enjoys an international reputation for the outstanding graduate programs it provides deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing students, as well as for the quality of the research it conducts on the history, language, culture, and other topics related to deaf people. In addition, the university's Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center serves deaf and hard-of-hearing children at its two demonstration schools and throughout the nation by developing, implementing, and disseminating innovative educational strategies. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 21 members: (A) One Senator appointed by the President of the Senate; (B) Two Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House; and (C) Eighteen other members, all elected by the board of trustees and of whom one shall be elected pursuant to regulations of the board of trustees, on nomination by the Gallaudet University Alumni Association, for a term of three years. Term of Appointment: Congressional appointments last two years. CRS-39 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. 2004; P.L. 93-642; 88 Stat. 2277. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the scholarship foundation. The mission of the foundation is to find and recognize college juniors with exceptional leadership potential who are committed to careers in government, the nonprofit or advocacy sectors, education or elsewhere in the public service; and to provide them with financial support for graduate study, leadership training, and fellowship with other students who are committed to making a difference through public service. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 13 members: (A) Two Members of the Senate, one from each political party, appointed by the President of the Senate; (B) Two Members of the House, one from each political party, appointed by the Speaker; (C) Eight members, not more than four of whom shall be of the same political party, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, of whom one shall be a chief executive officer of a state, one a chief executive officer of a city or county, one a member of a federal court, one a member of a state court, one a person active in postsecondary education, and three representatives of the general public; and (D) The Secretary of Education or the Secretary's designee, who shall serve ex officio as a member of the board, but shall not be eligible to serve as chairman. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-40 Help America Vote Foundation, Board of Directors 36 U.S.C. 152603; P.L. 107-252; 116 Stat. 1718. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board is the governing body of the foundation. The purposes of the foundation are to mobilize secondary school students (including students educated in the home) in the United States to participate in the election process in a nonpartisan manner as poll workers or assistants (to the extent permitted under applicable state law); and to place secondary school students (including students educated in the home) as nonpartisan poll workers or assistants to local election officials in precinct polling places across the United States (to the extent permitted under applicable state law). Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board consists of 16 members: (A) Four (of whom not more than two may be members of the same political party) appointed by the President; (B) Two appointed by the Speaker of the House; (C) Two appointed by the minority leader of the House; (D) Two appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; (E) Two appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; and (F) The chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on House Administration (or their designees) and the chair and ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration (or their designees) shall each serve as an ex officio nonvoting member of the board. Term of Appointment: Appointments last four years. CRS-41 Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People Around the Globe Commission (HELP) 22 U.S.C. 2394b; P.L. 108-199; 118 Stat. 101. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The HELP Commission develops and delivers actionable proposals to the President, Secretary of State, and Congress to enhance and leverage the efficiency and effectiveness of U.S. foreign assistance programs to reduce poverty through sustained economic growth and self-sufficiency. Duration: The commission will terminate 60 days after submission of its report, which is due two years after the appointment of commissioners. Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission is composed of 21 members: (A) Six members appointed by the President, of whom at least two shall be representatives of nongovernmental organizations; (B) Four members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; (C) Three members appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; (D) Four members appointed by the Speaker of the House; (E) Three members appointed by the minority leader of the House; and (F) The administrator of the United States Agency for International Development shall serve as a member of the commission, ex officio. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-42 House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards 2 U.S.C. 501; P.L. 93-191; 87 Stat. 737. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The commission has a three-fold mandate: (1) to issue regulations for the House of Representatives governing the proper use of the franking privilege; (2) to provide guidance in connection with mailings; and (3) to act as a quasi-judicial body for the disposition of formal complaints against Representatives who have allegedly violated franking laws or regulations. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: Itemid=37 FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises six Members of the House appointed by the Speaker, three from the majority political party, and three from the minority political party. The Speaker designates one of the Members as chairman. Term of Appointment: Appointments are made at the start of each Congress. CRS-43 House Child Care Center, Advisory Board for the 2 U.S.C. 2062; P.L. 102-90; 105 Stat. 468. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The advisory board is to: (1) provide advice to the Chief Administrative Officer on matters of policy relating to the administration and operation of the center (including the selection of the director of the center); (2) be chosen from among Members of the House of Representatives, spouses of Members, parents of children enrolled in the center, and other individuals with expertise in child care or interest in the center; and (3) serve during the Congress in which they are appointed, except that a member of the board may continue to serve after the expiration of a term until a successor is appointed. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: 2&in_hi_userid=2&cached=true (available from HouseNet only) FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 15 individuals appointed by the Speaker of the House, seven upon recommendation of the minority leader of the House. Term of Appointment: Appointments are made at the start of each Congress. CRS-44 House of Representatives Fine Arts Board 2 U.S.C. 2121; P.L. 100-696; 102 Stat. 4611. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The board, in consultation with the House Office Building Commission, shall have authority over all works of fine art, historical objects, and similar property that are the property of the Congress and are for display or other use in the House of Representatives wing of the Capitol, the House of Representatives Office Buildings, or any other location under the control of the House. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises the Members of the House who serve on the Joint Committee on the Library. The chairman of the Committee on House Administration is the chairman of the board. Term of Appointment: Not Applicable CRS-45 House of Representatives Page Board 2 U.S.C. 88b-3; P.L. 97-377; 96 Stat. 1914; H.Res. 611 (97th Congress); P.L. 110-2. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board is to ensure that the page program is conducted in a manner that is consistent with the efficient functioning of the House and the welfare of the pages. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises seven members: (A) Two Members of the House appointed by the Speaker and two Members of the House appointed by the minority leader; (B) The Clerk and the Sergeant at Arms of the House; (C) The parent of a page who had served in the last five years, appointed jointly by the Speaker and minority leader; and (D) A former page who is not a member of the House or the parent of a page, appointed jointly by the Speaker and minority leader. Term of Appointment: Appointments last one year. CRS-46 House Office Building Commission 2 U.S.C. 2001; P.L. 59-253; 34 Stat. 1365. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The commission oversees the operation and maintenance of the House Office Buildings. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises the Speaker of the House and two Members of Congress appointed by the Speaker. Term of Appointment: Appointments are made at the start of each Congress. CRS-47 Human Space Flight Independent Investigation Commission P.L. 109-155. Advisory Body Type: Investigative Summary: The President shall establish an independent, nonpartisan commission within the executive branch to investigate any incident that results in the loss of: a Space Shuttle; the International Space Station or its operational viability; any other United States space vehicle carrying humans that is owned by the Federal Government or that is being used pursuant to a contract with the Federal Government; or a crew member or passenger of any space vehicle described in this subsection. A commission established pursuant to this subchapter shall, to the extent possible, undertakes the following tasks: (1) investigate the incident; (2) determine the cause of the incident; (3) identify all contributing factors to the cause of the incident; (4) make recommendations for corrective actions; (5) provide any additional findings or recommendations deemed by the Commission to be important, whether or not they are related to the specific incident under investigation; and (6) prepare a report to Congress, the President, and the public. Duration: Not Applicable Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: Any established commission comprises 15 members: (A) The President appoints the members, and designates the chairman and vice chairman of the commission from among its members. (B) The majority leader of the Senate, the minority leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and the minority leader of the House shall provide to the President a list of candidates for membership on the commission. The President may select one of the candidates from each of the four lists for membership on the commission. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-48 Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. 4411; P.L. 99-498; 100 Stat. 1601. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the institute. Serving Native American students from across the country, the institute allows for a unique cultural exchange within the student learning environment. In any given year, there may be up to 112 different tribes represented within the student body. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 19 members: (A) The 13 voting members are appointed by the President of the United States by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from among individuals from private life who are Indians, or other individuals widely recognized in the field of Indian art and culture and who represent diverse political views, and diverse fields of expertise, including finance, law, fine arts, and higher education administration; (B) The 6 nonvoting members are: (i) Two Members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House in consultation with the minority leader of the House; (ii) Two Members of the Senate appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, upon the recommendation of the majority leader and the minority leader of the Senate; (iii) The president of the institute, ex officio; and (iv) The president of the student body of the institute, ex officio. Term of Appointment: Congressional appointments last for the remainder of the Congress during which the appointment was made. CRS-49 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. 4502; P.L. 99-591; 100 Stat. 3341-76; P.L. 102-221; 105 Stat. 1676. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the foundation. Through a national competition, the foundation offers James Madison Fellowships to a select group of individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 13 members: (A) Two Members of the Senate, of different political parties, appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate; (B) Two Members of the House, of different political parties, appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House, in consultation with the minority leader of the House; (C) Two members of the federal judiciary appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Chief Justice of the United States; (D) Six members, not more than three of whom shall be of the same political party, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, of whom one shall be a chief executive officer of a state, two shall be members of the general public, and three shall be members of the academic community, appointed upon the recommendation of the Librarian of Congress; and (E) The Secretary of Education or his designate shall serve ex officio as a member of the board, but shall not be eligible to serve as chairman. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-50 Japan-United States Friendship Commission 22 U.S.C. 2903; P.L. 94-118; 89 Stat. 604. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: The commission is an independent federal agency that provides support for training and information to help prepare Americans to better meet the challenges and opportunities in the US-Japan relationship through grant programs for institutions in the following areas: Japanese studies in the United States; public affairs and education; the study of the United States in Japan; and the arts. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises: (A) The members of the United States Panel of the Joint Committee on United States-Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation; (B) Two Members of the House, appointed at the beginning of each Congress or upon the occurrence of a vacancy during a Congress by the Speaker of the House; (C) Two Members of the Senate, appointed at the beginning of each Congress or upon the occurrence of a vacancy during a Congress by the President pro tempore of the Senate; (D) The chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts; and (E) The chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the duration of the Congress during which the appointment was made. CRS-51 John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and Development, Board of Trustees 2 U.S.C. 1103; P.L. 100-458; 102 Stat. 2173. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the center. The Stennis Center's mandate is to attract young people to careers in public service, to provide training for leaders in or likely to be in public service, and to offer development opportunities for senior congressional staff. Products of the Stennis Center include conferences, seminars, special projects, and leadership development programs. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises seven members: (A) Two members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; (B) One member appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; (C) Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House; (D) One member appointed by the minority leader of the House; and (E) The executive director of the center, who shall serve as an ex officio member of the board. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-52 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. 76h; P.L. 85-874; 72 Stat. 1698; P.L. 88-260; 78 Stat. 4. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board of trustees oversees the center. The center continues its efforts to fulfill President Kennedy's vision by producing and presenting an unmatched variety of theater and musicals, dance and ballet, orchestral, chamber, jazz, popular, and folk music, and multi-media performances for all ages. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 59 members: (A) The Secretary of Health and Human Services; (B) The Librarian of Congress; (C) The Secretary of State; (D) The chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts; (E) The mayor of the District of Columbia; (F) The superintendent of schools of the District of Columbia; (G) The director of the National Park Service; (H) The Secretary of Education; (I) The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution; (J) The Speaker and the minority leader of the House; (K) The chairman and ranking minority member of the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; (L) Three Members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House; (M) The majority leader and the minority leader of the Senate; (N) The chairman and ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; (O) Three Members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate; and (P) Thirty six general trustees, who shall be citizens of the United States. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-53 Library of Congress Trust Fund Board 2 U.S.C. 154; P.L. 102-246; 106 Stat. 31. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board is authorized to accept, receive, hold, and administer such gifts, bequests, or devises of property for the benefit of, or in connection with, the Library, its collections, or its service, as may be approved by the Board and by the Joint Committee on the Library. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 14 members: (A) The Secretary of the Treasury (or an assistant secretary designated in writing by the Secretary of the Treasury); (B) The chairman and the vice chair of the Joint Committee on the Library; (C) The Librarian of Congress; (D) Two persons appointed by the President for a term of five years each (the first appointments being for three and five years, respectively); (E) Four persons appointed by the Speaker of the House (in consultation with the minority leader of the House ) for a term of five years each (the first appointments being for two, three, four, and five years, respectively); and (F) Four persons appointed by the majority leader of the Senate (in consultation with the minority leader of the Senate) for a term of five years each (the first appointments being for two, three, four, and five years, respectively). Term of Appointment: Congressional appointments last five years. CRS-54 Medal of Valor Review Board (Public Safety Officer) 42 U.S.C. 15202; P.L. 107-12; 115 Stat. 20. Advisory Body Type: Commemorative Summary: The review board oversees the selection process for the medal. The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor is awarded by the President to public safety officers cited by the Attorney General and recommended by the Medal of Valor Review Board. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 11 members: (A) Two appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; (B) Two appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; (C) Two appointed by the Speaker of the House; (D) Two appointed by the minority leader of the House; and (E) Three appointed by the President, including one with experience in firefighting, one with experience in law enforcement, and one with experience in emergency services. The members of the board shall be individuals with knowledge or expertise, whether by experience or training, in the field of public safety. Term of Appointment: Appointments last four years. CRS-55 Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, Delegation to the 22 U.S.C. 276h; P.L. 86-420; 74 Stat. 40; P.L. 95-45; 91 Stat. 222; P.L. 103-437; 108 Stat.4588. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: The delegation meets jointly and at least annually with representatives of the Chamber of Deputies and Chamber of Senators of the Mexican Congress for discussion of common problems between the United States and Mexico. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The delegation cannot exceed 24 Members of Congress: (A) Half of the members are appointed by the Speaker of the House from Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (B) Half of the members are appointed by the President of the Senate upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate from Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations). Term of Appointment: Appointments are made annually. CRS-56 Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxics Research Center, Board of Directors 42 U.S.C. 7412; P.L. 101-549; 104 Stat. 2562. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the center. The Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxics Research Center is a research facility that has been specifically charged to sponsor and gather scientific information on the human health effects caused by exposure to air toxics. By law, it is a non-profit corporation, financed by government and private funds. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises nine members, the appointment of which shall be allocated pro rata among the Speaker of the House, the majority leader of the Senate and the President. Term of Appointment: No Statutory Terms of Appointment. CRS-57 Migratory Bird Conservation Commission 16 U.S.C. 715a; P.L. 70-770; 45 Stat. 1222. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission is authorized to consider and approve any areas of land and/or water recommended by the Secretary of the Interior for purchase or rental by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Migratory Bird Conservation Act, and to fix the price or prices at which such areas may be purchased or rented. In addition to approving purchase and rental prices, the commission considers the establishment of new waterfowl refuges. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises: (A) The Secretary of the Interior as chairman; (B) The administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; (C) The Secretary of Agriculture; (D) Two Members of the Senate selected by the President of the Senate; and (E) Two Members of the House selected by the Speaker of the House. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the Congress in which the appointment was made. CRS-58 Millennium Challenge Corporation, Board of Directors 22 U.S.C. 7703; P.L. 108-199; 118 Stat. 212 Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board of directors oversees the corporation. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is a U.S. Government corporation designed to work with some of the poorest countries in the world. MCC is based on the principle that aid is most effective when it reinforces good governance, economic freedom, and investments in people. MCC's mission is to reduce global poverty through the promotion of sustainable economic growth. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises nine members: (A) The Secretary of State; (B) The Secretary of the Treasury; (C) The administrator of the United States Agency for International Development; (D) The Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation; (E) The United States Trade Representative; and (F) Four other individuals with relevant international experience appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, of which: (i) One individual appointed from among a list of individuals submitted by the majority leader of the House; (ii) One individual appointed from among a list of individuals submitted by the minority leader of the House; One (iii) individual appointed from among a list of individuals submitted by the majority leader of the Senate; and (iv) One individual appointed from among a list of individuals submitted by the minority leader of the Senate. Term of Appointment: Appointments last three years; reappointments last two years. CRS-59 Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation, Board of Trustees 20 U.S.C. 5603; P.L. 102-259; 106 Stat. 79; P.L. 105-156; 112 Stat. 8. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the foundation. The purposes of the foundation are to: (1) increase the awareness of the importance of, and promote the benefit and enjoyment of, the nation's natural resources; (2) foster a greater recognition and understanding of the role of the environment, public lands and resources in the development of the United States; (3) identify critical environmental issues; (4) develop resources to train professionals properly in environmental and related fields; (5) provide educational outreach regarding environmental policy; and (6) develop resources to train Native American and Alaska Native professionals in health care and public policy. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 13 trustees: (A) Two trustees appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, after considering the recommendation of the Speaker of the House, in consultation with the minority leader of the House; (B) Two trustees, appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, after considering the recommendation of the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the majority and minority leaders of the Senate; (C) Five trustees, not more than three of whom shall be of the same political party, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, who have shown leadership and interest in: the continued use, enjoyment, education, and exploration of our Nation's rich and bountiful natural resources, or the improvement of the health status of Native Americans and Alaska Natives and in strengthening tribal self-governance; (D) The Secretary of the Interior, or the Secretary's designee, who shall serve as a voting ex officio member but shall not be eligible to serve as chairperson; (E) The Secretary of Education, or the Secretary's designee, who shall serve as a voting ex officio member but shall not be eligible to serve as chairperson; (F) The president of the University of Arizona shall serve as a nonvoting, ex officio member and shall not be eligible to serve as chairperson; and (G) The chairperson of the President's Council on Environmental Quality, who shall serve as a nonvoting member not be eligible to serve as chairperson. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-60 Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement Advisory Commission 26 U.S.C. 4081 note; P.L. 109-59; 119 Stat. 1959. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission shall (1) review motor fuel revenue collections, historical and current; (2) review the progress of investigations with respect to motor fuel taxes; (3) develop and review legislative proposals with respect to motor fuel taxes; (4) monitor the progress of administrative regulation projects relating to motor fuel taxes; (5) review the results of Federal and state agency cooperative efforts regarding motor fuel taxes; (6) review the results of Federal interagency cooperative efforts regarding motor fuel taxes; and (7) evaluate and make recommendations to the President and Congress regarding (A) the effectiveness of existing Federal enforcement programs regarding motor fuel taxes, (B) enforcement personnel allocation, and (C) proposals for regulatory projects, legislation, and funding. Duration: The commission terminates on September 30, 2009. Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises members appointed by the chairmen and the ranking members of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means: (A) At least one representative from each of the following Federal entities: the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Transportation -- Office of Inspector General, the Federal Highway Administration, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Justice; (B) At least one representative from the Federation of State Tax Administrators; (C) At least one representative from any state department of transportation; (D) Two representatives from the highway construction industry; (E) Six representatives from industries relating to fuel distribution -- refiners (two representatives), distributors (one representative), pipelines (one representative), and terminal operators (two representatives); (F) One representative from the retail fuel industry; and (G) Two representatives from the staff of the Committee on Finance of the Senate and two representatives from the staff of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-61 National Capital Planning Commission 40 U.S.C. 8711; P.L. 68-202; 43 Stat. 463; P.L. 93-198; 87 Stat. 781. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission (NCPC) is the federal government's central planning agency for federal land and buildings in the National Capital Region. NCPC develops planning policies and makes decisions that protect and enhance the extraordinary historical, cultural, and natural resources of the nation's capital. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 12 members: (A) The Secretary of the Interior; (B) The Secretary of Defense; (C) The Administrator of General Services; (D) The mayor of the District of Columbia; (E) The chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia; (F) The chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; (G) The chairman of the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform of the House; and (H) Five citizens with experience in city or regional planning, three of whom shall be appointed by the President and two of whom shall be appointed by mayor. Term of Appointment: Presidential appointments last six years. Mayoral appointments last four years. CRS-62 National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics 42 U.S.C. 242k; P.L. 93-353; 88 Stat. 366. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The committee was established by Congress to serve as an advisory body to the Department of Health and Human Services on health data, statistics and national health information policy. It fulfills important review and advisory functions relative to health data and statistical problems of national and international interest, stimulates or conducts studies of such problems and makes proposals for improvement of the nation's health statistics and information systems. In 1996, the committee was restructured to meet expanded responsibilities under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Applicable Appointment Structure: The committee comprises 18 members: (A) One shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House after consultation with the minority leader of the House; (B) One shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate after consultation with the minority leader of the Senate; and (C) Sixteen shall be appointed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The members of the committee shall be appointed from among persons who have distinguished themselves in the fields of health statistics, electronic interchange of health care information, privacy and security of electronic information, population-based public health, purchasing or financing health care services, integrated computerized health information systems, health services research, consumer interests in health information, health data standards, epidemiology, and the provision of health services. Members of the committee shall be appointed for terms of four years. Term of Appointment: Appointment last four years. CRS-63 National Council on the Arts 20 U.S.C. 955; P.L. 88-579; 78 Stat. 905; P.L.105-83; 111 Stat. 1605. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The council advises the chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, who also chairs the council, on agency policies and programs. It reviews and makes recommendations to the chairman on applications for grants, funding guidelines, and leadership initiatives. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The council comprises 21 members: (A) The chairperson of the National Endowment for the Arts, who shall be the chairperson of the council; (B) Members of Congress appointed for a two-year term beginning on January 1 of each odd-numbered year as follows: (i) Two Members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House; (ii) One Member of the House appointed by the minority leader of the House; (iii) Two Senators appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; (iv) One Senator appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; and (C) Fourteen non-voting members appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall be selected from among private citizens of the United States who: (1) are widely recognized for their broad knowledge of, or expertise in, or for their profound interest in the arts; and (2) have established records of distinguished service, or achieved eminence, in the arts; (3) so as to include practicing artists, civic cultural leaders, members of the museum profession, and others who are professionally engaged in the arts; and (4) so as collectively to provide an appropriate distribution of membership among major art fields and interested citizens groups. Term of Appointment: Appointments last two years. CRS-64 National Historical Publications and Records Commission 44 U.S.C. 2501; P.L. 93-536; 88 Stat. 1734; P.L. 100-365; 102 Stat. 823. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The commission, a statutory body affiliated with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports a wide range of activities to preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, created in every medium ranging from quill pen to computer, relating to the history of the United States. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 15 members: (A) The Archivist of the United States, who shall be chairman; (B) The Librarian of Congress (or an alternate designated by the Librarian); (C) One Senator, appointed by the President of the Senate; (D) One Representative, appointed by the Speaker of the House; (E) One member of the judicial branch of the government, appointed by the Chief Justice of the United States; (F) One representative of the Department of State to be appointed by the Secretary of State; and (G) One representative of the Department of Defense to be appointed by the Secretary of Defense; (H) One member from each of the following organizations, appointed by the governing council or board of the respective organization: (i) The American Historical Association; (ii) The Organization of American Historians; (iii) The Society of American Archivists; (iv) The American Association for State and Local History; (v) The Association for Documentary Editing; and (vi) The National Association for Government Archives and Records Administrators; and (I) Two other members, outstanding in the fields of the social or physical science, the arts, or archival or library science, appointed by the President. Term of Appointment: House appointees serve two year terms. Senate appointees serve four year terms. CRS-65 National Prison Rape Reduction Commission 42 U.S.C. 15606; P.L. 108-79; 117 Stat. 980. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission is mandated to study federal, state, and local government policies and practices respecting the prevention, detection and punishment of prison sexual assaults. The commission will carry out a comprehensive legal and factual study of the penalogical, physical, mental, medical, social, and economic impacts of prison sexual assaults on federal, state, and local governments in the United States and on communities and social institutions generally. Duration: The commission terminates 60 days after submission of its final report. Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises nine members: (A) Three appointed by the President; (B) Two appointed by the Speaker of the House, unless the Speaker is of the same party as the President, in which case one shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House and one appointed by the minority leader of the House; (C) One appointed by the minority leader of the House; (D) Two appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, unless the majority leader is of the same party as the President, in which case one shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate and one appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; and (E) One member appointed by the minority leader of the Senate. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-66 National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission P.L. 109-59; 119 Stat. 1962. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission is mandated to make a thorough investigation and study of revenues flowing into the Highway Trust Fund under current law, including the individual components of the overall flow of such revenues and consider whether the amount of such revenues is likely to increase, decline, or remain unchanged, absent changes in the law, particularly by taking into account the impact of possible changes in public vehicular choice, fuel use, or travel alternatives that could be expected to reduce or increase revenues into the Highway Trust Fund. Duration: The commission will terminate 180 days after submission of the final report, which is due two years after the date of the first meeting. Website: FACA Applicability: Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 15 members: (A) Seven members appointed by the Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury; (B) Two members appointed by the chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means; (C) Two members appointed by the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Ways and Means; (D) Two members appointed by the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance; and (E) Two members appointed by the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Finance. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-67 National Veterans Business Development Corporation, Board of Directors 15 U.S.C. 657c; P.L. 106-50; 113 Stat. 236. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the corporation. The mission of the corporation is to create more prosperous communities and a stronger national economy by fostering entrepreneurship and business opportunities for Veterans and Service-Disabled Veterans. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises members appointed by the President, after considering recommendations proposed by the chairmen and ranking members of the Committees on Small Business and the Committees on Veterans Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Not more than five members can be members of the same political party. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-68 NATO Parliamentary Assembly, U.S. Group 22 U.S.C. 1928a; P.L. 84-689; 70 Stat. 523; P.L. 88-205; 77 Stat. 392; P.L. 95-45; 91 Stat. 222;P.L. 100-204; 101 Stat. 1396; P.L. 103-437; 108 Stat. 4588; P.L. 106-113; 113 Stat. 1501A-459. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: The assembly is the inter-parliamentary organization of legislators from the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance as well as 13 associate members. The assembly provides a critical forum for international parliamentary dialogue on an array of security, political, and economic matters. Its principal objective is to foster mutual understanding among alliance parliamentarians of the key security challenges facing the transatlantic partnership. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The group is not to exceed 24 Members of Congress. Of the Members of the Congress appointed: (A) Half are appointed by the Speaker of the House from Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (B) Half are appointed by the President of the Senate upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate from Members of the Senate. No more than seven of the appointees from the Senate shall be of the same political party. The chairman or vice chairman of the House delegation shall be a member from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and, unless the President of the Senate, upon the recommendation of the Senate majority leader, determines otherwise, the chairman or vice chairman of the Senate delegation shall be a member from the Foreign Relations Committee. Term of Appointment: Appointments are made annually. CRS-69 Office of Compliance, Board of Directors 2 U.S.C. 1381; P.L. 104-1; 109 Stat. 24. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the office. The Office of Compliance is an independent nonpartisan agency established to administer and enforce the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA). Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises five individuals appointed jointly by the Speaker of the House, the majority leader of the Senate, and the minority leaders of the House and the Senate. Term of Appointment: Appointments last five years. CRS-70 Open World Leadership Center, Board of Trustees 2 U.S.C. 1151; P.L. 106-554; 114 Stat.2763A-120; P.L. 108-7; 117 Stat. 382; P.L. 108-447; 118 Stat. 3192. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the center and the Open World Program. The Open World Program enables emerging leaders from Russia and other Eurasian countries to experience American democracy and civil society in action. Congress established the program in 1999 as a way to increase U.S.-Russian understanding and to expose Russian leaders to American democratic and economic institutions. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The Board comprises 11 members: (A) Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House, one of whom shall be designated by the majority leader of the House and one of whom shall be designated by the minority leader of the House; (B) Two members appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be designated by the majority leader of the Senate and one of whom shall be designated by the minority leader of the Senate; (C) The Librarian of Congress; (D) Four private individuals with interests in improving relations between the United States and eligible foreign states, designated by the Librarian of Congress; and (E) The chair of the Subcommittee on Legislative Branch of the House Committee on Appropriations and the chair of the Subcommittee on Legislative Branch of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. Term of Appointment: Appointments last three years. CRS-71 Senate Commission on Art 2 U.S.C. 2101; S.Res 382 (90th Congress); S.Res. 95 (92nd Congress); P.L. 100-696; 102 Stat. 4610. Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The commission oversees the Office of the Senate Curator, which develops and implements the museum and preservation programs for the United States Senate. The office collects, preserves, and interprets the Senate's fine and decorative arts, historic objects, and architectural features. Through exhibits, publications, and other programs, the office educates the public about the Senate and its collections. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises five members: (A) The President pro tempore of the Senate; (B) The chairman and ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; and (C) The majority and minority leaders of the Senate. Term of Appointment: Not Applicable CRS-72 Smithsonian Institution, Board of Regents 20 U.S.C. 43; 9 Stat. 103; P.L. 91-551; 84 Stat. 1439. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board is the governing body of the Smithsonian Institution. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 17 members: (A) The Vice President; (B) The Chief Justice of the United States; (C) Three Members of the Senate appointed by the President pro tempore; (D) Three Members of the House appointed by the Speaker; and (E) Nine other persons, other than Members of Congress, two of whom shall be resident in the city of Washington, and seven of whom shall be inhabitants of some state, but no two of them of the same state, appointed by joint resolution. Term of Appointment: Appointments last two years for House Members and the remainder of their Senate term for Senators. CRS-73 Social Security Advisory Board 42 U.S.C. 903; P.L. 103-296; 108 Stat. 1468. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The board advises the President, the Congress, and the commissioner of Social Security on matters related to the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The board shall comprises seven members: (A) Three members appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Not more than two of such members shall be from the same political party; (B) Two members (each member from a different political party) appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate with the advice of the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Finance; (C) Two members (each member from a different political party) appointed by the Speaker of the House, with the advice of the chairman and the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Ways and Means; Term of Appointment: Appointments last two, four, or six years for presidential appointments, three or six years for Senate appointments, and four or five years for House appointments. CRS-74 United States Air Force Academy, Board of Visitors 10 U.S.C. 9355; P.L. 84-1028; 70A Stat. 567; P.L. 96-579; 94 Stat. 3369; P.L. 106-65; 113 Stat. 774. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board visits the academy annually to inquire into the morale, discipline, curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, academic methods and other matters relating to the academy that the board decides to consider. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 15 members: (A) The chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, or his designee; (B) Three other members of the Senate designated by the Vice President or the President pro tempore of the Senate, two of whom are members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations; (C) The chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services, or his designee; (D) Four other members of the House designated by the Speaker of the House, two of whom are members of the House Committee on Appropriations; and (E) Six persons designated by the President. Term of Appointment: Appointments last three years for presidential appointments and a minimum of one year for other appointments. CRS-75 United States Capitol Preservation Commission 2 U.S.C. 2081; P.L. 100-696; 102 Stat. 4608; H.Res. 5 (106th Congress). Advisory Body Type: Operational Summary: The purpose of the commission is: (1) providing for improvements in, preservation of, and acquisitions for, the United States Capitol; (2) providing for works of fine art and other property for display in the United States Capitol and at other locations under the control of the Congress; and (3) conducting other activities that directly facilitate, encourage, or otherwise support any purposes specified in paragraph (1) or (2). Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 18 members: (A) The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, who shall be co-chairmen; (B) The chairman and vice-chairman of the Joint Committee on the Library; (C) The chairman and the ranking minority party member of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, and the chairman and the ranking minority party member of the Committee on House Administration; (D) The majority leader and the minority leader of the Senate; (E) The majority leader and the minority leader of the House; (F) The chairman of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Senate and the chairman of the Commission of the House Bicentenary, to be succeeded upon expiration of such commissions, by a Senator or Member of the House, as appropriate, appointed by the Senate or House co-chairman of the commission; (G) One Senator appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate and one Senator appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; and (H) One Member of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House and one Member of the House appointed by the minority leader of the House. Term of Appointment: Appointments are made for each new Congress. CRS-76 United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission P.L. 106-398; 114 Stat. 1654A -- 334. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The purpose of the commission is to monitor, investigate, and submit to Congress an annual report on the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China, and to provide recommendations, where appropriate, to Congress for legislative and administrative action. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Partial Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 12 members: (A) Three persons appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the majority leader of the Senate, after consultation with the chairman of the Committee on Finance and the chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services; (B) Three persons appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the minority leader of the Senate, after consultation with the ranking minority member of the Committee on Finance and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services; (C) Three persons appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, after consultation with the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means and the chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services; and (D) Three persons appointed by the minority leader of the House, after consultation with the ranking minority member of the Committee on Ways and Mean and ranking minority member of the House Committee on Armed Services. Persons appointed to the commission shall have expertise in national security matters and United States-China relations; expertise in economics, international trade, manufacturing, labor, environment, business; or have other pertinent qualifications or experience. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for two years. CRS-77 United States Coast Guard Academy, Board of Visitors 14 U.S.C. 194; P.L. 81-207; 63 Stat. 510; P.L. 101-595; 104 Stat. 2984; P.L. 104- 14; 109 Stat. 186-187. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board visits the academy annually to inquire into the morale, discipline, curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, academic methods and other matters relating to the academy that the board decides to consider. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Applicable Appointment Structure: The Board comprises 10 members: (A) Two Senators designated by the chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; (2) Three Members of the House designated by the chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; (3) One Senator designated by the President of the Senate; (4) Two Members of the House designated by the Speaker of the House; and (5) The chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, as ex officio Members. Term of Appointment: Appointment last for the duration of the Congress in which they occur. CRS-78 United States Commission On Civil Rights 42 U.S.C. 1975. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission's mission is: (1) to investigate allegations that citizens are being deprived of their right to vote by reason of their race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or by reason of fraudulent practices; (2) to study and collect information relating to discrimination or a denial of equal protection of the laws under the Constitution because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or in the administration of justice; (3) to appraise federal laws and policies with respect to discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or in the administration of justice; (4) to serve as a national clearinghouse for information in respect to discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin; (5) to submit reports, findings, and recommendations to the President and Congress; and (6) to issue public service announcements to discourage discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The Commission comprises eight members: (A) Four members appointed by the President; (B) Two members appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, upon the recommendations of the majority leader and the minority leader, and of the members appointed not more than one shall be appointed from the same political party; and (C) Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House upon the recommendations of the majority leader and the minority leader, and of the members appointed not more than one shall be appointed from the same political party. Not more than four of the members shall at any one time be of the same political party. Term of Appointment: Appointments last six years. CRS-79 United States Commission on International Religious Freedom 22 U.S.C. 6431; P.L. 105-292; 112 Stat. 2797; P.L. 106-55; 113 Stat. 401. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission was created by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA) to monitor violations of the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or belief abroad, as defined in IRFA and set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related international instruments, and to give independent policy recommendations to the President, Secretary of State, and Congress. Duration: The commission shall terminate on September 30, 2011. Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 10 members: (A) The ambassador at large, who shall serve ex officio as a nonvoting member of the commission; (B) Nine other members, who shall be United States citizens who are not being paid as officers or employees of the United States, and who shall be appointed as follows: (i) Three members by the President; (ii) Three members by the President pro tempore of the Senate, of whom two shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the leader in the Senate of the political party that is not the political party of the President, and the remaining one shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the leader in the Senate of the other political party; and (iii) Three members by the Speaker of the House, of which two of the members shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the leader in the House of the political party that is not the political party of the President, and of which one of the members shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the leader in the House of the other political party. Term of Appointment: Appointments last two years. CRS-80 United States Commission on North American Energy Freedom P.L. 109-58; 119 Stat. 1064. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission is to make recommendations for a coordinated and comprehensive North American energy policy that will achieve energy self-sufficiency by 2025 within the three contiguous North American nation area of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Duration: The commission shall cease to exist 90 days after the submission of its final report. The final report is due with 12 months of the effective date of the act creating the commission. Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises 16 members. The President shall appoint the members of the commission, including individuals nominated as follows: (A) Four members appointed from among individuals independently determined by the President to be qualified for appointment; (B) Four members appointed from a list of eight individuals nominated by the majority leader of the Senate in consultation with the chairman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate; (C) Four members appointed from a list of eight individuals nominated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives in consultation with the chairmen of the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Resources of the House; (D) Two members appointed from a list of four individuals who shall be nominated by the minority leader of the Senate in consultation with the ranking member of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate; and (E) Two members shall be appointed from a list of four individuals nominated by the minority leader of the House in consultation with the ranking members of the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Resources of the House. Term of Appointment: Appointments are for the life of the commission. CRS-81 United States Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe 22 U.S.C. 276m; P.L. 102-138; 105 Stat. 677-678; P.L. 104-14; 109 Stat. 186; E.O. 13029, 12/3/96. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: Members of Congress are appointed to meet jointly and annually with representative parliamentary groups from other Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) member-nations for the purposes of: (1) assessing the implementation of the objectives of the CSCE; (2) discussing subjects addressed during the meetings of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs and the biennial Summit of Heads of State or Government; and (3) initiating and promoting such national and multilateral measures as may further cooperation and security in Europe. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The delegation comprises 17 members: (A) In even-numbered years: (i) Nine Members appointed by the Speaker (no fewer than four of whom, including the chairman of the U.S. Delegation, shall be from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (ii) Eight Members, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom, including the vice chairman of the U.S. Delegation, shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations). (B) In odd-numbered years: (i) Nine Members, upon recommendation of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom, including the chairman of the U.S. Delegation, shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations); and (ii) Eight Members appointed by the Speaker of the House (no fewer than four of whom, including the vice chairman, shall be from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs). Term of Appointment: Appointments are to be made annually. CRS-82 United States Group of the United States Senate-China Interparliamentary Group 22 U.S.C. 276n; P.L.108-199, 118 Stat. 448. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: The group meets annually with representatives of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China for discussion of common problems in the interest of relations between the United States and China. The Senators so appointed shall be referred to as the "United States group" of the United States Senate-China Interparliamentary Group. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The President pro tempore of the Senate shall appoint no more than 12 Senators to the group upon the recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate. The President pro tempore of the Senate shall designate one Senator as the chair of the United States group. Term of Appointment: Appointments are to be made annually. CRS-83 United States Group of the United States Senate-Russia Interparliamentary Group 22 U.S.C. 276o; P.L.108-199, 118 Stat. 449. Advisory Body Type: Diplomatic Summary: The group meets annually with representatives of the Federation Council of Russia to discuss common problems in the interest of relations between the United States and Russia. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The majority and minority leaders of the Senate shall appoint no more than 12 Senators to the group. The majority leader of the Senate shall designate one Senator as the chair of the United States group. Term of Appointment: Appointments are to be made annually. CRS-84 United States Holocaust Memorial Council 36 U.S.C. 2302; P.L. 96-388; 94- Stat. 1547; P.L. 97-84; 95 Stat. 1097; P.L. 106-292; 114 Stat. 1031. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The council oversees the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The museum's primary mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge about the unprecedented Holocaust tragedy; to preserve the memory of those who suffered; and to encourage its visitors to reflect upon the moral and spiritual questions raised by the events of the Holocaust as well as their own responsibilities as citizens of a democracy. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The council comprises 65 voting members: (A) 52 appointed by the President; (B) Five appointed by the Speaker of the House from among Members of the House; (C) Five appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leaders from among Members of the Senate; (D) One nonvoting member appointed by the Secretary of the Interior; (E) One nonvoting member appointed by the Secretary of State; and (F) One nonvoting member appointed by the Secretary of Education. Term of Appointment: The terms of the five Members of the United States House of Representatives and the five Members of the United States Senate appointed during any term of Congress shall expire at the end of such term of Congress. CRS-85 United States Merchant Marine Academy, Board of Visitors 46 U.S.C. App. 1295b;P.L. 78-301; 58 Stat. 220; P.L. 96-453; 94 Stat. 2002; P.L. 97-35; 752(Sec. 1607). Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board is a congressionally mandated civilian oversight committee charged with monitoring the academy's military, physical, and academic training. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 10 members: (A) Two Senators appointed by the chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee; (B) Three Members of the House appointed by the chairman of the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee; (C) One Senator appointed by the Vice President; (D) Two Members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House; and (E) The chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the chairman of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, as ex officio members. Term of Appointment: Appointments last two years. CRS-86 United States Military Academy, Board of Visitors 10 U.S.C. 4355; P.L. 84-1028, chapter 403, sec.4355(a); 70A Stat. 245. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board is a congressionally mandated civilian oversight committee charged with monitoring the academy's military, physical, and academic training. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: No Website FACA Applicability: Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 15 members: (1) The chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, or his designee; (2) Three other members of the Senate designated by the Vice President or the President pro tempore of the Senate, two of whom are members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations; (3) The chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services, or his designee; (4) Four other members of the House designated by the Speaker of the House, two of whom are members of the House Committee on Appropriations; and (5) Six persons designated by the President. Term of Appointment: Presidential appointments last three years; congressional appointments last a minimum of one year. CRS-87 United States Naval Academy, Board of Visitors 10 U.S.C. 6968; P.L. 84-1028, chapter 603, sec. 6968; 70A Stat. 434. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board, similar to a college board of trustees, provides the collective views and recommendations of the board to the superintendent concerning the Naval Academy. The academy's superintendent, a Navy admiral, is the equivalent of a college president. He oversees all of the school's functions. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Applicable Appointment Structure: The board comprises 15 members: (A) The chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, or his designee; (B) Three other members of the Senate designated by the Vice President or the President pro tempore of the Senate, two of whom are members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations; (C) The chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services, or his designee; (D) Four other members of the House designated by the Speaker of the House, two of whom are members of the House Committee on Appropriations; and (E) Six persons designated by the President. Term of Appointment: Presidential appointments last three years; congressional appointments last a minimum of one year. CRS-88 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission P.L. 102-575; 106 Stat. 4625. Advisory Body Type: Policy Summary: The commission is responsible for designing, funding and implementing projects to offset the impacts to fish, wildlife, and related recreation resources caused by the Central Utah Project and other federal reclamation projects in Utah. Duration: The commission shall expire 20 years from the end of the fiscal year during which the Secretary declares the Central Utah Project to be substantially complete. Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The commission comprises five members appointed by the President: (A) One from a list of residents of the state, who are qualified to serve on the commission by virtue of their training or experience in fish or wildlife matters or environmental conservation matters, submitted by the Speaker of the House upon the recommendation of the members of the House representing the state. (B) One from a list of residents of the state, who are qualified to serve on the commission by virtue of their training or experience in fish or wildlife matters or environmental conservation matters, submitted by the majority leader of the Senate upon the recommendation of the members of the Senate representing the state. (C) One from a list of residents of the state submitted by the Governor of the state composed of state wildlife resource agency personnel. (D) One from a list of residents of the state submitted by the District. (E) One from a list of residents of the state, who are qualified to serve on the commission by virtue of their training or experience in fish and wildlife matters or environmental conservation matters and have been recommended by Utah nonprofit sportsmen's or environmental organizations, submitted by the Governor of the state. Term of Appointment: Appointments last four years. CRS-89 Vietnam Education Foundation Board of Directors P.L.106-554; 114 Stat 2763A-254. Advisory Body Type: Operational (Board of Trustees) Summary: The board oversees the foundation. The Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF) is a special initiative by the government and the people of the United States to promote closer relations between the U.S. and Vietnam. It provides opportunities for Vietnamese nationals to pursue graduate and post-graduate studies in science and technology in the United States, and for American citizens to teach in the same fields of study in Vietnam. Duration: No Statutory End Date Website: FACA Applicability: Not Applicable Appointment Structure: The Board comprises 13 members: (A) Two Members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House, one appointed upon the recommendation of the majority leader and one appointed upon the recommendation of the minority leader, and who serve as ex officio, nonvoting members; (B) Two members of the Senate, appointed by the President pro tempore, one appointed upon the recommendation of the majority leader and one appointed upon the recommendation of the minority leader, and who serve as ex officio, nonvoting members; (C) The Secretary of State; (D) The Secretary of Education; (E) The Secretary of Treasury; (F) Six members appointed by the President from among individuals in the nongovernmental sector who have academic excellence or a general knowledge of Vietnam, not less than three drawn from academic life. Term of Appointment: Appointments last three years. CRS-90 Table 1. Appointment Role of the Speaker of the House Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Speaker of the House Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission The Speaker appoints three members, at least one of whom shall be a Member of the House. Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance The Speaker appoints three members upon the recommendation of the majority leader and the minority leader. Advisory Committee on the Protection of Presidential and The Speaker serves on the committee, and has shared appointment power with the rest of the Vice-Presidential Candidates committee for the appointment of the at-large member. Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress The Speaker serves on the committee. American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress, Board The Speaker appoints four members from among individuals from private life who are widely of Trustees recognized by virtue of their scholarship, experience, creativity, or interest in American folklife traditions and arts. British American Parliamentary Group The Speaker appoints 12 members from among Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs). Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group The Speaker appoints 12 members from among Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs). Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation The President appoints two members in consultation with the Speaker of the House. Citizen's Coinage Advisory Committee The Speaker makes a recommendation to the Secretary of the Treasury for one appointment, from among citizens who are specially qualified to serve on the advisory committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience. Commission for the Judiciary Office Building The members of the House Office Building Commission (the Speaker and two Members appointed by the Speaker) are members of the commission. CRS-91 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Speaker of the House Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage The President appoints seven members after consultation with the Speaker of the House. Abroad Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe The Speaker appoints nine Members of the House. Five Members shall be selected from the (Helsinki Commission) majority party and four Members shall be selected, after consultation with the minority leader of the House, from the minority party. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Two members are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation Afghanistan with the chairmen of the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives. Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for The Speaker serves as a member of the commission. Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's The Speaker appoints nine Members of the House. Five members shall be selected from the Republic of China majority party and four members shall be selected, after consultation with the minority leader of the House, from the minority party. Congressional Advisers for Trade Policy and Negotiations The Speaker selects five members of the Ways and Means Committee upon the recommendation of the chairman of the committee (no more than three of whom are members of the same political party). Congressional Award Board The Speaker appoints six members, one of whom shall be a local Congressional Award program volunteer. Congressional Hunger Fellows Program, Board of Trustees The Speaker appoints two members. Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency The Speaker appoints three members in consultation with the minority leader. Prevention CRS-92 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Speaker of the House Denali Commission The Speaker submits a list of nominations for the position of the Federal cochairperson. Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission The Speaker appoints four Members of the House in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the House, of which no more than two appointees may be members of the same political party. Election Assistance Commission The Speaker of the House submits to the President a candidate recommendation with respect to each vacancy on the commission affiliated with the majority party. Election Assistance Commission, Board of Advisors The Speaker appoints one member representing professionals in the field of science and technology. Federal Judicial Center Foundation Board The Speaker appoints two members. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board The Speaker, in consultation with the minority leader, recommends one member to the President. Gallaudet University, Board of Trustees The Speaker appoints two Members of the House. Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, Board of Trustees The Speaker appoints two Members of the House, one from each political party. Help America Vote Foundation, Board of Directors The Speaker appoints two directors. Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People Around the The Speaker appoints four members. Globe Commission (HELP) House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards The Speaker appoints six Members of the House, three from the majority party and three from the minority. House Child Care Center, Advisory Board for the The Speaker appoints 15 individuals, seven of whom shall be upon recommendation of the minority leader of the House. House of Representatives Page Board The Speaker appoints two Members of the House. CRS-93 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Speaker of the House House Office Building Commission The Speaker serves on the commission and appoints two Members of the House. Human Space Flight Independent Investigation Commission The Speaker provides a list of candidates to the President to fill one vacancy. Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and The Speaker appoints two Members of the House in consultation with the minority leader. Arts Development Board of Trustees James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, The Speaker recommends two Members of the House, in consultation with the minority leader Board of Trustees of the House, of different political parties, to the President. Japan-United States Friendship Commission The Speaker appoints two Members of the House. John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and The Speaker appoints two members. Development, Board of Trustees John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Board of The Speaker serves on the board and appoints three Members of the House. Trustees Library of Congress Trust Fund Board The Speaker appoints four persons in consultation with the minority leader of the House. Medal of Valor Review Board (Public Safety Officer) The Speaker appoints two members. Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, Delegation The Speaker appoints 12 Members of the House, no fewer than four of whom shall be from the to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxic Research Center, The Speaker appoints three members. Board of Directors Migratory Bird Conservation Commission The Speaker appoints two members. Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National The Speaker, in consultation with the minority leader of the House, recommends two trustees Environmental Policy Foundation, Board of Trustees to be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate. CRS-94 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Speaker of the House National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics The Speaker appoints one member after consultation with the minority leader of the House. National Council on the Arts The Speaker appoints two Members of the House. National Historical Publications and Records Commission The Speaker appoints one Member of the House. National Prison Rape Reduction Commission The Speaker appoints two members unless the Speaker is of the same party as the President, in which case the Speaker appoints one member and the minority leader of the House appoints one member. NATO Parliamentary Assembly, U.S. Group The Speaker appoints 12 Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Committee on Foreign Affairs). Office of Compliance, Board of Directors The Speaker appoints five members, jointly, with the majority leader of the Senate, and the minority leaders of the House and the Senate. Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees The Speaker appoints two members, one designated by the majority leader of the House and one designated by the minority leader of the House. Smithsonian Institution, Board of Regents The Speaker appoints three Members of the House. Social Security Advisory Board The Speaker appoints two members, each member from a different political party, with the advice of the chairman and the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Ways and Means. United States Air Force Academy, Board of Visitors The Speaker designates four Members of the House, two of whom are members of the House Committee on Appropriations. United States Capitol Preservation Commission The Speaker serves on the commission and appoints one Member of the House. CRS-95 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Speaker of the House United States-China Economic and Security Review The Speaker appoints three members after consultation with the chairman of the House Commission Committee on Armed Services, in addition to consultation with the chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means. United States Coast Guard Academy, Board of Visitors The Speaker designates two Members of the House. United States Commission on Civil Rights The Speaker appoints two members upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leaders. United States Commission on International Religious The Speaker appoints three members, two of whom shall be appointed upon the Freedom recommendation of the leader in the House of the political party that is not the political party of the President, and one of whom shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the leader in the House of the other political party. United States Commission on North American Energy Four members are appointed from a list of eight individuals nominated by the Speaker of the Freedom House of Representatives in consultation with the chairmen of the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Resources of the House of Representatives. United States Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of In even-numbered years, the Speaker appoints nine Members of the House (no fewer than four the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe of whom, including the chairman of the United States Delegation, shall be from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs). In odd-numbered years, the Speaker appoints eight Members, (no fewer than four of whom, including the vice chairman, shall be from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs). United States Holocaust Memorial Council The Speaker appoints five Members of the House. United States Merchant Marine Academy, Board of Visitors The Speaker appoints two Members of the House. United States Military Academy, Board of Visitors The Speaker designates four Members of the House, two of whom are members of the House Committee on Appropriations. CRS-96 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Speaker of the House United States Naval Academy, Board of Visitors The Speaker designates four Members of the House, two of whom are members of the House Committee on Appropriations. Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission The President appoints one member from a list of candidates submitted by the Speaker, upon the recommendation of the House members from the state. Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission The Speaker appoints two members, at least one of whom shall be a veteran who was awarded a decoration specified in law. Vietnam Education Foundation Board of Directors The Speaker appoints two Members of the House, one upon the recommendation of the majority leader and one upon the recommendation of the minority leader. CRS-97 Table 2. Appointment Role of the House Minority Leader Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the House Minority Leader Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission The minority leader appoints two members, at least one of whom shall be a Member of the House. Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance The Speaker appoints three members upon the recommendation of the majority leader and the minority leader. Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress The minority leader serves on the committee. Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education The minority leader appoints one Member of the House. Foundation, Board of Trustees Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation The President appoints two members in consultation with the minority leader. Citizen's Coinage Advisory Committee The Secretary of the Treasury appoints one person recommended by the minority leader. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Of the Members appointed by the Speaker of the House, four Members from the minority party (Helsinki Commission) shall be selected after consultation with the minority leader of the House. Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Two members shall be appointed by the senior member of the leadership of the House of Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism Representatives of the Democratic party; and two members shall be appointed by the senior member of the leadership of the House of Representatives of the Republican party. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and One member shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, in Afghanistan consultation with the ranking minority members of the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives. Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for The minority leader is a member. Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol CRS-98 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the House Minority Leader Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Of the Members appointed by the Speaker of the House, four Members from the minority party Republic of China shall be selected, after consultation with the minority leader of the House. Congressional Award Board The minority leader appoints six members, one of whom shall be a recipient of the Congressional Award. Congressional Hunger Fellows Program, Board of Trustees The minority leader of the House appoints one member. Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency The Speaker appoints three members in consultation with the minority leader. Prevention Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission The Speaker appoints four Members of the House in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the House, of which not more than two appointees may be members of the same political party. Election Assistance Commission The minority leader submits to the President a candidate recommendation with respect to each vacancy on the commission affiliated with the minority party. Election Assistance Commission, Board of Advisors The minority leader appoints one member representing professionals in the field of science and technology. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board The Speaker, in consultation with the minority leader, recommends one member to the President. Help America Vote Foundation, Board of Directors The minority leader appoints two directors. Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People Around the The minority leader appoints three members. Globe Commission (HELP) House Child Care Center, Advisory Board for the The Speaker appoints 15 individuals, seven of whom shall be upon recommendation of the minority leader of the House. CRS-99 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the House Minority Leader House of Representatives Page Board The minority leader appoints one Member of the House. Human Space Flight The minority leader provides a list of candidates to the President to fill one vacancy. Independent Investigation Commission Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and The Speaker appoints two Members of the House in consultation with the minority leader. Arts Development Board of Trustees James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, Board of The Speaker recommends two Members of the House, in consultation with the minority leader, Trustees of different political parties, to the President. John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and The minority leader appoints one member. Development, Board of Trustees John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Board of The minority leader serves on the board. Trustees Library of Congress Trust Fund Board The Speaker appoints four persons in consultation with the minority leader of the House. Medal of Valor Review Board (Public Safety Officer) The minority leader appoints two members. Millennium Challenge Corporation, Board of Directors The minority leader submits a list of individuals from which the President appoints one member, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National The Speaker, in consultation with the minority leader of the House, recommends two trustees Environmental Policy Foundation, Board of Trustees to be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate. National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics The Speaker appoints one member after consultation with the minority leader of the House. National Council on the Arts The minority leader appoints one Member of the House. CRS-100 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the House Minority Leader National Prison Rape Reduction Commission The minority leader appoints one member. (If the Speaker is of the same party as the President, the minority leader appoints one additional member.) Office of Compliance, Board of Directors The Speaker appoints five members, jointly, with the majority leader of the Senate, and the minority leaders of the House and the Senate. Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees The Speaker appoints two members, one designated by the majority leader of the House and one designated by the minority leader of the House. United States Capitol Preservation Commission The minority leader serves on the commission and appoints one Member of the House. United States-China Economic and Security Review The minority leader appoints three members after consultation with the ranking minority Commission member of the House Committee on Armed Services, in addition to consultation with the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Ways and Means. United States Commission on Civil Rights The Speaker appoints two members upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leaders. United States Commission on International Religious The Speaker appoints three members, two of whom shall be appointed upon the Freedom recommendation of the leader in the House of the political party that is not the political party of the President, and one of whom shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the leader in the House of the other political party. United States Commission on North American Energy Two members shall be appointed from a list of four individuals who shall be nominated by the Freedom minority leader of the House in consultation with the ranking members of the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Resources of the House of Representatives. Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission The minority leader appoints two members, at least one of whom shall be a veteran who was awarded a decoration specified in law. Vietnam Education Foundation Board of Directors The Speaker appoints two Members of the House, one upon the recommendation of the majority leader and one upon the recommendation of the minority leader. CRS-101 Table 3. Appointment Role of the House Majority Leader Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the House Majority Leader Advisory Committee on the Protection of Presidential and The majority leader serves on the committee, and has shared appointment power with the rest Vice-Presidential Candidates of the committee for the appointment of the at-large member. Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance The Speaker appoints three members upon the recommendation of the House majority leader and the minority leader. Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education The House majority leader appoints one member. Foundation, Board of Trustees Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Two members shall be appointed by the senior member of the leadership of the House of Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism Representatives of the Democratic party; and two members shall be appointed by the senior member of the leadership of the House of Representatives of the Republican party. Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for The House majority leader serves on the commission. Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission The Speaker of the House appoints four members in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the House. Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees The Speaker of the House appoints two members, one of whom shall be designated by the House majority leader. United States Capitol Preservation Commission The House majority leader serves on the Commission. CRS-102 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the House Majority Leader United States Commission on Civil Rights The Speaker appoints two members upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leaders. United States Commission on International Religious The Speaker of the House appoints three members of the commission, two upon the Freedom recommendation of the leader in the House (majority or minority) of the political party that is not the political party of the President, and one upon the recommendation of the leader in the House (majority or minority) of the other political party. Vietnam Education Foundation Board of Directors The Speaker appoints two Members of the House, one upon the recommendation of the majority leader and one upon the recommendation of the minority leader. CRS-103 Table 4. Appointment Role of the President of the Senate or the President Pro Tempore Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate President or President pro tempore Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance The President pro tempore appoints three members upon the recommendation of the majority leader and the minority leader. American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress, Board The President pro tempore appoints four trustees. of Trustees British American Parliamentary Group The President pro tempore appoints 12 members, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group The President of the Senate appoints members, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations). Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation The President appoints two members, in consultation with the President pro tempore. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage The President appoints 21 members, seven of whom shall be appointed after consultation with Abroad the President pro tempore of the Senate. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe President of the Senate appoints nine Senators. Five Members shall be selected from the (Helsinki Commission) majority party of the Senate, after consultation with the majority leader, and four Members shall be selected from the minority party, after consultation with the minority leader of the Senate. Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for The President pro tempore serves on the commission. Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol CRS-104 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate President or President pro tempore Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's President of the Senate appoints nine Senators. Five Members shall be selected from the Republic of China majority party of the Senate, after consultation with the majority leader, and four Members shall be selected from the minority party, after consultation with the minority leader of the Senate. Congressional Advisers for Trade Policy and Negotiations The President pro tempore, upon the recommendation of the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, appoints five members of such committee, no more than three of whom are members of the same political party. The President pro tempore may select additional members for designation as congressional advisers, regarding specific trade policy matters or negotiations, from any other committees of the Senate that have jurisdiction over legislation likely to be affected by such matters or negotiations. Denali Commission The President pro tempore submits a list of nominations for the position of the Federal cochairperson. Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission The President pro tempore appoints four Senators in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate, of whom not more than two appointees may be members of the same political party. Federal Judicial Center Foundation Board The President pro tempore appoints two members. Gallaudet University, Board of Trustees The President of the Senate appoints one Senator. Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, Board of Trustees The President of the Senate appoints two Senators, one from each political party. Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and The President pro tempore appoints two Senators upon the recommendation of the majority Arts Development Board of Trustees and minority leader. James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, Board of The President appoints two Senators, of different political parties, upon the recommendation of Trustees the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate. CRS-105 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate President or President pro tempore Japan-United States Friendship Commission The President pro tempore appoints two Senators. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Board of The President of the Senate appoints three Senators. Trustees Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, Delegation The President of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the to the Senate, appoints 12 Senators (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations). Migratory Bird Conservation Commission The President of the Senate appoints two Senators. Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National The President of the United States appoints two trustees, with the advice and consent of the Environmental Policy Foundation, Board of Trustees Senate, after considering the recommendation of the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the majority and minority leaders of the Senate. National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics President pro tempore of the Senate appoints one member after consultation with the minority leader of the Senate. National Historical Publications and Records Commission The President of the Senate appoints one Senator. NATO Parliamentary Assembly, U.S. Group The President of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, appoints 12 Senators. No more than seven of the appointees from the Senate shall be of the same political party. Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees President pro tempore appoints two Senators, one of whom shall be designated by the majority leader of the Senate, and one of whom shall be designated by the minority leader of the Senate. Senate Commission on Art The President pro tempore serves on the commission. Smithsonian Institution, Board of Regents The President of the Senate appoints three Senators. CRS-106 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate President or President pro tempore Social Security Advisory Board The President pro tempore appoints two members (each member from a different political party), with the advice of the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Finance. United States Air Force Academy, Board of Visitors The Vice President, or the President pro tempore of the Senate, designates three Senators, two of whom are members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. United States Capitol Preservation Commission The President pro tempore is a member of the commission, and appoints one Senator. United States-China Economic and Security Review The President pro tempore appoints three members upon the recommendation of the minority Commission leader of the Senate, after consultation with the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, in addition to consultation with the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Finance. United States Coast Guard Academy, Board of Visitors The President of the Senate appoints one Senator. United States Commission on Civil Rights The President pro tempore appoints two members upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leaders. United States Commission on International Religious The President pro tempore appoints three members, two upon the recommendation of the Freedom leader in the Senate of the political party that is not the political party of the President, and one upon the recommendation of the leader in the Senate of the other political party. United States Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of In even-numbered years, the President pro tempore appoints eight Senators, upon the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, no fewer than four of whom, including the vice chairman of the United States Delegation, shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, unless the President pro tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, determines otherwise. (In odd-numbered years, the President pro tempore appoints nine Senators in the same manner.) CRS-107 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate President or President pro tempore United States Group of the United States Senate-China The President pro tempore appoints no more than 12 Senators upon the Interparliamentary Group. recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate and designates one Senator as the chair of the United States group. United States Holocaust Memorial Council The President pro tempore appoints five Senators upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leaders. United States Merchant Marine Academy, Board of Visitors The Vice President appoints one Senator. United States Military Academy, Board of Visitors The Vice President, or the President pro tempore of the Senate, designates three Senators, two of whom are members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. United States Naval Academy, Board of Visitors The Vice President, or the President pro tempore of the Senate, designates three Senators, two of whom are members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. Vietnam Education Foundation Board of Directors The President pro tempore appoints two Senators, one upon the recommendation of the majority leader and one upon the recommendation of the minority leader. CRS-108 Table 5. Appointment Role of the Senate Majority Leader. Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Majority Leader Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission The majority leader appoints three members, at least one of whom is a Senator. Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance The President pro tempore appoints three members upon the recommendation of the majority leader and the minority leader. Advisory Committee on the Protection of Presidential and The majority leader serves on the committee, and has shared power of appointment with the Vice-Presidential Candidates rest of the committee for the at-large member. Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress The majority leader serves on the committee. Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education The majority leader appoints one member. Foundation, Board of Trustees British American Parliamentary Group The President pro tempore appoints 12 members, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group The President of the Senate appoints 12 members, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations). Citizen's Coinage Advisory Committee The majority leader makes a recommendation to the Secretary of the Treasury for one appointment, from among citizens who are specially qualified to serve on the advisory committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience. Commission for the Judiciary Office Building The majority leader serves on the commission. CRS-109 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Majority Leader Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe The President of the Senate appoints nine Senators. Five Senators shall be selected from the (Helsinki Commission) majority party of the Senate, after consultation with the majority leader. Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass One member shall be appointed by the leader in the Senate of the Democratic Party (majority Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism or minority leader, as the case may be), with the concurrence of the leader of the House of Representatives of the Democratic party (majority or minority leader as the case may be), who shall serve as chairman of the commission; two members shall be appointed by the senior member of the Senate leadership of the Democratic party; two members shall be appointed by the senior member of the Senate leadership of the Republican party. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Two members shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, in consultation with the Afghanistan chairmen of the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President The majority leader serves on the commission. for Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's The President of the Senate appoints nine Senators. Five Senators shall be selected from Republic of China the majority party of the Senate, after consultation with the majority leader. Congressional Award Board The majority leader appoints six members, one of whom shall be a recipient of the Congressional Award. Congressional Hunger Fellows Program, Board of The majority leader appoints two members. Trustees CRS-110 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Majority Leader Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and The majority leader appoints three members after consultation with the minority leader. Delinquency Prevention Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission The President pro tempore appoints four Senators in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate, of whom no more than two appointees may be members of the same political party. Election Assistance Commission The majority leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the minority leader of the Senate, and the minority leader of the House shall each submit to the President a candidate recommendation with respect to each vacancy on the commission affiliated with the political party of the Member of Congress involved. Election Assistance Commission, Board of Advisors The majority leader appoints one member. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board The majority leader, in consultation with the minority leader, recommends one member to the President. Help America Vote Foundation, Board of Directors The majority leader appoints two directors. Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People Around The majority leader appoints four members. the Globe Commission (HELP) Human Space Flight The majority leader provides a list of candidates to the President to fill one vacancy. Independent Investigation Commission Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture The President pro tempore appoints two Senators upon the recommendation of the and Arts Development Board of Trustees majority and minority leaders. CRS-111 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Majority Leader James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, The President appoints two Senators, of different political parties, upon the Board of Trustees recommendation of the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate. John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and The majority leader appoints two members. Development, Board of Trustees John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Board The majority leader serves on the board. of Trustees Library of Congress Trust Fund Board The majority leader appoints four members in consultation with the minority leader of the Senate. Medal of Valor Review Board (Public Safety Officer) The majority leader appoints two members. Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, The President of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority Delegation to the leaders of the Senate, appoints 12 Senators (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations). Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxic Research The majority leader appoints three members. Center, Board of Directors Millennium Challenge Corporation, Board of Directors The majority leader submits a list of individuals from which the President appoints one member, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National The President appoints two trustees, with the advice and consent of the Senate, after Environmental Policy Foundation, Board of Trustees considering the recommendation of the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the majority and minority leaders of the Senate. National Council on the Arts The majority leader appoints two Senators. CRS-112 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Majority Leader National Prison Rape Reduction Commission The majority leader appoints two members, unless the majority leader is of the same party as the President, in which case the majority leader appoints one and the minority leader appoints two. NATO Parliamentary Assembly, U.S. Group The President of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, appoints 12 Senators. No more than seven of the appointees from the Senate shall be of the same political party. Office of Compliance, Board of Directors The Speaker appoints five members jointly with the majority leader of the Senate and the minority leaders of the House and the Senate. Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees President pro tempore appoints two Senators, one of whom shall be designated by the majority leader of the Senate, and one of whom shall be designated by the minority leader of the Senate. Senate Commission on Art The majority leader serves on the commission. United States Capitol Preservation Commission The majority leader serves on the commission. United States-China Economic and Security Review The President pro tempore appoints three members upon the recommendation of the Commission majority leader of the Senate, after consultation with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, in addition to consultation with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance. United States Commission on Civil Rights The President pro tempore appoints two members upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leader. CRS-113 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Majority Leader United States Commission on International Religious The President pro tempore appoints three members, two upon the recommendation of Freedom the leader in the Senate of the political party that is not the political party of the President, and one upon the recommendation of the leader in the Senate of the other political party. United States Commission on North American Energy Four members shall be appointed from a list of eight individuals who shall be Freedom nominated by the majority leader of the Senate in consultation with the chairman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. United States Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly In even-numbered years, the President pro tempore appoints eight Senators, upon of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, no fewer than four Europe of whom, including the vice chairman of the United States Delegation, shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, unless the President pro tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, determines otherwise. (In odd-numbered years, the President pro tempore appoints nine Senators in the same manner.) United States Group of the United States Senate-China The President pro tempore appoints no more than 12 Senators upon the Interparliamentary Group. recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate and designates one Senator as the chair of the United States group. United States Group of the United States Senate-Russia The majority and minority leaders of the Senate appoint the Senators of the United Interparliamentary Group. States group. United States Holocaust Memorial Council The President pro tempore appoints five Senators upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leaders. CRS-114 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Majority Leader Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation The President appoints one member from a list of candidates submitted by the majority Commission leader, upon the recommendation of the Senate members from the state. Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission The majority leader of the Senate appoints two members, at least one of whom shall be a veteran who was awarded a decoration specified in law. Vietnam Education Foundation Board of Directors The President pro tempore appoints two Senators, one upon the recommendation of the majority leader and one upon the recommendation of the minority leader. CRS-115 Table 6. Appointment Role of the Senate Minority Leader Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Minority Leader Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission The minority leader appoints two members, at least one of whom is a Senator. Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance The President pro tempore appoints three members upon the recommendation of the majority leader and the minority leader. Advisory Committee on the Protection of Presidential The minority leader serves on the committee, and has shared appointment power with and Vice-Presidential Candidates the rest of the committee for the at-large member. Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress The minority leader serves on the committee. Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in The minority leader appoints one Senator. Education Foundation, Board of Trustees British American Parliamentary Group The President pro tempore appoints 12 members, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group The President of the Senate appoints 12 members, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations). Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation The President appoints two members in consultation with the minority leader. Citizen's Coinage Advisory Committee The minority leader makes a recommendation to the Secretary of the Treasury for one appointment, from among citizens who are specially qualified to serve on the Advisory Committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience. CRS-116 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Minority Leader Commission for the Judiciary Office Building The minority leader serves on the commission. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe The President of the Senate appoints nine Senators. Four Senators shall be selected (Helsinki Commission) from the minority party of the Senate, after consultation with the minority leader. Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass One member appointed by the leader in the Senate of the Democratic Party (majority Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism or minority leader, as the case may be), with the concurrence of the leader in the House of Representatives of the Democratic party (majority or minority leader as the case may be), who shall serve as chairman of the commission; two members appointed by the senior member of the Senate leadership of the Democratic party; two members appointed by the senior member of the Senate leadership of the Republican party. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and One member appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, in consultation with the Afghanistan ranking minority members of the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President The minority leader serves on the commission. for Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's The President of the Senate appoints nine Senators. Four Senators shall be selected Republic of China from the minority party of the Senate, after consultation with the minority leader. Congressional Award Board The minority leader appoints six members, one of whom shall be a local Congressional Award program volunteer. Congressional Hunger Fellows Program, Board of The minority leader appoints one member. Trustees CRS-117 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Minority Leader Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and The majority leader appoints three members after consultation with the minority leader. Delinquency Prevention Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission The President pro tempore appoints four Senators in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate, of whom not more than two appointees may be members of the same political party. Election Assistance Commission The majority leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the minority leader of the Senate, and the minority leader of the House shall each submit to the President a candidate recommendation with respect to each vacancy on the Commission affiliated with the political party of the Member of Congress involved. Election Assistance Commission, Board of Advisors The minority leader appoints one member. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board The majority leader, in consultation with the minority leader, recommends one member to the President. Help America Vote Foundation, Board of Directors The minority leader appoints two directors. Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People Around The minority leader appoints three members. the Globe Commission (HELP) Human Space Flight The minority leader provides a list of candidates to the President to fill one vacancy. Independent Investigation Commission Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture The President pro tempore appoints two Senators upon the recommendation of the and Arts Development Board of Trustees majority and minority leaders. CRS-118 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Minority Leader James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, The President appoints two Senators, of different political parties, upon the Board of Trustees recommendation of the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate. John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and The minority leader appoints one member. Development, Board of Trustees John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Board The minority leader serves on the board. of Trustees Library of Congress Trust Fund Board The majority leader appoints four members in consultation with the minority leader of the Senate. Medal of Valor Review Board (Public Safety Officer) The minority leader appoints two members. Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, The President of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority Delegation to the leaders of the Senate, appoints 12 Senators (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations). Millennium Challenge Corporation, Board of Directors The minority leader submits a list of individuals from which the President appoints one member, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National The President appoints two trustees, with the advice and consent of the Senate, after Environmental Policy Foundation, Board of Trustees considering the recommendation of the President pro tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the majority and minority leaders of the Senate. National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics President pro tempore of the Senate appoints one member after consultation with the minority leader of the Senate. CRS-119 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Minority Leader National Council on the Arts The minority leader appoints one member. National Prison Rape Reduction Commission The minority leader appoints one member, unless the majority leader is of the same party as the President, in which case the minority leader appoints two. NATO Parliamentary Assembly, U.S. Group The President of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, appoints 12 Senators. No more than seven of the appointees from the Senate shall be of the same political party. Office of Compliance, Board of Directors Five individuals are appointed jointly by the Speaker of the House, the majority leader of the Senate, and the minority leaders of the House and the Senate. Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees The President pro tempore of the Senate appoints two members, one of whom shall be designated by the minority leader of the Senate. Senate Commission on Art The minority leader serves on the commission. United States Capitol Preservation Commission The minority leader serves on the commission and appoints one Senator. United States-China Economic and Security Review The President pro tempore appoints three members upon the recommendation of the Commission minority leader of the Senate, after consultation with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, in addition to consultation with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance. United States Commission on Civil Rights The President pro tempore appoints two members upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leader. CRS-120 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of the Senate Minority Leader United States Commission on International Religious The President pro tempore of the Senate appoints three members, two upon the Freedom recommendation of the leader (majority or minority) in the Senate of the political party that is not the political party of the President, and one upon the recommendation of the leader (majority or minority) in the Senate of the other political party. United States Commission on North American Energy Two members shall be appointed from a list of four individuals who shall be nominated Freedom by the minority leader of the Senate in consultation with the ranking member of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. United States Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly In even-numbered years, the President pro tempore of the Senate appoints eight of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Senators (nine in odd-numbered years), upon recommendations of the majority and Europe minority leaders of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom, including the chairman or vice chairman of the United States Delegation, shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, unless the President pro tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, determines otherwise). United States Group of the United States Senate-China The President pro tempore of the Senate appoints Senators upon the Interparliamentary Group. recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate. United States Group of the United States Senate-Russia The President pro tempore of the Senate appoints Senators upon the Interparliamentary Group. recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate. United States Holocaust Memorial Council The President pro tempore of the Senate appoints five Senators upon the recommendation of the majority and minority leaders. Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission The minority leader of the Senate appoints two members, at least one of whom shall be a veteran who was awarded a decoration specified in law. Vietnam Education Foundation Board of Directors The President pro tempore appoints two Senators, one upon the recommendation of the majority leader and one upon the recommendation of the minority leader. CRS-121 Table 7. Appointment Role of Committees Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of Committees British American Parliamentary Group The Speaker of the House appoints 12 Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs), and the President pro tempore of the Senate appoints 12 Senators upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate (no fewer than four of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations), unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group The Speaker of the House appoints 12 Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Committee on Foreign Affairs), and the President of the Senate appoints 12 Senators upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Committee on Foreign Relations). Commission for the Judiciary Office Building The chairman and the ranking minority members of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure serve on the commission. Commission on the National Guard and Reserve The chairmen of the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services each appoint three members. The ranking minority members of the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services each appoint two members. Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from The Secretary of Defense appoints seven members after consultation with the chairmen and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack ranking minority members of the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives. Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for The chairmen and the ranking minority members of the Committee on House Administration, Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate serve as members. CRS-122 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of Committees Congressional Advisers for Trade Policy and Negotiations The Speaker selects five members of the House Committee on Ways and Means upon the recommendation of the chairman of the committee (no more than three of whom are members of the same political party). The President pro tempore, upon the recommendation of the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, appoints five members of such committee, no more than three of whom are members of the same political party. Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the The chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Armed Services of the House United States and the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate each appoint three members. Election Assistance Commission, Board of Advisors The chairmen and ranking members of the Committee on House Administration and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration each appoint two members. Help America Vote Foundation, Board of Directors The chairmen and ranking members of the Committee on House Administration and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration serve as ex-officio members of the Board. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board The House members of the Joint Library Committee serve on the board. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Board of The chairmen and ranking minority members of the House Committee on Public Works and Trustees Transportation and the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works serve on the board. Library of Congress Trust Fund Board The chairman and the vice chair of the Joint Committee on the Library serve on the board. Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, Delegation The Speaker of the House appoints 12 Members (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs), and the President of the Senate appoints 12 Senators upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations). CRS-123 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of Committees Motor Fuel Tax Chairmen and the ranking members of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Enforcement Advisory Commission Committee on Ways and Means appoint at least 16 members, including two representatives from the staff of the Senate Committee on Finance and two representatives from the staff of the House Committee on Ways and Means. National Capital Planning Commission The chairmen of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Government Reform, or their designees, are ex-officio members of the commission. National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing The chairmen and ranking members of the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Commission Senate Finance Committee each appoint two members to the commission. National Veterans Business The President appoints nine members, no more than five of whom shall be members of the Development Corporation Board of Directors same political party, after considering recommendations by the chairmen and ranking members of the Committees on Small Business and the Committees on Veterans Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Senate. NATO Parliamentary Assembly, U.S. Group The Speaker of the House appoints 12 Members of the House (no fewer than four of whom shall be from the Committee on Foreign Affairs); the President of the Senate appoints 12 Members of the Senate upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate. The chairman or vice chairman of the House delegation shall be a Member from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and, unless the President of the Senate, upon the recommendation of the Senate majority leader, determines otherwise, the chairman or vice chairman of the Senate delegation shall be a Member from the Foreign Relations Committee. The secretaries of the Senate and House delegations shall be appointed, respectively, by the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. CRS-124 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of Committees Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees The Speaker of the House appoints two members, one of whom shall be designated by the House majority leader. The chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch, and the chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch, serve on the board. Senate Commission on Art The chairman and ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration serve on the commission. Social Security Advisory Board The Speaker appoints two members, each member from a different political party, with the advice of the chairman and the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Ways and Means. The President pro tempore appoints two members (each member from a different political party), with the advice of the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Finance. United States Air Force Academy, Board of Visitors The chairmen of the Senate Committee on Armed Services and the House Committee on Armed Services, or their designees, serve on the board. The Vice President or the President pro tempore of the Senate designates two members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. The Speaker of the House designates two members of the House Committee on Appropriations. United States Capitol Preservation Commission The House majority leader, the chairman and vice-chairman of the Joint Committee on the Library, and the chairmen and ranking members of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration and the Committee on House Oversight serve on the commission. CRS-125 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of Committees United States-China Economic and Security Review The Speaker appoints three members after consultation with the chairman of the House Commission Committee on Armed Services, in addition to consultation with the chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means. The President pro tempore appoints three members upon the recommendation of the majority leader of the Senate, after consultation with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, in addition to consultation with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance. The President pro tempore appoints three members upon the recommendation of the minority leader of the Senate, after consultation with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, in addition to consultation with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance. United States Coast Guard Academy, Board of Visitors The chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation appoints two Senators, and the chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure appoints three Members. The chairmen of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure are ex officio members. United States Commission on North American Energy The President appoints: four members from a list of eight individuals nominated by the Freedom Speaker of the House of Representatives in consultation with the chairmen of the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Resources of the House of Representatives; two members from a list of four individuals nominated by the minority leader of the House in consultation with the ranking members of the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Resources of the House of Representatives; four members from a list of eight individuals nominated by the majority leader of the Senate in consultation with the chairman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate; and two members from a list of four individuals nominated by the minority leader of the Senate in consultation with the ranking Member of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. CRS-126 Name of Commission or Board Appointment Authority of Committees United States Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of In even-numbered years, the Speaker of the House appoints nine Members of the House (in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe odd-numbered years eight), not less than four of whom, including the chairman of the United States Delegation, shall be from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. In even-numbered years, the President pro tempore of the Senate appoints eight Senators (nine in odd-numbered years), upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate (not less than four of whom, including the chairman or vice chairman of the United States Delegation, shall be from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, unless the President pro tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, determines otherwise). United States Merchant Marine Academy, Board of Visitors The chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee appoints two Senators, and the chairman of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries appoints three Members of the House. The chairmen of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the chairman of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries are ex officio members. United States Military Academy, Board of Visitors The chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, or his designee, and the chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services or his designee, serve on the board. The Vice President or the President pro tempore of the Senate appoints three Senators, two of whom are members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. The Speaker of the House appoints four Members of the House, two of whom are members of the House Committee on Appropriations. United States Naval Academy, Board of Visitors The chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, or his designee, and the chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services or his designee, serve on the board. The Vice President or the President pro tempore of the Senate appoints three Senators, two of whom are members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. The Speaker of the House appoints four Members of the House, two of whom are members of the House Committee on Appropriations. CRS-127 Table 8. Summary of Appointment Authority of Congressional Leaders and Committee Leaders House Senate Name of Commission, Board, or Group Pres. or Committee Minority Majority Minority Majority Speaker Pres. pro Leaders Leader Leader Leader Leader tempore Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission 3 2 2 3 Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance 3 (3)J (3)J 3 (3)J (3)J Advisory Committee on the Protection of Presidential and 1J* 1J* 1J* 1J* Vice-Presidential Candidates Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress * * * * American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress, Board 4 4 of Trustees Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education 1 1 1 1 Foundation, Board of Trustees British American Parliamentary Group 12 12 (12)J (12)J * Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group 12 12 (12)J (12)J * Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation (2) (2) (2) (2) Citizen's Coinage Advisory Committee (1) (1) (1) (1) Commission for the Judiciary Office Building 2* * * * CRS-128 House Senate Name of Commission, Board, or Group Pres. or Committee Minority Majority Minority Majority Speaker Pres. pro Leaders Leader Leader Leader Leader tempore Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage 7 (7) Abroad Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe 9 (4) (5) 9 (4) (5) (Helsinki Commission) Commission on the National Guard and Reserve 10 Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass 2 2 2 or 3 2 or 3 Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and 2 1 1 2 (6) Afghanistan Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from (7) Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack Commission to Recommend Individuals to the President for * * * * * * Appointment to the Office of Architect of the Capitol Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's 9 (4) 9 (4) (5) Republic of China Congressional Advisers for Trade Policy and Negotiations 5 5 (10) Congressional Award Board 6 6 6 6 CRS-129 House Senate Name of Commission, Board, or Group Pres. or Committee Minority Majority Minority Majority Speaker Pres. pro Leaders Leader Leader Leader Leader tempore Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the 12 United States Congressional Hunger Fellows Program, Board of Trustees 2 1 1 2 Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency 3 (3) (3) 3 Prevention Denali Commission (1) (1) Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission 4 (4)J (4)J 4 (4)J (4)J Election Assistance Commission (1) (1) (1) (1) Election Assistance Commission, Board of Advisors 1 1 1 1 8J Federal Judicial Center Foundation Board 2 2 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (1) (1) (1) (1) Gallaudet University, Board of Trustees 2 1 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation, Board of Trustees 2 2 Help America Vote Foundation, Board of Directors 2 2 2 2 * Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People Around the 4 3 3 4 Globe Commission (HELP) CRS-130 House Senate Name of Commission, Board, or Group Pres. or Committee Minority Majority Minority Majority Speaker Pres. pro Leaders Leader Leader Leader Leader tempore House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards 6 House Child Care Center, Advisory Board for the 15 (7) House of Representatives Fine Arts Board * House of Representatives Page Board 4J 4J House Office Building Commission 2* Human Space Flight (1) (1) (1) (1) Independent Investigation Commission Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and 2 (2) 2 (2)J (2)J Arts Development Board of Trustees James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, Board of (2) (2) (2) (2)J (2)J Trustees Japan-United States Friendship Commission 2 2 John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and 2 1 1 2 Development, Board of Trustees John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Board of 3* * 3 * * * Trustees CRS-131 House Senate Name of Commission, Board, or Group Pres. or Committee Minority Majority Minority Majority Speaker Pres. pro Leaders Leader Leader Leader Leader tempore Library of Congress Trust Fund Board 4 (4) (4) 4 * Medal of Valor Review Board(Public Safety Officer) 2 2 2 2 Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, Delegation 12 12 (12)J (12)J * to the Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxic Research Center, 3 3 Board of Directors Migratory Bird Conservation Commission 2 2 Millennium Challenge Corporation, Board of Directors (1) (1) (1) Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National (2)J (2)J (2)J (2)J (2)J Environmental Policy Foundation, Board of Trustees Motor Fuel Tax 16 Enforcement Advisory Commission National Capital Planning Commission * National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics 1 (1) 1 (1) National Council on the Arts 2 1 1 2 National Historical Publications and Records Commission 1 1 CRS-132 House Senate Name of Commission, Board, or Group Pres. or Committee Minority Majority Minority Majority Speaker Pres. pro Leaders Leader Leader Leader Leader tempore National Prison Rape Reduction Commission 2/1 1/2 1/2 2/1 National Surface 8 Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission National Veterans Business Development Corporation Board (9) of Directors NATO Parliamentary Assembly, U.S. Group 12 12 (12)J (12)J 2* Office of Compliance, Board of Directors 5J 5J 5J 5J Open World Leadership Center Board of Trustees 2 (1) (1) 2 (1) (1) * Senate Commission on Art * * * * Smithsonian Institution, Board of Regents 3 3 Social Security Advisory Board 2 2 (4)J United States Air Force Academy, Board of Visitors 4 3 * United States Capitol Preservation Commission 1* 1* * 1* 1* * * United States-China Economic and Security Review 3 3 6 (3) (3) (9)J Commission United States Coast Guard Academy, Board of Visitors 2 1 5* CRS-133 House Senate Name of Commission, Board, or Group Pres. or Committee Minority Majority Minority Majority Speaker Pres. pro Leaders Leader Leader Leader Leader tempore United States Commission On Civil Rights 2 (2)J (2)J 2 (2)J (2)J United States Commission on International Religious 3 (2/1) (2/1) 3 (2/1) (2/1) Freedom United States Commission on North American Energy (4)J (2)J (4)J (2)J (12)J Freedom United States Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of 9/8 8/9 (8/9) (8/9) the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe United States Group of the United States Senate-China 12 (12)J (12)J Interparliamentary Group. United States Group of the United States Senate-Russia I? I? Interparliamentary Group. United States Holocaust Memorial Council 5 5 (5)J (5)J United States Merchant Marine Academy, Board of Visitors 2 1 5* United States Military Academy, Board of Visitors 4 3 * United States Naval Academy, Board of Visitors 4 3 * Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission (1) (1) CRS-134 House Senate Name of Commission, Board, or Group Pres. or Committee Minority Majority Minority Majority Speaker Pres. pro Leaders Leader Leader Leader Leader tempore Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission 2 2 2 2 Vietnam Education Foundation Board of Directors 2 (1) (1) 2 (1) (1) Note: The number of appointments to be made is specified by numerals or, when indeterminate, by "I?." Parenthetical values indicate that the naming officer has only recommending authority. Joint naming authority is denoted by the letter "J." Bolded entries signify that Members of Congress are among the appointees, and an asterisk "*" means that the appointing official is also explicitly named to the commission. Numerals divided by "/" indicate that the number of appointments varies based on the political party of the President. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see