For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Order Code RL32860 CRS Report for Congress Received through the CRS Web Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation in the 109th Congress Updated August 14, 2006 Fred Sissine Specialist in Energy Policy Resources, Science, and Industry Division Congressional Research Service ~ The Library of Congress Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation in the 109th Congress Summary This report reviews the status of energy efficiency and renewable energy legislation introduced during the 109th Congress. Action in the second session has focused on appropriations bills; the first session focused on omnibus energy policy bill H.R. 6 (P.L. 109-58), H.R. 3 (P.L. 109-59), and several appropriations bills. The enacted version of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-58, H.R. 6) authorizes or reauthorizes several energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. It also establishes several new commercial and consumer product efficiency standards, sets new goals for energy efficiency and renewable energy in federal facilities and fleets, broadens the Energy Star products program, expands programs for hydrogen fuel cell buses, extends daylight savings time, and sets a renewable fuels standard for increased use of ethanol and biodiesel. Further, it extends the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for two years, but it does not include Senate-proposed provisions for oil conservation, a renewable portfolio standard (RPS), or a broader range of legislated equipment efficiency standards. The enacted version of the Transportation Equity Act (P.L. 109-59, H.R. 3) has provisions for clean (renewable) fuels, energy conservation, and advanced vehicle technologies. Specific sections include 1113, volumetric excise tax credit for alternative fuels; 1121, high occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities; 1307, magnetic levitation transportation; 1807, nonmotorized transportation pilot program; 1808, additions to congestion mitigation and air quality (CMAQ); 1952, congestion relief; 1954, bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways; 3005, metropolitan transportation planning; 3010, clean fuels grant program; 3016, national research and technology programs; 3044, clean fuels grants; 3045, national fuel cell bus technology development program; 4149, office of intermodalism; 5301, intelligent transportation systems; 5502, congestion relief research initiative; 6001, transportation planning; 6015, clean school buses; and 9002, study of high-speed rail. Appropriations bills have also been a focus, including P.L. 109-54 (H.R. 2361, Environmental Protection Agency energy efficiency programs for climate protection); P.L. 109-103 (H.R. 2419, Department of Energy programs for energy efficiency and renewable energy); P.L. 109-97 (H.R. 2744, Department of Agriculture program for renewable energy grants and loans); P.L. 109-108 (H.R. 2862, telecommuting program at several agencies); P.L. 109-102 (H.R. 3057, Department of State funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy in developing nations); and H.R. 2863 (Department of Defense wind energy project for an Air Force base). More than 290 energy efficiency and renewable energy bills have been introduced thus far, including more than 140 that were introduced after the conference report on H.R. 6 was filed on July 27, 2005. For each bill listed in this report, a brief description and a summary of action are given, including references to committee hearings and reports. Also, a selected list of hearings on renewable energy is included. This report will be updated periodically. It supplements the tracking of issues that appear in CRS Report RL33588 and CRS Report RL33599. Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Report Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Action in the First Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Action Before the Conference Report on H.R. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Action After the Conference Report on H.R. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Action in the Second Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Public Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 House Bills (with Senate Companions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 House Bills Introduced after H.R. 6 Conference Report (July 27, 2005). . . 26 Senate Bills (with House Companions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Senate Bills Introduced After H.R. 6 Conference Report (July 27, 2005) . . 57 Congressional Hearings, Reports, and Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 109th Congress: Second Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 109th Congress: First Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 CRS Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 List of Tables Table 1. Action on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation, 109th Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table 2. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Bills by Topic, 109th Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation in the 109th Congress Introduction Report Contents This report summarizes action on more than 240 energy efficiency and renewable energy bills introduced during the 109th Congress.1 These bills cover a wide range of policy and issue areas that include appropriations, authorizations, research and development (R&D), grants, loans, financing, regulation (including a renewable portfolio standard), tax credits, funding, goals, plans, impacts, and the environment/climate change. So far, most of these bills have focused on tax credits and incentives. The bills also cover a range of sectors that include buildings, defense, education, federal lands/energy management, farms, American Indians, and international activities. Thus far, the sector of federal lands/energy management has generated the greatest number of bills. Table 2 groups the bills by topic. The bills are also categorized by type of renewable resource, type of energy efficiency measure, and technology. There is a broad range of efficiency measures and technologies, including cogeneration (combined heat and power), distributed generation, net metering, equipment and appliance standards, fuel economy standards, and transportation efficiency. The bills are fairly evenly distributed among these areas. There is also a broad range of renewable energy resources and technologies, including alcohol fuels, biofuels, biodiesel, biopower, biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, hydropower, solar, and wind. So far, the areas of fuels and wind energy have generated the greatest number of bills. For each bill listed in this report, a brief description and a summary of action are given, including references to committee hearings and reports. Also, a selected list of hearings on energy efficiency and renewable energy is included. Action in the First Session Action Before the Conference Report on H.R. 6. In the first session, action focused on omnibus energy policy bill H.R. 6 (Energy Policy Act of 2005, P.L. 109-58). The House version of H.R. 6 incorporated H.R. 1541 (tax provisions), H.R. 1640 (non-tax provisions), and the Resources Committee print "Domestic Energy Security Act" (non-tax provisions). The Senate version of H.R. 6 incorporated the 1 This report is intended to complement and support CRS Report RL33599 Energy Efficiency Policy: Budget, Electricity Conservation, and Fuel Conservation Issues and CRS Report RL33588, Renewable Energy Policy: Tax Credit, Budget, and Regulatory Issues, both by Fred Sissine. CRS-2 text of S. 10 and a tax title added as an amendment on the Senate floor. The Senate- passed version of H.R. 6 included a 10% renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS), a proposal to save 1 million barrels of oil per day through various conservation measures, and a proposal to extend the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for three years instead of two.2 The enacted version of H.R. 6 (H.Rept. 109-190) contains provisions that authorize or reauthorize several energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. It also establishes several new commercial and consumer product efficiency standards, sets new goals for energy efficiency and renewable energy in federal facilities and fleets, broadens the Energy Star products program, expands programs for hydrogen fuel cell buses, extends daylight savings time, and sets a renewable fuels standard for increased use of ethanol and biodiesel. Further, it extends the PTC for two years, but it does not include an RPS, does not include the Senate provision to conserve oil, and does not include the broader range of legislated efficiency standards proposed by the Senate. Other action in the first session focused on the Transportation Equity Act (H.R. 3). The enacted version of H.R. 3 (H.Rept. 109-203) has some provisions on clean (renewable) fuels, energy conservation, and advanced vehicle technologies. Specific provisions include sections 1113, volumetric excise tax credit for alternative fuels; 1121, high occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities; 1307, magnetic levitation transportation; 1807, nonmotorized transportation pilot program; 1808, additions to congestion mitigation and air quality (CMAQ); 1952, congestion relief; 1954, bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways; 3005, metropolitan transportation planning; 3010, clean fuels grant program; 3016, national research and technology programs; 3044, clean fuels grants; 3045, national fuel cell bus technology development program; 4149, office of intermodalism; 5301, intelligent transportation systems; 5502, congestion relief research initiative; 6001, transportation planning; 6015, clean school buses; and 9002, study of high speed rail. Action on H.R. 6, H.R. 3, and appropriation bills is summarized in Table 1. Action After the Conference Report on H.R. 6. After action on H.R. 6 was completed, continued high prices for oil and natural gas, combined with the huge impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita on major oil and natural gas infrastructure in the Gulf Coast region, prompted the introduction of about 40 additional bills that contained provisions involving energy efficiency or renewable energy. The greatest number of these bills related to transportation fuel savings, alternative/renewable fuels, and investment tax incentives. A smaller number of bills involved provisions for R&D, buildings, federal lands/energy management, equipment, and fuel economy. The Conference Report on H.R. 6 was issued on July 27, 2005. Bills introduced after the conference report are shown in Table 2 in italics. 2 The PTC was extended through the end of 2005 by P.L. 108-311 (§313) and by P.L. 108- 357 (§710). Section 1302 of the conference report (H.Rept. 108-375)on H.R. 6 in the 108th Congress proposed a PTC extension. CRS-3 Action in the Second Session In February 2006, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-171, S. 1932) was enacted. Section 1301 amends section 9006(f) of the Farm Security Act of 2002 to set a limit of $3 million in FY2007 funding for the USDA Commodity Credit Corporation to carry out renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Section 1402 terminates FY2007 funding authorization for the USDA Value-Added Producer Program (created by section 6401 of the Farm Security Act of 2002) to provide grants to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. In March 2006, the Senate passed (51-49) its version of the FY2007 Budget Resolution with a modified version of S.Amdt. 3136. The amendment allows deficit- neutral changes in budget allocations to increase support for alternative fuels and vehicles, promote renewable energy, and reward energy conservation and efficiency. The House version (H.Con.Res. 376) was passed on May 18. In April 2006, stimulated by rising gasoline prices, dozens of new energy efficiency and renewable energy bills were introduced. Perhaps the greatest number of these bills proposed extensions and expansions of tax incentives and the renewable fuels standard for ethanol, biodiesel, and other alternative fuels. Further, a sizable number of bills addressed federal fleet fuel use, grants to support alternative fuel pumping equipment at gasoline stations, and the import tariff on ethanol. Also, a fair number of bills proposed to extend and/or expand tax incentives for solar equipment, fuel cells, and building energy efficiency measures. In May 2006, the House passed three appropriations bills (interior/environment, agriculture, energy & water) with funding for energy efficiency and/or renewable energy, as shown in Table 1. In June 2006, about 25 bills were introduced with provisions for energy efficiency and/or renewable energy. Included in this action, the House passed three additional appropriations bills (foreign operations, transportation, defense) with funding for energy efficiency and/or renewable energy, as noted in Table 1. Additionally, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on a draft bill focused on boutique fuels. Other new bills were focused on alternative fuels, federal agencies, R&D, and grants. In July 2006, about 30 bills were introduced with provisions for energy efficiency and/or renewable energy. From late June throughout July, the Senate Appropriations Committee reported several appropriations bills (defense, transportation, foreign operations, energy & water, interior/environment, legislative branch, and agriculture) with provisions for energy efficiency and renewable energy. Among other bills, the most active areas were tax incentives for alternative fuels, buildings, and solar energy. There were also several bills on public transit, federal agencies, loan programs, the renewable energy portfolio standard, and fuel economy. CRS-4 Table 1. Action on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation, 109th Congress Bill Category Action Date Action in the Second Session H.R. 5631 Appropriations (defense) Senate Floor 8/3/2006 H.R. 5611 Fuel Education Act Passed House 7/26/2006 H.R. 5576 Appropriations (transportation) Senate Reported 7/26/2006 H.R. 5522 Appropriations (foreign operations) Senate Reported 7/10/2006 H.R. 5427 Appropriations (energy & water) Senate Reported 6/29/2006 H.R. 5386 Appropriations (interior/environment) Senate Reported 6/29/2006 H.R. 5521 Appropriations (legislative branch) Senate Reported 6/22/2006 H.R. 5122 Defense Authorization In Conference 6/22/2006 H.R. 5384 Appropriations (agriculture) Senate Reported 6/22/2006 Draft Boutique Fuels Hearing 6/20/2006 H.Con.Res. Budget Resolution Passed House 5/18/2006 376 S.Con.Res. 83 Budget Resolution Passed Senate 3/16/2006 Action in the First Session H.R. 2863 Appropriations (defense) P.L. 109-148 12/30/2005 H.R. 2862 Appropriations (science/commerce) P.L. 109-108 11/22/2005 H.R. 2419 Appropriations (energy & water) P.L. 109-103 11/19/2005 H.R. 3057 Appropriations (foreign operations) P.L. 109-102 11/14/2005 H.R. 2744 Appropriations (agriculture) P.L. 109-97 11/10/2005 H.R. 3 Transportation equity bill P.L. 109-59 8/10/2005 H.R. 6 Omnibus energy bill P.L. 109-58 8/8/2005 H.R. 2361 Appropriations (interior/environment) P.L. 109-54 8/2/2005 CRS-5 Table 2. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Bills by Topic, 109th Congress (Bills introduced after the H.R. 6 Conference Report [July 27, 2005] are shown in italics.) I. Policy and Issue Areas Appropriations. H.R. 2419, H.R. 2361, H.R. 2744, H.R. 2862, H.R. 2863, H.R. 3057; H.R. 4898, H.R. 4906, H.R. 5127, H.R. 5384, H.R. 5386, H.R. 5427, H.R. 5521, H.R. 5522, H.R. 5576, H.R. 5631 Authorizations/Omnibus Energy Policy. H.R. 6, H.R. 610, H.R. 612, H.R. 1158, H.R. 1541, H.R. 1640, H.R. 2828, S. 10, S. 665, S. 726; H.Con.Res. 376/S.Con.Res. 83, H.R. 4897, H.R. 5634, H.R. 5643, H.R. 5656, H.R. 5904/S. 3719, H.R. 5927, S. 2766 Research and Development. H.R. 610, H.R. 612, S. 387; H.R. 4435, H.R. 4458, H.R. 4906, H.R. 5049, H.R. 5395, H.R. 5538, H.R. 5594, H.R. 5634, H.R. 5656, H.R. 5925, S. 1860, S. 1950, S. 1981, S. 2020, S. 2196, S. 2197, S. 2398 Grants. H.R. 3/S. 732, H.R. 168, H.R. 610, H.R. 722, H.R. 1215/S. 1270; H.R. 4350, H.R. 4609, H.R. 5137, H.R. 5301, H.R. 5372, H.R. 5534, H.R. 5538, H.R. 5633, H.R. 5926, S. 2584, S. 2613/H.R. 5346, S. 2614, S. 2675, S. 2680, S. 2747, S. 2796, S. 2984, S. 2993, S. 3591 Loans/Financing. H.R. 388, S. 269, S. 426; H.R. 4990, H.R. 5904/S. 3719, H.R. 5925, S. 2680, S. 2747, S. 3487 Renewable Fuel Standard. H.R. 6; H.R. 5208, H.R. 5331, H.R. 5370, H.R. 5375, S. 2571, S. 2680, S. 2817 Renewable Portfolio Standard. H.R. 6 (Senate), H.R. 983, H.R. 2828, S. 427; H.R. 4384, H.R. 5331, H.R. 5642, H.R. 5926, H.R. 5927, S. 2435, S. 2571, S. 2747, S. 3698 Tax Incentive for Investment. H.R. 17, H.R. 206, H.R. 424, H.R. 626, H.R. 1212, H.R. 1397/S. 671, H.R. 1541, H.R. 2070, H.R. 2794, S. 387, S. 680/H.R. 1834, S. 715, S. 962, S. 971; H.R. 4300, H.R. 4409/S. 2025, H.R. 4449, H.R. 4458, H.R. 4623, H.R. 4640, H.R. 4672, H.R. 4716, H.R. 4856, H.R. 4990, H.R. 5206/S. 2677, H.R 5208., H.R. 5239, H.R. 5251, H.R. 5296, H.R. 5317, H.R. 5331, H.R. 5372, H.R. 5375, H.R. 5579, H.R. 5809, H.R. 5856, H.R. 5890, H.R. 5926, H.R. 5973, S. 1850, S. 1852, S. 1981, S. 2020, S. 2045, S. 2105, S. 2345, S. 2398, S. 2401, S. 2446, S. 2571, S. 2680, S. 2689, S. 2748, S. 2816, S. 2817, S. 2829, S. 2993, S. 3600, S. 3654 Tax Incentive for Energy Production. H.R. 36/S. 610, H.R. 141, H.R. 381, H.R. 3152, H.R. 3338, S. 35, S. 387, S. 542, S. 1078, S. 1079, S. 1093, S. 1156, S. 1229; H.R. 4263, H.R. 4384, H.R. 5010, H.R. 5208, H.R. 5296, H.R. 5375, H.R. 5509, H.R. 5756, H.R. 5950, H.R. 5959, S. 2398, S. 2401, S. 2748 Tax Incentive for Fuel Use. H.R. 113, H.R. 206, H.R. 1255, H.R. 2498/S. 1076, H.R. 3059, H.R. 3263, H.R. 3273, H.R. 3274, S. 1077, S. 1232; H.R. 3984, H.R. 4756/S. 2309, H.R. 5208, H.R. 5331, H.R. 5650, H.R. 5653, H.R. 5662, S. 2398, S. 2401, S. 2446 Goals/Plans/Impact Information. H.R. 3/S. 732, H.R. 373, H.R. 610, H.R. 722, H.R. 1158, S. 606; H.Con.Res. 369, H.Con.Res. 424/S.Con.Res. 97, H.Res. 843, H.R. 5259, H.R. 5521, H.R. 5927, H.R. 5953, S.Res. 228 Environment/Climate Change. H.R. 6 (Senate), H.R. 759, H.R. 1451, S. 386, S. 387, S. 388, S. 745, S. 883, S. 887, S. 1151, S. 1203; H.R. 4241, H.R. 5049, H.R. 5375, H.R. 5386, H.R. 5642, S.Res. 312, S. 2435, S. 2571, S. 2755, S. 3698 CRS-6 II. Sectors Buildings. H.R. 610, H.R. 612, H.R. 722, H.R. 737, H.R. 1212, H.R. 2751, H.R. 3263, S. 680/H.R. 1834; H.R. 4138, H.R. 4350, H.R. 4420, H.R. 4609, H.R. 4856, H.R. 5137, H.R. 5301, H.R. 5331, H.R. 5633, H.R. 5644, H.R. 5672, H.R. 5809, H.R. 5890, H.R. 5904/S. 3719, H.R. 5926, H.R. 5985, S. 1765/S. 1766, S. 2057, S. 2105, S. 2398, S. 2507, S. 2571, S. 2747, S. 2748, S. 3591, S. 3628 Defense/Security. H.R. 174, H.R. 1815/S. 1042, H.R. 2863; H.R. 5122/S. 2766, H.R. 5631, S. 2435, S. 2446, S. 2507, S. 2766 Education. H.R. 737, S. 726; H.R. 4409/S. 2025, H.R. 5611, H.R. 5644, S. 2197, S. 2747 Federal Lands/Energy Management. H.R. 174, H.R. 705, H.R. 722, H.R. 779, H.R. 983, H.R. 1533, H.R. 1750, S. 650/H.R. 1608, S. 665, S. 680/H.R. 1834, S. 890, S. 1208; H.R. 3646, H.R. 4241, H.R. 4409/S. 2025, H.R. 5163, H.R. 5338, H.R. 5521, H.R. 5531, H.R. 5576, H.R. 5592, H.R. 5926, H.R. 5927, H.R. 5965, S. 1853, S. 2675, S. 2747, S. 2773, S. 2817, S. 3591 Farms/American Indians. H.R. 622/S. 326, S. 269, S. 373, S. 502, S. 542; H.Con.Res. 369, H.R. 4241,H.R. 5384, H.R. 5950, S. 1852, S. 2680, S. 2747, S. 3600 International/Trade. H.R. 1212, S. 388, S. 745, S. 680/H.R. 1834; H.Res. 507, H.R. 5068, H.R. 5170, H.R. 5261, H.R. 5398, H.R. 5431, H.R. 5580, S.Res. 312, S. 1950, S. 2435, S. 2760, S. 2763, S. 2778, S. 3698 III. Energy Efficiency Measures and Technologies Cogeneration/Combined Heat and Power (CHP). S. 386, S. 388, S. 726; H.R. 5331, S. 2571, S. 2748, S. 3487 Distributed Generation/Net Metering/Electric Power. S. 150, S. 426, S. 726, S. 1595; H.R. 4384, S. 2747, S. 2748, S. 3698 Equipment/Lighting/Appliances. H.R. 737, H.R. 1421, H.R. 3263, S. 426, S. 726, S. 680/H.R. 1834, S. 1022; H.R. 4241, H.R. 4300, H.R. 4822, H.R. 5478, H.R. 5646/S. 3684, H.R. 5927, H.R. 5985, S. 1850, S. 2747, S. 3628 Fuel Economy. H.R. 705/S. 889, H.R. 722, H.R. 1103/S. 836, H.R. 2070, H.R. 2665, H.R. 3263, S. 889/H.R. 705; H.R. 3762, H.R. 4384, H.R. 4640, H.R. 4673, H.R. 5339, H.R. 5534, H.R. 5703, H.R. 5926, S. 2675, S. 2680, S. 2755, S. 2830, S. 3543, S. 3694 Transportation. H.R. 423, H.R. 444, H.R. 626, H.R. 722, H.R. 1705, H.R. 1706, H.R. 1744, H.R. 2070, H.R. 2358, S.Res. 228, S. 373, S. 808, S. 918; H.R. 3893, H.R. 3984, H.R. 3986, H.R. 4370, H.R. 4384, H.R. 4409/S. 2025, H.R. 4449, H.R. 4640, H.R. 5163, H.R. 5301, H.R. 5331, H.R. 5402, H.R. 5611, H.R. 5632, H.R. 5662, H.R. 5672, H.R. 5703, H.R. 5856, H.R. 5927, H.R. 5965, S. 1851, S. 1853, S. 1882, S. 1981, S. 1994, S. 2045, S. 2512, S. 2571, S. 2748, S. 2773, S. 3698 CRS-7 IV. Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies Alcohol Fuels/Biofuels/Biodiesel. H.R. 3/S. 732, H.R. 36/S. 610, H.R. 113, H.R. 140, H.R. 206, H.R. 325, H.R. 381, H.R. 388, H.R. 1255, H.R. 1398, H.R. 1608, H.R. 1612, H.R. 1744, H.R. 3059, H.R. 3081, H.R. 3273, H.R. 3274, S. 129, S. 373, S. 502, S. 587, S. 610, S. 650, S. 918, S. 1232, S. 1609; H.R. 3941, H.R. 4263, H.R. 4357/S. 3553, H.R. 4409/S. 2025, H.R. 4673, H.R. 4756/S. 2309, H.R. 4774, H.R. 5170, H.R. 5208, H.R. 5239, H.R. 5251, H.R. 5331, H.R. 5338, H.R. 5398, H.R. 5372, H.R. 5431, H.R. 5521, H.R. 5592, H.R. 5650, H.R. 5653, H.R. 5672, H.R. 5700, H.R. 5890, H.R. 5950, H.R. 5959, H.R. 5965, S.Con.Res. 83, S. 1950, S. 2045, S. 2263, S. 2345, S. 2398, S. 2401, S. 2435, S. 2446, S. 2613/H.R. 5346, S. 2614, S. 2680, S. 2689, S. 2747, S. 2760, S. 2763, S. 2778, S. 2816, S. 2829, S. 2984, S. 3600 Biopower/Biomass. H.R. 610, H.R. 612, H.R. 622, H.R. 737, H.R. 983, H.R. 1127, H.R. 2498/S. 1076, S. 150, S. 326, S. 427, S. 502, S. 542, S. 1078, S. 1079, S. 1156, S. 1210; H.Con.Res. 369, H.R. 3928, H.R. 5395, H.R. 5509, H.R. 5653, H.R. 5756, S. 2584, S. 3487 Geothermal. H.R. 174, H.R. 622/S. 326, H.R. 1127, H.R. 3164, S. 269; H.R. 5296, H.R. 5395, H.R. 5926, S. 3487 Hydrogen. H.R. 3/S. 732, H.R. 325, H.R. 610, H.R. 612, H.R. 626, H.R. 722, H.R. 737, H.R. 1750, S. 129, S. 373, S. 427, S. 436, S. 665, S. 726; H.R. 5143, H.R. 5331, H.R. 5953, H.R. 5973, S. 2571, S. 2796 Hydropower. H.R. 722, H.R. 737, H.R. 779, H.R. 971, H.R. 1530, S. 244, S. 427; H.R. 4375/S. 2072, H.R. 4377, H.R. 5019, H.R. 5522, S. 2290 Solar. H.R. 17, H.R. 381, H.R. 610, H.R. 612, H.R. 622/S. 326, H.R. 722, H.R. 737, H.R. 1127, S. 150, S. 269, S. 326, S. 426, S. 427, S. 726; H.Con.Res. 369, H.R. 4300, H.R. 5206, H.R. 5296, H.R. 5375, H.R. 5395, H.R. 5594, H.R. 5890, H.R. 5926, H.R. 5985, S. 2398, S. 2401, S. 2571, S. 2677/H.R. 5206, S. 2748, S. 3487, S. 3628 Wind. H.R. 141, H.R. 381, H.R. 610, H.R. 612, H.R. 622/S. 326, H.R. 737, H.R. 759, H.R. 983, H.R. 1127, H.R. 1541, H.R. 2938, S. 35, S. 150, S. 269, S. 326, S. 342, S. 426, S. 427, S. 502, S. 542, S. 715, S. 1034, S. 1208, H.R. 4716, H.R. 5395, H.R. 5631, H.R. 5926, S. 3487 Legislation Public Laws P.L. 109-54 (H.R. 2361) Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2006. The conference bill includes $112.5 million for EPA's Climate Protection (energy efficiency) Program -- $93.5 million under the Office of Environmental Programs and Management (EPM) and $19.0 million under the Office of Science and Technology (S&T). Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-188) July 26, 2005. Signed into law August 2. P.L. 109-58 (H.R. 6) Energy Policy Act of 2005. Section 102 sets a goal for 20% energy reduction in federal facilities by 2015. Section 104 requires federal agency purchases of EPA Energy Star and Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)-designated products. Section 105 permanently extends Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) and sets a $500 million cap. Section 124 authorizes funding to states for rebates to support the cost premium for residential purchases of Energy Star products. Section CRS-8 133 establishes energy efficiency standards for a variety of consumer products and commercial equipment. Title I also sets out several energy efficiency provisions for public housing. Title VII has provisions for hybrid, fuel cell, and electric vehicles; and it revises and extends some aspects of fuel economy standards. Title IX reauthorizes DOE energy efficiency R&D programs. Section 1253 would, under certain conditions, terminate PURPA (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act) cogeneration requirements. Sections 1312 and 1317 create $397 million in tax credits for energy efficiency. For renewables, Section 202 reauthorizes the Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI), Title II (Subtitle C) authorizes increased hydropower at existing dams, Section 203 sets renewables goal for federal facilities, and Sections 124 and 206 establish residential rebate programs. Also, Section 1311 provides $18 million in residential investment tax credits over three years for solar hot water, photovoltaics, and fuel cell equipment. P.L. 109-59 (H.R. 3) Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Section 1208 on High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes includes provisions for alternative-fueled vehicles and energy-efficient vehicles. Section 3009 on Clean Fuels Formula Grant Program includes provisions for biodiesel, alcohol fuels, and fuel cells. Section 5213 on Metropolitan Planning directs that goals include energy conservation. Other provisions in the bill address traffic congestion (§1952), intelligent transportation systems (Title V, Subtitle C; §6010), bicycling and pedestrian issues (§1405, §1807, §1954, §2006, and others), and advanced vehicle technologies (§2003, §5513). P.L. 109-97 (H.R. 2744) Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. Includes $23 million in funding for USDA's renewable energy grant and loan program. P.L. 109-102 (H.R. 3057) Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, 2006. Under Environment Programs, Section 585(a) appropriates "not less than" $180 million to support clean energy and other climate change policies and programs in developing countries, of which $100 million "should be made available to directly promote and deploy energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable and clean energy technologies." Also, Section 585(b) requires that the President submit, within 60 days after the FY2007 budget request, a report to Congress identifying all federal FY2006 expenditures, domestic and international, related to climate change. Further, for the U.S. Agency for International Development, the report must describe FY2005 spending, as well as FY2006 estimated and FY2007 requested funds, for "clean energy and energy efficiency technologies" and for other measures related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, by program and country. P.L. 109-103 (H.R. 2419) Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2006. Title III includes $1,185.7 million in funding for DOE's energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. P.L. 109-108 (H.R. 2862) Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. Section 617 directs the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State; the Securities and Exchange Commission; and the Small Business Administration to CRS-9 certify that telecommuting opportunities have increased during the previous year. Section 619 directs the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) to certify that telecommuting opportunities are available to 100% of the eligible workforce. Without the above-noted certification, the agencies risk forfeiting $5 million at the end of the fiscal year. P.L. 109-148 (H.R. 2863) Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, 2006. Title II, regarding Operation and Maintenance, includes $5 million for a wind power demonstration project on an Air Force base. P.L. 109-171 (S. 1932) Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. Section 1301 amends section 9006(f) of the Farm Security Act of 2002 to set a limit of $3 million in FY2007 funding for the USDA Commodity Credit Corporation to carry out renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Section 1402 terminates FY2007 funding authorization for the USDA Value-Added Producer Program (created by section 6401 of the Farm Security Act of 2002) to provide grants to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-362) December 19, 2005. Signed into law February 8, 2006. P.L. 109-241 (H.R. 889) Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2005. Section 414 directs the Commandant of the Coast Guard, when prompted by the Secretary of the Army, to state whether an offshore wind energy facility constitutes an obstruction to navigation. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-413) April 6, 2006. Signed into law July 12, 2006. House Bills (with Senate Companions) H.Con.Res. 369 (Musgrave) "25 by `25" Initiative. Resolution expressing the support of Congress for an initiative which envisions that farm, forestry, and ranch lands will provide by 2025 at least 25% of national energy demand, including promotion of renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass) by the forestry and agricultural communities. Introduced March 29, 2006; referred to Committees on Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, and Resources. H.Con.Res. 424 (Goodlatte)/S.Con.Res 97 (Grassley) "25 by `25" Initiative. Resolution expressing the support of Congress for an initiative which envisions that farm, forestry, and ranch lands will provide by 2025 at least 25% of national energy demand, including promotion of renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass) by the forestry and agricultural communities. House bill introduced June 7, 2006; referred to Committees on Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, and Resources. Senate bill introduced June 7, 2006, referred to Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. H.Res. 507 (Bartlett) A resolution expressing the sense of the House that the United States, in collaboration with other international allies, should establish an energy project with the magnitude, creativity, and sense of urgency that was incorporated in the "Man on the Moon" project to address the inevitable challenges of "Peak Oil." Introduced on CRS-10 October 24, 2005 and referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. The Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality held a hearing on December 7. H.Res. 843 (Drake) A resolution expressing the sense of the House that the United States should seek to achieve complete energy independence by 2015. Introduced May 25, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.Res. 879 (Cleaver) A resolution expressing the sense of the House that Members should use alternative fuel vehicles in their professional and personal lives. Introduced June 20, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.Res. 971 (Fitzpatrick) A resolution expressing the sense of the House that the Congress should enact legislation to slow, stop, and reverse the growth of the Nation's dependence on imported oil in ways that provide cleaner air, reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, and enhance America's competitiveness. Introduced July 28, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 3 (Young)/S. 732 (Inhofe) Transportation Equity Act. Section 1208 on High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes includes provisions for alternative-fueled vehicles and energy-efficient vehicles. Section 3009 on Clean Fuels Formula Grant Program includes provisions for biodiesel, alcohol fuels, and fuel cells. Section 5213 on Metropolitan Planning directs that goals include energy conservation. Other provisions in the bill address traffic congestion, intelligent transportation systems, bicycling and pedestrian issues, and advanced vehicle technologies. House bill introduced February 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Reported (H.Rept. 109-12, Parts I and II) March 8. Passed House, amended, March 10. Senate bill reported (S.Rept. 109-53) April 6. In lieu of S. 732, Senate passed its version of H.R. 3, amended, May 17. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-203) July 28. Signed into law August 10. H.R. 6 House (Barton) Energy Policy Act of 2005. Section 102 sets a goal for 20% energy reduction in federal facilities by 2015. Section 104 requires federal agency purchases of EPA Energy Star and FEMP-designated products. Section 105 permanently extends ESPCs and sets $500 million cap. Section 124 authorizes funding to states for rebates to support the cost premium for residential purchases of Energy Star products. Section 133 establishes energy efficiency standards for a variety of consumer products and commercial equipment. Title I also sets out several energy efficiency provisions for public housing. Title VII has provisions for hybrid, fuel cell, and electric vehicles; and revises and extends some aspects of fuel economy standards. Title IX reauthorizes DOE energy efficiency R&D programs. Section 1253 would, under certain conditions, terminate PURPA cogeneration requirements. Sections 1312 and 1317 would create $397 million in tax credits for energy efficiency. For renewables, reauthorizes REPI, authorizes increased hydropower at existing dams, sets renewables goal for federal facilities, and establishes residential rebate program. Also, Section 1311 provides $18 million in residential investment tax credits over three years for solar hot water, photovoltaics, and fuel cell equipment. Committee on Energy and Commerce ordered committee print reported, as amended, April 13. CRS-11 Incorporates H.R. 1640 (non-tax provisions), Domestic Energy Security Act, and H.R. 1541 (as Title XIII). Referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Resources, Ways and Means, Science, and others April 18. Passed House, amended, April 21. H.Amdt. 74, as amended by H.Amdt. 75, directs EPA to revise certain adjustment factors used in federal vehicle fuel economy ratings and labels put on new vehicles. H.Amdt. 78 authorizes $20 million for installation of a photovoltaic solar electric system at DOE headquarters. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-190) July 27. Signed into law August 8. H.R. 6 Senate (Domenici) Energy Policy Act of 2005. Sections 135 and 136 (incorporated from S. 10) have stronger energy efficiency standards for consumer products and commercial equipment. Section 151 requires one million barrels per day in oil savings from various energy efficiency and energy conservation measures by 2015. Section 204 sets a renewable fuel standard (RFS) of 8 billion gallons by 2012. Other major differences for energy efficiency and renewable energy have come in the form of adopted amendments. S.Amdt. 786 makes certain forms of ocean energy eligible for various renewable energy incentives. S.Amdt. 791 creates a 10% renewable portfolio standard by 2020. S.Amdt. 800 has several tax provisions for renewable energy and energy efficiency, including a three-year extension of the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC). S.Amdt. 817 creates a voluntary program to reduce greenhouse gas emission intensity that includes support for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. S.Amdt. 866 expresses a "Sense of the Senate" that climate change is a serious policy concern that merits "mandatory" federal action. H.R. 6 was brought to the Senate floor on June 14, 2005, and S.Amdt. 775 incorporated S. 10 into the bill as an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-190) July 27. Signed into law August 8. H.R. 17 (Hayworth) Residential Solar Energy Tax Credit Act. Creates a 15% investment tax credit for photovoltaic (electric) equipment, with a maximum of $2,000. Also, it establishes a 15% credit for solar water heating equipment, with a maximum of $2,000. Introduced January 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 36 (S. King)/S. 610 (Talent) Amends the Internal Revenue Code to revise the tax credit for biodiesel used as fuel to include a credit for the production of agri-biodiesel fuel equal to 10 cents for each gallon produced. Limits (1) the amount of qualified agri-biodiesel production of a producer to 15 million gallons for any taxable year; and (2) eligible producers to those with an annual productive capacity not exceeding 60 million gallons. Revises the small ethanol producer tax credit to (1) expand the eligibility of small ethanol producers for the credit; (2) exclude the credit from the definition of passive activity credit; and (3) exclude credit amounts from inclusion in gross income. House bill introduced January 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senate bill introduced March 11, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. H.R. 113 (M. Kennedy) Requires the Secretary of Transportation to determine apportionments to states of federal-aid highway funds for FY2006 or any subsequent fiscal year in a particular manner if FY2005 or any preceding fiscal year is taken into account in the computation. Directs the Secretary, in such an instance, to base his calculations on the amount of estimated tax receipts that would have resulted if certain alcohol fuel CRS-12 mixture and biodiesel mixture excise tax credits under the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 had taken effect at the beginning of the fiscal year. Introduced January 5, 2005; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. H.R. 140 (McHugh) Promotes the use of anaerobic (methane) digesters by agricultural producers and rural small businesses to produce renewable energy and improve environmental quality. Introduced January 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Agriculture. H.R. 141 (McHugh) Makes permanent the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for producing electricity from wind. Introduced January 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 168 (Millender-McDonald) Goods Movement Act of 2005. Directs the Secretary of Transportation to consider congestion relief, energy consumption, and intelligent transportation systems in selecting projects for grants to state and local government. Introduced January 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. H.R. 174 (Millender-McDonald) Geothermal Energy Initiative Act of 2005. Calls for a new resource assessment, more access to federal land, improved leasing and permitting, and reimbursement for required environmental analyses. Introduced January 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Resources and the Committee on Agriculture. H.R. 206 (Serrano) Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow certain businesses located in areas designated as nonattainment areas under the Clean Air Act a general business tax credit for the cost of certain clean-fuel vehicle property and clean-burning fuel. Allows the credit to be taken against regular and alternative minimum tax liabilities. Allows a tax deduction for any unused clean fuel credit amounts. The maximum credit is $2,000 for vehicles weighing less than 5 tons, $5,000 for vehicles weighing between 5 and 13 tons, and $50,000 for trucks and vans weighing more than 13 tons and for buses with 20 or more passengers. Introduced January 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 325 (Graves)/S. 129 (Talent) Hybrid HOV Access Act. Allows energy-efficient and low-emission vehicles to use HOV facilities. House bill introduced January 25, 2005; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Senate bill introduced January 24, 2005; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. H.R. 381 (Gillmor) Permits a state to provide tax incentives for production of electricity from (1) coal mined in the state and used in a facility, if such production meets federal and state laws and if the facility uses clean coal technology, including scrubbers; (2) a renewable source such as wind, solar, or biomass; or (3) ethanol. Declares that any such state tax incentive shall (1) be considered to be a reasonable regulation of commerce, and (2) not be considered to impose an undue burden on interstate commerce or to otherwise impair, restrain, or discriminate, against interstate CRS-13 commerce. Introduced January 26, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce and Committee on Judiciary. H.R. 388 (Kaptur) Biofuels Energy Independence Act of 2005. Authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to make and guarantee loans for biofuel production, distribution, development, and storage. Sets forth loan eligibility provisions. Directs the Secretary to establish a related revolving fund. Authorizes the Secretary to administer a Biofuels Feedstocks Energy Reserve to (1) provide feedstocks in furtherance of biofuel-based energy production; and (2) support the biofuels energy industry when production is at risk due to feedstock reductions or commodity price increases. Sets forth related provisions respecting commercial commodity purchases, release of commodity stocks, and storage payments. Introduced January 26, 2005; referred to Committee on Agriculture. Senate bill introduced March 15; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. H.R. 423 (Terry) Homeland Infrastructure Power Security and Assurance Incentives Act of 2005. Authorizes the Secretary of Energy to establish an Advanced Power System Technology Incentive Program of incentive payments to eligible owners or operators to (1) support deployment of new advanced power system technologies such as fuel cells, turbines, hybrid, and storage system power technologies; and (2) improve and protect certain critical governmental, industrial, and commercial processes. Requires such funding to be used to increase power generation through enhanced operational, economic, and environmental performance. Introduced January 26, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 424 (Terry) Energy Efficiency Investment Act of 2005. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow a tax credit for up to 25% of the cost of certain energy efficient property installed in business and residential properties. Introduced January 26, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 444 (Issa) Hybrid Vehicle HOV Access Act. Amends Federal highway law to authorize a State to permit a hybrid vehicle with fewer than two occupants to operate in high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. Defines "hybrid vehicle" as a motor vehicle (1) that draws propulsion energy from onboard sources of stored energy which are both an internal combustion or heat engine using combustible fuel and a rechargeable energy storage system; and (2) which (in the case of a passenger automobile or light truck) for 2002 and later models meets certain clean air requirements. Introduced February 1, 2005; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. H.R. 610 (Biggert) Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application Act of 2005. Directs the Secretary of Energy to establish R&D programs in (1) vehicles, buildings, and industrial processes; (2) renewable energy research; (3) civilian nuclear energy research; (4) fuel recycling technology; (5) fossil energy production, upgrading, conversion and consumption; (6) oil and gas research; (7) fuel cells; and (8) ultra-deepwater and unconventional natural gas. Instructs the Secretary to (1) plan programs directly related to fuel cells or hydrogen; and (2) conduct programs to address hydrogen production from diverse energy sources. Directs the CRS-14 President to establish an interagency task force to work toward fuel infrastructure for hydrogen and hydrogen-carrier fuels, including buses and other fleet transportation. Establishes the Hydrogen Technical and Fuel Cell Advisory Committee. Directs the Secretary to establish a competitive grant pilot program for acquisition of (1) alternative fueled vehicles or fuel cell vehicles; (2) hybrid vehicles; and (3) ultra-low sulfur diesel vehicles. Directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a grant program for (1) the replacement of certain school buses with alternative fuel school buses and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel school buses; and (2) installation of retrofit technologies for diesel school buses. Instructs the Secretary to enter into cooperative agreements (1) with private sector fuel cell bus developers for the development of fuel cell-powered school buses; and (2) government entities using natural gas-powered school buses and private sector fuel cell bus developers to demonstrate the use of fuel cell-powered school buses. Directs the Secretary to (1) establish a fuel cell transit bus demonstration program; and (2) award grants to universities for the establishment of Centers of Excellence for Energy Systems of the Future to advance new clean coal technologies. Introduced February 8, 2005; referred to House Committees on Science, Resources, and Energy and Commerce. Science Committee ordered to be reported February 10, 2005. H.R. 612 (Biggert) Energy Basic and Applied Sciences Act of 2005. Requires the Secretary of Energy to establish advisory committees to advise the department's applied programs in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other areas. Directs the Secretary to establish a R&D program in: vehicles, buildings, and industrial processes; renewable energy research; fuel cells; and other areas. Introduced February 8, 2005; referred to Committees on Science, Resources, and Energy and Commerce. H.R. 622 (Bono)/S. 326 (Smith) Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI) Reform Act. Amends the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to modify renewable energy production incentive payment guidelines to provide that if there are insufficient appropriations to make full payments for electric production from all qualified renewable energy facilities in any given year, the Secretary of Energy shall assign 60% of appropriated funds for that year to facilities that use solar, wind, geothermal, or closed-loop (dedicated energy crops) biomass technologies to generate electricity, and assign the remaining 40% to other projects. Redefines a qualified renewable energy facility as one (1) owned by certain tax-exempt electricity-generating cooperatives, certain public utilities, a state, territorial, or local governments or an Indian tribal government; and (2) which may involve electricity generation by landfill gas. Extends through FY2015 the deadline for first use of a facility eligible for incentive payments. House bill introduced February 8, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Senate bill introduced February 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. H.R. 626 (Camp) VEHICLE Technology Act of 2005. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to repeal the phaseouts of the tax credit for qualified electric vehicles and of the tax deduction for clean-fuel vehicles. Allows a tax credit for investment in certain alternative motor vehicles, including fuel cell vehicles, advanced lean burn technology motor vehicles, hybrid motor vehicles, alternative fuel motor vehicles, and mixed-fuel vehicles. Sets forth formulas for determining the amount of the credit based on various factors, including vehicle weight and fuel efficiency ratings. CRS-15 Modifies the tax deduction for clean-fuel vehicles and certain refueling property to (1) extend the terminating date for such deduction through 2009, and through 2012 for hydrogen-related property; (2) increase to $150,000 the cost limitation for the deduction; and (3) extend the deduction to nonbusiness property. Introduced February 8, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 705 (Gilchrest)/S. 889 (Feinstein) Automobile Fuel Economy Act of 2005. Sets forth certain increased average fuel economy standards for certain light trucks, automobiles (up to 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight), and certain classes of vehicles in the federal fleet that are manufactured or purchased after specified dates. House bill introduced February 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce and Committee on Government Reform. Senate bill introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. H.R. 722 (Oberstar) Securing Transportation Energy Efficiency for Tomorrow Act of 2005. Amends the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 to authorize the Administrator of General Services to establish a program for the procurement and installation of photovoltaic solar electric systems for electric production in public buildings. Directs the Architect of the Capitol to evaluate the energy infrastructure of the Capitol Complex to determine how it could be augmented to become more energy efficient, using photovoltaic solar energy systems, district-heating, and other unconventional and renewable energy resources. Amends federal transportation law to (1) direct the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) to establish a program of grants to state and local governments for fuel conservation projects; (2) authorize the Secretary to make grants for fuel cell bus technology projects; and (3) require environmental impact statements for federal-aid highway and transit projects to consider energy impacts as an environmental project consequence. Directs the Secretary to establish (1) a Conserve By Bicycling pilot program for projects to encourage the use of bicycles in place of motor vehicles; and (2) a specified public-private research partnership dedicated to advancement of railroad technology, efficiency, and safety owned by the Federal Railroad Administration and operated in the private sector. Directs (1) the Secretary to establish a pilot clean airport bus replacement and fleet expansion grant program; and (2) the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to establish a public-private research partnership to develop a clean ground demonstrator engine utilizing specified National Aeronautics and Space Administration-developed technologies. Directs the Secretary to establish a public-private research partnership to develop and demonstrate technologies that increase fuel economy, reduce emissions, and lower costs of marine transportation, as well as the efficiency of intermodal transfers. Directs the Secretary of the Army to study and report to Congress on the potential for reduced fossil fuel consumption through an increase in U.S. hydropower capabilities. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to exclude from gross income as a qualifying transportation fringe benefit a commuting allowance of $75 per month for individuals who bicycle, carpool, or car-share to work. Introduced February 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce and Committee on Government Reform. H.R. 737 (Woolsey) Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Act of 2005. Declares it shall be policy of the United States that its research, development, demonstration, and commercial applications programs be designed to enable 20% of domestic energy CRS-16 generated from stationary sources to be generated from nonhydropower renewable energy sources by the year 2020. Prescribes research and development program goals to implement such policy in connection with enhanced (1) renewable energy; (2) energy efficiency; and (3) aeronautical system energy. Directs the Secretary of Energy to (1) submit to Congress an assessment of renewable energy resources available for commercial application; and (2) implement a Next Generation Lighting Initiative for advanced solid-state lighting technologies based on white light-emitting diodes. Requires the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy to establish (1) an interagency group to develop a National Building Performance Initiative; and (2) an advisory committee to analyze and provide recommendations on potential private sector roles and participation in the Initiative. Directs the Secretary of Energy to (1) commission an independent assessment of innovative financing techniques to facilitate construction of new renewable energy and energy efficiency facilities; (2) establish a demonstration program for innovative technologies for renewable energy sources in buildings owned or operated by a state or local government; (3) provide assistance to small businesses and startup companies for the commercial application of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies developed by or with support from the Department of Energy; (4) establish an education and outreach program on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies; and (5) establish a competitive matching grant pilot program for voluntary local government programs that seek to promote innovative energy efficiency technologies and processes to reduce the industrial use of water and the discharge of wastewater from commercial and industrial entities. Introduced February 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 759 (Gilchrest) Climate Stewardship Act of 2005. Establishes various policies for curbing greenhouse gas emissions that include several energy-efficiency and renewable energy measures. Introduced February 10, 2005; referred to Committee on Science and to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 779 (Radanovich) Federal Hydropower Enhancement Act of 2005. Directs the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Energy, and the Secretary of the Army to study and report to Congress on the potential for increasing electric power production capability at federally owned or operated facilities for water regulation, storage, and conveyance. Introduced February 10, 2005; referred to Committee on Resources and to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. H.R. 889 (Young)/S. 1280 (Snowe) Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2005. Section 419 of the House bill directs the Commandant of the Coast Guard, when prompted by the Secretary of the Army, to state whether an offshore wind energy facility constitutes an obstruction to navigation. House bill introduced February 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and Committee on Homeland Security. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure reported (H.Rept. 109- 204, pt. 1) July 28. Passed House, amended, September 15. In Senate, introduced June 21, referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Resources and to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Resources reported (S.Rept. 109-114) July 28. S. 1280 was incorporated into H.R. 889 as an amendment in the nature of a CRS-17 substitute. Passed Senate October 27. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-413) April 6, 2006. Signed into law as P.L. 109-241 July 12. H.R. 971 (Simmons) Directs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to extend through May 30, 2007, the time period during which the licensee is required to commence construction for projects numbered 11547, 10822, and 10823 in the state of Connecticut. Requires the commission thereafter, upon licensee request, to extend the time period for construction of such project for two consecutive two-year periods. Directs the commission to reinstate the licenses for such projects effective as of their respective expiration dates. States that the first authorized extension for each such project shall take effect on its expiration date. Introduced February 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 983 (T. Udall) Amends the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to prescribe guidelines for a Federal Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) for calendar years 2008 through 2037. Specifies a schedule of graduated annual percentages of a supplier's base amount, from 1% in 2008 up to 20% in 2027 and thereafter, that shall be generated from renewable energy resources. Authorizes a supplier to satisfy such requirements through the submission of renewable energy credits to the Secretary of Energy. Provides for energy credit trading or borrowing among suppliers. Directs the Secretary to (1) encourage federally owned utilities, municipally owned utilities, and rural electric cooperatives that sell electric energy to electric consumers for purposes other than resale to participate in the renewable portfolio standard program; and (2) establish by December 31, 2007, a state renewable energy account program. Introduced February 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1103 (N. Johnson) Fuel Efficiency Truth in Advertising Act of 2005. Directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revise certain federal vehicle fuel economy test procedures to take into consideration higher speed limits, faster acceleration rates, variations in temperature, use of air conditioning, shorter city test cycle lengths, and the use of other fuel depleting features. Introduced March 3, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Incorporated into H.R. 6 as floor amendment H.Amdt. 74 (as amended by H.Amdt. 75). H.R. 1127 (T. Lee) Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI) Reform and Reauthorization Act. Makes equal incentives available from the Department of Energy (solar, wind, geothermal), Department of Agriculture (biomass), and Environmental Protection Agency (landfill gas). Introduced March 3, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1158 (Hart) Reauthorizes the Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988. Modifies the list of priorities that the Secretary of Energy must consider in reviewing research and development activities for possible inclusion in the Steel Initiative Research Plan to include the development of (1) advanced sheet and bar steel; and (2) technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Introduced March 8, 2005; referred to Committee on Science. CRS-18 H.R. 1212 (Weller) Save America's Valuable Energy Resources Act of 2005. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to establish tax credits for (1) qualified energy efficient improvements to existing homes and (2) the construction of qualified new energy efficient homes. Allows a tax deduction for energy efficient commercial building property expenditures. Introduced March 10; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Science. H.R. 1215 (Gingrey)/S. 1270 (Snowe) Green Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2005. Provision for grants to manufacturers includes measures that would increase energy efficiency. House bill introduced March 10, 2005; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 1255 (C. Peterson) Clean Power Plant Act of 2005. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to extend until December 31, 2010, the tax credit for biodiesel used as fuel. Introduced March 10, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 1397 (N. Johnson)/S. 671 (Lieberman) Establishes an investment tax credit for fuel cell equipment purchased for business and residential uses. The fuel cell must have a minimum capacity of 0.5 kilowatt (kw). The upper limit of the credit is $500 for each 0.5 kw, with a maximum of 30% of the total fuel cell cost. House bill introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senate bill introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. H.R. 1398 (Kaptur) Amends the Clean Air Act to require that, after the year 2010, all gasoline sold in the United States for motor vehicles contain at least 10% ethanol and that all diesel fuel sold in the United States for motor vehicles contain at least 5% Biodiesel. Introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1421 (Nussle) Resource Efficient Appliance Incentives Act of 2005. Creates an equipment production credit for 2005 through 2010 that ranges from $50 to $150 per unit for clothes washers and refrigerators that meet certain energy-efficiency criteria. The total value of credits is limited by a dollar amount and by a percent of gross revenue. Introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 1451 (Waxman) Clean Smokestacks Act of 2005. Amends the Clean Air Act (CAA) to require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to promulgate regulations to achieve specified reductions in aggregate emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, and mercury from powerplants (electric generation facilities with a nameplate capacity of 15 megawatts or more that use a combustion device to generate electricity for sale) by January 1, 2010. States that regulations promulgated under this act may require additional emissions reductions if the Administrator determines that the specified reductions are not reasonably anticipated to protect public health or welfare. Directs the Administrator to coordinate with other federal and state agencies to increase energy efficiency, to increase the use of renewable energy, and to implement cost saving advanced demand and supply side policies. Requires powerplants, on the later of the date 30 years after the powerplant CRS-19 commenced operation or five years after this act's enactment, to comply with the most recent new source performance standards under CAA provisions regarding air quality and emissions limitations and with specified requirements for modified sources. Introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1482 (Wynn) Hydrogen Liberty Act. Authorizes $3.9 billion over 10 years for research and development of advanced nuclear reactor ($1.3 billion), solar energy ($1.3 billion), and wind energy ($1.3 billion) technologies for the production of hydrogen. The bill would create 15 demonstration projects, five for each of the three technologies. Introduced April 5, 2005; referred to Committee on Science and Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1511 (Foley) Extends the renewable energy electricity production tax credit (PTC) for wind energy for five years. Introduced April 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 1530 (Shadegg) Section 3(e) creates a 1.5cent/kwh incentive (maximum $1 million) for increased hydropower capacity at existing non-federal dams. Also, for qualified efficiency improvements (minimum 3% improvement) at existing dams, Section 4 creates incentive worth up to 10% of the capital cost. Introduced April 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1533 (T. Davis) Federal Energy Management Improvement Act of 2005. Title I has provisions for energy reduction goals, energy-efficient equipment procurement, and ESPCs. Title II requires purchases of renewable energy. Title VII has provisions for alternative fuel use. Introduced April 8, 2005; referred to Committee on Government Reform and Committee on Energy and Commerce. Committee on Government Reform held markup and ordered reported April 13. H.R. 1541 (Thomas) Enhanced Energy Infrastructure and Technology Tax Act of 2005. Referred to Committee on Ways and Means April 12, 2005. Committee held markup April 13. Reported (H.Rept. 109-45) April 18. Incorporated into H.R. 6. H.R. 1608 (Herseth)/S. 650 (Lugar) Fuels Security Act of 2005. Section 101 increases the renewable fuel standard (RFS) to 8 billion gallons by 2012. Section 102 directs federal agencies purchases of gasoline to include 10% ethanol-blended gasoline within five years. It also directs agencies' purchases of diesel fuel to include 2% biodiesel in five years and 20% biodiesel in 10 years. House bill introduced April 13, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Senate bill, introduced March 17, 2005; referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. CRS-20 H.R. 1612 (Kaptur) Establishes ethanol (10% blend) and biodiesel (2% rising to 20% over 10 years) fuel requirements for the federal fleet. Introduced April 13, 2005; referred to Committee on Government Reform. H.R. 1640 (Barton) Energy Policy Act of 2005. Contains titles on energy efficiency, renewable energy, alternative fuels, and many other non-tax energy policy areas. On April 14, 2005, referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Resources, Science, and several other committees. Incorporated into H.R. 6. H.R. 1705 (Shadegg) Establishes a program to support deployment of idle reduction and energy conservation technologies for heavy-duty vehicles, and for other purposes. Introduced April 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce and Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. H.R. 1706 (Shadegg) Directs the Secretary of Energy to conduct a program in partnership with the private sector to accelerate efforts of domestic automobile manufacturers to manufacture commercially available competitive hybrid vehicle technologies in the United States. Introduced April 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Science and Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1744 (Ruppersberger) Common Sense Automobile Efficiency Act of 2005. Repeals phaseouts of tax credits for qualified electric and clean-fueled vehicles. Introduced April 20, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 1750 (Boehlert) Grand Canyon Hydrogen-Powered Transportation Demonstration Act of 2005. Directs DOE (in cooperation with Department of Interior) to research, develop, and demonstrate, in cooperation with affected and related industries, a hydrogen-based alternative public transportation system suitable for operations within Grand Canyon National Park and other sensitive resource areas. Introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 1797 (McMorris)/S. 881 (Cantwell) Spokane Tribe of Indians of the Spokane Reservation Grand Coulee Dam Equitable Compensation Settlement Act. Establishes in the Treasury the Spokane Tribe of Indians Settlement Fund. Requires the payment of compensation to the Spokane Business Council for the use of tribal lands for the generation of hydropower from the Grand Coulee Dam. Requires the use of such funds, in part, for a Cultural Resource Repository and Interpretive Center concerning the culture and history of the Spokane Tribe. Directs the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration to make specified settlement payments to the Spokane Tribe. Allows payments made to the Spokane Business Council or Spokane Tribe to be used or invested by the Business Council in the same manner and for the same purposes as other Spokane Tribal governmental funds. Directs the Secretary of the Interior to transfer administrative jurisdiction from the Bureau of Reclamation to the Bureau of Indian Affairs over certain land located within the exterior boundaries of the Spokane Indian Reservation and certain other land located on the south bank of the Spokane CRS-21 River. Provides that payments by the Secretary and the Administrator and restoration of ownership of land in trust constitute full satisfaction of the claim of the Spokane Tribe to a fair share of the annual hydropower revenues generated by the Grand Coulee Dam project for the past and continued use of land of the Spokane Tribe for the production of hydropower at Grand Coulee Dam. House bill introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Resources. Ordered reported May 18. Senate bill introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Indian Affairs. H.R. 1815 (Hunter)/S. 1042 (Warner) National Defense Authorization Act for FY2006. Section 2402 authorizes funding for energy conservation projects. House bill introduced April 26, 2005; referred to Committee on Armed Services. Includes $50 million authorization. Reported (H.Rept. 109-89) May 20. Passed House May 25. Senate bill introduced May 12, 2005; referred to Committee on Armed Services. Includes $60 million authorization. Reported (S.Rept. 109-69) May 17. The Senate passed H.R. 1815, incorporating S. 1042 as an amendment in the nature of a substitute, on November 15. Section 346 of the Senate-passed bill directs DOD to study and report on the effects of offshore wind machines on military radar installations. H.R. 1834 (Cunningham)/S. 680 (Snowe) Efficient Energy Through Certified Technologies and Electricity Reliability (EFFECTER) Act of 2005. Section 101 creates an income tax deduction ($2.25 per square foot maximum) for energy efficiency measures that reduce commercial building energy use by 50% below the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Equipment Association's (ASHRAE's) 90.1 industry energy efficiency standard. Section 102 establishes an investment tax credit for energy efficiency measures in new home construction that reduce energy use by 30% ($1,000 maximum) or by 50% ($2,000 maximum). Section 103 sets a tax deduction for business use of solar hot water, photovoltaics, heat pumps (gas, electric, ground source), furnaces, and boilers. It also creates a tax deduction ($6,000 maximum) for such equipment used in residential rental properties that reduces energy use by 50% (pro-rated for smaller energy reductions). Section 104 creates a nonbusiness tax credit ($2,000 maximum) for equipment that reduces energy use by 50%. Section 105 establishes an investment tax credit available over four years to combined heat and power (CHP or cogeneration) systems smaller than 15 megawatts (MW) that satisfy certain efficiency standards. Section 201 sets energy efficiency test procedures and standards for a variety of equipment and products. For battery chargers and external power supplies, the Secretary of Energy has three years to determine whether standards are needed. Further, standards (or requirements) are set for vending machines, commercial refrigerators and freezers, illuminated exit signs, torchieres, distribution transformers, traffic signal modules, unit heaters, compact fluorescent light bulbs, ceiling fans, dehumidifiers, spray valves, and furnace fans. Section 202 directs the Secretary of Energy to issue a rulemaking that assesses effectiveness of labeling requirements and a rulemaking to set labeling requirements for additional consumer products (including distribution transformers). Section 203 sets test procedures and standards for commercial package air conditioners and heating equipment. Section 204 creates standards for commercial refrigerators and freezers. Section 301 directs federal agencies to procure EPA Energy Star and DOE FEMP- designated energy equipment, where it is cost-effective. Section 302 permanently extends the authority for federal agencies to enter energy saving performance contracts (ESPCs). Section 303 sets federal building energy performance standards by updating the baseline from the 1992 Council of American Building Officials CRS-22 (CABO) to the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Further, it directs the Secretary of Energy to require new federal buildings to achieve a 30% energy reduction, provided it is cost-effective on a life-cycle basis. Section 401 modifies the Public Housing Capital Fund to include certain energy and water use efficiency improvements. Section 402 directs the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide grants for certain energy and water efficiency improvements to multifamily housing projects. Section 403 directs public housing agencies to purchase cost-effective Energy Star or FEMP-designated appliances and products. Section 404 changes the energy efficiency standards and codes for public housing from CABO to the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code, where HUD finds it cost-effective. House bill introduced April 26, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Financial Services. Senate bill introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. H.R. 2070 (Kucinich) Creates an income tax credit for purchases of fuel-efficient passenger vehicles and establishes grants for mass transit. Introduced May 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means and Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. H.R. 2358 (M. Udall) Aeronautics Research and Development Revitalization Act of 2005. Section 201 directs the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to set 10- year technology improvement goals, which include a 25% reduction in fuel use for medium- and long-range commercial aircraft. Introduced May 12, 2005; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 2361 (Taylor) Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2006. House version includes $91.5 million (EPM) and $20.0 million (S&T) for EPA's Climate Protection Program. Senate version includes $94.5 million (EPM) and $17.7 million (S&T). Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-80) May 13, 2005. Passed House, amended, May 19. Reported (S.Rept. 109-80) in Senate June 10. Passed Senate, amended, June 29. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-188) July 26. Signed into law August 2. H.R. 2419 (Hobson) Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2006. Includes funding for DOE's energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-86) May 18, 2005. Passed House, amended, May 24. Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109-84) June 16. Passed Senate July 1. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-275) November 7. Signed into law November 19. H.R. 2498 (Hulshof)/S. 1076 (Lincoln) Extends through December 31, 2010, the tax credit for biodiesel used as fuel and the excise credits for biodiesel mixtures and biodiesel used to produce biodiesel mixtures. House bill introduced May 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senate bill introduced May 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. H.R. 2665 (Engel) Encourages the availability and use of motor vehicles that have improved fuel efficiency, in order to reduce oil imports. Introduced May 26, 2005; referred to CRS-23 Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Financial Services, and Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 2744 (Bonilla) Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. Includes $23 million in funding for USDA's renewable energy grant and loan program. Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-102) June 2, 2005. Passed House, amended, June 8. Reported (S.Rept. 109-92) in Senate June 27. Passed Senate September 22. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-255) October 26. H.R. 2751 (Andrews) FHA Energy Efficiency Act. Amends Section 526 of the National Housing Act to provide that any certification of a property for meeting energy efficiency requirements for mortgage insurance must be conducted by an individual certified by an accredited home energy rating system provider. Introduced June 7, 2005; referred to Committee on Financial Services. H.R. 2794 (R. Lewis) Clean Energy Bonds Act of 2005. Establishes a nonrefundable tax credit to holders of qualified bonds issued to finance certain clean energy projects. Qualified borrowers include electric coops, governmental bodies, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Unused credits can be carried over for one year. Introduced June 8, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 2828 (Inslee) New Apollo Energy Act of 2005. Includes incentives for fuel-efficient vehicles, including tax credits for the purchase of hybrid, alternative-fuel, low-emission advanced diesel, and fuel-cell vehicles. Also, it provides $11.5 billion in tax credits for the automotive and aerospace industries to develop new fuel efficient automobiles and planes, retool existing plants, and construct new plants to manufacture energy-efficient vehicles. Establishes an alternative fuel vehicle purchase requirement for government agencies; tax credits for the installation of alternative refueling properties and for the retail sale of alternative fuels; a renewable fuels standard is set at 8 billion gallons by 2013; modifies the tax credit for qualified electric vehicles; and creates loans for schools to buy high-efficiency vehicles. New Apollo provides $49 billion in government loan guarantees for the construction of clean-energy generation facilities that will produce power from wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, oceans, coal with carbon-sequestration technology, and other sources. Commits $10.5 billion to research-and-development and investment tax credits for clean energy-producing operations. In addition, it includes a 10-year extension of the current renewable energy production tax credit (PTC). Calls for reductions in daily domestic oil consumption of 600,000 barrels a day by 2010; 1,700,000 barrels by 2015; and 3,000,000 barrels by 2020. Caps U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases while allowing companies to purchase and trade credits among themselves to ensure the most cost-effective reductions, and funds research to help industries shift to cleaner operations. Further, provides $7 billion in loan guarantees for the development of clean coal power plants. Funds new federal research into advanced clean technologies, and creates a government-funded risk pool to help start-up clean-energy companies commercialize their products. Establishes a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requiring all utilities, by 2021, to produce 10% of their electricity from renewable energy sources. Creates national net-metering and CRS-24 interconnection standards for homeowners. Also, it includes provisions to make it revenue-neutral, by reducing corporate tax shelters and loopholes, and by auctioning some of the allowances under the carbon dioxide trading program. Introduced June 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Energy and Commerce, and several other committees. H.R. 2862 (Wolf) Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. Section 618 directs the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Small Business Administration to certify that telecommuting opportunities have increased over the previous year. Section 619 directs the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) to certify that telecommuting opportunities are available to 100% of the eligible workforce. Without the above-noted certification, the agencies risk forfeiting $5 million at the end of the fiscal year. Reported (H.Rept. 109-118) June 10, 2005. Passed House, amended, June 16. Senate Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109-88) June 23. Passed Senate September 15. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-272) November 7. Signed into law November 22. H.R. 2863 (Young) Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, 2006. Title II, regarding Operation and Maintenance, includes $5 million for a wind power demonstration project on an Air Force base. Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-119) June 10, 2005. Passed House, amended, June 20. Senate Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109-14) September 29. Passed Senate October 7. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-359) December 18. Signed into law (P.L. 109-148) December 30. H.R. 2938 (Duncan) Environmentally Responsible Windpower Act of 2005. Provides for local control over the siting of wind machines, including prohibiting federal subsidies for machines located within 20 miles of national monuments. Introduced July 1, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce and Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 3057 (Kolbe) Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, 2006. In Senate version of bill, Development Assistance (Environment Programs, Section 6074a) includes $180 million for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean energy technologies. Section 6074(b) requires that the President submit, after the FY2007 budget request, a report to Congress identifying all federal FY2006 expenditures related to climate change. House Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-152) June 21, 2005. Passed House, amended, June 28. Reported (S.Rept. 109-96) in Senate June 30. Passed Senate July 20. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-265) November 2. Signed into law November 14. H.R. 3059 (Carson) Alternative Fuel Utilization and Infrastructure Development Incentives Act of 2005. Establishes tax credits for: (1) 50% of the cost of any residential or commercial alternative fuel vehicle refueling property to store or dispense fuel (alternative vehicle fuel consisting of at least 85% ethanol) that is placed in service; CRS-25 and (2) the retail sale of E-85 fuel for use in an alternative fuel motor vehicle. Introduced June 24, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 3081 (Gutknecht) Renewable Fuels Act of 2005. Amends the Clean Air Act to direct the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish a program to require U.S. motor vehicle fuels to contain a certain volume of renewable fuel. Defines "renewable fuel" to include cellulosic biomass ethanol, waste derived ethanol, and biodiesel. Establishes a system of: (1) tradeable credits for motor vehicle fuel containing more renewable fuel than required; (2) waivers for states and small refineries; and (3) safe harbor standards to protect manufacturers of renewable fuels from civil liability. Amends the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to require federal agency heads to ensure that ethanol-blended gasoline and biodiesel-blended diesel fuel are purchased for agency vehicles in areas where such fuel is available at competitive prices. Also, amends the Clean Air Act to eliminate the oxygen content requirement for reformulated gasoline. Introduced July 1, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Agriculture, and Government Reform. H.R. 3152 (Carnahan) Provides tax incentives for the production of qualified hybrid vehicles. Specifically, it would allow tax credits for purchasers and manufacturers of qualified hybrid motor vehicles. Defines "qualified hybrid motor vehicle" as a motor vehicle which: (1) operates on an internal combustion or heat engine using consumable fuel and a rechargeable energy storage system; (2) meets specified emission standards under the Clean Air Act; (3) is a passenger vehicle or light truck with a gross weight rating of not more than 8,500 pounds; (4) has a maximum available power (defined as the maximum power available from the rechargeable energy storage system during a standard 10-second pulse power or equivalent test, divided by such maximum power and the SAE net power of the heat engine) of at least four percent; and (5) is acquired for use or lease by a taxpayer and not for resale. Introduced June 30, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 3164 (Gordon) Makes geothermal heat pump systems eligible for the 10% business investment tax credit that applies to solar equipment and geothermal power plants. Introduced June 30, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 3263 (Wamp) Energy Efficiency Cornerstone Act of 2005. Aims to reduce the growth of energy use and limit the impact of growing energy use on the economy, environment, and national security through reductions in energy demand. Introduced July 13, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Financial Services. H.R. 3273 (Saxton) Provides tax deduction for flexible fuel (including alcohol fuel) vehicles. The deduction would be for the cost of any qualified flexible fuel vehicle. Defines "qualified flexible fuel vehicle" as a motor vehicle that can use each of the following: (1) gasoline; (2) one or more fuels at least 85% of which is methanol, ethanol, any other alcohol, and/or ether; and (3) any combination of gasoline and one or more of such fuels. Terminates such deduction after 2010. Introduced July 13, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. CRS-26 H.R. 3274 (Saxton) Provides a tax deduction for qualified clean-fuel vehicle refueling property and amends the Clean Air Act to make ethanol fuels more available to motorists. Specifically, it: (1) extends through 2013 the tax deduction for qualified clean-fuel vehicle refueling property; and (2) provides for a phaseout of the tax deduction for qualified clean-fuel vehicle refueling property placed in service after December 31, 2010. Also, it amends the Clean Air Act to require retail gasoline service centers with eight or more pumps to operate at least one pump for the retail sale of fuel containing at least 85% ethanol. Introduced July 29, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce and Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 3338 (Herger) Extends the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for 10 years. Introduced July 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. House Bills Introduced after H.R. 6 Conference Report (July 27, 2005). H.R. 3646 (Pallone) Gas Price Relief and Oil Conservation Act of 2005. Section 3 directs federal agencies to propose actions that would reduce U.S. oil demand by 1 million barrels per day by 2013. Introduced September 2, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 3762 (Boehlert) Requires higher standards of automobile fuel efficiency to reduce the amount of oil used for fuel by automobiles in the United States by 10% beginning in 2016. Introduced September 14, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 3893 (Barton) Gasoline for America's Security Act of 2005. Title III contains some energy conservation provisions. Section 301 directs DOE to establish a program, which may include grants to state and local governments, to encourage carpooling and vanpooling. Section 302 directs EPA to evaluate, assess, and report on carpool and vanpool projects funded under the congestion mitigation and air quality program. Section 303 directs DOE to evaluate and report on the capacity of the Internet to facilitate carpool and vanpool operations established in Section 301. Section 304 directs DOE to work with industry to create an education campaign that informs drivers about measures to conserve gasoline. Introduced September 26, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Transportation and Infrastructure, Armed Services, and Resources. Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce (H.Rept. 109-244, Part 1) October 6. Passed House (212-210) October 7. In Senate, referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. H.R. 3928 (Murphy) Wood Stove Replacement Act of 2005. For individuals, a maximum income tax credit of $500 is allowed for wood stoves that meet certain air pollution requirements. Credit availability would expire at the end of 2008. Introduced September 28, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. CRS-27 H.R. 3941 (Price) Finding the Ultimate Energy Lifeline (FUEL) Act of 2005. Directs the President to create a study group to prepare strategies to reduce oil imports, including the use of alternative fuels. Introduced September 29, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 3984 (Granger) Idling Reduction Tax Credit Act of 2005. For heavy-duty diesel trucks, creates a tax credit worth up to 50% of the amount incurred for idling reduction devices, with a maximum value of $3,500 per device. Introduced October 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 3986 (Holt) Fuel Savings, Smarter Travel, and Efficient Roadways Act. A report to Congress is required on the potential fuel savings from intelligent transportation systems that help businesses and consumers plan their travel and avoid traffic delays. Introduced October 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 4138 (Lowey) Weatherization Assistance Act. Creates a program to provide assistance to States for consultations with respect to weatherization and energy efficiency of residences and small businesses. Authorizes $200 million per year for FY2007 through FY2011. Introduced October 25, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 4241 (Nussle)/S. 1932 (Gregg) Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. In the House bill, Section 1301 would terminate FY2007 funding for the USDA Commodity Credit Corporation to carry out renewable energy and energy efficiency projects authorized by Section 9006 of the Farm Security Act of 2002. Further, Section 1402 would terminate FY2007 funding of Section 6401 (Value-Added Producer program) of the Farm Security Act of FY2007, regarding grants to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Section 3405 (Digital Television Converter Fund) would create an energy efficiency standard of nine watts for the passive standby mode of a digital-to-analog converter box. Section 6514 (Federal Energy Natural Resources Enhancement Fund Act of 2005) would create funding for mitigating the environmental impacts of energy development on federal lands, including the development of geothermal, wind, and ocean (wave, currents, thermal) energy resources. House bill reported (H.Rept. 109- 276) from the Committee on the Budget, November 7, 2005. Passed House (217- 215) November 18. The Senate bill has no comparable provisions. Senate bill reported (without written report) from the Committee on the Budget, October 26, 2005. Passed Senate (52-47) November 3. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-362) December 19, 2005. Signed into law (P.L. 109-171) February 8, 2006. H.R. 4263 (Markey) Windfall Profits and Consumer Assistance Act of 2005. Section 2 would create a "windfall profits" excise tax of 50% of net profit from the production of crude oil. Section 2(d) would allow "qualified investments" in alcohol fuels, including biodiesel and agri-biodiesel, to be used to reduce the tax. Introduced November 9, 2005; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce. CRS-28 H.R. 4300 (Ferguson) Clean and Green Solar Tax Act of 2005. Section 1335 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-58) created residential energy tax credits for solar water heaters, photovoltaics, and fuel cells. This bill extends those credits from the end of 2007 to the end of 2011. Introduced November 10, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4342 (Andrews) Section 1(b) of the bill would broaden Section 9006 (Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Program) of the Farm Security Act of 2002 to apply to urban areas. Specifically, USDA would be empowered to provide a loan guarantee or grant to a private business enterprise in an urban area if the enterprise demonstrates that a rural business would benefit from the use of that loan guarantee or grant. Introduced November 16, 2005; referred to Committees on Agriculture. H.R. 4350 (Holt) School Building Enhancement Act. The Department of Energy (DOE) would be required to provide grants to state and local educational agencies for DOE's EnergySmart Schools program and EPA's Energy Star programs. Introduced November 16, 2005; referred to Committee on Education and the Workforce. H.R. 4357 (Gutknecht)/S. 3553 (Grassley) 10 By 10 Act. The bill would amend the Clean Air Act to require that all gasoline sold for use in motor vehicles contain 10% renewable fuel in the year 2010 and thereafter. House bill introduced November 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Senate bill introduced June 21, 2006; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. H.R. 4370 (Inslee) The bill would provide incentives to the automobile industry to accelerate efforts to develop more energy-efficient vehicles to lessen dependence on imported oil. Introduced November 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means and Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 4375 (McNulty)/S. 2070 (Schumer) The bill would provide certain relicensing requirements for hydroelectric projects on the Mohawk River in the State of New York. House bill introduced November 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Senate Bill introduced November 18, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. H.R. 4377 (Otter) The bill would extend the time required for construction of a hydroelectric project. Introduced November 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 4384 (Shays) Energy for Our Future Act. Section 102 would create an income tax credit for manufacturers of energy-efficient vehicles. Section 103 would create grants for transit-oriented development corridors. Section 104 would set the fuel economy standard for passenger cars at 28 miles per gallon (mpg) for 2007 and raise it to 40 CRS-29 mpg by 2016. Section 105 would limit depreciation for sports utility vehicles. Section 106 would set fuel efficiency standards for car tires. Section 203 would extend the renewable energy production tax credit for four years (2008 through 2011). Section 204 would require retail electricity suppliers to reduce peak demand through improved energy efficiency by 0.25% in 2006, increasing to 3.75% by 2010. Section 205 would create a federal renewable energy portfolio standard of 1% in 2007, increasing to 20% by 2030. Section 206 would create a federal requirement for net metering. Section 406 repeals federal preemption of state laws that set fuel economy standards. Introduced November 17, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Resources, and Transportation and Infrastructure. H.R. 4409 (Kingston)/S. 2025 (Bayh) Fuel Choices for American Security Act of 2005. Title I would create a national oil savings target and action plan, including possible options for measures by federal agencies and a nationwide public education effort. Title II would establish several measures to improve the fuel efficiency of vehicles, including reduced idling, materials and technology, and investment tax incentives. Title III would require several measures to promote the use of ethanol, cellulosic biomass fuel, and other biofuels. House bill introduced November 18, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Science, Ways and Means, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Government Reform. Senate bill introduced November 16, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. H.R. 4420 (Sanders) The bill would repeal tax subsidies enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 for oil and gas, repeal certain other oil and gas subsidies in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and use the proceeds to carry out the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 and to provide weatherization assistance. Introduced November 18, 2005; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, Education and the Workforce, and Budget. H.R. 4435 (Gordon) The bill would establish an Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) at DOE. The goal of ARPA-E would be to reduce U.S. energy imports by 20% during the next 10 years by accelerating innovation and commercial development of traditional energy, alternative energy, and energy efficiency systems. The program would establish competitive grants and employ means for recouping the federal share of each project. A total of $3.4 billion would be authorized from FY2007 through FY2010. Introduced December 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 4449 (Pallone) Consumer Energy Assistance and Fairness Act of 2005. Section 3 would establish a $1,000 tax credit for a "qualified fuel-efficient vehicle," which includes cars and trucks (under 7,500 pounds) that have a fuel economy rating of at least 30 miles per hour (mph). The credit could be carried forward for one year. The provision would be in effect from the time of enactment through the end of calendar year 2008. Introduced December 6, 2005; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce. CRS-30 H.R. 4458 (Emanuel) American Hybrid Tax Credit Act of 2005. Section 2 would increase by $3,000, to a maximum of $6,000, the tax credit for alternative motor vehicles (qualified fuel cell vehicles, advanced lean-burn technology motor vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and alternative fuel motor vehicles) which are assembled in the United States. The credit would be in effect through the end of calendar year 2009, except that it would be in effect through the end of 2010 for lean-burn vehicles. Section 3 would double (from 20% to 40%) the tax credit available to small businesses (gross receipts under $5 million per year) for increasing U.S.-based research on alternative motor vehicle technology. This credit would be refundable for certain small businesses. Introduced December 7, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4609 (A. Smith) High Performance Buildings Act of 2005. Section 2 would encourage HUD to employ energy efficiency in affordable housing. Section 3 would establish a matching grant program at HUD to support energy efficiency training, education, and implementation for nonprofit community development organizations. Section 4 would create a Sustainable Building Institute at the National Science Foundation that would support research on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other measures for buildings. Introduced December 16, 2005; referred to Committees on Financial Services and Science. H.R. 4623 (M. Kennedy) Clean Alternatives for Energy Independence Act of 2005. Section 3 would increase the tax credit for investment in residential and business fuel cells (P.L. 109- 58, §1335 and §1336) from $500 to $1,000, and its period of eligibility would be extended for five years, through the end of 2012. Section 4 would double the tax credit (alternative motor vehicle tax credit.) for investment in fuel cell motor vehicles and would extend the period of credit availability for five years, through the end of 2019. Also, the tax credit for advanced lean-burn technology motor vehicles would be doubled. Further, it would double the number of hybrid and advanced lean-burn technology vehicles eligible for the alternative motor vehicle tax credit. The period of eligibility for the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit would be extended for hydrogen-related property for five years, through the end of 2019, and for two years, through 2011, for other fuel-related property. Introduced December 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4640 (Gerlach) Future Fuels Act. Section 101 would establish an investment tax credit for the manufacture of advanced technology (hybrid and lean-burn) motor vehicles capped at 33% of the company's investment for a taxable year. The total amount of credits would be limited to $200 million per year. The period of eligibility for the credits would sunset at the end of 2015. Section 201 would modify the fuel economy credits for dual fuel vehicles, starting in 2007. Section 202 would require manufacturers to produce a minimum share of alternative fuel or flexible fuel vehicles, starting with 10% in 2009 and rising to 50% in 2012. Section 301 would require DOT to report to Congress every two years on the findings from studies of potential oil savings for highway congestion tolls and cash-out parking. Section 302 would direct DOT to create a program of incentives to insurance companies to sell automobile insurance policies that are based on driving mileage (per-mile basis). Section 303 would require DOT to establish Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) corridors in urban areas. Funding of $500 million per year would be authorized for grants to state and CRS-31 local governments to support transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. Section 304 would direct DOT to establish fuel economy standards for tires used by passenger cars and light trucks. Introduced December 18, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Transportation and Infrastructure. Passed House December 19. H.R. 4672 (Granger) Idling Reduction Tax Credit Act of 2006. This bill would establish a business investment tax credit for 25% of the cost (capped at $1,000) of a qualifying idling reduction device. A "qualifying idling reduction device" is defined as any device that is (1) installed on a heavy-duty, diesel-powered on-highway vehicle to provide services that would otherwise require the operation of the main drive engine while the vehicle is temporarily parked or stationary and (2) certified by DOE to reduce long-duration idling. DOE would be directed to publish standards for certifying such devices. Introduced January 31, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4673 (Markey) Fuel Security and Consumer Choice Act. The bill would require that an increasing percentage of new automobiles be dual-fueled automobiles, and it would revise the method for calculating corporate average fuel economy for such vehicles. Introduced January 31, 2006; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 4716 (Cole) Home and Farm Wind Energy Systems Act of 2006. This bill would provide a 30% investment tax credit for individuals and businesses to install small wind energy property. Introduced February 8, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4756 (Butterfield)/S. 2309 (Harkin) This bill would limit the application of the agricultural biodiesel fuel tax credit to certain oils produced from plants and animals. House bill introduced February 15, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senate bill introduced February 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. H.R. 4761 (Jindal) Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2006. Regarding the use of revenue generated from OCS leasing activities, Section 9(f) (G) would allow the funds to be used for alternative energy development, including biofuels, geothermal, geopressure, wind, waves, currents, hydro, and other renewable energy; and Section 9(f) (H) would allow the funds to be used for energy efficiency and conservation programs. Also, the bill would direct that 1/3 of the National Geo Fund be transferred to the Department of Interior for a variety of uses; and Section 26 (h) would direct that these uses may include grants for renewable energy development. Introduced February 15, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Reported (H.Rept. 109-531) June 26. H.Amdt. 1174 was approved on the floor, increasing the amount available for renewable ocena energy generation from $6 million to $20 million. Passed House, amended, June 29. Received in the Senate July 10. H.R. 4774 (Upton) This bill would amend the Clean Air Act to require that after the year 2012, all gasoline contain not less than 10% renewable fuel. Introduced February 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. CRS-32 H.R. 4822 (Sessions) Torchiere Lighting Efficiency Standards and Technology Development Act of 2006. This bill would amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to extend from January 1, 2006, to October 1, 2006, the manufacturing deadline by which torchieres must meet a standard of a maximum of 190 watts of power. Introduced February 28, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 4856 (Bean) Energy Star Homes Act of 2006. This bill would allow homeowners a $10,000 tax credit for the purchase of an energy star qualified home, a home meeting certain energy saving requirements established by the Environmental Protection Agency. The credit would end after calendar year 2008. Introduced March 2, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4897 (M. Udall) Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Program Act of 2006. The bill would reauthorize this Department of Agriculture program through FY2011 and would increase the annual level of Commodity Credit Corporation funding for that program. The bill would authorize $46 million annually, for FY2007 through FY2011. Introduced March 7, 2006; referred to Committee on Agriculture. H.R. 4898 (Woolsey) Common Sense Budget Act of 2006. Section 3(a) of this bill proposes several major funding reductions to certain defense-related programs at the Department of Defense and DOE; and Section 3(b)(4) proposes that $10 billion from those reductions be reallocated to DOE programs for energy efficiency and renewable energy. Introduced March 8, 2006; referred to Committees on Armed Services, Energy and Commerce, Education and the Workforce, Homeland Security, and International Relations. H.R. 4906 (Ford) Twenty-first Century Innovation Act. Section 10 of the bill would create an Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) in DOE. Through energy efficiency innovations and other means, the goal of this agency would be to reduce imports of foreign energy by 50% within 10 years. Annual authorizations totaling nearly $3.4 billion over FY2007 through FY2012 would be designated a fund for ARPA-E. An evaluation of the agency's performance would be required after 4½ years of operation. Introduced March 8, 2006; referred to Committees on Science, Education and the Workforce, and Judiciary. H.R. 4990 (Israel) Local Clean Energy Initiative Act of 2006. The bill would encourage local governments to establish a "Clean Energy Bond Act" to fund certain renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. DOE would be required to provide a 20% match to local governments for projects that qualify under these Acts. An authorization of $10 million per year would be provided for FY2007 through FY2011. Introduced March 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5010 (Wilson) Renewable Energy Credit Extension Act of 2006. The bill would extend the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for five years, from the end of 2007 CRS-33 through the end of 2012. Introduced March 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5019 (Walden) Wallowa Lake Dam Rehabilitation Act. Authorizes $6 million for dam rehabilitation. Introduced March 28, 2006; referred to Committee on Resources. H.R. 5049 (T. Udall) Keep America Competitive Global Warming Policy Act of 2006. The bill would establish a market-based system to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and would establish an office (ARPA-E) at DOE to promote advanced energy research and technology development and deployment. Introduced March 29, 2006; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Science, International Relations, and Education and the Workforce. H.R. 5068 (Pryce) Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank Reauthorization Act of 2006. Section 10 of the bill would require an annual competitiveness report to Congress that includes a description of the Bank's efforts to promote exports of goods and services related to renewable energy sources. Introduced March 30, 2006; referred to Committee on Financial Services. H.R. 5122 (Hunter)/S. 2766 (Warner) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Section 2403 would authorize up to $60 million for energy conservation projects. Also, four Senate floor amendments were approved that add further energy efficiency and renewable energy provisions. First, S.Amdt. 4222, would require DOE to consider using fuel cells as back-up power systems. Second, S.Amdt. 4357 would create a new Section 2828 that sets a goal for the Department of Defense to acquire 25% of its electric energy from renewable energy sources by the year 2025. Third, S.Amdt. 4532 would require a DOD report on the use of alternative fuels. Fourth, S.Amdt. 4535 would require energy efficiency measures in new construction. In House, Committee on Armed Services reported (H.Rept. 109-452) May 5, 2006. Passed House, amended, May 11. In Senate, Committee on Armed Services reported (S.Rept. 109-254) May 9, 2006. Passed Senate, amended, June 22. S. 2766 incorporated into H.R. 5122 as an amendment in the nature of a substitute. H.R. 5127 (Beauprez) Beginning with FY2007, this bill would prohibit DOE from obligating funds for appropriation earmarks in the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy program. Introduced April 6, 2006; referred to Committees on Science and Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5137 (Hastings) Workforce Housing Act of 2006. Section 6 would enable local governments to increase the share of federal grant funds applied to the development cost of housing in order to support energy efficiency measures that are compliant with EPA Energy Star criteria. Introduced April 6, 2006; referred to Committees on Ways and Means and Financial Services. CRS-34 H.R. 5143 (Inglis) H-Prize Act of 2006. This bill would direct DOE to competitively award cash prizes to advance the research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of hydrogen energy technologies. It would authorize a total of $50 million for cash prizes from FY2007 through FY2016. Introduced April 6, 2006; referred to Committee on Science. Hearing held April 27. Reported (H.Rept. 109- 456) May 9. Passed House, amended, May 10. In Senate, referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. H.R. 5163 (M. Udall) Federal and Small Business Telework Promotion Act of 2006. The bill would require each federal agency to reduce the fuel consumed by vehicles of employees (other than fuel for military purposes) by 10% or more within one year of enactment. Specifies that the methods used to achieve such reduction shall include telework and carpooling. Further, the bill directs the Small Business Administration (SBA) to conduct, in not more than five of the SBA's regions, a pilot program to raise awareness about telework among small business employers and to encourage such employers to offer telework options to employees. It requires that SBA make special efforts to reach businesses owned by, or employing, individuals with disabilities, including disabled American veterans and agencies, groups, or organizations that aid such individuals. The program would end after two years. Introduced April 6, 2006; referred to Committees on Small Business and Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5170 (Shadegg) Ethanol Tax Relief Act of 2006. This bill would eliminate the import tariff on foreign ethanol. Introduced April 25, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5206 (Hayworth)/S. 2677 (Smith) Securing America's Energy Independence Act of 2006. Section 2 of this bill would extend the business investment tax credit for solar energy property (§1336 of P.L. 109-58) through 2016 and for qualified fuel cell property (§1337 of P.L. 109-58) through 2015. Section 3 would extend the residential investment tax credit (§1335 of P.L. 109-58) for solar energy property through 2015. House bill introduced April 26, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senate bill introduced April 27, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. H.R. 5208 (Nussle) Independence from Oil with Agriculture (IOWA) Act of 2006. Section 2 of this bill would make permanent the excise tax provisions and income tax credit for biodiesel and ethanol fuels. Section 3 would make permanent the renewable energy production tax credit for wind, closed-loop biomass, and open-loop biomass. Section 4 would make permanent the investment tax credit for clean fuel vehicle refueling property. Section 5 would increase the targets for the Renewable Fuel Standard (§1501 of P.L. 109-58) for several years, reaching 12 billion gallons by 2012. Introduced April 26, 2006; referred to Committees on Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5239 (McHugh) Alternative Vehicle Incentive Act of 2006. This bill would increase to $5,000 the maximum value of the consumer investment tax credit for alternative motor vehicles assembled in the United States. This credit applies to fuel cell, lean-burn CRS-35 technology, and hybrid vehicles. Introduced April 27, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5251 (H. Wilson) Fuel Efficient Vehicle Tax Incentive Act of 2006. Section 2 of this bill would allow alternative fuel vehicles the same depreciation limit as electric passenger cars. Section 3 would apply the depreciation limit of certain luxury vehicles to sport utility vehicles (SUVs); light trucks would not be treated as passenger vehicles. Introduced April 27, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5259 (Berry) Biobased Fuel Action Plan Act of 2006. This bill would direct the Biomass R&D Board to submit a report to Congress, within one year of enactment, that contains an action plan with strategies for biobased fuels to supply 10% of national ground transportation fuel demand by 2015 and 20% by 2020. Introduced May 2, 2006; referred to Committees on Agriculture and Science. H.R. 5261 (Bradley) Ethanol Import Fairness Act of 2006. This bill would eliminate the 54 cents/gallon import duty on ethanol. Introduced May 2, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5296 (L. Davis) Renewable Energy Enhancement Act of 2006. Section 2 of this bill would extend the 30% business investment tax credit for fuel cells and microturbines through 2015. Section 3 would extend the residential energy efficiency tax credit through 2015 and increase the solar credit cap to $5,000. Section 4(a) would extend the tax credit for nonbusiness geothermal heat pumps through 2015. Section 4(b) would extend the renewable energy production tax credit for geothermal energy production through 2016. Introduced May 4, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5301 (Israel) Clean Energy Partnership Act of 2006. Section 2 of this bill would direct DOE to provide grants to local governments and school districts covering up to 20% of the costs they incur in implementing clean energy projects funded by project-specific comprehensive clean energy plans to adopt cleaner or more efficient energy technologies in their buildings and vehicle fleets. Further, it would require DOE to give preference to local governments and school districts that demonstrate a prior commitment to environmental conservation and will engage in the full range of clean energy projects, including energy conservation measures, the use of alternative and renewable energy sources, and clean energy infrastructure development. Section 3 would authorize $10 million per year for FY2007 through FY2011. Introduced May 4, 2006; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce and Education and the Workforce. H.R. 5317 (Hayes) E-85 Investment Act of 2006. Through 2012, this bill would increase the investment tax credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling property for E-85 to 75%, not to exceed $30,000. The credit would be reduced by 25% in 2013, 50% in 2014, and would be terminated at the end of 2016. Introduced May 9, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. CRS-36 H.R. 5331 (Pomeroy) Breaking Our Long-Term Dependence (BOLD) Energy Act of 2006. This omnibus energy bill is focused mainly on renewable energy and energy efficiency. It has six titles. Title I on Vehicle Fuel Economy includes an auto fuel efficiency rebate, lightweight materials R&D program, tire efficiency program, and idling reduction tax credit. Title II on Alternative Fuel Vehicles includes an incentive for advanced technology vehicles, a new vehicle R&D program, consumer incentives to purchase advanced technology vehicles, and extension of full credit for electric vehicles. Title III on Alternative Fuels includes provisions for biofuels and bioenergy, an increase in the renewable fuel standard (RFS), requirements for fuels derived from cellulosic biomass and sugar, an ethanol promotion program, a renewable fuel program for the diesel motor pool, extension and modification of income and excise tax credits for renewable fuels, diversification of a domestic refinery, transition to hydrogen economy, modification and extension of the alternative vehicle refueling property credit, use of native grasses on conservation reserve land for biomass harvesting, and use of CAFE penalties to fund alternative fueling infrastructure. Title V on Electricity and Renewables includes provisions to extend the renewable energy production tax credit, establish a renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS), extend and expand clean renewable energy bonds, create a tax credit for wind equipment at residences and businesses, and an extension of the tax credit for residential energy efficient property. Title VI on Energy Efficiency includes provisions to extend the tax credit for combined heat and power system property, extend the tax credit for new energy efficient homes, modify and extend the tax deduction for energy efficient commercial buildings, and extend the tax credit for nonbusiness energy property. Introduced May 9, 2006; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Agriculture, Resources, and Science. H.R. 5338 (Cleaver) Congress Leads by Example through Alt-fuel Resources (CLEAR) Act. This bill would prohibit the use of amounts in a Members' Representational Allowance to provide any vehicle that does not use alternative fuels. Qualifying vehicles would include a vehicle treated as an alternative fuels vehicle by the General Services Administration (GSA), any other vehicle powered by alternative fuel or synthetic fuel, and any other vehicle powered in whole or in part by a flexible-fuel operating system, a bio-fuel operating system, an electrical operating system, or a hybrid-electrical operating. Introduced May 10, 2006; referred to Committee on House Administration. H.R. 5346 (Jerry Moran)/S. 2613 (Thune) Alternative Energy Refueling System Act of 2006. This bill would direct EPA to create a trust fund that reimburses service station owners for the cost to install a storage tank and supporting equipment for E-85, CNG, or other alternative fuels. The reimbursement would be limited to the lesser of 30% or $30,000 of the cost. House bill introduced May 10, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Senate bill introduced April 7, 2006; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. H.R. 5359 (Barton) Fuel Economy Standards Act. Section 1 of this bill would authorize the Secretary of Transportation to set fuel economy standards for passenger automobiles based on one or more vehicle attributes, starting in calendar year 2009. Section 2 would require the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to CRS-37 conduct a study on the requirement of separate fuel economy calculations for automobiles manufactured domestically and not domestically. The study would include impacts on employment and fuel economy. Introduced May 11, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5370 (Fortenberry) Fuel Economy Standards Act. This bill would raise the Renewable Fuel Standard to 15 billion gallons of renewable fuel by the year 2012. Introduced May 11, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5372 (Herseth) Bioenergy Innovation, Optional Fuel Utilization, and Energy Legacy (BIOFUEL) Act of 2006. This bill would increase the use of domestically produced, renewable, biobased motor vehicle fuel supplies and increase the manufacture of flexible-fuel vehicles. Section 101 would set volumetric standards for refineries, blenders, distributors, and importers for renewable fuels (20% by 2015); fuels derived from cellulosic biomass (30% by 2015); and biodiesel (15% by 2015); it also would create tradable credits for those that exceed the standards. Section 102 requires manufacturers to produce a minimum percentage of dual-fueled vehicles, starting with 10% in 2008 and rising to 75% by 2013. Section 103 would direct DOE to report on market penetration of flexible fuel vehicles and, in regions that exceed 15% penetration, require the installation of E-85 fuel pumps at retail stations. Section 104 would establish an Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Fund and Grant Program. Section 105 would require the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish a renewable energy reserve program. Section 106 would reauthorize the USDA bioenergy program through 2016. Section 107 would create a farm-based energy financing program. Section 108 would authorize banks for cooperatives to finance renewable fuel manufacturing by agricultural cooperatives. Section 201 would extend tax credits for ethanol and biodiesel for several years. Section 202 would increase the incentives for ethanol and biodiesel refueling property. Section 203 would increase and extend the small ethanol producer credit. Section 204 would establish infrastructure bonds for facilities producing motor vehicle fuels derived from biomass. Introduced May 11, 2006; referred to Committees on Energy, Agriculture, Science, and Ways and Means. H.R. 5375 (Lungren) New Options Petroleum Energy Conservation Act of 2006. Section 2 would create a tax credit for "climate neutral" combustion resources. Section 3 would extend the solar business investment tax credit for four years (end of 2012). Section 4 would extend the residential solar investment tax credit for four years (end of 2011). Section 5 would authorize DOE to give a $1 billion prize to the first manufacturer that produces 60,000 cars that achieve 100 miles per gallon. Section 7 creates a tax deduction for expensing property used in refining ethanol, methanol, and biodiesel. This bill would raise the Renewable Fuel Standard to 15 billion gallons of renewable fuel by the year 2012. Introduced May 11, 2006; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Science, and Energy and Commerce. H.R 5384 (Bennett) Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug, Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2007. Under Title III, Rural Development Programs, the bill would provide funding for the USDA Renewable Energy Program. The House approved $23 million and the Senate Appropriations Committee recommends CRS-38 $25 million. Mandatory funding for a number of other renewable energy programs was included in the House-passed bill and the Senate panel's recommendations. Also, the Senate report language (p. 113) includes earmark recommendations. House Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-463) May 12, 2006, and reported Part II on May 16. Passed House, amended, May 23. Senate Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109-266) June 22. H.R. 5386 (C. Taylor) Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2007. The House Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-465) May 15, 2006; recommending zero funding for EPA to support the Asia Pacific Partnership and $109.4 million for the EPA Climate Protection Program (CPP). CPP primarily supports energy efficiency deployment in transportation, buildings, and industry sectors. In House floor action, H.Amdt. 840 was adopted, adding $1.8 million to the CPP Energy Star Program. Also, H.Amdt. 849 was adopted, prohibiting use of the bill's appropriations in contravention of building energy efficiency performance requirements set by Executive Order 13123. Passed House, amended, May 18. The Senate Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109- 275) June 29, 2006; recommending $105.8 million. H.R. 5395 (Israel) Energy Freedom Bonds Act of 2006. The bill would authorize the Department of the Treasury to issue bonds that support R&D or deployment of technologies that use solar heat, solar light, wind, geothermal energy, and biomass, except for systems that generate heat from the burning of municipal solid waste and from certain types of dry steam geothermal reservoirs. Introduced May 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5398 (Salazar) USA Fuels Act of 2006. The bill would exclude from the definition of renewable fuel any fuel that is imported or derived from any matter that is imported. Introduced May 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5402 (Conaway) The bill would establish a partnership between DOE and appropriate industry groups for the creation of a transportation fuel conservation education campaign. Introduced May 17, 2006; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce and Education and the Workforce. H.R. 5427 (Hobson) Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2007. The bill would appropriate funding for DOE's energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. House Committee reported (H.Rept. 109-474) with amendments May 19. Amended on the floor: H.Amdt. 915 adds $49.5 million (from offsets) to the State Energy Program, H.Amdt. 916 adds $5 million to the Geothermal Program, H.Amdt. 926 prohibits the use of funds in contravention of a previous requirement (P.L. 102-486) that federal agencies acquire alternative fueled vehicles, and H.Amdt. 963 prohibits the use of funds in contravention of a previous requirement (Executive Order 13123) that federal buildings meet certain performance standards. House Passed, amended, May 24. Senate Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109-274) June 29. CRS-39 H.R. 5431 (Boswell) The bill would extend the tariff duties on ethanol for three years, through the end of 2010. Introduced May 19, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5441 (Rogers) The bill would extend the tariff duties on ethanol for three years, through the end of 2010. Introduced May 19, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5478 (Hall) The bill would clarify the congressional intent regarding federal preemption under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act with respect to energy conservation for consumer products. Introduced May 25, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5509 (Nunes) The bill would clarify the tax credit for electricity produced from open-loop biomass. Introduced May 19, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5521 (Jerry Lewis) Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2007. Section 209 would require that future vehicles purchased by the legislative branch be able to use E85 fuel, a mix of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. With the given increase in demand for E85 fuel, the Architect of the Capitol is also to install an E85 fuel pump on the Capitol Complex for government vehicles. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 authorizes this provision by requiring the Capitol Complex to used bio-based fuels such as ethanol to the extent possible. House Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-485) June 1, 2006. Passed House June 7. Senate Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109-267) June 22, 2006. H.R 5522 (McConnell) Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, 2007. In the Senate version of the bill, under Title III, Bilateral Economic Assistance, the program for Development Assistance would include three types of support for renewable energy. First, the program for Energy, Biodiversity, and the Environment would, according to the Committee report (p. 65), provide $180 million "to support policies and programs in developing countries that promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and cleaner energy technologies ..." Also, $3 million would be provided for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) partnership with DOE for the hydropower Clean Energy Technology Exports Initiative (CETEI). Second, under the USAID Development Assistance program, about $160 million would be provided (p. 59-60) for Energy, Biodiversity, and Other Environment programs for Africa ($73 million), East Asia/Pacific ($28 million), Near East ($2 million), South Asia ($18 million), and Western Hemisphere ($52 million). Third, under Other Bilateral Economic Assistance, the bill would provide $26 million for the Asia Pacific Partnership, and further specifies (p. 73) that the "... Partnership activities will be coordinated with existing efforts to promote clean energy export and market development initiatives." House Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-486) June 5, 2006, with amendments. Passed House, amended, June 9. Senate Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109-277) July 10. CRS-40 H.R. 5531 (Israel) The bill would require federal agencies to acquire at least 50,000 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Introduced June 6, 2006; referred to Committee on Government Reform. H.R. 5534 (Rogers) The bill would establish a grant program (up to $30,000) wherein funds collected from violations of the corporate average fuel economy program would be used to expand infrastructure need for alternative fuels. Introduced June 6, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Reported (H.Rept. 109-535) June 28. Passed House July 24. H.R. 5538 (L. Smith) Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Act of 2006. The bill would direct DOE to conduct R&D and a competitive grant pilot demonstration program. Authorizes a total of $300 million for FY2007 through FY2011. Introduced June 7, 2006; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 5576 (Nunes) Transportation-Treasury-HUD-Judiciary-D.C Appropriations Act for FY2007. Sections 946 and 947 would prohibit the use of funds appropriated under this bill in contravention of certain existing energy-efficiency related provisions affecting federal agencies. Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-495) June 9, 2006. Passed House, amended, June 14. H.R. 5579 (Markey) No Special Tax Subsidies for Gas Guzzlers Act of 2006. The bill would include heavier vehicles and sport utility vehicles in the limitation on the depreciation of certain luxury automobiles and impose the gas guzzler tax on such vehicles. Introduced June 9, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5580 (Wilson) United States-India Energy Security Cooperation Act of 2006. The bill would promote global energy security through increased cooperation between the United States and India in diversifying sources of energy, stimulating development of alternative fuels, and improving energy efficiency. Introduced June 9, 2006; referred to Committee on International Relations. H.R. 5592 (Weller) Growing Responsible Energy and Environment Nationally through Federal Energy Decisions Act of 2006. The bill would direct the head of each federal agency to ensure that, in areas in which ethanol-blended gasoline is reasonably available at a generally competitive price, the agency purchases ethanol-blended gasoline containing at least 10% ethanol rather than nonethanol-blended gasoline, for use in agency vehicles that otherwise use gasoline. Introduced June 13, 2006; referred to Committee on Government Reform. H.R. 5594 (L. Smith) Solar Utilization Now Demonstration Act of 2006 SUN Act of 2006. The bill would direct DOE to establish a photovoltaic demonstration program. Authorizes $50 million in FY2007, growing annually to $300 million in FY2011. Introduced June 13, 2006; referred to Committee on Science. CRS-41 H.R. 5611 (Conway) Fuel Consumption Education Act. The bill would create a partnership between DOE and appropriate industry groups to establish a transportation fuel conservation education campaign. Introduced June 14, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Ordered reported June 20. H.R. 5631 (Young) Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007. In the House bill, Title II (Operation and Maintenance, DOD-wide) would provide $6.3 million to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) to install a wind energy demonstration project at an Air Force base and to execute the renewable energy purchasing plan. In the Senate report (p. 58), under Title II, Defense-Wide Operation and Maintenance, the Senate Appropriations Committee "urges the Department of Defense to utilize Energy Savings Performance Contracting whenever possible to upgrade facilities and retain base operating funding. The Committee further urges the Department to incorporate the highest energy efficiency standards possible into the renovation and construction of DOD Facilities." Further, under Title III (p. 81) provisions for Army Aircraft Procurement, the Senate panel notes that "the Secretary of Defense has commissioned an Energy Efficiency Task Force focused on increasing efficiencies among weapon systems." Also, the report lists several earmark projects for energy efficiency and renewable energy. House Committee on Appropriations reported (H.Rept. 109-504) June 16, 2006. Passed House, amended, June 20. Senate Committee on Appropriations reported (S.Rept. 109-292) July 25. H.R. 5632 (Shimkus) The bill would establish a national tire fuel efficiency consumer information program. Introduced June 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Ordered reported June 20. H.R. 5633 (Biggert) Energy Efficient Buildings Act of 2006. The bill would establish a program for demonstration and commercial application of advanced energy efficiency technologies and systems for buildings. Includes a pilot grant program authorized $10 million per year for FY2008 through FY2012. Introduced June 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 5634 (Biggert) Advanced Energy Initiative Act of 2006. The bill would authorize R&D, demonstration, and commercial application activities for advanced energy technologies. Authorizes about $1 billion over FY2007 through FY2010 for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. Introduced June 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 5642 (Waxman) Safe Climate Act of 2006. The bill includes provisions that would set greenhouse gas emission standards for cars (§3), a national renewable energy portfolio standard reaching 20% by 2020 (§4), and a national energy efficiency standard for retail suppliers of electricity and natural gas. Introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce and International Relations. CRS-42 H.R. 5643 (Biggert) Energy Technology Transfer Act. The bill would authorize the commercial application and transfer of technologies developed by DOE. Specifically, it would create a program to award competitive, merit-reviewed grants to Cooperative Extension services or offices, States, local governments, institutions of higher education, and nonprofit institutions with expertise in energy research or extension, or consortia thereof, to conduct activities to transfer knowledge and information about advanced energy technologies that increase efficiency of energy use, especially those developed at the National Laboratories and by DOE, to individuals, businesses, nonprofit entities, and public entities, including local governments and school districts. Introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 5644 (McCaul) Green Energy Education Act of 2006. The bill would authorize higher education curriculum development and graduate training (especially in engineering and architecture) in advanced energy and green building technologies. Introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Science. H.R. 5646 (Mike Rogers, MI)/S. 3684 (Allen) The bill would require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a study of energy consumption at computer centers operated by the federal government and private entities. The study would include a review and analysis of cost saving measures and recommendations for adopting energy efficient computer centers. House bill introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Reported (H.Rept. 109-538) June 28. Passed House July 12. Senate bill introduced July 18; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. H.R. 5650 (Hulshof) Renewable Fuels and Energy Independence Promotion Act of 2006. The bill would make permanent certain tax incentives for ethanol and biodiesel fuels. Introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5653 (Ron Lewis) Investment in Energy Independence Act of 2006. The bill would promote investment in technology to convert biomass to liquid fuels. Specifically, it would expand and extend the alternative fuel credit (§4), expand expensing for alternative fuel refineries (§7), and provide expensing to convert other facilities to ethanol production. Introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5656 (Biggert) Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application Act of 2006. The bill would establish funding authorizations for a broad range of renewable energy and energy efficiency programs at DOE. It includes language from H.R. 5594, Solar Utilization Now (SUN) Demonstration Act; H.R. 5633, Energy Efficient Buildings Act; H.R. 5634, Advanced Energy Initiative Act of 2006; H.R. 5538, Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Act; H.R. 5643, Energy Technology Transfer Act; and H.R. 5644, Green Energy Education Act of 2006. Also, Section 15 would require the National Academy of Sciences to study and refine its recommendation to create an Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) at DOE. Introduced June 21, 2006; referred to Committee on Science. Reported (H.Rept. 109-611) July 28. CRS-43 H.R. 5662 (Fitzpatrick) Reduce Individuals' Dependence on Energy Act of 2006. The bill would provide a tax deduction for certain mass public transportation expenses. Introduced June 21, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5672 (Wolfe) Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2007. Reported in House (H.Rept. 109-250) June 28, 2006. Section 627of the House bill prohibits funds in this act from being used in contravention of law and executive order regarding energy efficiency of Federal buildings. Also, H.Amdt. 1142 was approved on the floor, and it would prohibit the use of funds in contravention of section 303 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which requires that alternative fueled vehicles be acquired for the Federal fleet. Passed House, amended, June 29. Reported in Senate (S.Rept. 109-280) July 13. H.R. 5700 (Blunt) Boutique Fuel Reduction Act of 2006. The bill would empower EPA to remove a fuel from the list of qualified boutique fuels if it is determined that such fuel has ceased to be included in any state implementation plan or is identical to a federal fuel control or prohibition. Introduced June 28, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5703 (Meehan) Green Vehicles Promotion Act of 2006. The bill would provide tax credits through 2010 for the purchase of a qualified flexible fuel motor vehicle and for the converting a vehicle into a qualified flexible fuel motor vehicle. Defines "qualified flexible fuel vehicle" to include a vehicle using fuel with an 85% ethanol content. In the Department of the Treasury, it would establish the Alternative Fueling Infrastructure Trust Fund provide grants to construct and operate alternative fuel refueling stations. Defines "alternative fuels" to include those with 85% ethanol content (E85), hydrogen, and biodiesel mixtures. Directs the Department of Transportation to remit 90% of the civil penalties collected for violations of automobile fuel economy standards to the Trust Fund. Introduced June 28, 2006; referred to Committees on Ways and Means and on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5756 (Beauprez) Colorado Emergency Wildfire and Insect Infestations Response Act of 2006. The bill would clean up hazardous wood fuel in forests. Section 5 would extend the renewable electricity production tax credit (PTC) for biomass for two years, through the end of 2009; and it would increase the amount from half to full credit. Introduced July 11, 2006; referred to Committees on Agriculture, Resources, and Ways and Means. H.R. 5809 (Hart) Energy Efficient Buildings Act of 2006. The bill would increase the tax deduction for energy efficient commercial building costs (EPACT, §1331), and extend the deduction from the end of 2007 to the end of 2010. Introduced July 17, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. CRS-44 H.R. 5856 (DeLauro) The bill would allow an agricultural producer cooperative to allocate among its patrons the tax credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling property expenditures. Introduced July 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5890 (Nunes) American-Made Energy Freedom Act of 2006. Section 101 would increase the tax credits for cellulosic biomass ethanol, Section 102 would extend tax incentives for solar and fuel cell property, and Section 103 would extend and modify the credit for residential energy efficiency measures. Introduced July 26, 2006; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Resources, Energy and Commerce, and Science. H.R. 5904 (Matheson)/S. 3719 (Reid) Renewable Schools Energy Act of 2006. The bill would create a renewable energy bond program that enables public school districts to receive zero interest loans for purchasing of renewable energy systems. The bill authorizes $50 million for 2007, $100 million for 2008, and $150 million for 2009. House bill introduced July 26, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senate bill introduced July 24, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. H.R. 5925 (Bartlett) The bill would direct DOE to have the National Academy of Sciences prepare a report with recommendations for the development of "self-powered" farms that are net producers of both food and energy. The recommendations would include strategies for DOE R&D, demonstration, and commercial application activities -- including a low cost revolving loan program. The bill authorizes $75 million per year over five years. Introduced July 27, 2006; referred to Committees on Science and Agriculture. H.R. 5926 (Berkley) Freedom through Renewable Energy Expansion (FREE) Act. The bill would increase CAFE for cars to 33 mpg by 2015 (§6); extend the renewable energy production tax credit four years, to the end of 2011 (§7); extend the investment tax credit for solar, fuel cells, and geothermal eight years, to the end of 2016 (§8-9); create a 30% residential tax credit for wind (§10); establish a renewable energy portfolio standard that would grow to 20% by 2015 (§12); increase the federal agency requirement for purchasing renewables to 20% by 2015 (§13); and establish a grant program to support renewables in public schools (§14). Introduced July 27, 2006; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Resources, Energy and Commerce, and Science. H.R. 5927 (Cardin) American Energy Independence Act. Title I of the bill would call for the preparation of a plan in increase use of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Title II would improve consumer energy efficiency with expanded Energy Star provisions, new equipment efficiency standards, and other incentives. Title III would establish a renewable energy portfolio standard (25% by 2020), transmission lines for renewables, and other provisions. Title IV would increase standards and goals for energy efficiency and renewable energy in federal agencies. Title V would establish an Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy at DOE. Title VI would increase incentives for public transit. Introduced July 27, 2006; referred to Committees on CRS-45 Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Transportation and Infrastructure, Government Reform, and Science. H.R. 5950 (T. Udall) Family Farm Energy Relief Act of 2006. Section 4 of the bill would increase the tax credit for small biodiesel producers from 10 cents to 20 cents per gallon. Section 5 would make the credit available to certain farmers who produce biodiesel. Introduced July 27, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5953 (Wynn) The bill would establish a Commission for the Deployment of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, charged with creating a strategic plan for hydrogen commercialization. It would establish powers, a process for selecting members and staff, and require a report. Introduced July 27, 2006; referred to Committees on Science and Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5959 (Lofgren) TEAM up for Energy Independence Act. Section 3 of the bill would create an excise tax on automobiles sold in the United States that are not alternative fueled automobiles. The tax on retail sales would start at 5% in 2007 and rise to 80% in 2011. Section 4 directs that revenue from the tax be used to establish a trust fund that makes grants for alternative fuel stations. Introduced July 28, 2006; referred to Committees on Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5965 (Hoyer) Program for Real Energy Security Act. Title I would establish a Commission on Energy Security. Title II would create a Manhattan Center for High Efficiency Vehicles. Title III would set provisions to support biofuels infrastructure. Title IV would expand requirements for federal agency use of alternative fuels and vehicles. Title V would promote the use of mass transit and establish programs for metropolitan light rail systems, intercity rail lines, and freight rail systems. Introduced July 28, 2006; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Armed Services, Government Reform, Rules, Science, Ways and Means, House Administration, and Transportation and Infrastructure. H.R. 5973 (Dent) Hydrogen Transportation Wins Over Growing Reliance on Oil (H2 GROW) Act. Section 2 would create a tax credit to support development of hydrogen fueling stations. Section 3 would make earnings from hydrogen fuel sales exempt from gross income. Introduced July 28, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5985 (Cardoza) Empowering America Act of 2006. The bill would extend and modify EPACT tax credits for residential energy efficiency (§2), nonbusiness energy property (§3), commercial buildings (§4), and solar energy equipment (§5). Also, it would call for a study of energy efficiency tax incentives (§6), extend the energy efficient appliances rebate (§7), and clarify the availability of community development block grants for solar energy equipment (§8). Introduced July 28, 2006; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Financial Services, Science, and Energy and Commerce. CRS-46 Senate Bills (with House Companions) S.Con.Res. 83 (Gregg) An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the U.S. government for FY2007 and including the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2006 and 2008 through 2011. Amendment 3136 (as modified and approved) would allow deficit-neutral changes in budget allocations to expand production and use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, promote renewable energy development, and reward energy conservation and efficiency. Introduced March 10, 2006; referred to Committee on Budget. Passed (51-49) Senate, amended, March 16. S.Con.Res. 97 (Grassley)/H.Con.Res 424 (Goodlatte) "25 by `25" Initiative. Resolution expressing the support of Congress for an initiative which envisions that farm, forestry, and ranch lands will provide by 2025 at least 25% of national energy demand, including promotion of renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass) by the forestry and agricultural communities. Senate bill introduced June 7, 2006, referred to Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. House bill introduced June 7, 2006; referred to Committees on Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, and Resources. S.Res. 228 (Cantwell) A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that it should be a goal of the United States to reduce the amount of oil projected to be imported in 2025 by 40% and that the President should take measures to reduce the dependence of the United States on foreign oil. Introduced July 29, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S.Res. 312 (Lugar) A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should act to reduce risks posed by global climate change and to foster economic growth by (1) participating in negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and leading efforts in other international fora with the objective of securing U.S. participation in agreements that advance and protect U.S. interests, that establish mitigation commitments by all countries that are major emitters of greenhouse gases, that establish flexible international mechanisms to minimize the cost of efforts by participating countries, and that achieve a significant long-term reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions; and (2) establishing a bipartisan Senate observer group to monitor international negotiations on climate change and to ensure that the advice and consent function of the Senate is exercised to facilitate timely consideration of any applicable treaty. Introduced November 15, 2005; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations. The Committee ordered the resolution reported May 23. S.Res. 456 (Lugar) A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the discussion by the North Atlantic Council of secure, sustainable, and reliable sources of energy. More specifically, this resolution expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should (1) place on the agenda for discussion at the North Atlantic Council, the merits of establishing a policy and strategy for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to promote the security of members of NATO through the development of secure, sustainable, and reliable sources of energy, and (2) report to Congress on CRS-47 designated agenda items, including a summary of the debate and a strategy for NATO to develop secure, sustainable, and reliable sources of energy, and contingency plans if current energy resources are put at risk. Introduced May 1, 2006; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations. The Committee ordered the resolution reported, May 23. S. 10 (Domenici) Energy Policy Act of 2005. Section 102 sets a goal for 20% energy reduction in federal facilities by 2015. Section 104 requires federal agency purchases of EPA Energy Star and FEMP-designated products. Section 105 extends ESPCs through 2016. Section 123 authorizes funding to states for rebates to support the cost premium for residential purchases of Energy Star products. Sections 135 and 136 establish energy efficiency standards for a variety of consumer products and commercial equipment. Title I also sets out several energy efficiency provisions for public housing. Title VII has provisions for hybrid, fuel cell, and electric vehicles; and revises and extends some aspects of fuel economy standards. Title IX reauthorizes DOE energy efficiency R&D programs. Section 1253 would, under certain conditions, terminate PURPA cogeneration requirements. For renewables, reauthorizes REPI and sets renewable fuels purchasing requirement for federal agencies. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources reported (S.Rept. 109-121) June 9, 2005. Incorporated into the Senate version of H.R. 6. S. 35 (Conrad) Extends the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for facilities until January 1, 2011. Introduced January 24, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 129 (Talent)/H.R. 325 (Graves) Hybrid HOV Access Act. Allows energy-efficient and low-emission vehicles to use HOV facilities. Senate bill introduced January 24, 2005; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. House bill introduced January 25, 2005; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. S. 131 (Inhofe) Clear Skies Act of 2005. Amends the Clean Air Act to reduce air pollution through expansion of cap and trade programs. Section 413 preserves an energy conservation and renewable energy reserve of 300,000 sulfur dioxide emission reduction allowances, which could be used to help meet air pollution reduction requirements. Introduced January 24, 2005; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. Committee held markup March 9, 2005, but the bill failed to pass Committee on a tie (9-9) vote. S. 150 (Jeffords) Clean Power Act of 2005. Requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to (1) set regulations to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, and mercury from certain electric generation facilities by January 1, 2010; and (2) establish an emission allowance tracking and transfer system for these emissions. Section 707 directs that up to 20% of allowances for reductions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide can be obtained from energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Introduced January 25, 2005; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. CRS-48 S. 244 (Thomas) Authorizes the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to extend, at the request of the project licensee, the deadline for commencement of construction of hydroelectric project number 1651 in the State of Wyoming for three consecutive two-year periods from the expiration of the extension originally issued by the Commission. Introduced February 1, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Reported (S.Rept. 109-32) March 10. S. 269 (Kerry) Small Business and Farm Energy Emergency Relief Act of 2005. Section 3 makes loans available to small business to convert from heating fuel to alternative energy sources that may include biowaste, geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy, and fuel cells. Introduced February 2, 2005; referred to Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. S. 326 (Smith)/H.R. 622 (Bono) Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI) Reform Act. Amends the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to modify renewable energy production incentive payment guidelines to provide that if there are insufficient appropriations to make full payments for electric production from all qualified renewable energy facilities in any given year, the Secretary of Energy shall assign 60% of appropriated funds for that year to facilities that use solar, wind, geothermal, or closed-loop (dedicated energy crops) biomass technologies to generate electricity, and assign the remaining 40% to other projects. Redefines a qualified renewable energy facility as one (1) owned by certain tax-exempt electricity-generating cooperatives, certain public utilities, a State, territorial, or local governments or an Indian tribal government; and (2) which may involve electricity generation by landfill gas. Extends through FY2015 the deadline for first use of a facility eligible for incentive payments. Senate bill introduced February 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. House bill introduced February 8, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. S. 373 (Harkin) Renewable Hydrogen Passenger Vehicle Act of 2005. Amends the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 to direct the Secretary of Energy, in coordination with the Secretary of Agriculture, to conduct a three-year program to develop and demonstrate the cost-effective operation of a fleet of at least 10 direct hydrogen passenger vehicles based on existing commercial technology under which the hydrogen is derived from ethanol or other domestic low-cost transportable renewable feedstocks. Introduced February 14, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 386 (Hagel) Climate Change Technology Deployment in Developing Countries Act of 2005. Section 2 includes cogeneration and renewable energy as eligible technologies for demonstration projects that could help developing countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Introduced February 15, 2005; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations. S. 387 (Hagel) Climate Change Technology Tax Incentives Act of 2005. Section 201 expresses the sense of the Senate that (1) the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) should be extended through 2010; and (2) the research investment tax credit should CRS-49 be increased and made permanent. Senate bill introduced February 15, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 388 (Hagel) Climate Change Technology Deployment and Infrastructure Credit Act of 2005. Credit-based financial incentives would be available to support demonstration projects for cogeneration, renewable energy, and other "climate technologies." Introduced March 15, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 426 (Jeffords) Electric Reliability Security Act of 2005. Contains several provisions to support energy efficiency and renewable energy, including a system benefit fund (Section 201) to fund state energy efficiency and renewable energy programs, an energy efficiency performance standard (Section 202) to reduce electricity demand by 10% over 10 years, appliance efficiency standards (Section 203) for central air conditioners and heat pumps, and loan guarantees (Section 204) for fuel cells, combined heat and power (CHP), energy efficiency, and several types of renewables. Also, Title III has a provision for net metering. Introduced February 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 427 (Jeffords) Renewable Energy Investment Act of 2005. Creates a federal renewable portfolio standard by amending the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to require retail electric suppliers to submit to the Secretary of Energy renewable energy credits in an amount equal to the required annual percentage of the retail electric supplier's total amount of kilowatt-hours of non-hydropower electricity sold to retail consumers during the previous calendar year (excluding incremental hydropower). States that a renewable energy credit that is not used to satisfy the minimum requirement for that year may be carried over for use within the next two years. Specifies a schedule of the minimum percentage of renewable energy sources that must be used to generate the total amount of non-hydropower electricity sold by each retail electric supplier during a calendar year (excluding incremental hydropower). Directs the Secretary to (1) establish a program to issue, monitor the sale or exchange of, and track renewable energy credits; and (2) make funds available under this act to State energy agencies for grant programs for renewable energy research and development, and for loan guarantees to encourage construction of renewable energy facilities. Introduced February 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 436 (Akaka) Directs the Secretary of Energy to assess the economic implications of the dependence of the State of Hawaii on oil as its principal source of energy, including the technical and economic feasibility of increasing the contribution of renewable energy resources for generation of electricity, on an island-by-island basis; and the technical and economic feasibility of using renewable energy sources (including hydrogen) for ground, marine, and air transportation energy applications to displace the use of refined petroleum products. Introduced February 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. CRS-50 S. 502 (Coleman) Rural Renaissance Act. Allows funds developed for a "Rural Renaissance Trust Account" to be used for renewable energy projects on farms. Introduced March 3, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 542 (Dorgan) Amends the Internal Revenue Code to (1) extend through 2010 the renewable energy electricity production tax credit (PTC) for certain renewable resources (e.g., wind, biomass, poultry waste); (2) allow certain organizations, including tax-exempt organizations, state and local governments, and Indian tribal governments, to sell unused amounts of such tax credit. Introduced March 7, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 587 (Dayton) Requires that automobiles and light trucks manufactured after model year 2006 be able to operate on a fuel mixture that is at least 85% ethanol. Introduced March 10; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 606 (Thune) Reliable Fuels Act. Sets a goal to increase ethanol (including ethanol derived from cellulosic biomass) use from 3.8 billion gallons in 2006 to 6.0 billion gallons in 2012. Introduced March 11, 2005; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. Ordered to be reported, March 16, 2005. S. 610 (Talent)/H.R. 36 (S. King) Amends the Internal Revenue Code to revise the tax credit for biodiesel used as fuel to include a credit for the production of agri-biodiesel fuel equal to 10 cents for each gallon produced. Limits (1) the amount of qualified agri-biodiesel production of a producer to 15 million gallons for any taxable year; and (2) eligible producers to those with an annual productive capacity not exceeding 60 million gallons. Revises the small ethanol producer tax credit to (1) expand the eligibility of small ethanol producers for the credit; (2) exclude the credit from the definition of passive activity credit; and (3) exclude credit amounts from inclusion in gross income. Senate bill introduced March 11, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. House bill introduced January 4, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. S. 650 (Lugar)/H.R. 1608 (Herseth) Fuels Security Act of 2005. Section 101 increases the renewable fuel standard (RFS) to 8 billion gallons by 2012. Section 102 directs federal agencies purchases of gasoline to include 10% ethanol-blended gasoline within five years. It also directs agencies' purchases of diesel fuel to include 2% biodiesel in five years and 20% biodiesel in 10 years. Senate bill introduced March 17, 2005; referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. House bill introduced April 13, 2005; referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. S. 665 (Dorgan) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Act of 2005. Authorizes $2.3 billion over 10 years for hydrogen supply R&D programs and $1.7 billion over 10 years for fuel cell technology R&D programs. Further, over 10 years, it also authorizes $2.7 billion for vehicle demonstration programs, $900 million for market transition programs, $225 million for federal procurement programs, and $55 million for regulatory CRS-51 programs. Introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 671 (Lieberman)/H.R. 1397 (N. Johnson) Establishes an investment tax credit for fuel cell equipment purchased for business and residential uses. The fuel cell must have a minimum capacity of 0.5 kilowatt (kw). The upper limit of the credit is $500 for each 0.5 kw, with a maximum of 30% of the total fuel cell cost. Senate bill introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. House bill introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. S. 680 (Snowe)/H.R. 1834 Efficient Energy Through Certified Technologies and Electricity Reliability (EFFECTER) Act of 2005. Section 101 creates an income tax deduction ($2.25 per square foot maximum) for energy efficiency measures that reduce commercial building energy use by 50% below the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Equipment Association's (ASHRAE's) 90.1 industry energy efficiency standard. Section 102 establishes an investment tax credit for energy efficiency measures in new home construction that reduce energy use by 30% ($1,000 maximum) or by 50% ($2,000 maximum). Section 103 sets a tax deduction for business use of solar hot water, photovoltaics, heat pumps (gas, electric, ground source), furnaces, and boilers. It also creates a tax deduction ($6,000 maximum) for such equipment used in residential rental properties that reduces energy use by 50% (pro-rated for smaller energy reductions). Section 104 creates a nonbusiness tax credit ($2,000 maximum) for equipment that reduces energy use by 50%. Section 105 establishes an investment tax credit available over four years to combined heat and power (CHP or cogeneration) systems smaller than 15 megawatts (MW) that satisfy certain efficiency standards. Section 201 sets energy efficiency test procedures and standards for a variety of equipment and products. For battery chargers and external power supplies, the Secretary of Energy has three years to determine whether standards are needed. Further, standards (or requirements) are set for vending machines, commercial refrigerators and freezers, illuminated exit signs, torchieres, distribution transformers, traffic signal modules, unit heaters, compact fluorescent light bulbs, ceiling fans, dehumidifiers, spray valves, and furnace fans. Section 202 directs the Secretary of Energy to issue a rulemaking that assesses effectiveness of labeling requirements and a rulemaking to set labeling requirements for additional consumer products (including distribution transformers). Section 203 sets test procedures and standards for commercial package air conditioners and heating equipment. Section 204 creates standards for commercial refrigerators and freezers. Section 301 directs federal agencies to procure energy equipment designated by EPA Energy Star and DOE Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), where it is cost-effective. Section 302 permanently extends the authority for federal agencies to enter energy saving performance contracts (ESPCs). Section 303 sets federal building energy performance standards by updating the baseline from the 1992 Council of American Building Officials (CABO) to the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Further, it directs the Secretary of Energy to require new federal buildings to achieve a 30% energy reduction, provided it is cost-effective on a life-cycle basis. Section 401 modifies the Public Housing Capital Fund to include certain energy and water use efficiency improvements. Section 402 directs the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide grants for certain energy and water efficiency improvements to multifamily housing projects. Section 403 directs public housing agencies to purchase cost-effective Energy Star or FEMP- CRS-52 designated appliances and products. Section 404 changes the energy efficiency standards and codes for public housing from CABO to the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code, where HUD finds it cost-effective. Senate bill introduced March 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. House bill introduced April 26, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Financial Services. S. 715 (Harkin) Wind Power Tax Incentives Act of 2005. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to permit (1) individual taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes (taxable incomes in the case of corporate taxpayers) of $1 million or less to offset passive activity losses and credits from energy-producing wind facilities against regular income; and (2) tax-exempt cooperative organizations (including farmers' cooperatives) to apportion pro rata among their shareholders tax credits received for investment in energy-producing wind facilities. Introduced April 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 726 (Alexander) Natural Gas Price Reduction Act of 2005. Section 101 authorizes funding for an energy conservation public education initiative. Section 102 sets efficiency standards, test procedures, and labeling requirements for several types of residential and commercial equipment. Section 103 authorizes funding for distributed generation, solar energy, and biomass technologies. Section 104 authorizes funding to accelerate hydrogen and fuel cell development. Section 105 would, under certain conditions, repeal PURPA Section 210 requirements for cogeneration and small power facilities. Section 106 calls for a study of cogeneration and small power. Section 108 directs states to consider requiring net metering services for electric utility customers. Section 109 directs states to consider providing time-based schedules and meters for customers. Section 113 provides financial incentives to industry to encourage use of gasification equipment that uses biomass and other fuels. Introduced April 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 727 (Alexander) Tax Incentives for the Natural Gas Price Reduction Act of 2005. Section 2 makes a 10% investment tax credit available over four years to combined heat and power (CHP or cogeneration) systems smaller than 50 megawatts (MW) that satisfy certain efficiency standards. Section 3 increases the investment tax credit for solar energy equipment from 10% to 30% for five years. Also, it extends the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for solar and geothermal energy for five years, and establishes a 30% tax credit ($7,500 maximum) for residential solar heating equipment. Section 4 has investment tax credits for residential solar (electric and water heating, 15%), wind (15%), and fuel cell (20%) equipment. It also creates a 20% investment tax credit ($2,000 maximum) to homeowners for retrofits to existing residential housing with energy efficient envelope components (insulation, windows, roofs, heating equipment); and an equipment tax credit (maximum $2,000) to home builders for envelope components that reduce home energy use by 30%. Section 4 also provides a tax credit to manufacturers ($60 million maximum) for energy- efficient clothes washers ($100 each) and refrigerators ($150 each). Further, Section 4 creates a tax deduction ($1.50 per square foot maximum) for energy efficient equipment in commercial buildings that reduces energy use by 50%. Introduced April 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. CRS-53 S. 732 (Inhofe)/H.R. 3 (Young) Transportation Equity Act. Section 1208 on High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes includes provisions for alternative-fueled vehicles and energy-efficient vehicles. Section 3009 on Clean Fuels Formula Grant Program includes provisions for biodiesel, alcohol fuels, and fuel cells. Section 5213 on Metropolitan Planning directs that goals include energy conservation. Other provisions in the bill address traffic congestion, intelligent transportation systems, bicycling and pedestrian issues, and advanced vehicle technologies. House bill introduced February 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Reported (H.Rept. 109-12, Parts I and II) March 8. Passed House, amended, March 10. Senate bill reported (S.Rept. 109-53) April 6. In lieu of S. 732, Senate passed its version of H.R. 3, amended, May 17. House and Senate conferees appointed May 26. S. 745 (Byrd) International Clean Energy Deployment and Global Energy Markets Investment Act of 2005. Amends the Global Environmental Protection Assistance Act of 1989 to promote clean energy technology deployment in developing countries. Directs the President to establish a Task Force on International Clean Energy Cooperation. Requires the Task Force to establish an Interagency Working Group on Clean Energy Technology Exports. Establishes an Interagency Center in the Office of International Energy Market Development of the Department of Energy to assist the Working Group. Requires the Task Force to develop and submit to the President (who shall submit to Congress) a Strategy to (1) support programs and policies in developing countries that promote clean energy and energy efficiency technologies; (2) open and expand clean energy technology markets and facilitate related exports to developing countries; (3) integrate the promotion of clean energy technology deployment and greenhouse gas emissions reduction in developing countries into U.S. foreign policy objectives; (4) establish a pilot program that provides financial assistance for qualifying projects; and (5) develop financial mechanisms and instruments that are cost-effective and facilitate private capital investment in such technologies. Authorizes the Secretary of State to provide assistance to developing countries for activities consistent with the priorities established in the Strategy. Requires the Secretary to establish a pilot program that provides financial assistance for qualifying projects consistent with the Strategy and the performance criteria set forth in this act. Requires host country contributions. Introduced April 11, 2005; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations. S. 808 (Durbin) Conserve by Bicycling Program. Directs Department of Transportation (DOT) to establish at least 10 pilot bicycling projects, cost-shared with state and local governments, to demonstrate energy saving potential and other benefits. Introduced April 14, 2005; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 836 (Cantwell)/H.R. 1103 (N. Johnson) Fuel Economy Truth in Labeling Act of 2005. Directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revise certain Federal vehicle fuel economy test procedures to take into consideration higher speed limits, faster acceleration rates, variations in temperature, use of air conditioning, shorter city test cycle lengths, and the use of other fuel depleting features. Senate bill introduced April 14, 2005; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. House bill introduced March 3, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and CRS-54 Commerce. Incorporated into H.R. 6 as floor amendment H.Amdt. 74 (as amended by H.Amdt. 75). S. 881 (Cantwell)/H.R. 1797 (McMorris) Spokane Tribe of Indians of the Spokane Reservation Grand Coulee Dam Equitable Compensation Settlement Act. Establishes in the Treasury the Spokane Tribe of Indians Settlement Fund. Requires the payment of compensation to the Spokane Business Council for the use of tribal lands for the generation of hydropower from the Grand Coulee Dam. Requires the use of such funds, in part, for a Cultural Resource Repository and Interpretive Center concerning the culture and history of the Spokane Tribe. Directs the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration to make specified settlement payments to the Spokane Tribe. Allows payments made to the Spokane Business Council or Spokane Tribe to be used or invested by the Business Council in the same manner and for the same purposes as other Spokane Tribal governmental funds. Directs the Secretary of the Interior to transfer administrative jurisdiction from the Bureau of Reclamation to the Bureau of Indian Affairs over certain land located within the exterior boundaries of the Spokane Indian Reservation and certain other land located on the south bank of the Spokane River. Provides that payments by the Secretary and the Administrator and restoration of ownership of land in trust constitute full satisfaction of the claim of the Spokane Tribe to a fair share of the annual hydropower revenues generated by the Grand Coulee Dam project for the past and continued use of land of the Spokane Tribe for the production of hydropower at Grand Coulee Dam. House bill introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Resources. Ordered reported May 18. Senate bill introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Indian Affairs. S. 883 (Hagel) Climate Change Technology Deployment in Developing Countries Act of 2005. Directs the Department of State to lead an interagency effort to study and assist in reducing greenhouse gas emission intensity in developing countries. Cogeneration, renewables, and "low emission transportation" technologies are included. There is a focus on supporting U.S. technology exports and on creating demonstration projects in at least 10 countries. Introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations. S. 887 (Hagel) Climate Change Technology Deployment and Infrastructure Credit Act of 2005. Directs the Secretary of Energy to carry out activities that promote the adoption of technologies that reduce greenhouse gas intensity and to provide credit-based financial assistance and investment protection for projects that employ advanced climate technologies or systems, and for other purposes. Includes renewable energy demonstration projects and financial incentives for energy efficiency. Introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 889 (Feinstein)/H.R. 705 (Gilchrest) Automobile Fuel Economy Act of 2005. Sets forth certain increased average fuel economy standards for certain light trucks, automobiles (up to 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight), and certain classes of vehicles in the federal fleet that are manufactured or purchased after specified dates. Senate bill introduced April 21, 2005; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. House bill introduced February 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce and Committee on Government Reform. CRS-55 S. 890 (Sarbanes) Transit in Parks Act. Provides for development of alternative transportation in certain federally owned or managed areas that are open to the general public. Introduced April 22, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 918 (Obama) Provides for Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) refueling capability at new and existing refueling station facilities to promote energy security and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Introduced April 27, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 962 (Grassley) Clean Energy Bonds Act of 2005. Establishes a tax credit to holders of qualified bonds issued to finance renewable energy projects. The bond would be available to `non-profit utilities," including electric cooperatives, public power systems, and municipal utilities. When a non-profit utility issues a clean energy bond, the federal government pays a tax credit to the bondholder instead of the issuer paying interest. The credit would be set at a value so there is zero interest cost to the issuer. Technologies that are eligible for the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) would be eligible for the bond. Introduced April 28, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 971 (Hatch) Clean Efficient Automobiles Resulting From Advanced Car Technologies (CLEAR ACT) Act of 2005. Creates a tax credit for investment in alternative motor vehicles, including qualified fuel cell, hybrid, and alternative fuel vehicles. Bases the amount of such credit on criteria relating to vehicle weight and fuel efficiency. Modifies the tax credit for qualified electric vehicles to remove the 10% limitation and base the credit amount on criteria relating to vehicle weight, mileage, and payload. Makes leased vehicles eligible for such credit. Extends such credit through 2010. Allows a tax credit for (1) 50% of expenditures for the installation of qualified clean-fuel vehicle refueling property; and (2) retail sales of alternative fuels as motor vehicle fuels. Directs the Comptroller General to undertake an ongoing analysis of the effectiveness of the alternative motor vehicle and fuel incentives provided by this act and to report to Congress on such study by December 31, 2006, and annually thereafter. Introduced April 28, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1022 (Smith) Resource Efficient Appliance Incentives Act of 2005. Establishes a business tax credit for the production of certain water and energy efficient appliances (e.g., dishwashers, clothes washers, and refrigerators). Bases the amount of such credit on specified energy and water efficiency ratings. Introduced May 12, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1034 (Alexander) Environmentally Responsible Windpower Act of 2005. Provides for local control over the siting of wind machines, including prohibiting federal subsidies for machines located within 20 miles of national monuments. Introduced May 13, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. CRS-56 S. 1042 (Warner)/H.R. 1815 (Hunter) National Defense Authorization Act for FY2006. Section 2402 authorizes funding for energy conservation projects. House bill introduced April 26, 2005; referred to Committee on Armed Services. Includes $50 million authorization. Reported (H.Rept. 109-89) May 20. Passed House May 25. Senate bill introduced May 12, 2005; referred to Committee on Armed Services. Includes $60 million authorization. Reported (S.Rept. 109-69) May 17. S. 1076 (Lincoln)/H.R. 2498 (Hulshof) Extends through December 31, 2010, the tax credit for biodiesel used as fuel and the excise credits for biodiesel mixtures and biodiesel used to produce biodiesel mixtures. House bill introduced May 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senate bill introduced May 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1077 (Lincoln) Establishes renewable liquid fuels tax credits. Section 1 establishes a 1.00 per gallon five-year excise tax credit, through December 31, 2010. Section 2 establishes a $1.00 per gallon income tax credit for five years, through December 31, 2010. Introduced May 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1078 (Lincoln) Landfill Gas-to-Energy Tax Credit Act. Section 2 extends the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for trash combustion facilities for three years, through December 31, 2008. Also, Section 3 changes the application of the tax credit for nonconventional ("Section 29") fuels. Introduced May 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1079 (Lincoln) Waste-to-Energy Tax Credit Act. Extends the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for trash combustion facilities for three years, through December 31, 2008. Also, it changes the eligibility period from 10 years to seven. Introduced May 19, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1093 (Salazar) Research and Development Investment Act. Section 2 authorizes $20 million per year through 2025 for the Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI). Section 3 extends the PTC for five years, through December 31, 2011. Section 4 provides a 10% investment tax credit for residential solar and geothermal equipment. Section 5 delays the phase-out of the tax incentives for qualified electric vehicles for one year. Reauthorizes and revises the Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI) program. Introduced May 20, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1151 (McCain) Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2005. Creates a market-driven system of greenhouse gas tradeable allowances to support deployment of new climate change-related technologies. Includes provisions for energy efficiency audits (Section 545), deployment of biofuels and solar technologies (Section 471), and reverse auctions for renewable electricity and energy efficiency (Section 491). Introduced May 26, 2005; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. CRS-57 S. 1156 (Hatch) Section 1(a) sets a five-year eligibility period for certain open-loop biomass facilities covered by the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC). Also, Section 1(b) extends the PTC for two years, through December 31, 2007. Introduced May 26, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1203 (Hagel) Climate Change Technology Tax Incentives Act of 2005. Provides tax incentives for the investment in greenhouse gas intensity reduction projects. Introduced June 8, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1208 (Alexander) Environmentally Responsible Windpower Act of 2005. Provides for local control over the siting of wind machines, including prohibiting federal subsidies for machines located within 20 miles of national monuments. Introduced June 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 1210 (Harkin) National Security and Bioenergy Investment Act of 2005. Provides for research, development, demonstration, administrative support, and market mechanisms for widespread deployment and commercialization of biobased fuels and biobased products. Introduced June 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. S. 1229 (Reid) Renewable Energy Incentives Act. Section 2 extends the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) indefinitely. Further, full credit is given to all qualified facilities. Also, the list of qualified facilities is expanded to include incremental geothermal and hydropower production. Any qualified facility that adds a co- production facility (which produces other, non-electric, forms of useful energy) is made eligible for an additional credit of 0.25 cents/kwh. Introduced June 13, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1232 (Lautenberg) Fuels Security Act of 2005. Amends the Clean Air Act to increase production and use of renewable fuel and to increase the nation's energy independence. Section 101 sets a renewable fuels standard (RFS) of 8.25 billion gallons by 2013. Introduced June 14, 2005; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. S. 1270 (Snowe)/H.R. 1215 (Gingrey) Green Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2005. Provision for grants to manufacturers includes measures that would increase energy efficiency. Senate bill introduced June 20, 2005; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. S. 1280 (Snowe)/H.R. 889 (Young) Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2005. Section 419 of the House bill directs the Commandant of the Coast Guard, when prompted by the Secretary of the Army, to state whether an offshore wind energy facility constitutes an obstruction to navigation. Senate bill introduced June 21, 2005; Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation reported July 28. Passed Senate October 27. CRS-58 S. 1595 (Cantwell) Fuels Security Act of 2005. Provides for a three-year recovery period for depreciation of qualified energy management devices. Introduced July 29, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1609 (Cantwell) 20/20 Biofuels Challenge Act of 2005. Aims to increase the production and use of biofuels and diversify biofuels feedstocks as key elements to achieving energy independence for the United States. Introduced July 29, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. Senate Bills Introduced After H.R. 6 Conference Report (July 27, 2005) S. 1765 (Landrieu)/H.R. 3958(Melancon) Louisiana Katrina Reconstruction Act. Subtitle I (Department of Energy) provides $11 million in supplemental funds for the DOE Weatherization program to be used in the State of Louisiana until expended. Senate bill introduced September 22, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. House bill introduced September 29, 2005; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Appropriations, Agriculture, Transportation and Infrastructure, the Budget, Financial Services, Energy and Commerce, the Judiciary, Armed Services, Education and the Workforce, Resources, and Small Business. S. 1766 (Vitter) Louisiana Katrina Reconstruction Act. Identical provision to S. 1765 in Subtitle I (Department of Energy); provides $11 million in supplemental funds for the DOE Weatherization program to be used in the State of Louisiana until expended. Introduced September 22, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1850 (Salazar) Rapid Efficiency Credit Act of 2005. Section 2 amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to make the income tax credits in Sections 1333(c), 1335(c), 1336(e), 1337(d), 1341(c), and 1342(c) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 available after the enactment of this act (instead of after December 31, 2005). Section 3 creates a tax credit for Energy Star-compliant compact fluorescent light bulbs used in a residence. Introduced October 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1851 (Salazar) Directs the Department of Transportation to issue a rule setting policies and procedures for testing and labeling tires for fuel economy that secure the "maximum technically feasible and cost-effective fuel savings." Introduced October 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 1852 (Salazar) Reducing the Incentives to Guzzle Gas Act. The IRS tax code would be amended to (1) include certain heavy vehicles (with a gross vehicle weight between 6,000 and 14,000 pounds) as passenger vehicles, to which the limitations on the depreciation allowed for luxury automobiles apply; (2) exempt vehicles used in a farming business from such depreciation limitations; (3) revise the limitation amounts for the depreciation of luxury automobiles; and (4) allow the expensing of CRS-59 up to $30,000 of the cost of vehicles used in a farming business. Introduced October 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1853 (Salazar) Reduce Government Fuel Consumption Act of 2005. Amends the National Energy Conservation Policy Act to require each federal agency to reduce by at least 10% vehicle fuel consumption by agency employees (other than fuel used for military purposes). Introduced October 6, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 1860 (Domenici) Energy-Water Efficiency Technology Research, Development, and Transfer Program Act of 2005. Directs DOE to establish a National Laboratories energy-water efficiency and supply technology research, development, and transfer program for the transfer and commercialization of economically viable and cost-effective energy-water efficiency and supply technologies. Designates the following as Program Lead Laboratories: (1) Sandia National Laboratory, New Mexico; (2) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee; and (3) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California. Prescribes guidelines for water supply technology assessment. Further, directs DOE to (1) establish the Energy-Water Efficiency and Supply Technology Advisory Panel, (2) provide competitive grants to entities with expertise in the conduct of energy-water efficiency and supply technology projects, and (3) enter into an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences to conduct periodic peer reviews of the program. Introduced October 7, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Reported (with Markup Report) November 16, 2005. S. 1882 (Schumer) Creates a national tire fuel efficiency program. Directs the Department of Commerce (Federal Trade Commission) to establish a program for tires designed for use on passenger cars and light trucks, including policies and procedures for testing and labeling tires for fuel economy. Introduced October 18, 2005; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 1920 (Obama) Renewable Diesel Standard Act of 2005. Amends Section 211 of the Clean Air Act to require the EPA Administrator to issue regulations to ensure that the U.S. diesel fuel supply contains a specified annual volume of renewable fuel, starting with 250 million gallons in 2008 and climbing to 2 billion gallons in 2015. Directs EPA to set the standard, in consultation with the Secretaries of Agriculture and Energy, for renewable fuel content for 2016 and thereafter, considering certain economic and environmental factors. Further, the bill creates a program of tradable credits for diesel fuel producers (refiners, blenders, importers) who exceed the renewable fuel standards set by this act. Also, the bill authorizes EPA, upon the petition of one or more states, to waive renewable fuel content requirements for economic, environmental, or supply reasons. Introduced October 25, 2005; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. S. 1932 (Gregg)/H.R. 4241 (Nussle) Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. In the House bill, Section 1301 would terminate FY2007 funding for the USDA Commodity Credit Corporation to carry out renewable energy and energy efficiency projects authorized by Section 9006 of the CRS-60 Farm Security Act of 2002. Further, Section 1402 would terminate FY2007 funding of Section 6401 (Value-Added Producer program) of the Farm Security Act of FY2007, regarding grants to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Section 3405 (Digital Television Converter Fund) would create an energy efficiency standard of nine watts for the passive standby mode of a digital-to-analog converter box. Section 6514 (Federal Energy Natural Resources Enhancement Fund Act of 2005) would create funding for mitigating the environmental impacts of energy development on federal lands, including the development of geothermal, wind, and ocean (wave, currents, thermal) energy resources. House bill reported (H.Rept. 109- 276) from the Committee on the Budget, November 7, 2005. Passed House (217- 215) November 18. The Senate bill has no comparable provisions. Senate bill reported (without written report) from the Committee on the Budget, October 26, 2005. Passed Senate (52-47) November 3. Conference reported (H.Rept. 109-362) December 19, 2005. Signed into law (P.L. 109-171) February 8, 2006. S. 1950 (Lugar) United States-India Energy Security Cooperation Act of 2005. Authorizes the President to establish cooperative energy programs that may include R&D and deployment assistance for energy efficiency, renewable energy (ethanol, biomass, hydrogen), and other energy sources. A report to Congress is required. Introduced November 1, 2005; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations. The Committee ordered the bill reported May 23, 2006. S. 1981 (Durbin) Windfall Profits Tax Act of 2005. The bill includes a tax credit to vehicle manufacturers for investment in energy-efficient motor vehicles and for related research and development costs. Bases the amount of such credit on the achievement of specified levels of fuel economy. To qualify for the credit, the required fuel economy improvement would start at 5% in 2008 and increase to 50% by 2015. The credit would terminate after 2015. Introduced November 9, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 1994 (Harkin) Fuel Security and Consumer Choice Act. Requires that an increasing percentage (10% in the first year, increasing to 100% in the 10th year) of new automobiles be dual-fueled automobiles; revises the method for calculating corporate average fuel economy for such vehicles. Introduced November 10, 2005; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 2020 (Grassley)/H.R. 4297(Thomas) Tax Relief Act of 2005/Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act of 2005. In the Senate bill, Section 214 extends the research credit. Committee on Finance reported (without written report) November 15, 2005. Passed Senate, amended, November 18. In the House bill, Section 113 extends the energy research credit for one year. Committee on Ways and Means reported (H.Rept. 109-304) November 17. S. 2025 (Bayh)/H.R. 4409 (Kingston) Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act. Promotes national security and stability of the United States economy by reducing the dependence of the United States on oil through the use of alternative fuels and new technology. Title I establishes a national oil savings target and action plan; Title II sets policies for improving the fuel efficiency of vehicles; and Title III sets policies for renewable CRS-61 energy and alternative fuels. Senate bill introduced November 16, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. House bill introduced November 18, 2005; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Science, Ways and Means, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Government Reform. S. 2045 (Obama) Health Care for Hybrids Act. Provides incentives to the auto industry to accelerate efforts to develop more energy-efficient vehicles to lessen dependence on oil. Specifically, it provides financial assistance to eligible domestic automobile manufacturers for the costs incurred in providing health benefits to their retired employees, conditioned on a requirement that at least 50% of the resultant health-care cost savings derived are invested in petroleum fuel-reduction technologies, including alternative or flexible fuel vehicles, hybrids, and other state-of-the-art fuel saving technologies. Introduced November 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2057 (Clinton) Investing for Tomorrow's Schools Act of 2005. Section 3 establishes a program to help fund capital improvements to schools and educational facilities. Renovation project applications are required to include proposed improvements to energy conservation. Introduced November 18, 2005; referred to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. S. 2070 (Schumer)/H.R. 4375 (McNulty) Provides certain relicensing requirements for hydroelectric projects on the Mohawk River in the State of New York. Senate bill introduced November 18, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. House bill introduced November 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. S. 2105 (Coleman) Home Energy Savings Incentives Act of 2005. For residential energy efficiency property, this bill would establish an investment tax credit of $10 per therm for natural gas savings and 6.5 cents/kwh for electricity savings, with a total lifetime savings cap of $5,000. The credit would be available through the end of 2007. Introduced December 15, 2005; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2196 (Clinton) Advanced Research Projects Energy (ARPA-E) Act. DOE would be authorized to establish the position of Assistant Secretary for Advanced Energy Research, Technology Development, and Deployment to implement an innovative energy research, technology development, and deployment program. Cash prizes up to $50 million could be awarded for innovative projects. The Assistant Secretary would be required to submit an annual report to Conress that describes projects and presents a strategic plan. Funding of $1 billion would be authorized for FY2007 and $2 billion per year for FY2008 through FY2011. Introduced January 25, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 2197 (Domenici) Protecting America's Competitive Edge Through Energy Act (PACE-Energy Act) of 2006. Section 4 would create the Advanced Research Projects Authority -- Energy (ARPA-E) at DOE. ARPA-E would be administered through a new position of Assistant Secretary for Advanced Energy Research, Technology Development, and Deployment to implement an innovative energy research, technology development, CRS-62 and deployment program. Also, Subsection (c) would create at the Department of Treasury a revolving fund, the Acceleration Fund for Research and Development of Energy Technologies, to administer projects supported by funding. Funding of $300 million would be authorized for FY2007, rising steadily each fiscal year until reaching $1 billion in FY2011. Introduced January 26, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 2263 (Dayton) Freedom From Foreign Oil Act of 2006. The bill would require that automobiles and light trucks manufactured after model year 2007 be able to operate on a fuel mixture that is at least 85% ethanol. Introduced February 9, 2006; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 2290 (Pryor) The bill would clarify the applicability of deadlines relating to construction of hydroelectric projects to certain hydroelectric projects located or proposed to be located on the Upper Hudson River in the State of New York. Specifically, it suspends the statutory time period governing commencement and completion of construction of a hydroelectric project until the date on which the Hudson River PCB site has been (1) removed from the National Priorities List or (2) approved for hydroelectric project construction by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Deems any order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued before the date of enactment of this act that addresses such suspended deadline to be void and of no legal effect with respect to any failure by a licensee to meet the deadline. Introduced February 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 2309 (Harkin)/H.R. 4756 (Butterfield) This bill would limit the application of the agricultural biodiesel fuel tax credit to certain oils produced from plants and animals. Senate bill introduced February 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. House bill introduced February 15, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. S. 2345 (Grassley) America's Business Choice Act. This bill would exempt passenger vehicles eligible for the alternative motor vehicle credit and the credit for qualified electric vehicles from the limitation on depreciation for luxury automobiles. Introduced March 1, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2398 (Baucus) Energy Competitiveness Act of 2006. Title I would create an Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) in DOE. Through energy efficiency innovations and other means, the goal of this agency would be to reduce imports of foreign energy and improve economic competitiveness. ARPA-E would be authorized annual funding from FY2007 through FY201, totaling $14.5 billion. A report on the agency's activities would be required by the end of FY2007. Title II would create several tax incentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy. Subtitle A, Section 201, would extend the PTC for three years. For tax credits supporting Clean Renewable Energy Bonds, Section 202 would extend the Bond program for three years and expand the Bond amount to $800 million per year. Subtitle C would extend for three years: the energy efficient commercial building tax deduction (§221), the tax credit for new energy efficient homes (§222), the residential CRS-63 energy efficient property tax credit (§223), the tax credit for business use of fuel cells (§224), and the tax credit for business solar equipment (§225). Subtitle D extends certain tax incentives for biodiesel (§231) and alternative/electric passenger cars (§232). Introduced March 9, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2401 (Grassley) Alternative Energy Extender Act. Title I is identical to Subtitle II-A of S. 2398, and Title III is identical to Subtitle II-C of S. 2398. Section 401(a) and (b) are identical to Section 231 of S. 2398. Section 401(c) would extend the ethanol tariff schedule for four years. Introduced March 13, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2435 (Lugar) Energy Diplomacy and Security Act of 2006. Section 3 would express the sense of Congress on energy diplomacy and security. It would find that clean and sustainable energy sources are important to national security. Further, it would declare that achieving energy security requires enhanced engagement with foreign governments, including promotion of renewable fuels and energy efficiency. Section 4 would call for the creation of strategic energy partnerships founded on several policies, including a policy to increase global availability of renewable energy sources. The purposes of these partnerships includes advancement of renewable energy production and R&D and deployment of several technologies, including renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Section 5 would call for the creation of several international energy crisis measures. One such measure would be the establishment of an Energy Crisis Response Mechanism for the Western Hemisphere, which would engage several activities, including demand intensity reduction programs and emergency demand restraint measures. Section 6 would call for the creation of a Hemisphere Energy Cooperation Forum to enhance bilateral cooperation in several areas, including renewable energy. Further, it declares that the Forum "should implement" several activities, including an Energy Sustainability Initiative that would facilitate investment, trade, and technological cooperation in several areas, including energy efficiency and renewable energy (e.g., RFS, RPS). Also, it declares that the Forum "should implement" an Energy for Development Initiative to promote biomass, biofuels, and carbon markets. Additionally, a Hemisphere Energy Industry Group would be created to support international cooperation on public-private partnerships, private investment, and other topics, including development and deployment of biofuels and energy efficient technologies. An annual report to Congress would be required. Introduced March 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2446 (Obama) American Fuels Act of 2006. Section 3 would provide a tax credit to flexible fuel vehicle manufacturers worth $100 per vehicle. Section 4 would create an alternative fuel retail sales credit. The credit would be valued at 35 cents/gallon before 2009, drop to 20 cents/gallon in 2009 and 2010, and then drop to 10 cents/gallon in 2011. Section 5 would establish an alternative diesel fuel content requirement for diesel fuels. Alternatives may include biodiesel, diesel-ethanol blends (7% or greater ethanol), and diesel produced from a coal-to-liquid process. The applicable volume of alternative diesel fuel would start at 250 million gallons in 2008 and rise in annual increments of 250 million gallons until it reaches 2 billion gallons in 2015. Section 6 would create an excise tax credit for cellulosic biomass ethanol. Section 7 would create an incentive to use medium- and heavy-duty hybrids CRS-64 in federal and state fleets. Section 8 would require all federal property that contains a refueling station to include at least one alternative fuel refueling station. It would further require public access to all such alternative fuel refueling stations. Section 9 would require that each bus purchased with funds from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund shall be a clean fuel bus powered by natural gas, ethanol, electricity, or fuel cell equipment. Section 10 would direct the Department of Defense (DOD) to conduct a program on advanced technologies to produce alternative transportation fuels, which may include ethanol, coal-to-liquid fuel, and biofuels. Annual reports on the DOD program would be required. Introduced March 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2507 (Warner) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Section 2403 would authorize $60 million for energy conservation projects. Introduced April 4, 2006; referred to Committee on Armed Services. S. 2512 (Demint) Transportation Empowerment Act. The bill would authorize a state, upon determining that excess funds have been made available from the Highway Trust Fund, to transfer the excess funds to, and use such funds for, any surface transportation purpose (including mass transit and rail) in the state. Section 2 would encourage that energy efficiency be one criterion in deciding how to use those funds. Introduced April 5, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2571 (Conrad) Breaking Our Long-Term Dependence (BOLD) Energy Act of 2006. Directs DOT to establish (1) rebates for reducing fuel consumption levels and (2) a National Tire Efficiency Program. Establishes production requirements for alternative fueled automobiles, and the Alternative Fueling Infrastructure Trust Fund. Establishes business-tax credits for (1) idling reduction and (2) manufacture of advanced technology motor vehicles. Eliminates the limitation on the number of new qualified hybrid and advanced lean-burn technology vehicles eligible for the alternative motor vehicle credit. Directs DOE to conduct a research, development, and commercial application program for electric drive transportation technology. Also, it (1) extends the full credit for qualified electric vehicles, (2) provides an enhanced credit for qualified carbon dioxide projects, (3) allows tax-exempt financing for certain electric transmission facilities, (4) extends the credit for producing electricity from certain renewable resources, (5) extends the tax credit for holders of clean renewable energy bonds, (6) allows a tax credit for wind energy property, (7) extends the credits for business solar investment and for residential energy efficient property, and (8) provides a tax credit tax for clean energy coal bonds. Further, it (1) modifies the renewable fuel standard, (2) revises the minimum quantity of renewable fuel derived from cellulosic biomass and sugar, (3) directs USDA to implement an ethanol promotion program, and (4) sets forth a renewable fuel program for the diesel motor pool. In addition, it extends and modifies (1) income and excise tax credits for renewable fuels and (2) the alternative vehicle refueling property credit. It directs DOE to carry out specified projects promoting transition to a hydrogen-based economy. Amends the Food Security Act of 1985 to permit use of native grasses on conservation reserve land for biomass harvesting. Directs the Secretary to study the national and North American transmission grids. Amends the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to set forth a federal renewable portfolio standard. Directs DOE to establish a renewable energy credit trading program to enable certain CRS-65 electric utility purchases of renewable energy credits under prescribed conditions. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to (1) provide energy credit for combined heat and power system property, (2) extend the tax credits for new energy efficient homes and for nonbusiness energy property, and (3) increase and extend the credit for energy efficient commercial buildings deduction. Introduced April 6, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2584 (Salazar) Rocky Mountain Forest Insects Response Enhancement and Support (FIRES) Act. Section 6 of the bill would authorize the establishment of a biomass commercial utilization grant program. Introduced April 6, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 2613 (Thune)/H.R. 5346 (Jerry Moran) Alternative Energy Refueling System Act. This bill would direct EPA to create a trust fund that reimburses service station owners for the cost to install a storage tank and supporting equipment for E-85, CNG, or other alternative fuels. The reimbursement would be limited to the lesser of 30% or $30,000 of the cost. Senate bill introduced April 7, 2006; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. House bill introduced May 10, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. S. 2614 (Thune)/H.R. 5346 (Jerry Moran) Identical to S. 2613. Senate bill introduced April 7, 2006; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. House bill introduced May 10, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. S. 2675 (Boxer) Fuel-Efficient Fleets Act of 2006. This bill would set minimum fuel economy requirements for federal vehicles and would authorize grants to states to purchase fuel-efficient vehicles. For the federal fleet, Section 2 would require the General Services Administration (GSA) to employ the following fuel economy requirements: Vans (15 miles per gallon), minivans (20 mpg), pickup trucks (24 mpg), sport utility vehicles (36 mpg), and passenger cars (45 mpg). Section 3 would direct DOE to perform an annual assessment of the CAFE fuel economy standard that incorporates recent technological advancements. Section 4 authorizes DOT to make grants to states to support efforts to have their fleets meet the above requirements set out for the federal fleet. A single appropriation of $100 million would be authorized in FY2007 that could be used over a five-year period. Introduced April 27, 2006; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 2677 (Smith)/H.R. 5206 (Hayworth) Securing America's Energy Independence Act. Section 2 of this bill would extend the business investment tax credit for solar energy property (§1336 of P.L. 109-58) through 2016 and for qualified fuel cell property (§1337 of P.L. 109-58) through 2015. Section 3 would extend the residential investment tax credit (§1335 of P.L. 109-58) for solar energy property through 2015. Senate bill introduced April 27, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. House bill introduced April 26, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. CRS-66 S. 2680 (Coleman) Transforming Energy Now Act of 2006. Section 3 would increase the renewable fuel standard to 10% of the total volume of fuel use by 2015. Section 4 would increase the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property tax credit from 30% to 50%. Section 5 would direct EPA to create a trust fund (funded with CAFE penalties) that reimburses service station owners for the cost to install a storage tank and supporting equipment for E-85, CNG, or other alternative fuels. The reimbursement would be limited to the $150,000 per site or $500,000 per entity. Section 6 would establish a low-interest loan and grant program to assist farmer- owned ethanol producers develop infrastructure for the retail delivery of E-85 fuel. Introduced April 27, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2689 (Collins) Section 1 would increase (in most cases, double) the existing tax incentives for alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles. Introduced May 1, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2747 (Bingaman) Enhanced Energy Security Act of 2006. Title I would direct federal agencies to propose regulations to save 10 million barrels of oil per day by 2031. In Title II, Section 201 would set a federal fleet fuel economy standard. Sections 202 and 203 would provide grants to states to convert fleets to alternative fuels, and Sections 204, 205, and 206 would authorize funding for vehicle technology development and deployment. Section 207 would create a trust fund to support the development of locations where consumers can buy alternative fuels. Sections 208(a) and 209 would provide incentives for deployment and production of cellulosic biofuels. Section 208(b) would create incentives for manufacturers of advanced technology vehicles. In Title III, Section 301 would create a Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) starting at 2.5% in 2008 and then increasing to 10% by 2020. Section 302 would create a federal requirement to purchase electricity generated by renewable energy. In Title IV, Section 401 would modify the policy for federal agencies to use energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) and would direct DOE and DOD to study the potential for using ESPCs to achieve vehicle energy and cost savings. Section 402 would create incentives for manufacturers to produce highly energy-efficient equipment. Section 403 would call for a DOE-led national media campaign to reduce oil use. Section 404 would direct state regulators of electricity and natural gas to consider establishing an energy efficiency resource program to reduce peak and total annual energy use. In Title V, Section 501 would make low-interest loans to small businesses and farms that convert to renewables and alternative fuels. In Title V, Section 502 would replace unsafe and inefficient home heating equipment in low- income households. Introduced May 4, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 2748 (Bingaman) Enhanced Energy Security Tax Incentives Act of 2006. In Title I, Section 101 would extend the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for three years (end of 2011); Section 102 would extend the clean renewable energy bonds for three years (end of 2011) and increase the national limit to $800 million per years; Section 103 would extend the tax deduction for energy efficient commercial buildings for three years (end of 2010); Section 104 would extend for three years (end of 2010) and expand the energy efficient new home credit; Section 105 would extend for three years (end of 2010) the nonbusiness energy property credit; Section 106 would CRS-67 extend for three years (end of 2010) the residential solar tax credit; Section 107 would extend for three years (end of 2010) the fuel cell and microturbine tax credits; Section 108 would extend for three years (end of 2010) the business solar tax credit; Section 109 would extend the biodiesel credit (two years), alternative fuel credit (one year), refueling property credit (one year) and ethanol tariff duty (four years); Section 110 would extend for four years (end of 2010) the full credit for qualified electric vehicles. In Title II, Section 201would eliminate the limit on the number of hybrid and advanced-technology vehicles eligible for tax credits; Section 202 would provide an investment tax credit for the marginal costs of a plant that manufactures advanced- technology vehicles; Section 203 creates a new tax credit for fuel-efficient vehicle fleets; Section 204 increases the credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling property; Section 205 limits the business depreciation tax deductions for heavy vehicles and luxury cars; Section 206 creates a 25% tax credit for equipment that reduces vehicle idling energy use. In Title III, Section 301 creates an investment tax credit for certain types of combined heat and power equipment; Section 302 establishes a three-year recovery period for energy management devices; Section 303 creates a three-year recovery period for water metering devices. Introduced May 4, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2755 (Thomas) Energy Production, Refining, Infrastructure, Conservation and Efficiency (PRICE) Act. In Title IV, Section 4001 would direct DOT to consider technological feasibility and economic practicability in determining maximum feasible fuel economy. Section 4002 would direct DOT to set new fuel economy regulations for passenger cars, employing the criteria in Section 4001. Section 4003 would, if DOT fails to implement Section 4002, provide for expedited procedures to be applied to a fuel economy bill, introduced in either chamber, that aims to fulfill the intent of Section 4002. Section 4011 would expand the EPA Natural Gas Star Program to create grants that help curb methane emissions in the oil and natural gas industries. Introduced May 5, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2760 (Feinstein) Ethanol Fuel Supply Act of 2006. The bill would suspend temporarily the import duty on ethanol. Introduced May 8, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2763 (Schumer) Ethanol Fuel Supply Act of 2006. The bill would suspend temporarily the import duty on ethanol. Introduced May 8, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2766 (Warner)/H.R. 5122 (Hunter) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Section 2403 of the bill would authorize DOD to spend up to $60 million for energy conservation. Committee on Armed Services reported (H.Rept. 109-254) May 9, 2006. Also, four Senate floor amendments were approved that add further energy efficiency and renewable energy provisions. First, S.Amdt. 4222, would require DOE to consider using fuel cells as back-up power systems. Second, S.Amdt. 4357 would create a new Section 2828 that sets a goal for the Department of Defense to acquire 25% of its electric energy from renewable energy sources by the year 2025. Third, S.Amdt. 4532 would require a DOD report on the use of alternative fuels. Fourth, S.Amdt. 4535 would require energy efficiency measures in new construction. In Senate, Committee on Armed Services reported (S.Rept. 109-254) May 9, 2006. Passed Senate, amended, June 22. S. 2766 incorporated into H.R. 5122 as an amendment CRS-68 in the nature of a substitute. In House, Committee on Armed Services reported (H.Rept. 109-452) May 5, 2006. Passed House, amended, May 11. S. 2767 (Warner) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Section 2403 of the bill would authorize DOD to spend up to $60 million for energy conservation. Committee on Armed Services reported (H.Rept. 109-254) May 9, 2006. Passed Senate, amended, June 22. See S. 2766. S. 2768 (Warner) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Section 2403 of the bill would authorize DOD to spend up to $60 million for energy conservation. Committee on Armed Services reported (H.Rept. 109-254) May 9, 2006. See S. 2766. S. 2769 (Warner) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Section 2403 of the bill would authorize DOD to spend up to $60 million for energy conservation. Committee on Armed Services reported (H.Rept. 109-254) May 9, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. See S. 2766. S. 2773 (Boxer) Government Fleet Fuel Economy Act of 2006. This bill would direct GSA to see that each passenger vehicle purchased, or leased for at least 60 consecutive days, by an executive agency after the date of the enactment shall be as fuel efficient as possible. Introduced May 9, 2006; referred to Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. S. 2778 (Schumer) Ethanol Fuel Supply Act of 2006. The bill would suspend temporarily the import duty on ethanol. Introduced May 10, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2796 (Graham) H-Prize Act of 2006. The bill would authorize DOE to establish monetary prizes for achievements in overcoming scientific and technical barriers associated with hydrogen energy. Introduced May 12, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 2816 (Harkin) Biofuels Security Tax Act of 2006. Section 2 of the bill would provide an income tax credit for the manufacture of flexible fuel vehicles, and Section 3 would extend and increase the income tax credit for alternative fuel refueling property. Introduced May 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2817 (Harkin) Biofuels Security Tax Act of 2006. Section 101 of the bill would raise the renewable fuel standard (RFS) to 30 billion gallons by 2020 and 60 billion gallons by 2030. Section 102 would direct DOE to enact regulations that require major oil companies with name-branded gasoline stations to install one or more E-85 fuel pumps at 5% of the stations in 2007, rising to 50% by 2016. Section 103 would require, starting in 2007, that 100% of the federal fleet be alternative fuel vehicles. Section 104 would facilitate the installation of renewable fuel pumps at gasoline CRS-69 stations. Section 201 would require automobile manufacturers to produce a minimum percentage of dual fueled autombiles, starting with 10% in 2007 and rising to 100% by 2016. Manufacturers that exceed the minimum would be eligible to receive tradable credits. Section 202 would create manufacturer incentives for duel- fueled automobiles, based on fuel economy calculations. Introduced May 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 2829 (Cantwell) Biofuels Security Tax Act of 2006. This omnibus bill aims to reduce oil use, to ensure near-term energy affordability and empower American families, to accelerate clean fuels and electricity, to provide government leadership for clean and secure energy, and to secure a reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy future. Introduced May 17, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 2830 (Lott) Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Reform Act of 2006. Section 2 of this bill would authorize DOT to set vehicle fuel economy standards by regulation. It would prohibit DOT from setting a standard that is expressed as a percentage change from an existing standard or that imposes marginal costs that exceed marginal benefits. Also, it requires an 18-month lead time before the model year. Section 3 empowers DOT to permit, by regulation, manufacturers to transfer CAFE credits from one production segment to another. Section 4 would direct DOT to use funds collected from civil penalties to support R&D on fuel saving automotive technologies and rulemakings related to CAFE. Introduced May 18, 2006; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 2984 (Obama) This bill would require certain profitable oil companies to expend 1% of recent quarterly profits to install E-85 fuel pumps. Introduced May 23, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 2993 (Clinton) This bill would impose a temporary oil profit fee and to use the proceeds of the fee to provide a Strategic Energy Fund and expand certain energy tax incentives. Introduced May 23, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 3487 (Kerry) Small Business Disaster Loan Reauthorization and Improvements Act of 2006. Section 18 on Emergency Energy Relief would permit loans to be used to convert from fossil energy systems to equipment that uses renewable or alternative energy sources, including agriculture and urban waste, geothermal energy, cogeneration, solar energy, wind energy, or fuel cells. Introduced June 8, 2006; referred to Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. S. 3543 (Feinstein) This bill would improve passenger automobile fuel economy to 35 mpg by 2017. Introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 3553 (Grassley)/H.R. 4357 (Gutknecht) 10 By 10 Act. The bill would amend the Clean Air Act to require that all gasoline sold for use in motor vehicles contain 10% renewable fuel in the year 2010 CRS-70 and thereafter. House bill introduced November 17, 2005; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Senate bill introduced June 21, 2006; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. S. 3591 (Jeffords) High-Performance Green Buildings Act of 2006. This bill would improve energy efficiency in federal agencies through the use of high-performance green buildings. Title I would establish an Office of High Performance Green Buildings in the General Services Administration. Title II would provide grants and siting guidelines for energy efficient schools. Title III would strengthen incentives and procurement practices for energy efficiency in federal agencies. Title IV would a demonstration project that would be an exemplary green building in a federal agency. Introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. S. 3600 (Harkin) This bill would allow the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property tax credit to be applied to patrons of agricultural cooperatives. Introduced June 29, 2006; referred to Committee on Appropriations. S. 3628 (Snowe) EXTEND the Energy Efficiency Incentives Act of 2006. This bill would (1) extend the tax credit, through 2010, for residential energy efficiency expenditures certified to achieve certain levels of energy savings; (2) modify standards for nonbusiness energy property (i.e., air conditioners, heat pumps, water heaters, etc.) and extend the tax credit for such property through 2010; (3) revise the tax credit for solar electric and hot water property to include all technologies for solar-derived electricity; (4) extend through 2010 the tax credits for residential energy efficient property and new energy efficient homes; (5) extend through 2011 the tax deduction for energy efficient commercial buildings and increase the maximum amount of such deduction; (6) allow a tax deduction for energy efficient low-rise buildings (four stories or less); (7) extend through 2011 the investment tax credit for solar energy and fuel cell property; and (8) allow a business-related tax credit for qualified training and certification costs and equipment expenditures for certifying residential energy savings. Introduced June 29, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 3654 (Jeffords) Recycling Investment Saves Energy (RISE) Act. This bill would allow a credit against income tax, or alternatively, a special depreciation allowance for reuse and recycling property, and it would provide for tax-exempt financing of recycling equipment. Introduced June 29, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 3684 (Allen)/H.R. 5646 (Mike Rogers, Michigan) The bill would require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a study of energy consumption at computer centers operated by the federal government and private entities. The study would include a review and analysis of cost saving measures and recommendations for adopting energy efficient computer centers. House bill introduced June 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Reported (H.Rept. 109-538) June 28. Passed House July 12. Senate bill introduced July 18; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. CRS-71 S. 3694 (Obama) Fuel Economy Reform Act. This bill would establish a CAFE "target" instead of a standard. The target is a 4% per year increase, which the bill says would provide annual savings of about 1.3 million barrels per day after 10 years. Further, it provides flexibility for different types of cars and provides tax incentives to encourage automobile manufacturers to retool parts and assembly plants. Introduced July 19, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. S. 3698 (Jeffords) Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act. As part of the effort to reduce emission, this bill would encourage the use of energy efficiency and renewable energy through emission standards for vehicles (§707) and for electric power plants (§708-709). Also, it would create an energy efficiency performance standard in the electricity sector (§712), establish a renewable energy portfolio standard of 20% by 2020 (§713), and support clean energy deployment in developing countries (§716). Introduced July 20, 2006; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. S. 3719 (Reid)/H.R. 5904 (Matheson) Renewable Schools Energy Act of 2006. This bill would create a renewable energy bond program that enables public school districts to receive zero interest loans for purchasing of renewable energy systems. The bill authorizes $50 million for 2007, $100 million for 2008, and $150 million for 2009. House bill introduced July 26, 2006; referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senate bill introduced July 24, 2006; referred to Committee on Finance. Congressional Hearings, Reports, and Documents 109th Congress: Second Session U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. United States -- India Energy Cooperation. July 18, 2006. [ ng_ID=1578] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Hydrogen. July 17, 2006. [ ng_ID=1577] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Geothermal Energy. July 11, 2006. [ ng_ID=1576] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Science. H.R. 5656, the Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application Act of 2006. June 27, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Discussion Draft of Bill Providing for a Reduction in the Number of Boutique Fuels. June 7, 2006. CRS-72 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality. Vehicle and Fuels Technology: Next Generation. May 24, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. Subcommittee on Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Dairy, Nutrition, and Forestry. May 22, 2006. Future of Renewable Fuels and Flex-Fuel Vehicles. May 22, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality. Unlocking America's Energy Resources: Next Generation. May 18, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Energy Security and Oil Dependence. May 16, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards. May 9, 2006. [ Hearing_ID=1756] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Hydroelectric Facilities. May 8, 2006. [ Hearing_ID=1550] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Science. H.R. 5143, the H-Prize Act of 2006. April 27, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. The State of the Biofuels Industry. April 26, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. The Current and Future Role of Science in the Asia Pacific Partnership. April 5, 2006. [ Hearing_ID=1741] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Climate Change. (Conference) April 4, 2006. [ s&docid=f:28095.pdf] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. The Hidden Cost of Oil. March 30, 2006. [] CRS-73 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Science. Should Congress Establish "ARPA-E," The Advanced Research Projects Agency -- Energy? March 9, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. FY2007 Budget Request for the Department of Energy. March 9, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. FY2007 Budget Request for the Department of Energy. March 8, 2006. [not available on Committee website] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Energy Independence. March 7, 2006. [ Hearing_ID=1534] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Western Hemisphere Energy Security. March 2, 2006. [] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. U.S. Competitiveness (S. 2197). February 15, 2006. [ Hearing_ID=1526] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. FY2007 Budget Request for the Department of Energy. February 9, 2006. [not available on Committee website] 109th Congress: First Session U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality. Understanding the Peak Oil Theory. Hearing held December 7, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Science. Subcommittee on Energy. Winning Teams and Innovative Technologies from the 2005 Solar Decathlon. Hearing held November 2, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Energy Policy Act of 2005: Report of the Committee on Energy and Commerce on H.R. 1640. (Rept. 109-215, Part 1). July 29, 2005. [not available on Committee website] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Science. Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application Act of 2005: Report of the Committee on Science on H.R. 610. (Rept. 109-216, Part 1). July 29, 2005. [not available on Committee website] CRS-74 U.S. Congress. House. Joint Committee on Taxation. Description And Technical Explanation Of The Conference Agreement Of H.R. 6, Title XIII, The "Energy Tax Incentives Act Of 2005." (JCX-60-05) July 28, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Text of the Conference Report on H.R. 6, The "Energy Policy Act Of 2005." (JCX-60-05) July 27, 2005. [ em_ID=21&Month=7&Year=2005] U.S. Congress. House. Joint Committee on Taxation. Estimated Budget Effects Of The Conference Agreement For Title XIII. Of H.R. 6, The "Energy Tax Incentives Act Of 2005." (JCX-59-05) July 27, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Government Reform. Subcommittee on Energy and Resources. The Hydrogen Economy: Is it Attainable? When? Hearing held July 27, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. Agriculture's Role in a Renewable Fuels Standard. Hearing held July 21, 2005. (Serial No. 109-12) [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Science. Subcommittee on Energy and Subcommittee on Research. Fueling the Future: On the Road to the Hydrogen Economy. Joint Hearing held July 20, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance. Energy Policy Tax Incentives Act of 2005. Hearing held June 16, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Full Committee Markup of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Markup held April 5 and 6, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Committee Print of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Posted April 5, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Energy and Water Development Appropriations for 2006. Hearings held March 9 and 16, 2005. [not available on Committee website] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Government Reform. Subcommittee on Energy and Resources. Energy Demand in the 21st Century: Are Congress and the Executive Branch Meeting the Challenge? Hearing held March 16, 2005. []. CRS-75 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Energy and Water. FY2006 Budget Request for the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and other DOE Offices. Hearing held March 15, 2005. []. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies. Department of Energy -- [FY2006 Budget Request for] Science, Nuclear Energy, and Renewable Energy. Hearing held March 15, 2005. [No hearing webcast has been posted to the web and no testimony has been published yet.] U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Taxation. Description and Analysis of Certain Federal Tax Provisions Expiring in 2005 and 2006. Report JCX-12-05. March 11, 2005. Part IIB of the report has a section (p. 51-60) on the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) entitled the "Credit for electricity produced from certain renewable resources." Also, Part IIA has a section (p. 20-34) on the research and experimentation (R&E) tax credit. []. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Power Generation Resource Incentives and Diversity. Hearing held March 8, 2005. (S. Hrg. 109-27) [ s&docid=f:21241.pdf] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Department of Energy Budget. Hearing held March 3, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality. The Energy Policy Act of 2005: Ensuring Jobs for Our Future with Secure and Reliable Energy. Hearings held February 9, 10, and 16, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Science. Improving the Nation's Energy Security: Can Cars and Trucks Be Made More Fuel Efficient? Hearing held February 9, 2005. [] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Department of Energy's Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Proposal and the Energy Policy Act of 2005: Ensuring Jobs for Our Future with Secure and Reliable Energy. Hearing held February 9, 2005. [ &docid=f:99900.pdf] U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. EIA 2005 Annual Energy Outlook (Global Energy Trends and Their Potential Impact on U.S. Energy Needs, Security and Policy. Hearing held February 3, 2005. CRS-76 [ &docid=f:20004.pdf] (Many hearings on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy held in the 108th Congress are listed on the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy website at [].) CRS Reports CRS Report RL33599, Energy Efficiency Policy: Budget, Electricity Conservation, and Fuel Conservation Issues, by Fred Sissine. CRS Report RL33588, Renewable Energy Policy: Tax Credit, Budget, and Regulatory Issues, by Fred Sissine. CRS Report RL33294, DOE Budget Earmarks: A Selective Look at Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy R&D Programs, by Fred Sissine. CRS Report RL33302, Energy Policy Act of 2005: Summary and Analysis of Enacted Provisions, by Mark Holt and Carol Glover. CRS Report RL33006, Omnibus Energy Legislation, 109th Congress: Side-by-Side Assessment of House and Senate Versions of H.R. 6, by Mark Holt and Carol Glover. CRS Report RL32936, Omnibus Energy Legislation, 109th Congress: Assessment of H.R. 6 as Passed by the House, by Mark Holt and Carol Glover. CRS Report RL31127, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Legislation in the 107th Congress, by Fred Sissine. CRS Report RL31044, Renewable Energy Legislation in the 107th Congress, by Fred Sissine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see