For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ This report contains data on elections in the Democratic and Republican party conferences for principal congressional leaders within each party for the 94th through the 111th Congresses . It reflects actual balloting. Also identified are the six Senators who have served as President pro tempore of the Senate, the two who have served as deputy President pro tempore, and the three Senators who have served as President pro tempore emeritus. These are largely positions of honor, for which there is no formal election in either party conference. Other tables provide the names and states of the candidates for each major party office, the Congress(es) in which they were running, and the votes they received. Also noted are Senators elected with no opposition. In numerous instances, leaders were selected without opposition. In cases where published accounts did not mention contests for a particular office, it was assumed there was only one candidate. The data do not include notices of announced candidacies that were abandoned before conference voting took place. This report will be updated as necessary. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Table 1. Presidents Pro Tempore of the Senate ............................................................................... 2 Table 2. Presidents Pro Tempore Emeritus of the Senate ................................................................ 3 Table 3. Deputy Presidents Pro Tempore of the Senate................................................................... 3 Table 4. Senate Democratic Floor Leaders and Conference Chairmen........................................... 3 Table 5. Senate Republican Floor Leaders ...................................................................................... 4 Table 6. Senate Democratic Whips.................................................................................................. 6 Table 7. Senate Republican Whips .................................................................................................. 7 Table 8. Senate Democratic Caucus Vice Chair .............................................................................. 8 Table 9. Senate Republican Conference Chairmen ......................................................................... 8 Table 10. Senate Democratic Conference Secretaries ..................................................................... 9 Table 11. Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairmen ............................................................. 9 Table 12. Senate Democratic Policy Committee ........................................................................... 10 Table 13. Senate Republican Conference Secretaries/Vice Chair ..................................................11 Table 14. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairmen............................................... 12 Table 15. National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairmen.................................................. 12 Author Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 13 This report contains balloting data on the elections in the Democratic and Republican party conferences for principal congressional leaders for the 94th through the 111th Congresses. Table 1 identifies the seven Senators who have served as President pro tempore of the Senate. This position is generally reserved for the majority party Senator with the party's longest continuous Senate service, but there is no formal election in either party conference for the position. Table 2 identifies the three Senators who have been designated to the honorary position of President pro tempore emeritus, and Table 3 identifies the two Senators who have been elected to the honorary position of deputy President pro tempore, positions for which there is no formal election by either party. The other tables provide the names and states of the candidates for each major party office, the Congress(es) in which they ran, and the votes they received. Also noted are Senators elected with no opposition. Although most conference balloting took place prior to the convening of a new Congress, in some cases leadership elections were held to fill vacancies during a Congress. During the course of the 107th Congress, the majority party switched, thus causing changes in the positions of majority leader and majority whip. Tables 4-13 provide data on elections for the positions of: · Senate Democratic Floor Leaders and Conference Chairmen · Senate Republican Floor Leaders · Senate Democratic Whips · Senate Republican Whips · Senate Democratic Conference Vice Chair · Senate Republican Conference Chairmen · Senate Democratic Conference Secretaries · Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairmen · Senate Republican Conference Secretaries · Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairmen · National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairmen In numerous instances, leaders were selected without opposition. Where races were contested, most were decided after one ballot. However, in the 99th Congress, it took four ballots to elect the Republican floor leader and two ballots to elect the Republican whip. In the 102nd and 104th Congresses, two ballots were needed to elect the chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee. When published accounts did not mention a contest for a particular office, it was assumed there was only one candidate. The data do not include notices of announced candidacies that were abandoned before conference voting took place. .ssergnoC ht69 eht fo ecnalab eht rof eropmet orp ycnediserp eht demuser neht nosungaM rotaneS .emit eht ta ytironim eht ni saw ytrap siH .tnemeriter etaneS sih ot roirp yad eno rof eropmet orp tnediserP sa evres ot detcele saw gnuoY rotaneS .b .etaneS eht ni ytirojam a sdloh ytrap rieht sa gnol sa evres won eropmet orp stnediserP yraropmetnoC ".redro esiwrehto seod etaneS eht litnu tnediserP eciV eht fo secnesba erutuf lla gnirud foereht seitud eht etucexe llahs dna ,detcele si rehtona litnu dna etaneS eht fo erusaelp eht" gnirud eciffo eht dloh llahs eropmet orp tnediserP eht taht deralced etaneS eht ,0981 ,21 hcraM no ot deerga redro gnidnats eht yB .eciffo eht deipucco ylsuoiverp dah ohw rotaneS emas eht secnatsni ynam ni ,eropmet orp tnediserP a detcele etaneS eht ,tnesba niaga saw tnediserP eciV eht nehW .ecalp sih tsol eropmet orp tnediserP eht ,denruter tnediserP eciV eht nehW .ecnadnetta ni ton saw tnediserP eciV eht revenehw eropmet orp tnediserP a detcele etaneS eht ,0981 ot roirP .mret etaneS wen a ot detcele neeb sah eropmet orp tnediserP sa gnivres rotaneS eht ro ,segnahc lortnoc ytrap sselnu ssergnoC a fo gninnigeb eht ta detceleer ton si eropmet orp tnediserP ehT .etov eciov yb detaefed yllamron si tnemdnema na hcuS .etadidnac sti gniman tnemdnema na dereffo sah ytironim eht ,snoisacco erar nO .etov eciov yb ot deerga yllausu era snoituloser esehT .eropmet orp tnediserp rotaneS deificeps a noituloser yb stcele yllareneg etaneS ehT .ecnesba s'tnediserP eciV eht ni evres ot eropmet orp tnediserP eht setangised noitutitsnoC ehT .etaneS eht fo tnediserP sa sevres osla ohw ,setatS detinU eht fo tnediserP eciV eht dna sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo rekaepS eht era owt rehto ehT .noitutitsnoC .S.U eht yb dehsilbatse sreciffo evitalsigel eerht ylno fo eno si etaneS eht fo eropmet orp tnediserP ehT .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitcele on VW-D ddryB .C treboR ht111 7002 ,4 .naJ VW-D dryB .C treboR ht011 noitcele on KA-R snevetS deT ht901 3002 ,7 .naJ KA-R snevetS deT ht801 c1002 ,6 enuJ VW-D dryB .C treboR ht701 noitcele on CS-R dnomruhT mortS ht701 noitcele on CS-R dnomruhT mortS ht601 noitcele on CS-R dnomruhT mortS ht501 5991 ,4 .naJ CS-R dnomruhT mortS ht401 noitcele on VW-D dryB .C treboR dr301 noitcele on VW-D dryB .C treboR dn201 9891 ,3 .naJ VW-D dryB .C treboR ts101 7891 ,6 .naJ SM-D sinnetS .C nhoJ ht001 noitcele on CS-R dnomruhT mortS ht99 noitcele on CS-R dnomruhT mortS ht89 1891 ,5 .naJ CS-R dnomruhT mortS ht79 0891 ,4 .ceD DN-R bgnuoY .R notliM ht69 9791 ,51 .naJ AW-D nosungaM .G nerraW ht69 noitcele on SM-D dnaltsaE .O semaJ ht59 noitcele on SM-D dnaltsaE .O semaJ ht49 a detcelE etaD etatS eropmeT orP tnediserP ssergnoC etaneS eht fo eropmeT orP stnediserP .1 elbaT noitisoppo on VW dryB .C treboR baht59 noitisoppo on TM dleifsnaM .J leahciM aht49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC nemriahC ecnerefnoC dna sredaeL roolF citarcomeD etaneS . 4 elbaT ts .ssergnoC 101 eht rof redael ytirojam detcele saw llehctiM rotaneS ,8891 ,92 rebmevoN nO .b .8612-7612 .pp ,7891 ,82 .naJ ,331 .lov ,droceR lanoissergnoC ",etaneS eht fo eropmeT orP tnediserP ytupeD sA llehctiM .J egroeG rotaneS gnitangiseD dna etaneS eht fo eropmeT orP tnediserP ytupeD a fo noitangiseD" eeS .eropmet orp tnediserP ytuped eniaM fo llehctiM .J egroeG rotaneS gnitangised ,19 .seR.S ot deerga etaneS eht etad emas eht no ,ylgnidroccA .ssergnoC ht59 ,71 .seR.S fo ytirohtua eht rednu eciffo hcus dleh ohw srotaneS ot noitidda ni ,ssergnoC ht001 eht gnirud eropmet orp tnediserP ytuped sa evres ot rotaneS a etangised ot etaneS eht gnizirohtua ,09 .seR.S ot deerga etaneS eht ,7891 ,82 yraunaJ nO .a .754 .p ,7791 ,01 .naJ ,321 .lov ,droceR lanoissergnoC",sesopruP rehtO rof dna ,etaneS eht fo eropmeT orP tnediserP ytupeD fo eciffO eht fo tnemhsilbatsE" eeS .8791 ,31 yraunaJ no htaed sih litnu noitisop siht dleh atosenniM fo yerhpmuH .H trebuH rotaneS ".setatS detinU eht fo tnediserP eciV ro setatS detinU eht fo tnediserP fo eciffO eht dleh sah ohw etaneS eht fo rebmeM yna" yb dleh eb ot etaneS eht fo eropmet orp tnediserP ytuped fo tsop eht )7791 ,5 yraunaJ evitceffe( dehsilbatse etaneS eht ,7791 ,01 yraunaJ ot deerga ,71 .seR.S ot tnausruP .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS b8891 ,92 .voN-7891 ,82 .naJ EM--D allehctiM .J egroeG ht001 8791 ,31 .naJ-7791 ,5 .naJ NM--D yerhpmuH .H trebuH ht59 setaD etatS--ytraP eropmeT orP ssergnoC tnediserP ytupeD etaneS eht fo eropmeT orP stnediserP ytupeD .3 elbaT .5701 .p ,3002 ,51 yraunaJ ,941 .lov ,droceR lanoissergnoC ",sutiremE eropmeT orP tnediserP sa noitangiseD siH dna dryB .C treboR elbaronoH eht ot sknahT" eeS .eropmet orp tnediserP sa snevetS rotaneS fo noitcele eht dna ssergnoC ht801 eht fo gninevnoc eht retfa sutireme eropmet orp tnediserP dryB rotaneS detangised etaneS ehT .b .41001-31001 .pp ,1002 ,6 enuJ ,741 .lov ,droceR lanoissergnoC ",sutiremE eropmeT orP tnediserP dnomruhT mortS gnitcelE dna gniknahT" eeS .sutireme eropmet orp tnediserP detangised saw ,eropmet orp tnediserP etaneS neeb dah ohw ,dnomruhT rotaneS ,1002 enuJ ni degnahc lortnoc ytrap etaneS eht nehW .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS tneserp-7002 ,4 .naJ KA-R snevetS deT ht011 7002 ,4 .naJ-3002 ,51 .naJ VW-D bdryB .C treboR ht901-ht801 3002 ,3 .naJ-1002 ,6 enuJ CS-R a dnomruhT mortS ht701 setaD etatS--ytraP sutiremE )se(ssergnoC eropmeT orP tnediserP etaneS eht fo sutiremE eropmeT orP stnediserP . 2 elbaT .ssergnoC ht111 eht ni eropmet orp tnediserP etaneS sa evres ot detcepxe si dryB rotaneS .d .31001 .pp ,1002 ,6 enuJ ,741 .lov ,droceR lanoissergnoC ",eropmeT orP tnediserP sa dryB .C treboR elbaronoH eht fo noitcelE" eeS .1002 ,6 enuJ no etaneS eht fo lortnoc deniager starcomeD eht nehw ssergnoC ht701 eht rof eropmet orp tnediserP detcele saw dryB rotaneS .c noitisoppo on NT rekaB .H drawoH aht79 noitisoppo on NT rekaB .H drawoH 69ht 81 IM niffirG .P treboR 91 NT rekaB .H drawoH ht 59 noitisoppo on AP ttocS .D hguH ht 49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC sredaeL roolF nacilbupeR etaneS .5 elbaT .etaneS eht fo lortnoc deniager starcomeD eht nehw ,1002 ,6 enuJ no redael ytirojam emaceb elhcsaD rotaneS .d .noitamalcca yb detcele saw eh dna ,werdhtiw yletaidemmi setadidnac rehto eht ,tollab tsrif eht no ytirojam yrassecen eht fo trohs etov eno llef llehctiM rotaneS hguohtlA .c .noitcele eht fo gninrom eht ecar eht morf werdhtiw )NM-D( yerhpmuH trebuH rotaneS .b .eettimmoC yciloP citarcomeD etaneS eht fo riahc eht detnioppa sah redaeL citarcomeD eht ,)1002( ssergnoC ht701 eht ecniS .eettimmoC yciloP eht no mih htiw evres ot riahc-oc a detniopppa redael citarcomeD etaneS eht ,)1002-9991( ssergnoC ht601 eht hguorht )1991-9891( ssergnoC ts101 eht morF .eettimmoC yciloP citarcomeD etaneS eht fo namriahc eht osla saw redael citarcomeD eht ,ssergnoC ts101 eht litnU .redael ytirojam eht osla saw redael roolf eht hcihw ni sessergnoC setacidnI .a ..stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on VN dieR yrraH aht111 noitisoppo on VN dieR yrraH aht011 noitisoppo on VN dieR yrraH ht901 noitisoppo on DS elhcsaD .A samohT ht801 noitisoppo on DS delhcsaD .A samohT aht701 noitisoppo on DS elhcsaD .A samohT ht601 noitisoppo on DS elhcsaD .A samohT ht501 32 TC ddoD .J rehpotsirhC 42 DS elhcsaD samohT ht401 noitisoppo on EM llehctiM .J egroeG adr301 noitisoppo on EM llehctiM .J egroeG adn201 41 AL notsnhoJ ttenneB .J 41 IH eyuonI .K leinaD 72 EM cllehctiM .J egroeG ats101 noitisoppo on VW dryB .C treboR aht001 noitisoppo on VW dryB .C treboR aht99 noitisoppo on VW dryB .C treboR aht89 noitisoppo on VW dryB .C treboR aht79 noitisoppo on VW dryB .C treboR aht69 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC noitisoppo on YK llennoCcM hctiM ht 011 noitisoppo on NT tsirF mailliW aht 901 noitisoppo on NT etsirF mailliW aht801 2002 ,32 rebmeceD fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on SM dttoL tnerT aht801 noitisoppo on SM cttoL tnerT aht701 noitisoppo on SM ttoL tnerT aht601 noitisoppo on SM ttoL tnerT aht501 8 SM narhcoC dahT 44 SM ttoL tnerT 6991 ,21 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on SK beloD .J treboR noitcelE laitinI aht401 noitisoppo on SK eloD .J treboR dr301 noitisoppo on SK eloD .J treboR dn201 noitisoppo on SK eloD .J treboR ts 101 noitisoppo on SK eloD .J treboR ht 001 52 KA snevetS deT 82 SK eloD .J treboR tollaB ht4 31 NI raguL .G drahciR 02 KA snevetS deT 02 SK eloD .J treboR tollaB dr3 01 MN icinemoD .V eteP 21 NI raguL .G drahciR 41 KA snevetS deT 71 SK eloD .J treboR tollaB dn2 8 DI erulCcM .A semaJ 9 MN icinemoD .V eteP 01 NI raguL .G drahciR 21 KA snevetS deT 41 SK eloD .J treboR tollaB ts 1 aht 99 noitisoppo on NT rekaB .H drawoH aht89 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC .suominanu noitceleer s'notsnarC rotaneS ekam ot devom droF rotaneS ,yltneuqesbuS .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on LI nibruD drahciR ht111 noitisoppo on LI nibruD drahciR ht011 noitisoppo on LI nibruD drahciR ht901 noitisoppo on VN dieR yrraH ht801 noitisoppo on VN dieR yrraH ht701 noitisoppo on VN dieR yrraH ht601 noitisoppo on YK droF .H lledneW ht501 noitisoppo on YK droF .H lledneW ht401 noitisoppo on YK droF .H lledneW dr301 noitisoppo on YK droF .H lledneW dn 201 21 YK adroF .H lledneW ts 101 03 AC notsnarC .M nalA noitisoppo on AC notsnarC .M nalA ht001 noitisoppo on AC notsnarC .M nalA ht99 noitisoppo on AC notsnarC .M nalA ht89 noitisoppo on AC notsnarC .M nalA ht79 noitisoppo on AC notsnarC .M nalA ht69 noitisoppo on AC notsnarC .M nalA ht59 noitisoppo on VW dryB .C treboR ht 49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC spihW citarcomeD etaneS .6 elbaT .3002 ,6 yraunaJ evitceffe saw redael ytirojam etaneS sa noitcele s'tsirF rotaneS .srotaneS nacilbupeR fo llac ecnerefnoc a ni detcele saw redael nacilbupeR eht ,yrotsih ni emit tsrif eht roF .e .3002 ,6 yraunaJ evitceffe redael ytirojam sa dengiser ttoL rotaneS .d .etaneS eht fo lortnoc deniager starcomeD eht nehw ,1002 ,6 enuJ no noitisop redael ytirojam eht tsol ttoL rotaneS .c .setatS detinU eht fo tnediserP fo eciffo eht rof ngiapmac ot ,6991 ,11 enuJ no etaneS eht morf dengiser eloD rotaneS .b .redael ytirojam eht osla saw redael roolf eht hcihw ni sessergnoC setacidnI .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on YK llennoCcM hctiM ht111 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC .tnemecalper sih sa nesohc saw slekciN rotaneS dna ,6991 ,21 enuJ no redael ytirojam detcele saw ttoL rotaneS .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoCsa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on ZA lyK noJ ht 111 noitisoppo on ZA lyK noJ 7002 ,6 rebmeceD fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR setov 42 NT rednaxelA ramaL setov 52 SM ttoL tnerT ht011 noitisoppo on YK llennoCcM hctiM ht901 noitisoppo on YK llennoCcM hctiM ht801 noitisoppo on KO selkciN noD ht701 noitisoppo on KO selkciN noD ht601 noitisoppo on KO selkciN noD ht501 noitisoppo on KO selkciN noD a 6991 ,21 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR 62 YW nospmiS .K nalA 72 SM attoL tnerT noitcelE laitinI ht401 41 AW notroG edalS dr 301 52 YW nospmiS .K nalA noitisoppo on YW nospmiS .K nalA dn201 noitisoppo on YW nospmiS .K nalA ts101 noitisoppo on YW nospmiS .K nalA ht001 22 AW notroG edalS 13 YW nospmiS .K nalA tollaB dn2 51 IW netsaK .W treboR 61 AW notroG edalS 22 YW nospmiS .K nalA tollaB tsl ht99 noitisoppo on KA snevetS deT ht89 noitisoppo on KA snevetS deT ht79 noitisoppo on KA snevetS deT ht69 noitisoppo on KA snevetS deT ht59 noitisoppo on IM niffirG .P treboR ht49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC spihW nacilbupeR etaneS .7 elbaT 61 CN rruB drahciR 13 NT rednaxelA ramaL 7002 ,6 rebmeceD fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on ZA lyK noJ ht011 noitisoppo on AP murotnaS kciR ht901 noitisoppo on AP murotnaS kciR ht801 02 OM dnoB rehpotsirhC 03 AP murotnaS kciR ht701 noitisoppo on LF kcaM einnoC ht601 noitisoppo on LF kcaM einnoC ht501 noitisoppo on SM narhcoC dahT ht401 noitisoppo on SM narhcoC dahT dr301 12 IR eefahC .H nhoJ 22 SM narhcoC dahT dn 201 71 KA ikswokruM .H knarF 82 IR eefahC .H nhoJ ts 101 noitisoppo on IR eefahC .H nhoJ ht 001 52 TU nraG )ekaJ( .J drawdE 82 IR eefahC .H nhoJ ht99 noitisoppo on DI erulCcM .A semaJ ht89 02 AP III ,znieH nhoJ .H 33 DI erulCcM .A semaJ ht 79 91 DI erulCcM .A semaJ 22 RO doowkcaP .W treboR ht 69 noitisoppo on EN sitruC .T lraC ht 59 41 YN stivaJ .K bocaJ 32 EN sitruC .T lraC ht 49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC nemriahC ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR etaneS .9 elbaT .pihsredael citarcomeD etaneS eht ni noitisop tsehgih driht eht si tI .ssergnoC ht011 eht ni detaerc noitisop wen a si sihT .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS ht1 noitisoppo oN YN remuhcS .E selrahC 111 aht noitisoppo oN YN remuhcS .E selrahC 011 setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC riahC eciV sucuaC citarcomeD etaneS .8 elbaT noitisoppo on OC gnortsmrA .L mailliW ht99 noitisoppo on XT rewoT .G nhoJ ht89 noitisoppo on XT rewoT .G nhoJ ht79 noitisoppo on XT rewoT .G nhoJ ht69 noitisoppo on XT rewoT .G nhoJ ht59 noitisoppo on XT rewoT .G nhoJ ht49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC nemriahC eettimmoC yciloP nacilbupeR etaneS .11 elbaT .detroper erew setov rehto oN .noitamalcca yb renniw eht deralced saw eh ,setov 82 deviecer royrP rotaneS retfA .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on AW yarruM yttaP ht111 noitisoppo on AW yarruM yttaP ht011 noitisoppo on IM wonebatS eibbeD ht901 noitisoppo on DM ikslukiM .A arabraB ht801 noitisoppo on DM ikslukiM .A arabraB ht701 noitisoppo on DM ikslukiM .A arabraB ht601 noitisoppo on DM ikslukiM .A arabraB ht501 noitisoppo on DM ikslukiM .A arabraB ht401 noitisoppo on RA royrP .H divaD dr301 noitisoppo on RA royrP .H divaD dn201 - TV yhaeL .J kcirtaP ts 101 - RA aroyrP .H divaD noitisoppo on IH eyuonI .K leinaD ht001 noitisoppo on IH eyuonI .K leinaD ht99 noitisoppo on IH eyuonI .K leinaD ht89 noitisoppo on IH eyuonI .K leinaD ht79 noitisoppo on IH eyuonI .K leinaD ht69 noitisoppo on IH eyuonI .K leinaD ht 59 noitisoppo on TU ssoM .E knarF ht 49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC seiraterceS ecnerefnoC citarcomeD etaneS .01 elbaT .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on NT rednaxelA ramaL ht111 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC - VN dieR yrraH ht401 - DS elhcsaD .A samohT dr301 - DS elhcsaD .A samohT dn201 - DS elhcsaD .A samohT ats 101 asetoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC eettimmoC yciloP citarcomeD etaneS .21 elbaT .pihW nacilbupeR sa slekciN rotaneS fo noitcele eht yb desuac ycnacav eht llif ot ,6991 ,21 enuJ no pihw nacilbupeR detcele saw giarC rotaneS .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on VN ngisnE nhoJ ht111 noitsoppo on XT nosihctuH yeliaB yaK ht011 noitisoppo on ZA lyK noJ ht901 noitisoppo on ZA lyK noJ ht801 42 MN icinemoD .V eteP 62 DI giarC .E yrraL ht701 noitisoppo on DI giarC .E yrraL ht601 noitisoppo on DI giarC .E yrraL ht501 22 NI staoC .R leinaD 03 DI giarC .E yrraL tollaB dn2 8 TU ttenneB .F treboR 81 NI staoC .R leinaD 62 DI giarC .E yrraL ts tollaB 1 - 6991 ,21 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on KO aselkciN noD noitcelE laitinI ht401 noitisoppo on KO selkciN noD dr 301 02 MN icinemoD .V eteP 32 KO selkciN noD tollaB dn2 12 MN icinemoD .V eteP 12 KO selkciN noD tollaB ts 1 dn201 noitisoppo on OC gnortsmrA .L mailliW ts 101 noitisoppo on OC gnortsmrA .L mailliW ht001 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC noitisoppo on XT nosihctuH yeliaB yaK ht801 noitisoppo on XT nosihctuH yeliaB yaK ht701 noitisoppo on AG alledrevoC .D luaP ht601 41 TM snruB .R darnoC 14 AG lledrevoC .D luaP ht 501 noitisoppo on LF kcaM einnoC ht 401 5 KA ikswokruM .H knarF 41 OM dnoB .S rehpotsirhC dr 301 02 SM ttoL tnerT 71 OM dnoB .S rehpotsirhC 62 IW netsaK .W treboR dn201 noitisoppo on SM narhcoC dahT ts101 noitisoppo on SM narhcoC dahT ht001 12 NM ztiwhcsoB .E yduR 23 SM narhcoC dahT ht99 noitisoppo on TU nraG )ekaJ( .J drawdE ht89 noitisoppo on TU nraG )ekaJ( .J drawdE ht79 91 IR eefahC .H nhoJ 12 TU nraG )ekaJ( .J drawdE ht 69 71 TV droffatS .T treboR 02 YW nesnaH .P droffilC ht 59 noitisoppo on TV droffatS .T treboR bht 49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC riahC eciV/seiraterceS ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR etaneS .31 elbaT .eettimmoC yciloP citarcomeD etaneS eht fo riahc eht detnioppa sah redaeL citarcomeD eht ,)1002( ssergnoC ht701 eht ecniS .eettimmoC yciloP eht no mih htiw evres ot riahc-oc a detniopppa redael citarcomeD etaneS eht ,)1002-9991( ssergnoC ht601 eht hguorht )1991-9891( ssergnoC ts101 eht morF .eettimmoC yciloP citarcomeD etaneS eht fo namriahc eht osla saw redael citarcomeD eht ,ssergnoC ts101 eht litnU .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS - DN nagroD noryB ht111 - DN nagroD noryB ht011 - DN nagroD noryB ht901 - DN nagroD noryB ht801 - DN nagroD noryB ht701 - DN nagroD noryB ht601 - VN dieR yrraH ht501 asetoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC noitisoppo on RO doowkcaP .W treboR ht59 noitisoppo on KA snevetS deT ht49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC nemriahC eettimmoC lairotaneS nacilbupeR lanoitaN .51 elbaT .redael citarcomeD etaneS eht yb detnioppa neeb syawla evah eettimmoC ngiapmaC lanoissergnoC citarcomeD etaneS eht fo nemriahc ehT .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS - JN zedneneM treboR ht111 - YN remuhcS .E selrahC ht011 - YN remuhcS .E selrahC ht901 - JN enizroC noJ ht801 - AW yarruM yttaP ht701 - JN illecirroT .G treboR ht601 - EN yerreK treboR .J ht501 - EN yerreK treboR .J ht401 - LF maharG boB dr301 - AV bboR .S selrahC dn201 - AL xuaerB .B nhoJ ts101 - EM llehctiM .J egroeG ht001 - AM yrreK .F nhoJ ht99 - XT nestneB .M dyolL ht89 - YK droF .H lledneW ht79 - YK droF .H lledneW ht69 - YK droF .H lledneW ht59 - AL notsnhoJ ttenneB .J ht49 asetoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC nemriahC eettimmoC ngiapmaC lairotaneS citarcomeD .41 elbaT .ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR etaneS eht fo riahc eciv sa nwonk neeb sah noitisop yraterces sucuac eht ,)5002-3002( ssergnoC ht801 eht ecniS .b .ssergnoC ht601 eht fo redniamer eht rof tnacav tfel noitisop ;0002 ,81 yluJ no deiD .a .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on DS enuhT nhoJ ht111 noitisoppo on XT nynroC nhoJ ht011 noitisoppo on XT nosihctuH yeliaB yaK ht901 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC, 7-8304 Specialist on the Congress Mildred Amer .stnuocca sserp dna seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC sa llew sa snoitacilbup ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC suoirav morf SRC yb delipmoC :secruoS noitisoppo on XT nynroC nhoJ ht111 noitisoppo on VN ngisnE nhoJ ht011 72 NM nameloC mroN 82 CN eloD htebazilE ht901 noitisoppo on AV nellA egroeG ht801 noitisoppo on NT tsirF mailliW ht701 31 EN legaH kcuhC 93 YK llennoCcM hctiM ht601 noitisoppo on YK llennoCcM hctiM ht501 noitisoppo on YK llennoCcM hctiM ht401 91 YK llennoCcM hctiM dr 301 02 XT mmarG lihP 71 YK llennoCcM hctiM 62 XT mmarG lihP dn 201 71 ZA niaCcM .S nhoJ 82 KO selkciN noD ts101 noitisoppo on NM ztiwhcsoB .E yduR ht001 62 YW pollaW mloclaM 72 AP III znieH nhoJ .H ht 99 52 RO doowkcaP .W treboR ht 89 92 NI raguL .G drahciR noitisoppo on RO doowkcaP .W treboR ht 79 02 TU hctaH .G nirrO 12 AP III znieH nhoJ .H ht 69 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see