For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¢ ¢ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ Starting January 1, 2001, the United States was assessed to pay 22% of the annual United Nations regular budget. For calendar year 2006, 22% of the U.N. regular budget amounted to $423,464,855. Prior to January 1, 2001, the assessment level for the United States was 25%. This report shows, for the years 1989 through 2006, the assessment level, actual payment, and total outstanding contributions for the United States and each of the other U.N. members assessed at 1% or higher. For 2004, 2005, and 2006 a new category is included: the eight countries with assessments at 0.5% or larger but less than 1%. Three of these countries had, at some time since 1989, been assessed at 1%. Aggregated figures are provided for the rest of the U.N. membership. In 2006, the United States and 16 other nations were assessed to pay 86.408% of the U.N. budget. Contributors in the middle category were collectively assessed to pay 5.986%. In 2006, of the top 17 assessed countries, Brazil and the United States failed to pay their entire assessment and maintained unpaid or outstanding contributions. The matter of U.S. funding to the United Nations has been a high-profile congressional issue for a number of years. This report is updated annually, as the U.N. document upon which the data is based is published. Background ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Determining Scale of Assessments.................................................................................................. 1 Explanation of Tables ...................................................................................................................... 2 Table 1. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1989 ................................ 2 Table 2. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1990 ................................ 3 Table 3. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1991 ................................ 4 Table 4. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1992 ................................ 5 Table 5. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1993 ................................ 6 Table 6. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1994 ................................ 7 Table 7. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1995 ................................ 7 Table 8. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1996 ................................ 8 Table 9. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1997 ................................ 9 Table 10. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1998 ............................ 10 Table 11. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 1999 .............................11 Table 12. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 2000 ............................ 12 Table 13. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 2001 ............................ 12 Table 14. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 2002 ............................ 13 Table 15. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 2003 ............................ 14 Table 16. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 2004 ............................ 15 Table 17. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 2005 ............................ 16 Table 18. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions, Calendar Year 2006 ............................ 18 Author Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 19 During consideration of funding requests for U.S. participation in international organizations, the 110th Congress may raise questions regarding the assessment level for the United States for its contributions to the United Nations regular budget. Prior to January 1, 2001, the U.S. assessment level was 25%. On December 23, 2000, the U.N. General Assembly lowered the ceiling for the largest contributor to the U.N. regular budget--that is, the United States--from 25% to 22%. This Assembly action was in response to Administration efforts to satisfy the conditions set by Congress for release of funds appropriated for U.S. payment of its arrearages to the U.N. regular budget and U.N. peacekeeping accounts.1 Article 17 of the U.N. Charter specifies that the U.N. General Assembly will determine the basis for payment of the expenses of the organization and the Assembly has decided that these expenses will be assessed "broadly according to capacity to pay." An 18-member expert Committee on Contributions meets annually to review the scale of assessments.2 Every third year, the Committee reevaluates the scale in preparation for a General Assembly decision approving the scale for the following three-year period. On December 22, 2006, the U.N. General Assembly, without a vote, approved a new scale of assessments for the period 2007-2009.3 The U.S. assessment remained at 22%, while other assessment levels were changed. The level for Japan, for example, was set at 16.624%, down from 19.468% in 2006; the level for China was increased from 2.053% to 2.667% for 2007. According to information provided in a United Nations online pamphlet, Image and Reality, the Committee uses estimates of each member State's gross national product (GNP) and a number of adjustments, including data for external debt and for low per capita incomes. The General Assembly has also directed that percentage shares range from a minimum of 0.001% to a maximum of 22%, and a maximum of 0.01% for those nations designated as "least developed countries." According to the U.N. information, the 22% ceiling for the largest contributor benefits the "United States, whose share of total membership GNP is approximately 27 percent."4 1 Detailed information on this congressional action can be found under the heading, "The Helms-Biden Agreement and Payment of Arrears" in CRS Report RL33611, United Nations System Funding: Congressional Issues, by Marjorie Ann Browne and Kennon H. Nakamura. 2 A U.S. national has always been a member of this Committee. 3 See U.N. document, A/RES61, 237 4 See "Image and Reality: Chapter 5, `How are membership dues calculated?'" A "Briefing on Methodology for Preparing the Scale of Assessments," found on the website of the Assembly's Fifth Committee for the 61st session, notes that the "concept of GNP... has been renamed GNI (Gross National Income)... Like GNP, GNI is an income concept, which is defined as the total income accruing to the owners of the factors of production who reside in the country regardless of where production takes place." See slide 14 at 61/fifth/scale-method.pps. ¡ Congress often raises a number of questions about U.N. assessments. Some of the most commonly asked questions include What nations are assessed at levels similar to the U.S. level? How much does the United States pay annually and how much is outstanding at the end of the year? How does the U.S. record on payment of its assessed contributions to the U.N. regular budget compare with the rest of the membership, especially with the record of other major contributors? Which U.N. members pay the largest proportion of the U.N. regular budget?5 This report answers these questions by highlighting--for each of the past 18 years--the actual calendar year payment and the total (combined current year and prior year) outstanding contributions. (These annual payments, however, may not match the assessment for any given year.) The tables list countries that are assessed at 1% or more, their assessment level, actual payment, and contributions outstanding. Most of these countries pay their assessment in full during the calendar year. Of the countries with assessment rates of 1% or more, Argentina, Brazil, Ukraine, USSR/Russian Federation, and the United States have, on occasion, failed to pay the entire assessment and maintained unpaid or outstanding contributions. Four of the five permanent U.N. Security Council members are identified in each table and information on the fifth permanent Council member, China, is given in a footnote. Starting in 2001, China is included among the major contributors because its assessment level since 2001 exceeded 1%. In 2004, a new category, "Middle Contributors" was added to provide data on the eight nations that are assessed at 0.5% and over but less than 1%. This group includes three countries that formerly were assessed at 1% or over. Lastly, an aggregated figure is provided for the rest of the U.N. membership. 9891 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .1 elba Y T snoitubirtnoC yrtnuoC tnemssessA tnemyaP fo sa gnidnatstuO )%( )dessessa ton ,lautca( 9891 ,13 .ceD asetatS detinU 00.52 320,048,851$ 764,131,563$ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO napaJ 83.11 720,710,58 $ 0 a)noinU teivoS( RSSU 99.9 269,802,97 $ 974,046,2 $ .peR .deF ,ynamreG 80.8 385,363,06 $ 0 aecnarF 52.6 821,296,64 $ 0 amodgniK detinU 68.4 897,703,63 $ 0 ylatI 99.3 452,808,92 $ 0 adanaC 90.3 034,190,32 $ 0 niapS 59.1 349,765,41 $ 0 sdnalrehteN 56.1 127,623,21 $ 0 5 For a brief discussion of how assessment levels are determined, see CRS Report RL33611, United Nations System Funding: Congressional Issues, by Marjorie Ann Browne and Kennon H. Nakamura. 0 615,965,9 $ 12.1 nedewS 631,588 $ 468,588,9 $ 52.1 eniarkU 206,764,31 $ 517,122,5 $ 54.1 lizarB 0 546,614,21 $ 75.1 ailartsuA 0 143,940,31 $ 56.1 sdnalrehteN 0 849,124,51 $ 59.1 niapS 0 458,734,42 $ 90.3 adanaC 0 776,555,13 $ 99.3 ylatI 0 732,634,83 $ 68.4 amodgniK detinU 0 913,924,94 $ 52.6 aecnarF 0 943,520,47 $ 63.9 b ynamreG 974,046,2 $ 328,700,97 $ 99.9 a)noinU teivoS( RSSU 0 409,000,09 $ 83.11 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 568,961,692$ 258,516,203$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 0991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 0991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .2 elba Y T .]523/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .9891 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod .N.U morf noitamrofnI .951 :9891 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,9891 ni 388,109,5$ diap ,%97.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 247,732,164$ 139,322,017$ 00.001 LATOT DNARG b)241( 549,853,58 $ 226,687,301$ 18.41 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 797,878,573$ 903,734,606$ 91.58 .S.U + latotbuS 033,747,01 $ 682,795,744$ 91.06 )61( latotbuS 0 551,026,7 $ 20.1 aibarA iduaS 0 667,047,8 $ 71.1 muigleB 0 595,930,9 $ 12.1 nedewS 631,588 $ 754,019,9 $ 52.1 eniarkU 0 745,265,9 $ 82.1 .peR .meD namreG 517,122,7 $ 858,016,3 $ 54.1 lizarB 0 260,927,11 $ 75.1 ailartsuA 9891 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 544,106,96 $ 311,379,105$ 91.06 )51( latotbuS 0 733,793,9 $ 20.1 aibarA iduaS 0 892,977,01 $ 71.1 muigleB 0 128,741,11 $ 12.1 nedewS 271,857,5 $ 803,346,6 $ 52.1 eniarkU 069,328,71 $ 106,200,9 $ 54.1 lizarB 0 925,464,41 $ 75.1 ailartsuA 0 575,102,51 $ 56.1 sdnalrehteN 0 794,569,71 $ 59.1 niapS 0 127,415,82 $ 90.3 adanaC 0 271,067,63 $ 99.3 ylatI 0 845,577,44 $ 68.4 amodgniK detinU 0 327,185,75 $ 52.6 aecnarF 0 983,432,68 $ 63.9 ynamreG 313,910,64 $ 297,956,84 $ 99.9 a)noinU teivoS( RSSU 0 208,448,401$ 83.11 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 578,704,662$ 054,623,103$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 1991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 1991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .3 elba Y T .]543/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .0991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod .N.U morf noitamrofnI .951 :0991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .c .0991 ,3 rebotcO evitceffe ,ynamreG gnimoceb ,detinu GRF dna RDG ehT .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,0991 ni 668,742,6$ diap ,%97.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 346,159,204$ 709,820,588$ 00.001 LATOT DNARG c)341( 165,887,98 $ 038,436,211$ 18.41 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 280,361,313$ 770,493,277$ 91.58 .S.U + latotbuS 712,399,61 $ 522,877,964$ 91.06 )51( latotbuS 0 468,660,8 $ 20.1 aibarA iduaS 0 961,352,9 $ 71.1 muigleB 0991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 566,706,005$ 678,742,679$ 20.001 LATOT DNARG b)161( 250,046,401$ 075,331,551$ 88.51 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 316,769,593$ 603,411,128$ 41.48 .S.U + latotbuS 769,534,651$ 670,916,594$ 41.95 )41( latotbuS 0 620,934,01 $ 60.1 muigleB 0 334,139,01 $ 11.1 nedewS 479,803,71 $ 000,07 $ 81.1 eniarkU 0 702,277,41 $ 05.1 sdnalrehteN 0 886,078,41 $ 15.1 ailartsuA 896,610,92 $ 108,564,4 $ 95.1 lizarB 0 313,994,91 $ 89.1 niapS 0 414,266,03 $ 11.3 adanaC 0 315,842,24 $ 92.4 ylatI 0 456,734,94 $ 20.5 amodgniK detinU 0 038,880,95 $ 00.6 aecnarF 0 578,349,78 $ 39.8 ynamreG 592,011,011$ 000,085,82 $ 14.9 a.deF naissuR 0 223,906,221$ 54.21 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 646,135,932$ 032,594,523$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 2991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 2991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .4 elba Y T ]263/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .1991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucoD .N.U morf noitamrofnI .661 :1991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,1991 ni 923,872,7$ diap ,%97.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 549,383,934$ 370,382,629$ 10.001 LATOT DNARG b)051( 526,473,301$ 015,389,221$ 28.41 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 023,900,633$ 365,992,308$ 91.58 .S.U + latotbuS 1991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO tnemyaP tnemssessA yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC .3991 ,13 rebmeceD evitceffe ,cilbupeR laredeF kavolS dna hcezC eht fo noitulossid ot eud ,%84.99 ot %30.001 morf ,13 rebmeceD no ,llef latot tnemssessA .]424/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .3991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .481 :3991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,3991 ni 639,758,7$ diap ,%77.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 863,300,874$ 420,800,770,1$ b 84.99 LATOT DNARG b)961( 664,044,231$ 496,777,741$ 53.71 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 209,265,543$ 033,032,929$ 31.28 .S.U + latotbuS 937,071,58 $ 988,761,046$ 31.75 )41( latotbuS 0 914,718,01 $ 60.1 muigleB 0 576,723,11 $ 11.1 nedewS 0 866,703,51 $ 05.1 sdnalrehteN 0 917,904,51 $ 15.1 ailartsuA 730,904,21 $ 987,338,23 $ 95.1 lizarB 432,203,92 $ 992,090,7 $ 78.1 eniarkU 0 121,602,02 $ 89.1 niapS 0 706,347,13 $ 11.3 adanaC 0 039,977,34 $ 92.4 ylatI 0 266,922,15 $ 20.5 amodgniK detinU 0 276,032,16 $ 00.6 aecnarF 864,954,34 $ 530,600,121$ 17.6 a.deF naissuR 0 056,131,19 $ 39.8 ynamreG 0 346,350,721$ 54.21 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 361,293,062$ 144,260,982$ 00.52 a setatS detinU 3991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( fo sa gnidnatstuO )%( tnemssessA yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP 3991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .5 elba Y T .]593/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .2991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .gnitsil siht ni dedulcni ton suht dna 2991 rof raey gniwollof eht dessessa erew--ainauhtiL dna ,aivtaL ,ainotsE--srebmem wen eerhT .461 :2991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,2991 ni 660,385,7$ diap ,%77.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 0 855,360,96 $ 23.6 aecnarF 0 733,496,79 $ 49.8 ynamreG 0 605,244,251$ 59.31 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 478,324,414$ 940,031,051$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 5991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 5991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .7 elba Y T .]854/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .4991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .581 :4991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,4991 ni 601,338,7$ diap ,%77.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 789,459,974$ 960,439,960,1$ 60.001 LATOT DNARG b)071( 100,360,471$ 110,728,051$ 39.71 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 689,198,503$ 850,701,919$ 31.28 .S.U + latotbuS 262,040,85 $ 702,603,806$ 31.75 )41( latotbuS 0 732,387,01 $ 60.1 muigleB 0 088,192,11 $ 11.1 nedewS 0 792,952,51 $ 05.1 sdnalrehteN 0 520,163,51 $ 15.1 ailartsuA 458,471,61 $ 730,904,21 $ 95.1 lizarB 094,504,14 $ 000,029,6 $ 78.1 eniarkU 0 172,241,02 $ 89.1 niapS 0 806,736,13 $ 11.3 adanaC 0 785,146,34 $ 92.4 ylatI 0 877,760,15 $ 20.5 amodgniK detinU 0 581,730,16 $ 00.6 aecnarF 819,954 $ 864,952,111$ 17.6 a.deF naissuR 0 676,348,09 $ 39.8 ynamreG 0 851,256,621$ 54.21 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 427,158,742$ 158,008,013$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 4991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 4991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .6 elba Y T 000,000,6 $ 577,026,11 $ 0026.1 lizarB 0 469,696,52 $ 5263.2 niapS 0 069,547,33 $ 5201.3 adanaC 0 747,204,84 $ 0054.4 a.deF naissuR 0 123,335,65 $ 5791.5 ylatI 0 173,118,75 $ 0513.5 amodgniK detinU 0 715,496,96 $ 5704.6 aecnarF 0 074,553,89 $ 5240.9 ynamreG 0 238,688,761$ 0534.51 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 643,577,673$ 106,040,953$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 6991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 6991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .8 elba Y T .]484/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .5991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .581 :5991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,5991 ni 000,868,7$ diap ,%27.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 175,730,465$ 696,653,250,1$ 00.001 LATOT DNARG b)071( 593,515,801$ 116,708,442$ 93.61 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 671,225,554$ 580,945,708$ 16.38 .S.U + latotbuS 203,890,14 $ 630,914,756$ 16.85 )41( latotbuS 0 005,818,01 $ 99.0 muigleB 0 988,133,31 $ 22.1 nedewS 0 555,459,51 $ 64.1 ailartsuA 203,890,14 $ 003,084,61 $ 84.1 eniarkU 0 988,562,71 $ 85.1 sdnalrehteN 0 558,778,33 $ 26.1 lizarB 0 322,874,42 $ 42.2 niapS 0 972,845,33 $ 70.3 adanaC 0 750,443,25 $ 97.4 ylatI 0 093,985,75 $ 72.5 a modgniK detinU 0 896,925,26 $ 86.5 a.deF naissuR 5991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 538,563,43 $ 461,119,836$ 84.95 )41( latotbuS 0 792,757,01 $ 10.1 muigleB 498,166,71 $ 375,517,72 $ 90.1 eniarkU 0 964,001,31 $ 32.1 nedewS 0 761,367,51 $ 84.1 ailartsuA 0 357,439,61 $ 95.1 sdnalrehteN 149,307,61 $ 633,055,6 $ 26.1 lizarB 0 678,843,52 $ 83.2 niapS 0 259,321,33 $ 11.3 adanaC 0 768,874,54 $ 72.4 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 936,619,55 $ 52.5 ylatI 0 491,266,65 $ 23.5 amodgniK detinU 0 160,873,86 $ 24.6 aecnarF 0 241,694,69 $ 60.9 ynamreG 0 838,486,661$ 56.51 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 359,932,373$ 776,585,513$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 7991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 7991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .9 elba Y T .]505/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .6991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .581 :6991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,6991 ni 116,499,7$ diap ,%0537.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 155,027,015$ 992,706,091,1$ 10.001 LATOT DNARG b)071( 890,771,49 $ 233,314,533$ 0536.51 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 354,345,614$ 769,391,558$ 0573.48 .S.U + latotbuS 701,867,93 $ 663,351,694$ 0573.95 )41( latotbuS 0 995,859,01 $ 5700.1 muigleB 701,867,33 $ 000,037,91 $ 0041.1 eniarkU 0 545,153,31 $ 5722.1 nedewS 0 399,790,61 $ 0084.1 ailartsuA 0 272,762,71 $ 5785.1 sdnalrehteN 6991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 271,910,714$ 877,040,341,1$ 000.001 LATOT DNARG b)171( 339,495,07 $ 318,175,471$ 753.51 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 932,424,643$ 569,864,869$ 346.48 .S.U + latotbuS 875,917,03 $ 714,602,316$ 346.95 )31( latotbuS 0 538,525,11 $ 690.1 muigleB 0 483,755,11 $ 990.1 nedewS 0 734,964,51 $ 174.1 ailartsuA 875,917,03 $ 000,609,1 $ 415.1 lizarB 0 548,520,71 $ 916.1 sdnalrehteN 0 733,730,72 $ 175.2 niapS 0 174,807,92 $ 528.2 adanaC 0 152,312,03 $ 378.2 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 006,083,35 $ 670.5 amodgniK detinU 0 577,427,65 $ 493.5 ylatI 0 576,292,86 $ 494.6 aecnarF 0 707,172,101$ 036.9 ynamreG 0 001,390,981$ 189.71 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 166,407,513$ 845,262,553$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 8991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 8991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .01 elba Y T .]125/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .7991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .581 :7991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,7991 ni 485,188,7$ diap ,%47.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 366,195,374$ 935,990,841,1$ 10.001 LATOT DNARG b)071( 578,589,56 $ 896,206,391$ 35.51 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 887,506,704$ 148,694,459$ 84.48 .S.U + latotbuS 7991 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO tnemyaP tnemssessA yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC .]455/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .9991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .881 :9991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,9991 ni 153,011,01$ diap ,%379.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 524,432,442$ 556,815,652,1$ 000.001 LATOT DNARG b)371( 219,174,04 $ 028,482,261$ 25.31 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 315,267,302$ 538,332,490,1$ 84.68 .S.U + latotbuS 209,568,53 $ 032,030,246$ 84.16 )41( latotbuS 782,046,01 $ 794,463,8 $ 420.1 anitnegrA 0 147,362,11 $ 480.1 nedewS 0 861,164,11 $ 301.1 muigleB 516,522,52 $ 495,867,02 $ 074.1 lizarB 0 123,993,51 $ 284.1 ailartsuA 0 572,154,51 $ 784.1 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 665,749,61 $ 136.1 sdnalrehteN 0 350,209,62 $ 985.2 niapS 0 255,616,82 $ 457.2 adanaC 0 607,988,25 $ 090.5 amodgniK detinU 0 693,344,65 $ 234.5 ylatI 0 915,659,76 $ 045.6 aecnarF 0 699,319,101$ 808.9 ynamreG 0 648,156,702$ 489.91 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 116,698,761$ 506,302,254$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 9991 ,13 .ceD fo sa gnidnatstuO )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 9991 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .11 elba Y T .]635/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .8991 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .581 :8991 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,8991 ni 161,574,9$ diap ,%109.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 0 104,971,89 $ 528.9 ynamreG 0 195,910,302$ 926.91 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 497,324,561$ 526,602,823$ 00.22 asetatS detinU 1002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 1002 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .31 elba Y T .]075/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .0002 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .981 :0002 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .noitubirtnoc sti ni tnerruc saw dna ,0002 ni 982,664,01$ diap ,%599.0 dessessa saw anihC .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 842,653,222$ 741,888,990,1$ 779.99 LATOT DNARG b)371( 416,568,52 $ 288,406,121$ 791.21 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 436,094,691$ 562,382,879$ 287.78 .S.U + latotbuS 871,168,13 $ 915,607,476$ 287.26 )51( latotbuS 0 699,185,01 $ 600.1 aeroK fo cilbupeR 0 738,823,11 $ 770.1 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 578,943,11 $ 970.1 nedewS 782,503,01 $ 516,242,22 $ 301.1 anitnegrA 0 748,216,11 $ 401.1 muigleB 198,555,12 $ 000,341,91 $ 174.1 lizarB 0 305,995,51 $ 384.1 ailartsuA 0 718,661,71 $ 236.1 sdnalrehteN 0 624,452,72 $ 195.2 niapS 0 885,737,82 $ 237.2 adanaC 0 251,265,35 $ 290.5 amodgniK detinU 0 761,191,75 $ 734.5 ylatI 0 980,648,86 $ 545.6 aecnarF 0 926,486,301$ 758.9 ynamreG 0 879,404,612$ 375.02 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 654,926,461$ 647,675,303$ 00.52 asetatS detinU 0002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 0002 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .21 elba Y T 0 873,653,27 $ 615.6 aecnarF 0 189,223,901 $ 548.9 ynamreG 0 867,214,812$ 966.91 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 156,133,091$ 464,861,852$ 00.22 asetatS detinU 2002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 2002 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .41 elba Y T .noitadnuoF renruT ]deT[ eht morf tnemtrapeD etatS eht ot tfig a yb elbissop edam saw tnemyap .S.U lanoitidda ehT .%22 ot noitcuder .S.U eht ot esnopser ni desaercni neeb dah slevel tnemssessa esohw setats 19 eht fo snoitubirtnoc dessessa eht tsniaga snoitaN detinU eht yb detiderc neht saw hcihw )815,820,13$( %3 lanoitidda na diap setatS detinU eht ,1002 nI .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .b .]585/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .1002 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .981 :1002 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .a 797,745,932$ 758,915,650,1$ 000.001 LATOT DNARG b)171( 901,007,53 $ 735,394,17 $ 277.11 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 886,748,302$ 023,620,589$ 822.88 .S.U + latotbuS 498,324,83 $ 596,918,656$ 822.66 )71( latotbuS 0 493,923,01 $ 330.1 nedewS 0 289,958,01 $ 390.1 ocixeM 0 705,853,11 $ 631.1 muigleB 538,596,71 $ 037,247,5 $ 651.1 anitnegrA 0 704,114,21 $ 002.1 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 880,823,51 $ 145.1 aanihC 0 419,985,61 $ 636.1 ailartsuA 0 268,136,31 $ 827.1 aeroK fo cilbupeR 0 187,064,71 $ 847.1 sdnalrehteN 950,827,02 $ 443,134,81 $ 132.2 lizarB 0 115,623,52 $ 435.2 niapS 0 621,216,62 $ 375.2 adanaC 0 295,119,05 $ 490.5 ylatI 0 273,146,55 $ 865.5 a modgniK detinU 0 390,589,46 $ 305.6 a ecnarF 1002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 0 802,635,43 $ 00855.2 adanaC 0 874,083,86 $ 57460.5 ylatI 0 449,247,47 $ 00635.5 amodgniK detinU 0 111,992,78 $ 00664.6 aecnarF 0 357,398,131$ 00967.9 ynamreG 0 748,424,442$ 57515.91 napaJ :srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 178,069,762$ 098,548,362$ 00000.22 asetatS detinU 3002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 3002 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .51 elba Y T .]006/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .2002 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .191 :2002 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 122,287,403$ 149,750,480,1$ 000.001 LATOT DNARG b)371( 520,706,74 $ 677,794,711 $ 746.11 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 691,571,752$ 561,065,669$ 353.88 .S.U + latotbuS 545,348,66 $ 107,193,807$ 353.66 )71( latotbuS 0 170,394,11 $ 530.1 nedewS 0 733,951,21 $ 590.1 ocixeM 0 628,636,21 $ 831.1 muigleB 345,309,92 $ 113,266 $ 951.1 anitnegrA 0 003,523,31 $ 002.1 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 423,651,71 $ 545.1 aanihC 0 342,112,81 $ 046.1 ailartsuA 0 438,344,91 $ 157.1 sdnalrehteN 0 148,027,02 $ 668.1 aeroK fo cilbupeR 200,049,63 $ 106,920,7 $ 390.2 lizarB 0 411,491,82 $ 935.2 niapS 0 092,836,82 $ 975.2 adanaC 0 249,676,65 $ 401.5 ylatI 0 045,159,16 $ 975.5 amodgniK detinU 2002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 0 660,003,13 $ 388.1 ocixeM 0 557,184,92 $ 350.2 aanihC 0 820,881,63 $ 025.2 niapS 0 506,593,04 $ 318.2 adanaC 0 502,051,07 $ 588.4 ylatI 0 187,295,68 $ 030.6 aecnarF 0 237,589,78 $ 721.6 amodgniK detinU 0 661,983,421$ 266.8 ynamreG 0 431,926,892$ 864.91 napaJ :)revo dna %1( srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 068,025,042$ 700,392,093$ 000.22 a setatS detinU 4002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO tnemyaP tnemssessA yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC 4002 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .61 elba Y T .]916/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .3002 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .191 :3002 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .b .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 608,647,144$ 586,903,272,1$ 780.101 LATOT DNARG b)371( 503,556,511$ 145,628,351 $ 508.21 pihsrebmeM fo tseR 105,190,623$ 441,384,811,1$ 282.88 .S.U + latotbuS 036,031,85 $ 452,736,458$ 00282.66 )71( latotbuS 0 314,268,31 $ 57620.1 nedewS 765,952,4 $ 597,204,01 $ 00680.1 ocixeM 0 619,242,51 $ 00921.1 muigleB 0 505,102,61 $ 00002.1 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 895,002,71 $ 00472.1 dnalreztiwS 0 229,386,02 $ 00235.1 aanihC 0 045,669,12 $ 00726.1 ailartsuA 0 081,564,32 $ 00837.1 sdnalrehteN 0 228,099,42 $ 00158.1 aeroK fo cilbupeR 360,178,35 $ 739,633,51 $ 00093.2 lizarB 0 582,600,43 $ 57815.2 niapS 3002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 0 315,030,901$ 721.6 amodgniK detinU 0 560,141,451$ 266.8 ynamreG 0 208,434,643$ 864.91 napaJ :)revo dna %1( srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 509,158,152$ 765,082,824$ 00.22 asetatS detinU 5002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 5002 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .71 elba Y T .]246/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .4002 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .191 :4002 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .c .1991 dna 9891 neewteb ,aibarA iduaS dna ;2002 dna 9991 neewteb ,anitnegrA ;3002 dna 9891 neewteb ,nedewS :tsil srotubirtnoC rojaM eht ni neeb evah seirtnuoc eseht taht setacidnI .b .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 735,344,863$ 244,735,765,1$ 000.001 LATOT DNARG 913,939,95 $ 087,011,611 $ 606.7 c)661( pihsrebmeM fo tseR 191,795,02 $ 298,604,601$ 689.5 )8( latotbuS 0 579,016,7 $ 035.0 eceerG 0 650,456,7 $ 335.0 dnalniF 0 366,057,9 $ 976.0 yawroN 515,466,4 $ 004,475,5 $ 317.0 baibarA iduaS 0 617,013,01 $ 817.0 kramneD 0 225,533,21 $ 958.0 airtsuA 676,239,51 $ 259,838,83 $ 659.0 b anitnegrA 0 806,133,41 $ 899.0 bnedewS :)%1 dna %5.0 .teb( srotubirtnoC elddiM 761,683,74 $ 367,627,459$ 804.46 )61( latotbuS 0 191,153,51 $ 960.1 muigleB 0 263,697,51 $ 001.1 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 413,981,71 $ 791.1 dnalreztiwS 761,683,74 $ 676,553,82 $ 325.1 lizarB 0 346,168,22 $ 295.1 ailartsuA 0 559,862,42 $ 096.1 sdnalrehteN 0 051,197,52 $ 697.1 aeroK fo cilbupeR 4002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA .]376/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .5002 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod snoitaN detinU morf si noitamrofnI .191 :5002 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .c .1991 dna 9891 neewteb ,aibarA iduaS dna ;2002 dna 9991 neewteb ,anitnegrA ;3002 dna 9891 neewteb ,nedewS :tsil srotubirtnoC rojaM eht ni neeb evah seirtnuoc eseht taht setacidnI .b .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 143,895,443$ 917,805,158,1$ 000.001 LATOT DNARG 115,518,83$ 981,805,651$ 606.7 c)661( pihsrebmeM fo tseR 025,302,22$ 870,519,401$ 689.5 )8( latotbuS 0 793,134,9$ 035.0 eceerG 0 387,484,9$ 335.0 dnalniF 0 668,280,21$ 976.0 yawroN 0 414,253,71$ 317.0 baibarA iduaS 0 578,677,21$ 817.0 kramneD 0 289,852,51$ 958.0 airtsuA 025,302,22$ 262,147,01$ 659.0 banitnegrA 0 994,957,71$ 899.0 bnedewS :)%1 dna %5.0 .teb( srotubirtnoC elddiM 504,727,13$ 588,408,161,1$ 804.46 )61( latotbuS 0 159,220,91$ 960.1 muigleB 0 995,475,91$ 001.1 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 227,003,12$ 791.1 dnalreztiwS 504,727,13$ 386,067,24$ 325.1 lizarB 0 387,923,82$ 295.1 ailartsuA 0 107,370,03$ 096.1 sdnalrehteN 0 189,959,13$ 697.1 aeroK fo cilbupeR 0 451,805,33$ 388.1 ocixeM 0 813,335,63$ 350.2 aanihC 0 626,348,44$ 025.2 niapS 0 685,750,05$ 318.2 adanaC 0 210,929,68$ 588.4 ylatI 0 983,403,701$ 030.6 a ecnarF 5002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA .licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U eht fo srebmem tnenamreP .a 144,717,273$ 546,387,627,1$ 000.001 LATOT DNARG 599,992,43$ 507,016,831$ 606.7 c)761( pihsrebmeM fo tseR 313,934,42$ 371,129,59$ 689.5 )8( latotbuS 0 179,440,9$ 035.0 eceerG 0 861,690,9$ 335.0 dnalniF 0 108,785,11$ 976.0 yawroN 0 540,861,21$ 317.0 baibarA iduaS 0 573,352,21$ 817.0 kramneD 0 876,956,41$ 958.0 airtsuA 313,934,42$ 582,970,01$ 659.0 banitnegrA 0 058,130,71$ 899.0 bnedewS :)%1 dna %5.0 .teb( srotubirtnoC elddiM 015,965,22$ 036,343,801,1$ 804.46 )61( latotbuS 0 435,342,81$ 960.1 muigleB 0 085,277,81$ 001.1 anoitaredeF naissuR 0 089,724,02$ 791.1 dnalreztiwS 015,965,22$ 583,941,53$ 325.1 lizarB 0 340,961,72$ 295.1 ailartsuA 0 805,148,82$ 096.1 sdnalrehteN 0 305,056,03$ 697.1 aeroK fo cilbupeR 0 342,531,23$ 388.1 ocixeM 0 064,630,53$ 350.2 aanihC 0 472,600,34$ 025.2 niapS 0 506,600,84$ 318.2 adanaC 0 913,763,38$ 588.4 ylatI 0 868,709,201$ 030.6 aecnarF 0 862,365,401$ 721.6 amodgniK detinU 0 235,528,741$ 266.8 ynamreG 0 825,042,233$ 864.91 napaJ :)revo dna %1( srotubirtnoC rojaM rehtO 326,804,192$ 731,809,383$ 00.22 asetatS detinU 6002 ,13 .ceD )dessessa ton ,lautca( )%( fo sa gnidnatstuO yrtnuoC snoitubirtnoC tnemyaP tnemssessA 6002 rae radnelaC ,snoitubirtnoC tegduB ralugeR snoitaN detinU .81 elba Y T, 7-0856, 7-7695 Analyst in International Relations Specialist in International Relations Luisa Blanchfield Marjorie Ann Browne .]807/B.RES/MDA/TS[ .6002 rebmeceD 13 ta sa snoitubirtnoC fo sutatS ,tnemucod .N.U morf si noitamrofnI .291 :5002 fo dne ta pihsrebmeM .c .1991 dna 9891 neewteb ,aibarA iduaS dna ;2002 dna 9991 neewteb ,anitnegrA ;3002 dna 9891 neewteb ,nedewS :tsil srotubirtnoC rojaM eht ni neeb evah seirtnuoc eseht taht setacidnI .b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see