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2827 affected rows
msg_id root_level author_id icon_id author_ip message_time enable_bbcode enable_smilies enable_magic_url enable_sig message_subject message_text message_edit_reason message_edit_user message_attachment bbcode_bitfield bbcode_uid message_edit_time message_edit_count to_address bcc_address
661 0 181 0 1203215649 1 1 1 1 sieg heil sieg heil HEIL H sieg heil voor j 0 0 jolak10w 0 0 u_174
920 0 608 0 1204554637 1 1 1 1 wilkommen Oi m88 this is gr88 site and v welcoming wherebouts u from in SW Lon ? l am from Twickenham way 0 0 2e5sgqoh 0 0 u_616
659 0 181 10 1203215442 1 1 1 1 heil heil H en heil voor jou <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2fybdm22 0 0 u_168
660 0 181 0 1203215562 1 1 1 1 sieg H sieg heil HEIL H sieg heil voor jou 0 0 vm3z1o6e 0 0 u_177
6143 0 2400 0 1232239724 1 1 1 1 This weekend Hey man, Sorry i didnt get back to you sooner. I had to work today. If your still up for meeting up and talking more in person im totaly free tonight or sunday. Give me a shout i lost your # here is mine 604 375 9539. 0 0 1bjgsmib 0 0 u_2105
6144 5980 54 0 1232283299 1 1 1 1 Need a small favour.... Hi Randall, Can I please ask a small favour... it's atually a &quot;girly&quot; favour that you can probably pass onto your wife if she doesn't mind.. I bought a cutlery set in the US when I lived there years ago which I absolutely loved. It has finally had it and I need to buy a replacement. I can't find anything that I like here in Aust, and I have found the same set in the US but they don't ship to Australia. Do you mind if I buy it and have it shipped to you, and then send you the money (via paypal?) to post it to me in Australia? <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... O1022.html</a><!-- m --> I'm in serious &quot;house keeping&quot; mode in preparation of Rob's visit and my cracked cutlery set is driving me crazy. Hope things are well with you. Let me know if you are able to help with this, but if you can't that's fine. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 30aw0hgx 0 0 u_88
1117 0 171 0 1205428870 1 1 1 1 Majice Eo ovako, druga verzija Hrvatske legije(edit: jebe me imageshack, pogledaj mail) Pa ti evo onda jedna nova skica što bi mogli raditi(zanemari izgled zastava, skica je još uvijek jel <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> ): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I evo ti samo onaj dio sa Hu-Cro majica sa le?a, monokromatska slika šta je bila na flyeru za koncert; uglavnom, bolje od ovoga ne može ispasti, identi?no je kao i kad u paintu prebaciš sliku u monokromatske boje. Mislim da su likovi prepoznatljivi ovaj puta(jel ti poznat peti s desna <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> ). <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Toliko. Pozdrav! 0 0 1qef8y33 1205429448 1 u_277
658 0 181 0 1203214641 1 1 1 1 heil sieg heil HEIL H sieg heil to you 0 0 2y0rl4sm 0 0 u_93
941 0 609 0 1204596048 1 1 1 1 &quot;Tietokone ongelmat&quot; Moi, Sattu tuolta foorumilta silmiin lausahdus : &quot;Siihen kun vielä lisätään päivitys- ja kaikki muut tietokoneongelmat joita ei itse osaa hoitaa, niin on koko ajan riippuvainen ihmisistä joilla ei välttämättä ole kiinnostusta koko touhuun.&quot; Kerro toki tarkemmin mistä on kyse, jos vaan jotenkin voin olla avuksi. 0 0 3b5qyxuf 0 0 u_552
5411 5400 103 0 1225236368 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hi mate, Sorry no Whitelaw or Skullhead at the moment. Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 ozv791s0 0 0 u_74
657 0 181 0 1203214573 1 1 1 1 sieg heil sieg heil HEIL H sieg heil to you 0 0 2h10hdf4 0 0 u_74
4768 4749 63 0 1221067710 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? hey up mate i got it off e-bay!, have you read it? or are you after it. havent seen it on there since. 88 0 0 2cbo6tkz 0 0 u_444
4769 4749 444 0 1221075886 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? sounds like it should be a quality read could you give me the title and the author cheers 1488 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2ot4931c 0 0 u_63
656 0 181 0 1203213979 1 1 1 1 heil H heil bloed en heil eer heil 0 0 1v0so64m 0 0 u_90
4876 0 70 0 1221685727 1 1 1 1 big thanks hi just a quick line to say a big thanks for the great hospitality and friendship over the weekend. The concert was fantastic and enjoyed by us all , great line up and that french band before unit 28 were awesome, Again thanks to you all hope to see you soon. om ken cheers stu 14/88 0 0 38kl2f5n 0 0 u_1112
678 663 258 0 1203263320 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 en fier ???? en u punt is ??? 0 0 1rp2m6y9 0 0 u_181
5830 5778 1834 0 1228569759 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 ng164aa,pOSTCODE Medzi Eastwoodom a Heanorom ,Budem tam <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> ak by si nieco potreboval tak budem na cisle 07704057991 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> A odkial si z SK? <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 283c1ttt 0 0 u_1409
587 0 480 0 1202950967 1 1 1 1 HAIL HEY,..HOWS IT GOIN? 0 0 8d0idc74 0 0 u_481
589 587 481 0 1202959992 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL It's going , what about you? 0 0 11kuo6ty 0 0 u_480
591 572 183 0 1202979028 1 1 1 1 Re: fight neznam bas mozda se jenput zaletimo...u petak nebrem nikak iam ispit...098 973 7767 to tie moi br. rabuzin 0 0 g248z5i2 0 0 u_252
2308 0 213 0 1211320566 1 1 1 1 ? Sada sam pro?itao ovo o Sons of Europe koncertu. Koji je na kraju uop?e temeljni problem u cijeloj toj pri?i? 0 0 2ogvmmnz 0 0 u_861
655 0 181 0 1203213294 1 1 1 1 heil H 88 times hail to you, blood, hate, honour, death 88 tImes hail and heil I say heil H and you ? <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 viedczyb 0 0 u_58
5212 0 152 0 1223949634 1 1 1 1 Greetings Hello..My name is Mike- Volksfront/ B&amp;H America... I think we supposed to keep tabs w/ you guys down there... Welcome. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1uy0o0yk 0 0 u_1726
586 462 147 0 1202943998 1 1 1 1 Re: booklets Syn 15 pegler st london, ontario n5z 2b4 canada cheers! <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> 0 0 1l80nhqc 0 0 u_72
2309 0 513 0 1211364876 1 1 1 1 Greetings and gig question!!! Hello paul mate its Ian from holland,how are ya kid? hope your well.pity didnt get the chance to meet up at the aborted dutch gig but i lost my transport on the same day so that was fucked but hopefully soon we will catch up.What i wanted to ask ya mate is what would the chances of strikeforce uk playing for blood and honour flanders on the 16th august? If you could ask for me mate id appreciate and if you know more let us know,i was gonna call you but i lost all my numbers so if its ok with you mate can i take your number also.Its possible mistreat will be playing this gig also so it should be a good one,ok mate im shit at letters but thats what i wanted to ask mate and if you know more let us know..cheers our kid and hope to see ya soon.regards,Ian <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2rzq4afb 0 0 u_73
599 566 187 0 1202990608 1 1 1 1 Re: ROUBAIX 1er ville Française occupée! Non malheuresement, avec le taf je ne peux pas; j'ai pas des horaires fixes; 0 0 1wbpkn3e 0 0 u_211
417 0 73 0 1202304029 1 1 1 1 WAU got your letter this morninn mate THANK YOU THE AMOUNT IS NOW £704 0 0 3tzn9fl2 0 0 u_83
418 414 108 0 1202316614 1 1 1 1 Re: brisanje profila ili ban [quote=&quot;kiki-bu&quot;:3kxy1bsd]E aj da te zamoli za jednu uslugicu - obrisi moj profil ili me baniraj ili je to jedna te ista stvar pa se ja pravim pametna <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> uglavnom, riješi me se! i nemoj plakati za mnom hehehe. aj pozdrav, javite se kad budete dolazili do ri. pa-pa[/quote:3kxy1bsd] kao moderator nemam tu mo? može isklju?ivo admin. ako ti je dojadio forum jednostavno prestaneš piskarat?? 0 0 gA== 3kxy1bsd 0 0 u_186
611 609 108 0 1203009827 1 1 1 1 Re: oi [quote=&quot;Loki&quot;:1n1b0vhn]Oi, Sam Loki iz Slovenije...Molio bi te ako si možda ti napravio kaku fotografiu, da mi jo poÅ¡aljeÅ¡(preduvsem mislim na ono kad se nas je 5 slikalo na nadhodu preko avtoceste i na ovo skupinsko izpred busa) Izvini ako nisi ti slikal ali ne sjeÄam se ni imena 2 hrvatskih kameradov sa kojima sam se slikal, isto neznam koji so jim nicki na forumu Oprosti za mojo vrlo loši hrvatski jezik, ako bi se temo moglo tako re?i... pozdrav i nadam se da se sljede?i put opet sre?amo... Loki iz Prekmurja,Slovenija...[/quote:1n1b0vhn] Oi Oi loki tvoj hrvatski je vrlo dobar,ako želiš mogu ti poslat fotke na e-mail,samo mi daj adresu... 88 0 0 gA== 1n1b0vhn 0 0 u_362
613 0 482 0 1203011168 1 1 1 1 brian hi, brian has indeed now finally passed. he passed late last night. i just had to clear up the confusion as i had no idea how long this was all going to take and it wasnt right to talk about him like he had passed until he actually had. im sorry and i hope you understand where i am coming from. now would be the appropriate time for people to hail my brother. thanks sara 0 0 66ibh5r9 0 0 u_58
4923 4922 461 0 1221831466 1 1 1 1 Re: isd Hiya just tried to call ya my name's Dee when's the best time to call ya? 0 0 1m9hvcz6 0 0 u_396
4925 0 1869 0 1221836185 1 1 1 1 isd Hi M8, Have you heard where ISD is yet? Terry.Reaper28 0 0 1bo28ur4 0 0 u_1074
2237 2205 213 0 1210953716 1 1 1 1 Re: shirts for sale <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2d334lya 0 0 u_92
674 668 122 0 1203254987 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel [url:2t8gr306]http&#58;//www&#46;pic-upload&#46;de/17&#46;02&#46;08/fcfgui&#46;JPG[/url:2t8gr306] [url:2t8gr306]http&#58;//www&#46;pic-upload&#46;de/17&#46;02&#46;08/d7uq92&#46;JPG[/url:2t8gr306] [url:2t8gr306]http&#58;//www&#46;pic-upload&#46;de/17&#46;02&#46;08/brmold&#46;JPG[/url:2t8gr306] Here have you a picture from Basel and the street from this John Holloway. What you must have more ? 0 0 EA== 2t8gr306 0 0 u_104
651 558 366 0 1203194236 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor tnis nie 28 wi, kspelen ik ijshockey in gullegem è, en ti olsn me een hele bende van de ploeg da we ton voorsgaan, moja, kunt moeilijk te voete no roeselare terten è:p 0 0 juzs50en 0 0 u_110
653 0 506 0 1203204129 1 1 1 1 Boas Boas Sergio, é só para dizer que é este o meu contacto aqui no novo fórum. Miguel, abraço 0 0 1adnzvvs 0 0 u_203
618 399 189 0 1203019943 1 1 1 1 Re: hello you can get me a beer 0 0 zxqxo9lk 0 0 u_212
4079 3216 1138 0 1216641387 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale Hails Brad! no worries brother.too be honest lots of people want it but no ones got any money!! lol like the only reason i'm selling stuff. Thanks for letting me know &amp; hope your fortunes change soon. Stay Strong! Si 0 0 33e98v4s 0 0 u_120
620 615 154 0 1203020867 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Da, da naravno! Evo ti link. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... m.rar.html</a><!-- m --> Ina?e, ako te zanima još koji bend, logiraj se na ovaj forum, imaš sve tu. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Slava!! 0 0 2asph0jg 0 0 u_183
621 617 72 0 1203022816 1 1 1 1 Re: ian stuart booklet That was funny what you said about the alast 2 photos as I think my mate found them on the internet, did you know they were on there? Do you have many photos of Ian Stuart and Srewdriver? Yours.Rob 0 0 333murzh 0 0 u_182
624 470 72 1 1203027816 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S. I posted the booklet but it may take some time to arrive as I sent it surface mail. Sorry about that but I had a few to send outside Europe and it was getting expensive. Yours.Rob 0 0 a1dzp7rt 0 0 u_407
4078 3216 120 0 1216640006 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale Hail Simon, Yes I do still want the eagle, sorry for taking so long to reply!! I've had a few bills come up the last dew weeks and I dented my car, but I should be able to send you the money in the next week or so, if that's okay? If you have another buyer for it, then by all means sell it, but if not, then I would love to have it!! Again, sorry for not replaying sooner!! Cheers, Brad 828 0 0 ps6snto2 0 0 u_1138
6158 0 2376 0 1232289146 1 1 1 1 msn Msn is working mate 88 0 0 1gprxv9w 0 0 u_888
6159 751 531 0 1232290436 1 1 1 1 It's birthday time ! Afternoon all at Covert Mansion, hope all's well ! Right, got a small favour to ask, won't cost owt, and it'll only take up a few mins. It's our Shaun's 40th on the 30th Jan, and I was hoping you could send him a happy birthday message. I subscribe to a site called, and all I do is log on, click on messages, click on his name, write him a letter, click on send, and that's it. I'll give you my email addy and password so you can log on. You don't have to give your address etc cos it all goes through my account, just the usual 'eyup shaun it's...., it's as easy as that. I don't need to say it, but we have to choose our words carefully cos it all gets read before he gets it. If you could send it on the 29th, it'd make sure he got on the day rather than late. My email addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, and password is holohoax. It would put a smile on his face if you could do this for me. 14/88 Ian 0 0 2u8a7rln 0 0 u_104
4845 0 1 0 1221591501 1 1 1 1 I.S.D Hi there, are u all set for the weekend? very goodline up i,m ment to b going with griff friday sum time, c u there <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> brummie kev 0 0 2sa50x0v 0 0 u_53
627 615 183 0 1203053123 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 ..HVALA..pozdraf88 0 0 1zqcgo0o 0 0 u_154
628 609 362 0 1203058539 1 1 1 1 Re: oi moj email je: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> u napred hvala... mah dalewko od toga da je dobar, ali trudim se:) Pozdrav zmagi Mario 0 0 a1i07xyk 0 0 u_108
629 0 211 0 1203058693 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais Slt! le point de rdv est fixe entre 18h30 et 19h, a la station total de l'aeroport de st Exupery. Tu pourras pense a bien prendre votre bache. Mon tel: 0664968068 Bonne route! Renaud 0 0 33xra7ub 0 0 u_206
630 613 482 0 1203062642 1 1 1 1 Re: brian [quote=&quot;asgard1488&quot;:3dnex6sm][quote=&quot;killians_mommy&quot;:3dnex6sm]hi, brian has indeed now finally passed. he passed late last night. i just had to clear up the confusion as i had no idea how long this was all going to take and it wasnt right to talk about him like he had passed until he actually had. im sorry and i hope you understand where i am coming from. now would be the appropriate time for people to hail my brother. thanks sara[/quote:3dnex6sm] Hail Sara ! I am very sorry for the original mix up and confusion <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> I had tried to contact Kenny this morning to clarify details but he may have already heard ! I will re post the Tribute to Brian this evening if that is OK with his family and friends ? Please pass on my regards to Brians family and loved one's and I would like to be able to produce something fitting and honourable enough for the sad sad loss . Once again I am most sorry for the original post but I will do my best on the update for all on the forum and a fitting tribute to an energetic &amp; Honourable Man &amp; Brother <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> All the best and look forward to meeting sometime over 2008 ! 828 Bye the way are you Manu on the my space site ? Just curious ! RR Neil 14/88[/quote:3dnex6sm] its ok neil. i had just gotten so frustrated with all the misinfo that was being posted and after 12 days of this...back and forth to the hospital..playing taxi cab..raising two kids and caring for a big baby of a husband sleep, i just kind of snapped. i know that people were just trying to honour a good man. anyways i am sure it is fine if another thread is posted about him now. as for the myspace person you refer to.. no i am not manu, but i do have a page. i am cthulu over there. here is a link to me profile. add me if you like. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";friendid=4081255"> ... id=4081255</a><!-- m --> i found that by making most all my info about my dog, i wouldnt get deleted. its so tiring always having to redo your profile and all. would love to meet someday. the hubby and i are all about making new friends. his band is planning on touring soon and i am hoping to be able to tag along to some of the shows he does overseas if possible. anyways i am exhausted so i need sleep will talk with you more later. 816! sara 0 0 gA== 3dnex6sm 0 0 u_58
1773 0 311 0 1208352820 1 1 1 1 tiedustelu i want to order clock 2 where or what bank,i send the money? send me a information.. 0 0 emjjtc8c 0 0 u_98
5115 0 212 0 1223125083 1 1 1 1 gig south east london, you have any contact numbers of people down here? if not i will give you mine and you can call me later rob lsg 0 0 1fql80hj 0 0 u_53
4895 4893 780 0 1221779804 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND Barnsley south Yorkshire 0 0 a3z9tkt0 0 0 u_1074
6218 6211 70 0 1232494522 1 1 1 1 Re: email Cheers bro e mail for b and h is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 dp3b3y7p 0 0 u_2247
5724 5625 66 0 1227896266 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire hi ryan , yes i recieved your emal ... thank for that .. i will txt all the details to you on tuesday....take care jules 88 0 0 mdj00dsl 0 0 u_780
6490 6428 59 0 1234141963 1 1 1 1 Re: trying to get hold of.. hiya hun same old same old here, tried that number, my crap phone would'nt recognise the number? get grumps to email me at the site, probably easier at mo hun. stay safe hopefully see you soon.... tho I've had no contact with anyone in a fair while now, must have done something bad without realising it hohum, x 0 0 n06a1dvc 0 0 u_68
6189 0 143 0 1232370792 1 1 1 1 Budapest hostels hello,maybe I can help you with the acommodation, hostel price in budapest are cca 15-20euro/night in center of the city, outside of center you can find hostel for 10 euro/night. If you have msn you can add me, my msn is: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 101ivfqm 0 0 u_2296
6190 6086 2099 0 1232386100 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya I can't afford to go to the London one, cos I don't have a job yet (N) I didn't know about the one on 24th (i dont get on here much either) i'll look into it :) Yeah, i got msn (my addy is a bit gay, i made it like 4 years ago) <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Unfortunuatley, Im not on that much either, cos i've just moved and i dont have the internet at home yet. Take care 88 0 0 1tt76b5n 0 0 u_1838
5440 4952 203 0 1225543430 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista Olá Boas Eu queria te perguntar se queres vir a saragoza agora em Novembro. Abraço 0 0 mazqtbnc 0 0 u_1923
6045 0 72 0 1231449491 1 1 1 1 DAY OF HONOUR 2009 I've been told the support band is LANDSER at the DAY OF HONOUR <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 tj0zlksm 0 0 u_70
834 708 72 0 1204037979 1 1 1 1 Re: DRESDEN Don't worry about the 'grammar, spelling or punctuation' to much as I have a good friend who is an 'English teacher and will correct any mistakes. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 xgi2ufm9 0 0 u_97
635 505 171 0 1203072070 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica Novac ce biti vracen, ali u izradu se ide 100%. Trenutno sam jako okupiran s faxom i ispitima . Za uplatu odi u PBZ, na papiricu napisi moje ime, prezime i broj racuna i daj teti za salterom reci da mi trebas uplatit 200kn, daj joj novce i to je to. Pitaj nju ako sta zapne, ona ce ti pomoc. Obavezno odi u PBZ jer ce u drugim bankama uzet proviziju. Pozdrav, hvala 0 0 2cmro6q5 0 0 u_141
833 708 72 0 1204037605 1 1 1 1 Re: DRESDEN Greetings Michael I m sorry to hear there is no Dutch B&amp;H magazine at the moment....if you could write a report for the British B&amp;H magazine that would be [b:2hzt5ziw]MUCH APPRECIATED[/b:2hzt5ziw]. Could you sent any photos you have that are 300 D.P.I - 400 D.P.I to my email address at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> .......or if they are[b:2hzt5ziw] NOT[/b:2hzt5ziw] 300 D.P.I - 400 D.P.I could you PRINT them off and send the copys by post to R.Ogborn 84 Longmead Ave, Horfield, Bristol, BS7 8QF ENGLAND. Yours.Rob 0 0 QA== 2hzt5ziw 0 0 u_97
4711 4688 284 0 1220822513 1 1 1 1 Re: Real Ale Consumers! Ha ha nice one. How ya doing mate? Not long to ISD. Hope you make it - it'll be great! Try Aldi for cheap but good th'ale. Got some last night off my dads mate and it was lovely. Rob 0 0 2uggt8b3 0 0 u_1787
4715 4688 1787 0 1220856542 1 1 1 1 Re: Real Ale Consumers! The only alcohol I've tried from Aldi's was some generic 'Le Brasserie' lagers, we were drunk, it was 5% and £3 for 15 bottles, haha, still no excuse though is there <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Good to hear that you are going to ISD mate, I should be going up with Brad so I'll see you there for a pint mate! Adam 0 0 hqapzo12 0 0 u_284
5381 5246 230 0 1225037760 1 1 1 1 Re: 15.11.2008 Gig France Hello, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... yerfl4.jpg</a><!-- m --> FHSParis 0 0 3a52un96 0 0 u_251
64 0 124 0 1200569187 1 1 1 1 cj thanks mate now we can talk on here 0 0 2yvakk73 0 0 u_2
831 0 277 0 1204031026 1 1 1 1 majice gotove su majice, krajem tjedna dolazimo... 0 0 18bu8pml 0 0 u_171
832 808 61 0 1204033086 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello mate, yeah it's a shame you missed the ISD there was a load of good people there &amp; i wondered where you were as I was keeping an eye out for you. I'm not sure when I'll make it to another gig but I'm sure I'll make this years ISD no matter what's going on. Ha ha it sounds like your dog has realised he's a Staff mate, they can be a right handfull once they get it into their heads to have a go at other dogs. Yeah I'm still lifting the weights but not as heavy at the moment as I did my shoulder in late last year &amp; it's taken ages to get it back to normal. I bought a Russian Kettlebell the other week &amp; it's one hell of a workout as it mix's cardio with weight training. Are you still training? Have a good time at the gig on the 8th, take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 3i7jjoi5 0 0 u_576
6438 0 337 0 1233713109 1 1 1 1 none Hey, There is a guy on this forum that got busted with explosives and other illegal materials. He goes by the name of Skoda. Here is an article on his conviction: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";coll=3"> ... xml&amp;coll=3</a><!-- m --> I have communicated with him through PM's and was planning on meeting him, as he was a nationalist that lived close to me. He never once claimed to be C18. I thought you should know for security reasons. Thank You! 828! 0 0 2kajyctb 0 0 u_54
6039 5985 69 0 1231371972 1 1 1 1 Re: Eyup yes mate thats no problem at all..i will deffo do it tomorrow ok..ive just come outta hospital had to have metl plates put in my leg cos fighting saturday and some fucker did a american history x on my leg via the kerb..s spent last 5 days in there moaning like a girl had to cancel her flight at last min cos i cant walk about without crutches until it heals like..its all stapled ith metal all down the bottom of leg both sides <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> and it hurts like hell believe me..but the pains nothing to what im feeling cos she aint here at min ill fuckin learn one day but after this its really taught me a lesson cos the bones breaking i can stand the heartbreak of not seeing her i cant <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> great start to a year where i promised id get me priorities right..fell at first fuckin fence..but like i say i dont care what mates thnk say now im done with it ..cos ingrids my priority now and thats how its gonna stay..whn i fuck up i dont half do it right mate believe me ..and for once i aint laughing when im telling the fuckin really full a hate for myself after this mate cos i could have lost everything with her and i dont want that im lucky i got a second chance like ill send shaun a mail mate anyway no probs ok <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 37gqljb1 0 0 u_531
70 0 73 0 1200588964 1 1 1 1 hi son hi son see ya soon 0 0 1bekzojl 0 0 u_124
71 0 70 0 1200596977 1 1 1 1 skrewdriver waterloo hail .... I have a copy of skrewdriver live waterloo vinyl... Iknow thats no good !!!!!!!!!also have a copy on cd which I can copy and send If you want . hope that helps...... cheers RR stu 88 <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 36qkxgab 0 0 u_83
6065 6053 70 0 1231664586 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! Cheers mate that would be great . I had tony with us and was just on b and h . He wants to go see code 1 next week in wakefield and I read your post about you had new album .... Not pissed still tryin to be good ... Won't last long as had a couple. Ha ha . Cheers bro 828 0 0 1ivz83e8 0 0 u_58
5900 5840 323 4 1229290921 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H tees Scotland Hi, i got the money $370 &quot;thanks so much&quot;.. We are going to put $100 towards Kemp's fund for when he gets out in July Another $50 for a prisoner in Florida called Larry Harper $50 for books for prisoners Then the rest will be put aside till we need it... Thanks.. 0 0 rdgkutuv 0 0 u_73
6219 6193 61 0 1232538145 1 1 1 1 Re: Salute o/ [quote=&quot;assaSSin&quot;:mjnn3hui]Hello Kirk, not to worry mate, i'm sure there will be more chances to meet up. I'm gonna try to make it to the Villent Storm, but with my wife pregnant an all, it might be a bit tight, money wise, but will know then. Take care Kirk, all the best. Berto 828 ROA[/quote:mjnn3hui] Hello Berto, when is your baby due mate? Is this your first one? I've got 6 children myself, one girl who's 19 &amp; five boy's who are 17, 12, 10, 8 &amp; 4. Take care Kirk 828 0 0 gA== mjnn3hui 0 0 u_2138
5359 5355 2063 0 1224861844 1 1 1 1 Re: contact Salut! Je suis d'Orléans et toi? J'ai contacté le site B&amp;H France (quand il éxistait encore) avec un de vos camarades de Paris. Mais après je suis partie en vacances et depuis que je suis revenue, je ne lui trouve pas. Je m'enquète trop car il habite dans le banlieu parisien (bcp d'immigrés) et il porte tjs les tee-shorts rasistes. J'éspère que vous pouvez m'aider... mon adresse msn est <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 88! 0 0 1mddwvtu 0 0 u_187
74 71 70 0 1200609977 1 1 1 1 Re: skrewdriver waterloo probs will copy it in mornin and post out to you, fantastic album so you will be jumpin over moon soon, all best I will pm you when I post it ... all best RR stu 88 0 0 1ubai2n4 0 0 u_83
938 926 74 0 1204579328 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London yes it a great site <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2x5ycgft 0 0 u_616
940 920 608 0 1204589940 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen yea deffo gonna go sat + hopefully next sat too - will have to meet for beer seein as u quite close 88 0 0 3iu03u29 0 0 u_616
937 0 616 0 1204573068 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4246#p4246:ykie5175]Subject: Hello from SW London[/url:ykie5175] [quote=&quot;Doomsday88&quot;:ykie5175]And welcome and hail from Holland <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:ykie5175] Hail from London m88! thanks for the welcome message. Be glad to discuss interests on yahoo sometime - englandnaz on there. 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 kA== ykie5175 0 0 u_62
4228 0 73 0 1217030645 1 1 1 1 meeting hi scott what date have you got this meeting planned for and also where abouts, cheers, paul b&amp;h scotland highlander east coast representative 0 0 6nxpg703 0 0 u_1017
3957 3418 1 3 1216046119 1 1 1 1 Re: Thank you! hello nicloe yes its good im into wildlife stuff i used to go fishing yes thats a kind of hunting but you can eat fish not foxes inless youre a gook haha i love watching the wild life australia isee the damage erupean wildlife has done what are those frog thingsthat destroy everything in the outback rabbits have been wiped out by i cant spell what it is like here and rabits are the food of foxes infact you will see more foxes in citys than the country now that was my nan got me on a horse me mum unclies brothers hated it i didnt mind it . i got the bully boys and fortress live in australia isd memorail gig dvd from rampage have you seenit did you go? take a look another aussie has brought my armband soim very happy i got my league sentinal magazine this morning want a copy good stuff about jews adolf hitler and gl rockwell in this issue ive a ton of things to do this week wont be on line again till thursday ill send you 2 fun items ive done for you aswell do you have pets we have cats noe cats dont do well in austthey keep the mice down weve had dogs but cant give them the time and dogs smell a bit i will post youre stuff sometime this week ok 1488 nick <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 24jnug5z 0 0 u_54
918 269 112 0 1204546292 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Ja was inderdaad waar Lion's Pride gespeeld heeft, is totaal vernieuwd. Is nu wel een Cercle café!:D haha Maar bon, de nieuwe uitbater is wel ok, hehe Kreeg de ingeving om enen te gaan drinken dus dacht zal bericht sturen dus. Geschiedkundige van wat? 0 0 2unh0x27 0 0 u_110
5494 5400 74 0 1225897473 1 1 1 1 Re: cds hi have u any clingford attack cds left danny28 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 941rgdz6 0 0 u_103
83 81 70 0 1200754881 1 1 1 1 Re: Got em!! bloody heck they got there quick I take it all back what I say about royal mail. <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> glad you got em and enjoy ,that will be great re donation admin will sort it. cheers mate see you for that pint sometime...... all best RR stu 0 0 1m2jm4su 0 0 u_83
85 82 2 0 1200771945 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello Sure, but who and what do you want to donate to? 0 0 b34jcap3 0 0 u_83
88 82 2 0 1200775730 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello No, B&amp;H doesn't accept finiancial donations but we would encourage a donation to someone like the WAU no matter how small. Highlander E C or Duds might be the ones to approach over this matter. Thanks for taking such an honourable approach to things 0 0 3d1oy4lr 0 0 u_83
1969 0 182 0 1209408191 1 1 1 1 above the ruins hi i could email you the tracks if you are interested? or you can usually get the cd on ebay. hope this helps moonie 0 0 1q1lna0f 0 0 u_65
1970 0 105 0 1209411942 1 1 1 1 South Wales 28 Gig coming up soon and theres various other things happening, where in South Wales? We can always find room for people to gigs if that helps. We're spread across South Wales so depending on the type of meeting BNP,BM etc your looking for someone will point you in the right direction. 0 0 1m2muqzw 0 0 u_892
91 90 73 0 1200779910 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello well what can i say mate. if you want to add a donation to the wau that would be great, there is 2 ways you can do it 1/ add your donation to the auction for all to see or 2/pm me and we can add the donation without anyone knowing where it came from as some people like to keep it to themselfs cheers paul 0 0 35wguybz 0 0 u_83
93 90 73 0 1200780656 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello A BIG THANK YOU MATE for the kind donation. every penny counts. my address is paul obrien 90 viewmount forfar angus scotland DD8 1LJ are you putting it on the forum of me please let me know thanks paul 0 0 1et9cmfm 0 0 u_83
1966 1965 53 0 1209399038 1 1 1 1 Re: invicta88 [quote=&quot;freya79&quot;:389iogtv]Hail &quot;Chubley&quot;, I would like to ask You, if You can see what is wrong, please. My friend he has problems with access to forum today. His user name is: invicta88 Thank You very much. Racial Regards Lin[/quote:389iogtv] Hail Lin, I'm guessing that the may need to set a new password, we have a security feature that requires a new password every 90 days looking at when he joined i think its about the 90 day mark now hope this helps, if not pm again RR Shell 0 0 gA== 389iogtv 0 0 u_255
95 90 73 0 1200781202 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello your welcome mate and it ''thank you '' to you mate 0 0 2qfonqhv 0 0 u_83
1967 1384 556 0 1209404893 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? Hi Duds, still need tattoo art? I can have something by mid-week. Let me know. -Mike 0 0 iks5bl48 0 0 u_59
5757 5736 79 0 1228154597 1 1 1 1 Re: fuck [b:3axcko8k]Thank you for letting me know, I have arranged more transport.[/b:3axcko8k] 0 0 QA== 3axcko8k 0 0 u_1001
6869 6443 53 0 1236959273 1 1 1 1 Re: hi I'm still in Cov but spend a lot of time up north namely with wigan mike!!! see you 2 are having fun on the sxe thread!!! The name Ken Bennet didnt ring any bells but now im thinking its Ken who used to work in the mens wear shop in the Arndale centre, he was a really nice guy if that's him, is he still around the movement? sorry to hear about your job its happening to so many of us but like you im just so busy!! If you have msn or yahoo you can add me if you want its <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> can chat on there Shell88 0 0 28fhasps 1236959397 1 u_319
5760 0 73 0 1228169436 1 1 1 1 funds hi vicky / salli sorry for not been in touch for a while, hope all is well with you both, i have got over 300 euros here for your funds, but not to sure where you want it sent or how, if you want me to send it by paypal or send it by bank, hope to hear from you soon all the best paul b&amp;h scotland highlander east coast division 0 0 2zd5quww 0 0 u_323
4761 4604 171 0 1221040900 1 1 1 1 Re: Sons Of Europe - 23 08 08 Ja sam mossad i ja sve znam! 0 0 2j176ljt 0 0 u_1082
4762 0 171 0 1221041271 1 1 1 1 Request to ban user Well, user 'avion' was already banned few months ago, when he had nickname 'medved'. This wanker is well known to many people from Croatia, and because his behavior in real world we don't want to tolerate him in internet. So, i would ask You to ban him again. Thank You! Marko 0 0 3c6zxq8l 0 0 u_53
5861 0 1787 0 1228821017 1 1 1 1 White Xmas Hail brother, think I was talking to you at the bar at White Xmas, I looked after your drink I think! haha 0 0 3m1hu8mf 0 0 u_1409
5810 5804 1745 0 1228466592 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig hi mate no luck i,m affraid i drive normally but my car is playing up and i dont trust it lololol ......mark 0 0 2vsctnqd 0 0 u_2157
5811 5804 2157 0 1228481073 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig Lol i don't blame you mate. You don't wanna get stuck in the middle of nowhere. I did email a guy called mark to ask about a lift a couple of weeks back, that wouldnt happen to be you would it? my email add is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Cheers Steve 0 0 3fho7awc 0 0 u_1745
6074 6073 2373 0 1231721222 1 1 1 1 Re: hello ok danny thats fine mate good to hear from you nick 88. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 h56ib1g9 0 0 u_74
5363 0 107 0 1224876371 1 1 1 1 isd heil, Nu weet ik wie je bent. Robby (de man met de countercamera op isd) Heeft me uitgelegd dat jij de man bij stand van nsa was. Haha tot de volgende :) 0 0 1m7a5vdx 0 0 u_112
5364 0 1973 0 1224881339 1 1 1 1 oi <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2i1db2ja 0 0 u_112
114 0 138 0 1200849675 1 1 1 1 alright alright m8 not been in touch been busy trying to sort out some work.Ok if me and brother come up on saturday? same place as stinko memorial?. andy 0 0 b289cquv 0 0 u_63
4856 4846 1838 3 1221608630 1 1 1 1 Re: someone else thats bout my age 0 0 2q5wljid 0 0 u_1399
125 0 181 0 1200889217 1 1 1 1 HELLO AND GREETINGs hello and hail to you and to yours i love your signature &quot;One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one — that, by nature, one could not possibly be anything else.&quot; really i just discovered my hate and i'm proud of it ; since a few days i proudly wear my swastika 88 times thanks for listening 0 0 3oa46zxj 0 0 u_54
132 0 138 0 1200907853 1 1 1 1 alrite m8 alrite tom it's andy from ledbury can you email me a postal address I have done a couple of different t shirt's for you to look at you can let me know what you think if ok can get cracking and make some for you.about that embroidery machine any idea how big it is as i'm only working out of a spare room at moment. cheers andy 0 0 2pc6puei 0 0 u_146
135 116 54 3 1200914644 1 1 1 1 Re: France [quote=&quot;bat28&quot;:30oluu9c]Hi Brother, Congratulation for the new forum I'am bat, of 28Charlemagne (France) <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I send this message to become one of the moderators of the party france because you did had not put on the old forum; Thanks 828, Hail Victory[/quote:30oluu9c] Done - you've been added as the moderator of the French section. Um.. and I'm a &quot;Sister&quot; not a Brother... You've just blown the French reputation for being good with the ladies... <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 gA== 30oluu9c 0 0 u_187
4780 4479 143 0 1221151652 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial speech Hey Gabor, are you going to concert from Nagykanisza? 4 of us from Croatia will come with car, so if you are going from Nagykanisza it will be good that we come to Nagykanisza and drive behind you to the Nogradsap 0 0 2mlwqjr1 0 0 u_1053
4781 0 638 0 1221155421 1 1 1 1 88 from Bulgaria Hello Graham, we would like to inform you that our B&amp;H unit held a succ?ssesful gig on 30.08.08. Hope this and all our other actions will fulfil all the conditions and we'll be an official member of 28 Brotherhood. We are looking forward for your statement about 28 Bulgaria. Take care and hope to hear from you soon,828! P.S. If you need pics from the gig I can send you a few. 0 0 3rbnhz3m 0 0 u_193
4974 0 1711 0 1222118087 1 1 1 1 photos <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 0 0 2peo6r4v 0 0 u_307
4975 0 1711 0 1222118156 1 1 1 1 88 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> zobacz na to 0 0 37ylx9h2 0 0 u_1734
4783 0 1838 0 1221162770 1 1 1 1 :) Silly Gay boy!!! 0 0 17tnw75u 0 0 u_1058
4784 0 1058 0 1221163023 1 1 1 1 the lift thread hello i recently read your thread on the forum, about having room in your car for ISD i am from west london, but am having problems with transport with our divison due to unforeseen accidents. so will the offer be open will after the weekend for when i finally know plans? are you also going for the friday or saturday? thanks for reading this Lee 88 0 0 28zooyvc 0 0 u_307
2694 2682 952 0 1212427763 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:cy8lr6xb][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:cy8lr6xb] you still also not have your many pain in your hands?,Darling as you do not about sex,want talk will not angry are on you[/quote:cy8lr6xb] i got big pain in left hand <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> am i angry? do i not want to talk about sex?......did i say that? i just said earlier that you were perving again <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:cy8lr6xb] Honey come soon back my father and i go my taxes filling,otherwise fine,around 10 back can you wait,you make me hot,you do not say that,yes im perving again,you pussy and my dick wow very good feling <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== cy8lr6xb 0 0 u_53
5853 0 871 0 1228738548 1 1 1 1 muffins hello my dear lovely to see you all again but after a got home i realised one thing no muffins <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> i wondered why i was still hungry when i got home pmsl hope to see you all in the new year dont know if we'll make it next year to a social cos linda is pregnant babies due in july but maybe i can make it and bring some new faces regards and yuletide greetings daren 0 0 3f7mz7os 0 0 u_53
5854 5853 53 0 1228738968 1 1 1 1 Re: muffins Thats great news about the baby congratulations, bet the boys are overjoyed, Them bloody muffins haunt me!!! <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I cant see stu &amp; wigan Mike without a batch each, an so many more keep asking about them, An if i hear 'chubs muff' once more <!-- s`Stick --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/stick.gif" alt="`Stick" title="Stick" /><!-- s`Stick --> hahahaha will have to see about something for St Georges day again i think. We do want another camping trip, but of course a tent isnt the place for a mum to be, but would be great to have you an the boys there, best wishes to you all, an have a great yule, &amp; roll on 2009, its gotta go some to beat 2008 0 0 3tqcccom 0 0 u_871
5855 0 1322 0 1228743385 1 1 1 1 hi hello did you go to white xmas in the end ..just noticed the post about coaches from suffolk/london...i couldnt go unfortunately, skint as fuck.. i live in norfolk and we were going to friends in leeds the fri nite and getting the coach from there...apparently we missed a great gig <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> 0 0 16dob2pz 0 0 u_2157
6673 6659 284 0 1235217628 1 1 1 1 Re: York We are mate. Not getting there til about 2-3pm. Probably a bit late to be sending this reply ha ha. Hope to see you there mate. 0 0 1wp1yvj9 0 0 u_801
6199 0 2434 0 1232408743 1 1 1 1 Bok!! Oprosti što ovako upadam al vidim da si najaktivniji i najbliži mjestu mog stanovanja.zanima me gdje se može stupiti u kontakt u vezi kupovine odije?e rado bih si nabavio neke majice nisam skins niti se obla?im poput njih al dijelimo isto razmišljanje i ideologiju tako da bih vrlo rado kupio neku robu da ljudi vide da nas ima i u Vukovaru i da se napokon nešto pokrene i kod nas u VU jel ima puno de?kiju koji bi rado pristupili a neznaju gdje jel svi skoro Hrvatski desno orijentirani sajtovi su okupljalište napaljenih školaraca koji dižu ruku samo da bi ispali opasni.....HVala ti unaprijed!!!!! 0 0 3rtm94pl 0 0 u_171
6792 0 212 0 1236279765 1 1 1 1 hello hello good to see you made it, you will have to keep that yahool address i made for any correspndance from here, like the notification of the message hahaha im sure you will be a great asset here see you both saturday i take it chez is your good lady 0 0 2jns8vyc 0 0 u_2658
5955 0 2245 0 1230029062 1 1 1 1 thx Cheers oi look forward to it 0 0 hjjhqgo7 0 0 u_1972
5956 0 618 0 1230043414 1 1 1 1 NSBM gegroet, De site is bijna klaar. Ik zou willen vragen of u samples heeft die ik op de site zou mogen plaatsen. mvg 0 0 341chf11 0 0 u_112
6010 0 72 0 1231099619 1 1 1 1 GOOD MORNING <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Good morning BEB. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 1huezxmb 0 0 u_54
6193 0 2138 0 1232394077 1 1 1 1 Saltue o/ Hello again mate. As i'm sure you've heard about it got to ask if you can make it to the 7th Feb. gig in London. It would be great to see you there and have a few beers, lol. Also, it would be an incentive for Dajo to make the trip down to the south. Take care, Crazy. All the best. 828 ROA 0 0 10nt19p4 0 0 u_61
6194 0 212 0 1232397266 1 1 1 1 hi hi i posted an article in 'world news' but on reflection is better suited to 'new world order' could you please move it? thanks rob 0 0 2p0ld7oj 0 0 u_54
6195 0 91 0 1232397866 1 1 1 1 Shirts 88! Just like to know do you have any Deaths head gear like shirts or something, because I cant find anywhere <!-- s~jew --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/Jew.gif" alt="~jew" title="Jew" /><!-- s~jew --> Thanks already! 0 0 2vngdpwe 0 0 u_109
5752 5727 68 0 1228117762 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! Hey Mate, Yeah i spoke to Lucas yesterday, hes not feeling all that well, bit down in the dumps and stuff from what happened, but yeah when you go to see him give him a big kiss from me... lol nah didnt think you would haha! Yes mate, ill be there on sat! Catch up with you then mate! Helen -14- 0 0 3dtvgql8 0 0 u_58
5754 0 1713 0 1228137782 1 1 1 1 Re: Rampage Website Alright mate, its paul from the london skinhead site good to see u on here, u going to xmas gig? maybe we can meet for that pint, all the best paul28 0 0 3dbz98fi 0 0 u_801
5944 0 152 0 1229796062 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H badges We (B&amp;H America) sold some of the badges you sent..We have about 65$ for yall (40 pounds??). Where can I send it- preferably paypal?? Thx Simon. Mike L C28 0 0 3c8gairi 0 0 u_65
146 116 54 3 1201002374 1 1 1 1 Re: France [quote=&quot;bat28&quot;:2wjckak9]Lol sorry girl, the speed earned me not to see that you are a charming NS; [/quote:2wjckak9] OK... French reputation successfully restored... <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 gA== 2wjckak9 0 0 u_187
147 0 73 0 1201006165 1 1 1 1 post/mail just to let you know i got your letter this morning mate THANK YOU. cheers paul 0 0 2zystnya 0 0 u_83
149 147 73 0 1201009629 1 1 1 1 Re: post/mail we have raised almost $1000 but please keep that to yourself for the time being we will put a post up at the end,once we know the total amount im also hoping to get a few more bits sent to me to add to the stuff that already on the site cheers paul 0 0 2shu7y41 0 0 u_83
152 0 173 4 1201023781 1 1 1 1 Pjesme 1. Paddy's Green Shamrock Shore 2. Moja Raka 3.Zbogom Sve 4.Mara 5. Oda Dubravi 0 0 y2dbwfb9 0 0 u_171
154 0 236 0 1201028150 1 1 1 1 Moderatori Pozdrav, Gebi iz Slovenije ovde, pa me zanima, kako se dodje do moderatorstva za svoju sekciju. Tko je glavni moderator ovog novog foruma? lp Gebi 0 0 6s88jovz 0 0 u_171
155 0 215 0 1201031086 1 1 1 1 Contact Salut, je viens du 74 (donc ta région a ce qu'on m'a dit si tu y vis encore) et je souhaiterais rentré dans le C38, je dois donc monté voir un/des hammerskins a paris pour ce faire. Cependant, si tu es intéréssé et libre, je voulais savoir si tu serais intéréssé pour me rencontrer et causer un petit peu. Voila tout, bonne continuation, a+ 0 0 1xkmpqim 0 0 u_222
156 155 222 0 1201031885 1 1 1 1 Re: Contact Donne moi un contact telephonique et on essayera de se rencontrer un de ces quatre. Tu habite ou ? 0 0 3o5biqqq 0 0 u_215
157 0 222 0 1201033343 1 1 1 1 bonjour mademoiselle How you doin lady ? I'm sorry i didn't reply to you on the HSN forum but since they did some updates i lost your message <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> The only thing i remember is you asked that when you come over i organize you a line up of good looking singles. Well sorry, but, none of us are good looking......... but a ton of us are single <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> Hope all is fine for you Take care raph 0 0 35mr0z9b 0 0 u_54
5847 5803 1092 0 1228679074 1 1 1 1 Re: nsv betoging leeer je vanzelf kennen als je meer begint mee te gaan 0 0 mjka8i22 0 0 u_618
167 0 199 0 1201051304 1 1 1 1 Hi Hail I'm Gary - also from the West Midlands - Coventry to be exact. Joined the forum at the w/end and hoping to meet &amp; make new m8s who think along the same wavelength.... Hope to hear back from ya cheerSS Gary 0 0 w41utxhr 0 0 u_89
1558 0 128 0 1207316505 1 1 1 1 gig hello rob i see your coming up for the c84 gig, have you got flights sorted and somewhere to kip? 0 0 1z5ldsy8 0 0 u_72
4672 4629 128 0 1220590450 1 1 1 1 Re: video No problems, glad to help and look forward to seeing in. 0 0 c736vrbt 0 0 u_100
5018 0 396 0 1222304806 1 1 1 1 time get to bed you fucker <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 8lk47hja 0 0 u_1131
5831 0 1322 0 1228570482 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16570#p16570:3cyky5wn]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:3cyky5wn] [quote=&quot;celtic1488&quot;:3cyky5wn]can somebody help me i need a lift from the norwich/ ipswich area my car is not running too well ....lolol. thanks in advance if anyone can help me 828[/quote:3cyky5wn] hi i cant make white xmas but just want to say hello cos i live near norwich and know no one else of our persuasion in the area lol <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 kA== 3cyky5wn 0 0 u_1745
173 154 171 0 1201078203 1 1 1 1 Re: Moderatori [quote=&quot;dr.Gebi&quot;:363h75k1]Pozdrav, Gebi iz Slovenije ovde, pa me zanima, kako se dodje do moderatorstva za svoju sekciju. Tko je glavni moderator ovog novog foruma? lp Gebi[/quote:363h75k1] Pozdrav Gebi! Pošalji samo PM za Blue Eyed Blonde, te ce te staviti bez problema! Nego da te pitam, trebali bi raditi uskoro nove majice. Tisak bi bio na prsima dimenzija cca 25x15cm, te na le?ima veli?ine A4 papira. Naprijed je u sivoj i bijeloj boji, nazad samo u bijeloj. Pa jel bi mogao re?i koliko bi to otprilike koštalo skupa sa majicama. Planiramo raditi oko 25komada za sada. Peter je rekao da ?e ti se najvjerojatnije javiti ovaj ili idu?i tjedan, te poslati vektore za te majice. Pozdrav i hvala unaprijed! Marko 0 0 gA== 363h75k1 0 0 u_236
175 157 54 0 1201088381 1 1 1 1 G'day Mate! [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:1a36gp08]How you doin lady ? I'm sorry i didn't reply to you on the HSN forum but since they did some updates i lost your message <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> [/quote:1a36gp08] No worries, I knew that had happened. We are on so many of the same forums I know that I can’t escape from you! <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:1a36gp08]The only thing i remember is you asked that when you come over i organize you a line up of good looking singles. Well sorry, but, none of us are good looking......... but a ton of us are single <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> [/quote:1a36gp08] Hmm… I wonder if there is a connection there… <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Well I suppose that is better than the other alternative…… you are all good looking, but none of you are single! Good looking men are usually trouble…. but they are nice to look at while it lasts! <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> OK, line up some of your “not-good looking but bloody fantastic blokes” single friends instead then <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:1a36gp08] Hope all is fine for you Take care raph[/quote:1a36gp08] Yes, things are fine here. I’m busily working away behind the scenes setting up a video and music section for the forum where we will upload a whole variety of stuff for people. There will be a few other new forum features happening over the next couple of months, so keep an eye out! How are things going with you? What have you been up to (you never tell me anything!) Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> PS. Saw your post where you said you liked the Ramones - so do I. I was lucky enough to see them twice when I lived in the States - in '84 and in '86! 0 0 gA== 1a36gp08 1201104010 3 u_222
177 155 215 0 1201092337 1 1 1 1 Re: Contact Je change de numéro cet apres midi donc je te donnerai mon numéro se soir. J'habite pringy. On c'était croisé rapidement au concert a paris, max devait nous présentez mais il est partit dormir au bout de peu de temps... Si jamais ca peut te donné une indication, j'étais souvent avec Emma,et j'étais un des rares en bretelles. Voila tout, bonne journée. 0 0 28k0ivnp 0 0 u_222
5867 0 2138 0 1228855983 1 1 1 1 Hello mate Salute Darren, hope you still remember us at the gig, we were tallking outside, your lady was there too ! Thanks for the chat and congrats on the gig, it was the best ever. 828 ROA 0 0 21sdt0mm 0 0 u_606
5868 0 2265 0 1228860445 1 1 1 1 Re: I know it's late but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 88 mate cheers for lettin me stay at yours the nite being a stranger and all very good of you mate, get you a few beers next gig, wanna talk on msn it <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Hail Blood &amp; Honour <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 am43po3a 0 0 u_801
462 0 147 0 1202513933 1 1 1 1 booklets could you send a few to canada, i can send you shipping money 0 0 hgjhwcc4 0 0 u_72
463 461 105 0 1202514130 1 1 1 1 Re: Original RAC Vinyl for sale. Those 2 have both now been sold sorry. 0 0 246u12xc 0 0 u_340
466 456 397 0 1202546678 1 1 1 1 Re: 74 Annecy??? moi je vient de st julien en genevois, environ à 3 quarts d'heurs 1 heur d'annecy, c'est à coté de la suisse. T'es un skinhead? en tout cas c'est cool de savoir que je suis pas seul en haute savoie Heil! 0 0 1obtjran 0 0 u_215
468 456 397 0 1202550975 1 1 1 1 Re: 74 j'ai pas de moyen de transport pour aller a lyon mé sinon oui annemasse c'est juste à coté de chez moi. 0 0 1ea4m29j 0 0 u_215
469 0 211 0 1202556471 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=1380#p1380:18aem9lu]Subject: Manifestation du Renouveau francais[/url:18aem9lu] [quote=&quot;28midgard&quot;:18aem9lu][img:18aem9lu]http&#58;//img245&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img245/479/6fevlf7&#46;jpg[/img:18aem9lu] [url:18aem9lu]http&#58;//rfyvelines&#46;free&#46;fr/[/url:18aem9lu][/quote:18aem9lu] Salut Thierry. Est ce que tu aurais des patchs blood and honour en forme de demi lune? Ou bien toute autre sorte d'ecussons? J'en ai besoin cette semaine. Tu peux m'en envoyer a cette adresse: Renaud Mannheim 43 ter rue de la republique 38230 Pont de cheruy Je te donnerais l'argent au concert. merci. 28/88 0 0 mA== 18aem9lu 0 0 u_206
180 154 236 0 1201102324 1 1 1 1 Re: Moderatori Hvala na odgovoru, za majice je ovako: majica sama košta oko 2,52€, za 25 kom je to: 63,-€ priprema za tisak (3 boje ukupno): 15+10+10= 35,-€ tisak: 12,50 zadnja i 25 sprijeda: 37,50€ Ukupno za 25 majica: 135,50€ minus 5% popust za B&amp;H [b:37152h0h]=127,-€[/b:37152h0h] Pozdrav, Gebi 0 0 QA== 37152h0h 0 0 u_171
181 0 236 0 1201102553 1 1 1 1 Slovenia Hello, I'm Gebi from Slovenia and I would like to ask you, if you can give me moderator rights for Slovenian forum. On old forum we don't have this right and users write sometimes stupid things. We must make sure, that forum remains on hight level. best regards from Slovenia Gebi 0 0 2sse23sf 0 0 u_54
5362 5176 1937 0 1224869503 1 1 1 1 Re: !!! here is all over too. we have big problems. i fight but he will go back to spain. for this the bye. is maybe better in the moment. all the best. maybe anytime you can say to him that i havent say that i love you. only the i like you. if you want do it. thx. nath in the moment i stop to wirte. bye 0 0 1sbd0any 0 0 u_63
882 729 277 0 1204323451 1 1 1 1 Re: stranica marko ti je napravio banner, cekam da mi ga posalje, ja ti ovih dana sredim stranicu... 0 0 2ho4o25q 0 0 u_108
6011 0 1787 0 1231155558 1 1 1 1 Re: YOUTH AREA [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17903#p17903:38lqgffs]Subject: YOUTH AREA[/url:38lqgffs] [quote=&quot;ALEXD!£88&quot;:38lqgffs]we would need one of the admins to create a space for us on this forum or we could always create a seperate forum,i know few decent orum providers.[/quote:38lqgffs] Hey mate, if you need help with creating a new forum, I work (or used to before the credit crunch lol) in I.T and web design so give me a shout! 28 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 kA== 38lqgffs 0 0 u_2276
6012 0 2296 0 1231160573 1 1 1 1 gig spain 09 88 my aryan brother i saw your post about gig in spain ,by the time you get this you will prob be back home ?hpe u enjoyed your selfs ,i my self go to spain every yr and have done for the past 20yrs ,im further down the coast from madrid and every time ive been and found out about gigs theres never any down my end of spain allicante benidorm etc,i was just wondering if you know brothers or sisters i can get in touch with when i travel later in the year ,the troops from 44x2 a great spanish web site cheeck it out if u havent already ,all they could do was to give me addy of a few forums ?but undertsandivly they dont know me so they dot realy know who there talking to and like wise ,as the reds are out at evry opertunatie to get us on our own so a gang can try to beat us up and they were abit cagey with details ,i did meet a skinhead brother tattoist from torevieca (bad spelling srry) they call him pit bull but i lost his addy as our cases went fucking awol ,any ways bro if you can help me that would be great and i would be due u a good drink if we ever meet at isd or any gigs u go to that i moght be there ,my names steph from alloa white pride sotland incase your gona make enqueriys ,ask paul from highlander eastcoast or any of the wp web sites in the uk im customer at them all,yours for 14 wrds ,white scotsman (steph1488)and the crew from alloa white pride scotland 0 0 2gok9k1d 0 0 u_69
185 157 222 0 1201114291 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day Mate! I never tell you anything cause there's nothing much to say. I work, work,work and work..... beside that i take some time to work,work and work <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> i get at work around 7 AM and leave around 9 PM We just invested around 1 million euros in machinery, and i'm studying a project of buying a company in Canada and opening one in the US, see, nothing really interesting to share ! I just take Saturday off to go see my daughter skiing, can't wait for spring to come out and get my motorcycle out of the garage and go boating. As for the Ramones, they are kick ass, but i like all Rock and Punk Rock from those years even some stuff from the 60's, i'm getting old before the right time <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> I'll try to get you some good looking dudes for the line up, but that'll be hard <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> Good luck with the video section Raph 0 0 2mknm9qs 0 0 u_54
186 155 222 0 1201114480 1 1 1 1 Re: Contact Sincerement comme ca je vois pas, tout ce que je sais c'est que il y en avait un d'annecy que je connaissais pas qui c'est pris une claque dehors par Cyril d'Annemasse. Mais j'ai pas vraiment fait attention a tout ceux qui y avait. Donne moi ton numero quand tu veux et on essayera de se trouver un moment pour se voir 0 0 15morywu 0 0 u_215
187 155 215 0 1201117047 1 1 1 1 Re: Contact Ouai bah voila c'était moi ... Tient voila mon numéro: 06-85-05-13-56, je le récupère demain dans la journée. Sur ce bonne soirée, a+ 0 0 gaet96sc 0 0 u_222
1619 0 306 0 1207587533 1 1 1 1 MSN Oi comrade! Do you have msn, becouse i'm comming to Switzeland by the end of this month, and maybe i'll have some time for a drink or something. 88! 0 0 cf2dnlqq 0 0 u_122
1620 1619 122 0 1207587836 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN Hail, you from 28slovenia ? 0 0 1a87ayjb 0 0 u_306
1621 1619 306 0 1207591966 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN Yes. 0 0 3s30j14z 0 0 u_122
1622 1619 122 0 1207592351 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN a member of blood and honour slovenja ? 0 0 2g9d5gz0 0 0 u_306
5251 5250 1092 0 1224179603 1 1 1 1 Re: vervoer geen probleem. bel me vrijdagavond laat ( 9-10 u) of zaterdag ochtend( 9u) om verder af te spreken. naftkosten liggen rond de 10 euro( normaal gok ik) en inkom concert is 25 t shirts enz... zijn er te koop alsook zuipkaarten.. plunder u bankrekeningtje al maar <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 35vzhh2l 0 0 u_174
191 0 243 0 1201136927 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail from quebec [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=458#p458:2l1mj17c]Subject: Hail from quebec[/url:2l1mj17c] [quote=&quot;SonofTyr&quot;:2l1mj17c]Looks like I'm the first one here, hope to see more brothers and sisters <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: -->[/quote:2l1mj17c] how did u git your cumputer to right in runick.i would relly lick to know how to do that thanks ghostwolf 0 0 kA== 2l1mj17c 0 0 u_132
192 157 54 0 1201158006 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day Mate! [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]I never tell you anything cause there's nothing much to say. I work, work,work and work..... beside that i take some time to work,work and work <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> i get at work around 7 AM and leave around 9 PM[/quote:y81t44ao] Ah, my life used to be like that..,. and is more than likely going to be again very soon… <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> Well good for you Raph, I have a lot of respect for your work ethic. There are times in life when you have to do that. I learnt a long time ago that no bastard was ever going to give me anything, and that lots were going to try to take it away, and if I wanted to get anywhere in life I had to go out and make things happen myself. <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> Success doesn’t just happen – there is a lot of hard work, discipline and sacrifice involved. It will be worth it all in the end though I’m sure. [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]We just invested around 1 million euros in machinery, and i'm studying a project of buying a company in Canada and opening one in the US, see, nothing really interesting to share ![/quote:y81t44ao] Nothing interesting????? Wow – you’ve got heaps of amazing things happening at the moment. I asked you this in the last “missing” pm, but what exactly does your factory do? You said something about tools, but that could mean anything. What does the new machinery do? Is it a new functionality, or was it upgrading/automating old functionality? Are the businesses you are looking at in the US and Canada going to be extensions of what you currently do? What made you choose those markets, apart from your personal ties, does it tie in with your uncles business? How are you going to manage them based in France? At least you’ll be able to claim your trips back to Canada and the States as work trips now haha. I hope you don’t think I’m being nosy…. I actually find all that sort of stuff really interesting. I’m a “logistics” girl – as soon as you come up with a scenario my mind races off in a million directions as to what needs to be done to actually make it happen. That’s why I do what I do for a living I suppose. <!-- s:geek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek" /><!-- s:geek: --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]I just take Saturday off to go see my daughter skiing, can't wait for spring to come out and get my motorcycle out of the garage and go boating.[/quote:y81t44ao] It must be hard only seeing your daughter on weekends like that. Do you get her for school holidays? I think I’ve mentioned before, I’ve got a week on/week off arrangement with my ex, and it actually works quite well. Does your daughter live in the same area? What’s her name by the way… My little girls name is Charlotte, but we call her Charlie. What sort of bike do you have? I have to admit to being a bit of a closet “rev head” <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> . I love putting my foot down and tackling nice curvy stretches of road, with the hood down and the stereo blaring. When I bought my car I got a free advanced BMW drivers course with it. I’m flying up to Brisbane in March to do it, it should be fun. I would have thought that you couldn’t wait for spring so that you could thaw out your frozen balls…. <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao] As for the Ramones, they are kick ass, but i like all Rock and Punk Rock from those years even some stuff from the 60's, i'm getting old before the right time <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> [/quote:y81t44ao] You even like stuff from the 60’s hey… well that means I just made it in, since I was born in ’69 <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> . I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for the early punk bands as well. I even went and saw the Sex Pistols when they did their “ filthy lucre” tour for nostalgia’s sake! [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]I'll try to get you some good looking dudes for the line up, but that'll be hard <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: -->Raph[/quote:y81t44ao] OK, thanks… but I’m a bit concerned that your definition and my definition of a good looking bloke might be completely different….. and I’ll be even more concerned if it isn’t! <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> Maybe you should line up a couple of genuine and decent ones as a backup just in case. Apparently they’re a rare species and I’m sure that I could find good homes for them all… <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]Good luck with the video section [/quote:y81t44ao] Thanks, hopefully it will be up by the end of the weekend, but we shall see….. Cheers Nicole <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> 0 0 gA== y81t44ao 0 0 u_222
193 0 183 1 1201164411 1 1 1 1 88 pozdraf....od kud si tocno???? 88 0 0 3eogo6mq 0 0 u_252
195 154 171 0 1201173796 1 1 1 1 Re: Moderatori Hvala puno, tako smo negdje i o?ekivali cijenu. Nadam se da ?e te Pero uskoro kontaktirati. Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 1gl3hsrv 0 0 u_236
200 0 219 0 1201193644 1 1 1 1 gig Alright marra Can you give me a ring on 07775927810 so i can contact you about saturdays do. 828 John Cumbria 0 0 1mg07u1m 0 0 u_63
202 193 252 0 1201201984 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Hail, ja sam iz jednog malog zagorskog mjesta, ali bez obzira na to kaj je to malo mjesto ima poprili?no puno nacionalsocialista, skinsa itd. Okupljamo i neke drugove iz okolnih zagorskih mjesta i gradova.Mjesto se zove Konjš?ina. Odakle si ti to?no? 0 0 hbvcghvw 0 0 u_183
5493 0 2135 0 1225895205 1 1 1 1 Re: KOSOVO [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5154#p5154:22fzluf7]Subject: KOSOVO[/url:22fzluf7] [quote=&quot;lebenicnik88&quot;:22fzluf7]odpri:D pa napiš Prosta debata;) loh mi daš pa msn na PM ?e bi se rd pogovarju:)[/quote:22fzluf7] Oj a si še kj aktiven na MSH-ju. ?e si te lepo prosim za naslov. Lp. 0 0 kA== 22fzluf7 0 0 u_360
5495 5400 103 0 1225912564 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hello mate, Yes still got the Chingford Attack CD. £10 if you would like one. Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 2ky79zyz 0 0 u_74
209 132 138 0 1201239258 1 1 1 1 Re: alrite m8 Tom I will change letters to capital's let us know what sizes you want.I was wondering as I have a few other t-shirts I sell at gig's if I could make the two designs up and sell what I make over the £4 for each tshirt the band will get with your permission if that's ok could you let me know as i'm going to leed's tomorrow could start getting you some money in? If you let me know when you want yours might be easier if I brought them up to you.Really intrested in the machine will let you know at the whitelaw gig. cheers andy 88 0 0 1o2a7o7p 0 0 u_146
212 193 183 0 1201250196 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 novi marof.... 0 0 2phlc9nb 0 0 u_252
213 181 54 0 1201251727 1 1 1 1 Re: Slovenia [quote=&quot;dr.Gebi&quot;:1a84gwba]Hello, I'm Gebi from Slovenia and I would like to ask you, if you can give me moderator rights for Slovenian forum. On old forum we don't have this right and users write sometimes stupid things. We must make sure, that forum remains on hight level. best regards from Slovenia Gebi[/quote:1a84gwba] Hello, I'm happy to let you know that you are now the moderator of the Slovenian section of the forum! Cheers from Australia! Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 gA== 1a84gwba 0 0 u_236
214 0 148 0 1201253904 1 1 1 1 88 evo frende ak te kaj zanima svi smo povezani prek msn-a pa ak ga imas,bum ti ja onda rekao kaj te zanima,ja sam iz zagreba. <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2de0ir2q 1201253944 1 u_252
6252 6244 2436 0 1232676457 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F Well lets strat like this im 6.6 285 , i was mma for like 6 years .....And i am not in this 2 go 2 jail but i will not let my self are eny my aryan brother be hurt are attackt ... I am just looking for a group like VF BAH two help focos my heart and mine i just really want 2 help with the envacement of are race eny way i can ..i just really want 2 be part of a group thats both smart and respectfull .... I like camping reading training and eny thing 2 do with helping my race ....i am willing 2 learn how 2 be a help 2 my race and not a let down i just need the chance ......your brother in race Charles John Wallis Magraw ... and if u would like two know eny thing else just ask my number is 778-881-6325 and it is allway on affter 6pm <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3ej1i4pb 0 0 u_2105
5862 5804 2157 0 1228847278 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig Haha no problem mate. I made it to the gig in the end. I got a mini bus with the east london lot. You missed a good gig, maybe see you at the next ey. See ya mate 0 0 20wc3e9q 0 0 u_1745
217 132 146 0 1201280023 1 1 1 1 Re: alrite m8 aye' up andy.......feel free to knock out some shirts,whats goin' on in leeds tomorrow?.is it the ballads night.if you could do 5 large-5xl,i think that will be alright to start.i would'nt mind meetin' up with ya' to talk about possibly doin' a differrent design.with maybe a different font on the logo..the ten your gonna' do will just be a tester for the band to see if they get a good interest.if so we can maybe do back print and sleeves as well...we can sort that out no probs though.anyway goin' for a beer so i'll speak or see ya' soon,have a good one tomorrow....TOM828. 0 0 26e60be9 0 0 u_138
5777 5769 1409 0 1228245362 1 1 1 1 Re: ANDOVER Halo mate! Yes mate,I'm still in Andover and I still need lift at gig..I wiil be very happy if you help me with this..Cheers mate!Racial Regards! <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`nsflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/85dd.jpg" alt="`nsflag" title="nsflag" /><!-- s`nsflag --> <!-- s`nsflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/85dd.jpg" alt="`nsflag" title="nsflag" /><!-- s`nsflag --> <!-- s`nsflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/85dd.jpg" alt="`nsflag" title="nsflag" /><!-- s`nsflag --> 0 0 3f1wasd7 0 0 u_72
219 0 53 0 1201337131 1 1 1 1 youtube Hi, just a quick pm to say i've deleted 2 of your posts due to the links to youtube, These are not permited on here, they can be posted on the old forum 0 0 zlsfdwwy 0 0 u_255
221 0 92 0 1201351552 1 1 1 1 Re: Aanstaande zaterdag (26 januari) POW benefiet avond sorry voor de late reactie maar ben je nog geîntresseerd om vervoer te verlenen voor Freiheit28 en mij? en hoelang ben je van plan te blijven? 828! F. 0 0 3c4tqfh7 0 0 u_177
222 0 92 0 1201351888 1 1 1 1 Re: Aanstaande zaterdag (26 januari) POW benefiet avond om het makkelijk te maken: 0478359834 828! F. 0 0 17m3tt1c 0 0 u_177
223 221 177 0 1201424624 1 1 1 1 Re: Aanstaande zaterdag (26 januari) POW benefiet avond Hey, ja sorry hé man, was gisteren heel de dag niet thuis, toeme, anders had ik wel iets kunnen regelen ze! Maybe next time, was het anders ook de eerste keer dat jullie zouden geweest zijn misschien? 0 0 e7tqhwgg 0 0 u_92
224 221 92 0 1201424864 1 1 1 1 Re: Aanstaande zaterdag (26 januari) POW benefiet avond Is niet erg, was nogal laat gestuurd van mij. sorry ja was ook onze eerste keer. 828! F. 0 0 2q2pur8s 0 0 u_177
459 0 214 0 1202504575 1 1 1 1 Re: Agenda B&amp;H Vlaanderen weet gij iets meer?? dat alles is afgelast?? echt klote e grtz 0 0 2aypk2kg 0 0 u_113
460 459 113 0 1202506880 1 1 1 1 Re: Agenda B&amp;H Vlaanderen Ik kan daar niet veel over zeggen, je zal wel begrijpen waarom <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> 828 0 0 1pc6itk2 0 0 u_214
461 0 340 0 1202513712 1 1 1 1 Re: Original RAC Vinyl for sale. how much is Public Enemy - Our Weapon is Truth [Strong Cover Content] Public Enemy - Theres only one Public Enemy [Strong Cover Content] ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=1828#p1828:177oxl3n]Subject: Original RAC Vinyl for sale.[/url:177oxl3n] [quote=&quot;heimdall&quot;:177oxl3n]I've a lot of orginal rockorama etc vinyl for sale. I'm just seeing if theres intrest before I list everything. But all the vinyl is excellent to mint condition. Its all on orginal labels so theres European Rebelles, White Unity etc all in there. Theres a few 7inch singles in mint condition, open to sensible offers. Heres a very small list to gauge intrest...... Skrewdriver - Boot &amp; Braces Skrewdriver - Back with a Bang Skrewdriver - Voice of Britain [When the boat comes in edition not repress] Skrewdriver - Blood and Honour Skrewdriver - Hail the New Dawn Skrewdriver - White Rider Klansmen - Fetch the Rope Klansmen - Johnny joined the Klan [12&quot;] Klansmen - Rock n Roll Patriots Klansmen - Rebel with a Cause Skrewdriver - We got the Power Skrewdriver - Early Years Vol I and II Skrewdriver - Back with a Bang Skrewdriver - Strong Survive Skrewdriver - Warlord Ian Stuart - Slay the Beast Ian Stuart - No Turning Back Ian Stuart - Justice for Gottbus 6 White Diamond - Reaper No Surrender Vol I No Surrender Vol II No Surrender Vol III Gods of War I, II, III, IV [seperate albums] Skullhead - Cry of Pain Skullhead - Odins Call Skullhead - White Warrior Skrewdriver featured on Chiscick Records Comp with Motorhead. No Remorse - New Stormtroopers No Remorse - This time the world No Remorse - See you in Valhalla Public Enemy - Our Weapon is Truth [Strong Cover Content] Publib Enemy - Englands Glory Public Enemy - Theres only one Public Enemy [Strong Cover Content] Paul Burnley 4 the Reich Lionheart-Ride of the Valkyries Lionheart-A New Beginning Vengance - Vengance 7inch BattleZone - Right to March Grade 1 - Hail Fortress - Bell tolls Theres loads more and i'll update list the intrest is there. I can deliver to any UK gig and can send to the USA / Europe.[/quote:177oxl3n] 0 0 kA== 177oxl3n 0 0 u_105
227 0 58 8 1201433910 1 1 1 1 Hail Mateeey Hail Mick !! I was glad to put a face to a name at Gs Birthday bash last night mate <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> I had a very enjoyable evening indeed ha ha ! bit pissed but hey it was me night off LMAO I seem to meet more new friends at every event I go to and heres looking to 2008 with an inspired attitude lol . I thought it was quite funny really coz no-one really knows who Asgard1488 is as not been to any gigs and social evenings !! I always seem to get others staring at me trying to figure out who the fuck is that fella with the bin lids LMAO <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Hope to meet you again soon mate Stay safe and well Racial Regards 828 Neil 0 0 1yh53tl5 0 0 u_180
228 0 282 0 1201440022 1 1 1 1 Changing user name. Hello mate, how can I change my user name? Cheers. 0 0 2zskqt6d 0 0 u_2
229 228 2 0 1201446373 1 1 1 1 Re: Changing user name. Give me the details and i'll sort it 0 0 3awhaad3 0 0 u_282
231 0 177 0 1201456494 1 1 1 1 pow Ik heb je er niet gezien? Je ging nochthans naar me toe komen? Of was je misschien al vroeg weg? 0 0 1si0qn7d 0 0 u_214
4187 4182 53 0 1216899560 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Im good thanx, aye i'll be there, its a mids gig so all good. How u been? 0 0 nqldjxrx 0 0 u_549
4188 4182 549 0 1216900000 1 1 1 1 Re: hi better than usual :) should b able to get up their myself doing my provisional soon so getting where it is wont be a problem :) 0 0 3hrump6d 0 0 u_53
1313 1051 180 0 1206046947 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hi m8, yeah i recall the name bedders now. catch up with you at next gig m8 828 0 0 1bijv3z5 0 0 u_606
235 231 214 0 1201532390 1 1 1 1 Re: pow hey ja heb je ook niet gezien en nee ben tot laatste gebleven hed een t-shirt aan van b&amp;h me ne 8-ball op om wa u ben je binnen gekome? en waar ben je dan ergens gaan staan ofzo 0 0 gfzn212x 0 0 u_177
236 231 177 0 1201541669 1 1 1 1 Re: pow Hey, Dan zullen we elkaar inderdaad gemist hebben, ik was er tegen 10 na 10 ofzo, dan rond iets voor twaalf stopte de laatste groep met spelen en dacht ik dus dat het gedaan was, nadien pas gehoord dat het daarna gewoon verdergaat met cd's in de stereo-speler en dus te vroeg naar mn zin terug huiswaarts gekeert. Waarschijnlijk ben jij er dan waarschijnlijk kort daarna gearriveert! Nu weet ik dus voor de volgende keer dat het met het stoppen van de laatste groep daarmee de avond er nog niet opzit hé. Maar heb ondertussen al contact gehad met 88ruler (jorg) van op het forum, ook met Pan. St. van op het forum, die laatste ging ook na de laatste groep naar huis (was ook een nieuwe, Pan St.) en besloot dus mee te gaan. Zijn er dan toch ook al twee die ik volgende keer ken en waar ik mee zal afspreken dan. Jij zal ik dan dus ook nog wel zien hé. Greetz 0 0 1sk5ztrt 0 0 u_214
237 0 63 0 1201547425 1 1 1 1 how are you? aint heard from you for a while hope you are well, the last time we spoke on msn i was pissed and fell asleep in mid conversation.. lol any way nice to see you on this forum 88 0 0 321cpa1f 0 0 u_289
6069 0 2399 4 1231701576 1 1 1 1 / bu! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 11o99300 0 0 u_2309
6018 6014 88 0 1231191418 1 1 1 1 Re: Is this normal? i asked to have our section removed we are making some actions in coming months we want to leave B&amp;H out of, and we will not share space with hsn or their lackeys everything is good, have no worries! ROA R 0 0 10dlq6bi 0 0 u_2138
6019 5461 88 0 1231191799 1 1 1 1 Re: Info Sergio, I'll be in Portugal at the end of February early march, I'd like to meet with you and discuss building a friendly relationship between VF and B&amp;H in Portugal. I think we have a common interest and vision for Portugal. I'll keep you updated on my trip. Look forward to meeting you and hopefully building a strong friendship between B&amp;H and Volksfront in all of Iberia. ROA/828 Randal my email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> , I do not think the forum is completely secure for conversation. 0 0 2nkiaenm 0 0 u_203
2065 0 92 0 1209909799 1 1 1 1 Re: wanted [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=6909#p6909:1nmhs2q3]Subject: wanted[/url:1nmhs2q3] [quote=&quot;14skinhead88&quot;:1nmhs2q3]skrewdriver,no remorse,skullhead brutal attack and so on[/quote:1nmhs2q3] I can send you a list for shirts. I have Bound for glory, mistreat, Operation Racewar, ... 0 0 kA== 1nmhs2q3 0 0 u_74
2066 2065 74 0 1209920383 1 1 1 1 Re: wanted yes that will be good friend and prices inc postage cheers danny 0 0 2w13c82j 0 0 u_92
2068 0 297 0 1209944207 1 1 1 1 t-shirts Hi there just wondering a few things about them, 1- Have you got any pics of the shirts?? 2- What size they are?? 3- How much are you after for them??(each and all togehter) Many thanks!! 14/828 0 0 1g6cvjxo 0 0 u_92
2069 0 775 0 1209958651 1 1 1 1 greets Happy Birthday 0 0 14nr42nn 0 0 u_879
5863 5855 2157 0 1228847494 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hiya. Yeah i made the gig. It was quite a mission as I went to London first and got the mini bus with that lot. You really missed a great gig, all the bands put on a good show. Maybe see you at the next one hey. Take it easy 0 0 c2o4qthq 0 0 u_1322
5553 5551 2157 0 1226733291 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi From East Anglia Yes you can add me.... <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ....i'm not on there alot at the moment though as i'm am staying with girlfriends parents 'til xmas. Hopefully speak with you soon 0 0 3k1opbeo 0 0 u_2123
5425 0 635 0 1225373006 1 1 1 1 Moro! Semmosta kyselisin, että pääseekö noihin konsertteihin alaikäiset sisään?? Esimerkiks tonne Turussa olevaan tai ylipäänsä mihinkään? Ku oon vasta 17 ja ei oikee viiti ruveta miettii tai kyselee mitää kyytiä, jos ei ees tiedä että pääseekö sisään <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Vituttais vähä jos matkustais vaikka bussilla tai junalla johki satojen kilometrien päähän ja sit joutuis ovella käännytetyks.. Sen takia pistin sulle yksityisviestiä ku nimimerkkis perusteella vaikutat oikeelta henkilöltä vastaamaan tuohon <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 3ujqx5b7 0 0 u_552
1528 1520 759 0 1207171184 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello Kirk, Long time mate. Yeah I do remember you. Hows things these days? Good to hear your still around &amp; active! How is Pete these days? ...Me married with 3 kids living like a peasant in this shit CUNTRY Aus! Would love to get back intoi the musoc again. Last thing I did was Retaliator I stand alone in 2000, been a total recluse since then with my family..Keep in touch mate. Aussie Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1zxs29x7 0 0 u_61
246 231 214 0 1201619169 1 1 1 1 Re: pow nee was der al van int beging &quot;rond 4u&quot; heb mee helpen opzetten enzo maar ik zal je volgende keer m'n nummer geven ok gegroet 0 0 8xrbqcf0 0 0 u_177
262 0 53 0 1201649333 1 1 1 1 Avatar 88, Here we go as promised, i'm a computer dunce so i can only tell you how to get a avatar (little pic) of a pic you already have if you need to know how to attatch one from a site i'll ask Asguard for you but i just save the pic from the site. top left hand corner theres a button 'user control panel' click it then click on 'profile' then click 'edit avatar' if the pics on your machine click browse find it an open the file that will attatch it. but there is a max size 90 * 90 this web site will shrink your pics for you <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> just look under edit avatar attatch pic as before an in the size box write 90*90 an chose which version of pic you want save it an then start at the 'control user panel' its much easier than it seems the shrink pictures web site is a god send, love to Gill take care an see you in Feb 828 0 0 10gjjb11 0 0 u_80
6191 6156 58 0 1232388971 1 1 1 1 Re: meet up [quote=&quot;whitehammer&quot;:32nwh145]im over the river from dartford would love to have a few of us get together for a beer.[/quote:32nwh145] Hail Hail Whitehammer <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Dartford ? Is'nt that the kent postcode ha ha <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":-?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:-? --> We in S London would like to have your company anytime mate so will keep you informed ok. contact : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> with an e mail addy and contact number if ok ? or I will contact you by e mail when arranged. I would have thought though that Kent Division would be closer to you though mate ? Also in the contacts list ! All the best and hope to meet you soon anyway. 828 Asgard1488 0 0 gA== 32nwh145 0 0 u_396
253 0 108 0 1201634551 1 1 1 1 materijal Ne znam ako sam ti to ve? spominjao,no sad ho? godinama mi prisluškuju mob i ku?ni tako da bi bilo najbolje da komuniciramo o takvim delikatnim stvarima preko PM-a...tako?er bi te zamolio ako me možeš nazvat na mob ve?eras da insceniramo razgovor,naime ja bi ti rekao da je materijal preuzela neka osoba iz zagreba(naravno ne postoje?a) i da mi nemamo više niš s tim,?isto da sebe i tebe zaštitim i da gadove usmjerim na krivi put....... 0 0 2ap7m9h2 0 0 u_277
257 253 277 0 1201638487 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal Ok. Sam mi reci, hoces domenu 0 0 104adrt4 0 0 u_108
258 253 277 0 1201640332 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal javi mi usput okvirno i cijene proizvoda... 0 0 4gvyw1z7 0 0 u_108
259 253 108 0 1201640709 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal [quote=&quot;gavran&quot;:3iq007cy]javi mi usput okvirno i cijene proizvoda...[/quote:3iq007cy] [b:3iq007cy]ok,nek bude domena cijene zastave-100 kuna maje-100 kuna kop?e za remen-150 kuna zakrpe-20 kuna fanzin-15 kuna thorhammer-20 kuna be?evi- 5 kuna[/b:3iq007cy] 0 0 wA== 3iq007cy 0 0 u_277
260 167 89 0 1201644133 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hail I am from Rowley Regis. glad to see another midlander on here. keep in touch Martin 0 0 35iv8ec7 0 0 u_199
263 253 277 0 1201657806 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> tu ti je otprilike kako sam napravio. Reci kako ti se cini i sto da mijenjam username: gost password: pristup (ili privremeni, nisam vise siguran). <!-- s:-D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":-D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:-D --> 0 0 3sxz8244 0 0 u_108
264 0 152 0 1201661480 1 1 1 1 Hello Billy? 0 0 3evr6ksc 0 0 u_317
2058 2046 1 0 1209892922 1 1 1 1 Re: hi cheers no griff has not said anything 2 me about the cd but it would b brill if u did do a splitt cd. u have both done brill gigs its adout time.. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 38vh4lfa 0 0 u_297
2059 0 92 0 1209897874 1 1 1 1 Re: Memorial for Fallen Heroes 2008 vervoeg mijn kameraden! <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 828! F. 0 0 bcl3dl0e 0 0 u_604
2060 0 1 0 1209898037 1 1 1 1 hi hi there how are you doing. many gigs your way. hope 2 hear from you. <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 yhid8k22 0 0 u_916
267 132 138 0 1201695706 1 1 1 1 Re: alrite m8 alrite tom was a good set in leeds by stigger never seen him play before.not to many of our lot ther lot's of family and friends of paul's.a couple of people asking about what the band had lined up and cd's did sell 1 t-shirt.have to sort something out and meet up I can bring them 10 up and sort some others out if you got any ideas stick em on paper and we can try to sort some out. 0 0 1hlek9dr 0 0 u_146
270 269 112 0 1201703218 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Ja, valt wel mee. Het is nog wat zoeken, ook is het ledenaantal (het actieve dan wel) redelijk miniem dus veel werk aan de winkel en weinig volk om het aan uit te besteden.<!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> familiale crisissen? St-Jozef, toch nooit café De Vespa zeker?:D 0 0 13n3zfdo 0 0 u_110
1768 269 112 0 1208303472 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Stilgevallen? 0 0 8k7a3gov 0 0 u_110
4772 0 1838 7 1221090208 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail! 0 0 kA== 80quq7up 0 0 u_1029
3990 3216 1138 0 1216294792 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale hails brad, are you still interested in the eagle mate? I've looked into several more courier companies &amp; can get it down so all in it would be £170. let us know either way brother.not a problem if you dont want it. Have also got a lovely AH bust,not crappy plaster copy.really nice alloy one.very heavy. si <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3v2ffhbc 0 0 u_120
275 227 180 8 1201719254 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey Hail m8. good to meet you also. was a good nite. you should have come back to grahams, think we stopped drinkin around 4. banging head in the mornin, was up at 8.30 then drove back to northampton <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> send us a link to your web page please m8. cya at the next gig 828 0 0 34hz6hfn 0 0 u_58
276 253 277 0 1201724816 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal daj pogledaj ca sve treba mijenjati, imam server i domenu, sve je gotovo, i daj jos broj racuna i objasnjenje kako hoces placati, i gotovi smo... 0 0 2dzggr4n 0 0 u_108
5496 5489 2092 0 1225918180 1 1 1 1 Re: FANZINE [quote=&quot;chile28&quot;:t443kepr]hello mate hey do you have a few interviews of wp bands? can you send me a few ones please?[/quote:t443kepr] I´ll send it to you as soon as i can. I have a new ones that are exclusive. But is in portuguese. Entendes português? 88 0 0 gA== t443kepr 0 0 u_2100
3993 3984 1 0 1216308027 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF hail ben what can i say what do i do drop her? she has a fan club on the fourm try attacking her and youre fund out she says shes comeing to england to the isd in the uk in sept and is going to help me get there as you know ive had troubles of my own and she says she will help me? wellnothing has happend as yet see my other posts for help and some of the dumb answers i got beb on nicloe says so will pm you to offer a lift and nothings happend as yet i started sending her photos to a funny po box address of the aussie skin scene from the 1980s to the early 1990sive lots thanks to my best mate ever andy seamanof who ive lost contact he lived lives in brisbane do you or did you know him and chumley ? wore my true best mates . do you know the band legion of st george his wife is an aussie. she semms to know or think she knows moreabout ns than every one else even me now ive been ns for 25 years and im still learning she collects real ns peaces well she can afford to being rich. cant she im not going to talk sense to beb as i know its a waste of time .you wont change someone whos rich she has helpt me in this way by talking about my demon end of part one <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 v0nzydyl 0 0 u_145
5189 4818 168 0 1223806506 1 1 1 1 Re: Isd Flanders Hey, alles goed daar? Eindelijk heb ik meer info voor jullie ivm de ISD volgende week. Jullie moeten richting Antwerpen rijden, maar hou in jullie achterhoofd dat het vanuit Antwerpen nog 80 minuten rijden is. Geef me een telefoon nummer waar ik zaterdag morgen het juiste adres kan naartoe sturen. Als jullie een GPS mee hebben zal dit jullie reis zeer makkelijk maken. Mag ik jullie vragen om daar te zijn om 12uur? (de groepen/stands/hulp arriveren allen om 12uur, want het word een zeer drukke dag en we willen beter voorbereid zijn dan vorig jaar). Wij zijn aanwezig vanaf 10uur. Alvast bedankt voor alle hulp! PS: jullie mogen banners meenemen om op te hangen. 0 0 3kswslzy 0 0 u_332
282 0 199 0 1201729690 1 1 1 1 Oi! Oi m88 Good to see ya on here - ariesuk88 is my profile on another site <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> Gary 0 0 1krzsf83 0 0 u_189
1777 1760 277 0 1208358537 1 1 1 1 Re: stranica Gospon Marko mi je tek neki dan uspjesno poslao mail, nakon dugo vremena cekanja i gluhog telefona s obje strane. Sad kad konacno to imam, u tjedan do dva cu ti sve napraviti. Sorry da ne mogu prije, imam sad ispite bitne na faxu pa mi malo strka oko vremena. Samo mi javi do tad kako mislis nacin placanja, i opet mi posalji onaj thorov cekic. 0 0 3119662t 0 0 u_108
285 253 108 0 1201732424 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal svi?a mi se kako si složio site,promijenio bi još poneku sitnicu u grafici...koliko si ono rekao da košta na mjesec? I daj mi još jednom napiši sve mogu?nosti koje imamo sa tim domenama( ako posebno uzmemo ili ako se odlu?imo na poddomenu za 0 0 3ni27661 0 0 u_277
286 227 58 8 1201767382 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey [quote=&quot;Mick@central div&quot;:22l575x5]Hail m8. good to meet you also. was a good nite. you should have come back to grahams, think we stopped drinkin around 4. banging head in the mornin, was up at 8.30 then drove back to northampton <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> send us a link to your web page please m8. cya at the next gig 828[/quote:22l575x5] Hail Mateeey ! Yes , it was a briliant night mate I thoroughly enjoyed myself too <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> We had to leave and not back to Gs as K had to work the next day mate and we came down in his van ha ha ! I am sure if he had not had to work we would have come back to Gs ha ha , maybe it was better that way as I had already embaressed enough with me dancing with Lady HT LMAO Were you witness to that bit of awful dancefloor skills ROFL <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> I must have been pissed by then <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Hope to meet you again soon mate and is that you on myspace as MICK ? I will send you an add request ok mateeeey 828 Racial regards mate Asgard1488 0 0 gA== 22l575x5 0 0 u_180
287 0 183 0 1201768503 1 1 1 1 88 kam u skolu ides???i el ide ko od tvoih u vz??? 0 0 3siuenoy 0 0 u_252
5003 0 307 0 1222212493 1 1 1 1 isd come and watch this on you tube cheers matts <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> one of my new vids on you tube out of 3 accounts.go to white people awake account holder is me but name is skinheadf88 then look at my rest of my videos, <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> no stopping me 0 0 3d5kugck 0 0 u_1711
5499 5400 74 0 1225934562 1 1 1 1 Re: cds ok cheers danny28 0 0 1acjk3yo 0 0 u_103
5500 5461 88 0 1225965302 1 1 1 1 Re: Info I think it is possible to bring VF as a member group of B&amp;H in Portugal, like the USA and Canada. We will be having a meeting in Spain at the end of February and I think it is possible to discuss further. 828 0 0 1v99x7up 0 0 u_203
5501 5461 203 0 1225978887 1 1 1 1 Re: Info Thanks for your reply. When you have news, send me a pm Best regards Sergio 828 0 0 3a1i6i0z 0 0 u_88
5530 5489 2100 0 1226424027 1 1 1 1 Re: FANZINE ok mate. yes i understand portuguesse thanks for the help this is my email skrew_28@hot.... 0 0 1z3jfsok 0 0 u_2092
6068 6063 801 0 1231684743 1 1 1 1 Re: Snooty Fox Thanks for that and yes it's Tony. Talked about your dad having bikes. I will pass the word on about not wearing Swazi armbands. I suppose I will have to leave my B&amp;H T-shirt at home in it's sylish black, red and white wih charming motif <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> LOL. Hope we can make it and if so look forward to seeing you. RR. 828. 0 0 lqhrbiel 0 0 u_284
6033 6032 70 0 1231285946 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome back. hello bro things are good thought it was bloody cold in the fatherland till i got back here...... Got b and h meetin on weekend so i should get dates for gigs etc. hope you get better soon your not havin much luck bro . Have to meet up for a drink or two soon when your feelin a tad better .. stu 828 0 0 1qmkfyd4 0 0 u_801
5532 5360 332 0 1226427887 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's Hi, i just spoke with that mate of me. He's gonna change the video's. I'll let you know when i have them. Greetings <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3p4nfcsk 0 0 u_54
5876 0 2123 0 1228937128 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17162#p17162:ieglz4tl]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:ieglz4tl] [quote=&quot;mickle&quot;:ieglz4tl];albumID=2029008&amp;MyToken=c3843e2e-85eb-47e9-b50e-17af106db380 Some pics I took at the gig on Saturday. Forgive me for the occasional blurry bits in some pics, this was down to over enthusiastic folk down the front (bless them) that bumped into me and I got Worthington's Bitter on the camera lens. It's not a great technique for taking pics, holding a beer in one hand and your camera in another.[/quote:ieglz4tl] i could not see that album, because your not connected with my profile. can u send me your profile to add, please. ive been there aswell. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kA== ieglz4tl 0 0 u_2002
5877 5876 2002 0 1228942340 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";friendID=135628622"> ... =135628622</a><!-- m --> ^^^^ Try this. 0 0 1vm0c2oq 0 0 u_2123
5534 5360 54 0 1226428298 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's That's great, Thank you! I'm glad the SS memorial went well. It doesn't look like Rob is going to come for Christmas, because they have really put the airfares up over Christmas time, so he is looking at flights at the end of January instead. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3lek77no 0 0 u_332
5183 0 279 0 1223752032 1 1 1 1 i cannot post on 28radio section Heil i can not post on 28radio section of the forum do you no why and could you fix this proberlem please [size=150:1z4w7jyp][b:1z4w7jyp]14/88 racial regards 14/88 [/b:1z4w7jyp][/size:1z4w7jyp] 88power88 0 0 RA== 1z4w7jyp 0 0 u_54
291 269 112 0 1201779964 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Haha hou het maar op cafépraat, ik weet wel van wie dat komt als het uit café Vespa komt, lol Hoe bedoel je samen naar buiten komen? Er wordt samen naar buiten gekomen hoor. En feit is wel men nog zoveel leden mag aantrekken dat men wil, het aantal echt actieve leden blijft altijd beperkt tot een kleine kern. 0 0 1gfpskpl 0 0 u_110
294 227 58 8 1201786161 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey Ha Ha <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Forgot the web link Here it is : [url:2gvhm13q]http&#58;//www&#46;asgarddirectservices&#46;co&#46;uk[/url:2gvhm13q] If this dont work as a link just copy and paste in your browser bar ok !! Cheers Brother 88 N 0 0 EA== 2gvhm13q 0 0 u_180
3596 3587 90 0 1215269656 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Walonîye Gegroet Pm Surtur hier eens over en vraag zijn mening. Freiheit 28 0 0 1bafaty3 0 0 u_978
298 269 112 0 1201790637 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Ja inderdaad, als het een fcb café is weet ik niet, weet wel dat er aan cafévoetbal gedaan wordt. Collega's zijn daar al eens beland toen ze een match tegen een ploeg van st jozef speelden. Het zal inderdaad wel groeien maar dat gaat niet op 1, 2, 3... Het VB heeft er ook jaren over gedaan om te komen tot de grootte dat ze nu zijn (met alle compromissen vandien). Misschie moet jij je ook militant maken? groeten 0 0 1mic2l1f 0 0 u_110
300 0 147 0 1201794863 1 1 1 1 who i am This was me <!-- s:P --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /><!-- s:P --> [img:3mihqffv]http&#58;//a982&#46;ac-images&#46;myspacecdn&#46;com/images01/128/l_09ff6af30ea4974275c892ae5d77d08d&#46;jpg[/img:3mihqffv] 0 0 CA== 3mihqffv 0 0 u_53
4171 4169 58 0 1216849632 1 1 1 1 Re: j [quote=&quot;WEE_MAN&quot;:2q4dtxse]greets asgard are you going to the notts gig the weekend? how are you? <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry -->[/quote:2q4dtxse] Hail Wee Man ! Sorry mate not his weekend ! On call this weekend and first weekend of school holidays too !!! Next event eh ? RR asgard 0 0 gA== 2q4dtxse 0 0 u_1221
5749 5608 66 0 1228073947 1 1 1 1 Re: xmas hi kenny , 6 days to go ..... i see you left a message on the forum, are you driving to york? if so ,you will need my address as the coach is leaving from my house...please let me know asap can park your car safely at mine..... jules yorkshire division..88 0 0 1oise4ah 0 0 u_2161
3931 3930 53 0 1215993422 1 1 1 1 Re: h Other than coming over to see you? <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 297vy67t 0 0 u_1221
4189 4049 210 0 1216901482 1 1 1 1 Re: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary Hi Nicole, okay,i understand that,maybe next time.It doesn't known yet which country will host EHF next year,but it will be propagated in time,for sure. Sadly i can't go to England in this year,again,i'm very busy in my business.... <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> I wasn't there already 3 years ago,so shit.But have a great time in Europe,and of course you are welcome in Hungary any other time! <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Best regards! Geri HFFH 0 0 w9cdxp37 0 0 u_54
4695 4685 54 0 1220764553 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello and upcoming ISD arrangements [quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:1nqt7ecb]Hi Nicole, If you'd been in contact a bit earlier I could have let you know that we don't have anything planned for the Thursday and after last year when a bunch of fuckheads turned up to the Friday night dinner we decided not to do a formal B&amp;H activity for the Friday this year, either. We'll be doing the last minute gig preperation stuff anyway. That said, Nikki and a bunch of other people will be getting together in the City on the Friday, so I'd suggest you give her a bell and hook up with her. We'll be letting everyone know the details for the meet up point for the gig on the Saturday itself. Justin[/quote:1nqt7ecb] Hi Justin, Thanks for the reply. I hadn't contacted you earlier because I've been interstate and working hell hours for the past 2 months so I wasn't very organised re ISD I'm afraid. I finally finished the project I was working on last Thursday, so was able to focus on booking my flights etc. That's a shame that the dinner won't be on, I had been looking forward to it. I've already been in touch with Nikki and others so I'm already meeting up with them but thanks for the suggestion. I'm coming down early to allow myself some shopping time in Melbourne in preparation for my trip to Europe the following week. Ange from NZ can't make it to ISD this year and has asked me to pick up a couple of t-shirts for her to send over, so if you could put a couple aside for her that would be great, I'll find out what size she is after and will pay for them on Saturday. Also, will there be any 28 Oz t-shirts for sale, as I want to buy some as gifts for people I will be staying with in Europe. If you need any help setting up, or if I can bring some extra flags etc along for decorating the room please let me know. Otherwise I will see you guys on Saturday. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1nqt7ecb 0 0 u_295 u_2
3979 2262 363 0 1216228148 1 1 1 1 Re: records hi , i have for sale skrewdriver - when the storm breaks lp!if you are interested please let me know. best regards 0 0 1tpstldi 0 0 u_558
4952 0 1923 0 1222013466 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista Viva camarada, Espero que a gig da ISM tenha sido boa, com muita pena minha não deu para ir, alias este verão mal tive férias, é o que dá ser um operário explorado. Boa noticia, estou em contactos avançados para se realizar o tal evento com GDH, assim que haja novidades aviso-te. 88 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9522#p9522:b2jqyihw]Subject: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista[/url:b2jqyihw] [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:b2jqyihw]Boa cena <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:b2jqyihw] 0 0 kA== b2jqyihw 0 0 u_203
6212 0 2123 0 1232480230 1 1 1 1 hello hello mate. Who are you?hope ur ok. do u know any website to buy some Bombers Jackets? cheers. 0 0 1l2gpggi 0 0 u_61
5481 0 143 0 1225825169 1 1 1 1 Visit to Nagykanisza hey Gabor, me and Danko from Varazdin will be in Nagykanisza on december 28th, we will arrive in the morning and stay until aternoon in town, so we can meet if you will have time, and I must give you something, a little gift for you:) 0 0 1qpsrw8k 1225825356 1 u_1053
6845 691 70 0 1236788413 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Hello Jess sorry not been back in touch had no comp........ nightmare. How many of you are comming across? Shouldnt be a prob with accom and should be able to pick you up from airport only few miles away. Think rental car may be a good idea as think my car is already full for gig tried to sort a mini bus but to costly. cheers stu 828 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 kpnwpv1h 0 0 u_200
306 227 180 8 1201802774 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey Hail m8, this is me myspace link cheers for your link, speak soon 828 0 0 24noyyq0 0 0 u_58
307 227 58 8 1201805646 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey [quote=&quot;Mick@central div&quot;:1yadq3x4]Hail m8, this is me myspace link cheers for your link, speak soon 828[/quote:1yadq3x4] Ok Mate , going in search of it now ha ha ! Having a crap day of it today so may hit the booze later and get peeed <!-- s:x --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mad.gif" alt=":x" title="Mad" /><!-- s:x --> <!-- s:x --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mad.gif" alt=":x" title="Mad" /><!-- s:x --> Still gotta struggle on eh Ha Ha ! 828 Neil 0 0 gA== 1yadq3x4 0 0 u_180
4181 4150 110 0 1216887173 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote je hebt gelijk van al die zever, ze staan dan versteld dat het &quot;rechts&quot;kamp vol onnozelaars zit en analfabeten die enkel na 15 pinten en een paar kloppen op hun gezicht kunnen communiceren, jammer voor hen. voor mij te zien moet je niet veel moeite doen, ik sta alle weken in de P-magazine met een nieuw lingeriesetje <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> nee, serieus, met mijn dochtertje geraak ik moeilijk weg en op café zitten is ook niet mijn ding eerlijk gezegd. ik volg nu een beetje de NSA, ze doen wel goed vooruit hé. er zit progressie in. Hebben jullie al veel leden die het echt menen, in Brugge of elders ook nog. sedert ik terug ben lees ik weer de kranten, awel mijn kloten man, wat is er hier allemaal aan het gebeuren in de klein landje ???? zou misschien wel beter voor altijd naar italia gaan wonen. Berlusconi laat er geen gras over groeien met de vreemdelingen, daar zijn de italianen de baas. allé, we gaan elkaar nu weer meer horen en eens de gedachten kunnen ventileren over dit belgenland. groeten niet meer uit oostkamp, maar nu uit lichtervelde (ben verhuist) 0 0 6plo8ev8 0 0 u_112
310 253 277 0 1201817463 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal [quote=&quot;Najgori Prijatelj&quot;:1iiqssys]svi?a mi se kako si složio site,promijenio bi još poneku sitnicu u grafici...koliko si ono rekao da košta na mjesec? I daj mi još jednom napiši sve mogu?nosti koje imamo sa tim domenama( ako posebno uzmemo ili ako se odlu?imo na poddomenu za[/quote:1iiqssys] Sad sam ti vec uzeo domenu stormbringer28, dodje ti deset eura na godinu i nekih tri eura whoisguard, zastita da ne zna svatko tko stoji iza tih stranica, no to sam vec ja platio, nek bude za to sto si dugo cekal stranicu. napisi mi otprilike sto bi mijenjao u grafici itd, pa cu promijeniti. 0 0 gA== 1iiqssys 0 0 u_108
313 300 53 0 1201825451 1 1 1 1 Re: who i am bloody hell now i remember you!!! I saw the pics you've posted on here before but you dont look like that now!!! next time i'll be sure to say hi 828 Shell 0 0 3gtjowse 0 0 u_147
4582 4575 886 0 1219750772 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Not a problem, have something planned very soon, if your still interested, let me know, greaqt meeting you to brother. 0 0 2eawvxvq 0 0 u_606
6005 6003 2105 0 1231021178 1 1 1 1 Re: ? Sorry to hear about your hardships of late hopefully everthing will work out for you just do what is right and fear no one! 0 0 202lxowf 0 0 u_2219
6393 6381 54 0 1233433845 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:22iheeth]About three day ago i have been told from his friend that user named helikopter will not come anymore on this forum. He had been already banned for two times (nicknames 'medved' and 'avion') as he had some disagreements with us. Cheers! Marko[/quote:22iheeth] How very strange... This is the e-mail that Bulldog Drummond received from him on Friday: [quote:22iheeth]don't know ,,but always when i open the bh site write this ......... Information You have been permanently banned from this board. Please contact the Board Administrator for more information. A ban has been issued on your IP address. so i can't open nothing bh croatia banned me ,,because i suport norbet gig ( son's of europa side by side )..same bh hungary and switcerland baneed some hungarians hope you help me[/quote:22iheeth] I couldn't see any evidence of him being banned, but if he has been banned under previous names and the ban is on his IP address that makes sense. Should the ban stay? Cheers N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 22iheeth 0 0 u_108:u_171
6007 0 1362 0 1231022933 1 1 1 1 Ellor How do duds, haha am using an ipod touch to do thos message lol : <!-- s:geek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek" /><!-- s:geek: --> tryin to work it out lol its right snazzy. Did ya gan to bennys for new year then? N when u uploadin new stuff to rune? 0 0 3u9h3sgk 0 0 u_59
6008 5980 88 0 1231030006 1 1 1 1 Re: forum suggestions thank you ma'am, yea our oz guys are a great bunch of good folks all the best and happy new year to you and drummond <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1cejae62 0 0 u_54
6040 4961 558 0 1231382497 1 1 1 1 Re: hello 0 0 1jucv23y 0 0 u_1912
6364 6363 72 0 1233268371 1 1 1 1 Re: mags Al right Mate I can't be bothered with the hassle of trying to sale them so buy them from my Mate....he will pass on the cash to me and I will pass it on to the WAU and get them to confirm they got the cash on the forum. Yours.Rob 0 0 1i7rwkts 0 0 u_558
609 0 362 0 1203006330 1 1 1 1 oi Oi, Sam Loki iz Slovenije...Molio bi te ako si možda ti napravio kaku fotografiu, da mi jo poÅ¡aljeÅ¡(preduvsem mislim na ono kad se nas je 5 slikalo na nadhodu preko avtoceste i na ovo skupinsko izpred busa) Izvini ako nisi ti slikal ali ne sjeÄam se ni imena 2 hrvatskih kameradov sa kojima sam se slikal, isto neznam koji so jim nicki na forumu Oprosti za mojo vrlo loši hrvatski jezik, ako bi se temo moglo tako re?i... pozdrav i nadam se da se sljede?i put opet sre?amo... Loki iz Prekmurja,Slovenija... 0 0 1yxewi41 0 0 u_108
5439 5434 2070 0 1225541387 1 1 1 1 Re: Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween! THANKS <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3rcmiyvk 0 0 u_2119
5912 0 62 0 1229382173 1 1 1 1 Multikul-terreur Als je nog meer voorbeelden hebt dan hoor ik het graag want ik ga een vervolgartikeltje schrijven voor het forum. BTW woon je ook in Borgerokko? 0 0 2mjyd1mj 0 0 u_2287
5913 5897 2119 0 1229383002 1 1 1 1 Re: none Going great, Brother! Drinking a beer, playing with my dogs. I sent you a message on YIM but you were offline. In case you didn't get it, me and my crew are gonna be hanging out Friday and Saturday evening. If you can make the drive, we'd love to have another Skin with us. Last weekend me and Ice (his real name btw) went to the mall cause some friends of his were going and some nigger wanted to fight us and he got escorted out by security and Mobile cops. <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> If you need a place to crash we can handle that. Anyway, if you wanna get in touch with me you have my Yahoo! Instant Messenger and if you wanna give me a call my number is 251 433 3426. 88! <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2ccud0ak 0 0 u_337
1282 0 552 0 1205952088 1 1 1 1 Hello! I was the finnish section moderator at the old forum and I'm asking that can you put me up again. There's a need to do one introduction &quot;sticky&quot; thread. Also I will start to advertise the new forum, so it would be nice to have a right to delete possible improper posts if needed. Thanks, Petsku 88 ps. I don't know if this is the second message already. I sent one, but I have a feeling it didn't go through. I haven't sent private messages in this forum before. pps. Now I got it. The third time... <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> 0 0 2qfkhul2 0 0 u_54
328 321 323 0 1201885879 1 1 1 1 Re: the auction WOW thats so freakin awesome, thank you so much.. This has really made my day.. Hope all is well with you and yours.. Vicky 0 0 2w8g3udu 0 0 u_73
331 0 244 0 1201893065 1 1 1 1 H8Machine Hi, can I preorder the new H8Machine CD from you? Send you money for the No Tolerance Mini CD. Heard the CD don`t comes out, the studio crash the songs. Whts up with my money? D.B. - Germany 0 0 8m38uqn0 0 0 u_348
932 916 616 0 1204563710 1 1 1 1 Re: New here [quote=&quot;arieSSkin&quot;:3gatvvjx]Hi Paul I work for the University of Warwick - I manage the bars for the conference &amp; training side of things so it involves a lot of evening &amp; w/end work. Although I try to get as many w/ends off as I can, invariably they never coincide with the gigs........ Like u, I joined here in the hope of meeting others who share my very non-PC right wing views about the state of the country &amp; society as a whole. It would be good though if I could get to a gig sometime soon &amp; physically meet people rather than a lot of endless cyber chat.[/quote:3gatvvjx] It sounds like interesting work Gary - I joined other sites and people just cyber chatted and never seemed to meet, This one seems a bit more real as so many people are relatively local. Still it is good to be chatting about the state of this country 0 0 gA== 3gatvvjx 0 0 u_199
933 0 616 0 1204563998 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4239#p4239:v0xld01s]Subject: Hello from SW London[/url:v0xld01s] [quote=&quot;Barndoor&quot;:v0xld01s]welcome from across the river se london <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 1488[/quote:v0xld01s] Thanks m88 - in Tulse Hill so not far at all! 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 kA== v0xld01s 0 0 u_475
5929 0 72 0 1229535993 1 1 1 1 Greetings Hello Mate Just wondered if you have any samples of the music you write?? Best regards.R 0 0 2jy8y47f 0 0 u_2119
1822 0 819 0 1208780489 1 1 1 1 kopen..? Oi! ben geintreseet in...(een hele lijst) dus... de Zeppeling vlag Kriegsflagge en naar de Buttons maar zou eerst de foto's mogen zien??? thx c u later... grtz 14/88 0 0 ids1qtg8 0 0 u_90
1180 1100 203 0 1205604721 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta Boas, quero saber se trazes alguem contigo para o concerto? Quantos bilhetes queres e se tens transporte ou não. Depois te darei o contacto de uma pessoa que organiza as coisas ai em baixo. Abraço 0 0 3hbxt19a 0 0 u_460
927 916 199 0 1204560495 1 1 1 1 Re: New here So where in SW London u live? I haven't been to a gig in a few yrs - unfortunately with work the dates always clash :( I work every most w/ends..... Gary 0 0 2mlp2fm7 0 0 u_616
1001 0 639 0 1204746488 1 1 1 1 Concert Heil kamerad, Ik heb gehoord dat er in april een concer in vlaanderen geplant is! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> Klopt dit? Zoja kan je me datum en stad zeggen? Kzou graag me wa man uit duitsland komen, en ze moette dat nu al weten! MVG, Reichstreue Grüsse, 818 828 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1imu3g04 0 0 u_90
930 916 199 0 1204562143 1 1 1 1 Re: New here Hi Paul I work for the University of Warwick - I manage the bars for the conference &amp; training side of things so it involves a lot of evening &amp; w/end work. Although I try to get as many w/ends off as I can, invariably they never coincide with the gigs........ Like u, I joined here in the hope of meeting others who share my very non-PC right wing views about the state of the country &amp; society as a whole. It would be good though if I could get to a gig sometime soon &amp; physically meet people rather than a lot of endless cyber chat. 0 0 1lva06un 0 0 u_616
339 253 108 0 1201910320 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal [quote=&quot;gavran&quot;:4s1s3vuz][quote=&quot;Najgori Prijatelj&quot;:4s1s3vuz]svi?a mi se kako si složio site,promijenio bi još poneku sitnicu u grafici...koliko si ono rekao da košta na mjesec? I daj mi još jednom napiši sve mogu?nosti koje imamo sa tim domenama( ako posebno uzmemo ili ako se odlu?imo na poddomenu za[/quote:4s1s3vuz] Sad sam ti vec uzeo domenu stormbringer28, dodje ti deset eura na godinu i nekih tri eura whoisguard, zastita da ne zna svatko tko stoji iza tih stranica, no to sam vec ja platio, nek bude za to sto si dugo cekal stranicu. napisi mi otprilike sto bi mijenjao u grafici itd, pa cu promijeniti.[/quote:4s1s3vuz] U redu,zahvaljujem.Mislio sam natpis stormbringer stavit u onaj okvir blood &amp; honoura i u pozadini toga maskirne boje HR vojske(to sam mislio stavit na gornji dio stranice)dakle da izgleda kao banner... a mijenjao bi i sliku pozadine;umjesto neba radje bi metnuo sliku kninske tva?ave sa HR barjakom ili nešto na tu šemu. neznam ako me kužiš?! 0 0 gA== 4s1s3vuz 0 0 u_277
1002 988 105 0 1204746886 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial Here you are mate, hope you make it there Mobile number 07506934787 it will be on from saturday. 0 0 1678aigi 0 0 u_616
1003 996 112 0 1204748749 1 1 1 1 Re: activiteit 15 maart gaat niet door (activiteiten opgeschort -zie andere topic). Als je alleen gaat naar Lommel geen probleem uiteraard maar is niet echt aangewezen denk ik om in groep te gaan, laat staan een krans of zo te leggen (maar dat is uiteraard eigen keuze) Haha, 2 weken op voorhand inschrijven. Dat zetten ze er altijd op om een zicht te krijgen hoeveel er zouden meegaan. als je nu nog mailt of belt is er gegarandeerd nog wel plaats zu (dat is altijd zo). Desnoods moet je maar de Praeses van NSV Hasselt contacteren en zeggen dat je me kent. groeten 0 0 1fzrd0hq 0 0 u_604
5570 0 115 0 1226879942 1 1 1 1 Nationalist party political congress Hiya! Have you already been asked or do you want to write a piece for the latest B &amp; H mag regarding the NS party political congress you attended recently? Racial regards Arron 0 0 23g159z2 0 0 u_54
5571 5565 2119 0 1226880898 1 1 1 1 Re: cds This is great! Thanks so much, Brother! <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> -- Skoda 0 0 1s6fu6ec 0 0 u_276
5572 0 2119 0 1226881388 1 1 1 1 Hi Hey, I was just PM'ing you to say how much I like your tats. They look good on you. Especially the ones on your stomach. <!-- s`kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm3.pak/SKiss.gif" alt="`kiss" title="kiss" /><!-- s`kiss --> -- Skoda 0 0 21k5rm9y 0 0 u_1937
341 0 54 0 1201937445 1 1 1 1 Testing New Media Sections Hi guys, I’m sending this out to a few people, so please excuse the “group e-mail” tone. As you may or may not know, I have been working on a new media section of the forum. I’m inviting a few select forum members to “test” it for me before it goes “live” to the general forum public – and guess what.. you are one of the lucky ones <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> Basically I want to make sure that everything works from a variety of different pc’s before we “go live”. This post explains everything else in more detail. Could you please read it first, before you start browsing around the new forums. <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=267">viewtopic.php?f=94&amp;t=267</a><!-- l --> The new forums will now be visible to you at the bottom of the index page. If you can have a look through them over the next 24 hours that would be fantastic! Thanks a lot for your help. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 15k6rdei 0 0 u_72:u_104:u_222:u_109:u_73:u_63:u_198
1159 0 112 0 1205535151 1 1 1 1 NSA De reden waarom je nog geen militantenkaart van N-SA hebt ontvangen is simpelweg omdat er 10 euro werd overgeschreven voor 3 (DRIE!) namen! 0 0 gtbcj1aa 0 0 u_639
969 951 171 0 1204722574 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! [quote=&quot;Local-88-Patriot&quot;:h2dm5wmk]Bili smo se ono ?uli za ove majice, me?utim trenutno san u teškoj besparici i sve novce koje san ima da san sad za ovaj navija?ki prosvjed u Vukovaru. Tija san te samo pitati o?e li se u još kojoj turi raditi ove majice jer bi je stvarno volija imati ali, eto, u takvoj san situaciji da nisan ima novce do one sride kad je bija rok za uplatu. Živija[/quote:h2dm5wmk] Ima još majica, pa kad budeš skupio novac javi samo. Ako ?eš uzimati više komada, ra?unaj svaka 100kn plus na cijeli iznos još 20kn za poštarinu i to je to. Pozdrav! 0 0 gA== h2dm5wmk 0 0 u_253
970 967 187 0 1204722713 1 1 1 1 Re: infos Salut, voila son ip: pour son mail, impossible a avoir, il est protegé on ne peux pas le voir; je lui ai envoyé un mail direct du forum, pour savoir qui il etait... je supprime le post bat [quote=&quot;FHSParis&quot;:o05d00mb]Salut, Donne moi l'email et l'adresse IP de ce guignol: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";u=621">memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=621</a><!-- l --> Et supprimes ce topic qui n'a pas lieu d'être. Merci. FHS Paris[/quote:o05d00mb] 0 0 gA== o05d00mb 0 0 u_230
1118 0 180 0 1205430711 1 1 1 1 ello ello m8. who is Warrior on here, from northamptonshire. wondered if it was you or mark. speak soon mick 0 0 9atp82oc 0 0 u_115
1119 1118 115 0 1205433435 1 1 1 1 Re: ello Hiya, I think it's either the kettering or Wellingborough skinhead that came to VS gig with Swinny. I met one of em at NF meet awhile back, cant remember his name tho...doh Racial regards Arron 0 0 2irdz0rc 0 0 u_180
1333 1332 54 0 1206134226 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section [quote=&quot;ThorsHammer&quot;:1wx1pwjo]Greetings. I'm from Bulgaria and we talk with Graham to add bulgarian section here. I want to put 3 admins on our section. Can yoy help me with this?[/quote:1wx1pwjo] Hi ThorsHammer, Yes I can add the admins for you, not a problem. However our preference is usually to have just one admin per section. We have made exceptions on a couple and added two. But why do you feel that you need three admins for such a small section? Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== 1wx1pwjo 0 0 u_202
1158 1100 460 0 1205533799 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta Compreendo perfeitamente. Estamos conversados então. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Um abraço 0 0 3tq6c0cp 0 0 u_203
351 193 183 0 1201950922 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 koi razred ide taj......???ma u marofu ima pun qurac pankera i ostalog smeca 0 0 1fik9e0x 0 0 u_252
352 341 104 0 1201953964 1 1 1 1 Re: Testing New Media Sections [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:3ul4j7hk]Hi guys, I’m sending this out to a few people, so please excuse the “group e-mail” tone. As you may or may not know, I have been working on a new media section of the forum. I’m inviting a few select forum members to “test” it for me before it goes “live” to the general forum public – and guess what.. you are one of the lucky ones <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> Basically I want to make sure that everything works from a variety of different pc’s before we “go live”. This post explains everything else in more detail. Could you please read it first, before you start browsing around the new forums. <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=267">viewtopic.php?f=94&amp;t=267</a><!-- l --> The new forums will now be visible to you at the bottom of the index page. If you can have a look through them over the next 24 hours that would be fantastic! Thanks a lot for your help. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->[/quote:3ul4j7hk] No problem, we'll definately give it a try and let you know what we found. By the way feel free to email or PM us for any technical advice if you hit a brick wall. In the meantme we'll give this a try. 0 0 gA== 3ul4j7hk 0 0 u_54
6765 6764 73 0 1236093193 1 1 1 1 Re: hello im hoping to go hun just need to sort my money out for it, i should be there thou, how are things with you at your end , things up here are ok just now 0 0 3vdb2dmy 0 0 u_2274:u_792
354 253 277 0 1201983562 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal ok, to se jako lako napravi... 0 0 1kwmz39b 0 0 u_108
6271 5966 59 0 1232759062 1 1 1 1 Re: $$$ Lo m8 I've sorted some hosting with gatorhost, its the company that a few use. Cheap as hell too, so I'm sorted m8, but thanks anyway. Really could do with getting my site files off fymp server tho. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> thats my email addy 14 Duds 0 0 1ywq76gp 0 0 u_152
4704 4693 122 0 1220799008 1 1 1 1 Re: videos Very good Idea, but we had clothing division schweiz (our old video project). Maybe we start in the future a new project called &quot; DerKelte &quot;. So when we have videos, i will let you know it. 0 0 3nk6zvgg 0 0 u_100
4962 0 238 0 1222051439 1 1 1 1 cd 0 0 1pyad5d8 0 0 u_1912
4339 4334 203 0 1217501760 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista ola Filipe como estas. Peco desculpa pelos erros ortograficos mas eu estou na checa e os teclados sao diferentes. Obrigado por me escreveres.Comigo e com a linda esta tudo bem casamos este sabado. Eu entendo o que sentes em relacao aos nacionalistas em Portugal muito sinceramente muitos daqueles que se dizem NS nunca teriam lugar num sistema NS.Na minha opiniao. Quem esta por traz do blog e o ex lider da JN ele ja foi perseguido e ameacado pelos phs agora nao sei como estao as relacoes deles. Mas no blog dele vem BH misturado com Forum Nacional e PNR , nem sei o que se passa la por baixo e nem me interssa os jogos deles. Muito sinceramente acho muito dificil em Portugal fazer-se alguma coisa. Mas ca andamos uns dias mais motivados outros menos. Ainda bem que apareceste por ca. Nos vamos mantendo contacto 1 abraco Sergio 0 0 129lx1bx 0 0 u_1482
6080 0 74 0 1231761203 1 1 1 1 hello hail nick sent post this morning on recorded delivery should get tomorrow danny88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 x14zq8dp 0 0 u_2373
6859 6852 1362 0 1236894142 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale They are a large pair mate, and i have quite large hands but they fit rather snuggly, hope theyre the right size <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> im guessing you dont want the iron cross buckle? Cheers <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2ok2z517 0 0 u_73
6861 6852 1362 0 1236896396 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale cool stuff <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> right payment can be cash or a postal order made payable to Nicholas Johnson. i shall go to the PO to price up how much it is to send the gloves etc. shipping address is: Nicholas Johnson 65 Park Avenue Grimsby N.E. Lincs DN32 0BZ i need your details to send the goods, the buckle looks like this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 040_538374</a><!-- m --> i will ship goods when i recieve payment Thanks for buying! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Many Thanks Nick <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3kof5250 0 0 u_73
6862 6814 2245 0 1236920775 1 1 1 1 Re: cc no gigs for me at moment mate working on markets again after building trade went dead so have work all weekends till the summer markets kick of hard times but let it all fall down and a new dawn rise lets just be ready <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kgmhu1tl 0 0 u_58
6864 6855 297 0 1236949188 1 1 1 1 Re: hi and a request Cheers for that shell. Yeah hopefully we willbe playing st george's day. And yeah i know what its like with lack of jobs...the main reason icant go to vs bills come first unfortunatly. Guy 14/828 0 0 i4tm4dvf 0 0 u_53
6870 0 53 0 1236959603 1 1 1 1 Hi Hi Rich hope you are well, long time no speak, its my fault i think been away a lot an pc has been down, an i have the memory of a gold fish an forgot to call you back when you rung which im so sorry for i hope your leg is ok an if you wanna add me on yahoo it works with msn its chubley828@ take care Shell <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2ji1gn50 0 0 u_69
6871 0 886 0 1236959972 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20793#p20793:19jgliur]Subject: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton[/url:19jgliur] [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:19jgliur]what are you on in the late 70s early 80's the wogs were riotng all over brixton as they were in tottingham and bristol etc etc . yeh its great that they stood up to the ragheads but dont be thinking lutons making a stand its one of the biggest multi racial messes in the uk and one incident that media has blown up aint gonna change nothing there white people will still be scared to walk alone through marsh farm ,hockwell ring ,bury park, old town when its dark at night[/quote:19jgliur] Yes they was and the whites was fighting back WTF is ur problem m8, 0 0 kA== 19jgliur 0 0 u_319
6071 0 2402 0 1231710048 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES [b:2s1wecbe]Hi. Can somebody help me? I looking for Billy from celtic wariors. If you have some contact, please llet me knnow. Thx. Tomas from Slovakia. My email - <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> [/b:2s1wecbe] 0 0 QA== 2s1wecbe 0 0 u_2276
5535 0 2154 10 1226468569 1 1 1 1 Polish division ;/ Where is polish division??;///////////// <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> 0 0 2r32zggs 0 0 u_2
361 0 73 0 1202036203 1 1 1 1 Re: auction to help raise money for the w.a.u [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=1755#p1755:25hniitl]Subject: auction to help raise money for the w.a.u[/url:25hniitl] [quote=&quot;knuckle dragger&quot;:25hniitl]Ok im in twenty quid too <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->[/quote:25hniitl] THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATION. CAN YOU PLEASE SEND IT TO PAUL OBRIEN 90 VIEWMOUNT FORFAR ANGUS SCOTLAND DD8 1LJ MANY THANKS 0 0 kA== 25hniitl 0 0 u_83
4893 0 780 0 1221779415 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13347#p13347:2evfmf2k]Subject: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND[/url:2evfmf2k] [quote=&quot;Townie1488&quot;:2evfmf2k]I do hope you can get down mate, we have 2 car loads going down from Leeds, on Saturday. Ask Duds if he can help you get down from Humberside.[/quote:2evfmf2k] just in case you don't see the post is there any room in the cars from Leeds? 0 0 kA== 2evfmf2k 0 0 u_1074
5871 5864 65 0 1228924393 1 1 1 1 Re: Any coaches from London or Suffolk to white xmas? Your more than welcome, glad you could make it, 828 0 0 sssckidg 0 0 u_2157
5872 5868 801 0 1228928274 1 1 1 1 Re: I know it's late but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't know where you stayed but it was not my place. 28 Bro. 0 0 2bbrl36k 0 0 u_2265
4510 4485 202 0 1218964624 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [quote=&quot;karadzic&quot;:32qcvc3x]kvi gluposti be kai6 u vratza ta ottarvah da ne marizat kaat se be6e napil izvinqvami sa a sea se prai6 6e se sre6nem s teb komleksar4e jalko hodi 2 u ungaria na koncerti i ve4e nemoe se govori s tebe ko tolkoz ste napraili be samo si pi6e6 1 boi nema6 i horata u pld ne te poznavat a ina4e tyka koli6 i besi6hah <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:32qcvc3x] Za koe sum se izviniaval be, pitah te neshto ti se pravi na shashav togava. I nedei mi govori za spasiavania, shtoto sled onia fest mi ebaha maikata tuka, zatova, che sum vi kanil vas. Takav mariz shtehte da iadete, ako edni hora beha doshli, che nemashe da se poznaete posle, puk i nie pokrai vas. Sedi si miren, da ne nagazish v dalbokite vodi <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Tva ot men. 0 0 gA== 32qcvc3x 0 0 u_1596
3907 3903 1 0 1215959208 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND IT IS £100 SORRY I SEE YOU WANT THE SS BADGE ASWELL WELL YOU CAN HAVE THE BADGE FOR £5 OR FREE WITH THE ARMBAND OK 88 BADWOLF <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 7095os4z 0 0 u_1323
376 0 368 0 1202107253 1 1 1 1 oi Gegroet, Ben jij nog naar het benefiet optreden geweest? Cheers Babs 0 0 3uqui9p7 0 0 u_62
377 0 164 0 1202108534 1 1 1 1 Re: Roll Call G'day bud Howsit going and hello from another westy! 0 0 lvec92dd 0 0 u_310
1183 157 54 0 1205633644 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day Mate! Aren't you talking to me anymore..... <!-- s`crying --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/crying.gif" alt="`crying" title="crying" /><!-- s`crying --> How are things in France? Did you decide to go ahead with your business venture in the states? Things here are fine.... I have a new job, which I am really enjoying. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1uyxwb1u 0 0 u_222
2525 2454 811 0 1211836094 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 hi mate - i'd like the klansmen lp too so will send £15 on saturday.keith <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2fc2z2ey 0 0 u_351
382 0 75 0 1202147318 1 1 1 1 Re: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2060#p2060:16ilj3zm]Subject: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008[/url:16ilj3zm] [quote=&quot;Loyal.28&quot;:16ilj3zm]Oj, tisti, ki ste zainteresirani za ta koncert, pošljite sporo?ilo. tko da bomo vidli na kolk ljudi lahko ra?unamo in za kolk ljudi rabimo prostora. Hvala[/quote:16ilj3zm] Pozdrav! Iz Krškega bi šli 2-3, za 2 sm sigurn 3 mi pa pove jutri tko da dobiš jutri to?no cifro! Sieg Heil 0 0 kA== 16ilj3zm 0 0 u_176
384 0 176 0 1202150567 1 1 1 1 Koncert - Italija Oj, hvala, ker si že tok hitr povedu kolk vas bo šlo. Samo mamo še kr neki ?asa do takrat, tko da se bomo še slišali glede podrobnosti. ?e bo dovolj folka zainteresiranega bomo probal avtobus zrihtat. Ampak to bomo vidl enkrat proti koncu februarja/za?etek marca. Najbolš, da ostanemo v kontaktu preko tega post-a in se bomo glede detajlov zmenil, ko bomo ve?e vedeli. 828! 0 0 2j8bh2r1 0 0 u_75
3926 3914 102 0 1215981978 1 1 1 1 Re: BBQ <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ge komt te laat manneke . Heb gisteren al wezen betalen in de Valhalla . Zonder mij gene bbq he . Tot dan . Grt88 0 0 vgocv1p6 0 0 u_113
5132 5131 1790 0 1223387658 1 1 1 1 Re: REMEMBRANCE DAY Yeah that would be great. Cheers <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 nv2d9ice 0 0 u_72
391 376 62 0 1202165522 1 1 1 1 Re: oi 88, Helaas niet,had die zaterdag een begravenis en ben 's maandag opgenomen in het ziekenhuis waar ik net een paar dagen uit ben. Mag voorlopig nog niet lopen dus ik verveel me dood. Ook heb ik meestal geen internet.... Cheers, Doomsday88 mocht je wel zijn geweest was het leuk?!? 0 0 2k9doe4m 0 0 u_368
393 0 171 0 1202215638 1 1 1 1 Re: hrvatski nogomet [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2164#p2164:2fhj8tdp]Subject: hrvatski nogomet[/url:2fhj8tdp] [quote=&quot;arhitekt88&quot;:2fhj8tdp]f28d jel znas mozda,cul sam da imaju neku podgrupu koja okuplja ns????i da vinkovacku ultarsi osnivaju slicnu podgrupu???[/quote:2fhj8tdp] Za ultrase ne znam, ali danšnje vodstvo BBB-a ?ini ti podgrupa Sepre, a svi ti de?ki su NS, odnosno pro-NS orjentirani. Recimo, bili su u Slunju pretprošle godine kada se obilježavala godišnjica Franceti?eve smrti, sa zastavom sa svastikom, a i u predzadnjem fanzninu, ako se ne varam, imali su ?lanak o Skrewdriveru(doduše ?lanak je gavranov, iako je potpisan od strane njihovih dva ?lana, al ajd), a u novom broju njihovog fanzina bi trebala biti recenzija zadnjeg albuma Bully Boysa jer je na njemu pjesma Storm on the terraces posve?ena upravo BBB-ima. ps, rekla mi je ?evojka da si zamjenio luku i danka, nema beda. S lukom sam otkad ga znam u jako dobrim odnosima, a i bio je kod mene za ovu ng. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 kA== 2fhj8tdp 0 0 u_183
394 376 368 1 1202221829 1 1 1 1 Re: oi Ik ben ook niet geweest. Ik kon geen oppas vinden. Maar ik heb wel gehoord dat het erg gezellig was, iets wat we eigenlijk niet hadden moeten missen. Hoe is het nu met je? Wist je dat je naar het ziekenhuis moets of kwam het onverwachts? Gegroet. 0 0 nqbmfxzm 0 0 u_62
395 0 53 0 1202222986 1 1 1 1 Re: FAO: Wiking67 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2159#p2159:1r3lmimc]Subject: FAO: Wiking67[/url:1r3lmimc] [quote=&quot;Covert Tactics&quot;:1r3lmimc]Not sure if Wiking67 has joined up to this new forum yet. If you have can you PM us and let us know what name you are using now cos the number we got for you has changed and we could do with an update on 'S'. Cheers![/quote:1r3lmimc] I'm In contact with Ian, he aint signed up yet 'having a few probs' at the mo, but i'm sure when hes sorted he will be in touch. I can ask him to get in touch if you want 828 Shell 0 0 kA== 1r3lmimc 0 0 u_104
396 395 104 0 1202231113 1 1 1 1 Re: FAO: Wiking67 [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:14mywdn2][url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2159#p2159:14mywdn2]Subject: FAO: Wiking67[/url:14mywdn2] [quote=&quot;Covert Tactics&quot;:14mywdn2]Not sure if Wiking67 has joined up to this new forum yet. If you have can you PM us and let us know what name you are using now cos the number we got for you has changed and we could do with an update on 'S'. Cheers![/quote:14mywdn2] I'm In contact with Ian, he aint signed up yet 'having a few probs' at the mo, but i'm sure when hes sorted he will be in touch. I can ask him to get in touch if you want 828 Shell[/quote:14mywdn2] Nice one cheers. I was wondering what had happened to him cos we need an update on Shaun. We've not been to see their Shaun in prison for a long time now, mainly due to the fact that Shaun is sticking by what he did and won't &quot;show remorse&quot; which is what the powers that be want him to do. Commendable I know, but it ain't going to do him any favours when it comes to getting a release date so we figured that by having less association with him this way will reflect better on Shaun and help him. We've got a couple of mates who have always campaigned on his behalf who are actually better suited for visits than us. Probably because a few of us have also been in the same prison at some point and we are well known to the police. Even the polices official photographer says &quot;hello&quot; to us when he sees us turn up. In Southport he even joked that Andi Ali had paid him twenty quid to get some good pics of us <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> Anyway good to know Ian is still about though. He knows us so pass on our regards etc ok? Cheers 0 0 kA== 14mywdn2 0 0 u_53
1965 0 255 0 1209394475 1 1 1 1 invicta88 Hail &quot;Chubley&quot;, I would like to ask You, if You can see what is wrong, please. My friend he has problems with access to forum today. His user name is: invicta88 Thank You very much. Racial Regards Lin 0 0 37f8al1r 0 0 u_53
402 398 73 0 1202242953 1 1 1 1 Re: WAU cheers our kid will pm you when it comes 0 0 dadwojri 0 0 u_83
403 0 201 0 1202247967 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja pozdrav.. racunaj mene kao zainteresiranog za kupnju majice. 0 0 2u6q0oab 0 0 u_171
404 0 69 0 1202253359 1 1 1 1 wiking 67 Alright lads, unfortunately Ians had 1 or 2 probs at home etc ,he text me a couple of weeks ago to say what the score was but aint heard from him for a week or 3,i will text him tomorrow and hopefully things may be a bit better for the lad..let you know either way ok best racial regards 88 0 0 3p93zywc 0 0 u_104
412 393 183 0 1202285270 1 1 1 1 Re: hrvatski nogomet cul sam za njih ,al nisam znal da su ns... ispricavam se onda jos jemput,jer neznam tog danka...od starijih znam samo luku i neke bivse stonese...a mozda tie i luka rekel da u vz-u ima puno skinsa(pogotovo mlade ekipe) samo kaj smo malo neorganizirani,al to bi se trebalo promjenit,bar se nadam....pozdraf 0 0 dpgcramq 0 0 u_171
413 0 183 0 1202287083 1 1 1 1 88 jel imas kaj o tiboru roku, ustaskom sefu policije(nisam siguran za to) iz karlovca???? 0 0 2yjc2x5w 0 0 u_188
414 0 186 0 1202291561 1 1 1 1 brisanje profila ili ban E aj da te zamoli za jednu uslugicu - obrisi moj profil ili me baniraj ili je to jedna te ista stvar pa se ja pravim pametna <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> uglavnom, riješi me se! i nemoj plakati za mnom hehehe. aj pozdrav, javite se kad budete dolazili do ri. pa-pa 0 0 1eyjkft1 0 0 u_108
415 404 104 0 1202292399 1 1 1 1 Re: wiking 67 [quote=&quot;CASUAL 88&quot;:3bphdbct]Alright lads, unfortunately Ians had 1 or 2 probs at home etc ,he text me a couple of weeks ago to say what the score was but aint heard from him for a week or 3,i will text him tomorrow and hopefully things may be a bit better for the lad..let you know either way ok best racial regards 88[/quote:3bphdbct] Cheers mate <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 gA== 3bphdbct 0 0 u_69
419 0 53 0 1202316769 1 1 1 1 you tube Hi (again!) just a note to say i've had to delete the post in 'polls' bout Rose Tattoo. This new forum has a strict policy bout no posting of youtube links, so sorry but i couldnt just delete that so the whole post went. zzz has posted a few times on here stating that, so now its zero tollerance! Your not the first to lose posts an i daresay not the last 828 Shell 0 0 2xwjka2g 0 0 u_104
423 414 186 0 1202322992 1 1 1 1 Re: brisanje profila ili ban Problem je viša sila, a ja ?im sjednem u?it mi ruka odleti na tipkovnicu <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Tako da jedina pomo? mi je da me se prisilno izbaci, imam problema sa samokontrolom <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 3j42r6c4 0 0 u_108
424 419 104 0 1202323562 1 1 1 1 Re: you tube [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:37bvuel0]Hi (again!) just a note to say i've had to delete the post in 'polls' bout Rose Tattoo. This new forum has a strict policy bout no posting of youtube links, so sorry but i couldnt just delete that so the whole post went. zzz has posted a few times on here stating that, so now its zero tollerance! Your not the first to lose posts an i daresay not the last 828 Shell[/quote:37bvuel0] No problem mate. I never seen the zero tolerance thing but if dems da roolz den dems da roolz <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> Its just a shame the whole thread had to go but I suppose I could do it again. By the way to remove or delete certain things click on 'edit' and you can delete what you want. (depending on administrative/moderator abilities). Anyway, thanks for letting me know <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> 0 0 gA== 37bvuel0 0 0 u_53
4175 4165 54 0 1216850484 1 1 1 1 Re: name change [quote=&quot;sid14&quot;:2oycq1ha]cheers for the reply. i want my name changed to sid14. badwolf deleted eh?good hes no ns,hes an anarchist,a hunt saboteur piece of filth,i could tell by his post that he was a total twat and talks total shit <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> i take it that your a woman?no offence but its hard to tell by just reading posts(i cant see you can i?) thanks again b.e.b <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 14/88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> sid14 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:2oycq1ha] Done, you are now officially sid14. Yes BADWOLF and his fellow partner in crime Pitbull38 are both gone, and believe me, from the feedback I'm getting you are not the only one who has thought that way. And yes, I am female <!-- s`BeyeLash --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/battingeyelashes.gif" alt="`BeyeLash" title="BeyeLash" /><!-- s`BeyeLash --> hahaha. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2oycq1ha 0 0 u_1386
4753 4124 103 0 1220996344 1 1 1 1 Re: records for sale part 18 Hi mate, Glad you are happy with the CDs. Sorry don't have any Thors Hammers. Do enamel pin badges but not pendents. Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 3chio72c 0 0 u_74
4754 4712 53 1 1220996599 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;GermanWaffenSS&quot;:3visiapt]I need some help to get a conntact to the german Blood and honour. Do you know any good sites for uniforms and any original parts. we got some problems to get such things here in germany.How can i support you? <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:3visiapt] As far as i'm aware B&amp;H is banned in germany, so it may take some time if you leave a message on here for them, as the forum has been a bit slow lately. As for sites for original items no i dont, far to expensive for me i'm affraid, but if you leave a message in the wanted thread &amp; or general info i'm sure some on here could help you, it may take a little time, but patience is the key. ok 0 0 gA== 3visiapt 0 0 u_1810
6015 0 2138 0 1231188171 1 1 1 1 Hello there Hope you're ok mate. Could i ask you why has the VF thread been removed from your forum please? Regards 828 ROA 0 0 2co8rje4 0 0 u_58
435 0 69 0 1202409618 1 1 1 1 Wiking67 Alright mate, Right I got in touch with Ian yesterday and hopefully things seem to be a bit better for the lad at the minute,if all goes to plan he should be back online after the weekend as hes gonna set the computer back up at his missisus now theyve seemed to have sorted there differences out..but its a case of wait n see i think <!-- s:? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:? --> anyway mentioned to him that youd asked after him so im sure he will get in touch mate...hed been over to see there Shaun so hell probably fill you in on his situation as well. Best I can tell you at this minute mate ok take care 88 0 0 3m8tn3ot 0 0 u_104
437 435 104 0 1202411296 1 1 1 1 Re: Wiking67 [quote=&quot;CASUAL 88&quot;:rzd9o7g6]Alright mate, Right I got in touch with Ian yesterday and hopefully things seem to be a bit better for the lad at the minute,if all goes to plan he should be back online after the weekend as hes gonna set the computer back up at his missisus now theyve seemed to have sorted there differences out..but its a case of wait n see i think <!-- s:? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:? --> anyway mentioned to him that youd asked after him so im sure he will get in touch mate...hed been over to see there Shaun so hell probably fill you in on his situation as well. Best I can tell you at this minute mate ok take care 88[/quote:rzd9o7g6] Thats brilliant mate. Cheers 0 0 gA== rzd9o7g6 0 0 u_69
924 920 616 0 1204556501 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen oi m88 it seems very friendly. I am in Clapham. Planning to go to some of the gigs coming up. wot about yourself? 0 0 3fnhx7jl 0 0 u_608
4627 0 1637 0 1220344810 1 1 1 1 28 RADIO Whats happened to the radio 28 0 0 1bbdbeu1 0 0 u_263
444 0 105 0 1202425668 1 1 1 1 Re: We want to offer sharia law to Britain [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2389#p2389:jf2ey9j2]Subject: We want to offer sharia law to Britain[/url:jf2ey9j2] [quote=&quot;Covert Tactics&quot;:jf2ey9j2]Great post mate. Would you mind if we posted it on our blog? You'll get a free pork pie <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->[/quote:jf2ey9j2] I got it off a friend in the BNP, feel free to use it mate. <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> 0 0 kA== jf2ey9j2 0 0 u_104
1348 1282 54 0 1206263365 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello! [quote=&quot;B&amp;H Finland&quot;:2vsjhozz]Yes, thank you. All the new sections are correct. I gave the new section titles to Si and apparently he didn't fuck up those, before handing 'em to you. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:2vsjhozz] Miracles do happen... <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> All the best with it. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2vsjhozz 0 0 u_552
922 916 199 0 1204555903 1 1 1 1 Re: New here CheerSS for the message m88. Things are looking very dark up here..... but the h8 is gettin' stronger day by day &amp; I'm feelin' it!!!!! <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3e2bgc2e 0 0 u_616
923 269 112 0 1204556077 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Tja, zou iedereen sowieso moeten doen, zelfscholing is belangrijk (zeker gezien je van de Vlaamse Beweging geen scholing of vorming moet verwachten...) en al die pipo's op da forum hier zouden soms beter eens wat nadenken voor ze iets posten want de helft van de keren trekken die posts op niets, buiten idd wat nietszeggend gezwets dat alle &quot;makakken&quot; moeten afgeschoten worden of in kampen zou moeten vliegen en van die zever. Get real zeg ik zo, hehe Bwa, baas is totaal a-politiek feitelijk. Wel sympathieke gast daarmee da ik er soms es ene ga drinken. Ja, in april of zo verandert het weer van eigenaar en trapt hij 't af. Ze hebben hem eigenlijk ook wel goed in de zak gezet, haha 0 0 1egfseg4 0 0 u_110
470 0 407 1 1202559864 1 1 1 1 I.S. Thanks that would be great to get a copy TheAntivenom 48 Diadem Street Lismore NSW 2480 0 0 2s7bop12 0 0 u_72
471 0 259 0 1202560372 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2160#p2160:2jipvz2p]Subject: Prodaja[/url:2jipvz2p] [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:2jipvz2p]Dakle kako mi je internet dostupan ko Crnom sloboda, ukratko ?u spomenuti par stvari. Dakle, u najskorije mogu?e vrijeme stižu [u:2jipvz2p][b:2jipvz2p]dvije vrste bedževa[/b:2jipvz2p], [/u:2jipvz2p]po cijeni od 10 kn. Tako?er ve? se mogu nabaviti naljepnice [u:2jipvz2p][b:2jipvz2p]Vukovar-mi nismo zaboravlili [/b:2jipvz2p][/u:2jipvz2p] po cijeni od 25kn za 10 komada, a i skoro ?e realizacija majica na temu Vukovara. [b:2jipvz2p]A sad, ove za ove potonje imate priliku nabaviti ih u pretprodaji za 100kn, dok ?e kada do?u u web shop biti 120 kn. Dakle majica ima kvalitetan tisak na prednjoj i na zadnjoj strani, naprijed je sivi stilizirani vodotoranj, te ispred njega natpis Vukovar '91., napisan goticom te tako ure?en da izgleda kao da je granatama izbušen, a ispod toga piše 'grad heroja'. Na zadnjoj strani tisak je samo bijele boje, a sadrži pleter u obliku grba, u kojemu se nalazi kratica B&amp;H, te ispod toga preure?eni i prevedeni refren jedne pjesme Bully Boysa koji završava porukom NIKADA ZABORAVITI, NIKADA OPROSTITI!. U donji dio petera ukomponiran je glagolji?ni napis 'navik on živi ki zgine pošteno'. Update shopa ?e u najskorije vrijeme kada se uspijem dokopati vremena(interneta) da se sve to postavi na net. Stoga je i ovdje za sada detaljan opis majica mjesto slika <!-- s:evil: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad" /><!-- s:evil: --> Za narudžbu majica mi se javite na PM, a kada se skupi dovoljan broj zainteresiranih kre?e se u realizaciju. [/b:2jipvz2p] Od ostalih stvari izdvajam još najnoviji [u:2jipvz2p][b:2jipvz2p]sedmi broj Patriotic Voicea[/b:2jipvz2p][/u:2jipvz2p], te zadnji [u:2jipvz2p][b:2jipvz2p]CD Blue Maxa-United[/b:2jipvz2p][/u:2jipvz2p]. Toliko za sada! Pozdrav[/quote:2jipvz2p] Evo ja bi htio jednu majcu za po?etak. vitezbr 0 0 0Q== 2jipvz2p 0 0 u_171
472 0 182 0 1202566611 1 1 1 1 ian stuart hi i would like an ian stuart booklet my address is stephen hall flat 6 coach house barton street tewkesbury glos gl20 5pr thanks steve 0 0 2bwuub6w 0 0 u_72
4723 0 1090 0 1220871139 1 1 1 1 Hey Hi Justin Hope your good and not stressing too much getting things organised. I get down Thursday afternoon/night, so I'll see you soon. Any plans for Friday night? A few of us want too meet up. I have to give Dave (Fortress) a ring, we were probably going too cab it out to the gig, how far out is this place exactly? We'll probably be coming from Cheltenham but not sure I might be meeting up with Nicole, Peta and Carolyn for an early dinner first. Do you know if Lindsey is coming over? If you don't want to say anything in here, here's my mobile no: 0427021893 R.R Nikki 0 0 v1n4di1w 0 0 u_295
4626 3160 215 0 1220306173 1 1 1 1 RDV Désolé mec, ma voiture est en réparation et je me suis fais coupé ma ligne téléfonique. Je vais voir si je récupère ma bagnol ce week end sinon tu montes a l'ISD a lyon? Death to zog 0 0 2ts3w6ls 0 0 u_304
5418 0 108 0 1225301672 1 1 1 1 karte dakle..... Saša Lorencin Mauricio Tromboni 0 0 1q0v407d 0 0 u_930
5976 0 2344 0 1230681840 1 1 1 1 kkk figure was wondering if u still had kkk figure??? how much would it be in u.s money&gt;???? do u have any other kkk items ??? 0 0 3brkl9io 0 0 u_1972
482 0 54 0 1202600483 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H Hellas festival 2003 Youtube link Hi Albert, I'm sure you didn't know but we have a very strict &quot;no youtube links&quot; policy on the forum. I have downloaded the video and put it directly in your post instead of the link. Thanks for adding it, that's why we created the new video section and I hope it grows. If you have another video you would like added to the forum, if it is under 10mb you can upload it and we will put it on for you. This thread tells you how to do that: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=380">viewtopic.php?f=71&amp;t=380</a><!-- l --> If it is over 10mb, pm either myself or zzz and we can make other arrangements. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 1lsv0wtb 0 0 u_205
492 243 76 0 1202649213 1 1 1 1 Re: Last chance Oooops.Soz.Thought it was very good.I'll bring the dvd to the Notts gig.88 0 0 ax83vqf8 0 0 u_53
493 403 171 0 1202649648 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [quote=&quot;brutalattack&quot;:2pxp8533]pozdrav.. racunaj mene kao zainteresiranog za kupnju majice.[/quote:2pxp8533] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 2pxp8533 0 0 u_201
494 471 171 0 1202649686 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [quote=&quot;vitezBR&quot;:3h4fojm4][url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2160#p2160:3h4fojm4]Subject: Prodaja[/url:3h4fojm4] [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:3h4fojm4]Dakle kako mi je internet dostupan ko Crnom sloboda, ukratko ?u spomenuti par stvari. Dakle, u najskorije mogu?e vrijeme stižu [u:3h4fojm4][b:3h4fojm4]dvije vrste bedževa[/b:3h4fojm4], [/u:3h4fojm4]po cijeni od 10 kn. Tako?er ve? se mogu nabaviti naljepnice [u:3h4fojm4][b:3h4fojm4]Vukovar-mi nismo zaboravlili [/b:3h4fojm4][/u:3h4fojm4] po cijeni od 25kn za 10 komada, a i skoro ?e realizacija majica na temu Vukovara. [b:3h4fojm4]A sad, ove za ove potonje imate priliku nabaviti ih u pretprodaji za 100kn, dok ?e kada do?u u web shop biti 120 kn. Dakle majica ima kvalitetan tisak na prednjoj i na zadnjoj strani, naprijed je sivi stilizirani vodotoranj, te ispred njega natpis Vukovar '91., napisan goticom te tako ure?en da izgleda kao da je granatama izbušen, a ispod toga piše 'grad heroja'. Na zadnjoj strani tisak je samo bijele boje, a sadrži pleter u obliku grba, u kojemu se nalazi kratica B&amp;H, te ispod toga preure?eni i prevedeni refren jedne pjesme Bully Boysa koji završava porukom NIKADA ZABORAVITI, NIKADA OPROSTITI!. U donji dio petera ukomponiran je glagolji?ni napis 'navik on živi ki zgine pošteno'. Update shopa ?e u najskorije vrijeme kada se uspijem dokopati vremena(interneta) da se sve to postavi na net. Stoga je i ovdje za sada detaljan opis majica mjesto slika <!-- s:evil: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad" /><!-- s:evil: --> Za narudžbu majica mi se javite na PM, a kada se skupi dovoljan broj zainteresiranih kre?e se u realizaciju. [/b:3h4fojm4] Od ostalih stvari izdvajam još najnoviji [u:3h4fojm4][b:3h4fojm4]sedmi broj Patriotic Voicea[/b:3h4fojm4][/u:3h4fojm4], te zadnji [u:3h4fojm4][b:3h4fojm4]CD Blue Maxa-United[/b:3h4fojm4][/u:3h4fojm4]. Toliko za sada! Pozdrav[/quote:3h4fojm4] Evo ja bi htio jednu majcu za po?etak. vitezbr[/quote:3h4fojm4] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 0Q== 3h4fojm4 0 0 u_259
496 469 206 0 1202668862 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais Salut, Non, nous n'avons pas de patch ou bandes de bras b&amp;h, ceux que l'on a sont ceux de Midgard. Demande à Rob s'il en a pas? Si j'en trouve combien en veux tu? A+ Thierry 0 0 1eome2xi 0 0 u_211
497 456 397 0 1202669151 1 1 1 1 Re: 74 <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1gwb4cqf 0 0 u_215
498 399 189 0 1202672432 1 1 1 1 Re: hello cheers for letting me know about the gig it was a good one and i needed it to have a release from the army is good at times 88 0 0 22ktwpcj 0 0 u_212
5243 5209 220 0 1224084798 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:3397vu5o]E jbg, spakovao sam komp za put, tako da nisam vidio PM, a ktomu vlak je kasnio, i bio sam u Zg oko 17h. Uglavnom, br. ra?una je 3210709573- PBZ, na ime Marko Bani?. Pošalji mi opet svoju adresu, jer kako rekoh zbog jebenog foruma ostao sam bez starih PM-ova. Majicu ti najvjerojatnije sutra pošaljem. Pozdrav! Marko[/quote:3397vu5o] Ma nema problema, i ja sam tek sad vidio pm kad sam s posla došo.. Evo : Vedran Paleš?ak, Zeleni trg 2, Zagreb Ja ti uplatim možda još i danas, ili sutra odmah nakon posla. Pozdrav i hvala. 0 0 gA== 3397vu5o 0 0 u_171
500 0 211 0 1202680217 1 1 1 1 patch Salut! Christophe avait egalement pense a Rob mais j'ai peur que ca fasse trop juste. Il m'en faudrait 20 au plus tard pour jeudi. J'ai pense egalement aux Italiens de Ferlandia mais ils envoyent ca sous 10 jours! Je sais,je mis prends tard mais c'etais pas prevu... 0 0 2aue5906 0 0 u_206
501 0 211 0 1202680917 1 1 1 1 ... Sinon, si tu trouve des ecussons &quot;runes&quot;, croix celtiques ou triple 7 ca me convient egalement. C'est pour mettre sur les poches de treillis. Les patchs Midgard, vous les reserves uniquement a leurs membres? 0 0 3ks0p4dj 0 0 u_206
1113 1108 203 0 1205423255 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi, we go make one gig in 7 of june and you are wellcome in Portugal and you can see our merchandising. Let me know if came. We can trade the mags and cd´s and other stuffs Best Regards Sérgio 0 0 2bxytmpr 0 0 u_367
505 0 141 0 1202736374 1 1 1 1 Majica Ja sam zainteresiran za kupnju majice, trebala bi mi velicina xxl ili xxx- (neke majice su mi xxl,a neke xxxl tako da..) Kako ti ide sa placanjem,dostavom,itd.. 0 0 1o1q2st0 0 0 u_171
6727 0 2006 0 1235593588 1 1 1 1 Tattoo! Oh please don't get made in england on your neck!!! I'm 28 now and had loads of ideas for tats when i was younger......thank fuck i didn't go ahead with them!! I got my first tattoo when I was 21 which was roses &amp; spiderwebs, later on I had SKINGIRL 14 on my wrist.. I love tattoos but I really believe in waiting a year or 2 to get them. Take care bro xx 0 0 1b1qommw 0 0 u_2099
508 0 253 0 1202740368 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:hrd9sp5m][/quote:hrd9sp5m] Evo ja bi se tako?er htio prijaviti za kupnju ove majice, pa bi samo pitao kako bi se pla?alo. Vi pošaljete majicu poštom i onda ja uplatim novce ili kako... Unaprijed hvala... 88! ZA DOM SPREMNI!! 0 0 gA== hrd9sp5m 0 0 u_171
510 499 171 0 1202742251 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;krv&quot;:10t34hxa]zainteresiran sam za jednu, još ?u provjerit ako netko od mojih kolega ho?e. ali jedna sigurno.[/quote:10t34hxa] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 10t34hxa 0 0 u_220
511 505 171 0 1202742277 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica [quote=&quot;=Marko=&quot;:8z6dtf61]Ja sam zainteresiran za kupnju majice, trebala bi mi velicina xxl ili xxx- (neke majice su mi xxl,a neke xxxl tako da..) Kako ti ide sa placanjem,dostavom,itd..[/quote:8z6dtf61] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu( ak sam dobro skužio, iz Rijeke si pa ti mogu i osobno majicu dati). ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 8z6dtf61 1202742325 1 u_141
512 508 171 0 1202742349 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [quote=&quot;Local-88-Patriot&quot;:110za339][quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:110za339][/quote:110za339] Evo ja bi se tako?er htio prijaviti za kupnju ove majice, pa bi samo pitao kako bi se pla?alo. Vi pošaljete majicu poštom i onda ja uplatim novce ili kako... Unaprijed hvala... 88! ZA DOM SPREMNI!![/quote:110za339] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 110za339 0 0 u_253
513 500 206 0 1202743324 1 1 1 1 Re: patch J'ai cherché de mon cote, mais j'aurai rien avant jeudi... Pour les avoir à temps, faut aller faire les patchs directement dans un magasin sur lyon . Je ne vois que ça. 0 0 1vhsixe1 0 0 u_211
514 501 206 0 1202743391 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Les patchs Midgard sont réservé uniquement à nos membres... 0 0 l37080l1 0 0 u_211
515 462 72 0 1202743951 1 1 1 1 Re: booklets Just send me your addy and dont worry about any money. Yours.Rob 0 0 39hm1767 0 0 u_147
518 0 211 0 1202744906 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2302#p2302:2ero4gh2]Subject: Manifestation du Renouveau francais[/url:2ero4gh2] [quote=&quot;Knife 88&quot;:2ero4gh2]Oui c'était aujourd'hui mais moi j'habite en haute savoie donc j'ai pas pus y aller, une prochaine fois surement.[/quote:2ero4gh2] Slt! j'ai des potes qui font le deplacement pour le rac depuis Chambery. Tu seras des notres? Renaud BH Lugdunum 28/88 0 0 kA== 2ero4gh2 0 0 u_397
520 505 141 0 1202746723 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica Da iz Rijeke sam.. uplatit cu pare kroz slijedecih nekoliko dana.. Bi bio problem da ti osobno dam pare (ako imas vremena) jer bas nemam nekih iskustava sa tim racunima (da nes ne sjebem)... 0 0 1wwdorvm 0 0 u_171
6127 0 2362 0 1232139550 1 1 1 1 leicester im working down there at the moment on the tigers stadium cheers for the welcome 0 0 34k6jm5l 0 0 u_1877
6128 0 54 0 1232139572 1 1 1 1 BIGE88 Account Same as last time... I have reset your BIGE88 password to Password28 I've logged in as you and it works. You need to type the new password exactly how I have written it. BEB 0 0 2253d4ux 0 0 u_2421
6129 0 2421 0 1232139589 1 1 1 1 my settings hello nicloe i know you dont want me to pm you but im sorry i cant get the settings to work. you sent me. i know im a pain in the bum did you by any chance get a copy of the oswald mosley radio show if yes i sent a copy to bulldog drummand to send to you. and if you want to finish off the aussie photos if you contact me at my e mail address if you want it? and you can download them and copy them all myselfe as im slowley getting all my photos done in my database ive put some on the forom. if youre not intrested ill understand. you made the trip i did 20 years a go now to austria i relly did enjoy youre report . ive moved on as i know thier are bigger battles to fight sorry for the trouble. nick <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 ejroxr8x 0 0 u_54
522 0 97 0 1202751785 1 1 1 1 Dresden Hail, Still going to the Dresden Memorial March? I'll buy you a cup of coffee if I see you there ! 828 Michael 0 0 2bb96onk 0 0 u_72
5776 0 2138 0 1228244340 1 1 1 1 Heil Comrade Hello Brother, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 ipx6rtwo 0 0 u_616
3826 3822 73 0 1215680847 1 1 1 1 Re: hello hello comrade do you have paypal if you do you can pay by paypal if not you can send euros by post 0 0 2sygk6sb 0 0 u_1296
526 522 72 0 1202754036 1 1 1 1 Re: Dresden Greetings I wish I could go to Dresden but I have no money and the flights are hard to arrange. You will have a great time. There will be many Anitfa there.......they are cowards and will try to find 'single' NS so stay in the main group. Do you think you could write about the Dresden memorial and take some photos for B&amp;H magazine? Yours.Rob 0 0 f5mh6zie 0 0 u_97
793 788 210 0 1203770657 1 1 1 1 Re: back online Hail Brother! I'm here often to check some things.My username on HSN board is HHSGeri,i am from the Hungarian chapter.I think so that Raph and Maxime from France are also active here.Cheers from Hungary! HFFH! Geri 0 0 1m6zias1 0 0 u_569
529 505 141 0 1202758254 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica da nadopunim narudbu.. trebala bi mi jos jedna majica.. tako da mene racunas za 2 majice.. isto po mogucnosti xxl ili xxxl.. 0 0 1jndc7s9 0 0 u_171
530 518 397 0 1202758323 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais c quand??? je pense pas parce que j'ai que 16 ans donc j'ai aucun moyen de déplacement, et vu que ma mère partage pas du tout mes idées jme voit mal de lui dmander de m'emmener à une réunion de skin^^ mais je viens d'avoir le code ^^ 0 0 iq7uhtfp 0 0 u_211
4597 0 1466 0 1219917898 1 1 1 1 _|_ Ravine Ravine mnogo si sme6en 0 0 23tcf8en 0 0 u_638
5676 5675 79 0 1227640146 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas 2008 [b:38ntzri9]I'm not sure, but ehre has pm'd me saying they might have a car going????????? Confused now lol, but I'll give the seat a miss hun, it's going to cost me about £40 to just get there otherwise. [/b:38ntzri9] 0 0 QA== 38ntzri9 0 0 u_66
4599 4597 638 0 1219922019 1 1 1 1 Re: _|_ ???? ??? ??????, ?? ?? ?????? ??? ????? 0 0 22avbcbq 0 0 u_1466
4636 4630 59 0 1220389765 1 1 1 1 Re: ello ello Hiya Hun I'm still about, just lol. Things going downhill fast at home at mo, she dont want me no more :( I'm still clinging on tho cos I dont fncy sleeping in me car at mo. Will see u at ISD, should be a good'un Stay safe x 0 0 3juk5wza 0 0 u_68
4679 4641 307 0 1220653313 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings From Essex hiya trouble <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2ec211wa 0 0 u_1172
4601 0 1721 0 1219937945 1 1 1 1 Hail e vidim slušaš Bosanski bend KRV, pa me zanima jel znaš možda što su ?lanovi tog benda, muslimani, Srbi ili Hrvati? 0 0 2g1fo6mz 0 0 u_154
796 787 109 0 1203832077 1 1 1 1 Re: Finally on board Hey Mate, Hows it goin? Spoke to Ben the other day about the Brisbane AB Hammers ha ah Things are dead down here maybe I should move back to Qld...Got a coule fo people keen on the Kilgore. I'm having more of a prob with the line up, hopefully I'll get into the studio in a couple of months.. Take care Mate HFFH Jess 0 0 ic7o41j4 0 0 u_569
4944 0 1008 0 1221907377 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Magazine (UK) [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13479#p13479:gu2xpq9f]Subject: B&amp;H Magazine (UK)[/url:gu2xpq9f] [quote=&quot;Clockwork Violence28&quot;:gu2xpq9f]Just so you guys know, 28 Australia is distributing the worldwide magazine localy, so if your interested check out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> for details. 828[/quote:gu2xpq9f] Yeah, I'd like to buy one. Where from and how much are they? 0 0 kA== gu2xpq9f 0 0 u_195
4596 0 187 0 1219887750 1 1 1 1 ISD Salut, pourrais tu me repondre stp. Tu as du recevoir mon mail. Merci de me dire quoi,meme si c'est negatif. Merci bat28 0 0 3j8w60wb 0 0 u_1112
4935 4929 780 0 1221853847 1 1 1 1 Re: isd2008 Ah dunt look like well make it then if its petrol money we can chip in, how far is your mate going from? 0 0 1a7yol6e 0 0 u_1256
4936 0 1912 0 1221872182 1 1 1 1 hello duds hello duds did you ban me again well im back please keep in contact im gonna look for that pictrue later on for you mate enjoy youre isd mate i will rember in my way i didnt want to get beat up by blue eyed blondes mates and chubley 88s mates such as bulldog drummand im a ill man i can fight anymore im sorry thats the way i feal nick88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 f3zusumk 0 0 u_59
4934 4930 1409 0 1221851594 1 1 1 1 Re: 828 Thanks lot,see you tomorrow <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> ...Cheers mate! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2dq80z2i 0 0 u_105
4931 4930 105 0 1221847639 1 1 1 1 Re: 828 Are you in the UK? 0 0 hp54b0vn 0 0 u_1409
4932 4930 1409 0 1221848632 1 1 1 1 Re: 828 Yes we are in UK-Andover,we know probably where it is,but can you give us more details,corect place..Cheers mate! <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 gllxxbl5 0 0 u_105
4937 0 1912 0 1221872411 1 1 1 1 badwolf hello mate got banned again hers my next go you sent me a pm send it again nick 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1c1gcud2 0 0 u_73
4938 0 1910 0 1221872605 1 1 1 0 oioi! hey man where abouts in kent are you from? im stuck in the shithole that is maidstone drop me a line back 14/88 828 0 0 7xssviyd 0 0 u_475
4961 0 1912 0 1222045180 1 1 1 1 hello hello mate im a mate of nick rich im steve he got banned from here you used to buy things from him. do you want to buy anything else? 88 steve <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3v900dc1 0 0 u_558
4960 4939 396 0 1222044612 1 1 1 1 Re: bad wank sorry wank bad right as again <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ISD 0 0 18skncso 0 0 u_1912
4941 4939 1912 0 1221876853 1 1 1 1 Re: bad wank sorry wank bad HE SAYS HE THUOGHT YOU WAS HIS MATE AND WANTED TO HELP HIM STEVE 88. 0 0 2dgvipzm 0 0 u_396
5317 0 1296 0 1224637273 1 1 1 1 ss hola como va recien vi un mensaje que habias dejado en un posteo mio mira los argentinos son c18 y aqui en chile tambien existian pero ya se desarticulo. gracias de todas formas por responder. te dejo mi correo para que parlemos <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> saludos 0 0 2smjnl7h 0 0 u_1937
5611 5575 531 0 1227226032 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Evening comrade, not been on for a while, too much work and family stuff. As for fighting the red menace, I aint got the fucking energy at the moment lol ! Just having a sit down after tidying my son's shit away, whoever invented toys wants fucking shooting <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Hope to be going round your neck of the woods in the not too distant, my brother (a comrade also) is currently banged up in Dovegate and I've been neglecting my visiting duties ! Unfortunately, my 69 year old mother is putting me to shame by going down every fortnight to see him, whilst I've not been since he was in HMP Lindholme near Doncaster, so I've got to do the right thing I suppose. He's done just over 3 yrs of a potential 10 yr stretch so far for trying to blind a nonce, there's no justice is there <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> Anyway, hope all's well in Cannock my friend, gonna get off to bed in a bit, busy day tomorrow , fucking decorating, I hate it <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> 14/88 Ian 0 0 301fekzy 0 0 u_1172
541 537 461 0 1202823226 1 1 1 1 Re: youtube Thanks for the heads up <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 88 0 0 oef1ubvf 0 0 u_53
4928 0 307 0 1221843106 1 1 1 1 isd bell whitehammer plz 0 0 lpw8t8ms 0 0 u_461
4698 4685 195 0 1220775959 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello and upcoming ISD arrangements [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:vi6ssnu7]Hi Justin and Pete, Just sending you both a quick note to say hello and to tell you my travel arrangements for ISD. I'm arriving on Thursday morning at 9.45am, staying at the Mayflower Thursday and Friday night, and am booked into the motel at Hallam on the Saturday. My mobile number is 0404 468 646. I would appreciate it if you could let me know what is happening on the Thurs and Fri nights so that I can organise myself accordingly. No doubt you've both read the interaction between Jesse, ZZZ and myself. Hopefully we can put the whole thing to rest now and move on. It was silly and pointless. I have never been anything apart from friendly and welcoming to you guys, and have absolutely no interest in trying to &quot;lord&quot; it over 28 Oz or anyone else. I would be happy to get together privately with some of you over the weekend to clear the air, answer questions and talk about how I can help out with 28 Oz, just as I have offered previously. I'm looking forward to catching up with you guys for drink or 10. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:vi6ssnu7] Hi Nicole Nothing has been arranged for friday night, as the bands have rehearsals etc, so it was decided that everyone can do their own thing this year. There will be some people (some of the girls from interstate)staying in the city thursday and friday night, so ill pass on your phone number to them. If there is anything else going on Justin can fill you in as im not in vic. Yeah i saw the thread and the issue really should not of been made public, but whats done is done. I think a few points have been missed, but im not going to get into it through PM or email. It would be best, as you said, to discuss it in private. Good to hear that you can make it. Cheers 828 0 0 gA== vi6ssnu7 0 0 u_54:u_295
544 522 97 0 1202828164 1 1 1 1 Re: Dresden To bad mate, I've been assigned as the local &quot;Kriegsberichter&quot; so I was already going to make an artikel so I'll make one in English aswell, and make some pictures there ! Greetings, Michael 0 0 l1jmoxm4 0 0 u_72
794 0 506 0 1203782251 1 1 1 1 ... explica-me lá sff essa historia do dinheiro aos camaradas espanhois... 0 0 1agf2j80 0 0 u_535
5187 0 113 0 1223804367 1 1 1 1 Re: NEW CD ! Ken McLellan &amp; Arrowcross Are u coming to Flanders next weekend?? 0 0 75dbl8il 0 0 u_58
790 0 569 0 1203767906 1 1 1 1 shame on you Im not scared of you nazi goul jesus will kick your heathen ass. <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> 0 0 7h2p93wq 0 0 u_359
791 640 182 0 1203769026 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS hi sent you some photos etc could you email or pm me to say you have got them! moonie 0 0 2144fa4s 0 0 u_72
6183 5980 54 0 1232313992 1 1 1 1 Re: Need a small favour.... Hi Randal, Thanks so much for that, I really appreciate it. I've gone on a &quot;nesting&quot; frenzy and bought new sheets, plants etc... anyone would think it was a royal visit haha. I've haven't been able to order the cutlery using my Australian billing address and your US delivery address. I've transfered the amount for buying the cutlery to your paypal address (Transaction ID: 1A02185848368972E). The cutlery was $71.98 USD, and I've transferred $75 USD to make up for the money that pay pal takes out. Do you mind ordering it for me from here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... O1022.html</a><!-- m --> It's for the Ginkgo 079914-20013-4 - Stainless Steel LePrix 20 Piece Flatware Set in Moss Green. It comes in a set for 4 places, so I need 2 to make up a setting for 8. Once you have an idea of what the postage is to Australia, I will then transfer the postage money to you. Rob will be here 2 Feb, so I'm happy to pay for the quickest postage (I've spent so much on this visit so far, I might as well go all the way haha) Can you please send it to: Nicole Hanley PO Box 5610 Hughes ACT 2605 AUSTRALIA Please pass on my thanks to Abbie for her help, and hopefully one day you will all be guests in my house for dinner... and using the cutlery ! Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 39hspi41 0 0 u_88
4956 4939 396 0 1222044025 1 1 1 1 Re: bad wank sorry wank bad fuck me i wanted to be nice and try to help a brother skin but it looks like i shoudent have gave a fuck if you are not badwolf tell him to talk to me if you are say hello 0 0 1qxq3mda 0 0 u_1912
553 0 466 0 1202844668 1 1 1 1 Maje Pozdrav, glede majica, mozda je malo prekicasta, il da izbacis onaj text, nekak je velik a i nije bog zna kaj, mislim ideja je dobra al mozda samo ispod grba ubacit neki manji text od jedne recenice Zainteresiran sam al malo neke preinake bi trebale bit.. Prva strana je dobra, samo malo korigirat drugu.. Kaj ti mislis? 0 0 3q0f5g84 0 0 u_171
5213 5176 63 0 1223959927 1 1 1 1 Re: !!! HI NATH IM NOT IGNORING YOU i have had some very bad news at home and i am in a terrible state my marriage has broken up my mother has terminal cancer and i am fucking devastated at the moment i cant think straight, my world has just collapsed right now.... hope you and alex are ok 14/88 0 0 2ihy4nl5 0 0 u_1937
5214 0 1785 0 1223968879 1 1 1 1 kortrijk? 0 0 4a5yuwyn 0 0 u_107
5224 5209 220 0 1223997983 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:73ixjxjl]Bi?e, bi?e <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> Sam ?eš mi morati opet adresu dati jer je ovaj jebeni forum sada ograni?en samo na 5 PM-ova... Ili ako ?eš sutra biti negdje oko 16h u blizini željezni?kog, mogu ti je osobno dati budu?i da putujem iz Os za Ri nazad...[/quote:73ixjxjl] Do 16 sam na poslu, ali mogo bi bit oko 16,30 ak ?eš ti još biti tamo. 0 0 gA== 73ixjxjl 0 0 u_171
5215 0 1785 0 1223974514 1 1 1 1 isd memorial oi do you come this weekend to the isd memorial in flanders? 0 0 s5fl7f9k 0 0 u_74
5507 0 2015 0 1226176357 1 1 1 1 88 Heil! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> I'm new here and I'll meet new friends if possible.Where are you from? 0 0 2kakv31x 0 0 u_252
5217 0 1785 0 1223976486 1 1 1 1 isd memorial flanders do you have the flyer? if you do ... can you send it to your friends? it going to be a great mem. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> cheers isd rip 828 0 0 36ad9ecl 0 0 u_74
558 0 110 0 1202903267 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2175#p2175:h78lnnc6]Subject: Stel jezelf even voor[/url:h78lnnc6] [quote=&quot;Gianni88&quot;:h78lnnc6]Ik ben Gianni afkomstig uit Roeselare (West-Vlaanderen) <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->[/quote:h78lnnc6] dat is nu ne ke gieestig om etwien van de streke te horen, waar go gie pinten pakken... anders met die antwerpenaren, altijd stoeffen <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> , en ze weunen zo verre groeten, FCB 0 0 kA== h78lnnc6 0 0 u_366
4046 3984 1 0 1216433821 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:3j7hh4d1]NS GEATINGS BEN MY MISTAKE OVER THE E MAIL I LEFT THE 0 OUT SO ITS <!-- e --><a href="mailto:MOMPERS236059612@AOL.COM">MOMPERS236059612@AOL.COM</a><!-- e --> HOPEFULLY THIS WILL WORK THIS TIME THE HAMMER SKIS USED TO DO THEIR OWN MAGS I USED TO GET SENT EM ALL DO THEY DO ANY NOW? I WILL SEND YOU SOME PHOENIX PICTURES FOR TATTOING I HAVE ONE MYSELFE SO CONTACT ME AT NICK RICH 5 POCOCKS BANK FOUR ELMS NR EDENBRIDGE KENT TN8 7PR ENGLAND OK ANOTHER AUSSIE LAD HAS BROUGHT MY REAL HITLER YOUTH ARMBAND WICH MY DAD GOT IN 1945 FROM A GERMAN KID WHO CAME UP TO HIM TO SURRENDER HE NEVER FOREGOT THE LOOK IN THIS KIDS EYES FRIGHTED HE WAS ONLY 14 HE DIDNT WANT THE REDS GETTING HIM SO THEIRS A STORY BEHINDE THE ARM BAND .IM LKIE YOU I GUESS HONEST TELL A WHITE LIE NOW AND THEN . DOWN TO EARTH WHITE WORKING CLASS TRYING TO GET BY LIKE EVERY ONE ELSE LIKE ME BUT IM NS AND AN OLD SKINHEAD NOW AND WILL ALLWAYS BE CANT WORK FULL TIME DUE TO MY SICKNESS BUT I MAKE AN EFFORT AND GET up of my arese and do something will post somthing about skrewdriver on sunday nick 1488 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3j7hh4d1] G'day Nick, The Hammerskin Nation still puts out mags, not very often though....I'll let you know when the next one comes out. (not sure when that will be though.) That would be great to get some good Phonex pics, cheers. Thats a full on story about the HY armband (I have one myself, don't know the background story to it like yours though) I'm not supprised that HY boy scared of being captured by the filthy reds, that would be a nightmare. I'm the same as you mate, working class skin trying to get by, Ive been a skin for 20 years and always will be. Sorry to hear about your sickness &amp; the difficulty it causes you mate, life sure does give us all some testing times. Good to hear you push through it and do you best, thats all anyone can do. Anyway mate, take care and I'll give your email a try. Racial regards, Ben 0 0 gA== 3j7hh4d1 0 0 u_351
560 0 339 0 1202911736 1 1 1 1 Ian Stuart booklet. Are you printing more those Ian Stuart booklets you said on that one topic? If you are, i would like to have one, if you send them here in Finland <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> My name and adress is: Jesse Torniainen Unikkopolku 4, 00720 Helsinki Finland. Thx <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 2i76e3dm 0 0 u_72
972 269 112 0 1204725898 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Bwa, vraag je ex om er een paar uurtjes op te passen? Ge zijt tenslotte met 2 geweest om ze te maken eh. Bwa dat viel nog mee, ik moest in die tijd gelukkig wel geen weekends werken dus weinig last van gehad feitelijk en op een doorsnee weekend was dat toch al rond 1u 's nachts dicht dus. 10 leden is inderdaad geen vette maar begrijp goed dat de tijd van de massa-bewegingen al lang voorbij is. Als je ziet dat LDD als politieke PARTIJ over gans België maar 5000 leden heeft (zij hebben dan nog de financiële middelen en het lokmiddel bij uitstek in de politiek: toekomstige postjes die te verdelen vallen) vind ik het wel nog meevallen. In het begin zat VB daar ook in Zeebrugge in zo'n vochtig lokaal met 6 man en een paardekop te debatteren onder elkaar wat ze gingen doen dus. 0 0 1ryugxed 0 0 u_110
566 0 211 0 1202921753 1 1 1 1 Re: ROUBAIX 1er ville Française occupée! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2854#p2854:2szlovcl]Subject: ROUBAIX 1er ville Française occupée![/url:2szlovcl] [quote=&quot;bat28&quot;:2szlovcl]Voici un petit article paru dans le &quot;National Radical&quot; N°11 de Fevrier 2008,au titre de &quot;ROUBAIX: PREMIERE VILLE FRANCAISE OCCUPEE!&quot; n'ayant pas de scanner, je vous recopie une partie de l'article dans lequel s'exprime, Mohamed Sabaoui jeune sociologue de l'université catholique de Lille, d'origine algerienne, naturalisé français, habitant lui meme Roubaix; &quot;Notre invasion pacifique au niveau européen n'est pas encore parvenue à son terme. Nous entendons, agir dans tous les pays simultanement. Comme vous nous faites de plus en plus de place, il serait stupide de notre part de ne pas en profiter...Nous serons votre le cheval de troie. Les droits de l'homme dont vous vous reclamez, vous etes devenus les otages. Ainsi, par exemple, si deviez vous adresser a moi en Algerie, ou en Arabie Saoudite, comme je vous parle maintenant, vous seriez dans le meilleur des cas, arretez sur le champs. Vous autres, Français n'etes pas en mesure d'imposer le respect à nos jeunes. Pourquoi respecteraient ils un pays qui capitule devant eux? On ne respecte que ce qu'on craint. Lorsque nous aurons le pouvoir, vous ne verrez plus un seul Arabe mettre le feu a une voiture ou braquer un magasin... Les Arabes savent que la punition inexorable que merite, chez nous le voleur, c'est l'amputation d'une main&quot; Et toujours du meme Mohammed Sabaoui, lors d'une interview reproduite dans le &quot;paradoxe de Roubaix&quot; : &quot;les lois de votre republique ne sont pas conformes à celle du coran et ne doivent pas etre imposées aux musulmans, qui ne peuvent etre gouvernés que par la Charia; Nous allons donc oeuvrer pour prendre ce pouvoir qui nous est du; Nous allons commencer par ROUBAIX,qui est actullement une ville musulmane a 60%. Lors des futures elections municipales, nous mobiliserons nos effectifs, et le prochain maire sera musulman. apres negociation avec l'etat et la region, nous declarerons Roubaix enclave independande musulman et nous imposerons la charia (loi de dieu) à l'ensemble des habitants! La minorité Chretienne aura le statut de Dhimmis. ce sera une categorie à part qui pourra racheter ses libertés et droits par impot special. En outre nous ferons ce qu'il faut pour les amener par la persuation dans notre giron. Des dizaines de milliers de Français ont deja embrassé l'islam de plein gré, pourquoi pas les Chretiens de Roubaix? Actuellement a l'université de Lille, nous mettons sur pieds des brigades de la foi, chargées de &quot;convertir&quot; les Roubaisiens recalcitrant chretiens, ou juifs, pour les faire rentrer dans notre religions, car c'est Dieu qui le veut! Si nous sommes les plus fort, c'est que Dieu l'a voulu. Nous avons pas les contraintes de l'obligation Chretienne de porter assistance à l'orphelin, aux faibles et handicapés. Nous pouvons et devons au contraire les ecraser s'ils constituent un obstacle, surtout si ce sont des infidéles&quot;[/quote:2szlovcl] Heil! est ce que tu sera des notre ce week end? Pour plus d'info: renaud 0664968068 BH Lugdunum 0 0 kA== 2szlovcl 0 0 u_187
570 0 294 0 1202923440 1 1 1 1 youtube Sending this to you as an admin. There's a youtube link on the BNP thread. 0 0 u3ibf5zm 0 0 u_58
571 570 58 0 1202924147 1 1 1 1 Re: youtube [quote=&quot;Celt14&quot;:55x6amup]Sending this to you as an admin. There's a youtube link on the BNP thread.[/quote:55x6amup] Hail Mateeey ! Not anymore there aint ha ha ! Why cant people read the warnings <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> thanks for the input 828 Asgard 0 0 gA== 55x6amup 0 0 u_294
572 0 252 0 1202924927 1 1 1 1 fight Oi! Daj do?i koji put u Konjš?inu. Moj broj je 0995114833 pa nazovi. Ja i de?ki iz par mjesta radimo akciju protiv antifa budala u petak 15.02. pa ak' se ho?eš pridružiti nazovi. 0 0 2n0nx78s 0 0 u_183
575 527 128 0 1202927914 1 1 1 1 Re: BALLAD SET Hello mate , thats the problem , its not so easy for me to travel abroad these days due to the amount of time i have to take of work ( i work nightshift sometimes friday nights and every sunday. unless i can get early enough flights back it can be a nightmare, doubt if i`ll be going to ukraine for the same reason, plus it costs a fortune from here. about 250 - 300 quid. anyway let me know whats happening with the gig, and if you can get me an adress i`ll post those discs. p.s couldnt open the picture. 88 john 0 0 3tbrgu74 0 0 u_72
1423 0 123 0 1206653930 1 1 1 1 CD's/flags/shirts Hail comrade, are there any CD's/flags or shirts left? <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> could you send me a list of those things you didn't sell already? Thanks a lot, greetings from Switzerland! 0 0 2ti67vb9 0 0 u_90
582 558 366 0 1202932904 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor haha, toch nog etwien van alier:p ik zitte meestal in gullegem ip cafe, omda veel va me maten van ginder zin. en woar zitte gie meestal? haha gast, ik zit in gent int skole, ti ook nie alles wi dadde:p 0 0 ffi7waqj 0 0 u_110
593 558 110 0 1202981794 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor ke meuge nie vele weg van mie wuf, anders in de gezelle, ké je da goed gullegem, kwiste nie dat er do 28 zat???? ken ook in gent gezeten, twas nie vo te studeren, twas vo maniern te leren.... <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> ke zien blieje da hier ier ziet vo te klappen 0 0 2rjzj5s7 0 0 u_366
6838 6809 297 0 1236701618 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting Great cheers for thjat mate. Look forward to discussing it all further. 14/828 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3mmis9uv 0 0 u_61
6854 6852 73 0 1236860728 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale can you please say what you looking for these what price are you looking for,for the 2 items below - 1 set of weighted gloves - 1x Iron Cross in flames belt buckle 0 0 1syi7hfj 0 0 u_1362
6589 6353 297 0 1234748544 1 1 1 1 Re: HELLO MATE Sorry about the delay in responding.I've had a lot on with the mrs and work,you know how it goes sometimes. I get paid on the 27th so will see what i have left.But am also interested if you?your mate has any of the magazines mentioned left??If so which ones.As would be interested in them/some of them aswell.Tell me what you think a reasonable offer for them and the patches is and ill see if i can afford it. Cheers Guy. 14/828 0 0 37f5h4n3 0 0 u_72
5039 5027 1008 0 1222497098 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia [quote=&quot;BHCentral&quot;:1jjbap6b]Hiya, There's a few clips on the jewtube here... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:1jjbap6b] Hey Mate, Thanks heaps for sending me the link. Really took me back. What an awesome gig! Although, I'm not sure it's a good idea to put up the images of the participants on youtube, the bands is fair enough, but not the participants. <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 828 0 0 gA== 1jjbap6b 0 0 u_115
4561 4459 147 0 1219235011 1 1 1 1 Re: NEOFOLK yea its gonna be aug 23 at 8am est, so thats...1pm here? I'm doing it on the stromfront 48 hour radio-a-thon, and we'll see how it goes if I do another show from there. My normal radio show is weds at 10pm here. I can also send you the prerecorded neofolk show after it airs if you cant listen on that day and time If you have any requests, please send em my way ;) <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2whxrvyt 0 0 u_72
597 0 58 0 1202987723 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2915#p2915:2oxhxt0i]Subject: South of the River ???[/url:2oxhxt0i] [quote=&quot;Barndoor&quot;:2oxhxt0i]Within spitting distance of croydon <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->[/quote:2oxhxt0i] Please PM myself if you would be interested in helping out with the South London Division ? I am in the process of recruitment and organisation and all feedback is welcome <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> I live in the Mitcham area so would be good to know where you are too in relation to setting up events and meetings etc Drop me a message and I will send you the S London Div e mail addy OK mate ? 828 N 0 0 kA== 2oxhxt0i 0 0 u_475
4594 0 168 0 1219837307 1 1 1 1 isd flanders sent an email to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> to get the flyer. greetings 0 0 6u0orwvo 0 0 u_979
4595 0 1709 0 1219839280 1 1 1 1 ISD memorial Hail, I would like to come gladly to your ISD memorial nevertheless unfortunately cannot I on the homepage the Flayer not read, could you him to me please by email send? My email address <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Many thanks already times in advance. Nadine Apology for the bad English 0 0 1l6aytuf 0 0 u_53
602 505 141 0 1202993731 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica nabavio sam pare za majice.. hocemo se dogovorit da ti osobno dam pare ili da upkatim... p.s. decko za kojeg je ova druga majica pita ako u slucaju da majice ne krenu u izradu da li se novac vraca... 0 0 1i5ys8ld 0 0 u_171
6843 6829 122 0 1236767309 1 1 1 1 Re: 18.4.2009 Brutal Attack live in France ok thx, i havent see it to first. 0 0 3w50j4f2 0 0 u_230
6844 0 2660 0 1236785118 1 1 1 1 youth group theres a new group just for youth open mate, it would be worth your time if your interested <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> join the forum if you wish. thanks 0 0 2xtrx8al 0 0 u_279
608 527 128 0 1203000452 1 1 1 1 Re: BALLAD SET i`ll send those as soon as i find them, i just moved house at the weekend and verything is upside down, keep me posted anyway about whats happening. john 88 0 0 t8liogp4 0 0 u_72
615 0 183 0 1203015052 1 1 1 1 88 pozdraf...jel znas di bi mogao kaj od H8 skinut?????? 0 0 2hlb6z1e 0 0 u_154
616 613 58 0 1203015976 1 1 1 1 Re: brian [quote=&quot;killians_mommy&quot;:32gx87yx]hi, brian has indeed now finally passed. he passed late last night. i just had to clear up the confusion as i had no idea how long this was all going to take and it wasnt right to talk about him like he had passed until he actually had. im sorry and i hope you understand where i am coming from. now would be the appropriate time for people to hail my brother. thanks sara[/quote:32gx87yx] Hail Sara ! I am very sorry for the original mix up and confusion <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> I had tried to contact Kenny this morning to clarify details but he may have already heard ! I will re post the Tribute to Brian this evening if that is OK with his family and friends ? Please pass on my regards to Brians family and loved one's and I would like to be able to produce something fitting and honourable enough for the sad sad loss . Once again I am most sorry for the original post but I will do my best on the update for all on the forum and a fitting tribute to an energetic &amp; Honourable Man &amp; Brother <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> All the best and look forward to meeting sometime over 2008 ! 828 Bye the way are you Manu on the my space site ? Just curious ! RR Neil 14/88 0 0 gA== 32gx87yx 0 0 u_482
617 0 182 0 1203017900 1 1 1 1 ian stuart booklet thanks for sending the booklet it was interesting and was nice to see some pictures i hadnt seen. i had to laugh as the last two pictures on the last page were ones i had taken. thanks steve 0 0 37kwtjlv 0 0 u_72
3527 3160 215 0 1215085962 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine J'attend le versement de ma paye pour t'envoyer tout cela car je suis un peu raide niveau tune en ce moment. A+ 0 0 3f7uohtu 0 0 u_304
2792 2649 54 0 1212505325 1 1 1 1 Re: greetings Hi Ruben, Good to hear from you. I have reset the password on the d.b.h.b account to password88, so you should be able to log in and use your &quot;known&quot; one if you still want it. Let me know which one you want to keep and I'll delete the other account. Sorry to hear that you have had some &quot;issues&quot;, I hope it wasn't anything serious and that everything is OK now. Things here are fine, I'm just working and saving for my trip to Europe in Sept/Oct. Are you coming to ISD this year? Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2xcm36jx 0 0 u_1030
1162 1108 203 0 1205541140 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi brother. I go send you the mags monday. We go keep in contact and when we start to make the new number of our magazine i send you the questions for the interview.If you need the interview of guarda de honra now send me questions. Regards Sérgio 0 0 2myy540a 0 0 u_367
1163 1100 203 0 1205541869 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta As vezes publicitar diminui o numero de pessoas, se tivermos sorte temos 50 a 100 pessoas se a policia aparece passamos a ter 30 ou 40 , porque as pessoas ao ver policia vão embora.É melhor no dia seguinte ao concerto fazer uma grande reportagem e ai sim publicitar no forum e nos blogs , ai já ninguem pode fazer nada.Mas nunca antes, nós aqui ainda não temos a repressão que existe lá fora, mas vamos ter e como tal é preciso aprender a lidar com a situação. Depois falamos sobre a revista, mas podes fazer textos ou intervistas, peço-te é que faças em portugues e em ingles. Nós não iremos fazer o proximo numero antes do verão. A revista sai muito caro e não se vende é so por uma questão de prestigio, como tal fazemos uma por ano, e se reparas-te o numero 4 traz menos paginas porque o dinheiro começou a esgotar. 0 0 3m3rm1j8 0 0 u_460
636 553 171 0 1203072187 1 1 1 1 Re: Maje Majca je za tisak pripremljena kakva je, tako da do promjene više ne može do?i. Ako si i dalje zainteresiran, javi onda. Pozdrav 0 0 29lerr4t 0 0 u_466
637 0 184 0 1203080987 1 1 1 1 Kam je ovo pocelo vodit? zalosno je kam je pocel vodit ovaj forum..uvijek neko pocne neku pametnu temu i onda na kraju sve zavrsi ko zajebancija..tipa kak ce te se vodit na rucak u menzu il kak je ko plesal na plesnjaku....zalosno je to....nemoj me pogresno shvatit postujem ja svakog od vas a narocito 28 pokret u kojem sam duzi niz godina.. ugl mislim da bi trebao pobrisat sve te nepotrebne poruke... Isto tako mislim da nije dovoljno napravljeno na promociji 28 pokreta kod nas.. ako bi se moglo poraditi na tome...neke naljepnice poljepit po gradu, dijelit flyere..privuc cim vise clanova. A poslije, sa vise clanova je moguce organizirat i legalni prosvjed npr. Isto tako bi vas pozval na prosvjed u Vukovaru <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";pg=1"> ... =1177&amp;pg=1</a><!-- m --> 14/88 0 0 2l2ix1lc 0 0 u_171
640 0 182 0 1203096604 1 1 1 1 SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS hi i did know they were on the web as i sent them to glory days of rac site, it was me who sent the photos and flyers from the late 80s early 90s. 0 0 182eg0kc 0 0 u_72
662 0 181 0 1203215889 1 1 1 1 sieg heil 88 sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 2g5km2iu 0 0 u_214
663 0 181 0 1203215982 1 1 1 1 88 en fier sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 3vn4y6wh 0 0 u_258
664 0 181 0 1203216147 1 1 1 1 ik weet in welke wereld ik wil leven sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 2exu48fb 0 0 u_275
665 0 181 0 1203216251 1 1 1 1 ik weet in welke wereld ik wilk leven : heil sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 9nltx3lh 0 0 u_312
666 0 181 0 1203216358 1 1 1 1 ik weet in welke werld ik wik leven sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 e7n06ibq 0 0 u_458
667 657 74 0 1203246666 1 1 1 1 Re: sieg heil hail comrade how it going <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3i0hadte 0 0 u_181
668 0 104 0 1203247952 1 1 1 1 Basel 88 comrade We are hoping you may be able to help us out? Do you have any comrades in or around the Basel area because we need some information on a known Searchlight informer. We don't need anyone to do anything apart from maybe help us gather some information so that we can organise a trip to Basel ourselves to deal with the situation. We would appreciate any help on this issue and ofcourse we'd be more than happy to return the favour. Cheers THE COVERT TEAM 0 0 26c57fa2 0 0 u_122
669 668 122 0 1203248790 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel Hail, you go in the city of Basel ? What you want make there and when you go ? 88 0 0 tufppte3 0 0 u_104
670 668 104 0 1203249738 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel [quote=&quot;DivisionSchweiz&quot;:a7ge1ts0]Hail, you go in the city of Basel ? What you want make there and when you go ? 88[/quote:a7ge1ts0] We have information on a known [url=http&#58;//www&#46;searchlightmagazine&#46;com:a7ge1ts0]Searchlight[/url:a7ge1ts0] informer. We do have an address and we also have a name. He was born in Britain, worked in Germany then settled in Basel some years back. He has spent the past few years 'exposing nazis' and his deeds have also resulted in arrests of comrades. When we have more information we plan to pay Basel a visit but its a long way to go when we don't have enough information. We would like to get some photos of the address we have and wondered if there is a way of finding people via the phone directory. It should be quite easy because like I said he is British but we have very little to work on and we'd like to know if the mailing address we have for him is the same as his home address or what connection he has to the address we have. We know hes used the address to pick up mail because he works his way round from one nationalist organisation to another. In the past few years he's joined the BNP, NA, BPP, WNP and always used that address. It also turns out that the address we have is for a restaurant that specialises in Albanian food. If you are interested and think you can help I will forward more information to you. If you prefer to contact us directly heres our Email addy: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Again, we don't want anyone to confront this person because we want to do it but first we need to make sure we have some information. Cheers THE COVERT TEAM 0 0 kA== a7ge1ts0 0 0 u_122
671 668 122 0 1203250388 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel I dont understand all, but the most. Yes i can help, gife me more information. 0 0 22dmcgeg 0 0 u_104
672 668 104 0 1203250693 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel [quote=&quot;DivisionSchweiz&quot;:3ifbhwog]I dont understand all, but the most. Yes i can help, gife me more information.[/quote:3ifbhwog] Thanks mate. I know its a bit confusing but so much has happened over the past few years its difficult to know how to explain it easily. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Anyway this is the information we have: [b:3ifbhwog]John Holloway Spalenberg 51 4051 Basel Switzerland [/b:3ifbhwog] 0 0 wA== 3ifbhwog 0 0 u_122
4174 0 1221 0 1216850006 1 1 1 1 f greets wolf are you going to the notts gig this weekend ? and how are you bro? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2d25da28 0 0 u_1172
675 668 122 0 1203255426 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel I dont found in basel a John Holloway Spalenberg 51 4051 Basel Switzerland only a Holloway, Stéphen Sevogelstr. 56 4052 Basel/BS *061 534 27 29 0 0 1sos00h3 0 0 u_104
1914 0 311 0 1209046980 1 1 1 1 pow Kiitoksia kellosta perille tuli ehjänä ja oli ostamisen arvoinen. 0 0 34y3l595 0 0 u_98
6254 6239 1027 0 1232692466 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag Jakke, Op AVV moeten we mekaar dan wel gezien hebben. In welke gemeente woon je, dan vindt ik misschien wel een zaak op woensdagmiddag. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 55y50b20 0 0 u_618
6255 6239 618 0 1232693564 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten dag, ik woon in de gemeente Laakdal, dat ligt tegen Geel. 0 0 2sb76n66 0 0 u_1027
6256 6212 2123 0 1232694684 1 1 1 1 Re: hello cheers mate i will buy in that shop.. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> some stuff .. take care. ROA 0 0 3vr48uvd 0 0 u_61
1916 0 311 0 1209055222 1 1 1 1 kysymys Sitä lähdin kysyyn että onko Celtic design kello mennyt, vai vielä myynnissä? Samanhenkinen kaveri pohjosista päin olisi kiinnostunut kyseisestä kellosta. 0 0 2tnyospp 0 0 u_98
5985 0 531 0 1230768239 1 1 1 1 Eyup Eyup Rich, how's tricks ? I messaged you when I got to ISD but didn't get a reply so I thought you might not have gone. Have you changed your phone number cos I sent you another message just before xmas and I thought it a bit odd with you not replying. Things plodding along up here, although hopefully we won't be up here for too much longer. Stacey wants to leave Rotherham, and I don't think it's such a bad idea, she applied for a place on Bournemouth housing list, although I had to explain to her, after she'd filled out the form, where Bournemouth is ! Anyway mate, all the best for 2009 88 Ian 0 0 36t0s5uh 0 0 u_69
683 0 487 0 1203280865 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=3125#p3125:2s3jcctv]Subject: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten[/url:2s3jcctv] [quote=&quot;jerry1974&quot;:2s3jcctv]Wir kommen wieder !!!!! Verraders zitten er overal en ze volledig uitroeien gaat toch niet lukken . Maar de jannetterige leden van antifa zullen zeker hun zin niet krijgen . Over de leiding van B&amp;H niets dan lof . Was op beide concerten aanwezig en ze waren SUPER ! Degene die de SS herdenking toch willen doen , ik ga die dag een krans leggen in Lommel . Dit is niet verboden zodus . Hoe meer zielen hoe meer vreugd . De oorlog is niet verloren als men tijdelijk terugtrekt . Heil Blood &amp; Honour !!! Sieg Heil !! Grt88[/quote:2s3jcctv] wanneer wil ja dan gaan?? ik wil wel meegaan laat me iets weten <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== 2s3jcctv 0 0 u_102
684 0 487 0 1203281103 1 1 1 1 hey hey alles goed? hebde al iets op die site gevonden, als ge da ni zo vertrouwd om iets te bestellen zegt me dan wa ge moet hebben want ga der een paar cd's bestellen hail B&amp;H <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1nujdo93 0 0 u_113
6773 0 2664 0 1236183357 1 1 1 1 Celtic Cross Pendants 88 Goody, I'm new to this Forum, but I'm on a couple of others. I'm REALLY interersted in purchacing a Celtic Cross/Sunwheel Pendant, hope you've still got some left!!! I've been after one for ages, sent off to Final Conflict for one-but they'd sold out! Is it OK to buy with a postal order mate and sent to my home adress? Please P/Message me details mate. Cheers Kamerad, Wolfshook88 <!-- s`88 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/88.gif" alt="`88" title="88" /><!-- s`88 --> 0 0 26rr01qu 0 0 u_2245
687 470 407 1 1203314544 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S. Cheers Mate, Appreciate that immensely. I am living in a small town which is really multicultural and AntiFa so it will be really good to be getting some mail with some reality in it instead of the nonsense that is thriving in the community around me. GGGGGGRRRRRRRR!!! LOL! So yeah thanks again, take care and stay strong. Shelley Pride and Honour Of Race And Heritage Above All Else 14 / 88 0 0 1ugq1gko 0 0 u_72
688 558 110 0 1203326971 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor dus gie zit nooit in het skin-milieu, ge moet da ne ké doene, nie normaal allé, toet tonne 0 0 29s3pkam 0 0 u_366
689 154 171 0 1203332616 1 1 1 1 Majice [quote=&quot;dr.Gebi&quot;:r7w5x3my]Hvala na odgovoru, za majice je ovako: majica sama košta oko 2,52€, za 25 kom je to: 63,-€ priprema za tisak (3 boje ukupno): 15+10+10= 35,-€ tisak: 12,50 zadnja i 25 sprijeda: 37,50€ Ukupno za 25 majica: 135,50€ minus 5% popust za B&amp;H [b:r7w5x3my]=127,-€[/b:r7w5x3my] Pozdrav, Gebi[/quote:r7w5x3my] Oi! Evo prikupili smo financijska sredstva, te bi krenuli u realizaciju. Ne znam je li ti Pero poslao vektore, ako nije najkasnije ?e do srijede to poslati(nažalost ja ne mogu jer mi je internet dostupan samo na fakultetu). Na kraju bi radili 30 komada-10M, 10L, 5XL i 5S(ženske). Pretpostavljam da bi cijena bila negdje oko 150€, no molim te da kazes koliko bi tocno kostalo. Ina?e evo ti skica u jpg-u pa ako trebaju nekakve promjene reci. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... jicaVu.jpg</a><!-- m --> I još bi me zanimalo postoji li mogu?nost da se nabave majice dugih rukava sa kapulja?om. Radili bi za neko vrijeme valjda 20komada, vrlo sli?ne onima što vi imate Skrewdriver-Ian Sturat, samo što bi ove bile B&amp;H Hr. Pa ako možeš i za to mi samo re?i otprilike cijenu. Hvala puno i pozdrav! Marko 0 0 wA== r7w5x3my 0 0 u_236
5438 0 54 0 1225539413 1 1 1 1 Video footage of ISD Hi guys, Loki28 from the forum sent me a bunch of videos from the England ISD to put up on the forum. The sound quality etc isn’t the best, but they are still a great “memory” of the night, and I have put 3 of the best ones in a “private” section of the forum that we use for testing stuff, and have made available to you to view. My question is do you think they are OK to put on the forum, bear in mind they will be viewed by anti’s and will give them an “inside” view of what went on. Also, I know that we are careful about showing peoples faces, especially since some attendees from certain European countries can get in a lot of trouble for just being there. However having said that, there have already been a few videos from the gig put on youtube which is totally public (as opposed to our forum which is more private), and nearly every Tom, Dick and Harry has put photos from the ISD on the web as well, so it’s not “that” secret squirrel. Can I have your thoughts please as to if you think they should be posted on the main part of the forum. You can leave you feedback on the video threads. Cheers Nicole PS. If you can’t access them, please let me know. <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=2291">viewtopic.php?f=89&amp;t=2291</a><!-- l --> <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=2292">viewtopic.php?f=89&amp;t=2292</a><!-- l --> <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=2296">viewtopic.php?f=89&amp;t=2296</a><!-- l --> 0 0 2w1vpv5i 0 0 u_72:u_65:u_761:u_58:u_53:u_59:u_2
4750 4712 1810 1 1220994920 1 1 1 1 Re: hello I Hope you can help a real german. we need to do something 0 0 3a8fey2r 0 0 u_53
4755 4712 1810 1 1220996856 1 1 1 1 Re: hello I will wait for an answer^from you or the german section. I got some money to buy things for our fight. 0 0 2tpkn5av 0 0 u_53
2307 0 933 0 1211317503 1 1 1 1 cheers <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 46sc3hb2 0 0 u_775
2519 0 90 0 1211820960 1 1 1 1 Re: Reserve your Unit 28 t-shirts Hello There anti C18 here but i have a Terrormachine t-shirt size M but i have also a couple other C18 / B&amp;H shirts. Greets Freiheit 28 0 0 398cqqym 0 0 u_976
2520 0 72 0 1211826780 1 1 1 1 TRANSLATION Greetings Its alright my friend a Dutch girl who speaks German is translating it. Best regards.R <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gf1d1gfa 0 0 u_315
2521 2520 315 0 1211827171 1 1 1 1 Re: TRANSLATION Hails, ok. The next time, i'll answer to a tread like this, if i have enough time. Once more, SORRY!!! 0 0 luwdn20j 0 0 u_72
3925 0 366 0 1215981876 1 1 1 1 shirt Heb je nog ne shirt over van good night left side XL? anders gaak em wel kopen, moet maar ki ne foto zenden naar <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> merci è 0 0 25t0yuuw 0 0 u_1340
698 154 236 0 1203347756 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Pozdrav, Pero još nije slao vektore, ali sad mi pomaže ovdje u Ljubljani pri nekom radu in još na nekom projektu, pa smo skoro svaki dan u kontaktu. Kad dobijem sve podatke, onda ?u napravit ra?un, ali mislim, da ne?e biti više nego 150,-€. Za kapulja?e je problem, jer jih sad nemaju u glavnome lageru u Njema?koj. Pa jih tako nije ni ovdje. Mislim, da ?e bit krajem 4. mjeseca, a cjena je oko 13,-€ po komadu. Fruit of the loom. lp Gebi PS: Kad dobijem sve potrebno za izradnju majica, ti se javim. 0 0 1vcwwbmh 0 0 u_171
699 558 366 0 1203348797 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor soms eki in de gezelle, anders niet ;) 0 0 1jiot08m 0 0 u_110
701 666 458 0 1203358214 1 1 1 1 Re: ik weet in welke werld ik wik leven ok, en wat is daar de bedoeling van? 0 0 2l28cp1q 0 0 u_181
5487 5468 53 0 1225842926 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Well it is a small world! &amp; so good to hear from you again, My parents now live in Bury St Eds, I've never married had a couple of engagements but just cant do the marrige thing! have you been into B&amp;H still all these yrs or is it a revival like it was for me about 3yrs ago i came back, into the fold so to speak, Got the white xmas gig dec 6th are you going would be great to catch up Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 20hfq704 0 0 u_2117
5488 0 2122 0 1225851306 1 1 1 1 VF Portugal Hi Here's the mail from one of my brothers in Portugal (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->), can you add his mail in MSN? thanks ROA 0 0 1f6tjnjc 0 0 u_203
5489 0 2100 0 1225854321 1 1 1 1 Re: FANZINE hello mate hey do you have a few interviews of wp bands? can you send me a few ones please? 0 0 2w77u5qk 0 0 u_2092
5412 5398 2100 0 1225241071 1 1 1 1 Re: hello thats will be nice mate send me a few ones when you can please wp! 0 0 2fuw3xtb 0 0 u_2092
5416 5414 2003 0 1225292463 1 1 1 1 Re: TE QUIERO Oh, i was thinking you have delete this account. No, i dont go back more, im sorry, you have lose me with your shit psychoterror what you make.Bye 0 0 16yjigka 0 0 u_1937
705 683 102 0 1203365415 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Heil kameraad , ik zoek ergens in Maart te gaan . Mss met nog wat mensen ofzo . zal is rondluisteren . Grt88 0 0 4uzfxuzi 0 0 u_487
706 684 113 0 1203367046 1 1 1 1 Re: hey Hier alles in orde hé, als ge toch iets ga bestellen moogde voor mij ineens de nieuwste van de Bully Boys (Hard Times Hard Measures)die stickers Klever - Anti-Antifa (100 x) en den t-shirt: T-hemd – Rock Against Communism(size L) bestellen <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> wel ne goeie site precies hé, ze hebben daar veel goei cd's <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> weet mara te zeggen hoeveel dat mijn shuld is en dan spreken we wel eens af of ik kom da geld brengen naar u ofzo <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 zp0iq5f3 0 0 u_487
708 0 72 0 1203371282 1 1 1 1 DRESDEN Hello Mate I talked to the editor of the UK B&amp;H and he said that if the articule your writing on Dresden is going in the DUTCH B&amp;H magazine then it would be better that we didn't use it. <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> But if you took any photos they definatly would like to use them......they must be 300-400 D.P.I to be used in the magazine. Thanks for your help and I hope all went well in traveling to must have been a fantastic experience. <!-- e --><a href="mailto:ROB14882004@YAHOO.COM">ROB14882004@YAHOO.COM</a><!-- e --> Yours.Rob 0 0 3uatakjt 0 0 u_97
6351 6327 1027 0 1233182316 1 1 1 1 Re: Taalgebruik Hallo, Taal en haar gebruik is zeker belangrijk, maar we mogen niet vergeten wat de eccentie is van dit forum. Als we de jongeren op dit forum steeds weer gaan berispen op hun taagebruik en schrijfwijze gaan we ze ontmoedigen, en dat is het laatste wat we willen. Zoals ik al eerder zei, ik ben 46 en mij zul je zelden betrappen op meer dan een verdwaalde DT fout. Oorlogen win je niet met een pen, zover is duidelijk; Ik heb in het verleden reeds meermaals ervaren dat de beste 'strijders' niet steeds diegenen waren die het hoogstgeschoold waren. Wat Surtur betreft heb ik een beetje mijn bedenkingen, en zo zijn er op dit forum nog enkelen. Ik ga daar momenteel niet dieper op ingaan, maar ik vrees dat de beweegredenen voor zijn vertrek wel elders liggen dan in het taalgebruik. Tijd brengt raad. Ik weet niet van waar je juist bent, maar het lijkt me raadzaam dat we mekaar één dezer wel eens ontmoeten en van gedachten kunnen wisselen. I.r.l. gaat dat toch stukken makkelijker dan op een forum. Peter <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3m9ec66r 0 0 u_90
4153 4150 112 0 1216809281 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote Och ja, soms kom ik nog eens kijken, lees ik al die onzin en komt mijn nekhaar weer recht, ken je het? Allez, content dat 't weer beter gaat met je. Met andere woorden, we gaan je nu eindelijk eens zien ook?;-) Voor de rest is alles hier op 't oude, same old bullshit, different day. 0 0 2retmj27 0 0 u_110
4167 4165 1386 0 1216848265 1 1 1 1 Re: name change cheers for the reply. i want my name changed to sid14. badwolf deleted eh?good hes no ns,hes an anarchist,a hunt saboteur piece of filth,i could tell by his post that he was a total twat and talks total shit <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> i take it that your a woman?no offence but its hard to tell by just reading posts(i cant see you can i?) thanks again b.e.b <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 14/88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> sid14 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 tg2vy3xo 0 0 u_54
5663 5647 1910 0 1227551475 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas maidstone. you in kent or surrounding area? 0 0 2k3mi2xk 0 0 u_1713
4204 4164 96 0 1216930913 1 1 1 1 Re: Hallo adres is : K. Brogelerweg 49 3950 Bocholt Limburg Vlaanderen 0 0 x8f6nvan 0 0 u_1340
715 0 112 0 1203378635 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Denk eens een beetje na voor jullie iets posten hé. Er is een verbod opgelegd door de gemeente Lommel dat men nog mag SS'ers herdenken, die vette Lambert is bezig een wetsvoorstel in te dienen om dat federaal te maken. AFF/Antifa zit hier op dat forum en dan gaan jullie nog eens doodleuk publiek verkondigen dat jullie met een deel een krans gaan gaan leggen... Ik heb de betreffende posten bewerkt en/of gedelete en topic gesloten, hopelijk hadden die antifa pipo's der nog niet op gelet. groeten S. 0 0 18sozaf1 0 0 u_102
716 0 112 0 1203378664 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Denk eens een beetje na voor jullie iets posten hé. Er is een verbod opgelegd door de gemeente Lommel dat men nog mag SS'ers herdenken, die vette Lambert is bezig een wetsvoorstel in te dienen om dat federaal te maken. AFF/Antifa zit hier op dat forum en dan gaan jullie nog eens doodleuk publiek verkondigen dat jullie met een deel een krans gaan gaan leggen... Ik heb de betreffende posten bewerkt en/of gedelete en topic gesloten, hopelijk hadden die antifa pipo's der nog niet op gelet. groeten S. 0 0 2pp76ccm 0 0 u_92
5229 4829 1878 0 1224007656 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS zo weet ik bv niet goed wat vlaamse sectie inhoudt enz. dacht zelfs dat ik hier eigenlijk bij vlaamse sectie zat, maar zag inderdaad ook dat veel internationaler. is dat vrij actief in Vlaanderen ? groeten, Peter 0 0 1055uomp 0 0 u_90
5230 4829 1878 0 1224007781 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS zo weet ik bv niet goed wat vlaamse sectie inhoudt enz. dacht zelfs dat ik hier eigenlijk bij vlaamse sectie zat, maar zag inderdaad ook dat veel internationaler. is dat vrij actief in Vlaanderen ? groeten, Peter 0 0 1uix3sam 0 0 u_90
6001 5980 88 0 1230930598 1 1 1 1 Re: forum suggestions if you would please, remove the VF section off the site. Thank you much. 0 0 1wrqzmkf 0 0 u_54
720 558 110 0 1203411083 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor hoe komme gie ton bie gianni 88 ?????? 0 0 2j0ptpc3 0 0 u_366
721 668 104 0 1203423163 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel [quote=&quot;DivisionSchweiz&quot;:1l8p3bbq]I dont found in basel a John Holloway Spalenberg 51 4051 Basel Switzerland only a Holloway, Stéphen Sevogelstr. 56 4052 Basel/BS *061 534 27 29[/quote:1l8p3bbq] Cheers mate, appreciate it 0 0 gA== 1l8p3bbq 0 0 u_122
6249 6244 2436 0 1232661671 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F I started my crew in school we name are selfs White pride..It was like a friend thing at frist but the rule i put in 2 place were 2 harsh for most of them ...then my sister got rapet by a hindo so smashed him in with a bat and most of my crew turned on my 2 the feds and ratet on me ...So I fucking lost it and killed the group and moved 2 merrit 2 be with my dad for some time now im back looking for a real crew ...Man i have lost blood and tacken it for my race i am ready 2 join a group that is in it 2 win it and not rat are run at the first site of shit going down &gt; <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 16aiw3sd 0 0 u_2105
723 154 171 0 1203430262 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice [quote=&quot;dr.Gebi&quot;:1044jtlr]Pozdrav, Pero još nije slao vektore, ali sad mi pomaže ovdje u Ljubljani pri nekom radu in još na nekom projektu, pa smo skoro svaki dan u kontaktu. Kad dobijem sve podatke, onda ?u napravit ra?un, ali mislim, da ne?e biti više nego 150,-€. Za kapulja?e je problem, jer jih sad nemaju u glavnome lageru u Njema?koj. Pa jih tako nije ni ovdje. Mislim, da ?e bit krajem 4. mjeseca, a cjena je oko 13,-€ po komadu. Fruit of the loom. lp Gebi PS: Kad dobijem sve potrebno za izradnju majica, ti se javim.[/quote:1044jtlr] E, hvala puno, nije žurba za duge majice, to sam ionako tek za nekoliko mjeseci mislio raditi. Vidio sam se danas sa Perom te sam mu dao novac, on je reko da ?e ti ve?eras poslat vektore. I na kraju je došlo do male promjene što se ti?e veli?ina, treba nam: 10M 10L 5XXL 5 ženskih (3M, 2S), odnosno, najbolje je da mi kažeš koji je model ženske majice, jer mi cura ima jednu XS koja joj je dobra i jednu S koja joj je malena. Pozdrav i hvala Marko 0 0 gA== 1044jtlr 0 0 u_236
724 154 236 0 1203433602 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Dobro. ?emo skupa sa Petrom i?i u kupnju po majice, pa ?e ih sam izabrat. Mislim, da bi moglo sve biti napravljeno do kraja ovog tjedna... lp Gebi 0 0 15g0hqju 0 0 u_171
725 499 220 0 1203436739 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:3lv4uu11][quote=&quot;krv&quot;:3lv4uu11]zainteresiran sam za jednu, još ?u provjerit ako netko od mojih kolega ho?e. ali jedna sigurno.[/quote:3lv4uu11] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav![/quote:3lv4uu11] Stavit ?u ti na ra?un danas nave?er ili sutra, ali samo za jednu majicu.Nisam se uspio sa svojima dogovorit.. Valjda ?eš znat od koga je uplata ? pozdrav 0 0 gA== 3lv4uu11 0 0 u_171
726 716 92 0 1203444890 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten had daar niet op gelet mijn excuses. zal invervolg verzichtiger zijn. Toch vraag ik mij af of we het forum daarom niet veiliger kunnen maken grt F. 0 0 7itebith 0 0 u_112
5226 4829 90 0 1224006799 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS Gegroet Waarom niet gewoon mee posten in de Vlaamse sectie? Freiheit 28 0 0 3p8ritpr 0 0 u_1878
5227 5145 1092 0 1224006907 1 1 1 1 Re: 18 oktober isd en 31oktober, zero zero alpha? 0 0 2zaamfhw 1224006932 1 u_1105
728 558 366 0 1203450410 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor gast, ti nie omdak nie alle weke ip cafe zitn dak daarvoorn gin kloten vant skinmilieu afweet è:p 0 0 1dfuwipv 0 0 u_110
729 0 108 0 1203451040 1 1 1 1 stranica oi pjerin,kako napreduje stranica? 0 0 2r8e8981 0 0 u_277
730 715 102 0 1203454984 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Oke , dacht dat het enkel verboden was om georganiseerde herdenkingen te laten plaatsvinden . Ben er 3 weken geleden nog geweest en toen waren er een paar oude Duitsers er een krans aan het leggen . Zou men dit ook verbieden dan ? Het wordt tijd dat ze is gaan inzien dat Hitler gelijk had . In Rwanda heeft president Kagame 8milj doden op zijn geweten en die is wel politiek correct zogezegd . Dat de mensheid hun ogen is openen verdorie . Grt88 0 0 36nhpfjx 0 0 u_112
4331 4312 112 0 1217449549 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote Ja, 16 augustus 0 0 n2apixuj 0 0 u_102
733 716 112 0 1203458649 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Veiliger tja... Het zou in wezen al moeten bestand zijn tegen internetaanvallen van buitenaf maar dat waren de vorige fora ook en was toch iedere keer prijs. laat staan dat je ongewenste bezoekers kan buitenhouden. 0 0 2pczza3l 0 0 u_92
734 558 110 0 1203495385 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor da zegge kik nie é, er zien ook nie vele plekken waar skins nog kunnen komen zoender kabaal te veroorzaken. er zoe ne groep skins leden aan het zoeken zien in de streke van waregem, zeg da joe etwo, en under name is lik een afkortinge kzoe wiln contact met die mannen één, mo kvinde ze nie 0 0 8hy1tgcn 0 0 u_366
735 505 141 0 1203499699 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica samo da ti javim da cu danas uplatit.. bio sam u gadnoj strci zadnjih dana (skola i slicne gluposti) pa nisam stigao nikamo ic... 0 0 3lbffsbt 0 0 u_171
736 505 141 0 1203500430 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica e, sorry sta ovako zajebavam.. pred par min mi dosla kazna (jer nisam imao kacigu na motoru) tako da vjerovatno necu uzet... <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> pricao sam sa frendom, rekao je da ce uzet kad i ja (onih 100 kn da ce mi posudit za kaznu platit).. nis onda, uzet cu ju kasnije ako bude u prodaji... jos jedan put, sorry sta zajebavam... 0 0 mlxfkf08 0 0 u_171
737 0 176 0 1203500511 1 1 1 1 Vprašanje - madžarš?ina Ojla, Maja tukaj (punca od Gergota), spoznali smo se na poti na Day of Honour. Rada bi te vprašala nekaj stvari glede madžarskega jezika, ker bi se ga rada za?ela intenzivno u?iti, vendar pa je v mojih koncih bolj težko priti do literature za u?enje madžarš?ine. Vem, da moram za?eti na najbolj osnovni ravni (otroški <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> ), zato bi bilo morda najbolje, ?e bi lahko dobila kakšne u?benike, ki se uporabljajo za otroke. Ti si verjetno hodil v dvo-jezi?no šolo in tudi živiš blizu madžarske meje, zato bi te rada vprašala, ?e bi mi morda lahko priporo?il kakšno knjigo (knjige), s katerimi bi si lahko pomagala. Mogo?e kakšne u?benike, delovne zvezke, ki se uporabljajo v vaših osnovnih šolah in s katerimi se otroci za?enjajo u?iti osnov jezika, slovnice, itd. Oziroma, ?e bi mi lahko pomagal najti takšno literaturo. Zelo ti bom hvaležna, ?e bi mi lahko dal nekaj napotokov in bom tvoja velika dolžnica <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Lahko mi pošlješ tudi tvoj gsm ali e-mail, za lažji kontakt. Moj gsm je 031/274-452 (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->) Lep pozdrav, Maja 828! 0 0 2kbkg2qy 0 0 u_362
738 737 362 0 1203504427 1 1 1 1 Re: Vprašanje - madžarš?ina Oi, Seveda ti bom s veseljem pomagal:) Se pa moram pozanimati pri u?iteljicah madžarskega jezika, kako to poteka (jaz osebno sem imel sre?o da sem se nau?il madžarš?ino že &quot;sproti&quot; v vrtcu od sovrstnikov, ki so pa? doma govorili madžarsko)Seveda pa morajo obstajati se pozanimal, katere knjige in kako pa ti javim...Upam da bom ?im prej utegnil povprašati... moj email je: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, mobitel pa : 041-380-455 Pozdrav zmagi! Mario 0 0 2rt1oj7x 0 0 u_176
5779 0 792 0 1228246713 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16679#p16679:1h9hxjk6]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:1h9hxjk6] [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:1h9hxjk6]I know this is a bit late but worth asking. Us lot are coming up from Southampton as a lot of you will know.But i dont fancy driving back at god know what time in the morning.So wondering if anyone fairly local could put us up(even if its on a floor for the night)...Or is there anywhere close (and preferably cheap as funds are tight enough as it is)that we could stay.Any help would be very much appreciated..There will be 3 of us coming. Thanks in advance <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:1h9hxjk6] hello there... we are fairly local and can help you out.... how many of you are coming up ... got rid of the kids for the weekend so there should be some beds... but no fighting over them please lol..... hope thats some help.... you won't miss me and the hubby we are doing redirection.... see you sat.... 0 0 kA== 1h9hxjk6 0 0 u_297
741 716 92 0 1203519719 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten wist je dat antifa een dagboek bij houdt over wat er op het forum vertelt wordt? alles wat gezegt wordt komt in hun blogberichten. Heb eens zitten rondzien op hun site (neem mij niet kwalijk) en jij bent wel heel bekent bij hun. 0 0 3l5pgjhh 0 0 u_112
742 0 539 0 1203521316 1 1 1 1 ALORS LE DRAPEAU TE PLAIT? PENSE A ENVOYER LE MESSAGE MSN SUITE A MON FLASH... 0 0 pyunxbc4 0 0 u_211
743 0 279 0 1203525686 1 1 1 1 teddy bears picnic If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise. For The KKK R there Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the KKK catch some niggers. nigger catching time for the KKK, The KKK YOUTH are having a lovely time today. Watch them, catch them unawares, And see them BEATING A NIGGER on their LOVLY DAY IN THE WOODS. See them gaily dance about. They love to PUNCH and KICK the nigger And never have any cares. At six o'clock their mommies and daddies Will take them on a nigger hunt and they are having so much fun. If you go out in the woods today, You'd better not be a nigger. It's lovely out in the woods today, But safer to run away. For the KKK that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the KKK catch some niggers. CHORUS Every kkk kid. that's been good Is sure of a treat today There's lots of wonderful things to hang and burn And wonderful games to play Beneath the trees, where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please Today's the day the KKK have their nigger hunt CHORUS BY 88POWER88 (06griffina) 0 0 19585c48 0 0 u_458
744 0 279 0 1203525715 1 1 1 1 teddy bears picnic If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise. For The KKK R there Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the KKK catch some niggers. nigger catching time for the KKK, The KKK YOUTH are having a lovely time today. Watch them, catch them unawares, And see them BEATING A NIGGER on their LOVLY DAY IN THE WOODS. See them gaily dance about. They love to PUNCH and KICK the nigger And never have any cares. At six o'clock their mommies and daddies Will take them on a nigger hunt and they are having so much fun. If you go out in the woods today, You'd better not be a nigger. It's lovely out in the woods today, But safer to run away. For the KKK that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the KKK catch some niggers. CHORUS Every kkk kid. that's been good Is sure of a treat today There's lots of wonderful things to hang and burn And wonderful games to play Beneath the trees, where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please Today's the day the KKK have their nigger hunt CHORUS BY 88POWER88 (06griffina) 0 0 1k26jy52 0 0 u_541
748 558 366 0 1203533336 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor waregem, kenne doar nog redelijk wa mannen. kga ne kir vragen ofda ze da ken;) 0 0 3qt61w1w 0 0 u_110
749 0 487 0 1203540608 1 1 1 1 hey heil, wat heb je gestuurd naar mij om de een of andere reden is dat weg ??? dus ge zult me trug moeten sturen 828 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1mwexhbb 0 0 u_181
751 0 531 0 1203543819 1 1 1 1 Thanks for asking ! Evening comrades, Michelle (Chubley)texted me to say you'd been asking about Shaun, and added a few words of support for myself during the bad patch I was going through. Things are slowly getting back to normal, just waiting for the happy tablets to kick in <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> The number I gave for mi mum should have been 01709 366995. My number is 07870150289 if you want to keep it for further reference, altho I don't usually answer it unless its family or friends, and I include yourself/selves in that. I know big Tommy and Dave Wright had my number at one point but it seems like it went astray somewhere along the line. Only drawback is a lot of the time I can't be bothered to answer the bloody thing, so it might be just as easy to text, at least I do read em eventually, on the other hand that might pose a problem if, for obvious reasons, you don't want to give your number out so we'll see what transpires. Right, my little brother Shaun, well, what's been happening with him ? At the moment he's earning the princely sum of 30 pounds a week ! He's what's known as a prison buddy, somewhat of an ear shall we say, altho it had better be the ear with the hearing aid in or else he aint gonna get anywhere <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> He goes to church (seriously), and at the moment he's helping out by translating for another deaf con. End of the day he's got to show he's trying to make an effort or he could end up doing the full 10 years, doesn't mean he's sincere about it though. I honestly thought we'd lost him for a time, but putting bits of pork in the muds food when he worked in the kitchen made me think otherwise. Sorry to hear about your comrade Wayne, life with a 6 year tariff Shaun tells me, although he says they wanted to give him a 14 at first. He's on the same wing at the moment so at least it's good company for each other. When I visited Shaun last week he told me about Wayne attempting to clean the teeth of 1 of our ethnic friends, with a toilet brush ! Wish I could have seen that ! Wherever they send him to serve his time I hope it's not too far away, seemed to me like a real decent lad when I met him, if only briefly. Anyway, that seems about it for now, not sure when I'll be going back to see him, but mi mum goes every week and if there's anything you want passing onto him, just give her a ring any evening except Tuesday, that's bingo night ! She's ok, Dave's spoken to her in the past, I'm sure he got on with her. 14/88 Comrades Ian 0 0 cmrcn32w 0 0 u_104
2235 2205 92 0 1210915311 1 1 1 1 Re: shirts for sale I send it by mail, please give me you mailadress. cheers F. 0 0 1vpxs2bd 0 0 u_213
753 499 220 0 1203549264 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:fps1ody8][quote=&quot;krv&quot;:fps1ody8]zainteresiran sam za jednu, još ?u provjerit ako netko od mojih kolega ho?e. ali jedna sigurno.[/quote:fps1ody8] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav![/quote:fps1ody8] Danas ujutro(srijeda) sam uplatio za jednu 100 kn . Veli?ina L mi treba, ja sam na adresi Zeleni trg 2, Zagreb. molim javi na private ako je sve u redu. Pozdrav, Vedran P. 0 0 gA== fps1ody8 0 0 u_171
754 716 112 0 1203549274 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Ik zeg het toch, er zit minstens 1 AFF'er op dit forum die alles hier leest en verwerkt in artikels. En ik ben er inderdaad erg populair jammer genoeg. 0 0 twtg5nh4 0 0 u_92
756 558 110 0 1203590347 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor da zoe de max zien, merci, wé lat me etwa weten da je nieuws et. kzoeke al lange na die mannen, under parties zien de max natschient en bere Oi muziek tot later é 0 0 17crn1nq 0 0 u_366
757 640 72 0 1203601576 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS Alright Mate. Would you like those photos accredited to you........and if so what name should appear underneath? Do you have any more Ian Stuart releated photos/articules that we could use to make the booklet better? Thanks in advance.Rob 0 0 29kj8dlh 0 0 u_182
758 640 182 0 1203611955 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS got a few more photos and some news paper articles i would have to email them to you as a bit useless on the computer. moonie 0 0 1lv7rvwv 0 0 u_72
759 716 92 0 1203614352 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Heb tussen onze memberlijst gekeken en heb gezien dat er iemand &quot;kalekop&quot; zich aangemeld heeft op de dag dat dit forum begonnen is en zich elke dag inlogt zonder iets te posten. Lijkt wel heel verdacht. 0 0 34zq7x6y 0 0 u_112
4827 4823 1869 0 1221470548 1 1 1 1 Re: ebay If it makes you feel better i got outbid on 6 offers, 1 of them had 3 seconds left. Have you been to a site called <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> they have some cds for £7.50 inc p&amp;p, i have used them for stuff. Terry.Reaper28 0 0 2oqmlwcg 0 0 u_247
762 558 366 0 1203619380 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor ja ti woar cva, vanet dak nieuws i gak joe twuk laatn weetn;) 0 0 3jw0q4n2 0 0 u_110
764 716 112 0 1203630473 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Ja inderdaad. maar er zijn er zoveel die aangemeld zijn en zich enkel eens voorgesteld hebben (iedereen kan zijn wat hij wil op een forum) dus zijn er nog wel in aanmerking daarvoor 0 0 1omt50ti 0 0 u_92
765 640 72 0 1203631274 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS That would be great!!!!!!!.........if we can make the booklet a little bigger we hope to sell it to raise money for POWs. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> ROBERT OGBORN 84 LONGMEAD AVE HORFIELD BRISTOL BS7 8QF 0 0 2syym08u 0 0 u_182
767 751 104 0 1203634191 1 1 1 1 Re: Thanks for asking ! Cheers Ian for letting us know how Shaun is and how Wayne is. Just for the record this message is from Tommy (me) so you know me already mate. Heres my number: 07758744329 If you can get a message to Wayne to let him know we've been asking about him I'd appreciate it. Wayne is a good lad and I'd like to go see him sometime if I can. I've been on the same wing as Shaun and Wayne and the 'buddy' job Shaun is doing will definately work in his favour. Send our regards to both lads Cheers Tommy 0 0 27vtrclo 0 0 u_531
768 640 72 0 1203634814 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS Yes I think Lee mentioned you lived in Tewksbury........Im sure we must have meet over the years. Yours.Rob 0 0 2aqcpnhp 0 0 u_182
769 751 531 0 1203635368 1 1 1 1 Re: Thanks for asking ! Eyup Tommy, good to hear from you mate. I'm currently working on an article Shaun wants me to send to newspaper about nonces in Donny, I'll fill you in more when I get some sort of reply from them, basically it's about lack of segregation on C1 which houses not only beasts but some young non-nonce offenders, and some instances have arose whereby some youngsters are being coerced into vile acts. He's fully aware that it could bring shit on himself but he says the prison is aware of what's going on, and no way is that right. Mi mum wasn't too keen on me doing it but I've got to do what's right by our Shaun. I'll be phoning her either Friday or Saturday and I'll make sure she passes word onto Shaun on Sunday regarding our friend Wayne, Cheers mate Ian 0 0 2i0e3nnl 0 0 u_104
770 640 182 0 1203635401 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS would you prefer me to actually send them or i could scan them and email them to you? 0 0 1l8t527k 0 0 u_72
771 640 72 0 1203635540 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS Scanning thems fine .......... <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Thanks.Rob 0 0 1dc93png 0 0 u_182
772 0 186 2 1203675702 1 1 1 1 forever28defiant Hail! I'm sorry for bothering, but we have a little problem. Our Croatian moderator forever28defiant was playing with his password (he wanted tu change it I guess) and he typed a wrong password 3 times. Now he can not login because when he was trying to, a message occurred - You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your user name and password you now also have to enter the confirm code from the image you see below, but he can't see the confirm code, so he asked me to try, but I have the same problem. Please, if you can solve this problem anyhow, PM me and I will tell him. Thank you! Cheers, Andreja 0 0 3v8xi3xy 0 0 u_54
773 772 54 2 1203680493 1 1 1 1 Re: forever28defiant Hi, He should be OK now. His new password is password Then he can change it once he logs on. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 3gf5mxnl 0 0 u_186
774 772 186 2 1203681131 1 1 1 1 Re: forever28defiant Wow, that was fast. Than you! If we ever come to Australia, you have a beer <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> Cheers, Andreja 0 0 1yx7pygf 0 0 u_54
775 499 171 0 1203681611 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;krv&quot;:2vi86hxt][quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:2vi86hxt][quote=&quot;krv&quot;:2vi86hxt]zainteresiran sam za jednu, još ?u provjerit ako netko od mojih kolega ho?e. ali jedna sigurno.[/quote:2vi86hxt] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav![/quote:2vi86hxt] Danas ujutro(srijeda) sam uplatio za jednu 100 kn . Veli?ina L mi treba, ja sam na adresi Zeleni trg 2, Zagreb. molim javi na private ako je sve u redu. Pozdrav, Vedran P.[/quote:2vi86hxt] Zaprimljena je uplata, majice u izradi, i trebale bi biti do sredine idu?eg tjedna gotove, tako da drugi vikend možeš o?ekivati da ?e ti do?i. Neg molio bi te i prezime, jer sumnjam da ?e poštarima previše zna?iti inicijal <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Ak ne želiš prek PM-a pošalji na 0981657716. Pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 2vi86hxt 0 0 u_220
776 499 220 0 1203697837 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:24vsfhv6][quote=&quot;krv&quot;:24vsfhv6][quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:24vsfhv6] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav![/quote:24vsfhv6] Danas ujutro(srijeda) sam uplatio za jednu 100 kn . Veli?ina L mi treba, ja sam na adresi Zeleni trg 2, Zagreb. molim javi na private ako je sve u redu. Pozdrav, Vedran P.[/quote:24vsfhv6] Zaprimljena je uplata, majice u izradi, i trebale bi biti do sredine idu?eg tjedna gotove, tako da drugi vikend možeš o?ekivati da ?e ti do?i. Neg molio bi te i prezime, jer sumnjam da ?e poštarima previše zna?iti inicijal <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Ak ne želiš prek PM-a pošalji na 0981657716. Pozdrav![/quote:24vsfhv6] Ovako ti moram poslat jer nemam na mobu tih slova s kva?icom. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Vedran Paleš?ak Pozdrav tebi, i pozdravi mi ?uku ak ?ete popit za vikend hehe. 0 0 gA== 24vsfhv6 0 0 u_171
777 0 180 0 1203699417 1 1 1 1 hi hello, hope this is to the right person, Paul from dundee. will you be at the VS mem gig, if so will have the money for you there m8. 828 0 0 2h2jdeco 0 0 u_73
6163 6160 2428 0 1232292717 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members lol! im useless lol! Yeah i got it. Whats your screen name ill add you! :D 0 0 n3ionzq4 0 0 u_2376
6164 6160 2376 0 1232293500 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members [quote=&quot;Titch&quot;:2xyjdkbr]lol! im useless lol! Yeah i got it. Whats your screen name ill add you! :D[/quote:2xyjdkbr] <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 0 0 gA== 2xyjdkbr 0 0 u_2428
6165 6160 2428 0 1232294381 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members wooo I did it! :D 0 0 se8kc7ie 0 0 u_2376
6166 6160 2428 0 1232294445 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members oh no it askes for u email or last name? 0 0 19qbm5h8 0 0 u_2376
6167 6160 2376 0 1232294643 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members [quote=&quot;Titch&quot;:90djt4u4]oh no it askes for u email or last name?[/quote:90djt4u4] <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 gA== 90djt4u4 0 0 u_2428
4826 4781 193 0 1221459685 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 from Bulgaria Greetings. Of course we want foto's and if possible a full write up of the concert please. I will discuss what you mention at our ISD this weekend. Hope all is well. 28 G 0 0 nlqe2kes 0 0 u_638
5783 5780 73 0 1228254049 1 1 1 1 Re: hello hi hun no im not down this weekend, i'm away to sweden from thursday to sunday,all is well at my end just now. how is all at your end, i am down on the 6th jan for the next meeting 0 0 tor17qcn 0 0 u_792
6768 6752 2054 0 1236128833 1 1 1 1 Re: items available [quote=&quot;BIGE88&quot;:xkq9bn0i]&quot;thanks for youre pm mate ivesold everything britsh sorry if theres anything else you want let me know. nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:xkq9bn0i] damn, woudl you know were to get such items? What else do you have in stock? I generally buy all manner of NS /WP /Skin /Klan items. Also, do you know if is reliable? I noticed they have some one of a kind type items available. 88! 0 0 gA== xkq9bn0i 0 0 u_1972
2229 2200 802 0 1210881678 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor aaaa <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> ja zeg ma is waneer ge tijt het ofzo he anders alsge msn het ier hedem <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> khoop dawe elkaar snel ontmoete en we nog meer mensen vinden methet gedachte goed heil 828 0 0 37tycoz7 0 0 u_901
2524 0 785 0 1211835375 1 1 1 1 Re: Reserve your Unit 28 t-shirts [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=7793#p7793:3v1v8l6q]Subject: Reserve your Unit 28 t-shirts[/url:3v1v8l6q] [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:3v1v8l6q]Right we have now just got our sample t-shirt through and we are all really pleased with it.It was based on our original design (and was done by duds so you all know what high quality it will be). We are currently sorting all the finer details out with the band and these t-shirts should be ordered within the next few weeks.We are currently trying to decide on how many to order and in which sizes,so if anyone would like certain sizes please contact us and reserve one to avoid any dissapointment. Anyone who wishes to place an order please contact the band,you can either pm us through this myspace account or send us an email at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->,we can accept payment through paypal,or by cash or cheque(however there is a small charge for paypal).T-shirts will be £10.00 each plus P&amp;P. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;picoodle&#46;com/view&#46;php?img=/4/5/14/f_14052008067m_5fc6c9e&#46;jpg&amp;srv=img28:3v1v8l6q][img:3v1v8l6q]http&#58;//img28&#46;picoodle&#46;com/img/img28/4/5/14/f_14052008067m_5fc6c9e&#46;jpg[/img:3v1v8l6q][/url:3v1v8l6q] <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... fc6c9e.jpg</a><!-- m -->[/quote:3v1v8l6q] Put me down for a small/girly! do you know how long it'd be before you get them printed? 0 0 mA== 3v1v8l6q 0 0 u_297
5979 5977 65 0 1230723759 1 1 1 1 Re: Empire Falls I dont think it really matters, as you say they come across as wishy washy wankers without a backbone. The real bug bear over here about them here is the downright lies they told to Avalon who were doing a cd with them, the German 28 label (very good bloke) who was realeasing it and lost a lot of money over their lies and Rampage (ISD organisers). They (lead singer I think) was asked by all three and others, the minute c18 put out a flyer saying they were playing for them.......he denied it catergorically to all and was still asking Rampage to play the ISD and could they stay in England for a couple of weeks before the gig. A few days before the scum gig he said the bassist and drummer (?) had fallen out and they wer'nt even coming to Europe so how could they play, then we found out a day later they were in Flanders (!) and the cheeky cunts even went to one of our 28 bars. The c18 gig was a predictable shambles with a very low turnout for Flanders (which lies between Germany, France, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, so means big crowds), as they played for the remnants of the people who were exposed as State agents the year before in court, most now boycott them. The very next morning after the gig! he was trying to get Avalons number and the German label to try and explain, neither would reply to him, the cd had allready been scrapped. Your call, the only reason they played for us is because they paid all there own expenses and denied all scum 18 attatchments, they will not be playing for us again in a very very long time and will have a &quot;bumpy&quot; ride if they expect to play Europe again I would think. But it is your call, if you think they will come over to you and strengthen your lot, fine, maybe now they have seen c18 in Europe is no more than an internet gang of little substance the little turncoats want a second chance, at the end of the day there cv suggests treachorous cunts who seem to just want to play gigs and make buddies rather than have a backbone and cause......which surely is what we are all about. This is roughly right but please contact Avalon, Rampage etc to validate. 828 0 0 3iud47ik 0 0 u_152
2233 1100 460 0 1210895327 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:14m0h80w]ok quanto a revista podes fazer textos ou o que quizeres tens é de traduzires para ingles e quando tiveres isso manda-me pelo email. Da-me o teu numero de telemovel para depois seres contactado por gente da minha confiança para seres conduzido ao lugar do concerto.[/quote:14m0h80w] Viva, Tenho andado &quot;por fora&quot; logo não tem dado para vir aqui de forma regular, também o meu tempo para net´s é muito escasso. Em vez de escrever um artigo secante e tedioso que toda a gente escreve, tenho em mente fazer uma boa entrevista a uma boa banda de RAC, mas para te ser sincero como gosto de muitas ainda não sei qual irei escolher. Mas assim que tiver isso pronto, envio-te. Ok, eu tenho um outro cartão de tlm que assim que estiver activado vou-te dar. Escapei-me (não sei como) de estar sentado em Monsanto e não pretendo abusar da sorte novamente, hehe! Um abraço 88 0 0 gA== 14m0h80w 0 0 u_203
3641 3640 53 0 1215437459 1 1 1 1 Re: Wondering Hi a list of the divisions can be found online here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 828 Shell <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 obe0r6gc 0 0 u_89
3642 167 89 0 1215437733 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Alright Gary, you sent me a message a while back. I live quite far away from coventry, Half an hour from birmingham. 0 0 3ntiazhh 0 0 u_199
787 0 569 0 1203765203 1 1 1 1 Finally on board Hey brother how ya been hope ya get a label for the kill gore cd soon i would like to hear it. 0 0 33a2ot6b 0 0 u_109
788 0 569 0 1203765977 1 1 1 1 back online G'day mate good to see another hammer on board. I don't come on here often enough just got net on recently away from my home town for work. My user name on HSN is landfill88. all the best. Jake HFFH 0 0 25zuiubk 0 0 u_210
789 0 569 0 1203766586 1 1 1 1 Finally on board Howdy is that you pete it's jake from Brisbane. I have the net now so hopfully i can stay in contact. Hows the weather down there heeps better than where i am I bet. Anyway good to see the site looking good take care. 0 0 317l4b18 0 0 u_195
797 789 195 0 1203849444 1 1 1 1 Re: Finally on board Hey mate good to hear from ya. Yeah its been fuckin hot down here lately but the last couple of days have been ok. Are you heading down to Melbourne next month for the skirmish? Should be a good weekend. Anyway mate, take care and talk to ya soon. [quote=&quot;recoil38&quot;:2meo4lvt]Howdy is that you pete it's jake from Brisbane. I have the net now so hopfully i can stay in contact. Hows the weather down there heeps better than where i am I bet. Anyway good to see the site looking good take care.[/quote:2meo4lvt] 0 0 gA== 2meo4lvt 0 0 u_569
798 0 2 0 1203867736 1 1 1 1 Oi Oi, can u contact Ken pls......urgent 0 0 25ceppak 0 0 u_58
800 0 113 0 1203871327 1 1 1 1 fenris Hej makker heb je die bestelling al geplaatst? Anders doe ik het wel zenne, ik heb hier homebanking en dan is da vrij simpel om te betalen naar het buitenland <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Groetjes P. 0 0 sc6mo1bf 0 0 u_487
5470 5466 1713 0 1225779770 1 1 1 1 Re: eddie The eddie im thinking of was always down the resort, and used to do alot of running around for micky, all the best paul28 0 0 3gfplrtp 0 0 u_2117
4430 0 107 0 1218387337 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! heil, ben van regio kortrijk. 0 0 21vbt2mx 0 0 u_1105
5797 0 2224 1 1228335956 1 1 1 1 street figher hoodie hoodie on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 aeydsvwt 0 0 u_1256
5798 0 1937 0 1228340391 1 1 1 1 ... i ask me how you make this. be till the morning in the internt and go sooo soon working. well i think you dont work, but i will see soon your contract. alex. i dont knwo why you are so really no. but well. you will pay for it. you know that i love you and im glad when anytime it go again and all but i dont understand why allways you lie me. and you will know soon that i havent make a blowjob 0 0 3v1a1e6z 0 0 u_2003
3640 0 89 0 1215436906 1 1 1 1 Wondering Sieg Hail. Do you know if their are any divisions in the west mids. I live half an hour away from birmingham. Dudley? Thanks, 88. 0 0 3iqr9izg 0 0 u_53
806 0 576 0 1203885939 1 1 1 1 is that you is that you kirk mate , how ya doing mick northants 0 0 2farktlg 0 0 u_61
808 0 61 0 1203934247 1 1 1 1 Hello mate Yes it's me <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> How's things going with you? Have you been to any gig's lately, the last one I made it to was last years ISD which was a great one. I had to have my Rottwieler put down last November as he attacked me &amp; I couldn't take any chances of him going for the children after that. How's your Staffie doing? My bitch is 7 now plus I got a 6 week old male on Saturday. Life has been mad here as my brother is in the final stages of acute liver failier so I'm helping my Mum &amp; Dad out as they're caring for himm in his own flat as he wants to die at home. Take care mate, talk soon Kirk 828 0 0 1buafii5 0 0 u_576
5778 0 1409 0 1228246438 1 1 1 1 88 Nazdar!Zatial neviem este nic,ale ok ak budem vediet,tak ti napisem..ale najskor az v piatok..inac kde si v UK?..88/28 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3ry81p0j 0 0 u_1834
810 800 487 0 1203938421 1 1 1 1 Re: fenris ja tis al in orde betaald en al dus tis op komst grtz ik laat iets weten als het er is das normaal dees week nog 0 0 htm3xp4x 0 0 u_113
813 800 113 0 1203948441 1 1 1 1 Re: fenris Oke makker laat maar iets weten <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 23ukgi8e 0 0 u_487
819 794 1 0 1203966821 1 1 1 1 Re: ... queres explicações pede ao sergio &quot;grande&quot; que ele melhor que ninguém sabe o que lhes fez!! 0 0 3nniq7ge 0 0 u_506
820 808 576 0 1203970016 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate sorry to hear about your brother mate, i went to a gig on saturday in heanor the first one for a few months, i missed the isd as i was working was gutted when i heard how good it was. yeah my dogs alright hes gone from being really placid to going for any dog he sees! you still hitting the weights? off to a gig in kent on the 8th take care 0 0 9i1ldrpn 0 0 u_61
821 708 97 0 1203971047 1 1 1 1 Re: DRESDEN Comrade, My apologies for the late reaction ! I've been asking around and it seems that there are no concrete plans for another 28Dutch/Flanders magazine. (if you know otherwist, please inform me) If the offer is still on the table, I am prepared to write an English version of our &quot;Dresden-march report&quot;. If so, I would like to ask you if you, or somebody else (when the time comes) could check my artikel for grammatical flaws. My English writing skills are not that bad, but I still have some problems with my sentence-structure. You can always add me to your msn (if you have it) my adress is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. (silly name, but I have had this one since the beginning of The Internet haha) Yours, Michael 0 0 ogqrp1id 0 0 u_72
5022 4953 74 0 1222335854 1 1 1 1 Re: THINGS FOR SALE 0 0 1h8ocyuu 0 0 u_1912
5128 5125 65 0 1223290140 1 1 1 1 Re: Flanders I know there is a car load from my way going, I will ask around for you and tell them to post on the forum. 828 0 0 1z86as0q 0 0 u_276
5365 5363 112 0 1224881779 1 1 1 1 Re: isd Inderdaad. Heb ik jou dan ontmoet? 0 0 14yprdrl 0 0 u_107
5366 5360 54 0 1224882494 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's Hi mate, Thanks for that - it was your videos I was actually after with that post and I could'n't remember your forum user name (but Rob gave it to me yesterday!). I have downloaded the RAR. Is there a password for the files, as I can't open them. It might be my RAR version though, as it is a trial version that has expired and I'm being a cheapskate and trying to avoid buying a licensed copy haha. Hope things are well with you, Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 31gkiyxs 0 0 u_332
3858 3836 59 0 1215736477 1 1 1 1 Re: hello honey! Hello BEautiful Aye I'll be there, im doing ok, fit...err justin timberlake is fit I haear, so by that measure im far from it :P got new tats got new tatts got new tatts :P missing u shed fulls tho, catch u soon x 0 0 3mtqhfnv 0 0 u_68
828 825 284 0 1204014777 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey fucking nonny !! Hahahaha I hope you're not accusing me of mocking your man size Twas all in good jest mate haha but I'm sure you would have laughed along with us if you weren't so hung over <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Thinking of getting a new one for this year as well. A bigger one and not so thin as it was as moist as Gary Glitters palms last year. I suppose that's what you get when you get cheap shit. Cheers for the link to those folk downloads. I'll be sure to check them out. I haven't looked at any Dick Gaugham stuff as of yet but will do. I've come across one of these traditional Scandinavian viking orientated bands called Frigga. Ever heard any of their stuff? Will you be going to the St George's day gig this year? Waes Hael brother Rob 0 0 2v4pozqo 0 0 u_531
1112 1100 203 0 1205422935 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta O problema é por causa de atrair grupos de Odio nomeadamente a policia e não só, os nossos concertos fazem-se a porta fechada para evitar problemas e com o numero de agitatadores que existem por ai o cartaz iria certamente parar nos jornais e logo iriamos ter policia etc etc. A B&amp;H encontra-se sobre investigação policial desde 2005 é melhor não facilitar a vida destes. Os convites fazem-se pessoalmente ás pessoas em quem confiamos. 0 0 3g2m26ss 0 0 u_460
835 0 72 0 1204040008 1 1 1 1 FLANDERS 19TH APRIL [b:1ixxt1n0]I just received this message from Chris (Flanders B&amp;H) if your band can play or you know a band that may be able to play, please contact Chris via the forum Wehrwulf28 They also need someone to perform a balled set on the fridaynight 18th April[/b:1ixxt1n0] Yours.Rob Hey my friend, how are you? I have some bad news, The SS memorial day is cancalled for the 15th of march. The reason for this is that some of the bands suddenly have something to do, so they can't play anymore. I set up a new date (allready have a location), But i realy need 2 big/good bands fast. Untill now i have 4 confirmations: 1) Sence of Pride (Germany) 2) Fight Tonight (Germany) 3) PWA (Estonia) 4) Lions Pride (Flanders) Please get back to me asap. And if you know more bands that can play on the 19th of april, please let me know. Greetings Chris 0 0 QA== 1ixxt1n0 0 0 u_105 u_193:u_56:u_65
6240 6239 1027 0 1232650992 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag Jakke, Ik zou er zo direct geen kunnen opnoemen, deels omdat ik meer aktiever was in de westhoek dan in he Antwerpse, anderzijds omdat ik recupereer van mijn 7de operatie. Dat gaat nu zowieso veranderen, ik heb vandaag nog wel extra 7 weken arbeidsongeschiktheid gekregen van de specialist, maar als ik wat oppas met lopen en om de 2 dagen naar de kine ga moet het stilaan beteren. In de kempen weet ik dus zo direct niemand, en de mensen die ik in het Antwerpse ken, daar heb ik een beetje mijn bedenkingen bij. We kunnen misschien eens afspreken, liefst ergens in de week na de middag, noem mij een zaak ergens tussen (hoboken, waar ik woon) en jou thuis, en dan kunnen we al van idee wisselen en samen de juiste mensen aanspreken. Ik vertel er maar even bij dat ik al meer een senior in de bewegging ben (46 jaar). <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 33fcil0h 0 0 u_618
6238 6203 2099 0 1232623236 1 1 1 1 Re: RE: Hiya Cool, what's grumpys birthday doo? and where is it? How come your on rampage stall? I definately can't make it to the london one (N) 88 0 0 246hl75m 0 0 u_1838
844 808 576 0 1204053654 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate yeah mate im still lifting , joined a gym not far from where i live as theve got a smith machine and various other good stuff, it aint full of dickheads either which is a bonus. joined through work so it only costs me 17 pound a month which is cheap, and its never packed so you aint gotta wait to use anything. gig in kent should be good blackout live are fucking hot! 0 0 18cmv3du 0 0 u_61
846 808 61 0 1204054685 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate That's a great deal for a gym mate, we've got a few gym's near me but they cost the earth &amp; are full of idiots. Yeah Blackout are a great band I'm gutted I can't go, a Slovakian mate of mine was on about going if I could make it but I'm not sure if he'll go on his own as he's worried he'll get lost driving out of this area. My mate who I train with bought a brand new Ford Ranger pickup truck last week &amp; we're looking forward to using it to drive to a gig, it puts my old Rover to shame ha ha. Most of my kids are off sick at the moment so what with the puppy as well this is a real mad house at the moment. Take care mate, Kirk 828 0 0 1gekfb8v 0 0 u_576
4669 0 67 0 1220559812 1 1 1 1 Re: * B &amp; H Magazine - Issue 39 - Out Now!! * [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12496#p12496:3skirexj]Subject: * B &amp; H Magazine - Issue 39 - Out Now!! *[/url:3skirexj] [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:3skirexj]Received my copy the other day (thanks Bulldog Drummond <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> ). Thoroughly enjoyed it. It was great to read about the bands, gigs and what has been happening throughout the year. I especially enjoyed the articles about the memorials and marches and the one at end written by by Anvil (?? I think - sorry, don't have my copy with me). Well done and thanks to all who contributed and to those who put the magazine together. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3skirexj] Hi B.E.B. - glad you liked my article Regards, Anvil (from MYSPACE) 0 0 kA== 3skirexj 0 0 u_54
6491 6419 1972 0 1234142615 1 1 1 1 Re: Site back up!!!!!! WooHoo!!! i keep clicking on iam a new customer i then click continnue and nothing happens? i will use my name and shipping address . phone oooo7 could you set my accounnt up for me? nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3fvbu6mc 0 0 u_59
6492 0 552 0 1234164732 1 1 1 1 keikat Moi, satutuko olemaan H8 systemin postituslistalla? Jos et, niin laita tänne päin sun sähköpostiosote ja laitan keikkainfoa tulemaan. 0 0 159pvs2a 0 0 u_1948
6493 0 552 0 1234164839 1 1 1 1 keikat Moi, satutuko olemaan H8 systemin postituslistalla? Jos et, niin laita tänne päin sun sähköpostiosote ja laitan keikkainfoa tulemaan. 0 0 gkt3jjst 0 0 u_223
6196 6194 54 0 1232398525 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;Steel_Storm&quot;:wt0mk5k2]hi i posted an article in 'world news' but on reflection is better suited to 'new world order' could you please move it? thanks rob[/quote:wt0mk5k2] Done! Interesting article, thanks for posting it. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== wt0mk5k2 0 0 u_212
849 0 381 0 1204067924 1 1 1 1 PNP Este cabrão do [b:3i7oeteu]mata e esfola[/b:3i7oeteu] farta-se de mandar bocas. há que saber quem é este fdp 0 0 QA== 3i7oeteu 0 0 u_203
4786 4765 1761 0 1221164809 1 1 1 1 Re: heil ah, komme aus dem sauerland. ist ja auch nicht alt zu weit weg. hast du vllt icq oder msn? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2inva05e 0 0 u_1810
5515 0 1053 0 1226247549 1 1 1 1 hfwb Hi Bojan, just sign me if you are here in Nagykanizsa,we can meet of course.Greetings:Gabor 0 0 3qjrawyh 0 0 u_143
3701 3699 1212 0 1215513771 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? Hail brother. Yes would definitely be interested, nice to see some B&amp;H activity south of the river. Keep me posted mate. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3ksyo5uj 0 0 u_58
3702 3599 1022 0 1215517015 1 1 1 1 Re: free corps [quote=&quot;bernie&quot;:2wy33y9p]just got ww2 british free corps patchs of militaria net. do you think the free corps will have a problem them going on my pilot with me not being a member <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:2wy33y9p] Heil. I know militaria-net. Our BFC want to try to looking for Aryan Unity as one movement. Try to stop split or many separatist parties in UK. Please feel visit to BFC forum. 0 0 gA== 2wy33y9p 0 0 u_1256
855 849 203 0 1204211093 1 1 1 1 Re: PNP eu acho que sei mas não tenho a certeza 0 0 o9vs6crn 0 0 u_381
862 0 284 0 1204235505 1 1 1 1 Hail! Hi Jessie, this is Rob - AnglOi Saxon on myspace <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 24rk2dz7 0 0 u_200
1388 0 396 0 1206478203 1 1 1 1 tatts tatts.south side tattoo co.rainham essex 01708 526066.see e mail 0 0 1vsd4nn7 0 0 u_616
1389 1384 59 0 1206479632 1 1 1 1 Re: Artist YES YES YES :) Now you are the kind of artist I have been looking for. That piece you send is amazing. May I print it out and frame it? What are your rates for T shirt design, or what do you require in return? I really would love to be able to work with you in producing some kick arse T shirts 14 Duds <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> is my email 0 0 1m6f0qfu 0 0 u_556
1390 1388 616 0 1206481008 1 1 1 1 Re: tatts That's gr88 Mick I will check them out - sounds like you know what you are talking about and appreciate the advice. Paul 14/88 0 0 1doj8vgb 0 0 u_396
1033 0 396 0 1204921890 1 1 1 1 ok mate we are with you wishes. 0 0 2tu7ok68 0 0 u_97
1034 0 122 0 1204928660 1 1 1 1 88 from Switzerland Heil Dir, du sprichst doch sehr gut Deutsch und Englisch, stimmt das soweit ? Brauche nämlich ab und zu hilfe beim übersetzen. Gruss 88 0 0 3if1pbm7 0 0 u_255
1035 1018 460 0 1204930220 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Obrigado. Digo que venho da tua parte? 88 0 0 1ogwpuq6 0 0 u_203
870 862 284 0 1204273675 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail! Afraid not no. I've got a driving lesson and it's also a friend of mines birthday. I need to get to more RAC gigs but they always seem to happen when I've got stuff to do. I will definitely be going to St George's Day and ISD this year. Might even attempt White Christmas but that is a long way off yet. Did you have a good birthday? xx Rob 0 0 1gmbskp4 0 0 u_200
6772 0 223 0 1236181957 1 1 1 1 keikka Pitäs mun olla mutta tossa on nyt varmuuden vuoksi se osoite uudestaan <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2tiu0tmj 0 0 u_552
878 849 381 0 1204310944 1 1 1 1 Re: PNP deve ser algum cyber-nazo que a faz luta ideologica pela internet ou o crl. cabrao, precisava era de q lhe fdssem o corpo. 0 0 1jb1j3py 0 0 u_203
6082 6081 2330 0 1231784495 1 1 1 1 Re: Member? Well it's like this ; i have a great admirre and respect for the hammer's but in Belgium we only have B&amp;H and C-18 and the only thing they do is fight eachother <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> Ive been several groups in the Netherlands but can't return to them because legal problems . Iff i offendid you in any wy you have my senceer appoligy and the sign will be removed . 88GreetSS and aryan respect From Me 0 0 4boplqn0 0 0 u_210
2518 0 987 0 1211817623 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H PATCH I bought a Blood and Honor patch from Aryan wear I was going to sew it on my jacket but want to know if it's o.k. to do so I'm new to this forum but have been a WN's for a long time, I belong to other white forums. I want to show support for Blood and Honor and wear the patch but don't know if their are any rules and regulations, being I'm new to this site, I'm also buying patches from other white organizations to show support. I would appreciate it if you could fill me in on this. THANK YOU. 0 0 3g4i0mzy 1211817678 1 u_88
5945 0 2245 0 1229864836 1 1 1 1 oioi OI oi ma88e this is lee gloucester dont have my old email address no more but i,m here now also had celtic cross pendents made up if u need any all the best see u in the new year <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 4 ./ 28 0 0 mrsanpb2 0 0 u_103
5946 0 2276 0 1229870688 1 1 1 1 ISD 2009 i am from south west wales and am 14 0 0 38d31ces 0 0 u_73
4770 0 1838 3 1221088301 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13047#p13047:2q0k1vke]Subject: Young Members[/url:2q0k1vke] [quote=&quot;Ladyht&quot;:2q0k1vke]Hey Rosie, You ok mate! Helen[/quote:2q0k1vke] Hey up Chick :D I listened to the thing you posted on myspace :) Im so excited ahhh Cya there :) xox 14/88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 kA== 2q0k1vke 0 0 u_68
4491 4430 107 0 1218839304 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! haha zeg wel, kzat in het vti te kortrijk ik en daar vel problemen gehad met allochtonen :p hahaha, 0 0 2u72chg2 0 0 u_1105
4182 0 549 0 1216895565 1 1 1 1 hi hi chubley long time no speak mate havnt been on in a while had abit of trouble withthe boys in blue a few months ago so i been abit buisy with that and im brewing my own beer just thort i would send you a message because im just kind <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 88 0 0 2wucb771 0 0 u_53
4183 4161 1053 0 1216895860 1 1 1 1 Re: 10 years of BH Hungary Hi Croatian Brother! Yes,our comrade Tibor was in Croatia some weeks ago.You misunderstood something,we won't have a gig on the 23th of August.There will be another gig at that day in Hungary,we don't have to do anything with it,and also we don't visit it.It's inner problem of Hungary! B&amp;H Hungary is a 10 years old group now,also the &quot;German-Hungarian Friendship&quot; group is ten years old now (we have very close contact with comrades from Nuremberg since that),and we also celebrate the ISD Memorial at one day,but this will be on the 13th of September. The gig is under construction,exact infos i can give you only later.We will make also the flyer of it,and will put on the B&amp;H forum. Regards: B&amp;H Hungary 0 0 1648xbrm 0 0 u_143
4184 4182 53 0 1216899220 1 1 1 1 Re: hi hello mate, nice to see you back, we got a new member 17 form the midlands, i'll get him to pm ya <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 33ijqfkm 0 0 u_549
4185 4182 549 0 1216899313 1 1 1 1 Re: hi nice :) how u been doing mate and u going the aug gig heard about it just on episode 15 0 0 trtx4yv8 0 0 u_53
887 0 75 0 1204354943 1 1 1 1 Re: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=3824#p3824:1nciifi7]Subject: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008[/url:1nciifi7] [quote=&quot;Loyal.28&quot;:1nciifi7][size=150:1nciifi7]Oj, za?eli smo zbirati prijave za koncert v ltaliji. Prevoz na koncert bo organiziran. Še vedno velja isto kot prej, pošljite PM, nato pa se bomo zmenili glede ostalih detajlov. ?e vas je kje ve?, naredite seznam in ga pošljite. Hvala <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 828![/size:1nciifi7][/quote:1nciifi7] Sieg heil !!!!!! Upam da ni prepozno za rezervacijo. Jaz bi rezerviral za 2 iz Brestanice sma ziher glede rezervacije tako da upam da naju boš dodal na seznam. Kontakt: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 041 277 886 0 0 lA== 1nciifi7 0 0 u_176
6494 0 552 0 1234164937 1 1 1 1 keikat Moi, satutuko olemaan H8 systemin postituslistalla? Jos et, niin laita tänne päin sun sähköpostiosote ja laitan keikkainfoa tulemaan. 0 0 2u4cxkhs 0 0 u_339
6345 0 69 0 1233142615 1 1 1 1 ahhaha sorry mate ive just realised you must be the guy on the other forum who i asked if it was mick right???..small world innit ahahah <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> all the best mate 0 0 36tpcgqt 0 0 u_74
894 0 75 0 1204370811 1 1 1 1 Re: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008 Pozdrav Maja! Sem dobi tvoj SmS naj ti pošljem najini imeni : Tomaž Luka 0 0 1z1x98n6 0 0 u_176
895 894 176 0 1204371721 1 1 1 1 Re: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008 Oj, hvala za hiter odgovor <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->. Dodala sem vaju na seznam in se slišimo glede detajlov. LP maja 828! 0 0 3ix8v42k 0 0 u_75
900 269 112 0 1204440579 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Indien je je verveelt: deze namiddag rond 16u spring ik eens binnen in de Nieuwe Tempelier in St Andries. groeten 0 0 3fsl32zv 0 0 u_110
6769 6746 323 0 1236144948 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Yes all is good, yes your donation went on a vacation to Korea first.. Thanks for the support... Vicky 0 0 10c25h2t 0 0 u_1926
5782 5727 58 0 1228251187 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! HELLO MATE ! Yeah met up with Lucas last night , didnt pass on the kiss though ha ha ! apart from that his missus might get jealous lmao ! Sorry for not getting back to you , life is really busy at the moment what with promotion at work or maybe demotion with the amount of stress involved Ha Ha <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I am looking forward to this weekend as we plan to overnight and I can get hammered ROFL <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> See you sat night then mate <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Take care mate N 0 0 ox7zy8vb 0 0 u_68
907 0 152 0 1204476533 1 1 1 1 83 Hey bro...Do I know you?? LOL <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 3om8xswe 0 0 u_586
908 907 586 0 1204480089 1 1 1 1 Re: 83 you sure do buddy... This is Richie up in Wi. Long time no talk, I hope things have been well down by you. 0 0 1alqzock 0 0 u_152
910 909 53 0 1204484872 1 1 1 1 Re: Weekend Hail, Yes deffo we can met up an drive down together if you an Troy want, not gonna go to the Central London fund raiser the following weekend, i hate being in inner London its a filth hole hopefully next week will be on the outskirts a bit. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 1t9l8yxq 0 0 u_606
944 941 552 0 1204624069 1 1 1 1 Re: &quot;Tietokone ongelmat&quot; Kiitos tarjouksesta, mutta tässä tapauksessa ei taida enää olla sen kummemmin avun tarvetta.Viittasin lähinnä Black sun:iin. Black Sun:in nettisivut teki joku ranskalainen tyyppi ja hänen kanssaan oli kuulemma aina päivitysongelmia. Sitten tapahtui joku juttu, mikä sulki koko palvelimen. Tämä ranskalainen oli kuulemma kädet täynnä omia hommia, eikä kerkeäisi korjaamaan sivuja ihan hetkeen. Tämä olisi tarkoittanut parin kuukauden pysähdystä. Siihen kun vielä lisätään homman kannattamattomus ja se ettei aina ole edes varaa ostaa uusia levyjä kauppaan, sekä se että pyörittäminen vie kuitenkin hitosti aikaa ja lähes päivittäin joutuu ravaamaan postissa, niin homma oli aika valmis. Itselläni taas tiedän tuon päivitysongelman, koska olin samalla tavalla riippuvainen yhdestä &quot;tavallisesta&quot; kaverista, joka sivut joskus pisti pystyyn, eikä hänelläkään tuntunut aina aikaa löytyvän kun olisi tarvinnut. Se homa korjaantui, kun yksi ilta katsottiin perusteellisesti hommat ja hän opetti minua itseäni tekemään päivitykset. Eli sekin asia tuli kuntoon. Mutta kiitos paljon tarjouksesta kuitenkin <!-- s`ThumbsUp --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/thumbsup.gif" alt="`ThumbsUp" title="ThumbsUp" /><!-- s`ThumbsUp --> 0 0 2atm460l 0 0 u_609
945 920 616 0 1204624278 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen yes that would be good m88. How old are you and what sort of work do you do? 0 0 p21mqnff 0 0 u_608
6209 6203 1838 0 1232476257 1 1 1 1 Re: RE: Hiya Im going to Grumpy's doo on Saturday &amp; i'll be at the west london one on the 7th but ill be stuck behind the Rampage stall all night on the 7th :/ Yea, get ya butt on msn lol! xox 0 0 dap4g1a1 0 0 u_2099
5773 0 2138 0 1228242155 1 1 1 1 Heil Hello Comrade, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 12d21l4s 0 0 u_68
5774 0 2138 0 1228244088 1 1 1 1 Heil Comrade Hello Brother, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 xhebnpmw 0 0 u_2
5775 0 2138 0 1228244245 1 1 1 1 Heil Comrade Hello Brother, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 lthqck4a 0 0 u_1711
947 269 112 0 1204636720 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Bwa, in de zin van, gans Brugge wist dat de café geen kat meer trok (zelfs op optredens was er de helft minder volk) maar die gast die da nu openhoudt was er altijd enkel maar als er optredens waren en dacht verzeker dat da alle weekends zoveel volk was. Niemand van zijn maten in Brugge natuurlijk ook wellicht die hem gezegd heeft dat de café geen kat nie meer trok dus zit hij er mee. Schone maten zeg ik zo. Voorlopig wordt er geen forum aan N-SA gekoppeld. Er hebben er dat al voorgesteld maar ik probeer dat wat tegen te houden omdat ik zie tot wat forums kunnen leiden (kijk maar naar hier...) en ook omdat mensen uiteindelijk ook kunnen reageren op de blogartikelen zelf (en we er meer controle kunnen op uitoefenen, hehe <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> ) Ah, gij zijt nog goth geweest.:p Toevallig, ik zit al een week Wumpscut/Funker Vogt/Suicide Commando spul te luisteren.;-) 0 0 2xdn9dv0 0 0 u_110
948 933 475 0 1204641262 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London Greetings from Bromley not far at all <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 828 0 0 jkqvyti5 0 0 u_616
951 0 253 0 1204650467 1 1 1 1 88! Bili smo se ono ?uli za ove majice, me?utim trenutno san u teškoj besparici i sve novce koje san ima da san sad za ovaj navija?ki prosvjed u Vukovaru. Tija san te samo pitati o?e li se u još kojoj turi raditi ove majice jer bi je stvarno volija imati ali, eto, u takvoj san situaciji da nisan ima novce do one sride kad je bija rok za uplatu. Živija 0 0 3grgbqxa 0 0 u_171
952 269 112 0 1204651619 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Bwa ja, dat was vroeger al zo toen ik er nog boven woonde en zelf achter bar stond en is er blijkbaar niet op verbeterd, iedere keer dat ik er passeer zit er met moeite 2 man... En daarvoor moet je idd een buitenlander zijn om het over te nemen. Die die dat nu gaat overnemen zal wel hetzelfde zijn, die is er ook altijd maar als er iets speciaals te doen is en Yann zal het haar wellicht ook wel niet aan de neus hangen als hij slim is. Anyhow, ze doen maar, boeit mij geen kloten. Over exact aantal leden heb ik geen zicht op, in Brugge alleszins al een tiental. Vrouw kan toch voor de kleine zorgen?;-) groeten 0 0 30csa2io 0 0 u_110
953 0 560 0 1204652616 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop welke maten en over welke shirts gaat het :p en welke cd s... 0 0 3k2lclg7 0 0 u_90
954 953 90 0 1204653030 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop De prijs bespreken we samen wel <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> De lijst: T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN White Pride World Wide SS vlag Partij vlag Keltisch kruis (met arend, de rode en de zwarte) Kriegs flag BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Brutal Attack: Valliant Heart Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Legion 88: The Best Of… Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Blood &amp; Honour: Volume 1 Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew 0 0 164gy2dh 0 0 u_560
955 953 90 0 1204653269 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Owja indien u foto's wenst van iets zeg maar welke dan. Freiheit 28 0 0 186lq478 0 0 u_560
1751 0 362 0 1208260403 1 1 1 1 oi Oi, ne vem ?e se me spomniš, oz. upam da sem si prav zapomnil ta imaš ta nick, da sva midva &quot;iskala&quot; po Budimpešti (11.2.-Day of Honour) cigane in žlza dunajske zrezke.. noh prosil bi te, ?e imaš mogoše skupinsko sliko(ono ko smo se slikali pred avtobusom na poti v Budimpešto) oz. ?e jo lahko od koga nabaviš, bi si jo rad arhiviral za spomin:) Upam, da se v kratkem kaj sre?amo, 14/88 Mario(Loki) aja..mij email je: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 l7sh848m 0 0 u_472
957 0 458 0 1204657177 1 1 1 1 lijst kunde mij eens ne lijst doorsture van wa ge allemaal verkoopt? Cheers 828 0 0 3jom2qlw 0 0 u_90
6150 5980 88 0 1232285930 1 1 1 1 Re: Need a small favour.... no problem at all Randal Krager 3209 Mount Tabor Rd. Lakeland, Florida 33810 paypal addy: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Abbie will ship it for you, happy to help, our regards to you and Rob <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2djejpu8 0 0 u_54
1023 0 367 0 1204840117 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H NZ Mag Hail! How many B&amp;H NZ mags did you want? Cheers 0 0 1fp5d472 0 0 u_122
1025 1012 203 0 1204847143 1 1 1 1 Re: guarda de honra Hail Robert, I think, there will be no problem for us to do your gig, it would be a honour for us to play for French comrades. There is just a little problem, our bass-player, she is that time in The Czech Republic, but she could travel to France and then back to Portugal with us, because she should come on monday back. So she can change her flight-schedule and travel instead directly to Portugal first to France... she could travel from Prag, Brno, Bratislava, Vienna..whatever... there is no problem to do it like that. We really would like to play in Your country. just let us know... Racial Regards GdH 0 0 3el3c39u 0 0 u_641
1026 1012 203 0 1204847472 1 1 1 1 Re: guarda de honra [quote=&quot;causeidentitaire&quot;:22ezqki6]ok great, we have seen very good prices on Ryanair.[/quote:22ezqki6] Hail Robert, I think, there will be no problem for us to do your gig, it would be a honour for us to play for French comrades. There is just a little problem, our bass-player, she is that time in The Czech Republic, but she could travel to France and then back to Portugal with us, because she should come on monday back. So she can change her flight-schedule and travel instead directly to Portugal first to France... she could travel from Prag, Brno, Bratislava, Vienna..whatever... there is no problem to do it like that. We really would like to play in Your country. just let us know... Racial Regards GdH 0 0 gA== 22ezqki6 0 0 u_641
5312 5308 297 3 1224609016 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Post... Yeah staying at yours would be a great help!! I'll give your dad a buzz in the week to sort it out...whats his name by the way?? Cheers Guy.. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 14eur7jw 0 0 u_279
6842 0 1734 0 1236765624 1 1 1 1 Re: East London Present Violent Storm Memorial 2009 Greetings Sir :) How are you? You`ve probably been trying to contact me, but <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> I haven`t paid my pfone bill so the wankers cut me off :D:D Hope you`re all good and I will see you saturday. 14/88 0 0 2zuucpxz 0 0 u_58
5274 0 235 0 1224405315 1 1 1 1 Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross could i buy one of the Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross cds cheers 0 0 1e91za13 0 0 u_58
963 953 560 0 1204665412 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large heb je foto van deze :P. en hoeveel moet je hebben per cd ben geintreseerd erin zitten cd tussen die ik nie heb :D 0 0 1txm39mp 0 0 u_90
965 953 90 0 1204699632 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Voeg me even toe op msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Ik stuur je vanavond dan de foto van de Deaths Head t-shirt en zeg me hoeveel cd's je wil dan maak ik wel een prijsje voor je. Freiheit 28 0 0 3u86qtpq 0 0 u_560
1022 951 253 0 1204830580 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:c6tifqg5][quote=&quot;Local-88-Patriot&quot;:c6tifqg5]Bili smo se ono ?uli za ove majice, me?utim trenutno san u teškoj besparici i sve novce koje san ima da san sad za ovaj navija?ki prosvjed u Vukovaru. Tija san te samo pitati o?e li se u još kojoj turi raditi ove majice jer bi je stvarno volija imati ali, eto, u takvoj san situaciji da nisan ima novce do one sride kad je bija rok za uplatu. Živija[/quote:c6tifqg5] Ima još majica, pa kad budeš skupio novac javi samo. Ako ?eš uzimati više komada, ra?unaj svaka 100kn plus na cijeli iznos još 20kn za poštarinu i to je to. Pozdrav![/quote:c6tifqg5] E hvala puno. javit ?u se. 0 0 gA== c6tifqg5 0 0 u_171
967 0 230 0 1204709397 1 1 1 1 infos Salut, Donne moi l'email et l'adresse IP de ce guignol: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";u=621">memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=621</a><!-- l --> Et supprimes ce topic qui n'a pas lieu d'être. Merci. FHS Paris 0 0 386ybkds 0 0 u_187
2558 2557 54 0 1211976606 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleting threads. [quote=&quot;Captain Scarlet&quot;:2hj0hope]hello BEB thanks for the soundbite it will be on episode 15 in a day or so. sorry about the swearing and your little girl but i get carried away!! <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> how can i delete old threads on the radio section ? thanks again CS.[/quote:2hj0hope] Hello CS, I've made you the moderator of the 28 Radio section, which means if you look at the bottom of each thread in that section you'll see a box that says &quot;Quick-mod tools&quot;. This allows you to delete/move/copy etc threads. You will also be able to do the same for indivdudal posts. If you need to do this throughout the entire forum let me know, as I will need to add you to the global moderator group in that case. You are very welcome for the sound bite. I don't claim for a second to have a &quot;radio voice&quot; (haha), but at least it proves that I am a &quot;real person&quot; and not just someone on the other end of the computer. I paid for my flights to Europe today, so I will be there in person at this years ISD in England as well. Don't worry about the swearing, my theory is that my daughter will hear much worse than that at school anyway, so I am deluding myself if I think she shouldn't listen to your show because of it. The racial message she hears throughout it is far more important to me. Charlie (my daughter) is a massive fan of the show, we listen to back episodes of it all of the time. She can quote chunks from it at a time, it's really hilarious to hear her go on about the &quot;niggers and the pakis and the paedophile scum&quot; etc. I'll get her to do a sound bite for the next episode if you like. She also asked me the other month if we could buy a &quot;Captain Scarlet outfit, doll and DVD&quot;, so you had better do some merchandising <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> I'm glad to hear that you are getting another episode ready. I'm sure it must be a hell of a lot of hard work for you, and also carries a fair degree of personal risk doing it. But I honestly believe that it is one of the most successful tools that we have for reaching new people and getting our message across, and your &quot;personality&quot; and how you put the show together is completely responsible for it. I'll see if I can dip into my DVD and CD collection to try to find some &quot;lesser known&quot; but good songs/clips for you to use on the show, especially ones with an Australian flavour. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2hj0hope 0 0 u_263
974 269 112 0 1204727067 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Surtur komt trouwens uit de pan-Germaanse mythologie. Het is de reus die Muspelheim bewaakt en bij de Godenschemering ten strijde trekt tegen de goden en daarbij gans de wereld in as legt met zijn vlammend zwaard. Het enigste dat zijn zwaard niet kan in de fik steken is Hodmimirs woud waar de enigste 2 mensen zich in verscholen hadden (Lif en Lifthrasir) die na de eindstrijd de verwoeste aarde gaan herbevolken en heropbouwen voorgoed. 0 0 2b4lv8bv 0 0 u_110
5127 4978 143 0 1223249436 1 1 1 1 Re: Interview with HHS [quote=&quot;BondedByBlood38&quot;:z900bdtv]Hi Bojan, if you have the questions already for the HHS interview,then plese send me,we would like to check them,then let you know what's up.You know,we can't give answer to certain questions publicly.This is for defens our Brotherhood.Best regards! Geri-HHS HFFH[/quote:z900bdtv] Sorry for delay, I was very busy lately (university, work). Here are questions, check it and let me know your decision [b:z900bdtv]1.Best regards to all HHS from B&amp;H Croatia crew. For beggining tell us something about history of NS movement in yout country. 2.Can you introduce as in short lines with history of HSN and HHS? 3.What are main activities of HHS and your plans for the future? 4.Hungary is country of many good bands, legends like Archivum, Valhalla and Verzserzodes and new blood like Tar Had and Hunor, what is cooperation between HHS and those bands? 5.In the last 2 years Hungary is place of often right wing demonstrations, what is your oppinion about that demonstrations? 6.As we know you have strong cooperation with B&amp;H in your coutry and abroad, what is your oppinion about B&amp;H? 7.Have you any friends here in Croatia that you are in contact with and what is your oppinion about Croatia in general? 8.Big thans for this interview, it´s big honour tho interviewed a organization with great reputation like yours, you have any final words for the end?[/b:z900bdtv] See you on Hammerfest. Bojan (28 Croatia) 0 0 wA== z900bdtv 1223249620 1 u_210
977 976 189 0 1204730837 1 1 1 1 Re: words getting there this is a good site 828 0 0 13kjacr9 0 0 u_616
979 0 616 0 1204731964 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4346#p4346:oxht4glc]Subject: Hello from SW London[/url:oxht4glc] [quote=&quot;stu 14&quot;:oxht4glc]Welcome from manchester <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:oxht4glc] cheers for the welcome stu 14 - how's it going in Manchester? Is there a chat room on this site? 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== oxht4glc 0 0 u_70
6726 0 2006 0 1235592158 1 1 1 1 Band Alright mate? Ross from March or Die has asked me to send you a message. Don't know if you know of them but they are a new band from Yorkshire. Ross was in Scum for 8 years but decided to call it a day. March or die are looking for a second guitarist or more ideally a drummer. If you want to have a chat with Ross about it, give him a text first so he knows who you are. His number is 07845288442. 88 Em 0 0 2ca6akt9 0 0 u_2099
983 976 189 0 1204734037 1 1 1 1 Re: words sounds good 0 0 3vao5lx8 0 0 u_616
5559 5557 88 0 1226786339 1 1 1 1 Re: Volksfront not at this time, our nearest chapter is in Germany, if you are interested in VF I can answer any questions you have or put you in touch with some of our European people. ROA Randal 0 0 22uibe4v 0 0 u_62
5560 0 62 0 1226786750 1 1 1 1 Volksfront Hail, Well I'm living near Germany and I speak German,so that should'nt be a problem. I was wondering how I can join. 88 0 0 18u9rj7u 0 0 u_88
986 976 616 0 1204738124 1 1 1 1 Re: words I'll look out for you on there mate. I joined this site to meet wp mates and share views. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 xuf3ogal 0 0 u_189
987 979 70 0 1204738550 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London Hail mate, no best thing to do is contact E mail on post for v.s gig or pm organiser, If yo go see you there. stu 88 0 0 10q8wtbr 0 0 u_616
988 0 616 0 1204739397 1 1 1 1 Violent Storm Memorial Hello mate Can you let me have the details for the gig on saturday? Or do I need to send an email? I'm a new member here and don't know any of the other members yet apart from messaging on here. Cheers Paul 0 0 aajhanx0 0 0 u_105
989 979 616 0 1204739809 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London Cheers Stu, OK I've sent a pm to the organiser. Hope to see you there. Paul 88 0 0 2mdqby8c 0 0 u_70
990 0 637 0 1204741126 1 1 1 1 88 i am leandro braun of southern skinheads 828 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 37tm3d0h 0 0 u_122
991 920 608 0 1204742558 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen hi m88 me i hit the big 40 lat yr am between jobs at mo -and you ? 0 0 2wwgydik 0 0 u_616
992 0 72 0 1204742629 1 1 1 1 PARIS 9TH MAY GREETINGS Thanks you for the offer with regard The 9th May but I'm in touch with 'Captain Caveman' and think I will stay with them. Please if you see me come and say 'Hello' <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Yours.Rob 0 0 ddnah2sr 0 0 u_230
994 920 616 0 1204743260 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen all right m88 I am just about the same age as you then. Doing some mindless office work at the moment! 0 0 1tq0311k 0 0 u_608
995 920 608 0 1204743326 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen yea sounds similar u on msn or yahoo 0 0 25ukegll 0 0 u_616
996 0 604 0 1204743434 1 1 1 1 activiteit Hey sutur in de activiteiten kalender staat Zaterdag 15 MAART 2008: Memorial Day for Fallen Heroes . Gaat deze dag nog door ? (hopelijk weer in lommel ) Ik zou er heel graag naar toe willen :) dus laat me zeker iets weten . en als het niet doorgaat zal ik zeker wel alleen gaan naar lommel . Ik ga daar vaak wandelen met mijn vriendin tis daar heel mooi en rustig en zeer kort bij mijn thuis . Naar gent zal ik morgen niet gaan . om mee te gaan met de bussen van nsv moest je je al 2 weken ten laaste ingeschreven hebben, stond op de site . Nou ja als jij gaat : veel succes . 0 0 uma83rvs 0 0 u_112
997 920 616 0 1204743586 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen yes on yahoo IM as englandnaz 0 0 dv4x3s76 0 0 u_608
998 988 105 0 1204743855 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial Im not putting the gig on mate so dont know any details yet, drop them an email or 'werewolf' on the forum should be able to tell you more. Im hoping to get a redirection number later tonight. Cheers 0 0 6qb1m7qa 0 0 u_616
999 920 608 0 1204744131 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen cool have added u am skinheadm8 on there 0 0 2htqa8ew 0 0 u_616
1000 988 616 0 1204744279 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial cheers for getting back to me mate - I have sent them an email. Maybe see you there. 0 0 y21znmim 0 0 u_105
1004 988 616 0 1204749085 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial Cheers for the number mate - will call it on saturday. 0 0 tw3wqbwd 0 0 u_105
1005 990 122 0 1204751557 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Hail, good to know friend. Welcome on the 28board. 0 0 3p1g47ye 0 0 u_637
1006 992 230 0 1204762933 1 1 1 1 Re: PARIS 9TH MAY Yeah I talked this evening with him. He told me, you and your friends will be with him. See you the 9th May. 0 0 1i10v2ro 0 0 u_72
1007 0 367 0 1204787332 1 1 1 1 BH magazines I'm interested in getting back issues and current issues of your B&amp;H Magazines. I could also trade some B&amp;H New Zealand magazines. 88 0 0 34jg6b86 0 0 u_638
1008 1007 638 0 1204788293 1 1 1 1 Re: BH magazines Ok mate, no problem about this, but I think that evrything is &quot;sold out&quot; exept the last issue. Will see what I can do for you.By the way soon you can expect new english language zine ( A co-operation work between B&amp;H Bulgaria, Hungary and Croatia) under the name &quot;Revolt&quot;. We are working on it, it won't be a &quot;pure&quot; BH zine but mostly about NS politics - past and present. We'll keep in touch Aussie <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 2b5rmfoa 0 0 u_367
1009 1007 638 0 1204789192 1 1 1 1 Re: BH magazines Ouups forgot to ask you...Can you help us to get in touch with Scott( Fortrsss, Dessident) for an interview? Cheers! 0 0 3qnlhe31 0 0 u_367
1010 1007 367 0 1204789330 1 1 1 1 Re: BH magazines Alright, I would be interested in the new issue. Maybe we could trade 1 copy each, as I'm the editor of the B&amp;N New Zealand magazine. I would be interested in helping out with that other mag you are working on if you need it. I like to write. I will ask around for the Scott interview comrade, will get back to you. 88! 0 0 3ftsncb0 0 0 u_638
1012 0 641 0 1204794862 1 1 1 1 guarda de honra Hello, We are looking for the contact of the band Guarda de Honra. We organize an identitary gig on Paris, and we would like to have them. The 5th april. Thanks for your help. Robert for Cause Identitaire 0 0 202q0hvz 0 0 u_203
1013 0 379 0 1204795142 1 1 1 1 new zealand B&amp;H Hail brother if no one has contacted you about the nzbh zine i will send just give me your address 828 brother perry B&amp;HNZ 0 0 jsbahu5j 0 0 u_122
1017 1012 203 0 1204814030 1 1 1 1 Re: guarda de honra Hello Robert i m a member of Guarda de Honra , i play the guitar. I go ask to the others members of the band and i tell you this weekend. The email of the band is : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 3i3p22cr 0 0 u_641
1018 0 203 0 1204814306 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Contacta este email : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1ptdcci6 0 0 u_460
6770 6746 1926 0 1236158535 1 1 1 1 Re: ... cool vicky i get paid this sunday any outher good causes you got goin?? racial regards denis 0 0 u5dco4e6 0 0 u_323
1020 0 122 0 1204821334 1 1 1 1 28NZ Hail, thanks brother, but i will become in the next time a copy of our 28Magazine. Thank you, mkg from Switzerland. 828 0 0 35bu341a 0 0 u_379
1021 1012 641 0 1204825075 1 1 1 1 Re: guarda de honra ok great, we have seen very good prices on Ryanair. 0 0 2v6egs44 0 0 u_203
6114 6112 1027 0 1231971944 1 1 1 1 Re: topic Dag Jakke, Ik had ook al een voorstel gedaan om te vertalen, maar vermits jij het al gedaan hebt scheelt dat voor mij weeral wat werk (alhoewel werk <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ). Wat mij betreft is dit perfect natuurlijk en kan je dat rustig zo doorsturen. Het is in elk geval een goed punt dat er vanuit die richting (UK) ook interesse is in de artikels die ik schrijf, een reden om op termijn eens af te reizen om daar met de juiste mensen contact te zoeken. In elk geval al bedankt voor je inzeten we komen mekaar één dezer wel ergens tegen. 88 bro <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1myhjm5h 0 0 u_618
6210 6193 2138 0 1232476417 1 1 1 1 Re: Salute o/ Hello Kirk, not to worry mate, i'm sure there will be more chances to meet up. I'm gonna try to make it to the Villent Storm, but with my wife pregnant an all, it might be a bit tight, money wise, but will know then. Take care Kirk, all the best. Berto 828 ROA 0 0 3t2edhg8 0 0 u_61
1028 154 171 0 1204891026 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Oi! Sorry što gnjavim, ?ujem da imaš puno posla. Sam bi ti htio re?i da bi trebalo otisnuti još 20 komada majica, ovaj puta sa veli?inima koje su nedostajale u prvoj seriji, ili ?e uskoro nedostajati, a to bi bilo 8x XXL, 7x M i 5 x XXXL. Veli mi Pero da je bilo problema sa tiskom prve serije zbog preklapanja boja u corelu. Nažalost, velika ve?ina što znam o vektorima isklju?ivo je što sam ja sam u?io, tako da nisam obratio pozornost na to. Šaljem ti na ovom linku: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> novu verziju prednje strane, pa se nadam da sam uspio napraviti kak spada ovaj puta. Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 3gt00mgq 0 0 u_236
1032 1031 53 0 1204916296 1 1 1 1 Re: Sat night [quote=&quot;Warrior&quot;:n18r9y0c]Oi OI my dear looking forward to tomorrow now,had couple days off with man flu but nearly fighting fit ready for good night <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:n18r9y0c] Hail, booze will kill any remaining man-flu bugs, pickle it!!! i think the german band is Komando skin they were great at ISD i cant wait <!-- s`dance --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/eusa_dance.gif" alt="`dance" title="dance" /><!-- s`dance --> Im getting excited now <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== n18r9y0c 0 0 u_606
1036 237 289 0 1204931274 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? Had a bit of a downer, some crap times the past few months. but I'm looking up now, feeling fine, good and fairly optimistic <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> ... thank fuck. Get's a bit samey living where I live, every day is exsactly the same almost. Sorry took me a while to get back to this cause I couldnt login with this username for a while. 0 0 3tgeb0og 0 0 u_63
5828 5778 1409 0 1228552808 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> takze koncert je v je nedaleko Nottinghamu...viac neviem <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3gk92sxq 0 0 u_1834
1038 237 63 0 1204936234 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? nice to hear from you, sorry to hear you have been a bit down, but glad you are ok now!, i will be coming up to scotland on 14th june as there is a gig in dundee, so hopefully i will catch up with you there, just joined a gym today, need to get some weight off has i have let myself go a bitto hear from you soon. 14/88 0 0 4aha5dv5 0 0 u_289
4871 4862 1 0 1221675823 1 1 1 1 Re: hi <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> oh ok an its crap nothing to do i wanna move lolto many of the fukers its spot the white non jew down here yer cool i look forward to meetin u kinda lol iv beed a skinhead most of my life an i was nf yer i did i love everythink bout it lol wow iv neva been to a gig in my life whats it like an i love no remorse,skrewdriver, razor edge,acab and the 4skins an stuff like that lol heres my number so if u wanna chat an im not online txt me lol 07747556089 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 dgybadcf 0 0 u_53
4874 1040 650 0 1221684816 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm doing good :) but i'm not sure about Skúli. I haven't heard from him in a long time. He got caught by the police after putting up some stupid website where the president of Iceland was threatened so I decided not to talk to him anymore for doing such mess which brought disgrace over icelandic nationalists. I have however found other good guys who support the cause. My friend has his 30th birthday in August next year and we were wondering if we could bring Brutal Attack over to Iceland to play? Could you check that out for me? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2aevwi8v 0 0 u_53
1042 154 236 0 1204959741 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Pozdrav, nije bilo problema oko corela...Možda je trebalo pola sata, da smo razdvojili boje, ali mislim, da je sve pošlo OK. Ako nešto nedostaje, ili da je bilo šta krivo na majicama, molim što prije napiši. Rekao mi je ve? Peter za majice, pa izrada nije nikakav problem. Možemo to uradit ve? po?etkom tjedna. Imam sito za zadnju stranu ve? izra?eno, a ostalo ?emo još jednom. Isto ?e mi Peter pomo?i... Bilo koje promjene mi što prije javi. lp Gebi 0 0 3hpinbrt 0 0 u_171
1043 1018 203 0 1205003882 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional não precisas, diz só o que queres 0 0 1uernvkq 0 0 u_460
4156 4049 210 0 1216815137 1 1 1 1 Re: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary Hi, the date of the European Hammerfest is 18th of October,as it's written on the flyer.If you would like to come,and could,then you could fly to Budapest,as the gig will be there.Of course we could help with info,booking hotel,transport,etc. just let me know if you will have any details about the flight,then we will see how could we org.Best regards! Geri - Hungarian Hammerskins 0 0 2cpcxocd 0 0 u_54
1045 1040 53 0 1205059885 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hail, i'm fine thanks how are you an Skuli? i've been meaning to email Skuli but its been 1 of those things i've just not got round too <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Its good to see you on here, this forums better with music an video files were moving onwards an upwards <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> RR Shell 0 0 9uabalvc 0 0 u_650
5270 0 122 0 1224346721 1 1 1 1 website Hello, i have see that the 28 website from your division is down (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). I want help you and can make your website when you have interesting. Greeting, 828. 0 0 388coozm 0 0 u_168
5271 0 1008 0 1224385836 1 1 1 1 your original banner- gif So, as it turns out, I'm just a moron who doesn't know how to use computery things. I finally figured out how to use the animated GIF in my signature, and already have had a couple of people say how awesome it is. Great job Georgie <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 317nbb23 0 0 u_109
5249 0 89 0 1224176094 1 1 1 1 Re: auction now ended... BUT I'm not sure how much a reasoable offer would be, £45. how do you accept payment (paypal) 0 0 3i9buiqg 0 0 u_73
1048 0 616 0 1205063568 1 1 1 1 Re: South London [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4576#p4576:nczu76x2]Subject: South London[/url:nczu76x2] [quote=&quot;werewolf&quot;:nczu76x2]Blood and Honour South London Division contact: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> If your more South West go for Blood and Honour West London “Westland Division” contact: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->[/quote:nczu76x2] Cheers for the info mate - I am on borders if SE and SW (Tulse Hill) so South London Division sounds right for me. I missed the concert last night - sounded bloody brilliant ! Paul <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== nczu76x2 0 0 u_65
4879 0 295 0 1221724048 1 1 1 1 Hey Howdy Scott, Just wanted to say thanks again for coming out, we're really happy you guys made the effort and it was nice to meet your girlfriend. It was a shame people's egos and personal drama got in the way of making it a great night, but it's over and done now. Hope to see you again soon. Cheers, Justin 0 0 2adwspm2 0 0 u_1195
1050 1048 65 0 1205068903 1 1 1 1 Re: South London great night, another one this saturday central London, c u there, good luch 828 0 0 zqrh4x0o 0 0 u_616
1051 0 180 0 1205075643 1 1 1 1 hi hi, i see your from northamptonshire. do i know you. Mick 0 0 2rib3nrv 0 0 u_606
1052 1018 460 0 1205077527 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Ok, um abraço. ;) E obrigado. 0 0 yzr7rk7f 0 0 u_203
1055 237 289 0 1205109600 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? Was that one not cancelled or something ? I might go to the st georges day gig, depending if I can get down there allright/if Paul is gonna head down from Dundee or train. Any idea or not of what bands will be booked yet ? 0 0 i9u59cm3 0 0 u_63
1056 1033 97 0 1205132564 1 1 1 1 Re: ok mate Thanks mate. 0 0 34l4nuvo 0 0 u_396
1057 154 171 0 1205147053 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Majice su odli?no ispale, eventualno bi pleter na le?ima podebljao. Kad smo ve? kod toga, upitao bi te koliko je zapravo bitna debljina krivulja, odnosno omjer veli?ine u corelu i u stvarnosti. Jer ponekad mi na slici veli?ine cca 30x15cm krivulja debljine 0,5mm izgleda dosta veliko; ako je još više podebljam objekt postane nejasan, a ako ostavim na 0,5mm na tisku bude pretanko(baš zbog tog pletera pitam). Hvala puno još jedanput! Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 1rt1rj2d 1205147071 1 u_236
5765 5760 323 0 1228178232 1 1 1 1 Re: funds Hey you can send it to my paypal address : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> we have an order member that gets out and it would greatly help us with the fund raising and we have a family who needs help with clothes alongside a pow in Florda... Thanks so much for everything.. Vicky 0 0 34wln6kf 0 0 u_73
5769 0 72 0 1228207494 1 1 1 1 ANDOVER Alright Mate Are you still living in Andover and do you need a lift to the WHITE CHRISTMAS gig????? Yours.R 0 0 362z3lax 0 0 u_1409
4631 0 68 0 1220367066 1 1 1 1 ello ello Hey, How goes things mate, long time no speak! Hope all is well with you! See you in a few weeks! Cheers Helen 0 0 fvv60wmu 0 0 u_58
5126 0 276 0 1223241910 1 1 1 1 pic Hi, not much joy with the offer of a minibus but if only five of us then we'll go in a car <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> could you let me know how to add a picture on the forum ? cant figure it out for love nor money and i see you've done it before cheers Lee 0 0 konppu6t 0 0 u_72
1062 237 63 0 1205170047 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? hi, yes the scotland gig has cancelled! st georges gig line up is as follows avalon unit 28 whitelaw section 88 legion of st george last chance hope you can get there 88 0 0 2gpaqxol 0 0 u_289
5561 0 2161 0 1226791425 1 1 1 1 place in bus for white x mas wondering if any places left on bus for white x mas im from new castle i can make my way op to york let me know cheers 0 0 3me7bzta 0 0 u_66
5562 4340 850 0 1226795634 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Beste, het is al reeds maanden geleden dat ik bij U een bestelling heb geplaatst. Nog steeds heb ik niets ontvangen. Graag zou ik spoedig iets van U horen. 0 0 1uek6nzl 0 0 u_1340
5563 0 1362 0 1226795926 1 1 1 1 oi oi why was bulldog closed on wednesday n thursday? <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> lol =P normally open n i had fack all to do so i thought id pay a visit but u were closed, ah well Nick 88 0 0 3kszp28q 0 0 u_59
1068 1018 460 0 1205188114 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Camarada, Tenho estado em contacto com os gajos da rightmusic, e no ultimo mail mandei-lhes o upload do album dos guarda de ferro com a bio etc...a questão é que os gajos responderam-me com isto: [i:3ass0bpn]Do you like to play on a concert in Holland? Saturday 26th of April.[/i:3ass0bpn] Por acaso nem lhes falei do meu projecto nem nada pois ainda não há maquete gravada e muito menos formação para tocar ao vivo, como muita pena minha. Não sei se eles ficaram com a impressão que Guarda de Ferro era a minha banda (lol), no entanto lembrei-me de voçês (Guarda de Honra). Porque é que não falam com eles? Era porreiro fazerem uma gig lá. ;) Aqui fica o mail deles: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Depois diz-me alguma coisa, Um abraço. 0 0 IA== 3ass0bpn 0 0 u_203
6905 0 1427 0 1236990436 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Warrington ! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20175#p20175:16jheu35]Subject: Hello from Warrington ![/url:16jheu35] [quote=&quot;wolfman&quot;:16jheu35]Hello brothers and sisters ! I've just joined the forum and i'm looking to meet like minded people in the Nw of england. 14/88. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:16jheu35] Oi oi wolfman, I'm from the North West ways, skinheads that meet in Liverpool, you're welcome to come along if you're interested in meeting other people. I travel from about an hour away myself but it's worth it to see friends like. How old are you if you don't mind me asking. 0 0 kA== 16jheu35 0 0 u_2615
1860 1773 311 0 1208878394 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu tein tilisiirron äskön ja rahat näkyvät viimeistään torstaina. juu täytyy toivoo ettei posti riko kuljetuksen aikana 0 0 35kmh60q 0 0 u_98
1073 1018 203 0 1205245756 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Obrigado. Mas eu já me correspondo com eles a muito tempo lol. Quanto a concertos estamos a espera de um para dia 5 de abril temos outro em maio 17 e estamos a trabalhar para gravar um novo cd em agosto, ainda temos o concerto em junho . Por isso é melhor não dar ideias aos gajos lol 0 0 237q1nmg 0 0 u_460
4825 0 1838 3 1221439435 1 1 1 1 :) 0 0 3kbn8o1t 0 0 u_1221
4968 4966 307 0 1222102880 1 1 1 1 Re: isd [quote=&quot;Loki28&quot;:ozdwsmus]Hi some moderatar is gonna put them online!! So im gonna send them to him. But Thanx anyway!! Greetings 828[/quote:ozdwsmus] thats ok 0 0 gA== ozdwsmus 0 0 u_332
4978 0 143 0 1222131140 1 1 1 1 Interview with HHS Szia:) We want to make an interview with Hungarian Hammerskins for new number of B&amp;H Croatia magazin, so if you are willing to give us interview I will send you questions. [b:2wvm613a]Bojan (28Croatia)[/b:2wvm613a] 0 0 QA== 2wvm613a 0 0 u_210
4913 4907 1869 0 1221823628 1 1 1 1 Re: norma? Dont follow me i get lost going to local shops lol. Have you been on London Skinhead Forum today? Buster (Badwolf) is on there slagging off this forum, which makes a change from on here being on here slagging off them 0 0 18c9s08u 0 0 u_307
5118 5117 1975 0 1223135809 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Why you think that Terry?Must say I'm only on the PC 1 &amp; and half year.London skins was the first site I saw ,&amp; liked .Been in London a lot between 86 &amp; 92.Always stayed skinhead through the years.Fed up with the politics after Waterloo &amp; a few dissapointments over here (Flandern).But it never really went away mate.Off course I am 100% NS,but as London skins is non political.....It's a good site mate I think for the good memories.Are you coming to the next piss up at christmas?I will,&amp; Donnelly will be there too.Regards,Bart 88. 0 0 2b9n3uzj 0 0 u_1869
1076 1039 105 0 1205254611 1 1 1 1 Re: Lp's Hello The lps are 20 plus any postage etc the singles im unsure of , ill find out. Theres alot more than listed so if theres anything your after let me know. These are all orginal albums and not re-releases. Cheers 0 0 19cwbhpz 0 0 u_650
4878 0 295 0 1221723863 1 1 1 1 Hey Thanks for coming out on the weekend. We were really happy you guys showed up. And sorry about the dramas and attitudes on some people (on both sides), but hope you had a good time anyway. Hope we get to see you guys again. Cheers, Justin 0 0 26q3vvbd 0 0 u_1008
1079 1051 606 0 1205259776 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Greetings Cracking do at weekend mate,counting down now for April. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Or anything else that might pop up in between,cant make next week unfortunately. 0 0 1u4utjsx 0 0 u_180
1080 1039 105 0 1205260150 1 1 1 1 Re: Lp's Theres loads of albums left, their Billys of Celtc Warriors. Im sure they will be plenty left. All the best. 0 0 2gso99x7 0 0 u_650
1083 237 289 0 1205263548 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? That's a great line-up <!-- s`dance --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/eusa_dance.gif" alt="`dance" title="dance" /><!-- s`dance --> . I've got a lift now, decent, can't wait. 0 0 3m6gl5ho 0 0 u_63
1085 1051 180 0 1205263832 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hi , was a great gig. as said in my pm, Do I know you. are you Bryn.. Mick 0 0 25cxczvz 0 0 u_606
5952 5951 1972 0 1229986837 1 1 1 1 Re: Open season demo tape &quot; ok mate will do this after christmas ok nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2ozyw1b7 0 0 u_2245
4194 0 280 0 1216913330 1 1 1 1 hi hi blue eyed blonde now im not one to p.m or even post often, i take it badwolf is no longer with us so to speak, i can only say, what a huge relief,he was boring me to tears with the most of his posts......... i can now log in and have my daily read in peace thanks steve/blackout. you must try and visit for a gig somtime your doing a grand job keeping the forum alive. all the best to you and yours.... 0 0 2osr87e6 0 0 u_54
4198 3991 1083 0 1216926364 1 1 1 1 Re: BBQ ja ik wil nogsteeds komen,hoe en wat gaat het verder? grts 88 0 0 cxpa00kj 0 0 u_113
2619 2454 811 0 1212228472 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> hi mate, £20 sent by registered post today &amp; should be with you by 1pm monday. thanks for keeping lps til i could get to post office. keith 0 0 22706aj2 0 0 u_351
1090 1074 270 0 1205314178 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium (kan je daarvan foto doorsturen?) Voor de rest: Kriegsflag Keltisch Kruis patch Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Hoeveel voor dit alles? 0 0 pzjs9ivo 0 0 u_90
6771 6694 54 0 1236170769 1 1 1 1 Re: Sound Bite needed Hi there, 1st Amendment is back on line, so I'll be putting the radio show up this weekend. I will start &quot;locking down&quot; the tracks tomorrow night, so if I don't get any sound bites or tracks in the next 24-36 hrs, then they can't go in. Cheers N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3pfbu551 0 0 u_58
6902 6880 109 0 1236985699 1 1 1 1 Re: CD No problem, just send an email to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and the guys will take it from there. cheers Jesse 0 0 pse811xa 0 0 u_122
5574 0 1017 0 1226943121 1 1 1 1 HI , MATE . Hi mate i have just read your post about your son and to say i am shocked is the understatement of the year . I am from Livingston so although i know about the case and the shocking lenient sentences this piece of shit got dealt , I don't know you personally but would like to have a meet with you if possible . you can contact me by txt on 07771592102 . please feel free to contact me in confidence . If you feel this is inappropriate of me i apologies and can understand that you must be very angry with our so called justice system which is total BS . hope to hear from you soon . from skeg . 0 0 u5bvx542 0 0 u_2014
5575 0 1172 0 1226946563 1 1 1 1 Hi Hi my brother havent talked for a while,how are you?still fighting the red menace lol. 0 0 34g98wso 0 0 u_531
5388 0 143 0 1225127802 1 1 1 1 Southlander sub forum I can`t post reply to the Southalder sub-forum, can you check it please? Best regards from Croatia 0 0 zcxgprax 0 0 u_54
5389 0 90 0 1225128977 1 1 1 1 Nog interesse? Gegroet Vlaming Had graag geweten of u nog interessen hebt in cd's tegen 5 euro / stuk? Zijn RAC en HateCore. Freiheit 28 0 0 3r1nym1z 0 0 u_850
5695 0 1713 0 1227766967 1 1 1 1 Re: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16546#p16546:2eejjq85]Subject: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS[/url:2eejjq85] [quote=&quot;BULLDOG DRUMMOND&quot;:2eejjq85]A bit late for this year but maybe RUNE &amp; SWORD and HIGHLANDER could get some printed for next <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->[/quote:2eejjq85] Alright mate, i have a load of them pics, or prints that a german skinhead gave to me back in the 80s very similar to those ones. i found them the other day and are still mint, just wondered if any good to anyone, paul28 0 0 kA== 2eejjq85 0 0 u_72
5392 0 2092 0 1225138938 1 1 1 1 Heil Heil Brother! The best way is to get in touch with Invicta88 from the Portugal Section of the forum. He is from B&amp;H Portugal. I´m a supporter. 88 Hey, check out our national socialist radio. Is created by B&amp;H Portugal supports. Is the first and only NS Radio broadcasting from Portugal. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> It´s on portuguese language, but you all can hear the radio live, just click on the right side of the site. In every show we broadcast RAC, WP, III Reich Music, etc.... 0 0 19iksy5b 0 0 u_88
5393 0 69 0 1225139685 1 1 1 1 HEY!! 0 0 1y02yctm 1225188799 1 u_1867
6744 0 1953 0 1235858179 1 1 1 1 828 hey sis hope the sites come back soon,the free the order is gone as well? any news on the awards yet? add me on myspace damnit lol! love jeffrey 0 0 1pidiukj 0 0 u_323
1099 1018 460 0 1205363613 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Ah, pronto ok, hehe! É optimo saber isso, e ver que o capitulo português está bastante dinâmico. ;) Já agora, o meu obrigado pela oferta da revista #4. Devo confessar que não estava à espera de uma mag tão profissional. Cinco estrelas. É pena é não ter uma peridiocidade maior, no entanto já sabem, podem contar comigo nomeadamente para traduções e entrevistas. Estão à vontade. Um abraço. 0 0 2smqs0og 0 0 u_203
1100 0 460 0 1205365323 1 1 1 1 rock invicta Ah, lembrei-me agora de outra coisa. Estava a pensar dar mais destaque ao concerto do dia 7 no Forum Nacionalista Português. Com cerca de uma mês de vida já contamos com mais de 80 membros e esse número está constantemente a crescer. A minha ideia era aproveitarmos isso para propagandear o concerto. A minha ideia era colocar 2 mp3´s de cada uma das bandas que irá tocar juntamente com uma curta biografia. Assim o pessoal ficava a conheçer quem vai tocar e podia até ouvir umas malhas das ditas bandas. Isto é optimo tanto para propagandear a gig como para dar um gostinho da coisa aos interessandos. Estou a perguntar-te para saber o que achas, e se há algum problema em fazer isso. Um abraço 0 0 3st43ch1 0 0 u_203
6161 6160 2376 0 1232291704 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members Lol i was talking to you, you got myspace? 0 0 1j7i5es8 0 0 u_2428
6162 5985 69 0 1232291933 1 1 1 1 Re: Cheers mate !! hi mate..yeah of course ill send him best wishes..ive kept the details anyway so i can keep in touch with the lad <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> yes inga will come over soon mate i a couple of weeks to be exact to be honest i will go there as well to be with her for a while..need to get away from this shithole for a while..dont worry mate retribution as already been part served <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> on my behalf like i can take the break on my bones but im just gutted that i couldnt see and spend time with inga cos we have big plans for the future together now so that would have kick started them this year like..yes hopefully she will be moving here in the summer <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> yes ive started the criminal injuries process so hopefully something might come outta a bad gonna need it if inga still has plans for us to have a daughter <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> yeah!!! anyway mate..if you like send me shauns address to and ill try again to keep in touch with him that way too...might keep his chin up a bit like..anything i can do mate you only have to ask ok yeah millers would be right up there if for the ridiculous points deduction best luck eh? se ya soon mate take it easy ok <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3kuwqqy9 0 0 u_531
5987 5929 2119 0 1230792264 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings Know what, buddy? I can record the guitar track for a Nazi Punk project song I'm working on and email it to you. It's copyrighted cause I own my own record label which I signed myself to. But I guess if you REALLY liked it I wouldn't mind you burning a few CDs of the final version. Thanks for the interest! White Pride World Wide from the American South! -- Skoda 0 0 di9v9dov 0 0 u_72
5988 5978 2119 0 1230792471 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey Bro Thanks so much for the info! Like I said in my previous PM I'm in Atlanta and I probably won't be back for another week. I've got a good Skinhead buddy in Mobile who would LOVE to go to some rallies. Thanks for the great news! Can't wait to get a strong Southeast Division going! 88! 0 0 3r43bf52 0 0 u_337
1104 0 353 0 1205389107 1 1 1 1 Re: Roll Call [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4397#p4397:1d7c7vqz]Subject: Roll Call[/url:1d7c7vqz] [quote=&quot;HolyWar83&quot;:1d7c7vqz][quote=&quot;VFDetroit28&quot;:1d7c7vqz]Hello from Detroit, MI.[/quote:1d7c7vqz] No offense, J, but I think they were taking an AUSTRALIAN roll call.... Am I right? <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:1d7c7vqz] Boy do I feel like a jackass now! Oh well..haha. 0 0 kA== 1d7c7vqz 0 0 u_152
2569 2565 973 0 1211991399 1 1 1 1 Re: Pub Tonight Not till next week my dad is down then and we might call in at tony's try to be there probaly monday he said he wants to meet my best mates and ur them <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 j4hfy10j 0 0 u_663
6386 6381 171 0 1233413068 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; About three day ago i have been told from his friend that user named helikopter will not come anymore on this forum. He had been already banned for two times (nicknames 'medved' and 'avion') as he had some disagreements with us. Cheers! Marko 0 0 3d3wifon 0 0 u_108:u_54
6387 6381 171 0 1233413159 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; heliktoper je onaj debil hrvoje iz zagreba šta je pravio onaj cirkus od koncerta proljetos. pri?ao sam sa jednim drugim likom iz zg i re?eno mi je da se više ne?e spajati na ovaj forum nakon što sam ga i sam nekoliko puta upozorio da odjebe. na domobranu je isto baniran. 0 0 9i3lfwtg 0 0 u_108
1108 0 367 0 1205395213 1 1 1 1 Portugal Greetings Comrade. I'm from New Zealand and I'm interested in buying some CD's,magazines, shirts etc related to Portugal. Also to meet new friends as I plan to go on a holiday to Spain, Portugal, France in the coming future. I edit the New Zealand B&amp;H Magazine as well so we could trade if you like. All the best D 0 0 op7o6ves 0 0 u_203
6388 6381 108 0 1233414306 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:dbwzb19h]heliktoper je onaj debil hrvoje iz zagreba šta je pravio onaj cirkus od koncerta proljetos. pri?ao sam sa jednim drugim likom iz zg i re?eno mi je da se više ne?e spajati na ovaj forum nakon što sam ga i sam nekoliko puta upozorio da odjebe. na domobranu je isto baniran.[/quote:dbwzb19h] enough said...allright now <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 gA== dbwzb19h 0 0 u_171
1123 1108 367 0 1205448759 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal I don't know if I will be there in June. What do you mean by trading? Would you like 5 copies of the B&amp;H New Zealand magazine or a single trade? All the best Thank you very much 0 0 2yob9mg3 0 0 u_203
1128 1108 203 0 1205457087 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi brother, we can trade 5 mags from your division for 5 mags from my division. About the trading is if you have t´shirts or cd´s and you want to trade for our t´shirts and cd´s. Best Regards Sérgio 0 0 1ct43er6 0 0 u_367
6222 6122 90 0 1232556737 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Hail Give me your e-mail adres mate and i will send you the pictures and list. 88 Freiheit 28 0 0 3al3y0dx 0 0 u_2296
5827 5778 1834 0 1228551359 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Tak co mas nieco nove?Ja budem vediet az okolo obeda.ak by si vedel skor tak daj vediet ok?diky moc... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 120bifvs 0 0 u_1409
1133 1108 367 0 1205469921 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Greetings brother. I'm interested in trading the mags for a start. Where do I send our 5 mags to? You can send yours to: Dylan Jensen 9 Fox Street Woodville, 4920 North Island New Zealand Also maybe you could interview Xenophobe for your magazine. New Zealand's first pro-White/B&amp;H band. (the first ever band of this kind in New Zealand history) Their myspace is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I can put you in contact with them. All the best comrade 88 0 0 1ww0pfed 0 0 u_203
1134 1074 270 0 1205475570 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:2xlhnswk]Gegroet Had graag even geweten wanneer je zo al op msn bent dan kan ik je de foto's doorsturen. Freiheit 28[/quote:2xlhnswk] 0 0 gA== 2xlhnswk 0 0 u_90
5428 5409 1092 0 1225385508 1 1 1 1 Re: blood and honour zie sms kieken <!-- s:idea: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_idea.gif" alt=":idea:" title="Idea" /><!-- s:idea: --> 0 0 1ytb2faj 0 0 u_1973
1138 1108 203 0 1205503586 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi brother. Send the mags to: Sérgio Araújo R bernardo santareno 215 2º ctr frt 4460-senhora da hora Portugal We have a band to from b&amp;h Portugal is guarda de honra. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> I go stay with the contact of the band 0 0 3jmwbfyt 0 0 u_367
1140 1108 367 0 1205504721 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hail. I will send the mags today. We can interview that band for our magazine if you like. And you interview ours. D 0 0 2ijot539 0 0 u_203
1141 0 92 0 1205510919 1 1 1 1 Mod proficiat met je promotie! <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 828 0 0 l5jxdwm8 0 0 u_90
5864 0 2157 0 1228847759 1 1 1 1 Re: Any coaches from London or Suffolk to white xmas? Thanks for the info about the mini buses going from east london. I caught a lift with them and it was a great gig. Cheers mate 0 0 sei75iwv 0 0 u_65
6906 0 1427 0 1236990646 1 1 1 1 Re: heil comrades from manchester [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20272#p20272:3g756ezv]Subject: heil comrades from manchester[/url:3g756ezv] [quote=&quot;danny88&quot;:3g756ezv]heil comrades im danny88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> of B&amp;H manchester <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:3g756ezv] Oi oi, I don't suppose you know of any B&amp;H in Liverpool or lonely folks looking to latch on to our contingent do you? Got a small group of dedicated skins and a load of tag-alongs that aren't really into it if you know what I mean. We'd love to get serious though. Hope that doesn't sound weird. 0 0 kA== 3g756ezv 0 0 u_2629
2597 2584 2 0 1212090786 1 1 1 1 Re: Ban Done 0 0 1pwsshz4 0 0 u_171
6176 6173 2428 0 1232304226 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome. oooo ta very much :D 0 0 3erkesxu 0 0 u_801
6178 6086 1838 0 1232305381 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya Lincoln? Lol. Lol you old git :P Yea theres Grumpys birthday doo on the 24th in North Kent &amp; another on the 7th in west London. Do you have msn, i dont come on here much? Or myspace..? xox 0 0 2i9735l5 0 0 u_2099
6179 0 1838 0 1232305510 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members I sure doo, <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> :) xox [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=18476#p18476:15jftzuy]Subject: Young Members[/url:15jftzuy] [quote=&quot;Ainzy&quot;:15jftzuy][quote=&quot;Rosie28&quot;:15jftzuy]I shall be at both :) Would be nice to meet some more young people! Rosieee :) xox[/quote:15jftzuy] Have you got msn?[/quote:15jftzuy] 0 0 kA== 15jftzuy 0 0 u_2376
6180 6142 2376 0 1232305531 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:1or2ru9y]Can you take a phone call at the moment?[/quote:1or2ru9y] At 7.25, i will be walking the dog, do you want to call me then? 88 0 0 gA== 1or2ru9y 0 0 u_801
6181 6170 2421 0 1232310219 1 1 1 1 Re: oi records ok paul good to hear from you yes i rember you i hope as i do peter as you want the records can you send a po not crossed or cash recorde to me nick rich 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn87pr if you send po make it out to me mate hers my e mail address can you send some photos of those times great days to me and ill send you some back ok. i do hear from a few old faces on line some through london skinheads 1970s 1980s i hope to do a gig or two this year good to hear from you mate i await youre reply nick 88. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 nfdprndv 0 0 u_1713
5627 5625 66 0 1227370362 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire hi ryan yes there is a seat on the bus...£20 return picking up from meadowhall with 3 other lads from the division .. ryan please send me your mob number please so i can give you more info thanks jules 0 0 3tnaeov6 0 0 u_780
5628 0 1975 0 1227370530 1 1 1 1 whats this all about? Mate,beeing skinhead since 1983 &amp; NS all my life.Bige is Nick Rich &amp; is Deffo not me.Only thing I wanted to point out is:Is this that important??In this fucked up multi racial world??Thats all mate.Maybe being overreacting a bit,sorry.88 for life. 0 0 12yn7u3u 0 0 u_212
5918 0 1787 0 1229430599 1 1 1 1 Re: a call to all welshmen [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17263#p17263:sxrakzas]Subject: a call to all welshmen[/url:sxrakzas] [quote=&quot;chang&quot;:sxrakzas]HAIL TO ALL . WHY IS IT SO QUITE IN S . WALES WE SHOULD BE MEETING UP IF ONLY FOR A BEER . IN THE LAST 2 YEARS CAN ONLY GET 1 MAN OFF HIS ARSE TO GO TO GIGS .[YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE MY BEDDA BEAUTY ].THE NEW YEAR IS COMING STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.28.P S TO TO CLEVER WITH COMPUTERS HOW THE FUCK DO I GET THESE SMILES UP[/quote:sxrakzas] Hi mate, where in S.Wales are you? 28 0 0 kA== sxrakzas 0 0 u_2269
5919 0 1787 0 1229440237 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17179#p17179:3ld8759t]Subject: HAIL FROM S.WALES[/url:3ld8759t] [quote=&quot;ALEXD!£88&quot;:3ld8759t]88, Comrades i hope to meet some like minded people on the forum <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:3ld8759t] Hey mate, where abouts in Wales are you? I'm from S.Wales myself. 828 0 0 kA== 3ld8759t 0 0 u_2276
5950 0 72 0 1229973838 1 1 1 1 Greetings Greetings Im after 2 XL 'B&amp;H' England t-shirts.......there blue with a St Georges Cross and the 3 Lions, I was told you sell them but I can't seethem on your site. <!-- s:!: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" /><!-- s:!: --> If you do sell them how much are they with P&amp;P and can I pay by cheque?? Yours.R PS.I don't suppose your selling the latest KILGORES CD? 0 0 1dvgcbes 0 0 u_59
6456 6453 552 0 1233916335 1 1 1 1 Re: Päivitykset Päivitykset toimii sähköpostin kautta. Kaikki uudet levyt ja loppuneet levyt päivitetään suoraan H8 systemin postituslistalaisille. Kytät teki tänne ratsian, mutta ei löytänyt juurikaan mitään. Kuitenkin käräjille tulee varmasti lähtö ja ainakaan ennenkuin ne on saatu päätökseen, ei anneta syyttäjälle yhtään lisämateriaalia syytteisiin. Joten sivut pysyy päivittämättöminä, jolloin aktiivista ja näkyvää toimintaa ei ole. 0 0 1r4usnpm 0 0 u_746
6439 6348 1027 0 1233731641 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag Jakke, Ik ben zoals afgesproken vanmiddag in 'de klokke'. Peter <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 5o8l54lz 0 0 u_618
6809 0 297 0 1236518876 1 1 1 1 Monthly Meeting Hi there buddy,Its Guy. How are you keeping?hope all is well? Just a quick pm to ask if i should post something on the forum about the meeting if people want to attend. I can find out a spare phone/simcard for directions to be given from.Also there is a small pub at the top of the hill (the swan i believe it is called) where me or paul could wait to re direct them,as obviously have to be careful who turns up. See you again soon. Guy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1p59xw0z 0 0 u_61
5820 5814 638 0 1228500641 1 1 1 1 Re: vij si emaila Zdrasti, <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> - tova e meila na B&amp;H sektziata v Plovdiv, razberi se s mom4etata da se vidite, kaji im kakuv vid i razmer teniska iskash. Vsiakakvi drygi vuprosi kusaeshti B&amp;H mojesh da zadavsh kum tiah. Blagodaria za interesa ot tvoia strana. S nai-dobri pojelania: B&amp;H Bulgaria 0 0 2jveuhiq 0 0 u_2253
5619 0 344 0 1227288190 1 1 1 1 beek? en wie ze gij dan as ge me denkt te &quot; kenen&quot; grtzSS ganSSke 0 0 2ueit1wb 0 0 u_2181
6009 5894 1631 0 1231081045 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK sorry 4 late reply,many thank's to you.i don't have luck to check e-mail's every day 'cos i don't have computer yet,will buy new one in next two week's,so i'll be more in touch than. we've got some new t-shirt's, i'll post you some,they look very good! rok 0 0 3thurur3 0 0 u_72
5885 0 2276 0 1229027185 1 1 1 1 regarding members attitudes towards certain groups after looking at some old topics i wanted to know why some members of the forum dis-liked combat 18,because in my opinion in-fighting and slagging each other is wasting time and energy that could otherwise be used against the zionist tools. 0 0 35wgiytn 0 0 u_801
4236 4191 59 0 1217032683 1 1 1 1 Re: fuck... Lo m8 Don't mention R&amp;S cos it'll not just hit the tax, but will also get me raided and merch taken, even tho its legal they'll still take it and keep it for 6 months +. If they ask you what I've talked to you about, tell them that I told you to stay clear of c18 and the like, to keep your head down n crack with your education etc etc, which is what I've done. Don't tell them owt they dont need to know, i/.e forum web addresses etc. We met on forum cos we're both from gy blah blah. it was only 2 serious crime squad, came to ask questions about nathan, plus B&amp;H, I gave them nowt about B&amp;H, nathan, I answered their questions as the questions were not important, just general stuff. Remember, you're not cleverer than a copper. They may appear thick and say they agree with some of your points of view, this is to put you at ease and to loosen you up, they dont agree with your point of view and they ask questions for a living... stay safe will talk to your mum any time, lets see what happens about stinko, se eif I get a visit etc. 14 0 0 1xjeig0x 0 0 u_1362
2692 2682 952 0 1212426836 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:11jicvjv][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:11jicvjv] you and me here[/quote:11jicvjv] yes anywhere is better than no where <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:11jicvjv] you still also not have your many pain in your hands?,Darling as you do not about sex,want talk will not angry are on you 0 0 gA== 11jicvjv 0 0 u_53
6607 6594 122 0 1234891492 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hail, ok thanks for the information. It will be very interesting what you do with 28 in the future. Good luck, 828. 0 0 m9c55d0n 0 0 u_2207
6390 6381 171 0 1233416905 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; Ne znam ja te tvoje barbarske jezike, pri?aj il gr?ki il latinski samnom <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> 0 0 hrqwf3ys 0 0 u_108
6391 0 1698 0 1233419257 1 1 1 1 For Security Hello, I have a question. Some days ago, I read that the Antifa stole Informations from a blood and honour Forum. It was the homepage with .com. They wrote, that de swiss People which wrote &quot;bad&quot; things, they'll get a punish. So I want to ask, could you maybe delete my profile? It's just for Security. Thanks and have a good evening. :) 0 0 28itg3pe 0 0 u_54
6392 6326 353 0 1233422671 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes Nick, Just sent you $70 registered cash for the tapes. I sent it First Class so I'm pretty sure that takes about 10 days or so (maybe less) to get there. Let me know when it arrives. My e-mail address is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> so feel free to e-mail those pics when you have time..and thanks again! ROA! Joe 0 0 21qtc27m 0 0 u_1972
1166 0 639 0 1205564213 1 1 1 1 NSA En waarom moet ik daar dan de gevolge van drage? Volgens mattke zijn er al heel wat leden! MVG, Danny <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1ak45m1k 0 0 u_112
2752 0 300 0 1212464244 1 1 1 1 Re: skullhead [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8434#p8434:19rff385]Subject: skullhead[/url:19rff385] [quote=&quot;moonie&quot;:19rff385]anyone nowhere i can get skullhead/dirlewanger live in brandenburg cd? also where i can get any of the old videos on dvd the violent storm memorial and the original skullhead video with ian stuart. thanks for any help[/quote:19rff385] I have the cd. 0 0 kA== 19rff385 0 0 u_182
1168 1141 90 0 1205569344 1 1 1 1 Re: Mod Danke <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2a8v0p2t 0 0 u_92
1170 1166 112 0 1205572684 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Gevolgen?? welke gevolgen?? 0 0 ng1n56xb 0 0 u_639
1172 1166 112 0 1205572826 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Het staat trouwens toch heel duidelijk op die site dacht ik of niet? Militantenkaart en grondbeginselen 15 euro (lid) , sympathisantenkaart met pin 5 euro (sympathisant): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> groeten 0 0 21o4gqwo 0 0 u_639
2796 2752 182 0 1212512598 1 1 1 1 Re: skullhead did you want to sell it? or any chance of emailing me the tracks thanks moonie 0 0 3k9cma3t 0 0 u_300
2798 2752 300 0 1212514023 1 1 1 1 Re: skullhead Yes I will sell it to you. You tell me what you want to pay for it in US dollars. Frank 0 0 nz01xgwl 0 0 u_182
2799 2795 952 0 1212514665 1 1 1 1 Re: ok? [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:281ak14l]Serge, you ok you just vanished?[/quote:281ak14l] im oke ,internet out im receveid not message from you 0 0 gA== 281ak14l 0 0 u_53
6858 6852 73 0 1236887512 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale ok mate if the gloves are the right size i'll take both at the the prize you are asking, what size are the gloves? 0 0 1w7g8o4m 0 0 u_1362
5461 0 203 0 1225724009 1 1 1 1 Info Hi. Isee in my inbox you try to contact me. I already have one pm from one prospect of VF. I want to ask you if is possible in Portugal have one division BH VF working together, but i dont know if the VFPortugal agree. Can you contact me for i know more details, because if i can be BH and VF its be nice. Racial Regards Sérgio 0 0 2j1y66io 0 0 u_88
2839 691 200 0 1212683863 1 1 1 1 Re: vinyl hello stu. thanks for your message. ok, i will tell maxe to send it together with the other two then. we can sort the money out later. not sure if i can make gigs right now, its me and my son magnus, no babysitter, no family and friends are too far away. a difficult situation to be honest. but if anything changes i will let you know. saved your number too, thanks for that. any news from neil? havent heard from him in ages! i'm having a BBQ on the 12th july, so if you are in our neck of the woods then please drop in! jess 0 0 2dk963x1 0 0 u_70
6213 0 2436 0 1232484223 1 1 1 1 Aryan thanks for the message i know my spelling of Aryan was wrong was in a here when i wrote the message my women was bitching at me ...thanks for the heads up i fixed it and thank u again <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2j5lt17g 0 0 u_58
6038 5978 337 0 1231370513 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey Bro 0 0 2nyaldaf 0 0 u_2119
4463 4334 203 0 1218636849 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista Entao Filipe como estas <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Tu ainda estas em Lisboa <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Eu vou regressar dia 25 de Agosto, era bom poder estar contigo e com o Alvaro outra vez, quando surgir uma opurtunidade, se voces vierem ao Porto ou alguma actividade que voces facam avisem-me pois gostaria imenso de poder estar com voces . Abraco Sergio 0 0 3vlcyle9 0 0 u_1482
6002 5985 531 0 1230943580 1 1 1 1 Re: Eyup Eyup Rich,had a bit of a think, and was wondering if you could do me a small favour.Can't remember if I told you Shaun had been moved to Dovegate in Staffordshire, supposedly to do his anger management. Well, he can't do it there cos of his deafness &amp; speech problems, so unless he gets moved to this secure hospital in Warrington, looks like he'll be back to square one, and doing the full 10 years if they can't find owt else. Because of the distance, my mum can't get to see him as often, which gets him down as well as him not knowing what's going to happen to him, I was wondering if you could email him a few words of support. Yep, email ! There's a site called, and I've got an account there. All you'd have to do is type in my email addy, <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, and the password, holohoax, and then click on his name. You don't have to put your name or address, just start it with 'It's Rich' or whatever you want, and type away ! Have to go easy on the good stuff cos we're not supposed to send racist material <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> He only gets letters from family, usually mi mum and me, so I was thinking a message from a mate might cheer him up <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Cheers mate 88 Ian 0 0 l9ramehn 0 0 u_69
5006 5004 650 0 1222221145 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hi, Yeah I know it's a shame I couldn't come. I will try twice as hard to come next year and definetly make it. I saw Skúli for the first time in more than two months some days ago. He is C 18 one day, Creator one day and some other thing the other days...... The man clearly dosen't know where he stands and cannot be taken seriously. He even tried to convince me last year that the Liberal Party of Iceland (wich has multi-racial but some restrictive immigration policies) was the best soloution for our problems <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I didn't really know much why people were against C 18 but after doing my research on them I understood why! The worst thing about the organization tough, i think, is the leadership they have. p.s. Could you check out for me how much it would cost to bring Brutal Attack to Iceland and on which dates they could come next year? Cheers, Nonni <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3gdi2fmp 0 0 u_53
6394 6391 54 0 1233433963 1 1 1 1 Re: For Security [quote=&quot;Das_Renee&quot;:3ejgeqb3]Hello, I have a question. Some days ago, I read that the Antifa stole Informations from a blood and honour Forum. It was the homepage with .com. They wrote, that de swiss People which wrote &quot;bad&quot; things, they'll get a punish. So I want to ask, could you maybe delete my profile? It's just for Security. Thanks and have a good evening. :)[/quote:3ejgeqb3] The forum was the C18 one, not us. Do you still want your profile deleted? Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3ejgeqb3 0 0 u_1698
1192 0 639 0 1205671712 1 1 1 1 NSA En?? Ik heb mijn geld betaald! Ik ben een oud lid van het VJN, dus moet ik toch maar 10€ betalen? Ale dat is toch wat ze mij hebben gezegt! MVG, 818 0 0 3urocs5c 0 0 u_112
1194 1182 203 0 1205677279 1 1 1 1 Re: Este sim, é o meu (nosso) Nacional-Socialismo Sim meu General. <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> 0 0 1qr5j1i7 0 0 u_255
5972 5956 112 0 1230382392 1 1 1 1 Re: NSBM euhm, voeg es toe op msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2o2jbhyc 0 0 u_618
1197 0 279 2 1205680936 1 1 1 1 msn hi have u got msn if u have add me <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1a1srudq 0 0 u_97
5319 5308 279 3 1224655005 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Post... he's names Mick <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 17gznnkv 0 0 u_297
4983 4781 638 0 1222185734 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 from Bulgaria Hello mate, cheers for the succsesful ISD memorial! Hope you find the time to talk to other people invilved in B&amp;H leadership, and you have good news for 28 Division Bulgaria <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1se5c667 0 0 u_193
5042 0 279 3 1222572058 1 1 1 1 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> [img:1nnwthjc]http&#58;//img26&#46;picoodle&#46;com/img/img26/3/9/27/f_HappyBirthdm_7473a66&#46;jpg[/img:1nnwthjc] <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 CA== 1nnwthjc 0 0 u_370
3913 3903 1323 0 1215966217 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND ok mate iam on it i let you no when i get the cask from the bank iam from the u.k born in manchester can to au when i was 8 i miss home 0 0 2shfumwi 0 0 u_351
3914 0 113 0 1215967128 1 1 1 1 BBQ BBQ is op 2augustus, intresse om te komen? 0 0 zkbk2as6 0 0 u_102
1202 1197 97 2 1205694155 1 1 1 1 Re: msn done mate ! 0 0 9xuwxlai 0 0 u_279
5386 0 54 0 1225092355 1 1 1 1 Deleted PM's...... Hi there, I don't know if you realise it, but in case it wasn't deliberate you have twice now deleted pm's you have sent me before I have read them. If it was on purpose, then that's fine too, but I've had other people clear out their pm box without realising that they are also deleting the pm's that haven't been read yet, so I just thought I would mention it. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1euwfycu 0 0 u_2081
5384 0 88 0 1225053022 1 1 1 1 PT i am trying to get some of our people in Portugal in touch with B&amp;H Portugal to discuss working together, what is the best way? R Volksfront/B&amp;H America 0 0 2tjp4eaf 0 0 u_2092
5383 0 105 0 1225051449 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=14447#p14447:343f7nr9]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:343f7nr9] [quote=&quot;renee1488&quot;:343f7nr9]hi, can somebody tell me the best airport for the white X-mas gig? regards from germany 14/88[/quote:343f7nr9] East Midlands is the best airport for this gig. 0 0 kA== 343f7nr9 0 0 u_1937
1211 1182 203 0 1205700053 1 1 1 1 Re: Este sim, é o meu (nosso) Nacional-Socialismo não me ligas? 0 0 3hz7egkz 0 0 u_255
5382 5070 1713 0 1225038956 1 1 1 1 Re: ??? hey how are u?? not heard from u in a while. hope all is ok, paul28 0 0 2ggo57lf 0 0 u_1937
6014 0 2138 0 1231187607 1 1 1 1 Is this normal? Hello Randi, i'm Berto a supporter from the UK. Whilst browsing the B&amp;H forum i noticed that the Volksfront thread has gone. Do you know why it was removed? Regards. Berto ROA 0 0 1y9plyyy 0 0 u_88
1215 1182 203 9 1205703366 1 1 1 1 Re: Este sim, é o meu (nosso) Nacional-Socialismo já fiz o upgrade já está a funcionar a 3.5 /7.2 0 0 10bn7v5d 0 0 u_255
5206 0 1787 0 1223907374 1 1 1 1 ! ly! x 0 0 2aq6rbcq 0 0 u_2034
5207 0 2034 3 1223907755 1 1 1 1 !! ly 2! 0 0 3mwaj6re 0 0 u_1787
5027 0 1008 0 1222382875 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13676#p13676:1dedbdf3]Subject: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia[/url:1dedbdf3] [quote=&quot;BHCentral&quot;:1dedbdf3]Just watched a couple of clips of the concert, seeing those, speaking to others and reading here it looks like it was extremely impressive success ! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:1dedbdf3] Yes, it was fucking awesome!!!! Best fun I've had in ages! How do you get your hands on the said footage? Can you buy the DVD or something? thanks. 14/28. 0 0 kA== 1dedbdf3 0 0 u_115
1218 1192 112 0 1205704118 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Denk je dat de mensen van VJW, Euro-Rus, Jongeren Aktief en Groen-rechts ook een voorkeursbehandeling hebben gekregen of zo? En trouwens, dat 10 euro idee was weer zo'n geniale inval van Mattke in de hoop nog wat geld in zijn zakken te kunnen steken wellicht. Franky (VJN!) heeft trouwens ook 15 euro betaald. Iedereen gelijk voor de wet! Ik snap trouwens sowieso het opzet van je 10 euro niet gezien er 3 (drie!) namen bij vermeld staan... groeten ps. als je slim bent luister je niet meer naar Mattke maar richt je je rechtstreeks (via mail!) aan Pieter of het algemeen NSA mailadres. Dat zijn de aanspreekpunten. Mattke heeft er al een boeltje genoeg van gemaakt, het mag nu eens stoppen met die. 0 0 mhyc83qz 0 0 u_639
1219 0 255 0 1205704310 1 1 1 1 Re: WAU Prisoner List [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5109#p5109:352q8qaw]Subject: WAU Prisoner List[/url:352q8qaw] [quote=&quot;FaithFolkFamily&quot;:352q8qaw]Thanks for the updates I fixed them. Do all these guys write English btw?[/quote:352q8qaw] Hail Salli, how are You btw? Are You going to Italy? hope to see You soon. all the best for YOu. Hug Lin 0 0 kA== 352q8qaw 0 0 u_98
1220 1216 53 0 1205707503 1 1 1 1 Re: hi mate allo mate, Theres a gig in brum (northern side) in August have you got any one that can get you there? i got no probs babysittin ya <!-- s`ThumbsUp --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/thumbsup.gif" alt="`ThumbsUp" title="ThumbsUp" /><!-- s`ThumbsUp --> once there an introducing to some of the guys on here i know, just stokes a bit out the way, its about an hour away , i never seem to run past there on the way to gigs, the St Georges gig is up in yorks an i'm meant to be meetin the new guy skinly up there he seems ok hes 18 so if you wanna drop him a pm i dont think he will mind, dunno u may of spoken to him already, 0 0 2aljjve4 0 0 u_549
1222 1219 98 0 1205736067 1 1 1 1 Re: WAU Prisoner List Hi, no I'm not going, maybe to summer fest then... too bad I would've loved to see you. Well Alexia and Laila are probably going. All is well over here, I hope with you too. Have a great time in Italy, I'm jealous! Salli 0 0 34w79ue4 0 0 u_255
2823 0 506 0 1212603043 1 1 1 1 concerto Então, tudo bem? Estou a escrever-te por causa do concerto, eu vi a tua sms no fim-de-semana a avisar que no dia 7 sempre vai haver o concerto. Como é? Vai ser preciso a minha ajuda antes? A que horas é o concerto e quanto fica a entrada? Já agora, quem vai la tocar? 0 0 142u3xyy 0 0 u_203
4332 0 1266 0 1217456782 1 1 1 1 found it <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> pual steph ere seen that cunts post for a meet mate thats the same dude i invited through 3weeks ago and when he finaly phoned me he put it of never heard from him since ..see on fri bro 88 steph alloa28 white pride scotland .. scottish aryan brothers and sisters united under one banner <!-- s`SFlag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/SFlag.gif" alt="`SFlag" title="SFlag" /><!-- s`SFlag --> I.S.D what you stareted we shall finish brother .hail blood and honour . <!-- s`88 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/88.gif" alt="`88" title="88" /><!-- s`88 --> <!-- s`SiegHeil --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/SiegHeil.gif" alt="`SiegHeil" title="SiegHeil" /><!-- s`SiegHeil --> STWPH WATTY ALLOA-28 W.P SCOTLAND 0 0 146pgrg4 0 0 u_73
6320 0 1878 0 1233004838 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor hallo, ik ben van provincie West. vl het is moeilijk om hier contact te krijgen hoor..... Subject: Stel jezelf even voor[/url] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:3thruxei]Gegroet kameraden ben Freiheit 28 en ben afkomstig van de provincie Antwerpen.[/quote:3thruxei] 0 0 gA== 3thruxei 0 0 u_90
5753 5695 1713 0 1228137377 1 1 1 1 Re: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS Alright rob sent that stuff today, aslo put a few bits and bobs in there, from the old day, hope u enjoy, all the best paul, ps dont worrie about returning anything as i have tons of stuff and always brought 2 of every thing 0 0 vke7jd1p 0 0 u_72
5646 5641 53 0 1227467906 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas can put up a post asking for a lift, it somtimes helps, an cuts down on petrol costs for those driving, aye i'll be there!!! 0 0 2p2y5ekh 0 0 u_1910
5909 5907 323 0 1229377225 1 1 1 1 Re: WAU donation B&amp;H Scotland have been such a blessing, we've been able to help a lot of good people with their support.. Vicky 0 0 35hjknej 0 0 u_54
5910 0 73 0 1229378383 1 1 1 1 address you can use my address hun, and i can pass any mail onto john (highlander 28) from our highlander division paul o'brien 90 viewmount forfar angus scotland DD8 1LJ u.k 0 0 2s9porw7 0 0 u_323
5673 5662 90 0 1227628411 1 1 1 1 Re: E-mail Gegroet Yep <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Spreek je wel eens op msn dan! 0 0 fp1aiecl 0 0 u_112
5674 5670 79 0 1227637103 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! [b:19g9xqef]That would be good, I can have all directions to gig ready for you.[/b:19g9xqef] 0 0 QA== 19g9xqef 0 0 u_1001
5471 5438 54 0 1225796886 1 1 1 1 Re: Video footage of ISD [quote=&quot;asgard1488&quot;:32d9qyo8] Hi Mate ! Excellent footage <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> I dont know if they are the same 3 clips that LOKI sent to me ? I have been trying to open em for age's now but no success <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> I will send you the links sent to me and maybe you can check it out ? Is there any way we could clean the sound up and sync the sound to the video a bit better especially on the BA track ? The reason being is that the track was dedicated to KMs Dad who was on his death bed that very night <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> It would mean alot to KM if we could clean it up and make use of it and maybe blend a Photo of his dad into the end !!! Sadly his Dad didnt make it till Sunday afternoon by the time we had done a 100mph dash to get back to London <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> so I think it would be nice to do something for KM with this footage , would be nice to do the same clean up on the whitelaw clips too. I will forward the links to you today mate ! Oh and KM did have a chuckle about your european tour reports ha ha ! So it was him who dragged you all off to the pub LMAO <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I dont think that the faces shown would have any probs with the clips though ! 828 N <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:32d9qyo8] Hi Neil, The videos were sent to me in mp4 format, and I needed them in wmv format to play on the forum. I searched for ages and then found and downloaded freeware software to convert it. A &quot;paid&quot; version of the software would probably convert it a bit better, but the sound etc on the original file wasn't spectacular either, so I don't know how much of an improvement it would be. Putting in a photo of Kens dad etc at the end would be a great idea, but I do not have video making software and I'm afraid that I don't have the time to look into it at the moment as I am job hunting (my contract runs out at the end of Nov and I have to find a new job). So I as much as I would like to, and I think it is a great idea, we might have to run with the videos as they are for the moment, until either myself or someone else has time to look at it. Hope that's OK and that things are well with you. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 32d9qyo8 0 0 u_58
4726 4723 295 0 1220875855 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey Hi Nikki, We've got a shitload of stuff to do on the Friday, so we're telling people to do whatever they want that night (meet up with each other, etc.), but yeah, there's nothing official on. As far as the meet up point goes, you're on the right side of town if you're going to be in Cheltenham. And Lindsay isn't coming this year, he's got some work dramas, but I know he would have liked to have caught up with you. I'll give you a bell on the Saturday morning to let you know where the re-direction point is. Cheers, big ears. Looking forward to seeing you again. Justin 0 0 3mhndsxh 0 0 u_1090
4676 0 1781 0 1220645935 1 1 1 1 Hello........ Hello everyone, I'm from Belgium..... <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> greetz 0 0 rmcre7o3 0 0 g_5
1616 1606 98 0 1207572627 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design Hi Linda, yeah Laila and Alexia told they never saw you, arrgh! Are you coming to the Summer Fest? I don't know yet, but if we both do, we must exchange phone numbers so we will be sure to find each other <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> I'd love to have you in WAU, I have nothing against it. Jani used to Live in Czech Rep so I can change a word with her and Vicky and get back to you then, we all really like you that's for sure <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Btw did you get my email regarding those clocks, I now have more of them if some of your friends are interested, have posted pictures here on the forum. Salli 0 0 3t4a382c 0 0 u_255
1612 1598 2 0 1207559567 1 1 1 1 Re: BLUE EYED BLOND Ummm, thought that would be better coming from you buddy but am sure the admin can come up with something if u want 0 0 eq9nihj1 0 0 u_72
1608 0 53 0 1207524892 1 1 1 1 Msn Hail have deleted your post giving out your msn address. thats not a wise thing to do as anyone can join &amp; no doubt there are 'snoopers' out there who you wont want having your msn addy. Give it out to the guys you chat to but by pm its safer for you. Perhaps make your 1st posting in the welcome section introduce yourself &amp; say hi chubley88 0 0 35ooljib 0 0 u_771
5420 0 1362 0 1225316606 1 1 1 1 oi oi that skrewdriver dvd is mint, ta, n so's that che t shirt <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> without sounding like a tit, who did che actually murder? coz i dont know much about him cept for that hes cuban and a commie like. who was that guy today? i noticed he had one of your Einherjar t shirts on Nick 88 0 0 su0nlqyv 0 0 u_59
1240 1216 549 0 1205771076 1 1 1 1 Re: hi mate ill have to ask my old man see if he can get me up their .. dont know about gettin the st georges day one hes always workin so i dont know if i can make that one but the aug one deffo <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> ... havnt spoken to many of the people on the new forum much been banned off the net at home and my mum wont let me go on the website down their so i have to pm ppl and post comments from school lol :) will just ask see if i can attend tho :) 0 0 ouqdlmls 0 0 u_53
1241 1216 53 0 1205771310 1 1 1 1 Re: hi mate I wont ask wot you were looking at to get banned!!! <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> yeah brum gig should be a good 1 an its always good to get out an about an meeting people 0 0 3o7gaoca 0 0 u_549
4823 0 247 0 1221424605 1 1 1 1 ebay you bloody beat me again.paul burnley cd this time 0 0 1huyfm6h 0 0 u_1869
4836 4831 1256 0 1221511295 1 1 1 1 Re: isd 2008 ok then will send you text on friday when i get out of work and what time we shud get to you ....07504678437 <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 pq8tuz9c 0 0 u_780
1606 0 255 0 1207517023 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design hail Salli, sad I could not see no one of You there in Italy... About the forum,. we have got a webhosting, You could let it there, but I do not know, how it YOU? I would liket to ask YOU about the possibility to make probate Chapter in Bohemia. I hpe to be back soon there and I would like to ask about the possibility to enter to WAU family. Thank You very much. Friendly regards Lin 0 0 2oue4wzj 0 0 u_98
1950 1442 98 0 1209317992 1 1 1 1 Re: TRANSLATION Hi, I translated the interview today, sorry about the delay but I simple had no time before. The interview is quite short and it has some repeating in it and some irrational parts but I tried to translated it so that it follows the original. I read the other article as well but as I said it's not an interview and it mentions the same things as this interview, it's like a summary of this lol. It was done when Ian visited Italy for Ritorno a Camelot, as far as I understood from the summary. We'd like to use this for our upcoming issue of Morrigan Rising if that's ok to you, we need some material for it. Salli ---- Ian Stuart interviewed in Italy in August 1991 for the Blitzkrieg magazine Q. What do you think about the situation of the Italian skinheads and how are things over there? A. This is the first time I’m in Italy, I appreciate the way this event has been organized and I hope that it can set an example for those skinheads elsewhere in Europe and England who cannot organize camps and outdoor concerts because of the police. I guarantee though that this situation will not last for a long time. We’ll solve the problem and invite you to our concerts. Congratulations again for the arrangements. Q. Do you believe that the movement in England is going to grow despite of the difficult situation? A. The skinhead movement will surely develop in the future, maybe not in London because the Jewish and communist organizations have tried to chase he skinheads out of London. The Jews have appealed to the police who of course was under their control. The police adopted illegal methods; one example is the expel of skinheads from the pubs or the interruption of concerts – the law doesn’t allow this type of action. We seriously hope to get ourselves away from London where the communities are more restricted and the eventual places for concerts can be kept in secret. Once this stage has been reached, the British skinheads will be very happy to invite the Italian skinheads and show that they too can organize concerts. Q. After those complications of Blood &amp; Honour how would you describe the eventual structural growth and activities? A. There have been problems in the past, economic problems and problems created by the police. However I believe in the future of Blood &amp; Honour, a future of reorganizing that can unite the white world politically and musically. This I hope we can demonstrate soon. Q. Do you believe in further development of the European skinhead movement in the future? A. There are indeed problems within the skinheads. The main issue that helps us is that the nationalist skinheads who continue living the life of a skinhead, go around the world inspired by the nationalist idea that is inherent in them independently from the political development that has taken place. They have the potential to develop as they believe, the idea, the political and national idea, so this happens with a regeneration of the skinhead phenomenon in Europe and worldwide. This is the new BOOM in which I really believe. Q. I thank you for your efforts and for being an example during all these years for the Italian comrades, thank you IAN STUART. A. Thank you for your words. I want to thank especially the VFS for showing us how to organize an event that will surely be taken as an example elsewhere in Europe when planning similar events. I thank the nationalists and the Italian skinheads who invited me here. 0 0 114gnkix 0 0 u_72
1253 0 639 0 1205786903 1 1 1 1 NSA Ok dus ik heb het probleem gevonden! De betaling was dus voor Danny Maus (ikzelf). Eum ik moest zeggen dat ik nog een betaling van 5€ had van vjn omdat ik er maar een half jaar bij was en voor ee gans jaar heb betaald, dus dan zou da kloppe voormij!? En kunt ge u anders is tot mattke richten? MVG, Danny <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3l6f5hbo 0 0 u_112
1255 1253 112 0 1205795104 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Ik moet me niet tot Mattke wenden omdat ik hem toen hij daarmee afkwam met zijn 5 euro dit en dat direct heb gezegd dat dat allemaal bullshit was. Ik weet niet hoe oud je bent of hoe slim maar het volgende is een simpel rekensommetje. Hij heeft 90 euro gegeven aan P van VJN lidgelden, zogezegd voor 18 leden. Maar VJN lidgeld was 10 euro, dus zou het in totaal 180 euro moeten geweest zijn. Dat is dus al het eerste dat niet klopt, wat er met die andere 90 euro gebeurd is, geen kat die het weet, heeft hij 't in zijn zak gestoken? Maakt hij ons blaasjes wijs? Niemand weet het! Ik heb al 100 keer gevraagd dat ze dat onderling (Mattke, P en Mike) regelen en ZEKER op de laatste NSV betoging waar ze alle 3 waren maar er is andermaal NIETS gebeurd. Goed, tot daar aan toe. Mattke zijn redenering was dan: 90 euro van 18 leden, dan heeft iedereen in principe al 5 euro betaald en moeten ze maar 10 euro niet meer opleggen voor NSA. Maar wat die kleine blijkbaar niets snapt is dat ALS VJN wou NSA Tienen worden, dat NSA iets helemaal anders is dan VJN en er dus 15 euro (zoals iedereen die NSA lid wil worden) lidgeld moet betalen. Dussssssssssssss, Franky en Jerry (allebei VJN lid) hebben naast hun VJN lidgeld dat ze betaald hebben, ook 15 euro overgemaakt om NSA lid te worden. Als het NOG niet duidelijk is, geen probleem, dan laat ik gewoon die 10 euro terugstorten en is 't gedaan er mee. Want ik weet dat jij er misschien niet aan kan doen maar we hebben mensen en groepen zitten in Kortrijk, Oostende, antwerpen, Dendermonde, Hamme en Brugge en AL die tijd NOOIT geen problemen mee gehad. En met VJN is 't schijnbaar enkel maar problemen: gezaag, gebleit, geen discipline, niet luisteren, niets snappen, nooit in orde met niets, etc en ik ben da persoonlijk wa strontebeu om daar al mijn tijd in te steken. Dus conclusie: ofwel stort je 5 euro bij en krijg je je N-SA militantenkaart en N-SA grondbeginselen opgestuurt ofwel zeg je &quot;kust mijn kloten&quot; en wordt die 10 euro die je gestort hebt, terug op je rekening gestort. Aan jou de keuze, even goeie vrienden. groeten S. 0 0 3eu0v4tg 0 0 u_639
3622 0 1221 0 1215376876 1 1 1 1 g i would love to go bro but i have no way of getting there but im trying to find a lift well miffed tho pm back weeman <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 38vdmk0h 0 0 u_1017
6215 0 58 0 1232486632 1 1 1 1 Fwd: Aryan Hello All, This is a PM I received from whitereaper in response to my comment on his spelling. LOL Have you all figured out yet that he is NOT in the uk ? SURREY B.C. ..... is that not surrey british columbia ? Also his IP address is in north america !! I think ha ha ! I will be keeping my eye on this 1 ok , lets see how bad and niggerish his spelling and grammar really are eh ? All the best chaps 828 Asgard1488 -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Aryan Date: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:43 pm From: [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/memberlist&#46;php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=2436:185bzyol]Whitereaper[/url:185bzyol] To: asgard1488 [quote=&quot;Whitereaper&quot;:185bzyol] thanks for the message i know my spelling of Aryan was wrong was in a here when i wrote the message my women was bitching at me ...thanks for the heads up i fixed it and thank u again <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> [/quote:185bzyol] 0 0 kA== 185bzyol 0 0 u_54:u_53
5997 5996 297 0 1230899963 1 1 1 1 Re: Youth Division [quote=&quot;WhiteJustice&quot;:v8h7zsx5]Alright mate. Just read your thread about a youth division. That would be great, and I would be happy to contribute anything i can. I am lookin to make my own band, and i have several songs already made, just lookin for members, so something like this could really help that. Please let me know anything you hear about it. Cheers Stay safe, stay proud 88[/quote:v8h7zsx5] cheers for the positive response. Should be progressed a bit more after jan/feb after it has been properly discussed and sorted out...will keep you posted mate.. 14/828 0 0 gA== v8h7zsx5 0 0 u_2099
1258 0 639 0 1205856286 1 1 1 1 NSA Ok dan, in ieder geval bedankt om het even allemaal op te helderen, eum als je dan nog even de gegevens doorstuurt dan zal ik zo snel mogelijk die 5€ overschrijven!! Ik wil heel graa lid worden van het NSA, maar ik kan natuurlijk ook niet weten dat mattke zo een ... is! maar goed, in ieder geval wil ik mij dan al oprecht exuseren voor de overlast die ik u met deze heb bezorgd, en hoop u dan ook snel eens in persoon te ontmoeten! Met nationale groeten, Danny Maus 0 0 17vg2t0w 0 0 u_112
1259 0 189 0 1205857684 1 1 1 1 for sale can you send me a list of what you have for sale m88 0 0 1y7hhwdv 0 0 u_90
6197 6194 212 0 1232399208 1 1 1 1 Re: hi thanks 0 0 2y64qqvb 0 0 u_54
6050 0 801 0 1231527803 1 1 1 1 Ainzy? Do you know who this is? He has put a posting on the England section of the site. Seems to come from your neck of the woods. Hope all is going well for you and yours. Tony the Skin. 0 0 7xqzyhss 0 0 u_79
3559 3552 978 0 1215176035 1 1 1 1 Re: Section Wallonia (south belgium) Thank you for your reply. Blood and Honour, Sieg Heil! 0 0 1w730h8l 0 0 u_53
4743 0 1817 0 1220960272 1 1 1 1 kempenzoon Kempenzoon,ben ook nen kempenaar en ken u nie?? normaal ken ik iedereen uit mijn rechts kamp??? weg mee die <!-- s~jew --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/Jew.gif" alt="~jew" title="Jew" /><!-- s~jew --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 djhj62ko 0 0 u_1410
4176 4165 1386 0 1216851491 1 1 1 1 Re: name change thanks for that,i feel better now. i thought you were a female,i was just being carefull! pitbull was his mate then,well good riddance,as i said hes an anarchist and not ns. cheers again b.e.b sid14 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1opbs4ap 0 0 u_54
2829 0 952 0 1212661585 1 1 1 1 Shelley Best Shelley serge is a hours previously to operation and everything is fine. back in are room still to sleep. the week end of 4 july come your with serge still agree visiting. your are of warmly welcome . and normal come serge normal sunday home. gladly?. viviane. 0 0 n9so8za8 0 0 u_53
1269 0 123 0 1205877996 1 1 1 1 28 Switzerland Hail comrade! Hope you remember me, it's Roman from Switzerland. Well as you know Igi is the leader of 28 Switzerland and it was no problem for me untill last Saturday. His so called meetings are every weekend, sometimes Saturday, sometimes Sunday and I don't really have enough money/time to drive to St Gallen every weekend. Maybe you &quot;know&quot; our web-admin Attila, I don't know exactly what happened, I only know that Igi has threated to Attila. Now he's out of 28...last Saturday I wrote him that I won't be able to go to his meeting because of personal problems. After some SMS about the reason he wrote me that I'm like a child in the kindergarden...not enough, he wrote me about 3 times if I'm not interrested in 28 I should go out of 28 Switzerland. He just makes what he wants and what he's doing is not 28-like. I don't know really what to do now, I don't want to leave the brotherhood but I also don't want to see Igi again, he's made me fucking angry with his offenses! I hope you'll understand me. Greetings from Switzerland 828 Roman 0 0 drx1bvhj 0 0 u_193
1271 1258 112 0 1205879491 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Hoi Danny, Geen probleem hoor. Het is gewoon dat ik er gek van wordt, van het boeltje dat ze er in Tienen van gemaakt hebben. Zelfs in al die jaren B&amp;H heb ik nooit zo'n vorm van amateurisme, ongeorganiseerdheid, dubieus gedrag en lompheid meegemaakt. Maar dat is nu opgelost, ze moeten maar verder gaan met VJN ginder. We kunnen het ons niet permitteren ons zo amateuristisch te profileren dus. Alleszins bedankt voor het vertrouwen in N-SA. Het rekeningnummer is 738-0146444-93. We zullen elkaar wel gauw eens treffen. En wat Mattke betreft, het is geen slechte gast maar hij wil vanalles regelen maar kent er de botten van. Dat is nu trouwens ook opgelost met hem. Hij zit terug in brugge en ik ga hem kort aan de leiband houden.;-) groeten ps. Als je post of schrijft op de blog kan je een &quot;neutrale&quot; naam gebruiken ipv 88ruler? Die linksen zijn ook niet stom natuurlijk en wachten maar op zo'n dingen om de beweging aan te kunnen vallen. Post desnoods gewoon als &quot;Danny&quot;, ik post trouwens ook onder mijn gewone naam (we hebben niets te verbergen op N-SA) 0 0 2e0twp2f 0 0 u_639
5417 5414 1937 0 1225295224 1 1 1 1 Re: TE QUIERO i have try it and was not going you know it. i dont make nothing. you was coming with the police, you have broke my computer, and is ok. i love you equal couse i love you understand. your clouth i have make away for the telefonbill. and now i dont know were r. yesterday i havent had, you have see was in no place. i have give to a frind. you can pain my like you want. now you say again i have louse you for this. alex i love you really. from all my heart. i need you for our family. pls come back to us. you have promise it to leave us never. pls i love you 0 0 3r41cd6m 0 0 u_2003
1281 1190 146 0 1205950842 1 1 1 1 Re: hi SHELL DID YA' GET MW MESSAGE?.I DON'T KNOW IF ME ACCOUNT S WORKIN' PROPLY. 0 0 1hi55vh4 0 0 u_53
5565 0 276 0 1226796827 1 1 1 1 cds <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - they post to the USA 0 0 2gsl2wcd 0 0 u_2119
2036 2014 72 0 1209758067 1 1 1 1 Re: above the ruins Alright Mate I've sent the scooter photos over to a German lad but I still have to writ e an articule to go with it. For the LP try contacting FPY6 on this forum and say your a Mate of mine, if he cant tell you where to get a copy ask if he will tape his copy.(Hes a good lad) <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Best regards.R <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 27n06zb8 0 0 u_182
5130 5126 72 0 1223315337 1 1 1 1 Re: pic 1. You need a site that will ‘host’ the image, I use this one <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 2. . Use the browse button on the site to select the picture you want the Tinypics site to host. 3. . Then click on ‘upload’. 4. When its ‘uploaded’ you are give 3 or 4 different formats to use, you want the one that says ‘message boards and forums’. 5. Highlight the url in the ‘message board &amp; forum’ box. 6. Copy or cut and paste that url into the post you want to make on B&amp;H forum. 7. When you ‘submit’ the post the photo will appear as if by magic Sometimes the photo will appear TOO BIG, you need to resize the photo. You can do this with Tinypics as well. Just click on the size button and it will do it for you. Any problems just ring me. Yours.Rob 0 0 3niap69t 0 0 u_276
5472 0 2123 0 1225813261 1 1 1 1 msn u got Msn?please add me <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> regards 0 0 19jwv3qj 0 0 u_1322
6214 0 2436 0 1232484949 1 1 1 1 sorry my dam women dose not lisen i fixed the post i will not let here do eny more dum shit ..... i am verey sorry for the mix up 0 0 2xt5yjak 0 0 u_54
6027 0 72 0 1231270235 1 1 1 1 FRONTLINESOLDIERS Found at last <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 0 0 21cbnu2c 0 0 u_105
6028 6024 105 0 1231270368 1 1 1 1 Re: vf Hi, do you have an email adress? I dont trust the private messages on here cheers 0 0 p8vip2qk 0 0 u_2123
6029 6023 54 0 1231272130 1 1 1 1 Re: A member? [quote=&quot;Revolution28&quot;:2x260soz]Hi BlueEyedBlonde, Bit of an odd one here for you - I think there's some spam going on/about to go on from this member - yue568qi435. Have a look at his posts and see what you reckon? Nike Shoes in the League of St.George topic I'm sure has nothing to do with NS and 28 lol! Revolution28 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:2x260soz] Thanks for that. Somebody had already beaten me to it and he has been deleted. Cheers BEB <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2x260soz 0 0 u_1787
5474 0 1787 0 1225817756 1 1 1 1 Re: Gigs / meetings ANYTHING in Wales [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=7218#p7218:d3uisg7u]Subject: Gigs / meetings ANYTHING in Wales[/url:d3uisg7u] [quote=&quot;albionpride&quot;:d3uisg7u]Hi comrades im new to this site and i wanted to know if anything goes on in Wales at all? Gigs or meetings or just to have a pint with people with similar politics? Im in South Wales... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Barry[/quote:d3uisg7u] Hi mate, I'm South Wales too! <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 kA== d3uisg7u 0 0 u_892
5477 0 105 0 1225821287 1 1 1 1 hello Yes mate got the pm, you sure you want a small for yourself? 0 0 386s05xl 0 0 u_1787
5483 5472 2123 0 1225832034 1 1 1 1 Re: msn if u have myspace, just give me the link and i add u. thanks for that. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 fqatssdp 0 0 u_1322
1303 0 279 7 1206034216 1 1 1 1 Re: FORM A WP SKINHEAD BAND?? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5347#p5347:28owmf5g]Subject: FORM A WP SKINHEAD BAND??[/url:28owmf5g] [quote=&quot;Fighting Breed&quot;:28owmf5g]i'm sorta thinking about with the idea of forming a white power band in essex, epping area, lads my age or whatever, try and get somthing going, pissed off with all the indie mugs, and all that hiphop wog shit around ere. by the way im just toying with this idea, nothings for certain yet, see how it goes.[/quote:28owmf5g] im in essex where in essex you from and add my msn <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> cheers 0 0 kA== 28owmf5g 0 0 u_617
1304 1051 606 0 1206040077 1 1 1 1 Re: hi I am sure that we have spoke a few times,I'm Darren or (Bedders),was Burton Latimer/Kettering but moved to Desborough now.If you are who i think we spoke at stinko mem,isd,grumpy's bday bash,Chubley knows me and will probably be able to put face to name.If not i will introduce myself at st Georges do. cheers 0 0 1zri8k66 0 0 u_180
3782 0 1226 0 1215613418 1 1 1 1 cd alright mate i see you're only going to knock upp 100 of your cds?!?! well save me one fella! cheers Paul from Poole 0 0 3jezt87f 0 0 u_146
2850 2019 193 0 1212739531 1 1 1 1 Re: Sir! Greetings Sir! Sorry i haven't been in contact for a while but things have been kinda hectic. I couldn't find a link to the website that your referring to. Can you give me the proper link please. Then again, judging from the description you give maybe i dont wanna take a look lol. Anyway, how are you. I hope your coming to the party on the 21st....It'll be good to meet up with you. I hope you dont thump me to hard about the Hess foto but i'll buy u a beer once your finished haha. Talk soon G 28 0 0 4nxwoa3v 0 0 u_351
5435 0 2119 0 1225494551 1 1 1 1 Greetings Heil from Alabama! Just PM'ing you to network with fellow Brothers. Contact me at any time at skinhead_berzerk on Yahoo! Instant Messenger or NSM Berzerk on AIM. My email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 88! 0 0 2rv02hzs 0 0 u_1275
2898 0 1018 0 1212843531 1 1 1 1 t shirt can i order one in large cheers mark 0 0 26bdsb4p 0 0 u_297
5666 5662 112 0 1227563118 1 1 1 1 Re: E-mail ah das gij.:) 0 0 1gu7en4x 0 0 u_90
4159 4158 158 0 1216826582 1 1 1 1 Re: Concert you have to contact that phone # for more information. 0 0 eu1u2zxm 0 0 u_237
6060 6050 79 0 1231611663 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy? [b:rckfjqk4]Don't know him mate, the missus had a baby girl yesterday at 4.18pm. We've called her Esme. 828[/b:rckfjqk4] 0 0 QA== rckfjqk4 0 0 u_801
6061 6053 70 0 1231634800 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! oi oi ....... have you really got a copy of code 1 album?????? send it up to us if you have be very greatful bro....... cheers 828 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 fkmvyn5m 0 0 u_58
4161 0 143 0 1216828421 1 1 1 1 10 years of BH Hungary Kitartas! Before 3-4 weeks ago, one comrade from BH Hungary was in Croatia and he told usthat BH Hungary is making a gig on august 23rd to celebrate 10 years ofyour BH division. Can you tell more info about that? 0 0 13tln8ix 0 0 u_1053
2886 2454 811 0 1212788168 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 hi mate -lps arrived today - excellent stuff. will get back to you later.keith <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1m6resy3 0 0 u_351
4157 4049 54 0 1216815882 1 1 1 1 Re: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary Hi Geri, Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the date of the European Hammerfest is exactly the same night as the Flanders ISD, which is on the last weekend that I am in Europe. I have already committed to going to that, so unfortunately I will have to miss yours this time round. Had it been the weekend before I would have come. Never mind, I will be back again next year, so I will aim for the Hammerfest next time round. I will be at ISD in England as well in Sept, so if you are there please say hello! Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 7ss7h4fk 0 0 u_210
4158 0 237 0 1216825708 1 1 1 1 Concert Hail Beceha, I want to ask you, where will be the action in Poland. thank you, for your answer..... 0 0 3hrzeecu 0 0 u_158
5135 5126 276 0 1223448339 1 1 1 1 Re: pic thanks for that. looks fucking complicated but i'll give it a go <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> 0 0 3p8eokmg 0 0 u_72
2895 0 1078 0 1212823800 1 1 1 1 i've posted!!! Thanks Nicole, the computer has been restarted an it seems to be working ok now, just poping on a few posts just to get me name seen before the reviews start <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Thanks Shell 0 0 1h0309cn 0 0 u_54
5403 0 549 0 1225190207 1 1 1 1 west mid divisions 88 bro i dont really know about any west mids divisons been looking for them myself but no luck its probs because its full of niggers and pakis too much the white people dont have the chance to set one up <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> zak 0 0 zyfvz4ih 0 0 u_1790
1310 0 182 0 1206044454 1 1 1 1 scooters hi did you want me to scan those pictures of my old scoooter gods of war? i dont mind them going in your mates book. 0 0 1x6t21rg 0 0 u_72
5069 0 81 0 1222851952 1 1 1 1 Hails from Finland! Hello sister! I dont know if you are wright person to ask this , but i try. is it possible that somebody has been hacked for this site and collect ppls e-mail addresses. This is only site were i'we been rigistered whit this mail, and now i get trash posts every day. others are political links and others promises huge money prices or asks to give money to strange aims. I'we been talking whit my friend about this and he got the same problem. Do you know if someone else get those posts? All the best for you! Jamo/Sniper 0 0 2wnmd938 0 0 u_54
5796 5790 2002 0 1228335330 1 1 1 1 Re: White Xmas gig Thanks a lot, much appreciated. I was getting sick of missing out on gigs at the last minute, because of someone letting me down or pulling out. In recent years,I've managed to make it to only I.S.D 06 and the last 2 White Xmas gigs. Keep it white 88 0 0 3n9hf0bh 0 0 u_792
4649 4630 68 0 1220448408 1 1 1 1 Re: ello ello Am sorry to hear that mate! See you in a few weeks! xx 0 0 vngatpjp 0 0 u_59
2080 2065 74 0 1209986028 1 1 1 1 Re: wanted <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> cheers friend 0 0 1j989dux 0 0 u_92
3059 3043 1148 0 1213764232 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! [quote=&quot;stu 14&quot;:zumgyxgs]hail bro .... its bloody rainin.......... nah not but most of the time.. good to see you on here, you off to gig on the weekend...... 828[/quote:zumgyxgs] Un4tunately working m8!! My whole of June is spent working weekends...its bollox!! Hope alls well your neck of the woods! Paul UK 14/88 0 0 gA== zumgyxgs 0 0 u_70
5434 0 2119 0 1225493899 1 1 1 1 Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween! Happy 21st! I remember my 21st birthday well. I had a great time. Stay strong, Sister, and keep fighting the Noble Fight! <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 88! -- Skoda 0 0 iyfn6nc0 0 0 u_2070
1322 0 669 0 1206084709 1 1 1 1 Re: NSBM [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5158#p5158:2wfxpbwx]Subject: NSBM[/url:2wfxpbwx] [quote=&quot;Bouddica&quot;:2wfxpbwx]Oi oi Damo! You coming to blasphemy on friday? Got Daemonolith playing *wink wink* and next month Achren *wink wink* <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:2wfxpbwx] hey! im not gonna be able ta make it, my birds birthday today an i have work on sat <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> i will try an sort somthing out, sorry take care 0 0 kA== 2wfxpbwx 0 0 u_461
1323 0 669 0 1206084726 1 1 1 1 Re: NSBM [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5122#p5122:2o6xerbc]Subject: NSBM[/url:2o6xerbc] [quote=&quot;werewolf&quot;:2o6xerbc]tracks on the myspace are very interesting, good luck!![/quote:2o6xerbc] Thanks Brother!!! 0 0 kA== 2o6xerbc 0 0 u_65
1324 1310 72 0 1206088872 1 1 1 1 Re: scooters That would be great, its a German lad who putting the articule together. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Thanks.R 0 0 18cu079m 0 0 u_182
1327 0 182 0 1206102025 1 1 1 1 scooters no problem i will email them to you. or if the bloke who is doing it wants the actual photos i will send them as long as i get them back. 0 0 381ubpmo 0 0 u_72
6395 6381 108 0 1233436725 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:3liidvaa][quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:3liidvaa]About three day ago i have been told from his friend that user named helikopter will not come anymore on this forum. He had been already banned for two times (nicknames 'medved' and 'avion') as he had some disagreements with us. Cheers! Marko[/quote:3liidvaa] How very strange... This is the e-mail that Bulldog Drummond received from him on Friday: [quote:3liidvaa]don't know ,,but always when i open the bh site write this ......... Information You have been permanently banned from this board. Please contact the Board Administrator for more information. A ban has been issued on your IP address. so i can't open nothing bh croatia banned me ,,because i suport norbet gig ( son's of europa side by side )..same bh hungary and switcerland baneed some hungarians hope you help me[/quote:3liidvaa] I couldn't see any evidence of him being banned, but if he has been banned under previous names and the ban is on his IP address that makes sense. Should the ban stay? Cheers N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3liidvaa] well,well,well,now i know who is the bloke behind that names....Actually the reason for the ban has nothing to do with the gig, its just the bloke`s attitude which is completely bizzare... 0 0 gA== 3liidvaa 0 0 u_171:u_54
3099 0 663 0 1213879573 1 1 1 1 Hail Hail brother! where abouts in manchester are you from? nice to hear of another fellow mancunnion skinly 1488 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 zu3i3aut 0 0 u_1116
1332 0 202 0 1206112135 1 1 1 1 Bulgarian section Greetings. I'm from Bulgaria and we talk with Graham to add bulgarian section here. I want to put 3 admins on our section. Can yoy help me with this? 0 0 32ihqc5i 0 0 u_54
5982 0 115 0 1230758060 1 1 1 1 web photos Hi, We just saw some of the &quot;old&quot; photos you have uploaded upon your MySpace site. Would you mind if we used a few to put upon the B &amp; H main website page? Hail Victory! 0 0 116j6ivz 0 0 u_2002
5983 5977 152 0 1230762626 1 1 1 1 Re: Empire Falls Yeah...fucking lames. Folks love 'em over here, for some reason-- band wise I mean, most ppl do not know them personally. This event is a joint venture, so we dont want to come off like &quot;VF fucked up an event&quot;. No one in America except for us &amp; a few others even seems to understand the whole BH &amp; c18 thing unfortunately. We explain it often, but usually it flies over a lot of kids' heads. Even traditional c18 foes like the Hammers dont seem to care-- thats how Empire Falls came around in the first place--thru their invite. So from now on, we are only gonna either do events just by us, VF, or only with other actual B&amp;H folks. We've been shit on already by many of our old &quot;friends&quot; it seems to the point of ludicrousness. Anyway, Happy New Year to you &amp; yours &amp; all my best to BH Worldwide! <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3o146bn6 0 0 u_65
4977 0 307 0 1222122703 1 1 1 1 thanks cheers 4 the link matt hope all is ok? here a link 4 u <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> my son aidans radio shows 0 0 1bfxfc7o 0 0 u_1711
1338 1332 202 0 1206198713 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section Because we don't have so much time to look our section, but 2 admins are ok. One of the admins it will be me, the second will be one other guy (i wait for him to join the forum). Thanks in advance for the help. 0 0 1n3ixto3 0 0 u_54
1341 0 617 0 1206206732 1 1 1 1 band alrite luv. well the age i guess 18 - 24 (i'm 22 by the way) and i got nuffin against lasses being in a band :) <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> 0 0 19arrosq 0 0 u_147
1343 0 143 0 1206223757 1 1 1 1 NS SCene in France Hails from Croatia. I want to know how big is NS scene in France, which towns have the biggest number of skinheads. Who are the main NS organizations in France. Has BH Chalemagne english section? What is music scene like? Thanks in advance. 828 0 0 27en8551 0 0 u_187
1344 1282 54 0 1206252328 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello! Hello B&amp;H Finland, This is just a quick note to you let you know that I have added you as the moderator for the Finland section. Also, I added some new sections to it the other day. I have created them exactly as I received the names, ie ALL UPPERCASE... Is this right? Cheers Nicole <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 pahci7kt 0 0 u_552
1345 0 515 0 1206260661 1 1 1 1 limburg HEIL kameraad <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> greetz limburgertje <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 yjihmesh 0 0 u_370
1346 1282 552 0 1206262259 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello! Yes, thank you. All the new sections are correct. I gave the new section titles to Si and apparently he didn't fuck up those, before handing 'em to you. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 2drp1sxv 0 0 u_54
1347 0 370 0 1206262593 1 1 1 1 Re HEIL KAMERAAD. Kan jij me misschien wat meer info geven over het hoe en wat van B&amp;H? En wanneer er bijeenkomsten zijn want ben nog niet zo lang online hier. Danke. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 pldso85k 0 0 u_515
1349 1332 54 0 1206264905 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section [quote=&quot;ThorsHammer&quot;:3ee3yv72]Because we don't have so much time to look our section, but 2 admins are ok. One of the admins it will be me, the second will be one other guy (i wait for him to join the forum). Thanks in advance for the help.[/quote:3ee3yv72] Hello, I have added you as the moderator to the Bulgarian section. I have spoken to Graham and we want to keep it down to one moderator for the section. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3ee3yv72 0 0 u_202
5606 0 2161 0 1227219835 1 1 1 1 witte kerst in engeland oi oi alles goed ik heb een probleem hier in engeland . ik woon in new castle en wil naar het witte kerst concert. maar heb de in druk dat het vrij moeilijk word voor me in verband met mijn contacten hier . zou je voor mij een goed woortje kunnen doen bij de devisie in holland en belgie . kom orspromkelijk uit breda . het probleem is dat ze niet wiee ik ben en het allemaal heel anders werk hier als in nederland . als je zou kunnen helpen dan zou ik het echt relax vind . ik heb namelijk geen lokatie waar het is en niemand wil hier iets vrij geven . ik weet dat er bussen vanuit york gaan maar de divisie bij mij in de buurt neemt geen contact op . alvast bedankt. 0 0 35hjj0pd 0 0 u_96
1353 1332 202 0 1206286551 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section Ok, no problem. Thanks for the help. 0 0 mn9en2kf 0 0 u_54
3126 3099 663 0 1214006021 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail im from middleton me bro glad to hear of someone local. 28 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3ihlnyn8 0 0 u_1116
5911 5894 1631 0 1229380742 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK Hello mate,yes we're doing ok, we have got new 28 Slovenia website,did very good I.S.D memorial back in October, few party's with Austrians &amp; Croatians (100 + skinhead's), curently we're working on a new mag.I have moved in capital in a flat, everythig would be ok if i hadn't a court this friday,they want to put me in for 5-10 years!! what a bollox!! i think i'll get away with a parole&amp;big fine.thing is they nicked me beaucorse of my mates and i have no intets to fuck them up.... well we will survive... So how are you,what's new with you?? about the record,i don't have a clue how do you pay by paypall,so i can send you mony or pay it by the post-you send me the record,i pay at the post and so you have the did we worked out last time 4 violent storm album?? Best regards....Rok 28!! 0 0 3gnx69k3 0 0 u_72
5449 0 58 0 1225614586 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2771#p2771:23wjwpa5]Subject: South of the River ???[/url:23wjwpa5] [quote=&quot;Bouddica&quot;:23wjwpa5]Croydonia South of the river[/quote:23wjwpa5] Hail Bouddica ! Can you attend a meet up on Tuesday evening approx 8pm ? S London Div are hosting next weeks gig by the way <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Dont think we have met but it would be good to get everyone together before next sat !! 828 Asgard1488 e mail me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and I will reply with a contact number OK ? 0 0 kA== 23wjwpa5 0 0 u_461
3127 3105 1083 0 1214027897 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Dat kan goed zijn dat we elkaar kennen, ja ik probeer er zoveel mogelijk op aanwezig te zijn! ok hou me op de hoogte, dan regelen we ineens de verkoop van de spullen daar ook. mvg Bloed en ere 0 0 180e7wux 0 0 u_113
1358 1332 54 0 1206305017 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section [quote=&quot;ThorsHammer&quot;:26gx83x1]Ok, no problem. Thanks for the help.[/quote:26gx83x1] No worries. Good luck with it! Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 26gx83x1 0 0 u_202
1366 0 138 0 1206343819 1 1 1 1 hello hi Dani Are you the same Dani who looked after us 2 english lad's when we came over for the son's of europe concert last year. if you are I am Andy the big lad all booked up to come back this year had a great time in your country. andy 0 0 391ahkoy 0 0 u_677
3629 0 53 0 1215383741 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> i was thinking about popping down to meet you all , then bang you go and say the 1st sat in aug which is the 2nd and we have a social in manc to attend on that day , feckin typical gigs really are like buses .och well maybe next time and have fun yee all . 88 .[/quote] Hail bro, Looks like its gonna be the 2nd weekend in Aug, so more then welcome 88 Shell <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2kcjjqy5 0 0 u_1017
1371 0 719 0 1206389329 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5152#p5152:2jg2np02]Subject: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts![/url:2jg2np02] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:2jg2np02]I'm selling a few flags, cd's and t-shirts for a list please pm me.[/quote:2jg2np02] What stuf is it you sell? 0 0 kA== 2jg2np02 0 0 u_90
1372 0 719 0 1206389779 1 1 1 1 Re: No.18 of BH Bulgaria magazine is out [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5528#p5528:1n5zjmzx]Subject: No.18 of BH Bulgaria magazine is out[/url:1n5zjmzx] [quote=&quot;BHBulgaria&quot;:1n5zjmzx]The new issue of BH Bulgaria magazine is out [img:1n5zjmzx]http&#58;//img99&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img99/4076/korica181rc9&#46;jpg[/img:1n5zjmzx] Many interesting articles, plus a huge interview with B&amp;H Hungary, also includes free cd compilation &quot;For faith and Folk&quot; [img:1n5zjmzx]http&#58;//img399&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img399/8701/face1hq8&#46;jpg[/img:1n5zjmzx] 50 minutes of powerful RAC, bands like Bully boys, Blue max, Kolovrat, Frontalkraft ... etc....inside![/quote:1n5zjmzx] Hail! My name is Kevin and I'm writing for the newly started Swedish Fanzine &quot;Ragnarök&quot;. We wonder if you would like to review our zine in your B&amp;H magazine? If you wan't to do that, let us know so we can send you the first number when it comes out! We would like to review your magazine in our zine. Please contact us on this e-mail adress: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, if you're interested in reviewing our magazine and we yours! Excuse my bad english ;) 88! Greetings Kevin and the team behind Ragnarök 0 0 mA== 1n5zjmzx 0 0 u_638
1373 1371 90 0 1206390086 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Here is the list, i've you want picture's from something just ask me and about the price we talk about when you say what you want to buy T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large FLAG'S German zeppelin flag Luftwaffe flag SS flag NSDAP flag 3 Celtic Cross flag's (with eagle, the red one and the black flag) Kriegsflagge Little &quot;flag&quot; with swastika, special one CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Brutal Attack: Valliant Heart Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Legion 88: The Best Of… Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Blood &amp; Honour: Volume II &amp; Absolute 28 Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 1ixiwo8e 0 0 u_719
1375 0 515 0 1206432010 1 1 1 1 limburgertje 0 0 3buqh1yr 0 0 u_370
5432 5431 122 0 1225481645 1 1 1 1 Re: 6.12 and 10.1 gigs in hungary flyers Try it again please, i think is a small problem with your connection mate. 0 0 1hqqgb41 0 0 u_143
5433 691 200 0 1225482591 1 1 1 1 hello hello stuart. how are you doing?? i have booked a flight to england on the 4th december for me and magnus. i need to see my girls but thats not until the 7th december. i will hire a car and was hoping to come up to the white xmas gig. BUT, i'm taking my son and i dont have accomodation yet, nor anyone to look after him that evening. i was wondering if you could put us up for 1 night? and maybe you have family near by who could babysit magnus that evening?? i also need to look for somewhere to stay in london, maybe get in touch with neil? i know, lots of questions... please let me know, maybe you can pm me your landline number and i will call you as i have free calls to england anytime. best wishes, jessie 0 0 7oxix5zv 0 0 u_70
1384 0 556 0 1206469856 1 1 1 1 Artist Hi maybe I can help. some of my work is the Joe Rowan and Ian Stuart hand drawn collages, Heroes Never Die tshirt with skins carrying coffin. [img:1l3126h3]http&#58;//i25&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/c97/bruddy702/00e28ec5&#46;jpg[/img:1l3126h3] [img:1l3126h3]http&#58;//i25&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/c97/bruddy702/4b8bde7e&#46;jpg[/img:1l3126h3] -Mike 0 0 CA== 1l3126h3 0 0 u_59
5989 0 280 0 1230806445 1 1 1 1 thread hello beb how are you? just wondered where the thread about the v.f event had gone? any reason for this? 0 0 1ez0mq8t 0 0 u_54
6725 6686 1972 0 1235591735 1 1 1 1 Re: lps ive just put some more lps up for sale take a look mate nick88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3cs096q3 0 0 u_69
5537 0 2123 0 1226489365 1 1 1 1 hello do u have messenger?if yes, please give me ur address and i will add u! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3cn0qkg1 0 0 u_1787
5538 0 392 0 1226513547 1 1 1 1 hi 828 Andy, I`m a yeovil lad, born and bred. Moved to southampton a few years ago but still travel back regulary to see family. there`s nowhere like somerset. thought id say hello 14/88 0 0 xleaypcu 0 0 u_85
1396 0 616 0 1206529509 1 1 1 1 TJ's SouthSide Tattoos oi mick whitehammer what tatts have you had from southside yourself? Is Lal Hardy no good anymore in your opinion? That part of London is Jewland I agree. I saw your comments about Captain Scarlet's show 14 - brilliant stuff and I have also been listening to the people hater's jew boy, plus been listening to no remorse barbecue in rostock - xyklon b, belsen was a gas, zigger zigger - great stuff. paul 88 0 0 1sdqd1hg 0 0 u_396
1397 1384 556 0 1206531016 1 1 1 1 Re: Artist Duds- My email to you got returned. Thanks for the compliments. The Joe Rowan piece I did was for a fundraiser for his children a few years ago. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";cPath=39&amp;zenid=a8b8a9722933580031c6975a227752c3"> ... 5a227752c3</a><!-- m --> I'd be happy to work with you on t-shirt art. I do not ask for any payment. Store credit would be nice, but not mandatory, and you set the amount. Let me know your ideas. Try my email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Mike ROA PS- Maybe you can let me know (without too much detail) what trade does Ken Mc work in? Ive always been curious. 0 0 1wlk8i4u 0 0 u_59
1399 1384 59 0 1206537183 1 1 1 1 Re: Artist Hail I've no idea what Ken does for a living lol, something I've never asked him. I'll ask him next time I see him. I have permissions to do Brutal Attack shirts, Skrewdriver shirts, Avalon shirts, No Remorse (original not the fakes) etc. I am also after viking type designs, runes, tattoo style designs, Skinhead designs, all with an NS theme but not neccassarily with Swastika's. I have enough swas and deathshead designs to last a life time. Basically I'll leave the designs up to you with what ever takes your mood at the time of designing. Store credit is fine, amount to offer though I don't have a clue about, is £200 per design taking the piss? try these email addresses <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 14 Duds 0 0 33fque0v 0 0 u_556
5647 0 1713 0 1227470756 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16423#p16423:1z0jnn73]Subject: white xmas[/url:1z0jnn73] [quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:1z0jnn73]seriously wanting to go and in need of a lift from kent to wherever it is obviously money for petrol and beer will be given to anybody who is nice enough to pick me up and give me a lift back message me back if anybody can help out from kent or around kent[/quote:1z0jnn73] where abouts in kent are u mate? paul28 0 0 kA== 1z0jnn73 0 0 u_1910
5376 5296 858 0 1224965132 1 1 1 1 Re: The 14 Words Documentary THANKS! I hear ya'. We're understaffed here too. = D 0 0 2u3wthh4 0 0 u_54
5377 5355 187 0 1224981902 1 1 1 1 Re: contact [quote=&quot;Aryan_girl&quot;:2zugh95f]Salut! Je suis d'Orléans et toi? J'ai contacté le site B&amp;H France (quand il éxistait encore) avec un de vos camarades de Paris. Mais après je suis partie en vacances et depuis que je suis revenue, je ne lui trouve pas. Je m'enquète trop car il habite dans le banlieu parisien (bcp d'immigrés) et il porte tjs les tee-shorts rasistes. J'éspère que vous pouvez m'aider... mon adresse msn est <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 88![/quote:2zugh95f] oui je connais tres bien les personnes du 28france, mais la division n'existe plus. Moi je suis de Paris egalement. Je ne pense pas que tu dois te faire du souci pour ton ami. il ne doit pas etre né de la derniere pluie. a bientot sur msn. bat28 0 0 gA== 2zugh95f 0 0 u_2063
5378 0 1008 0 1225014496 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H contact NSW Hi Justyn, Andrew has suggested that you give him a call about what you'd like for him to do for B&amp;H in Sydney. He's a go getter that one, everytime I speak to him he's managed to find himself new contacts. He's a great networker, and exactly the guy you need for the job. He said to call him on his mobile anytime. Andrew - 0413 171 044 racial regards, Michelle. 0 0 4ogp86uy 0 0 u_295
1405 0 367 0 1206583247 1 1 1 1 BH NZ mag I'm the editor of the New Zealand BH mag. I would be interested. Let me know the info. 828 0 0 b804xe7e 0 0 u_719
5490 5468 2117 0 1225861864 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hi shell i stopped being a skinhead 4 a couple of years but am back into the skinhead way again.i always kept in touch with things in the movement wont be going to gig got a works do that night keep in touch.after all these years we meet again strange aint it take care say hi to your sis for me.if you come to see your mum let me know hopefully we can meet up. 0 0 ejw60yq7 0 0 u_53
1408 1405 719 0 1206610777 1 1 1 1 Re: BH NZ mag [quote=&quot;Kiwi&quot;:2zpywo7s]I'm the editor of the New Zealand BH mag. I would be interested. Let me know the info. 828[/quote:2zpywo7s] Hail! Okey, that sounds good! I have also mailed a bit with Perry Adank about the same thing, he should talk to you in the week he said. I send you more info about the zine and so on in 1-2 hours. Racial regards, Kevin and the team behind Ragnarök! 0 0 gA== 2zpywo7s 0 0 u_367
1409 1405 367 0 1206613464 1 1 1 1 Re: BH NZ mag Ok that's cool. How do i Buy your zine? 0 0 14ntr8ib 0 0 u_719
1410 1405 719 0 1206614773 1 1 1 1 Re: BH NZ mag [quote=&quot;Kiwi&quot;:8assp5rv]Ok that's cool. How do i Buy your zine?[/quote:8assp5rv] The first number isn't yet finished, but when it is, you can buy it through me and pay through PayPal or Payson. But if we should review your zine and you wanted to review our we can simply exchange a bunch/a couple of zines, if you would like to do like that? Also you get as many as you need/want, and we the same. Just so you know (I don't remember if i wrote it in the thread) the zine is completely in Swedish, but alla reviews on non-swedish zines/magazines are going to be translated to english so the people behind the magazines can read it too. We also got plans to give out both a Swedish and a English zine in the nearby future :) 828! 0 0 gA== 8assp5rv 0 0 u_367
5662 0 90 0 1227550930 1 1 1 1 E-mail Gegroet Surtur Heb je toegevoegd aan mijn nieuw e-mail adres: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Freiheit 28 0 0 3hsarfeb 0 0 u_112
4921 4902 307 0 1221827569 1 1 1 1 Re: isd ok mate we will be there at 9 if you have any problems ring us 0 0 3md7p8k2 0 0 u_1711
1413 1257 475 0 1206618862 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Recived today all ok, ManyThanks <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Mike <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 14/88 0 0 19couoau 0 0 u_90
1414 0 691 0 1206619565 1 1 1 1 Re: . 14/88 bro , i want a flag with NSDAP, battle flag , WW1 jack flag , Reichmarsshal flag , tell me what flags do you have , and the price .. i live in Romania.. Racial Greetings ! 0 0 26lqzhvi 0 0 u_90
1416 1414 90 0 1206621701 1 1 1 1 Re: . Hello I've got a NSDAP flag (2 differents of it), Kriegsflagge, German Zeppeling flag, Luftwaffe flag, SS flag and 3 different Keltisch flag. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 qr9lh1s8 0 0 u_691
5148 5131 72 0 1223576971 1 1 1 1 Re: REMEMBRANCE DAY PO Box 114, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 2UR. 0121 2466838 Young NF: 07531 022 409 (speak to Keiran) Give them a ring on that number and mention your intrested in attending the REMEMBRANCE DAY march in London on the 9th Novemeber and want someone to travel down with.(You don't have to be a member to attend <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> ) Any problems then send me a PM Best wishes.Rob 0 0 ch3ph4p3 0 0 u_1790
1418 0 60 0 1206626141 1 1 1 1 tatt hi shell check your email mark 0 0 2s9gisoh 0 0 u_53
1419 1414 90 0 1206627117 1 1 1 1 Re: . Hello I was forget to say, say wich flag(s) you want from me and i will give you a good price. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 2noopiv3 0 0 u_691
1433 1423 90 0 1206695560 1 1 1 1 Re: CD's/flags/shirts Hello Here is the list, i've you want picture's from something just ask me and about the price we talk about when you say what you want to buy <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are &amp; Never Forgive... Never Forget – both a Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large FLAG'S German zeppelin flag Luftwaffe flag SS flag NSDAP flag 3 Celtic Cross flag's (with eagle, the red one and the black flag) Kriegsflagge Little &quot;flag&quot; with swastika, special one CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 27pcykck 0 0 u_123
5635 5634 200 0 1227429978 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello there! hello nicole. good to hear from you again. i'm not on here very often, my main email addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> hope this finds you well and awaiting your reply. best wishes, jess 0 0 358nf1bh 0 0 u_54
5888 0 2156 0 1229076097 1 1 1 1 y hows things with you my arab friend??you been up 2 much?not a lot doing here.cheers <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3rbtpyij 0 0 u_103
5889 0 105 0 1229104746 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES Hail, Welsh Division contact details...... <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> We can give you lifts to gigs etc and we have people leaving from most areas. Nearest gig for us is Aprils Violent Storm Memorial. Dont know bands yet though. Cheers 0 0 egmr6qe0 0 0 u_2276
1436 0 213 0 1206705417 1 1 1 1 Re: 28bulletin [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5531#p5531:2im22not]Subject: 28bulletin[/url:2im22not] [quote=&quot;gavran&quot;:2im22not]Razmisljam o pokretanju malog mail bulletina, posto se stranica rijetko obnavlja, a ovo je puno brze napraviti, pa ako je netko zainteresiran za primanje, neka mi u p.m. posalje mail koji najcesce koristi. Ako bude interesa cu pokrenuti, ako ne, sve cemo zaboraviti. Mislio sam ga slati jednom tjedno do jednom u dva tjedna, ovisi koliko budem imao vremena.[/quote:2im22not] Šalji na <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 kA== 2im22not 0 0 u_277
1437 0 740 0 1206718340 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5151#p5151:2o2387ck]Subject: Enkele spulletjes te koop[/url:2o2387ck] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:2o2387ck]Lijst is bijgewerkt, enkele nieuwe vlaggen en kleine actie bij aankoop van enkele spullen <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Voor de lijst pm je me maar <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: -->[/quote:2o2387ck] wil je eens die lijst doorsturen?? 0 0 kA== 2o2387ck 0 0 u_90
1438 1437 90 0 1206719063 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop T-SHIRT’S Voor foto's of info pm je me maar en de prijs bespreken we samen wel. Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN Duitse zeppelin vlag Luftwaffe vlag SS vlag Partij vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (met arend, de rode en de zwarte vlag) Kriegsflagge Klein doekje met hakenkruis (speciaal!) BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 1mfiwbea 0 0 u_740
1439 1437 740 0 1206719290 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop bedankt:) euhm ja waar ik eigenlyk geintreseerd in ben is in de buttons&amp;patchen.. heb je foto's ofz daarvan?? 88 0 0 1ybp237c 0 0 u_90
1440 1437 90 0 1206721319 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Pm me even je e-mail adres door en zondagavond stuur ik je de foto's door. Freiheit 28 0 0 1e4j8p85 0 0 u_740
1441 1437 740 0 1206721485 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop ooiooi.. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> aub:) 88 0 0 3j4t6cjr 0 0 u_90
5856 0 886 0 1228769313 1 1 1 1 GIG Hey brother, I'm WIGANMIKE, a friend of Chubs, I believe you got hurt in London, I went to the gig, I was suppose to be talking to ya, but we never got round to it, its about you getting attacked, can you msn me, at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:WIGAN-MIKE@HOTMAIL.CO.UK">WIGAN-MIKE@HOTMAIL.CO.UK</a><!-- e --> 88 0 0 3plee88j 0 0 u_1734
6016 6013 115 0 1231189063 1 1 1 1 Re: project schoolyard vol2 Hails, I dont think the original volume one is still available, since it was made by the defunct Panzerfaust Records. The company partner, is making this new second one but via Tightrope Productions. They charge $0.3 per one, I dont know how much in £ you best bet would be to contact them direct either the link is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";osCsid=o0hfk2jr9qol9mua2j4pjh6qm0"> ... 2j4pjh6qm0</a><!-- m --> else email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Racial regards B &amp; H Central 0 0 2x8fqqxa 0 0 u_2296
5464 0 2119 0 1225759973 1 1 1 1 Hey Brother! Just PM'ing you to see if you have Yahoo! Instant Messenger or AIM? 0 0 4sznef9r 0 0 u_69
1447 0 552 0 1206808400 1 1 1 1 keikat Seuraava on ensi lauantaina 5.4. Helsingissä. Bändeinä: [b:3g9pe6b9]Tattooed Mother Fuckers [/b:3g9pe6b9]- Englanti [b:3g9pe6b9]Unborn SF[/b:3g9pe6b9] - Suomi, Riihimäki [b:3g9pe6b9]Last laugh[/b:3g9pe6b9] - Suomi, Helsinki Laita sähköpostiosote niin voin lähettää virallisen mainoksen. 0 0 QA== 3g9pe6b9 0 0 u_223
6155 6153 801 0 1232287781 1 1 1 1 Re: contact Switch your phone on skin. 0 0 3i1ahpd0 0 0 u_888
6049 6048 70 0 1231527766 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy Seen it bro , no idea never heard of him/her, not that far away though. looking at a get together for a few beers soon with erveryone... what do you think? you feelin any better ... <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 i4ctag6s 0 0 u_801
5225 5145 1105 0 1224000304 1 1 1 1 Re: 18 oktober isd Sorry voor de late reply, maar ik ben van provider veranderd en kon een paar dagen niet online :( Wat betreft de 18de: ik heb familieweekend <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> en kan dus niet komen... toch bedankt voor het aanbod 828, willem 0 0 1fl0nh8r 0 0 u_1092
1450 0 497 0 1206810076 1 1 1 1 Lift,or a meet up? Any chance of a lift to the next gig?9 miles from brum.88Will put petrol money,cheers comrade. 0 0 1vjac7ar 0 0 u_115
4751 4712 53 1 1220995340 1 1 1 1 Re: hello what help are you looking for? 0 0 z7mcc91b 0 0 u_1810
4752 4712 1810 1 1220996159 1 1 1 1 Re: hello I need some help to get a conntact to the german Blood and honour. Do you know any good sites for uniforms and any original parts. we got some problems to get such things here in germany.How can i support you? <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1fqcoq1m 0 0 u_53
4736 4728 121 0 1220951917 1 1 1 1 Re: rising tee ok matey, i will pick 1 up of you at ISD, fuck FC if they don't want my money lol, i will spend it at your site &amp; East Highlander. At least i know i will get good service from you 2 28 0 0 2a2n8nf1 0 0 u_59
1454 0 211 0 1206821295 1 1 1 1 Re: Signal28 numero 3 Salut Thierry! On organise un deplacement en bus pour le rac de Milan, le 19 avril. Depart de Lyon a 12h00. Retour prevu dimanche a 7h00 au plus tard. Le dep devrait couter 30 euros. Forcement le BH Midgard est la bienvenue! Donne moi une reponse rapidement stp, j'aimerais boucler le &quot;dossier&quot; lundi! Renaud 0 0 g415d27c 0 0 u_206
1459 1423 123 0 1206827764 1 1 1 1 Re: CD's/flags/shirts Hello Thanks for the list! So I'm interrested in following things: T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large FLAG'S SS flag NSDAP flag CD’S Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig It would be nice if you could send me the pictures of the Shirts and flags and of course the prices <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 x15p8f4y 0 0 u_90
5980 0 88 0 1230744111 1 1 1 1 forum suggestions thought i'd offer our help or suggestions on the forum, some of the things we got feed back on from the states was the fact avatar sizes (6 KB) are too small for almost anything, and the majors ones being the fact people cant remain logged in for each visit and several folks have told me with the color scheme is almost unreadable. myself and several other guys here have lots of years adminning and moderating forums so we'd be happy to help in anyway we can and, between me and you, one of the reasons for creating our forum is because of our distaste for some of the folks on this forum who we feel are enemies of B&amp;H America and B&amp;H in general anyways just some suggestions and an offer of help, hope all is well best regards and 828 Randal 0 0 3hzix82z 0 0 u_54
5981 0 88 0 1230746507 1 1 1 1 erase topics please do me a favor and erase all my recent gig topics in the events section, thanks 0 0 24rxp1ik 0 0 u_54
3137 3099 663 0 1214054924 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail yeah i know it nwel thou been up there a few times it is pakki land. 1488 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3isz0qlg 0 0 u_1116
4822 4816 1000 0 1221406022 1 1 1 1 Re: Retaliator/Code1/The Wrongdoers/The Hoist Oolrait pistän ens viikon aikana tulemaan, pistän useemman kappaleen kerralla niin voit heittää frendeilleskin niitä... Tom 0 0 25igjfny 0 0 u_339
1462 1414 691 0 1206865502 1 1 1 1 Re: . tell me what flag you have ? 0 0 3vr24iph 0 0 u_90
1463 1108 367 0 1206870185 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hail brother. I got your mags today. They are very well done. I like them a lot. Did you get my package yet? I will send the interview questions this week. All the best and keep in contact. Dylan New Zealand. 0 0 qsxj0fv8 0 0 u_203
1464 1423 90 0 1206877115 1 1 1 1 Re: CD's/flags/shirts Hello Please add me on msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> I will send the pictures and price tonight with a mail to you. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 1mdf64vh 0 0 u_123
1465 1414 90 0 1206877172 1 1 1 1 Re: . Hello This flags i've have: German zeppelin flag Luftwaffe flag SS flag NSDAP flag 3 Celtic Cross flag's (with eagle, the red one and the black flag) Kriegsflagge Little &quot;flag&quot; with swastika, special one Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 2xczj06x 0 0 u_691
6156 0 396 0 1232287840 1 1 1 1 meet up im over the river from dartford would love to have a few of us get together for a beer. 0 0 3awx5sxs 0 0 u_58
6160 0 2428 0 1232291536 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members hello. Did yu reply to my post? Sorry im new on the forum thing and cant really work it lol! <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Im just outside London, If you were talking to me lol! You? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=18461#p18461:2ryps2p7]Subject: Young Members[/url:2ryps2p7] [quote=&quot;Ainzy&quot;:2ryps2p7][quote=&quot;Titch&quot;:2ryps2p7]Hellooo! Im new! and young! 18 :D[/quote:2ryps2p7] Orite mate, im 16, were u located?[/quote:2ryps2p7] 0 0 kA== 2ryps2p7 0 0 u_2376
1467 0 367 0 1206877860 1 1 1 1 BH mag trade Hail from New Zealand Comrade! I'm interested in a copy of your B&amp;H magazine. I am a fan of different mags and I like to collect. Would you be interested in trading for a copy of B&amp;H New Zealand mag Issue 1 (which I edit)? Or maybe even 5 for 5? Hope to hear back from you. Dylan NZ 0 0 1r57zdj3 0 0 u_638
6052 6048 70 0 1231528222 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:15a3qodi]If you were not away I would have been up for a session this weekend bro.[/quote:15a3qodi] sorry bro would have been good but got to go to meetin and work calls .... aaagggh but hey need the cash..... sound like a kike ha ha but you know. 88. could of met up sat night just dont know what time....if not next week <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 gA== 15a3qodi 0 0 u_801
6911 0 2376 0 1237048943 1 1 1 1 88 Brother Have you got msn or myspace bro? 88 0 0 3sac42t5 0 0 u_1427
1469 0 639 0 1206880003 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4290#p4290:2kj85emh]Subject: Enkele spulletjes te koop[/url:2kj85emh] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:2kj85emh]Ik verkoop enkele spullen waaronder cd's, t-shirts, vlaggen, buttons en pins! Voor een lijstje met de spullen pm je me maar <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:2kj85emh] ja, kan ik dan zo eens een lijstje krijgen? Heil 0 0 kA== 2kj85emh 0 0 u_90
1470 0 639 0 1206880331 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4824#p4824:1fujii6n]Subject: AANDACHT![/url:1fujii6n] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:1fujii6n]Heb al enkele malen pm's gekregen van nieuwe &quot;leden&quot; op het forum die vragen achter datums van concerten en dergelijke, paar dagen geleden kreeg ik nog een pm van 88forlife met de vraag wanneer de SS herdenking nu door ging. Aangezien deze niets post en deze vraag voor je eerste contact erg verdacht is wou ik alle leden erop wijzen, gelieve geen antwoorden en informatie door te pm'en![/quote:1fujii6n] ja ok, effe recht zette! Ik ben dus geen flik! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> eum ja kzie ook wel in da ge da nu ni over internet zou doen en zo, mor eum als der is iets is, dan hoor ek da altij veul te laat! Dus is er mss een andere manier om te weten te kome wat voor activiteiten er geplant zijn? Reichstreue Grüsse, 818 Danny <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== 1fujii6n 0 0 u_90
1471 0 72 0 1206880615 1 1 1 1 INTERVIEWS Hello Comrade Please find enclosed the articles from a German magazine, could you tell me which 'ones' are interviews with Ian Stuart?? Could you translate any interviews with Ian Stuart into English? I hope to put the German interviews into a small booklet which is a collection of Ian Stuart interviews. This will be sold to raise money for POW etc. Many thanks.R <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> 0 0 30795xuk 0 0 u_315
1472 1470 90 0 1206881126 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Gegroet Mijn excuses voor mijn post dan, ga hem vanavond bijwerken. Voor foto's of meer info pm me maar over de spullen! T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN Duitse zeppelin vlag Luftwaffe vlag SS vlag Partij vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (met arend, de rode en de zwarte vlag) Kriegsflagge Klein doekje met hakenkruis (speciaal!) BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 3gfjk0fq 0 0 u_639
1473 0 276 0 1206897973 1 1 1 1 B+H Vol 1-4 Hi, you may have seen them already but B+H Vol 1-4 are for sale on my website. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> cheers S-O-B 0 0 lhemnqxt 0 0 u_74
1474 1467 638 0 1206902389 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Hiya mate, it's ok for trading of course. Do you have any nicd australian cd's for trade? 0 0 1qqx57jg 0 0 u_367
5566 5561 66 0 1226823827 1 1 1 1 Re: place in bus for white x mas hi there hun, yes there is a space on the coach... do you know any of the lads from yorkshire division....where abouts are you now your not in newcastle ...great bunch of lads and lasses on the coach..we leave about 1-2 ish york pick up leeds and sheffield thanks jules 88 xx ps whats your real name ... 0 0 13aq57ka 0 0 u_2161
1476 1473 276 0 1206904793 1 1 1 1 Re: B+H Vol 1-4 Hi, just for info, i've seen them on sale used at around £20 each. Not sure that anyone else is selling them new anywhere else - never seen them. I'm not trying to flog you them , just letting you know they are very rare and command a very high price cheers S-O-B 0 0 34lo9sbm 0 0 u_74
1477 1384 59 0 1206905279 1 1 1 1 Any change of a tattoo design? Hail I'm back at the tattooist's lol, after a 20 year break I'm getting a shed full of coverups and some new work on my stomach, chest and right side along a viking/odinist theme and the first 6 hours have gone really well, with another 6 already booked. That should see the finish of my front or near enough. What I'm after is for my lower back, in that kick arse style of yours, a nice tatt design if you would do it for me? I'm more than willing to pay of course. Idea I have is of a marching colomn of men, starting with Vikings melting into SS troops then melting into Skinheads. With 3 flags (one for each section) A ravens banner above the vikings (black flag, red raven as shown on rune site, flags section), a S rune above the SS and a red/white/black celtic cross flag above the skins. These flags are the only colour, the rest being in black and grey to go with my front. I basically have the whole space of my lower back, with my main central back tattoo finishing halfway down and my B&amp;H viking starting more towards the front of my ribs, right side. Left side is free at the moment for a block of portaits, again it'll be black and grey shading (but I'll shout you when I'm ready for those ones, if thats ok) The design would be a side on image rather than looking back into the marching legions, as if they were marching by one the street. Can you help? do you have the time? it's not needed for a few weeks yet, (8-10) 14 Duds 0 0 1ft765a7 0 0 u_556
1479 0 397 0 1206907046 1 1 1 1 joindre BH france salut, pour joindre BH france il faut utiliser quelle adresse de ta signature? il faut envoyer les messages avec hotmail ou une autre adresse? 88 0 0 12rg7k90 0 0 u_187
1480 1470 639 0 1206909171 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Geen probleem ik weet ook hoe erg de flikke tegewoordig zen! :d Eum die cd's van Luni/landser lijken me wel zeer interesant! kunt ge daar een prijsje op zette vo ze allemaal, Ik ben ook opzoek naar een partijarmband of zelfs een gans uniform van de HJ! Kunt ge mij bij mijn zoektoch helpen? ge kunt me ook per sms berijken 24/24 of belle tusse 1000u en 1800u! dank voor u vrtrouwen in deze harde tijden! 818 828 reichstreue grüsse, Danny M. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1qgxv104 0 0 u_90
1977 1384 59 0 1209423367 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? Hail I sure do :O) You're a star. Any ideas for shirt designs? 14 Duds 0 0 2bwtp44h 0 0 u_556
1978 1948 73 0 1209453875 1 1 1 1 Re: Two things! how will you be sending the £20 for the wau mate post or paypal, as for the cd mate let me know which one it is and just add that to the £20 mate send me your details to who and where i have to send the cd you dont have to sinn up with us on the web site if you dont want to cheers paul 0 0 2gkps966 0 0 u_83
1979 1948 83 0 1209469702 1 1 1 1 Re: Two things! Hello mate Thanks for getting back to me, i will send the cash through the post the CD i would like is A TRIBUTE TO KEN &amp; BRUTAL ATTACK - THANKS BRO £8.00 So if i send a tenner for the CD and the 20 for WAU will that be ok? My details are Mr C McElhinney 21 Lawrence Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 4BA I will of course put my address in with the money so its all together ,could you let me know where to send it, you emailed your address before when fundraiseing during the auction but i always delete any addresses as soon as i have written out the envolope. Many thanks and racial regards Mac 0 0 2jjqz34e 0 0 u_73
1482 0 639 0 1206909602 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5930#p5930:3bsi4h7j]Subject: Enkele spulletjes te koop[/url:3bsi4h7j] [quote=&quot;donar&quot;:3bsi4h7j]Kan de 88forlife aub stoppen met zo'n flauwekul te posten? Je bent echt wel een grote flinke jongen hoor dat je dat allemaal kan bestellen! (sic). Er wordt hier niet aan wapenhandel of gelijk wat gedaan, en als ik je bericht lees vind ik het zelfs redelijk zielig... Wat wil je hiermee bereiken? Dat we je stoer vinden? Allez, verwijder die flauwekul en post iets interessants.[/quote:3bsi4h7j] Ale dan, een bekke normaal doen kan oek ze! ale kdenk da wel allebij wel het verstand hebbe om as normale beschaafde mense te prate!! en btw, ge moet me oek niks wijz make ze! mja, hou u vooral goed! Heil 0 0 kA== 3bsi4h7j 0 0 u_380
6021 6003 2219 0 1231223788 1 1 1 1 Re: ? youve only got to fear those you offend it seems. wheather or not they offend you dosent seem to be an issue, unfortunately. all the same, thanks for spelling it out plain but... becareful your self when you post that too. even a simple email has to be complex these days. its really unfair, that they lead us to believe we have privacy. i already know i dont. i hear from friends sometimes but i generally feel like im in prision. i also worry about friends too. better safe than sorry. :) little 0 0 2agb2hkc 0 0 u_2105
4346 4344 59 0 1217588210 1 1 1 1 Re: counter terrorism dibble Thinking about the membership thing, each area has a division, you can join a divivision if you want to, by jioning a division you are expected to help organise gigs in your area, contribute articles to the magazine, travel to gigs as part of the division to show support, some divisions have a subs type thing that you pay every month, this helps towards costs of mini busses to gigs etc. that would be the only thing i can think of that has a kind of membership type status about it. Actual membership, along the lines of bnp, bpp membership with a rank structure and regular meetings, political agenda etc etc is not what B&amp;H is about. Divisions are made up of friends who go to gigs together, from the same area and drink together. Social type membership I suppose you'd call it. 0 0 26o3ykeg 0 0 u_1362
1485 1470 90 0 1206914434 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Gegroet Deze 2 zijn van Landser: - Landser: Ran An Den Feind - Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär Voor beide 20 euro + 2,93 euro (zijn de verzendingskosten + verpakking inbegrepen). Kan je wel een partij armband bezorgen voor 15 euro? Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 3e35ydf0 0 0 u_639
1486 1467 367 0 1206932948 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Hail Not at the moment. I should have Fortress,Death's Head, Blood Red Eagle and Kilgore in a few weeks time. I would be interested for 5 mags on 5 mags for now if you are? Dylan NZ 0 0 2e3wuyiy 0 0 u_638
1487 1467 638 0 1206943352 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Hiya, problem is that noone will pay 10 $ for a zine in eastern Europe.Let me ask around if someone is interested and then we’ll do the trade. Hope it’s ok for you. 0 0 2tf6z56r 0 0 u_367
1488 1467 367 0 1206943852 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade You don't have to sell them for $10 or buy them for $10. You could sell them at your own price if you like. If not I am interested in a copy of your mag and any back issues you have. Thanks Dylan 0 0 2lgjb11e 0 0 u_638
1489 1467 638 0 1206945878 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Ok mate, but better write me on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> .This is also mY msn adress. Do u have skype or MSN??? 0 0 1843nhxm 0 0 u_367
1490 1467 367 0 1206946569 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Hail. Just added you. I'm <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1d9ol220 0 0 u_638
1492 0 223 0 1206956619 1 1 1 1 keikka Juu olin tietonen millon se on mutta pitäs saada tuo paikka selville että vois tulla tossa on se sähkö posti <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2tk6gdc4 0 0 u_552
1493 1470 639 0 1206963533 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Kunde die cd's opzij houde vo mij? En da partijarmband, is da gwn rood? Of zen daar goude randjes aan of zo? Kunde er eventueel is foto van sture? Alvast bedankt, en hopelijk ontmoeten we elkaar es e! <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> van waar bent ge mss? Reichstreue Grüsse, Danny <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3a90x55p 0 0 u_90
1494 1470 90 0 1206965044 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Gegroet Zal de cd's opzij houden voor je en de partij armband is de gewone rode met het hakenkruis in een witte cirkel. Ben van de provincie Antwerpen. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 8l75e8i8 0 0 u_639
1495 0 537 0 1206968085 1 1 1 1 NS pokret Nisam siguran, ali mislim da si ti iz Splita... U tom slu?aju Posjeti forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> forum je napravljen sa ciljem ja?anja NS pokreta u Dalmaciji (to?nije u Splitu i bližoj okolici), tako?er ako znaš nekoga iz Splita uputi ga na ovaj forum <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> P.S. Uzmi u obzir da je forum tek napravljen i zato nema baš puno ?lanova... 14/88 0 0 1qzryril 0 0 u_154
1497 1470 639 0 1206972835 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Seg nog een ding, kunde gij nen foto sturen van die vlag met arend met wpkruis? <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> thx! 818 <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 hqrfslko 0 0 u_90
1498 0 148 0 1206973370 1 1 1 1 okupljanje ili koncert 88! zanima me da li ce biti okupljanje ili koncert brzo,cuo sam da ce brzo biti koncert u sloveniji pa me zanimaju pojedinosti. 88! 0 0 3sm3k5u6 0 0 u_236
6087 6084 200 0 1231870028 1 1 1 1 Re: stigger hi simon, thanks for your help. could you please ask him if he was willing to play at a wedding on the 27th march (ale and cathleens wedding, he might know them) and then a ballads night on the 28th march. all is ok...well. cheers, jess 0 0 29o3w4jo 0 0 u_65
6088 6085 115 0 1231870788 1 1 1 1 Re: project schoolyard vol1 Excellent, hopefully once the second cd is out, there will be a website up and running, with lyrics, photos, contact infos, and mp3 and cover designs etc. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1nqd9wse 0 0 u_2296
1500 1470 90 0 1206978887 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Gegroet Ok ik ga proberen de foto van de week nog te sturen en anders mail ik hem zaterdag middag zeker door want zit met veel werk! Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 107vczys 0 0 u_639
1502 1384 556 0 1206983397 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? I'll help ya out 0 0 3p7z1m09 0 0 u_59
6135 6084 200 0 1232184079 1 1 1 1 Re: stigger ok thanks si. never thought it was that tricky to get hold of him... thanks for letting me know about your gig, not sure when i will be back in england, money is tight and i'm working most weekends. do you know when the st georges gig is this year?? cheers, jess 0 0 se8puzbd 0 0 u_65
6136 6081 210 0 1232184151 1 1 1 1 Re: Member? Well done mate,i noticed it,thanks!Best regards from Hungary! <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 28zf62i1 0 0 u_2330
1504 1384 59 0 1206992873 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? You're a star :) Thank you 14 Duds 0 0 142qr5m1 0 0 u_556
4828 4781 638 0 1221483806 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 from Bulgaria Hiya mate, some photos are sent to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Hope this e-mail works...Please confirm when u receive the photos, and hope that very very soon B&amp;H Bulgaria will be a proud member of 28 Brotherhood. It will be important victory in Eastern European region. Wankers from local so called C18 try to screw up our organizing their gig a day after ours <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> . We must proove these scumbags that we are the official chapter of 28, and not they( as they pretent to be). here's the report : B&amp;H Bulgaria gig – 30.08.2008 The date is 30th august 2008. In the local Skinhouse in Plovdiv took place a NS gig, organized by Blood&amp;Honour-Bulgaria. On the stage there were two bands from Hungary – “Feher Torveny” and “Full metal jackets”. The start was at 9:30pm when “Feher Torveny” started to play. They made a great performance and proved themselves as real professionals. The audience liked them a lot and with the hatecore music playing started the typical for such gigs “pogo” that didn’t stop all night long. After a short break we saw on the stage the boys from “Full metal jackets” who usually play in grindcore style. They showed up with facial masks and asked if no photos were taken. With playing mostly cover songs of the American band “Vaginal jesus” they brought new powers in the audience and so on until midnight when they played their last song. Apparently for everyone was too early to go to bad, so the screaming “more, more…” forced “Feher Torveny” to go on the stage for the second time this night. They played for more than half an hour and gave their best. Later on, very unexpectedly, one of our comrades took the mike and sang couple of songs of “Landser” and “Nordic Thunder”. The sponsors have made a selling of some T-shirts, CDs and other NS stuff. They prepared a special box for raising money for a comrade that is now under trial for committing a murder in a case of self-defense. The gig went very well, in nice and friendly atmosphere and we must say it was a great experience for everybody. 0 0 3osjtsw2 0 0 u_193
6198 6195 109 0 1232408067 1 1 1 1 Re: Shirts 0 0 19o6ozu9 0 0 u_91
6200 0 2436 0 1232412629 1 1 1 1 getting banded for belives i just got kicket from because of belives i am just woundering if i will get kicket for raceist coments ure belives 0 0 179h1j5d 0 0 u_54
6201 0 337 0 1232426009 1 1 1 1 none 0 0 19wls662 0 0 u_2119
6437 6422 323 0 1233713078 1 1 1 1 Re: award going to put them up tomorrow on SF, since we lost our sites.. Vicky 0 0 1bgxjllq 0 0 u_1953
6202 0 801 0 1232432193 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester Ainzy are you into white power music ?. If so do you have any ?. I was thinking of copying a few discs for you. If there is anything you would like to hear let me know and I will make a copy if I have got it. Answer by PM as some of the groups might not be happy. lol. Skinheritage. 0 0 1r1fnzba 0 0 u_2376
6203 0 2099 0 1232450346 1 1 1 1 RE: Hiya Yeah, it'd be great to meet up sometime, like at a gig or something. I'll hopefully get chattin to you on msn. Let me know (if you want to) the next gig you plan on going to :) 88 0 0 1jz38odw 0 0 u_1838
6204 6193 61 0 1232455448 1 1 1 1 Re: Saltue o/ [quote=&quot;assaSSin&quot;:26ukd4eb]Hello again mate. As i'm sure you've heard about it got to ask if you can make it to the 7th Feb. gig in London. It would be great to see you there and have a few beers, lol. Also, it would be an incentive for Dajo to make the trip down to the south. Take care, Crazy. All the best. 828 ROA[/quote:26ukd4eb] Hello mate, I was hoping to make it but it's now looking as if I'll not be able to as if I go to this one I wouldn't be able to make it to the Violent Storm memorial which I really want to go to this year as well as the St Georges day gig. I've asked all the other's around here if they wanted to go as it would of been easy then with a car load going, cheaper on petrol, but 1 is working that night, another is out of the country &amp; my Slovakian friends who live near me are saving up their money as they're going back home this summer. The good news is everyone wants to go to either the Violent Storm or St Georges day gigs. If thing's change &amp; I am able to go I'll let you know right away as it would be great to meet up. Take care mate, Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 26ukd4eb 0 0 u_2138
5963 0 2325 0 1230293506 1 1 1 1 Gig 27.12.08 in france/elsaß Hello I´m Alex from Germany, I need urgent informations about the conzert?! Could you help me? Hail ! 0 0 21rkk5y7 0 0 u_122
5964 0 152 0 1230303803 1 1 1 1 Your Email Addy Hello Simon, I tried to email you about the BH badges $$ but I dont think your email link is working. May I have your email addy? Thx mate. Mike L. VF/C28 0 0 1inruj6f 0 0 u_65
5965 5964 65 0 1230308358 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Email Addy <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 828 0 0 31lt6er6 0 0 u_152
5966 0 152 0 1230316526 1 1 1 1 $$$ Did you get the 15 pounds I sent a few days ago comrade, via your girl's paypal?? <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 mbihwq7y 0 0 u_59
1509 1108 203 0 1207011064 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi Brother. Im happy to know you like our mag. yes you can send the questions when you want, and we try to give our best. I dont have your package yet but i think this week i receive the mags. Regards Sérgio 0 0 3j47q3ky 0 0 u_367
1510 1108 203 0 1207096506 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi i got your mags today. Is nice mag.We go try to give your mags in our gig for the people support your crew. thanks for your contact and when you need something please contact me. Regards Sérgio 0 0 3032gfd1 0 0 u_367
1511 1108 367 0 1207098488 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Glad you got the mags. Thanks. I would be interested in back issue of your B&amp;H magazine... Issue 1 and 2 if you have them? Do you want me to send interview questions here or an email? Thanks Dylan NZ 0 0 8plyuw9p 0 0 u_203
1512 1108 203 0 1207100917 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi Dylan You can send the questions for <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. We have the nº 2, 3,4 the number 1 already over. And we hoppe until final of the summer out the number 5, is a lot of money make the mags and the people usualy dont buy we make only for try to show our work. The number 4 have more or less the same number of pages your mag have and we go still to make it for dont be so much spencive. tell me how much mags and the numbers you want and i give you free i only ask you for pay the postage. we have a lot of mags usually we make 500 mags and we dont sell 100. For us is nice to show our work in the other side of the world. Regards Sérgio 0 0 1450au7i 0 0 u_367
1513 1108 367 0 1207101518 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Greetings Thanks for the email. We have the same problem here. We print and no one buys. But we want to get our mag around the world. I'm interested in 5 copies each of Issue 2 and Issue 4. I can pay by pay pal or we could trade for 10 B&amp;H New Zealand mags if you like. Thanks and all the best from New Zealand Dylan 0 0 2n5iur3d 0 0 u_203
5764 5762 53 0 1228173592 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi hi my name on there is chubley31 0 0 30y9059z 0 0 u_2119
1517 1479 187 0 1207145210 1 1 1 1 Re: joindre BH france <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> si tu es plus proche de paris sinon contact les Bh Lugdunum si tu es plus proche de Lyon, et pour le sud ouest les Midgard; bat28 0 0 2ho8o0n8 0 0 u_397
1518 1479 397 0 1207145935 1 1 1 1 Re: joindre BH france c'est quoi l'adresse des bh lugdunum? 88 0 0 6aiuynij 0 0 u_187
1520 0 61 0 1207148690 1 1 1 1 Hello mate Hello mate, not sure if you'll remember me but it's Kirk here who used to do security. Last time I saw you was when you came around the flat I was staying in in Penge with Pete from Watford just before the Waterloo gig. Anyway I hope all's well with you mate Kirk. 88 0 0 sa0kj6cg 0 0 u_759
1521 0 61 0 1207149351 1 1 1 1 Alright mate Hello mate, how's thing's with you? My new pup get's his second lot of jab's this Saturday so it's not to long to go now untill I can take him out. He's been chewing everything in sight lately as he's teething. There'a a new forum you might like mate here's the link for it <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> There's a few B&amp;H on there &amp; I'm one of the mod's on there.How's your training going? I've been a bit lazy with mine latelybut have sorted myself out &amp; got into it properly again now. Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 3o5odsie 0 0 u_576
1525 0 154 0 1207163806 1 1 1 1 Re: 28bulletin [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5531#p5531:3i8y9e46]Subject: 28bulletin[/url:3i8y9e46] [quote=&quot;gavran&quot;:3i8y9e46]Razmisljam o pokretanju malog mail bulletina, posto se stranica rijetko obnavlja, a ovo je puno brze napraviti, pa ako je netko zainteresiran za primanje, neka mi u p.m. posalje mail koji najcesce koristi. Ako bude interesa cu pokrenuti, ako ne, sve cemo zaboraviti. Mislio sam ga slati jednom tjedno do jednom u dva tjedna, ovisi koliko budem imao vremena.[/quote:3i8y9e46] Eto, ja bi vro rado primao taj bulletin, mozes ga slati na adresu <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. Hvala i pozdrav!! 0 0 kA== 3i8y9e46 0 0 u_277
4677 4676 53 0 1220646101 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello........ Hello Reggie, welcome to the forum <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 202sglok 0 0 u_1781
1529 1520 61 0 1207172172 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Alright mate, yeah it's been years. I'm married with 6 kid's myself, I got back together with the wife when I got out of prison back in'94, we already had our first 2 &amp; went on to have 4 more. Pete vanished about 10 years back &amp; I've heard he moved up the midlands but don't know for sure. I think he had some trouble with c18 as well as falling out with Jaffa &amp; just had enough of it all. I don't get to too many gig's myself these days just don't have the money anymore &amp; my family comes first. I spend most of my time doing family stuff &amp; looking after my dogs. You'd not reconise this country now it's got really bad, the BNP have sold out letting jews &amp; Turk's into the party. What happened to Gary mate? I heard he pissed off a lot of people down there but not the details, last I heard off him he was running the A.N.S.M I think it was. Take care mate Kirk 88 0 0 dbfgv9zx 0 0 u_759
1530 1520 759 0 1207174957 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello Kirk Yeah good to touch base its been a fuckin long time. Wow 6 Excellent mate! We have 3 &amp; would like a 4th next year. Got a boy 6 &amp; 2 girls, 2 &amp; 5 months .I am the same as you it seems these days. All that matters is my family we have nothing to do with the outside world at all apart from the school I am forced to send my eldest son to. We send him to a Montessori school as it seemed to be the least Zioinist infected! have no friends in this country at all. The Zionists have infested &amp; infected everything even the minds of supposed nationalists! Ian would turn in his grave if he could see the state of the Western world now. If all White people were to turn thier anger onto the true enemy tomorrow (The Zionist Jew) then maybe then we would have a slim chance. George Hawthorn tried to wake up White Nationalists to this immiment threat years ago &amp; nobody would listen they were too concerned with lesser enemies (immigrants in each of thier respective countries) as being the Big threat but meanwhile the Zionists just sat back there laughing &amp; orchestrating the entire fiasco. My stomache turns every day I switch on the TV, we can't escape the Fucking Z pigs. I am terrified the danger they pose to my children through all the forms of propoganda they control. Even at my sons school all the parents are Zog drones &amp; so consequently thier children are too &amp; my son has to make friends with these kids. It worries the hell out of my wife &amp; I. We have educated our son about Zionists already &amp; how to recognize them. David Hicks was a true champion to the cause even though alot of ignorant misled nationalists would argue otherwise...It seems like we are truly alone &amp; iosolated out here on the bottom of the world so consequently we have become virtual hermits living in a tiny village on the outskirts of town. The house is nice (rental) &amp; a big block with loads of trees for the kids but we may as well be on the moon. I am hoping that the bubble bursts soon &amp; that the Arab world unleashes a terrible retaliation onto the Zionists(Israel &amp; US) which would ultimately culminate in world war 3 but this course seems unavoidable.. I miss the UK &amp; Europe terribly &amp; so does my wife Lisa (we have been together 12 years now) &amp; would do anything to move to the Northern hemisphere but this is totally impossible now. We are aware that things have changed dramatically in the UK &amp; Europoe but if we were to live there we would move to a remote village in either Scotland Cornwall or Brittany France. Ultimately the quality of life is better &amp; much more diversity &amp; culture to offer in the Northern hemisphere than this mirror image of USA that Australia has become. Yes I know the BNP is infected By Zionists I tried to tell Jamie (Highlander) in Scotland (As he is such an Ardant defender of the BNP) about this over a year ago &amp; he wrote me off I have not heard from him since! This is the ongoing plight of White Nationalists the world over though, Very few have thier eyes open to the TRUE ENEMY! Paul Burnley disappeared too because of the frustration with misled Nationalism. I do miss the music though &amp; I would love to record again with Paul &amp; Ken (going through a mid life crisis i Think Ha Ha ) Oh yes apart from my wife &amp; 3 kids I also breed dogs, Staffordshire Bullterriers I have A stud male (Grandson of current Australian Grandchampion &amp; stud bitch.) Have bred Staffords for 8 years now. We love them they are great family dogs. What dogs do you have? Do you breed them? My news of Gary it seems is as old as yours ,last I heard about him was the same as you .. the ANSM stuff. Yes he was a true charlotten, but I never trusted him I always thought he led a double life.. Pete no wonder he disappeared, he was a good bloke though. Wonder if hes like us these days too, the quiet family recluse? Take care mate keep in touch. Nige 88 0 0 1par67iy 0 0 u_61
1531 1108 203 0 1207182518 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi Dylan. I go ask to the guy from the merchandising for ask in the post how much is the postage to New Zealand for 10 mags. After i tell you and you can send the money bay paypal to my girlfriend because i dont have paypal, and i give the money to him and he send you the mags. We dont want money for the mags is only for pay the postage. I think is more or less 30 Euros for the postage but i m not sure. I let you know this weekend. Regards Sérgio 0 0 31w55nty 0 0 u_367
1532 1108 367 0 1207182990 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal OK thanks. How many mags do you have left of the old Issues? I would be interested in getting more in time.... Dylan 0 0 305vifbs 0 0 u_203
1533 1108 203 0 1207184200 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal we have a lot if you want 50 or 100 mags we send you we only ask the postage. is what i told you we usualy send make 500 mags and we dont sell 100, only this last number we make 150 mags. And this type of things is not for we keep at home. We have one exemple of one guy in Portugal have a lot of nazi propaganda in the house and never give or sell or use, one day the police enter in the house and the guy have problems with the law and all money the guy spend is for nothing the propagande never out to the street. The propaganda need to out for the street fast, for the fucking zog cant control. For this we give free we only ask the postage because for a normal Portuguese 20 euros or 30 is a lot of money and our organization have one gig for make and the next mag and other things and is like a machine, the money of the gig go to the mag and the mag go to the t´shirts and the cd´s of the band go be trade for other cd´s for we sell and have money for next gig, you know. 0 0 36y496q2 0 0 u_367
1534 1108 367 0 1207184594 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal I understand fully. I'll get the 10 mags for now. Then I will get another 40 when I talk to my Comrades. I know what things are like. I edited and payed for the B&amp;H New Zealand magazine by myself. I also run New Zealand's only WP distro. I have to give a lot of free stuff away as well. All the best Comrade. Good luck with the GIG I would be there if I could. 88 Dylan NZ 0 0 ub473o0t 0 0 u_203
1535 1108 367 0 1207185378 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal I was wondering would you or one of your Comrades be able to convert some text from English to Portuguese? It's WCOTC stuff I'm a Creator (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> your welcome to join and any of your comrades) Best regards, Dylan. 0 0 3tk8sppf 0 0 u_203
1536 1454 206 0 1207199690 1 1 1 1 Re: Signal28 numero 3 Salut, Merci pour la proposition mais nous passerons pas Nice...on se verra à Milan. A+ Thierry 0 0 2ze90bkn 0 0 u_211
1537 1479 187 0 1207203027 1 1 1 1 Re: joindre BH france [quote=&quot;Knife 88&quot;:22zb6ezy]c'est quoi l'adresse des bh lugdunum? 88[/quote:22zb6ezy] Ils sont sur le forum envoie leurs un mp. bat 0 0 gA== 22zb6ezy 0 0 u_397
1538 1520 61 0 1207212032 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Alright Nige, yeah it's great to be back in contact after so long, far to many of the old crowd are gone it seems for good. A son &amp; 2 daughters then nice one mate, mine are 1 girl 18 &amp; 5 son's age's 16, 11, 9, 7, &amp; 3, hard work at times but really worth it that's for sure. Your right about the state of the movement mate they seem to be ignoring the jewish threat for the most part &amp; over here all most of them are interested in is the muslim threat, they just can't see that if we removed the jew from our country then we'd be free to deal with all the other scum such as the muslims etc. The school that my younger kids go to is bad now as they're taking in African kids etc &amp; it's created a lot of trouble. Their head teacher even had me arrested last year for daring to complain that an African kid one of my lad's got into a fight with shouldn't be at the school as he couldn't speak English, to cut a long story short I got a caution in the end as race bit got dropped by the cps. That's bad that you have no friends down there but never forget you've got mate's over here. There's a few good lad's here in my town who are B&amp;H &amp; know the score when it comes to jews etc, these day's they are doing the same as us &amp; putting their time into their families. It's a shame you can't move back over here to Europe with your family as there are still some nice places to live &amp; raise a family here. The way thing's are going here the muslims will end up kicking off in a big way &amp; taking total control of large parts of the UK, the jews really messed up when they made it so easy for so many muslims to move into Europe as they will turn on them in a big way. All we can do is keep our heads down, raise our families the right way &amp; let the muslims &amp; jew led state fight it out. As you know mate a lot of good B&amp;H people just can't seem to see the big picture, the amount of row's I've had over the BNP with other B&amp;H people is mad, now I just let them get on with it. Some good news is that the BM are growing &amp; quite a few of the old crowd who are still about have joined them. I've got 2 Staffordshire Bull Terriers as well mate, a 7 year old bitch &amp; a 12 week old dog. My bitch was spayed when I got her off my brother so I never had a choice about breeding from her. Mind you I don't have papers for either of my dog's as the one's with papers go for really crazy money here now. It must be great breeding them as you do, they are the best breed of dog in the world I think. I always liked Gary myself &amp; got on well with him, mind you he was good at upsetting people though ha ha. I to hope Pete is doing well &amp; has a family as he was a good bloke. It's a shame Paul B was driven away by the idiots in c18 but I don't blame him for walking away after all the crap he got. Take care mate, Kirk 828 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 2lbsrdna 0 0 u_759
1539 1108 203 0 1207231361 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal yes sure we can convert text in germany linguage, slavic language and latin (Portuguese, spanish, italian) and english of course. 0 0 12ajh5iu 0 0 u_367
6361 6354 98 0 1233259580 1 1 1 1 Re: Heil Hi, Sorry but WAU doesn't have these for sale, I usually buy Celtic etc. jewellery on Ebay it's not so expensive, but if you have credit card you can find various shops online... just try with Google. I'm sure there's Racialist shops too that sell these, maybe you could ask this on the forum? Best regars <!-- s`282 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm5.pak/icon_28.gif" alt="`282" title="282" /><!-- s`282 --> 0 0 15vxhwpk 0 0 u_691
5080 0 1984 0 1222969792 1 1 1 1 Cisto pozdrav Samo sam htela da se javim prvom liku iz srbije na kojeg sam naletila na ovom forum. I htela sam da pitam kakva je siuacija sa skinsima u srbiji? SRBIJA SRBIMA <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 1tjf0mpd 0 0 u_817
4193 4150 112 0 1216906721 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote Ja 't is erg. Eigenlijk is gans die vlaams nationalistische beweging best maar een marginaal gedoe... ma bon... Daarvoor zijn wij hier, om die Nieuwe Orde uit te roepen.;-) Ja er zit best veel progressie in, hier in brugge hebben we al een mooie kern met een aantal sympathisanten bij en ook nationaal begint het wat te vlotten. Ook qua interessant volk. Zo is er onlangs een uitgever militant geworden.;-) Och dat land is hier helemaal naar de kloten. België bestaat zelfs al niet meer. Die politiekers weten dat maar al te goed maar laten de bevolking nog in de schijn tegen dat ze zelf de meubels wat op het droge hebben. Daarom dat N-SA nooit vanuit het oogpunt van België beginnen denken is maar zelfs al vanaf de start een post-Belgisch gedachtengoed en standpunten heeft. Veel van die klutsers uit de vlaamse beweging snappen dat blijkbaar nog niet. Mja, Italië is idd een leuk land maar goed, ideaal is het ook niet bepaald vind ik. Dat Rom een fascist als burgemeester heeft is uiteraard wel goed maar dat zou door gans het land moeten doorgetrokken worden. Plus de graad van corruptie is daar ook nogal hoog (net zoals in ieder land natuurlijk) groeten 0 0 2738d03h 0 0 u_110
1544 1414 691 0 1207246184 1 1 1 1 Re: . Luftwaffe flag i want , tell me a price , and tell me how i pay 0 0 i70siys1 0 0 u_90
5761 5625 780 0 1228172435 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire Thanks ill give him a ring when i get there 14/88 Ryan 0 0 1q7o98rk 0 0 u_66
5762 0 2119 0 1228173475 1 1 1 1 Hi If you feel like talking, sign onto AIM sometime! 0 0 2v9pik2o 0 0 u_53
5763 5608 2161 0 1228173585 1 1 1 1 Re: xmas hi jules i dont think am coming by car as diesel is going to cost more then train . im just wondering how late we arrive back at york regarding to the train times to newcastle.because i dont wanna get stuck in york . i might still drive up but ill let you know with in a day or two as no one has pm about traveling together.have you got my mob number? see you on saterday 0 0 1yg78me6 0 0 u_66
1546 1414 90 0 1207251081 1 1 1 1 Re: . Hello Please add me on msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Then can i send you a picture of it and the price. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 3lfz6eff 0 0 u_691
1547 1520 759 0 1207261614 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello Kirk. Breath of fresh air, think we are totally alone in the world down here, good to know we aren't mad! ha ha. Very refreshing to read that you arte so switched on to the Real threat &amp; you have mates that are too! That is rare as hens teeth in this part of the world.!! If everybody could open up thoer eyes &amp; realise that all immigrants (be what ever race they are in all countries) are there purely as a result of the Jew bringing then in in the first place. For two reasons; to de stabilise &amp; fragment the Anglo Saxon &amp; Northern European races &amp; to provide cheap (slave labour). I am like you too though &amp; believe that ultimately this will be thier (Jews ) ultimate undoing (demise) &amp; thier plan will backfire culminating in (I hope ) Annhialation of the Evil Zionist race! Only then can we restore peace , harmonmy &amp; equilibrium to the world &amp; return immigrants ammicably to thier respective countries of origin. &amp; like you said in the meantime all we can do is keep our heads down &amp; raise our famlies in the correct manner ensuring that age old traditions, beliefs &amp; moral ethics do not die in our syblings. Sorry to hear you had a close call with the school &amp; that trouble with that African kid, the schools &amp; social welfare have way too much power now. We had similiar in our sons first 3 months at a mainstrem school so thats why we pulled him out &amp; put him into Montessori (luckily we got a Free scholarship otherwise we were going to attemp home schooling..) 5 Sons mate! that is impressive!! plenty of protection for Dad in his old age there!! ha ha Yes Kids are great, without them there would be no purpose anymore at our age. Material things ultimately wear thin &amp; the glitter of gold turns to a dull hue... I will send you a pic of my dogs mate if you have an email adress &amp; I would like to see yours too. Yes Staffordshires are the best breed in the world. Our old stud bitch died 5 months ago (poisoned by some feral white cunt in this shit area) . It was a tragedy to our kids &amp; us . She was 9 &amp; we had bred 7 litters off her. We have started again. The Dog is 6 months &amp; the bitch 4 months. When she comes into season end of the year we will put him over her. Yes they are expensive here too , with papers &amp; top bloodline (like ours ) AU$950 each. but we saw it as an investment. We spent the last of our life savings on them. We intend to buy two more bitches over the next 18 months so that then it is a passive income for us, as I am unemployable (have not worked in 5 years) &amp; work is impossible to find for an arrogant 41 year old ex Nazi rock guitarist with No work history or references in Australia ! ha ha Yes if we had a magic carpet we would happily pack up today &amp; move to the UK to a quiet little village.. oh well we will keep dreaming &amp; wishing.... Glad to read your response to Gary mate, too many people jump on the band wagon &amp; display thier treachery &amp; side with who ever is in the room. I am not one of them as is clear either are you mate, I take someone on face value &amp; until they do me wrong I will not turn my back on them. My disdain of Gary is just a personal thing that stems back to the Eureka club in Australia in 1987.. Anyway mate thats enough waffling for today, take care. Are you working at all ? or are you unemployable like me too? Also do you have any contact with KEN (B A) at all? Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 bk9lorxb 0 0 u_61
1548 0 771 0 1207266044 1 1 1 1 Re: msn messenger hi mate i am not well nown but dont worry i am not one of theys fags who just bitch on the site if u want to add me its <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> lol i am a propa skin head not one of theys fuckingggg gay skin heads man they piss me off lol 0 0 2ve0dduy 0 0 u_279
1549 0 771 0 1207267461 1 1 1 1 hay hiyer mate lol no one else is online lol 0 0 3mdx7d2f 0 0 u_103
1550 0 771 0 1207268600 1 1 1 1 hi lol no one else is online lol so bord 0 0 jsarcpiy 0 0 u_54
1551 1108 367 0 1207269642 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Cool. Will make you mod on the forum. I talked to my comrades and we would be interested in getting 50 copies of your magazine in a months time. I will still get this 10 as well. all the best Dylan. 0 0 366kpyyk 0 0 u_203
1552 1108 203 0 1207269854 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal ok no problem. in the time tell me 0 0 3g2rz58b 0 0 u_367
1553 0 771 0 1207269942 1 1 1 1 hay lol there is hardly any one on lol so bord 0 0 3qdnp9vj 0 0 u_203
1554 1108 367 0 1207275296 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Will do brother. I was just talking to my Comrade Ken from the band Total War - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Would you be interested in interviewing them for your B&amp;H Mag? They are from America and just played a show in Italy.... You can contact Ken their drummer at - <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> All the best comrade. Dylan NZ 0 0 1ike8mza 0 0 u_203
2522 2520 72 0 1211830736 1 1 1 1 Re: TRANSLATION Thats OK Mate, no problem <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 1yd4giy8 0 0 u_315
2523 2454 1 0 1211833656 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 OK MATE ILL KEEP THE LPS FOR YOU IM ABOUT TO PUT SOME MORE UP OK NICK 88. . 0 0 nnmd42hf 0 0 u_811
6250 6239 618 0 1232664657 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten gegroet, Ok, ik heb ook mijn bedenkingen bij de mensen die ik ken. Ik ken één iemand en ben daar mee naar de ISD geweest vorig jaar, en dan nog een keer naar club Walhalla. Maar ik weet niet in welke mate ik hem kan geloven en vertrouwen. Het is eigenlijk pas op AVV fest, dat ik de contacten gelegd heb. Ik heb daar iemand aangesproken en die heeft mij erg hard geholpen met ter plaatse te geraken op de ISD omdat ik toen nog geen vervoer had buiten het openbaar vervoer, en dan wordt het nog al lastig als je eerst naar een tankstation of een parkeerterrein moet geraken. Maar van die persoon heb ik niets meer gehoord. Ik weet dat hij opgepakt is, maar dan zou hij enkele personen verlinkt hebben wat dus zeer spijtig is. Maar als we een keer zouden kunnen afspreken zou prachtig zijn. Ik ben aan het denken op een locatie waar we eens een keer kunnen afspreken, maar weet zo direct niets zijn en ik zit ook nog met het school dus ik kan eigenlijk alleen maar woensdag namiddag als het een dag door de week zou moeten zijn ofwel als ik eens een dag vrij heb of in de vakantie. IK zal in de loop van het weekend wel een locatie weten. En veel geluk met de herstellingen van je operatie. jakke 0 0 3gnu3gmb 0 0 u_1027
1566 1520 61 0 1207331216 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Alright mate, yeah there's still a few of us left who know the score about the jew's. Your right about the schools having to much power even the police didn't want to arrest me but had to because the school complained. All of my kid's apart from the youngest one do kickboxing with the eldest 2 bothing being black belts now &amp; my 11 year old is due to take his in 2 weeks time. Ha ha they really will be able to look after when I'm old that's for sure. Here's my e-mail address it's <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> That would be great to see photo's of your dogs &amp; I'll get some of mine put on my pc tomorrow ready to send you. I'm really sorry to here that your old bitch got poisoned mate that's an awfull thing to happen. I can't understand how anyone could do such an evil thing to a dog. Yeah one with good blood line's are a real invesment when you want to breed, there was a litter near me for sale the other week going for £600 each as they were from good lines. I'm unemployable as well ha ha, what with an old spine injury putting me on the sick &amp; stopping me from bricklaying, my tattoos &amp; prison record stop me from other lines of work. My wife works part time &amp; I look after our youngest lad. The DSS might decide to get me retrained next year if I'm lucky in a new trade as they are doing away with the sick. I'm going to have to cut this short mate as my brother has just turned up for a chat. Take care Kirk 828 0 0 1cuo1u8q 0 0 u_759
1567 0 66 0 1207331835 1 1 1 1 Re: ST GEORGES DAY GIG [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=6155#p6155:2kyg7fcz]Subject: ST GEORGES DAY GIG[/url:2kyg7fcz] hi there do you live in yorkshire if so where abouts? we have a policy not to give re-direction and venues out till the day of a gig.if we know where you are we can point you in the direction of a member in your area..... hope this helps jules yorkshire divisions 14/88 0 0 EA== 2kyg7fcz 0 0 u_701
5960 5894 1631 0 1230151246 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK send it to my old adress: Rok Prosen Pod gri?i 34 4226 Žiri Slovenia Thank's again for seling the record to me, 'cos i know you don't drink beer i'll just give you a hug <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> hahahaha have you recived my sms? cheers 0 0 14vx0fpr 0 0 u_72
1570 0 76 0 1207334853 1 1 1 1 My mate Hey up sis.3 things. 1...What the fuck does b.u.m.p mean that everybodys started putting? 2...Your offer of a lift still stand? 3...Will you have any room in the car for the st georges gig? Oh and by the way hello.88 0 0 pf66y92p 0 0 u_53
6184 6170 1713 0 1232316628 1 1 1 1 Re: oi records Ur email aint on there, send me it and will send u some pics, im after the 4 oi ablums which i sold many years ago and regret, so if u still have them will post u the cash, tomorrow 0 0 y05e8g24 0 0 u_2421
6079 6078 53 0 1231760906 1 1 1 1 Re: cw [quote=&quot;brummie kev&quot;:3652w9et]hi, how was ur xmas? any news on gigs comeing up, allso news on billy from CW all the best brummie kev <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:3652w9et] Hi Kev, Xmas was lovely fanx hope yours was 2, !st gig early Feb, not sure where yet, Wots happened to Billy, know CW have called it a day but thats all i know, Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3652w9et 0 0 u_1959
1578 1108 203 0 1207355567 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Thanks for the contact. When we start to make the new number i contact you for a interview with your band. This is only for the summer now i have a gig and after i go married. 0 0 2mcood0e 0 0 u_367
6062 6050 801 0 1231640452 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy? Delighted for both of you. Bet you are over the moon mate. Hope all is well. 0 0 2cak78c9 0 0 u_79
6063 0 801 0 1231662620 1 1 1 1 Snooty Fox Are you going and if so can you give me details / directions. A postcode would be a bonus. Also is there a dress code? ie will there be a problem 28 gear or would non-political clothing be the order of the day. I would be glad if you could help me out on this one (asap)as a few of us from Manchester were thinking of coming over. PS. Earl might be busy. lol. Great news for him. 0 0 27m5gotj 0 0 u_284
5887 0 200 0 1229073902 1 1 1 1 stigger hi simon. its jess here. how are you all? just wondered if you could send me stiggers email addy please. thank you....x 0 0 22nmxskb 0 0 u_65
5367 5360 332 0 1224883590 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's O i wanted to send a reply but i think i did something wrong. So here is it again!! If there is a Paswoord it should be Brotherhood28. I have also a trial version, Do you know an other way that i can send them?? Here are things ok, im having a beer know and it's 23.26 hours!! And did you have a nice flight?? Cheers <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1ccgd378 0 0 u_54
5032 4781 638 0 1222421963 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 from Bulgaria Hello mate, cheers for the succsesful ISD memorial! Hope you find the time to talk to other people involved in B&amp;H leadership, and you have good news for 28 Division Bulgaria <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2wr75r1n 0 0 u_193
5479 5477 105 0 1225822921 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Same person printing them as the one you have mate, ill order some small sizes and put 2 aside. They will be done by White Xmas if your going. Regards how many people in Wales - theres a lot but its getting them altogether is the problem. You'd be surprised how many there actually are but alot dont go to any gigs that are not on their door step. 0 0 3ghoku3h 0 0 u_1787
5209 0 220 0 1223917671 1 1 1 1 88 Pozdrav. Ima li još ovih majci s kartom i kuglom ? jedna L ? 0 0 27xzq3hy 0 0 u_171
3146 3110 531 0 1214091189 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! Evening comrade, due to family commitments I don't get out much, but you will find me in September, in a field most likely, gassing with Chubley <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Yep, ISD is my next outing, and if you've never been before, fear not. Good music, great people, and hopefully good weather (unlike the friday night last year). 88 Wiking67 0 0 5vwwitnt 0 0 u_1148
1583 0 60 0 1207385163 1 1 1 1 tattoo hi shell hope the arm is fine .....the pics i took are shit lolol if the one you have is any good please send it to me and keep the file as bigs as poss so i can use t on my web site thanks mark <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 2ceb59we 0 0 u_53
1584 1583 53 0 1207385616 1 1 1 1 Re: tattoo [quote=&quot;celtic88&quot;:18cwz7w1]hi shell hope the arm is fine .....the pics i took are shit lolol if the one you have is any good please send it to me and keep the file as bigs as poss so i can use t on my web site thanks mark <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: -->[/quote:18cwz7w1] morning <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> i'm not sure how to work the fone an computer i'll have a go failing that i'll get Steve to take some an load them on an i'll email them, arms fine thanx bit sore but thats to be expected gotta say me dad an Steve were both well impressed thanx again Mark, i'm more than happy with it <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== 18cwz7w1 0 0 u_60
1585 1583 60 0 1207387442 1 1 1 1 Re: tattoo it was my pleasure are welcome at mine any time see you soon.....mark 0 0 8h2jbon8 0 0 u_53
4957 4953 1912 0 1222044090 1 1 1 1 Re: THINGS FOR SALE look in the for sale section now tell me what you want and ill ask him if he has it ok mate steve 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1r3dkw31 0 0 u_74
4958 4939 1912 0 1222044292 1 1 1 1 Re: bad wank sorry wank bad i keep saying sorry to you mate i thank you for the help can we try again ? ive e mailed you 3 times now thanks all the best 88 0 0 239qe4rx 0 0 u_396
4959 0 396 0 1222044419 1 1 1 1 bw sorry again its 1,45 still celabrating ISD best if i sort it out tomorow and i will see my last posts as i an well pissed now stay white Mick <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> 0 0 wznwzq1s 0 0 u_1912
3978 3971 901 0 1216209037 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirt Beste , Ik heb de foto bekeken en ging er van uit dat de &quot;Good night left side&quot; op de voorkant zou staan wat niet het geval is. Ik heb hem liefst zonder de hatecore van voor en besluit daarom de TS niet te kopen. Groeten. 0 0 15202rk0 0 0 u_1340
1600 1570 76 0 1207491301 1 1 1 1 Re: My mate Cheers sis.Will give you a ring when i get some credit about times and such.Thanx.828 0 0 1kuaw489 0 0 u_53
5890 5889 2276 0 1229104997 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES what your policy on teenagers going to gigs 0 0 12dkloe0 0 0 u_105
5891 5859 323 0 1229124855 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Not yet mate, i checked the po box just today, i will check it again on monday and let you know.. Vicky 0 0 2bnpgolw 0 0 u_1926
5892 5840 323 4 1229124981 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H tees Scotland Let me know when you get tees again.. Send money however you wish :) euros is fine... I'll send you an update this weekend on where the last donation went too.. Hope all is well.. Vicky 0 0 etcutfgn 0 0 u_73
1602 1570 76 0 1207492500 1 1 1 1 Re: My mate Tony was saying bout 4 o'clock.Paul always picks me up outside argos in the car park at meadowhall.88 0 0 frwdwaj1 0 0 u_53
1603 0 771 0 1207507520 1 1 1 1 hay hay all right mate lol bord out my nut want to chat <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 2lagpfox 0 0 u_211
1604 1567 701 0 1207512770 1 1 1 1 Re: ST GEORGES DAY GIG Im from Darlington, County Durham but thing is I dont have a car so spontaneous isnt good for me. Im game to meet someone if they want to get to know me before im trusted, I realise security is a big thing. 0 0 19oncy3s 0 0 u_66
1605 0 122 0 1207513237 1 1 1 1 88 from Switzerland Heil Dir, ich habe dir schon vor ein paar wochen geschrieben. Ich habe eine frage, du sprichst doch perfekt deutsch, portugiesisch und englisch ? Gruss Division Schweiz. 0 0 2zqqyf4k 0 0 u_255
5396 0 785 0 1225144974 1 1 1 1 Re: MARCH OR DIE.. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15284#p15284:25nja23p]Subject: MARCH OR DIE..[/url:25nja23p] [quote=&quot;G88&quot;:25nja23p][quote=&quot;Ms Dragon Banner&quot;:25nja23p]sadly it's all gone tits up thanks to some nasty lies being spread by one of our own. <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> may have to wait a little longer for anything to come to fruition for this one! it'll happen at some point though.[/quote:25nja23p] The sooner the better Ms Banner.[/quote:25nja23p] hi, please can you take my quote off here. somebody's taken it the wrong way and I've got shit about it. thanks. 0 0 kA== 25nja23p 0 0 u_76
1618 0 276 0 1207581314 1 1 1 1 demos for sale Hi, what sort of prices are you looking at ? I've just released the lastest Avalon cd and would be interested in doing some more cd stuff cheers 0 0 1ui0t6u6 0 0 u_351
1623 0 122 0 1207592431 1 1 1 1 28slovenia member Hail, is this user on this board Slovenec1990 a 28slovenia member ? Greeting 28switzerland 0 0 1l57xmjm 0 0 u_236
1624 1619 306 0 1207593548 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN Not yet a member, couse i'm 17 years old. This year i'll be 18. 0 0 1cfrrohz 0 0 u_122
1625 1619 122 0 1207593656 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN ok, give me please your msn address. 0 0 dmd8e223 0 0 u_306
1626 1619 306 0 1207593718 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 39avkycj 0 0 u_122
1627 1623 236 0 1207596274 1 1 1 1 Re: 28slovenia member Hello, I checked with my friends and they told me, that he is from Celje and prospect of Stajerska BH division. I don't know him well, but I think he is OK. 828 Gebi 0 0 219fsxp8 0 0 u_122
1628 1623 122 0 1207598875 1 1 1 1 Re: 28slovenia member Ok good, than is all ok. The same have this boy told me. He have contact me because of he go this month to switzerland. So he`s welcome here and i look to him. 828 0 0 1u33vrzb 0 0 u_236
1630 1520 759 0 1207615061 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello Kirk Glad to hear you've got your lads trained &amp; ready for the coming war! I sent you a few pics of my dogs to your hotmail adress this morning. Yeah if I could prove who killed my dog I would burn thier house down while they are sleeping. Problem is there is a heap of maggotts each one of em capable of it up the road so would have to burn down several houses at same time. Will wait until we leave here to get proper revenge on the suspects... Sounds like you &amp; me in the same boat workwise etc..' The social system is totally fucked here now ,used to be good years ago but like the UK they are trying to do away with it &amp; make it like JEW.S.A. The rich are punishing the poor ^&amp; turning up the thumbscrews (like we aint got it hard enough already!) All this will do is increase crime 1000% as people will have to survive some way... Anyway mate talk later..take care, hello to your missus. Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1dx8adcg 0 0 u_61
1631 0 396 0 1207628170 1 1 1 1 captin scarlet the captin is back 0 0 3b9l8nxq 0 0 u_265
1633 1520 61 0 1207664060 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate [quote=&quot;AUSSIENIGE&quot;:1s96za19]Hello Kirk Glad to hear you've got your lads trained &amp; ready for the coming war! I sent you a few pics of my dogs to your hotmail adress this morning. Yeah if I could prove who killed my dog I would burn thier house down while they are sleeping. Problem is there is a heap of maggotts each one of em capable of it up the road so would have to burn down several houses at same time. Will wait until we leave here to get proper revenge on the suspects... Sounds like you &amp; me in the same boat workwise etc..' The social system is totally fucked here now ,used to be good years ago but like the UK they are trying to do away with it &amp; make it like JEW.S.A. The rich are punishing the poor ^&amp; turning up the thumbscrews (like we aint got it hard enough already!) All this will do is increase crime 1000% as people will have to survive some way... Anyway mate talk later..take care, hello to your missus. Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:1s96za19] Alright mate, I've sent you an e-mail with pictures of my dog's, your's are great looking dog's. Yeah training in martial arts is a must I believe for children today, it really helps give them confidence as well as being better able to take care of themselves in a fight. Also it helps them stay fit &amp; healthy unlike so many of todays youth here who are fat lazy slobs. Your right about the social system creating more crime, here I think organized crime is now is about the only way a lot of kids can see a future without poverty for themselves. It's mad how so many have turned to using drugs now just as a way of escaping reality it's become a normal way of life for so many, the weak bastards! Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 1s96za19 0 0 u_759
6270 6244 2436 0 1232750160 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F thank u i got another message from VF today so i hope i will here from them soon ...i mostly just did kick boxing and ti boxing but i riped my a.c.l and still am recovering from that but is way better hope 2 meet up with some of my vf bnh brother soon 0 0 2zk2mybx 1232750183 1 u_2105
1635 0 115 0 1207703222 1 1 1 1 Re: Questions about... [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5941#p5941:32ms9esn]Subject: Questions about...[/url:32ms9esn] [quote=&quot;Ragnarok.Fanzine&quot;:32ms9esn]Hail! We on Ragnarok Fanzine wonders if &quot;White eagle record&quot; and/or Pure Hate Records are connected to C18? 88![/quote:32ms9esn] White Eagle Records are from Serbia and supposedly are C18, however C18 USA and ISD Records and C18 Forum hate them as they made Razors Edge CD;s without asking permission so many in C18 do not like White Eagle Records.... 0 0 kA== 32ms9esn 0 0 u_719
1638 1635 719 0 1207729355 1 1 1 1 Re: Questions about... Hail! Okey, thanks for the answer. As I suppose you understand we don't want to co-operate with C18 people (In the Ragnarök fanzine). That was why I asked :) 0 0 2mbm2pkf 0 0 u_115
1639 0 614 0 1207747439 1 1 1 1 Metal/hardcore forum Excuse me BlueEyedBlonde.. If you are the moderator for the music forums(graveland topic) and are kind enough to let my post go through..can you please delete my second one as i didnt realise my first was waiting to be approved.. Thankyou for taking the time to read this..14/88 0 0 24nsur1d 0 0 u_54
1640 1639 54 0 1207748804 1 1 1 1 Re: Metal/hardcore forum [quote=&quot;Brandiss Of Hate&quot;:vdsjurwd]Excuse me BlueEyedBlonde.. If you are the moderator for the music forums(graveland topic) and are kind enough to let my post go through..can you please delete my second one as i didnt realise my first was waiting to be approved.. Thankyou for taking the time to read this..14/88[/quote:vdsjurwd] Hi Brandiss Of Hate, No worries, that's what the Admins are here for. We moderate over the entire forum. I've sent through the first post, is that the one that you wanted, as the second one was slightly different. I won't delete the other one just yet just in case. You shouldn't be on moderation on the music section, it must be a glitch with the settings. I'll have a look at it, but it probably won't be until the weekend I'm afraid. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== vdsjurwd 0 0 u_614
4507 4430 1105 0 1218891422 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! In het helaas maar al te linkse college in menen zaten er wel een paar allochtonen, maar ze worden betutteld tot en met :( En ge moogt uw mening daar zelfs nie zeggen die maar een beetje naar rechts neigt, of ge kreeg straf... Gelukkig ben ik daar weg :p 828, Wforumss 0 0 3bp54iga 0 0 u_107
4508 4485 1596 0 1218914492 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! kvi gluposti be kai6 u vratza ta ottarvah da ne marizat kaat se be6e napil izvinqvami sa a sea se prai6 6e se sre6nem s teb komleksar4e jalko hodi 2 u ungaria na koncerti i ve4e nemoe se govori s tebe ko tolkoz ste napraili be samo si pi6e6 1 boi nema6 i horata u pld ne te poznavat a ina4e tyka koli6 i besi6hah <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 35lvrv31 0 0 u_202
6208 6202 801 0 1232474490 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester [quote=&quot;Ainzy&quot;:5ldytygj]Well ive got loads of mp3s mate, loadsa skrewdriver, blue eyed devils, chingford attack, kill baby kill, no remorse, landser, konkwista 88 ect. Have you got any razors edge (cant get any and they are a good band) or any bands i havent listed that would be great... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Erm and the postcode for the Widnes rugby ground is WA8 7DZ... 88 ben[/quote:5ldytygj] Will find something for you. 28/88. Look forward to meeting you. Take care. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 5ldytygj 0 0 u_2376
4166 4165 54 0 1216847649 1 1 1 1 Re: name change Hi Randall, You can't change it yourself. Can you please let me know exactly what you want it changed to and I will take care of it. Which Admin did you send the request to? BADWOLF's account has been deleted, so he won't be causing any further trouble here. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2xlzlm4p 0 0 u_1386
6192 6086 1838 0 1232391973 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya Lol i added you, im <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> (lol) I'll speak to you on there sometime. Would be great to meet ya, theres not alot of young people in the scene atm. Rosieee xox 0 0 220njjhc 0 0 u_2099
5497 5400 74 0 1225924927 1 1 1 1 Re: cds thats great have u address to send to in paypal and can u send a list with cd danny88 0 0 1sgqecfr 0 0 u_103
5498 5400 103 0 1225932476 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hi Danny, Send payment to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> I will send the latest list as well. Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 3p4d3xaw 0 0 u_74
5605 5578 152 0 1227214437 1 1 1 1 Re: empire falls Well, personally, KSS has moved quite a considerable distance away from past &quot;council 28&quot; &amp; &quot;Vinlanders&quot; conBart18 associates. We-- that is VF-- are definitely gonna sit down w/ these EF guys &amp; say , &quot;Hey, yall wanna be a band, then thats fine...but dont insult portions of your audience, etc.. I dont think anyone has just ever sat them down &amp; just laid it out in Black &amp; White for these guys.. They havent been &quot;out-of-closet&quot; WP band for long actually, so in some ways are pretty green. Now as to the NSM, I can think of absolutely no one here in the States out of any camp that takes those guys seriously. The NSM is a freak show...Hollywood Nazis..the folks that they attract into their org I wouldnt go near, especially these days. They are the group that every other serious group here would wish would go Embarassing at the least, big security threats at most. I cannot speak of the Total War guys..Are they still actually NSM? I didnt think people stuck w/ them that long &amp; not walk away from them shaking their head or laughing, like they had just been to the circus. Oh well, &quot;Whata wonderful world this is..&quot; Cheers <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> PS.. I am all about lines being drawn, believe me &amp; so is Randal. If there is anything specific yall would like us to tell any of these clowns, we'll be more than happy to tell them!! 0 0 7h31frx0 0 0 u_115
5088 0 1996 10 1222999955 1 1 1 1 88 Oi! Oi! Oi! De unde esti din Romania? 0 0 1a5z1gfa 0 0 u_691
5089 0 1996 0 1223001009 1 1 1 1 Racial greetings! Sieg Heil from Romania! My name is Nicu , i`m a national-socialist skinhead. i`m into the nationalist scene/national-socialist scene since i was 16-17 years old. i`m 23 years old at the present time. In the past in my country existed a Blood and Honour Division, which i used to be part of. The &quot;leader&quot; Cezar C. betrayed, he`s now a anti-fascist. i believe that for the start there should be a Romanian section on this forum. i want to rebuild Blood and Honour Romania, it is something needed in Romania, and for the members of the white race that live in Romania. i`m awaiting for an answer... thanks in advance. With respect and honour, Nicu. White Pride World Wide! 0 0 6kvcoaxd 0 0 u_54
6266 6202 801 0 1232740115 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester If you can tape it. Easy way to learn. 0 0 2d6dbir6 0 0 u_2376
6267 6202 2376 0 1232740393 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:3f9b43f8]If you can tape it. Easy way to learn.[/quote:3f9b43f8] See what i can sort out, should be able to do something with an old tape recorder.. 14/88 0 0 gA== 3f9b43f8 0 0 u_801
6268 6244 2105 0 1232741042 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F Nice i trained at dynamicmma on cambie for a year but before i could get my first in i had a severe compression injury of the wrist while sparing then after that was healed ripped up my bi-cep doing our backyard boxing so then surgery and now i'm in pyshotherapy,did you specialize in anything particular jiu jitsu,submission wrestling? We'll be having a VF/BnH get together on the 21 of Febuary which you're more than welcome to attend but i'm sure someone we'll be meeting up with you before then i'm on holiday from 29 jan to 10 feb if someone hasn't met with you yet i will.The best thing you can do till we get everything sorted out with you is keep training/working hard educating yourself staying out of trouble it sounds like you've allready got that mindset which is good and exactly what is needed <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> Shawn MacDonald 828/ROA 0 0 3o3cbvmi 0 0 u_2436
6733 6730 59 0 1235661848 1 1 1 1 Re: email Hail Pete Got an email from you, could be that BT's servers were a little busy. I'll keep you posted on progress, stay safe 14 Duds 0 0 22aksrv1 0 0 u_195
6734 6728 65 0 1235669655 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed Thanx nick, I allready have my members badge which is the shield one, Id have the phoenix if you wish to sell it to a good home. All I can say is try and sell them privately when people buy other stuff off you but be careful as so many people hate c1 and there followers. Razors edge could have been the biggest or certainly one of the biggest bands in uk and world but wasted it all on a group who were so obviously wrong....shame. S 0 0 1leag65y 0 0 u_1972
5543 0 618 0 1226609079 1 1 1 1 NSBM gegroet, Ik zou graag een website maken over NSBM, en hier voor zou ik wat info over een aantal bands op mijn site willen plaatsen. Nu zou ik willen vragen of ik er wat informatie over Elfenbloed zou mogen opzetten en misschien een sample ofzo? mvg jakke 0 0 kw9kzci4 0 0 u_112
6022 6003 2105 0 1231226699 1 1 1 1 Re: ? True let us be carefull of what we say for who needs any unecessary trouble but let us not fear them. 0 0 8oj4mxmp 0 0 u_2219
6023 0 1787 0 1231247777 1 1 1 1 A member? Hi BlueEyedBlonde, Bit of an odd one here for you - I think there's some spam going on/about to go on from this member - yue568qi435. Have a look at his posts and see what you reckon? Nike Shoes in the League of St.George topic I'm sure has nothing to do with NS and 28 lol! Revolution28 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 awpw2oy3 0 0 u_54
1656 0 775 5 1207804952 1 1 1 1 Sending Birthday Wishes !! 0 0 2vwn42ck 0 0 u_188
1661 1659 2 0 1207814850 1 1 1 1 Re: AXIS NEWS Awite Bud! Do u mean on the worldwide site?....If so your talking to the wrong person. Email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Cheers G 0 0 9zeei7qs 0 0 u_72
6359 5985 69 0 1233257642 1 1 1 1 Re: Cheers mate !! did it yesterday mate!!!! no worries but ill send one tomorrow also ! 0 0 hvtp0ejn 0 0 u_531
3616 0 1266 0 1215366438 1 1 1 1 brothers scotland <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> we are in central scotland mate lets sort a meet out mate soon few beers and a few good tunes . <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> .aloa white pride ready and waiting. <!-- s`SwiftJustice --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/sstotani.gif" alt="`SwiftJustice" title="SwiftJustice" /><!-- s`SwiftJustice --> <!-- s`nig1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm3.pak/Nig1.gif" alt="`nig1" title="nig" /><!-- s`nig1 --> hope to hear from you soon mate steph1488 .wee watty alloa white pride 0 0 3uugngbg 0 0 u_1017
3617 0 1266 0 1215366810 1 1 1 1 brothers scotland <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> we are in central scotland mate lets sort a meet out mate soon few beers and a few good tunes . <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> .aloa white pride ready and waiting. <!-- s`SwiftJustice --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/sstotani.gif" alt="`SwiftJustice" title="SwiftJustice" /><!-- s`SwiftJustice --> <!-- s`nig1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm3.pak/Nig1.gif" alt="`nig1" title="nig" /><!-- s`nig1 --> hope to hear from you soon mate steph1488 .wee watty alloa white pride 0 0 19k697iu 0 0 u_1017
6480 6438 54 0 1234059100 1 1 1 1 Re: none Thanks for that, it's really appreciated. I have passed on this information to the relevant people. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> [quote=&quot;celticwarrior83&quot;:1eqshsil]Hey, There is a guy on this forum that got busted with explosives and other illegal materials. He goes by the name of Skoda. Here is an article on his conviction: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";coll=3"> ... xml&amp;coll=3</a><!-- m --> I have communicated with him through PM's and was planning on meeting him, as he was a nationalist that lived close to me. He never once claimed to be C18. I thought you should know for security reasons. Thank You! 828![/quote:1eqshsil] 0 0 gA== 1eqshsil 0 0 u_337
4881 0 1896 0 1221728743 1 1 1 1 hey mate! Hey mate when did you join. i just joined about 5 minutes ago? 88 0 0 10ravlhc 0 0 u_1895
4882 4881 1895 0 1221730504 1 1 1 1 Re: hey mate! LOL!!!! Looks like I beat you to it by about a half an hour I think! Cool little smilies over here! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 31fuwkna 0 0 u_1896
4883 4878 295 0 1221733759 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey [quote=&quot;Aussiegoy&quot;:2bg3tzeg]Fagalicious, it was fucking awesome. I'm seriously hanging out for the next one..... Attitude was on both sides for sure. Dissapointing, but not what I want to get involved in. Nothing to do with me. I love ya's all. Still, we didn't get to chat about stuff at the gig. So, you'll have to get pissed with me again some time soon.... <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:2bg3tzeg] Sounds like a plan, Stan. Looking forward to it, fagmo. Still feel sorry for Welf. His politics are weird as fuck, but he's about the only one who's kept a cool head in the fairly huge aftermath over all that. Let us know when you wanna hook up for a bevy (drink), Ms. Winehouse. Later alligator. 0 0 gA== 2bg3tzeg 0 0 u_1008
4903 4893 1074 0 1221815027 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND Batley in West Yorkshire me, we pick up Gary in Sheffield for gigs sometimes. 0 0 bs43fzzd 0 0 u_780
4904 4878 1008 0 1221815580 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey [quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:2w7l5814] Sounds like a plan, Stan. Looking forward to it, fagmo. Still feel sorry for Welf. His politics are weird as fuck, but he's about the only one who's kept a cool head in the fairly huge aftermath over all that. Let us know when you wanna hook up for a bevy (drink), Ms. Winehouse. Later alligator.[/quote:2w7l5814] Cool. Let us know when you're going to be around maybe next week or the following one. Welf's politics are weird, no doubt. So the proverbial shitus has hit the fanus? Man - you know it's bad when the shit actually DEFIES gravity. <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Normally shit goes DOWN, but when it goes up, that's when you know things are bad. LOL. 0 0 gA== 2w7l5814 0 0 u_295
6020 5461 203 0 1231200171 1 1 1 1 Re: Info Ok Randal Look forward to meeting you Regards Sérgio 0 0 v8keqb3g 0 0 u_88
1676 413 188 0 1207864607 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;arhitekt88&quot;:1ltzhrny]jel imas kaj o tiboru roku, ustaskom sefu policije(nisam siguran za to) iz karlovca????[/quote:1ltzhrny] Nemam, nazalost! A tko ti je to, djed? <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1ltzhrny 0 0 u_183
2147 2019 193 0 1210347249 1 1 1 1 Re: Sir! Yep, i'll have a word with one or two folks. Ok to pass on your email address? 0 0 30d66as1 0 0 u_351
4733 0 1745 0 1220945687 1 1 1 1 hello hi shell its me mark hope things are well can you please send you mobile number over to me . see you at the isd 0 0 3sb0hhz3 0 0 u_53
4483 4471 59 0 1218789158 1 1 1 1 Re: right mate Lo M8 B&amp;H isn't ilegal, never has been never will be. If it was an iligal organisation then we'd all be doing 2 years plus for it same as trhey did in ulster and the ilegal orgs there. Do a google search for banned organisations in the UK and you'll see that none of the right wing are on there. How can they make us ilegal, we don't commit acts of terror all we do is air our voice and sing a few songs, under European law and UK law thats perfectly legal to do, as long as you don't upset someone lol. We incite nothing, if we did thent hat also would be ilegal Put a post on here askign if B&amp;H is legal or ilegal 14 Duds 0 0 2jf7j0w4 0 0 u_1362
1680 1635 115 0 1207867449 1 1 1 1 Re: Questions about... [quote=&quot;Ragnarok.Fanzine&quot;:1cmtcg3k]Hail! Okey, thanks for the answer. As I suppose you understand we don't want to co-operate with C18 people (In the Ragnarök fanzine). That was why I asked :)[/quote:1cmtcg3k] Yep no worries we understand your concerns 828 0 0 gA== 1cmtcg3k 0 0 u_719
2150 2019 193 0 1210362803 1 1 1 1 Re: Sir! Aye, sure is nigger weather haha........ok, i've passed on your email to 2 people. 1 in Germany and 1 in the UK which would probably be better. Also, have you tried Pure Impact? i'm sure he would be more than up for it. Regards G 0 0 1hz62ksv 0 0 u_351
4547 0 886 0 1219139692 1 1 1 1 Re: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. Heil brother, I believe your looking to get a cd on the way, well when you do let me know, and put me down for one, and I'l also promote it on my forum, good luck. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 32drp41t 0 0 u_297
5238 5236 69 0 1224058646 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome it looks a beautiful country mate..and the music sounded good from the band you i say i hope that you enjoy your time on the site keep in contact and take care 828 0 0 37ji55jr 0 0 u_1990
5239 5209 171 0 1224062421 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 E jbg, spakovao sam komp za put, tako da nisam vidio PM, a ktomu vlak je kasnio, i bio sam u Zg oko 17h. Uglavnom, br. ra?una je 3210709573- PBZ, na ime Marko Bani?. Pošalji mi opet svoju adresu, jer kako rekoh zbog jebenog foruma ostao sam bez starih PM-ova. Majicu ti najvjerojatnije sutra pošaljem. Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 1bp5bxhd 0 0 u_220
5240 0 74 0 1224076138 1 1 1 1 Re: NEW CD ! Ken McLellan &amp; Arrowcross [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=14759#p14759:30m5wxw3]Subject: NEW CD ! Ken McLellan &amp; Arrowcross[/url:30m5wxw3] [quote=&quot;helikopter&quot;:30m5wxw3]get yestrday cd very good work from ken and boys from hungary <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> dex cro[/quote:30m5wxw3] hail bro its me danny <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 kA== 30m5wxw3 0 0 u_1775
5241 0 1092 0 1224080024 1 1 1 1 ok ocharme jij:p hoe alles rond 18, 25 april, en 2 mei al maar vrij. zijn zo de datums dat er wel iets zal gebeuren voor verjaardag van de furher zoals elk jaar... 0 0 xp5ybl62 0 0 u_1105
1689 413 183 0 1207919533 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 ne me zanima ...a nist onda,naisel sam u nekim knjigama na njega al jako sturo,a nit na netu nema nist 0 0 1nmst6tn 0 0 u_188
6257 5966 59 0 1232697790 1 1 1 1 Re: $$$ lo m8 I had 2 sites on there, and rune. OK if he's MIA then I better start looking for a new place unless you're close to getting a new one? 14 Duds 0 0 2fzkr461 0 0 u_152
6258 6148 171 0 1232698131 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H ?uj, za pristup osnovni uvjet je poznanstvo u stvarnom svijetu. A problem bi mogao biti u tome što si, ako se ne varam, iz Velike Gorice, tako da ti je najbliža B&amp;H divizija u Rijeci. Najbolje je ako si u prilici do?i na nekakav event u Hrv. ili nekoj od susjednih zemalja, pa tamo porazgovarati sa nekim od pripadnika B&amp;H. Pozdrav! 0 0 2eydu3g6 0 0 u_2379
6259 6199 171 0 1232698235 1 1 1 1 Re: Bok!! [quote=&quot;Otrovni Patuljak 88&quot;:1dlqbflp]Oprosti što ovako upadam al vidim da si najaktivniji i najbliži mjestu mog stanovanja.zanima me gdje se može stupiti u kontakt u vezi kupovine odije?e rado bih si nabavio neke majice nisam skins niti se obla?im poput njih al dijelimo isto razmišljanje i ideologiju tako da bih vrlo rado kupio neku robu da ljudi vide da nas ima i u Vukovaru i da se napokon nešto pokrene i kod nas u VU jel ima puno de?kiju koji bi rado pristupili a neznaju gdje jel svi skoro Hrvatski desno orijentirani sajtovi su okupljalište napaljenih školaraca koji dižu ruku samo da bi ispali opasni.....HVala ti unaprijed!!!!![/quote:1dlqbflp] ?uj, ima ti web shop na stranici B&amp;H Hrvatska (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) pa tamo možeš vidjeti trenutnu ponudu što se odje?e ti?e. Nažalost nije za sada toliko opširna, tako da bih ti preporu?io neke od stranih web-shopova. Pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 1dlqbflp 0 0 u_2434
6131 0 1027 0 1232146429 1 1 1 1 je koopwaar 0 0 26j9hley 0 0 u_1340
5920 0 1001 0 1229441996 1 1 1 1 cze?? Cze?? ?ukasz jak tam zdrowie,mam nadziej? ?e na policzku pozosta?y ju? tylko same blizny:) Pozdrawiam T. 0 0 1e0epdur 0 0 u_1734
5639 0 72 0 1227451381 1 1 1 1 Hello Mate It was good to meet you at the REMEBRANCE DAY march <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> , Im not up to much at the moment but will be at the WHITE CHRISTMAS gig which I think is in the Nottingham area on the 6th December so maybe see you there. All the best.Rob 0 0 wf6qbrpn 0 0 u_1172
5640 5631 2123 1 1227461402 1 1 1 1 Re: hello thanks for that! i hope see u there.. 0 0 2d3m0vuq 0 0 u_1910
5641 0 1910 0 1227464415 1 1 1 1 white xmas probably a question i could have found the answer to a lot quicker if i had looked but is there a location for white xmas? i really want to go 0 0 2faz22uh 0 0 u_53
5642 5637 1 0 1227465667 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello HI Nicole yeah it's me, You're pretty clever i gotta say! You found out who i really was hahahaha. My account hasn't been working fo quite some time now on this forum, and i haven't seen you much on the HSN board lately so this is why i pretty much didn't give any news, but as you know allready (i assume) whatever excuse a man gives to a woman is bullshit.... Truth was i was not really on the net for the past couple of month and i'm a bastard <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Anyways here i am again !!!! If you could delete this account and change me old pastword that would be perfect Cheers Raph 0 0 1c9elg60 0 0 u_54
1700 1100 460 0 1208000041 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:mtq1303b]Boas, quero saber se trazes alguem contigo para o concerto? Quantos bilhetes queres e se tens transporte ou não. Depois te darei o contacto de uma pessoa que organiza as coisas ai em baixo. Abraço[/quote:mtq1303b] Desculpa o atraso na resposta mas estive fora nestas ultimas semanas. Como ainda falta quase dois meses não sei se trarei alguém comigo, mas podes já reservar o meu lugar ;) Eu depois só necessito é que me sugiram ai uma pensão barata mas decente para eu ficar, pois nada melhor do que dar um passeio pelo Porto no domingo de manhã. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Em relação à revista mantenho o meu desejo de ajudar-vos a construi-la e divulga-la. Um abraço 88 0 0 gA== mtq1303b 0 0 u_203
5330 5296 858 0 1224692182 1 1 1 1 Re: The 14 Words Documentary Very cool. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised you were able to enter a foreign countries. Aren't you like... wanted for war crimes? 0 0 h0h4ob4o 0 0 u_54
4749 0 444 0 1220991008 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10897#p10897:378iqxsh]Subject: Watcha reading????[/url:378iqxsh] [quote=&quot;I.S.D.14/88&quot;:378iqxsh]the fame of a dead mans deeds! all about the life of dr william pierce! fantastic read. indepth info on bob mathews. hitler and world war two, and what really went on! a complete book of vital info from start to finish, one of the best books ive ever read.[/quote:378iqxsh] where did you get the book from 0 0 kA== 378iqxsh 0 0 u_63
4309 4253 59 0 1217360768 1 1 1 1 Re: tats Lo m8 You're not bothering me. You could try m8, but don't tell him you know me, cos if he does suss on to your age, I'll get it in the neck from him. check that its the tatt u really want m8, its there for a long time once done and don't get owt that'll stop you getting a decent job 14 Duds 0 0 21i8e7ly 0 0 u_1362
5292 5277 108 0 1224520040 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu [quote=&quot;Sturmführer&quot;:3iqjgcln]nema beda. ako se odlu?i javi marku da znamo kod kona?nog naru?ivanja potvrditi broj. još moramo vidjet ko bi sve išao[/quote:3iqjgcln] ok,evo vec sad ti mogu potvrdit za nas dvojicu... 0 0 gA== 3iqjgcln 0 0 u_930
5291 5277 930 0 1224519767 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu nema beda. ako se odlu?i javi marku da znamo kod kona?nog naru?ivanja potvrditi broj. još moramo vidjet ko bi sve išao 0 0 1vdc6ax5 0 0 u_108
5290 5277 108 0 1224519612 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu [quote=&quot;Sturmführer&quot;:1kvgiziz]ura?unali smo te u paket rije?kih ulaznica tako da se ne brini[/quote:1kvgiziz] hvala,no brinem se zato što bi još jedan kamerad iz pule išao sa mnom gore... 0 0 gA== 1kvgiziz 0 0 u_930
1706 0 775 0 1208054348 1 1 1 1 Greets.. Happy Birthday!! 0 0 1u4d0pvb 0 0 u_614
5933 5925 59 0 1229564578 1 1 1 1 Re: blood and honour mags Lo M8 If you want to send them I'll take what you have. Just let me know what you want for them and I'll sort it as soon as I can after Yule. I'm stacked out at work untill then you can send them to the po box: R&amp;S Po Box 458 Grimsby DN31 2ZU 14 Duds 0 0 edw3vyc2 0 0 u_1972
4604 0 171 0 1219958971 1 1 1 1 Re: Sons Of Europe - 23 08 08 Dekani?u? 0 0 3oz56l5y 0 0 u_1082
1708 0 187 0 1208071216 1 1 1 1 Block Account of C18members Can you delete and block the account &quot;Neuskifc&quot; It insult BH division, the division Lugdunum (South France), to be apologetic about C18! one example some post of Neuskifc: [i:1405qs22]The C18 france is recognized by other cells not like your shit lugdunum think that that be done with money on the backs of the movement to go for a football match[/i:1405qs22] Thanx 0 0 IA== 1405qs22 0 0 u_53
1709 0 614 10 1208071753 1 1 1 1 . Thankyou.14/88 0 0 2jyc9dyw 0 0 u_775
1712 1708 53 0 1208076044 1 1 1 1 Re: Block Account of C18members [quote=&quot;bat28&quot;:2e6hqdj6]Can you delete and block the account &quot;Neuskifc&quot; It insult BH division, the division Lugdunum (South France), to be apologetic about C18! one example some post of Neuskifc: [i:2e6hqdj6]The C18 france is recognized by other cells not like your shit lugdunum think that that be done with money on the backs of the movement to go for a football match[/i:2e6hqdj6] Thanx[/quote:2e6hqdj6] 828 Have gone to the other Admins with a copy of this pm, We work together in these issues so will get a decision together, It seems waiting a while wont hurt as you have deleted his posts, It will get sorted as soon as possible ok. Thanks, Shell 0 0 oA== 2e6hqdj6 0 0 u_187
5462 5458 2092 0 1225738398 1 1 1 1 Re: t-shirt [quote=&quot;28bohemiabrotherhood&quot;:255505xz]Hello Brother, We accept payment cash to my address in registered airmail letter. Best Regards Mark 28 Bohemia <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:255505xz] Great. Give me your adress please. 88 0 0 gA== 255505xz 0 0 u_1691
5140 0 168 0 1223486835 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Calendars 2009 Hey, I am Chris from Blood &amp; Honour Flanders (belgium). I can already give you 1 date. Our Memorial weekend for Fallen Heroes 2009 will be on the 13/14th of March 2009. Greetings. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9573#p9573:vnisl5rk]Subject: B&amp;H Calendars 2009[/url:vnisl5rk] [quote=&quot;HolyWar83&quot;:vnisl5rk]VF/ B&amp;H America would like to mass produce a B&amp;H calendar. We want to include dates in these calendars that are of importance to Nationalists worldwide. So we are asking everybody on this forum... from all over the White send us dates that are important to your various countries &amp; our Folk there. Thank you in advance! 828 Send replies to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or simply PM me or yhvhsrvntVF on this board.. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:vnisl5rk] 0 0 kA== vnisl5rk 0 0 u_152
1715 1708 53 0 1208089790 1 1 1 1 Re: Block Account of C18members All done hes gone 0 0 o1ffrhku 0 0 u_187
1716 0 813 0 1208091531 1 1 1 1 hail [i:28ej3kr8][b:28ej3kr8]i have found you,nice[/b:28ej3kr8][/i:28ej3kr8] 0 0 YA== 28ej3kr8 0 0 u_174
1717 0 802 9 1208095333 1 1 1 1 verkoop heej ik ben sven ben van berlaar licht tegen lier volgens en reactie op het forum zou je aan box beugels grake ik heb intressen wat vraagje ??? 0 0 3ho4lp9i 0 0 u_639
1718 1100 203 0 1208099684 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta ok quanto a revista podes fazer textos ou o que quizeres tens é de traduzires para ingles e quando tiveres isso manda-me pelo email. Da-me o teu numero de telemovel para depois seres contactado por gente da minha confiança para seres conduzido ao lugar do concerto. 0 0 3c5slf3n 0 0 u_460
5451 5449 461 0 1225626190 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? Well it depends where the meeting is really as I'm not driving at the mo and I don't know if anyone can give me a lift (I have been taking my driving lessons for quite a while now so I should be driving soon) <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 3folnz16 0 0 u_58
1722 0 759 0 1208136468 1 1 1 1 Hail From AussieNIGE DudsHail Duds No word from you? just wondering if you got my emails as I have a had a problem with my server lately? Hows the Paypal drama going? Got Big probs here been evicted, facing homelessness &amp; its fucking Winter... Stressing. Take care Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 yygmmp8e 0 0 u_59
1724 1708 187 0 1208154039 1 1 1 1 Re: Block Account of C18members Thanx <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 16fah2kg 0 0 u_53
1726 154 171 0 1208168072 1 1 1 1 88 Ej, pokušavao sam dobiti petera, al nikako da uspijem, pa evo tebi šaljem pripremu za majice. Uglavnom, napravili bi manju seriju novih B&amp;H Hrvatska, budu?i da su se nekima stare ve? izlizale, a neki novi ?lanovi ih uop?e nemaju. Uglavnom, bilo bi 14 komada, 8M, 5L i 1 ženska M. Pirpremu možeš skinuti sa ovog linka: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... a.cdr.html</a><!-- m --> Eto, kad uloviš vremena pa da se to napravi. Pozdrav Marko 0 0 kdvfprcm 0 0 u_236
1733 0 819 0 1208181157 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Oi! zou ik uw lijst mogen hebben? k'zou wel geintreseert zijn... 0 0 3e9jeswy 0 0 u_90
1734 1733 90 0 1208182079 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Als u foto's wenst vraag je het maar en over de prijs dat bespreken we als je zegt in wat je geïnteresseerd bent <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> T-SHIRT’S Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – beide een Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN Zeppeling vlag Wehrmacht vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (de rode, de zwarte en met de arend) Kriegsflagge Klein doekje met hakenkruis (speciaal!) BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 e90fnka7 0 0 u_819
5100 5080 817 0 1223044326 1 1 1 1 Re: lolkek Nema problema, kad god mozes. VEliki Pozzzdrav <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1upwui4v 0 0 u_1984
5101 5089 1996 0 1223046414 1 1 1 1 Re: Racial greetings! Hello again. And thanks for helping. 88! Nicu 0 0 ywyh4rt7 0 0 u_54
3422 0 295 0 1214913669 1 1 1 1 ISD Howdy Steve, I just realized your email addy isn't on the B&amp;H list and therefore you didn't get an invite to the ISD Memorial. Send it to me again at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and I'll put it on the list. By the way, you're welcome to come to the gig and have a few beers with us. I gotta say you had a few people scratching their heads at last ISD, but whatever. Anyways, bring your missus along, mate. It'll all be good. Cheers, Justin 828 PS. Ya owe me a beer, haha. 0 0 a9z5tkf7 0 0 u_299
5491 0 67 0 1225870558 1 1 1 1 Re: BH Wales Divisional Shirts. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15721#p15721:3d6xx8h3]Subject: BH Wales Divisional Shirts.[/url:3d6xx8h3] [quote=&quot;heimdall&quot;:3d6xx8h3]In the process of ordering new BH Wales shirts, if you need a particular size pm me and ill make sure its ordered. Don't leave it too long as it going to be done this week so their ready for White Xmas. Blood and Honour Wales on front and 3 - 7's on the back [small print]. I need to know especially for girls/womens size shirts. As always if theres any money left over after paying for the shirts it will go in the pot for Stinko.[/quote:3d6xx8h3] I'll squeeze into a large please mate!! If you need any help with the funds let me know 828 0 0 kA== 3d6xx8h3 0 0 u_105
1742 0 681 0 1208204607 1 1 1 1 Re: North American Althing 2008 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2766#p2766:2higag3c]Subject: North American Althing 2008[/url:2higag3c] [quote=&quot;BODHVAR-BJARKI&quot;:2higag3c]:: General Info :: --- August 29th Thru September 1st, 2008 --- St Louis Missouri Metro Area (about One Hour From St Louis, Rides Will Be Available From Airport) --- Admission: $30 Per Person Or $50 Per Family (or Couple) --- Camping, Full 3 Day Event, Hotel Nearby If Needed (firewood Supplied By Us). Event Is On Private Acreage. --- A Dinner Meal Will Be Provided Each Day (chicken, Hamburgers Etc), As Well As Drinks And Water All Day. --- Child Friendly Event --- A Beer Garden Will Be Available For Adults. :: Bands :: --- Blood In The Face --- Frontline --- The Rolling Sevens ...more To Be Confirmed... :: Speakers :: --- Pastor Drew From Nebraska --- Vf Pastor Mike L. --- European B&amp;h Speaker --- And T.b.a. Asatru Speaker ...more To Be Confirmed... :: Events :: --- Asatru Blot --- Christian Service --- Nationalist Land Ownership Seminar --- Childrens' Cultural Activities --- B&amp;h Continental Meeting --- Vf International Althing ...more To Be Announced... :: Vendors :: --- Bloodline Records --- Roa Publications ...more To Be Announced... :: Please Note The Following Conditions :: --- You Must Rsvp With Volksfront At <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. --- You Must Have One Reference From Volksfront, Blood &amp; Honour, White Revolution Or The H.s.n.. --- No Persons With Wants/warrants Or On Parole. --- You Are Subject To Search And Removal By Vf Security For Any Act Of Drunkeness Or Disrespect To Any Of Our Guests. By Attending You Hold Event Organizers Free From All Liability, Civil Or Criminal. --- Any Electronic Devices Are Subject To Confiscation, If Confiscated They Will Be Returned To You After The Event. --- No Weapons Of Any Sort, Including Pocket Knives. --- No Bring Your Own Alcoholic Beverages. Food, Snacks And Other Soft Drinks Are Ok. --- Due To The Size Of The Event We Reserve The Right To Refuse Anyone, Even With References, Who Has Not Rsvp'd. --- The Site Will Include Mens And Womens Portable Bathrooms, Firepits And Wood. Some Benches And Chairs Will Be Provided By Us But We Suggest Bringing You Own Chairs If You Are Able. Due To The High Number Of Children And Families You Will Mind Your Language Or Be Removed If You Continue. We Will Have A Limited Number Of Spare Tents And Sleeping Gear For People Traveling By Air From Other Countries Or States, Or Their Is A Hotel Approx. 15 Mins From The Event. All Attendees Must Have A Character Reference, Except: ~full Or 'patched'~ Members Of The Hsn, White Revolution Or B&amp;h. More Details And A Flyer Will Be Available Here Soon...[/quote:2higag3c] Greetings from B&amp;H Bulgaria, Our division is still in probation period but we expect to become official B&amp;H division in couple of months. I'm going this summer in Alaska where I'll be working untill the end of august. I would like to join this event. Tell me more about your requirements of the references. I mean whether to be e-mailed or on paper or what type? Also please tell me if you've got other requirements! Wish you all best! 0 0 kA== 2higag3c 0 0 u_88
1745 1742 88 0 1208217259 1 1 1 1 Re: North American Althing 2008 you are more than welcome if you are B&amp;H. You will want to fly into st louis international airport in missouri. we can pick you up from the airport and assist with any other arrangements. email me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> if you feel you can make it and we'll make further arrangements all the best 828 Randal 0 0 1nnyuheu 0 0 u_681
4578 0 638 0 1219744994 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12271#p12271:351wsz8z]Subject: ????? ?????!!![/url:351wsz8z] [quote=&quot;==&gt;&quot;:351wsz8z]????????? ????????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ???????, ? ??? ???? ???????? ??? ????????,?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ??,???????.....? ???? ``????? ???????`` ?????? ?? ??????????, ????? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ? ???, ?? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? ? ???????? ???-??????? ???? ?? ? ????.....???? ????? ?? ????????, ???? ?????, ?? 1-?? ?????? ?? ?? ??????????? ???? ? ??? ?????????? ???????, ?????? ????? ???-?????. ???? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??????? ? ??????? ?? ??? ? ? ???, ????????, ???? ???? 3 ?????? ?? ?? ????????????.... ???? ? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ? ?? ?????????? ? ?? ???????????....???? ????? ?? ????????? ??? 2-3 ?????? ??? ?????, ? ??????????? ???????? ????? ???....[/quote:351wsz8z] ??? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ?????... ?? Thors hammer ? ????? , ? ??! 0 0 kA== 351wsz8z 0 0 u_1594
2947 1717 802 9 1213100484 1 1 1 1 Re: verkoop oke en bestel jij die dan of kan ik ze zelf ergens bestellen <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 828 [quote=&quot;88forlive&quot;:3str4be4]Heil, 10,80€ is de vraagprijs, maar daar moeten dan nog verzending (van USA) en transactie j-kosten van de bank bij! Dus kan je rekenen op een 20€! Maar als je grotere hoeveelheden aankoopt, zal die verzindingskost maar heel licht stijgen, en de transactie kost blijft gewoon het zelfde! Dus is het aan jou! Mvg, 88forlive <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3str4be4] 0 0 gA== 3str4be4 0 0 u_639
1769 0 830 0 1208305203 1 1 1 1 HELLO BRENDAN BRENDAN BRENDAN...&quot;A CLOWN A CLOWN HE PULLED MY TROUSERS DOWN, A SHOCK IT WAS THE WHOLE TOWN SAW MY COCK&quot;...OH CHRISTMAS TREE OH CHRISTMAS TREE... Have you Stopped bashing Sharron yet? Why don't you come clean &amp; clear your conscience for ever &amp; tell all your White power buddies about your secret Homsexual Tendencies?? We both know what happenned to you in Jail all those years ago when you were Buggared in your poor tight little arse! Don't we Brendan John Smith &quot;BJ&quot; BAD JEW ???!! HA HA HA . Your poor Mum died of Cancer because of you being Buggared in Jail, then again in the Army (thats why you went AWOL isn't it!) Now you work for the ZOGS again as a Cleaner in the RAAF you just couldn't keep away from your Jewish masters could you BJ?? Gary was right about you all along wasn't he Brendan? Stop being a Hypocrite BJ. One Day we will meet again &amp; I have a Surprise for you BJ... HA HA HA ... You poor Imbecile! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2z6hu9hj 0 0 u_145
1765 1763 53 0 1208284179 1 1 1 1 Re: removed post [quote=&quot;Pitbull38&quot;:29pehdq0]G'day, I just read the post named &quot;Pitbull38&quot; were this scumbag was lying about my comrade of 17 years BJ. I am sure my brother BJ would want &amp; DESERVES to read what this drug dealing scum has been saying about him...(this idiot thought I was BJ...but.....nonetheless I also and he want a copy of this.) Please remedy this ASAP. Ben SCHS-HSN HFFH[/quote:29pehdq0] Sorry Ben once a post is deleted its gone for good i'm afraid, Hes been deleted as a member once that happens thats final. Everything goes with them. The post was so vile i had no choice to remove it asap Sorry again Shell 0 0 gA== 29pehdq0 0 0 u_145
1754 0 1 0 1208261293 1 1 1 1 I WANT TO FIND YOU &amp; CARVE UP YOUR FACE! WHERE CAN I FIND YOU YOU WEAK COWARD?? I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU YOU WEAK COWARDLY ILLITERATE DOG. I GOT A NICE SURPRISE FOR YOU....WHERE CAN I FIND YOU IN MELBOURNE LITTLE BOY???????? COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE???..GUESS WHO? SHOULD WATCH WHAT YOU SAY BOY, YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET IT!.............! <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 1kcx5wcs 0 0 u_145
1763 0 1 0 1208283772 1 1 1 1 removed post G'day, I just read the post named &quot;Pitbull38&quot; were this scumbag was lying about my comrade of 17 years BJ. I am sure my brother BJ would want &amp; DESERVES to read what this drug dealing scum has been saying about him...(this idiot thought I was BJ...but.....nonetheless I also and he want a copy of this.) Please remedy this ASAP. Ben SCHS-HSN HFFH 0 0 3di1923j 0 0 u_53
1760 0 108 0 1208275643 1 1 1 1 stranica [b:16o1cfhr]oi! jesi živ ti? ho?e li ta stranica online ili ce ostat tek samo mrtvo slovo na papiru( u ovom slu?aju ekranu)?![/b:16o1cfhr] 0 0 QA== 16o1cfhr 0 0 u_277
1761 0 80 0 1208279108 1 1 1 1 St Georges Day Hi Paul I spoke to you at the Violent Storm gig about if you could point me and the misses in the direction of a guest house,b and b, hotel close ish to the venue,as its a long drive from Swindon,and more importantly i get to have a few beers,cheers mate hope you are keeping ok. Racial Regards 88 Karl Gill 0 0 z5qupwsh 0 0 u_63
1762 0 72 0 1208283263 1 1 1 1 BIRTHDAY PARTY Sorry I havent been in touch but Im still having a party on May 17th at Bungalow Inn Winford La Redhill, Bristol, BS40 5TP 01275 474085 There will be camping and 'its' children friendly <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> (If you wanted to make a real weekend of it I will send you a list of 'things' to see locally that are well worth a visit and cheap if not free) There will be 2 bands playing a 'Rock/Punk' covers band and an 'Oi' covers band.Also a decent 'buffet'. Thats all for now.Rob 0 0 3gw1cwkr 0 0 u_285
1767 1606 255 0 1208299027 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design Haili Salli, yep it was really pity i could not see them. But it was really lot of people I have not met many of my friends what I would like to space... so I was a bit tired too, I was driving, so I went to rest to the car about midnight.. I do not know, if I can be there on summer fest, would like to, but have some planes for future <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> I will get married so I have to, time,... <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> If will go there, will let You know So I would really like to be a part of Your sisterhood, so let me know, what Vicky and Jani and other sisters think about. Please. it would be a honour. Im really sad to see and help new organizations growing up and after girls fighting just for their call and I have enough of it. I always try to help the youngers one to do the best and they in the final fight each other or I have the biggest responsibility and do the whole work for them, because I put my name there and my ideas and all power...and for I feel really sad for it. And I would like to help there, where it is necessary and helpful for others , not just for a person and personal call or feeling important. I have done with two girls the summer party for kids,christmas party with ballads for kids, send presents to Czech NS babies for birthday and new born and lot of more....and spend lot of money od BH Portugal and our own to help the organizations, but I do not see them to fight for the same thing, ideas, life So if You could ask them for me, it would be great. Thank You very much. Im sorry to let my words so to You, but I feel such broken and sad about it. I have got the email, thank You very much. I tried to ask my friends, but some of them are short of money, so I cant promise nothing.. <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> Sorry I will try again. They are really beautiful. Hope You will not get a big haed from my post, sorry <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Enjoy your time. Best regards and thanks Lin 0 0 2npg0r3h 0 0 u_98
4894 4893 1074 0 1221779617 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND Not that I know of, where do you live m8 ? 0 0 xczo8gvf 0 0 u_780
5116 0 212 0 1223125558 1 1 1 1 re;gig belay that last pm hahaha theres a postabout the redirection be there or be square!! =) 0 0 2wkvl9ud 0 0 u_53
1776 0 235 0 1208356162 1 1 1 1 Re: JOHN TYNDALL PHOTOS FOR SALE [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=6681#p6681:6pooc7da]Subject: JOHN TYNDALL PHOTOS FOR SALE[/url:6pooc7da] [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:6pooc7da]I HAVE A STE OF 7 PHOTOS OF JOHN TYNDALL IN THE USA 1993 FOR SALE £10 A SET IVE 100S OF OTHER PHOTOS FOR SALE SKREWDRIVER BRUTAL ATTACK NO REMORSE AH RUDOLF HESS ETC SKIN GIRLS WHITE WOMAN ETC ANY ONE INTRESTED? 88 BADWOLF <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:6pooc7da] would be intrested in skrewdriver, brutal attack , no remorse ,photos more info prices ect cheers 0 0 kA== 6pooc7da 0 0 u_351
1778 269 112 0 1208359851 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Och, ik ben het hier zowat beu. Die mensen kunnen of willen blijkbaar niet nadenken. Had al 2 keer gezegd dat ze geen netlog namen moest posten voor de linksen, was er vorige week weer 1 of andere pipo die zijn netlog naam er op zwiert. Voor de rest nog altijd actief, gisteren naar debat van jong-NVA geweest om te flyeren, haha Och ja, 't is ss herdenking, geen AH viering hé. Maar dan nog, de helft die daar aanwezig is, snapt the bigger picture niet. Ik heb 1 van die video's gemaakt voor die herdenking en heb er een citaat van Hitler in gestoken dat stelt dat het niet boeit hoeveel iemand kan zuipen, maar hoeveel slagen hij kan incasseren, dat het niet boeit hoeveel nachterlijke feestjes hij kan uithouden maar wel hoeveel uren hij kan marcheren aan 1 stuk door. hehe 0 0 1qe9md4s 0 0 u_110
1779 1773 98 0 1208360515 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu Hei, kiitos viestistä ja tilauksesta, en osaa sanoa vielä paljonko postik. ovat tarkalleen, luulisin n. 10 euroa, mutta jos annat osoitteesi niin voin pistää kellon tulemaan ja ilmoitan koko summan sitten. Olet ilmeisesti B&amp;H:laisia? 0 0 36g9me0r 0 0 u_311
1780 1606 98 0 1208361418 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design Hi again, Ahh I did think those wedding designs were for you hehe, wonderful news congratulations! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Well everyone would love to have you in WAU, so once you know where you settle we can start it all, we all know how much you have done for our movement, I don't know how you have time for it all... right now we need help with our publications like Morrigan Rising, we need articles for the new issue etc., I have to email all the girls and ask them do at least 2 each... If you have some old stuff you'd like to see in our mag, something saved on your PC, it'd be great to have it in MR. Vicky is now doing a major update on our website, some mags like Skuld we don't publish anymore so we put all the articles featuring different women online, I think now we only publish Homefront online mag + MR, enough job with that. The last year has been quiet for WAU due to Vicky's divorce for example and her moving away from NY, that's one reason it was difficult with the Yulefund, but now things are getting back to normal again. Jani is not in WAU anymore as she feels she has no time because of the baby, the new house etc., however she will always remain our friend. So it would most likely be me then who is &quot;probating&quot; you hehe. I don't remember if you ever did this interview for WAU, it's just some basic questions so everyone will have an idea of who you are and what your ideas are, in your case it's obvious really but if you didn't do it maybe you could do it later so that those who don't know you will get to know to you better. But that's not today's matter, sort out your other things and the eventual moving first <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Do you already receive our newsletter Aryan Strides? If not, I can invite you, it's a Yahoo group. I have put some of your band updates in AS as well. Ok we'll keep in touch, have a nice rest of the week <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Salli 0 0 3i7u4yc1 0 0 u_255
1781 1773 311 0 1208366237 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu [quote=&quot;FaithFolkFamily&quot;:1duq7b8n]Hei, kiitos viestistä ja tilauksesta, en osaa sanoa vielä paljonko postik. ovat tarkalleen, luulisin n. 10 euroa, mutta jos annat osoitteesi niin voin pistää kellon tulemaan ja ilmoitan koko summan sitten. Olet ilmeisesti B&amp;H:laisia?[/quote:1duq7b8n] en ole bh:ssa jäsenenä mutta oriveden bh chapteri:n äijät tunnen. mikko väätänen keskustie 49b10 35300 Orivesi <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 gA== 1duq7b8n 0 0 u_98
4929 0 1256 0 1221845358 1 1 1 1 isd2008 sorry to let you down just found out were gig is and my car wont get that far. my mate is going to borrow his dads car but wont drive to leeds .i can only say i.m sorry ifeel a right cunt for letting you down and messing you around at such short notice 0 0 3ej7w33n 0 0 u_780
4816 0 1000 0 1221376092 1 1 1 1 Re: Retaliator/Code1/The Wrongdoers/The Hoist [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13089#p13089:3jfb83xc]Subject: Retaliator/Code1/The Wrongdoers/The Hoist[/url:3jfb83xc] [quote=&quot;Perkele&quot;:3jfb83xc]Ja hyvä keikka olikin! [quote=&quot;tomscs&quot;:3jfb83xc]Pure Impact Records jakaa kaikille paikalle saapuville pienenbonuksen näissä kemuissa... <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: -->[/quote:3jfb83xc] En mä vaa saanu :&lt;[/quote:3jfb83xc] Näitten levyjen kanssa kävi pien kämmi, mut jo haluut näin jälkikäteen niin pistä osoite ja mä pistän postissa tulemaan... T 0 0 kA== 3jfb83xc 0 0 u_339
6280 6239 1027 0 1232800155 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Vanavond zit ik met een trouwfeest, dus nieuwjaarsreceptie van N-SA zal ik moeten missen. Maar tegen woensdag vinden we wel iets. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 396go3r5 0 0 u_618
1786 1761 63 0 1208377446 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day will let you know friday mate, cheers 88 0 0 105sc62n 0 0 u_80
4629 0 128 0 1220365997 1 1 1 1 video <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> this was the last march in wunsiedel i think. 0 0 1pftooyn 0 0 u_100
4735 4150 110 0 1220950602 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote buongiorno amico Surtur, eigenlijk ging ik niet meer op deze site komen, maar mijn nieuwsgierigheid liet dat niet toe....kwas wel weer vlug gedegouteerd over het intellect en de marginaliteit die afdroop van de geplaatste berichten. Jou antwoorden zijn wel iedere keer grappig en correct en ze begrijpen nog niet wat je wilt zeggen, ik lag plat van het lachen. nu ja, alles goed met jou, in het werk, de liefde <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> , en de NSA. je gaat het misschien niet geloven, maar op 11 okt zou ik willen aanwezig zijn in Oostende, het is toch toegankelijk voor iedereen of moet je lid zijn? ik ben benieuwd naar de uiteenzetting van de &quot;grote meneer&quot; Hermy, zal jij ook spreken of hebben ze andere mensen daarvoor. Dat hotel ligt aan de termen zeker in Oostende, ik zal het wel vinden. mijn schoonbroer uit Italia is hier juist en ik zal hem waarschijnlijk meebrengen als dat mag. allé maat, jullie zijn goed bezig, tot later FCB 0 0 1lyknh7o 0 0 u_112
4897 0 1 0 1221784236 1 1 1 1 i wont be comeing have you got my e mail and the latest photos im not comeing see my e mail enjoy meeting youre loveley admin boy are their some fucking arese lickers on here another enemy i have is bulldog drmmand chubley says hes gonna get me. well ill be fuckin waiting enjoy youre isd gig mate all the best enjoy the the photos nick 1488. i sold the celtic warrior video <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 swa3y7vi 0 0 u_105
1793 1773 98 0 1208454724 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu Ok kiitos, laitan kellon tulemaan ensi viikolla ja ilmoitan sitten koko summan. 0 0 mdh5z6es 0 0 u_311
4896 0 194 0 1221779858 1 1 1 1 Oi Oi Oi Oi lads what time u setting out tomorrow. its Stuart From Westland Div <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 9lthro9c 0 0 u_297
1795 1773 311 0 1208459493 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu [quote=&quot;FaithFolkFamily&quot;:1rqlipae]Ok kiitos, laitan kellon tulemaan ensi viikolla ja ilmoitan sitten koko summan.[/quote:1rqlipae] mulla on eräjärven säästöpankissa tili et menee yks pankki päivä välis niin näkyy raha 0 0 gA== 1rqlipae 0 0 u_98
1797 0 609 0 1208529258 1 1 1 1 Levyistä Moro, Löytyykö hyllystä vielä FORTRESS - Into Legend ja/tai POWERHÄUS - Let the new era begin ? Jos, niin voinko tätä kautta tilata vai pistänkö mailia ? 0 0 1kfz7hmt 0 0 u_552
1798 1797 552 0 1208532927 1 1 1 1 Re: Levyistä Kyllä voi ja kyllä löytyy. Fortressia enää 1kpl jäljellä <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 1ohjrv89 0 0 u_609
3812 3781 297 0 1215643623 1 1 1 1 Re: Cd Sorry e being an idiot agin.... forgot you we're playing slipped my mind...Loved the set at st george gig...especially the white power cover.... see you agin soon brother.. 14/828 0 0 1d9v1h7o 0 0 u_146
5295 5284 103 0 1224528363 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hi mate, No sorry not got any PB or Blackshirts. Not so easy to get at the moment. Cheers, 88 0 0 1o2xzln3 0 0 u_74
4839 4051 531 0 1221521925 1 1 1 1 Re: Gissa lift please ! Eyup Paul, got misself all set for Saturday, just text me with details friday re meeting place for lift and I'll be there bright and early ! It'll be gud if Tony Mc can do the honours again, top bloke <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> See you down there, wherever it is we're going. 88 mate Ian 0 0 2waz02c9 0 0 u_63
4523 4518 61 0 1218994817 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;smudge88&quot;:x8mnhjdi]whots isd and when is it[/quote:x8mnhjdi] The ISD memorial gig on the 19th &amp; 20 of September, there's a thread on here about it. Here's the thread <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=1689">viewtopic.php?f=75&amp;t=1689</a><!-- l --> 0 0 gA== x8mnhjdi 0 0 u_1624
1802 1797 609 0 1208536673 1 1 1 1 Re: Levyistä Noniin, loistavaa! Pistäkkö sitten tulemaan molemmat osotteeseen : Heikki Vaivila Aulangontie 30-32 A 7 13210 Hämeenlinna Osoite lienee muuttunu viime tilauksesta. Ihan tiedoksi jos niistä jossain pidät listaa... 0 0 1sxqwydi 0 0 u_552
1804 1761 63 0 1208541472 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day try the premier inn leeds city west, city west one office park geldard road ls12 6lx tel 0870 300 8478 priced at £52.00 per room, hope this is some help, cheers paul 0 0 2fyieia4 0 0 u_80
1805 1761 63 0 1208542641 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day phone this number if you have trouble with the other 0870 990 6448 0 0 24yd89ee 0 0 u_80
1806 0 534 0 1208547543 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop kun je my de lijst sturen van wa ge allemaal hebt bedankt kameraad [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5151#p5151:e8i5x0t7]Subject: Enkele spulletjes te koop[/url:e8i5x0t7] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:e8i5x0t7]Lijst is bijgewerkt, enkele nieuwe vlaggen en kleine actie bij aankoop van enkele spullen <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Voor de lijst pm je me maar <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: -->[/quote:e8i5x0t7] 0 0 kA== e8i5x0t7 0 0 u_90
1807 1806 90 0 1208552301 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Als je foto's wenst vraag je maar en de prijs bespreken we wel <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> T-SHIRT’S Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large Dansk Front Sweater - Extra Large VLAGGEN Zeppeling vlag Wehrmacht vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (de rode, de zwarte en met de arend) Kriegsflagge Klein doekje met hakenkruis (speciaal!) NSDAP armband BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 1sqfc3su 0 0 u_534
1810 1797 609 0 1208631645 1 1 1 1 Re: Levyistä Moi, Tuli tässä mieleen että onko mahdollista hoitaa tuo maksu jatkossa esim. tilisiirrolla tai laskulla, ettei tarvi tuon postiennakon kanssa kikkailla ? Vai onko se lähettäjän päästä helpompi nykysellä systeemillä ? 0 0 1ssc7shf 0 0 u_552
1811 1797 552 0 1208673358 1 1 1 1 Re: Levyistä Kyllä se onnistuu tilisiirrolla. Silloin postikulut on 3€. Tosin tämä lähetys tulee postiennakolla, koska se on jo lähetetty. Sinulle tulee siitä todennäköisesti ilmoitus keskiviikkona. Tilisiirto toimiii sillä tavalla että laitat rahat tilille ja ilmoitat asiasta viestillä. Paketti lähtee matkaan kun rahat on siirretty. Siinä on se etu että levyt tulee suoraan kotiin, eikä lähetystä tarvitse hakea postista. Paitsi jos paketissa on yli 4 levyä, tai mukana on paita tms. Silloin se ei mahdu kirjeenä, vaan se on paketti jonka joutuu hakemaan postista. 0 0 3pawmyru 0 0 u_609
1812 1776 235 0 1208680146 1 1 1 1 Re: JOHN TYNDALL PHOTOS FOR SALE i would like one A4 of skrewdriver,1 A4 of brutal attack and 1 A4 of no remorse to start off with ,who and how do i make the payment including p+p to you cheers 0 0 bvsy127p 0 0 u_351
5335 5274 58 0 1224749711 1 1 1 1 Re: Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross [quote=&quot;boz&quot;:2ocv020f]received cd today exellent many thanx boz[/quote:2ocv020f] Brilliant mate <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Ere by the way you sent a tenner in the envelope ??? It was only £7.50 for the CD !!! if you come down to the S London Gig on 8th Nov I will give you your change OK ? Thanks again mate NJD <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2ocv020f 0 0 u_235
6003 0 2219 0 1231018205 1 1 1 1 ? i just wrote you about your post in the canadian forum. the message dissapeared. this is the second time this has happened to me on this site. perhaps its just a glitch, perhaps its a little more 1984 for me these days than i thought. either way, thanks for letting others know it isnt safe. it hasnt been for a long time 0 0 2omny4vt 0 0 u_2105
6004 0 2219 0 1231019830 1 1 1 1 Re: Scrutinizing the human rights machine [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16975#p16975:3lmu8xb8]Subject: Scrutinizing the human rights machine[/url:3lmu8xb8] [quote=&quot;Big Mac&quot;:3lmu8xb8]We should all learn from the past be it wcfu,ciarrn donnely,jessie beumont, mark lemire,bill noble,mellissa guille etc stay off the internet and if you are on it police yourself no nigger this faggot that kill kikes etc etc.Network meet up and if your going to use such language do it among yourselfs not on the public airwaves our cause and task is to great to be treated in such a childlike fashion especially now that we know what will happen fines,jail etc.[/quote:3lmu8xb8] .... perhaps this one will send and there are far worse things out there than jail. all it takes is to have the wrong person on your friends list. my space, facebook and all those sites. it is equally as bad when your account or the site is &quot;hacked&quot;. police will spend countless amounts of time and money hunting ghosts that do not exist. i tried to sell 2 old cds on ebay last year when i planned on moving. i was attacked by a former friend for doing so, asking if i was selling screwdriver too. he was inderectly, a police informant. his angry comments connected the 2 of us when we hadnt spoken in almost 1 year. appearently, his site was taken down recently. i was followed for months because of numbers on my phone bill and people on my friends list. there was nothing illegal going on with any of it. there was no intention of ever disrupting the peace. i guess its hard for them to differenciate between who is typing angry and upset non-sence vs who is actually a social up-set. so i live like a prisioner, for nothing. im hoping to straighten in out this year. i had a hard drive replaced a few years ago. i believe the other one was restored. to keep my info, or submit it to police with no understanding of it should be, if it isnt, illegal. it violates privacy. would you know any of the laws surrounding this stuff? if so, you might be able to help me. how do you stop some one from talking about you in their facebook emails and msn conversations? you cant! its been happening to me after warning a really young kid that he could get into a lot of trouble. im sure i will be reading about him in the local papers soon enough. i dont want the same fate. you cant save everybody. off to work. hope all is well where ever you are. take care. little 0 0 kA== 3lmu8xb8 0 0 u_2105
5305 5297 1937 0 1224591158 1 1 1 1 Re: white christmas gig thanks for the information. if i go i think i will have a place. XD greetings from germany. 14/88 0 0 2f177ell 0 0 u_239
5306 5184 1937 0 1224591261 1 1 1 1 Re: translate well ok. im german too and together with a spanish skinhead *lol* yes i have msn, the addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> my space i mast make the side new first. they have close it. greetings from germany. 14/88 0 0 g8qfwn2v 0 0 u_72
5567 5555 886 0 1226834838 1 1 1 1 Re: Kent [quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:2dq9auq8]yeah i know sittingbourne alright ish and have a couple of mates around there who are white pride so it could end up happening [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16025#p16025:2dq9auq8]Subject: Kent[/url:2dq9auq8] [quote=&quot;WIGANMIKE&quot;:2dq9auq8][quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:2dq9auq8]im in maidstone and the only way i really have of getting around is public transport and i keep planning on going to a 28 gig but never get round to it because im new to the whole scene[/quote:2dq9auq8] Ok its TRAIN RIDE FROM SITTINGBOURNE, have a look around first and see if its what you like.. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:2dq9auq8][/quote:2dq9auq8] Brilliant keep me updated bro 0 0 kA== 2dq9auq8 0 0 u_1910
5310 0 279 7 1224605705 1 1 1 1 a song you's could sing... [u:1ni1ow99]only sing the max resist version or you will get a sore throat[/u:1ni1ow99] The Song: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... and/Lyrics</a><!-- m --> to 88 Rock 'n Roll Band : Lyrics: [b:1ni1ow99]White Power! They call me nazi an I am proud about They call me racist and I shout it out loud I am proud of my race, proud of my land White brothers and sisters Come and raise your hand We are an 88 Rock 'n' Roll Band We are an 88 Rock 'n' Roll Band We are an 88 Rock 'n' Roll Band and we play for the fallen for race and land We are marching on the streets at night Boots and braces we are ready to fight Get out you scum rounding around White aryans are saying no fun White brothers wars no more Here comes the RAcial HOly WAr Our dream is a white revolution White revolution is the only solution[/b:1ni1ow99] [i:1ni1ow99][u:1ni1ow99]change the chorus to we're unit 28 rock and roll band so it should look some think like this :[/u:1ni1ow99][/i:1ni1ow99] Lyrics: [b:1ni1ow99]White Power! They call me nazi an I am proud about They call me racist and I shout it out loud I am proud of my race, proud of my land White brothers and sisters Come and raise your hand we're unit 28 rock and roll band we're unit 28 rock and roll band we're unit 28 rock and roll band d and we play for the fallen for race and land We are marching on the streets at night Boots and braces we are ready to fight Get out you scum rounding around White aryans are saying no fun White brothers wars no more Here comes the RAcial HOly WAr Our dream is a white revolution White revolution is the only solution[/b:1ni1ow99] just an idea i had <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 YQ== 1ni1ow99 0 0 u_297
4872 4790 212 0 1221677123 1 1 1 1 Re: ozzie bound mister hi, yeah caught something about that when i was away, back now, had a great time will fill you in via email, hope ur ok and not homeless 0 0 cw2g0yn1 0 0 u_775
3053 3051 63 0 1213737325 1 1 1 1 Re: Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. hey up m8! the problem occurred when the cov div asked me if they could put a gig on the 2nd! i said that date was available and the stinko was on the 16th! the next thing i know the gig on the second was scrapped and the stinko was then on the ninth, nobody rang me to let me know of this and it has caused problems! the idea of having a gig co-ordinator is to stop all this shit, i want to get has many gigs on as possible this year, and need it to run smoothley to benefit us all! but if people cant even be bothered to ring me to see if it is ok, then shit like this happens! now we have lost two gigs and just got the one on the 16th! like you say people have got flights booked for that date, and also that date was the date stinko died...that date has been pencilled in since january and the first i heard of any changes was via the captains show, anyway no harm done its all sorted now! 828 paul 0 0 1eqxnsve 0 0 u_146
5258 0 210 0 1224232979 1 1 1 1 Re: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary Hi mate, From the Keleti station is not so difficult.First you must go by Metro from the station to direction 'Batthanyi ter'.Then leave the metro by this ter(square),and go forward with HEV(that's the green train).You must drive with this train 3 station,and leave the train on the 3rd station which is 'Timar utca'.The venue is not so far from there,so you could find it with a map,or maybe some skinheads will be already on the way there.Or here is my number,you could call me or send sms,then we could help to find the venue: +36202002267 When will you arrive?Please send sms,maybe i can't check internet! Here is a website about the Metro and HEV lines in Budapest,it could help too: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> See you there! Geri HFFH [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=14874#p14874:ft8dn2nn]Subject: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary[/url:ft8dn2nn] [quote=&quot;Slavic Salute&quot;:ft8dn2nn]Please, can someone explain how to come from Keleti station to the gig place?[/quote:ft8dn2nn] 0 0 kA== ft8dn2nn 0 0 u_143
6070 0 2309 0 1231701831 1 1 1 1 alo strah me je tresem se , .kuzlam tok si me ustrašla xD lubm te (L) &lt;3 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> lubm te 0 0 18hw2hxk 0 0 u_2399
1824 1822 90 0 1208796811 1 1 1 1 Re: kopen..? Gegroet Voeg me toe --&gt; <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 360t0lwn 0 0 u_819
6244 0 2436 0 1232657722 1 1 1 1 Thanks for the info U are from langley B.C thats cool first person from my area that i have talk 2 with the Aryan blood flowing still ...i am waiting at this time 2 be called by volksfront ... trying 2 get back in the flow of things lol ..but thaks for the tattoo info <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2tank334 0 0 u_2105
5859 0 1926 0 1228816488 1 1 1 1 ... hail vicky hope all is well did you get the 50 dollars i sent?? regards denis 0 0 36wlmdch 0 0 u_323
5860 5840 73 4 1228817805 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H tees Scotland hi vicki sorry for taking so long in getting back to you, but im just back from swedon, i went over for the march, i dont think i have any b&amp;h scotland t-shirts left just now in a size xl not untill jan 09, i think i still have a girlie one left in a small, i will have a look and let you know, do i send euros to your paypal, what i was thinking was send you 300 and send salli the rest which is less than a 100, if that is ok with you, thanks for updating the Frigga Page for me. there was no mix up i just rather it said b&amp;h scotland instead of just one division, its just that highlander division gives my division (highlander east coast ) a lot of help and support, and i think its only far to put it has scotland all the best paul 0 0 8wg9jm9p 0 0 u_323
1833 0 123 0 1208811052 1 1 1 1 Again 28 Switzerland Hail comrade! Hm I think you already heard about the sad news, our dear fucking traitor igi has closed the division <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> I don't know the reason why. Now I'm in big problems, I don't want to leave 28 and I can't lead it because he deleted everything. I'm at the and with my nervs...I'm so fucking angry and also i could cry. Have you any idea what to do next? (I'm sorry for the shit I'm always writing you) greetings Roman from Switzerland 0 0 2nds57at 0 0 u_193
5736 0 1001 0 1227951725 1 1 1 1 fuck Sorry mate but I'm not going. My boss (read. fuckin wanker and twat) has gave me duty hours on next Saturday.It will be my second missed gig <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> 0 0 2vu3q8cc 0 0 u_79
2768 2753 952 0 1212491347 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:13kaetvx]you go now? i'm not working today with my hand so will be home all day[/quote:13kaetvx] wanted you otherwise,do i have you still not horny made? <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> 0 0 gA== 13kaetvx 0 0 u_53
5267 5255 297 0 1224320836 1 1 1 1 Re: BFF SOCIAL Hope all goes well with the social...But being in Southampton its a bit far too travel their and back in one day... But could you keep us posted in if anything else gets organised for the bff. Cheers Guy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1wsw2tk1 0 0 u_886
1846 1761 80 0 1208850772 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day Thanks Paul only just got your message been a busy weekend Racial Regards Karl 0 0 hvh9yrm4 0 0 u_63
1847 1761 80 0 1208852942 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day Hi mate Just tried to book the Preimer inn thy are fully booked on sat, is there anywhere else close Cheers Karl 0 0 22t4iw98 0 0 u_63
6066 6063 284 0 1231682742 1 1 1 1 Re: Snooty Fox Alright mate, yeah I'll be going to this gig. There's no real dress code as I've seen many a skinhead with the odd little badge or subtle t-shirt or whatever but you wouldn't exactly get away with extreme stuff. The bands that Code 1 are playing this weekend with are more punk than oi! anyway. Sounds silly but there are some Oi! gig you would get away with but there are some where people prefer to keep politics out of it. For example if you went to a TMF or Condemned 84 gig you'd get away with wearing a Skrewdriver t-shirt but not the likes of Argy Bargy or Section 5 who prefer their gigs to be non political cos they'd just end up in fights and ruin them. I'd say not to wear overtly Nazi stuff for this one mate. If you google Snooty Fox and get directions from that you should be able to find it. Never drove there myself. Waes Hael Rob 0 0 12c2tc6p 0 0 u_801
1849 1773 98 0 1208867695 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu Hei taas, lähetin kellon tänään, postik. olivat 10,60 + kello 40 = yht. 50,60. Tilinro on: 567008-2133203 (OP). Kiitos vielä kerran, rahat menevät Joensuuhun yhden vangin vaimolle sekä vangille (Vellulle) joka teki kellon. Toivottavasti tulee ehjänä perille! 0 0 28fuupeq 0 0 u_311
6076 6073 74 0 1231721712 1 1 1 1 Re: hello still looking for jacket <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1awr0d25 0 0 u_2373
1862 0 76 0 1208880593 1 1 1 1 Re: ST GEORGES DAY GIG Hello sis.No credit yet.Hope still ok 4 a lift on Saturday.My number is 07837563117. Thanx 88 0 0 3381nukh 0 0 u_53
1864 1833 193 0 1208887240 1 1 1 1 Re: Again 28 Switzerland This is no problem but why has he turned his back?? I own the domain name and server, we can have your website up and running again. Maybe its an idea to remind igi that 28 has certain information of him if he continues to keep the website down. 0 0 cqgoeo8g 0 0 u_123
5004 0 53 0 1222212805 1 1 1 1 Hi Hi Nonni, the gig this weekend was fantastic, shame you couldnt of been here, there were so many Europeans in the crowd was a great laugh, I've just heard of Skuli we have been sending messages over another site 'tagged' &amp; hes just told me he's c18, what the hell i'm gobsmacked, 1 of their leaders got arrested this time last year &amp; was released as he was a grass, informing on his so called comrades, I'm so surprised but if he feels that the right path for him, but i'm so shocked stay safe Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 11v7bk9p 0 0 u_650
5409 0 1973 0 1225227346 1 1 1 1 Re: blood and honour oi mate weet je al meer voor vrijdag 0 0 224x2cgv 0 0 u_1092
5916 5897 2119 0 1229395375 1 1 1 1 Re: none Oi! I have family in Atmore and just outside in Canoe. If you do decide to come, bring alcohol and females and any good friends you have! The weekends are our time to let loose and party. No drugs though. 88 0 0 qswfm7ay 0 0 u_337
2333 269 112 0 1211567223 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Hoi, Ja valt wel mee hier, buiten veel te veel werken (en ambras met de belastingsdienst). Ja eerste congres is al voor october, gaan er geen gras laten over groeien hehe Zal alleszins de moeite worden. Alhoewel dat het wellicht door het VB finaal zal geboycot worden maar who cares. Moloko is nooit dichtgegaan hoor, is nieuwe eigenaar, schijnbaar een oude viespeuk die graag pinten drinkt (als je snapt wat ik bedoel) en zijn 17 jarig zoontje die het openhoudt. Als de flikker daar ooit eens gaan op komen is het feest compleet, haha Volgens geruchten zouden er ook flink wat pseudo-punkertjes en linksen zitten. Maar ja, wat boeit het allemaal nog. Het café is al jaren dood. Antwerpen is nooit in the picture geweest om het over te nemen, die walgen net zo veel van die keet als ik dus. Joost Pyck was super, nog immer potige vent.:D En qua verstaanbaarheid viel het ook goed mee, hij is het Vlaams nog niet verleerd. Had verwacht dat het een Afrikaner gebrabbel ging zijn maar hij deed goed zijn best. Best wel interessant ook (echte geschiedenis van Zuid Afrika en anecdotes van ginder die hier nooit het nieuws halen) Achteraf ben ik nog eens gaan loeren in Bellegem omdat er een paar buitenlandse kameraden zaten die ik al in eeuwen niet meer gezien had. Viel best mee, gezellig, geen zatte luizen en iedereen was precies gelijk blij mijne smoel nog eens te zien dus. Goed, tot binnenkort dan eens eh. groeten S. 0 0 m72gqmry 0 0 u_110
1871 1606 255 0 1208905720 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design Dear Salli, thank You for the congratulations. yep <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> now i do finish my university and studies so hope to get more time for my family, so ... But still could not find a nice design for wedding invitation <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> We will have also a &quot;celtic wedding &quot; what is supposed to be for our friends and families with kids in summer, so You are invited If You could find time. It will be a weekend with celtic traditions, where we invited many of friends with kids and we hope to get it organised, although we are not proffessionals in term of celtic tradition, we will try to do it. So any advise or experience is welcome too. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Now im quite busy with my final &quot;intership&quot; in a monastery and written monography , so a bit busy for a while... It would really be honour for me to belongs to Your sisterhood. As You know, it was many yers ago and it is still the same. Just pity it could not be here in Portugal. But in Czech I can be also a lot of more helpful as here..there are many NS and many NS families, not such as here in Portugal, teh situation is noit the same as in Czech. There are many POWs needing our help and support too. Not such as in Portugal. So I would like to belongs to WAU, and likely as for Bohemian NS. So think, I already got the interview from Jani, but no idea, i think I never get to response, sorry for that. You know, I always find lot of other things to do, as I have I promise to do it... I am quite busy, cos of the gig we will have here with some english comrades to spend a week holidays in our houses...and a Memorial for RIP comrade from Czech Republic...and new borns many things to do <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> I will see if I have some articles in english, but it will be quite difficult..maybe what I had to write for our BHP will have a look... it is a special theme for the articles or? I feel really pity that Jani has &quot;holidays&quot; as she told me that. I hope i will find time for everything once, I think I could not take &quot;holidays&quot; least I hope..or it would be for me the same such as stop to live. I aslo heard some of my friends who already have kids, that the movement pushed them out, not them I try to get them back with their families and prepare it for me too <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Now I care for their kids on parties and hope once will do others the same for me <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Ok, I think I wrote a long mail again, sorry for that. Here is my yahoo email for Aryan Strides <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> in blood and honour Lin 0 0 wbk71p3j 0 0 u_98
1875 1816 146 0 1208938426 1 1 1 1 Re: muffins SUPER..I'LL LOOK FORWARD TO THE TASTY TREAT.CAN'T WAIT FOR THE GIG ONLY A FEW DAYS TO GO.STAY SAFE.SEE YA' BOTH SOON.TOM828. 0 0 2uohul8v 0 0 u_53
5579 5509 1937 0 1226952794 1 1 1 1 Re: Happy Birthday! thank you very much 0 0 oxegvtoi 0 0 u_2119
5580 5572 1937 0 1226952866 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi thank you. i like them too. ;) how r u? 0 0 37w5bzat 0 0 u_2119
5541 5378 295 0 1226572500 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H contact NSW Holy shit; I must be going insane... I could have sworn I'd replied to this a week or so ago, but there's nothing in my sent box. That said, I figure I've only got about another four years or so of kids teething, nightmares, etc. etc. before I get to have a full night's sleep. Yay. Anyway, in reply to what your message; we'd have to get to know the guy pretty well before we considered him for anything like a State Rep position. Welf was given the nod before it was really understood (and through no fault of his own, he was just being himself) that he wasn't suitable for that. As you'd understand; an organization that was so lax as to give positions of authority to unknown quantities only serves to devalue that organization. Which doesn't mean we're just straight off ruling him out; he'd just need to spend some time with us, on a face to face level. Anyway, hope all is well with you guys; and hope to catch up with you soon. Cheers, Justin 0 0 1hp4z5mu 0 0 u_1008
1879 1862 76 0 1208971076 1 1 1 1 Re: ST GEORGES DAY GIG As Elvis said thank ya very much.huh huh. 0 0 i5mojggq 0 0 u_53
5406 0 2099 0 1225217640 1 1 1 1 Areet :) Hey :) It's Alex Crampton. Just thought i'd add you (y) 0 0 1w4dtptw 0 0 u_59
5407 5396 785 0 1225221032 1 1 1 1 Re: MARCH OR DIE.. thanks mate, wasn't anything to do with what you'd put. 0 0 175md0nr 0 0 u_76
5408 5398 2092 0 1225223588 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Yes, shure! I know a lot of bands, if you want i can give to you interviews made by me to european skinheads and nazi bands. 88 0 0 1yuaj0jz 0 0 u_2100
1883 1872 2 0 1208978195 1 1 1 1 Re: AFF scum Hi Dom Hope all is good! Thing is it would take days to find specific locations of people. 0 0 2zt2hc8c 0 0 u_112
6495 0 552 0 1234165020 1 1 1 1 keikat Moi, satutuko olemaan H8 systemin postituslistalla? Jos et, niin laita tänne päin sun sähköpostiosote ja laitan keikkainfoa tulemaan. 0 0 3f2w61tg 0 0 u_1971
6496 0 1959 0 1234177566 1 1 1 1 gig allrite mate did not make gig, satday, could not get hold of griff so i was shagged for a lift, how was the gig, i shud be makeing the next gig, bin told v storm in wales , again depends on a lift, anyway at least the countrys white again, take care brummie kev 0 0 2sr8hpmy 0 0 u_297
4831 0 1256 0 1221500730 1 1 1 1 isd 2008 If you don't know leeds that well, we will drive in to leeds to get you. Just pick somewere that's well sign posted like the trian station or the royal armory or some place like that .<!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 27mmemhn 0 0 u_780
4832 4829 90 0 1221501455 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS Gegroet Voor in contact te komen met B&amp;H VL raad ik je aan Wehrwulf28 to contacteren. Freiheit 28 0 0 3bk204mb 0 0 u_1878
5228 4829 1878 0 1224007527 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS kamaraad. dank voor je reactie zou ik graag doen. Weet er wel niet zoveel van. Kan ook niet zeggen of daar enorm actief zou kunnen in zijn, maar steunen eventueel zeker wel. gegroet. 0 0 visv1aga 0 0 u_90
4834 3654 247 0 1221505344 1 1 1 1 Re: beating me on ebay cheers 4 that mate.would have ordered lansder in english this weakend but its out of stock.will try agin.thanks again 0 0 r8k6om7z 0 0 u_121
5576 0 1172 0 1226948254 1 1 1 1 ello It was good to meet you and mick at rem!soz if i was a bit pissed!we,me mick and tich,kids in tow limped back to brum.Having met my comrades i can see the bigger picture.Tich is a top bloke and well respected ,i feel well embarist for ever doughting him!One of our members had the nerve to say tich had no commitment!Dont worry he will be sorted next meeting lol .As far as mike and the bff are concerned they are becoming members again! as i predicted we will grow!What i have found works is p.m ing like minded people off different forums and getting them onside,why just restrict yourself to leafleting!Many of the nationalists online arnt members!I dont care if i recruit a member from john o groats lol,they are still a member.As i say it is good to have met you bouth. 14 words 0 0 1p0ugdnb 0 0 u_307
5577 0 1409 0 1226948466 1 1 1 1 88! Nazdar <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> kide si ko <!-- s`nsflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/85dd.jpg" alt="`nsflag" title="nsflag" /><!-- s`nsflag --> nkretne v Anglicku?Budes na white x-mas??..Tak zatial <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3hhikx5q 0 0 u_69
3174 3168 1193 0 1214373023 1 1 1 1 Re: finding a group Hi BlueEyedBlonde, Cheers alot for the reply &amp; suggestions. Regards, Gav <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1ae9qeae 0 0 u_54
4805 0 100 0 1221252562 1 1 1 1 badwolf hi been emailing badwolf he seemed to think he couldnt make it in his last mail but its worth trying him again. ill mail him and say you want to get in touch about ISD. 0 0 18ivhekn 0 0 u_396
5210 0 1937 0 1223936763 1 1 1 1 ? 0 0 3rvktk4k 0 0 u_1112
5211 5209 171 0 1223937274 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Bi?e, bi?e <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> Sam ?eš mi morati opet adresu dati jer je ovaj jebeni forum sada ograni?en samo na 5 PM-ova... Ili ako ?eš sutra biti negdje oko 16h u blizini željezni?kog, mogu ti je osobno dati budu?i da putujem iz Os za Ri nazad... 0 0 1wukx3e2 0 0 u_220
5194 0 332 0 1223835749 1 1 1 1 Isd O ja helemaal vergeten, was het ook goed als we met een standje staan met Merchandise?? 828 0 0 183bmndn 0 0 u_168
4803 4749 444 0 1221251225 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? cheers just found 17 copies on amazon will be placing an order 1488 0 0 13phtf4h 0 0 u_63
5943 5894 72 0 1229688639 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK Hello Mate Whats your address now you live in Lubjana?????............I will send the LP in the next couple of days <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Just send the money in Euros thats fine. I hope to visit you and the rest of the Slovenians again, but I doubt it will be for a while as I'm going to Australia in February 2009 to visit Nicole (Blueeyedblonde) and won't have much money left after that <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> All the best.Rob 0 0 37bvxrfz 0 0 u_1631
2758 2753 952 0 1212488700 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2k5tyb33]we will sort this an be together, i want that, truely i do. the 4th of july cant come quick enough for me[/quote:2k5tyb33] as well expires ,monday at home ,best doctor of Belgium for bones 0 0 gA== 2k5tyb33 0 0 u_53
5697 5695 72 0 1227793919 1 1 1 1 Re: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS Thats a kind offer Mate, are you going to the WHITE CHRISTMAS gig?? Maybe you could bring them along there I would love to see them and I think HIGHLander 28 and RUNE &amp; SWORD are intrested in copying them <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> If not maybe you could send me one (I know my girlfriend would like it for Christmas) .....let me know how much I owe you. Thanks.Rob Rob Ogborn 84 Longmead Ave Horfield Bristol BS7 8QF 0 0 1xn3p4r0 0 0 u_1713
2583 0 67 0 1212043176 1 1 1 1 Re: BM Membership Hi. I've sent an e-mail to the BM yahoo e-mail address but don't know if it's still current. Just in case it's not, i was enquiring about renewing my membership which lapsed about 2 years ago and as to the current status of the SWBM. Regards Ian 828 0 0 1ykft4sn 0 0 u_115
5802 0 72 0 1228398465 1 1 1 1 Hello GREETINGS I think CURIOUS WALES on the SF site is Garry from NO REMORSE <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Talk soon. Rob PS.If they do a badge I will make sure to get one for you <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1u69r6qj 0 0 u_100
4917 4893 780 0 1221826240 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND bernie can go Saturday now so im sorted 0 0 32wbgn69 0 0 u_1074
4801 0 1256 0 1221247255 1 1 1 1 isd 2008 Is there a service station near motoway that I will be able to pick you up from and i'll pm you my mobile number closer to date...... <!-- s`Flag1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/KgHDOdea1PPmqHh3e1rx+MzFtVg=.gif" alt="`Flag1" title="Flag1" /><!-- s`Flag1 --> 0 0 j1q7p2g6 0 0 u_780
4918 4893 1074 0 1221826376 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND Yes I saw the post, see you at venue tomorrow I hope, blue pilot jacket, brown medium length hair, 39 yrs me. 0 0 3075cex5 0 0 u_780
4799 4749 63 0 1221243003 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? the fame of a dead mans deeds! by robert . s . griffin an upclose portrait of white nationalist william pierce! 0 0 22nr913j 0 0 u_444
6059 5859 323 0 1231554538 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Ok so the $50 got here yesterday lol... it got lost in Korea i shit you not lol Thank you so much, are with with an org that i can add to the Frigga sponsor lists or just a name? Cheers 0 0 1rw9ouo1 0 0 u_1926
5262 0 174 0 1224271120 1 1 1 1 b waaar in regio brussel?? 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1t7npemg 0 0 u_168
4464 4334 1482 0 1218638333 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:1wp62cg9]Entao Filipe como estas <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Tu ainda estas em Lisboa <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Eu vou regressar dia 25 de Agosto, era bom poder estar contigo e com o Alvaro outra vez, quando surgir uma opurtunidade, se voces vierem ao Porto ou alguma actividade que voces facam avisem-me pois gostaria imenso de poder estar com voces . Abraco Sergio[/quote:1wp62cg9] atudo bem camarada,estou a mudar de casa ...é sempre uma chatice...mas de resto tudo ok!Com voçés tambem, espero!!! Quando cá estiveres ,depois do dia 25 dou um salto ao porto para te ver...vou falar com o alvaro para combinar ele não puder ir(acho que deve vir tambem)eu vou na mesma!Depois combinamos isso...olha o meu numero de telefone é 960369344 Por cá nada de novo ...está tudo quieto...o pnr fez uma festa no algarve e estiveram umas 100 pessoas(eu acho que menos enfim)...e é tudo!Comtanta coisa grave a passar-se e estes fazemfestas!São mesmo uma merda de partido... Depois falamos Grande abraço a voçés 0 0 gA== 1wp62cg9 0 0 u_203
5104 4971 279 3 1223063669 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members i'm gr88 you <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> yea thats 2 stops away from me on a train <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ok kl ive heard of it but dnt think ive been there 828 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1npyby05 0 0 u_1838
5103 0 1298 0 1223059816 1 1 1 1 Re: GIGS/EVENTS DATES 2008 88 Mate what date dose white xmas beging cos i mite being going with unit 28 and need to book the time off work cheers 88-Racial Regards-88 0 0 3nniuttb 0 0 u_53
1917 1916 98 0 1209056235 1 1 1 1 Re: kysymys Kiva että kello tuli perille ehjänä ja että tykkäsit. Kyllä se kelttikello on vielä myynnissä, jos kaverisi ei ole täällä foorumilla niin voi meilata <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> tai voit antaa osoitteen niin lähetän kellon ja ilmoitan sinulle kokonaissumman jne. 0 0 5946sq8g 0 0 u_311
1921 1761 63 0 1209068888 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day if you go on internet and look for hotels near leeds city centre book one of those, send me your number and ile ring you 0 0 1p3olgry 0 0 u_80
1923 1761 63 0 1209070813 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day Travelodge Leeds Central Hotel Blayds Court, Blayds Yard, Off Swinegate Leeds LS1 4AD Tel: 0871 984 6155 0 0 8x8j38lc 0 0 u_80
5616 5403 1790 0 1227267923 1 1 1 1 Re: west mid divisions How many members from WM on on this site? if u know 0 0 1op4flku 0 0 u_549
5631 0 2123 1 1227384139 1 1 1 1 hello hello mate. do u have msn messenger? Welcome to the forum. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1vuva248 0 0 u_1910
5632 5631 1910 1 1227389982 1 1 1 1 Re: hello yeah dude its <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 3ppnll4l 0 0 u_2123
5634 0 54 0 1227413265 1 1 1 1 Hello there! Hi Jesse, I need to talk to you re some 28 stuff, but I'm not sure how often you check messages here, so is there an e-mail address I can send you a note to? My e-mail address is: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 g08ad4wj 0 0 u_200
5001 0 1941 0 1222206633 1 1 1 1 hi hello i am new on forum. best regards Rado 0 0 1nj07hx2 0 0 u_677
6885 6443 53 0 1236962840 1 1 1 1 Re: hi He's always game for a ruck,but in my opinion its gotta be justified, an i know he would rather fight reds an our other enemies rather than a so called brother. Tracie is in Andover working for G4 security as a manager, she loves it travels all over the country. She was gonna go see Last Resort tomorra but broke her anckle in the snow! I took her to Grahams b'day party a few weeks back she was overjoyed to see Ken Mac play fink she may be t more gigs in the future! 0 0 35fzgo1m 0 0 u_319
5959 5950 59 0 1230142974 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings Lo m8 Yes I have them, they'l be on the site over the next few days as will a few more new sweaters and T shirts. I don't have the Kilgore cd, I've not heard their stuff yet. I have just got the new Blood Red Eagle cd in tho. Cheque is fine, I'll get the shirts up on the site in the enxt couple of days 14 Duds 0 0 2x6xonuu 0 0 u_72
3041 3002 210 0 1213700951 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Hail! Welcome to the virtual world mate!I will save your e-mail address too.So,have a good discovering on the internet! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Geri 0 0 2rnf0smv 0 0 u_1125
1948 0 83 0 1209293218 1 1 1 1 Two things! Hello mate Firstly could i order a copy of the Brutal Attack CD please. Also on another forum we had a ST Georges comp and the outcome is me donateing 20 quid to WAU. I contacted them through this site and they surgested contacting you to tag the 20 ontop of money you will be sending, would this be ok? Let me know either way mate, also let me know if i need to regester on your site to order the CD. Racial regards Mac 14/28 0 0 39l1g0kt 0 0 u_73
4350 0 1256 0 1217616211 1 1 1 1 hull 28 heres my phone number if you would like to chat about things or meet up in grimsby i can drive over . 07504678437 <!-- s`Flag1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/KgHDOdea1PPmqHh3e1rx+MzFtVg=.gif" alt="`Flag1" title="Flag1" /><!-- s`Flag1 --> 0 0 1ndktghg 0 0 u_1362
6253 6202 801 0 1232691959 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester Good meeting up with you and 100% respect for you having the guts to seek your own path against the common herd. Like I said keep your head down and remember the freedom of our land needs brains not simply brawn. Take care Ben, 28. 0 0 2p679pby 0 0 u_2376
6017 6014 88 0 1231191009 1 1 1 1 Re: Is this normal? 0 0 2z88p0is 0 0 u_2138