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2827 affected rows
msg_id root_level author_id icon_id author_ip message_time enable_bbcode enable_smilies enable_magic_url enable_sig message_subject message_text message_edit_reason message_edit_user message_attachment bbcode_bitfield bbcode_uid message_edit_time message_edit_count to_address bcc_address
661 0 181 0 1203215649 1 1 1 1 sieg heil sieg heil HEIL H sieg heil voor j 0 0 jolak10w 0 0 u_174
920 0 608 0 1204554637 1 1 1 1 wilkommen Oi m88 this is gr88 site and v welcoming wherebouts u from in SW Lon ? l am from Twickenham way 0 0 2e5sgqoh 0 0 u_616
659 0 181 10 1203215442 1 1 1 1 heil heil H en heil voor jou <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2fybdm22 0 0 u_168
660 0 181 0 1203215562 1 1 1 1 sieg H sieg heil HEIL H sieg heil voor jou 0 0 vm3z1o6e 0 0 u_177
6143 0 2400 0 1232239724 1 1 1 1 This weekend Hey man, Sorry i didnt get back to you sooner. I had to work today. If your still up for meeting up and talking more in person im totaly free tonight or sunday. Give me a shout i lost your # here is mine 604 375 9539. 0 0 1bjgsmib 0 0 u_2105
6144 5980 54 0 1232283299 1 1 1 1 Need a small favour.... Hi Randall, Can I please ask a small favour... it's atually a &quot;girly&quot; favour that you can probably pass onto your wife if she doesn't mind.. I bought a cutlery set in the US when I lived there years ago which I absolutely loved. It has finally had it and I need to buy a replacement. I can't find anything that I like here in Aust, and I have found the same set in the US but they don't ship to Australia. Do you mind if I buy it and have it shipped to you, and then send you the money (via paypal?) to post it to me in Australia? <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... O1022.html</a><!-- m --> I'm in serious &quot;house keeping&quot; mode in preparation of Rob's visit and my cracked cutlery set is driving me crazy. Hope things are well with you. Let me know if you are able to help with this, but if you can't that's fine. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 30aw0hgx 0 0 u_88
1117 0 171 0 1205428870 1 1 1 1 Majice Eo ovako, druga verzija Hrvatske legije(edit: jebe me imageshack, pogledaj mail) Pa ti evo onda jedna nova skica što bi mogli raditi(zanemari izgled zastava, skica je još uvijek jel <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> ): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I evo ti samo onaj dio sa Hu-Cro majica sa le?a, monokromatska slika šta je bila na flyeru za koncert; uglavnom, bolje od ovoga ne može ispasti, identi?no je kao i kad u paintu prebaciš sliku u monokromatske boje. Mislim da su likovi prepoznatljivi ovaj puta(jel ti poznat peti s desna <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> ). <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Toliko. Pozdrav! 0 0 1qef8y33 1205429448 1 u_277
658 0 181 0 1203214641 1 1 1 1 heil sieg heil HEIL H sieg heil to you 0 0 2y0rl4sm 0 0 u_93
941 0 609 0 1204596048 1 1 1 1 &quot;Tietokone ongelmat&quot; Moi, Sattu tuolta foorumilta silmiin lausahdus : &quot;Siihen kun vielä lisätään päivitys- ja kaikki muut tietokoneongelmat joita ei itse osaa hoitaa, niin on koko ajan riippuvainen ihmisistä joilla ei välttämättä ole kiinnostusta koko touhuun.&quot; Kerro toki tarkemmin mistä on kyse, jos vaan jotenkin voin olla avuksi. 0 0 3b5qyxuf 0 0 u_552
5411 5400 103 0 1225236368 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hi mate, Sorry no Whitelaw or Skullhead at the moment. Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 ozv791s0 0 0 u_74
657 0 181 0 1203214573 1 1 1 1 sieg heil sieg heil HEIL H sieg heil to you 0 0 2h10hdf4 0 0 u_74
4768 4749 63 0 1221067710 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? hey up mate i got it off e-bay!, have you read it? or are you after it. havent seen it on there since. 88 0 0 2cbo6tkz 0 0 u_444
4769 4749 444 0 1221075886 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? sounds like it should be a quality read could you give me the title and the author cheers 1488 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2ot4931c 0 0 u_63
656 0 181 0 1203213979 1 1 1 1 heil H heil bloed en heil eer heil 0 0 1v0so64m 0 0 u_90
4876 0 70 0 1221685727 1 1 1 1 big thanks hi just a quick line to say a big thanks for the great hospitality and friendship over the weekend. The concert was fantastic and enjoyed by us all , great line up and that french band before unit 28 were awesome, Again thanks to you all hope to see you soon. om ken cheers stu 14/88 0 0 38kl2f5n 0 0 u_1112
678 663 258 0 1203263320 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 en fier ???? en u punt is ??? 0 0 1rp2m6y9 0 0 u_181
5830 5778 1834 0 1228569759 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 ng164aa,pOSTCODE Medzi Eastwoodom a Heanorom ,Budem tam <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> ak by si nieco potreboval tak budem na cisle 07704057991 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> A odkial si z SK? <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 283c1ttt 0 0 u_1409
587 0 480 0 1202950967 1 1 1 1 HAIL HEY,..HOWS IT GOIN? 0 0 8d0idc74 0 0 u_481
589 587 481 0 1202959992 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL It's going , what about you? 0 0 11kuo6ty 0 0 u_480
591 572 183 0 1202979028 1 1 1 1 Re: fight neznam bas mozda se jenput zaletimo...u petak nebrem nikak iam ispit...098 973 7767 to tie moi br. rabuzin 0 0 g248z5i2 0 0 u_252
2308 0 213 0 1211320566 1 1 1 1 ? Sada sam pro?itao ovo o Sons of Europe koncertu. Koji je na kraju uop?e temeljni problem u cijeloj toj pri?i? 0 0 2ogvmmnz 0 0 u_861
655 0 181 0 1203213294 1 1 1 1 heil H 88 times hail to you, blood, hate, honour, death 88 tImes hail and heil I say heil H and you ? <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 viedczyb 0 0 u_58
5212 0 152 0 1223949634 1 1 1 1 Greetings Hello..My name is Mike- Volksfront/ B&amp;H America... I think we supposed to keep tabs w/ you guys down there... Welcome. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1uy0o0yk 0 0 u_1726
586 462 147 0 1202943998 1 1 1 1 Re: booklets Syn 15 pegler st london, ontario n5z 2b4 canada cheers! <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> 0 0 1l80nhqc 0 0 u_72
2309 0 513 0 1211364876 1 1 1 1 Greetings and gig question!!! Hello paul mate its Ian from holland,how are ya kid? hope your well.pity didnt get the chance to meet up at the aborted dutch gig but i lost my transport on the same day so that was fucked but hopefully soon we will catch up.What i wanted to ask ya mate is what would the chances of strikeforce uk playing for blood and honour flanders on the 16th august? If you could ask for me mate id appreciate and if you know more let us know,i was gonna call you but i lost all my numbers so if its ok with you mate can i take your number also.Its possible mistreat will be playing this gig also so it should be a good one,ok mate im shit at letters but thats what i wanted to ask mate and if you know more let us know..cheers our kid and hope to see ya soon.regards,Ian <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2rzq4afb 0 0 u_73
599 566 187 0 1202990608 1 1 1 1 Re: ROUBAIX 1er ville Française occupée! Non malheuresement, avec le taf je ne peux pas; j'ai pas des horaires fixes; 0 0 1wbpkn3e 0 0 u_211
417 0 73 0 1202304029 1 1 1 1 WAU got your letter this morninn mate THANK YOU THE AMOUNT IS NOW £704 0 0 3tzn9fl2 0 0 u_83
418 414 108 0 1202316614 1 1 1 1 Re: brisanje profila ili ban [quote=&quot;kiki-bu&quot;:3kxy1bsd]E aj da te zamoli za jednu uslugicu - obrisi moj profil ili me baniraj ili je to jedna te ista stvar pa se ja pravim pametna <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> uglavnom, riješi me se! i nemoj plakati za mnom hehehe. aj pozdrav, javite se kad budete dolazili do ri. pa-pa[/quote:3kxy1bsd] kao moderator nemam tu mo? može isklju?ivo admin. ako ti je dojadio forum jednostavno prestaneš piskarat?? 0 0 gA== 3kxy1bsd 0 0 u_186
611 609 108 0 1203009827 1 1 1 1 Re: oi [quote=&quot;Loki&quot;:1n1b0vhn]Oi, Sam Loki iz Slovenije...Molio bi te ako si možda ti napravio kaku fotografiu, da mi jo poÅ¡aljeÅ¡(preduvsem mislim na ono kad se nas je 5 slikalo na nadhodu preko avtoceste i na ovo skupinsko izpred busa) Izvini ako nisi ti slikal ali ne sjeÄam se ni imena 2 hrvatskih kameradov sa kojima sam se slikal, isto neznam koji so jim nicki na forumu Oprosti za mojo vrlo loši hrvatski jezik, ako bi se temo moglo tako re?i... pozdrav i nadam se da se sljede?i put opet sre?amo... Loki iz Prekmurja,Slovenija...[/quote:1n1b0vhn] Oi Oi loki tvoj hrvatski je vrlo dobar,ako želiš mogu ti poslat fotke na e-mail,samo mi daj adresu... 88 0 0 gA== 1n1b0vhn 0 0 u_362
613 0 482 0 1203011168 1 1 1 1 brian hi, brian has indeed now finally passed. he passed late last night. i just had to clear up the confusion as i had no idea how long this was all going to take and it wasnt right to talk about him like he had passed until he actually had. im sorry and i hope you understand where i am coming from. now would be the appropriate time for people to hail my brother. thanks sara 0 0 66ibh5r9 0 0 u_58
4923 4922 461 0 1221831466 1 1 1 1 Re: isd Hiya just tried to call ya my name's Dee when's the best time to call ya? 0 0 1m9hvcz6 0 0 u_396
4925 0 1869 0 1221836185 1 1 1 1 isd Hi M8, Have you heard where ISD is yet? Terry.Reaper28 0 0 1bo28ur4 0 0 u_1074
2237 2205 213 0 1210953716 1 1 1 1 Re: shirts for sale <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2d334lya 0 0 u_92
674 668 122 0 1203254987 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel [url:2t8gr306]http&#58;//www&#46;pic-upload&#46;de/17&#46;02&#46;08/fcfgui&#46;JPG[/url:2t8gr306] [url:2t8gr306]http&#58;//www&#46;pic-upload&#46;de/17&#46;02&#46;08/d7uq92&#46;JPG[/url:2t8gr306] [url:2t8gr306]http&#58;//www&#46;pic-upload&#46;de/17&#46;02&#46;08/brmold&#46;JPG[/url:2t8gr306] Here have you a picture from Basel and the street from this John Holloway. What you must have more ? 0 0 EA== 2t8gr306 0 0 u_104
651 558 366 0 1203194236 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor tnis nie 28 wi, kspelen ik ijshockey in gullegem è, en ti olsn me een hele bende van de ploeg da we ton voorsgaan, moja, kunt moeilijk te voete no roeselare terten è:p 0 0 juzs50en 0 0 u_110
653 0 506 0 1203204129 1 1 1 1 Boas Boas Sergio, é só para dizer que é este o meu contacto aqui no novo fórum. Miguel, abraço 0 0 1adnzvvs 0 0 u_203
618 399 189 0 1203019943 1 1 1 1 Re: hello you can get me a beer 0 0 zxqxo9lk 0 0 u_212
4079 3216 1138 0 1216641387 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale Hails Brad! no worries brother.too be honest lots of people want it but no ones got any money!! lol like the only reason i'm selling stuff. Thanks for letting me know &amp; hope your fortunes change soon. Stay Strong! Si 0 0 33e98v4s 0 0 u_120
620 615 154 0 1203020867 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Da, da naravno! Evo ti link. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... m.rar.html</a><!-- m --> Ina?e, ako te zanima još koji bend, logiraj se na ovaj forum, imaš sve tu. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Slava!! 0 0 2asph0jg 0 0 u_183
621 617 72 0 1203022816 1 1 1 1 Re: ian stuart booklet That was funny what you said about the alast 2 photos as I think my mate found them on the internet, did you know they were on there? Do you have many photos of Ian Stuart and Srewdriver? Yours.Rob 0 0 333murzh 0 0 u_182
624 470 72 1 1203027816 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S. I posted the booklet but it may take some time to arrive as I sent it surface mail. Sorry about that but I had a few to send outside Europe and it was getting expensive. Yours.Rob 0 0 a1dzp7rt 0 0 u_407
4078 3216 120 0 1216640006 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale Hail Simon, Yes I do still want the eagle, sorry for taking so long to reply!! I've had a few bills come up the last dew weeks and I dented my car, but I should be able to send you the money in the next week or so, if that's okay? If you have another buyer for it, then by all means sell it, but if not, then I would love to have it!! Again, sorry for not replaying sooner!! Cheers, Brad 828 0 0 ps6snto2 0 0 u_1138
6158 0 2376 0 1232289146 1 1 1 1 msn Msn is working mate 88 0 0 1gprxv9w 0 0 u_888
6159 751 531 0 1232290436 1 1 1 1 It's birthday time ! Afternoon all at Covert Mansion, hope all's well ! Right, got a small favour to ask, won't cost owt, and it'll only take up a few mins. It's our Shaun's 40th on the 30th Jan, and I was hoping you could send him a happy birthday message. I subscribe to a site called, and all I do is log on, click on messages, click on his name, write him a letter, click on send, and that's it. I'll give you my email addy and password so you can log on. You don't have to give your address etc cos it all goes through my account, just the usual 'eyup shaun it's...., it's as easy as that. I don't need to say it, but we have to choose our words carefully cos it all gets read before he gets it. If you could send it on the 29th, it'd make sure he got on the day rather than late. My email addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, and password is holohoax. It would put a smile on his face if you could do this for me. 14/88 Ian 0 0 2u8a7rln 0 0 u_104
4845 0 1 0 1221591501 1 1 1 1 I.S.D Hi there, are u all set for the weekend? very goodline up i,m ment to b going with griff friday sum time, c u there <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> brummie kev 0 0 2sa50x0v 0 0 u_53
627 615 183 0 1203053123 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 ..HVALA..pozdraf88 0 0 1zqcgo0o 0 0 u_154
628 609 362 0 1203058539 1 1 1 1 Re: oi moj email je: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> u napred hvala... mah dalewko od toga da je dobar, ali trudim se:) Pozdrav zmagi Mario 0 0 a1i07xyk 0 0 u_108
629 0 211 0 1203058693 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais Slt! le point de rdv est fixe entre 18h30 et 19h, a la station total de l'aeroport de st Exupery. Tu pourras pense a bien prendre votre bache. Mon tel: 0664968068 Bonne route! Renaud 0 0 33xra7ub 0 0 u_206
630 613 482 0 1203062642 1 1 1 1 Re: brian [quote=&quot;asgard1488&quot;:3dnex6sm][quote=&quot;killians_mommy&quot;:3dnex6sm]hi, brian has indeed now finally passed. he passed late last night. i just had to clear up the confusion as i had no idea how long this was all going to take and it wasnt right to talk about him like he had passed until he actually had. im sorry and i hope you understand where i am coming from. now would be the appropriate time for people to hail my brother. thanks sara[/quote:3dnex6sm] Hail Sara ! I am very sorry for the original mix up and confusion <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> I had tried to contact Kenny this morning to clarify details but he may have already heard ! I will re post the Tribute to Brian this evening if that is OK with his family and friends ? Please pass on my regards to Brians family and loved one's and I would like to be able to produce something fitting and honourable enough for the sad sad loss . Once again I am most sorry for the original post but I will do my best on the update for all on the forum and a fitting tribute to an energetic &amp; Honourable Man &amp; Brother <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> All the best and look forward to meeting sometime over 2008 ! 828 Bye the way are you Manu on the my space site ? Just curious ! RR Neil 14/88[/quote:3dnex6sm] its ok neil. i had just gotten so frustrated with all the misinfo that was being posted and after 12 days of this...back and forth to the hospital..playing taxi cab..raising two kids and caring for a big baby of a husband sleep, i just kind of snapped. i know that people were just trying to honour a good man. anyways i am sure it is fine if another thread is posted about him now. as for the myspace person you refer to.. no i am not manu, but i do have a page. i am cthulu over there. here is a link to me profile. add me if you like. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";friendid=4081255"> ... id=4081255</a><!-- m --> i found that by making most all my info about my dog, i wouldnt get deleted. its so tiring always having to redo your profile and all. would love to meet someday. the hubby and i are all about making new friends. his band is planning on touring soon and i am hoping to be able to tag along to some of the shows he does overseas if possible. anyways i am exhausted so i need sleep will talk with you more later. 816! sara 0 0 gA== 3dnex6sm 0 0 u_58
1773 0 311 0 1208352820 1 1 1 1 tiedustelu i want to order clock 2 where or what bank,i send the money? send me a information.. 0 0 emjjtc8c 0 0 u_98
5115 0 212 0 1223125083 1 1 1 1 gig south east london, you have any contact numbers of people down here? if not i will give you mine and you can call me later rob lsg 0 0 1fql80hj 0 0 u_53
4895 4893 780 0 1221779804 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND Barnsley south Yorkshire 0 0 a3z9tkt0 0 0 u_1074
6218 6211 70 0 1232494522 1 1 1 1 Re: email Cheers bro e mail for b and h is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 dp3b3y7p 0 0 u_2247
5724 5625 66 0 1227896266 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire hi ryan , yes i recieved your emal ... thank for that .. i will txt all the details to you on tuesday....take care jules 88 0 0 mdj00dsl 0 0 u_780
6490 6428 59 0 1234141963 1 1 1 1 Re: trying to get hold of.. hiya hun same old same old here, tried that number, my crap phone would'nt recognise the number? get grumps to email me at the site, probably easier at mo hun. stay safe hopefully see you soon.... tho I've had no contact with anyone in a fair while now, must have done something bad without realising it hohum, x 0 0 n06a1dvc 0 0 u_68
6189 0 143 0 1232370792 1 1 1 1 Budapest hostels hello,maybe I can help you with the acommodation, hostel price in budapest are cca 15-20euro/night in center of the city, outside of center you can find hostel for 10 euro/night. If you have msn you can add me, my msn is: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 101ivfqm 0 0 u_2296
6190 6086 2099 0 1232386100 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya I can't afford to go to the London one, cos I don't have a job yet (N) I didn't know about the one on 24th (i dont get on here much either) i'll look into it :) Yeah, i got msn (my addy is a bit gay, i made it like 4 years ago) <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Unfortunuatley, Im not on that much either, cos i've just moved and i dont have the internet at home yet. Take care 88 0 0 1tt76b5n 0 0 u_1838
5440 4952 203 0 1225543430 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista Olá Boas Eu queria te perguntar se queres vir a saragoza agora em Novembro. Abraço 0 0 mazqtbnc 0 0 u_1923
6045 0 72 0 1231449491 1 1 1 1 DAY OF HONOUR 2009 I've been told the support band is LANDSER at the DAY OF HONOUR <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 tj0zlksm 0 0 u_70
834 708 72 0 1204037979 1 1 1 1 Re: DRESDEN Don't worry about the 'grammar, spelling or punctuation' to much as I have a good friend who is an 'English teacher and will correct any mistakes. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 xgi2ufm9 0 0 u_97
635 505 171 0 1203072070 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica Novac ce biti vracen, ali u izradu se ide 100%. Trenutno sam jako okupiran s faxom i ispitima . Za uplatu odi u PBZ, na papiricu napisi moje ime, prezime i broj racuna i daj teti za salterom reci da mi trebas uplatit 200kn, daj joj novce i to je to. Pitaj nju ako sta zapne, ona ce ti pomoc. Obavezno odi u PBZ jer ce u drugim bankama uzet proviziju. Pozdrav, hvala 0 0 2cmro6q5 0 0 u_141
833 708 72 0 1204037605 1 1 1 1 Re: DRESDEN Greetings Michael I m sorry to hear there is no Dutch B&amp;H magazine at the moment....if you could write a report for the British B&amp;H magazine that would be [b:2hzt5ziw]MUCH APPRECIATED[/b:2hzt5ziw]. Could you sent any photos you have that are 300 D.P.I - 400 D.P.I to my email address at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> .......or if they are[b:2hzt5ziw] NOT[/b:2hzt5ziw] 300 D.P.I - 400 D.P.I could you PRINT them off and send the copys by post to R.Ogborn 84 Longmead Ave, Horfield, Bristol, BS7 8QF ENGLAND. Yours.Rob 0 0 QA== 2hzt5ziw 0 0 u_97
4711 4688 284 0 1220822513 1 1 1 1 Re: Real Ale Consumers! Ha ha nice one. How ya doing mate? Not long to ISD. Hope you make it - it'll be great! Try Aldi for cheap but good th'ale. Got some last night off my dads mate and it was lovely. Rob 0 0 2uggt8b3 0 0 u_1787
4715 4688 1787 0 1220856542 1 1 1 1 Re: Real Ale Consumers! The only alcohol I've tried from Aldi's was some generic 'Le Brasserie' lagers, we were drunk, it was 5% and £3 for 15 bottles, haha, still no excuse though is there <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Good to hear that you are going to ISD mate, I should be going up with Brad so I'll see you there for a pint mate! Adam 0 0 hqapzo12 0 0 u_284
5381 5246 230 0 1225037760 1 1 1 1 Re: 15.11.2008 Gig France Hello, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... yerfl4.jpg</a><!-- m --> FHSParis 0 0 3a52un96 0 0 u_251
64 0 124 0 1200569187 1 1 1 1 cj thanks mate now we can talk on here 0 0 2yvakk73 0 0 u_2
831 0 277 0 1204031026 1 1 1 1 majice gotove su majice, krajem tjedna dolazimo... 0 0 18bu8pml 0 0 u_171
832 808 61 0 1204033086 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello mate, yeah it's a shame you missed the ISD there was a load of good people there &amp; i wondered where you were as I was keeping an eye out for you. I'm not sure when I'll make it to another gig but I'm sure I'll make this years ISD no matter what's going on. Ha ha it sounds like your dog has realised he's a Staff mate, they can be a right handfull once they get it into their heads to have a go at other dogs. Yeah I'm still lifting the weights but not as heavy at the moment as I did my shoulder in late last year &amp; it's taken ages to get it back to normal. I bought a Russian Kettlebell the other week &amp; it's one hell of a workout as it mix's cardio with weight training. Are you still training? Have a good time at the gig on the 8th, take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 3i7jjoi5 0 0 u_576
6438 0 337 0 1233713109 1 1 1 1 none Hey, There is a guy on this forum that got busted with explosives and other illegal materials. He goes by the name of Skoda. Here is an article on his conviction: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";coll=3"> ... xml&amp;coll=3</a><!-- m --> I have communicated with him through PM's and was planning on meeting him, as he was a nationalist that lived close to me. He never once claimed to be C18. I thought you should know for security reasons. Thank You! 828! 0 0 2kajyctb 0 0 u_54
6039 5985 69 0 1231371972 1 1 1 1 Re: Eyup yes mate thats no problem at all..i will deffo do it tomorrow ok..ive just come outta hospital had to have metl plates put in my leg cos fighting saturday and some fucker did a american history x on my leg via the kerb..s spent last 5 days in there moaning like a girl had to cancel her flight at last min cos i cant walk about without crutches until it heals like..its all stapled ith metal all down the bottom of leg both sides <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> and it hurts like hell believe me..but the pains nothing to what im feeling cos she aint here at min ill fuckin learn one day but after this its really taught me a lesson cos the bones breaking i can stand the heartbreak of not seeing her i cant <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> great start to a year where i promised id get me priorities right..fell at first fuckin fence..but like i say i dont care what mates thnk say now im done with it ..cos ingrids my priority now and thats how its gonna stay..whn i fuck up i dont half do it right mate believe me ..and for once i aint laughing when im telling the fuckin really full a hate for myself after this mate cos i could have lost everything with her and i dont want that im lucky i got a second chance like ill send shaun a mail mate anyway no probs ok <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 37gqljb1 0 0 u_531
70 0 73 0 1200588964 1 1 1 1 hi son hi son see ya soon 0 0 1bekzojl 0 0 u_124
71 0 70 0 1200596977 1 1 1 1 skrewdriver waterloo hail .... I have a copy of skrewdriver live waterloo vinyl... Iknow thats no good !!!!!!!!!also have a copy on cd which I can copy and send If you want . hope that helps...... cheers RR stu 88 <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 36qkxgab 0 0 u_83
6065 6053 70 0 1231664586 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! Cheers mate that would be great . I had tony with us and was just on b and h . He wants to go see code 1 next week in wakefield and I read your post about you had new album .... Not pissed still tryin to be good ... Won't last long as had a couple. Ha ha . Cheers bro 828 0 0 1ivz83e8 0 0 u_58
5900 5840 323 4 1229290921 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H tees Scotland Hi, i got the money $370 &quot;thanks so much&quot;.. We are going to put $100 towards Kemp's fund for when he gets out in July Another $50 for a prisoner in Florida called Larry Harper $50 for books for prisoners Then the rest will be put aside till we need it... Thanks.. 0 0 rdgkutuv 0 0 u_73
6219 6193 61 0 1232538145 1 1 1 1 Re: Salute o/ [quote=&quot;assaSSin&quot;:mjnn3hui]Hello Kirk, not to worry mate, i'm sure there will be more chances to meet up. I'm gonna try to make it to the Villent Storm, but with my wife pregnant an all, it might be a bit tight, money wise, but will know then. Take care Kirk, all the best. Berto 828 ROA[/quote:mjnn3hui] Hello Berto, when is your baby due mate? Is this your first one? I've got 6 children myself, one girl who's 19 &amp; five boy's who are 17, 12, 10, 8 &amp; 4. Take care Kirk 828 0 0 gA== mjnn3hui 0 0 u_2138
5359 5355 2063 0 1224861844 1 1 1 1 Re: contact Salut! Je suis d'Orléans et toi? J'ai contacté le site B&amp;H France (quand il éxistait encore) avec un de vos camarades de Paris. Mais après je suis partie en vacances et depuis que je suis revenue, je ne lui trouve pas. Je m'enquète trop car il habite dans le banlieu parisien (bcp d'immigrés) et il porte tjs les tee-shorts rasistes. J'éspère que vous pouvez m'aider... mon adresse msn est <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 88! 0 0 1mddwvtu 0 0 u_187
74 71 70 0 1200609977 1 1 1 1 Re: skrewdriver waterloo probs will copy it in mornin and post out to you, fantastic album so you will be jumpin over moon soon, all best I will pm you when I post it ... all best RR stu 88 0 0 1ubai2n4 0 0 u_83
938 926 74 0 1204579328 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London yes it a great site <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2x5ycgft 0 0 u_616
940 920 608 0 1204589940 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen yea deffo gonna go sat + hopefully next sat too - will have to meet for beer seein as u quite close 88 0 0 3iu03u29 0 0 u_616
937 0 616 0 1204573068 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4246#p4246:ykie5175]Subject: Hello from SW London[/url:ykie5175] [quote=&quot;Doomsday88&quot;:ykie5175]And welcome and hail from Holland <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:ykie5175] Hail from London m88! thanks for the welcome message. Be glad to discuss interests on yahoo sometime - englandnaz on there. 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 kA== ykie5175 0 0 u_62
4228 0 73 0 1217030645 1 1 1 1 meeting hi scott what date have you got this meeting planned for and also where abouts, cheers, paul b&amp;h scotland highlander east coast representative 0 0 6nxpg703 0 0 u_1017
3957 3418 1 3 1216046119 1 1 1 1 Re: Thank you! hello nicloe yes its good im into wildlife stuff i used to go fishing yes thats a kind of hunting but you can eat fish not foxes inless youre a gook haha i love watching the wild life australia isee the damage erupean wildlife has done what are those frog thingsthat destroy everything in the outback rabbits have been wiped out by i cant spell what it is like here and rabits are the food of foxes infact you will see more foxes in citys than the country now that was my nan got me on a horse me mum unclies brothers hated it i didnt mind it . i got the bully boys and fortress live in australia isd memorail gig dvd from rampage have you seenit did you go? take a look another aussie has brought my armband soim very happy i got my league sentinal magazine this morning want a copy good stuff about jews adolf hitler and gl rockwell in this issue ive a ton of things to do this week wont be on line again till thursday ill send you 2 fun items ive done for you aswell do you have pets we have cats noe cats dont do well in austthey keep the mice down weve had dogs but cant give them the time and dogs smell a bit i will post youre stuff sometime this week ok 1488 nick <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 24jnug5z 0 0 u_54
918 269 112 0 1204546292 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Ja was inderdaad waar Lion's Pride gespeeld heeft, is totaal vernieuwd. Is nu wel een Cercle café!:D haha Maar bon, de nieuwe uitbater is wel ok, hehe Kreeg de ingeving om enen te gaan drinken dus dacht zal bericht sturen dus. Geschiedkundige van wat? 0 0 2unh0x27 0 0 u_110
5494 5400 74 0 1225897473 1 1 1 1 Re: cds hi have u any clingford attack cds left danny28 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 941rgdz6 0 0 u_103
83 81 70 0 1200754881 1 1 1 1 Re: Got em!! bloody heck they got there quick I take it all back what I say about royal mail. <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> glad you got em and enjoy ,that will be great re donation admin will sort it. cheers mate see you for that pint sometime...... all best RR stu 0 0 1m2jm4su 0 0 u_83
85 82 2 0 1200771945 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello Sure, but who and what do you want to donate to? 0 0 b34jcap3 0 0 u_83
88 82 2 0 1200775730 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello No, B&amp;H doesn't accept finiancial donations but we would encourage a donation to someone like the WAU no matter how small. Highlander E C or Duds might be the ones to approach over this matter. Thanks for taking such an honourable approach to things 0 0 3d1oy4lr 0 0 u_83
1969 0 182 0 1209408191 1 1 1 1 above the ruins hi i could email you the tracks if you are interested? or you can usually get the cd on ebay. hope this helps moonie 0 0 1q1lna0f 0 0 u_65
1970 0 105 0 1209411942 1 1 1 1 South Wales 28 Gig coming up soon and theres various other things happening, where in South Wales? We can always find room for people to gigs if that helps. We're spread across South Wales so depending on the type of meeting BNP,BM etc your looking for someone will point you in the right direction. 0 0 1m2muqzw 0 0 u_892
91 90 73 0 1200779910 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello well what can i say mate. if you want to add a donation to the wau that would be great, there is 2 ways you can do it 1/ add your donation to the auction for all to see or 2/pm me and we can add the donation without anyone knowing where it came from as some people like to keep it to themselfs cheers paul 0 0 35wguybz 0 0 u_83
93 90 73 0 1200780656 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello A BIG THANK YOU MATE for the kind donation. every penny counts. my address is paul obrien 90 viewmount forfar angus scotland DD8 1LJ are you putting it on the forum of me please let me know thanks paul 0 0 1et9cmfm 0 0 u_83
1966 1965 53 0 1209399038 1 1 1 1 Re: invicta88 [quote=&quot;freya79&quot;:389iogtv]Hail &quot;Chubley&quot;, I would like to ask You, if You can see what is wrong, please. My friend he has problems with access to forum today. His user name is: invicta88 Thank You very much. Racial Regards Lin[/quote:389iogtv] Hail Lin, I'm guessing that the may need to set a new password, we have a security feature that requires a new password every 90 days looking at when he joined i think its about the 90 day mark now hope this helps, if not pm again RR Shell 0 0 gA== 389iogtv 0 0 u_255
95 90 73 0 1200781202 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello your welcome mate and it ''thank you '' to you mate 0 0 2qfonqhv 0 0 u_83
1967 1384 556 0 1209404893 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? Hi Duds, still need tattoo art? I can have something by mid-week. Let me know. -Mike 0 0 iks5bl48 0 0 u_59
5757 5736 79 0 1228154597 1 1 1 1 Re: fuck [b:3axcko8k]Thank you for letting me know, I have arranged more transport.[/b:3axcko8k] 0 0 QA== 3axcko8k 0 0 u_1001
6869 6443 53 0 1236959273 1 1 1 1 Re: hi I'm still in Cov but spend a lot of time up north namely with wigan mike!!! see you 2 are having fun on the sxe thread!!! The name Ken Bennet didnt ring any bells but now im thinking its Ken who used to work in the mens wear shop in the Arndale centre, he was a really nice guy if that's him, is he still around the movement? sorry to hear about your job its happening to so many of us but like you im just so busy!! If you have msn or yahoo you can add me if you want its <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> can chat on there Shell88 0 0 28fhasps 1236959397 1 u_319
5760 0 73 0 1228169436 1 1 1 1 funds hi vicky / salli sorry for not been in touch for a while, hope all is well with you both, i have got over 300 euros here for your funds, but not to sure where you want it sent or how, if you want me to send it by paypal or send it by bank, hope to hear from you soon all the best paul b&amp;h scotland highlander east coast division 0 0 2zd5quww 0 0 u_323
4761 4604 171 0 1221040900 1 1 1 1 Re: Sons Of Europe - 23 08 08 Ja sam mossad i ja sve znam! 0 0 2j176ljt 0 0 u_1082
4762 0 171 0 1221041271 1 1 1 1 Request to ban user Well, user 'avion' was already banned few months ago, when he had nickname 'medved'. This wanker is well known to many people from Croatia, and because his behavior in real world we don't want to tolerate him in internet. So, i would ask You to ban him again. Thank You! Marko 0 0 3c6zxq8l 0 0 u_53
5861 0 1787 0 1228821017 1 1 1 1 White Xmas Hail brother, think I was talking to you at the bar at White Xmas, I looked after your drink I think! haha 0 0 3m1hu8mf 0 0 u_1409
5810 5804 1745 0 1228466592 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig hi mate no luck i,m affraid i drive normally but my car is playing up and i dont trust it lololol ......mark 0 0 2vsctnqd 0 0 u_2157
5811 5804 2157 0 1228481073 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig Lol i don't blame you mate. You don't wanna get stuck in the middle of nowhere. I did email a guy called mark to ask about a lift a couple of weeks back, that wouldnt happen to be you would it? my email add is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Cheers Steve 0 0 3fho7awc 0 0 u_1745
6074 6073 2373 0 1231721222 1 1 1 1 Re: hello ok danny thats fine mate good to hear from you nick 88. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 h56ib1g9 0 0 u_74
5363 0 107 0 1224876371 1 1 1 1 isd heil, Nu weet ik wie je bent. Robby (de man met de countercamera op isd) Heeft me uitgelegd dat jij de man bij stand van nsa was. Haha tot de volgende :) 0 0 1m7a5vdx 0 0 u_112
5364 0 1973 0 1224881339 1 1 1 1 oi <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2i1db2ja 0 0 u_112
114 0 138 0 1200849675 1 1 1 1 alright alright m8 not been in touch been busy trying to sort out some work.Ok if me and brother come up on saturday? same place as stinko memorial?. andy 0 0 b289cquv 0 0 u_63
4856 4846 1838 3 1221608630 1 1 1 1 Re: someone else thats bout my age 0 0 2q5wljid 0 0 u_1399
125 0 181 0 1200889217 1 1 1 1 HELLO AND GREETINGs hello and hail to you and to yours i love your signature &quot;One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one — that, by nature, one could not possibly be anything else.&quot; really i just discovered my hate and i'm proud of it ; since a few days i proudly wear my swastika 88 times thanks for listening 0 0 3oa46zxj 0 0 u_54
132 0 138 0 1200907853 1 1 1 1 alrite m8 alrite tom it's andy from ledbury can you email me a postal address I have done a couple of different t shirt's for you to look at you can let me know what you think if ok can get cracking and make some for you.about that embroidery machine any idea how big it is as i'm only working out of a spare room at moment. cheers andy 0 0 2pc6puei 0 0 u_146
135 116 54 3 1200914644 1 1 1 1 Re: France [quote=&quot;bat28&quot;:30oluu9c]Hi Brother, Congratulation for the new forum I'am bat, of 28Charlemagne (France) <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I send this message to become one of the moderators of the party france because you did had not put on the old forum; Thanks 828, Hail Victory[/quote:30oluu9c] Done - you've been added as the moderator of the French section. Um.. and I'm a &quot;Sister&quot; not a Brother... You've just blown the French reputation for being good with the ladies... <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 gA== 30oluu9c 0 0 u_187
4780 4479 143 0 1221151652 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial speech Hey Gabor, are you going to concert from Nagykanisza? 4 of us from Croatia will come with car, so if you are going from Nagykanisza it will be good that we come to Nagykanisza and drive behind you to the Nogradsap 0 0 2mlwqjr1 0 0 u_1053
4781 0 638 0 1221155421 1 1 1 1 88 from Bulgaria Hello Graham, we would like to inform you that our B&amp;H unit held a succ?ssesful gig on 30.08.08. Hope this and all our other actions will fulfil all the conditions and we'll be an official member of 28 Brotherhood. We are looking forward for your statement about 28 Bulgaria. Take care and hope to hear from you soon,828! P.S. If you need pics from the gig I can send you a few. 0 0 3rbnhz3m 0 0 u_193
4974 0 1711 0 1222118087 1 1 1 1 photos <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 0 0 2peo6r4v 0 0 u_307
4975 0 1711 0 1222118156 1 1 1 1 88 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> zobacz na to 0 0 37ylx9h2 0 0 u_1734
4783 0 1838 0 1221162770 1 1 1 1 :) Silly Gay boy!!! 0 0 17tnw75u 0 0 u_1058
4784 0 1058 0 1221163023 1 1 1 1 the lift thread hello i recently read your thread on the forum, about having room in your car for ISD i am from west london, but am having problems with transport with our divison due to unforeseen accidents. so will the offer be open will after the weekend for when i finally know plans? are you also going for the friday or saturday? thanks for reading this Lee 88 0 0 28zooyvc 0 0 u_307
2694 2682 952 0 1212427763 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:cy8lr6xb][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:cy8lr6xb] you still also not have your many pain in your hands?,Darling as you do not about sex,want talk will not angry are on you[/quote:cy8lr6xb] i got big pain in left hand <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> am i angry? do i not want to talk about sex?......did i say that? i just said earlier that you were perving again <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:cy8lr6xb] Honey come soon back my father and i go my taxes filling,otherwise fine,around 10 back can you wait,you make me hot,you do not say that,yes im perving again,you pussy and my dick wow very good feling <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== cy8lr6xb 0 0 u_53
5853 0 871 0 1228738548 1 1 1 1 muffins hello my dear lovely to see you all again but after a got home i realised one thing no muffins <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> i wondered why i was still hungry when i got home pmsl hope to see you all in the new year dont know if we'll make it next year to a social cos linda is pregnant babies due in july but maybe i can make it and bring some new faces regards and yuletide greetings daren 0 0 3f7mz7os 0 0 u_53
5854 5853 53 0 1228738968 1 1 1 1 Re: muffins Thats great news about the baby congratulations, bet the boys are overjoyed, Them bloody muffins haunt me!!! <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I cant see stu &amp; wigan Mike without a batch each, an so many more keep asking about them, An if i hear 'chubs muff' once more <!-- s`Stick --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/stick.gif" alt="`Stick" title="Stick" /><!-- s`Stick --> hahahaha will have to see about something for St Georges day again i think. We do want another camping trip, but of course a tent isnt the place for a mum to be, but would be great to have you an the boys there, best wishes to you all, an have a great yule, &amp; roll on 2009, its gotta go some to beat 2008 0 0 3tqcccom 0 0 u_871
5855 0 1322 0 1228743385 1 1 1 1 hi hello did you go to white xmas in the end ..just noticed the post about coaches from suffolk/london...i couldnt go unfortunately, skint as fuck.. i live in norfolk and we were going to friends in leeds the fri nite and getting the coach from there...apparently we missed a great gig <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> 0 0 16dob2pz 0 0 u_2157
6673 6659 284 0 1235217628 1 1 1 1 Re: York We are mate. Not getting there til about 2-3pm. Probably a bit late to be sending this reply ha ha. Hope to see you there mate. 0 0 1wp1yvj9 0 0 u_801
6199 0 2434 0 1232408743 1 1 1 1 Bok!! Oprosti što ovako upadam al vidim da si najaktivniji i najbliži mjestu mog stanovanja.zanima me gdje se može stupiti u kontakt u vezi kupovine odije?e rado bih si nabavio neke majice nisam skins niti se obla?im poput njih al dijelimo isto razmišljanje i ideologiju tako da bih vrlo rado kupio neku robu da ljudi vide da nas ima i u Vukovaru i da se napokon nešto pokrene i kod nas u VU jel ima puno de?kiju koji bi rado pristupili a neznaju gdje jel svi skoro Hrvatski desno orijentirani sajtovi su okupljalište napaljenih školaraca koji dižu ruku samo da bi ispali opasni.....HVala ti unaprijed!!!!! 0 0 3rtm94pl 0 0 u_171
6792 0 212 0 1236279765 1 1 1 1 hello hello good to see you made it, you will have to keep that yahool address i made for any correspndance from here, like the notification of the message hahaha im sure you will be a great asset here see you both saturday i take it chez is your good lady 0 0 2jns8vyc 0 0 u_2658
5955 0 2245 0 1230029062 1 1 1 1 thx Cheers oi look forward to it 0 0 hjjhqgo7 0 0 u_1972
5956 0 618 0 1230043414 1 1 1 1 NSBM gegroet, De site is bijna klaar. Ik zou willen vragen of u samples heeft die ik op de site zou mogen plaatsen. mvg 0 0 341chf11 0 0 u_112
6010 0 72 0 1231099619 1 1 1 1 GOOD MORNING <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Good morning BEB. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 1huezxmb 0 0 u_54
6193 0 2138 0 1232394077 1 1 1 1 Saltue o/ Hello again mate. As i'm sure you've heard about it got to ask if you can make it to the 7th Feb. gig in London. It would be great to see you there and have a few beers, lol. Also, it would be an incentive for Dajo to make the trip down to the south. Take care, Crazy. All the best. 828 ROA 0 0 10nt19p4 0 0 u_61
6194 0 212 0 1232397266 1 1 1 1 hi hi i posted an article in 'world news' but on reflection is better suited to 'new world order' could you please move it? thanks rob 0 0 2p0ld7oj 0 0 u_54
6195 0 91 0 1232397866 1 1 1 1 Shirts 88! Just like to know do you have any Deaths head gear like shirts or something, because I cant find anywhere <!-- s~jew --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/Jew.gif" alt="~jew" title="Jew" /><!-- s~jew --> Thanks already! 0 0 2vngdpwe 0 0 u_109
5752 5727 68 0 1228117762 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! Hey Mate, Yeah i spoke to Lucas yesterday, hes not feeling all that well, bit down in the dumps and stuff from what happened, but yeah when you go to see him give him a big kiss from me... lol nah didnt think you would haha! Yes mate, ill be there on sat! Catch up with you then mate! Helen -14- 0 0 3dtvgql8 0 0 u_58
5754 0 1713 0 1228137782 1 1 1 1 Re: Rampage Website Alright mate, its paul from the london skinhead site good to see u on here, u going to xmas gig? maybe we can meet for that pint, all the best paul28 0 0 3dbz98fi 0 0 u_801
5944 0 152 0 1229796062 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H badges We (B&amp;H America) sold some of the badges you sent..We have about 65$ for yall (40 pounds??). Where can I send it- preferably paypal?? Thx Simon. Mike L C28 0 0 3c8gairi 0 0 u_65
146 116 54 3 1201002374 1 1 1 1 Re: France [quote=&quot;bat28&quot;:2wjckak9]Lol sorry girl, the speed earned me not to see that you are a charming NS; [/quote:2wjckak9] OK... French reputation successfully restored... <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 gA== 2wjckak9 0 0 u_187
147 0 73 0 1201006165 1 1 1 1 post/mail just to let you know i got your letter this morning mate THANK YOU. cheers paul 0 0 2zystnya 0 0 u_83
149 147 73 0 1201009629 1 1 1 1 Re: post/mail we have raised almost $1000 but please keep that to yourself for the time being we will put a post up at the end,once we know the total amount im also hoping to get a few more bits sent to me to add to the stuff that already on the site cheers paul 0 0 2shu7y41 0 0 u_83
152 0 173 4 1201023781 1 1 1 1 Pjesme 1. Paddy's Green Shamrock Shore 2. Moja Raka 3.Zbogom Sve 4.Mara 5. Oda Dubravi 0 0 y2dbwfb9 0 0 u_171
154 0 236 0 1201028150 1 1 1 1 Moderatori Pozdrav, Gebi iz Slovenije ovde, pa me zanima, kako se dodje do moderatorstva za svoju sekciju. Tko je glavni moderator ovog novog foruma? lp Gebi 0 0 6s88jovz 0 0 u_171
155 0 215 0 1201031086 1 1 1 1 Contact Salut, je viens du 74 (donc ta région a ce qu'on m'a dit si tu y vis encore) et je souhaiterais rentré dans le C38, je dois donc monté voir un/des hammerskins a paris pour ce faire. Cependant, si tu es intéréssé et libre, je voulais savoir si tu serais intéréssé pour me rencontrer et causer un petit peu. Voila tout, bonne continuation, a+ 0 0 1xkmpqim 0 0 u_222
156 155 222 0 1201031885 1 1 1 1 Re: Contact Donne moi un contact telephonique et on essayera de se rencontrer un de ces quatre. Tu habite ou ? 0 0 3o5biqqq 0 0 u_215
157 0 222 0 1201033343 1 1 1 1 bonjour mademoiselle How you doin lady ? I'm sorry i didn't reply to you on the HSN forum but since they did some updates i lost your message <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> The only thing i remember is you asked that when you come over i organize you a line up of good looking singles. Well sorry, but, none of us are good looking......... but a ton of us are single <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> Hope all is fine for you Take care raph 0 0 35mr0z9b 0 0 u_54
5847 5803 1092 0 1228679074 1 1 1 1 Re: nsv betoging leeer je vanzelf kennen als je meer begint mee te gaan 0 0 mjka8i22 0 0 u_618
167 0 199 0 1201051304 1 1 1 1 Hi Hail I'm Gary - also from the West Midlands - Coventry to be exact. Joined the forum at the w/end and hoping to meet &amp; make new m8s who think along the same wavelength.... Hope to hear back from ya cheerSS Gary 0 0 w41utxhr 0 0 u_89
1558 0 128 0 1207316505 1 1 1 1 gig hello rob i see your coming up for the c84 gig, have you got flights sorted and somewhere to kip? 0 0 1z5ldsy8 0 0 u_72
4672 4629 128 0 1220590450 1 1 1 1 Re: video No problems, glad to help and look forward to seeing in. 0 0 c736vrbt 0 0 u_100
5018 0 396 0 1222304806 1 1 1 1 time get to bed you fucker <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 8lk47hja 0 0 u_1131
5831 0 1322 0 1228570482 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16570#p16570:3cyky5wn]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:3cyky5wn] [quote=&quot;celtic1488&quot;:3cyky5wn]can somebody help me i need a lift from the norwich/ ipswich area my car is not running too well ....lolol. thanks in advance if anyone can help me 828[/quote:3cyky5wn] hi i cant make white xmas but just want to say hello cos i live near norwich and know no one else of our persuasion in the area lol <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 kA== 3cyky5wn 0 0 u_1745
173 154 171 0 1201078203 1 1 1 1 Re: Moderatori [quote=&quot;dr.Gebi&quot;:363h75k1]Pozdrav, Gebi iz Slovenije ovde, pa me zanima, kako se dodje do moderatorstva za svoju sekciju. Tko je glavni moderator ovog novog foruma? lp Gebi[/quote:363h75k1] Pozdrav Gebi! Pošalji samo PM za Blue Eyed Blonde, te ce te staviti bez problema! Nego da te pitam, trebali bi raditi uskoro nove majice. Tisak bi bio na prsima dimenzija cca 25x15cm, te na le?ima veli?ine A4 papira. Naprijed je u sivoj i bijeloj boji, nazad samo u bijeloj. Pa jel bi mogao re?i koliko bi to otprilike koštalo skupa sa majicama. Planiramo raditi oko 25komada za sada. Peter je rekao da ?e ti se najvjerojatnije javiti ovaj ili idu?i tjedan, te poslati vektore za te majice. Pozdrav i hvala unaprijed! Marko 0 0 gA== 363h75k1 0 0 u_236
175 157 54 0 1201088381 1 1 1 1 G'day Mate! [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:1a36gp08]How you doin lady ? I'm sorry i didn't reply to you on the HSN forum but since they did some updates i lost your message <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> [/quote:1a36gp08] No worries, I knew that had happened. We are on so many of the same forums I know that I can’t escape from you! <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:1a36gp08]The only thing i remember is you asked that when you come over i organize you a line up of good looking singles. Well sorry, but, none of us are good looking......... but a ton of us are single <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> [/quote:1a36gp08] Hmm… I wonder if there is a connection there… <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Well I suppose that is better than the other alternative…… you are all good looking, but none of you are single! Good looking men are usually trouble…. but they are nice to look at while it lasts! <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> OK, line up some of your “not-good looking but bloody fantastic blokes” single friends instead then <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:1a36gp08] Hope all is fine for you Take care raph[/quote:1a36gp08] Yes, things are fine here. I’m busily working away behind the scenes setting up a video and music section for the forum where we will upload a whole variety of stuff for people. There will be a few other new forum features happening over the next couple of months, so keep an eye out! How are things going with you? What have you been up to (you never tell me anything!) Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> PS. Saw your post where you said you liked the Ramones - so do I. I was lucky enough to see them twice when I lived in the States - in '84 and in '86! 0 0 gA== 1a36gp08 1201104010 3 u_222
177 155 215 0 1201092337 1 1 1 1 Re: Contact Je change de numéro cet apres midi donc je te donnerai mon numéro se soir. J'habite pringy. On c'était croisé rapidement au concert a paris, max devait nous présentez mais il est partit dormir au bout de peu de temps... Si jamais ca peut te donné une indication, j'étais souvent avec Emma,et j'étais un des rares en bretelles. Voila tout, bonne journée. 0 0 28k0ivnp 0 0 u_222
5867 0 2138 0 1228855983 1 1 1 1 Hello mate Salute Darren, hope you still remember us at the gig, we were tallking outside, your lady was there too ! Thanks for the chat and congrats on the gig, it was the best ever. 828 ROA 0 0 21sdt0mm 0 0 u_606
5868 0 2265 0 1228860445 1 1 1 1 Re: I know it's late but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 88 mate cheers for lettin me stay at yours the nite being a stranger and all very good of you mate, get you a few beers next gig, wanna talk on msn it <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Hail Blood &amp; Honour <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 am43po3a 0 0 u_801
462 0 147 0 1202513933 1 1 1 1 booklets could you send a few to canada, i can send you shipping money 0 0 hgjhwcc4 0 0 u_72
463 461 105 0 1202514130 1 1 1 1 Re: Original RAC Vinyl for sale. Those 2 have both now been sold sorry. 0 0 246u12xc 0 0 u_340
466 456 397 0 1202546678 1 1 1 1 Re: 74 Annecy??? moi je vient de st julien en genevois, environ à 3 quarts d'heurs 1 heur d'annecy, c'est à coté de la suisse. T'es un skinhead? en tout cas c'est cool de savoir que je suis pas seul en haute savoie Heil! 0 0 1obtjran 0 0 u_215
468 456 397 0 1202550975 1 1 1 1 Re: 74 j'ai pas de moyen de transport pour aller a lyon mé sinon oui annemasse c'est juste à coté de chez moi. 0 0 1ea4m29j 0 0 u_215
469 0 211 0 1202556471 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=1380#p1380:18aem9lu]Subject: Manifestation du Renouveau francais[/url:18aem9lu] [quote=&quot;28midgard&quot;:18aem9lu][img:18aem9lu]http&#58;//img245&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img245/479/6fevlf7&#46;jpg[/img:18aem9lu] [url:18aem9lu]http&#58;//rfyvelines&#46;free&#46;fr/[/url:18aem9lu][/quote:18aem9lu] Salut Thierry. Est ce que tu aurais des patchs blood and honour en forme de demi lune? Ou bien toute autre sorte d'ecussons? J'en ai besoin cette semaine. Tu peux m'en envoyer a cette adresse: Renaud Mannheim 43 ter rue de la republique 38230 Pont de cheruy Je te donnerais l'argent au concert. merci. 28/88 0 0 mA== 18aem9lu 0 0 u_206
180 154 236 0 1201102324 1 1 1 1 Re: Moderatori Hvala na odgovoru, za majice je ovako: majica sama košta oko 2,52€, za 25 kom je to: 63,-€ priprema za tisak (3 boje ukupno): 15+10+10= 35,-€ tisak: 12,50 zadnja i 25 sprijeda: 37,50€ Ukupno za 25 majica: 135,50€ minus 5% popust za B&amp;H [b:37152h0h]=127,-€[/b:37152h0h] Pozdrav, Gebi 0 0 QA== 37152h0h 0 0 u_171
181 0 236 0 1201102553 1 1 1 1 Slovenia Hello, I'm Gebi from Slovenia and I would like to ask you, if you can give me moderator rights for Slovenian forum. On old forum we don't have this right and users write sometimes stupid things. We must make sure, that forum remains on hight level. best regards from Slovenia Gebi 0 0 2sse23sf 0 0 u_54
5362 5176 1937 0 1224869503 1 1 1 1 Re: !!! here is all over too. we have big problems. i fight but he will go back to spain. for this the bye. is maybe better in the moment. all the best. maybe anytime you can say to him that i havent say that i love you. only the i like you. if you want do it. thx. nath in the moment i stop to wirte. bye 0 0 1sbd0any 0 0 u_63
882 729 277 0 1204323451 1 1 1 1 Re: stranica marko ti je napravio banner, cekam da mi ga posalje, ja ti ovih dana sredim stranicu... 0 0 2ho4o25q 0 0 u_108
6011 0 1787 0 1231155558 1 1 1 1 Re: YOUTH AREA [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17903#p17903:38lqgffs]Subject: YOUTH AREA[/url:38lqgffs] [quote=&quot;ALEXD!£88&quot;:38lqgffs]we would need one of the admins to create a space for us on this forum or we could always create a seperate forum,i know few decent orum providers.[/quote:38lqgffs] Hey mate, if you need help with creating a new forum, I work (or used to before the credit crunch lol) in I.T and web design so give me a shout! 28 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 kA== 38lqgffs 0 0 u_2276
6012 0 2296 0 1231160573 1 1 1 1 gig spain 09 88 my aryan brother i saw your post about gig in spain ,by the time you get this you will prob be back home ?hpe u enjoyed your selfs ,i my self go to spain every yr and have done for the past 20yrs ,im further down the coast from madrid and every time ive been and found out about gigs theres never any down my end of spain allicante benidorm etc,i was just wondering if you know brothers or sisters i can get in touch with when i travel later in the year ,the troops from 44x2 a great spanish web site cheeck it out if u havent already ,all they could do was to give me addy of a few forums ?but undertsandivly they dont know me so they dot realy know who there talking to and like wise ,as the reds are out at evry opertunatie to get us on our own so a gang can try to beat us up and they were abit cagey with details ,i did meet a skinhead brother tattoist from torevieca (bad spelling srry) they call him pit bull but i lost his addy as our cases went fucking awol ,any ways bro if you can help me that would be great and i would be due u a good drink if we ever meet at isd or any gigs u go to that i moght be there ,my names steph from alloa white pride sotland incase your gona make enqueriys ,ask paul from highlander eastcoast or any of the wp web sites in the uk im customer at them all,yours for 14 wrds ,white scotsman (steph1488)and the crew from alloa white pride scotland 0 0 2gok9k1d 0 0 u_69
185 157 222 0 1201114291 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day Mate! I never tell you anything cause there's nothing much to say. I work, work,work and work..... beside that i take some time to work,work and work <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> i get at work around 7 AM and leave around 9 PM We just invested around 1 million euros in machinery, and i'm studying a project of buying a company in Canada and opening one in the US, see, nothing really interesting to share ! I just take Saturday off to go see my daughter skiing, can't wait for spring to come out and get my motorcycle out of the garage and go boating. As for the Ramones, they are kick ass, but i like all Rock and Punk Rock from those years even some stuff from the 60's, i'm getting old before the right time <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> I'll try to get you some good looking dudes for the line up, but that'll be hard <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> Good luck with the video section Raph 0 0 2mknm9qs 0 0 u_54
186 155 222 0 1201114480 1 1 1 1 Re: Contact Sincerement comme ca je vois pas, tout ce que je sais c'est que il y en avait un d'annecy que je connaissais pas qui c'est pris une claque dehors par Cyril d'Annemasse. Mais j'ai pas vraiment fait attention a tout ceux qui y avait. Donne moi ton numero quand tu veux et on essayera de se trouver un moment pour se voir 0 0 15morywu 0 0 u_215
187 155 215 0 1201117047 1 1 1 1 Re: Contact Ouai bah voila c'était moi ... Tient voila mon numéro: 06-85-05-13-56, je le récupère demain dans la journée. Sur ce bonne soirée, a+ 0 0 gaet96sc 0 0 u_222
1619 0 306 0 1207587533 1 1 1 1 MSN Oi comrade! Do you have msn, becouse i'm comming to Switzeland by the end of this month, and maybe i'll have some time for a drink or something. 88! 0 0 cf2dnlqq 0 0 u_122
1620 1619 122 0 1207587836 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN Hail, you from 28slovenia ? 0 0 1a87ayjb 0 0 u_306
1621 1619 306 0 1207591966 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN Yes. 0 0 3s30j14z 0 0 u_122
1622 1619 122 0 1207592351 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN a member of blood and honour slovenja ? 0 0 2g9d5gz0 0 0 u_306
5251 5250 1092 0 1224179603 1 1 1 1 Re: vervoer geen probleem. bel me vrijdagavond laat ( 9-10 u) of zaterdag ochtend( 9u) om verder af te spreken. naftkosten liggen rond de 10 euro( normaal gok ik) en inkom concert is 25 t shirts enz... zijn er te koop alsook zuipkaarten.. plunder u bankrekeningtje al maar <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 35vzhh2l 0 0 u_174
191 0 243 0 1201136927 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail from quebec [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=458#p458:2l1mj17c]Subject: Hail from quebec[/url:2l1mj17c] [quote=&quot;SonofTyr&quot;:2l1mj17c]Looks like I'm the first one here, hope to see more brothers and sisters <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: -->[/quote:2l1mj17c] how did u git your cumputer to right in runick.i would relly lick to know how to do that thanks ghostwolf 0 0 kA== 2l1mj17c 0 0 u_132
192 157 54 0 1201158006 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day Mate! [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]I never tell you anything cause there's nothing much to say. I work, work,work and work..... beside that i take some time to work,work and work <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> i get at work around 7 AM and leave around 9 PM[/quote:y81t44ao] Ah, my life used to be like that..,. and is more than likely going to be again very soon… <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> Well good for you Raph, I have a lot of respect for your work ethic. There are times in life when you have to do that. I learnt a long time ago that no bastard was ever going to give me anything, and that lots were going to try to take it away, and if I wanted to get anywhere in life I had to go out and make things happen myself. <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> Success doesn’t just happen – there is a lot of hard work, discipline and sacrifice involved. It will be worth it all in the end though I’m sure. [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]We just invested around 1 million euros in machinery, and i'm studying a project of buying a company in Canada and opening one in the US, see, nothing really interesting to share ![/quote:y81t44ao] Nothing interesting????? Wow – you’ve got heaps of amazing things happening at the moment. I asked you this in the last “missing” pm, but what exactly does your factory do? You said something about tools, but that could mean anything. What does the new machinery do? Is it a new functionality, or was it upgrading/automating old functionality? Are the businesses you are looking at in the US and Canada going to be extensions of what you currently do? What made you choose those markets, apart from your personal ties, does it tie in with your uncles business? How are you going to manage them based in France? At least you’ll be able to claim your trips back to Canada and the States as work trips now haha. I hope you don’t think I’m being nosy…. I actually find all that sort of stuff really interesting. I’m a “logistics” girl – as soon as you come up with a scenario my mind races off in a million directions as to what needs to be done to actually make it happen. That’s why I do what I do for a living I suppose. <!-- s:geek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek" /><!-- s:geek: --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]I just take Saturday off to go see my daughter skiing, can't wait for spring to come out and get my motorcycle out of the garage and go boating.[/quote:y81t44ao] It must be hard only seeing your daughter on weekends like that. Do you get her for school holidays? I think I’ve mentioned before, I’ve got a week on/week off arrangement with my ex, and it actually works quite well. Does your daughter live in the same area? What’s her name by the way… My little girls name is Charlotte, but we call her Charlie. What sort of bike do you have? I have to admit to being a bit of a closet “rev head” <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> . I love putting my foot down and tackling nice curvy stretches of road, with the hood down and the stereo blaring. When I bought my car I got a free advanced BMW drivers course with it. I’m flying up to Brisbane in March to do it, it should be fun. I would have thought that you couldn’t wait for spring so that you could thaw out your frozen balls…. <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao] As for the Ramones, they are kick ass, but i like all Rock and Punk Rock from those years even some stuff from the 60's, i'm getting old before the right time <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> [/quote:y81t44ao] You even like stuff from the 60’s hey… well that means I just made it in, since I was born in ’69 <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> . I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for the early punk bands as well. I even went and saw the Sex Pistols when they did their “ filthy lucre” tour for nostalgia’s sake! [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]I'll try to get you some good looking dudes for the line up, but that'll be hard <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: -->Raph[/quote:y81t44ao] OK, thanks… but I’m a bit concerned that your definition and my definition of a good looking bloke might be completely different….. and I’ll be even more concerned if it isn’t! <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> Maybe you should line up a couple of genuine and decent ones as a backup just in case. Apparently they’re a rare species and I’m sure that I could find good homes for them all… <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> [quote=&quot;FHSRAPH&quot;:y81t44ao]Good luck with the video section [/quote:y81t44ao] Thanks, hopefully it will be up by the end of the weekend, but we shall see….. Cheers Nicole <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> 0 0 gA== y81t44ao 0 0 u_222
193 0 183 1 1201164411 1 1 1 1 88 pozdraf....od kud si tocno???? 88 0 0 3eogo6mq 0 0 u_252
195 154 171 0 1201173796 1 1 1 1 Re: Moderatori Hvala puno, tako smo negdje i o?ekivali cijenu. Nadam se da ?e te Pero uskoro kontaktirati. Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 1gl3hsrv 0 0 u_236
200 0 219 0 1201193644 1 1 1 1 gig Alright marra Can you give me a ring on 07775927810 so i can contact you about saturdays do. 828 John Cumbria 0 0 1mg07u1m 0 0 u_63
202 193 252 0 1201201984 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Hail, ja sam iz jednog malog zagorskog mjesta, ali bez obzira na to kaj je to malo mjesto ima poprili?no puno nacionalsocialista, skinsa itd. Okupljamo i neke drugove iz okolnih zagorskih mjesta i gradova.Mjesto se zove Konjš?ina. Odakle si ti to?no? 0 0 hbvcghvw 0 0 u_183
5493 0 2135 0 1225895205 1 1 1 1 Re: KOSOVO [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5154#p5154:22fzluf7]Subject: KOSOVO[/url:22fzluf7] [quote=&quot;lebenicnik88&quot;:22fzluf7]odpri:D pa napiš Prosta debata;) loh mi daš pa msn na PM ?e bi se rd pogovarju:)[/quote:22fzluf7] Oj a si še kj aktiven na MSH-ju. ?e si te lepo prosim za naslov. Lp. 0 0 kA== 22fzluf7 0 0 u_360
5495 5400 103 0 1225912564 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hello mate, Yes still got the Chingford Attack CD. £10 if you would like one. Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 2ky79zyz 0 0 u_74
209 132 138 0 1201239258 1 1 1 1 Re: alrite m8 Tom I will change letters to capital's let us know what sizes you want.I was wondering as I have a few other t-shirts I sell at gig's if I could make the two designs up and sell what I make over the £4 for each tshirt the band will get with your permission if that's ok could you let me know as i'm going to leed's tomorrow could start getting you some money in? If you let me know when you want yours might be easier if I brought them up to you.Really intrested in the machine will let you know at the whitelaw gig. cheers andy 88 0 0 1o2a7o7p 0 0 u_146
212 193 183 0 1201250196 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 novi marof.... 0 0 2phlc9nb 0 0 u_252
213 181 54 0 1201251727 1 1 1 1 Re: Slovenia [quote=&quot;dr.Gebi&quot;:1a84gwba]Hello, I'm Gebi from Slovenia and I would like to ask you, if you can give me moderator rights for Slovenian forum. On old forum we don't have this right and users write sometimes stupid things. We must make sure, that forum remains on hight level. best regards from Slovenia Gebi[/quote:1a84gwba] Hello, I'm happy to let you know that you are now the moderator of the Slovenian section of the forum! Cheers from Australia! Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 gA== 1a84gwba 0 0 u_236
214 0 148 0 1201253904 1 1 1 1 88 evo frende ak te kaj zanima svi smo povezani prek msn-a pa ak ga imas,bum ti ja onda rekao kaj te zanima,ja sam iz zagreba. <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2de0ir2q 1201253944 1 u_252
6252 6244 2436 0 1232676457 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F Well lets strat like this im 6.6 285 , i was mma for like 6 years .....And i am not in this 2 go 2 jail but i will not let my self are eny my aryan brother be hurt are attackt ... I am just looking for a group like VF BAH two help focos my heart and mine i just really want 2 help with the envacement of are race eny way i can ..i just really want 2 be part of a group thats both smart and respectfull .... I like camping reading training and eny thing 2 do with helping my race ....i am willing 2 learn how 2 be a help 2 my race and not a let down i just need the chance ......your brother in race Charles John Wallis Magraw ... and if u would like two know eny thing else just ask my number is 778-881-6325 and it is allway on affter 6pm <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3ej1i4pb 0 0 u_2105
5862 5804 2157 0 1228847278 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig Haha no problem mate. I made it to the gig in the end. I got a mini bus with the east london lot. You missed a good gig, maybe see you at the next ey. See ya mate 0 0 20wc3e9q 0 0 u_1745
217 132 146 0 1201280023 1 1 1 1 Re: alrite m8 aye' up andy.......feel free to knock out some shirts,whats goin' on in leeds tomorrow?.is it the ballads night.if you could do 5 large-5xl,i think that will be alright to start.i would'nt mind meetin' up with ya' to talk about possibly doin' a differrent design.with maybe a different font on the logo..the ten your gonna' do will just be a tester for the band to see if they get a good interest.if so we can maybe do back print and sleeves as well...we can sort that out no probs though.anyway goin' for a beer so i'll speak or see ya' soon,have a good one tomorrow....TOM828. 0 0 26e60be9 0 0 u_138
5777 5769 1409 0 1228245362 1 1 1 1 Re: ANDOVER Halo mate! Yes mate,I'm still in Andover and I still need lift at gig..I wiil be very happy if you help me with this..Cheers mate!Racial Regards! <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`nsflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/85dd.jpg" alt="`nsflag" title="nsflag" /><!-- s`nsflag --> <!-- s`nsflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/85dd.jpg" alt="`nsflag" title="nsflag" /><!-- s`nsflag --> <!-- s`nsflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/85dd.jpg" alt="`nsflag" title="nsflag" /><!-- s`nsflag --> 0 0 3f1wasd7 0 0 u_72
219 0 53 0 1201337131 1 1 1 1 youtube Hi, just a quick pm to say i've deleted 2 of your posts due to the links to youtube, These are not permited on here, they can be posted on the old forum 0 0 zlsfdwwy 0 0 u_255
221 0 92 0 1201351552 1 1 1 1 Re: Aanstaande zaterdag (26 januari) POW benefiet avond sorry voor de late reactie maar ben je nog geîntresseerd om vervoer te verlenen voor Freiheit28 en mij? en hoelang ben je van plan te blijven? 828! F. 0 0 3c4tqfh7 0 0 u_177
222 0 92 0 1201351888 1 1 1 1 Re: Aanstaande zaterdag (26 januari) POW benefiet avond om het makkelijk te maken: 0478359834 828! F. 0 0 17m3tt1c 0 0 u_177
223 221 177 0 1201424624 1 1 1 1 Re: Aanstaande zaterdag (26 januari) POW benefiet avond Hey, ja sorry hé man, was gisteren heel de dag niet thuis, toeme, anders had ik wel iets kunnen regelen ze! Maybe next time, was het anders ook de eerste keer dat jullie zouden geweest zijn misschien? 0 0 e7tqhwgg 0 0 u_92
224 221 92 0 1201424864 1 1 1 1 Re: Aanstaande zaterdag (26 januari) POW benefiet avond Is niet erg, was nogal laat gestuurd van mij. sorry ja was ook onze eerste keer. 828! F. 0 0 2q2pur8s 0 0 u_177
459 0 214 0 1202504575 1 1 1 1 Re: Agenda B&amp;H Vlaanderen weet gij iets meer?? dat alles is afgelast?? echt klote e grtz 0 0 2aypk2kg 0 0 u_113
460 459 113 0 1202506880 1 1 1 1 Re: Agenda B&amp;H Vlaanderen Ik kan daar niet veel over zeggen, je zal wel begrijpen waarom <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> 828 0 0 1pc6itk2 0 0 u_214
461 0 340 0 1202513712 1 1 1 1 Re: Original RAC Vinyl for sale. how much is Public Enemy - Our Weapon is Truth [Strong Cover Content] Public Enemy - Theres only one Public Enemy [Strong Cover Content] ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=1828#p1828:177oxl3n]Subject: Original RAC Vinyl for sale.[/url:177oxl3n] [quote=&quot;heimdall&quot;:177oxl3n]I've a lot of orginal rockorama etc vinyl for sale. I'm just seeing if theres intrest before I list everything. But all the vinyl is excellent to mint condition. Its all on orginal labels so theres European Rebelles, White Unity etc all in there. Theres a few 7inch singles in mint condition, open to sensible offers. Heres a very small list to gauge intrest...... Skrewdriver - Boot &amp; Braces Skrewdriver - Back with a Bang Skrewdriver - Voice of Britain [When the boat comes in edition not repress] Skrewdriver - Blood and Honour Skrewdriver - Hail the New Dawn Skrewdriver - White Rider Klansmen - Fetch the Rope Klansmen - Johnny joined the Klan [12&quot;] Klansmen - Rock n Roll Patriots Klansmen - Rebel with a Cause Skrewdriver - We got the Power Skrewdriver - Early Years Vol I and II Skrewdriver - Back with a Bang Skrewdriver - Strong Survive Skrewdriver - Warlord Ian Stuart - Slay the Beast Ian Stuart - No Turning Back Ian Stuart - Justice for Gottbus 6 White Diamond - Reaper No Surrender Vol I No Surrender Vol II No Surrender Vol III Gods of War I, II, III, IV [seperate albums] Skullhead - Cry of Pain Skullhead - Odins Call Skullhead - White Warrior Skrewdriver featured on Chiscick Records Comp with Motorhead. No Remorse - New Stormtroopers No Remorse - This time the world No Remorse - See you in Valhalla Public Enemy - Our Weapon is Truth [Strong Cover Content] Publib Enemy - Englands Glory Public Enemy - Theres only one Public Enemy [Strong Cover Content] Paul Burnley 4 the Reich Lionheart-Ride of the Valkyries Lionheart-A New Beginning Vengance - Vengance 7inch BattleZone - Right to March Grade 1 - Hail Fortress - Bell tolls Theres loads more and i'll update list the intrest is there. I can deliver to any UK gig and can send to the USA / Europe.[/quote:177oxl3n] 0 0 kA== 177oxl3n 0 0 u_105
227 0 58 8 1201433910 1 1 1 1 Hail Mateeey Hail Mick !! I was glad to put a face to a name at Gs Birthday bash last night mate <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> I had a very enjoyable evening indeed ha ha ! bit pissed but hey it was me night off LMAO I seem to meet more new friends at every event I go to and heres looking to 2008 with an inspired attitude lol . I thought it was quite funny really coz no-one really knows who Asgard1488 is as not been to any gigs and social evenings !! I always seem to get others staring at me trying to figure out who the fuck is that fella with the bin lids LMAO <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Hope to meet you again soon mate Stay safe and well Racial Regards 828 Neil 0 0 1yh53tl5 0 0 u_180
228 0 282 0 1201440022 1 1 1 1 Changing user name. Hello mate, how can I change my user name? Cheers. 0 0 2zskqt6d 0 0 u_2
229 228 2 0 1201446373 1 1 1 1 Re: Changing user name. Give me the details and i'll sort it 0 0 3awhaad3 0 0 u_282
231 0 177 0 1201456494 1 1 1 1 pow Ik heb je er niet gezien? Je ging nochthans naar me toe komen? Of was je misschien al vroeg weg? 0 0 1si0qn7d 0 0 u_214
4187 4182 53 0 1216899560 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Im good thanx, aye i'll be there, its a mids gig so all good. How u been? 0 0 nqldjxrx 0 0 u_549
4188 4182 549 0 1216900000 1 1 1 1 Re: hi better than usual :) should b able to get up their myself doing my provisional soon so getting where it is wont be a problem :) 0 0 3hrump6d 0 0 u_53
1313 1051 180 0 1206046947 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hi m8, yeah i recall the name bedders now. catch up with you at next gig m8 828 0 0 1bijv3z5 0 0 u_606
235 231 214 0 1201532390 1 1 1 1 Re: pow hey ja heb je ook niet gezien en nee ben tot laatste gebleven hed een t-shirt aan van b&amp;h me ne 8-ball op om wa u ben je binnen gekome? en waar ben je dan ergens gaan staan ofzo 0 0 gfzn212x 0 0 u_177
236 231 177 0 1201541669 1 1 1 1 Re: pow Hey, Dan zullen we elkaar inderdaad gemist hebben, ik was er tegen 10 na 10 ofzo, dan rond iets voor twaalf stopte de laatste groep met spelen en dacht ik dus dat het gedaan was, nadien pas gehoord dat het daarna gewoon verdergaat met cd's in de stereo-speler en dus te vroeg naar mn zin terug huiswaarts gekeert. Waarschijnlijk ben jij er dan waarschijnlijk kort daarna gearriveert! Nu weet ik dus voor de volgende keer dat het met het stoppen van de laatste groep daarmee de avond er nog niet opzit hé. Maar heb ondertussen al contact gehad met 88ruler (jorg) van op het forum, ook met Pan. St. van op het forum, die laatste ging ook na de laatste groep naar huis (was ook een nieuwe, Pan St.) en besloot dus mee te gaan. Zijn er dan toch ook al twee die ik volgende keer ken en waar ik mee zal afspreken dan. Jij zal ik dan dus ook nog wel zien hé. Greetz 0 0 1sk5ztrt 0 0 u_214
237 0 63 0 1201547425 1 1 1 1 how are you? aint heard from you for a while hope you are well, the last time we spoke on msn i was pissed and fell asleep in mid conversation.. lol any way nice to see you on this forum 88 0 0 321cpa1f 0 0 u_289
6069 0 2399 4 1231701576 1 1 1 1 / bu! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 11o99300 0 0 u_2309
6018 6014 88 0 1231191418 1 1 1 1 Re: Is this normal? i asked to have our section removed we are making some actions in coming months we want to leave B&amp;H out of, and we will not share space with hsn or their lackeys everything is good, have no worries! ROA R 0 0 10dlq6bi 0 0 u_2138
6019 5461 88 0 1231191799 1 1 1 1 Re: Info Sergio, I'll be in Portugal at the end of February early march, I'd like to meet with you and discuss building a friendly relationship between VF and B&amp;H in Portugal. I think we have a common interest and vision for Portugal. I'll keep you updated on my trip. Look forward to meeting you and hopefully building a strong friendship between B&amp;H and Volksfront in all of Iberia. ROA/828 Randal my email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> , I do not think the forum is completely secure for conversation. 0 0 2nkiaenm 0 0 u_203
2065 0 92 0 1209909799 1 1 1 1 Re: wanted [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=6909#p6909:1nmhs2q3]Subject: wanted[/url:1nmhs2q3] [quote=&quot;14skinhead88&quot;:1nmhs2q3]skrewdriver,no remorse,skullhead brutal attack and so on[/quote:1nmhs2q3] I can send you a list for shirts. I have Bound for glory, mistreat, Operation Racewar, ... 0 0 kA== 1nmhs2q3 0 0 u_74
2066 2065 74 0 1209920383 1 1 1 1 Re: wanted yes that will be good friend and prices inc postage cheers danny 0 0 2w13c82j 0 0 u_92
2068 0 297 0 1209944207 1 1 1 1 t-shirts Hi there just wondering a few things about them, 1- Have you got any pics of the shirts?? 2- What size they are?? 3- How much are you after for them??(each and all togehter) Many thanks!! 14/828 0 0 1g6cvjxo 0 0 u_92
2069 0 775 0 1209958651 1 1 1 1 greets Happy Birthday 0 0 14nr42nn 0 0 u_879
5863 5855 2157 0 1228847494 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hiya. Yeah i made the gig. It was quite a mission as I went to London first and got the mini bus with that lot. You really missed a great gig, all the bands put on a good show. Maybe see you at the next one hey. Take it easy 0 0 c2o4qthq 0 0 u_1322
5553 5551 2157 0 1226733291 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi From East Anglia Yes you can add me.... <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ....i'm not on there alot at the moment though as i'm am staying with girlfriends parents 'til xmas. Hopefully speak with you soon 0 0 3k1opbeo 0 0 u_2123
5425 0 635 0 1225373006 1 1 1 1 Moro! Semmosta kyselisin, että pääseekö noihin konsertteihin alaikäiset sisään?? Esimerkiks tonne Turussa olevaan tai ylipäänsä mihinkään? Ku oon vasta 17 ja ei oikee viiti ruveta miettii tai kyselee mitää kyytiä, jos ei ees tiedä että pääseekö sisään <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Vituttais vähä jos matkustais vaikka bussilla tai junalla johki satojen kilometrien päähän ja sit joutuis ovella käännytetyks.. Sen takia pistin sulle yksityisviestiä ku nimimerkkis perusteella vaikutat oikeelta henkilöltä vastaamaan tuohon <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 3ujqx5b7 0 0 u_552
1528 1520 759 0 1207171184 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello Kirk, Long time mate. Yeah I do remember you. Hows things these days? Good to hear your still around &amp; active! How is Pete these days? ...Me married with 3 kids living like a peasant in this shit CUNTRY Aus! Would love to get back intoi the musoc again. Last thing I did was Retaliator I stand alone in 2000, been a total recluse since then with my family..Keep in touch mate. Aussie Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1zxs29x7 0 0 u_61
246 231 214 0 1201619169 1 1 1 1 Re: pow nee was der al van int beging &quot;rond 4u&quot; heb mee helpen opzetten enzo maar ik zal je volgende keer m'n nummer geven ok gegroet 0 0 8xrbqcf0 0 0 u_177
262 0 53 0 1201649333 1 1 1 1 Avatar 88, Here we go as promised, i'm a computer dunce so i can only tell you how to get a avatar (little pic) of a pic you already have if you need to know how to attatch one from a site i'll ask Asguard for you but i just save the pic from the site. top left hand corner theres a button 'user control panel' click it then click on 'profile' then click 'edit avatar' if the pics on your machine click browse find it an open the file that will attatch it. but there is a max size 90 * 90 this web site will shrink your pics for you <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> just look under edit avatar attatch pic as before an in the size box write 90*90 an chose which version of pic you want save it an then start at the 'control user panel' its much easier than it seems the shrink pictures web site is a god send, love to Gill take care an see you in Feb 828 0 0 10gjjb11 0 0 u_80
6191 6156 58 0 1232388971 1 1 1 1 Re: meet up [quote=&quot;whitehammer&quot;:32nwh145]im over the river from dartford would love to have a few of us get together for a beer.[/quote:32nwh145] Hail Hail Whitehammer <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Dartford ? Is'nt that the kent postcode ha ha <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":-?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:-? --> We in S London would like to have your company anytime mate so will keep you informed ok. contact : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> with an e mail addy and contact number if ok ? or I will contact you by e mail when arranged. I would have thought though that Kent Division would be closer to you though mate ? Also in the contacts list ! All the best and hope to meet you soon anyway. 828 Asgard1488 0 0 gA== 32nwh145 0 0 u_396
253 0 108 0 1201634551 1 1 1 1 materijal Ne znam ako sam ti to ve? spominjao,no sad ho? godinama mi prisluškuju mob i ku?ni tako da bi bilo najbolje da komuniciramo o takvim delikatnim stvarima preko PM-a...tako?er bi te zamolio ako me možeš nazvat na mob ve?eras da insceniramo razgovor,naime ja bi ti rekao da je materijal preuzela neka osoba iz zagreba(naravno ne postoje?a) i da mi nemamo više niš s tim,?isto da sebe i tebe zaštitim i da gadove usmjerim na krivi put....... 0 0 2ap7m9h2 0 0 u_277
257 253 277 0 1201638487 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal Ok. Sam mi reci, hoces domenu 0 0 104adrt4 0 0 u_108
258 253 277 0 1201640332 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal javi mi usput okvirno i cijene proizvoda... 0 0 4gvyw1z7 0 0 u_108
259 253 108 0 1201640709 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal [quote=&quot;gavran&quot;:3iq007cy]javi mi usput okvirno i cijene proizvoda...[/quote:3iq007cy] [b:3iq007cy]ok,nek bude domena cijene zastave-100 kuna maje-100 kuna kop?e za remen-150 kuna zakrpe-20 kuna fanzin-15 kuna thorhammer-20 kuna be?evi- 5 kuna[/b:3iq007cy] 0 0 wA== 3iq007cy 0 0 u_277
260 167 89 0 1201644133 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hail I am from Rowley Regis. glad to see another midlander on here. keep in touch Martin 0 0 35iv8ec7 0 0 u_199
263 253 277 0 1201657806 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> tu ti je otprilike kako sam napravio. Reci kako ti se cini i sto da mijenjam username: gost password: pristup (ili privremeni, nisam vise siguran). <!-- s:-D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":-D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:-D --> 0 0 3sxz8244 0 0 u_108
264 0 152 0 1201661480 1 1 1 1 Hello Billy? 0 0 3evr6ksc 0 0 u_317
2058 2046 1 0 1209892922 1 1 1 1 Re: hi cheers no griff has not said anything 2 me about the cd but it would b brill if u did do a splitt cd. u have both done brill gigs its adout time.. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 38vh4lfa 0 0 u_297
2059 0 92 0 1209897874 1 1 1 1 Re: Memorial for Fallen Heroes 2008 vervoeg mijn kameraden! <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 828! F. 0 0 bcl3dl0e 0 0 u_604
2060 0 1 0 1209898037 1 1 1 1 hi hi there how are you doing. many gigs your way. hope 2 hear from you. <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 yhid8k22 0 0 u_916
267 132 138 0 1201695706 1 1 1 1 Re: alrite m8 alrite tom was a good set in leeds by stigger never seen him play before.not to many of our lot ther lot's of family and friends of paul's.a couple of people asking about what the band had lined up and cd's did sell 1 t-shirt.have to sort something out and meet up I can bring them 10 up and sort some others out if you got any ideas stick em on paper and we can try to sort some out. 0 0 1hlek9dr 0 0 u_146
270 269 112 0 1201703218 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Ja, valt wel mee. Het is nog wat zoeken, ook is het ledenaantal (het actieve dan wel) redelijk miniem dus veel werk aan de winkel en weinig volk om het aan uit te besteden.<!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> familiale crisissen? St-Jozef, toch nooit café De Vespa zeker?:D 0 0 13n3zfdo 0 0 u_110
1768 269 112 0 1208303472 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Stilgevallen? 0 0 8k7a3gov 0 0 u_110
4772 0 1838 7 1221090208 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail! 0 0 kA== 80quq7up 0 0 u_1029
3990 3216 1138 0 1216294792 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale hails brad, are you still interested in the eagle mate? I've looked into several more courier companies &amp; can get it down so all in it would be £170. let us know either way brother.not a problem if you dont want it. Have also got a lovely AH bust,not crappy plaster copy.really nice alloy one.very heavy. si <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3v2ffhbc 0 0 u_120
275 227 180 8 1201719254 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey Hail m8. good to meet you also. was a good nite. you should have come back to grahams, think we stopped drinkin around 4. banging head in the mornin, was up at 8.30 then drove back to northampton <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> send us a link to your web page please m8. cya at the next gig 828 0 0 34hz6hfn 0 0 u_58
276 253 277 0 1201724816 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal daj pogledaj ca sve treba mijenjati, imam server i domenu, sve je gotovo, i daj jos broj racuna i objasnjenje kako hoces placati, i gotovi smo... 0 0 2dzggr4n 0 0 u_108
5496 5489 2092 0 1225918180 1 1 1 1 Re: FANZINE [quote=&quot;chile28&quot;:t443kepr]hello mate hey do you have a few interviews of wp bands? can you send me a few ones please?[/quote:t443kepr] I´ll send it to you as soon as i can. I have a new ones that are exclusive. But is in portuguese. Entendes português? 88 0 0 gA== t443kepr 0 0 u_2100
3993 3984 1 0 1216308027 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF hail ben what can i say what do i do drop her? she has a fan club on the fourm try attacking her and youre fund out she says shes comeing to england to the isd in the uk in sept and is going to help me get there as you know ive had troubles of my own and she says she will help me? wellnothing has happend as yet see my other posts for help and some of the dumb answers i got beb on nicloe says so will pm you to offer a lift and nothings happend as yet i started sending her photos to a funny po box address of the aussie skin scene from the 1980s to the early 1990sive lots thanks to my best mate ever andy seamanof who ive lost contact he lived lives in brisbane do you or did you know him and chumley ? wore my true best mates . do you know the band legion of st george his wife is an aussie. she semms to know or think she knows moreabout ns than every one else even me now ive been ns for 25 years and im still learning she collects real ns peaces well she can afford to being rich. cant she im not going to talk sense to beb as i know its a waste of time .you wont change someone whos rich she has helpt me in this way by talking about my demon end of part one <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 v0nzydyl 0 0 u_145
5189 4818 168 0 1223806506 1 1 1 1 Re: Isd Flanders Hey, alles goed daar? Eindelijk heb ik meer info voor jullie ivm de ISD volgende week. Jullie moeten richting Antwerpen rijden, maar hou in jullie achterhoofd dat het vanuit Antwerpen nog 80 minuten rijden is. Geef me een telefoon nummer waar ik zaterdag morgen het juiste adres kan naartoe sturen. Als jullie een GPS mee hebben zal dit jullie reis zeer makkelijk maken. Mag ik jullie vragen om daar te zijn om 12uur? (de groepen/stands/hulp arriveren allen om 12uur, want het word een zeer drukke dag en we willen beter voorbereid zijn dan vorig jaar). Wij zijn aanwezig vanaf 10uur. Alvast bedankt voor alle hulp! PS: jullie mogen banners meenemen om op te hangen. 0 0 3kswslzy 0 0 u_332
282 0 199 0 1201729690 1 1 1 1 Oi! Oi m88 Good to see ya on here - ariesuk88 is my profile on another site <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> Gary 0 0 1krzsf83 0 0 u_189
1777 1760 277 0 1208358537 1 1 1 1 Re: stranica Gospon Marko mi je tek neki dan uspjesno poslao mail, nakon dugo vremena cekanja i gluhog telefona s obje strane. Sad kad konacno to imam, u tjedan do dva cu ti sve napraviti. Sorry da ne mogu prije, imam sad ispite bitne na faxu pa mi malo strka oko vremena. Samo mi javi do tad kako mislis nacin placanja, i opet mi posalji onaj thorov cekic. 0 0 3119662t 0 0 u_108
285 253 108 0 1201732424 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal svi?a mi se kako si složio site,promijenio bi još poneku sitnicu u grafici...koliko si ono rekao da košta na mjesec? I daj mi još jednom napiši sve mogu?nosti koje imamo sa tim domenama( ako posebno uzmemo ili ako se odlu?imo na poddomenu za 0 0 3ni27661 0 0 u_277
286 227 58 8 1201767382 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey [quote=&quot;Mick@central div&quot;:22l575x5]Hail m8. good to meet you also. was a good nite. you should have come back to grahams, think we stopped drinkin around 4. banging head in the mornin, was up at 8.30 then drove back to northampton <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> send us a link to your web page please m8. cya at the next gig 828[/quote:22l575x5] Hail Mateeey ! Yes , it was a briliant night mate I thoroughly enjoyed myself too <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> We had to leave and not back to Gs as K had to work the next day mate and we came down in his van ha ha ! I am sure if he had not had to work we would have come back to Gs ha ha , maybe it was better that way as I had already embaressed enough with me dancing with Lady HT LMAO Were you witness to that bit of awful dancefloor skills ROFL <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> I must have been pissed by then <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Hope to meet you again soon mate and is that you on myspace as MICK ? I will send you an add request ok mateeeey 828 Racial regards mate Asgard1488 0 0 gA== 22l575x5 0 0 u_180
287 0 183 0 1201768503 1 1 1 1 88 kam u skolu ides???i el ide ko od tvoih u vz??? 0 0 3siuenoy 0 0 u_252
5003 0 307 0 1222212493 1 1 1 1 isd come and watch this on you tube cheers matts <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> one of my new vids on you tube out of 3 accounts.go to white people awake account holder is me but name is skinheadf88 then look at my rest of my videos, <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> no stopping me 0 0 3d5kugck 0 0 u_1711
5499 5400 74 0 1225934562 1 1 1 1 Re: cds ok cheers danny28 0 0 1acjk3yo 0 0 u_103
5500 5461 88 0 1225965302 1 1 1 1 Re: Info I think it is possible to bring VF as a member group of B&amp;H in Portugal, like the USA and Canada. We will be having a meeting in Spain at the end of February and I think it is possible to discuss further. 828 0 0 1v99x7up 0 0 u_203
5501 5461 203 0 1225978887 1 1 1 1 Re: Info Thanks for your reply. When you have news, send me a pm Best regards Sergio 828 0 0 3a1i6i0z 0 0 u_88
5530 5489 2100 0 1226424027 1 1 1 1 Re: FANZINE ok mate. yes i understand portuguesse thanks for the help this is my email skrew_28@hot.... 0 0 1z3jfsok 0 0 u_2092
6068 6063 801 0 1231684743 1 1 1 1 Re: Snooty Fox Thanks for that and yes it's Tony. Talked about your dad having bikes. I will pass the word on about not wearing Swazi armbands. I suppose I will have to leave my B&amp;H T-shirt at home in it's sylish black, red and white wih charming motif <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> LOL. Hope we can make it and if so look forward to seeing you. RR. 828. 0 0 lqhrbiel 0 0 u_284
6033 6032 70 0 1231285946 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome back. hello bro things are good thought it was bloody cold in the fatherland till i got back here...... Got b and h meetin on weekend so i should get dates for gigs etc. hope you get better soon your not havin much luck bro . Have to meet up for a drink or two soon when your feelin a tad better .. stu 828 0 0 1qmkfyd4 0 0 u_801
5532 5360 332 0 1226427887 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's Hi, i just spoke with that mate of me. He's gonna change the video's. I'll let you know when i have them. Greetings <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3p4nfcsk 0 0 u_54
5876 0 2123 0 1228937128 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17162#p17162:ieglz4tl]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:ieglz4tl] [quote=&quot;mickle&quot;:ieglz4tl];albumID=2029008&amp;MyToken=c3843e2e-85eb-47e9-b50e-17af106db380 Some pics I took at the gig on Saturday. Forgive me for the occasional blurry bits in some pics, this was down to over enthusiastic folk down the front (bless them) that bumped into me and I got Worthington's Bitter on the camera lens. It's not a great technique for taking pics, holding a beer in one hand and your camera in another.[/quote:ieglz4tl] i could not see that album, because your not connected with my profile. can u send me your profile to add, please. ive been there aswell. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kA== ieglz4tl 0 0 u_2002
5877 5876 2002 0 1228942340 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";friendID=135628622"> ... =135628622</a><!-- m --> ^^^^ Try this. 0 0 1vm0c2oq 0 0 u_2123
5534 5360 54 0 1226428298 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's That's great, Thank you! I'm glad the SS memorial went well. It doesn't look like Rob is going to come for Christmas, because they have really put the airfares up over Christmas time, so he is looking at flights at the end of January instead. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3lek77no 0 0 u_332
5183 0 279 0 1223752032 1 1 1 1 i cannot post on 28radio section Heil i can not post on 28radio section of the forum do you no why and could you fix this proberlem please [size=150:1z4w7jyp][b:1z4w7jyp]14/88 racial regards 14/88 [/b:1z4w7jyp][/size:1z4w7jyp] 88power88 0 0 RA== 1z4w7jyp 0 0 u_54
291 269 112 0 1201779964 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Haha hou het maar op cafépraat, ik weet wel van wie dat komt als het uit café Vespa komt, lol Hoe bedoel je samen naar buiten komen? Er wordt samen naar buiten gekomen hoor. En feit is wel men nog zoveel leden mag aantrekken dat men wil, het aantal echt actieve leden blijft altijd beperkt tot een kleine kern. 0 0 1gfpskpl 0 0 u_110
294 227 58 8 1201786161 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey Ha Ha <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Forgot the web link Here it is : [url:2gvhm13q]http&#58;//www&#46;asgarddirectservices&#46;co&#46;uk[/url:2gvhm13q] If this dont work as a link just copy and paste in your browser bar ok !! Cheers Brother 88 N 0 0 EA== 2gvhm13q 0 0 u_180
3596 3587 90 0 1215269656 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Walonîye Gegroet Pm Surtur hier eens over en vraag zijn mening. Freiheit 28 0 0 1bafaty3 0 0 u_978
298 269 112 0 1201790637 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Ja inderdaad, als het een fcb café is weet ik niet, weet wel dat er aan cafévoetbal gedaan wordt. Collega's zijn daar al eens beland toen ze een match tegen een ploeg van st jozef speelden. Het zal inderdaad wel groeien maar dat gaat niet op 1, 2, 3... Het VB heeft er ook jaren over gedaan om te komen tot de grootte dat ze nu zijn (met alle compromissen vandien). Misschie moet jij je ook militant maken? groeten 0 0 1mic2l1f 0 0 u_110
300 0 147 0 1201794863 1 1 1 1 who i am This was me <!-- s:P --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /><!-- s:P --> [img:3mihqffv]http&#58;//a982&#46;ac-images&#46;myspacecdn&#46;com/images01/128/l_09ff6af30ea4974275c892ae5d77d08d&#46;jpg[/img:3mihqffv] 0 0 CA== 3mihqffv 0 0 u_53
4171 4169 58 0 1216849632 1 1 1 1 Re: j [quote=&quot;WEE_MAN&quot;:2q4dtxse]greets asgard are you going to the notts gig the weekend? how are you? <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry -->[/quote:2q4dtxse] Hail Wee Man ! Sorry mate not his weekend ! On call this weekend and first weekend of school holidays too !!! Next event eh ? RR asgard 0 0 gA== 2q4dtxse 0 0 u_1221
5749 5608 66 0 1228073947 1 1 1 1 Re: xmas hi kenny , 6 days to go ..... i see you left a message on the forum, are you driving to york? if so ,you will need my address as the coach is leaving from my house...please let me know asap can park your car safely at mine..... jules yorkshire division..88 0 0 1oise4ah 0 0 u_2161
3931 3930 53 0 1215993422 1 1 1 1 Re: h Other than coming over to see you? <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 297vy67t 0 0 u_1221
4189 4049 210 0 1216901482 1 1 1 1 Re: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary Hi Nicole, okay,i understand that,maybe next time.It doesn't known yet which country will host EHF next year,but it will be propagated in time,for sure. Sadly i can't go to England in this year,again,i'm very busy in my business.... <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> I wasn't there already 3 years ago,so shit.But have a great time in Europe,and of course you are welcome in Hungary any other time! <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Best regards! Geri HFFH 0 0 w9cdxp37 0 0 u_54
4695 4685 54 0 1220764553 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello and upcoming ISD arrangements [quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:1nqt7ecb]Hi Nicole, If you'd been in contact a bit earlier I could have let you know that we don't have anything planned for the Thursday and after last year when a bunch of fuckheads turned up to the Friday night dinner we decided not to do a formal B&amp;H activity for the Friday this year, either. We'll be doing the last minute gig preperation stuff anyway. That said, Nikki and a bunch of other people will be getting together in the City on the Friday, so I'd suggest you give her a bell and hook up with her. We'll be letting everyone know the details for the meet up point for the gig on the Saturday itself. Justin[/quote:1nqt7ecb] Hi Justin, Thanks for the reply. I hadn't contacted you earlier because I've been interstate and working hell hours for the past 2 months so I wasn't very organised re ISD I'm afraid. I finally finished the project I was working on last Thursday, so was able to focus on booking my flights etc. That's a shame that the dinner won't be on, I had been looking forward to it. I've already been in touch with Nikki and others so I'm already meeting up with them but thanks for the suggestion. I'm coming down early to allow myself some shopping time in Melbourne in preparation for my trip to Europe the following week. Ange from NZ can't make it to ISD this year and has asked me to pick up a couple of t-shirts for her to send over, so if you could put a couple aside for her that would be great, I'll find out what size she is after and will pay for them on Saturday. Also, will there be any 28 Oz t-shirts for sale, as I want to buy some as gifts for people I will be staying with in Europe. If you need any help setting up, or if I can bring some extra flags etc along for decorating the room please let me know. Otherwise I will see you guys on Saturday. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1nqt7ecb 0 0 u_295 u_2
3979 2262 363 0 1216228148 1 1 1 1 Re: records hi , i have for sale skrewdriver - when the storm breaks lp!if you are interested please let me know. best regards 0 0 1tpstldi 0 0 u_558
4952 0 1923 0 1222013466 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista Viva camarada, Espero que a gig da ISM tenha sido boa, com muita pena minha não deu para ir, alias este verão mal tive férias, é o que dá ser um operário explorado. Boa noticia, estou em contactos avançados para se realizar o tal evento com GDH, assim que haja novidades aviso-te. 88 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9522#p9522:b2jqyihw]Subject: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista[/url:b2jqyihw] [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:b2jqyihw]Boa cena <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:b2jqyihw] 0 0 kA== b2jqyihw 0 0 u_203
6212 0 2123 0 1232480230 1 1 1 1 hello hello mate. Who are you?hope ur ok. do u know any website to buy some Bombers Jackets? cheers. 0 0 1l2gpggi 0 0 u_61
5481 0 143 0 1225825169 1 1 1 1 Visit to Nagykanisza hey Gabor, me and Danko from Varazdin will be in Nagykanisza on december 28th, we will arrive in the morning and stay until aternoon in town, so we can meet if you will have time, and I must give you something, a little gift for you:) 0 0 1qpsrw8k 1225825356 1 u_1053
6845 691 70 0 1236788413 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Hello Jess sorry not been back in touch had no comp........ nightmare. How many of you are comming across? Shouldnt be a prob with accom and should be able to pick you up from airport only few miles away. Think rental car may be a good idea as think my car is already full for gig tried to sort a mini bus but to costly. cheers stu 828 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 kpnwpv1h 0 0 u_200
306 227 180 8 1201802774 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey Hail m8, this is me myspace link cheers for your link, speak soon 828 0 0 24noyyq0 0 0 u_58
307 227 58 8 1201805646 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Mateeey [quote=&quot;Mick@central div&quot;:1yadq3x4]Hail m8, this is me myspace link cheers for your link, speak soon 828[/quote:1yadq3x4] Ok Mate , going in search of it now ha ha ! Having a crap day of it today so may hit the booze later and get peeed <!-- s:x --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mad.gif" alt=":x" title="Mad" /><!-- s:x --> <!-- s:x --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mad.gif" alt=":x" title="Mad" /><!-- s:x --> Still gotta struggle on eh Ha Ha ! 828 Neil 0 0 gA== 1yadq3x4 0 0 u_180
4181 4150 110 0 1216887173 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote je hebt gelijk van al die zever, ze staan dan versteld dat het &quot;rechts&quot;kamp vol onnozelaars zit en analfabeten die enkel na 15 pinten en een paar kloppen op hun gezicht kunnen communiceren, jammer voor hen. voor mij te zien moet je niet veel moeite doen, ik sta alle weken in de P-magazine met een nieuw lingeriesetje <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> nee, serieus, met mijn dochtertje geraak ik moeilijk weg en op café zitten is ook niet mijn ding eerlijk gezegd. ik volg nu een beetje de NSA, ze doen wel goed vooruit hé. er zit progressie in. Hebben jullie al veel leden die het echt menen, in Brugge of elders ook nog. sedert ik terug ben lees ik weer de kranten, awel mijn kloten man, wat is er hier allemaal aan het gebeuren in de klein landje ???? zou misschien wel beter voor altijd naar italia gaan wonen. Berlusconi laat er geen gras over groeien met de vreemdelingen, daar zijn de italianen de baas. allé, we gaan elkaar nu weer meer horen en eens de gedachten kunnen ventileren over dit belgenland. groeten niet meer uit oostkamp, maar nu uit lichtervelde (ben verhuist) 0 0 6plo8ev8 0 0 u_112
310 253 277 0 1201817463 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal [quote=&quot;Najgori Prijatelj&quot;:1iiqssys]svi?a mi se kako si složio site,promijenio bi još poneku sitnicu u grafici...koliko si ono rekao da košta na mjesec? I daj mi još jednom napiši sve mogu?nosti koje imamo sa tim domenama( ako posebno uzmemo ili ako se odlu?imo na poddomenu za[/quote:1iiqssys] Sad sam ti vec uzeo domenu stormbringer28, dodje ti deset eura na godinu i nekih tri eura whoisguard, zastita da ne zna svatko tko stoji iza tih stranica, no to sam vec ja platio, nek bude za to sto si dugo cekal stranicu. napisi mi otprilike sto bi mijenjao u grafici itd, pa cu promijeniti. 0 0 gA== 1iiqssys 0 0 u_108
313 300 53 0 1201825451 1 1 1 1 Re: who i am bloody hell now i remember you!!! I saw the pics you've posted on here before but you dont look like that now!!! next time i'll be sure to say hi 828 Shell 0 0 3gtjowse 0 0 u_147
4582 4575 886 0 1219750772 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Not a problem, have something planned very soon, if your still interested, let me know, greaqt meeting you to brother. 0 0 2eawvxvq 0 0 u_606
6005 6003 2105 0 1231021178 1 1 1 1 Re: ? Sorry to hear about your hardships of late hopefully everthing will work out for you just do what is right and fear no one! 0 0 202lxowf 0 0 u_2219
6393 6381 54 0 1233433845 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:22iheeth]About three day ago i have been told from his friend that user named helikopter will not come anymore on this forum. He had been already banned for two times (nicknames 'medved' and 'avion') as he had some disagreements with us. Cheers! Marko[/quote:22iheeth] How very strange... This is the e-mail that Bulldog Drummond received from him on Friday: [quote:22iheeth]don't know ,,but always when i open the bh site write this ......... Information You have been permanently banned from this board. Please contact the Board Administrator for more information. A ban has been issued on your IP address. so i can't open nothing bh croatia banned me ,,because i suport norbet gig ( son's of europa side by side )..same bh hungary and switcerland baneed some hungarians hope you help me[/quote:22iheeth] I couldn't see any evidence of him being banned, but if he has been banned under previous names and the ban is on his IP address that makes sense. Should the ban stay? Cheers N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 22iheeth 0 0 u_108:u_171
6007 0 1362 0 1231022933 1 1 1 1 Ellor How do duds, haha am using an ipod touch to do thos message lol : <!-- s:geek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek" /><!-- s:geek: --> tryin to work it out lol its right snazzy. Did ya gan to bennys for new year then? N when u uploadin new stuff to rune? 0 0 3u9h3sgk 0 0 u_59
6008 5980 88 0 1231030006 1 1 1 1 Re: forum suggestions thank you ma'am, yea our oz guys are a great bunch of good folks all the best and happy new year to you and drummond <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1cejae62 0 0 u_54
6040 4961 558 0 1231382497 1 1 1 1 Re: hello 0 0 1jucv23y 0 0 u_1912
6364 6363 72 0 1233268371 1 1 1 1 Re: mags Al right Mate I can't be bothered with the hassle of trying to sale them so buy them from my Mate....he will pass on the cash to me and I will pass it on to the WAU and get them to confirm they got the cash on the forum. Yours.Rob 0 0 1i7rwkts 0 0 u_558
609 0 362 0 1203006330 1 1 1 1 oi Oi, Sam Loki iz Slovenije...Molio bi te ako si možda ti napravio kaku fotografiu, da mi jo poÅ¡aljeÅ¡(preduvsem mislim na ono kad se nas je 5 slikalo na nadhodu preko avtoceste i na ovo skupinsko izpred busa) Izvini ako nisi ti slikal ali ne sjeÄam se ni imena 2 hrvatskih kameradov sa kojima sam se slikal, isto neznam koji so jim nicki na forumu Oprosti za mojo vrlo loši hrvatski jezik, ako bi se temo moglo tako re?i... pozdrav i nadam se da se sljede?i put opet sre?amo... Loki iz Prekmurja,Slovenija... 0 0 1yxewi41 0 0 u_108
5439 5434 2070 0 1225541387 1 1 1 1 Re: Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween! THANKS <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3rcmiyvk 0 0 u_2119
5912 0 62 0 1229382173 1 1 1 1 Multikul-terreur Als je nog meer voorbeelden hebt dan hoor ik het graag want ik ga een vervolgartikeltje schrijven voor het forum. BTW woon je ook in Borgerokko? 0 0 2mjyd1mj 0 0 u_2287
5913 5897 2119 0 1229383002 1 1 1 1 Re: none Going great, Brother! Drinking a beer, playing with my dogs. I sent you a message on YIM but you were offline. In case you didn't get it, me and my crew are gonna be hanging out Friday and Saturday evening. If you can make the drive, we'd love to have another Skin with us. Last weekend me and Ice (his real name btw) went to the mall cause some friends of his were going and some nigger wanted to fight us and he got escorted out by security and Mobile cops. <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> If you need a place to crash we can handle that. Anyway, if you wanna get in touch with me you have my Yahoo! Instant Messenger and if you wanna give me a call my number is 251 433 3426. 88! <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2ccud0ak 0 0 u_337
1282 0 552 0 1205952088 1 1 1 1 Hello! I was the finnish section moderator at the old forum and I'm asking that can you put me up again. There's a need to do one introduction &quot;sticky&quot; thread. Also I will start to advertise the new forum, so it would be nice to have a right to delete possible improper posts if needed. Thanks, Petsku 88 ps. I don't know if this is the second message already. I sent one, but I have a feeling it didn't go through. I haven't sent private messages in this forum before. pps. Now I got it. The third time... <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> 0 0 2qfkhul2 0 0 u_54
328 321 323 0 1201885879 1 1 1 1 Re: the auction WOW thats so freakin awesome, thank you so much.. This has really made my day.. Hope all is well with you and yours.. Vicky 0 0 2w8g3udu 0 0 u_73
331 0 244 0 1201893065 1 1 1 1 H8Machine Hi, can I preorder the new H8Machine CD from you? Send you money for the No Tolerance Mini CD. Heard the CD don`t comes out, the studio crash the songs. Whts up with my money? D.B. - Germany 0 0 8m38uqn0 0 0 u_348
932 916 616 0 1204563710 1 1 1 1 Re: New here [quote=&quot;arieSSkin&quot;:3gatvvjx]Hi Paul I work for the University of Warwick - I manage the bars for the conference &amp; training side of things so it involves a lot of evening &amp; w/end work. Although I try to get as many w/ends off as I can, invariably they never coincide with the gigs........ Like u, I joined here in the hope of meeting others who share my very non-PC right wing views about the state of the country &amp; society as a whole. It would be good though if I could get to a gig sometime soon &amp; physically meet people rather than a lot of endless cyber chat.[/quote:3gatvvjx] It sounds like interesting work Gary - I joined other sites and people just cyber chatted and never seemed to meet, This one seems a bit more real as so many people are relatively local. Still it is good to be chatting about the state of this country 0 0 gA== 3gatvvjx 0 0 u_199
933 0 616 0 1204563998 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4239#p4239:v0xld01s]Subject: Hello from SW London[/url:v0xld01s] [quote=&quot;Barndoor&quot;:v0xld01s]welcome from across the river se london <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 1488[/quote:v0xld01s] Thanks m88 - in Tulse Hill so not far at all! 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 kA== v0xld01s 0 0 u_475
5929 0 72 0 1229535993 1 1 1 1 Greetings Hello Mate Just wondered if you have any samples of the music you write?? Best regards.R 0 0 2jy8y47f 0 0 u_2119
1822 0 819 0 1208780489 1 1 1 1 kopen..? Oi! ben geintreseet in...(een hele lijst) dus... de Zeppeling vlag Kriegsflagge en naar de Buttons maar zou eerst de foto's mogen zien??? thx c u later... grtz 14/88 0 0 ids1qtg8 0 0 u_90
1180 1100 203 0 1205604721 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta Boas, quero saber se trazes alguem contigo para o concerto? Quantos bilhetes queres e se tens transporte ou não. Depois te darei o contacto de uma pessoa que organiza as coisas ai em baixo. Abraço 0 0 3hbxt19a 0 0 u_460
927 916 199 0 1204560495 1 1 1 1 Re: New here So where in SW London u live? I haven't been to a gig in a few yrs - unfortunately with work the dates always clash :( I work every most w/ends..... Gary 0 0 2mlp2fm7 0 0 u_616
1001 0 639 0 1204746488 1 1 1 1 Concert Heil kamerad, Ik heb gehoord dat er in april een concer in vlaanderen geplant is! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> Klopt dit? Zoja kan je me datum en stad zeggen? Kzou graag me wa man uit duitsland komen, en ze moette dat nu al weten! MVG, Reichstreue Grüsse, 818 828 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1imu3g04 0 0 u_90
930 916 199 0 1204562143 1 1 1 1 Re: New here Hi Paul I work for the University of Warwick - I manage the bars for the conference &amp; training side of things so it involves a lot of evening &amp; w/end work. Although I try to get as many w/ends off as I can, invariably they never coincide with the gigs........ Like u, I joined here in the hope of meeting others who share my very non-PC right wing views about the state of the country &amp; society as a whole. It would be good though if I could get to a gig sometime soon &amp; physically meet people rather than a lot of endless cyber chat. 0 0 1lva06un 0 0 u_616
339 253 108 0 1201910320 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal [quote=&quot;gavran&quot;:4s1s3vuz][quote=&quot;Najgori Prijatelj&quot;:4s1s3vuz]svi?a mi se kako si složio site,promijenio bi još poneku sitnicu u grafici...koliko si ono rekao da košta na mjesec? I daj mi još jednom napiši sve mogu?nosti koje imamo sa tim domenama( ako posebno uzmemo ili ako se odlu?imo na poddomenu za[/quote:4s1s3vuz] Sad sam ti vec uzeo domenu stormbringer28, dodje ti deset eura na godinu i nekih tri eura whoisguard, zastita da ne zna svatko tko stoji iza tih stranica, no to sam vec ja platio, nek bude za to sto si dugo cekal stranicu. napisi mi otprilike sto bi mijenjao u grafici itd, pa cu promijeniti.[/quote:4s1s3vuz] U redu,zahvaljujem.Mislio sam natpis stormbringer stavit u onaj okvir blood &amp; honoura i u pozadini toga maskirne boje HR vojske(to sam mislio stavit na gornji dio stranice)dakle da izgleda kao banner... a mijenjao bi i sliku pozadine;umjesto neba radje bi metnuo sliku kninske tva?ave sa HR barjakom ili nešto na tu šemu. neznam ako me kužiš?! 0 0 gA== 4s1s3vuz 0 0 u_277
1002 988 105 0 1204746886 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial Here you are mate, hope you make it there Mobile number 07506934787 it will be on from saturday. 0 0 1678aigi 0 0 u_616
1003 996 112 0 1204748749 1 1 1 1 Re: activiteit 15 maart gaat niet door (activiteiten opgeschort -zie andere topic). Als je alleen gaat naar Lommel geen probleem uiteraard maar is niet echt aangewezen denk ik om in groep te gaan, laat staan een krans of zo te leggen (maar dat is uiteraard eigen keuze) Haha, 2 weken op voorhand inschrijven. Dat zetten ze er altijd op om een zicht te krijgen hoeveel er zouden meegaan. als je nu nog mailt of belt is er gegarandeerd nog wel plaats zu (dat is altijd zo). Desnoods moet je maar de Praeses van NSV Hasselt contacteren en zeggen dat je me kent. groeten 0 0 1fzrd0hq 0 0 u_604
5570 0 115 0 1226879942 1 1 1 1 Nationalist party political congress Hiya! Have you already been asked or do you want to write a piece for the latest B &amp; H mag regarding the NS party political congress you attended recently? Racial regards Arron 0 0 23g159z2 0 0 u_54
5571 5565 2119 0 1226880898 1 1 1 1 Re: cds This is great! Thanks so much, Brother! <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> -- Skoda 0 0 1s6fu6ec 0 0 u_276
5572 0 2119 0 1226881388 1 1 1 1 Hi Hey, I was just PM'ing you to say how much I like your tats. They look good on you. Especially the ones on your stomach. <!-- s`kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm3.pak/SKiss.gif" alt="`kiss" title="kiss" /><!-- s`kiss --> -- Skoda 0 0 21k5rm9y 0 0 u_1937
341 0 54 0 1201937445 1 1 1 1 Testing New Media Sections Hi guys, I’m sending this out to a few people, so please excuse the “group e-mail” tone. As you may or may not know, I have been working on a new media section of the forum. I’m inviting a few select forum members to “test” it for me before it goes “live” to the general forum public – and guess what.. you are one of the lucky ones <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> Basically I want to make sure that everything works from a variety of different pc’s before we “go live”. This post explains everything else in more detail. Could you please read it first, before you start browsing around the new forums. <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=267">viewtopic.php?f=94&amp;t=267</a><!-- l --> The new forums will now be visible to you at the bottom of the index page. If you can have a look through them over the next 24 hours that would be fantastic! Thanks a lot for your help. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 15k6rdei 0 0 u_72:u_104:u_222:u_109:u_73:u_63:u_198
1159 0 112 0 1205535151 1 1 1 1 NSA De reden waarom je nog geen militantenkaart van N-SA hebt ontvangen is simpelweg omdat er 10 euro werd overgeschreven voor 3 (DRIE!) namen! 0 0 gtbcj1aa 0 0 u_639
969 951 171 0 1204722574 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! [quote=&quot;Local-88-Patriot&quot;:h2dm5wmk]Bili smo se ono ?uli za ove majice, me?utim trenutno san u teškoj besparici i sve novce koje san ima da san sad za ovaj navija?ki prosvjed u Vukovaru. Tija san te samo pitati o?e li se u još kojoj turi raditi ove majice jer bi je stvarno volija imati ali, eto, u takvoj san situaciji da nisan ima novce do one sride kad je bija rok za uplatu. Živija[/quote:h2dm5wmk] Ima još majica, pa kad budeš skupio novac javi samo. Ako ?eš uzimati više komada, ra?unaj svaka 100kn plus na cijeli iznos još 20kn za poštarinu i to je to. Pozdrav! 0 0 gA== h2dm5wmk 0 0 u_253
970 967 187 0 1204722713 1 1 1 1 Re: infos Salut, voila son ip: pour son mail, impossible a avoir, il est protegé on ne peux pas le voir; je lui ai envoyé un mail direct du forum, pour savoir qui il etait... je supprime le post bat [quote=&quot;FHSParis&quot;:o05d00mb]Salut, Donne moi l'email et l'adresse IP de ce guignol: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";u=621">memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=621</a><!-- l --> Et supprimes ce topic qui n'a pas lieu d'être. Merci. FHS Paris[/quote:o05d00mb] 0 0 gA== o05d00mb 0 0 u_230
1118 0 180 0 1205430711 1 1 1 1 ello ello m8. who is Warrior on here, from northamptonshire. wondered if it was you or mark. speak soon mick 0 0 9atp82oc 0 0 u_115
1119 1118 115 0 1205433435 1 1 1 1 Re: ello Hiya, I think it's either the kettering or Wellingborough skinhead that came to VS gig with Swinny. I met one of em at NF meet awhile back, cant remember his name tho...doh Racial regards Arron 0 0 2irdz0rc 0 0 u_180
1333 1332 54 0 1206134226 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section [quote=&quot;ThorsHammer&quot;:1wx1pwjo]Greetings. I'm from Bulgaria and we talk with Graham to add bulgarian section here. I want to put 3 admins on our section. Can yoy help me with this?[/quote:1wx1pwjo] Hi ThorsHammer, Yes I can add the admins for you, not a problem. However our preference is usually to have just one admin per section. We have made exceptions on a couple and added two. But why do you feel that you need three admins for such a small section? Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== 1wx1pwjo 0 0 u_202
1158 1100 460 0 1205533799 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta Compreendo perfeitamente. Estamos conversados então. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Um abraço 0 0 3tq6c0cp 0 0 u_203
351 193 183 0 1201950922 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 koi razred ide taj......???ma u marofu ima pun qurac pankera i ostalog smeca 0 0 1fik9e0x 0 0 u_252
352 341 104 0 1201953964 1 1 1 1 Re: Testing New Media Sections [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:3ul4j7hk]Hi guys, I’m sending this out to a few people, so please excuse the “group e-mail” tone. As you may or may not know, I have been working on a new media section of the forum. I’m inviting a few select forum members to “test” it for me before it goes “live” to the general forum public – and guess what.. you are one of the lucky ones <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> Basically I want to make sure that everything works from a variety of different pc’s before we “go live”. This post explains everything else in more detail. Could you please read it first, before you start browsing around the new forums. <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=267">viewtopic.php?f=94&amp;t=267</a><!-- l --> The new forums will now be visible to you at the bottom of the index page. If you can have a look through them over the next 24 hours that would be fantastic! Thanks a lot for your help. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->[/quote:3ul4j7hk] No problem, we'll definately give it a try and let you know what we found. By the way feel free to email or PM us for any technical advice if you hit a brick wall. In the meantme we'll give this a try. 0 0 gA== 3ul4j7hk 0 0 u_54
6765 6764 73 0 1236093193 1 1 1 1 Re: hello im hoping to go hun just need to sort my money out for it, i should be there thou, how are things with you at your end , things up here are ok just now 0 0 3vdb2dmy 0 0 u_2274:u_792
354 253 277 0 1201983562 1 1 1 1 Re: materijal ok, to se jako lako napravi... 0 0 1kwmz39b 0 0 u_108
6271 5966 59 0 1232759062 1 1 1 1 Re: $$$ Lo m8 I've sorted some hosting with gatorhost, its the company that a few use. Cheap as hell too, so I'm sorted m8, but thanks anyway. Really could do with getting my site files off fymp server tho. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> thats my email addy 14 Duds 0 0 1ywq76gp 0 0 u_152
4704 4693 122 0 1220799008 1 1 1 1 Re: videos Very good Idea, but we had clothing division schweiz (our old video project). Maybe we start in the future a new project called &quot; DerKelte &quot;. So when we have videos, i will let you know it. 0 0 3nk6zvgg 0 0 u_100
4962 0 238 0 1222051439 1 1 1 1 cd 0 0 1pyad5d8 0 0 u_1912
4339 4334 203 0 1217501760 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista ola Filipe como estas. Peco desculpa pelos erros ortograficos mas eu estou na checa e os teclados sao diferentes. Obrigado por me escreveres.Comigo e com a linda esta tudo bem casamos este sabado. Eu entendo o que sentes em relacao aos nacionalistas em Portugal muito sinceramente muitos daqueles que se dizem NS nunca teriam lugar num sistema NS.Na minha opiniao. Quem esta por traz do blog e o ex lider da JN ele ja foi perseguido e ameacado pelos phs agora nao sei como estao as relacoes deles. Mas no blog dele vem BH misturado com Forum Nacional e PNR , nem sei o que se passa la por baixo e nem me interssa os jogos deles. Muito sinceramente acho muito dificil em Portugal fazer-se alguma coisa. Mas ca andamos uns dias mais motivados outros menos. Ainda bem que apareceste por ca. Nos vamos mantendo contacto 1 abraco Sergio 0 0 129lx1bx 0 0 u_1482
6080 0 74 0 1231761203 1 1 1 1 hello hail nick sent post this morning on recorded delivery should get tomorrow danny88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 x14zq8dp 0 0 u_2373
6859 6852 1362 0 1236894142 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale They are a large pair mate, and i have quite large hands but they fit rather snuggly, hope theyre the right size <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> im guessing you dont want the iron cross buckle? Cheers <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2ok2z517 0 0 u_73
6861 6852 1362 0 1236896396 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale cool stuff <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> right payment can be cash or a postal order made payable to Nicholas Johnson. i shall go to the PO to price up how much it is to send the gloves etc. shipping address is: Nicholas Johnson 65 Park Avenue Grimsby N.E. Lincs DN32 0BZ i need your details to send the goods, the buckle looks like this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 040_538374</a><!-- m --> i will ship goods when i recieve payment Thanks for buying! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Many Thanks Nick <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3kof5250 0 0 u_73
6862 6814 2245 0 1236920775 1 1 1 1 Re: cc no gigs for me at moment mate working on markets again after building trade went dead so have work all weekends till the summer markets kick of hard times but let it all fall down and a new dawn rise lets just be ready <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kgmhu1tl 0 0 u_58
6864 6855 297 0 1236949188 1 1 1 1 Re: hi and a request Cheers for that shell. Yeah hopefully we willbe playing st george's day. And yeah i know what its like with lack of jobs...the main reason icant go to vs bills come first unfortunatly. Guy 14/828 0 0 i4tm4dvf 0 0 u_53
6870 0 53 0 1236959603 1 1 1 1 Hi Hi Rich hope you are well, long time no speak, its my fault i think been away a lot an pc has been down, an i have the memory of a gold fish an forgot to call you back when you rung which im so sorry for i hope your leg is ok an if you wanna add me on yahoo it works with msn its chubley828@ take care Shell <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2ji1gn50 0 0 u_69
6871 0 886 0 1236959972 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20793#p20793:19jgliur]Subject: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton[/url:19jgliur] [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:19jgliur]what are you on in the late 70s early 80's the wogs were riotng all over brixton as they were in tottingham and bristol etc etc . yeh its great that they stood up to the ragheads but dont be thinking lutons making a stand its one of the biggest multi racial messes in the uk and one incident that media has blown up aint gonna change nothing there white people will still be scared to walk alone through marsh farm ,hockwell ring ,bury park, old town when its dark at night[/quote:19jgliur] Yes they was and the whites was fighting back WTF is ur problem m8, 0 0 kA== 19jgliur 0 0 u_319
6071 0 2402 0 1231710048 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES [b:2s1wecbe]Hi. Can somebody help me? I looking for Billy from celtic wariors. If you have some contact, please llet me knnow. Thx. Tomas from Slovakia. My email - <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> [/b:2s1wecbe] 0 0 QA== 2s1wecbe 0 0 u_2276
5535 0 2154 10 1226468569 1 1 1 1 Polish division ;/ Where is polish division??;///////////// <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> 0 0 2r32zggs 0 0 u_2
361 0 73 0 1202036203 1 1 1 1 Re: auction to help raise money for the w.a.u [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=1755#p1755:25hniitl]Subject: auction to help raise money for the w.a.u[/url:25hniitl] [quote=&quot;knuckle dragger&quot;:25hniitl]Ok im in twenty quid too <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->[/quote:25hniitl] THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATION. CAN YOU PLEASE SEND IT TO PAUL OBRIEN 90 VIEWMOUNT FORFAR ANGUS SCOTLAND DD8 1LJ MANY THANKS 0 0 kA== 25hniitl 0 0 u_83
4893 0 780 0 1221779415 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13347#p13347:2evfmf2k]Subject: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND[/url:2evfmf2k] [quote=&quot;Townie1488&quot;:2evfmf2k]I do hope you can get down mate, we have 2 car loads going down from Leeds, on Saturday. Ask Duds if he can help you get down from Humberside.[/quote:2evfmf2k] just in case you don't see the post is there any room in the cars from Leeds? 0 0 kA== 2evfmf2k 0 0 u_1074
5871 5864 65 0 1228924393 1 1 1 1 Re: Any coaches from London or Suffolk to white xmas? Your more than welcome, glad you could make it, 828 0 0 sssckidg 0 0 u_2157
5872 5868 801 0 1228928274 1 1 1 1 Re: I know it's late but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't know where you stayed but it was not my place. 28 Bro. 0 0 2bbrl36k 0 0 u_2265
4510 4485 202 0 1218964624 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [quote=&quot;karadzic&quot;:32qcvc3x]kvi gluposti be kai6 u vratza ta ottarvah da ne marizat kaat se be6e napil izvinqvami sa a sea se prai6 6e se sre6nem s teb komleksar4e jalko hodi 2 u ungaria na koncerti i ve4e nemoe se govori s tebe ko tolkoz ste napraili be samo si pi6e6 1 boi nema6 i horata u pld ne te poznavat a ina4e tyka koli6 i besi6hah <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:32qcvc3x] Za koe sum se izviniaval be, pitah te neshto ti se pravi na shashav togava. I nedei mi govori za spasiavania, shtoto sled onia fest mi ebaha maikata tuka, zatova, che sum vi kanil vas. Takav mariz shtehte da iadete, ako edni hora beha doshli, che nemashe da se poznaete posle, puk i nie pokrai vas. Sedi si miren, da ne nagazish v dalbokite vodi <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Tva ot men. 0 0 gA== 32qcvc3x 0 0 u_1596
3907 3903 1 0 1215959208 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND IT IS £100 SORRY I SEE YOU WANT THE SS BADGE ASWELL WELL YOU CAN HAVE THE BADGE FOR £5 OR FREE WITH THE ARMBAND OK 88 BADWOLF <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 7095os4z 0 0 u_1323
376 0 368 0 1202107253 1 1 1 1 oi Gegroet, Ben jij nog naar het benefiet optreden geweest? Cheers Babs 0 0 3uqui9p7 0 0 u_62
377 0 164 0 1202108534 1 1 1 1 Re: Roll Call G'day bud Howsit going and hello from another westy! 0 0 lvec92dd 0 0 u_310
1183 157 54 0 1205633644 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day Mate! Aren't you talking to me anymore..... <!-- s`crying --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/crying.gif" alt="`crying" title="crying" /><!-- s`crying --> How are things in France? Did you decide to go ahead with your business venture in the states? Things here are fine.... I have a new job, which I am really enjoying. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1uyxwb1u 0 0 u_222
2525 2454 811 0 1211836094 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 hi mate - i'd like the klansmen lp too so will send £15 on saturday.keith <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2fc2z2ey 0 0 u_351
382 0 75 0 1202147318 1 1 1 1 Re: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2060#p2060:16ilj3zm]Subject: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008[/url:16ilj3zm] [quote=&quot;Loyal.28&quot;:16ilj3zm]Oj, tisti, ki ste zainteresirani za ta koncert, pošljite sporo?ilo. tko da bomo vidli na kolk ljudi lahko ra?unamo in za kolk ljudi rabimo prostora. Hvala[/quote:16ilj3zm] Pozdrav! Iz Krškega bi šli 2-3, za 2 sm sigurn 3 mi pa pove jutri tko da dobiš jutri to?no cifro! Sieg Heil 0 0 kA== 16ilj3zm 0 0 u_176
384 0 176 0 1202150567 1 1 1 1 Koncert - Italija Oj, hvala, ker si že tok hitr povedu kolk vas bo šlo. Samo mamo še kr neki ?asa do takrat, tko da se bomo še slišali glede podrobnosti. ?e bo dovolj folka zainteresiranega bomo probal avtobus zrihtat. Ampak to bomo vidl enkrat proti koncu februarja/za?etek marca. Najbolš, da ostanemo v kontaktu preko tega post-a in se bomo glede detajlov zmenil, ko bomo ve?e vedeli. 828! 0 0 2j8bh2r1 0 0 u_75
3926 3914 102 0 1215981978 1 1 1 1 Re: BBQ <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ge komt te laat manneke . Heb gisteren al wezen betalen in de Valhalla . Zonder mij gene bbq he . Tot dan . Grt88 0 0 vgocv1p6 0 0 u_113
5132 5131 1790 0 1223387658 1 1 1 1 Re: REMEMBRANCE DAY Yeah that would be great. Cheers <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 nv2d9ice 0 0 u_72
391 376 62 0 1202165522 1 1 1 1 Re: oi 88, Helaas niet,had die zaterdag een begravenis en ben 's maandag opgenomen in het ziekenhuis waar ik net een paar dagen uit ben. Mag voorlopig nog niet lopen dus ik verveel me dood. Ook heb ik meestal geen internet.... Cheers, Doomsday88 mocht je wel zijn geweest was het leuk?!? 0 0 2k9doe4m 0 0 u_368
393 0 171 0 1202215638 1 1 1 1 Re: hrvatski nogomet [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2164#p2164:2fhj8tdp]Subject: hrvatski nogomet[/url:2fhj8tdp] [quote=&quot;arhitekt88&quot;:2fhj8tdp]f28d jel znas mozda,cul sam da imaju neku podgrupu koja okuplja ns????i da vinkovacku ultarsi osnivaju slicnu podgrupu???[/quote:2fhj8tdp] Za ultrase ne znam, ali danšnje vodstvo BBB-a ?ini ti podgrupa Sepre, a svi ti de?ki su NS, odnosno pro-NS orjentirani. Recimo, bili su u Slunju pretprošle godine kada se obilježavala godišnjica Franceti?eve smrti, sa zastavom sa svastikom, a i u predzadnjem fanzninu, ako se ne varam, imali su ?lanak o Skrewdriveru(doduše ?lanak je gavranov, iako je potpisan od strane njihovih dva ?lana, al ajd), a u novom broju njihovog fanzina bi trebala biti recenzija zadnjeg albuma Bully Boysa jer je na njemu pjesma Storm on the terraces posve?ena upravo BBB-ima. ps, rekla mi je ?evojka da si zamjenio luku i danka, nema beda. S lukom sam otkad ga znam u jako dobrim odnosima, a i bio je kod mene za ovu ng. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 kA== 2fhj8tdp 0 0 u_183
394 376 368 1 1202221829 1 1 1 1 Re: oi Ik ben ook niet geweest. Ik kon geen oppas vinden. Maar ik heb wel gehoord dat het erg gezellig was, iets wat we eigenlijk niet hadden moeten missen. Hoe is het nu met je? Wist je dat je naar het ziekenhuis moets of kwam het onverwachts? Gegroet. 0 0 nqbmfxzm 0 0 u_62
395 0 53 0 1202222986 1 1 1 1 Re: FAO: Wiking67 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2159#p2159:1r3lmimc]Subject: FAO: Wiking67[/url:1r3lmimc] [quote=&quot;Covert Tactics&quot;:1r3lmimc]Not sure if Wiking67 has joined up to this new forum yet. If you have can you PM us and let us know what name you are using now cos the number we got for you has changed and we could do with an update on 'S'. Cheers![/quote:1r3lmimc] I'm In contact with Ian, he aint signed up yet 'having a few probs' at the mo, but i'm sure when hes sorted he will be in touch. I can ask him to get in touch if you want 828 Shell 0 0 kA== 1r3lmimc 0 0 u_104
396 395 104 0 1202231113 1 1 1 1 Re: FAO: Wiking67 [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:14mywdn2][url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2159#p2159:14mywdn2]Subject: FAO: Wiking67[/url:14mywdn2] [quote=&quot;Covert Tactics&quot;:14mywdn2]Not sure if Wiking67 has joined up to this new forum yet. If you have can you PM us and let us know what name you are using now cos the number we got for you has changed and we could do with an update on 'S'. Cheers![/quote:14mywdn2] I'm In contact with Ian, he aint signed up yet 'having a few probs' at the mo, but i'm sure when hes sorted he will be in touch. I can ask him to get in touch if you want 828 Shell[/quote:14mywdn2] Nice one cheers. I was wondering what had happened to him cos we need an update on Shaun. We've not been to see their Shaun in prison for a long time now, mainly due to the fact that Shaun is sticking by what he did and won't &quot;show remorse&quot; which is what the powers that be want him to do. Commendable I know, but it ain't going to do him any favours when it comes to getting a release date so we figured that by having less association with him this way will reflect better on Shaun and help him. We've got a couple of mates who have always campaigned on his behalf who are actually better suited for visits than us. Probably because a few of us have also been in the same prison at some point and we are well known to the police. Even the polices official photographer says &quot;hello&quot; to us when he sees us turn up. In Southport he even joked that Andi Ali had paid him twenty quid to get some good pics of us <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> Anyway good to know Ian is still about though. He knows us so pass on our regards etc ok? Cheers 0 0 kA== 14mywdn2 0 0 u_53
1965 0 255 0 1209394475 1 1 1 1 invicta88 Hail &quot;Chubley&quot;, I would like to ask You, if You can see what is wrong, please. My friend he has problems with access to forum today. His user name is: invicta88 Thank You very much. Racial Regards Lin 0 0 37f8al1r 0 0 u_53
402 398 73 0 1202242953 1 1 1 1 Re: WAU cheers our kid will pm you when it comes 0 0 dadwojri 0 0 u_83
403 0 201 0 1202247967 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja pozdrav.. racunaj mene kao zainteresiranog za kupnju majice. 0 0 2u6q0oab 0 0 u_171
404 0 69 0 1202253359 1 1 1 1 wiking 67 Alright lads, unfortunately Ians had 1 or 2 probs at home etc ,he text me a couple of weeks ago to say what the score was but aint heard from him for a week or 3,i will text him tomorrow and hopefully things may be a bit better for the lad..let you know either way ok best racial regards 88 0 0 3p93zywc 0 0 u_104
412 393 183 0 1202285270 1 1 1 1 Re: hrvatski nogomet cul sam za njih ,al nisam znal da su ns... ispricavam se onda jos jemput,jer neznam tog danka...od starijih znam samo luku i neke bivse stonese...a mozda tie i luka rekel da u vz-u ima puno skinsa(pogotovo mlade ekipe) samo kaj smo malo neorganizirani,al to bi se trebalo promjenit,bar se nadam....pozdraf 0 0 dpgcramq 0 0 u_171
413 0 183 0 1202287083 1 1 1 1 88 jel imas kaj o tiboru roku, ustaskom sefu policije(nisam siguran za to) iz karlovca???? 0 0 2yjc2x5w 0 0 u_188
414 0 186 0 1202291561 1 1 1 1 brisanje profila ili ban E aj da te zamoli za jednu uslugicu - obrisi moj profil ili me baniraj ili je to jedna te ista stvar pa se ja pravim pametna <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> uglavnom, riješi me se! i nemoj plakati za mnom hehehe. aj pozdrav, javite se kad budete dolazili do ri. pa-pa 0 0 1eyjkft1 0 0 u_108
415 404 104 0 1202292399 1 1 1 1 Re: wiking 67 [quote=&quot;CASUAL 88&quot;:3bphdbct]Alright lads, unfortunately Ians had 1 or 2 probs at home etc ,he text me a couple of weeks ago to say what the score was but aint heard from him for a week or 3,i will text him tomorrow and hopefully things may be a bit better for the lad..let you know either way ok best racial regards 88[/quote:3bphdbct] Cheers mate <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 gA== 3bphdbct 0 0 u_69
419 0 53 0 1202316769 1 1 1 1 you tube Hi (again!) just a note to say i've had to delete the post in 'polls' bout Rose Tattoo. This new forum has a strict policy bout no posting of youtube links, so sorry but i couldnt just delete that so the whole post went. zzz has posted a few times on here stating that, so now its zero tollerance! Your not the first to lose posts an i daresay not the last 828 Shell 0 0 2xwjka2g 0 0 u_104
423 414 186 0 1202322992 1 1 1 1 Re: brisanje profila ili ban Problem je viša sila, a ja ?im sjednem u?it mi ruka odleti na tipkovnicu <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> Tako da jedina pomo? mi je da me se prisilno izbaci, imam problema sa samokontrolom <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 3j42r6c4 0 0 u_108
424 419 104 0 1202323562 1 1 1 1 Re: you tube [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:37bvuel0]Hi (again!) just a note to say i've had to delete the post in 'polls' bout Rose Tattoo. This new forum has a strict policy bout no posting of youtube links, so sorry but i couldnt just delete that so the whole post went. zzz has posted a few times on here stating that, so now its zero tollerance! Your not the first to lose posts an i daresay not the last 828 Shell[/quote:37bvuel0] No problem mate. I never seen the zero tolerance thing but if dems da roolz den dems da roolz <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> Its just a shame the whole thread had to go but I suppose I could do it again. By the way to remove or delete certain things click on 'edit' and you can delete what you want. (depending on administrative/moderator abilities). Anyway, thanks for letting me know <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> 0 0 gA== 37bvuel0 0 0 u_53
4175 4165 54 0 1216850484 1 1 1 1 Re: name change [quote=&quot;sid14&quot;:2oycq1ha]cheers for the reply. i want my name changed to sid14. badwolf deleted eh?good hes no ns,hes an anarchist,a hunt saboteur piece of filth,i could tell by his post that he was a total twat and talks total shit <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> i take it that your a woman?no offence but its hard to tell by just reading posts(i cant see you can i?) thanks again b.e.b <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 14/88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> sid14 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:2oycq1ha] Done, you are now officially sid14. Yes BADWOLF and his fellow partner in crime Pitbull38 are both gone, and believe me, from the feedback I'm getting you are not the only one who has thought that way. And yes, I am female <!-- s`BeyeLash --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/battingeyelashes.gif" alt="`BeyeLash" title="BeyeLash" /><!-- s`BeyeLash --> hahaha. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2oycq1ha 0 0 u_1386
4753 4124 103 0 1220996344 1 1 1 1 Re: records for sale part 18 Hi mate, Glad you are happy with the CDs. Sorry don't have any Thors Hammers. Do enamel pin badges but not pendents. Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 3chio72c 0 0 u_74
4754 4712 53 1 1220996599 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;GermanWaffenSS&quot;:3visiapt]I need some help to get a conntact to the german Blood and honour. Do you know any good sites for uniforms and any original parts. we got some problems to get such things here in germany.How can i support you? <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:3visiapt] As far as i'm aware B&amp;H is banned in germany, so it may take some time if you leave a message on here for them, as the forum has been a bit slow lately. As for sites for original items no i dont, far to expensive for me i'm affraid, but if you leave a message in the wanted thread &amp; or general info i'm sure some on here could help you, it may take a little time, but patience is the key. ok 0 0 gA== 3visiapt 0 0 u_1810
6015 0 2138 0 1231188171 1 1 1 1 Hello there Hope you're ok mate. Could i ask you why has the VF thread been removed from your forum please? Regards 828 ROA 0 0 2co8rje4 0 0 u_58
435 0 69 0 1202409618 1 1 1 1 Wiking67 Alright mate, Right I got in touch with Ian yesterday and hopefully things seem to be a bit better for the lad at the minute,if all goes to plan he should be back online after the weekend as hes gonna set the computer back up at his missisus now theyve seemed to have sorted there differences out..but its a case of wait n see i think <!-- s:? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:? --> anyway mentioned to him that youd asked after him so im sure he will get in touch mate...hed been over to see there Shaun so hell probably fill you in on his situation as well. Best I can tell you at this minute mate ok take care 88 0 0 3m8tn3ot 0 0 u_104
437 435 104 0 1202411296 1 1 1 1 Re: Wiking67 [quote=&quot;CASUAL 88&quot;:rzd9o7g6]Alright mate, Right I got in touch with Ian yesterday and hopefully things seem to be a bit better for the lad at the minute,if all goes to plan he should be back online after the weekend as hes gonna set the computer back up at his missisus now theyve seemed to have sorted there differences out..but its a case of wait n see i think <!-- s:? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:? --> anyway mentioned to him that youd asked after him so im sure he will get in touch mate...hed been over to see there Shaun so hell probably fill you in on his situation as well. Best I can tell you at this minute mate ok take care 88[/quote:rzd9o7g6] Thats brilliant mate. Cheers 0 0 gA== rzd9o7g6 0 0 u_69
924 920 616 0 1204556501 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen oi m88 it seems very friendly. I am in Clapham. Planning to go to some of the gigs coming up. wot about yourself? 0 0 3fnhx7jl 0 0 u_608
4627 0 1637 0 1220344810 1 1 1 1 28 RADIO Whats happened to the radio 28 0 0 1bbdbeu1 0 0 u_263
444 0 105 0 1202425668 1 1 1 1 Re: We want to offer sharia law to Britain [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2389#p2389:jf2ey9j2]Subject: We want to offer sharia law to Britain[/url:jf2ey9j2] [quote=&quot;Covert Tactics&quot;:jf2ey9j2]Great post mate. Would you mind if we posted it on our blog? You'll get a free pork pie <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->[/quote:jf2ey9j2] I got it off a friend in the BNP, feel free to use it mate. <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) --> 0 0 kA== jf2ey9j2 0 0 u_104
1348 1282 54 0 1206263365 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello! [quote=&quot;B&amp;H Finland&quot;:2vsjhozz]Yes, thank you. All the new sections are correct. I gave the new section titles to Si and apparently he didn't fuck up those, before handing 'em to you. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:2vsjhozz] Miracles do happen... <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> All the best with it. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2vsjhozz 0 0 u_552
922 916 199 0 1204555903 1 1 1 1 Re: New here CheerSS for the message m88. Things are looking very dark up here..... but the h8 is gettin' stronger day by day &amp; I'm feelin' it!!!!! <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3e2bgc2e 0 0 u_616
923 269 112 0 1204556077 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Tja, zou iedereen sowieso moeten doen, zelfscholing is belangrijk (zeker gezien je van de Vlaamse Beweging geen scholing of vorming moet verwachten...) en al die pipo's op da forum hier zouden soms beter eens wat nadenken voor ze iets posten want de helft van de keren trekken die posts op niets, buiten idd wat nietszeggend gezwets dat alle &quot;makakken&quot; moeten afgeschoten worden of in kampen zou moeten vliegen en van die zever. Get real zeg ik zo, hehe Bwa, baas is totaal a-politiek feitelijk. Wel sympathieke gast daarmee da ik er soms es ene ga drinken. Ja, in april of zo verandert het weer van eigenaar en trapt hij 't af. Ze hebben hem eigenlijk ook wel goed in de zak gezet, haha 0 0 1egfseg4 0 0 u_110
470 0 407 1 1202559864 1 1 1 1 I.S. Thanks that would be great to get a copy TheAntivenom 48 Diadem Street Lismore NSW 2480 0 0 2s7bop12 0 0 u_72
471 0 259 0 1202560372 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2160#p2160:2jipvz2p]Subject: Prodaja[/url:2jipvz2p] [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:2jipvz2p]Dakle kako mi je internet dostupan ko Crnom sloboda, ukratko ?u spomenuti par stvari. Dakle, u najskorije mogu?e vrijeme stižu [u:2jipvz2p][b:2jipvz2p]dvije vrste bedževa[/b:2jipvz2p], [/u:2jipvz2p]po cijeni od 10 kn. Tako?er ve? se mogu nabaviti naljepnice [u:2jipvz2p][b:2jipvz2p]Vukovar-mi nismo zaboravlili [/b:2jipvz2p][/u:2jipvz2p] po cijeni od 25kn za 10 komada, a i skoro ?e realizacija majica na temu Vukovara. [b:2jipvz2p]A sad, ove za ove potonje imate priliku nabaviti ih u pretprodaji za 100kn, dok ?e kada do?u u web shop biti 120 kn. Dakle majica ima kvalitetan tisak na prednjoj i na zadnjoj strani, naprijed je sivi stilizirani vodotoranj, te ispred njega natpis Vukovar '91., napisan goticom te tako ure?en da izgleda kao da je granatama izbušen, a ispod toga piše 'grad heroja'. Na zadnjoj strani tisak je samo bijele boje, a sadrži pleter u obliku grba, u kojemu se nalazi kratica B&amp;H, te ispod toga preure?eni i prevedeni refren jedne pjesme Bully Boysa koji završava porukom NIKADA ZABORAVITI, NIKADA OPROSTITI!. U donji dio petera ukomponiran je glagolji?ni napis 'navik on živi ki zgine pošteno'. Update shopa ?e u najskorije vrijeme kada se uspijem dokopati vremena(interneta) da se sve to postavi na net. Stoga je i ovdje za sada detaljan opis majica mjesto slika <!-- s:evil: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad" /><!-- s:evil: --> Za narudžbu majica mi se javite na PM, a kada se skupi dovoljan broj zainteresiranih kre?e se u realizaciju. [/b:2jipvz2p] Od ostalih stvari izdvajam još najnoviji [u:2jipvz2p][b:2jipvz2p]sedmi broj Patriotic Voicea[/b:2jipvz2p][/u:2jipvz2p], te zadnji [u:2jipvz2p][b:2jipvz2p]CD Blue Maxa-United[/b:2jipvz2p][/u:2jipvz2p]. Toliko za sada! Pozdrav[/quote:2jipvz2p] Evo ja bi htio jednu majcu za po?etak. vitezbr 0 0 0Q== 2jipvz2p 0 0 u_171
472 0 182 0 1202566611 1 1 1 1 ian stuart hi i would like an ian stuart booklet my address is stephen hall flat 6 coach house barton street tewkesbury glos gl20 5pr thanks steve 0 0 2bwuub6w 0 0 u_72
4723 0 1090 0 1220871139 1 1 1 1 Hey Hi Justin Hope your good and not stressing too much getting things organised. I get down Thursday afternoon/night, so I'll see you soon. Any plans for Friday night? A few of us want too meet up. I have to give Dave (Fortress) a ring, we were probably going too cab it out to the gig, how far out is this place exactly? We'll probably be coming from Cheltenham but not sure I might be meeting up with Nicole, Peta and Carolyn for an early dinner first. Do you know if Lindsey is coming over? If you don't want to say anything in here, here's my mobile no: 0427021893 R.R Nikki 0 0 v1n4di1w 0 0 u_295
4626 3160 215 0 1220306173 1 1 1 1 RDV Désolé mec, ma voiture est en réparation et je me suis fais coupé ma ligne téléfonique. Je vais voir si je récupère ma bagnol ce week end sinon tu montes a l'ISD a lyon? Death to zog 0 0 2ts3w6ls 0 0 u_304
5418 0 108 0 1225301672 1 1 1 1 karte dakle..... Saša Lorencin Mauricio Tromboni 0 0 1q0v407d 0 0 u_930
5976 0 2344 0 1230681840 1 1 1 1 kkk figure was wondering if u still had kkk figure??? how much would it be in u.s money&gt;???? do u have any other kkk items ??? 0 0 3brkl9io 0 0 u_1972
482 0 54 0 1202600483 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H Hellas festival 2003 Youtube link Hi Albert, I'm sure you didn't know but we have a very strict &quot;no youtube links&quot; policy on the forum. I have downloaded the video and put it directly in your post instead of the link. Thanks for adding it, that's why we created the new video section and I hope it grows. If you have another video you would like added to the forum, if it is under 10mb you can upload it and we will put it on for you. This thread tells you how to do that: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=380">viewtopic.php?f=71&amp;t=380</a><!-- l --> If it is over 10mb, pm either myself or zzz and we can make other arrangements. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 1lsv0wtb 0 0 u_205
492 243 76 0 1202649213 1 1 1 1 Re: Last chance Oooops.Soz.Thought it was very good.I'll bring the dvd to the Notts gig.88 0 0 ax83vqf8 0 0 u_53
493 403 171 0 1202649648 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [quote=&quot;brutalattack&quot;:2pxp8533]pozdrav.. racunaj mene kao zainteresiranog za kupnju majice.[/quote:2pxp8533] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 2pxp8533 0 0 u_201
494 471 171 0 1202649686 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [quote=&quot;vitezBR&quot;:3h4fojm4][url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2160#p2160:3h4fojm4]Subject: Prodaja[/url:3h4fojm4] [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:3h4fojm4]Dakle kako mi je internet dostupan ko Crnom sloboda, ukratko ?u spomenuti par stvari. Dakle, u najskorije mogu?e vrijeme stižu [u:3h4fojm4][b:3h4fojm4]dvije vrste bedževa[/b:3h4fojm4], [/u:3h4fojm4]po cijeni od 10 kn. Tako?er ve? se mogu nabaviti naljepnice [u:3h4fojm4][b:3h4fojm4]Vukovar-mi nismo zaboravlili [/b:3h4fojm4][/u:3h4fojm4] po cijeni od 25kn za 10 komada, a i skoro ?e realizacija majica na temu Vukovara. [b:3h4fojm4]A sad, ove za ove potonje imate priliku nabaviti ih u pretprodaji za 100kn, dok ?e kada do?u u web shop biti 120 kn. Dakle majica ima kvalitetan tisak na prednjoj i na zadnjoj strani, naprijed je sivi stilizirani vodotoranj, te ispred njega natpis Vukovar '91., napisan goticom te tako ure?en da izgleda kao da je granatama izbušen, a ispod toga piše 'grad heroja'. Na zadnjoj strani tisak je samo bijele boje, a sadrži pleter u obliku grba, u kojemu se nalazi kratica B&amp;H, te ispod toga preure?eni i prevedeni refren jedne pjesme Bully Boysa koji završava porukom NIKADA ZABORAVITI, NIKADA OPROSTITI!. U donji dio petera ukomponiran je glagolji?ni napis 'navik on živi ki zgine pošteno'. Update shopa ?e u najskorije vrijeme kada se uspijem dokopati vremena(interneta) da se sve to postavi na net. Stoga je i ovdje za sada detaljan opis majica mjesto slika <!-- s:evil: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad" /><!-- s:evil: --> Za narudžbu majica mi se javite na PM, a kada se skupi dovoljan broj zainteresiranih kre?e se u realizaciju. [/b:3h4fojm4] Od ostalih stvari izdvajam još najnoviji [u:3h4fojm4][b:3h4fojm4]sedmi broj Patriotic Voicea[/b:3h4fojm4][/u:3h4fojm4], te zadnji [u:3h4fojm4][b:3h4fojm4]CD Blue Maxa-United[/b:3h4fojm4][/u:3h4fojm4]. Toliko za sada! Pozdrav[/quote:3h4fojm4] Evo ja bi htio jednu majcu za po?etak. vitezbr[/quote:3h4fojm4] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 0Q== 3h4fojm4 0 0 u_259
496 469 206 0 1202668862 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais Salut, Non, nous n'avons pas de patch ou bandes de bras b&amp;h, ceux que l'on a sont ceux de Midgard. Demande à Rob s'il en a pas? Si j'en trouve combien en veux tu? A+ Thierry 0 0 1eome2xi 0 0 u_211
497 456 397 0 1202669151 1 1 1 1 Re: 74 <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1gwb4cqf 0 0 u_215
498 399 189 0 1202672432 1 1 1 1 Re: hello cheers for letting me know about the gig it was a good one and i needed it to have a release from the army is good at times 88 0 0 22ktwpcj 0 0 u_212
5243 5209 220 0 1224084798 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:3397vu5o]E jbg, spakovao sam komp za put, tako da nisam vidio PM, a ktomu vlak je kasnio, i bio sam u Zg oko 17h. Uglavnom, br. ra?una je 3210709573- PBZ, na ime Marko Bani?. Pošalji mi opet svoju adresu, jer kako rekoh zbog jebenog foruma ostao sam bez starih PM-ova. Majicu ti najvjerojatnije sutra pošaljem. Pozdrav! Marko[/quote:3397vu5o] Ma nema problema, i ja sam tek sad vidio pm kad sam s posla došo.. Evo : Vedran Paleš?ak, Zeleni trg 2, Zagreb Ja ti uplatim možda još i danas, ili sutra odmah nakon posla. Pozdrav i hvala. 0 0 gA== 3397vu5o 0 0 u_171
500 0 211 0 1202680217 1 1 1 1 patch Salut! Christophe avait egalement pense a Rob mais j'ai peur que ca fasse trop juste. Il m'en faudrait 20 au plus tard pour jeudi. J'ai pense egalement aux Italiens de Ferlandia mais ils envoyent ca sous 10 jours! Je sais,je mis prends tard mais c'etais pas prevu... 0 0 2aue5906 0 0 u_206
501 0 211 0 1202680917 1 1 1 1 ... Sinon, si tu trouve des ecussons &quot;runes&quot;, croix celtiques ou triple 7 ca me convient egalement. C'est pour mettre sur les poches de treillis. Les patchs Midgard, vous les reserves uniquement a leurs membres? 0 0 3ks0p4dj 0 0 u_206
1113 1108 203 0 1205423255 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi, we go make one gig in 7 of june and you are wellcome in Portugal and you can see our merchandising. Let me know if came. We can trade the mags and cd´s and other stuffs Best Regards Sérgio 0 0 2bxytmpr 0 0 u_367
505 0 141 0 1202736374 1 1 1 1 Majica Ja sam zainteresiran za kupnju majice, trebala bi mi velicina xxl ili xxx- (neke majice su mi xxl,a neke xxxl tako da..) Kako ti ide sa placanjem,dostavom,itd.. 0 0 1o1q2st0 0 0 u_171
6727 0 2006 0 1235593588 1 1 1 1 Tattoo! Oh please don't get made in england on your neck!!! I'm 28 now and had loads of ideas for tats when i was younger......thank fuck i didn't go ahead with them!! I got my first tattoo when I was 21 which was roses &amp; spiderwebs, later on I had SKINGIRL 14 on my wrist.. I love tattoos but I really believe in waiting a year or 2 to get them. Take care bro xx 0 0 1b1qommw 0 0 u_2099
508 0 253 0 1202740368 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:hrd9sp5m][/quote:hrd9sp5m] Evo ja bi se tako?er htio prijaviti za kupnju ove majice, pa bi samo pitao kako bi se pla?alo. Vi pošaljete majicu poštom i onda ja uplatim novce ili kako... Unaprijed hvala... 88! ZA DOM SPREMNI!! 0 0 gA== hrd9sp5m 0 0 u_171
510 499 171 0 1202742251 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;krv&quot;:10t34hxa]zainteresiran sam za jednu, još ?u provjerit ako netko od mojih kolega ho?e. ali jedna sigurno.[/quote:10t34hxa] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 10t34hxa 0 0 u_220
511 505 171 0 1202742277 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica [quote=&quot;=Marko=&quot;:8z6dtf61]Ja sam zainteresiran za kupnju majice, trebala bi mi velicina xxl ili xxx- (neke majice su mi xxl,a neke xxxl tako da..) Kako ti ide sa placanjem,dostavom,itd..[/quote:8z6dtf61] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu( ak sam dobro skužio, iz Rijeke si pa ti mogu i osobno majicu dati). ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 8z6dtf61 1202742325 1 u_141
512 508 171 0 1202742349 1 1 1 1 Re: Prodaja [quote=&quot;Local-88-Patriot&quot;:110za339][quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:110za339][/quote:110za339] Evo ja bi se tako?er htio prijaviti za kupnju ove majice, pa bi samo pitao kako bi se pla?alo. Vi pošaljete majicu poštom i onda ja uplatim novce ili kako... Unaprijed hvala... 88! ZA DOM SPREMNI!![/quote:110za339] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 110za339 0 0 u_253
513 500 206 0 1202743324 1 1 1 1 Re: patch J'ai cherché de mon cote, mais j'aurai rien avant jeudi... Pour les avoir à temps, faut aller faire les patchs directement dans un magasin sur lyon . Je ne vois que ça. 0 0 1vhsixe1 0 0 u_211
514 501 206 0 1202743391 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Les patchs Midgard sont réservé uniquement à nos membres... 0 0 l37080l1 0 0 u_211
515 462 72 0 1202743951 1 1 1 1 Re: booklets Just send me your addy and dont worry about any money. Yours.Rob 0 0 39hm1767 0 0 u_147
518 0 211 0 1202744906 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2302#p2302:2ero4gh2]Subject: Manifestation du Renouveau francais[/url:2ero4gh2] [quote=&quot;Knife 88&quot;:2ero4gh2]Oui c'était aujourd'hui mais moi j'habite en haute savoie donc j'ai pas pus y aller, une prochaine fois surement.[/quote:2ero4gh2] Slt! j'ai des potes qui font le deplacement pour le rac depuis Chambery. Tu seras des notres? Renaud BH Lugdunum 28/88 0 0 kA== 2ero4gh2 0 0 u_397
520 505 141 0 1202746723 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica Da iz Rijeke sam.. uplatit cu pare kroz slijedecih nekoliko dana.. Bi bio problem da ti osobno dam pare (ako imas vremena) jer bas nemam nekih iskustava sa tim racunima (da nes ne sjebem)... 0 0 1wwdorvm 0 0 u_171
6127 0 2362 0 1232139550 1 1 1 1 leicester im working down there at the moment on the tigers stadium cheers for the welcome 0 0 34k6jm5l 0 0 u_1877
6128 0 54 0 1232139572 1 1 1 1 BIGE88 Account Same as last time... I have reset your BIGE88 password to Password28 I've logged in as you and it works. You need to type the new password exactly how I have written it. BEB 0 0 2253d4ux 0 0 u_2421
6129 0 2421 0 1232139589 1 1 1 1 my settings hello nicloe i know you dont want me to pm you but im sorry i cant get the settings to work. you sent me. i know im a pain in the bum did you by any chance get a copy of the oswald mosley radio show if yes i sent a copy to bulldog drummand to send to you. and if you want to finish off the aussie photos if you contact me at my e mail address if you want it? and you can download them and copy them all myselfe as im slowley getting all my photos done in my database ive put some on the forom. if youre not intrested ill understand. you made the trip i did 20 years a go now to austria i relly did enjoy youre report . ive moved on as i know thier are bigger battles to fight sorry for the trouble. nick <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 ejroxr8x 0 0 u_54
522 0 97 0 1202751785 1 1 1 1 Dresden Hail, Still going to the Dresden Memorial March? I'll buy you a cup of coffee if I see you there ! 828 Michael 0 0 2bb96onk 0 0 u_72
5776 0 2138 0 1228244340 1 1 1 1 Heil Comrade Hello Brother, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 ipx6rtwo 0 0 u_616
3826 3822 73 0 1215680847 1 1 1 1 Re: hello hello comrade do you have paypal if you do you can pay by paypal if not you can send euros by post 0 0 2sygk6sb 0 0 u_1296
526 522 72 0 1202754036 1 1 1 1 Re: Dresden Greetings I wish I could go to Dresden but I have no money and the flights are hard to arrange. You will have a great time. There will be many Anitfa there.......they are cowards and will try to find 'single' NS so stay in the main group. Do you think you could write about the Dresden memorial and take some photos for B&amp;H magazine? Yours.Rob 0 0 f5mh6zie 0 0 u_97
793 788 210 0 1203770657 1 1 1 1 Re: back online Hail Brother! I'm here often to check some things.My username on HSN board is HHSGeri,i am from the Hungarian chapter.I think so that Raph and Maxime from France are also active here.Cheers from Hungary! HFFH! Geri 0 0 1m6zias1 0 0 u_569
529 505 141 0 1202758254 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica da nadopunim narudbu.. trebala bi mi jos jedna majica.. tako da mene racunas za 2 majice.. isto po mogucnosti xxl ili xxxl.. 0 0 1jndc7s9 0 0 u_171
530 518 397 0 1202758323 1 1 1 1 Re: Manifestation du Renouveau francais c quand??? je pense pas parce que j'ai que 16 ans donc j'ai aucun moyen de déplacement, et vu que ma mère partage pas du tout mes idées jme voit mal de lui dmander de m'emmener à une réunion de skin^^ mais je viens d'avoir le code ^^ 0 0 iq7uhtfp 0 0 u_211
4597 0 1466 0 1219917898 1 1 1 1 _|_ Ravine Ravine mnogo si sme6en 0 0 23tcf8en 0 0 u_638
5676 5675 79 0 1227640146 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas 2008 [b:38ntzri9]I'm not sure, but ehre has pm'd me saying they might have a car going????????? Confused now lol, but I'll give the seat a miss hun, it's going to cost me about £40 to just get there otherwise. [/b:38ntzri9] 0 0 QA== 38ntzri9 0 0 u_66
4599 4597 638 0 1219922019 1 1 1 1 Re: _|_ ???? ??? ??????, ?? ?? ?????? ??? ????? 0 0 22avbcbq 0 0 u_1466
4636 4630 59 0 1220389765 1 1 1 1 Re: ello ello Hiya Hun I'm still about, just lol. Things going downhill fast at home at mo, she dont want me no more :( I'm still clinging on tho cos I dont fncy sleeping in me car at mo. Will see u at ISD, should be a good'un Stay safe x 0 0 3juk5wza 0 0 u_68
4679 4641 307 0 1220653313 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings From Essex hiya trouble <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2ec211wa 0 0 u_1172
4601 0 1721 0 1219937945 1 1 1 1 Hail e vidim slušaš Bosanski bend KRV, pa me zanima jel znaš možda što su ?lanovi tog benda, muslimani, Srbi ili Hrvati? 0 0 2g1fo6mz 0 0 u_154
796 787 109 0 1203832077 1 1 1 1 Re: Finally on board Hey Mate, Hows it goin? Spoke to Ben the other day about the Brisbane AB Hammers ha ah Things are dead down here maybe I should move back to Qld...Got a coule fo people keen on the Kilgore. I'm having more of a prob with the line up, hopefully I'll get into the studio in a couple of months.. Take care Mate HFFH Jess 0 0 ic7o41j4 0 0 u_569
4944 0 1008 0 1221907377 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Magazine (UK) [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13479#p13479:gu2xpq9f]Subject: B&amp;H Magazine (UK)[/url:gu2xpq9f] [quote=&quot;Clockwork Violence28&quot;:gu2xpq9f]Just so you guys know, 28 Australia is distributing the worldwide magazine localy, so if your interested check out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> for details. 828[/quote:gu2xpq9f] Yeah, I'd like to buy one. Where from and how much are they? 0 0 kA== gu2xpq9f 0 0 u_195
4596 0 187 0 1219887750 1 1 1 1 ISD Salut, pourrais tu me repondre stp. Tu as du recevoir mon mail. Merci de me dire quoi,meme si c'est negatif. Merci bat28 0 0 3j8w60wb 0 0 u_1112
4935 4929 780 0 1221853847 1 1 1 1 Re: isd2008 Ah dunt look like well make it then if its petrol money we can chip in, how far is your mate going from? 0 0 1a7yol6e 0 0 u_1256
4936 0 1912 0 1221872182 1 1 1 1 hello duds hello duds did you ban me again well im back please keep in contact im gonna look for that pictrue later on for you mate enjoy youre isd mate i will rember in my way i didnt want to get beat up by blue eyed blondes mates and chubley 88s mates such as bulldog drummand im a ill man i can fight anymore im sorry thats the way i feal nick88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 f3zusumk 0 0 u_59
4934 4930 1409 0 1221851594 1 1 1 1 Re: 828 Thanks lot,see you tomorrow <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> ...Cheers mate! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2dq80z2i 0 0 u_105
4931 4930 105 0 1221847639 1 1 1 1 Re: 828 Are you in the UK? 0 0 hp54b0vn 0 0 u_1409
4932 4930 1409 0 1221848632 1 1 1 1 Re: 828 Yes we are in UK-Andover,we know probably where it is,but can you give us more details,corect place..Cheers mate! <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 gllxxbl5 0 0 u_105
4937 0 1912 0 1221872411 1 1 1 1 badwolf hello mate got banned again hers my next go you sent me a pm send it again nick 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1c1gcud2 0 0 u_73
4938 0 1910 0 1221872605 1 1 1 0 oioi! hey man where abouts in kent are you from? im stuck in the shithole that is maidstone drop me a line back 14/88 828 0 0 7xssviyd 0 0 u_475
4961 0 1912 0 1222045180 1 1 1 1 hello hello mate im a mate of nick rich im steve he got banned from here you used to buy things from him. do you want to buy anything else? 88 steve <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3v900dc1 0 0 u_558
4960 4939 396 0 1222044612 1 1 1 1 Re: bad wank sorry wank bad right as again <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ISD 0 0 18skncso 0 0 u_1912
4941 4939 1912 0 1221876853 1 1 1 1 Re: bad wank sorry wank bad HE SAYS HE THUOGHT YOU WAS HIS MATE AND WANTED TO HELP HIM STEVE 88. 0 0 2dgvipzm 0 0 u_396
5317 0 1296 0 1224637273 1 1 1 1 ss hola como va recien vi un mensaje que habias dejado en un posteo mio mira los argentinos son c18 y aqui en chile tambien existian pero ya se desarticulo. gracias de todas formas por responder. te dejo mi correo para que parlemos <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> saludos 0 0 2smjnl7h 0 0 u_1937
5611 5575 531 0 1227226032 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Evening comrade, not been on for a while, too much work and family stuff. As for fighting the red menace, I aint got the fucking energy at the moment lol ! Just having a sit down after tidying my son's shit away, whoever invented toys wants fucking shooting <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Hope to be going round your neck of the woods in the not too distant, my brother (a comrade also) is currently banged up in Dovegate and I've been neglecting my visiting duties ! Unfortunately, my 69 year old mother is putting me to shame by going down every fortnight to see him, whilst I've not been since he was in HMP Lindholme near Doncaster, so I've got to do the right thing I suppose. He's done just over 3 yrs of a potential 10 yr stretch so far for trying to blind a nonce, there's no justice is there <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> Anyway, hope all's well in Cannock my friend, gonna get off to bed in a bit, busy day tomorrow , fucking decorating, I hate it <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> 14/88 Ian 0 0 301fekzy 0 0 u_1172
541 537 461 0 1202823226 1 1 1 1 Re: youtube Thanks for the heads up <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 88 0 0 oef1ubvf 0 0 u_53
4928 0 307 0 1221843106 1 1 1 1 isd bell whitehammer plz 0 0 lpw8t8ms 0 0 u_461
4698 4685 195 0 1220775959 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello and upcoming ISD arrangements [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:vi6ssnu7]Hi Justin and Pete, Just sending you both a quick note to say hello and to tell you my travel arrangements for ISD. I'm arriving on Thursday morning at 9.45am, staying at the Mayflower Thursday and Friday night, and am booked into the motel at Hallam on the Saturday. My mobile number is 0404 468 646. I would appreciate it if you could let me know what is happening on the Thurs and Fri nights so that I can organise myself accordingly. No doubt you've both read the interaction between Jesse, ZZZ and myself. Hopefully we can put the whole thing to rest now and move on. It was silly and pointless. I have never been anything apart from friendly and welcoming to you guys, and have absolutely no interest in trying to &quot;lord&quot; it over 28 Oz or anyone else. I would be happy to get together privately with some of you over the weekend to clear the air, answer questions and talk about how I can help out with 28 Oz, just as I have offered previously. I'm looking forward to catching up with you guys for drink or 10. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:vi6ssnu7] Hi Nicole Nothing has been arranged for friday night, as the bands have rehearsals etc, so it was decided that everyone can do their own thing this year. There will be some people (some of the girls from interstate)staying in the city thursday and friday night, so ill pass on your phone number to them. If there is anything else going on Justin can fill you in as im not in vic. Yeah i saw the thread and the issue really should not of been made public, but whats done is done. I think a few points have been missed, but im not going to get into it through PM or email. It would be best, as you said, to discuss it in private. Good to hear that you can make it. Cheers 828 0 0 gA== vi6ssnu7 0 0 u_54:u_295
544 522 97 0 1202828164 1 1 1 1 Re: Dresden To bad mate, I've been assigned as the local &quot;Kriegsberichter&quot; so I was already going to make an artikel so I'll make one in English aswell, and make some pictures there ! Greetings, Michael 0 0 l1jmoxm4 0 0 u_72
794 0 506 0 1203782251 1 1 1 1 ... explica-me lá sff essa historia do dinheiro aos camaradas espanhois... 0 0 1agf2j80 0 0 u_535
5187 0 113 0 1223804367 1 1 1 1 Re: NEW CD ! Ken McLellan &amp; Arrowcross Are u coming to Flanders next weekend?? 0 0 75dbl8il 0 0 u_58
790 0 569 0 1203767906 1 1 1 1 shame on you Im not scared of you nazi goul jesus will kick your heathen ass. <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> 0 0 7h2p93wq 0 0 u_359
791 640 182 0 1203769026 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS hi sent you some photos etc could you email or pm me to say you have got them! moonie 0 0 2144fa4s 0 0 u_72
6183 5980 54 0 1232313992 1 1 1 1 Re: Need a small favour.... Hi Randal, Thanks so much for that, I really appreciate it. I've gone on a &quot;nesting&quot; frenzy and bought new sheets, plants etc... anyone would think it was a royal visit haha. I've haven't been able to order the cutlery using my Australian billing address and your US delivery address. I've transfered the amount for buying the cutlery to your paypal address (Transaction ID: 1A02185848368972E). The cutlery was $71.98 USD, and I've transferred $75 USD to make up for the money that pay pal takes out. Do you mind ordering it for me from here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... O1022.html</a><!-- m --> It's for the Ginkgo 079914-20013-4 - Stainless Steel LePrix 20 Piece Flatware Set in Moss Green. It comes in a set for 4 places, so I need 2 to make up a setting for 8. Once you have an idea of what the postage is to Australia, I will then transfer the postage money to you. Rob will be here 2 Feb, so I'm happy to pay for the quickest postage (I've spent so much on this visit so far, I might as well go all the way haha) Can you please send it to: Nicole Hanley PO Box 5610 Hughes ACT 2605 AUSTRALIA Please pass on my thanks to Abbie for her help, and hopefully one day you will all be guests in my house for dinner... and using the cutlery ! Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 39hspi41 0 0 u_88
4956 4939 396 0 1222044025 1 1 1 1 Re: bad wank sorry wank bad fuck me i wanted to be nice and try to help a brother skin but it looks like i shoudent have gave a fuck if you are not badwolf tell him to talk to me if you are say hello 0 0 1qxq3mda 0 0 u_1912
553 0 466 0 1202844668 1 1 1 1 Maje Pozdrav, glede majica, mozda je malo prekicasta, il da izbacis onaj text, nekak je velik a i nije bog zna kaj, mislim ideja je dobra al mozda samo ispod grba ubacit neki manji text od jedne recenice Zainteresiran sam al malo neke preinake bi trebale bit.. Prva strana je dobra, samo malo korigirat drugu.. Kaj ti mislis? 0 0 3q0f5g84 0 0 u_171
5213 5176 63 0 1223959927 1 1 1 1 Re: !!! HI NATH IM NOT IGNORING YOU i have had some very bad news at home and i am in a terrible state my marriage has broken up my mother has terminal cancer and i am fucking devastated at the moment i cant think straight, my world has just collapsed right now.... hope you and alex are ok 14/88 0 0 2ihy4nl5 0 0 u_1937
5214 0 1785 0 1223968879 1 1 1 1 kortrijk? 0 0 4a5yuwyn 0 0 u_107
5224 5209 220 0 1223997983 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:73ixjxjl]Bi?e, bi?e <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> Sam ?eš mi morati opet adresu dati jer je ovaj jebeni forum sada ograni?en samo na 5 PM-ova... Ili ako ?eš sutra biti negdje oko 16h u blizini željezni?kog, mogu ti je osobno dati budu?i da putujem iz Os za Ri nazad...[/quote:73ixjxjl] Do 16 sam na poslu, ali mogo bi bit oko 16,30 ak ?eš ti još biti tamo. 0 0 gA== 73ixjxjl 0 0 u_171
5215 0 1785 0 1223974514 1 1 1 1 isd memorial oi do you come this weekend to the isd memorial in flanders? 0 0 s5fl7f9k 0 0 u_74
5507 0 2015 0 1226176357 1 1 1 1 88 Heil! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> I'm new here and I'll meet new friends if possible.Where are you from? 0 0 2kakv31x 0 0 u_252
5217 0 1785 0 1223976486 1 1 1 1 isd memorial flanders do you have the flyer? if you do ... can you send it to your friends? it going to be a great mem. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> cheers isd rip 828 0 0 36ad9ecl 0 0 u_74
558 0 110 0 1202903267 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2175#p2175:h78lnnc6]Subject: Stel jezelf even voor[/url:h78lnnc6] [quote=&quot;Gianni88&quot;:h78lnnc6]Ik ben Gianni afkomstig uit Roeselare (West-Vlaanderen) <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->[/quote:h78lnnc6] dat is nu ne ke gieestig om etwien van de streke te horen, waar go gie pinten pakken... anders met die antwerpenaren, altijd stoeffen <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> , en ze weunen zo verre groeten, FCB 0 0 kA== h78lnnc6 0 0 u_366
4046 3984 1 0 1216433821 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:3j7hh4d1]NS GEATINGS BEN MY MISTAKE OVER THE E MAIL I LEFT THE 0 OUT SO ITS <!-- e --><a href="mailto:MOMPERS236059612@AOL.COM">MOMPERS236059612@AOL.COM</a><!-- e --> HOPEFULLY THIS WILL WORK THIS TIME THE HAMMER SKIS USED TO DO THEIR OWN MAGS I USED TO GET SENT EM ALL DO THEY DO ANY NOW? I WILL SEND YOU SOME PHOENIX PICTURES FOR TATTOING I HAVE ONE MYSELFE SO CONTACT ME AT NICK RICH 5 POCOCKS BANK FOUR ELMS NR EDENBRIDGE KENT TN8 7PR ENGLAND OK ANOTHER AUSSIE LAD HAS BROUGHT MY REAL HITLER YOUTH ARMBAND WICH MY DAD GOT IN 1945 FROM A GERMAN KID WHO CAME UP TO HIM TO SURRENDER HE NEVER FOREGOT THE LOOK IN THIS KIDS EYES FRIGHTED HE WAS ONLY 14 HE DIDNT WANT THE REDS GETTING HIM SO THEIRS A STORY BEHINDE THE ARM BAND .IM LKIE YOU I GUESS HONEST TELL A WHITE LIE NOW AND THEN . DOWN TO EARTH WHITE WORKING CLASS TRYING TO GET BY LIKE EVERY ONE ELSE LIKE ME BUT IM NS AND AN OLD SKINHEAD NOW AND WILL ALLWAYS BE CANT WORK FULL TIME DUE TO MY SICKNESS BUT I MAKE AN EFFORT AND GET up of my arese and do something will post somthing about skrewdriver on sunday nick 1488 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3j7hh4d1] G'day Nick, The Hammerskin Nation still puts out mags, not very often though....I'll let you know when the next one comes out. (not sure when that will be though.) That would be great to get some good Phonex pics, cheers. Thats a full on story about the HY armband (I have one myself, don't know the background story to it like yours though) I'm not supprised that HY boy scared of being captured by the filthy reds, that would be a nightmare. I'm the same as you mate, working class skin trying to get by, Ive been a skin for 20 years and always will be. Sorry to hear about your sickness &amp; the difficulty it causes you mate, life sure does give us all some testing times. Good to hear you push through it and do you best, thats all anyone can do. Anyway mate, take care and I'll give your email a try. Racial regards, Ben 0 0 gA== 3j7hh4d1 0 0 u_351
560 0 339 0 1202911736 1 1 1 1 Ian Stuart booklet. Are you printing more those Ian Stuart booklets you said on that one topic? If you are, i would like to have one, if you send them here in Finland <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> My name and adress is: Jesse Torniainen Unikkopolku 4, 00720 Helsinki Finland. Thx <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> 0 0 2i76e3dm 0 0 u_72
972 269 112 0 1204725898 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Bwa, vraag je ex om er een paar uurtjes op te passen? Ge zijt tenslotte met 2 geweest om ze te maken eh. Bwa dat viel nog mee, ik moest in die tijd gelukkig wel geen weekends werken dus weinig last van gehad feitelijk en op een doorsnee weekend was dat toch al rond 1u 's nachts dicht dus. 10 leden is inderdaad geen vette maar begrijp goed dat de tijd van de massa-bewegingen al lang voorbij is. Als je ziet dat LDD als politieke PARTIJ over gans België maar 5000 leden heeft (zij hebben dan nog de financiële middelen en het lokmiddel bij uitstek in de politiek: toekomstige postjes die te verdelen vallen) vind ik het wel nog meevallen. In het begin zat VB daar ook in Zeebrugge in zo'n vochtig lokaal met 6 man en een paardekop te debatteren onder elkaar wat ze gingen doen dus. 0 0 1ryugxed 0 0 u_110
566 0 211 0 1202921753 1 1 1 1 Re: ROUBAIX 1er ville Française occupée! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2854#p2854:2szlovcl]Subject: ROUBAIX 1er ville Française occupée![/url:2szlovcl] [quote=&quot;bat28&quot;:2szlovcl]Voici un petit article paru dans le &quot;National Radical&quot; N°11 de Fevrier 2008,au titre de &quot;ROUBAIX: PREMIERE VILLE FRANCAISE OCCUPEE!&quot; n'ayant pas de scanner, je vous recopie une partie de l'article dans lequel s'exprime, Mohamed Sabaoui jeune sociologue de l'université catholique de Lille, d'origine algerienne, naturalisé français, habitant lui meme Roubaix; &quot;Notre invasion pacifique au niveau européen n'est pas encore parvenue à son terme. Nous entendons, agir dans tous les pays simultanement. Comme vous nous faites de plus en plus de place, il serait stupide de notre part de ne pas en profiter...Nous serons votre le cheval de troie. Les droits de l'homme dont vous vous reclamez, vous etes devenus les otages. Ainsi, par exemple, si deviez vous adresser a moi en Algerie, ou en Arabie Saoudite, comme je vous parle maintenant, vous seriez dans le meilleur des cas, arretez sur le champs. Vous autres, Français n'etes pas en mesure d'imposer le respect à nos jeunes. Pourquoi respecteraient ils un pays qui capitule devant eux? On ne respecte que ce qu'on craint. Lorsque nous aurons le pouvoir, vous ne verrez plus un seul Arabe mettre le feu a une voiture ou braquer un magasin... Les Arabes savent que la punition inexorable que merite, chez nous le voleur, c'est l'amputation d'une main&quot; Et toujours du meme Mohammed Sabaoui, lors d'une interview reproduite dans le &quot;paradoxe de Roubaix&quot; : &quot;les lois de votre republique ne sont pas conformes à celle du coran et ne doivent pas etre imposées aux musulmans, qui ne peuvent etre gouvernés que par la Charia; Nous allons donc oeuvrer pour prendre ce pouvoir qui nous est du; Nous allons commencer par ROUBAIX,qui est actullement une ville musulmane a 60%. Lors des futures elections municipales, nous mobiliserons nos effectifs, et le prochain maire sera musulman. apres negociation avec l'etat et la region, nous declarerons Roubaix enclave independande musulman et nous imposerons la charia (loi de dieu) à l'ensemble des habitants! La minorité Chretienne aura le statut de Dhimmis. ce sera une categorie à part qui pourra racheter ses libertés et droits par impot special. En outre nous ferons ce qu'il faut pour les amener par la persuation dans notre giron. Des dizaines de milliers de Français ont deja embrassé l'islam de plein gré, pourquoi pas les Chretiens de Roubaix? Actuellement a l'université de Lille, nous mettons sur pieds des brigades de la foi, chargées de &quot;convertir&quot; les Roubaisiens recalcitrant chretiens, ou juifs, pour les faire rentrer dans notre religions, car c'est Dieu qui le veut! Si nous sommes les plus fort, c'est que Dieu l'a voulu. Nous avons pas les contraintes de l'obligation Chretienne de porter assistance à l'orphelin, aux faibles et handicapés. Nous pouvons et devons au contraire les ecraser s'ils constituent un obstacle, surtout si ce sont des infidéles&quot;[/quote:2szlovcl] Heil! est ce que tu sera des notre ce week end? Pour plus d'info: renaud 0664968068 BH Lugdunum 0 0 kA== 2szlovcl 0 0 u_187
570 0 294 0 1202923440 1 1 1 1 youtube Sending this to you as an admin. There's a youtube link on the BNP thread. 0 0 u3ibf5zm 0 0 u_58
571 570 58 0 1202924147 1 1 1 1 Re: youtube [quote=&quot;Celt14&quot;:55x6amup]Sending this to you as an admin. There's a youtube link on the BNP thread.[/quote:55x6amup] Hail Mateeey ! Not anymore there aint ha ha ! Why cant people read the warnings <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> thanks for the input 828 Asgard 0 0 gA== 55x6amup 0 0 u_294
572 0 252 0 1202924927 1 1 1 1 fight Oi! Daj do?i koji put u Konjš?inu. Moj broj je 0995114833 pa nazovi. Ja i de?ki iz par mjesta radimo akciju protiv antifa budala u petak 15.02. pa ak' se ho?eš pridružiti nazovi. 0 0 2n0nx78s 0 0 u_183
575 527 128 0 1202927914 1 1 1 1 Re: BALLAD SET Hello mate , thats the problem , its not so easy for me to travel abroad these days due to the amount of time i have to take of work ( i work nightshift sometimes friday nights and every sunday. unless i can get early enough flights back it can be a nightmare, doubt if i`ll be going to ukraine for the same reason, plus it costs a fortune from here. about 250 - 300 quid. anyway let me know whats happening with the gig, and if you can get me an adress i`ll post those discs. p.s couldnt open the picture. 88 john 0 0 3tbrgu74 0 0 u_72
1423 0 123 0 1206653930 1 1 1 1 CD's/flags/shirts Hail comrade, are there any CD's/flags or shirts left? <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> could you send me a list of those things you didn't sell already? Thanks a lot, greetings from Switzerland! 0 0 2ti67vb9 0 0 u_90
582 558 366 0 1202932904 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor haha, toch nog etwien van alier:p ik zitte meestal in gullegem ip cafe, omda veel va me maten van ginder zin. en woar zitte gie meestal? haha gast, ik zit in gent int skole, ti ook nie alles wi dadde:p 0 0 ffi7waqj 0 0 u_110
593 558 110 0 1202981794 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor ke meuge nie vele weg van mie wuf, anders in de gezelle, ké je da goed gullegem, kwiste nie dat er do 28 zat???? ken ook in gent gezeten, twas nie vo te studeren, twas vo maniern te leren.... <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> ke zien blieje da hier ier ziet vo te klappen 0 0 2rjzj5s7 0 0 u_366
6838 6809 297 0 1236701618 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting Great cheers for thjat mate. Look forward to discussing it all further. 14/828 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3mmis9uv 0 0 u_61
6854 6852 73 0 1236860728 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale can you please say what you looking for these what price are you looking for,for the 2 items below - 1 set of weighted gloves - 1x Iron Cross in flames belt buckle 0 0 1syi7hfj 0 0 u_1362
6589 6353 297 0 1234748544 1 1 1 1 Re: HELLO MATE Sorry about the delay in responding.I've had a lot on with the mrs and work,you know how it goes sometimes. I get paid on the 27th so will see what i have left.But am also interested if you?your mate has any of the magazines mentioned left??If so which ones.As would be interested in them/some of them aswell.Tell me what you think a reasonable offer for them and the patches is and ill see if i can afford it. Cheers Guy. 14/828 0 0 37f5h4n3 0 0 u_72
5039 5027 1008 0 1222497098 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia [quote=&quot;BHCentral&quot;:1jjbap6b]Hiya, There's a few clips on the jewtube here... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:1jjbap6b] Hey Mate, Thanks heaps for sending me the link. Really took me back. What an awesome gig! Although, I'm not sure it's a good idea to put up the images of the participants on youtube, the bands is fair enough, but not the participants. <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 828 0 0 gA== 1jjbap6b 0 0 u_115
4561 4459 147 0 1219235011 1 1 1 1 Re: NEOFOLK yea its gonna be aug 23 at 8am est, so thats...1pm here? I'm doing it on the stromfront 48 hour radio-a-thon, and we'll see how it goes if I do another show from there. My normal radio show is weds at 10pm here. I can also send you the prerecorded neofolk show after it airs if you cant listen on that day and time If you have any requests, please send em my way ;) <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2whxrvyt 0 0 u_72
597 0 58 0 1202987723 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2915#p2915:2oxhxt0i]Subject: South of the River ???[/url:2oxhxt0i] [quote=&quot;Barndoor&quot;:2oxhxt0i]Within spitting distance of croydon <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->[/quote:2oxhxt0i] Please PM myself if you would be interested in helping out with the South London Division ? I am in the process of recruitment and organisation and all feedback is welcome <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> I live in the Mitcham area so would be good to know where you are too in relation to setting up events and meetings etc Drop me a message and I will send you the S London Div e mail addy OK mate ? 828 N 0 0 kA== 2oxhxt0i 0 0 u_475
4594 0 168 0 1219837307 1 1 1 1 isd flanders sent an email to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> to get the flyer. greetings 0 0 6u0orwvo 0 0 u_979
4595 0 1709 0 1219839280 1 1 1 1 ISD memorial Hail, I would like to come gladly to your ISD memorial nevertheless unfortunately cannot I on the homepage the Flayer not read, could you him to me please by email send? My email address <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Many thanks already times in advance. Nadine Apology for the bad English 0 0 1l6aytuf 0 0 u_53
602 505 141 0 1202993731 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica nabavio sam pare za majice.. hocemo se dogovorit da ti osobno dam pare ili da upkatim... p.s. decko za kojeg je ova druga majica pita ako u slucaju da majice ne krenu u izradu da li se novac vraca... 0 0 1i5ys8ld 0 0 u_171
6843 6829 122 0 1236767309 1 1 1 1 Re: 18.4.2009 Brutal Attack live in France ok thx, i havent see it to first. 0 0 3w50j4f2 0 0 u_230
6844 0 2660 0 1236785118 1 1 1 1 youth group theres a new group just for youth open mate, it would be worth your time if your interested <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> join the forum if you wish. thanks 0 0 2xtrx8al 0 0 u_279
608 527 128 0 1203000452 1 1 1 1 Re: BALLAD SET i`ll send those as soon as i find them, i just moved house at the weekend and verything is upside down, keep me posted anyway about whats happening. john 88 0 0 t8liogp4 0 0 u_72
615 0 183 0 1203015052 1 1 1 1 88 pozdraf...jel znas di bi mogao kaj od H8 skinut?????? 0 0 2hlb6z1e 0 0 u_154
616 613 58 0 1203015976 1 1 1 1 Re: brian [quote=&quot;killians_mommy&quot;:32gx87yx]hi, brian has indeed now finally passed. he passed late last night. i just had to clear up the confusion as i had no idea how long this was all going to take and it wasnt right to talk about him like he had passed until he actually had. im sorry and i hope you understand where i am coming from. now would be the appropriate time for people to hail my brother. thanks sara[/quote:32gx87yx] Hail Sara ! I am very sorry for the original mix up and confusion <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> I had tried to contact Kenny this morning to clarify details but he may have already heard ! I will re post the Tribute to Brian this evening if that is OK with his family and friends ? Please pass on my regards to Brians family and loved one's and I would like to be able to produce something fitting and honourable enough for the sad sad loss . Once again I am most sorry for the original post but I will do my best on the update for all on the forum and a fitting tribute to an energetic &amp; Honourable Man &amp; Brother <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> All the best and look forward to meeting sometime over 2008 ! 828 Bye the way are you Manu on the my space site ? Just curious ! RR Neil 14/88 0 0 gA== 32gx87yx 0 0 u_482
617 0 182 0 1203017900 1 1 1 1 ian stuart booklet thanks for sending the booklet it was interesting and was nice to see some pictures i hadnt seen. i had to laugh as the last two pictures on the last page were ones i had taken. thanks steve 0 0 37kwtjlv 0 0 u_72
3527 3160 215 0 1215085962 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine J'attend le versement de ma paye pour t'envoyer tout cela car je suis un peu raide niveau tune en ce moment. A+ 0 0 3f7uohtu 0 0 u_304
2792 2649 54 0 1212505325 1 1 1 1 Re: greetings Hi Ruben, Good to hear from you. I have reset the password on the d.b.h.b account to password88, so you should be able to log in and use your &quot;known&quot; one if you still want it. Let me know which one you want to keep and I'll delete the other account. Sorry to hear that you have had some &quot;issues&quot;, I hope it wasn't anything serious and that everything is OK now. Things here are fine, I'm just working and saving for my trip to Europe in Sept/Oct. Are you coming to ISD this year? Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2xcm36jx 0 0 u_1030
1162 1108 203 0 1205541140 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi brother. I go send you the mags monday. We go keep in contact and when we start to make the new number of our magazine i send you the questions for the interview.If you need the interview of guarda de honra now send me questions. Regards Sérgio 0 0 2myy540a 0 0 u_367
1163 1100 203 0 1205541869 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta As vezes publicitar diminui o numero de pessoas, se tivermos sorte temos 50 a 100 pessoas se a policia aparece passamos a ter 30 ou 40 , porque as pessoas ao ver policia vão embora.É melhor no dia seguinte ao concerto fazer uma grande reportagem e ai sim publicitar no forum e nos blogs , ai já ninguem pode fazer nada.Mas nunca antes, nós aqui ainda não temos a repressão que existe lá fora, mas vamos ter e como tal é preciso aprender a lidar com a situação. Depois falamos sobre a revista, mas podes fazer textos ou intervistas, peço-te é que faças em portugues e em ingles. Nós não iremos fazer o proximo numero antes do verão. A revista sai muito caro e não se vende é so por uma questão de prestigio, como tal fazemos uma por ano, e se reparas-te o numero 4 traz menos paginas porque o dinheiro começou a esgotar. 0 0 3m3rm1j8 0 0 u_460
636 553 171 0 1203072187 1 1 1 1 Re: Maje Majca je za tisak pripremljena kakva je, tako da do promjene više ne može do?i. Ako si i dalje zainteresiran, javi onda. Pozdrav 0 0 29lerr4t 0 0 u_466
637 0 184 0 1203080987 1 1 1 1 Kam je ovo pocelo vodit? zalosno je kam je pocel vodit ovaj forum..uvijek neko pocne neku pametnu temu i onda na kraju sve zavrsi ko zajebancija..tipa kak ce te se vodit na rucak u menzu il kak je ko plesal na plesnjaku....zalosno je to....nemoj me pogresno shvatit postujem ja svakog od vas a narocito 28 pokret u kojem sam duzi niz godina.. ugl mislim da bi trebao pobrisat sve te nepotrebne poruke... Isto tako mislim da nije dovoljno napravljeno na promociji 28 pokreta kod nas.. ako bi se moglo poraditi na tome...neke naljepnice poljepit po gradu, dijelit flyere..privuc cim vise clanova. A poslije, sa vise clanova je moguce organizirat i legalni prosvjed npr. Isto tako bi vas pozval na prosvjed u Vukovaru <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";pg=1"> ... =1177&amp;pg=1</a><!-- m --> 14/88 0 0 2l2ix1lc 0 0 u_171
640 0 182 0 1203096604 1 1 1 1 SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS hi i did know they were on the web as i sent them to glory days of rac site, it was me who sent the photos and flyers from the late 80s early 90s. 0 0 182eg0kc 0 0 u_72
662 0 181 0 1203215889 1 1 1 1 sieg heil 88 sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 2g5km2iu 0 0 u_214
663 0 181 0 1203215982 1 1 1 1 88 en fier sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 3vn4y6wh 0 0 u_258
664 0 181 0 1203216147 1 1 1 1 ik weet in welke wereld ik wil leven sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 2exu48fb 0 0 u_275
665 0 181 0 1203216251 1 1 1 1 ik weet in welke wereld ik wilk leven : heil sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 9nltx3lh 0 0 u_312
666 0 181 0 1203216358 1 1 1 1 ik weet in welke werld ik wik leven sieg heil : bloed sieg heil : eer sieg HEIL : HH sieg heil : 88 0 0 e7n06ibq 0 0 u_458
667 657 74 0 1203246666 1 1 1 1 Re: sieg heil hail comrade how it going <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3i0hadte 0 0 u_181
668 0 104 0 1203247952 1 1 1 1 Basel 88 comrade We are hoping you may be able to help us out? Do you have any comrades in or around the Basel area because we need some information on a known Searchlight informer. We don't need anyone to do anything apart from maybe help us gather some information so that we can organise a trip to Basel ourselves to deal with the situation. We would appreciate any help on this issue and ofcourse we'd be more than happy to return the favour. Cheers THE COVERT TEAM 0 0 26c57fa2 0 0 u_122
669 668 122 0 1203248790 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel Hail, you go in the city of Basel ? What you want make there and when you go ? 88 0 0 tufppte3 0 0 u_104
670 668 104 0 1203249738 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel [quote=&quot;DivisionSchweiz&quot;:a7ge1ts0]Hail, you go in the city of Basel ? What you want make there and when you go ? 88[/quote:a7ge1ts0] We have information on a known [url=http&#58;//www&#46;searchlightmagazine&#46;com:a7ge1ts0]Searchlight[/url:a7ge1ts0] informer. We do have an address and we also have a name. He was born in Britain, worked in Germany then settled in Basel some years back. He has spent the past few years 'exposing nazis' and his deeds have also resulted in arrests of comrades. When we have more information we plan to pay Basel a visit but its a long way to go when we don't have enough information. We would like to get some photos of the address we have and wondered if there is a way of finding people via the phone directory. It should be quite easy because like I said he is British but we have very little to work on and we'd like to know if the mailing address we have for him is the same as his home address or what connection he has to the address we have. We know hes used the address to pick up mail because he works his way round from one nationalist organisation to another. In the past few years he's joined the BNP, NA, BPP, WNP and always used that address. It also turns out that the address we have is for a restaurant that specialises in Albanian food. If you are interested and think you can help I will forward more information to you. If you prefer to contact us directly heres our Email addy: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Again, we don't want anyone to confront this person because we want to do it but first we need to make sure we have some information. Cheers THE COVERT TEAM 0 0 kA== a7ge1ts0 0 0 u_122
671 668 122 0 1203250388 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel I dont understand all, but the most. Yes i can help, gife me more information. 0 0 22dmcgeg 0 0 u_104
672 668 104 0 1203250693 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel [quote=&quot;DivisionSchweiz&quot;:3ifbhwog]I dont understand all, but the most. Yes i can help, gife me more information.[/quote:3ifbhwog] Thanks mate. I know its a bit confusing but so much has happened over the past few years its difficult to know how to explain it easily. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Anyway this is the information we have: [b:3ifbhwog]John Holloway Spalenberg 51 4051 Basel Switzerland [/b:3ifbhwog] 0 0 wA== 3ifbhwog 0 0 u_122
4174 0 1221 0 1216850006 1 1 1 1 f greets wolf are you going to the notts gig this weekend ? and how are you bro? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2d25da28 0 0 u_1172
675 668 122 0 1203255426 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel I dont found in basel a John Holloway Spalenberg 51 4051 Basel Switzerland only a Holloway, Stéphen Sevogelstr. 56 4052 Basel/BS *061 534 27 29 0 0 1sos00h3 0 0 u_104
1914 0 311 0 1209046980 1 1 1 1 pow Kiitoksia kellosta perille tuli ehjänä ja oli ostamisen arvoinen. 0 0 34y3l595 0 0 u_98
6254 6239 1027 0 1232692466 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag Jakke, Op AVV moeten we mekaar dan wel gezien hebben. In welke gemeente woon je, dan vindt ik misschien wel een zaak op woensdagmiddag. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 55y50b20 0 0 u_618
6255 6239 618 0 1232693564 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten dag, ik woon in de gemeente Laakdal, dat ligt tegen Geel. 0 0 2sb76n66 0 0 u_1027
6256 6212 2123 0 1232694684 1 1 1 1 Re: hello cheers mate i will buy in that shop.. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> some stuff .. take care. ROA 0 0 3vr48uvd 0 0 u_61
1916 0 311 0 1209055222 1 1 1 1 kysymys Sitä lähdin kysyyn että onko Celtic design kello mennyt, vai vielä myynnissä? Samanhenkinen kaveri pohjosista päin olisi kiinnostunut kyseisestä kellosta. 0 0 2tnyospp 0 0 u_98
5985 0 531 0 1230768239 1 1 1 1 Eyup Eyup Rich, how's tricks ? I messaged you when I got to ISD but didn't get a reply so I thought you might not have gone. Have you changed your phone number cos I sent you another message just before xmas and I thought it a bit odd with you not replying. Things plodding along up here, although hopefully we won't be up here for too much longer. Stacey wants to leave Rotherham, and I don't think it's such a bad idea, she applied for a place on Bournemouth housing list, although I had to explain to her, after she'd filled out the form, where Bournemouth is ! Anyway mate, all the best for 2009 88 Ian 0 0 36t0s5uh 0 0 u_69
683 0 487 0 1203280865 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=3125#p3125:2s3jcctv]Subject: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten[/url:2s3jcctv] [quote=&quot;jerry1974&quot;:2s3jcctv]Wir kommen wieder !!!!! Verraders zitten er overal en ze volledig uitroeien gaat toch niet lukken . Maar de jannetterige leden van antifa zullen zeker hun zin niet krijgen . Over de leiding van B&amp;H niets dan lof . Was op beide concerten aanwezig en ze waren SUPER ! Degene die de SS herdenking toch willen doen , ik ga die dag een krans leggen in Lommel . Dit is niet verboden zodus . Hoe meer zielen hoe meer vreugd . De oorlog is niet verloren als men tijdelijk terugtrekt . Heil Blood &amp; Honour !!! Sieg Heil !! Grt88[/quote:2s3jcctv] wanneer wil ja dan gaan?? ik wil wel meegaan laat me iets weten <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== 2s3jcctv 0 0 u_102
684 0 487 0 1203281103 1 1 1 1 hey hey alles goed? hebde al iets op die site gevonden, als ge da ni zo vertrouwd om iets te bestellen zegt me dan wa ge moet hebben want ga der een paar cd's bestellen hail B&amp;H <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1nujdo93 0 0 u_113
6773 0 2664 0 1236183357 1 1 1 1 Celtic Cross Pendants 88 Goody, I'm new to this Forum, but I'm on a couple of others. I'm REALLY interersted in purchacing a Celtic Cross/Sunwheel Pendant, hope you've still got some left!!! I've been after one for ages, sent off to Final Conflict for one-but they'd sold out! Is it OK to buy with a postal order mate and sent to my home adress? Please P/Message me details mate. Cheers Kamerad, Wolfshook88 <!-- s`88 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/88.gif" alt="`88" title="88" /><!-- s`88 --> 0 0 26rr01qu 0 0 u_2245
687 470 407 1 1203314544 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S. Cheers Mate, Appreciate that immensely. I am living in a small town which is really multicultural and AntiFa so it will be really good to be getting some mail with some reality in it instead of the nonsense that is thriving in the community around me. GGGGGGRRRRRRRR!!! LOL! So yeah thanks again, take care and stay strong. Shelley Pride and Honour Of Race And Heritage Above All Else 14 / 88 0 0 1ugq1gko 0 0 u_72
688 558 110 0 1203326971 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor dus gie zit nooit in het skin-milieu, ge moet da ne ké doene, nie normaal allé, toet tonne 0 0 29s3pkam 0 0 u_366
689 154 171 0 1203332616 1 1 1 1 Majice [quote=&quot;dr.Gebi&quot;:r7w5x3my]Hvala na odgovoru, za majice je ovako: majica sama košta oko 2,52€, za 25 kom je to: 63,-€ priprema za tisak (3 boje ukupno): 15+10+10= 35,-€ tisak: 12,50 zadnja i 25 sprijeda: 37,50€ Ukupno za 25 majica: 135,50€ minus 5% popust za B&amp;H [b:r7w5x3my]=127,-€[/b:r7w5x3my] Pozdrav, Gebi[/quote:r7w5x3my] Oi! Evo prikupili smo financijska sredstva, te bi krenuli u realizaciju. Ne znam je li ti Pero poslao vektore, ako nije najkasnije ?e do srijede to poslati(nažalost ja ne mogu jer mi je internet dostupan samo na fakultetu). Na kraju bi radili 30 komada-10M, 10L, 5XL i 5S(ženske). Pretpostavljam da bi cijena bila negdje oko 150€, no molim te da kazes koliko bi tocno kostalo. Ina?e evo ti skica u jpg-u pa ako trebaju nekakve promjene reci. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... jicaVu.jpg</a><!-- m --> I još bi me zanimalo postoji li mogu?nost da se nabave majice dugih rukava sa kapulja?om. Radili bi za neko vrijeme valjda 20komada, vrlo sli?ne onima što vi imate Skrewdriver-Ian Sturat, samo što bi ove bile B&amp;H Hr. Pa ako možeš i za to mi samo re?i otprilike cijenu. Hvala puno i pozdrav! Marko 0 0 wA== r7w5x3my 0 0 u_236
5438 0 54 0 1225539413 1 1 1 1 Video footage of ISD Hi guys, Loki28 from the forum sent me a bunch of videos from the England ISD to put up on the forum. The sound quality etc isn’t the best, but they are still a great “memory” of the night, and I have put 3 of the best ones in a “private” section of the forum that we use for testing stuff, and have made available to you to view. My question is do you think they are OK to put on the forum, bear in mind they will be viewed by anti’s and will give them an “inside” view of what went on. Also, I know that we are careful about showing peoples faces, especially since some attendees from certain European countries can get in a lot of trouble for just being there. However having said that, there have already been a few videos from the gig put on youtube which is totally public (as opposed to our forum which is more private), and nearly every Tom, Dick and Harry has put photos from the ISD on the web as well, so it’s not “that” secret squirrel. Can I have your thoughts please as to if you think they should be posted on the main part of the forum. You can leave you feedback on the video threads. Cheers Nicole PS. If you can’t access them, please let me know. <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=2291">viewtopic.php?f=89&amp;t=2291</a><!-- l --> <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=2292">viewtopic.php?f=89&amp;t=2292</a><!-- l --> <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=2296">viewtopic.php?f=89&amp;t=2296</a><!-- l --> 0 0 2w1vpv5i 0 0 u_72:u_65:u_761:u_58:u_53:u_59:u_2
4750 4712 1810 1 1220994920 1 1 1 1 Re: hello I Hope you can help a real german. we need to do something 0 0 3a8fey2r 0 0 u_53
4755 4712 1810 1 1220996856 1 1 1 1 Re: hello I will wait for an answer^from you or the german section. I got some money to buy things for our fight. 0 0 2tpkn5av 0 0 u_53
2307 0 933 0 1211317503 1 1 1 1 cheers <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 46sc3hb2 0 0 u_775
2519 0 90 0 1211820960 1 1 1 1 Re: Reserve your Unit 28 t-shirts Hello There anti C18 here but i have a Terrormachine t-shirt size M but i have also a couple other C18 / B&amp;H shirts. Greets Freiheit 28 0 0 398cqqym 0 0 u_976
2520 0 72 0 1211826780 1 1 1 1 TRANSLATION Greetings Its alright my friend a Dutch girl who speaks German is translating it. Best regards.R <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gf1d1gfa 0 0 u_315
2521 2520 315 0 1211827171 1 1 1 1 Re: TRANSLATION Hails, ok. The next time, i'll answer to a tread like this, if i have enough time. Once more, SORRY!!! 0 0 luwdn20j 0 0 u_72
3925 0 366 0 1215981876 1 1 1 1 shirt Heb je nog ne shirt over van good night left side XL? anders gaak em wel kopen, moet maar ki ne foto zenden naar <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> merci è 0 0 25t0yuuw 0 0 u_1340
698 154 236 0 1203347756 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Pozdrav, Pero još nije slao vektore, ali sad mi pomaže ovdje u Ljubljani pri nekom radu in još na nekom projektu, pa smo skoro svaki dan u kontaktu. Kad dobijem sve podatke, onda ?u napravit ra?un, ali mislim, da ne?e biti više nego 150,-€. Za kapulja?e je problem, jer jih sad nemaju u glavnome lageru u Njema?koj. Pa jih tako nije ni ovdje. Mislim, da ?e bit krajem 4. mjeseca, a cjena je oko 13,-€ po komadu. Fruit of the loom. lp Gebi PS: Kad dobijem sve potrebno za izradnju majica, ti se javim. 0 0 1vcwwbmh 0 0 u_171
699 558 366 0 1203348797 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor soms eki in de gezelle, anders niet ;) 0 0 1jiot08m 0 0 u_110
701 666 458 0 1203358214 1 1 1 1 Re: ik weet in welke werld ik wik leven ok, en wat is daar de bedoeling van? 0 0 2l28cp1q 0 0 u_181
5487 5468 53 0 1225842926 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Well it is a small world! &amp; so good to hear from you again, My parents now live in Bury St Eds, I've never married had a couple of engagements but just cant do the marrige thing! have you been into B&amp;H still all these yrs or is it a revival like it was for me about 3yrs ago i came back, into the fold so to speak, Got the white xmas gig dec 6th are you going would be great to catch up Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 20hfq704 0 0 u_2117
5488 0 2122 0 1225851306 1 1 1 1 VF Portugal Hi Here's the mail from one of my brothers in Portugal (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->), can you add his mail in MSN? thanks ROA 0 0 1f6tjnjc 0 0 u_203
5489 0 2100 0 1225854321 1 1 1 1 Re: FANZINE hello mate hey do you have a few interviews of wp bands? can you send me a few ones please? 0 0 2w77u5qk 0 0 u_2092
5412 5398 2100 0 1225241071 1 1 1 1 Re: hello thats will be nice mate send me a few ones when you can please wp! 0 0 2fuw3xtb 0 0 u_2092
5416 5414 2003 0 1225292463 1 1 1 1 Re: TE QUIERO Oh, i was thinking you have delete this account. No, i dont go back more, im sorry, you have lose me with your shit psychoterror what you make.Bye 0 0 16yjigka 0 0 u_1937
705 683 102 0 1203365415 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Heil kameraad , ik zoek ergens in Maart te gaan . Mss met nog wat mensen ofzo . zal is rondluisteren . Grt88 0 0 4uzfxuzi 0 0 u_487
706 684 113 0 1203367046 1 1 1 1 Re: hey Hier alles in orde hé, als ge toch iets ga bestellen moogde voor mij ineens de nieuwste van de Bully Boys (Hard Times Hard Measures)die stickers Klever - Anti-Antifa (100 x) en den t-shirt: T-hemd – Rock Against Communism(size L) bestellen <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> wel ne goeie site precies hé, ze hebben daar veel goei cd's <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> weet mara te zeggen hoeveel dat mijn shuld is en dan spreken we wel eens af of ik kom da geld brengen naar u ofzo <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 zp0iq5f3 0 0 u_487
708 0 72 0 1203371282 1 1 1 1 DRESDEN Hello Mate I talked to the editor of the UK B&amp;H and he said that if the articule your writing on Dresden is going in the DUTCH B&amp;H magazine then it would be better that we didn't use it. <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> But if you took any photos they definatly would like to use them......they must be 300-400 D.P.I to be used in the magazine. Thanks for your help and I hope all went well in traveling to must have been a fantastic experience. <!-- e --><a href="mailto:ROB14882004@YAHOO.COM">ROB14882004@YAHOO.COM</a><!-- e --> Yours.Rob 0 0 3uatakjt 0 0 u_97
6351 6327 1027 0 1233182316 1 1 1 1 Re: Taalgebruik Hallo, Taal en haar gebruik is zeker belangrijk, maar we mogen niet vergeten wat de eccentie is van dit forum. Als we de jongeren op dit forum steeds weer gaan berispen op hun taagebruik en schrijfwijze gaan we ze ontmoedigen, en dat is het laatste wat we willen. Zoals ik al eerder zei, ik ben 46 en mij zul je zelden betrappen op meer dan een verdwaalde DT fout. Oorlogen win je niet met een pen, zover is duidelijk; Ik heb in het verleden reeds meermaals ervaren dat de beste 'strijders' niet steeds diegenen waren die het hoogstgeschoold waren. Wat Surtur betreft heb ik een beetje mijn bedenkingen, en zo zijn er op dit forum nog enkelen. Ik ga daar momenteel niet dieper op ingaan, maar ik vrees dat de beweegredenen voor zijn vertrek wel elders liggen dan in het taalgebruik. Tijd brengt raad. Ik weet niet van waar je juist bent, maar het lijkt me raadzaam dat we mekaar één dezer wel eens ontmoeten en van gedachten kunnen wisselen. I.r.l. gaat dat toch stukken makkelijker dan op een forum. Peter <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3m9ec66r 0 0 u_90
4153 4150 112 0 1216809281 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote Och ja, soms kom ik nog eens kijken, lees ik al die onzin en komt mijn nekhaar weer recht, ken je het? Allez, content dat 't weer beter gaat met je. Met andere woorden, we gaan je nu eindelijk eens zien ook?;-) Voor de rest is alles hier op 't oude, same old bullshit, different day. 0 0 2retmj27 0 0 u_110
4167 4165 1386 0 1216848265 1 1 1 1 Re: name change cheers for the reply. i want my name changed to sid14. badwolf deleted eh?good hes no ns,hes an anarchist,a hunt saboteur piece of filth,i could tell by his post that he was a total twat and talks total shit <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> i take it that your a woman?no offence but its hard to tell by just reading posts(i cant see you can i?) thanks again b.e.b <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 14/88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> sid14 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 tg2vy3xo 0 0 u_54
5663 5647 1910 0 1227551475 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas maidstone. you in kent or surrounding area? 0 0 2k3mi2xk 0 0 u_1713
4204 4164 96 0 1216930913 1 1 1 1 Re: Hallo adres is : K. Brogelerweg 49 3950 Bocholt Limburg Vlaanderen 0 0 x8f6nvan 0 0 u_1340
715 0 112 0 1203378635 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Denk eens een beetje na voor jullie iets posten hé. Er is een verbod opgelegd door de gemeente Lommel dat men nog mag SS'ers herdenken, die vette Lambert is bezig een wetsvoorstel in te dienen om dat federaal te maken. AFF/Antifa zit hier op dat forum en dan gaan jullie nog eens doodleuk publiek verkondigen dat jullie met een deel een krans gaan gaan leggen... Ik heb de betreffende posten bewerkt en/of gedelete en topic gesloten, hopelijk hadden die antifa pipo's der nog niet op gelet. groeten S. 0 0 18sozaf1 0 0 u_102
716 0 112 0 1203378664 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Denk eens een beetje na voor jullie iets posten hé. Er is een verbod opgelegd door de gemeente Lommel dat men nog mag SS'ers herdenken, die vette Lambert is bezig een wetsvoorstel in te dienen om dat federaal te maken. AFF/Antifa zit hier op dat forum en dan gaan jullie nog eens doodleuk publiek verkondigen dat jullie met een deel een krans gaan gaan leggen... Ik heb de betreffende posten bewerkt en/of gedelete en topic gesloten, hopelijk hadden die antifa pipo's der nog niet op gelet. groeten S. 0 0 2pp76ccm 0 0 u_92
5229 4829 1878 0 1224007656 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS zo weet ik bv niet goed wat vlaamse sectie inhoudt enz. dacht zelfs dat ik hier eigenlijk bij vlaamse sectie zat, maar zag inderdaad ook dat veel internationaler. is dat vrij actief in Vlaanderen ? groeten, Peter 0 0 1055uomp 0 0 u_90
5230 4829 1878 0 1224007781 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS zo weet ik bv niet goed wat vlaamse sectie inhoudt enz. dacht zelfs dat ik hier eigenlijk bij vlaamse sectie zat, maar zag inderdaad ook dat veel internationaler. is dat vrij actief in Vlaanderen ? groeten, Peter 0 0 1uix3sam 0 0 u_90
6001 5980 88 0 1230930598 1 1 1 1 Re: forum suggestions if you would please, remove the VF section off the site. Thank you much. 0 0 1wrqzmkf 0 0 u_54
720 558 110 0 1203411083 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor hoe komme gie ton bie gianni 88 ?????? 0 0 2j0ptpc3 0 0 u_366
721 668 104 0 1203423163 1 1 1 1 Re: Basel [quote=&quot;DivisionSchweiz&quot;:1l8p3bbq]I dont found in basel a John Holloway Spalenberg 51 4051 Basel Switzerland only a Holloway, Stéphen Sevogelstr. 56 4052 Basel/BS *061 534 27 29[/quote:1l8p3bbq] Cheers mate, appreciate it 0 0 gA== 1l8p3bbq 0 0 u_122
6249 6244 2436 0 1232661671 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F I started my crew in school we name are selfs White pride..It was like a friend thing at frist but the rule i put in 2 place were 2 harsh for most of them ...then my sister got rapet by a hindo so smashed him in with a bat and most of my crew turned on my 2 the feds and ratet on me ...So I fucking lost it and killed the group and moved 2 merrit 2 be with my dad for some time now im back looking for a real crew ...Man i have lost blood and tacken it for my race i am ready 2 join a group that is in it 2 win it and not rat are run at the first site of shit going down &gt; <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 16aiw3sd 0 0 u_2105
723 154 171 0 1203430262 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice [quote=&quot;dr.Gebi&quot;:1044jtlr]Pozdrav, Pero još nije slao vektore, ali sad mi pomaže ovdje u Ljubljani pri nekom radu in još na nekom projektu, pa smo skoro svaki dan u kontaktu. Kad dobijem sve podatke, onda ?u napravit ra?un, ali mislim, da ne?e biti više nego 150,-€. Za kapulja?e je problem, jer jih sad nemaju u glavnome lageru u Njema?koj. Pa jih tako nije ni ovdje. Mislim, da ?e bit krajem 4. mjeseca, a cjena je oko 13,-€ po komadu. Fruit of the loom. lp Gebi PS: Kad dobijem sve potrebno za izradnju majica, ti se javim.[/quote:1044jtlr] E, hvala puno, nije žurba za duge majice, to sam ionako tek za nekoliko mjeseci mislio raditi. Vidio sam se danas sa Perom te sam mu dao novac, on je reko da ?e ti ve?eras poslat vektore. I na kraju je došlo do male promjene što se ti?e veli?ina, treba nam: 10M 10L 5XXL 5 ženskih (3M, 2S), odnosno, najbolje je da mi kažeš koji je model ženske majice, jer mi cura ima jednu XS koja joj je dobra i jednu S koja joj je malena. Pozdrav i hvala Marko 0 0 gA== 1044jtlr 0 0 u_236
724 154 236 0 1203433602 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Dobro. ?emo skupa sa Petrom i?i u kupnju po majice, pa ?e ih sam izabrat. Mislim, da bi moglo sve biti napravljeno do kraja ovog tjedna... lp Gebi 0 0 15g0hqju 0 0 u_171
725 499 220 0 1203436739 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:3lv4uu11][quote=&quot;krv&quot;:3lv4uu11]zainteresiran sam za jednu, još ?u provjerit ako netko od mojih kolega ho?e. ali jedna sigurno.[/quote:3lv4uu11] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav![/quote:3lv4uu11] Stavit ?u ti na ra?un danas nave?er ili sutra, ali samo za jednu majicu.Nisam se uspio sa svojima dogovorit.. Valjda ?eš znat od koga je uplata ? pozdrav 0 0 gA== 3lv4uu11 0 0 u_171
726 716 92 0 1203444890 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten had daar niet op gelet mijn excuses. zal invervolg verzichtiger zijn. Toch vraag ik mij af of we het forum daarom niet veiliger kunnen maken grt F. 0 0 7itebith 0 0 u_112
5226 4829 90 0 1224006799 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS Gegroet Waarom niet gewoon mee posten in de Vlaamse sectie? Freiheit 28 0 0 3p8ritpr 0 0 u_1878
5227 5145 1092 0 1224006907 1 1 1 1 Re: 18 oktober isd en 31oktober, zero zero alpha? 0 0 2zaamfhw 1224006932 1 u_1105
728 558 366 0 1203450410 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor gast, ti nie omdak nie alle weke ip cafe zitn dak daarvoorn gin kloten vant skinmilieu afweet è:p 0 0 1dfuwipv 0 0 u_110
729 0 108 0 1203451040 1 1 1 1 stranica oi pjerin,kako napreduje stranica? 0 0 2r8e8981 0 0 u_277
730 715 102 0 1203454984 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Oke , dacht dat het enkel verboden was om georganiseerde herdenkingen te laten plaatsvinden . Ben er 3 weken geleden nog geweest en toen waren er een paar oude Duitsers er een krans aan het leggen . Zou men dit ook verbieden dan ? Het wordt tijd dat ze is gaan inzien dat Hitler gelijk had . In Rwanda heeft president Kagame 8milj doden op zijn geweten en die is wel politiek correct zogezegd . Dat de mensheid hun ogen is openen verdorie . Grt88 0 0 36nhpfjx 0 0 u_112
4331 4312 112 0 1217449549 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote Ja, 16 augustus 0 0 n2apixuj 0 0 u_102
733 716 112 0 1203458649 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Veiliger tja... Het zou in wezen al moeten bestand zijn tegen internetaanvallen van buitenaf maar dat waren de vorige fora ook en was toch iedere keer prijs. laat staan dat je ongewenste bezoekers kan buitenhouden. 0 0 2pczza3l 0 0 u_92
734 558 110 0 1203495385 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor da zegge kik nie é, er zien ook nie vele plekken waar skins nog kunnen komen zoender kabaal te veroorzaken. er zoe ne groep skins leden aan het zoeken zien in de streke van waregem, zeg da joe etwo, en under name is lik een afkortinge kzoe wiln contact met die mannen één, mo kvinde ze nie 0 0 8hy1tgcn 0 0 u_366
735 505 141 0 1203499699 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica samo da ti javim da cu danas uplatit.. bio sam u gadnoj strci zadnjih dana (skola i slicne gluposti) pa nisam stigao nikamo ic... 0 0 3lbffsbt 0 0 u_171
736 505 141 0 1203500430 1 1 1 1 Re: Majica e, sorry sta ovako zajebavam.. pred par min mi dosla kazna (jer nisam imao kacigu na motoru) tako da vjerovatno necu uzet... <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> pricao sam sa frendom, rekao je da ce uzet kad i ja (onih 100 kn da ce mi posudit za kaznu platit).. nis onda, uzet cu ju kasnije ako bude u prodaji... jos jedan put, sorry sta zajebavam... 0 0 mlxfkf08 0 0 u_171
737 0 176 0 1203500511 1 1 1 1 Vprašanje - madžarš?ina Ojla, Maja tukaj (punca od Gergota), spoznali smo se na poti na Day of Honour. Rada bi te vprašala nekaj stvari glede madžarskega jezika, ker bi se ga rada za?ela intenzivno u?iti, vendar pa je v mojih koncih bolj težko priti do literature za u?enje madžarš?ine. Vem, da moram za?eti na najbolj osnovni ravni (otroški <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> ), zato bi bilo morda najbolje, ?e bi lahko dobila kakšne u?benike, ki se uporabljajo za otroke. Ti si verjetno hodil v dvo-jezi?no šolo in tudi živiš blizu madžarske meje, zato bi te rada vprašala, ?e bi mi morda lahko priporo?il kakšno knjigo (knjige), s katerimi bi si lahko pomagala. Mogo?e kakšne u?benike, delovne zvezke, ki se uporabljajo v vaših osnovnih šolah in s katerimi se otroci za?enjajo u?iti osnov jezika, slovnice, itd. Oziroma, ?e bi mi lahko pomagal najti takšno literaturo. Zelo ti bom hvaležna, ?e bi mi lahko dal nekaj napotokov in bom tvoja velika dolžnica <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Lahko mi pošlješ tudi tvoj gsm ali e-mail, za lažji kontakt. Moj gsm je 031/274-452 (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->) Lep pozdrav, Maja 828! 0 0 2kbkg2qy 0 0 u_362
738 737 362 0 1203504427 1 1 1 1 Re: Vprašanje - madžarš?ina Oi, Seveda ti bom s veseljem pomagal:) Se pa moram pozanimati pri u?iteljicah madžarskega jezika, kako to poteka (jaz osebno sem imel sre?o da sem se nau?il madžarš?ino že &quot;sproti&quot; v vrtcu od sovrstnikov, ki so pa? doma govorili madžarsko)Seveda pa morajo obstajati se pozanimal, katere knjige in kako pa ti javim...Upam da bom ?im prej utegnil povprašati... moj email je: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, mobitel pa : 041-380-455 Pozdrav zmagi! Mario 0 0 2rt1oj7x 0 0 u_176
5779 0 792 0 1228246713 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16679#p16679:1h9hxjk6]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:1h9hxjk6] [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:1h9hxjk6]I know this is a bit late but worth asking. Us lot are coming up from Southampton as a lot of you will know.But i dont fancy driving back at god know what time in the morning.So wondering if anyone fairly local could put us up(even if its on a floor for the night)...Or is there anywhere close (and preferably cheap as funds are tight enough as it is)that we could stay.Any help would be very much appreciated..There will be 3 of us coming. Thanks in advance <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:1h9hxjk6] hello there... we are fairly local and can help you out.... how many of you are coming up ... got rid of the kids for the weekend so there should be some beds... but no fighting over them please lol..... hope thats some help.... you won't miss me and the hubby we are doing redirection.... see you sat.... 0 0 kA== 1h9hxjk6 0 0 u_297
741 716 92 0 1203519719 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten wist je dat antifa een dagboek bij houdt over wat er op het forum vertelt wordt? alles wat gezegt wordt komt in hun blogberichten. Heb eens zitten rondzien op hun site (neem mij niet kwalijk) en jij bent wel heel bekent bij hun. 0 0 3l5pgjhh 0 0 u_112
742 0 539 0 1203521316 1 1 1 1 ALORS LE DRAPEAU TE PLAIT? PENSE A ENVOYER LE MESSAGE MSN SUITE A MON FLASH... 0 0 pyunxbc4 0 0 u_211
743 0 279 0 1203525686 1 1 1 1 teddy bears picnic If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise. For The KKK R there Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the KKK catch some niggers. nigger catching time for the KKK, The KKK YOUTH are having a lovely time today. Watch them, catch them unawares, And see them BEATING A NIGGER on their LOVLY DAY IN THE WOODS. See them gaily dance about. They love to PUNCH and KICK the nigger And never have any cares. At six o'clock their mommies and daddies Will take them on a nigger hunt and they are having so much fun. If you go out in the woods today, You'd better not be a nigger. It's lovely out in the woods today, But safer to run away. For the KKK that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the KKK catch some niggers. CHORUS Every kkk kid. that's been good Is sure of a treat today There's lots of wonderful things to hang and burn And wonderful games to play Beneath the trees, where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please Today's the day the KKK have their nigger hunt CHORUS BY 88POWER88 (06griffina) 0 0 19585c48 0 0 u_458
744 0 279 0 1203525715 1 1 1 1 teddy bears picnic If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise. For The KKK R there Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the KKK catch some niggers. nigger catching time for the KKK, The KKK YOUTH are having a lovely time today. Watch them, catch them unawares, And see them BEATING A NIGGER on their LOVLY DAY IN THE WOODS. See them gaily dance about. They love to PUNCH and KICK the nigger And never have any cares. At six o'clock their mommies and daddies Will take them on a nigger hunt and they are having so much fun. If you go out in the woods today, You'd better not be a nigger. It's lovely out in the woods today, But safer to run away. For the KKK that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the KKK catch some niggers. CHORUS Every kkk kid. that's been good Is sure of a treat today There's lots of wonderful things to hang and burn And wonderful games to play Beneath the trees, where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please Today's the day the KKK have their nigger hunt CHORUS BY 88POWER88 (06griffina) 0 0 1k26jy52 0 0 u_541
748 558 366 0 1203533336 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor waregem, kenne doar nog redelijk wa mannen. kga ne kir vragen ofda ze da ken;) 0 0 3qt61w1w 0 0 u_110
749 0 487 0 1203540608 1 1 1 1 hey heil, wat heb je gestuurd naar mij om de een of andere reden is dat weg ??? dus ge zult me trug moeten sturen 828 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1mwexhbb 0 0 u_181
751 0 531 0 1203543819 1 1 1 1 Thanks for asking ! Evening comrades, Michelle (Chubley)texted me to say you'd been asking about Shaun, and added a few words of support for myself during the bad patch I was going through. Things are slowly getting back to normal, just waiting for the happy tablets to kick in <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> The number I gave for mi mum should have been 01709 366995. My number is 07870150289 if you want to keep it for further reference, altho I don't usually answer it unless its family or friends, and I include yourself/selves in that. I know big Tommy and Dave Wright had my number at one point but it seems like it went astray somewhere along the line. Only drawback is a lot of the time I can't be bothered to answer the bloody thing, so it might be just as easy to text, at least I do read em eventually, on the other hand that might pose a problem if, for obvious reasons, you don't want to give your number out so we'll see what transpires. Right, my little brother Shaun, well, what's been happening with him ? At the moment he's earning the princely sum of 30 pounds a week ! He's what's known as a prison buddy, somewhat of an ear shall we say, altho it had better be the ear with the hearing aid in or else he aint gonna get anywhere <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> He goes to church (seriously), and at the moment he's helping out by translating for another deaf con. End of the day he's got to show he's trying to make an effort or he could end up doing the full 10 years, doesn't mean he's sincere about it though. I honestly thought we'd lost him for a time, but putting bits of pork in the muds food when he worked in the kitchen made me think otherwise. Sorry to hear about your comrade Wayne, life with a 6 year tariff Shaun tells me, although he says they wanted to give him a 14 at first. He's on the same wing at the moment so at least it's good company for each other. When I visited Shaun last week he told me about Wayne attempting to clean the teeth of 1 of our ethnic friends, with a toilet brush ! Wish I could have seen that ! Wherever they send him to serve his time I hope it's not too far away, seemed to me like a real decent lad when I met him, if only briefly. Anyway, that seems about it for now, not sure when I'll be going back to see him, but mi mum goes every week and if there's anything you want passing onto him, just give her a ring any evening except Tuesday, that's bingo night ! She's ok, Dave's spoken to her in the past, I'm sure he got on with her. 14/88 Comrades Ian 0 0 cmrcn32w 0 0 u_104
2235 2205 92 0 1210915311 1 1 1 1 Re: shirts for sale I send it by mail, please give me you mailadress. cheers F. 0 0 1vpxs2bd 0 0 u_213
753 499 220 0 1203549264 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:fps1ody8][quote=&quot;krv&quot;:fps1ody8]zainteresiran sam za jednu, još ?u provjerit ako netko od mojih kolega ho?e. ali jedna sigurno.[/quote:fps1ody8] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav![/quote:fps1ody8] Danas ujutro(srijeda) sam uplatio za jednu 100 kn . Veli?ina L mi treba, ja sam na adresi Zeleni trg 2, Zagreb. molim javi na private ako je sve u redu. Pozdrav, Vedran P. 0 0 gA== fps1ody8 0 0 u_171
754 716 112 0 1203549274 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Ik zeg het toch, er zit minstens 1 AFF'er op dit forum die alles hier leest en verwerkt in artikels. En ik ben er inderdaad erg populair jammer genoeg. 0 0 twtg5nh4 0 0 u_92
756 558 110 0 1203590347 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor da zoe de max zien, merci, wé lat me etwa weten da je nieuws et. kzoeke al lange na die mannen, under parties zien de max natschient en bere Oi muziek tot later é 0 0 17crn1nq 0 0 u_366
757 640 72 0 1203601576 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS Alright Mate. Would you like those photos accredited to you........and if so what name should appear underneath? Do you have any more Ian Stuart releated photos/articules that we could use to make the booklet better? Thanks in advance.Rob 0 0 29kj8dlh 0 0 u_182
758 640 182 0 1203611955 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS got a few more photos and some news paper articles i would have to email them to you as a bit useless on the computer. moonie 0 0 1lv7rvwv 0 0 u_72
759 716 92 0 1203614352 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Heb tussen onze memberlijst gekeken en heb gezien dat er iemand &quot;kalekop&quot; zich aangemeld heeft op de dag dat dit forum begonnen is en zich elke dag inlogt zonder iets te posten. Lijkt wel heel verdacht. 0 0 34zq7x6y 0 0 u_112
4827 4823 1869 0 1221470548 1 1 1 1 Re: ebay If it makes you feel better i got outbid on 6 offers, 1 of them had 3 seconds left. Have you been to a site called <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> they have some cds for £7.50 inc p&amp;p, i have used them for stuff. Terry.Reaper28 0 0 2oqmlwcg 0 0 u_247
762 558 366 0 1203619380 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor ja ti woar cva, vanet dak nieuws i gak joe twuk laatn weetn;) 0 0 3jw0q4n2 0 0 u_110
764 716 112 0 1203630473 1 1 1 1 Re: Meer info ivm de opschorting van onze activiteiten Ja inderdaad. maar er zijn er zoveel die aangemeld zijn en zich enkel eens voorgesteld hebben (iedereen kan zijn wat hij wil op een forum) dus zijn er nog wel in aanmerking daarvoor 0 0 1omt50ti 0 0 u_92
765 640 72 0 1203631274 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS That would be great!!!!!!!.........if we can make the booklet a little bigger we hope to sell it to raise money for POWs. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> ROBERT OGBORN 84 LONGMEAD AVE HORFIELD BRISTOL BS7 8QF 0 0 2syym08u 0 0 u_182
767 751 104 0 1203634191 1 1 1 1 Re: Thanks for asking ! Cheers Ian for letting us know how Shaun is and how Wayne is. Just for the record this message is from Tommy (me) so you know me already mate. Heres my number: 07758744329 If you can get a message to Wayne to let him know we've been asking about him I'd appreciate it. Wayne is a good lad and I'd like to go see him sometime if I can. I've been on the same wing as Shaun and Wayne and the 'buddy' job Shaun is doing will definately work in his favour. Send our regards to both lads Cheers Tommy 0 0 27vtrclo 0 0 u_531
768 640 72 0 1203634814 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS Yes I think Lee mentioned you lived in Tewksbury........Im sure we must have meet over the years. Yours.Rob 0 0 2aqcpnhp 0 0 u_182
769 751 531 0 1203635368 1 1 1 1 Re: Thanks for asking ! Eyup Tommy, good to hear from you mate. I'm currently working on an article Shaun wants me to send to newspaper about nonces in Donny, I'll fill you in more when I get some sort of reply from them, basically it's about lack of segregation on C1 which houses not only beasts but some young non-nonce offenders, and some instances have arose whereby some youngsters are being coerced into vile acts. He's fully aware that it could bring shit on himself but he says the prison is aware of what's going on, and no way is that right. Mi mum wasn't too keen on me doing it but I've got to do what's right by our Shaun. I'll be phoning her either Friday or Saturday and I'll make sure she passes word onto Shaun on Sunday regarding our friend Wayne, Cheers mate Ian 0 0 2i0e3nnl 0 0 u_104
770 640 182 0 1203635401 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS would you prefer me to actually send them or i could scan them and email them to you? 0 0 1l8t527k 0 0 u_72
771 640 72 0 1203635540 1 1 1 1 Re: SKREWDRIVER PHOTOS Scanning thems fine .......... <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Thanks.Rob 0 0 1dc93png 0 0 u_182
772 0 186 2 1203675702 1 1 1 1 forever28defiant Hail! I'm sorry for bothering, but we have a little problem. Our Croatian moderator forever28defiant was playing with his password (he wanted tu change it I guess) and he typed a wrong password 3 times. Now he can not login because when he was trying to, a message occurred - You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your user name and password you now also have to enter the confirm code from the image you see below, but he can't see the confirm code, so he asked me to try, but I have the same problem. Please, if you can solve this problem anyhow, PM me and I will tell him. Thank you! Cheers, Andreja 0 0 3v8xi3xy 0 0 u_54
773 772 54 2 1203680493 1 1 1 1 Re: forever28defiant Hi, He should be OK now. His new password is password Then he can change it once he logs on. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 3gf5mxnl 0 0 u_186
774 772 186 2 1203681131 1 1 1 1 Re: forever28defiant Wow, that was fast. Than you! If we ever come to Australia, you have a beer <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> Cheers, Andreja 0 0 1yx7pygf 0 0 u_54
775 499 171 0 1203681611 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;krv&quot;:2vi86hxt][quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:2vi86hxt][quote=&quot;krv&quot;:2vi86hxt]zainteresiran sam za jednu, još ?u provjerit ako netko od mojih kolega ho?e. ali jedna sigurno.[/quote:2vi86hxt] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav![/quote:2vi86hxt] Danas ujutro(srijeda) sam uplatio za jednu 100 kn . Veli?ina L mi treba, ja sam na adresi Zeleni trg 2, Zagreb. molim javi na private ako je sve u redu. Pozdrav, Vedran P.[/quote:2vi86hxt] Zaprimljena je uplata, majice u izradi, i trebale bi biti do sredine idu?eg tjedna gotove, tako da drugi vikend možeš o?ekivati da ?e ti do?i. Neg molio bi te i prezime, jer sumnjam da ?e poštarima previše zna?iti inicijal <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Ak ne želiš prek PM-a pošalji na 0981657716. Pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 2vi86hxt 0 0 u_220
776 499 220 0 1203697837 1 1 1 1 Re: majica Vukovar '91 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:24vsfhv6][quote=&quot;krv&quot;:24vsfhv6][quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:24vsfhv6] Dakle, cijena je 100kn. Uplati ih na ra?un br. 3210709573(Marko Bani?), u PBZ-u te mi pošalji svoju adresu i veli?inu majice koju želiš. ?im se prikupi dovoljan broj narudžbi kre?e se u izradu i majica ?e ti biti u najkra?em mogu?em roku poslana. Hvala i pozdrav![/quote:24vsfhv6] Danas ujutro(srijeda) sam uplatio za jednu 100 kn . Veli?ina L mi treba, ja sam na adresi Zeleni trg 2, Zagreb. molim javi na private ako je sve u redu. Pozdrav, Vedran P.[/quote:24vsfhv6] Zaprimljena je uplata, majice u izradi, i trebale bi biti do sredine idu?eg tjedna gotove, tako da drugi vikend možeš o?ekivati da ?e ti do?i. Neg molio bi te i prezime, jer sumnjam da ?e poštarima previše zna?iti inicijal <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Ak ne želiš prek PM-a pošalji na 0981657716. Pozdrav![/quote:24vsfhv6] Ovako ti moram poslat jer nemam na mobu tih slova s kva?icom. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Vedran Paleš?ak Pozdrav tebi, i pozdravi mi ?uku ak ?ete popit za vikend hehe. 0 0 gA== 24vsfhv6 0 0 u_171
777 0 180 0 1203699417 1 1 1 1 hi hello, hope this is to the right person, Paul from dundee. will you be at the VS mem gig, if so will have the money for you there m8. 828 0 0 2h2jdeco 0 0 u_73
6163 6160 2428 0 1232292717 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members lol! im useless lol! Yeah i got it. Whats your screen name ill add you! :D 0 0 n3ionzq4 0 0 u_2376
6164 6160 2376 0 1232293500 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members [quote=&quot;Titch&quot;:2xyjdkbr]lol! im useless lol! Yeah i got it. Whats your screen name ill add you! :D[/quote:2xyjdkbr] <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 0 0 gA== 2xyjdkbr 0 0 u_2428
6165 6160 2428 0 1232294381 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members wooo I did it! :D 0 0 se8kc7ie 0 0 u_2376
6166 6160 2428 0 1232294445 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members oh no it askes for u email or last name? 0 0 19qbm5h8 0 0 u_2376
6167 6160 2376 0 1232294643 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members [quote=&quot;Titch&quot;:90djt4u4]oh no it askes for u email or last name?[/quote:90djt4u4] <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 gA== 90djt4u4 0 0 u_2428
4826 4781 193 0 1221459685 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 from Bulgaria Greetings. Of course we want foto's and if possible a full write up of the concert please. I will discuss what you mention at our ISD this weekend. Hope all is well. 28 G 0 0 nlqe2kes 0 0 u_638
5783 5780 73 0 1228254049 1 1 1 1 Re: hello hi hun no im not down this weekend, i'm away to sweden from thursday to sunday,all is well at my end just now. how is all at your end, i am down on the 6th jan for the next meeting 0 0 tor17qcn 0 0 u_792
6768 6752 2054 0 1236128833 1 1 1 1 Re: items available [quote=&quot;BIGE88&quot;:xkq9bn0i]&quot;thanks for youre pm mate ivesold everything britsh sorry if theres anything else you want let me know. nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:xkq9bn0i] damn, woudl you know were to get such items? What else do you have in stock? I generally buy all manner of NS /WP /Skin /Klan items. Also, do you know if is reliable? I noticed they have some one of a kind type items available. 88! 0 0 gA== xkq9bn0i 0 0 u_1972
2229 2200 802 0 1210881678 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor aaaa <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> ja zeg ma is waneer ge tijt het ofzo he anders alsge msn het ier hedem <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> khoop dawe elkaar snel ontmoete en we nog meer mensen vinden methet gedachte goed heil 828 0 0 37tycoz7 0 0 u_901
2524 0 785 0 1211835375 1 1 1 1 Re: Reserve your Unit 28 t-shirts [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=7793#p7793:3v1v8l6q]Subject: Reserve your Unit 28 t-shirts[/url:3v1v8l6q] [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:3v1v8l6q]Right we have now just got our sample t-shirt through and we are all really pleased with it.It was based on our original design (and was done by duds so you all know what high quality it will be). We are currently sorting all the finer details out with the band and these t-shirts should be ordered within the next few weeks.We are currently trying to decide on how many to order and in which sizes,so if anyone would like certain sizes please contact us and reserve one to avoid any dissapointment. Anyone who wishes to place an order please contact the band,you can either pm us through this myspace account or send us an email at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->,we can accept payment through paypal,or by cash or cheque(however there is a small charge for paypal).T-shirts will be £10.00 each plus P&amp;P. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;picoodle&#46;com/view&#46;php?img=/4/5/14/f_14052008067m_5fc6c9e&#46;jpg&amp;srv=img28:3v1v8l6q][img:3v1v8l6q]http&#58;//img28&#46;picoodle&#46;com/img/img28/4/5/14/f_14052008067m_5fc6c9e&#46;jpg[/img:3v1v8l6q][/url:3v1v8l6q] <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... fc6c9e.jpg</a><!-- m -->[/quote:3v1v8l6q] Put me down for a small/girly! do you know how long it'd be before you get them printed? 0 0 mA== 3v1v8l6q 0 0 u_297
5979 5977 65 0 1230723759 1 1 1 1 Re: Empire Falls I dont think it really matters, as you say they come across as wishy washy wankers without a backbone. The real bug bear over here about them here is the downright lies they told to Avalon who were doing a cd with them, the German 28 label (very good bloke) who was realeasing it and lost a lot of money over their lies and Rampage (ISD organisers). They (lead singer I think) was asked by all three and others, the minute c18 put out a flyer saying they were playing for them.......he denied it catergorically to all and was still asking Rampage to play the ISD and could they stay in England for a couple of weeks before the gig. A few days before the scum gig he said the bassist and drummer (?) had fallen out and they wer'nt even coming to Europe so how could they play, then we found out a day later they were in Flanders (!) and the cheeky cunts even went to one of our 28 bars. The c18 gig was a predictable shambles with a very low turnout for Flanders (which lies between Germany, France, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, so means big crowds), as they played for the remnants of the people who were exposed as State agents the year before in court, most now boycott them. The very next morning after the gig! he was trying to get Avalons number and the German label to try and explain, neither would reply to him, the cd had allready been scrapped. Your call, the only reason they played for us is because they paid all there own expenses and denied all scum 18 attatchments, they will not be playing for us again in a very very long time and will have a &quot;bumpy&quot; ride if they expect to play Europe again I would think. But it is your call, if you think they will come over to you and strengthen your lot, fine, maybe now they have seen c18 in Europe is no more than an internet gang of little substance the little turncoats want a second chance, at the end of the day there cv suggests treachorous cunts who seem to just want to play gigs and make buddies rather than have a backbone and cause......which surely is what we are all about. This is roughly right but please contact Avalon, Rampage etc to validate. 828 0 0 3iud47ik 0 0 u_152
2233 1100 460 0 1210895327 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:14m0h80w]ok quanto a revista podes fazer textos ou o que quizeres tens é de traduzires para ingles e quando tiveres isso manda-me pelo email. Da-me o teu numero de telemovel para depois seres contactado por gente da minha confiança para seres conduzido ao lugar do concerto.[/quote:14m0h80w] Viva, Tenho andado &quot;por fora&quot; logo não tem dado para vir aqui de forma regular, também o meu tempo para net´s é muito escasso. Em vez de escrever um artigo secante e tedioso que toda a gente escreve, tenho em mente fazer uma boa entrevista a uma boa banda de RAC, mas para te ser sincero como gosto de muitas ainda não sei qual irei escolher. Mas assim que tiver isso pronto, envio-te. Ok, eu tenho um outro cartão de tlm que assim que estiver activado vou-te dar. Escapei-me (não sei como) de estar sentado em Monsanto e não pretendo abusar da sorte novamente, hehe! Um abraço 88 0 0 gA== 14m0h80w 0 0 u_203
3641 3640 53 0 1215437459 1 1 1 1 Re: Wondering Hi a list of the divisions can be found online here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 828 Shell <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 obe0r6gc 0 0 u_89
3642 167 89 0 1215437733 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Alright Gary, you sent me a message a while back. I live quite far away from coventry, Half an hour from birmingham. 0 0 3ntiazhh 0 0 u_199
787 0 569 0 1203765203 1 1 1 1 Finally on board Hey brother how ya been hope ya get a label for the kill gore cd soon i would like to hear it. 0 0 33a2ot6b 0 0 u_109
788 0 569 0 1203765977 1 1 1 1 back online G'day mate good to see another hammer on board. I don't come on here often enough just got net on recently away from my home town for work. My user name on HSN is landfill88. all the best. Jake HFFH 0 0 25zuiubk 0 0 u_210
789 0 569 0 1203766586 1 1 1 1 Finally on board Howdy is that you pete it's jake from Brisbane. I have the net now so hopfully i can stay in contact. Hows the weather down there heeps better than where i am I bet. Anyway good to see the site looking good take care. 0 0 317l4b18 0 0 u_195
797 789 195 0 1203849444 1 1 1 1 Re: Finally on board Hey mate good to hear from ya. Yeah its been fuckin hot down here lately but the last couple of days have been ok. Are you heading down to Melbourne next month for the skirmish? Should be a good weekend. Anyway mate, take care and talk to ya soon. [quote=&quot;recoil38&quot;:2meo4lvt]Howdy is that you pete it's jake from Brisbane. I have the net now so hopfully i can stay in contact. Hows the weather down there heeps better than where i am I bet. Anyway good to see the site looking good take care.[/quote:2meo4lvt] 0 0 gA== 2meo4lvt 0 0 u_569
798 0 2 0 1203867736 1 1 1 1 Oi Oi, can u contact Ken pls......urgent 0 0 25ceppak 0 0 u_58
800 0 113 0 1203871327 1 1 1 1 fenris Hej makker heb je die bestelling al geplaatst? Anders doe ik het wel zenne, ik heb hier homebanking en dan is da vrij simpel om te betalen naar het buitenland <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Groetjes P. 0 0 sc6mo1bf 0 0 u_487
5470 5466 1713 0 1225779770 1 1 1 1 Re: eddie The eddie im thinking of was always down the resort, and used to do alot of running around for micky, all the best paul28 0 0 3gfplrtp 0 0 u_2117
4430 0 107 0 1218387337 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! heil, ben van regio kortrijk. 0 0 21vbt2mx 0 0 u_1105
5797 0 2224 1 1228335956 1 1 1 1 street figher hoodie hoodie on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 aeydsvwt 0 0 u_1256
5798 0 1937 0 1228340391 1 1 1 1 ... i ask me how you make this. be till the morning in the internt and go sooo soon working. well i think you dont work, but i will see soon your contract. alex. i dont knwo why you are so really no. but well. you will pay for it. you know that i love you and im glad when anytime it go again and all but i dont understand why allways you lie me. and you will know soon that i havent make a blowjob 0 0 3v1a1e6z 0 0 u_2003
3640 0 89 0 1215436906 1 1 1 1 Wondering Sieg Hail. Do you know if their are any divisions in the west mids. I live half an hour away from birmingham. Dudley? Thanks, 88. 0 0 3iqr9izg 0 0 u_53
806 0 576 0 1203885939 1 1 1 1 is that you is that you kirk mate , how ya doing mick northants 0 0 2farktlg 0 0 u_61
808 0 61 0 1203934247 1 1 1 1 Hello mate Yes it's me <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> How's things going with you? Have you been to any gig's lately, the last one I made it to was last years ISD which was a great one. I had to have my Rottwieler put down last November as he attacked me &amp; I couldn't take any chances of him going for the children after that. How's your Staffie doing? My bitch is 7 now plus I got a 6 week old male on Saturday. Life has been mad here as my brother is in the final stages of acute liver failier so I'm helping my Mum &amp; Dad out as they're caring for himm in his own flat as he wants to die at home. Take care mate, talk soon Kirk 828 0 0 1buafii5 0 0 u_576
5778 0 1409 0 1228246438 1 1 1 1 88 Nazdar!Zatial neviem este nic,ale ok ak budem vediet,tak ti napisem..ale najskor az v piatok..inac kde si v UK?..88/28 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3ry81p0j 0 0 u_1834
810 800 487 0 1203938421 1 1 1 1 Re: fenris ja tis al in orde betaald en al dus tis op komst grtz ik laat iets weten als het er is das normaal dees week nog 0 0 htm3xp4x 0 0 u_113
813 800 113 0 1203948441 1 1 1 1 Re: fenris Oke makker laat maar iets weten <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 23ukgi8e 0 0 u_487
819 794 1 0 1203966821 1 1 1 1 Re: ... queres explicações pede ao sergio &quot;grande&quot; que ele melhor que ninguém sabe o que lhes fez!! 0 0 3nniq7ge 0 0 u_506
820 808 576 0 1203970016 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate sorry to hear about your brother mate, i went to a gig on saturday in heanor the first one for a few months, i missed the isd as i was working was gutted when i heard how good it was. yeah my dogs alright hes gone from being really placid to going for any dog he sees! you still hitting the weights? off to a gig in kent on the 8th take care 0 0 9i1ldrpn 0 0 u_61
821 708 97 0 1203971047 1 1 1 1 Re: DRESDEN Comrade, My apologies for the late reaction ! I've been asking around and it seems that there are no concrete plans for another 28Dutch/Flanders magazine. (if you know otherwist, please inform me) If the offer is still on the table, I am prepared to write an English version of our &quot;Dresden-march report&quot;. If so, I would like to ask you if you, or somebody else (when the time comes) could check my artikel for grammatical flaws. My English writing skills are not that bad, but I still have some problems with my sentence-structure. You can always add me to your msn (if you have it) my adress is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. (silly name, but I have had this one since the beginning of The Internet haha) Yours, Michael 0 0 ogqrp1id 0 0 u_72
5022 4953 74 0 1222335854 1 1 1 1 Re: THINGS FOR SALE 0 0 1h8ocyuu 0 0 u_1912
5128 5125 65 0 1223290140 1 1 1 1 Re: Flanders I know there is a car load from my way going, I will ask around for you and tell them to post on the forum. 828 0 0 1z86as0q 0 0 u_276
5365 5363 112 0 1224881779 1 1 1 1 Re: isd Inderdaad. Heb ik jou dan ontmoet? 0 0 14yprdrl 0 0 u_107
5366 5360 54 0 1224882494 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's Hi mate, Thanks for that - it was your videos I was actually after with that post and I could'n't remember your forum user name (but Rob gave it to me yesterday!). I have downloaded the RAR. Is there a password for the files, as I can't open them. It might be my RAR version though, as it is a trial version that has expired and I'm being a cheapskate and trying to avoid buying a licensed copy haha. Hope things are well with you, Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 31gkiyxs 0 0 u_332
3858 3836 59 0 1215736477 1 1 1 1 Re: hello honey! Hello BEautiful Aye I'll be there, im doing ok, fit...err justin timberlake is fit I haear, so by that measure im far from it :P got new tats got new tatts got new tatts :P missing u shed fulls tho, catch u soon x 0 0 3mtqhfnv 0 0 u_68
828 825 284 0 1204014777 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey fucking nonny !! Hahahaha I hope you're not accusing me of mocking your man size Twas all in good jest mate haha but I'm sure you would have laughed along with us if you weren't so hung over <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Thinking of getting a new one for this year as well. A bigger one and not so thin as it was as moist as Gary Glitters palms last year. I suppose that's what you get when you get cheap shit. Cheers for the link to those folk downloads. I'll be sure to check them out. I haven't looked at any Dick Gaugham stuff as of yet but will do. I've come across one of these traditional Scandinavian viking orientated bands called Frigga. Ever heard any of their stuff? Will you be going to the St George's day gig this year? Waes Hael brother Rob 0 0 2v4pozqo 0 0 u_531
1112 1100 203 0 1205422935 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta O problema é por causa de atrair grupos de Odio nomeadamente a policia e não só, os nossos concertos fazem-se a porta fechada para evitar problemas e com o numero de agitatadores que existem por ai o cartaz iria certamente parar nos jornais e logo iriamos ter policia etc etc. A B&amp;H encontra-se sobre investigação policial desde 2005 é melhor não facilitar a vida destes. Os convites fazem-se pessoalmente ás pessoas em quem confiamos. 0 0 3g2m26ss 0 0 u_460
835 0 72 0 1204040008 1 1 1 1 FLANDERS 19TH APRIL [b:1ixxt1n0]I just received this message from Chris (Flanders B&amp;H) if your band can play or you know a band that may be able to play, please contact Chris via the forum Wehrwulf28 They also need someone to perform a balled set on the fridaynight 18th April[/b:1ixxt1n0] Yours.Rob Hey my friend, how are you? I have some bad news, The SS memorial day is cancalled for the 15th of march. The reason for this is that some of the bands suddenly have something to do, so they can't play anymore. I set up a new date (allready have a location), But i realy need 2 big/good bands fast. Untill now i have 4 confirmations: 1) Sence of Pride (Germany) 2) Fight Tonight (Germany) 3) PWA (Estonia) 4) Lions Pride (Flanders) Please get back to me asap. And if you know more bands that can play on the 19th of april, please let me know. Greetings Chris 0 0 QA== 1ixxt1n0 0 0 u_105 u_193:u_56:u_65
6240 6239 1027 0 1232650992 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag Jakke, Ik zou er zo direct geen kunnen opnoemen, deels omdat ik meer aktiever was in de westhoek dan in he Antwerpse, anderzijds omdat ik recupereer van mijn 7de operatie. Dat gaat nu zowieso veranderen, ik heb vandaag nog wel extra 7 weken arbeidsongeschiktheid gekregen van de specialist, maar als ik wat oppas met lopen en om de 2 dagen naar de kine ga moet het stilaan beteren. In de kempen weet ik dus zo direct niemand, en de mensen die ik in het Antwerpse ken, daar heb ik een beetje mijn bedenkingen bij. We kunnen misschien eens afspreken, liefst ergens in de week na de middag, noem mij een zaak ergens tussen (hoboken, waar ik woon) en jou thuis, en dan kunnen we al van idee wisselen en samen de juiste mensen aanspreken. Ik vertel er maar even bij dat ik al meer een senior in de bewegging ben (46 jaar). <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 33fcil0h 0 0 u_618
6238 6203 2099 0 1232623236 1 1 1 1 Re: RE: Hiya Cool, what's grumpys birthday doo? and where is it? How come your on rampage stall? I definately can't make it to the london one (N) 88 0 0 246hl75m 0 0 u_1838
844 808 576 0 1204053654 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate yeah mate im still lifting , joined a gym not far from where i live as theve got a smith machine and various other good stuff, it aint full of dickheads either which is a bonus. joined through work so it only costs me 17 pound a month which is cheap, and its never packed so you aint gotta wait to use anything. gig in kent should be good blackout live are fucking hot! 0 0 18cmv3du 0 0 u_61
846 808 61 0 1204054685 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate That's a great deal for a gym mate, we've got a few gym's near me but they cost the earth &amp; are full of idiots. Yeah Blackout are a great band I'm gutted I can't go, a Slovakian mate of mine was on about going if I could make it but I'm not sure if he'll go on his own as he's worried he'll get lost driving out of this area. My mate who I train with bought a brand new Ford Ranger pickup truck last week &amp; we're looking forward to using it to drive to a gig, it puts my old Rover to shame ha ha. Most of my kids are off sick at the moment so what with the puppy as well this is a real mad house at the moment. Take care mate, Kirk 828 0 0 1gekfb8v 0 0 u_576
4669 0 67 0 1220559812 1 1 1 1 Re: * B &amp; H Magazine - Issue 39 - Out Now!! * [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12496#p12496:3skirexj]Subject: * B &amp; H Magazine - Issue 39 - Out Now!! *[/url:3skirexj] [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:3skirexj]Received my copy the other day (thanks Bulldog Drummond <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> ). Thoroughly enjoyed it. It was great to read about the bands, gigs and what has been happening throughout the year. I especially enjoyed the articles about the memorials and marches and the one at end written by by Anvil (?? I think - sorry, don't have my copy with me). Well done and thanks to all who contributed and to those who put the magazine together. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3skirexj] Hi B.E.B. - glad you liked my article Regards, Anvil (from MYSPACE) 0 0 kA== 3skirexj 0 0 u_54
6491 6419 1972 0 1234142615 1 1 1 1 Re: Site back up!!!!!! WooHoo!!! i keep clicking on iam a new customer i then click continnue and nothing happens? i will use my name and shipping address . phone oooo7 could you set my accounnt up for me? nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3fvbu6mc 0 0 u_59
6492 0 552 0 1234164732 1 1 1 1 keikat Moi, satutuko olemaan H8 systemin postituslistalla? Jos et, niin laita tänne päin sun sähköpostiosote ja laitan keikkainfoa tulemaan. 0 0 159pvs2a 0 0 u_1948
6493 0 552 0 1234164839 1 1 1 1 keikat Moi, satutuko olemaan H8 systemin postituslistalla? Jos et, niin laita tänne päin sun sähköpostiosote ja laitan keikkainfoa tulemaan. 0 0 gkt3jjst 0 0 u_223
6196 6194 54 0 1232398525 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;Steel_Storm&quot;:wt0mk5k2]hi i posted an article in 'world news' but on reflection is better suited to 'new world order' could you please move it? thanks rob[/quote:wt0mk5k2] Done! Interesting article, thanks for posting it. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== wt0mk5k2 0 0 u_212
849 0 381 0 1204067924 1 1 1 1 PNP Este cabrão do [b:3i7oeteu]mata e esfola[/b:3i7oeteu] farta-se de mandar bocas. há que saber quem é este fdp 0 0 QA== 3i7oeteu 0 0 u_203
4786 4765 1761 0 1221164809 1 1 1 1 Re: heil ah, komme aus dem sauerland. ist ja auch nicht alt zu weit weg. hast du vllt icq oder msn? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2inva05e 0 0 u_1810
5515 0 1053 0 1226247549 1 1 1 1 hfwb Hi Bojan, just sign me if you are here in Nagykanizsa,we can meet of course.Greetings:Gabor 0 0 3qjrawyh 0 0 u_143
3701 3699 1212 0 1215513771 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? Hail brother. Yes would definitely be interested, nice to see some B&amp;H activity south of the river. Keep me posted mate. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3ksyo5uj 0 0 u_58
3702 3599 1022 0 1215517015 1 1 1 1 Re: free corps [quote=&quot;bernie&quot;:2wy33y9p]just got ww2 british free corps patchs of militaria net. do you think the free corps will have a problem them going on my pilot with me not being a member <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:2wy33y9p] Heil. I know militaria-net. Our BFC want to try to looking for Aryan Unity as one movement. Try to stop split or many separatist parties in UK. Please feel visit to BFC forum. 0 0 gA== 2wy33y9p 0 0 u_1256
855 849 203 0 1204211093 1 1 1 1 Re: PNP eu acho que sei mas não tenho a certeza 0 0 o9vs6crn 0 0 u_381
862 0 284 0 1204235505 1 1 1 1 Hail! Hi Jessie, this is Rob - AnglOi Saxon on myspace <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 24rk2dz7 0 0 u_200
1388 0 396 0 1206478203 1 1 1 1 tatts tatts.south side tattoo co.rainham essex 01708 526066.see e mail 0 0 1vsd4nn7 0 0 u_616
1389 1384 59 0 1206479632 1 1 1 1 Re: Artist YES YES YES :) Now you are the kind of artist I have been looking for. That piece you send is amazing. May I print it out and frame it? What are your rates for T shirt design, or what do you require in return? I really would love to be able to work with you in producing some kick arse T shirts 14 Duds <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> is my email 0 0 1m6f0qfu 0 0 u_556
1390 1388 616 0 1206481008 1 1 1 1 Re: tatts That's gr88 Mick I will check them out - sounds like you know what you are talking about and appreciate the advice. Paul 14/88 0 0 1doj8vgb 0 0 u_396
1033 0 396 0 1204921890 1 1 1 1 ok mate we are with you wishes. 0 0 2tu7ok68 0 0 u_97
1034 0 122 0 1204928660 1 1 1 1 88 from Switzerland Heil Dir, du sprichst doch sehr gut Deutsch und Englisch, stimmt das soweit ? Brauche nämlich ab und zu hilfe beim übersetzen. Gruss 88 0 0 3if1pbm7 0 0 u_255
1035 1018 460 0 1204930220 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Obrigado. Digo que venho da tua parte? 88 0 0 1ogwpuq6 0 0 u_203
870 862 284 0 1204273675 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail! Afraid not no. I've got a driving lesson and it's also a friend of mines birthday. I need to get to more RAC gigs but they always seem to happen when I've got stuff to do. I will definitely be going to St George's Day and ISD this year. Might even attempt White Christmas but that is a long way off yet. Did you have a good birthday? xx Rob 0 0 1gmbskp4 0 0 u_200
6772 0 223 0 1236181957 1 1 1 1 keikka Pitäs mun olla mutta tossa on nyt varmuuden vuoksi se osoite uudestaan <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2tiu0tmj 0 0 u_552
878 849 381 0 1204310944 1 1 1 1 Re: PNP deve ser algum cyber-nazo que a faz luta ideologica pela internet ou o crl. cabrao, precisava era de q lhe fdssem o corpo. 0 0 1jb1j3py 0 0 u_203
6082 6081 2330 0 1231784495 1 1 1 1 Re: Member? Well it's like this ; i have a great admirre and respect for the hammer's but in Belgium we only have B&amp;H and C-18 and the only thing they do is fight eachother <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> Ive been several groups in the Netherlands but can't return to them because legal problems . Iff i offendid you in any wy you have my senceer appoligy and the sign will be removed . 88GreetSS and aryan respect From Me 0 0 4boplqn0 0 0 u_210
2518 0 987 0 1211817623 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H PATCH I bought a Blood and Honor patch from Aryan wear I was going to sew it on my jacket but want to know if it's o.k. to do so I'm new to this forum but have been a WN's for a long time, I belong to other white forums. I want to show support for Blood and Honor and wear the patch but don't know if their are any rules and regulations, being I'm new to this site, I'm also buying patches from other white organizations to show support. I would appreciate it if you could fill me in on this. THANK YOU. 0 0 3g4i0mzy 1211817678 1 u_88
5945 0 2245 0 1229864836 1 1 1 1 oioi OI oi ma88e this is lee gloucester dont have my old email address no more but i,m here now also had celtic cross pendents made up if u need any all the best see u in the new year <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 4 ./ 28 0 0 mrsanpb2 0 0 u_103
5946 0 2276 0 1229870688 1 1 1 1 ISD 2009 i am from south west wales and am 14 0 0 38d31ces 0 0 u_73
4770 0 1838 3 1221088301 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13047#p13047:2q0k1vke]Subject: Young Members[/url:2q0k1vke] [quote=&quot;Ladyht&quot;:2q0k1vke]Hey Rosie, You ok mate! Helen[/quote:2q0k1vke] Hey up Chick :D I listened to the thing you posted on myspace :) Im so excited ahhh Cya there :) xox 14/88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 kA== 2q0k1vke 0 0 u_68
4491 4430 107 0 1218839304 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! haha zeg wel, kzat in het vti te kortrijk ik en daar vel problemen gehad met allochtonen :p hahaha, 0 0 2u72chg2 0 0 u_1105
4182 0 549 0 1216895565 1 1 1 1 hi hi chubley long time no speak mate havnt been on in a while had abit of trouble withthe boys in blue a few months ago so i been abit buisy with that and im brewing my own beer just thort i would send you a message because im just kind <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 88 0 0 2wucb771 0 0 u_53
4183 4161 1053 0 1216895860 1 1 1 1 Re: 10 years of BH Hungary Hi Croatian Brother! Yes,our comrade Tibor was in Croatia some weeks ago.You misunderstood something,we won't have a gig on the 23th of August.There will be another gig at that day in Hungary,we don't have to do anything with it,and also we don't visit it.It's inner problem of Hungary! B&amp;H Hungary is a 10 years old group now,also the &quot;German-Hungarian Friendship&quot; group is ten years old now (we have very close contact with comrades from Nuremberg since that),and we also celebrate the ISD Memorial at one day,but this will be on the 13th of September. The gig is under construction,exact infos i can give you only later.We will make also the flyer of it,and will put on the B&amp;H forum. Regards: B&amp;H Hungary 0 0 1648xbrm 0 0 u_143
4184 4182 53 0 1216899220 1 1 1 1 Re: hi hello mate, nice to see you back, we got a new member 17 form the midlands, i'll get him to pm ya <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 33ijqfkm 0 0 u_549
4185 4182 549 0 1216899313 1 1 1 1 Re: hi nice :) how u been doing mate and u going the aug gig heard about it just on episode 15 0 0 trtx4yv8 0 0 u_53
887 0 75 0 1204354943 1 1 1 1 Re: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=3824#p3824:1nciifi7]Subject: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008[/url:1nciifi7] [quote=&quot;Loyal.28&quot;:1nciifi7][size=150:1nciifi7]Oj, za?eli smo zbirati prijave za koncert v ltaliji. Prevoz na koncert bo organiziran. Še vedno velja isto kot prej, pošljite PM, nato pa se bomo zmenili glede ostalih detajlov. ?e vas je kje ve?, naredite seznam in ga pošljite. Hvala <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 828![/size:1nciifi7][/quote:1nciifi7] Sieg heil !!!!!! Upam da ni prepozno za rezervacijo. Jaz bi rezerviral za 2 iz Brestanice sma ziher glede rezervacije tako da upam da naju boš dodal na seznam. Kontakt: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 041 277 886 0 0 lA== 1nciifi7 0 0 u_176
6494 0 552 0 1234164937 1 1 1 1 keikat Moi, satutuko olemaan H8 systemin postituslistalla? Jos et, niin laita tänne päin sun sähköpostiosote ja laitan keikkainfoa tulemaan. 0 0 2u4cxkhs 0 0 u_339
6345 0 69 0 1233142615 1 1 1 1 ahhaha sorry mate ive just realised you must be the guy on the other forum who i asked if it was mick right???..small world innit ahahah <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> all the best mate 0 0 36tpcgqt 0 0 u_74
894 0 75 0 1204370811 1 1 1 1 Re: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008 Pozdrav Maja! Sem dobi tvoj SmS naj ti pošljem najini imeni : Tomaž Luka 0 0 1z1x98n6 0 0 u_176
895 894 176 0 1204371721 1 1 1 1 Re: Koncert v Italiji 22.3. 2008 Oj, hvala za hiter odgovor <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->. Dodala sem vaju na seznam in se slišimo glede detajlov. LP maja 828! 0 0 3ix8v42k 0 0 u_75
900 269 112 0 1204440579 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Indien je je verveelt: deze namiddag rond 16u spring ik eens binnen in de Nieuwe Tempelier in St Andries. groeten 0 0 3fsl32zv 0 0 u_110
6769 6746 323 0 1236144948 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Yes all is good, yes your donation went on a vacation to Korea first.. Thanks for the support... Vicky 0 0 10c25h2t 0 0 u_1926
5782 5727 58 0 1228251187 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! HELLO MATE ! Yeah met up with Lucas last night , didnt pass on the kiss though ha ha ! apart from that his missus might get jealous lmao ! Sorry for not getting back to you , life is really busy at the moment what with promotion at work or maybe demotion with the amount of stress involved Ha Ha <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I am looking forward to this weekend as we plan to overnight and I can get hammered ROFL <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> See you sat night then mate <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Take care mate N 0 0 ox7zy8vb 0 0 u_68
907 0 152 0 1204476533 1 1 1 1 83 Hey bro...Do I know you?? LOL <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 3om8xswe 0 0 u_586
908 907 586 0 1204480089 1 1 1 1 Re: 83 you sure do buddy... This is Richie up in Wi. Long time no talk, I hope things have been well down by you. 0 0 1alqzock 0 0 u_152
910 909 53 0 1204484872 1 1 1 1 Re: Weekend Hail, Yes deffo we can met up an drive down together if you an Troy want, not gonna go to the Central London fund raiser the following weekend, i hate being in inner London its a filth hole hopefully next week will be on the outskirts a bit. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 1t9l8yxq 0 0 u_606
944 941 552 0 1204624069 1 1 1 1 Re: &quot;Tietokone ongelmat&quot; Kiitos tarjouksesta, mutta tässä tapauksessa ei taida enää olla sen kummemmin avun tarvetta.Viittasin lähinnä Black sun:iin. Black Sun:in nettisivut teki joku ranskalainen tyyppi ja hänen kanssaan oli kuulemma aina päivitysongelmia. Sitten tapahtui joku juttu, mikä sulki koko palvelimen. Tämä ranskalainen oli kuulemma kädet täynnä omia hommia, eikä kerkeäisi korjaamaan sivuja ihan hetkeen. Tämä olisi tarkoittanut parin kuukauden pysähdystä. Siihen kun vielä lisätään homman kannattamattomus ja se ettei aina ole edes varaa ostaa uusia levyjä kauppaan, sekä se että pyörittäminen vie kuitenkin hitosti aikaa ja lähes päivittäin joutuu ravaamaan postissa, niin homma oli aika valmis. Itselläni taas tiedän tuon päivitysongelman, koska olin samalla tavalla riippuvainen yhdestä &quot;tavallisesta&quot; kaverista, joka sivut joskus pisti pystyyn, eikä hänelläkään tuntunut aina aikaa löytyvän kun olisi tarvinnut. Se homa korjaantui, kun yksi ilta katsottiin perusteellisesti hommat ja hän opetti minua itseäni tekemään päivitykset. Eli sekin asia tuli kuntoon. Mutta kiitos paljon tarjouksesta kuitenkin <!-- s`ThumbsUp --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/thumbsup.gif" alt="`ThumbsUp" title="ThumbsUp" /><!-- s`ThumbsUp --> 0 0 2atm460l 0 0 u_609
945 920 616 0 1204624278 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen yes that would be good m88. How old are you and what sort of work do you do? 0 0 p21mqnff 0 0 u_608
6209 6203 1838 0 1232476257 1 1 1 1 Re: RE: Hiya Im going to Grumpy's doo on Saturday &amp; i'll be at the west london one on the 7th but ill be stuck behind the Rampage stall all night on the 7th :/ Yea, get ya butt on msn lol! xox 0 0 dap4g1a1 0 0 u_2099
5773 0 2138 0 1228242155 1 1 1 1 Heil Hello Comrade, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 12d21l4s 0 0 u_68
5774 0 2138 0 1228244088 1 1 1 1 Heil Comrade Hello Brother, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 xhebnpmw 0 0 u_2
5775 0 2138 0 1228244245 1 1 1 1 Heil Comrade Hello Brother, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 lthqck4a 0 0 u_1711
947 269 112 0 1204636720 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Bwa, in de zin van, gans Brugge wist dat de café geen kat meer trok (zelfs op optredens was er de helft minder volk) maar die gast die da nu openhoudt was er altijd enkel maar als er optredens waren en dacht verzeker dat da alle weekends zoveel volk was. Niemand van zijn maten in Brugge natuurlijk ook wellicht die hem gezegd heeft dat de café geen kat nie meer trok dus zit hij er mee. Schone maten zeg ik zo. Voorlopig wordt er geen forum aan N-SA gekoppeld. Er hebben er dat al voorgesteld maar ik probeer dat wat tegen te houden omdat ik zie tot wat forums kunnen leiden (kijk maar naar hier...) en ook omdat mensen uiteindelijk ook kunnen reageren op de blogartikelen zelf (en we er meer controle kunnen op uitoefenen, hehe <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> ) Ah, gij zijt nog goth geweest.:p Toevallig, ik zit al een week Wumpscut/Funker Vogt/Suicide Commando spul te luisteren.;-) 0 0 2xdn9dv0 0 0 u_110
948 933 475 0 1204641262 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London Greetings from Bromley not far at all <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 828 0 0 jkqvyti5 0 0 u_616
951 0 253 0 1204650467 1 1 1 1 88! Bili smo se ono ?uli za ove majice, me?utim trenutno san u teškoj besparici i sve novce koje san ima da san sad za ovaj navija?ki prosvjed u Vukovaru. Tija san te samo pitati o?e li se u još kojoj turi raditi ove majice jer bi je stvarno volija imati ali, eto, u takvoj san situaciji da nisan ima novce do one sride kad je bija rok za uplatu. Živija 0 0 3grgbqxa 0 0 u_171
952 269 112 0 1204651619 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Bwa ja, dat was vroeger al zo toen ik er nog boven woonde en zelf achter bar stond en is er blijkbaar niet op verbeterd, iedere keer dat ik er passeer zit er met moeite 2 man... En daarvoor moet je idd een buitenlander zijn om het over te nemen. Die die dat nu gaat overnemen zal wel hetzelfde zijn, die is er ook altijd maar als er iets speciaals te doen is en Yann zal het haar wellicht ook wel niet aan de neus hangen als hij slim is. Anyhow, ze doen maar, boeit mij geen kloten. Over exact aantal leden heb ik geen zicht op, in Brugge alleszins al een tiental. Vrouw kan toch voor de kleine zorgen?;-) groeten 0 0 30csa2io 0 0 u_110
953 0 560 0 1204652616 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop welke maten en over welke shirts gaat het :p en welke cd s... 0 0 3k2lclg7 0 0 u_90
954 953 90 0 1204653030 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop De prijs bespreken we samen wel <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> De lijst: T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN White Pride World Wide SS vlag Partij vlag Keltisch kruis (met arend, de rode en de zwarte) Kriegs flag BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Brutal Attack: Valliant Heart Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Legion 88: The Best Of… Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Blood &amp; Honour: Volume 1 Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew 0 0 164gy2dh 0 0 u_560
955 953 90 0 1204653269 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Owja indien u foto's wenst van iets zeg maar welke dan. Freiheit 28 0 0 186lq478 0 0 u_560
1751 0 362 0 1208260403 1 1 1 1 oi Oi, ne vem ?e se me spomniš, oz. upam da sem si prav zapomnil ta imaš ta nick, da sva midva &quot;iskala&quot; po Budimpešti (11.2.-Day of Honour) cigane in žlza dunajske zrezke.. noh prosil bi te, ?e imaš mogoše skupinsko sliko(ono ko smo se slikali pred avtobusom na poti v Budimpešto) oz. ?e jo lahko od koga nabaviš, bi si jo rad arhiviral za spomin:) Upam, da se v kratkem kaj sre?amo, 14/88 Mario(Loki) aja..mij email je: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 l7sh848m 0 0 u_472
957 0 458 0 1204657177 1 1 1 1 lijst kunde mij eens ne lijst doorsture van wa ge allemaal verkoopt? Cheers 828 0 0 3jom2qlw 0 0 u_90
6150 5980 88 0 1232285930 1 1 1 1 Re: Need a small favour.... no problem at all Randal Krager 3209 Mount Tabor Rd. Lakeland, Florida 33810 paypal addy: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Abbie will ship it for you, happy to help, our regards to you and Rob <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2djejpu8 0 0 u_54
1023 0 367 0 1204840117 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H NZ Mag Hail! How many B&amp;H NZ mags did you want? Cheers 0 0 1fp5d472 0 0 u_122
1025 1012 203 0 1204847143 1 1 1 1 Re: guarda de honra Hail Robert, I think, there will be no problem for us to do your gig, it would be a honour for us to play for French comrades. There is just a little problem, our bass-player, she is that time in The Czech Republic, but she could travel to France and then back to Portugal with us, because she should come on monday back. So she can change her flight-schedule and travel instead directly to Portugal first to France... she could travel from Prag, Brno, Bratislava, Vienna..whatever... there is no problem to do it like that. We really would like to play in Your country. just let us know... Racial Regards GdH 0 0 3el3c39u 0 0 u_641
1026 1012 203 0 1204847472 1 1 1 1 Re: guarda de honra [quote=&quot;causeidentitaire&quot;:22ezqki6]ok great, we have seen very good prices on Ryanair.[/quote:22ezqki6] Hail Robert, I think, there will be no problem for us to do your gig, it would be a honour for us to play for French comrades. There is just a little problem, our bass-player, she is that time in The Czech Republic, but she could travel to France and then back to Portugal with us, because she should come on monday back. So she can change her flight-schedule and travel instead directly to Portugal first to France... she could travel from Prag, Brno, Bratislava, Vienna..whatever... there is no problem to do it like that. We really would like to play in Your country. just let us know... Racial Regards GdH 0 0 gA== 22ezqki6 0 0 u_641
5312 5308 297 3 1224609016 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Post... Yeah staying at yours would be a great help!! I'll give your dad a buzz in the week to sort it out...whats his name by the way?? Cheers Guy.. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 14eur7jw 0 0 u_279
6842 0 1734 0 1236765624 1 1 1 1 Re: East London Present Violent Storm Memorial 2009 Greetings Sir :) How are you? You`ve probably been trying to contact me, but <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> I haven`t paid my pfone bill so the wankers cut me off :D:D Hope you`re all good and I will see you saturday. 14/88 0 0 2zuucpxz 0 0 u_58
5274 0 235 0 1224405315 1 1 1 1 Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross could i buy one of the Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross cds cheers 0 0 1e91za13 0 0 u_58
963 953 560 0 1204665412 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large heb je foto van deze :P. en hoeveel moet je hebben per cd ben geintreseerd erin zitten cd tussen die ik nie heb :D 0 0 1txm39mp 0 0 u_90
965 953 90 0 1204699632 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Voeg me even toe op msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Ik stuur je vanavond dan de foto van de Deaths Head t-shirt en zeg me hoeveel cd's je wil dan maak ik wel een prijsje voor je. Freiheit 28 0 0 3u86qtpq 0 0 u_560
1022 951 253 0 1204830580 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:c6tifqg5][quote=&quot;Local-88-Patriot&quot;:c6tifqg5]Bili smo se ono ?uli za ove majice, me?utim trenutno san u teškoj besparici i sve novce koje san ima da san sad za ovaj navija?ki prosvjed u Vukovaru. Tija san te samo pitati o?e li se u još kojoj turi raditi ove majice jer bi je stvarno volija imati ali, eto, u takvoj san situaciji da nisan ima novce do one sride kad je bija rok za uplatu. Živija[/quote:c6tifqg5] Ima još majica, pa kad budeš skupio novac javi samo. Ako ?eš uzimati više komada, ra?unaj svaka 100kn plus na cijeli iznos još 20kn za poštarinu i to je to. Pozdrav![/quote:c6tifqg5] E hvala puno. javit ?u se. 0 0 gA== c6tifqg5 0 0 u_171
967 0 230 0 1204709397 1 1 1 1 infos Salut, Donne moi l'email et l'adresse IP de ce guignol: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";u=621">memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=621</a><!-- l --> Et supprimes ce topic qui n'a pas lieu d'être. Merci. FHS Paris 0 0 386ybkds 0 0 u_187
2558 2557 54 0 1211976606 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleting threads. [quote=&quot;Captain Scarlet&quot;:2hj0hope]hello BEB thanks for the soundbite it will be on episode 15 in a day or so. sorry about the swearing and your little girl but i get carried away!! <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> how can i delete old threads on the radio section ? thanks again CS.[/quote:2hj0hope] Hello CS, I've made you the moderator of the 28 Radio section, which means if you look at the bottom of each thread in that section you'll see a box that says &quot;Quick-mod tools&quot;. This allows you to delete/move/copy etc threads. You will also be able to do the same for indivdudal posts. If you need to do this throughout the entire forum let me know, as I will need to add you to the global moderator group in that case. You are very welcome for the sound bite. I don't claim for a second to have a &quot;radio voice&quot; (haha), but at least it proves that I am a &quot;real person&quot; and not just someone on the other end of the computer. I paid for my flights to Europe today, so I will be there in person at this years ISD in England as well. Don't worry about the swearing, my theory is that my daughter will hear much worse than that at school anyway, so I am deluding myself if I think she shouldn't listen to your show because of it. The racial message she hears throughout it is far more important to me. Charlie (my daughter) is a massive fan of the show, we listen to back episodes of it all of the time. She can quote chunks from it at a time, it's really hilarious to hear her go on about the &quot;niggers and the pakis and the paedophile scum&quot; etc. I'll get her to do a sound bite for the next episode if you like. She also asked me the other month if we could buy a &quot;Captain Scarlet outfit, doll and DVD&quot;, so you had better do some merchandising <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> I'm glad to hear that you are getting another episode ready. I'm sure it must be a hell of a lot of hard work for you, and also carries a fair degree of personal risk doing it. But I honestly believe that it is one of the most successful tools that we have for reaching new people and getting our message across, and your &quot;personality&quot; and how you put the show together is completely responsible for it. I'll see if I can dip into my DVD and CD collection to try to find some &quot;lesser known&quot; but good songs/clips for you to use on the show, especially ones with an Australian flavour. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2hj0hope 0 0 u_263
974 269 112 0 1204727067 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Surtur komt trouwens uit de pan-Germaanse mythologie. Het is de reus die Muspelheim bewaakt en bij de Godenschemering ten strijde trekt tegen de goden en daarbij gans de wereld in as legt met zijn vlammend zwaard. Het enigste dat zijn zwaard niet kan in de fik steken is Hodmimirs woud waar de enigste 2 mensen zich in verscholen hadden (Lif en Lifthrasir) die na de eindstrijd de verwoeste aarde gaan herbevolken en heropbouwen voorgoed. 0 0 2b4lv8bv 0 0 u_110
5127 4978 143 0 1223249436 1 1 1 1 Re: Interview with HHS [quote=&quot;BondedByBlood38&quot;:z900bdtv]Hi Bojan, if you have the questions already for the HHS interview,then plese send me,we would like to check them,then let you know what's up.You know,we can't give answer to certain questions publicly.This is for defens our Brotherhood.Best regards! Geri-HHS HFFH[/quote:z900bdtv] Sorry for delay, I was very busy lately (university, work). Here are questions, check it and let me know your decision [b:z900bdtv]1.Best regards to all HHS from B&amp;H Croatia crew. For beggining tell us something about history of NS movement in yout country. 2.Can you introduce as in short lines with history of HSN and HHS? 3.What are main activities of HHS and your plans for the future? 4.Hungary is country of many good bands, legends like Archivum, Valhalla and Verzserzodes and new blood like Tar Had and Hunor, what is cooperation between HHS and those bands? 5.In the last 2 years Hungary is place of often right wing demonstrations, what is your oppinion about that demonstrations? 6.As we know you have strong cooperation with B&amp;H in your coutry and abroad, what is your oppinion about B&amp;H? 7.Have you any friends here in Croatia that you are in contact with and what is your oppinion about Croatia in general? 8.Big thans for this interview, it´s big honour tho interviewed a organization with great reputation like yours, you have any final words for the end?[/b:z900bdtv] See you on Hammerfest. Bojan (28 Croatia) 0 0 wA== z900bdtv 1223249620 1 u_210
977 976 189 0 1204730837 1 1 1 1 Re: words getting there this is a good site 828 0 0 13kjacr9 0 0 u_616
979 0 616 0 1204731964 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4346#p4346:oxht4glc]Subject: Hello from SW London[/url:oxht4glc] [quote=&quot;stu 14&quot;:oxht4glc]Welcome from manchester <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:oxht4glc] cheers for the welcome stu 14 - how's it going in Manchester? Is there a chat room on this site? 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== oxht4glc 0 0 u_70
6726 0 2006 0 1235592158 1 1 1 1 Band Alright mate? Ross from March or Die has asked me to send you a message. Don't know if you know of them but they are a new band from Yorkshire. Ross was in Scum for 8 years but decided to call it a day. March or die are looking for a second guitarist or more ideally a drummer. If you want to have a chat with Ross about it, give him a text first so he knows who you are. His number is 07845288442. 88 Em 0 0 2ca6akt9 0 0 u_2099
983 976 189 0 1204734037 1 1 1 1 Re: words sounds good 0 0 3vao5lx8 0 0 u_616
5559 5557 88 0 1226786339 1 1 1 1 Re: Volksfront not at this time, our nearest chapter is in Germany, if you are interested in VF I can answer any questions you have or put you in touch with some of our European people. ROA Randal 0 0 22uibe4v 0 0 u_62
5560 0 62 0 1226786750 1 1 1 1 Volksfront Hail, Well I'm living near Germany and I speak German,so that should'nt be a problem. I was wondering how I can join. 88 0 0 18u9rj7u 0 0 u_88
986 976 616 0 1204738124 1 1 1 1 Re: words I'll look out for you on there mate. I joined this site to meet wp mates and share views. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 xuf3ogal 0 0 u_189
987 979 70 0 1204738550 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London Hail mate, no best thing to do is contact E mail on post for v.s gig or pm organiser, If yo go see you there. stu 88 0 0 10q8wtbr 0 0 u_616
988 0 616 0 1204739397 1 1 1 1 Violent Storm Memorial Hello mate Can you let me have the details for the gig on saturday? Or do I need to send an email? I'm a new member here and don't know any of the other members yet apart from messaging on here. Cheers Paul 0 0 aajhanx0 0 0 u_105
989 979 616 0 1204739809 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from SW London Cheers Stu, OK I've sent a pm to the organiser. Hope to see you there. Paul 88 0 0 2mdqby8c 0 0 u_70
990 0 637 0 1204741126 1 1 1 1 88 i am leandro braun of southern skinheads 828 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 37tm3d0h 0 0 u_122
991 920 608 0 1204742558 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen hi m88 me i hit the big 40 lat yr am between jobs at mo -and you ? 0 0 2wwgydik 0 0 u_616
992 0 72 0 1204742629 1 1 1 1 PARIS 9TH MAY GREETINGS Thanks you for the offer with regard The 9th May but I'm in touch with 'Captain Caveman' and think I will stay with them. Please if you see me come and say 'Hello' <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Yours.Rob 0 0 ddnah2sr 0 0 u_230
994 920 616 0 1204743260 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen all right m88 I am just about the same age as you then. Doing some mindless office work at the moment! 0 0 1tq0311k 0 0 u_608
995 920 608 0 1204743326 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen yea sounds similar u on msn or yahoo 0 0 25ukegll 0 0 u_616
996 0 604 0 1204743434 1 1 1 1 activiteit Hey sutur in de activiteiten kalender staat Zaterdag 15 MAART 2008: Memorial Day for Fallen Heroes . Gaat deze dag nog door ? (hopelijk weer in lommel ) Ik zou er heel graag naar toe willen :) dus laat me zeker iets weten . en als het niet doorgaat zal ik zeker wel alleen gaan naar lommel . Ik ga daar vaak wandelen met mijn vriendin tis daar heel mooi en rustig en zeer kort bij mijn thuis . Naar gent zal ik morgen niet gaan . om mee te gaan met de bussen van nsv moest je je al 2 weken ten laaste ingeschreven hebben, stond op de site . Nou ja als jij gaat : veel succes . 0 0 uma83rvs 0 0 u_112
997 920 616 0 1204743586 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen yes on yahoo IM as englandnaz 0 0 dv4x3s76 0 0 u_608
998 988 105 0 1204743855 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial Im not putting the gig on mate so dont know any details yet, drop them an email or 'werewolf' on the forum should be able to tell you more. Im hoping to get a redirection number later tonight. Cheers 0 0 6qb1m7qa 0 0 u_616
999 920 608 0 1204744131 1 1 1 1 Re: wilkommen cool have added u am skinheadm8 on there 0 0 2htqa8ew 0 0 u_616
1000 988 616 0 1204744279 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial cheers for getting back to me mate - I have sent them an email. Maybe see you there. 0 0 y21znmim 0 0 u_105
1004 988 616 0 1204749085 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial Cheers for the number mate - will call it on saturday. 0 0 tw3wqbwd 0 0 u_105
1005 990 122 0 1204751557 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Hail, good to know friend. Welcome on the 28board. 0 0 3p1g47ye 0 0 u_637
1006 992 230 0 1204762933 1 1 1 1 Re: PARIS 9TH MAY Yeah I talked this evening with him. He told me, you and your friends will be with him. See you the 9th May. 0 0 1i10v2ro 0 0 u_72
1007 0 367 0 1204787332 1 1 1 1 BH magazines I'm interested in getting back issues and current issues of your B&amp;H Magazines. I could also trade some B&amp;H New Zealand magazines. 88 0 0 34jg6b86 0 0 u_638
1008 1007 638 0 1204788293 1 1 1 1 Re: BH magazines Ok mate, no problem about this, but I think that evrything is &quot;sold out&quot; exept the last issue. Will see what I can do for you.By the way soon you can expect new english language zine ( A co-operation work between B&amp;H Bulgaria, Hungary and Croatia) under the name &quot;Revolt&quot;. We are working on it, it won't be a &quot;pure&quot; BH zine but mostly about NS politics - past and present. We'll keep in touch Aussie <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 2b5rmfoa 0 0 u_367
1009 1007 638 0 1204789192 1 1 1 1 Re: BH magazines Ouups forgot to ask you...Can you help us to get in touch with Scott( Fortrsss, Dessident) for an interview? Cheers! 0 0 3qnlhe31 0 0 u_367
1010 1007 367 0 1204789330 1 1 1 1 Re: BH magazines Alright, I would be interested in the new issue. Maybe we could trade 1 copy each, as I'm the editor of the B&amp;N New Zealand magazine. I would be interested in helping out with that other mag you are working on if you need it. I like to write. I will ask around for the Scott interview comrade, will get back to you. 88! 0 0 3ftsncb0 0 0 u_638
1012 0 641 0 1204794862 1 1 1 1 guarda de honra Hello, We are looking for the contact of the band Guarda de Honra. We organize an identitary gig on Paris, and we would like to have them. The 5th april. Thanks for your help. Robert for Cause Identitaire 0 0 202q0hvz 0 0 u_203
1013 0 379 0 1204795142 1 1 1 1 new zealand B&amp;H Hail brother if no one has contacted you about the nzbh zine i will send just give me your address 828 brother perry B&amp;HNZ 0 0 jsbahu5j 0 0 u_122
1017 1012 203 0 1204814030 1 1 1 1 Re: guarda de honra Hello Robert i m a member of Guarda de Honra , i play the guitar. I go ask to the others members of the band and i tell you this weekend. The email of the band is : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 3i3p22cr 0 0 u_641
1018 0 203 0 1204814306 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Contacta este email : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1ptdcci6 0 0 u_460
6770 6746 1926 0 1236158535 1 1 1 1 Re: ... cool vicky i get paid this sunday any outher good causes you got goin?? racial regards denis 0 0 u5dco4e6 0 0 u_323
1020 0 122 0 1204821334 1 1 1 1 28NZ Hail, thanks brother, but i will become in the next time a copy of our 28Magazine. Thank you, mkg from Switzerland. 828 0 0 35bu341a 0 0 u_379
1021 1012 641 0 1204825075 1 1 1 1 Re: guarda de honra ok great, we have seen very good prices on Ryanair. 0 0 2v6egs44 0 0 u_203
6114 6112 1027 0 1231971944 1 1 1 1 Re: topic Dag Jakke, Ik had ook al een voorstel gedaan om te vertalen, maar vermits jij het al gedaan hebt scheelt dat voor mij weeral wat werk (alhoewel werk <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ). Wat mij betreft is dit perfect natuurlijk en kan je dat rustig zo doorsturen. Het is in elk geval een goed punt dat er vanuit die richting (UK) ook interesse is in de artikels die ik schrijf, een reden om op termijn eens af te reizen om daar met de juiste mensen contact te zoeken. In elk geval al bedankt voor je inzeten we komen mekaar één dezer wel ergens tegen. 88 bro <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1myhjm5h 0 0 u_618
6210 6193 2138 0 1232476417 1 1 1 1 Re: Salute o/ Hello Kirk, not to worry mate, i'm sure there will be more chances to meet up. I'm gonna try to make it to the Villent Storm, but with my wife pregnant an all, it might be a bit tight, money wise, but will know then. Take care Kirk, all the best. Berto 828 ROA 0 0 3t2edhg8 0 0 u_61
1028 154 171 0 1204891026 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Oi! Sorry što gnjavim, ?ujem da imaš puno posla. Sam bi ti htio re?i da bi trebalo otisnuti još 20 komada majica, ovaj puta sa veli?inima koje su nedostajale u prvoj seriji, ili ?e uskoro nedostajati, a to bi bilo 8x XXL, 7x M i 5 x XXXL. Veli mi Pero da je bilo problema sa tiskom prve serije zbog preklapanja boja u corelu. Nažalost, velika ve?ina što znam o vektorima isklju?ivo je što sam ja sam u?io, tako da nisam obratio pozornost na to. Šaljem ti na ovom linku: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> novu verziju prednje strane, pa se nadam da sam uspio napraviti kak spada ovaj puta. Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 3gt00mgq 0 0 u_236
1032 1031 53 0 1204916296 1 1 1 1 Re: Sat night [quote=&quot;Warrior&quot;:n18r9y0c]Oi OI my dear looking forward to tomorrow now,had couple days off with man flu but nearly fighting fit ready for good night <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:n18r9y0c] Hail, booze will kill any remaining man-flu bugs, pickle it!!! i think the german band is Komando skin they were great at ISD i cant wait <!-- s`dance --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/eusa_dance.gif" alt="`dance" title="dance" /><!-- s`dance --> Im getting excited now <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== n18r9y0c 0 0 u_606
1036 237 289 0 1204931274 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? Had a bit of a downer, some crap times the past few months. but I'm looking up now, feeling fine, good and fairly optimistic <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> ... thank fuck. Get's a bit samey living where I live, every day is exsactly the same almost. Sorry took me a while to get back to this cause I couldnt login with this username for a while. 0 0 3tgeb0og 0 0 u_63
5828 5778 1409 0 1228552808 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> takze koncert je v je nedaleko Nottinghamu...viac neviem <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3gk92sxq 0 0 u_1834
1038 237 63 0 1204936234 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? nice to hear from you, sorry to hear you have been a bit down, but glad you are ok now!, i will be coming up to scotland on 14th june as there is a gig in dundee, so hopefully i will catch up with you there, just joined a gym today, need to get some weight off has i have let myself go a bitto hear from you soon. 14/88 0 0 4aha5dv5 0 0 u_289
4871 4862 1 0 1221675823 1 1 1 1 Re: hi <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> oh ok an its crap nothing to do i wanna move lolto many of the fukers its spot the white non jew down here yer cool i look forward to meetin u kinda lol iv beed a skinhead most of my life an i was nf yer i did i love everythink bout it lol wow iv neva been to a gig in my life whats it like an i love no remorse,skrewdriver, razor edge,acab and the 4skins an stuff like that lol heres my number so if u wanna chat an im not online txt me lol 07747556089 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 dgybadcf 0 0 u_53
4874 1040 650 0 1221684816 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm doing good :) but i'm not sure about Skúli. I haven't heard from him in a long time. He got caught by the police after putting up some stupid website where the president of Iceland was threatened so I decided not to talk to him anymore for doing such mess which brought disgrace over icelandic nationalists. I have however found other good guys who support the cause. My friend has his 30th birthday in August next year and we were wondering if we could bring Brutal Attack over to Iceland to play? Could you check that out for me? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2aevwi8v 0 0 u_53
1042 154 236 0 1204959741 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Pozdrav, nije bilo problema oko corela...Možda je trebalo pola sata, da smo razdvojili boje, ali mislim, da je sve pošlo OK. Ako nešto nedostaje, ili da je bilo šta krivo na majicama, molim što prije napiši. Rekao mi je ve? Peter za majice, pa izrada nije nikakav problem. Možemo to uradit ve? po?etkom tjedna. Imam sito za zadnju stranu ve? izra?eno, a ostalo ?emo još jednom. Isto ?e mi Peter pomo?i... Bilo koje promjene mi što prije javi. lp Gebi 0 0 3hpinbrt 0 0 u_171
1043 1018 203 0 1205003882 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional não precisas, diz só o que queres 0 0 1uernvkq 0 0 u_460
4156 4049 210 0 1216815137 1 1 1 1 Re: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary Hi, the date of the European Hammerfest is 18th of October,as it's written on the flyer.If you would like to come,and could,then you could fly to Budapest,as the gig will be there.Of course we could help with info,booking hotel,transport,etc. just let me know if you will have any details about the flight,then we will see how could we org.Best regards! Geri - Hungarian Hammerskins 0 0 2cpcxocd 0 0 u_54
1045 1040 53 0 1205059885 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hail, i'm fine thanks how are you an Skuli? i've been meaning to email Skuli but its been 1 of those things i've just not got round too <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Its good to see you on here, this forums better with music an video files were moving onwards an upwards <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> RR Shell 0 0 9uabalvc 0 0 u_650
5270 0 122 0 1224346721 1 1 1 1 website Hello, i have see that the 28 website from your division is down (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). I want help you and can make your website when you have interesting. Greeting, 828. 0 0 388coozm 0 0 u_168
5271 0 1008 0 1224385836 1 1 1 1 your original banner- gif So, as it turns out, I'm just a moron who doesn't know how to use computery things. I finally figured out how to use the animated GIF in my signature, and already have had a couple of people say how awesome it is. Great job Georgie <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 317nbb23 0 0 u_109
5249 0 89 0 1224176094 1 1 1 1 Re: auction now ended... BUT I'm not sure how much a reasoable offer would be, £45. how do you accept payment (paypal) 0 0 3i9buiqg 0 0 u_73
1048 0 616 0 1205063568 1 1 1 1 Re: South London [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4576#p4576:nczu76x2]Subject: South London[/url:nczu76x2] [quote=&quot;werewolf&quot;:nczu76x2]Blood and Honour South London Division contact: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> If your more South West go for Blood and Honour West London “Westland Division” contact: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->[/quote:nczu76x2] Cheers for the info mate - I am on borders if SE and SW (Tulse Hill) so South London Division sounds right for me. I missed the concert last night - sounded bloody brilliant ! Paul <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== nczu76x2 0 0 u_65
4879 0 295 0 1221724048 1 1 1 1 Hey Howdy Scott, Just wanted to say thanks again for coming out, we're really happy you guys made the effort and it was nice to meet your girlfriend. It was a shame people's egos and personal drama got in the way of making it a great night, but it's over and done now. Hope to see you again soon. Cheers, Justin 0 0 2adwspm2 0 0 u_1195
1050 1048 65 0 1205068903 1 1 1 1 Re: South London great night, another one this saturday central London, c u there, good luch 828 0 0 zqrh4x0o 0 0 u_616
1051 0 180 0 1205075643 1 1 1 1 hi hi, i see your from northamptonshire. do i know you. Mick 0 0 2rib3nrv 0 0 u_606
1052 1018 460 0 1205077527 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Ok, um abraço. ;) E obrigado. 0 0 yzr7rk7f 0 0 u_203
1055 237 289 0 1205109600 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? Was that one not cancelled or something ? I might go to the st georges day gig, depending if I can get down there allright/if Paul is gonna head down from Dundee or train. Any idea or not of what bands will be booked yet ? 0 0 i9u59cm3 0 0 u_63
1056 1033 97 0 1205132564 1 1 1 1 Re: ok mate Thanks mate. 0 0 34l4nuvo 0 0 u_396
1057 154 171 0 1205147053 1 1 1 1 Re: Majice Majice su odli?no ispale, eventualno bi pleter na le?ima podebljao. Kad smo ve? kod toga, upitao bi te koliko je zapravo bitna debljina krivulja, odnosno omjer veli?ine u corelu i u stvarnosti. Jer ponekad mi na slici veli?ine cca 30x15cm krivulja debljine 0,5mm izgleda dosta veliko; ako je još više podebljam objekt postane nejasan, a ako ostavim na 0,5mm na tisku bude pretanko(baš zbog tog pletera pitam). Hvala puno još jedanput! Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 1rt1rj2d 1205147071 1 u_236
5765 5760 323 0 1228178232 1 1 1 1 Re: funds Hey you can send it to my paypal address : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> we have an order member that gets out and it would greatly help us with the fund raising and we have a family who needs help with clothes alongside a pow in Florda... Thanks so much for everything.. Vicky 0 0 34wln6kf 0 0 u_73
5769 0 72 0 1228207494 1 1 1 1 ANDOVER Alright Mate Are you still living in Andover and do you need a lift to the WHITE CHRISTMAS gig????? Yours.R 0 0 362z3lax 0 0 u_1409
4631 0 68 0 1220367066 1 1 1 1 ello ello Hey, How goes things mate, long time no speak! Hope all is well with you! See you in a few weeks! Cheers Helen 0 0 fvv60wmu 0 0 u_58
5126 0 276 0 1223241910 1 1 1 1 pic Hi, not much joy with the offer of a minibus but if only five of us then we'll go in a car <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> could you let me know how to add a picture on the forum ? cant figure it out for love nor money and i see you've done it before cheers Lee 0 0 konppu6t 0 0 u_72
1062 237 63 0 1205170047 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? hi, yes the scotland gig has cancelled! st georges gig line up is as follows avalon unit 28 whitelaw section 88 legion of st george last chance hope you can get there 88 0 0 2gpaqxol 0 0 u_289
5561 0 2161 0 1226791425 1 1 1 1 place in bus for white x mas wondering if any places left on bus for white x mas im from new castle i can make my way op to york let me know cheers 0 0 3me7bzta 0 0 u_66
5562 4340 850 0 1226795634 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Beste, het is al reeds maanden geleden dat ik bij U een bestelling heb geplaatst. Nog steeds heb ik niets ontvangen. Graag zou ik spoedig iets van U horen. 0 0 1uek6nzl 0 0 u_1340
5563 0 1362 0 1226795926 1 1 1 1 oi oi why was bulldog closed on wednesday n thursday? <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> lol =P normally open n i had fack all to do so i thought id pay a visit but u were closed, ah well Nick 88 0 0 3kszp28q 0 0 u_59
1068 1018 460 0 1205188114 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Camarada, Tenho estado em contacto com os gajos da rightmusic, e no ultimo mail mandei-lhes o upload do album dos guarda de ferro com a bio etc...a questão é que os gajos responderam-me com isto: [i:3ass0bpn]Do you like to play on a concert in Holland? Saturday 26th of April.[/i:3ass0bpn] Por acaso nem lhes falei do meu projecto nem nada pois ainda não há maquete gravada e muito menos formação para tocar ao vivo, como muita pena minha. Não sei se eles ficaram com a impressão que Guarda de Ferro era a minha banda (lol), no entanto lembrei-me de voçês (Guarda de Honra). Porque é que não falam com eles? Era porreiro fazerem uma gig lá. ;) Aqui fica o mail deles: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Depois diz-me alguma coisa, Um abraço. 0 0 IA== 3ass0bpn 0 0 u_203
6905 0 1427 0 1236990436 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Warrington ! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20175#p20175:16jheu35]Subject: Hello from Warrington ![/url:16jheu35] [quote=&quot;wolfman&quot;:16jheu35]Hello brothers and sisters ! I've just joined the forum and i'm looking to meet like minded people in the Nw of england. 14/88. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:16jheu35] Oi oi wolfman, I'm from the North West ways, skinheads that meet in Liverpool, you're welcome to come along if you're interested in meeting other people. I travel from about an hour away myself but it's worth it to see friends like. How old are you if you don't mind me asking. 0 0 kA== 16jheu35 0 0 u_2615
1860 1773 311 0 1208878394 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu tein tilisiirron äskön ja rahat näkyvät viimeistään torstaina. juu täytyy toivoo ettei posti riko kuljetuksen aikana 0 0 35kmh60q 0 0 u_98
1073 1018 203 0 1205245756 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Obrigado. Mas eu já me correspondo com eles a muito tempo lol. Quanto a concertos estamos a espera de um para dia 5 de abril temos outro em maio 17 e estamos a trabalhar para gravar um novo cd em agosto, ainda temos o concerto em junho . Por isso é melhor não dar ideias aos gajos lol 0 0 237q1nmg 0 0 u_460
4825 0 1838 3 1221439435 1 1 1 1 :) 0 0 3kbn8o1t 0 0 u_1221
4968 4966 307 0 1222102880 1 1 1 1 Re: isd [quote=&quot;Loki28&quot;:ozdwsmus]Hi some moderatar is gonna put them online!! So im gonna send them to him. But Thanx anyway!! Greetings 828[/quote:ozdwsmus] thats ok 0 0 gA== ozdwsmus 0 0 u_332
4978 0 143 0 1222131140 1 1 1 1 Interview with HHS Szia:) We want to make an interview with Hungarian Hammerskins for new number of B&amp;H Croatia magazin, so if you are willing to give us interview I will send you questions. [b:2wvm613a]Bojan (28Croatia)[/b:2wvm613a] 0 0 QA== 2wvm613a 0 0 u_210
4913 4907 1869 0 1221823628 1 1 1 1 Re: norma? Dont follow me i get lost going to local shops lol. Have you been on London Skinhead Forum today? Buster (Badwolf) is on there slagging off this forum, which makes a change from on here being on here slagging off them 0 0 18c9s08u 0 0 u_307
5118 5117 1975 0 1223135809 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Why you think that Terry?Must say I'm only on the PC 1 &amp; and half year.London skins was the first site I saw ,&amp; liked .Been in London a lot between 86 &amp; 92.Always stayed skinhead through the years.Fed up with the politics after Waterloo &amp; a few dissapointments over here (Flandern).But it never really went away mate.Off course I am 100% NS,but as London skins is non political.....It's a good site mate I think for the good memories.Are you coming to the next piss up at christmas?I will,&amp; Donnelly will be there too.Regards,Bart 88. 0 0 2b9n3uzj 0 0 u_1869
1076 1039 105 0 1205254611 1 1 1 1 Re: Lp's Hello The lps are 20 plus any postage etc the singles im unsure of , ill find out. Theres alot more than listed so if theres anything your after let me know. These are all orginal albums and not re-releases. Cheers 0 0 19cwbhpz 0 0 u_650
4878 0 295 0 1221723863 1 1 1 1 Hey Thanks for coming out on the weekend. We were really happy you guys showed up. And sorry about the dramas and attitudes on some people (on both sides), but hope you had a good time anyway. Hope we get to see you guys again. Cheers, Justin 0 0 26q3vvbd 0 0 u_1008
1079 1051 606 0 1205259776 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Greetings Cracking do at weekend mate,counting down now for April. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Or anything else that might pop up in between,cant make next week unfortunately. 0 0 1u4utjsx 0 0 u_180
1080 1039 105 0 1205260150 1 1 1 1 Re: Lp's Theres loads of albums left, their Billys of Celtc Warriors. Im sure they will be plenty left. All the best. 0 0 2gso99x7 0 0 u_650
1083 237 289 0 1205263548 1 1 1 1 Re: how are you? That's a great line-up <!-- s`dance --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/eusa_dance.gif" alt="`dance" title="dance" /><!-- s`dance --> . I've got a lift now, decent, can't wait. 0 0 3m6gl5ho 0 0 u_63
1085 1051 180 0 1205263832 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hi , was a great gig. as said in my pm, Do I know you. are you Bryn.. Mick 0 0 25cxczvz 0 0 u_606
5952 5951 1972 0 1229986837 1 1 1 1 Re: Open season demo tape &quot; ok mate will do this after christmas ok nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2ozyw1b7 0 0 u_2245
4194 0 280 0 1216913330 1 1 1 1 hi hi blue eyed blonde now im not one to p.m or even post often, i take it badwolf is no longer with us so to speak, i can only say, what a huge relief,he was boring me to tears with the most of his posts......... i can now log in and have my daily read in peace thanks steve/blackout. you must try and visit for a gig somtime your doing a grand job keeping the forum alive. all the best to you and yours.... 0 0 2osr87e6 0 0 u_54
4198 3991 1083 0 1216926364 1 1 1 1 Re: BBQ ja ik wil nogsteeds komen,hoe en wat gaat het verder? grts 88 0 0 cxpa00kj 0 0 u_113
2619 2454 811 0 1212228472 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> hi mate, £20 sent by registered post today &amp; should be with you by 1pm monday. thanks for keeping lps til i could get to post office. keith 0 0 22706aj2 0 0 u_351
1090 1074 270 0 1205314178 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium (kan je daarvan foto doorsturen?) Voor de rest: Kriegsflag Keltisch Kruis patch Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Hoeveel voor dit alles? 0 0 pzjs9ivo 0 0 u_90
6771 6694 54 0 1236170769 1 1 1 1 Re: Sound Bite needed Hi there, 1st Amendment is back on line, so I'll be putting the radio show up this weekend. I will start &quot;locking down&quot; the tracks tomorrow night, so if I don't get any sound bites or tracks in the next 24-36 hrs, then they can't go in. Cheers N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3pfbu551 0 0 u_58
6902 6880 109 0 1236985699 1 1 1 1 Re: CD No problem, just send an email to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and the guys will take it from there. cheers Jesse 0 0 pse811xa 0 0 u_122
5574 0 1017 0 1226943121 1 1 1 1 HI , MATE . Hi mate i have just read your post about your son and to say i am shocked is the understatement of the year . I am from Livingston so although i know about the case and the shocking lenient sentences this piece of shit got dealt , I don't know you personally but would like to have a meet with you if possible . you can contact me by txt on 07771592102 . please feel free to contact me in confidence . If you feel this is inappropriate of me i apologies and can understand that you must be very angry with our so called justice system which is total BS . hope to hear from you soon . from skeg . 0 0 u5bvx542 0 0 u_2014
5575 0 1172 0 1226946563 1 1 1 1 Hi Hi my brother havent talked for a while,how are you?still fighting the red menace lol. 0 0 34g98wso 0 0 u_531
5388 0 143 0 1225127802 1 1 1 1 Southlander sub forum I can`t post reply to the Southalder sub-forum, can you check it please? Best regards from Croatia 0 0 zcxgprax 0 0 u_54
5389 0 90 0 1225128977 1 1 1 1 Nog interesse? Gegroet Vlaming Had graag geweten of u nog interessen hebt in cd's tegen 5 euro / stuk? Zijn RAC en HateCore. Freiheit 28 0 0 3r1nym1z 0 0 u_850
5695 0 1713 0 1227766967 1 1 1 1 Re: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16546#p16546:2eejjq85]Subject: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS[/url:2eejjq85] [quote=&quot;BULLDOG DRUMMOND&quot;:2eejjq85]A bit late for this year but maybe RUNE &amp; SWORD and HIGHLANDER could get some printed for next <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->[/quote:2eejjq85] Alright mate, i have a load of them pics, or prints that a german skinhead gave to me back in the 80s very similar to those ones. i found them the other day and are still mint, just wondered if any good to anyone, paul28 0 0 kA== 2eejjq85 0 0 u_72
5392 0 2092 0 1225138938 1 1 1 1 Heil Heil Brother! The best way is to get in touch with Invicta88 from the Portugal Section of the forum. He is from B&amp;H Portugal. I´m a supporter. 88 Hey, check out our national socialist radio. Is created by B&amp;H Portugal supports. Is the first and only NS Radio broadcasting from Portugal. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> It´s on portuguese language, but you all can hear the radio live, just click on the right side of the site. In every show we broadcast RAC, WP, III Reich Music, etc.... 0 0 19iksy5b 0 0 u_88
5393 0 69 0 1225139685 1 1 1 1 HEY!! 0 0 1y02yctm 1225188799 1 u_1867
6744 0 1953 0 1235858179 1 1 1 1 828 hey sis hope the sites come back soon,the free the order is gone as well? any news on the awards yet? add me on myspace damnit lol! love jeffrey 0 0 1pidiukj 0 0 u_323
1099 1018 460 0 1205363613 1 1 1 1 Re: Revista B&amp;H Internacional Ah, pronto ok, hehe! É optimo saber isso, e ver que o capitulo português está bastante dinâmico. ;) Já agora, o meu obrigado pela oferta da revista #4. Devo confessar que não estava à espera de uma mag tão profissional. Cinco estrelas. É pena é não ter uma peridiocidade maior, no entanto já sabem, podem contar comigo nomeadamente para traduções e entrevistas. Estão à vontade. Um abraço. 0 0 2smqs0og 0 0 u_203
1100 0 460 0 1205365323 1 1 1 1 rock invicta Ah, lembrei-me agora de outra coisa. Estava a pensar dar mais destaque ao concerto do dia 7 no Forum Nacionalista Português. Com cerca de uma mês de vida já contamos com mais de 80 membros e esse número está constantemente a crescer. A minha ideia era aproveitarmos isso para propagandear o concerto. A minha ideia era colocar 2 mp3´s de cada uma das bandas que irá tocar juntamente com uma curta biografia. Assim o pessoal ficava a conheçer quem vai tocar e podia até ouvir umas malhas das ditas bandas. Isto é optimo tanto para propagandear a gig como para dar um gostinho da coisa aos interessandos. Estou a perguntar-te para saber o que achas, e se há algum problema em fazer isso. Um abraço 0 0 3st43ch1 0 0 u_203
6161 6160 2376 0 1232291704 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members Lol i was talking to you, you got myspace? 0 0 1j7i5es8 0 0 u_2428
6162 5985 69 0 1232291933 1 1 1 1 Re: Cheers mate !! hi mate..yeah of course ill send him best wishes..ive kept the details anyway so i can keep in touch with the lad <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> yes inga will come over soon mate i a couple of weeks to be exact to be honest i will go there as well to be with her for a while..need to get away from this shithole for a while..dont worry mate retribution as already been part served <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> on my behalf like i can take the break on my bones but im just gutted that i couldnt see and spend time with inga cos we have big plans for the future together now so that would have kick started them this year like..yes hopefully she will be moving here in the summer <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> yes ive started the criminal injuries process so hopefully something might come outta a bad gonna need it if inga still has plans for us to have a daughter <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> yeah!!! anyway mate..if you like send me shauns address to and ill try again to keep in touch with him that way too...might keep his chin up a bit like..anything i can do mate you only have to ask ok yeah millers would be right up there if for the ridiculous points deduction best luck eh? se ya soon mate take it easy ok <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3kuwqqy9 0 0 u_531
5987 5929 2119 0 1230792264 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings Know what, buddy? I can record the guitar track for a Nazi Punk project song I'm working on and email it to you. It's copyrighted cause I own my own record label which I signed myself to. But I guess if you REALLY liked it I wouldn't mind you burning a few CDs of the final version. Thanks for the interest! White Pride World Wide from the American South! -- Skoda 0 0 di9v9dov 0 0 u_72
5988 5978 2119 0 1230792471 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey Bro Thanks so much for the info! Like I said in my previous PM I'm in Atlanta and I probably won't be back for another week. I've got a good Skinhead buddy in Mobile who would LOVE to go to some rallies. Thanks for the great news! Can't wait to get a strong Southeast Division going! 88! 0 0 3r43bf52 0 0 u_337
1104 0 353 0 1205389107 1 1 1 1 Re: Roll Call [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4397#p4397:1d7c7vqz]Subject: Roll Call[/url:1d7c7vqz] [quote=&quot;HolyWar83&quot;:1d7c7vqz][quote=&quot;VFDetroit28&quot;:1d7c7vqz]Hello from Detroit, MI.[/quote:1d7c7vqz] No offense, J, but I think they were taking an AUSTRALIAN roll call.... Am I right? <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:1d7c7vqz] Boy do I feel like a jackass now! Oh well..haha. 0 0 kA== 1d7c7vqz 0 0 u_152
2569 2565 973 0 1211991399 1 1 1 1 Re: Pub Tonight Not till next week my dad is down then and we might call in at tony's try to be there probaly monday he said he wants to meet my best mates and ur them <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 j4hfy10j 0 0 u_663
6386 6381 171 0 1233413068 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; About three day ago i have been told from his friend that user named helikopter will not come anymore on this forum. He had been already banned for two times (nicknames 'medved' and 'avion') as he had some disagreements with us. Cheers! Marko 0 0 3d3wifon 0 0 u_108:u_54
6387 6381 171 0 1233413159 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; heliktoper je onaj debil hrvoje iz zagreba šta je pravio onaj cirkus od koncerta proljetos. pri?ao sam sa jednim drugim likom iz zg i re?eno mi je da se više ne?e spajati na ovaj forum nakon što sam ga i sam nekoliko puta upozorio da odjebe. na domobranu je isto baniran. 0 0 9i3lfwtg 0 0 u_108
1108 0 367 0 1205395213 1 1 1 1 Portugal Greetings Comrade. I'm from New Zealand and I'm interested in buying some CD's,magazines, shirts etc related to Portugal. Also to meet new friends as I plan to go on a holiday to Spain, Portugal, France in the coming future. I edit the New Zealand B&amp;H Magazine as well so we could trade if you like. All the best D 0 0 op7o6ves 0 0 u_203
6388 6381 108 0 1233414306 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:dbwzb19h]heliktoper je onaj debil hrvoje iz zagreba šta je pravio onaj cirkus od koncerta proljetos. pri?ao sam sa jednim drugim likom iz zg i re?eno mi je da se više ne?e spajati na ovaj forum nakon što sam ga i sam nekoliko puta upozorio da odjebe. na domobranu je isto baniran.[/quote:dbwzb19h] enough said...allright now <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 gA== dbwzb19h 0 0 u_171
1123 1108 367 0 1205448759 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal I don't know if I will be there in June. What do you mean by trading? Would you like 5 copies of the B&amp;H New Zealand magazine or a single trade? All the best Thank you very much 0 0 2yob9mg3 0 0 u_203
1128 1108 203 0 1205457087 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi brother, we can trade 5 mags from your division for 5 mags from my division. About the trading is if you have t´shirts or cd´s and you want to trade for our t´shirts and cd´s. Best Regards Sérgio 0 0 1ct43er6 0 0 u_367
6222 6122 90 0 1232556737 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Hail Give me your e-mail adres mate and i will send you the pictures and list. 88 Freiheit 28 0 0 3al3y0dx 0 0 u_2296
5827 5778 1834 0 1228551359 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Tak co mas nieco nove?Ja budem vediet az okolo obeda.ak by si vedel skor tak daj vediet ok?diky moc... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 120bifvs 0 0 u_1409
1133 1108 367 0 1205469921 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Greetings brother. I'm interested in trading the mags for a start. Where do I send our 5 mags to? You can send yours to: Dylan Jensen 9 Fox Street Woodville, 4920 North Island New Zealand Also maybe you could interview Xenophobe for your magazine. New Zealand's first pro-White/B&amp;H band. (the first ever band of this kind in New Zealand history) Their myspace is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I can put you in contact with them. All the best comrade 88 0 0 1ww0pfed 0 0 u_203
1134 1074 270 0 1205475570 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:2xlhnswk]Gegroet Had graag even geweten wanneer je zo al op msn bent dan kan ik je de foto's doorsturen. Freiheit 28[/quote:2xlhnswk] 0 0 gA== 2xlhnswk 0 0 u_90
5428 5409 1092 0 1225385508 1 1 1 1 Re: blood and honour zie sms kieken <!-- s:idea: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_idea.gif" alt=":idea:" title="Idea" /><!-- s:idea: --> 0 0 1ytb2faj 0 0 u_1973
1138 1108 203 0 1205503586 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi brother. Send the mags to: Sérgio Araújo R bernardo santareno 215 2º ctr frt 4460-senhora da hora Portugal We have a band to from b&amp;h Portugal is guarda de honra. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> I go stay with the contact of the band 0 0 3jmwbfyt 0 0 u_367
1140 1108 367 0 1205504721 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hail. I will send the mags today. We can interview that band for our magazine if you like. And you interview ours. D 0 0 2ijot539 0 0 u_203
1141 0 92 0 1205510919 1 1 1 1 Mod proficiat met je promotie! <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 828 0 0 l5jxdwm8 0 0 u_90
5864 0 2157 0 1228847759 1 1 1 1 Re: Any coaches from London or Suffolk to white xmas? Thanks for the info about the mini buses going from east london. I caught a lift with them and it was a great gig. Cheers mate 0 0 sei75iwv 0 0 u_65
6906 0 1427 0 1236990646 1 1 1 1 Re: heil comrades from manchester [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20272#p20272:3g756ezv]Subject: heil comrades from manchester[/url:3g756ezv] [quote=&quot;danny88&quot;:3g756ezv]heil comrades im danny88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> of B&amp;H manchester <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:3g756ezv] Oi oi, I don't suppose you know of any B&amp;H in Liverpool or lonely folks looking to latch on to our contingent do you? Got a small group of dedicated skins and a load of tag-alongs that aren't really into it if you know what I mean. We'd love to get serious though. Hope that doesn't sound weird. 0 0 kA== 3g756ezv 0 0 u_2629
2597 2584 2 0 1212090786 1 1 1 1 Re: Ban Done 0 0 1pwsshz4 0 0 u_171
6176 6173 2428 0 1232304226 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome. oooo ta very much :D 0 0 3erkesxu 0 0 u_801
6178 6086 1838 0 1232305381 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya Lincoln? Lol. Lol you old git :P Yea theres Grumpys birthday doo on the 24th in North Kent &amp; another on the 7th in west London. Do you have msn, i dont come on here much? Or myspace..? xox 0 0 2i9735l5 0 0 u_2099
6179 0 1838 0 1232305510 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members I sure doo, <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> :) xox [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=18476#p18476:15jftzuy]Subject: Young Members[/url:15jftzuy] [quote=&quot;Ainzy&quot;:15jftzuy][quote=&quot;Rosie28&quot;:15jftzuy]I shall be at both :) Would be nice to meet some more young people! Rosieee :) xox[/quote:15jftzuy] Have you got msn?[/quote:15jftzuy] 0 0 kA== 15jftzuy 0 0 u_2376
6180 6142 2376 0 1232305531 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:1or2ru9y]Can you take a phone call at the moment?[/quote:1or2ru9y] At 7.25, i will be walking the dog, do you want to call me then? 88 0 0 gA== 1or2ru9y 0 0 u_801
6181 6170 2421 0 1232310219 1 1 1 1 Re: oi records ok paul good to hear from you yes i rember you i hope as i do peter as you want the records can you send a po not crossed or cash recorde to me nick rich 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn87pr if you send po make it out to me mate hers my e mail address can you send some photos of those times great days to me and ill send you some back ok. i do hear from a few old faces on line some through london skinheads 1970s 1980s i hope to do a gig or two this year good to hear from you mate i await youre reply nick 88. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 nfdprndv 0 0 u_1713
5627 5625 66 0 1227370362 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire hi ryan yes there is a seat on the bus...£20 return picking up from meadowhall with 3 other lads from the division .. ryan please send me your mob number please so i can give you more info thanks jules 0 0 3tnaeov6 0 0 u_780
5628 0 1975 0 1227370530 1 1 1 1 whats this all about? Mate,beeing skinhead since 1983 &amp; NS all my life.Bige is Nick Rich &amp; is Deffo not me.Only thing I wanted to point out is:Is this that important??In this fucked up multi racial world??Thats all mate.Maybe being overreacting a bit,sorry.88 for life. 0 0 12yn7u3u 0 0 u_212
5918 0 1787 0 1229430599 1 1 1 1 Re: a call to all welshmen [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17263#p17263:sxrakzas]Subject: a call to all welshmen[/url:sxrakzas] [quote=&quot;chang&quot;:sxrakzas]HAIL TO ALL . WHY IS IT SO QUITE IN S . WALES WE SHOULD BE MEETING UP IF ONLY FOR A BEER . IN THE LAST 2 YEARS CAN ONLY GET 1 MAN OFF HIS ARSE TO GO TO GIGS .[YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE MY BEDDA BEAUTY ].THE NEW YEAR IS COMING STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.28.P S TO TO CLEVER WITH COMPUTERS HOW THE FUCK DO I GET THESE SMILES UP[/quote:sxrakzas] Hi mate, where in S.Wales are you? 28 0 0 kA== sxrakzas 0 0 u_2269
5919 0 1787 0 1229440237 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17179#p17179:3ld8759t]Subject: HAIL FROM S.WALES[/url:3ld8759t] [quote=&quot;ALEXD!£88&quot;:3ld8759t]88, Comrades i hope to meet some like minded people on the forum <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:3ld8759t] Hey mate, where abouts in Wales are you? I'm from S.Wales myself. 828 0 0 kA== 3ld8759t 0 0 u_2276
5950 0 72 0 1229973838 1 1 1 1 Greetings Greetings Im after 2 XL 'B&amp;H' England t-shirts.......there blue with a St Georges Cross and the 3 Lions, I was told you sell them but I can't seethem on your site. <!-- s:!: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" /><!-- s:!: --> If you do sell them how much are they with P&amp;P and can I pay by cheque?? Yours.R PS.I don't suppose your selling the latest KILGORES CD? 0 0 1dvgcbes 0 0 u_59
6456 6453 552 0 1233916335 1 1 1 1 Re: Päivitykset Päivitykset toimii sähköpostin kautta. Kaikki uudet levyt ja loppuneet levyt päivitetään suoraan H8 systemin postituslistalaisille. Kytät teki tänne ratsian, mutta ei löytänyt juurikaan mitään. Kuitenkin käräjille tulee varmasti lähtö ja ainakaan ennenkuin ne on saatu päätökseen, ei anneta syyttäjälle yhtään lisämateriaalia syytteisiin. Joten sivut pysyy päivittämättöminä, jolloin aktiivista ja näkyvää toimintaa ei ole. 0 0 1r4usnpm 0 0 u_746
6439 6348 1027 0 1233731641 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag Jakke, Ik ben zoals afgesproken vanmiddag in 'de klokke'. Peter <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 5o8l54lz 0 0 u_618
6809 0 297 0 1236518876 1 1 1 1 Monthly Meeting Hi there buddy,Its Guy. How are you keeping?hope all is well? Just a quick pm to ask if i should post something on the forum about the meeting if people want to attend. I can find out a spare phone/simcard for directions to be given from.Also there is a small pub at the top of the hill (the swan i believe it is called) where me or paul could wait to re direct them,as obviously have to be careful who turns up. See you again soon. Guy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1p59xw0z 0 0 u_61
5820 5814 638 0 1228500641 1 1 1 1 Re: vij si emaila Zdrasti, <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> - tova e meila na B&amp;H sektziata v Plovdiv, razberi se s mom4etata da se vidite, kaji im kakuv vid i razmer teniska iskash. Vsiakakvi drygi vuprosi kusaeshti B&amp;H mojesh da zadavsh kum tiah. Blagodaria za interesa ot tvoia strana. S nai-dobri pojelania: B&amp;H Bulgaria 0 0 2jveuhiq 0 0 u_2253
5619 0 344 0 1227288190 1 1 1 1 beek? en wie ze gij dan as ge me denkt te &quot; kenen&quot; grtzSS ganSSke 0 0 2ueit1wb 0 0 u_2181
6009 5894 1631 0 1231081045 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK sorry 4 late reply,many thank's to you.i don't have luck to check e-mail's every day 'cos i don't have computer yet,will buy new one in next two week's,so i'll be more in touch than. we've got some new t-shirt's, i'll post you some,they look very good! rok 0 0 3thurur3 0 0 u_72
5885 0 2276 0 1229027185 1 1 1 1 regarding members attitudes towards certain groups after looking at some old topics i wanted to know why some members of the forum dis-liked combat 18,because in my opinion in-fighting and slagging each other is wasting time and energy that could otherwise be used against the zionist tools. 0 0 35wgiytn 0 0 u_801
4236 4191 59 0 1217032683 1 1 1 1 Re: fuck... Lo m8 Don't mention R&amp;S cos it'll not just hit the tax, but will also get me raided and merch taken, even tho its legal they'll still take it and keep it for 6 months +. If they ask you what I've talked to you about, tell them that I told you to stay clear of c18 and the like, to keep your head down n crack with your education etc etc, which is what I've done. Don't tell them owt they dont need to know, i/.e forum web addresses etc. We met on forum cos we're both from gy blah blah. it was only 2 serious crime squad, came to ask questions about nathan, plus B&amp;H, I gave them nowt about B&amp;H, nathan, I answered their questions as the questions were not important, just general stuff. Remember, you're not cleverer than a copper. They may appear thick and say they agree with some of your points of view, this is to put you at ease and to loosen you up, they dont agree with your point of view and they ask questions for a living... stay safe will talk to your mum any time, lets see what happens about stinko, se eif I get a visit etc. 14 0 0 1xjeig0x 0 0 u_1362
2692 2682 952 0 1212426836 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:11jicvjv][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:11jicvjv] you and me here[/quote:11jicvjv] yes anywhere is better than no where <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:11jicvjv] you still also not have your many pain in your hands?,Darling as you do not about sex,want talk will not angry are on you 0 0 gA== 11jicvjv 0 0 u_53
6607 6594 122 0 1234891492 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hail, ok thanks for the information. It will be very interesting what you do with 28 in the future. Good luck, 828. 0 0 m9c55d0n 0 0 u_2207
6390 6381 171 0 1233416905 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; Ne znam ja te tvoje barbarske jezike, pri?aj il gr?ki il latinski samnom <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> 0 0 hrqwf3ys 0 0 u_108
6391 0 1698 0 1233419257 1 1 1 1 For Security Hello, I have a question. Some days ago, I read that the Antifa stole Informations from a blood and honour Forum. It was the homepage with .com. They wrote, that de swiss People which wrote &quot;bad&quot; things, they'll get a punish. So I want to ask, could you maybe delete my profile? It's just for Security. Thanks and have a good evening. :) 0 0 28itg3pe 0 0 u_54
6392 6326 353 0 1233422671 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes Nick, Just sent you $70 registered cash for the tapes. I sent it First Class so I'm pretty sure that takes about 10 days or so (maybe less) to get there. Let me know when it arrives. My e-mail address is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> so feel free to e-mail those pics when you have time..and thanks again! ROA! Joe 0 0 21qtc27m 0 0 u_1972
1166 0 639 0 1205564213 1 1 1 1 NSA En waarom moet ik daar dan de gevolge van drage? Volgens mattke zijn er al heel wat leden! MVG, Danny <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1ak45m1k 0 0 u_112
2752 0 300 0 1212464244 1 1 1 1 Re: skullhead [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8434#p8434:19rff385]Subject: skullhead[/url:19rff385] [quote=&quot;moonie&quot;:19rff385]anyone nowhere i can get skullhead/dirlewanger live in brandenburg cd? also where i can get any of the old videos on dvd the violent storm memorial and the original skullhead video with ian stuart. thanks for any help[/quote:19rff385] I have the cd. 0 0 kA== 19rff385 0 0 u_182
1168 1141 90 0 1205569344 1 1 1 1 Re: Mod Danke <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2a8v0p2t 0 0 u_92
1170 1166 112 0 1205572684 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Gevolgen?? welke gevolgen?? 0 0 ng1n56xb 0 0 u_639
1172 1166 112 0 1205572826 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Het staat trouwens toch heel duidelijk op die site dacht ik of niet? Militantenkaart en grondbeginselen 15 euro (lid) , sympathisantenkaart met pin 5 euro (sympathisant): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> groeten 0 0 21o4gqwo 0 0 u_639
2796 2752 182 0 1212512598 1 1 1 1 Re: skullhead did you want to sell it? or any chance of emailing me the tracks thanks moonie 0 0 3k9cma3t 0 0 u_300
2798 2752 300 0 1212514023 1 1 1 1 Re: skullhead Yes I will sell it to you. You tell me what you want to pay for it in US dollars. Frank 0 0 nz01xgwl 0 0 u_182
2799 2795 952 0 1212514665 1 1 1 1 Re: ok? [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:281ak14l]Serge, you ok you just vanished?[/quote:281ak14l] im oke ,internet out im receveid not message from you 0 0 gA== 281ak14l 0 0 u_53
6858 6852 73 0 1236887512 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale ok mate if the gloves are the right size i'll take both at the the prize you are asking, what size are the gloves? 0 0 1w7g8o4m 0 0 u_1362
5461 0 203 0 1225724009 1 1 1 1 Info Hi. Isee in my inbox you try to contact me. I already have one pm from one prospect of VF. I want to ask you if is possible in Portugal have one division BH VF working together, but i dont know if the VFPortugal agree. Can you contact me for i know more details, because if i can be BH and VF its be nice. Racial Regards Sérgio 0 0 2j1y66io 0 0 u_88
2839 691 200 0 1212683863 1 1 1 1 Re: vinyl hello stu. thanks for your message. ok, i will tell maxe to send it together with the other two then. we can sort the money out later. not sure if i can make gigs right now, its me and my son magnus, no babysitter, no family and friends are too far away. a difficult situation to be honest. but if anything changes i will let you know. saved your number too, thanks for that. any news from neil? havent heard from him in ages! i'm having a BBQ on the 12th july, so if you are in our neck of the woods then please drop in! jess 0 0 2dk963x1 0 0 u_70
6213 0 2436 0 1232484223 1 1 1 1 Aryan thanks for the message i know my spelling of Aryan was wrong was in a here when i wrote the message my women was bitching at me ...thanks for the heads up i fixed it and thank u again <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2j5lt17g 0 0 u_58
6038 5978 337 0 1231370513 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey Bro 0 0 2nyaldaf 0 0 u_2119
4463 4334 203 0 1218636849 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista Entao Filipe como estas <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Tu ainda estas em Lisboa <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Eu vou regressar dia 25 de Agosto, era bom poder estar contigo e com o Alvaro outra vez, quando surgir uma opurtunidade, se voces vierem ao Porto ou alguma actividade que voces facam avisem-me pois gostaria imenso de poder estar com voces . Abraco Sergio 0 0 3vlcyle9 0 0 u_1482
6002 5985 531 0 1230943580 1 1 1 1 Re: Eyup Eyup Rich,had a bit of a think, and was wondering if you could do me a small favour.Can't remember if I told you Shaun had been moved to Dovegate in Staffordshire, supposedly to do his anger management. Well, he can't do it there cos of his deafness &amp; speech problems, so unless he gets moved to this secure hospital in Warrington, looks like he'll be back to square one, and doing the full 10 years if they can't find owt else. Because of the distance, my mum can't get to see him as often, which gets him down as well as him not knowing what's going to happen to him, I was wondering if you could email him a few words of support. Yep, email ! There's a site called, and I've got an account there. All you'd have to do is type in my email addy, <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, and the password, holohoax, and then click on his name. You don't have to put your name or address, just start it with 'It's Rich' or whatever you want, and type away ! Have to go easy on the good stuff cos we're not supposed to send racist material <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> He only gets letters from family, usually mi mum and me, so I was thinking a message from a mate might cheer him up <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Cheers mate 88 Ian 0 0 l9ramehn 0 0 u_69
5006 5004 650 0 1222221145 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hi, Yeah I know it's a shame I couldn't come. I will try twice as hard to come next year and definetly make it. I saw Skúli for the first time in more than two months some days ago. He is C 18 one day, Creator one day and some other thing the other days...... The man clearly dosen't know where he stands and cannot be taken seriously. He even tried to convince me last year that the Liberal Party of Iceland (wich has multi-racial but some restrictive immigration policies) was the best soloution for our problems <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I didn't really know much why people were against C 18 but after doing my research on them I understood why! The worst thing about the organization tough, i think, is the leadership they have. p.s. Could you check out for me how much it would cost to bring Brutal Attack to Iceland and on which dates they could come next year? Cheers, Nonni <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3gdi2fmp 0 0 u_53
6394 6391 54 0 1233433963 1 1 1 1 Re: For Security [quote=&quot;Das_Renee&quot;:3ejgeqb3]Hello, I have a question. Some days ago, I read that the Antifa stole Informations from a blood and honour Forum. It was the homepage with .com. They wrote, that de swiss People which wrote &quot;bad&quot; things, they'll get a punish. So I want to ask, could you maybe delete my profile? It's just for Security. Thanks and have a good evening. :)[/quote:3ejgeqb3] The forum was the C18 one, not us. Do you still want your profile deleted? Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3ejgeqb3 0 0 u_1698
1192 0 639 0 1205671712 1 1 1 1 NSA En?? Ik heb mijn geld betaald! Ik ben een oud lid van het VJN, dus moet ik toch maar 10€ betalen? Ale dat is toch wat ze mij hebben gezegt! MVG, 818 0 0 3urocs5c 0 0 u_112
1194 1182 203 0 1205677279 1 1 1 1 Re: Este sim, é o meu (nosso) Nacional-Socialismo Sim meu General. <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> 0 0 1qr5j1i7 0 0 u_255
5972 5956 112 0 1230382392 1 1 1 1 Re: NSBM euhm, voeg es toe op msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2o2jbhyc 0 0 u_618
1197 0 279 2 1205680936 1 1 1 1 msn hi have u got msn if u have add me <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1a1srudq 0 0 u_97
5319 5308 279 3 1224655005 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Post... he's names Mick <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 17gznnkv 0 0 u_297
4983 4781 638 0 1222185734 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 from Bulgaria Hello mate, cheers for the succsesful ISD memorial! Hope you find the time to talk to other people invilved in B&amp;H leadership, and you have good news for 28 Division Bulgaria <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1se5c667 0 0 u_193
5042 0 279 3 1222572058 1 1 1 1 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> [img:1nnwthjc]http&#58;//img26&#46;picoodle&#46;com/img/img26/3/9/27/f_HappyBirthdm_7473a66&#46;jpg[/img:1nnwthjc] <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 CA== 1nnwthjc 0 0 u_370
3913 3903 1323 0 1215966217 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND ok mate iam on it i let you no when i get the cask from the bank iam from the u.k born in manchester can to au when i was 8 i miss home 0 0 2shfumwi 0 0 u_351
3914 0 113 0 1215967128 1 1 1 1 BBQ BBQ is op 2augustus, intresse om te komen? 0 0 zkbk2as6 0 0 u_102
1202 1197 97 2 1205694155 1 1 1 1 Re: msn done mate ! 0 0 9xuwxlai 0 0 u_279
5386 0 54 0 1225092355 1 1 1 1 Deleted PM's...... Hi there, I don't know if you realise it, but in case it wasn't deliberate you have twice now deleted pm's you have sent me before I have read them. If it was on purpose, then that's fine too, but I've had other people clear out their pm box without realising that they are also deleting the pm's that haven't been read yet, so I just thought I would mention it. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1euwfycu 0 0 u_2081
5384 0 88 0 1225053022 1 1 1 1 PT i am trying to get some of our people in Portugal in touch with B&amp;H Portugal to discuss working together, what is the best way? R Volksfront/B&amp;H America 0 0 2tjp4eaf 0 0 u_2092
5383 0 105 0 1225051449 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=14447#p14447:343f7nr9]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:343f7nr9] [quote=&quot;renee1488&quot;:343f7nr9]hi, can somebody tell me the best airport for the white X-mas gig? regards from germany 14/88[/quote:343f7nr9] East Midlands is the best airport for this gig. 0 0 kA== 343f7nr9 0 0 u_1937
1211 1182 203 0 1205700053 1 1 1 1 Re: Este sim, é o meu (nosso) Nacional-Socialismo não me ligas? 0 0 3hz7egkz 0 0 u_255
5382 5070 1713 0 1225038956 1 1 1 1 Re: ??? hey how are u?? not heard from u in a while. hope all is ok, paul28 0 0 2ggo57lf 0 0 u_1937
6014 0 2138 0 1231187607 1 1 1 1 Is this normal? Hello Randi, i'm Berto a supporter from the UK. Whilst browsing the B&amp;H forum i noticed that the Volksfront thread has gone. Do you know why it was removed? Regards. Berto ROA 0 0 1y9plyyy 0 0 u_88
1215 1182 203 9 1205703366 1 1 1 1 Re: Este sim, é o meu (nosso) Nacional-Socialismo já fiz o upgrade já está a funcionar a 3.5 /7.2 0 0 10bn7v5d 0 0 u_255
5206 0 1787 0 1223907374 1 1 1 1 ! ly! x 0 0 2aq6rbcq 0 0 u_2034
5207 0 2034 3 1223907755 1 1 1 1 !! ly 2! 0 0 3mwaj6re 0 0 u_1787
5027 0 1008 0 1222382875 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13676#p13676:1dedbdf3]Subject: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia[/url:1dedbdf3] [quote=&quot;BHCentral&quot;:1dedbdf3]Just watched a couple of clips of the concert, seeing those, speaking to others and reading here it looks like it was extremely impressive success ! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:1dedbdf3] Yes, it was fucking awesome!!!! Best fun I've had in ages! How do you get your hands on the said footage? Can you buy the DVD or something? thanks. 14/28. 0 0 kA== 1dedbdf3 0 0 u_115
1218 1192 112 0 1205704118 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Denk je dat de mensen van VJW, Euro-Rus, Jongeren Aktief en Groen-rechts ook een voorkeursbehandeling hebben gekregen of zo? En trouwens, dat 10 euro idee was weer zo'n geniale inval van Mattke in de hoop nog wat geld in zijn zakken te kunnen steken wellicht. Franky (VJN!) heeft trouwens ook 15 euro betaald. Iedereen gelijk voor de wet! Ik snap trouwens sowieso het opzet van je 10 euro niet gezien er 3 (drie!) namen bij vermeld staan... groeten ps. als je slim bent luister je niet meer naar Mattke maar richt je je rechtstreeks (via mail!) aan Pieter of het algemeen NSA mailadres. Dat zijn de aanspreekpunten. Mattke heeft er al een boeltje genoeg van gemaakt, het mag nu eens stoppen met die. 0 0 mhyc83qz 0 0 u_639
1219 0 255 0 1205704310 1 1 1 1 Re: WAU Prisoner List [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5109#p5109:352q8qaw]Subject: WAU Prisoner List[/url:352q8qaw] [quote=&quot;FaithFolkFamily&quot;:352q8qaw]Thanks for the updates I fixed them. Do all these guys write English btw?[/quote:352q8qaw] Hail Salli, how are You btw? Are You going to Italy? hope to see You soon. all the best for YOu. Hug Lin 0 0 kA== 352q8qaw 0 0 u_98
1220 1216 53 0 1205707503 1 1 1 1 Re: hi mate allo mate, Theres a gig in brum (northern side) in August have you got any one that can get you there? i got no probs babysittin ya <!-- s`ThumbsUp --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/thumbsup.gif" alt="`ThumbsUp" title="ThumbsUp" /><!-- s`ThumbsUp --> once there an introducing to some of the guys on here i know, just stokes a bit out the way, its about an hour away , i never seem to run past there on the way to gigs, the St Georges gig is up in yorks an i'm meant to be meetin the new guy skinly up there he seems ok hes 18 so if you wanna drop him a pm i dont think he will mind, dunno u may of spoken to him already, 0 0 2aljjve4 0 0 u_549
1222 1219 98 0 1205736067 1 1 1 1 Re: WAU Prisoner List Hi, no I'm not going, maybe to summer fest then... too bad I would've loved to see you. Well Alexia and Laila are probably going. All is well over here, I hope with you too. Have a great time in Italy, I'm jealous! Salli 0 0 34w79ue4 0 0 u_255
2823 0 506 0 1212603043 1 1 1 1 concerto Então, tudo bem? Estou a escrever-te por causa do concerto, eu vi a tua sms no fim-de-semana a avisar que no dia 7 sempre vai haver o concerto. Como é? Vai ser preciso a minha ajuda antes? A que horas é o concerto e quanto fica a entrada? Já agora, quem vai la tocar? 0 0 142u3xyy 0 0 u_203
4332 0 1266 0 1217456782 1 1 1 1 found it <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> pual steph ere seen that cunts post for a meet mate thats the same dude i invited through 3weeks ago and when he finaly phoned me he put it of never heard from him since ..see on fri bro 88 steph alloa28 white pride scotland .. scottish aryan brothers and sisters united under one banner <!-- s`SFlag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/SFlag.gif" alt="`SFlag" title="SFlag" /><!-- s`SFlag --> I.S.D what you stareted we shall finish brother .hail blood and honour . <!-- s`88 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/88.gif" alt="`88" title="88" /><!-- s`88 --> <!-- s`SiegHeil --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/SiegHeil.gif" alt="`SiegHeil" title="SiegHeil" /><!-- s`SiegHeil --> STWPH WATTY ALLOA-28 W.P SCOTLAND 0 0 146pgrg4 0 0 u_73
6320 0 1878 0 1233004838 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor hallo, ik ben van provincie West. vl het is moeilijk om hier contact te krijgen hoor..... Subject: Stel jezelf even voor[/url] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:3thruxei]Gegroet kameraden ben Freiheit 28 en ben afkomstig van de provincie Antwerpen.[/quote:3thruxei] 0 0 gA== 3thruxei 0 0 u_90
5753 5695 1713 0 1228137377 1 1 1 1 Re: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS Alright rob sent that stuff today, aslo put a few bits and bobs in there, from the old day, hope u enjoy, all the best paul, ps dont worrie about returning anything as i have tons of stuff and always brought 2 of every thing 0 0 vke7jd1p 0 0 u_72
5646 5641 53 0 1227467906 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas can put up a post asking for a lift, it somtimes helps, an cuts down on petrol costs for those driving, aye i'll be there!!! 0 0 2p2y5ekh 0 0 u_1910
5909 5907 323 0 1229377225 1 1 1 1 Re: WAU donation B&amp;H Scotland have been such a blessing, we've been able to help a lot of good people with their support.. Vicky 0 0 35hjknej 0 0 u_54
5910 0 73 0 1229378383 1 1 1 1 address you can use my address hun, and i can pass any mail onto john (highlander 28) from our highlander division paul o'brien 90 viewmount forfar angus scotland DD8 1LJ u.k 0 0 2s9porw7 0 0 u_323
5673 5662 90 0 1227628411 1 1 1 1 Re: E-mail Gegroet Yep <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Spreek je wel eens op msn dan! 0 0 fp1aiecl 0 0 u_112
5674 5670 79 0 1227637103 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! [b:19g9xqef]That would be good, I can have all directions to gig ready for you.[/b:19g9xqef] 0 0 QA== 19g9xqef 0 0 u_1001
5471 5438 54 0 1225796886 1 1 1 1 Re: Video footage of ISD [quote=&quot;asgard1488&quot;:32d9qyo8] Hi Mate ! Excellent footage <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> I dont know if they are the same 3 clips that LOKI sent to me ? I have been trying to open em for age's now but no success <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> I will send you the links sent to me and maybe you can check it out ? Is there any way we could clean the sound up and sync the sound to the video a bit better especially on the BA track ? The reason being is that the track was dedicated to KMs Dad who was on his death bed that very night <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> It would mean alot to KM if we could clean it up and make use of it and maybe blend a Photo of his dad into the end !!! Sadly his Dad didnt make it till Sunday afternoon by the time we had done a 100mph dash to get back to London <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> so I think it would be nice to do something for KM with this footage , would be nice to do the same clean up on the whitelaw clips too. I will forward the links to you today mate ! Oh and KM did have a chuckle about your european tour reports ha ha ! So it was him who dragged you all off to the pub LMAO <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I dont think that the faces shown would have any probs with the clips though ! 828 N <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:32d9qyo8] Hi Neil, The videos were sent to me in mp4 format, and I needed them in wmv format to play on the forum. I searched for ages and then found and downloaded freeware software to convert it. A &quot;paid&quot; version of the software would probably convert it a bit better, but the sound etc on the original file wasn't spectacular either, so I don't know how much of an improvement it would be. Putting in a photo of Kens dad etc at the end would be a great idea, but I do not have video making software and I'm afraid that I don't have the time to look into it at the moment as I am job hunting (my contract runs out at the end of Nov and I have to find a new job). So I as much as I would like to, and I think it is a great idea, we might have to run with the videos as they are for the moment, until either myself or someone else has time to look at it. Hope that's OK and that things are well with you. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 32d9qyo8 0 0 u_58
4726 4723 295 0 1220875855 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey Hi Nikki, We've got a shitload of stuff to do on the Friday, so we're telling people to do whatever they want that night (meet up with each other, etc.), but yeah, there's nothing official on. As far as the meet up point goes, you're on the right side of town if you're going to be in Cheltenham. And Lindsay isn't coming this year, he's got some work dramas, but I know he would have liked to have caught up with you. I'll give you a bell on the Saturday morning to let you know where the re-direction point is. Cheers, big ears. Looking forward to seeing you again. Justin 0 0 3mhndsxh 0 0 u_1090
4676 0 1781 0 1220645935 1 1 1 1 Hello........ Hello everyone, I'm from Belgium..... <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> greetz 0 0 rmcre7o3 0 0 g_5
1616 1606 98 0 1207572627 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design Hi Linda, yeah Laila and Alexia told they never saw you, arrgh! Are you coming to the Summer Fest? I don't know yet, but if we both do, we must exchange phone numbers so we will be sure to find each other <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> I'd love to have you in WAU, I have nothing against it. Jani used to Live in Czech Rep so I can change a word with her and Vicky and get back to you then, we all really like you that's for sure <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Btw did you get my email regarding those clocks, I now have more of them if some of your friends are interested, have posted pictures here on the forum. Salli 0 0 3t4a382c 0 0 u_255
1612 1598 2 0 1207559567 1 1 1 1 Re: BLUE EYED BLOND Ummm, thought that would be better coming from you buddy but am sure the admin can come up with something if u want 0 0 eq9nihj1 0 0 u_72
1608 0 53 0 1207524892 1 1 1 1 Msn Hail have deleted your post giving out your msn address. thats not a wise thing to do as anyone can join &amp; no doubt there are 'snoopers' out there who you wont want having your msn addy. Give it out to the guys you chat to but by pm its safer for you. Perhaps make your 1st posting in the welcome section introduce yourself &amp; say hi chubley88 0 0 35ooljib 0 0 u_771
5420 0 1362 0 1225316606 1 1 1 1 oi oi that skrewdriver dvd is mint, ta, n so's that che t shirt <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> without sounding like a tit, who did che actually murder? coz i dont know much about him cept for that hes cuban and a commie like. who was that guy today? i noticed he had one of your Einherjar t shirts on Nick 88 0 0 su0nlqyv 0 0 u_59
1240 1216 549 0 1205771076 1 1 1 1 Re: hi mate ill have to ask my old man see if he can get me up their .. dont know about gettin the st georges day one hes always workin so i dont know if i can make that one but the aug one deffo <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> ... havnt spoken to many of the people on the new forum much been banned off the net at home and my mum wont let me go on the website down their so i have to pm ppl and post comments from school lol :) will just ask see if i can attend tho :) 0 0 ouqdlmls 0 0 u_53
1241 1216 53 0 1205771310 1 1 1 1 Re: hi mate I wont ask wot you were looking at to get banned!!! <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> yeah brum gig should be a good 1 an its always good to get out an about an meeting people 0 0 3o7gaoca 0 0 u_549
4823 0 247 0 1221424605 1 1 1 1 ebay you bloody beat me again.paul burnley cd this time 0 0 1huyfm6h 0 0 u_1869
4836 4831 1256 0 1221511295 1 1 1 1 Re: isd 2008 ok then will send you text on friday when i get out of work and what time we shud get to you ....07504678437 <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 pq8tuz9c 0 0 u_780
1606 0 255 0 1207517023 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design hail Salli, sad I could not see no one of You there in Italy... About the forum,. we have got a webhosting, You could let it there, but I do not know, how it YOU? I would liket to ask YOU about the possibility to make probate Chapter in Bohemia. I hpe to be back soon there and I would like to ask about the possibility to enter to WAU family. Thank You very much. Friendly regards Lin 0 0 2oue4wzj 0 0 u_98
1950 1442 98 0 1209317992 1 1 1 1 Re: TRANSLATION Hi, I translated the interview today, sorry about the delay but I simple had no time before. The interview is quite short and it has some repeating in it and some irrational parts but I tried to translated it so that it follows the original. I read the other article as well but as I said it's not an interview and it mentions the same things as this interview, it's like a summary of this lol. It was done when Ian visited Italy for Ritorno a Camelot, as far as I understood from the summary. We'd like to use this for our upcoming issue of Morrigan Rising if that's ok to you, we need some material for it. Salli ---- Ian Stuart interviewed in Italy in August 1991 for the Blitzkrieg magazine Q. What do you think about the situation of the Italian skinheads and how are things over there? A. This is the first time I’m in Italy, I appreciate the way this event has been organized and I hope that it can set an example for those skinheads elsewhere in Europe and England who cannot organize camps and outdoor concerts because of the police. I guarantee though that this situation will not last for a long time. We’ll solve the problem and invite you to our concerts. Congratulations again for the arrangements. Q. Do you believe that the movement in England is going to grow despite of the difficult situation? A. The skinhead movement will surely develop in the future, maybe not in London because the Jewish and communist organizations have tried to chase he skinheads out of London. The Jews have appealed to the police who of course was under their control. The police adopted illegal methods; one example is the expel of skinheads from the pubs or the interruption of concerts – the law doesn’t allow this type of action. We seriously hope to get ourselves away from London where the communities are more restricted and the eventual places for concerts can be kept in secret. Once this stage has been reached, the British skinheads will be very happy to invite the Italian skinheads and show that they too can organize concerts. Q. After those complications of Blood &amp; Honour how would you describe the eventual structural growth and activities? A. There have been problems in the past, economic problems and problems created by the police. However I believe in the future of Blood &amp; Honour, a future of reorganizing that can unite the white world politically and musically. This I hope we can demonstrate soon. Q. Do you believe in further development of the European skinhead movement in the future? A. There are indeed problems within the skinheads. The main issue that helps us is that the nationalist skinheads who continue living the life of a skinhead, go around the world inspired by the nationalist idea that is inherent in them independently from the political development that has taken place. They have the potential to develop as they believe, the idea, the political and national idea, so this happens with a regeneration of the skinhead phenomenon in Europe and worldwide. This is the new BOOM in which I really believe. Q. I thank you for your efforts and for being an example during all these years for the Italian comrades, thank you IAN STUART. A. Thank you for your words. I want to thank especially the VFS for showing us how to organize an event that will surely be taken as an example elsewhere in Europe when planning similar events. I thank the nationalists and the Italian skinheads who invited me here. 0 0 114gnkix 0 0 u_72
1253 0 639 0 1205786903 1 1 1 1 NSA Ok dus ik heb het probleem gevonden! De betaling was dus voor Danny Maus (ikzelf). Eum ik moest zeggen dat ik nog een betaling van 5€ had van vjn omdat ik er maar een half jaar bij was en voor ee gans jaar heb betaald, dus dan zou da kloppe voormij!? En kunt ge u anders is tot mattke richten? MVG, Danny <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3l6f5hbo 0 0 u_112
1255 1253 112 0 1205795104 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Ik moet me niet tot Mattke wenden omdat ik hem toen hij daarmee afkwam met zijn 5 euro dit en dat direct heb gezegd dat dat allemaal bullshit was. Ik weet niet hoe oud je bent of hoe slim maar het volgende is een simpel rekensommetje. Hij heeft 90 euro gegeven aan P van VJN lidgelden, zogezegd voor 18 leden. Maar VJN lidgeld was 10 euro, dus zou het in totaal 180 euro moeten geweest zijn. Dat is dus al het eerste dat niet klopt, wat er met die andere 90 euro gebeurd is, geen kat die het weet, heeft hij 't in zijn zak gestoken? Maakt hij ons blaasjes wijs? Niemand weet het! Ik heb al 100 keer gevraagd dat ze dat onderling (Mattke, P en Mike) regelen en ZEKER op de laatste NSV betoging waar ze alle 3 waren maar er is andermaal NIETS gebeurd. Goed, tot daar aan toe. Mattke zijn redenering was dan: 90 euro van 18 leden, dan heeft iedereen in principe al 5 euro betaald en moeten ze maar 10 euro niet meer opleggen voor NSA. Maar wat die kleine blijkbaar niets snapt is dat ALS VJN wou NSA Tienen worden, dat NSA iets helemaal anders is dan VJN en er dus 15 euro (zoals iedereen die NSA lid wil worden) lidgeld moet betalen. Dussssssssssssss, Franky en Jerry (allebei VJN lid) hebben naast hun VJN lidgeld dat ze betaald hebben, ook 15 euro overgemaakt om NSA lid te worden. Als het NOG niet duidelijk is, geen probleem, dan laat ik gewoon die 10 euro terugstorten en is 't gedaan er mee. Want ik weet dat jij er misschien niet aan kan doen maar we hebben mensen en groepen zitten in Kortrijk, Oostende, antwerpen, Dendermonde, Hamme en Brugge en AL die tijd NOOIT geen problemen mee gehad. En met VJN is 't schijnbaar enkel maar problemen: gezaag, gebleit, geen discipline, niet luisteren, niets snappen, nooit in orde met niets, etc en ik ben da persoonlijk wa strontebeu om daar al mijn tijd in te steken. Dus conclusie: ofwel stort je 5 euro bij en krijg je je N-SA militantenkaart en N-SA grondbeginselen opgestuurt ofwel zeg je &quot;kust mijn kloten&quot; en wordt die 10 euro die je gestort hebt, terug op je rekening gestort. Aan jou de keuze, even goeie vrienden. groeten S. 0 0 3eu0v4tg 0 0 u_639
3622 0 1221 0 1215376876 1 1 1 1 g i would love to go bro but i have no way of getting there but im trying to find a lift well miffed tho pm back weeman <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 38vdmk0h 0 0 u_1017
6215 0 58 0 1232486632 1 1 1 1 Fwd: Aryan Hello All, This is a PM I received from whitereaper in response to my comment on his spelling. LOL Have you all figured out yet that he is NOT in the uk ? SURREY B.C. ..... is that not surrey british columbia ? Also his IP address is in north america !! I think ha ha ! I will be keeping my eye on this 1 ok , lets see how bad and niggerish his spelling and grammar really are eh ? All the best chaps 828 Asgard1488 -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Aryan Date: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:43 pm From: [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/memberlist&#46;php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=2436:185bzyol]Whitereaper[/url:185bzyol] To: asgard1488 [quote=&quot;Whitereaper&quot;:185bzyol] thanks for the message i know my spelling of Aryan was wrong was in a here when i wrote the message my women was bitching at me ...thanks for the heads up i fixed it and thank u again <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> [/quote:185bzyol] 0 0 kA== 185bzyol 0 0 u_54:u_53
5997 5996 297 0 1230899963 1 1 1 1 Re: Youth Division [quote=&quot;WhiteJustice&quot;:v8h7zsx5]Alright mate. Just read your thread about a youth division. That would be great, and I would be happy to contribute anything i can. I am lookin to make my own band, and i have several songs already made, just lookin for members, so something like this could really help that. Please let me know anything you hear about it. Cheers Stay safe, stay proud 88[/quote:v8h7zsx5] cheers for the positive response. Should be progressed a bit more after jan/feb after it has been properly discussed and sorted out...will keep you posted mate.. 14/828 0 0 gA== v8h7zsx5 0 0 u_2099
1258 0 639 0 1205856286 1 1 1 1 NSA Ok dan, in ieder geval bedankt om het even allemaal op te helderen, eum als je dan nog even de gegevens doorstuurt dan zal ik zo snel mogelijk die 5€ overschrijven!! Ik wil heel graa lid worden van het NSA, maar ik kan natuurlijk ook niet weten dat mattke zo een ... is! maar goed, in ieder geval wil ik mij dan al oprecht exuseren voor de overlast die ik u met deze heb bezorgd, en hoop u dan ook snel eens in persoon te ontmoeten! Met nationale groeten, Danny Maus 0 0 17vg2t0w 0 0 u_112
1259 0 189 0 1205857684 1 1 1 1 for sale can you send me a list of what you have for sale m88 0 0 1y7hhwdv 0 0 u_90
6197 6194 212 0 1232399208 1 1 1 1 Re: hi thanks 0 0 2y64qqvb 0 0 u_54
6050 0 801 0 1231527803 1 1 1 1 Ainzy? Do you know who this is? He has put a posting on the England section of the site. Seems to come from your neck of the woods. Hope all is going well for you and yours. Tony the Skin. 0 0 7xqzyhss 0 0 u_79
3559 3552 978 0 1215176035 1 1 1 1 Re: Section Wallonia (south belgium) Thank you for your reply. Blood and Honour, Sieg Heil! 0 0 1w730h8l 0 0 u_53
4743 0 1817 0 1220960272 1 1 1 1 kempenzoon Kempenzoon,ben ook nen kempenaar en ken u nie?? normaal ken ik iedereen uit mijn rechts kamp??? weg mee die <!-- s~jew --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/Jew.gif" alt="~jew" title="Jew" /><!-- s~jew --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 djhj62ko 0 0 u_1410
4176 4165 1386 0 1216851491 1 1 1 1 Re: name change thanks for that,i feel better now. i thought you were a female,i was just being carefull! pitbull was his mate then,well good riddance,as i said hes an anarchist and not ns. cheers again b.e.b sid14 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1opbs4ap 0 0 u_54
2829 0 952 0 1212661585 1 1 1 1 Shelley Best Shelley serge is a hours previously to operation and everything is fine. back in are room still to sleep. the week end of 4 july come your with serge still agree visiting. your are of warmly welcome . and normal come serge normal sunday home. gladly?. viviane. 0 0 n9so8za8 0 0 u_53
1269 0 123 0 1205877996 1 1 1 1 28 Switzerland Hail comrade! Hope you remember me, it's Roman from Switzerland. Well as you know Igi is the leader of 28 Switzerland and it was no problem for me untill last Saturday. His so called meetings are every weekend, sometimes Saturday, sometimes Sunday and I don't really have enough money/time to drive to St Gallen every weekend. Maybe you &quot;know&quot; our web-admin Attila, I don't know exactly what happened, I only know that Igi has threated to Attila. Now he's out of 28...last Saturday I wrote him that I won't be able to go to his meeting because of personal problems. After some SMS about the reason he wrote me that I'm like a child in the kindergarden...not enough, he wrote me about 3 times if I'm not interrested in 28 I should go out of 28 Switzerland. He just makes what he wants and what he's doing is not 28-like. I don't know really what to do now, I don't want to leave the brotherhood but I also don't want to see Igi again, he's made me fucking angry with his offenses! I hope you'll understand me. Greetings from Switzerland 828 Roman 0 0 drx1bvhj 0 0 u_193
1271 1258 112 0 1205879491 1 1 1 1 Re: NSA Hoi Danny, Geen probleem hoor. Het is gewoon dat ik er gek van wordt, van het boeltje dat ze er in Tienen van gemaakt hebben. Zelfs in al die jaren B&amp;H heb ik nooit zo'n vorm van amateurisme, ongeorganiseerdheid, dubieus gedrag en lompheid meegemaakt. Maar dat is nu opgelost, ze moeten maar verder gaan met VJN ginder. We kunnen het ons niet permitteren ons zo amateuristisch te profileren dus. Alleszins bedankt voor het vertrouwen in N-SA. Het rekeningnummer is 738-0146444-93. We zullen elkaar wel gauw eens treffen. En wat Mattke betreft, het is geen slechte gast maar hij wil vanalles regelen maar kent er de botten van. Dat is nu trouwens ook opgelost met hem. Hij zit terug in brugge en ik ga hem kort aan de leiband houden.;-) groeten ps. Als je post of schrijft op de blog kan je een &quot;neutrale&quot; naam gebruiken ipv 88ruler? Die linksen zijn ook niet stom natuurlijk en wachten maar op zo'n dingen om de beweging aan te kunnen vallen. Post desnoods gewoon als &quot;Danny&quot;, ik post trouwens ook onder mijn gewone naam (we hebben niets te verbergen op N-SA) 0 0 2e0twp2f 0 0 u_639
5417 5414 1937 0 1225295224 1 1 1 1 Re: TE QUIERO i have try it and was not going you know it. i dont make nothing. you was coming with the police, you have broke my computer, and is ok. i love you equal couse i love you understand. your clouth i have make away for the telefonbill. and now i dont know were r. yesterday i havent had, you have see was in no place. i have give to a frind. you can pain my like you want. now you say again i have louse you for this. alex i love you really. from all my heart. i need you for our family. pls come back to us. you have promise it to leave us never. pls i love you 0 0 3r41cd6m 0 0 u_2003
1281 1190 146 0 1205950842 1 1 1 1 Re: hi SHELL DID YA' GET MW MESSAGE?.I DON'T KNOW IF ME ACCOUNT S WORKIN' PROPLY. 0 0 1hi55vh4 0 0 u_53
5565 0 276 0 1226796827 1 1 1 1 cds <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - they post to the USA 0 0 2gsl2wcd 0 0 u_2119
2036 2014 72 0 1209758067 1 1 1 1 Re: above the ruins Alright Mate I've sent the scooter photos over to a German lad but I still have to writ e an articule to go with it. For the LP try contacting FPY6 on this forum and say your a Mate of mine, if he cant tell you where to get a copy ask if he will tape his copy.(Hes a good lad) <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Best regards.R <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 27n06zb8 0 0 u_182
5130 5126 72 0 1223315337 1 1 1 1 Re: pic 1. You need a site that will ‘host’ the image, I use this one <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 2. . Use the browse button on the site to select the picture you want the Tinypics site to host. 3. . Then click on ‘upload’. 4. When its ‘uploaded’ you are give 3 or 4 different formats to use, you want the one that says ‘message boards and forums’. 5. Highlight the url in the ‘message board &amp; forum’ box. 6. Copy or cut and paste that url into the post you want to make on B&amp;H forum. 7. When you ‘submit’ the post the photo will appear as if by magic Sometimes the photo will appear TOO BIG, you need to resize the photo. You can do this with Tinypics as well. Just click on the size button and it will do it for you. Any problems just ring me. Yours.Rob 0 0 3niap69t 0 0 u_276
5472 0 2123 0 1225813261 1 1 1 1 msn u got Msn?please add me <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> regards 0 0 19jwv3qj 0 0 u_1322
6214 0 2436 0 1232484949 1 1 1 1 sorry my dam women dose not lisen i fixed the post i will not let here do eny more dum shit ..... i am verey sorry for the mix up 0 0 2xt5yjak 0 0 u_54
6027 0 72 0 1231270235 1 1 1 1 FRONTLINESOLDIERS Found at last <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 0 0 21cbnu2c 0 0 u_105
6028 6024 105 0 1231270368 1 1 1 1 Re: vf Hi, do you have an email adress? I dont trust the private messages on here cheers 0 0 p8vip2qk 0 0 u_2123
6029 6023 54 0 1231272130 1 1 1 1 Re: A member? [quote=&quot;Revolution28&quot;:2x260soz]Hi BlueEyedBlonde, Bit of an odd one here for you - I think there's some spam going on/about to go on from this member - yue568qi435. Have a look at his posts and see what you reckon? Nike Shoes in the League of St.George topic I'm sure has nothing to do with NS and 28 lol! Revolution28 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:2x260soz] Thanks for that. Somebody had already beaten me to it and he has been deleted. Cheers BEB <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2x260soz 0 0 u_1787
5474 0 1787 0 1225817756 1 1 1 1 Re: Gigs / meetings ANYTHING in Wales [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=7218#p7218:d3uisg7u]Subject: Gigs / meetings ANYTHING in Wales[/url:d3uisg7u] [quote=&quot;albionpride&quot;:d3uisg7u]Hi comrades im new to this site and i wanted to know if anything goes on in Wales at all? Gigs or meetings or just to have a pint with people with similar politics? Im in South Wales... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Barry[/quote:d3uisg7u] Hi mate, I'm South Wales too! <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 kA== d3uisg7u 0 0 u_892
5477 0 105 0 1225821287 1 1 1 1 hello Yes mate got the pm, you sure you want a small for yourself? 0 0 386s05xl 0 0 u_1787
5483 5472 2123 0 1225832034 1 1 1 1 Re: msn if u have myspace, just give me the link and i add u. thanks for that. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 fqatssdp 0 0 u_1322
1303 0 279 7 1206034216 1 1 1 1 Re: FORM A WP SKINHEAD BAND?? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5347#p5347:28owmf5g]Subject: FORM A WP SKINHEAD BAND??[/url:28owmf5g] [quote=&quot;Fighting Breed&quot;:28owmf5g]i'm sorta thinking about with the idea of forming a white power band in essex, epping area, lads my age or whatever, try and get somthing going, pissed off with all the indie mugs, and all that hiphop wog shit around ere. by the way im just toying with this idea, nothings for certain yet, see how it goes.[/quote:28owmf5g] im in essex where in essex you from and add my msn <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> cheers 0 0 kA== 28owmf5g 0 0 u_617
1304 1051 606 0 1206040077 1 1 1 1 Re: hi I am sure that we have spoke a few times,I'm Darren or (Bedders),was Burton Latimer/Kettering but moved to Desborough now.If you are who i think we spoke at stinko mem,isd,grumpy's bday bash,Chubley knows me and will probably be able to put face to name.If not i will introduce myself at st Georges do. cheers 0 0 1zri8k66 0 0 u_180
3782 0 1226 0 1215613418 1 1 1 1 cd alright mate i see you're only going to knock upp 100 of your cds?!?! well save me one fella! cheers Paul from Poole 0 0 3jezt87f 0 0 u_146
2850 2019 193 0 1212739531 1 1 1 1 Re: Sir! Greetings Sir! Sorry i haven't been in contact for a while but things have been kinda hectic. I couldn't find a link to the website that your referring to. Can you give me the proper link please. Then again, judging from the description you give maybe i dont wanna take a look lol. Anyway, how are you. I hope your coming to the party on the 21st....It'll be good to meet up with you. I hope you dont thump me to hard about the Hess foto but i'll buy u a beer once your finished haha. Talk soon G 28 0 0 4nxwoa3v 0 0 u_351
5435 0 2119 0 1225494551 1 1 1 1 Greetings Heil from Alabama! Just PM'ing you to network with fellow Brothers. Contact me at any time at skinhead_berzerk on Yahoo! Instant Messenger or NSM Berzerk on AIM. My email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 88! 0 0 2rv02hzs 0 0 u_1275
2898 0 1018 0 1212843531 1 1 1 1 t shirt can i order one in large cheers mark 0 0 26bdsb4p 0 0 u_297
5666 5662 112 0 1227563118 1 1 1 1 Re: E-mail ah das gij.:) 0 0 1gu7en4x 0 0 u_90
4159 4158 158 0 1216826582 1 1 1 1 Re: Concert you have to contact that phone # for more information. 0 0 eu1u2zxm 0 0 u_237
6060 6050 79 0 1231611663 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy? [b:rckfjqk4]Don't know him mate, the missus had a baby girl yesterday at 4.18pm. We've called her Esme. 828[/b:rckfjqk4] 0 0 QA== rckfjqk4 0 0 u_801
6061 6053 70 0 1231634800 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! oi oi ....... have you really got a copy of code 1 album?????? send it up to us if you have be very greatful bro....... cheers 828 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 fkmvyn5m 0 0 u_58
4161 0 143 0 1216828421 1 1 1 1 10 years of BH Hungary Kitartas! Before 3-4 weeks ago, one comrade from BH Hungary was in Croatia and he told usthat BH Hungary is making a gig on august 23rd to celebrate 10 years ofyour BH division. Can you tell more info about that? 0 0 13tln8ix 0 0 u_1053
2886 2454 811 0 1212788168 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 hi mate -lps arrived today - excellent stuff. will get back to you later.keith <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1m6resy3 0 0 u_351
4157 4049 54 0 1216815882 1 1 1 1 Re: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary Hi Geri, Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the date of the European Hammerfest is exactly the same night as the Flanders ISD, which is on the last weekend that I am in Europe. I have already committed to going to that, so unfortunately I will have to miss yours this time round. Had it been the weekend before I would have come. Never mind, I will be back again next year, so I will aim for the Hammerfest next time round. I will be at ISD in England as well in Sept, so if you are there please say hello! Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 7ss7h4fk 0 0 u_210
4158 0 237 0 1216825708 1 1 1 1 Concert Hail Beceha, I want to ask you, where will be the action in Poland. thank you, for your answer..... 0 0 3hrzeecu 0 0 u_158
5135 5126 276 0 1223448339 1 1 1 1 Re: pic thanks for that. looks fucking complicated but i'll give it a go <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> 0 0 3p8eokmg 0 0 u_72
2895 0 1078 0 1212823800 1 1 1 1 i've posted!!! Thanks Nicole, the computer has been restarted an it seems to be working ok now, just poping on a few posts just to get me name seen before the reviews start <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Thanks Shell 0 0 1h0309cn 0 0 u_54
5403 0 549 0 1225190207 1 1 1 1 west mid divisions 88 bro i dont really know about any west mids divisons been looking for them myself but no luck its probs because its full of niggers and pakis too much the white people dont have the chance to set one up <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> zak 0 0 zyfvz4ih 0 0 u_1790
1310 0 182 0 1206044454 1 1 1 1 scooters hi did you want me to scan those pictures of my old scoooter gods of war? i dont mind them going in your mates book. 0 0 1x6t21rg 0 0 u_72
5069 0 81 0 1222851952 1 1 1 1 Hails from Finland! Hello sister! I dont know if you are wright person to ask this , but i try. is it possible that somebody has been hacked for this site and collect ppls e-mail addresses. This is only site were i'we been rigistered whit this mail, and now i get trash posts every day. others are political links and others promises huge money prices or asks to give money to strange aims. I'we been talking whit my friend about this and he got the same problem. Do you know if someone else get those posts? All the best for you! Jamo/Sniper 0 0 2wnmd938 0 0 u_54
5796 5790 2002 0 1228335330 1 1 1 1 Re: White Xmas gig Thanks a lot, much appreciated. I was getting sick of missing out on gigs at the last minute, because of someone letting me down or pulling out. In recent years,I've managed to make it to only I.S.D 06 and the last 2 White Xmas gigs. Keep it white 88 0 0 3n9hf0bh 0 0 u_792
4649 4630 68 0 1220448408 1 1 1 1 Re: ello ello Am sorry to hear that mate! See you in a few weeks! xx 0 0 vngatpjp 0 0 u_59
2080 2065 74 0 1209986028 1 1 1 1 Re: wanted <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> cheers friend 0 0 1j989dux 0 0 u_92
3059 3043 1148 0 1213764232 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! [quote=&quot;stu 14&quot;:zumgyxgs]hail bro .... its bloody rainin.......... nah not but most of the time.. good to see you on here, you off to gig on the weekend...... 828[/quote:zumgyxgs] Un4tunately working m8!! My whole of June is spent working weekends...its bollox!! Hope alls well your neck of the woods! Paul UK 14/88 0 0 gA== zumgyxgs 0 0 u_70
5434 0 2119 0 1225493899 1 1 1 1 Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween! Happy 21st! I remember my 21st birthday well. I had a great time. Stay strong, Sister, and keep fighting the Noble Fight! <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 88! -- Skoda 0 0 iyfn6nc0 0 0 u_2070
1322 0 669 0 1206084709 1 1 1 1 Re: NSBM [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5158#p5158:2wfxpbwx]Subject: NSBM[/url:2wfxpbwx] [quote=&quot;Bouddica&quot;:2wfxpbwx]Oi oi Damo! You coming to blasphemy on friday? Got Daemonolith playing *wink wink* and next month Achren *wink wink* <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:2wfxpbwx] hey! im not gonna be able ta make it, my birds birthday today an i have work on sat <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> i will try an sort somthing out, sorry take care 0 0 kA== 2wfxpbwx 0 0 u_461
1323 0 669 0 1206084726 1 1 1 1 Re: NSBM [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5122#p5122:2o6xerbc]Subject: NSBM[/url:2o6xerbc] [quote=&quot;werewolf&quot;:2o6xerbc]tracks on the myspace are very interesting, good luck!![/quote:2o6xerbc] Thanks Brother!!! 0 0 kA== 2o6xerbc 0 0 u_65
1324 1310 72 0 1206088872 1 1 1 1 Re: scooters That would be great, its a German lad who putting the articule together. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Thanks.R 0 0 18cu079m 0 0 u_182
1327 0 182 0 1206102025 1 1 1 1 scooters no problem i will email them to you. or if the bloke who is doing it wants the actual photos i will send them as long as i get them back. 0 0 381ubpmo 0 0 u_72
6395 6381 108 0 1233436725 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:3liidvaa][quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:3liidvaa]About three day ago i have been told from his friend that user named helikopter will not come anymore on this forum. He had been already banned for two times (nicknames 'medved' and 'avion') as he had some disagreements with us. Cheers! Marko[/quote:3liidvaa] How very strange... This is the e-mail that Bulldog Drummond received from him on Friday: [quote:3liidvaa]don't know ,,but always when i open the bh site write this ......... Information You have been permanently banned from this board. Please contact the Board Administrator for more information. A ban has been issued on your IP address. so i can't open nothing bh croatia banned me ,,because i suport norbet gig ( son's of europa side by side )..same bh hungary and switcerland baneed some hungarians hope you help me[/quote:3liidvaa] I couldn't see any evidence of him being banned, but if he has been banned under previous names and the ban is on his IP address that makes sense. Should the ban stay? Cheers N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3liidvaa] well,well,well,now i know who is the bloke behind that names....Actually the reason for the ban has nothing to do with the gig, its just the bloke`s attitude which is completely bizzare... 0 0 gA== 3liidvaa 0 0 u_171:u_54
3099 0 663 0 1213879573 1 1 1 1 Hail Hail brother! where abouts in manchester are you from? nice to hear of another fellow mancunnion skinly 1488 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 zu3i3aut 0 0 u_1116
1332 0 202 0 1206112135 1 1 1 1 Bulgarian section Greetings. I'm from Bulgaria and we talk with Graham to add bulgarian section here. I want to put 3 admins on our section. Can yoy help me with this? 0 0 32ihqc5i 0 0 u_54
5982 0 115 0 1230758060 1 1 1 1 web photos Hi, We just saw some of the &quot;old&quot; photos you have uploaded upon your MySpace site. Would you mind if we used a few to put upon the B &amp; H main website page? Hail Victory! 0 0 116j6ivz 0 0 u_2002
5983 5977 152 0 1230762626 1 1 1 1 Re: Empire Falls Yeah...fucking lames. Folks love 'em over here, for some reason-- band wise I mean, most ppl do not know them personally. This event is a joint venture, so we dont want to come off like &quot;VF fucked up an event&quot;. No one in America except for us &amp; a few others even seems to understand the whole BH &amp; c18 thing unfortunately. We explain it often, but usually it flies over a lot of kids' heads. Even traditional c18 foes like the Hammers dont seem to care-- thats how Empire Falls came around in the first place--thru their invite. So from now on, we are only gonna either do events just by us, VF, or only with other actual B&amp;H folks. We've been shit on already by many of our old &quot;friends&quot; it seems to the point of ludicrousness. Anyway, Happy New Year to you &amp; yours &amp; all my best to BH Worldwide! <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3o146bn6 0 0 u_65
4977 0 307 0 1222122703 1 1 1 1 thanks cheers 4 the link matt hope all is ok? here a link 4 u <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> my son aidans radio shows 0 0 1bfxfc7o 0 0 u_1711
1338 1332 202 0 1206198713 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section Because we don't have so much time to look our section, but 2 admins are ok. One of the admins it will be me, the second will be one other guy (i wait for him to join the forum). Thanks in advance for the help. 0 0 1n3ixto3 0 0 u_54
1341 0 617 0 1206206732 1 1 1 1 band alrite luv. well the age i guess 18 - 24 (i'm 22 by the way) and i got nuffin against lasses being in a band :) <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> 0 0 19arrosq 0 0 u_147
1343 0 143 0 1206223757 1 1 1 1 NS SCene in France Hails from Croatia. I want to know how big is NS scene in France, which towns have the biggest number of skinheads. Who are the main NS organizations in France. Has BH Chalemagne english section? What is music scene like? Thanks in advance. 828 0 0 27en8551 0 0 u_187
1344 1282 54 0 1206252328 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello! Hello B&amp;H Finland, This is just a quick note to you let you know that I have added you as the moderator for the Finland section. Also, I added some new sections to it the other day. I have created them exactly as I received the names, ie ALL UPPERCASE... Is this right? Cheers Nicole <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 pahci7kt 0 0 u_552
1345 0 515 0 1206260661 1 1 1 1 limburg HEIL kameraad <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> greetz limburgertje <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 yjihmesh 0 0 u_370
1346 1282 552 0 1206262259 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello! Yes, thank you. All the new sections are correct. I gave the new section titles to Si and apparently he didn't fuck up those, before handing 'em to you. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 2drp1sxv 0 0 u_54
1347 0 370 0 1206262593 1 1 1 1 Re HEIL KAMERAAD. Kan jij me misschien wat meer info geven over het hoe en wat van B&amp;H? En wanneer er bijeenkomsten zijn want ben nog niet zo lang online hier. Danke. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 pldso85k 0 0 u_515
1349 1332 54 0 1206264905 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section [quote=&quot;ThorsHammer&quot;:3ee3yv72]Because we don't have so much time to look our section, but 2 admins are ok. One of the admins it will be me, the second will be one other guy (i wait for him to join the forum). Thanks in advance for the help.[/quote:3ee3yv72] Hello, I have added you as the moderator to the Bulgarian section. I have spoken to Graham and we want to keep it down to one moderator for the section. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3ee3yv72 0 0 u_202
5606 0 2161 0 1227219835 1 1 1 1 witte kerst in engeland oi oi alles goed ik heb een probleem hier in engeland . ik woon in new castle en wil naar het witte kerst concert. maar heb de in druk dat het vrij moeilijk word voor me in verband met mijn contacten hier . zou je voor mij een goed woortje kunnen doen bij de devisie in holland en belgie . kom orspromkelijk uit breda . het probleem is dat ze niet wiee ik ben en het allemaal heel anders werk hier als in nederland . als je zou kunnen helpen dan zou ik het echt relax vind . ik heb namelijk geen lokatie waar het is en niemand wil hier iets vrij geven . ik weet dat er bussen vanuit york gaan maar de divisie bij mij in de buurt neemt geen contact op . alvast bedankt. 0 0 35hjj0pd 0 0 u_96
1353 1332 202 0 1206286551 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section Ok, no problem. Thanks for the help. 0 0 mn9en2kf 0 0 u_54
3126 3099 663 0 1214006021 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail im from middleton me bro glad to hear of someone local. 28 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3ihlnyn8 0 0 u_1116
5911 5894 1631 0 1229380742 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK Hello mate,yes we're doing ok, we have got new 28 Slovenia website,did very good I.S.D memorial back in October, few party's with Austrians &amp; Croatians (100 + skinhead's), curently we're working on a new mag.I have moved in capital in a flat, everythig would be ok if i hadn't a court this friday,they want to put me in for 5-10 years!! what a bollox!! i think i'll get away with a parole&amp;big fine.thing is they nicked me beaucorse of my mates and i have no intets to fuck them up.... well we will survive... So how are you,what's new with you?? about the record,i don't have a clue how do you pay by paypall,so i can send you mony or pay it by the post-you send me the record,i pay at the post and so you have the did we worked out last time 4 violent storm album?? Best regards....Rok 28!! 0 0 3gnx69k3 0 0 u_72
5449 0 58 0 1225614586 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2771#p2771:23wjwpa5]Subject: South of the River ???[/url:23wjwpa5] [quote=&quot;Bouddica&quot;:23wjwpa5]Croydonia South of the river[/quote:23wjwpa5] Hail Bouddica ! Can you attend a meet up on Tuesday evening approx 8pm ? S London Div are hosting next weeks gig by the way <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Dont think we have met but it would be good to get everyone together before next sat !! 828 Asgard1488 e mail me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and I will reply with a contact number OK ? 0 0 kA== 23wjwpa5 0 0 u_461
3127 3105 1083 0 1214027897 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Dat kan goed zijn dat we elkaar kennen, ja ik probeer er zoveel mogelijk op aanwezig te zijn! ok hou me op de hoogte, dan regelen we ineens de verkoop van de spullen daar ook. mvg Bloed en ere 0 0 180e7wux 0 0 u_113
1358 1332 54 0 1206305017 1 1 1 1 Re: Bulgarian section [quote=&quot;ThorsHammer&quot;:26gx83x1]Ok, no problem. Thanks for the help.[/quote:26gx83x1] No worries. Good luck with it! Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 26gx83x1 0 0 u_202
1366 0 138 0 1206343819 1 1 1 1 hello hi Dani Are you the same Dani who looked after us 2 english lad's when we came over for the son's of europe concert last year. if you are I am Andy the big lad all booked up to come back this year had a great time in your country. andy 0 0 391ahkoy 0 0 u_677
3629 0 53 0 1215383741 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> i was thinking about popping down to meet you all , then bang you go and say the 1st sat in aug which is the 2nd and we have a social in manc to attend on that day , feckin typical gigs really are like buses .och well maybe next time and have fun yee all . 88 .[/quote] Hail bro, Looks like its gonna be the 2nd weekend in Aug, so more then welcome 88 Shell <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2kcjjqy5 0 0 u_1017
1371 0 719 0 1206389329 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5152#p5152:2jg2np02]Subject: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts![/url:2jg2np02] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:2jg2np02]I'm selling a few flags, cd's and t-shirts for a list please pm me.[/quote:2jg2np02] What stuf is it you sell? 0 0 kA== 2jg2np02 0 0 u_90
1372 0 719 0 1206389779 1 1 1 1 Re: No.18 of BH Bulgaria magazine is out [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5528#p5528:1n5zjmzx]Subject: No.18 of BH Bulgaria magazine is out[/url:1n5zjmzx] [quote=&quot;BHBulgaria&quot;:1n5zjmzx]The new issue of BH Bulgaria magazine is out [img:1n5zjmzx]http&#58;//img99&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img99/4076/korica181rc9&#46;jpg[/img:1n5zjmzx] Many interesting articles, plus a huge interview with B&amp;H Hungary, also includes free cd compilation &quot;For faith and Folk&quot; [img:1n5zjmzx]http&#58;//img399&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img399/8701/face1hq8&#46;jpg[/img:1n5zjmzx] 50 minutes of powerful RAC, bands like Bully boys, Blue max, Kolovrat, Frontalkraft ... etc....inside![/quote:1n5zjmzx] Hail! My name is Kevin and I'm writing for the newly started Swedish Fanzine &quot;Ragnarök&quot;. We wonder if you would like to review our zine in your B&amp;H magazine? If you wan't to do that, let us know so we can send you the first number when it comes out! We would like to review your magazine in our zine. Please contact us on this e-mail adress: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, if you're interested in reviewing our magazine and we yours! Excuse my bad english ;) 88! Greetings Kevin and the team behind Ragnarök 0 0 mA== 1n5zjmzx 0 0 u_638
1373 1371 90 0 1206390086 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Here is the list, i've you want picture's from something just ask me and about the price we talk about when you say what you want to buy T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large FLAG'S German zeppelin flag Luftwaffe flag SS flag NSDAP flag 3 Celtic Cross flag's (with eagle, the red one and the black flag) Kriegsflagge Little &quot;flag&quot; with swastika, special one CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Brutal Attack: Valliant Heart Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Legion 88: The Best Of… Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Blood &amp; Honour: Volume II &amp; Absolute 28 Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 1ixiwo8e 0 0 u_719
1375 0 515 0 1206432010 1 1 1 1 limburgertje 0 0 3buqh1yr 0 0 u_370
5432 5431 122 0 1225481645 1 1 1 1 Re: 6.12 and 10.1 gigs in hungary flyers Try it again please, i think is a small problem with your connection mate. 0 0 1hqqgb41 0 0 u_143
5433 691 200 0 1225482591 1 1 1 1 hello hello stuart. how are you doing?? i have booked a flight to england on the 4th december for me and magnus. i need to see my girls but thats not until the 7th december. i will hire a car and was hoping to come up to the white xmas gig. BUT, i'm taking my son and i dont have accomodation yet, nor anyone to look after him that evening. i was wondering if you could put us up for 1 night? and maybe you have family near by who could babysit magnus that evening?? i also need to look for somewhere to stay in london, maybe get in touch with neil? i know, lots of questions... please let me know, maybe you can pm me your landline number and i will call you as i have free calls to england anytime. best wishes, jessie 0 0 7oxix5zv 0 0 u_70
1384 0 556 0 1206469856 1 1 1 1 Artist Hi maybe I can help. some of my work is the Joe Rowan and Ian Stuart hand drawn collages, Heroes Never Die tshirt with skins carrying coffin. [img:1l3126h3]http&#58;//i25&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/c97/bruddy702/00e28ec5&#46;jpg[/img:1l3126h3] [img:1l3126h3]http&#58;//i25&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/c97/bruddy702/4b8bde7e&#46;jpg[/img:1l3126h3] -Mike 0 0 CA== 1l3126h3 0 0 u_59
5989 0 280 0 1230806445 1 1 1 1 thread hello beb how are you? just wondered where the thread about the v.f event had gone? any reason for this? 0 0 1ez0mq8t 0 0 u_54
6725 6686 1972 0 1235591735 1 1 1 1 Re: lps ive just put some more lps up for sale take a look mate nick88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3cs096q3 0 0 u_69
5537 0 2123 0 1226489365 1 1 1 1 hello do u have messenger?if yes, please give me ur address and i will add u! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3cn0qkg1 0 0 u_1787
5538 0 392 0 1226513547 1 1 1 1 hi 828 Andy, I`m a yeovil lad, born and bred. Moved to southampton a few years ago but still travel back regulary to see family. there`s nowhere like somerset. thought id say hello 14/88 0 0 xleaypcu 0 0 u_85
1396 0 616 0 1206529509 1 1 1 1 TJ's SouthSide Tattoos oi mick whitehammer what tatts have you had from southside yourself? Is Lal Hardy no good anymore in your opinion? That part of London is Jewland I agree. I saw your comments about Captain Scarlet's show 14 - brilliant stuff and I have also been listening to the people hater's jew boy, plus been listening to no remorse barbecue in rostock - xyklon b, belsen was a gas, zigger zigger - great stuff. paul 88 0 0 1sdqd1hg 0 0 u_396
1397 1384 556 0 1206531016 1 1 1 1 Re: Artist Duds- My email to you got returned. Thanks for the compliments. The Joe Rowan piece I did was for a fundraiser for his children a few years ago. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";cPath=39&amp;zenid=a8b8a9722933580031c6975a227752c3"> ... 5a227752c3</a><!-- m --> I'd be happy to work with you on t-shirt art. I do not ask for any payment. Store credit would be nice, but not mandatory, and you set the amount. Let me know your ideas. Try my email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Mike ROA PS- Maybe you can let me know (without too much detail) what trade does Ken Mc work in? Ive always been curious. 0 0 1wlk8i4u 0 0 u_59
1399 1384 59 0 1206537183 1 1 1 1 Re: Artist Hail I've no idea what Ken does for a living lol, something I've never asked him. I'll ask him next time I see him. I have permissions to do Brutal Attack shirts, Skrewdriver shirts, Avalon shirts, No Remorse (original not the fakes) etc. I am also after viking type designs, runes, tattoo style designs, Skinhead designs, all with an NS theme but not neccassarily with Swastika's. I have enough swas and deathshead designs to last a life time. Basically I'll leave the designs up to you with what ever takes your mood at the time of designing. Store credit is fine, amount to offer though I don't have a clue about, is £200 per design taking the piss? try these email addresses <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 14 Duds 0 0 33fque0v 0 0 u_556
5647 0 1713 0 1227470756 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16423#p16423:1z0jnn73]Subject: white xmas[/url:1z0jnn73] [quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:1z0jnn73]seriously wanting to go and in need of a lift from kent to wherever it is obviously money for petrol and beer will be given to anybody who is nice enough to pick me up and give me a lift back message me back if anybody can help out from kent or around kent[/quote:1z0jnn73] where abouts in kent are u mate? paul28 0 0 kA== 1z0jnn73 0 0 u_1910
5376 5296 858 0 1224965132 1 1 1 1 Re: The 14 Words Documentary THANKS! I hear ya'. We're understaffed here too. = D 0 0 2u3wthh4 0 0 u_54
5377 5355 187 0 1224981902 1 1 1 1 Re: contact [quote=&quot;Aryan_girl&quot;:2zugh95f]Salut! Je suis d'Orléans et toi? J'ai contacté le site B&amp;H France (quand il éxistait encore) avec un de vos camarades de Paris. Mais après je suis partie en vacances et depuis que je suis revenue, je ne lui trouve pas. Je m'enquète trop car il habite dans le banlieu parisien (bcp d'immigrés) et il porte tjs les tee-shorts rasistes. J'éspère que vous pouvez m'aider... mon adresse msn est <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 88![/quote:2zugh95f] oui je connais tres bien les personnes du 28france, mais la division n'existe plus. Moi je suis de Paris egalement. Je ne pense pas que tu dois te faire du souci pour ton ami. il ne doit pas etre né de la derniere pluie. a bientot sur msn. bat28 0 0 gA== 2zugh95f 0 0 u_2063
5378 0 1008 0 1225014496 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H contact NSW Hi Justyn, Andrew has suggested that you give him a call about what you'd like for him to do for B&amp;H in Sydney. He's a go getter that one, everytime I speak to him he's managed to find himself new contacts. He's a great networker, and exactly the guy you need for the job. He said to call him on his mobile anytime. Andrew - 0413 171 044 racial regards, Michelle. 0 0 4ogp86uy 0 0 u_295
1405 0 367 0 1206583247 1 1 1 1 BH NZ mag I'm the editor of the New Zealand BH mag. I would be interested. Let me know the info. 828 0 0 b804xe7e 0 0 u_719
5490 5468 2117 0 1225861864 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hi shell i stopped being a skinhead 4 a couple of years but am back into the skinhead way again.i always kept in touch with things in the movement wont be going to gig got a works do that night keep in touch.after all these years we meet again strange aint it take care say hi to your sis for me.if you come to see your mum let me know hopefully we can meet up. 0 0 ejw60yq7 0 0 u_53
1408 1405 719 0 1206610777 1 1 1 1 Re: BH NZ mag [quote=&quot;Kiwi&quot;:2zpywo7s]I'm the editor of the New Zealand BH mag. I would be interested. Let me know the info. 828[/quote:2zpywo7s] Hail! Okey, that sounds good! I have also mailed a bit with Perry Adank about the same thing, he should talk to you in the week he said. I send you more info about the zine and so on in 1-2 hours. Racial regards, Kevin and the team behind Ragnarök! 0 0 gA== 2zpywo7s 0 0 u_367
1409 1405 367 0 1206613464 1 1 1 1 Re: BH NZ mag Ok that's cool. How do i Buy your zine? 0 0 14ntr8ib 0 0 u_719
1410 1405 719 0 1206614773 1 1 1 1 Re: BH NZ mag [quote=&quot;Kiwi&quot;:8assp5rv]Ok that's cool. How do i Buy your zine?[/quote:8assp5rv] The first number isn't yet finished, but when it is, you can buy it through me and pay through PayPal or Payson. But if we should review your zine and you wanted to review our we can simply exchange a bunch/a couple of zines, if you would like to do like that? Also you get as many as you need/want, and we the same. Just so you know (I don't remember if i wrote it in the thread) the zine is completely in Swedish, but alla reviews on non-swedish zines/magazines are going to be translated to english so the people behind the magazines can read it too. We also got plans to give out both a Swedish and a English zine in the nearby future :) 828! 0 0 gA== 8assp5rv 0 0 u_367
5662 0 90 0 1227550930 1 1 1 1 E-mail Gegroet Surtur Heb je toegevoegd aan mijn nieuw e-mail adres: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Freiheit 28 0 0 3hsarfeb 0 0 u_112
4921 4902 307 0 1221827569 1 1 1 1 Re: isd ok mate we will be there at 9 if you have any problems ring us 0 0 3md7p8k2 0 0 u_1711
1413 1257 475 0 1206618862 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Recived today all ok, ManyThanks <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Mike <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 14/88 0 0 19couoau 0 0 u_90
1414 0 691 0 1206619565 1 1 1 1 Re: . 14/88 bro , i want a flag with NSDAP, battle flag , WW1 jack flag , Reichmarsshal flag , tell me what flags do you have , and the price .. i live in Romania.. Racial Greetings ! 0 0 26lqzhvi 0 0 u_90
1416 1414 90 0 1206621701 1 1 1 1 Re: . Hello I've got a NSDAP flag (2 differents of it), Kriegsflagge, German Zeppeling flag, Luftwaffe flag, SS flag and 3 different Keltisch flag. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 qr9lh1s8 0 0 u_691
5148 5131 72 0 1223576971 1 1 1 1 Re: REMEMBRANCE DAY PO Box 114, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 2UR. 0121 2466838 Young NF: 07531 022 409 (speak to Keiran) Give them a ring on that number and mention your intrested in attending the REMEMBRANCE DAY march in London on the 9th Novemeber and want someone to travel down with.(You don't have to be a member to attend <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> ) Any problems then send me a PM Best wishes.Rob 0 0 ch3ph4p3 0 0 u_1790
1418 0 60 0 1206626141 1 1 1 1 tatt hi shell check your email mark 0 0 2s9gisoh 0 0 u_53
1419 1414 90 0 1206627117 1 1 1 1 Re: . Hello I was forget to say, say wich flag(s) you want from me and i will give you a good price. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 2noopiv3 0 0 u_691
1433 1423 90 0 1206695560 1 1 1 1 Re: CD's/flags/shirts Hello Here is the list, i've you want picture's from something just ask me and about the price we talk about when you say what you want to buy <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are &amp; Never Forgive... Never Forget – both a Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large FLAG'S German zeppelin flag Luftwaffe flag SS flag NSDAP flag 3 Celtic Cross flag's (with eagle, the red one and the black flag) Kriegsflagge Little &quot;flag&quot; with swastika, special one CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 27pcykck 0 0 u_123
5635 5634 200 0 1227429978 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello there! hello nicole. good to hear from you again. i'm not on here very often, my main email addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> hope this finds you well and awaiting your reply. best wishes, jess 0 0 358nf1bh 0 0 u_54
5888 0 2156 0 1229076097 1 1 1 1 y hows things with you my arab friend??you been up 2 much?not a lot doing here.cheers <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3rbtpyij 0 0 u_103
5889 0 105 0 1229104746 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES Hail, Welsh Division contact details...... <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> We can give you lifts to gigs etc and we have people leaving from most areas. Nearest gig for us is Aprils Violent Storm Memorial. Dont know bands yet though. Cheers 0 0 egmr6qe0 0 0 u_2276
1436 0 213 0 1206705417 1 1 1 1 Re: 28bulletin [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5531#p5531:2im22not]Subject: 28bulletin[/url:2im22not] [quote=&quot;gavran&quot;:2im22not]Razmisljam o pokretanju malog mail bulletina, posto se stranica rijetko obnavlja, a ovo je puno brze napraviti, pa ako je netko zainteresiran za primanje, neka mi u p.m. posalje mail koji najcesce koristi. Ako bude interesa cu pokrenuti, ako ne, sve cemo zaboraviti. Mislio sam ga slati jednom tjedno do jednom u dva tjedna, ovisi koliko budem imao vremena.[/quote:2im22not] Šalji na <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 kA== 2im22not 0 0 u_277
1437 0 740 0 1206718340 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5151#p5151:2o2387ck]Subject: Enkele spulletjes te koop[/url:2o2387ck] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:2o2387ck]Lijst is bijgewerkt, enkele nieuwe vlaggen en kleine actie bij aankoop van enkele spullen <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Voor de lijst pm je me maar <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: -->[/quote:2o2387ck] wil je eens die lijst doorsturen?? 0 0 kA== 2o2387ck 0 0 u_90
1438 1437 90 0 1206719063 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop T-SHIRT’S Voor foto's of info pm je me maar en de prijs bespreken we samen wel. Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN Duitse zeppelin vlag Luftwaffe vlag SS vlag Partij vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (met arend, de rode en de zwarte vlag) Kriegsflagge Klein doekje met hakenkruis (speciaal!) BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 1mfiwbea 0 0 u_740
1439 1437 740 0 1206719290 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop bedankt:) euhm ja waar ik eigenlyk geintreseerd in ben is in de buttons&amp;patchen.. heb je foto's ofz daarvan?? 88 0 0 1ybp237c 0 0 u_90
1440 1437 90 0 1206721319 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Pm me even je e-mail adres door en zondagavond stuur ik je de foto's door. Freiheit 28 0 0 1e4j8p85 0 0 u_740
1441 1437 740 0 1206721485 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop ooiooi.. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> aub:) 88 0 0 3j4t6cjr 0 0 u_90
5856 0 886 0 1228769313 1 1 1 1 GIG Hey brother, I'm WIGANMIKE, a friend of Chubs, I believe you got hurt in London, I went to the gig, I was suppose to be talking to ya, but we never got round to it, its about you getting attacked, can you msn me, at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:WIGAN-MIKE@HOTMAIL.CO.UK">WIGAN-MIKE@HOTMAIL.CO.UK</a><!-- e --> 88 0 0 3plee88j 0 0 u_1734
6016 6013 115 0 1231189063 1 1 1 1 Re: project schoolyard vol2 Hails, I dont think the original volume one is still available, since it was made by the defunct Panzerfaust Records. The company partner, is making this new second one but via Tightrope Productions. They charge $0.3 per one, I dont know how much in £ you best bet would be to contact them direct either the link is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";osCsid=o0hfk2jr9qol9mua2j4pjh6qm0"> ... 2j4pjh6qm0</a><!-- m --> else email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Racial regards B &amp; H Central 0 0 2x8fqqxa 0 0 u_2296
5464 0 2119 0 1225759973 1 1 1 1 Hey Brother! Just PM'ing you to see if you have Yahoo! Instant Messenger or AIM? 0 0 4sznef9r 0 0 u_69
1447 0 552 0 1206808400 1 1 1 1 keikat Seuraava on ensi lauantaina 5.4. Helsingissä. Bändeinä: [b:3g9pe6b9]Tattooed Mother Fuckers [/b:3g9pe6b9]- Englanti [b:3g9pe6b9]Unborn SF[/b:3g9pe6b9] - Suomi, Riihimäki [b:3g9pe6b9]Last laugh[/b:3g9pe6b9] - Suomi, Helsinki Laita sähköpostiosote niin voin lähettää virallisen mainoksen. 0 0 QA== 3g9pe6b9 0 0 u_223
6155 6153 801 0 1232287781 1 1 1 1 Re: contact Switch your phone on skin. 0 0 3i1ahpd0 0 0 u_888
6049 6048 70 0 1231527766 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy Seen it bro , no idea never heard of him/her, not that far away though. looking at a get together for a few beers soon with erveryone... what do you think? you feelin any better ... <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 i4ctag6s 0 0 u_801
5225 5145 1105 0 1224000304 1 1 1 1 Re: 18 oktober isd Sorry voor de late reply, maar ik ben van provider veranderd en kon een paar dagen niet online :( Wat betreft de 18de: ik heb familieweekend <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> en kan dus niet komen... toch bedankt voor het aanbod 828, willem 0 0 1fl0nh8r 0 0 u_1092
1450 0 497 0 1206810076 1 1 1 1 Lift,or a meet up? Any chance of a lift to the next gig?9 miles from brum.88Will put petrol money,cheers comrade. 0 0 1vjac7ar 0 0 u_115
4751 4712 53 1 1220995340 1 1 1 1 Re: hello what help are you looking for? 0 0 z7mcc91b 0 0 u_1810
4752 4712 1810 1 1220996159 1 1 1 1 Re: hello I need some help to get a conntact to the german Blood and honour. Do you know any good sites for uniforms and any original parts. we got some problems to get such things here in germany.How can i support you? <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1fqcoq1m 0 0 u_53
4736 4728 121 0 1220951917 1 1 1 1 Re: rising tee ok matey, i will pick 1 up of you at ISD, fuck FC if they don't want my money lol, i will spend it at your site &amp; East Highlander. At least i know i will get good service from you 2 28 0 0 2a2n8nf1 0 0 u_59
1454 0 211 0 1206821295 1 1 1 1 Re: Signal28 numero 3 Salut Thierry! On organise un deplacement en bus pour le rac de Milan, le 19 avril. Depart de Lyon a 12h00. Retour prevu dimanche a 7h00 au plus tard. Le dep devrait couter 30 euros. Forcement le BH Midgard est la bienvenue! Donne moi une reponse rapidement stp, j'aimerais boucler le &quot;dossier&quot; lundi! Renaud 0 0 g415d27c 0 0 u_206
1459 1423 123 0 1206827764 1 1 1 1 Re: CD's/flags/shirts Hello Thanks for the list! So I'm interrested in following things: T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large FLAG'S SS flag NSDAP flag CD’S Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig It would be nice if you could send me the pictures of the Shirts and flags and of course the prices <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 x15p8f4y 0 0 u_90
5980 0 88 0 1230744111 1 1 1 1 forum suggestions thought i'd offer our help or suggestions on the forum, some of the things we got feed back on from the states was the fact avatar sizes (6 KB) are too small for almost anything, and the majors ones being the fact people cant remain logged in for each visit and several folks have told me with the color scheme is almost unreadable. myself and several other guys here have lots of years adminning and moderating forums so we'd be happy to help in anyway we can and, between me and you, one of the reasons for creating our forum is because of our distaste for some of the folks on this forum who we feel are enemies of B&amp;H America and B&amp;H in general anyways just some suggestions and an offer of help, hope all is well best regards and 828 Randal 0 0 3hzix82z 0 0 u_54
5981 0 88 0 1230746507 1 1 1 1 erase topics please do me a favor and erase all my recent gig topics in the events section, thanks 0 0 24rxp1ik 0 0 u_54
3137 3099 663 0 1214054924 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail yeah i know it nwel thou been up there a few times it is pakki land. 1488 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3isz0qlg 0 0 u_1116
4822 4816 1000 0 1221406022 1 1 1 1 Re: Retaliator/Code1/The Wrongdoers/The Hoist Oolrait pistän ens viikon aikana tulemaan, pistän useemman kappaleen kerralla niin voit heittää frendeilleskin niitä... Tom 0 0 25igjfny 0 0 u_339
1462 1414 691 0 1206865502 1 1 1 1 Re: . tell me what flag you have ? 0 0 3vr24iph 0 0 u_90
1463 1108 367 0 1206870185 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hail brother. I got your mags today. They are very well done. I like them a lot. Did you get my package yet? I will send the interview questions this week. All the best and keep in contact. Dylan New Zealand. 0 0 qsxj0fv8 0 0 u_203
1464 1423 90 0 1206877115 1 1 1 1 Re: CD's/flags/shirts Hello Please add me on msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> I will send the pictures and price tonight with a mail to you. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 1mdf64vh 0 0 u_123
1465 1414 90 0 1206877172 1 1 1 1 Re: . Hello This flags i've have: German zeppelin flag Luftwaffe flag SS flag NSDAP flag 3 Celtic Cross flag's (with eagle, the red one and the black flag) Kriegsflagge Little &quot;flag&quot; with swastika, special one Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 2xczj06x 0 0 u_691
6156 0 396 0 1232287840 1 1 1 1 meet up im over the river from dartford would love to have a few of us get together for a beer. 0 0 3awx5sxs 0 0 u_58
6160 0 2428 0 1232291536 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members hello. Did yu reply to my post? Sorry im new on the forum thing and cant really work it lol! <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Im just outside London, If you were talking to me lol! You? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=18461#p18461:2ryps2p7]Subject: Young Members[/url:2ryps2p7] [quote=&quot;Ainzy&quot;:2ryps2p7][quote=&quot;Titch&quot;:2ryps2p7]Hellooo! Im new! and young! 18 :D[/quote:2ryps2p7] Orite mate, im 16, were u located?[/quote:2ryps2p7] 0 0 kA== 2ryps2p7 0 0 u_2376
1467 0 367 0 1206877860 1 1 1 1 BH mag trade Hail from New Zealand Comrade! I'm interested in a copy of your B&amp;H magazine. I am a fan of different mags and I like to collect. Would you be interested in trading for a copy of B&amp;H New Zealand mag Issue 1 (which I edit)? Or maybe even 5 for 5? Hope to hear back from you. Dylan NZ 0 0 1r57zdj3 0 0 u_638
6052 6048 70 0 1231528222 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:15a3qodi]If you were not away I would have been up for a session this weekend bro.[/quote:15a3qodi] sorry bro would have been good but got to go to meetin and work calls .... aaagggh but hey need the cash..... sound like a kike ha ha but you know. 88. could of met up sat night just dont know what time....if not next week <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 gA== 15a3qodi 0 0 u_801
6911 0 2376 0 1237048943 1 1 1 1 88 Brother Have you got msn or myspace bro? 88 0 0 3sac42t5 0 0 u_1427
1469 0 639 0 1206880003 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4290#p4290:2kj85emh]Subject: Enkele spulletjes te koop[/url:2kj85emh] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:2kj85emh]Ik verkoop enkele spullen waaronder cd's, t-shirts, vlaggen, buttons en pins! Voor een lijstje met de spullen pm je me maar <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:2kj85emh] ja, kan ik dan zo eens een lijstje krijgen? Heil 0 0 kA== 2kj85emh 0 0 u_90
1470 0 639 0 1206880331 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=4824#p4824:1fujii6n]Subject: AANDACHT![/url:1fujii6n] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:1fujii6n]Heb al enkele malen pm's gekregen van nieuwe &quot;leden&quot; op het forum die vragen achter datums van concerten en dergelijke, paar dagen geleden kreeg ik nog een pm van 88forlife met de vraag wanneer de SS herdenking nu door ging. Aangezien deze niets post en deze vraag voor je eerste contact erg verdacht is wou ik alle leden erop wijzen, gelieve geen antwoorden en informatie door te pm'en![/quote:1fujii6n] ja ok, effe recht zette! Ik ben dus geen flik! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> eum ja kzie ook wel in da ge da nu ni over internet zou doen en zo, mor eum als der is iets is, dan hoor ek da altij veul te laat! Dus is er mss een andere manier om te weten te kome wat voor activiteiten er geplant zijn? Reichstreue Grüsse, 818 Danny <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== 1fujii6n 0 0 u_90
1471 0 72 0 1206880615 1 1 1 1 INTERVIEWS Hello Comrade Please find enclosed the articles from a German magazine, could you tell me which 'ones' are interviews with Ian Stuart?? Could you translate any interviews with Ian Stuart into English? I hope to put the German interviews into a small booklet which is a collection of Ian Stuart interviews. This will be sold to raise money for POW etc. Many thanks.R <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";s=3">;s=3</a><!-- m --> 0 0 30795xuk 0 0 u_315
1472 1470 90 0 1206881126 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Gegroet Mijn excuses voor mijn post dan, ga hem vanavond bijwerken. Voor foto's of meer info pm me maar over de spullen! T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN Duitse zeppelin vlag Luftwaffe vlag SS vlag Partij vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (met arend, de rode en de zwarte vlag) Kriegsflagge Klein doekje met hakenkruis (speciaal!) BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 3gfjk0fq 0 0 u_639
1473 0 276 0 1206897973 1 1 1 1 B+H Vol 1-4 Hi, you may have seen them already but B+H Vol 1-4 are for sale on my website. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> cheers S-O-B 0 0 lhemnqxt 0 0 u_74
1474 1467 638 0 1206902389 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Hiya mate, it's ok for trading of course. Do you have any nicd australian cd's for trade? 0 0 1qqx57jg 0 0 u_367
5566 5561 66 0 1226823827 1 1 1 1 Re: place in bus for white x mas hi there hun, yes there is a space on the coach... do you know any of the lads from yorkshire division....where abouts are you now your not in newcastle ...great bunch of lads and lasses on the coach..we leave about 1-2 ish york pick up leeds and sheffield thanks jules 88 xx ps whats your real name ... 0 0 13aq57ka 0 0 u_2161
1476 1473 276 0 1206904793 1 1 1 1 Re: B+H Vol 1-4 Hi, just for info, i've seen them on sale used at around £20 each. Not sure that anyone else is selling them new anywhere else - never seen them. I'm not trying to flog you them , just letting you know they are very rare and command a very high price cheers S-O-B 0 0 34lo9sbm 0 0 u_74
1477 1384 59 0 1206905279 1 1 1 1 Any change of a tattoo design? Hail I'm back at the tattooist's lol, after a 20 year break I'm getting a shed full of coverups and some new work on my stomach, chest and right side along a viking/odinist theme and the first 6 hours have gone really well, with another 6 already booked. That should see the finish of my front or near enough. What I'm after is for my lower back, in that kick arse style of yours, a nice tatt design if you would do it for me? I'm more than willing to pay of course. Idea I have is of a marching colomn of men, starting with Vikings melting into SS troops then melting into Skinheads. With 3 flags (one for each section) A ravens banner above the vikings (black flag, red raven as shown on rune site, flags section), a S rune above the SS and a red/white/black celtic cross flag above the skins. These flags are the only colour, the rest being in black and grey to go with my front. I basically have the whole space of my lower back, with my main central back tattoo finishing halfway down and my B&amp;H viking starting more towards the front of my ribs, right side. Left side is free at the moment for a block of portaits, again it'll be black and grey shading (but I'll shout you when I'm ready for those ones, if thats ok) The design would be a side on image rather than looking back into the marching legions, as if they were marching by one the street. Can you help? do you have the time? it's not needed for a few weeks yet, (8-10) 14 Duds 0 0 1ft765a7 0 0 u_556
1479 0 397 0 1206907046 1 1 1 1 joindre BH france salut, pour joindre BH france il faut utiliser quelle adresse de ta signature? il faut envoyer les messages avec hotmail ou une autre adresse? 88 0 0 12rg7k90 0 0 u_187
1480 1470 639 0 1206909171 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Geen probleem ik weet ook hoe erg de flikke tegewoordig zen! :d Eum die cd's van Luni/landser lijken me wel zeer interesant! kunt ge daar een prijsje op zette vo ze allemaal, Ik ben ook opzoek naar een partijarmband of zelfs een gans uniform van de HJ! Kunt ge mij bij mijn zoektoch helpen? ge kunt me ook per sms berijken 24/24 of belle tusse 1000u en 1800u! dank voor u vrtrouwen in deze harde tijden! 818 828 reichstreue grüsse, Danny M. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1qgxv104 0 0 u_90
1977 1384 59 0 1209423367 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? Hail I sure do :O) You're a star. Any ideas for shirt designs? 14 Duds 0 0 2bwtp44h 0 0 u_556
1978 1948 73 0 1209453875 1 1 1 1 Re: Two things! how will you be sending the £20 for the wau mate post or paypal, as for the cd mate let me know which one it is and just add that to the £20 mate send me your details to who and where i have to send the cd you dont have to sinn up with us on the web site if you dont want to cheers paul 0 0 2gkps966 0 0 u_83
1979 1948 83 0 1209469702 1 1 1 1 Re: Two things! Hello mate Thanks for getting back to me, i will send the cash through the post the CD i would like is A TRIBUTE TO KEN &amp; BRUTAL ATTACK - THANKS BRO £8.00 So if i send a tenner for the CD and the 20 for WAU will that be ok? My details are Mr C McElhinney 21 Lawrence Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 4BA I will of course put my address in with the money so its all together ,could you let me know where to send it, you emailed your address before when fundraiseing during the auction but i always delete any addresses as soon as i have written out the envolope. Many thanks and racial regards Mac 0 0 2jjqz34e 0 0 u_73
1482 0 639 0 1206909602 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5930#p5930:3bsi4h7j]Subject: Enkele spulletjes te koop[/url:3bsi4h7j] [quote=&quot;donar&quot;:3bsi4h7j]Kan de 88forlife aub stoppen met zo'n flauwekul te posten? Je bent echt wel een grote flinke jongen hoor dat je dat allemaal kan bestellen! (sic). Er wordt hier niet aan wapenhandel of gelijk wat gedaan, en als ik je bericht lees vind ik het zelfs redelijk zielig... Wat wil je hiermee bereiken? Dat we je stoer vinden? Allez, verwijder die flauwekul en post iets interessants.[/quote:3bsi4h7j] Ale dan, een bekke normaal doen kan oek ze! ale kdenk da wel allebij wel het verstand hebbe om as normale beschaafde mense te prate!! en btw, ge moet me oek niks wijz make ze! mja, hou u vooral goed! Heil 0 0 kA== 3bsi4h7j 0 0 u_380
6021 6003 2219 0 1231223788 1 1 1 1 Re: ? youve only got to fear those you offend it seems. wheather or not they offend you dosent seem to be an issue, unfortunately. all the same, thanks for spelling it out plain but... becareful your self when you post that too. even a simple email has to be complex these days. its really unfair, that they lead us to believe we have privacy. i already know i dont. i hear from friends sometimes but i generally feel like im in prision. i also worry about friends too. better safe than sorry. :) little 0 0 2agb2hkc 0 0 u_2105
4346 4344 59 0 1217588210 1 1 1 1 Re: counter terrorism dibble Thinking about the membership thing, each area has a division, you can join a divivision if you want to, by jioning a division you are expected to help organise gigs in your area, contribute articles to the magazine, travel to gigs as part of the division to show support, some divisions have a subs type thing that you pay every month, this helps towards costs of mini busses to gigs etc. that would be the only thing i can think of that has a kind of membership type status about it. Actual membership, along the lines of bnp, bpp membership with a rank structure and regular meetings, political agenda etc etc is not what B&amp;H is about. Divisions are made up of friends who go to gigs together, from the same area and drink together. Social type membership I suppose you'd call it. 0 0 26o3ykeg 0 0 u_1362
1485 1470 90 0 1206914434 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Gegroet Deze 2 zijn van Landser: - Landser: Ran An Den Feind - Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär Voor beide 20 euro + 2,93 euro (zijn de verzendingskosten + verpakking inbegrepen). Kan je wel een partij armband bezorgen voor 15 euro? Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 3e35ydf0 0 0 u_639
1486 1467 367 0 1206932948 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Hail Not at the moment. I should have Fortress,Death's Head, Blood Red Eagle and Kilgore in a few weeks time. I would be interested for 5 mags on 5 mags for now if you are? Dylan NZ 0 0 2e3wuyiy 0 0 u_638
1487 1467 638 0 1206943352 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Hiya, problem is that noone will pay 10 $ for a zine in eastern Europe.Let me ask around if someone is interested and then we’ll do the trade. Hope it’s ok for you. 0 0 2tf6z56r 0 0 u_367
1488 1467 367 0 1206943852 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade You don't have to sell them for $10 or buy them for $10. You could sell them at your own price if you like. If not I am interested in a copy of your mag and any back issues you have. Thanks Dylan 0 0 2lgjb11e 0 0 u_638
1489 1467 638 0 1206945878 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Ok mate, but better write me on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> .This is also mY msn adress. Do u have skype or MSN??? 0 0 1843nhxm 0 0 u_367
1490 1467 367 0 1206946569 1 1 1 1 Re: BH mag trade Hail. Just added you. I'm <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1d9ol220 0 0 u_638
1492 0 223 0 1206956619 1 1 1 1 keikka Juu olin tietonen millon se on mutta pitäs saada tuo paikka selville että vois tulla tossa on se sähkö posti <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 2tk6gdc4 0 0 u_552
1493 1470 639 0 1206963533 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Kunde die cd's opzij houde vo mij? En da partijarmband, is da gwn rood? Of zen daar goude randjes aan of zo? Kunde er eventueel is foto van sture? Alvast bedankt, en hopelijk ontmoeten we elkaar es e! <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> van waar bent ge mss? Reichstreue Grüsse, Danny <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3a90x55p 0 0 u_90
1494 1470 90 0 1206965044 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Gegroet Zal de cd's opzij houden voor je en de partij armband is de gewone rode met het hakenkruis in een witte cirkel. Ben van de provincie Antwerpen. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 8l75e8i8 0 0 u_639
1495 0 537 0 1206968085 1 1 1 1 NS pokret Nisam siguran, ali mislim da si ti iz Splita... U tom slu?aju Posjeti forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> forum je napravljen sa ciljem ja?anja NS pokreta u Dalmaciji (to?nije u Splitu i bližoj okolici), tako?er ako znaš nekoga iz Splita uputi ga na ovaj forum <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> P.S. Uzmi u obzir da je forum tek napravljen i zato nema baš puno ?lanova... 14/88 0 0 1qzryril 0 0 u_154
1497 1470 639 0 1206972835 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Seg nog een ding, kunde gij nen foto sturen van die vlag met arend met wpkruis? <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> thx! 818 <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 hqrfslko 0 0 u_90
1498 0 148 0 1206973370 1 1 1 1 okupljanje ili koncert 88! zanima me da li ce biti okupljanje ili koncert brzo,cuo sam da ce brzo biti koncert u sloveniji pa me zanimaju pojedinosti. 88! 0 0 3sm3k5u6 0 0 u_236
6087 6084 200 0 1231870028 1 1 1 1 Re: stigger hi simon, thanks for your help. could you please ask him if he was willing to play at a wedding on the 27th march (ale and cathleens wedding, he might know them) and then a ballads night on the 28th march. all is ok...well. cheers, jess 0 0 29o3w4jo 0 0 u_65
6088 6085 115 0 1231870788 1 1 1 1 Re: project schoolyard vol1 Excellent, hopefully once the second cd is out, there will be a website up and running, with lyrics, photos, contact infos, and mp3 and cover designs etc. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1nqd9wse 0 0 u_2296
1500 1470 90 0 1206978887 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Gegroet Ok ik ga proberen de foto van de week nog te sturen en anders mail ik hem zaterdag middag zeker door want zit met veel werk! Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 107vczys 0 0 u_639
1502 1384 556 0 1206983397 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? I'll help ya out 0 0 3p7z1m09 0 0 u_59
6135 6084 200 0 1232184079 1 1 1 1 Re: stigger ok thanks si. never thought it was that tricky to get hold of him... thanks for letting me know about your gig, not sure when i will be back in england, money is tight and i'm working most weekends. do you know when the st georges gig is this year?? cheers, jess 0 0 se8puzbd 0 0 u_65
6136 6081 210 0 1232184151 1 1 1 1 Re: Member? Well done mate,i noticed it,thanks!Best regards from Hungary! <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 28zf62i1 0 0 u_2330
1504 1384 59 0 1206992873 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? You're a star :) Thank you 14 Duds 0 0 142qr5m1 0 0 u_556
4828 4781 638 0 1221483806 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 from Bulgaria Hiya mate, some photos are sent to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Hope this e-mail works...Please confirm when u receive the photos, and hope that very very soon B&amp;H Bulgaria will be a proud member of 28 Brotherhood. It will be important victory in Eastern European region. Wankers from local so called C18 try to screw up our organizing their gig a day after ours <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> . We must proove these scumbags that we are the official chapter of 28, and not they( as they pretent to be). here's the report : B&amp;H Bulgaria gig – 30.08.2008 The date is 30th august 2008. In the local Skinhouse in Plovdiv took place a NS gig, organized by Blood&amp;Honour-Bulgaria. On the stage there were two bands from Hungary – “Feher Torveny” and “Full metal jackets”. The start was at 9:30pm when “Feher Torveny” started to play. They made a great performance and proved themselves as real professionals. The audience liked them a lot and with the hatecore music playing started the typical for such gigs “pogo” that didn’t stop all night long. After a short break we saw on the stage the boys from “Full metal jackets” who usually play in grindcore style. They showed up with facial masks and asked if no photos were taken. With playing mostly cover songs of the American band “Vaginal jesus” they brought new powers in the audience and so on until midnight when they played their last song. Apparently for everyone was too early to go to bad, so the screaming “more, more…” forced “Feher Torveny” to go on the stage for the second time this night. They played for more than half an hour and gave their best. Later on, very unexpectedly, one of our comrades took the mike and sang couple of songs of “Landser” and “Nordic Thunder”. The sponsors have made a selling of some T-shirts, CDs and other NS stuff. They prepared a special box for raising money for a comrade that is now under trial for committing a murder in a case of self-defense. The gig went very well, in nice and friendly atmosphere and we must say it was a great experience for everybody. 0 0 3osjtsw2 0 0 u_193
6198 6195 109 0 1232408067 1 1 1 1 Re: Shirts 0 0 19o6ozu9 0 0 u_91
6200 0 2436 0 1232412629 1 1 1 1 getting banded for belives i just got kicket from because of belives i am just woundering if i will get kicket for raceist coments ure belives 0 0 179h1j5d 0 0 u_54
6201 0 337 0 1232426009 1 1 1 1 none 0 0 19wls662 0 0 u_2119
6437 6422 323 0 1233713078 1 1 1 1 Re: award going to put them up tomorrow on SF, since we lost our sites.. Vicky 0 0 1bgxjllq 0 0 u_1953
6202 0 801 0 1232432193 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester Ainzy are you into white power music ?. If so do you have any ?. I was thinking of copying a few discs for you. If there is anything you would like to hear let me know and I will make a copy if I have got it. Answer by PM as some of the groups might not be happy. lol. Skinheritage. 0 0 1r1fnzba 0 0 u_2376
6203 0 2099 0 1232450346 1 1 1 1 RE: Hiya Yeah, it'd be great to meet up sometime, like at a gig or something. I'll hopefully get chattin to you on msn. Let me know (if you want to) the next gig you plan on going to :) 88 0 0 1jz38odw 0 0 u_1838
6204 6193 61 0 1232455448 1 1 1 1 Re: Saltue o/ [quote=&quot;assaSSin&quot;:26ukd4eb]Hello again mate. As i'm sure you've heard about it got to ask if you can make it to the 7th Feb. gig in London. It would be great to see you there and have a few beers, lol. Also, it would be an incentive for Dajo to make the trip down to the south. Take care, Crazy. All the best. 828 ROA[/quote:26ukd4eb] Hello mate, I was hoping to make it but it's now looking as if I'll not be able to as if I go to this one I wouldn't be able to make it to the Violent Storm memorial which I really want to go to this year as well as the St Georges day gig. I've asked all the other's around here if they wanted to go as it would of been easy then with a car load going, cheaper on petrol, but 1 is working that night, another is out of the country &amp; my Slovakian friends who live near me are saving up their money as they're going back home this summer. The good news is everyone wants to go to either the Violent Storm or St Georges day gigs. If thing's change &amp; I am able to go I'll let you know right away as it would be great to meet up. Take care mate, Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 26ukd4eb 0 0 u_2138
5963 0 2325 0 1230293506 1 1 1 1 Gig 27.12.08 in france/elsaß Hello I´m Alex from Germany, I need urgent informations about the conzert?! Could you help me? Hail ! 0 0 21rkk5y7 0 0 u_122
5964 0 152 0 1230303803 1 1 1 1 Your Email Addy Hello Simon, I tried to email you about the BH badges $$ but I dont think your email link is working. May I have your email addy? Thx mate. Mike L. VF/C28 0 0 1inruj6f 0 0 u_65
5965 5964 65 0 1230308358 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Email Addy <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 828 0 0 31lt6er6 0 0 u_152
5966 0 152 0 1230316526 1 1 1 1 $$$ Did you get the 15 pounds I sent a few days ago comrade, via your girl's paypal?? <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 mbihwq7y 0 0 u_59
1509 1108 203 0 1207011064 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi Brother. Im happy to know you like our mag. yes you can send the questions when you want, and we try to give our best. I dont have your package yet but i think this week i receive the mags. Regards Sérgio 0 0 3j47q3ky 0 0 u_367
1510 1108 203 0 1207096506 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi i got your mags today. Is nice mag.We go try to give your mags in our gig for the people support your crew. thanks for your contact and when you need something please contact me. Regards Sérgio 0 0 3032gfd1 0 0 u_367
1511 1108 367 0 1207098488 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Glad you got the mags. Thanks. I would be interested in back issue of your B&amp;H magazine... Issue 1 and 2 if you have them? Do you want me to send interview questions here or an email? Thanks Dylan NZ 0 0 8plyuw9p 0 0 u_203
1512 1108 203 0 1207100917 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi Dylan You can send the questions for <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. We have the nº 2, 3,4 the number 1 already over. And we hoppe until final of the summer out the number 5, is a lot of money make the mags and the people usualy dont buy we make only for try to show our work. The number 4 have more or less the same number of pages your mag have and we go still to make it for dont be so much spencive. tell me how much mags and the numbers you want and i give you free i only ask you for pay the postage. we have a lot of mags usually we make 500 mags and we dont sell 100. For us is nice to show our work in the other side of the world. Regards Sérgio 0 0 1450au7i 0 0 u_367
1513 1108 367 0 1207101518 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Greetings Thanks for the email. We have the same problem here. We print and no one buys. But we want to get our mag around the world. I'm interested in 5 copies each of Issue 2 and Issue 4. I can pay by pay pal or we could trade for 10 B&amp;H New Zealand mags if you like. Thanks and all the best from New Zealand Dylan 0 0 2n5iur3d 0 0 u_203
5764 5762 53 0 1228173592 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi hi my name on there is chubley31 0 0 30y9059z 0 0 u_2119
1517 1479 187 0 1207145210 1 1 1 1 Re: joindre BH france <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> si tu es plus proche de paris sinon contact les Bh Lugdunum si tu es plus proche de Lyon, et pour le sud ouest les Midgard; bat28 0 0 2ho8o0n8 0 0 u_397
1518 1479 397 0 1207145935 1 1 1 1 Re: joindre BH france c'est quoi l'adresse des bh lugdunum? 88 0 0 6aiuynij 0 0 u_187
1520 0 61 0 1207148690 1 1 1 1 Hello mate Hello mate, not sure if you'll remember me but it's Kirk here who used to do security. Last time I saw you was when you came around the flat I was staying in in Penge with Pete from Watford just before the Waterloo gig. Anyway I hope all's well with you mate Kirk. 88 0 0 sa0kj6cg 0 0 u_759
1521 0 61 0 1207149351 1 1 1 1 Alright mate Hello mate, how's thing's with you? My new pup get's his second lot of jab's this Saturday so it's not to long to go now untill I can take him out. He's been chewing everything in sight lately as he's teething. There'a a new forum you might like mate here's the link for it <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> There's a few B&amp;H on there &amp; I'm one of the mod's on there.How's your training going? I've been a bit lazy with mine latelybut have sorted myself out &amp; got into it properly again now. Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 3o5odsie 0 0 u_576
1525 0 154 0 1207163806 1 1 1 1 Re: 28bulletin [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5531#p5531:3i8y9e46]Subject: 28bulletin[/url:3i8y9e46] [quote=&quot;gavran&quot;:3i8y9e46]Razmisljam o pokretanju malog mail bulletina, posto se stranica rijetko obnavlja, a ovo je puno brze napraviti, pa ako je netko zainteresiran za primanje, neka mi u p.m. posalje mail koji najcesce koristi. Ako bude interesa cu pokrenuti, ako ne, sve cemo zaboraviti. Mislio sam ga slati jednom tjedno do jednom u dva tjedna, ovisi koliko budem imao vremena.[/quote:3i8y9e46] Eto, ja bi vro rado primao taj bulletin, mozes ga slati na adresu <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. Hvala i pozdrav!! 0 0 kA== 3i8y9e46 0 0 u_277
4677 4676 53 0 1220646101 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello........ Hello Reggie, welcome to the forum <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 202sglok 0 0 u_1781
1529 1520 61 0 1207172172 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Alright mate, yeah it's been years. I'm married with 6 kid's myself, I got back together with the wife when I got out of prison back in'94, we already had our first 2 &amp; went on to have 4 more. Pete vanished about 10 years back &amp; I've heard he moved up the midlands but don't know for sure. I think he had some trouble with c18 as well as falling out with Jaffa &amp; just had enough of it all. I don't get to too many gig's myself these days just don't have the money anymore &amp; my family comes first. I spend most of my time doing family stuff &amp; looking after my dogs. You'd not reconise this country now it's got really bad, the BNP have sold out letting jews &amp; Turk's into the party. What happened to Gary mate? I heard he pissed off a lot of people down there but not the details, last I heard off him he was running the A.N.S.M I think it was. Take care mate Kirk 88 0 0 dbfgv9zx 0 0 u_759
1530 1520 759 0 1207174957 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello Kirk Yeah good to touch base its been a fuckin long time. Wow 6 Excellent mate! We have 3 &amp; would like a 4th next year. Got a boy 6 &amp; 2 girls, 2 &amp; 5 months .I am the same as you it seems these days. All that matters is my family we have nothing to do with the outside world at all apart from the school I am forced to send my eldest son to. We send him to a Montessori school as it seemed to be the least Zioinist infected! have no friends in this country at all. The Zionists have infested &amp; infected everything even the minds of supposed nationalists! Ian would turn in his grave if he could see the state of the Western world now. If all White people were to turn thier anger onto the true enemy tomorrow (The Zionist Jew) then maybe then we would have a slim chance. George Hawthorn tried to wake up White Nationalists to this immiment threat years ago &amp; nobody would listen they were too concerned with lesser enemies (immigrants in each of thier respective countries) as being the Big threat but meanwhile the Zionists just sat back there laughing &amp; orchestrating the entire fiasco. My stomache turns every day I switch on the TV, we can't escape the Fucking Z pigs. I am terrified the danger they pose to my children through all the forms of propoganda they control. Even at my sons school all the parents are Zog drones &amp; so consequently thier children are too &amp; my son has to make friends with these kids. It worries the hell out of my wife &amp; I. We have educated our son about Zionists already &amp; how to recognize them. David Hicks was a true champion to the cause even though alot of ignorant misled nationalists would argue otherwise...It seems like we are truly alone &amp; iosolated out here on the bottom of the world so consequently we have become virtual hermits living in a tiny village on the outskirts of town. The house is nice (rental) &amp; a big block with loads of trees for the kids but we may as well be on the moon. I am hoping that the bubble bursts soon &amp; that the Arab world unleashes a terrible retaliation onto the Zionists(Israel &amp; US) which would ultimately culminate in world war 3 but this course seems unavoidable.. I miss the UK &amp; Europe terribly &amp; so does my wife Lisa (we have been together 12 years now) &amp; would do anything to move to the Northern hemisphere but this is totally impossible now. We are aware that things have changed dramatically in the UK &amp; Europoe but if we were to live there we would move to a remote village in either Scotland Cornwall or Brittany France. Ultimately the quality of life is better &amp; much more diversity &amp; culture to offer in the Northern hemisphere than this mirror image of USA that Australia has become. Yes I know the BNP is infected By Zionists I tried to tell Jamie (Highlander) in Scotland (As he is such an Ardant defender of the BNP) about this over a year ago &amp; he wrote me off I have not heard from him since! This is the ongoing plight of White Nationalists the world over though, Very few have thier eyes open to the TRUE ENEMY! Paul Burnley disappeared too because of the frustration with misled Nationalism. I do miss the music though &amp; I would love to record again with Paul &amp; Ken (going through a mid life crisis i Think Ha Ha ) Oh yes apart from my wife &amp; 3 kids I also breed dogs, Staffordshire Bullterriers I have A stud male (Grandson of current Australian Grandchampion &amp; stud bitch.) Have bred Staffords for 8 years now. We love them they are great family dogs. What dogs do you have? Do you breed them? My news of Gary it seems is as old as yours ,last I heard about him was the same as you .. the ANSM stuff. Yes he was a true charlotten, but I never trusted him I always thought he led a double life.. Pete no wonder he disappeared, he was a good bloke though. Wonder if hes like us these days too, the quiet family recluse? Take care mate keep in touch. Nige 88 0 0 1par67iy 0 0 u_61
1531 1108 203 0 1207182518 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi Dylan. I go ask to the guy from the merchandising for ask in the post how much is the postage to New Zealand for 10 mags. After i tell you and you can send the money bay paypal to my girlfriend because i dont have paypal, and i give the money to him and he send you the mags. We dont want money for the mags is only for pay the postage. I think is more or less 30 Euros for the postage but i m not sure. I let you know this weekend. Regards Sérgio 0 0 31w55nty 0 0 u_367
1532 1108 367 0 1207182990 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal OK thanks. How many mags do you have left of the old Issues? I would be interested in getting more in time.... Dylan 0 0 305vifbs 0 0 u_203
1533 1108 203 0 1207184200 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal we have a lot if you want 50 or 100 mags we send you we only ask the postage. is what i told you we usualy send make 500 mags and we dont sell 100, only this last number we make 150 mags. And this type of things is not for we keep at home. We have one exemple of one guy in Portugal have a lot of nazi propaganda in the house and never give or sell or use, one day the police enter in the house and the guy have problems with the law and all money the guy spend is for nothing the propagande never out to the street. The propaganda need to out for the street fast, for the fucking zog cant control. For this we give free we only ask the postage because for a normal Portuguese 20 euros or 30 is a lot of money and our organization have one gig for make and the next mag and other things and is like a machine, the money of the gig go to the mag and the mag go to the t´shirts and the cd´s of the band go be trade for other cd´s for we sell and have money for next gig, you know. 0 0 36y496q2 0 0 u_367
1534 1108 367 0 1207184594 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal I understand fully. I'll get the 10 mags for now. Then I will get another 40 when I talk to my Comrades. I know what things are like. I edited and payed for the B&amp;H New Zealand magazine by myself. I also run New Zealand's only WP distro. I have to give a lot of free stuff away as well. All the best Comrade. Good luck with the GIG I would be there if I could. 88 Dylan NZ 0 0 ub473o0t 0 0 u_203
1535 1108 367 0 1207185378 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal I was wondering would you or one of your Comrades be able to convert some text from English to Portuguese? It's WCOTC stuff I'm a Creator (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> your welcome to join and any of your comrades) Best regards, Dylan. 0 0 3tk8sppf 0 0 u_203
1536 1454 206 0 1207199690 1 1 1 1 Re: Signal28 numero 3 Salut, Merci pour la proposition mais nous passerons pas Nice...on se verra à Milan. A+ Thierry 0 0 2ze90bkn 0 0 u_211
1537 1479 187 0 1207203027 1 1 1 1 Re: joindre BH france [quote=&quot;Knife 88&quot;:22zb6ezy]c'est quoi l'adresse des bh lugdunum? 88[/quote:22zb6ezy] Ils sont sur le forum envoie leurs un mp. bat 0 0 gA== 22zb6ezy 0 0 u_397
1538 1520 61 0 1207212032 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Alright Nige, yeah it's great to be back in contact after so long, far to many of the old crowd are gone it seems for good. A son &amp; 2 daughters then nice one mate, mine are 1 girl 18 &amp; 5 son's age's 16, 11, 9, 7, &amp; 3, hard work at times but really worth it that's for sure. Your right about the state of the movement mate they seem to be ignoring the jewish threat for the most part &amp; over here all most of them are interested in is the muslim threat, they just can't see that if we removed the jew from our country then we'd be free to deal with all the other scum such as the muslims etc. The school that my younger kids go to is bad now as they're taking in African kids etc &amp; it's created a lot of trouble. Their head teacher even had me arrested last year for daring to complain that an African kid one of my lad's got into a fight with shouldn't be at the school as he couldn't speak English, to cut a long story short I got a caution in the end as race bit got dropped by the cps. That's bad that you have no friends down there but never forget you've got mate's over here. There's a few good lad's here in my town who are B&amp;H &amp; know the score when it comes to jews etc, these day's they are doing the same as us &amp; putting their time into their families. It's a shame you can't move back over here to Europe with your family as there are still some nice places to live &amp; raise a family here. The way thing's are going here the muslims will end up kicking off in a big way &amp; taking total control of large parts of the UK, the jews really messed up when they made it so easy for so many muslims to move into Europe as they will turn on them in a big way. All we can do is keep our heads down, raise our families the right way &amp; let the muslims &amp; jew led state fight it out. As you know mate a lot of good B&amp;H people just can't seem to see the big picture, the amount of row's I've had over the BNP with other B&amp;H people is mad, now I just let them get on with it. Some good news is that the BM are growing &amp; quite a few of the old crowd who are still about have joined them. I've got 2 Staffordshire Bull Terriers as well mate, a 7 year old bitch &amp; a 12 week old dog. My bitch was spayed when I got her off my brother so I never had a choice about breeding from her. Mind you I don't have papers for either of my dog's as the one's with papers go for really crazy money here now. It must be great breeding them as you do, they are the best breed of dog in the world I think. I always liked Gary myself &amp; got on well with him, mind you he was good at upsetting people though ha ha. I to hope Pete is doing well &amp; has a family as he was a good bloke. It's a shame Paul B was driven away by the idiots in c18 but I don't blame him for walking away after all the crap he got. Take care mate, Kirk 828 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 2lbsrdna 0 0 u_759
1539 1108 203 0 1207231361 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal yes sure we can convert text in germany linguage, slavic language and latin (Portuguese, spanish, italian) and english of course. 0 0 12ajh5iu 0 0 u_367
6361 6354 98 0 1233259580 1 1 1 1 Re: Heil Hi, Sorry but WAU doesn't have these for sale, I usually buy Celtic etc. jewellery on Ebay it's not so expensive, but if you have credit card you can find various shops online... just try with Google. I'm sure there's Racialist shops too that sell these, maybe you could ask this on the forum? Best regars <!-- s`282 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm5.pak/icon_28.gif" alt="`282" title="282" /><!-- s`282 --> 0 0 15vxhwpk 0 0 u_691
5080 0 1984 0 1222969792 1 1 1 1 Cisto pozdrav Samo sam htela da se javim prvom liku iz srbije na kojeg sam naletila na ovom forum. I htela sam da pitam kakva je siuacija sa skinsima u srbiji? SRBIJA SRBIMA <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 1tjf0mpd 0 0 u_817
4193 4150 112 0 1216906721 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote Ja 't is erg. Eigenlijk is gans die vlaams nationalistische beweging best maar een marginaal gedoe... ma bon... Daarvoor zijn wij hier, om die Nieuwe Orde uit te roepen.;-) Ja er zit best veel progressie in, hier in brugge hebben we al een mooie kern met een aantal sympathisanten bij en ook nationaal begint het wat te vlotten. Ook qua interessant volk. Zo is er onlangs een uitgever militant geworden.;-) Och dat land is hier helemaal naar de kloten. België bestaat zelfs al niet meer. Die politiekers weten dat maar al te goed maar laten de bevolking nog in de schijn tegen dat ze zelf de meubels wat op het droge hebben. Daarom dat N-SA nooit vanuit het oogpunt van België beginnen denken is maar zelfs al vanaf de start een post-Belgisch gedachtengoed en standpunten heeft. Veel van die klutsers uit de vlaamse beweging snappen dat blijkbaar nog niet. Mja, Italië is idd een leuk land maar goed, ideaal is het ook niet bepaald vind ik. Dat Rom een fascist als burgemeester heeft is uiteraard wel goed maar dat zou door gans het land moeten doorgetrokken worden. Plus de graad van corruptie is daar ook nogal hoog (net zoals in ieder land natuurlijk) groeten 0 0 2738d03h 0 0 u_110
1544 1414 691 0 1207246184 1 1 1 1 Re: . Luftwaffe flag i want , tell me a price , and tell me how i pay 0 0 i70siys1 0 0 u_90
5761 5625 780 0 1228172435 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire Thanks ill give him a ring when i get there 14/88 Ryan 0 0 1q7o98rk 0 0 u_66
5762 0 2119 0 1228173475 1 1 1 1 Hi If you feel like talking, sign onto AIM sometime! 0 0 2v9pik2o 0 0 u_53
5763 5608 2161 0 1228173585 1 1 1 1 Re: xmas hi jules i dont think am coming by car as diesel is going to cost more then train . im just wondering how late we arrive back at york regarding to the train times to newcastle.because i dont wanna get stuck in york . i might still drive up but ill let you know with in a day or two as no one has pm about traveling together.have you got my mob number? see you on saterday 0 0 1yg78me6 0 0 u_66
1546 1414 90 0 1207251081 1 1 1 1 Re: . Hello Please add me on msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Then can i send you a picture of it and the price. Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 3lfz6eff 0 0 u_691
1547 1520 759 0 1207261614 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello Kirk. Breath of fresh air, think we are totally alone in the world down here, good to know we aren't mad! ha ha. Very refreshing to read that you arte so switched on to the Real threat &amp; you have mates that are too! That is rare as hens teeth in this part of the world.!! If everybody could open up thoer eyes &amp; realise that all immigrants (be what ever race they are in all countries) are there purely as a result of the Jew bringing then in in the first place. For two reasons; to de stabilise &amp; fragment the Anglo Saxon &amp; Northern European races &amp; to provide cheap (slave labour). I am like you too though &amp; believe that ultimately this will be thier (Jews ) ultimate undoing (demise) &amp; thier plan will backfire culminating in (I hope ) Annhialation of the Evil Zionist race! Only then can we restore peace , harmonmy &amp; equilibrium to the world &amp; return immigrants ammicably to thier respective countries of origin. &amp; like you said in the meantime all we can do is keep our heads down &amp; raise our famlies in the correct manner ensuring that age old traditions, beliefs &amp; moral ethics do not die in our syblings. Sorry to hear you had a close call with the school &amp; that trouble with that African kid, the schools &amp; social welfare have way too much power now. We had similiar in our sons first 3 months at a mainstrem school so thats why we pulled him out &amp; put him into Montessori (luckily we got a Free scholarship otherwise we were going to attemp home schooling..) 5 Sons mate! that is impressive!! plenty of protection for Dad in his old age there!! ha ha Yes Kids are great, without them there would be no purpose anymore at our age. Material things ultimately wear thin &amp; the glitter of gold turns to a dull hue... I will send you a pic of my dogs mate if you have an email adress &amp; I would like to see yours too. Yes Staffordshires are the best breed in the world. Our old stud bitch died 5 months ago (poisoned by some feral white cunt in this shit area) . It was a tragedy to our kids &amp; us . She was 9 &amp; we had bred 7 litters off her. We have started again. The Dog is 6 months &amp; the bitch 4 months. When she comes into season end of the year we will put him over her. Yes they are expensive here too , with papers &amp; top bloodline (like ours ) AU$950 each. but we saw it as an investment. We spent the last of our life savings on them. We intend to buy two more bitches over the next 18 months so that then it is a passive income for us, as I am unemployable (have not worked in 5 years) &amp; work is impossible to find for an arrogant 41 year old ex Nazi rock guitarist with No work history or references in Australia ! ha ha Yes if we had a magic carpet we would happily pack up today &amp; move to the UK to a quiet little village.. oh well we will keep dreaming &amp; wishing.... Glad to read your response to Gary mate, too many people jump on the band wagon &amp; display thier treachery &amp; side with who ever is in the room. I am not one of them as is clear either are you mate, I take someone on face value &amp; until they do me wrong I will not turn my back on them. My disdain of Gary is just a personal thing that stems back to the Eureka club in Australia in 1987.. Anyway mate thats enough waffling for today, take care. Are you working at all ? or are you unemployable like me too? Also do you have any contact with KEN (B A) at all? Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 bk9lorxb 0 0 u_61
1548 0 771 0 1207266044 1 1 1 1 Re: msn messenger hi mate i am not well nown but dont worry i am not one of theys fags who just bitch on the site if u want to add me its <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> lol i am a propa skin head not one of theys fuckingggg gay skin heads man they piss me off lol 0 0 2ve0dduy 0 0 u_279
1549 0 771 0 1207267461 1 1 1 1 hay hiyer mate lol no one else is online lol 0 0 3mdx7d2f 0 0 u_103
1550 0 771 0 1207268600 1 1 1 1 hi lol no one else is online lol so bord 0 0 jsarcpiy 0 0 u_54
1551 1108 367 0 1207269642 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Cool. Will make you mod on the forum. I talked to my comrades and we would be interested in getting 50 copies of your magazine in a months time. I will still get this 10 as well. all the best Dylan. 0 0 366kpyyk 0 0 u_203
1552 1108 203 0 1207269854 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal ok no problem. in the time tell me 0 0 3g2rz58b 0 0 u_367
1553 0 771 0 1207269942 1 1 1 1 hay lol there is hardly any one on lol so bord 0 0 3qdnp9vj 0 0 u_203
1554 1108 367 0 1207275296 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Will do brother. I was just talking to my Comrade Ken from the band Total War - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Would you be interested in interviewing them for your B&amp;H Mag? They are from America and just played a show in Italy.... You can contact Ken their drummer at - <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> All the best comrade. Dylan NZ 0 0 1ike8mza 0 0 u_203
2522 2520 72 0 1211830736 1 1 1 1 Re: TRANSLATION Thats OK Mate, no problem <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 1yd4giy8 0 0 u_315
2523 2454 1 0 1211833656 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 OK MATE ILL KEEP THE LPS FOR YOU IM ABOUT TO PUT SOME MORE UP OK NICK 88. . 0 0 nnmd42hf 0 0 u_811
6250 6239 618 0 1232664657 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten gegroet, Ok, ik heb ook mijn bedenkingen bij de mensen die ik ken. Ik ken één iemand en ben daar mee naar de ISD geweest vorig jaar, en dan nog een keer naar club Walhalla. Maar ik weet niet in welke mate ik hem kan geloven en vertrouwen. Het is eigenlijk pas op AVV fest, dat ik de contacten gelegd heb. Ik heb daar iemand aangesproken en die heeft mij erg hard geholpen met ter plaatse te geraken op de ISD omdat ik toen nog geen vervoer had buiten het openbaar vervoer, en dan wordt het nog al lastig als je eerst naar een tankstation of een parkeerterrein moet geraken. Maar van die persoon heb ik niets meer gehoord. Ik weet dat hij opgepakt is, maar dan zou hij enkele personen verlinkt hebben wat dus zeer spijtig is. Maar als we een keer zouden kunnen afspreken zou prachtig zijn. Ik ben aan het denken op een locatie waar we eens een keer kunnen afspreken, maar weet zo direct niets zijn en ik zit ook nog met het school dus ik kan eigenlijk alleen maar woensdag namiddag als het een dag door de week zou moeten zijn ofwel als ik eens een dag vrij heb of in de vakantie. IK zal in de loop van het weekend wel een locatie weten. En veel geluk met de herstellingen van je operatie. jakke 0 0 3gnu3gmb 0 0 u_1027
1566 1520 61 0 1207331216 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Alright mate, yeah there's still a few of us left who know the score about the jew's. Your right about the schools having to much power even the police didn't want to arrest me but had to because the school complained. All of my kid's apart from the youngest one do kickboxing with the eldest 2 bothing being black belts now &amp; my 11 year old is due to take his in 2 weeks time. Ha ha they really will be able to look after when I'm old that's for sure. Here's my e-mail address it's <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> That would be great to see photo's of your dogs &amp; I'll get some of mine put on my pc tomorrow ready to send you. I'm really sorry to here that your old bitch got poisoned mate that's an awfull thing to happen. I can't understand how anyone could do such an evil thing to a dog. Yeah one with good blood line's are a real invesment when you want to breed, there was a litter near me for sale the other week going for £600 each as they were from good lines. I'm unemployable as well ha ha, what with an old spine injury putting me on the sick &amp; stopping me from bricklaying, my tattoos &amp; prison record stop me from other lines of work. My wife works part time &amp; I look after our youngest lad. The DSS might decide to get me retrained next year if I'm lucky in a new trade as they are doing away with the sick. I'm going to have to cut this short mate as my brother has just turned up for a chat. Take care Kirk 828 0 0 1cuo1u8q 0 0 u_759
1567 0 66 0 1207331835 1 1 1 1 Re: ST GEORGES DAY GIG [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=6155#p6155:2kyg7fcz]Subject: ST GEORGES DAY GIG[/url:2kyg7fcz] hi there do you live in yorkshire if so where abouts? we have a policy not to give re-direction and venues out till the day of a gig.if we know where you are we can point you in the direction of a member in your area..... hope this helps jules yorkshire divisions 14/88 0 0 EA== 2kyg7fcz 0 0 u_701
5960 5894 1631 0 1230151246 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK send it to my old adress: Rok Prosen Pod gri?i 34 4226 Žiri Slovenia Thank's again for seling the record to me, 'cos i know you don't drink beer i'll just give you a hug <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> hahahaha have you recived my sms? cheers 0 0 14vx0fpr 0 0 u_72
1570 0 76 0 1207334853 1 1 1 1 My mate Hey up sis.3 things. 1...What the fuck does b.u.m.p mean that everybodys started putting? 2...Your offer of a lift still stand? 3...Will you have any room in the car for the st georges gig? Oh and by the way hello.88 0 0 pf66y92p 0 0 u_53
6184 6170 1713 0 1232316628 1 1 1 1 Re: oi records Ur email aint on there, send me it and will send u some pics, im after the 4 oi ablums which i sold many years ago and regret, so if u still have them will post u the cash, tomorrow 0 0 y05e8g24 0 0 u_2421
6079 6078 53 0 1231760906 1 1 1 1 Re: cw [quote=&quot;brummie kev&quot;:3652w9et]hi, how was ur xmas? any news on gigs comeing up, allso news on billy from CW all the best brummie kev <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:3652w9et] Hi Kev, Xmas was lovely fanx hope yours was 2, !st gig early Feb, not sure where yet, Wots happened to Billy, know CW have called it a day but thats all i know, Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3652w9et 0 0 u_1959
1578 1108 203 0 1207355567 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Thanks for the contact. When we start to make the new number i contact you for a interview with your band. This is only for the summer now i have a gig and after i go married. 0 0 2mcood0e 0 0 u_367
6062 6050 801 0 1231640452 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy? Delighted for both of you. Bet you are over the moon mate. Hope all is well. 0 0 2cak78c9 0 0 u_79
6063 0 801 0 1231662620 1 1 1 1 Snooty Fox Are you going and if so can you give me details / directions. A postcode would be a bonus. Also is there a dress code? ie will there be a problem 28 gear or would non-political clothing be the order of the day. I would be glad if you could help me out on this one (asap)as a few of us from Manchester were thinking of coming over. PS. Earl might be busy. lol. Great news for him. 0 0 27m5gotj 0 0 u_284
5887 0 200 0 1229073902 1 1 1 1 stigger hi simon. its jess here. how are you all? just wondered if you could send me stiggers email addy please. thank you....x 0 0 22nmxskb 0 0 u_65
5367 5360 332 0 1224883590 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's O i wanted to send a reply but i think i did something wrong. So here is it again!! If there is a Paswoord it should be Brotherhood28. I have also a trial version, Do you know an other way that i can send them?? Here are things ok, im having a beer know and it's 23.26 hours!! And did you have a nice flight?? Cheers <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1ccgd378 0 0 u_54
5032 4781 638 0 1222421963 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 from Bulgaria Hello mate, cheers for the succsesful ISD memorial! Hope you find the time to talk to other people involved in B&amp;H leadership, and you have good news for 28 Division Bulgaria <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2wr75r1n 0 0 u_193
5479 5477 105 0 1225822921 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Same person printing them as the one you have mate, ill order some small sizes and put 2 aside. They will be done by White Xmas if your going. Regards how many people in Wales - theres a lot but its getting them altogether is the problem. You'd be surprised how many there actually are but alot dont go to any gigs that are not on their door step. 0 0 3ghoku3h 0 0 u_1787
5209 0 220 0 1223917671 1 1 1 1 88 Pozdrav. Ima li još ovih majci s kartom i kuglom ? jedna L ? 0 0 27xzq3hy 0 0 u_171
3146 3110 531 0 1214091189 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! Evening comrade, due to family commitments I don't get out much, but you will find me in September, in a field most likely, gassing with Chubley <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Yep, ISD is my next outing, and if you've never been before, fear not. Good music, great people, and hopefully good weather (unlike the friday night last year). 88 Wiking67 0 0 5vwwitnt 0 0 u_1148
1583 0 60 0 1207385163 1 1 1 1 tattoo hi shell hope the arm is fine .....the pics i took are shit lolol if the one you have is any good please send it to me and keep the file as bigs as poss so i can use t on my web site thanks mark <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 2ceb59we 0 0 u_53
1584 1583 53 0 1207385616 1 1 1 1 Re: tattoo [quote=&quot;celtic88&quot;:18cwz7w1]hi shell hope the arm is fine .....the pics i took are shit lolol if the one you have is any good please send it to me and keep the file as bigs as poss so i can use t on my web site thanks mark <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: -->[/quote:18cwz7w1] morning <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> i'm not sure how to work the fone an computer i'll have a go failing that i'll get Steve to take some an load them on an i'll email them, arms fine thanx bit sore but thats to be expected gotta say me dad an Steve were both well impressed thanx again Mark, i'm more than happy with it <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== 18cwz7w1 0 0 u_60
1585 1583 60 0 1207387442 1 1 1 1 Re: tattoo it was my pleasure are welcome at mine any time see you soon.....mark 0 0 8h2jbon8 0 0 u_53
4957 4953 1912 0 1222044090 1 1 1 1 Re: THINGS FOR SALE look in the for sale section now tell me what you want and ill ask him if he has it ok mate steve 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1r3dkw31 0 0 u_74
4958 4939 1912 0 1222044292 1 1 1 1 Re: bad wank sorry wank bad i keep saying sorry to you mate i thank you for the help can we try again ? ive e mailed you 3 times now thanks all the best 88 0 0 239qe4rx 0 0 u_396
4959 0 396 0 1222044419 1 1 1 1 bw sorry again its 1,45 still celabrating ISD best if i sort it out tomorow and i will see my last posts as i an well pissed now stay white Mick <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> 0 0 wznwzq1s 0 0 u_1912
3978 3971 901 0 1216209037 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirt Beste , Ik heb de foto bekeken en ging er van uit dat de &quot;Good night left side&quot; op de voorkant zou staan wat niet het geval is. Ik heb hem liefst zonder de hatecore van voor en besluit daarom de TS niet te kopen. Groeten. 0 0 15202rk0 0 0 u_1340
1600 1570 76 0 1207491301 1 1 1 1 Re: My mate Cheers sis.Will give you a ring when i get some credit about times and such.Thanx.828 0 0 1kuaw489 0 0 u_53
5890 5889 2276 0 1229104997 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES what your policy on teenagers going to gigs 0 0 12dkloe0 0 0 u_105
5891 5859 323 0 1229124855 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Not yet mate, i checked the po box just today, i will check it again on monday and let you know.. Vicky 0 0 2bnpgolw 0 0 u_1926
5892 5840 323 4 1229124981 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H tees Scotland Let me know when you get tees again.. Send money however you wish :) euros is fine... I'll send you an update this weekend on where the last donation went too.. Hope all is well.. Vicky 0 0 etcutfgn 0 0 u_73
1602 1570 76 0 1207492500 1 1 1 1 Re: My mate Tony was saying bout 4 o'clock.Paul always picks me up outside argos in the car park at meadowhall.88 0 0 frwdwaj1 0 0 u_53
1603 0 771 0 1207507520 1 1 1 1 hay hay all right mate lol bord out my nut want to chat <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 2lagpfox 0 0 u_211
1604 1567 701 0 1207512770 1 1 1 1 Re: ST GEORGES DAY GIG Im from Darlington, County Durham but thing is I dont have a car so spontaneous isnt good for me. Im game to meet someone if they want to get to know me before im trusted, I realise security is a big thing. 0 0 19oncy3s 0 0 u_66
1605 0 122 0 1207513237 1 1 1 1 88 from Switzerland Heil Dir, ich habe dir schon vor ein paar wochen geschrieben. Ich habe eine frage, du sprichst doch perfekt deutsch, portugiesisch und englisch ? Gruss Division Schweiz. 0 0 2zqqyf4k 0 0 u_255
5396 0 785 0 1225144974 1 1 1 1 Re: MARCH OR DIE.. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15284#p15284:25nja23p]Subject: MARCH OR DIE..[/url:25nja23p] [quote=&quot;G88&quot;:25nja23p][quote=&quot;Ms Dragon Banner&quot;:25nja23p]sadly it's all gone tits up thanks to some nasty lies being spread by one of our own. <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> may have to wait a little longer for anything to come to fruition for this one! it'll happen at some point though.[/quote:25nja23p] The sooner the better Ms Banner.[/quote:25nja23p] hi, please can you take my quote off here. somebody's taken it the wrong way and I've got shit about it. thanks. 0 0 kA== 25nja23p 0 0 u_76
1618 0 276 0 1207581314 1 1 1 1 demos for sale Hi, what sort of prices are you looking at ? I've just released the lastest Avalon cd and would be interested in doing some more cd stuff cheers 0 0 1ui0t6u6 0 0 u_351
1623 0 122 0 1207592431 1 1 1 1 28slovenia member Hail, is this user on this board Slovenec1990 a 28slovenia member ? Greeting 28switzerland 0 0 1l57xmjm 0 0 u_236
1624 1619 306 0 1207593548 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN Not yet a member, couse i'm 17 years old. This year i'll be 18. 0 0 1cfrrohz 0 0 u_122
1625 1619 122 0 1207593656 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN ok, give me please your msn address. 0 0 dmd8e223 0 0 u_306
1626 1619 306 0 1207593718 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 39avkycj 0 0 u_122
1627 1623 236 0 1207596274 1 1 1 1 Re: 28slovenia member Hello, I checked with my friends and they told me, that he is from Celje and prospect of Stajerska BH division. I don't know him well, but I think he is OK. 828 Gebi 0 0 219fsxp8 0 0 u_122
1628 1623 122 0 1207598875 1 1 1 1 Re: 28slovenia member Ok good, than is all ok. The same have this boy told me. He have contact me because of he go this month to switzerland. So he`s welcome here and i look to him. 828 0 0 1u33vrzb 0 0 u_236
1630 1520 759 0 1207615061 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hello Kirk Glad to hear you've got your lads trained &amp; ready for the coming war! I sent you a few pics of my dogs to your hotmail adress this morning. Yeah if I could prove who killed my dog I would burn thier house down while they are sleeping. Problem is there is a heap of maggotts each one of em capable of it up the road so would have to burn down several houses at same time. Will wait until we leave here to get proper revenge on the suspects... Sounds like you &amp; me in the same boat workwise etc..' The social system is totally fucked here now ,used to be good years ago but like the UK they are trying to do away with it &amp; make it like JEW.S.A. The rich are punishing the poor ^&amp; turning up the thumbscrews (like we aint got it hard enough already!) All this will do is increase crime 1000% as people will have to survive some way... Anyway mate talk later..take care, hello to your missus. Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1dx8adcg 0 0 u_61
1631 0 396 0 1207628170 1 1 1 1 captin scarlet the captin is back 0 0 3b9l8nxq 0 0 u_265
1633 1520 61 0 1207664060 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate [quote=&quot;AUSSIENIGE&quot;:1s96za19]Hello Kirk Glad to hear you've got your lads trained &amp; ready for the coming war! I sent you a few pics of my dogs to your hotmail adress this morning. Yeah if I could prove who killed my dog I would burn thier house down while they are sleeping. Problem is there is a heap of maggotts each one of em capable of it up the road so would have to burn down several houses at same time. Will wait until we leave here to get proper revenge on the suspects... Sounds like you &amp; me in the same boat workwise etc..' The social system is totally fucked here now ,used to be good years ago but like the UK they are trying to do away with it &amp; make it like JEW.S.A. The rich are punishing the poor ^&amp; turning up the thumbscrews (like we aint got it hard enough already!) All this will do is increase crime 1000% as people will have to survive some way... Anyway mate talk later..take care, hello to your missus. Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:1s96za19] Alright mate, I've sent you an e-mail with pictures of my dog's, your's are great looking dog's. Yeah training in martial arts is a must I believe for children today, it really helps give them confidence as well as being better able to take care of themselves in a fight. Also it helps them stay fit &amp; healthy unlike so many of todays youth here who are fat lazy slobs. Your right about the social system creating more crime, here I think organized crime is now is about the only way a lot of kids can see a future without poverty for themselves. It's mad how so many have turned to using drugs now just as a way of escaping reality it's become a normal way of life for so many, the weak bastards! Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 1s96za19 0 0 u_759
6270 6244 2436 0 1232750160 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F thank u i got another message from VF today so i hope i will here from them soon ...i mostly just did kick boxing and ti boxing but i riped my a.c.l and still am recovering from that but is way better hope 2 meet up with some of my vf bnh brother soon 0 0 2zk2mybx 1232750183 1 u_2105
1635 0 115 0 1207703222 1 1 1 1 Re: Questions about... [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5941#p5941:32ms9esn]Subject: Questions about...[/url:32ms9esn] [quote=&quot;Ragnarok.Fanzine&quot;:32ms9esn]Hail! We on Ragnarok Fanzine wonders if &quot;White eagle record&quot; and/or Pure Hate Records are connected to C18? 88![/quote:32ms9esn] White Eagle Records are from Serbia and supposedly are C18, however C18 USA and ISD Records and C18 Forum hate them as they made Razors Edge CD;s without asking permission so many in C18 do not like White Eagle Records.... 0 0 kA== 32ms9esn 0 0 u_719
1638 1635 719 0 1207729355 1 1 1 1 Re: Questions about... Hail! Okey, thanks for the answer. As I suppose you understand we don't want to co-operate with C18 people (In the Ragnarök fanzine). That was why I asked :) 0 0 2mbm2pkf 0 0 u_115
1639 0 614 0 1207747439 1 1 1 1 Metal/hardcore forum Excuse me BlueEyedBlonde.. If you are the moderator for the music forums(graveland topic) and are kind enough to let my post go through..can you please delete my second one as i didnt realise my first was waiting to be approved.. Thankyou for taking the time to read this..14/88 0 0 24nsur1d 0 0 u_54
1640 1639 54 0 1207748804 1 1 1 1 Re: Metal/hardcore forum [quote=&quot;Brandiss Of Hate&quot;:vdsjurwd]Excuse me BlueEyedBlonde.. If you are the moderator for the music forums(graveland topic) and are kind enough to let my post go through..can you please delete my second one as i didnt realise my first was waiting to be approved.. Thankyou for taking the time to read this..14/88[/quote:vdsjurwd] Hi Brandiss Of Hate, No worries, that's what the Admins are here for. We moderate over the entire forum. I've sent through the first post, is that the one that you wanted, as the second one was slightly different. I won't delete the other one just yet just in case. You shouldn't be on moderation on the music section, it must be a glitch with the settings. I'll have a look at it, but it probably won't be until the weekend I'm afraid. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== vdsjurwd 0 0 u_614
4507 4430 1105 0 1218891422 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! In het helaas maar al te linkse college in menen zaten er wel een paar allochtonen, maar ze worden betutteld tot en met :( En ge moogt uw mening daar zelfs nie zeggen die maar een beetje naar rechts neigt, of ge kreeg straf... Gelukkig ben ik daar weg :p 828, Wforumss 0 0 3bp54iga 0 0 u_107
4508 4485 1596 0 1218914492 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! kvi gluposti be kai6 u vratza ta ottarvah da ne marizat kaat se be6e napil izvinqvami sa a sea se prai6 6e se sre6nem s teb komleksar4e jalko hodi 2 u ungaria na koncerti i ve4e nemoe se govori s tebe ko tolkoz ste napraili be samo si pi6e6 1 boi nema6 i horata u pld ne te poznavat a ina4e tyka koli6 i besi6hah <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 35lvrv31 0 0 u_202
6208 6202 801 0 1232474490 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester [quote=&quot;Ainzy&quot;:5ldytygj]Well ive got loads of mp3s mate, loadsa skrewdriver, blue eyed devils, chingford attack, kill baby kill, no remorse, landser, konkwista 88 ect. Have you got any razors edge (cant get any and they are a good band) or any bands i havent listed that would be great... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Erm and the postcode for the Widnes rugby ground is WA8 7DZ... 88 ben[/quote:5ldytygj] Will find something for you. 28/88. Look forward to meeting you. Take care. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 5ldytygj 0 0 u_2376
4166 4165 54 0 1216847649 1 1 1 1 Re: name change Hi Randall, You can't change it yourself. Can you please let me know exactly what you want it changed to and I will take care of it. Which Admin did you send the request to? BADWOLF's account has been deleted, so he won't be causing any further trouble here. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2xlzlm4p 0 0 u_1386
6192 6086 1838 0 1232391973 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya Lol i added you, im <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> (lol) I'll speak to you on there sometime. Would be great to meet ya, theres not alot of young people in the scene atm. Rosieee xox 0 0 220njjhc 0 0 u_2099
5497 5400 74 0 1225924927 1 1 1 1 Re: cds thats great have u address to send to in paypal and can u send a list with cd danny88 0 0 1sgqecfr 0 0 u_103
5498 5400 103 0 1225932476 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hi Danny, Send payment to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> I will send the latest list as well. Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 3p4d3xaw 0 0 u_74
5605 5578 152 0 1227214437 1 1 1 1 Re: empire falls Well, personally, KSS has moved quite a considerable distance away from past &quot;council 28&quot; &amp; &quot;Vinlanders&quot; conBart18 associates. We-- that is VF-- are definitely gonna sit down w/ these EF guys &amp; say , &quot;Hey, yall wanna be a band, then thats fine...but dont insult portions of your audience, etc.. I dont think anyone has just ever sat them down &amp; just laid it out in Black &amp; White for these guys.. They havent been &quot;out-of-closet&quot; WP band for long actually, so in some ways are pretty green. Now as to the NSM, I can think of absolutely no one here in the States out of any camp that takes those guys seriously. The NSM is a freak show...Hollywood Nazis..the folks that they attract into their org I wouldnt go near, especially these days. They are the group that every other serious group here would wish would go Embarassing at the least, big security threats at most. I cannot speak of the Total War guys..Are they still actually NSM? I didnt think people stuck w/ them that long &amp; not walk away from them shaking their head or laughing, like they had just been to the circus. Oh well, &quot;Whata wonderful world this is..&quot; Cheers <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> PS.. I am all about lines being drawn, believe me &amp; so is Randal. If there is anything specific yall would like us to tell any of these clowns, we'll be more than happy to tell them!! 0 0 7h31frx0 0 0 u_115
5088 0 1996 10 1222999955 1 1 1 1 88 Oi! Oi! Oi! De unde esti din Romania? 0 0 1a5z1gfa 0 0 u_691
5089 0 1996 0 1223001009 1 1 1 1 Racial greetings! Sieg Heil from Romania! My name is Nicu , i`m a national-socialist skinhead. i`m into the nationalist scene/national-socialist scene since i was 16-17 years old. i`m 23 years old at the present time. In the past in my country existed a Blood and Honour Division, which i used to be part of. The &quot;leader&quot; Cezar C. betrayed, he`s now a anti-fascist. i believe that for the start there should be a Romanian section on this forum. i want to rebuild Blood and Honour Romania, it is something needed in Romania, and for the members of the white race that live in Romania. i`m awaiting for an answer... thanks in advance. With respect and honour, Nicu. White Pride World Wide! 0 0 6kvcoaxd 0 0 u_54
6266 6202 801 0 1232740115 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester If you can tape it. Easy way to learn. 0 0 2d6dbir6 0 0 u_2376
6267 6202 2376 0 1232740393 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:3f9b43f8]If you can tape it. Easy way to learn.[/quote:3f9b43f8] See what i can sort out, should be able to do something with an old tape recorder.. 14/88 0 0 gA== 3f9b43f8 0 0 u_801
6268 6244 2105 0 1232741042 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F Nice i trained at dynamicmma on cambie for a year but before i could get my first in i had a severe compression injury of the wrist while sparing then after that was healed ripped up my bi-cep doing our backyard boxing so then surgery and now i'm in pyshotherapy,did you specialize in anything particular jiu jitsu,submission wrestling? We'll be having a VF/BnH get together on the 21 of Febuary which you're more than welcome to attend but i'm sure someone we'll be meeting up with you before then i'm on holiday from 29 jan to 10 feb if someone hasn't met with you yet i will.The best thing you can do till we get everything sorted out with you is keep training/working hard educating yourself staying out of trouble it sounds like you've allready got that mindset which is good and exactly what is needed <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> Shawn MacDonald 828/ROA 0 0 3o3cbvmi 0 0 u_2436
6733 6730 59 0 1235661848 1 1 1 1 Re: email Hail Pete Got an email from you, could be that BT's servers were a little busy. I'll keep you posted on progress, stay safe 14 Duds 0 0 22aksrv1 0 0 u_195
6734 6728 65 0 1235669655 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed Thanx nick, I allready have my members badge which is the shield one, Id have the phoenix if you wish to sell it to a good home. All I can say is try and sell them privately when people buy other stuff off you but be careful as so many people hate c1 and there followers. Razors edge could have been the biggest or certainly one of the biggest bands in uk and world but wasted it all on a group who were so obviously wrong....shame. S 0 0 1leag65y 0 0 u_1972
5543 0 618 0 1226609079 1 1 1 1 NSBM gegroet, Ik zou graag een website maken over NSBM, en hier voor zou ik wat info over een aantal bands op mijn site willen plaatsen. Nu zou ik willen vragen of ik er wat informatie over Elfenbloed zou mogen opzetten en misschien een sample ofzo? mvg jakke 0 0 kw9kzci4 0 0 u_112
6022 6003 2105 0 1231226699 1 1 1 1 Re: ? True let us be carefull of what we say for who needs any unecessary trouble but let us not fear them. 0 0 8oj4mxmp 0 0 u_2219
6023 0 1787 0 1231247777 1 1 1 1 A member? Hi BlueEyedBlonde, Bit of an odd one here for you - I think there's some spam going on/about to go on from this member - yue568qi435. Have a look at his posts and see what you reckon? Nike Shoes in the League of St.George topic I'm sure has nothing to do with NS and 28 lol! Revolution28 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 awpw2oy3 0 0 u_54
1656 0 775 5 1207804952 1 1 1 1 Sending Birthday Wishes !! 0 0 2vwn42ck 0 0 u_188
1661 1659 2 0 1207814850 1 1 1 1 Re: AXIS NEWS Awite Bud! Do u mean on the worldwide site?....If so your talking to the wrong person. Email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Cheers G 0 0 9zeei7qs 0 0 u_72
6359 5985 69 0 1233257642 1 1 1 1 Re: Cheers mate !! did it yesterday mate!!!! no worries but ill send one tomorrow also ! 0 0 hvtp0ejn 0 0 u_531
3616 0 1266 0 1215366438 1 1 1 1 brothers scotland <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> we are in central scotland mate lets sort a meet out mate soon few beers and a few good tunes . <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> .aloa white pride ready and waiting. <!-- s`SwiftJustice --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/sstotani.gif" alt="`SwiftJustice" title="SwiftJustice" /><!-- s`SwiftJustice --> <!-- s`nig1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm3.pak/Nig1.gif" alt="`nig1" title="nig" /><!-- s`nig1 --> hope to hear from you soon mate steph1488 .wee watty alloa white pride 0 0 3uugngbg 0 0 u_1017
3617 0 1266 0 1215366810 1 1 1 1 brothers scotland <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> we are in central scotland mate lets sort a meet out mate soon few beers and a few good tunes . <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`HKreuz --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/hackenkreuzbanner.gif" alt="`HKreuz" title="HKreuz" /><!-- s`HKreuz --> .aloa white pride ready and waiting. <!-- s`SwiftJustice --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/sstotani.gif" alt="`SwiftJustice" title="SwiftJustice" /><!-- s`SwiftJustice --> <!-- s`nig1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm3.pak/Nig1.gif" alt="`nig1" title="nig" /><!-- s`nig1 --> hope to hear from you soon mate steph1488 .wee watty alloa white pride 0 0 19k697iu 0 0 u_1017
6480 6438 54 0 1234059100 1 1 1 1 Re: none Thanks for that, it's really appreciated. I have passed on this information to the relevant people. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> [quote=&quot;celticwarrior83&quot;:1eqshsil]Hey, There is a guy on this forum that got busted with explosives and other illegal materials. He goes by the name of Skoda. Here is an article on his conviction: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";coll=3"> ... xml&amp;coll=3</a><!-- m --> I have communicated with him through PM's and was planning on meeting him, as he was a nationalist that lived close to me. He never once claimed to be C18. I thought you should know for security reasons. Thank You! 828![/quote:1eqshsil] 0 0 gA== 1eqshsil 0 0 u_337
4881 0 1896 0 1221728743 1 1 1 1 hey mate! Hey mate when did you join. i just joined about 5 minutes ago? 88 0 0 10ravlhc 0 0 u_1895
4882 4881 1895 0 1221730504 1 1 1 1 Re: hey mate! LOL!!!! Looks like I beat you to it by about a half an hour I think! Cool little smilies over here! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 31fuwkna 0 0 u_1896
4883 4878 295 0 1221733759 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey [quote=&quot;Aussiegoy&quot;:2bg3tzeg]Fagalicious, it was fucking awesome. I'm seriously hanging out for the next one..... Attitude was on both sides for sure. Dissapointing, but not what I want to get involved in. Nothing to do with me. I love ya's all. Still, we didn't get to chat about stuff at the gig. So, you'll have to get pissed with me again some time soon.... <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:2bg3tzeg] Sounds like a plan, Stan. Looking forward to it, fagmo. Still feel sorry for Welf. His politics are weird as fuck, but he's about the only one who's kept a cool head in the fairly huge aftermath over all that. Let us know when you wanna hook up for a bevy (drink), Ms. Winehouse. Later alligator. 0 0 gA== 2bg3tzeg 0 0 u_1008
4903 4893 1074 0 1221815027 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND Batley in West Yorkshire me, we pick up Gary in Sheffield for gigs sometimes. 0 0 bs43fzzd 0 0 u_780
4904 4878 1008 0 1221815580 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey [quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:2w7l5814] Sounds like a plan, Stan. Looking forward to it, fagmo. Still feel sorry for Welf. His politics are weird as fuck, but he's about the only one who's kept a cool head in the fairly huge aftermath over all that. Let us know when you wanna hook up for a bevy (drink), Ms. Winehouse. Later alligator.[/quote:2w7l5814] Cool. Let us know when you're going to be around maybe next week or the following one. Welf's politics are weird, no doubt. So the proverbial shitus has hit the fanus? Man - you know it's bad when the shit actually DEFIES gravity. <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Normally shit goes DOWN, but when it goes up, that's when you know things are bad. LOL. 0 0 gA== 2w7l5814 0 0 u_295
6020 5461 203 0 1231200171 1 1 1 1 Re: Info Ok Randal Look forward to meeting you Regards Sérgio 0 0 v8keqb3g 0 0 u_88
1676 413 188 0 1207864607 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;arhitekt88&quot;:1ltzhrny]jel imas kaj o tiboru roku, ustaskom sefu policije(nisam siguran za to) iz karlovca????[/quote:1ltzhrny] Nemam, nazalost! A tko ti je to, djed? <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1ltzhrny 0 0 u_183
2147 2019 193 0 1210347249 1 1 1 1 Re: Sir! Yep, i'll have a word with one or two folks. Ok to pass on your email address? 0 0 30d66as1 0 0 u_351
4733 0 1745 0 1220945687 1 1 1 1 hello hi shell its me mark hope things are well can you please send you mobile number over to me . see you at the isd 0 0 3sb0hhz3 0 0 u_53
4483 4471 59 0 1218789158 1 1 1 1 Re: right mate Lo M8 B&amp;H isn't ilegal, never has been never will be. If it was an iligal organisation then we'd all be doing 2 years plus for it same as trhey did in ulster and the ilegal orgs there. Do a google search for banned organisations in the UK and you'll see that none of the right wing are on there. How can they make us ilegal, we don't commit acts of terror all we do is air our voice and sing a few songs, under European law and UK law thats perfectly legal to do, as long as you don't upset someone lol. We incite nothing, if we did thent hat also would be ilegal Put a post on here askign if B&amp;H is legal or ilegal 14 Duds 0 0 2jf7j0w4 0 0 u_1362
1680 1635 115 0 1207867449 1 1 1 1 Re: Questions about... [quote=&quot;Ragnarok.Fanzine&quot;:1cmtcg3k]Hail! Okey, thanks for the answer. As I suppose you understand we don't want to co-operate with C18 people (In the Ragnarök fanzine). That was why I asked :)[/quote:1cmtcg3k] Yep no worries we understand your concerns 828 0 0 gA== 1cmtcg3k 0 0 u_719
2150 2019 193 0 1210362803 1 1 1 1 Re: Sir! Aye, sure is nigger weather haha........ok, i've passed on your email to 2 people. 1 in Germany and 1 in the UK which would probably be better. Also, have you tried Pure Impact? i'm sure he would be more than up for it. Regards G 0 0 1hz62ksv 0 0 u_351
4547 0 886 0 1219139692 1 1 1 1 Re: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. Heil brother, I believe your looking to get a cd on the way, well when you do let me know, and put me down for one, and I'l also promote it on my forum, good luck. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 32drp41t 0 0 u_297
5238 5236 69 0 1224058646 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome it looks a beautiful country mate..and the music sounded good from the band you i say i hope that you enjoy your time on the site keep in contact and take care 828 0 0 37ji55jr 0 0 u_1990
5239 5209 171 0 1224062421 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 E jbg, spakovao sam komp za put, tako da nisam vidio PM, a ktomu vlak je kasnio, i bio sam u Zg oko 17h. Uglavnom, br. ra?una je 3210709573- PBZ, na ime Marko Bani?. Pošalji mi opet svoju adresu, jer kako rekoh zbog jebenog foruma ostao sam bez starih PM-ova. Majicu ti najvjerojatnije sutra pošaljem. Pozdrav! Marko 0 0 1bp5bxhd 0 0 u_220
5240 0 74 0 1224076138 1 1 1 1 Re: NEW CD ! Ken McLellan &amp; Arrowcross [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=14759#p14759:30m5wxw3]Subject: NEW CD ! Ken McLellan &amp; Arrowcross[/url:30m5wxw3] [quote=&quot;helikopter&quot;:30m5wxw3]get yestrday cd very good work from ken and boys from hungary <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> dex cro[/quote:30m5wxw3] hail bro its me danny <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 kA== 30m5wxw3 0 0 u_1775
5241 0 1092 0 1224080024 1 1 1 1 ok ocharme jij:p hoe alles rond 18, 25 april, en 2 mei al maar vrij. zijn zo de datums dat er wel iets zal gebeuren voor verjaardag van de furher zoals elk jaar... 0 0 xp5ybl62 0 0 u_1105
1689 413 183 0 1207919533 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 ne me zanima ...a nist onda,naisel sam u nekim knjigama na njega al jako sturo,a nit na netu nema nist 0 0 1nmst6tn 0 0 u_188
6257 5966 59 0 1232697790 1 1 1 1 Re: $$$ lo m8 I had 2 sites on there, and rune. OK if he's MIA then I better start looking for a new place unless you're close to getting a new one? 14 Duds 0 0 2fzkr461 0 0 u_152
6258 6148 171 0 1232698131 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H ?uj, za pristup osnovni uvjet je poznanstvo u stvarnom svijetu. A problem bi mogao biti u tome što si, ako se ne varam, iz Velike Gorice, tako da ti je najbliža B&amp;H divizija u Rijeci. Najbolje je ako si u prilici do?i na nekakav event u Hrv. ili nekoj od susjednih zemalja, pa tamo porazgovarati sa nekim od pripadnika B&amp;H. Pozdrav! 0 0 2eydu3g6 0 0 u_2379
6259 6199 171 0 1232698235 1 1 1 1 Re: Bok!! [quote=&quot;Otrovni Patuljak 88&quot;:1dlqbflp]Oprosti što ovako upadam al vidim da si najaktivniji i najbliži mjestu mog stanovanja.zanima me gdje se može stupiti u kontakt u vezi kupovine odije?e rado bih si nabavio neke majice nisam skins niti se obla?im poput njih al dijelimo isto razmišljanje i ideologiju tako da bih vrlo rado kupio neku robu da ljudi vide da nas ima i u Vukovaru i da se napokon nešto pokrene i kod nas u VU jel ima puno de?kiju koji bi rado pristupili a neznaju gdje jel svi skoro Hrvatski desno orijentirani sajtovi su okupljalište napaljenih školaraca koji dižu ruku samo da bi ispali opasni.....HVala ti unaprijed!!!!![/quote:1dlqbflp] ?uj, ima ti web shop na stranici B&amp;H Hrvatska (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) pa tamo možeš vidjeti trenutnu ponudu što se odje?e ti?e. Nažalost nije za sada toliko opširna, tako da bih ti preporu?io neke od stranih web-shopova. Pozdrav! 0 0 gA== 1dlqbflp 0 0 u_2434
6131 0 1027 0 1232146429 1 1 1 1 je koopwaar 0 0 26j9hley 0 0 u_1340
5920 0 1001 0 1229441996 1 1 1 1 cze?? Cze?? ?ukasz jak tam zdrowie,mam nadziej? ?e na policzku pozosta?y ju? tylko same blizny:) Pozdrawiam T. 0 0 1e0epdur 0 0 u_1734
5639 0 72 0 1227451381 1 1 1 1 Hello Mate It was good to meet you at the REMEBRANCE DAY march <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> , Im not up to much at the moment but will be at the WHITE CHRISTMAS gig which I think is in the Nottingham area on the 6th December so maybe see you there. All the best.Rob 0 0 wf6qbrpn 0 0 u_1172
5640 5631 2123 1 1227461402 1 1 1 1 Re: hello thanks for that! i hope see u there.. 0 0 2d3m0vuq 0 0 u_1910
5641 0 1910 0 1227464415 1 1 1 1 white xmas probably a question i could have found the answer to a lot quicker if i had looked but is there a location for white xmas? i really want to go 0 0 2faz22uh 0 0 u_53
5642 5637 1 0 1227465667 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello HI Nicole yeah it's me, You're pretty clever i gotta say! You found out who i really was hahahaha. My account hasn't been working fo quite some time now on this forum, and i haven't seen you much on the HSN board lately so this is why i pretty much didn't give any news, but as you know allready (i assume) whatever excuse a man gives to a woman is bullshit.... Truth was i was not really on the net for the past couple of month and i'm a bastard <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Anyways here i am again !!!! If you could delete this account and change me old pastword that would be perfect Cheers Raph 0 0 1c9elg60 0 0 u_54
1700 1100 460 0 1208000041 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:mtq1303b]Boas, quero saber se trazes alguem contigo para o concerto? Quantos bilhetes queres e se tens transporte ou não. Depois te darei o contacto de uma pessoa que organiza as coisas ai em baixo. Abraço[/quote:mtq1303b] Desculpa o atraso na resposta mas estive fora nestas ultimas semanas. Como ainda falta quase dois meses não sei se trarei alguém comigo, mas podes já reservar o meu lugar ;) Eu depois só necessito é que me sugiram ai uma pensão barata mas decente para eu ficar, pois nada melhor do que dar um passeio pelo Porto no domingo de manhã. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Em relação à revista mantenho o meu desejo de ajudar-vos a construi-la e divulga-la. Um abraço 88 0 0 gA== mtq1303b 0 0 u_203
5330 5296 858 0 1224692182 1 1 1 1 Re: The 14 Words Documentary Very cool. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised you were able to enter a foreign countries. Aren't you like... wanted for war crimes? 0 0 h0h4ob4o 0 0 u_54
4749 0 444 0 1220991008 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10897#p10897:378iqxsh]Subject: Watcha reading????[/url:378iqxsh] [quote=&quot;I.S.D.14/88&quot;:378iqxsh]the fame of a dead mans deeds! all about the life of dr william pierce! fantastic read. indepth info on bob mathews. hitler and world war two, and what really went on! a complete book of vital info from start to finish, one of the best books ive ever read.[/quote:378iqxsh] where did you get the book from 0 0 kA== 378iqxsh 0 0 u_63
4309 4253 59 0 1217360768 1 1 1 1 Re: tats Lo m8 You're not bothering me. You could try m8, but don't tell him you know me, cos if he does suss on to your age, I'll get it in the neck from him. check that its the tatt u really want m8, its there for a long time once done and don't get owt that'll stop you getting a decent job 14 Duds 0 0 21i8e7ly 0 0 u_1362
5292 5277 108 0 1224520040 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu [quote=&quot;Sturmführer&quot;:3iqjgcln]nema beda. ako se odlu?i javi marku da znamo kod kona?nog naru?ivanja potvrditi broj. još moramo vidjet ko bi sve išao[/quote:3iqjgcln] ok,evo vec sad ti mogu potvrdit za nas dvojicu... 0 0 gA== 3iqjgcln 0 0 u_930
5291 5277 930 0 1224519767 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu nema beda. ako se odlu?i javi marku da znamo kod kona?nog naru?ivanja potvrditi broj. još moramo vidjet ko bi sve išao 0 0 1vdc6ax5 0 0 u_108
5290 5277 108 0 1224519612 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu [quote=&quot;Sturmführer&quot;:1kvgiziz]ura?unali smo te u paket rije?kih ulaznica tako da se ne brini[/quote:1kvgiziz] hvala,no brinem se zato što bi još jedan kamerad iz pule išao sa mnom gore... 0 0 gA== 1kvgiziz 0 0 u_930
1706 0 775 0 1208054348 1 1 1 1 Greets.. Happy Birthday!! 0 0 1u4d0pvb 0 0 u_614
5933 5925 59 0 1229564578 1 1 1 1 Re: blood and honour mags Lo M8 If you want to send them I'll take what you have. Just let me know what you want for them and I'll sort it as soon as I can after Yule. I'm stacked out at work untill then you can send them to the po box: R&amp;S Po Box 458 Grimsby DN31 2ZU 14 Duds 0 0 edw3vyc2 0 0 u_1972
4604 0 171 0 1219958971 1 1 1 1 Re: Sons Of Europe - 23 08 08 Dekani?u? 0 0 3oz56l5y 0 0 u_1082
1708 0 187 0 1208071216 1 1 1 1 Block Account of C18members Can you delete and block the account &quot;Neuskifc&quot; It insult BH division, the division Lugdunum (South France), to be apologetic about C18! one example some post of Neuskifc: [i:1405qs22]The C18 france is recognized by other cells not like your shit lugdunum think that that be done with money on the backs of the movement to go for a football match[/i:1405qs22] Thanx 0 0 IA== 1405qs22 0 0 u_53
1709 0 614 10 1208071753 1 1 1 1 . Thankyou.14/88 0 0 2jyc9dyw 0 0 u_775
1712 1708 53 0 1208076044 1 1 1 1 Re: Block Account of C18members [quote=&quot;bat28&quot;:2e6hqdj6]Can you delete and block the account &quot;Neuskifc&quot; It insult BH division, the division Lugdunum (South France), to be apologetic about C18! one example some post of Neuskifc: [i:2e6hqdj6]The C18 france is recognized by other cells not like your shit lugdunum think that that be done with money on the backs of the movement to go for a football match[/i:2e6hqdj6] Thanx[/quote:2e6hqdj6] 828 Have gone to the other Admins with a copy of this pm, We work together in these issues so will get a decision together, It seems waiting a while wont hurt as you have deleted his posts, It will get sorted as soon as possible ok. Thanks, Shell 0 0 oA== 2e6hqdj6 0 0 u_187
5462 5458 2092 0 1225738398 1 1 1 1 Re: t-shirt [quote=&quot;28bohemiabrotherhood&quot;:255505xz]Hello Brother, We accept payment cash to my address in registered airmail letter. Best Regards Mark 28 Bohemia <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:255505xz] Great. Give me your adress please. 88 0 0 gA== 255505xz 0 0 u_1691
5140 0 168 0 1223486835 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Calendars 2009 Hey, I am Chris from Blood &amp; Honour Flanders (belgium). I can already give you 1 date. Our Memorial weekend for Fallen Heroes 2009 will be on the 13/14th of March 2009. Greetings. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9573#p9573:vnisl5rk]Subject: B&amp;H Calendars 2009[/url:vnisl5rk] [quote=&quot;HolyWar83&quot;:vnisl5rk]VF/ B&amp;H America would like to mass produce a B&amp;H calendar. We want to include dates in these calendars that are of importance to Nationalists worldwide. So we are asking everybody on this forum... from all over the White send us dates that are important to your various countries &amp; our Folk there. Thank you in advance! 828 Send replies to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or simply PM me or yhvhsrvntVF on this board.. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:vnisl5rk] 0 0 kA== vnisl5rk 0 0 u_152
1715 1708 53 0 1208089790 1 1 1 1 Re: Block Account of C18members All done hes gone 0 0 o1ffrhku 0 0 u_187
1716 0 813 0 1208091531 1 1 1 1 hail [i:28ej3kr8][b:28ej3kr8]i have found you,nice[/b:28ej3kr8][/i:28ej3kr8] 0 0 YA== 28ej3kr8 0 0 u_174
1717 0 802 9 1208095333 1 1 1 1 verkoop heej ik ben sven ben van berlaar licht tegen lier volgens en reactie op het forum zou je aan box beugels grake ik heb intressen wat vraagje ??? 0 0 3ho4lp9i 0 0 u_639
1718 1100 203 0 1208099684 1 1 1 1 Re: rock invicta ok quanto a revista podes fazer textos ou o que quizeres tens é de traduzires para ingles e quando tiveres isso manda-me pelo email. Da-me o teu numero de telemovel para depois seres contactado por gente da minha confiança para seres conduzido ao lugar do concerto. 0 0 3c5slf3n 0 0 u_460
5451 5449 461 0 1225626190 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? Well it depends where the meeting is really as I'm not driving at the mo and I don't know if anyone can give me a lift (I have been taking my driving lessons for quite a while now so I should be driving soon) <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 3folnz16 0 0 u_58
1722 0 759 0 1208136468 1 1 1 1 Hail From AussieNIGE DudsHail Duds No word from you? just wondering if you got my emails as I have a had a problem with my server lately? Hows the Paypal drama going? Got Big probs here been evicted, facing homelessness &amp; its fucking Winter... Stressing. Take care Nige 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 yygmmp8e 0 0 u_59
1724 1708 187 0 1208154039 1 1 1 1 Re: Block Account of C18members Thanx <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 16fah2kg 0 0 u_53
1726 154 171 0 1208168072 1 1 1 1 88 Ej, pokušavao sam dobiti petera, al nikako da uspijem, pa evo tebi šaljem pripremu za majice. Uglavnom, napravili bi manju seriju novih B&amp;H Hrvatska, budu?i da su se nekima stare ve? izlizale, a neki novi ?lanovi ih uop?e nemaju. Uglavnom, bilo bi 14 komada, 8M, 5L i 1 ženska M. Pirpremu možeš skinuti sa ovog linka: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... a.cdr.html</a><!-- m --> Eto, kad uloviš vremena pa da se to napravi. Pozdrav Marko 0 0 kdvfprcm 0 0 u_236
1733 0 819 0 1208181157 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Oi! zou ik uw lijst mogen hebben? k'zou wel geintreseert zijn... 0 0 3e9jeswy 0 0 u_90
1734 1733 90 0 1208182079 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Als u foto's wenst vraag je het maar en over de prijs dat bespreken we als je zegt in wat je geïnteresseerd bent <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> T-SHIRT’S Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – beide een Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN Zeppeling vlag Wehrmacht vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (de rode, de zwarte en met de arend) Kriegsflagge Klein doekje met hakenkruis (speciaal!) BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 e90fnka7 0 0 u_819
5100 5080 817 0 1223044326 1 1 1 1 Re: lolkek Nema problema, kad god mozes. VEliki Pozzzdrav <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1upwui4v 0 0 u_1984
5101 5089 1996 0 1223046414 1 1 1 1 Re: Racial greetings! Hello again. And thanks for helping. 88! Nicu 0 0 ywyh4rt7 0 0 u_54
3422 0 295 0 1214913669 1 1 1 1 ISD Howdy Steve, I just realized your email addy isn't on the B&amp;H list and therefore you didn't get an invite to the ISD Memorial. Send it to me again at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and I'll put it on the list. By the way, you're welcome to come to the gig and have a few beers with us. I gotta say you had a few people scratching their heads at last ISD, but whatever. Anyways, bring your missus along, mate. It'll all be good. Cheers, Justin 828 PS. Ya owe me a beer, haha. 0 0 a9z5tkf7 0 0 u_299
5491 0 67 0 1225870558 1 1 1 1 Re: BH Wales Divisional Shirts. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15721#p15721:3d6xx8h3]Subject: BH Wales Divisional Shirts.[/url:3d6xx8h3] [quote=&quot;heimdall&quot;:3d6xx8h3]In the process of ordering new BH Wales shirts, if you need a particular size pm me and ill make sure its ordered. Don't leave it too long as it going to be done this week so their ready for White Xmas. Blood and Honour Wales on front and 3 - 7's on the back [small print]. I need to know especially for girls/womens size shirts. As always if theres any money left over after paying for the shirts it will go in the pot for Stinko.[/quote:3d6xx8h3] I'll squeeze into a large please mate!! If you need any help with the funds let me know 828 0 0 kA== 3d6xx8h3 0 0 u_105
1742 0 681 0 1208204607 1 1 1 1 Re: North American Althing 2008 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=2766#p2766:2higag3c]Subject: North American Althing 2008[/url:2higag3c] [quote=&quot;BODHVAR-BJARKI&quot;:2higag3c]:: General Info :: --- August 29th Thru September 1st, 2008 --- St Louis Missouri Metro Area (about One Hour From St Louis, Rides Will Be Available From Airport) --- Admission: $30 Per Person Or $50 Per Family (or Couple) --- Camping, Full 3 Day Event, Hotel Nearby If Needed (firewood Supplied By Us). Event Is On Private Acreage. --- A Dinner Meal Will Be Provided Each Day (chicken, Hamburgers Etc), As Well As Drinks And Water All Day. --- Child Friendly Event --- A Beer Garden Will Be Available For Adults. :: Bands :: --- Blood In The Face --- Frontline --- The Rolling Sevens ...more To Be Confirmed... :: Speakers :: --- Pastor Drew From Nebraska --- Vf Pastor Mike L. --- European B&amp;h Speaker --- And T.b.a. Asatru Speaker ...more To Be Confirmed... :: Events :: --- Asatru Blot --- Christian Service --- Nationalist Land Ownership Seminar --- Childrens' Cultural Activities --- B&amp;h Continental Meeting --- Vf International Althing ...more To Be Announced... :: Vendors :: --- Bloodline Records --- Roa Publications ...more To Be Announced... :: Please Note The Following Conditions :: --- You Must Rsvp With Volksfront At <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. --- You Must Have One Reference From Volksfront, Blood &amp; Honour, White Revolution Or The H.s.n.. --- No Persons With Wants/warrants Or On Parole. --- You Are Subject To Search And Removal By Vf Security For Any Act Of Drunkeness Or Disrespect To Any Of Our Guests. By Attending You Hold Event Organizers Free From All Liability, Civil Or Criminal. --- Any Electronic Devices Are Subject To Confiscation, If Confiscated They Will Be Returned To You After The Event. --- No Weapons Of Any Sort, Including Pocket Knives. --- No Bring Your Own Alcoholic Beverages. Food, Snacks And Other Soft Drinks Are Ok. --- Due To The Size Of The Event We Reserve The Right To Refuse Anyone, Even With References, Who Has Not Rsvp'd. --- The Site Will Include Mens And Womens Portable Bathrooms, Firepits And Wood. Some Benches And Chairs Will Be Provided By Us But We Suggest Bringing You Own Chairs If You Are Able. Due To The High Number Of Children And Families You Will Mind Your Language Or Be Removed If You Continue. We Will Have A Limited Number Of Spare Tents And Sleeping Gear For People Traveling By Air From Other Countries Or States, Or Their Is A Hotel Approx. 15 Mins From The Event. All Attendees Must Have A Character Reference, Except: ~full Or 'patched'~ Members Of The Hsn, White Revolution Or B&amp;h. More Details And A Flyer Will Be Available Here Soon...[/quote:2higag3c] Greetings from B&amp;H Bulgaria, Our division is still in probation period but we expect to become official B&amp;H division in couple of months. I'm going this summer in Alaska where I'll be working untill the end of august. I would like to join this event. Tell me more about your requirements of the references. I mean whether to be e-mailed or on paper or what type? Also please tell me if you've got other requirements! Wish you all best! 0 0 kA== 2higag3c 0 0 u_88
1745 1742 88 0 1208217259 1 1 1 1 Re: North American Althing 2008 you are more than welcome if you are B&amp;H. You will want to fly into st louis international airport in missouri. we can pick you up from the airport and assist with any other arrangements. email me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> if you feel you can make it and we'll make further arrangements all the best 828 Randal 0 0 1nnyuheu 0 0 u_681
4578 0 638 0 1219744994 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12271#p12271:351wsz8z]Subject: ????? ?????!!![/url:351wsz8z] [quote=&quot;==&gt;&quot;:351wsz8z]????????? ????????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ???????, ? ??? ???? ???????? ??? ????????,?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ??,???????.....? ???? ``????? ???????`` ?????? ?? ??????????, ????? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ? ???, ?? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? ? ???????? ???-??????? ???? ?? ? ????.....???? ????? ?? ????????, ???? ?????, ?? 1-?? ?????? ?? ?? ??????????? ???? ? ??? ?????????? ???????, ?????? ????? ???-?????. ???? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??????? ? ??????? ?? ??? ? ? ???, ????????, ???? ???? 3 ?????? ?? ?? ????????????.... ???? ? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ? ?? ?????????? ? ?? ???????????....???? ????? ?? ????????? ??? 2-3 ?????? ??? ?????, ? ??????????? ???????? ????? ???....[/quote:351wsz8z] ??? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ?????... ?? Thors hammer ? ????? , ? ??! 0 0 kA== 351wsz8z 0 0 u_1594
2947 1717 802 9 1213100484 1 1 1 1 Re: verkoop oke en bestel jij die dan of kan ik ze zelf ergens bestellen <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 828 [quote=&quot;88forlive&quot;:3str4be4]Heil, 10,80€ is de vraagprijs, maar daar moeten dan nog verzending (van USA) en transactie j-kosten van de bank bij! Dus kan je rekenen op een 20€! Maar als je grotere hoeveelheden aankoopt, zal die verzindingskost maar heel licht stijgen, en de transactie kost blijft gewoon het zelfde! Dus is het aan jou! Mvg, 88forlive <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3str4be4] 0 0 gA== 3str4be4 0 0 u_639
1769 0 830 0 1208305203 1 1 1 1 HELLO BRENDAN BRENDAN BRENDAN...&quot;A CLOWN A CLOWN HE PULLED MY TROUSERS DOWN, A SHOCK IT WAS THE WHOLE TOWN SAW MY COCK&quot;...OH CHRISTMAS TREE OH CHRISTMAS TREE... Have you Stopped bashing Sharron yet? Why don't you come clean &amp; clear your conscience for ever &amp; tell all your White power buddies about your secret Homsexual Tendencies?? We both know what happenned to you in Jail all those years ago when you were Buggared in your poor tight little arse! Don't we Brendan John Smith &quot;BJ&quot; BAD JEW ???!! HA HA HA . Your poor Mum died of Cancer because of you being Buggared in Jail, then again in the Army (thats why you went AWOL isn't it!) Now you work for the ZOGS again as a Cleaner in the RAAF you just couldn't keep away from your Jewish masters could you BJ?? Gary was right about you all along wasn't he Brendan? Stop being a Hypocrite BJ. One Day we will meet again &amp; I have a Surprise for you BJ... HA HA HA ... You poor Imbecile! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2z6hu9hj 0 0 u_145
1765 1763 53 0 1208284179 1 1 1 1 Re: removed post [quote=&quot;Pitbull38&quot;:29pehdq0]G'day, I just read the post named &quot;Pitbull38&quot; were this scumbag was lying about my comrade of 17 years BJ. I am sure my brother BJ would want &amp; DESERVES to read what this drug dealing scum has been saying about him...(this idiot thought I was BJ...but.....nonetheless I also and he want a copy of this.) Please remedy this ASAP. Ben SCHS-HSN HFFH[/quote:29pehdq0] Sorry Ben once a post is deleted its gone for good i'm afraid, Hes been deleted as a member once that happens thats final. Everything goes with them. The post was so vile i had no choice to remove it asap Sorry again Shell 0 0 gA== 29pehdq0 0 0 u_145
1754 0 1 0 1208261293 1 1 1 1 I WANT TO FIND YOU &amp; CARVE UP YOUR FACE! WHERE CAN I FIND YOU YOU WEAK COWARD?? I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU YOU WEAK COWARDLY ILLITERATE DOG. I GOT A NICE SURPRISE FOR YOU....WHERE CAN I FIND YOU IN MELBOURNE LITTLE BOY???????? COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE???..GUESS WHO? SHOULD WATCH WHAT YOU SAY BOY, YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET IT!.............! <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 1kcx5wcs 0 0 u_145
1763 0 1 0 1208283772 1 1 1 1 removed post G'day, I just read the post named &quot;Pitbull38&quot; were this scumbag was lying about my comrade of 17 years BJ. I am sure my brother BJ would want &amp; DESERVES to read what this drug dealing scum has been saying about him...(this idiot thought I was BJ...but.....nonetheless I also and he want a copy of this.) Please remedy this ASAP. Ben SCHS-HSN HFFH 0 0 3di1923j 0 0 u_53
1760 0 108 0 1208275643 1 1 1 1 stranica [b:16o1cfhr]oi! jesi živ ti? ho?e li ta stranica online ili ce ostat tek samo mrtvo slovo na papiru( u ovom slu?aju ekranu)?![/b:16o1cfhr] 0 0 QA== 16o1cfhr 0 0 u_277
1761 0 80 0 1208279108 1 1 1 1 St Georges Day Hi Paul I spoke to you at the Violent Storm gig about if you could point me and the misses in the direction of a guest house,b and b, hotel close ish to the venue,as its a long drive from Swindon,and more importantly i get to have a few beers,cheers mate hope you are keeping ok. Racial Regards 88 Karl Gill 0 0 z5qupwsh 0 0 u_63
1762 0 72 0 1208283263 1 1 1 1 BIRTHDAY PARTY Sorry I havent been in touch but Im still having a party on May 17th at Bungalow Inn Winford La Redhill, Bristol, BS40 5TP 01275 474085 There will be camping and 'its' children friendly <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> (If you wanted to make a real weekend of it I will send you a list of 'things' to see locally that are well worth a visit and cheap if not free) There will be 2 bands playing a 'Rock/Punk' covers band and an 'Oi' covers band.Also a decent 'buffet'. Thats all for now.Rob 0 0 3gw1cwkr 0 0 u_285
1767 1606 255 0 1208299027 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design Haili Salli, yep it was really pity i could not see them. But it was really lot of people I have not met many of my friends what I would like to space... so I was a bit tired too, I was driving, so I went to rest to the car about midnight.. I do not know, if I can be there on summer fest, would like to, but have some planes for future <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> I will get married so I have to, time,... <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> If will go there, will let You know So I would really like to be a part of Your sisterhood, so let me know, what Vicky and Jani and other sisters think about. Please. it would be a honour. Im really sad to see and help new organizations growing up and after girls fighting just for their call and I have enough of it. I always try to help the youngers one to do the best and they in the final fight each other or I have the biggest responsibility and do the whole work for them, because I put my name there and my ideas and all power...and for I feel really sad for it. And I would like to help there, where it is necessary and helpful for others , not just for a person and personal call or feeling important. I have done with two girls the summer party for kids,christmas party with ballads for kids, send presents to Czech NS babies for birthday and new born and lot of more....and spend lot of money od BH Portugal and our own to help the organizations, but I do not see them to fight for the same thing, ideas, life So if You could ask them for me, it would be great. Thank You very much. Im sorry to let my words so to You, but I feel such broken and sad about it. I have got the email, thank You very much. I tried to ask my friends, but some of them are short of money, so I cant promise nothing.. <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> Sorry I will try again. They are really beautiful. Hope You will not get a big haed from my post, sorry <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Enjoy your time. Best regards and thanks Lin 0 0 2npg0r3h 0 0 u_98
4894 4893 1074 0 1221779617 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND Not that I know of, where do you live m8 ? 0 0 xczo8gvf 0 0 u_780
5116 0 212 0 1223125558 1 1 1 1 re;gig belay that last pm hahaha theres a postabout the redirection be there or be square!! =) 0 0 2wkvl9ud 0 0 u_53
1776 0 235 0 1208356162 1 1 1 1 Re: JOHN TYNDALL PHOTOS FOR SALE [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=6681#p6681:6pooc7da]Subject: JOHN TYNDALL PHOTOS FOR SALE[/url:6pooc7da] [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:6pooc7da]I HAVE A STE OF 7 PHOTOS OF JOHN TYNDALL IN THE USA 1993 FOR SALE £10 A SET IVE 100S OF OTHER PHOTOS FOR SALE SKREWDRIVER BRUTAL ATTACK NO REMORSE AH RUDOLF HESS ETC SKIN GIRLS WHITE WOMAN ETC ANY ONE INTRESTED? 88 BADWOLF <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:6pooc7da] would be intrested in skrewdriver, brutal attack , no remorse ,photos more info prices ect cheers 0 0 kA== 6pooc7da 0 0 u_351
1778 269 112 0 1208359851 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Och, ik ben het hier zowat beu. Die mensen kunnen of willen blijkbaar niet nadenken. Had al 2 keer gezegd dat ze geen netlog namen moest posten voor de linksen, was er vorige week weer 1 of andere pipo die zijn netlog naam er op zwiert. Voor de rest nog altijd actief, gisteren naar debat van jong-NVA geweest om te flyeren, haha Och ja, 't is ss herdenking, geen AH viering hé. Maar dan nog, de helft die daar aanwezig is, snapt the bigger picture niet. Ik heb 1 van die video's gemaakt voor die herdenking en heb er een citaat van Hitler in gestoken dat stelt dat het niet boeit hoeveel iemand kan zuipen, maar hoeveel slagen hij kan incasseren, dat het niet boeit hoeveel nachterlijke feestjes hij kan uithouden maar wel hoeveel uren hij kan marcheren aan 1 stuk door. hehe 0 0 1qe9md4s 0 0 u_110
1779 1773 98 0 1208360515 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu Hei, kiitos viestistä ja tilauksesta, en osaa sanoa vielä paljonko postik. ovat tarkalleen, luulisin n. 10 euroa, mutta jos annat osoitteesi niin voin pistää kellon tulemaan ja ilmoitan koko summan sitten. Olet ilmeisesti B&amp;H:laisia? 0 0 36g9me0r 0 0 u_311
1780 1606 98 0 1208361418 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design Hi again, Ahh I did think those wedding designs were for you hehe, wonderful news congratulations! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Well everyone would love to have you in WAU, so once you know where you settle we can start it all, we all know how much you have done for our movement, I don't know how you have time for it all... right now we need help with our publications like Morrigan Rising, we need articles for the new issue etc., I have to email all the girls and ask them do at least 2 each... If you have some old stuff you'd like to see in our mag, something saved on your PC, it'd be great to have it in MR. Vicky is now doing a major update on our website, some mags like Skuld we don't publish anymore so we put all the articles featuring different women online, I think now we only publish Homefront online mag + MR, enough job with that. The last year has been quiet for WAU due to Vicky's divorce for example and her moving away from NY, that's one reason it was difficult with the Yulefund, but now things are getting back to normal again. Jani is not in WAU anymore as she feels she has no time because of the baby, the new house etc., however she will always remain our friend. So it would most likely be me then who is &quot;probating&quot; you hehe. I don't remember if you ever did this interview for WAU, it's just some basic questions so everyone will have an idea of who you are and what your ideas are, in your case it's obvious really but if you didn't do it maybe you could do it later so that those who don't know you will get to know to you better. But that's not today's matter, sort out your other things and the eventual moving first <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Do you already receive our newsletter Aryan Strides? If not, I can invite you, it's a Yahoo group. I have put some of your band updates in AS as well. Ok we'll keep in touch, have a nice rest of the week <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Salli 0 0 3i7u4yc1 0 0 u_255
1781 1773 311 0 1208366237 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu [quote=&quot;FaithFolkFamily&quot;:1duq7b8n]Hei, kiitos viestistä ja tilauksesta, en osaa sanoa vielä paljonko postik. ovat tarkalleen, luulisin n. 10 euroa, mutta jos annat osoitteesi niin voin pistää kellon tulemaan ja ilmoitan koko summan sitten. Olet ilmeisesti B&amp;H:laisia?[/quote:1duq7b8n] en ole bh:ssa jäsenenä mutta oriveden bh chapteri:n äijät tunnen. mikko väätänen keskustie 49b10 35300 Orivesi <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 gA== 1duq7b8n 0 0 u_98
4929 0 1256 0 1221845358 1 1 1 1 isd2008 sorry to let you down just found out were gig is and my car wont get that far. my mate is going to borrow his dads car but wont drive to leeds .i can only say i.m sorry ifeel a right cunt for letting you down and messing you around at such short notice 0 0 3ej7w33n 0 0 u_780
4816 0 1000 0 1221376092 1 1 1 1 Re: Retaliator/Code1/The Wrongdoers/The Hoist [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13089#p13089:3jfb83xc]Subject: Retaliator/Code1/The Wrongdoers/The Hoist[/url:3jfb83xc] [quote=&quot;Perkele&quot;:3jfb83xc]Ja hyvä keikka olikin! [quote=&quot;tomscs&quot;:3jfb83xc]Pure Impact Records jakaa kaikille paikalle saapuville pienenbonuksen näissä kemuissa... <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: -->[/quote:3jfb83xc] En mä vaa saanu :&lt;[/quote:3jfb83xc] Näitten levyjen kanssa kävi pien kämmi, mut jo haluut näin jälkikäteen niin pistä osoite ja mä pistän postissa tulemaan... T 0 0 kA== 3jfb83xc 0 0 u_339
6280 6239 1027 0 1232800155 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Vanavond zit ik met een trouwfeest, dus nieuwjaarsreceptie van N-SA zal ik moeten missen. Maar tegen woensdag vinden we wel iets. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 396go3r5 0 0 u_618
1786 1761 63 0 1208377446 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day will let you know friday mate, cheers 88 0 0 105sc62n 0 0 u_80
4629 0 128 0 1220365997 1 1 1 1 video <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> this was the last march in wunsiedel i think. 0 0 1pftooyn 0 0 u_100
4735 4150 110 0 1220950602 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote buongiorno amico Surtur, eigenlijk ging ik niet meer op deze site komen, maar mijn nieuwsgierigheid liet dat niet toe....kwas wel weer vlug gedegouteerd over het intellect en de marginaliteit die afdroop van de geplaatste berichten. Jou antwoorden zijn wel iedere keer grappig en correct en ze begrijpen nog niet wat je wilt zeggen, ik lag plat van het lachen. nu ja, alles goed met jou, in het werk, de liefde <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> , en de NSA. je gaat het misschien niet geloven, maar op 11 okt zou ik willen aanwezig zijn in Oostende, het is toch toegankelijk voor iedereen of moet je lid zijn? ik ben benieuwd naar de uiteenzetting van de &quot;grote meneer&quot; Hermy, zal jij ook spreken of hebben ze andere mensen daarvoor. Dat hotel ligt aan de termen zeker in Oostende, ik zal het wel vinden. mijn schoonbroer uit Italia is hier juist en ik zal hem waarschijnlijk meebrengen als dat mag. allé maat, jullie zijn goed bezig, tot later FCB 0 0 1lyknh7o 0 0 u_112
4897 0 1 0 1221784236 1 1 1 1 i wont be comeing have you got my e mail and the latest photos im not comeing see my e mail enjoy meeting youre loveley admin boy are their some fucking arese lickers on here another enemy i have is bulldog drmmand chubley says hes gonna get me. well ill be fuckin waiting enjoy youre isd gig mate all the best enjoy the the photos nick 1488. i sold the celtic warrior video <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 swa3y7vi 0 0 u_105
1793 1773 98 0 1208454724 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu Ok kiitos, laitan kellon tulemaan ensi viikolla ja ilmoitan sitten koko summan. 0 0 mdh5z6es 0 0 u_311
4896 0 194 0 1221779858 1 1 1 1 Oi Oi Oi Oi lads what time u setting out tomorrow. its Stuart From Westland Div <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 9lthro9c 0 0 u_297
1795 1773 311 0 1208459493 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu [quote=&quot;FaithFolkFamily&quot;:1rqlipae]Ok kiitos, laitan kellon tulemaan ensi viikolla ja ilmoitan sitten koko summan.[/quote:1rqlipae] mulla on eräjärven säästöpankissa tili et menee yks pankki päivä välis niin näkyy raha 0 0 gA== 1rqlipae 0 0 u_98
1797 0 609 0 1208529258 1 1 1 1 Levyistä Moro, Löytyykö hyllystä vielä FORTRESS - Into Legend ja/tai POWERHÄUS - Let the new era begin ? Jos, niin voinko tätä kautta tilata vai pistänkö mailia ? 0 0 1kfz7hmt 0 0 u_552
1798 1797 552 0 1208532927 1 1 1 1 Re: Levyistä Kyllä voi ja kyllä löytyy. Fortressia enää 1kpl jäljellä <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 1ohjrv89 0 0 u_609
3812 3781 297 0 1215643623 1 1 1 1 Re: Cd Sorry e being an idiot agin.... forgot you we're playing slipped my mind...Loved the set at st george gig...especially the white power cover.... see you agin soon brother.. 14/828 0 0 1d9v1h7o 0 0 u_146
5295 5284 103 0 1224528363 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hi mate, No sorry not got any PB or Blackshirts. Not so easy to get at the moment. Cheers, 88 0 0 1o2xzln3 0 0 u_74
4839 4051 531 0 1221521925 1 1 1 1 Re: Gissa lift please ! Eyup Paul, got misself all set for Saturday, just text me with details friday re meeting place for lift and I'll be there bright and early ! It'll be gud if Tony Mc can do the honours again, top bloke <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> See you down there, wherever it is we're going. 88 mate Ian 0 0 2waz02c9 0 0 u_63
4523 4518 61 0 1218994817 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;smudge88&quot;:x8mnhjdi]whots isd and when is it[/quote:x8mnhjdi] The ISD memorial gig on the 19th &amp; 20 of September, there's a thread on here about it. Here's the thread <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=1689">viewtopic.php?f=75&amp;t=1689</a><!-- l --> 0 0 gA== x8mnhjdi 0 0 u_1624
1802 1797 609 0 1208536673 1 1 1 1 Re: Levyistä Noniin, loistavaa! Pistäkkö sitten tulemaan molemmat osotteeseen : Heikki Vaivila Aulangontie 30-32 A 7 13210 Hämeenlinna Osoite lienee muuttunu viime tilauksesta. Ihan tiedoksi jos niistä jossain pidät listaa... 0 0 1sxqwydi 0 0 u_552
1804 1761 63 0 1208541472 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day try the premier inn leeds city west, city west one office park geldard road ls12 6lx tel 0870 300 8478 priced at £52.00 per room, hope this is some help, cheers paul 0 0 2fyieia4 0 0 u_80
1805 1761 63 0 1208542641 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day phone this number if you have trouble with the other 0870 990 6448 0 0 24yd89ee 0 0 u_80
1806 0 534 0 1208547543 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop kun je my de lijst sturen van wa ge allemaal hebt bedankt kameraad [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5151#p5151:e8i5x0t7]Subject: Enkele spulletjes te koop[/url:e8i5x0t7] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:e8i5x0t7]Lijst is bijgewerkt, enkele nieuwe vlaggen en kleine actie bij aankoop van enkele spullen <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Voor de lijst pm je me maar <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: -->[/quote:e8i5x0t7] 0 0 kA== e8i5x0t7 0 0 u_90
1807 1806 90 0 1208552301 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Als je foto's wenst vraag je maar en de prijs bespreken we wel <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> T-SHIRT’S Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large Dansk Front Sweater - Extra Large VLAGGEN Zeppeling vlag Wehrmacht vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (de rode, de zwarte en met de arend) Kriegsflagge Klein doekje met hakenkruis (speciaal!) NSDAP armband BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 1sqfc3su 0 0 u_534
1810 1797 609 0 1208631645 1 1 1 1 Re: Levyistä Moi, Tuli tässä mieleen että onko mahdollista hoitaa tuo maksu jatkossa esim. tilisiirrolla tai laskulla, ettei tarvi tuon postiennakon kanssa kikkailla ? Vai onko se lähettäjän päästä helpompi nykysellä systeemillä ? 0 0 1ssc7shf 0 0 u_552
1811 1797 552 0 1208673358 1 1 1 1 Re: Levyistä Kyllä se onnistuu tilisiirrolla. Silloin postikulut on 3€. Tosin tämä lähetys tulee postiennakolla, koska se on jo lähetetty. Sinulle tulee siitä todennäköisesti ilmoitus keskiviikkona. Tilisiirto toimiii sillä tavalla että laitat rahat tilille ja ilmoitat asiasta viestillä. Paketti lähtee matkaan kun rahat on siirretty. Siinä on se etu että levyt tulee suoraan kotiin, eikä lähetystä tarvitse hakea postista. Paitsi jos paketissa on yli 4 levyä, tai mukana on paita tms. Silloin se ei mahdu kirjeenä, vaan se on paketti jonka joutuu hakemaan postista. 0 0 3pawmyru 0 0 u_609
1812 1776 235 0 1208680146 1 1 1 1 Re: JOHN TYNDALL PHOTOS FOR SALE i would like one A4 of skrewdriver,1 A4 of brutal attack and 1 A4 of no remorse to start off with ,who and how do i make the payment including p+p to you cheers 0 0 bvsy127p 0 0 u_351
5335 5274 58 0 1224749711 1 1 1 1 Re: Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross [quote=&quot;boz&quot;:2ocv020f]received cd today exellent many thanx boz[/quote:2ocv020f] Brilliant mate <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Ere by the way you sent a tenner in the envelope ??? It was only £7.50 for the CD !!! if you come down to the S London Gig on 8th Nov I will give you your change OK ? Thanks again mate NJD <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2ocv020f 0 0 u_235
6003 0 2219 0 1231018205 1 1 1 1 ? i just wrote you about your post in the canadian forum. the message dissapeared. this is the second time this has happened to me on this site. perhaps its just a glitch, perhaps its a little more 1984 for me these days than i thought. either way, thanks for letting others know it isnt safe. it hasnt been for a long time 0 0 2omny4vt 0 0 u_2105
6004 0 2219 0 1231019830 1 1 1 1 Re: Scrutinizing the human rights machine [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16975#p16975:3lmu8xb8]Subject: Scrutinizing the human rights machine[/url:3lmu8xb8] [quote=&quot;Big Mac&quot;:3lmu8xb8]We should all learn from the past be it wcfu,ciarrn donnely,jessie beumont, mark lemire,bill noble,mellissa guille etc stay off the internet and if you are on it police yourself no nigger this faggot that kill kikes etc etc.Network meet up and if your going to use such language do it among yourselfs not on the public airwaves our cause and task is to great to be treated in such a childlike fashion especially now that we know what will happen fines,jail etc.[/quote:3lmu8xb8] .... perhaps this one will send and there are far worse things out there than jail. all it takes is to have the wrong person on your friends list. my space, facebook and all those sites. it is equally as bad when your account or the site is &quot;hacked&quot;. police will spend countless amounts of time and money hunting ghosts that do not exist. i tried to sell 2 old cds on ebay last year when i planned on moving. i was attacked by a former friend for doing so, asking if i was selling screwdriver too. he was inderectly, a police informant. his angry comments connected the 2 of us when we hadnt spoken in almost 1 year. appearently, his site was taken down recently. i was followed for months because of numbers on my phone bill and people on my friends list. there was nothing illegal going on with any of it. there was no intention of ever disrupting the peace. i guess its hard for them to differenciate between who is typing angry and upset non-sence vs who is actually a social up-set. so i live like a prisioner, for nothing. im hoping to straighten in out this year. i had a hard drive replaced a few years ago. i believe the other one was restored. to keep my info, or submit it to police with no understanding of it should be, if it isnt, illegal. it violates privacy. would you know any of the laws surrounding this stuff? if so, you might be able to help me. how do you stop some one from talking about you in their facebook emails and msn conversations? you cant! its been happening to me after warning a really young kid that he could get into a lot of trouble. im sure i will be reading about him in the local papers soon enough. i dont want the same fate. you cant save everybody. off to work. hope all is well where ever you are. take care. little 0 0 kA== 3lmu8xb8 0 0 u_2105
5305 5297 1937 0 1224591158 1 1 1 1 Re: white christmas gig thanks for the information. if i go i think i will have a place. XD greetings from germany. 14/88 0 0 2f177ell 0 0 u_239
5306 5184 1937 0 1224591261 1 1 1 1 Re: translate well ok. im german too and together with a spanish skinhead *lol* yes i have msn, the addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> my space i mast make the side new first. they have close it. greetings from germany. 14/88 0 0 g8qfwn2v 0 0 u_72
5567 5555 886 0 1226834838 1 1 1 1 Re: Kent [quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:2dq9auq8]yeah i know sittingbourne alright ish and have a couple of mates around there who are white pride so it could end up happening [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16025#p16025:2dq9auq8]Subject: Kent[/url:2dq9auq8] [quote=&quot;WIGANMIKE&quot;:2dq9auq8][quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:2dq9auq8]im in maidstone and the only way i really have of getting around is public transport and i keep planning on going to a 28 gig but never get round to it because im new to the whole scene[/quote:2dq9auq8] Ok its TRAIN RIDE FROM SITTINGBOURNE, have a look around first and see if its what you like.. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:2dq9auq8][/quote:2dq9auq8] Brilliant keep me updated bro 0 0 kA== 2dq9auq8 0 0 u_1910
5310 0 279 7 1224605705 1 1 1 1 a song you's could sing... [u:1ni1ow99]only sing the max resist version or you will get a sore throat[/u:1ni1ow99] The Song: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... and/Lyrics</a><!-- m --> to 88 Rock 'n Roll Band : Lyrics: [b:1ni1ow99]White Power! They call me nazi an I am proud about They call me racist and I shout it out loud I am proud of my race, proud of my land White brothers and sisters Come and raise your hand We are an 88 Rock 'n' Roll Band We are an 88 Rock 'n' Roll Band We are an 88 Rock 'n' Roll Band and we play for the fallen for race and land We are marching on the streets at night Boots and braces we are ready to fight Get out you scum rounding around White aryans are saying no fun White brothers wars no more Here comes the RAcial HOly WAr Our dream is a white revolution White revolution is the only solution[/b:1ni1ow99] [i:1ni1ow99][u:1ni1ow99]change the chorus to we're unit 28 rock and roll band so it should look some think like this :[/u:1ni1ow99][/i:1ni1ow99] Lyrics: [b:1ni1ow99]White Power! They call me nazi an I am proud about They call me racist and I shout it out loud I am proud of my race, proud of my land White brothers and sisters Come and raise your hand we're unit 28 rock and roll band we're unit 28 rock and roll band we're unit 28 rock and roll band d and we play for the fallen for race and land We are marching on the streets at night Boots and braces we are ready to fight Get out you scum rounding around White aryans are saying no fun White brothers wars no more Here comes the RAcial HOly WAr Our dream is a white revolution White revolution is the only solution[/b:1ni1ow99] just an idea i had <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 YQ== 1ni1ow99 0 0 u_297
4872 4790 212 0 1221677123 1 1 1 1 Re: ozzie bound mister hi, yeah caught something about that when i was away, back now, had a great time will fill you in via email, hope ur ok and not homeless 0 0 cw2g0yn1 0 0 u_775
3053 3051 63 0 1213737325 1 1 1 1 Re: Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. hey up m8! the problem occurred when the cov div asked me if they could put a gig on the 2nd! i said that date was available and the stinko was on the 16th! the next thing i know the gig on the second was scrapped and the stinko was then on the ninth, nobody rang me to let me know of this and it has caused problems! the idea of having a gig co-ordinator is to stop all this shit, i want to get has many gigs on as possible this year, and need it to run smoothley to benefit us all! but if people cant even be bothered to ring me to see if it is ok, then shit like this happens! now we have lost two gigs and just got the one on the 16th! like you say people have got flights booked for that date, and also that date was the date stinko died...that date has been pencilled in since january and the first i heard of any changes was via the captains show, anyway no harm done its all sorted now! 828 paul 0 0 1eqxnsve 0 0 u_146
5258 0 210 0 1224232979 1 1 1 1 Re: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary Hi mate, From the Keleti station is not so difficult.First you must go by Metro from the station to direction 'Batthanyi ter'.Then leave the metro by this ter(square),and go forward with HEV(that's the green train).You must drive with this train 3 station,and leave the train on the 3rd station which is 'Timar utca'.The venue is not so far from there,so you could find it with a map,or maybe some skinheads will be already on the way there.Or here is my number,you could call me or send sms,then we could help to find the venue: +36202002267 When will you arrive?Please send sms,maybe i can't check internet! Here is a website about the Metro and HEV lines in Budapest,it could help too: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> See you there! Geri HFFH [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=14874#p14874:ft8dn2nn]Subject: European Hammerfest 2008 - Hungary[/url:ft8dn2nn] [quote=&quot;Slavic Salute&quot;:ft8dn2nn]Please, can someone explain how to come from Keleti station to the gig place?[/quote:ft8dn2nn] 0 0 kA== ft8dn2nn 0 0 u_143
6070 0 2309 0 1231701831 1 1 1 1 alo strah me je tresem se , .kuzlam tok si me ustrašla xD lubm te (L) &lt;3 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> lubm te 0 0 18hw2hxk 0 0 u_2399
1824 1822 90 0 1208796811 1 1 1 1 Re: kopen..? Gegroet Voeg me toe --&gt; <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 360t0lwn 0 0 u_819
6244 0 2436 0 1232657722 1 1 1 1 Thanks for the info U are from langley B.C thats cool first person from my area that i have talk 2 with the Aryan blood flowing still ...i am waiting at this time 2 be called by volksfront ... trying 2 get back in the flow of things lol ..but thaks for the tattoo info <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2tank334 0 0 u_2105
5859 0 1926 0 1228816488 1 1 1 1 ... hail vicky hope all is well did you get the 50 dollars i sent?? regards denis 0 0 36wlmdch 0 0 u_323
5860 5840 73 4 1228817805 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H tees Scotland hi vicki sorry for taking so long in getting back to you, but im just back from swedon, i went over for the march, i dont think i have any b&amp;h scotland t-shirts left just now in a size xl not untill jan 09, i think i still have a girlie one left in a small, i will have a look and let you know, do i send euros to your paypal, what i was thinking was send you 300 and send salli the rest which is less than a 100, if that is ok with you, thanks for updating the Frigga Page for me. there was no mix up i just rather it said b&amp;h scotland instead of just one division, its just that highlander division gives my division (highlander east coast ) a lot of help and support, and i think its only far to put it has scotland all the best paul 0 0 8wg9jm9p 0 0 u_323
1833 0 123 0 1208811052 1 1 1 1 Again 28 Switzerland Hail comrade! Hm I think you already heard about the sad news, our dear fucking traitor igi has closed the division <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> I don't know the reason why. Now I'm in big problems, I don't want to leave 28 and I can't lead it because he deleted everything. I'm at the and with my nervs...I'm so fucking angry and also i could cry. Have you any idea what to do next? (I'm sorry for the shit I'm always writing you) greetings Roman from Switzerland 0 0 2nds57at 0 0 u_193
5736 0 1001 0 1227951725 1 1 1 1 fuck Sorry mate but I'm not going. My boss (read. fuckin wanker and twat) has gave me duty hours on next Saturday.It will be my second missed gig <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> 0 0 2vu3q8cc 0 0 u_79
2768 2753 952 0 1212491347 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:13kaetvx]you go now? i'm not working today with my hand so will be home all day[/quote:13kaetvx] wanted you otherwise,do i have you still not horny made? <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> 0 0 gA== 13kaetvx 0 0 u_53
5267 5255 297 0 1224320836 1 1 1 1 Re: BFF SOCIAL Hope all goes well with the social...But being in Southampton its a bit far too travel their and back in one day... But could you keep us posted in if anything else gets organised for the bff. Cheers Guy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1wsw2tk1 0 0 u_886
1846 1761 80 0 1208850772 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day Thanks Paul only just got your message been a busy weekend Racial Regards Karl 0 0 hvh9yrm4 0 0 u_63
1847 1761 80 0 1208852942 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day Hi mate Just tried to book the Preimer inn thy are fully booked on sat, is there anywhere else close Cheers Karl 0 0 22t4iw98 0 0 u_63
6066 6063 284 0 1231682742 1 1 1 1 Re: Snooty Fox Alright mate, yeah I'll be going to this gig. There's no real dress code as I've seen many a skinhead with the odd little badge or subtle t-shirt or whatever but you wouldn't exactly get away with extreme stuff. The bands that Code 1 are playing this weekend with are more punk than oi! anyway. Sounds silly but there are some Oi! gig you would get away with but there are some where people prefer to keep politics out of it. For example if you went to a TMF or Condemned 84 gig you'd get away with wearing a Skrewdriver t-shirt but not the likes of Argy Bargy or Section 5 who prefer their gigs to be non political cos they'd just end up in fights and ruin them. I'd say not to wear overtly Nazi stuff for this one mate. If you google Snooty Fox and get directions from that you should be able to find it. Never drove there myself. Waes Hael Rob 0 0 12c2tc6p 0 0 u_801
1849 1773 98 0 1208867695 1 1 1 1 Re: tiedustelu Hei taas, lähetin kellon tänään, postik. olivat 10,60 + kello 40 = yht. 50,60. Tilinro on: 567008-2133203 (OP). Kiitos vielä kerran, rahat menevät Joensuuhun yhden vangin vaimolle sekä vangille (Vellulle) joka teki kellon. Toivottavasti tulee ehjänä perille! 0 0 28fuupeq 0 0 u_311
6076 6073 74 0 1231721712 1 1 1 1 Re: hello still looking for jacket <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1awr0d25 0 0 u_2373
1862 0 76 0 1208880593 1 1 1 1 Re: ST GEORGES DAY GIG Hello sis.No credit yet.Hope still ok 4 a lift on Saturday.My number is 07837563117. Thanx 88 0 0 3381nukh 0 0 u_53
1864 1833 193 0 1208887240 1 1 1 1 Re: Again 28 Switzerland This is no problem but why has he turned his back?? I own the domain name and server, we can have your website up and running again. Maybe its an idea to remind igi that 28 has certain information of him if he continues to keep the website down. 0 0 cqgoeo8g 0 0 u_123
5004 0 53 0 1222212805 1 1 1 1 Hi Hi Nonni, the gig this weekend was fantastic, shame you couldnt of been here, there were so many Europeans in the crowd was a great laugh, I've just heard of Skuli we have been sending messages over another site 'tagged' &amp; hes just told me he's c18, what the hell i'm gobsmacked, 1 of their leaders got arrested this time last year &amp; was released as he was a grass, informing on his so called comrades, I'm so surprised but if he feels that the right path for him, but i'm so shocked stay safe Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 11v7bk9p 0 0 u_650
5409 0 1973 0 1225227346 1 1 1 1 Re: blood and honour oi mate weet je al meer voor vrijdag 0 0 224x2cgv 0 0 u_1092
5916 5897 2119 0 1229395375 1 1 1 1 Re: none Oi! I have family in Atmore and just outside in Canoe. If you do decide to come, bring alcohol and females and any good friends you have! The weekends are our time to let loose and party. No drugs though. 88 0 0 qswfm7ay 0 0 u_337
2333 269 112 0 1211567223 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Hoi, Ja valt wel mee hier, buiten veel te veel werken (en ambras met de belastingsdienst). Ja eerste congres is al voor october, gaan er geen gras laten over groeien hehe Zal alleszins de moeite worden. Alhoewel dat het wellicht door het VB finaal zal geboycot worden maar who cares. Moloko is nooit dichtgegaan hoor, is nieuwe eigenaar, schijnbaar een oude viespeuk die graag pinten drinkt (als je snapt wat ik bedoel) en zijn 17 jarig zoontje die het openhoudt. Als de flikker daar ooit eens gaan op komen is het feest compleet, haha Volgens geruchten zouden er ook flink wat pseudo-punkertjes en linksen zitten. Maar ja, wat boeit het allemaal nog. Het café is al jaren dood. Antwerpen is nooit in the picture geweest om het over te nemen, die walgen net zo veel van die keet als ik dus. Joost Pyck was super, nog immer potige vent.:D En qua verstaanbaarheid viel het ook goed mee, hij is het Vlaams nog niet verleerd. Had verwacht dat het een Afrikaner gebrabbel ging zijn maar hij deed goed zijn best. Best wel interessant ook (echte geschiedenis van Zuid Afrika en anecdotes van ginder die hier nooit het nieuws halen) Achteraf ben ik nog eens gaan loeren in Bellegem omdat er een paar buitenlandse kameraden zaten die ik al in eeuwen niet meer gezien had. Viel best mee, gezellig, geen zatte luizen en iedereen was precies gelijk blij mijne smoel nog eens te zien dus. Goed, tot binnenkort dan eens eh. groeten S. 0 0 m72gqmry 0 0 u_110
1871 1606 255 0 1208905720 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic design Dear Salli, thank You for the congratulations. yep <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> now i do finish my university and studies so hope to get more time for my family, so ... But still could not find a nice design for wedding invitation <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> We will have also a &quot;celtic wedding &quot; what is supposed to be for our friends and families with kids in summer, so You are invited If You could find time. It will be a weekend with celtic traditions, where we invited many of friends with kids and we hope to get it organised, although we are not proffessionals in term of celtic tradition, we will try to do it. So any advise or experience is welcome too. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Now im quite busy with my final &quot;intership&quot; in a monastery and written monography , so a bit busy for a while... It would really be honour for me to belongs to Your sisterhood. As You know, it was many yers ago and it is still the same. Just pity it could not be here in Portugal. But in Czech I can be also a lot of more helpful as here..there are many NS and many NS families, not such as here in Portugal, teh situation is noit the same as in Czech. There are many POWs needing our help and support too. Not such as in Portugal. So I would like to belongs to WAU, and likely as for Bohemian NS. So think, I already got the interview from Jani, but no idea, i think I never get to response, sorry for that. You know, I always find lot of other things to do, as I have I promise to do it... I am quite busy, cos of the gig we will have here with some english comrades to spend a week holidays in our houses...and a Memorial for RIP comrade from Czech Republic...and new borns many things to do <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> I will see if I have some articles in english, but it will be quite difficult..maybe what I had to write for our BHP will have a look... it is a special theme for the articles or? I feel really pity that Jani has &quot;holidays&quot; as she told me that. I hope i will find time for everything once, I think I could not take &quot;holidays&quot; least I hope..or it would be for me the same such as stop to live. I aslo heard some of my friends who already have kids, that the movement pushed them out, not them I try to get them back with their families and prepare it for me too <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Now I care for their kids on parties and hope once will do others the same for me <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Ok, I think I wrote a long mail again, sorry for that. Here is my yahoo email for Aryan Strides <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> in blood and honour Lin 0 0 wbk71p3j 0 0 u_98
1875 1816 146 0 1208938426 1 1 1 1 Re: muffins SUPER..I'LL LOOK FORWARD TO THE TASTY TREAT.CAN'T WAIT FOR THE GIG ONLY A FEW DAYS TO GO.STAY SAFE.SEE YA' BOTH SOON.TOM828. 0 0 2uohul8v 0 0 u_53
5579 5509 1937 0 1226952794 1 1 1 1 Re: Happy Birthday! thank you very much 0 0 oxegvtoi 0 0 u_2119
5580 5572 1937 0 1226952866 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi thank you. i like them too. ;) how r u? 0 0 37w5bzat 0 0 u_2119
5541 5378 295 0 1226572500 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H contact NSW Holy shit; I must be going insane... I could have sworn I'd replied to this a week or so ago, but there's nothing in my sent box. That said, I figure I've only got about another four years or so of kids teething, nightmares, etc. etc. before I get to have a full night's sleep. Yay. Anyway, in reply to what your message; we'd have to get to know the guy pretty well before we considered him for anything like a State Rep position. Welf was given the nod before it was really understood (and through no fault of his own, he was just being himself) that he wasn't suitable for that. As you'd understand; an organization that was so lax as to give positions of authority to unknown quantities only serves to devalue that organization. Which doesn't mean we're just straight off ruling him out; he'd just need to spend some time with us, on a face to face level. Anyway, hope all is well with you guys; and hope to catch up with you soon. Cheers, Justin 0 0 1hp4z5mu 0 0 u_1008
1879 1862 76 0 1208971076 1 1 1 1 Re: ST GEORGES DAY GIG As Elvis said thank ya very much.huh huh. 0 0 i5mojggq 0 0 u_53
5406 0 2099 0 1225217640 1 1 1 1 Areet :) Hey :) It's Alex Crampton. Just thought i'd add you (y) 0 0 1w4dtptw 0 0 u_59
5407 5396 785 0 1225221032 1 1 1 1 Re: MARCH OR DIE.. thanks mate, wasn't anything to do with what you'd put. 0 0 175md0nr 0 0 u_76
5408 5398 2092 0 1225223588 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Yes, shure! I know a lot of bands, if you want i can give to you interviews made by me to european skinheads and nazi bands. 88 0 0 1yuaj0jz 0 0 u_2100
1883 1872 2 0 1208978195 1 1 1 1 Re: AFF scum Hi Dom Hope all is good! Thing is it would take days to find specific locations of people. 0 0 2zt2hc8c 0 0 u_112
6495 0 552 0 1234165020 1 1 1 1 keikat Moi, satutuko olemaan H8 systemin postituslistalla? Jos et, niin laita tänne päin sun sähköpostiosote ja laitan keikkainfoa tulemaan. 0 0 3f2w61tg 0 0 u_1971
6496 0 1959 0 1234177566 1 1 1 1 gig allrite mate did not make gig, satday, could not get hold of griff so i was shagged for a lift, how was the gig, i shud be makeing the next gig, bin told v storm in wales , again depends on a lift, anyway at least the countrys white again, take care brummie kev 0 0 2sr8hpmy 0 0 u_297
4831 0 1256 0 1221500730 1 1 1 1 isd 2008 If you don't know leeds that well, we will drive in to leeds to get you. Just pick somewere that's well sign posted like the trian station or the royal armory or some place like that .<!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 27mmemhn 0 0 u_780
4832 4829 90 0 1221501455 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS Gegroet Voor in contact te komen met B&amp;H VL raad ik je aan Wehrwulf28 to contacteren. Freiheit 28 0 0 3bk204mb 0 0 u_1878
5228 4829 1878 0 1224007527 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS kamaraad. dank voor je reactie zou ik graag doen. Weet er wel niet zoveel van. Kan ook niet zeggen of daar enorm actief zou kunnen in zijn, maar steunen eventueel zeker wel. gegroet. 0 0 visv1aga 0 0 u_90
4834 3654 247 0 1221505344 1 1 1 1 Re: beating me on ebay cheers 4 that mate.would have ordered lansder in english this weakend but its out of stock.will try agin.thanks again 0 0 r8k6om7z 0 0 u_121
5576 0 1172 0 1226948254 1 1 1 1 ello It was good to meet you and mick at rem!soz if i was a bit pissed!we,me mick and tich,kids in tow limped back to brum.Having met my comrades i can see the bigger picture.Tich is a top bloke and well respected ,i feel well embarist for ever doughting him!One of our members had the nerve to say tich had no commitment!Dont worry he will be sorted next meeting lol .As far as mike and the bff are concerned they are becoming members again! as i predicted we will grow!What i have found works is p.m ing like minded people off different forums and getting them onside,why just restrict yourself to leafleting!Many of the nationalists online arnt members!I dont care if i recruit a member from john o groats lol,they are still a member.As i say it is good to have met you bouth. 14 words 0 0 1p0ugdnb 0 0 u_307
5577 0 1409 0 1226948466 1 1 1 1 88! Nazdar <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> kide si ko <!-- s`nsflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/85dd.jpg" alt="`nsflag" title="nsflag" /><!-- s`nsflag --> nkretne v Anglicku?Budes na white x-mas??..Tak zatial <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3hhikx5q 0 0 u_69
3174 3168 1193 0 1214373023 1 1 1 1 Re: finding a group Hi BlueEyedBlonde, Cheers alot for the reply &amp; suggestions. Regards, Gav <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1ae9qeae 0 0 u_54
4805 0 100 0 1221252562 1 1 1 1 badwolf hi been emailing badwolf he seemed to think he couldnt make it in his last mail but its worth trying him again. ill mail him and say you want to get in touch about ISD. 0 0 18ivhekn 0 0 u_396
5210 0 1937 0 1223936763 1 1 1 1 ? 0 0 3rvktk4k 0 0 u_1112
5211 5209 171 0 1223937274 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Bi?e, bi?e <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> Sam ?eš mi morati opet adresu dati jer je ovaj jebeni forum sada ograni?en samo na 5 PM-ova... Ili ako ?eš sutra biti negdje oko 16h u blizini željezni?kog, mogu ti je osobno dati budu?i da putujem iz Os za Ri nazad... 0 0 1wukx3e2 0 0 u_220
5194 0 332 0 1223835749 1 1 1 1 Isd O ja helemaal vergeten, was het ook goed als we met een standje staan met Merchandise?? 828 0 0 183bmndn 0 0 u_168
4803 4749 444 0 1221251225 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? cheers just found 17 copies on amazon will be placing an order 1488 0 0 13phtf4h 0 0 u_63
5943 5894 72 0 1229688639 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK Hello Mate Whats your address now you live in Lubjana?????............I will send the LP in the next couple of days <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Just send the money in Euros thats fine. I hope to visit you and the rest of the Slovenians again, but I doubt it will be for a while as I'm going to Australia in February 2009 to visit Nicole (Blueeyedblonde) and won't have much money left after that <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> All the best.Rob 0 0 37bvxrfz 0 0 u_1631
2758 2753 952 0 1212488700 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2k5tyb33]we will sort this an be together, i want that, truely i do. the 4th of july cant come quick enough for me[/quote:2k5tyb33] as well expires ,monday at home ,best doctor of Belgium for bones 0 0 gA== 2k5tyb33 0 0 u_53
5697 5695 72 0 1227793919 1 1 1 1 Re: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS Thats a kind offer Mate, are you going to the WHITE CHRISTMAS gig?? Maybe you could bring them along there I would love to see them and I think HIGHLander 28 and RUNE &amp; SWORD are intrested in copying them <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> If not maybe you could send me one (I know my girlfriend would like it for Christmas) .....let me know how much I owe you. Thanks.Rob Rob Ogborn 84 Longmead Ave Horfield Bristol BS7 8QF 0 0 1xn3p4r0 0 0 u_1713
2583 0 67 0 1212043176 1 1 1 1 Re: BM Membership Hi. I've sent an e-mail to the BM yahoo e-mail address but don't know if it's still current. Just in case it's not, i was enquiring about renewing my membership which lapsed about 2 years ago and as to the current status of the SWBM. Regards Ian 828 0 0 1ykft4sn 0 0 u_115
5802 0 72 0 1228398465 1 1 1 1 Hello GREETINGS I think CURIOUS WALES on the SF site is Garry from NO REMORSE <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Talk soon. Rob PS.If they do a badge I will make sure to get one for you <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1u69r6qj 0 0 u_100
4917 4893 780 0 1221826240 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND bernie can go Saturday now so im sorted 0 0 32wbgn69 0 0 u_1074
4801 0 1256 0 1221247255 1 1 1 1 isd 2008 Is there a service station near motoway that I will be able to pick you up from and i'll pm you my mobile number closer to date...... <!-- s`Flag1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/KgHDOdea1PPmqHh3e1rx+MzFtVg=.gif" alt="`Flag1" title="Flag1" /><!-- s`Flag1 --> 0 0 j1q7p2g6 0 0 u_780
4918 4893 1074 0 1221826376 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND Yes I saw the post, see you at venue tomorrow I hope, blue pilot jacket, brown medium length hair, 39 yrs me. 0 0 3075cex5 0 0 u_780
4799 4749 63 0 1221243003 1 1 1 1 Re: Watcha reading???? the fame of a dead mans deeds! by robert . s . griffin an upclose portrait of white nationalist william pierce! 0 0 22nr913j 0 0 u_444
6059 5859 323 0 1231554538 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Ok so the $50 got here yesterday lol... it got lost in Korea i shit you not lol Thank you so much, are with with an org that i can add to the Frigga sponsor lists or just a name? Cheers 0 0 1rw9ouo1 0 0 u_1926
5262 0 174 0 1224271120 1 1 1 1 b waaar in regio brussel?? 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1t7npemg 0 0 u_168
4464 4334 1482 0 1218638333 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:1wp62cg9]Entao Filipe como estas <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Tu ainda estas em Lisboa <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Eu vou regressar dia 25 de Agosto, era bom poder estar contigo e com o Alvaro outra vez, quando surgir uma opurtunidade, se voces vierem ao Porto ou alguma actividade que voces facam avisem-me pois gostaria imenso de poder estar com voces . Abraco Sergio[/quote:1wp62cg9] atudo bem camarada,estou a mudar de casa ...é sempre uma chatice...mas de resto tudo ok!Com voçés tambem, espero!!! Quando cá estiveres ,depois do dia 25 dou um salto ao porto para te ver...vou falar com o alvaro para combinar ele não puder ir(acho que deve vir tambem)eu vou na mesma!Depois combinamos isso...olha o meu numero de telefone é 960369344 Por cá nada de novo ...está tudo quieto...o pnr fez uma festa no algarve e estiveram umas 100 pessoas(eu acho que menos enfim)...e é tudo!Comtanta coisa grave a passar-se e estes fazemfestas!São mesmo uma merda de partido... Depois falamos Grande abraço a voçés 0 0 gA== 1wp62cg9 0 0 u_203
5104 4971 279 3 1223063669 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members i'm gr88 you <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> yea thats 2 stops away from me on a train <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ok kl ive heard of it but dnt think ive been there 828 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1npyby05 0 0 u_1838
5103 0 1298 0 1223059816 1 1 1 1 Re: GIGS/EVENTS DATES 2008 88 Mate what date dose white xmas beging cos i mite being going with unit 28 and need to book the time off work cheers 88-Racial Regards-88 0 0 3nniuttb 0 0 u_53
1917 1916 98 0 1209056235 1 1 1 1 Re: kysymys Kiva että kello tuli perille ehjänä ja että tykkäsit. Kyllä se kelttikello on vielä myynnissä, jos kaverisi ei ole täällä foorumilla niin voi meilata <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> tai voit antaa osoitteen niin lähetän kellon ja ilmoitan sinulle kokonaissumman jne. 0 0 5946sq8g 0 0 u_311
1921 1761 63 0 1209068888 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day if you go on internet and look for hotels near leeds city centre book one of those, send me your number and ile ring you 0 0 1p3olgry 0 0 u_80
1923 1761 63 0 1209070813 1 1 1 1 Re: St Georges Day Travelodge Leeds Central Hotel Blayds Court, Blayds Yard, Off Swinegate Leeds LS1 4AD Tel: 0871 984 6155 0 0 8x8j38lc 0 0 u_80
5616 5403 1790 0 1227267923 1 1 1 1 Re: west mid divisions How many members from WM on on this site? if u know 0 0 1op4flku 0 0 u_549
5631 0 2123 1 1227384139 1 1 1 1 hello hello mate. do u have msn messenger? Welcome to the forum. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1vuva248 0 0 u_1910
5632 5631 1910 1 1227389982 1 1 1 1 Re: hello yeah dude its <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 3ppnll4l 0 0 u_2123
5634 0 54 0 1227413265 1 1 1 1 Hello there! Hi Jesse, I need to talk to you re some 28 stuff, but I'm not sure how often you check messages here, so is there an e-mail address I can send you a note to? My e-mail address is: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 g08ad4wj 0 0 u_200
5001 0 1941 0 1222206633 1 1 1 1 hi hello i am new on forum. best regards Rado 0 0 1nj07hx2 0 0 u_677
6885 6443 53 0 1236962840 1 1 1 1 Re: hi He's always game for a ruck,but in my opinion its gotta be justified, an i know he would rather fight reds an our other enemies rather than a so called brother. Tracie is in Andover working for G4 security as a manager, she loves it travels all over the country. She was gonna go see Last Resort tomorra but broke her anckle in the snow! I took her to Grahams b'day party a few weeks back she was overjoyed to see Ken Mac play fink she may be t more gigs in the future! 0 0 35fzgo1m 0 0 u_319
5959 5950 59 0 1230142974 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings Lo m8 Yes I have them, they'l be on the site over the next few days as will a few more new sweaters and T shirts. I don't have the Kilgore cd, I've not heard their stuff yet. I have just got the new Blood Red Eagle cd in tho. Cheque is fine, I'll get the shirts up on the site in the enxt couple of days 14 Duds 0 0 2x6xonuu 0 0 u_72
3041 3002 210 0 1213700951 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Hail! Welcome to the virtual world mate!I will save your e-mail address too.So,have a good discovering on the internet! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Geri 0 0 2rnf0smv 0 0 u_1125
1948 0 83 0 1209293218 1 1 1 1 Two things! Hello mate Firstly could i order a copy of the Brutal Attack CD please. Also on another forum we had a ST Georges comp and the outcome is me donateing 20 quid to WAU. I contacted them through this site and they surgested contacting you to tag the 20 ontop of money you will be sending, would this be ok? Let me know either way mate, also let me know if i need to regester on your site to order the CD. Racial regards Mac 14/28 0 0 39l1g0kt 0 0 u_73
4350 0 1256 0 1217616211 1 1 1 1 hull 28 heres my phone number if you would like to chat about things or meet up in grimsby i can drive over . 07504678437 <!-- s`Flag1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/KgHDOdea1PPmqHh3e1rx+MzFtVg=.gif" alt="`Flag1" title="Flag1" /><!-- s`Flag1 --> 0 0 1ndktghg 0 0 u_1362
6253 6202 801 0 1232691959 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester Good meeting up with you and 100% respect for you having the guts to seek your own path against the common herd. Like I said keep your head down and remember the freedom of our land needs brains not simply brawn. Take care Ben, 28. 0 0 2p679pby 0 0 u_2376
6017 6014 88 0 1231191009 1 1 1 1 Re: Is this normal? 0 0 2z88p0is 0 0 u_2138
4345 4344 59 0 1217587107 1 1 1 1 Re: counter terrorism dibble Lo M8 Didn't go too bad then, just thge usual stuff they always ask. B&amp;H is a non membership social thing. As anyone oin this forum m8 and they'll all tell you the same. it's a social thing that anyone can come to no matter what party they support/belong to, except for the c18 side of things. We don't accept c18 supporters or their ilk. How do they know that I change my phone number regular? of couse I'll come round to your mums and talk to her, if you show her the mags you have she can see that its got nothing to do with membership, the only thing in the mags thjat asks you to write in is to subscribe, you wiull find nothing about membership in there at all. Read the forums, see if you can find anything about membership. Still bugging me about the phone number thing. Did they bring that up? 14 Duds 0 0 38ff94i0 0 0 u_1362
1958 0 882 0 1209332820 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? hey hey u ever get dwn t leeds? 0 0 3bv9w7kl 0 0 u_66
5614 5608 66 0 1227256790 1 1 1 1 Re: xmas hi kenny, yes i do have a seat for you.. you will have to get to york train staion by 1pm that day..... you will be picked up by my husband.....then brought to my house where the 1st pick up for the coach will be...the entrance fee is usually £ is £20 return fare payable on the day....hope this is ok....we dont publish event in the magazine as we could attract the reds.... see you in 2 weeks send me you mobile number thanks jules yorkshire division 14/88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2suftz9y 0 0 u_2161
5615 5609 100 0 1227265266 1 1 1 1 Re: HELLO MATE Hi Nick not doing too bad it got a bit difficult due to all the reports on the isd and i promised denise i would keep my head down, but she mentioned me going to gigs in the future with &quot;bulldog drumond&quot; so looks like i can make a few things in 2009. family well but we're skint and ive not managed to get an evening job yet, so not buying anything at the moment especially as its evies 1st christmas and we're going to scotland. Hope you're well and its going ok, and the selling keeps the wolves from the door Cheers Giles 0 0 3ry9ef8j 0 0 u_1972
1974 1970 892 0 1209416110 1 1 1 1 Re: South Wales 28 I live in cardiff, im just sorta getting interested through punk music and would like to get invovled really. are there any groups in cardiff that meet at all? Let us know when gigs are happening got a few mates that might come along! Nice one Barry 0 0 3pmv3uj7 0 0 u_105
2641 2454 1 0 1212338771 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 THATS OK KEITH IS THEIR ANY THING ELSE YOU WANT ANY OI OR PUNK STUFF LET ME KNOW AND ANY OF THE OTHER THINGS I HAVE FOR SALE VIDEOS PHOTOS AUDIO TAPES AS IM HAVING A BIG CLEAR OUT IF I DONT SELL IT IT GO ON A BONFIRE . NICK 88. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2pn4wdqh 0 0 u_811
1980 1948 73 0 1209470003 1 1 1 1 Re: Two things! thanks for getting back to me mate i will post the cd of to you this afternoon when i do the postoffice run please send it to paul o'brien 90 viewmount forfar angus scotland DD8 1LJ PLEASE SEND IT BY RECORDED cheers paul 0 0 2ds0oxn1 0 0 u_83
1981 1948 83 0 1209470702 1 1 1 1 Re: Two things! Cheers mate Will post recorded this afternoon Mac 0 0 1jb6p2r8 0 0 u_73
3228 0 967 0 1214584990 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Calendars for 2009 13 july 1302 kicked the french out (and we will do it again) <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> good luck with you're callendar 0 0 35g67jwn 0 0 u_152
1984 0 176 9 1209494730 1 1 1 1 28 Swiss Hi, Since we could see that you decided to close 28 Swiss, l would just like to ask you about the reasons for that decision? As l know, 28 Swiss was still jus a probation divison, so what went wrong? Do you and your comrades, with whom you wanted to form 28 divison, have any plans now? Maybe in Swiss movement? Thanx for the answers <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 88! 0 0 2sm13yge 0 0 u_122
1986 1969 65 0 1209503003 1 1 1 1 Re: above the ruins Firstly hello and thank you, Sorry Im a bit computer illiterate if you sent them to me by email could I switch them to my ipod? if so that would be great. I had the tape years ago and loved it then, I will carry on looking on ebay, I found it for sale on a Russian site but think Ill give that one a miss. You can send it to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> S 0 0 2p3hy50a 0 0 u_182
6886 6874 886 0 1236965770 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:3q8568ui]chubbley your mrs. yep im game mate any time[/quote:3q8568ui] Chubley aint mmy mrs, Ok its like this I don't like fighting comrades, I don't have a personal problem with you, but you seem to have one with m,e, I think we should forget about this on the net, I won't reply to anymore net bollox, if you still wanna fight after ALL this shit, I will be in Scotland on the 21st March, or at the St George gig, you can come and buy me a drink, or you can offer me outside, I will oblige with either 88 0 0 gA== 3q8568ui 0 0 u_319:u_53
6337 0 801 0 1233083666 1 1 1 1 Manchester 4/2/09 Hope you will be able to make it to the 2nd B&amp;H meeting. Assuming you can make it I will arrange to meet you in town and take you to the pub. 28. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 10kcri8r 0 0 u_2376
1989 0 83 0 1209551944 1 1 1 1 CD [code][/code] Hello mate the CD arrived today many thanks, cant wait to have a listen. Mac 0 0 ox7qe22k 0 0 u_73
6067 6058 284 0 1231682820 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy Ain't got a clue mate. He sent me a message about getting to gigs too. Your name was Tony wasn't it? I'm bad with names ha ha. 0 0 15j3lhpj 0 0 u_801
5568 5555 1910 0 1226871740 1 1 1 1 Re: Kent where about in sittingbourne is it though? 0 0 1voihxqn 0 0 u_886
5569 5561 2161 0 1226877275 1 1 1 1 Re: place in bus for white x mas hi jules iam wanting the place on the bus am living just out side newcastle i dont no eny one from the newcastle or yorkshire divsion as am from holland but av been living here for a few years . could you let me no how i can pay the fee or who to contact in my region. thanks kenny (dutch). 0 0 3kly7r2m 0 0 u_66
1992 0 618 0 1209574163 1 1 1 1 Re: Memorial for Fallen Heroes 2008 gegroet ik heb net je post gelezen, van dat je het niet meer vindt kunnen enzo. en ik heb zo aan het nadenken geweest, ik vindt dat je gelijk hebt. maar ik zou graag wat actiever worden in de beweging, en mensen leren kennen met dezelfde gedachten als mij, maar ik weet niet hoe ik er aan moet beginnen, is er misschien een oplossing voor mij dan om contacten te leggen met die mensen en wat actiever te worden in de beweging? 0 0 33prvif5 0 0 u_380
1995 0 311 0 1209577759 1 1 1 1 pääsin vasta koneelle kaveri ottaa yhteyttä s postilla pontiac-51 muistaakseni 0 0 1txj0v9u 0 0 u_98
1997 1988 59 0 1209580897 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day Hail You can drop it into my girls paypal, <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 14 Duds 0 0 191y5zp9 0 0 u_152
5288 5277 108 0 1224517901 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu [quote=&quot;Sturmführer&quot;:33c3xhjy]Neznam koji je taj heli?. U Karlovcu ima svega, lijevih, desnih i neutralnih. Zna?i punk, trad skinsi, metal, hc i svi su jedna ekipa. Dogovor je da nema petokraka i svastika na tribini što se toga ti?e. Uglavnom ve?ina imaju preko 30 i bendove još iz 80ih tako da su prerasli podjele. Kaže organizator da su boysi naru?ili 300 karata, što ne?e dobiti jer prednost imaju karlov?ani. Nemoraš se uop?e brinuti da ?e ti kakav šugavac srati jer sam siguran da ?e biti i ljevih i desnih hrpa. Prije ?e te zajebavati kakav rije?ki panker. Kažu karlov?ani da nemaju problema s ikim dok je sve mirno. Uostalom Marko se lijepo zabavio preksino?.[/quote:33c3xhjy] ne brinem se uop?e,samo želim znat kakva je pozadina iza koncerta.Bez brige,imam iskustva na takvim apoliti?nim oi! koncertima. kako misliš &quot;prije ?e te zajebavati kakav rije?ki panker&quot;?majku im jebem popišat cu im se u oci. Nego,kome da se ja obratim za kupnju famozne karte? 0 0 gA== 33c3xhjy 0 0 u_930
5581 5577 69 0 1226960575 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! ahoj mate ..prepacte hovorim len trosku po slovensky <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> so i didnt understand your message sorry again ..can you send it in english yes? dakujem opatruj sa <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3btf6m1h 0 0 u_1409
5690 5670 79 0 1227722342 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! [b:1jndzqqq]I'm sorry but you know I can't give the directions out, and also Vixen66 thinks you are going on the coach with Yorkshire Division. I will have directions on the day, do you think you can give me a lift?[/b:1jndzqqq] 0 0 QA== 1jndzqqq 0 0 u_1001
2005 1984 122 9 1209640162 1 1 1 1 Re: 28 Swiss Hello, i dont know to the moment what we want make. I restart the 28switzerland site and we will see what coming to the future. My priority is, that i`m again fit to the next time. (What is with the 28Slovenia website mate ? )Because of i have problems with my health. The Swiss mouvement is a big shit, with shit 18.. many problems here. But i look forward and want go the political way here.. we will see. 0 0 rgi0k7dn 0 0 u_176
2006 1992 380 0 1209643050 1 1 1 1 Re: Memorial for Fallen Heroes 2008 Hoi, alvast bedankt voor de reactie. Het beste is om iemand van BH Vlaanderen eens aan te spreken op een bijeenkomst. Aangezien dat klaarblijkelijk moeilijk ligt om er te geraken, kan je altijd via dit forum contact opnemen met wehrwulf28, of een mail sturen naar <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. Als je daarbij zegt dat je interesse hebt en zin in actief mee te helpen, krijg je zeker een antwoord. Eventueel vraag je om eens af te spreken om mekaar eens te leren kennen. Groeten en nog veel succes! 0 0 2jmwlzn6 0 0 u_618
4481 4430 1105 0 1218749794 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! Ik ga daar all1 naar skole, ma da is ook gedaan nu da ik van skole verander :p voor de rest loopt er daar wel veel ander tuig rond 828, Wforumss 0 0 2u4sazw3 0 0 u_107
6329 6326 1972 0 1233062260 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes hail joe what are you after mate you can send me us money wich i can spend with say resistance records mostaudio tapes are $10 each i have skrewdriver no remorse bound for glory and you can put them on to cd wich id like to do the ones i have for sale atthe moment are good really good i hope that answers youre questions pm me if you want to buy and ill send you the info nick88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 15rub16a 0 0 u_353
6000 5974 1691 0 1230923877 1 1 1 1 Re: Support Blood and Honour Brotherhood T-shirt Hello Brother, Yes, We have all sizes now. Total price is 35,- Euro (2x Shirts + shipping). We accept payment cash to address in registered airmail letter. Best Regards Mark 28 Bohemia Address: MAREK VISEK VISNOVA 1367/20 43401 MOST CZECH REPUBLIC PS: We received your payment, next day send shirts to your address. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 153g3mu0 0 0 u_850
5431 0 143 0 1225477520 1 1 1 1 6.12 and 10.1 gigs in hungary flyers flyer pictures won`t open for me. Is it problem with my connection or with pictures? Can you send me links for that pictures? 0 0 3rzj1vj7 0 0 u_122
2013 0 885 0 1209665304 1 1 1 1 MSN MESSENGER!!! Hi can I add you too my MSN??? I Hope that You do Not mind me asking??? My MSN addie is: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ... 14/88 ~PANZER3~ WPWW ============================================== 0 0 qlxapsst 0 0 u_279
2014 0 182 0 1209668836 1 1 1 1 above the ruins hi, did you manage to get anywhere sorting out the &quot;storm clouds over europe&quot; lp ? ps did you get the scooter pictures? 0 0 2f6rst61 0 0 u_72
2015 0 182 0 1209668944 1 1 1 1 above the ruins did you get my emails with the tracks? moonie 0 0 2mo7yqq2 0 0 u_65
4571 4563 406 0 1219368766 1 1 1 1 Re: terra Australis dvd hey mate, ok if there's only going to be 7 left, can you put one away for me, cheers.... See ya soon... 0 0 2h57uqfb 0 0 u_109
4572 4545 58 0 1219726077 1 1 1 1 Re: contact [quote=&quot;smudge88&quot;:2z64u7tp]hello mate want to get involvedso where do we im no zog or any coopper <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:2z64u7tp] HA HA ! I hope your not mateey !! <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> You can e mail me too on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> I am setting up a div meeting for this weekend so if you can attend would be good ok brother ? RR asgard <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 gA== 2z64u7tp 0 0 u_1624
2018 2015 65 0 1209677326 1 1 1 1 Re: above the ruins Received two cheers, havent got rar but I am going to forward them to a friend who will put them on disc for me :) ......why is everythig connected to me complicated?? cheers so much S 0 0 2adee1kk 0 0 u_182
6248 5966 152 0 1232660878 1 1 1 1 Re: $$$ I'm afraid Milo is MIA &amp; we all lost our sites &amp; the server is down... We are working on another server &amp; we'd be more than happy to help you out brother.. I dont remember an order number..This was the last little bit of $$ I owed you from like 9 months ago...LOL..Anyway, I hope all is well &amp; we'll see what the hell is going on w/ this server crap. You're down, VF is down, BH America, FYMP, &amp; God knows who else... <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> 0 0 1aqljvak 0 0 u_59
4102 4093 200 0 1216708079 1 1 1 1 Re: vinyl hello. its a very rare release, i will send you the picture to your hotmail addy. regards, jessie 0 0 38racqw6 0 0 u_558
4680 0 1782 0 1220678863 1 1 1 1 book I may have the SKINHEAD GIRL book by ALLEN MEAD first printing he had made up himself. Theres even a short hand written note by Allen in it too. I will have to see if I still have it or not. I lost a lot of stuff moving back up north 1000 miles. most all was lost or left in the move. If I have it its yours for the postage cost. 0 0 3ja1vubc 0 0 u_69
6246 6244 2436 0 1232658843 1 1 1 1 V.F yes that would be great i gave them my number and now im just waiting for them 2 call ..I was told i am in need of a sponcer for member ship in V.F ..But this will be hard every 1 from my old crew went fucking nigger lover on me and sold me out 2 the fucking feds lol ..No fucking respect lol ...But I still got lots more fight in me <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2rrpcv03 0 0 u_2105
6247 6244 2105 0 1232660313 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F Well how it works is one or two guys would meet with you and hang out a bit then you could come out for gatherings and jam sessions etc and then if all goes well after awhile you could prospect but only if your serious about it as it's a lifetime commitment to be taken on.What crew were you apart of? 0 0 1iycxhte 0 0 u_2436
6245 6244 2105 0 1232658544 1 1 1 1 Re: Thanks for the info No problem though they might charge you a bit more cause they don't know you , we have fairly regular get togethers so if you want to meet the VF/BnH guys it's quite easy. 0 0 8g4skseh 0 0 u_2436
2026 1989 73 0 1209708615 1 1 1 1 Re:letter oi oi mate just to let you know i got the letter ok cheers 0 0 3smxorvr 0 0 u_83
6341 6309 618 0 1233091715 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Ik dacht het ook als het goed is heb je mijn mail ontvangen met de redenen. Het grote probleem is men moeder en het geld. Ik had tegen men moeder gezegd van dat ik eens een keer iets ging drinken in duffel en ik zei daarjuist dat het morgen zou doorgaan en dat vond ze niet goed. Ik zal er proberen te Zijn in Roeselare maar ik kan nog niets beloven. Mijn moeder is nog al een rare op zo'n punten. Toen ik naar AVV fest ging vond ze dat geen probleem maar ik moest bij haar niet afkomen om naar een ISD te gaan ofzo. Nu was ik stiekem toch wel op de ISD geraakt vorig jaar en toen kwam dat voorval dat er drie personen waren opgepakt en toen wist ze het natuurlijk wel, maar dat vond ze vond het geen probleem dat ik daar geweest was :s. jakke 0 0 3obow8s1 0 0 u_1027
6053 0 58 0 1231528267 1 1 1 1 Oi Oi ! Hello Buddy , You - Me on at the same time !!! At home on me own tonight and yes working tomorrow and sunday <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> Call ya in a bit ok ? <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3j0su825 0 0 u_70
4130 4129 531 0 1216766980 1 1 1 1 Re: h I know it's not much mate, but when you add up petrol money, food, drink and entrance fee, against holiday money (hoping to get away for a couple of days), food, gas, electricity, rent, council tax etc, and you don't earn a fortune to start off with, believe me, you soon learn to get your priorities in order. Five years ago life couldn't have been better, no one to spend my money on but me, that's why I always say to the younger generation, 'work hard and play hard while you can because you never know what's in store for you' 14/88 0 0 srfi9js6 0 0 u_1221
3263 3216 120 0 1214605755 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale Hail Simon, I'd like to take it off your hands brother, could you find out postage costs for me, shipping to Queensland, Australia post code 4217, I'd prefer Air mail if possible, I'm not concerned about cost. And I can send money via Paypal. Let me know how much total cost and I'll send payment and pm you when I've done that! Cheers Brother! Brad 828 0 0 1ve7fvf2 0 0 u_1138
3264 3216 1138 0 1214606050 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale Hails Brad,i will look into it at the post office tomorrow morning(23.33pm here) &amp; let you know. Thanks brother Stay strong! Si <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2a27qgpa 0 0 u_120
3272 3187 295 0 1214629047 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia I think Gospel Of The Horns still play at the Tote every now and again. The guitarist used to play in Deaths Head. And yeah, Joel is a great drummer live. 0 0 1ajksxfd 0 0 u_1195
3276 3216 1138 0 1214644346 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale hi brad, its not good news mate.Royal mail wont send anything of that weight,air or surface even! theres a few couriers like DHL etc who will do it but the price is crazy! around £80.00. with the extra insurance &amp; then paypal charges i couldnt do it for less than £210.00. Sorry brother it might be better if you could source one nearer to home. 88 si. 0 0 3nnm3v3b 0 0 u_120
6236 5951 2245 0 1232600845 1 1 1 1 Re: Open season demo tape I,m having to clean up my ebay a bit as its now part of the registered business but still have some enamels of st george and stuff and i,ll be getting all the chrome finished enamels done again celtic cross has been done tree of life just arrived most interesting thing really will be the pegasus catalouge of dvds all war type documentry but i,ll see what else i can slip in here and there <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 eyp4q2fk 0 0 u_1972
6237 6230 61 0 1232615541 1 1 1 1 Re: Helo again [quote=&quot;assaSSin&quot;:3sertozq]Hello Kirk, hope all is ok with you. Yeah, this is my first one. Expecting a girl end of april. Can see you've got a large family. Envy you though, as my family is huge and due to circumstances in life i can't afford to have the same. All the best. Berto 828 ROA[/quote:3sertozq] Hello Berto, you'll love being a Dad mate, the moment your child is born you feel as if your going to burst with pride. Yes I'm lucky to have so many children, hard work but really worth it even when they're behaving like little devils. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 3sertozq 0 0 u_2138
2033 2013 279 0 1209746711 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN MESSENGER!!! added u 0 0 2p5t48f2 0 0 u_885
5787 5778 1834 0 1228288029 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 diky moc.Do piatku uz mozno aj budem vediet,no pre istotu napis.Ak zistim skor tak ti napisem.Ja som v jednej malej dedine Winterton.Blizko Scunthorpe.A ty si kde?Bol si na ISD memorial?Si tu sam v GB?od mas uz skoro vsetci isli domov.... <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 kixcvjj7 0 0 u_1409
5788 0 2219 0 1228300718 1 1 1 1 hi 0 0 e375ctga 0 0 u_279
6440 0 195 0 1233732680 1 1 1 1 Free Hi mate I agree with you. Its a great song and a shame that Midgaard removed it from the second pressing, and thats one of the reasons we decided to use it on the upcoming promo CD. We have a myspace page and it is currently on the playlist. Ill make sure that the song is available for download. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ...if the quality isnt that great let me know and i can email it to you it as a WMA file Cheers . 0 0 3essq8iv 0 0 u_91
5845 0 174 0 1228658491 1 1 1 1 iets te doen 10de? heil kameraad is er iets te doen 10de, kan je het mij laten weten dan? 14/88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3355ih7b 0 0 u_1092
5846 5803 618 0 1228665693 1 1 1 1 Re: nsv betoging ok, dan ga ik wel gewoon dan, maar hoe herkennen mensen elkaar dan, ik zou graag meer mensen met dezelfde gedachten dan mij leren kennen 0 0 3eyqcpqc 0 0 u_1092
5790 0 2002 0 1228314057 1 1 1 1 White Xmas gig I'm a Derby County supporter and Ive not been since March, so I'll grab a chance to go to Saturdays game and I'll be ready to go to the gig at 5p.m, after the game. I don't know too many places in Derby, but when I used to go to football regularly I'd go in the Brunswick Inn and the train station isn't far from there. I once went to see Derby play a home game in 1989, then walked to Ilkeston to see Skrewdriver at the Victoria Club. So, anyone from Derby,or passing through Derby,that could get me to the redirection point on time would be useful, or if I get the info on what bus to get from Derby to get there. Mickle. 0 0 3qf9yw8l 0 0 u_792
5791 5790 792 0 1228316069 1 1 1 1 Re: White Xmas gig the redirction number will be going up on friday so make sure you get that and let them and they'll tell you what bus to catch and that .... if you can make it in to the town centre there should be plenty of buses that head in way of the redirection point i'll look into it for you ...... 0 0 1cgpk34h 0 0 u_2002
5792 5778 1409 0 1228321092 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> ..hej bol som na ISD..ja som v Andovri,to je blizko Basingstoke,alebo Winchestru..ok tak daj vediet potom ak nieco zistis..vcera som pisal spevakovi z U28 ale este sa neozval..tak zatial <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3kpygv5o 0 0 u_1834
5793 5771 2138 0 1228323381 1 1 1 1 Re: Heil Comrade Hello Paul, thanks for your reply. Hope you sort out you msn... I live in the south west part of London. Hopefuly who knows we'll meet up at the White Xmas gig. All the best. 0 0 2yrcoczy 0 0 u_1713
2038 0 182 0 1209759771 1 1 1 1 above the ruins hi bulldog drummond said you might be able to help me get hold of a copy of &quot;sol invictus&quot; storm clouds over europe, any chance you could email me the tracks? any help would be grateful. thanks moonie <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 3ukcnw6e 0 0 u_100
2039 2014 182 0 1209759845 1 1 1 1 Re: above the ruins thanks, just pmed him moonie 0 0 1358jcnp 0 0 u_72
4919 4893 780 0 1221826503 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D.MEMORIAL 2008..ENGLAND right will look out for you 0 0 1m64v9eg 0 0 u_1074
6013 0 2296 0 1231161515 1 1 1 1 project schoolyard vol2 88 and racial regards from alloa white pride scotland (we are under highlander east coasts div of blood and honour )i saw your post for the above and was wondering can u still get vol1 as mines was took by police and when i got it back its fucked scrated to bugarey ,how much would it be for 100 in pounds and what payment can i use .88 yours for race and nation steph and the foot soldiers from alloa white pride scotland (hec blood and honour scotland ) 0 0 2siz58mb 0 0 u_115
2048 2046 297 0 1209822363 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Yeah were all doing good.. Looking forward to playing again,whenever it may be... We're hoping to start recording over next couple of months.Has griff said anything more about doing a split cd?? Cheers 14/828 0 0 37aci88e 0 0 u_891
2049 0 53 0 1209839103 1 1 1 1 welcome Hail!!! welcome aboard <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 3ltsa759 0 0 u_923
2075 2068 92 0 1209976647 1 1 1 1 Re: t-shirts I can send it by mail. give you mailadres. my mail <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 828! F. 0 0 akwg7c3k 0 0 u_297
6103 6081 210 0 1231944618 1 1 1 1 Re: Member? Hi, thanks for your answer.I understand your point of views,and thanks for support HSN.But as maybe you know,or not,we pay big attention,that our symbols would be used only by members,so maybe you could use the Crew38 picture as your avatar,as that's our supporter symbol.It could be stop lots of misunderstandings in the future.Thanks! Best regards from Hungary! HFFH Geri-HHS 0 0 16np6v1d 0 0 u_2330
6340 6309 1027 0 1233090904 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Ik dacht dat we reeds afgesproken haddon voor morgen, maar als dat een probleem is dan kunnen we evengoed wachten tot 21.02 en ineens afspreken in Roeselare op de filmavond van N-SV. Daar zal ik zijn samen met nog enkele bekenden. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2pa2kevp 0 0 u_618
2078 2065 92 0 1209984136 1 1 1 1 Re: wanted I can't send the list by this. my mailadres: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> give yours and I send it by mail 828! F. 0 0 1gjiv81s 0 0 u_74
2084 0 506 0 1210023960 1 1 1 1 .. Entao Sergio, td bem? Eu tava a pensar fazer uma tatuagem, ja tive a ver o desenho e ja escolhi. Queria-te era perguntar onde te tatuaste e se os preços/qualidade são acessiveis. E se também nesse sítio nao ha problema de se tatuar uma coisa mais &quot;ofensiva&quot;, se é que me entendes. Outra coisa que te queria contar, para o ano afinal vou estudar para Madrid. Estocolmo nao me dava as equivalencias todas nem ia na orientaçao que queria no meu curriculum. Em Madrid vou-me esforçar ainda mais la para conseguir trabalhar naquilo que gosto e se possivel depois ate continuar la em pos-graduaçao. Tipo, eu também te queria falar a ver se nao podias dar uns contactos por la de algum pessoal de la... entao se fosse de pessoal da bola eh q era lololol Quanto ao concerto de junho, se precisares de ajuda para transportar material e afins eu voluntario-me sem contra-partidas. Já sabes as bandas que veem? (traz bandas italianas e alemas lol) Grande Abraço Miguel 88 0 0 1gqnebnl 0 0 u_203
6269 5966 152 0 1232747790 1 1 1 1 Re: $$$ I will be speaking to Dennis from H8Machine tonight ..He offered his server for us ( VF/ B&amp;H America). I will ask him for you too. I'm sure he's more than happy to help. What is the best way to get a hold of you (besides this forum)? 0 0 3jgbgr86 0 0 u_59
2088 2084 203 0 1210082048 1 1 1 1 Re: .. Sim eu sei onde podes tatuar por um preço bacano. Quanto ao concerto dava jeito se pudesses vir logo pela manha tipo 11 horas e almoçavas com a malta. Vem ingleses espanhois e suiços almoçavamos todos juntos. Quanto a madrid não te preocupes quando fores eu dou-te os contactos. 0 0 2weaxddq 0 0 u_506
2090 0 618 0 1210107344 1 1 1 1 Re: Kisten of boots gegroet, ik heb onlangs jou advies gekregen om een mail te sturen naar <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, maar ik heb nog altijd niets terug gehad, ik zou graag eens contact willen krijgen met meer mensen die hetzelfde denken hoe ik denk, maar ik zie er niet uit als skinhead dus ben ik dan wel welkom op bijeenkomsten enzo? op dit moment is het wat moeilijk om vervoer te regelen, maar binnen een paar maanden moet het zeker lukken als ik men rijbewijs heb. 0 0 3680urpi 0 0 u_380
6860 6852 73 0 1236895470 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale thanks for the reply mate i will take them . £5 for the buckle £20 for the gloves, just need the details from you now cheers paul 0 0 k9hpk0rr 0 0 u_1362
4848 4845 53 0 1221596319 1 1 1 1 Re: I.S.D Aye I'm ready <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> Did the French ISD last weekend bloody fantastic, so i'm well up for this weekend <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 yjp02lkh 0 0 u_891
6035 6032 70 0 1231286653 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome back. meetin sat day time , may be workin sunday as i should have been sat . next week fine for me bro will give you a call..... hows skinly is he still loved up ... 0 0 201j1g5e 0 0 u_801
6036 6032 801 0 1231288205 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome back. RE. Skinly ; his head is being ruled by his dick. I have only seen him once for a few mins when he came to collect his license for ID purposes since his birthday. A big factor is Holly who is very anti 28 and Skins. A second factor is he has told a few lies which he knows his mum has told me about. Again a key factor has been trying to please Holly. I now strongly suspect that he did not have a job before Christmas. Will explain when I see you. A great pity. Still have not given up on the lad but I do Despair. 0 0 148tfbfs 0 0 u_70
4791 4765 1761 0 1221219955 1 1 1 1 Re: heil ich such dir übers wochenende mal ein paar seiten raus. was haste denn shcon so in deienr sammlung? bzw. kommste an nen doclh von der HJ dranne? wir brauchen sie wieder, das ist kein witz die jungs in schwarz, mit den doppelten blitz <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1whdyb9u 0 0 u_1810
6217 0 1362 0 1232493221 1 1 1 1 national socialism? left wing? Hey BlueEyedBlonde, i recently posted a topic on the General Information section about national socialism being left wing and you left some very informative links for me, which is great thanks however, according to my Psychology teacher im a 'Small Chunk Learner' meaning that if i read a big long essay like you left in the link i wont take it in and remember it <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":-?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:-? --> so i was just wondering if you could explain it in a simplified version for me please <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> i already know that NS is a way of life and that fascism/nazism and communism are very similar but id just like a brief incite to how it can be called left wing Thanks <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Nick <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 28 0 0 3mu7c0mc 0 0 u_54
5607 5595 2161 0 1227220661 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas 6 dec oi oi danny im sorry to hear u cant make it . ive tried contacting the devsion but the email adress seems to be in correct. i know theres a bus going from york and i have a seat reserved with jules but <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> dont know the location for pickup,is any off the people u know going? if u could contact someone would u let me know cheers mate . ive got a car to get us up to york if thats any help. cheers mate <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> 0 0 3t3619ja 0 0 u_74
2101 1384 556 0 1210169759 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? This is what I came up with...hope it helps. [img:3bx7arqb]http&#58;//i25&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/c97/bruddy702/march&#46;jpg[/img:3bx7arqb] 0 0 CA== 3bx7arqb 0 0 u_59
2102 1384 59 0 1210170846 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? Thats looking spot on :) you're a star thank you. Got a few more hours on my front yet, then thats the first thing to be done once my front is finished. Words cant express my gratituide I'm looking forward to getting this one inked lol 14 Duds 0 0 19pnyztf 0 0 u_556
2103 1384 556 0 1210171648 1 1 1 1 Re: Any change of a tattoo design? cool. my chest was my most painful spot. I wont touch the ribs though. Youre tough. I have an excellent design Im working on for Skrewdriver/ISD shirt. Do you have any thing in mind for the other ones? 0 0 4qdg2air 0 0 u_59
6665 0 2362 0 1235147118 1 1 1 1 confirming just confirming that i orderd the hunter book as its back on the for sale section , 1488 0 0 6r7i7t5f 0 0 u_1972
6235 0 2436 0 1232586307 1 1 1 1 THANKS MAN nice 2 see some true Aryans on here last site i was on got the boot because i was 2 white for them i guess lol thanks for the welcome C.M 0 0 uy20ybvf 0 0 u_1787
6157 5985 531 0 1232288685 1 1 1 1 Cheers mate !! Eyup Rich, thanks for sending message mate, mi mum rang me to say he'd received it ! Just got one more favour to ask, will you send him a birthday msg on the 29th Jan ? His birthday is the 30th but I'm gonna send mine a day early to make sure he gets it on the day. It's his 40th mate <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> If you need details again they're <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, password holohoax. It's a real sickener what's happened mate, I mentioned it to Ginner and he was rather dischuffed at the liberty taken on your leg <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> What with the year you've had, a bit of luck wouldn't have gone amiss, I tell you mate, my heart goes out to you ! Hope you'll be seeing some compo for this <!-- s~jew --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/Jew.gif" alt="~jew" title="Jew" /><!-- s~jew --> Shame we couldn't spring our mad gunman from jail, he'd be more than willing to take out that knobhead who did it to you..........trouble is he'd most likely miss like last time <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> So when is Inga coming over again ? Isn't there a chance she could live over here ? Roll on Tuesday, 1st leg of JPT northern final, we're takin nearly 2300 to Glanford Park, but I'm not one of them tho, didn't get a ticket cos I thought I was on afters, turns out I'm on days <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> If we do get to Wemberlee, you'll have to save your pennies and we'll meet up down there, if need be I could try and sort out a ticket for you <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Right, time to get Dylan's dinner ready now, nowt for me cos I got shits <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Be in touch mate 14/88 Ian 0 0 3342nqyg 0 0 u_69
6132 6086 1838 0 1232151554 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya Ahh White christmas, i was very drunk :s lol It was my birthday on the 7th so i had a good time :) Did you enjoy it? Newark? My geography is terrible lol. Im from East London way. You coming to any gigs in the near future? Rosieee :) xo 0 0 3qdbhrnl 0 0 u_2099
5807 0 239 0 1228428159 1 1 1 1 gig on sat hello boys its scottish paul here, one with west london 28, as of yet i dont know if ive got a lift to the gig yet and i was wondering if you lot have a lift, if you where coming up the m3 i live just off it, i wil sort you out with petrol money etc, i live in camberley. anyway thought i would ask, no prob if you arent coming this way here is my email anyway cheers paul <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 304jna58 0 0 u_297
5283 5277 108 0 1224449507 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu [quote=&quot;Sturmführer&quot;:1i0b2nbg]karte ?e svaki ?as u prodaju. kaže organizator da ?e se prodavati an ime da se izbjegne falsificiranje pa ?u morati poslati popis kupaca jer ?e se s osobnom ulaziti. upad 50 kuna a karte ?emo uzimati za tjedan-dva.[/quote:1i0b2nbg] aha,a jel poznajes organizatore?kakvog su usmjerenja?volim bend premda ne bi bilo poželjno naci se u potpunom okruzenju gamadi i nadasve tko je ovaj &quot;helikopte&quot; koji je postao vijest o koncertu??? 0 0 gA== 1i0b2nbg 0 0 u_930
5668 5667 323 0 1227589352 1 1 1 1 Re: Rolling Sevens [quote=&quot;werewolf&quot;:3fte4ffh]Hi viki, dont suppose you have any pics in 400 dpi for RS int? 828 S[/quote:3fte4ffh] Let me talk to the boys and ask, where the ones sent no good? Vicky 0 0 gA== 3fte4ffh 0 0 u_65
5669 0 222 0 1227595366 1 1 1 1 Account Hi there it's the Frog again. Could you please delete the other account RAPHFHS. I hope you're doing fine down under Take care the Bastard 0 0 oyqi5sc6 0 0 u_54
5720 0 2100 0 1227891365 1 1 1 1 ss have you the interviews? for the fanzine mate? take care 28! <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 385zdb1m 0 0 u_2092
5986 5897 2119 0 1230791840 1 1 1 1 Re: none Oh that's awesome. You know where Hill St. is? My grandmother used to have a house there. Right down the road I have a great-aunt and a bunch of other family members. I actually have a lot of land out there if you wanna meet up sometime and get a little gun practice and training in. A lot of it is swamplands and wooded areas, which is even better! Right now I'm up in Atlanta visiting cousins, but when I get back down to Mobile I'll be sure to get in touch with you! 88 0 0 164sesnb 0 0 u_337
5556 0 85 0 1226760311 1 1 1 1 Hi! Hi mate, Good to hear from you. I don't know too many people from round here who are 28 so it good to hear a friendly voice. Take care Cheers, Andy 0 0 nh9xoazo 0 0 u_392
5557 0 62 0 1226778700 1 1 1 1 Volksfront Hail, Are there any VolksFront chapters in Holland or Belgium? 88, Doomsday88 0 0 2j2aoo9n 0 0 u_88
2121 0 277 0 1210201706 1 1 1 1 Re: vukovar [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=6801#p6801:1esty9z2]Subject: vukovar[/url:1esty9z2] [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:1esty9z2][quote=&quot;Knez Danilo II&quot;:1esty9z2]Hrvati=Srbi (ista rasa, ista krv, isti jezik). Makar se to vama ili nama ne svidjalo, makar se ubijali i gorelo pola Hrvatske, i Bosne, ali to je cinjenica. Dokazi da nije. . . Mozemo se mi mrzeti, ali sustina je ista, a to da je to isti narod, ali prema postovanju prema vama, i tome sto sam gost, necu govoriti o tome da su Hrvati ustvari srbi katolici.[/quote:1esty9z2] Isti jezik? Misliš to da Srbi pri?aju Hrvatskim? Onda naravno da je isti jezik. Uostalom kopija je uvijek daleko lošija od originala, a s obzirom na to da je lepeza leksi?kih blagodati srpskog jezika prostrana od 'odjebi bre' do 'jebem ti kevu u belu ?arapu' jasno je koji je jezik proistekao iz kojeg <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> I dosta offtopica. Tema ide pod lock, a svaki daljnji revizionizam kneza danila biti ?e obrisan, jer ovo je hrvatski podforum, gdje nekakava srpska mitologija nije potrebna.[/quote:1esty9z2] Zasto gnjavis ovoga srbina, covjek je ok prema ovome sto pise. Ne vidim tu revizionizma, htjeli mi ili ne, ima u mnogocemu tu pravo sto je napisao. Posebno za jezik. Da si rasu ili krv doveo u pitanje jos, al jezik.... lol Pusti covjek da pise, nemoj biti sovinist. Znas da mi rjecani volimo srbe, nemoj nam kvariti prijateljske odnose. <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> 0 0 kA== 1esty9z2 0 0 u_171
6241 5966 59 0 1232655161 1 1 1 1 Re: $$$ errm, lol, got the order number m8? I'llc hase it up 14 Duds Any idea whats up with FYMP server? i host with them and have had no contact? 0 0 6owr71yn 0 0 u_152
6242 0 2105 0 1232655300 1 1 1 1 Tattoo Spider tattoo of New West and Shaun at Left Hand Path tattoo of Vancouver. 0 0 3q9s95vs 0 0 u_2436
6243 6230 2138 0 1232657346 1 1 1 1 Re: Helo again Hello again Kirk. So i've heard that the feeling has no possible comparison. When that little angel comes into the world you'll give him/her unconditional love. I've been preparing myself, to educate and raise my baby the way that would make the Gods proud, and so i hope to be. The pregancy has been really good so far, no sickness or anything out of the ordinary. Well, not long now, but lets just hope that all goes well. Mate, take care and all the best. Berto 828 ROA 0 0 3do41335 0 0 u_61
6399 6212 2123 9 1233510732 1 1 1 1 Re: hello ok mate cheers for that things are ok, busy aswell, and the weather doesnt help, its freezing, people get fed dont bother ur friend if he is with troubles..we have time. take care my friend. 0 0 33qm5ydj 0 0 u_61
6400 6212 61 9 1233511125 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;Dajo&quot;:2x93oa7a]ok mate cheers for that things are ok, busy aswell, and the weather doesnt help, its freezing, people get fed dont bother ur friend if he is with troubles..we have time. take care my friend.[/quote:2x93oa7a] Glad all's well with you, yeah bloody weather is mad it's been trying to snow here this afternoon. My parents are have their heating/boiler taken out &amp; new fitted tomorrow, they couldn't of picked a worse day for the work as it's going to be real cold. <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 2x93oa7a 0 0 u_2123
6232 5976 2344 0 1232573264 1 1 1 1 johnny reb i would be intrested in ur johnny reb items ,.. what do u have and how much? 0 0 dlf4z8cd 0 0 u_1972
2125 2084 506 0 1210254754 1 1 1 1 Re: .. ok... entao quanto a isso depois diz-me qualquer coisa por aqui ou por telemovel sff abraço 0 0 34luq5aw 0 0 u_203
6229 0 690 0 1232568927 1 1 1 1 hi hi mate long time no see,where you been?i havent been able to get on here,think i been a lemon and got passwords mixed up!not stopped listening to day of the sword since you gave me a copy-brilliant.keep in touch mate,you not deliver to my site anymore i presume? <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 mrf0fb1c 0 0 u_396
6230 0 2138 0 1232569751 1 1 1 1 Helo again Hello Kirk, hope all is ok with you. Yeah, this is my first one. Expecting a girl end of april. Can see you've got a large family. Envy you though, as my family is huge and due to circumstances in life i can't afford to have the same. All the best. Berto 828 ROA 0 0 14n69348 0 0 u_61
5908 0 2138 0 1229361866 1 1 1 1 Hello Mate Hello Brother, i'm new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and would like to meet and talk with Comrades from the London area either on here or msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) 88/14 ROA 0 0 1h62agvk 0 0 u_147
5708 0 79 0 1227828551 1 1 1 1 White xmas [b:2sjhz69o]Hi, Shell (Chubley) said she'd been in touch wth you regarding me possibly getting a lift off /with you to White Xmas next week, I've currently had an offer off Ehre on here but that doesn't look too promising due to his work commitments. I live in Warrington just off junc 11 of the M62. If I come with you what would be better, me being picked up at a motorway junction or me getting to manchester? Racial Regards Earl. [/b:2sjhz69o] 0 0 QA== 2sjhz69o 0 0 u_801
4584 0 606 0 1219773818 1 1 1 1 Back from hols Hi sis back from hols now,have i missed much?its amazing how much you miss jumping on the forum when there isn't a comp around.Hows my mate S?hope you both well <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 2c1dbuud 0 0 u_53
6226 5976 1972 0 1232567428 1 1 1 1 Re: kkk figure &quot; sorry mate its gone im haveing a clear out i did have some kkk papers ive got some audio tapes of david duke of when he was a klansman and a interview with jb stoner some johnny rebel stuff but i expect youve got those ill let you know if i come across anything nick 28 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3cjqjpca 0 0 u_2344
6743 6711 284 0 1235767225 1 1 1 1 Re: WOTANISM (ODINISM) If you wanted to know more about Asatruism or any other form of Odinism the best thing to do is read up on it. There is no right or wrong way to practice these forms of paganism as it is all about personal preference, [b:174j5t8e]your [/b:174j5t8e]development of thought and [b:174j5t8e]your [/b:174j5t8e]understanding of Nature. The more you read the more wisdom you will gain and you will be surprised at how deep your thinking will become. Alot of the mythology involved isn't to be taken literally like the bible would preach about Jesus as actual events. The adventures of the gods and goddesses of the Aesir are more symbolic representations of the forces of Nature and human nature than anything else. One important thing to remember is when thinking of the gods/goddesses they are to be considered as comrades and friends rather than masters. They therefore become part of you but certainly not in a scitzophrenic sense. More like something to aspire to be and to learn from. You can honour them through actions such as dedicating a pint of ale, eating a harty meal, meditaion, wearing the gods rune as a pendant, personal offerings - anything at all. You will find each god has different drinks and foods that represent them like beef, wine or stout etc. Find out which god you connect with or admire the most then find out how you can honour him/her. If we take, for example, the god Tyr or Tiw who represents single combat, victory and heroic glory. He is also the patron of the left handed (which I am ha ha) and I consider this god as my patron. The myth goes that he placed his right arm in the wolf Fenris' mouth as insurance that the gods wouldn't shackle him up. Knowing full well that the gods intended to do so and that his arm being bitten off was inevitable, Tyr nonetheless leaves his arm in the wolfs mouth. When Fenris realises he has been duped he bites Tyr's arm clean off. This teaches of sacrifice to your kin. He was very popular with warriors. From his name we get Tuesday just as we get Wednesday from Odin/Woden and Thursday from Thor/Thunor. Another interesting aspect is the subject of fate. Look up the web of wyrd (from where we get the word weird - the unknown) and how the threads of the web of our fate is connected to other peoples 'threads'. In other words all our actions have a knock on effect on other events around us and makes us aware that we are responsible for our own destiny. The cycle of Nature can also help us keep faith and carry on when times are hard. If we think of life in the same way as the changing seasons it can bring us hope. When winter arrives and things die we know that when spring comes round again life will be resurrected. With this mind we can trust that good times, fortune and opportunity will one day return to us when all seems lost. Hopefully this applies to our race eh!! Like I said mate it all revolves around Nature and shouldn't be practiced as Christianity, Judaism or Islam is. I consider these eastern religions to be more power orientated and alien to Europe. If the old ways were good enough for our ancestors they're good enough for me. Hope this helps you mate and gives you direction that is beneficial to yourself. Waes Hael - to your health!! 0 0 QA== 174j5t8e 0 0 u_801
6228 0 1972 0 1232568261 1 1 1 1 oi records for sale &quot;hello paul yes i got youre pm i guess you didnt get my reply if you want the records you can a send a po make it out to me nick rich do not cross it or cash send recorded delivery to me nick rich 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn87pr ok have you any photos of those days if yes can you send em to my e mail address <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and ill send you some of mine i hope this gets to you ok mate. 88 nick <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1ckf5z40 0 0 u_1713
6350 6348 1027 0 1233181006 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Hallo, Neem dan volgende week woensdag omstreeks 14.30. De klokke gaat open om 14 u daarmee. Het is dus op de baan van Duffel naar Kontich. Als je van Duffel komt is het over de brug en dan ongeveer een 500 m à 1 km op de linkse kant. Kom je van richting kontich is het voorbij rond punt op die baan ook ongeveer 500 m à 1 km maar dan uiteraard aan de rechtse kant. Als ik er al ben staat er een grijze kamionette fiat doblo voor de deur. Greetzzzzzzzz. Peter <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3bjbx4hu 0 0 u_618
6224 0 1838 0 1232562269 1 1 1 1 . Happy Birthday :) <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 u5rhrdj8 0 0 u_245
6225 5951 1972 0 1232567132 1 1 1 1 Re: Open season demo tape &quot;no mate im glad you got it let me know what youre gonna have in youre e bay shop ok if theirs anything else you want and i may have let me know as im have ing a clear out saying that as fast as i sell something ill buy something else all the best nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 a68xbx8e 0 0 u_2245
4427 0 143 0 1218332168 1 1 1 1 Polish NS Scene Slawa Can you plesae tell me something about polish NS scene, what bands are active, organizations etc. Do you have some pictures from this year Szczerski memorial? If you have msn or skype we can talk there my msn: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> my skype: slavic_salute 0 0 nvtrh58y 0 0 u_363
5450 0 58 0 1225614765 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8994#p8994:3attrrhj]Subject: South of the River ???[/url:3attrrhj] [quote=&quot;88dirty88&quot;:3attrrhj]Im from balham but i live in croydon now... its like livin in a zoo![/quote:3attrrhj] Hail 88dirty88 Contact me please at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Meet up planned for Tuesday evening at approx 8pm / 4th nov S London are hosting next weeks gig so want to get alltogether before gig night OK ? 828 Asgard1488 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kA== 3attrrhj 0 0 u_1137
2139 0 143 0 1210319828 1 1 1 1 28 Bohemia Does B&amp;H Bohemia have it´s own web site? I want to know more about scene in Bohemia, so I added you to my MSN list, my MSN is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 3bfpfqwy 0 0 u_255
6789 6777 74 0 1236255218 1 1 1 1 Re: gday great mate weather is great nice and sunny today hows u <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 32vtijzh 0 0 u_2645
4213 4194 54 0 1216939542 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;stafford steve&quot;:vptfomxv]hi blue eyed blonde now im not one to p.m or even post often, i take it badwolf is no longer with us so to speak, i can only say, what a huge relief,he was boring me to tears with the most of his posts......... i can now log in and have my daily read in peace thanks steve/blackout. you must try and visit for a gig somtime your doing a grand job keeping the forum alive. all the best to you and yours....[/quote:vptfomxv] Hi Steve, Thanks for the pm. Yes, you are not the only one glad that Badwolf is gone, he was becoming a total pain and an embaressment to the forum. He definately has a screw loose. I'm actually coming over for ISD this year and staying in Europe for a month... finishing off with going to the Flanders ISD. So I'll be over there in about 7 weeks!!!!!! I don't know if I'm keeping the forum alive... it's the members that do that, but thanks for the nice feedback, it's appreciated. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> PS. Why aren't you posting!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 0 gA== vptfomxv 0 0 u_280
2153 2090 380 0 1210400454 1 1 1 1 Re: Kisten of boots Hoi, Wehrwulf28 heeft het zeer druk, maar je mailt gewoon naar hem of naar bhvlaanderen (adres op site). Maak je geen zorgen hoe je eruit ziet hoor, dat is niet belangrijk. Ik zie er trouwens zelf niet meer uit als skinhead, die periode hebben velen achter de rug van ons. Je kan ook eens een mail sturen naar Surtur, met mijn complimenten. Daar zal je dan bijna zeker iets van terugkrijgen. Groeten! 0 0 2sggaqso 0 0 u_618
5770 0 2138 0 1228238540 1 1 1 1 Heil Comrade Hello Brother, new to B&amp;H but as you can see on my profile i'm a VF Supporter and i'm looking to meet Comrades from the London area. If you're from around we could chat either here on msn ( <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> ) . 88/14 ROA <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3g8uapla 0 0 u_58
5555 0 1910 0 1226746079 1 1 1 1 Re: Kent yeah i know sittingbourne alright ish and have a couple of mates around there who are white pride so it could end up happening [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16025#p16025:3dwj5v03]Subject: Kent[/url:3dwj5v03] [quote=&quot;WIGANMIKE&quot;:3dwj5v03][quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:3dwj5v03]im in maidstone and the only way i really have of getting around is public transport and i keep planning on going to a 28 gig but never get round to it because im new to the whole scene[/quote:3dwj5v03] Ok its TRAIN RIDE FROM SITTINGBOURNE, have a look around first and see if its what you like.. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:3dwj5v03] 0 0 kA== 3dwj5v03 0 0 u_886
2179 2019 193 0 1210590923 1 1 1 1 Re: Sir! Sorry, am having mega problems with my laptop last few days......always wondered why it reminded me of my Ex haha Cheers for taking the time to look at the site. There's a few more things to go on there in the next week or so. Laters G 0 0 1bo0i4f9 0 0 u_351
6187 5980 54 0 1232358560 1 1 1 1 Re: Need a small favour.... [quote=&quot;BODHVAR-BJARKI&quot;:3hbtukts]i ordered them 3 day shipping as soon as they get here we'll send them fastest shipping method to you, but it's cutting it close, but we'll give it a shot Mr. Randal Krager 3209 Mount Tabor Rd Lakeland, FL 33810 United States <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 503-953-0863.[/quote:3hbtukts] Thank you SO much, I REALLY appreciate it, although you didn't have to send me all the order details - I trust you <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> You probably think I'm totally crazy, but I&quot;m sure that Abbie completely understands where I am coming from haha. Is that your phone number at the bottom of the contact details? If so, can we give you guys a call to say hello when I have the VF guys over again when Rob is here (it will be in the morning for you guys, so you will have to be able to handle speaking to a roomful of drunk Aussies and one drunk pom <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> ). Thanks again, and please pass my thanks on to Abbie. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3hbtukts 0 0 u_88
5106 5089 54 0 1223070104 1 1 1 1 Re: Racial greetings! Hello Nicu, Re your pm regarding a Blood and Honour Romanian Division, can you please send an e-mail to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and they will liaise with you from there. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 yjwugvv0 0 0 u_1996 u_65
5360 0 332 0 1224865193 1 1 1 1 Deleted Pm's Hi Nicole, i have read the post about the deleted PM,s I have some movies about the ISD England so i am gonna send you the mail again. If you go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... o_ISD.html</a><!-- m --> You can download it!! I have put all the movies in it!! If you can't see the movies go to: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... wnload.htm and download: Download [ K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 FULL ] Than it should work. The best movies i find number 79 and number 81!! Please let me know if it workt. Greetings 828 Ok that was it Cheers!! 0 0 2x30i0ni 0 0 u_54
3968 3303 76 0 1216138505 1 1 1 1 Re: COACH FOR STINKO MEMORIAL GIG! Hello Jules.Where would i send the money to?I can be trusted to be there for the coach.But i understand.XL 4 the t-shirt please,and thankyou.14/88 0 0 3tb6si3v 0 0 u_66
5686 5183 279 0 1227701505 1 1 1 1 Re: i cannot post on 28radio section thanks and no probe#lem about it taking time <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 268hcxsk 0 0 u_54
3970 3898 901 0 1216145465 1 1 1 1 Re: activisme Ja , maar wat houd het &quot;serieuzere&quot; werk in? 0 0 264xxtpg 0 0 u_1306
4861 0 396 0 1221644291 1 1 1 1 isd lee if you want a lift to the isd pm me your phone number and i will bell you to sort it out we are going on saturday and back would have to get a train out to e,london <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3mv8fcx3 0 0 u_1058
5644 5641 53 0 1227467094 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas Not 100% sure but it looks to be in the midlands an upwards from there 0 0 20g2txkh 0 0 u_1910
3437 3044 1148 0 1214920313 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! No worries at all Nicole!! Hope alls good in Aus'! Racial Regards Paul [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:2m31mok7]Hi Paul, I was going through my PM's and just realised that I hadn't answered you - sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Things are going really well &quot;down under&quot; thank you for asking, and welcome again to the forum, I hope you enjoy it. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:2m31mok7] 0 0 gA== 2m31mok7 0 0 u_54
5328 5296 54 0 1224690705 1 1 1 1 Re: The 14 Words Documentary [quote=&quot;Eric Davidson&quot;:2qssiclg]Tomorrow (Oct 21) is the 12 year anniversary of the release of my favorite horror show. Since I am too stupid to download the necessary stuff to upload it on the B&amp;H Forum, I thought perhaps someone with skill (such as yourself) could do it??? <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->[/quote:2qssiclg] Hi Eric, Sorry I have missed your Oct 21 anniversary, I've been on the road and only got back to Aust from Europe today. I have downloaded and converted the documentary (which was very good by the way). I will upload it to the 28 server overnight (it's a large file!) and then put it on the forum tomorrow. I had a blast in Europe - made it to 3 ISD's, met lots of fantastic people and ate and drank WAY too much! Hope things are well with you. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> PS. You looked very nice in your suit <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 gA== 2qssiclg 0 0 u_858
6216 0 1362 0 1232492914 1 1 1 1 national socialism? left wing? Hey BlueEyedBlonde, i recently posted a topic on the General Information section about national socialism being left wing and you left some very informative links for me, which is great thanks however, according to my Psychology teacher im a 'Small Chunk Learner' meaning that if i read a big long essay like you left in the link i wont take it in and remember it <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":-?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:-? --> so i was just wondering if you could explain it in a simplified version for me please <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> i already know that NS is a way of life and that fascism/nazism and communism are very similar but id just like a brief incite to how it can be called left wing Thanks <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Nick <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 28 0 0 34ezmy8y 0 0 u_54
5482 5472 1322 0 1225829724 1 1 1 1 Re: msn hi..will add u but dont go on msn much...u prob will catch me on here more lol or myspace if u have it <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 2hsnvl4c 0 0 u_2123
5374 5296 54 0 1224954131 1 1 1 1 Re: The 14 Words Documentary [quote=&quot;Eric Davidson&quot;:1t13194f]Tomorrow (Oct 21) is the 12 year anniversary of the release of my favorite horror show. Since I am too stupid to download the necessary stuff to upload it on the B&amp;H Forum, I thought perhaps someone with skill (such as yourself) could do it??? <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->[/quote:1t13194f] Done! My apologies for the delay, I've been trying to catch up/deal with everyday life back from the utopia of holidays (and uploading, converting &amp; downloading videos on the forum isn't a straight forward process, it's actually a complete pain!) Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1t13194f 0 0 u_858
5733 5667 323 0 1227916232 1 1 1 1 Re: Rolling Sevens What is your email address? they sent me another one that may work, will email the rest of them to see what they have.. V 0 0 3bqilza0 0 0 u_65
5734 5667 65 0 1227920825 1 1 1 1 Re: Rolling Sevens please send them asap to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 828 0 0 2twancla 0 0 u_323
5601 5403 549 0 1227192926 1 1 1 1 Re: west mid divisions i guess if we wanted to set one up we tell the people on the forum make a name and get west mid members in and turn up to gigs 0 0 2qgxksky 0 0 u_1790
5602 5578 152 0 1227200634 1 1 1 1 Re: empire falls Yeah...A Hammerskin call, not ours.. I am not very happy about it. You see, the deal was we do the serious stuff...the vigil, speakers, etc., &amp; they said they were taking care of the bands..OK. Then they tell us that EF wants to play on their own dime, etc, etc.. And I told them that they had just played a show for c18. And they didnt seem to give a shit, &amp; instead said &quot;well, they seem like decent guys &amp; dont wanna get caught up in the middle of this drama, blah, blah&quot;..So there you have it. We were pretty upset &amp; we either have two choices-- ruin a major fund raising event at the last minute thats raising $$ for Richard Kemp &amp; other POWs, or deal with it so our end is fairly successful in accomplishing that goal &amp; have a little &quot;talk&quot; w/ these guys in person.. A few of us would like to confront them anyway on all this crap. 0 0 3dzj8ovs 0 0 u_115
5603 5578 115 0 1227206676 1 1 1 1 Re: empire falls Yes, we did assume as much. EP did the same here, kind of invited themselves over for our ISD last year. Then this year over to Europe and well assume you know the rest. Some said, well bands play for the supporters, not just the organisations, but still there has to be some kind of line somewhere ? Are the KSS still linked in with EP, and other associated undesirables? And what about Total War they are straight edge and a NSM band, as they have asked to play over here also? 0 0 1rdo8u06 0 0 u_152
2199 0 297 0 1210770960 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirt printing. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=7409#p7409:34qg28av]Subject: T-shirt printing.[/url:34qg28av] [quote=&quot;thomas_white_warrior&quot;:34qg28av]Great Design ! Best totenkopf I've seen in some time ! Keep it up, &quot;the Voice of the Youth&quot; this is excellent ![/quote:34qg28av] Right we have now just got our sample t-shirt through and we are all really pleased with it.It was based on our original design (and was done by duds so you all know what high quality it will be). We are currently sorting all the finer details out with the band and these t-shirts should be ordered within the next few weeks.We are currently trying to decide on how many to order and in which sizes,so if anyone would like certain sizes please contact us and reserve one to avoid any dissapointment. Anyone who wishes to place an order please contact the band,you can either pm us through this myspace account or send us an email at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->,we can accept payment through paypal,or by cash or cheque(however there is a small charge for paypal).T-shirts will be £10.00 each plus P&amp;P. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;picoodle&#46;com/view&#46;php?img=/4/5/14/f_14052008067m_5fc6c9e&#46;jpg&amp;srv=img28:34qg28av][img:34qg28av]http&#58;//img28&#46;picoodle&#46;com/img/img28/4/5/14/f_14052008067m_5fc6c9e&#46;jpg[/img:34qg28av][/url:34qg28av] <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... fc6c9e.jpg</a><!-- m --> 0 0 mA== 34qg28av 0 0 u_97
2200 0 901 0 1210789202 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor joew , das mss een goei idee , der zen der al te weinig me het juiste gedachtegoed. Toevallig is mijn naam ook Sven. Groet! 0 0 19e0832v 0 0 u_802
5597 5595 74 0 1227095752 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas 6 dec hail kenny im not going mate because of funds but try B &amp; H north east will be able to help i know theres a coach going from leeds danny28 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3r1ezop2 0 0 u_2161
2204 0 892 0 1210799777 1 1 1 1 Re: CCFC You based in cardiff then? Im around cardiff un trying to get to know if anything goes on down my way like. Gigs or active groups or anything. C'MON CARDIFF!! <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=7617#p7617:hh7iggob]Subject: CCFC[/url:hh7iggob] [quote=&quot;anvil&quot;:hh7iggob]C'mon Cardiff City, let's go all the way and win the FA Cup!!![/quote:hh7iggob] 0 0 kA== hh7iggob 0 0 u_67
2205 0 213 0 1210799982 1 1 1 1 Re: shirts for sale [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=7456#p7456:2f04zoe2]Subject: shirts for sale[/url:2f04zoe2] [quote=&quot;Fallschirmjäger&quot;:2f04zoe2]I have a few shirts: Bound for glory (honour, pride, respect) Operation Racewar (Try to change me, fuck you, I'm the same I ever was) Mistreat Never forgive, never forgotten Lion's pride Pitbull Germany (beware the dog) ... Pm me[/quote:2f04zoe2] Can You send me pictures of shirts? 0 0 kA== 2f04zoe2 0 0 u_92
2206 0 213 0 1210800065 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5152#p5152:9i4h9522]Subject: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts![/url:9i4h9522] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:9i4h9522]I'm selling a few flags, cd's and t-shirts for a list please pm me.[/quote:9i4h9522] Please, send Me a list! 0 0 kA== 9i4h9522 0 0 u_90
4846 0 1399 0 1221594667 1 1 1 1 someone else thats bout my age none so far i was met be going to ISD but 6th form work moeny issues then ma mates had a problem with the travel arguments so all mass of shit has come around to bite me in the arse..witch im bit gutted about tbh dou o to gigs ? so Essex lol wot its like down south ?..form tat comment you may of gartherd boltons in the north lol and is a shit hole hat gets more rain than Scotland and is full of pakis... 0 0 3hfo0203 0 0 u_1838
3293 3216 120 0 1214695050 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale Hail Simon, Thanks for looking into it for me, I'm still keen though, you see what I think you have there is a DRB Eagle, they used to sit on the front of trains, hard to come by in this neck of the woods! It looks genuine from the picture, can't always be 100% sure though. So I'm still happy to take it off your hands, but I just need about a week or so to free up some money. 210 pounds sounds fair to me, I know shipping's always a killer, I buy alot of stuff from the US and the shipping costs from there have gone mad, so I just have to get used to it! Consider to sold Si, I'll pm you when I've got the money to you! Thanks brother, Brad 828 0 0 2mo3wfkb 0 0 u_1138
2721 2716 952 0 1212441716 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3bq3xxgx]i'm alone. i would love to feel your lips on mine[/quote:3bq3xxgx] and youtongue with my tongue caressing 0 0 gA== 3bq3xxgx 0 0 u_53
2959 0 219 0 1213123701 1 1 1 1 highlander Hi Paul Whats the crack with a member of highlander going to court. 88 John Cumbria 0 0 38g6ho03 0 0 u_73
5961 5894 72 0 1230151962 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS ROK Yes.....I received your SMS and I will post it to your old address.......many thanks.Rob <!-- s`Santa --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm5.pak/CocaColaSanta.gif" alt="`Santa" title="Santa" /><!-- s`Santa --> 0 0 1h4ubxs1 0 0 u_1631
5683 5671 2119 0 1227661514 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi, <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> I assume it's because I've been using Yahoo Instant Messenger for the web -- the kind you don't have to download. Might be easier if you gave me yours. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 a963ikou 0 0 u_53
5595 0 2161 0 1227094745 1 1 1 1 white xmas 6 dec hello im wondering if your traveling up for white x mas. as am from boldon colliery near newcastle . i have spoken to jules (vixonn 66) and she sad that the division might be going wondering if i can travel with . please leave a pm my name is kprskin (kenny) am new in the region im from holland 0 0 1snt4txj 0 0 u_74
5596 0 2161 0 1227094979 1 1 1 1 thanks for the post hi jules kenny here thanks for the post . i see that it had 8 views but ive had no pm jet. looks like i have to come up by myself but im still coming. looking forward to see bruttal attack live. thanks kprskin 0 0 3puqiqik 0 0 u_66
2219 2204 67 0 1210834668 1 1 1 1 Re: CCFC Yeah and we're getting more active. Keep in touch and if you like we can meet up. Have you been down here long? 0 0 22dntd16 0 0 u_892
2223 2206 90 0 1210865459 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Hello Here is the list, i've you want picture's from something just ask me and about the price we talk about when you say what you want to buy. T-SHIRT’S Death’s Head: Feat The Jackals – Large Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large FLAG'S German zeppelin flag Luftwaffe flag 3 Celtic Cross flag's (with eagle, the red one and the black flag) Kriegsflagge Little &quot;flag&quot; with swastika, special one CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Oidoxie: Ein Lied Für Leipzig Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Landser: Ran An Den Feind Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket S.O.L: Warmaker Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Mistreat / Bound For Glory: Beer Bottles &amp; Hockey Sticks Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Spirit of 88: Totale Kontrolle Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew Sniper: Hail The White Race 0 0 qe2dmyw0 0 0 u_213
6153 0 801 0 1232287093 1 1 1 1 contact Can I have your number please ? RR Tony. 0 0 2arou70f 0 0 u_888
6154 6153 888 0 1232287549 1 1 1 1 Re: contact [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:1nalay9q]Can I have your number please ? RR Tony.[/quote:1nalay9q] no fucking way! lol it's 07772207875 whats yours mate? 0 0 gA== 1nalay9q 0 0 u_801
4585 0 153 0 1219777708 1 1 1 1 my account can u change my name to RSN/WI thanks jeffrey 0 0 33aqo2vz 0 0 u_58
6903 0 2161 0 1236986593 1 1 1 1 concerten he alles goed heb hier net weer wat concerten zitten kijken . strikeforce over twee weken bij mij in de nuurt . rebelionfestival blackpool 6-9 augstus kijk daar eens echt vette band last resort, riot sqaud the business ,exploited ,ja kijk maar ff . ook in nederland cock spawer in nov . en 4 skins in amsterdam 5 dec <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 lhusgrqf 0 0 u_2686
5968 0 74 0 1230377360 1 1 1 1 Re: Shadows of Blood sale [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17685#p17685:3c4je6sb]Subject: Shadows of Blood sale[/url:3c4je6sb] [quote=&quot;englishoi&quot;:3c4je6sb]Having a post Xmas sale <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> All cds are now £6 inc UK P+P Send me a PM with your 'wants' as stocks are low on some items Making room for a new project i'm working on currently <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: -->[/quote:3c4je6sb] hi do u have any other razors edge cd as i have two of those and just ordered one from u danny88 0 0 kA== 3c4je6sb 0 0 u_276
6073 0 74 0 1231721145 1 1 1 1 hello hi nick mate hows things going with u,im sending £20 tomorrow for u danny88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1hrfsr5y 0 0 u_2373
6334 6326 1972 0 1233082180 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes hello joe i have 1 skrewdriver live kensington 1984 2.skrewdriver live croydon 1987 remose live 1987 4. the ovaltinnes live 1983 5. peter and the wolf live 1983 5.klan songs of the 60s johnny rebel and others 6.ayran fest 1989 heiknen krutz mid town boot boys 7 ayran fest 1990 bound for glory and no remorse 8 skrewdriver and ovaltinnes demos 9 open season demo 10. order of the boot live 1988 11. white lightling live all $10 us send cash now if you send cash make a note of the number on the bills incase they get stolen and send to me nick rich 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn8 7pr england i knew a lot of us skins in the past ive one comrade left in the usa and scott from the bully boys all the best joe nick 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> ps happy holhoax day 0 0 2dsuymz4 0 0 u_353
5552 4829 1878 0 1226690423 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS Moest je nog interesse hebben om eens te babbelen, graag. Groeten, Peter 0 0 2ywuwg1s 0 0 u_90
2262 0 558 0 1211124681 1 1 1 1 records you any skrewdriver for sale mate regards 0 0 17nn9u3c 0 0 u_363
3780 3707 297 0 1215612079 1 1 1 1 Re: Jacket Ok mate thats all good... take care 14/828 0 0 1t9hs4hc 0 0 u_89
3906 3903 1 0 1215958597 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND YES ITS BEEN LOOKED AFTER INFACT ILL CUT THE PRICE TO £100 88 BADWOLF <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2d073qah 0 0 u_1323
2964 0 506 0 1213134535 1 1 1 1 ... boas, como ficaram entao as coisas no sabado? os ingleses nao tocaram mais? levaram merchandising e sempre se chegou a saber qm chamou? tipo, como viste, durante o jantar e dps do jantar ainda tive a beber uns canecos la com o nelson, ele ate por acaso foi um bacano pq fartou-se de me pagar cerveja e eu nao retribui... eu sei que ja tava um pouco tocado etc mas q quem começou com provocaçoes eh q tb devia ter pedido desculpa, principalmente ter pedido desculpas a quem organizou o concerto. Porque como podes perguntar ao nelson, ele disse-me que eles entraram logo a matar ao chamarem-lhe azeiteiro. Mas isso até podia ser na descontração e eu nao presenciei isso tambem. Depois como viste, eles ate se mostraram bastante amigos e tal, ate ja me davam abraços etc etc mas nao gostei pq na descontraçao minha a falar com eles pelos vistos nao gostaram que eu soubesse que bandas como perkele, loikaemie, evil conduct, banda bassoti etc sao sharps, ate pq eu tenho myspace e nao sou burro nenhum, sei dessas coisas. Ate pq quando fui c o outro ao carro, o tipo pus-me a ouvir a musica dos loikaemie com a musica &quot;good night white pride&quot; e a dizer q isso eh q era bacano, eu ate fiquei calado a olhar po gajo, ou eu sou um murcao ou eles tavam no sitio errado. Como tu viste, eu na descontração com eles até disse que isso era sharp, nao era boa onda ouvir isso e tentei mudar de assunto a dizer que hardcore eh que era, mas se calhar eles nunca devem ter ouvido falar em agnostic front, angry aryans, h8machine, blood for blood, teardown, blue eyed devils, outlaw pq tao ocupados a ouvir sharpices, tal como nao gostei da boca de q quem ouve hardcore é gay (gostava de ver o manel la, ate foi ele q me recomendou umas bandas) Como ja tava c os copos e como nao sou mt dado pa bulha desnecessaria, muito menos em minoria, fiz de conta, dei antes desprezo que merecia e mudou-se de assunto e deu no que deu pq o pessoal que conheço de lx eh da margem sul (que como sabes eh bem fudida) e deu-me vontade de rir, desculpa lá, quando o tipo me diz que cascais, onde vive, eh q eh fodido (o lugar onde o scolari tem uma mansao mais metade do jet set portugues)... eh a mesma coisa que dizer aqui no porto que é fodido viver eh na foz e no aleixo eh brincadeira. Compreendo que hoje eh fudido viver em qq lado e q ele tenha ficado lixado por ter menosprezado o sitio dele, mas eu tava ja tava numa onda de lhe dar desprezo pq desde o inicio q ja nao me cheirava bem a conversa. Mas tambem eles deviam tar c os copos pq mesmo cmg a tentar apenas desviar dos socos e pontapes pa nao me fuderem, eles também caiam ao chao. Eu sei que nao devia tar a dizer isto a ti, mas como sabes o q eu nao queria nem acho q precisavas era que o concerto fosse fudido por mau ambiente, ate porque eu podia mt bem ter corrido para la para cima em vez de ter ficado para tentar refriar as coisas. E até porque o baixista e dps o bennie e swenney perguntaram-me o que se passou e se era preciso &quot;chamar a razão&quot; alguém. Aliás, depois até me deram um cd da banda e um grande abraço e o bennie quis saber ao pormenor o que se passou e nao ficou com boa cara quando lhe contei. Tal como o Claudio, o Tuba, o Alvaro e a Joana do Sérgio que até me ajudaram a limpar. Mas é assim, uma pessoa tem que aprender na vida a nao dar confiança a quem nao merece, até porque nem sempre se sabe os disturbios mentais que vai na cabeça de cada um. So foi grande chatisse foi por causa da bofia, que espero que nao tenha dado grandes danos. Eu e a joana ficamos mt surpreendidos quando vimos a bofia chegar e pediram-nos os detalhes todos de identificaçao. Depois no hospital, fiquei la a espera, no inicio dissera-me que tinha a cana deslocada e que tinha que esperar pelas 8h pelo otorrino. Mas fui logo despachado as 8e30 e tive que ir a pe para casa porque foram 15 euros e ja nao tinha dinheiro para taxi. Tambem a minha casa era ali perto. Mas quem me dera viver na foz e aos vinte anos ter a carta, um carro, ter dinheiro para ter um armario so com boa roupa. Acho eh q me juntava era a JSD. Mas até tou bem de saude, felizmente, so com um arranhao no nariz. Mas o meu irmao perguntou-me logo o que se passa. E como tu sabes o meu irmao nao tem companhias muito amigaveis, ate como pds perguntar ao aranha dos super dragoes: tipos como hugo vinagre, hugo rocha (meu vizinho), romulo e afins metem marios machados em bolsos e ainda se dao ao luxo de gozarem c ele qnd aparece na tv. E como muito bem me disse o Tuba e a Joana, eu quero e tar longe de ganguices porque o que me fez procurar a BH e camaradas foi precisamente uma luta justa por algo em que acredito e curtir tambem uns concertos, porque senao andava ai era com cara de mau a espera de fuder o proximo para esquecer as frustraçoes e metia-me era no negocio da droga ou das armas quera mt mais rentavel. Alias, nos livros que sempre li sobre a ideologia que simpatizo muito e que me faz acreditar num mundo melhor, um bom cidadao é aquele que luta pelo seu povo, que se esforça nos estudos e no trabalho, que eh justo para com os outros, eh um bom cidadao, forma e ama a sua familia e tem filhos brancos com uma boa educação para poder encarar o futuro etc... Nao é que esteja aqui a dizer pieguisses, mas se calhar basta olhar para trás na nossa história europeia e procurar exemplos do genero. E por essas e por outras que estamos como estamos agora. So mais uma coisa, o pessoal dos whitelaw, ficaram bacanos? sabes se algum deles tem profile aqui so para agradecer o cd e lamentar a cena da policia? abraço e desculpa o testamento maçudo lol 0 0 1t17p07w 0 0 u_203
6221 6216 54 0 1232539220 1 1 1 1 Re: national socialism? left wing? [quote=&quot;GYNAZI88&quot;:37q1qrhd]Hey BlueEyedBlonde, i recently posted a topic on the General Information section about national socialism being left wing and you left some very informative links for me, which is great thanks however, according to my Psychology teacher im a 'Small Chunk Learner' meaning that if i read a big long essay like you left in the link i wont take it in and remember it <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":-?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:-? --> so i was just wondering if you could explain it in a simplified version for me please <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> i already know that NS is a way of life and that fascism/nazism and communism are very similar but id just like a brief incite to how it can be called left wing Thanks <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Nick <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 28[/quote:37q1qrhd] No worries, I think it's a brilliant topic for discussion. I've started writing something in reply, but you'll have to give me a few days to finish it due to work and personal commitments. It's not that what I am writing is long - it's actually harder to write a clear and simple &quot;short&quot; version of something. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 37q1qrhd 0 0 u_1362
6863 6855 53 0 1236935600 1 1 1 1 Re: hi and a request Hi, sorry for the delay i've been away from home for a few days i've banned him by ip addy so that should stop him but he hadnt visited the site since last october! Alls ok here still no job but there is fuck all out there! will be great to see you again at St Georges, hopefully you will be playing <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Take care Shell 88 0 0 xggkn6b7 0 0 u_297
5454 691 200 0 1225651098 1 1 1 1 Re: hello hello stuart. thank you for your fast reply. dont worry about not being able to help,i know its really difficult. it was just an idea, incase you had family near by. i dont think i can make the gig, even if i was to find someone in london to look after magnus, it would be too far to travel for one evening. now i need to find somewhere to stay near or in london... hey-ho, its not easy travelling with children. i have settled in ok, felt terribly homesick for the first few weeks though. its strange returning to germany, i dont feel german and i never will. its little things i miss the most, like shopping in tesco's haha. anyway, let me know how the gig goes next weekend, i take you are going to london for it? best wishes, jessie 0 0 3qzb04el 0 0 u_70
5958 5955 1972 0 1230065675 1 1 1 1 Re: thx &quot; I THINK YOU MAYBE IN LUCK THERE ARE 4 TRACKS ON IT I THINK WILL PLAY IT IF I GET TIME ON CHRISTMAS EVE . TO SEE NICK88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 15yy0awm 0 0 u_2245
6078 0 1959 0 1231759158 1 1 1 1 cw hi, how was ur xmas? any news on gigs comeing up, allso news on billy from CW all the best brummie kev <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 pdog9oyn 0 0 u_53
5714 5689 230 0 1227839872 1 1 1 1 Re: message Hi, Ok. I wanted to order two sweat-shirts and also wanted to get embroidery for one shirt (for a christmas present). It would be two letterings up the pockets on front of the workshirt. Dickies workshirt (I will provide you the shirt). Written &quot;Old SKull Tattoo&quot; on left pocket and &quot;Mr Big&quot; on right pocket, using the Skrewdriver font/police and quite big letters in white (shirt is black). Can you do that ? Please tell me costs for this embroidery. Max FHS 0 0 3rsxk9c8 0 0 u_59
5715 5703 109 0 1227870057 1 1 1 1 Re: ... I just said that I got your message, but I rarely go on MSN. If I do I will keep an eye out for you. cheers jesse 0 0 5bsstntj 0 0 u_90
5716 5689 59 0 1227873633 1 1 1 1 Re: message Hi No problem, The sweaters are made to order, so the earlier you roder them the better for me, to beable to get them done and shipped to you in time for Yule. The workshirt, no problem either. If you can send me the text exactly how you want it, as a jpeg image along with the size you want the legnth of the text to be. Cost for this, five pounds for the embroidery it self, and another 5 pounds to set the text up, so 10 pounds total. I use a professional digitiser to set even my text up as I find it stitches out much better than any of the fonts that come with the embroidery machine. 14 Duds 0 0 28cdkcbz 0 0 u_230
5293 5274 235 0 1224521604 1 1 1 1 Re: Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross will post money first thing in morning please let us know when u receive cheers 0 0 10c9hsy8 0 0 u_58
5297 0 239 0 1224534674 1 1 1 1 white christmas gig send a message to one of the moderators they will help inf if you want to book a flight for the gig :) 0 0 10f60iiw 0 0 u_1937
5298 5184 72 0 1224535241 1 1 1 1 Re: translate Greetings Thanks for your kind offer but I have a friend who is going to do the translation for me <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> (A German girl who has married n English Skinhead) Are you on MYSPACE or MSN?? Yours.Rob 0 0 33hopo40 0 0 u_1937
6513 6419 59 0 1234351665 1 1 1 1 Re: Site back up!!!!!! WooHoo!!! Hail Nick I've tried it on 4 computers, at various locations and it all works fine, try it again 14 Duds 0 0 2rr1xu9v 0 0 u_1972
2288 0 112 0 1211233823 1 1 1 1 Re: antisemetisme [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=7944#p7944:1v6dmq49]Subject: antisemetisme[/url:1v6dmq49] [quote=&quot;RuyterKorps&quot;:1v6dmq49]Wie gaat er morgenavond naar Finkelstein luisteren? Het begint om 20u in de groene waterman, Antwerpen centrum, vlakbij De Beest.[/quote:1v6dmq49] Finkeljood bij KVHV ging niet door, blijkbaar wou hij niet meer voor hen komen spreken daarmee... 0 0 kA== 1v6dmq49 0 0 u_292
2291 0 951 0 1211236809 1 1 1 1 Hey Brother... Made it in! <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> So what happened to you over at that other forum? -Scott- 0 0 gg3p1dgk 0 0 u_295
2579 2454 1 0 1212013551 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 THATS OK MATE NICK 88. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 29e1kx5u 0 0 u_811
3170 3168 54 0 1214286357 1 1 1 1 Re: finding a group Hi Gav, Welcome to the forum. May I suggest that you post an introduction, both in the main part of the forum and the Australian section, and then spend some time posting and letting people get to know you. This will help you meet up with some like minded folk. Re your trip to Melbourne, contact the Vic B&amp;H reps on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, but they may not be able to meet up with you on such short notice. Regards BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2y3pjem1 0 0 u_1193
2299 0 775 5 1211277854 1 1 1 1 Cheers Happy Birthday!! 0 0 1pke6s40 0 0 u_933
2306 2288 292 0 1211295658 1 1 1 1 Re: antisemetisme Inderdaad. Als ik me niet vergis komt hij vanavond spreken voor de studentenclub van Groen! Ik ga er in ieder geval naartoe, wie weet tot vanavond! 0 0 rbta0hpr 0 0 u_112
2310 0 200 0 1211366163 1 1 1 1 hello there. you added me on myspace not long ago, its jessie. i wondered if you could point me in a few directions please. as you might know, i'm running the website, selling kids clothing. i need to do a little advertising and wondered who, on this forum, in all the different worldwide divisions does the B&amp;H mags in each country. maybe you could tell me so i can contact them myself? your help is greatly appreciated. many thanks. regards from london, jessie 0 0 2455zmx2 0 0 u_54
5463 5458 1691 0 1225743375 1 1 1 1 Re: t-shirt Hello Comrade, Address is: MAREK VISEK VISNOVA 1367/20 43401 MOST CZECH REPUBLIC Best Regards Mark 28 Bohemia <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> PS: Please, you good mask money in letter. Thanks. 0 0 2unxa9zb 0 0 u_2092
2313 2310 200 0 1211368890 1 1 1 1 Re: hi nicole. absolutely no problem, thank you for your quick reply. have a wonderful time in sydney, even if its just working there. i've been there before an liked it a lot. gardening is going very well, its all done and looking great. i'm very pleased. speak soon jessie 828 0 0 1j7qjcwc 0 0 u_54
6251 6244 2105 0 1232669778 1 1 1 1 Re: V.F Well the Canadian chapter of VF/BnH have been around here in the lower mainland for a few years now and have been visited and harassed by csis the local hate crimes cops etc and we will not be shut down as we are here to stay. Education,work ethic is a priority in our chapter as you must be working or going to school to be a member also no illegal activity for you are of no use to your race if you're in jail self defense if attacked of course and we also hold fight training sessions in the spring and summer along with other solid projects.If your serious and want to get involved with a REAL organisation and brotherhood then this would be a good choice for you. What's your interests and goals and what do you want to achieve within the movement. 0 0 29h9inh1 0 0 u_2436
2323 2308 861 0 1211465204 1 1 1 1 Re: ? predugo za objašnjavanje <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 8wlr98o6 0 0 u_213
2331 269 110 0 1211542949 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba helaba maat, alles goe met u ik heb bijna alles geregeld van mijn abnormale situatie, dus alles wordt beter just even gekiekt op de site van de nsa... jullie eerste congres gaat al door in oktober, sterk, misschien kom ik dan eens af en nu wachten tot de moloko weer open gaat zekers <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> , kheb vernomen dat ze van antwerpen komen om de boel over te nemen, wa gaat da geven???? kan je al wat profieleren bij de nsa of zit de structuur complexer in elkaar. tis just, ik ging langskomen in de gezelle voor de spreekbeurt over zuid afrika, maar tijdens een match in de namiddag mijn poot gebroken en ik zat in spoed.... was het de moeite of zat jij in Bellegem. ik denk dat u NSA nu voorneemt zekers, meer intelligentia allé, blij u nog eens te mogen toespreken tot later 0 0 lpb7udwo 0 0 u_112
2338 0 1 0 1211616341 1 1 1 1 28 hello lads do you know wen the next gig is going to b? i want 2 go 2 a place were there r no nigs pakis u know what i mean. and the only place that is is at a 28 gig. also want to listen 2 sum 28 rock and roll bands........... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 18g0jul2 0 0 u_297
2340 2338 297 0 1211621422 1 1 1 1 Re: 28 Not sure about the next one in england mate...we just get asked can we get het about a month before it goes Just keep checking the bet really.. 14/828 0 0 2emm7okz 0 0 u_891
6904 6811 323 0 1236987737 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings Yes we do have a paypal here is the address <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Thanks for everything Cheers Vicky 0 0 1tcs5i2i 0 0 u_72
2342 2262 363 0 1211622610 1 1 1 1 Re: records hi , soon will be ready to sell a few records from skrewdriver.cheers 0 0 1smph94d 0 0 u_558
2343 2262 558 0 1211633953 1 1 1 1 Re: records ok mate drop me a list if thats ok regards mate 0 0 36c6i0o2 0 0 u_363
2344 2262 363 0 1211637893 1 1 1 1 Re: records ok. mate I will send to you list. regards 0 0 1yztebfs 0 0 u_558
3023 3014 295 0 1213501595 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day Hey Nikki, I forgot to say, send me an email at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and I'll put you on the B&amp;H email list. I'm just sorting out accommodation, etc. for the interstaters for ISD so I'll send you the details when I've got them done. Also, depending when your flight is, I might be able to organize a lift for you from the airport. I forgot to tell ya, Hilly and Scouser Mike were at last year's one, so there should be plenty of older folk catch up with this year as well. I gotta say it doesn't surprise me that Mick's turned into a bit of a waste. Anyways, whatever;am looking forward to catching up with you over a few beers in September. Justin 828 0 0 25o4bzb5 0 0 u_1090
3173 3160 304 0 1214335078 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine Salut , alors tu va sur t'enregistre ta carte de crédit avec tes coordonnées et ensuite pour payer , tu clique sur paiement et t'entre l'adresse mail <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> et c'est tout. ensuite une fois que ta fait sa tu m'envoie ton adresse et je t'envoie les zines. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3ca20po9 0 0 u_215
2766 2753 952 0 1212490760 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1uhz0lzh][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:1uhz0lzh]will whole soft are for you,[/quote:1uhz0lzh][/quote:1uhz0lzh] <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: -->[/qu for make love with you,call me for eats,i goes thereafter bit rest,good for you my darling <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> 0 0 gA== 1uhz0lzh 0 0 u_53
6273 0 1937 0 1232786872 1 1 1 1 hey r u alive? 0 0 15335tzu 0 0 u_63
2749 2716 952 0 1212447701 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:grbgpq1e]good night baby <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss -->[/quote:grbgpq1e] Shell i love you very very very ,im so happy from you 0 0 gA== grbgpq1e 0 0 u_53
6279 6272 54 0 1232799437 1 1 1 1 Re: emoticons/smilies etc [quote=&quot;CASUAL 88&quot;:31alfmnx]hi Nicole..hope all is well with you? Right the reason im pm in you is a question about the smilies there any way i can use the smilies/ns symbols off this forum on msn??..can i transter them for use there or have you any advice on how if possible im able to do it? im pretty dim <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> unfortunately when it comes to computers so any help or advice would be a great help....sorry to trouble u with this but id really like to use some of the ones on here on my msn chat like thanks take care and best Racial Regards 828[/quote:31alfmnx] Hi there, Yes things are great here at the moment. Have just had some 28 visitors from Switzerland, and my other half (Bulldog Drummond) is arriving early Feb, so I'm looking forward to that. Using the smilies on msn is pretty simple. [b:31alfmnx]To save smilies[/b:31alfmnx] 1. Right click on any smilie and select Save Picture As. 2. Save the smilie to your computer (keep the same file extension, and all of the moving ones are gif files, but the non moving ones vary). [b:31alfmnx]To add to msn[/b:31alfmnx] 1. In msn, open a chat, go to the Tools menu and select Emoticons. 2. Click on the Create button in the top right hand corner. 3. Click on the Find Image button and browse to where you saved the smilie. Click OK to save. 4. Add any shortcuts etc. and click OK to save. 5. Open a chat and click on the button you use to insert the smilies. 6. Select &quot;Show all&quot;. Scroll down and you will see the customised smilies that you've added. If you have any problems with it let me know. I've just come home from 12 hours at work and I'm pretty tired, so hopefully I haven't missed a step! Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 wA== 31alfmnx 0 0 u_69
3168 0 1193 0 1214277882 1 1 1 1 finding a group Hi, Im Gavin from Hobart, Tas. Im trying to find a national socialist group here in Hobart. We are have a huge influx of africans here &amp; im trying to find some like minded people to chat to about our local issues. Do you know of any groups here or in Melbourne, as im going to melbs this friday. Cheers Gav <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 h8yui5dp 0 0 u_54
6278 6229 396 0 1232796713 1 1 1 1 Re: hi oi oi mate i had to give up my job as i had a stroke and its fucked me up a bit but it could be worse.there is a gig on the 7th of feb that should be good section88 are playing and they will be seling their new is ment to be in london but it could be dartford area.if you want to come give me a bell and i will see if i can pick you up.we wont find out were it is until the day but as section88 come from kent(i think.) it could be kent.0793 5575 992.this is my wifes phone as mine is wishes mick <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2kjm6qke 0 0 u_690
6277 6239 618 0 1232794444 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag, Ik weet zo direct niets zijn, ik heb wel veel familie wonen rond Antwerpen en ik ga daar straks ook slapen. Anders kon ik niet naar de nieuwjaarsreceptie gaan van het N-SA. Ik zal eens aan men moeder vragen die is afkomstig van Mortsel dus die zal wel iets weten daar in de buurt. jakke 0 0 9bcv60j8 0 0 u_1027
2685 2682 952 0 1212425623 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:9bgop863]hi baby, im home now, left work at 4pm, got a problem with my hand!!! going to doctors in the morning for a 2nd opinion[/quote:9bgop863] sthal is back 0 0 gA== 9bgop863 0 0 u_53
3163 0 460 0 1214249655 1 1 1 1 viva [i:38u44mgm]Viva camarada, td bem? Tive imensa pena de não ter podido ir á gig do dia 7, mas estive em trabalho em Madrid. Espero que tenha corrido tudo bem. No entanto gostava de este ano de ir ao ISD Memorial, algúem da B&amp;H Portugal está a planear ir? Outra coisa, tenho visto que o site da B&amp;H PT está bastante desactualizado, se quizerem podem ir actualizado regularmente com as entrevistas que estou a preparar a várias bandas NS, RAC, WP. O que achas? Pode-se escolher a melhor para a revista e as outras podiam ir para o site. It´s your call. Um abraço camarada, 88[/i:38u44mgm] Chegaste a ler esta mp? Como não tive resposta... Pela tua resposta no forum já vi que vão ao ISD. No entanto, se for não vou láão conheço nada da Inglaterra e nem me correspondo com ninguém da B&amp;H de lá. Da B&amp;H só conheço voçês...Se ainda tiverem lugar na carrinha ou carros digam. Um abraço, 88 0 0 IA== 38u44mgm 0 0 u_203
5289 5277 930 0 1224519238 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu ura?unali smo te u paket rije?kih ulaznica tako da se ne brini 0 0 3oh2va83 0 0 u_108
6710 6704 1972 0 1235431122 1 1 1 1 Re: c18 shit &quot;good as i said i wanted to get rid of the cd wich i got from rampage by the way take a look to see if he is selling their cds. nick <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2vz1lldm 0 0 u_65
5814 0 2253 0 1228489740 1 1 1 1 vij si emaila vij si emaila 0 0 33hq1pwt 0 0 u_638
6810 0 307 0 1236530289 1 1 1 1 me oioi i am now bk on here all my lov nfskin. 0 0 23r0v2g6 0 0 u_2099
6489 6419 59 0 1234141809 1 1 1 1 Re: Site back up!!!!!! WooHoo!!! lo m8 You need to set up your account, all thats asked for is ur name, (up to you if you use a false one) and an address to ship your items to. Forget the phone number, just put 0's for that 14 Duds 0 0 ss8l34n9 0 0 u_1972
5816 5804 1745 0 1228495011 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig yes thats me sorry ideleted your email by mistake but i have made a note of it this time lolol 0 0 254oksrp 0 0 u_2157
5485 5472 1322 0 1225834744 1 1 1 1 Re: msn <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> send message with add request so i know its u lol <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 3swcyjm3 0 0 u_2123
2828 0 1030 0 1212658000 1 1 1 1 regards. Hail Nicole. Thanks for getting back to me. I might stick with the new user name if ok. As in regards to the ISD, hell yeah I`ll be there. Not going to miss it. And even my girl will attend. So I will stick with gaskammer88 on this board . Thanks again for your patience. 828,88. 0 0 1e35pofb 0 0 u_54
2711 2682 952 0 1212440577 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3dwc5s02]i am here[/quote:3dwc5s02] happy 0 0 gA== 3dwc5s02 0 0 u_53
2754 2753 952 0 1212486316 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2aydajtb]Good morning babe, how do you feel today? I know you have another opp tomorrow, but do you know when you will be home again?, is it a big opp? I've had a busy morning so far up at 7am, doctors for 8.20, he sent me to the hospital for a x-ray, I have to wait 5 days now for it to be sent to my doctors. its a good job i'm right handed!!!! <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: -->[/quote:2aydajtb] Day my great Honey,i hope that you not too much pain have,know you that you it best in my life since long time even for my ex have i that not felt ,can you not miss,feel your that also a bit for me kiss my darling <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> 3 0 0 gA== 2aydajtb 0 0 u_53
2713 2682 952 0 1212440749 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3rxe6887]yes you?[/quote:3rxe6887] im very happy to talk my women 0 0 gA== 3rxe6887 0 0 u_53
3304 0 1204 0 1214756688 1 1 1 1 action! Hey Man, I have been following your posts and reckon you are the most intresting guy on B&amp;H just now and seem to enjoy the &quot;hate&quot; of niggers as much as I do. I would like to add you as a friend if thats OK. I have just joined B&amp;H hoping to meet up with other like minded guys. Have been hanging around for awhile but have found very little real action. Any fresh idears?I have time and funds but need some inspiriation and support from a mate. Cheers! 0 0 10i3ynt3 0 0 u_1172
2731 2716 952 0 1212442780 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:x4a7iuxc]you wont want me, when you see me,[/quote:x4a7iuxc] would you like my erection see for you 0 0 gA== x4a7iuxc 0 0 u_53
2717 2716 952 0 1212441013 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:hdm1axyn]What are we going to do in the future?[/quote:hdm1axyn] may i you kissing in your neck,in the future? 0 0 gA== hdm1axyn 0 0 u_53
2742 2716 952 0 1212444908 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1u2sqlmo]It will fit force it in, i cant leave myself alone!!! just came again i'm so wet it was running down my arse crack whilst i was on my bed, condom yes i'm not on pill[/quote:1u2sqlmo] must i still wait for me unloading of my seed?,on the top of my dick is erwet 0 0 gA== 1u2sqlmo 0 0 u_53
2747 2716 952 0 1212447405 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3llaruwg]I got cut off had to restart comp again[/quote:3llaruwg] the site was gone,i see you tomorrow my honey,Shell soon 4 july kiss on your lips ,i had rather together can sleeps and without clothes(adam and eva) good night my women of me <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> 0 0 gA== 3llaruwg 0 0 u_53
2771 2753 952 0 1212492321 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2bgjiuez][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:2bgjiuez][quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2bgjiuez]you go now? i'm not working today with my hand so will be home all day[/quote:2bgjiuez] wanted you otherwise,do i have you still not horny made? <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: -->[/quote:2bgjiuez] Ahh i should of said ' im not at work today because of my hand' <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->[/quote:2bgjiuez] is your pussy back hot,would you like my dick in your hand,how does you like love,wat have you like,what can you still do that i not can in sex 0 0 gA== 2bgjiuez 0 0 u_53
2723 2716 952 0 1212441923 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2wr8i9tl]i'm alone. i would love to feel your lips on mine[/quote:2wr8i9tl] would also your blot buttocks want feel 0 0 gA== 2wr8i9tl 0 0 u_53
2735 2716 952 0 1212443424 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:iqqjmbjx]i want to come now, just reading your words i'm so close, if you just touch me i will explode[/quote:iqqjmbjx] plays with you pussy for me 0 0 gA== iqqjmbjx 0 0 u_53
2729 2716 952 0 1212442295 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3q6a5w9g]yes[/quote:3q6a5w9g] you have still many clothes to 0 0 gA== 3q6a5w9g 0 0 u_53
2775 2753 952 0 1212494275 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1evbiw34][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:1evbiw34] is your pussy back hot,would you like my dick in your hand,how does you like love,wat have you like,what can you still do that i not can in sex[/quote:1evbiw34] hahaha we are back here .......again hot .....yes.....again what are you doing to me man i'm constanly bloody horny!!! yes i would love to have you in my hand, so strong an hard but soft as velvet. what can i do that you can't of havent i dont know baby[/quote:1evbiw34] site op end down which stands have your like for you hot pussy 0 0 gA== 1evbiw34 0 0 u_53
2739 2716 952 0 1212444080 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:11y04kbe]i couldn't wait for you to say that!!! i'm as hot as hell, &amp; very very wet, i came so hard thinking of you, i want you here so badly[/quote:11y04kbe] my dream is you well together fuck in your wet and hot pussy 0 0 gA== 11y04kbe 0 0 u_53
2513 2454 811 0 1211787310 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 will have to wait til weekend to go to post office. hope thats ok.will message again on saturday when money sent. cheers,keith <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1d18nv1s 0 0 u_351
2515 269 112 0 1211800254 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba Och ik heb er ook al aan gedacht om mijn schuppe hier af te kuisen maar dan bedenk ik dat dat toch tenminste mijn land is en dat als iedereen zo reageert het hier zeker naar de kloten gaat dus blijf ik, hehe Bwa, van Moloko zijn het ook maar geruchten natuurlijk, in Brugge wordt er traditioneel wat afgeroddeld en eigenlijk boeit gans dat café en zijn entourage me geen kloten meer. Een bende a-politieken, belgicisten en pseudo-linksen samen is nu niet bepaald nog iets om je energie en geld in te steken. Als sommige &quot;rechtsen&quot; dat wel doen, zegt dat imo genoeg over hen. 0 0 1uv9g7ft 0 0 u_110
2733 2716 952 0 1212443115 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2wsyksnj]i'm scarred, i want you so badly, i need you[/quote:2wsyksnj] would also with your pussy play and caressing wiht my fingers and you wet do come 0 0 gA== 2wsyksnj 0 0 u_53
2737 2716 952 0 1212443728 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2elf1fhd]i want to come now, just reading your words i'm so close, if you just touch me i will explode[/quote:2elf1fhd] i have none pants and my dick is very hard 0 0 gA== 2elf1fhd 0 0 u_53
2514 269 110 0 1211795915 1 1 1 1 Re: helaba jah, als je de &quot;undercover&quot; beelden ziet van die Duitser, was het wel heftig toch of hebben de sensatiejagers alleen een selectie gemaakt, veel buitenlanders heb ik gehoord op het nieuws, de belgen waren dus weer in de minderheid...typisch ben zelf over een paar jaar naar Kaapstad geweest en een vriend uit ruddervoorde gaat daar nu bouwen, zeer schoon land, maar doodgevaarlijk. nu ja, je hebt de belastingcontrole op je nek, die klootzakken. een werkmens is weer eens een gemakkelijk slachtoffer, en de bandieten mogen rijker worden op onze nek. ze gaan hier binnenkort in dat apeland mijn kloten kunnen kussen en ik ga terug naar Italia. schone vrouwen, veel zon, lekker eten en wijn en geschiedenis waar ze trots op zijn!!!! je had daar over de moloko, is da ventje maar 17 jaar en vol linkse punks....tis dus echt een kot van verderf, is da ventje van het Brugse misschien. da gerucht dat Antwerpen wilde overpakken was dus zever allé, we hebben weer kunnen tateren, hou je sterk en goed tot later groeten fcb 0 0 1d9fcqs4 0 0 u_112
6276 0 58 0 1232791164 1 1 1 1 Videos Hi N. Hope you are keeping well &amp; safe my dear ? <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Ok, I have got a couple of Videos from Our November Rememberance gig on you tube !!! Britain awake from Cental Div was so kind to convert the files and bung em on to you tube for us but they are so good that I want to put them on the forum too <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> I followed the instructions that were given to use a .flv file , But it doesnt seem to want to work ??? I have got about 5 videos from the evening but must just be stupid or something LMAO Can you help out please and give me the exact instructions on how to do all of this as I have not done this before <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> 1-2 of the clips are over 10mb aswell and I would like to be able to get these videos on this weekend Many thanks if you can help Sister . When are you coming back our way ? it would be great to see you again <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Take care OK N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3cxe82xs 0 0 u_54
6075 6073 74 0 1231721406 1 1 1 1 Re: hello ill buy a lot more when i have moe money danny88 0 0 378tno4j 0 0 u_2373
3159 3130 1137 1 1214231981 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? hey only got ya message today so didnt make it... but im up for anything keep me posted eh 0 0 815hdwcc 0 0 u_58
3160 0 304 0 1214239216 1 1 1 1 fanzine oui il nous reste des fanzines si tu en veut , c'est 5euro les deux ,a envoyer par paypal , sa te va? <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2gtldnh8 0 0 u_215
6442 6440 91 0 1233750898 1 1 1 1 Re: Free Hello Yeah, that sounds very good mate. Gonna have to see if I have a change to get a copy of that promo CD in the future. By the way, theres another thing, since im a big fan of the aussie music scene, I sended email to 9% productions about a week a go, because they have stuff that ive been looking for a long time. ( like Deaths head shirt and new album etc.) But havent got any answers yet. So do you know who I should contact or should I just wait? Thanks already! 0 0 1wm2e0af 0 0 u_195
6112 0 618 0 1231963038 1 1 1 1 topic Gegroet, Ik heb het topic vertaald voor skinheritage. en die vroeg aan mij of ik het in het openbaar wilde posten. Nu is de vraag ga jij er mee akkoor sinds het jou tekst is. Ik zal hier bij de vertaling bijvoegen en dan kan je zelf maar zien wat jij wil, als jij liever nog wat aanpassingen maakt en het zelf post is het ook in orde voor mij. Dear friends, Let me start with wishing you the best for this new year. Now 2009 wont be the best year of the century if you can believe the media. dismissals, recession and more of that beautifull is nothing to start a year. And ofcourse it wont stay with that. We are getting teased daily by pro and anti Israel demonstrations over the whole country. Also the illigal muds have to let them hear, it looks all good again(sarcastic) Our independent retailers see there sales weeks fall into the water because many people are avoiding the big cities because of the plague of demonstrations. Now everyone can demonstrate in my opinion, but everyone knows that these demonstrations are to smash up everything and much more of that. The politicans doesn't give a shit about this demonstrations (riots), the gentlemen in Brussel doesn't give a shit and they sure ait gonna revieuw there opinions. The onlyone that are screwed are we the normal citizens who can pay for all this. the Vlaams Belang( a flemmish politic party) got about 600.000 votes in flanders, and now there isn't even 1% of the people that are willing to hold a counter demonstration. I don't think it's so hard to get a couple of thousand people on the streets that wanna go kick some ass with some baseballbats and more of those toys to show against those demonstrations to show who's the boss here in Flanders. If there are a couple of thousand people that do that the coppers can't do much about it, exept only scraping the flesh of the streets after it. That's why my friends, 2009 may be started bad but let us make it a year of repression, we cant take this much longer. enough=enough. Ofcourse we havent to face it alone, in the neighbour countries is our growth growig by the day. In Germany(east) 1 on 5 people are comming out to be a racist, the most people wont come out for it; but also is it. Also in Great Britain, Holland, and much more countries from over the sea also has alot of followers. Now everyone has there own local problems, but we can work together as one large group on a reovlution and and kick those muds,spics, gooks, jew and all of that back to home, and then they can demonstrate there. 828 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1jtkqihz 0 0 u_1027
3288 0 67 0 1214687793 1 1 1 1 Meet Good to meet with you today mate. Hope you have a good time in Spain. 0 0 38ndowkp 0 0 u_63
4696 4693 122 0 1220772303 1 1 1 1 Re: videos Hello, you want have any movies for to show the peoplens on the isd memorial england 08 this year ? 0 0 42dtmmof 0 0 u_100
2509 2311 263 0 1211766349 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail the new Admin! Thanks for your help Nicole. 828. <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> 0 0 3s6y2udx 0 0 u_54
6274 6148 2379 0 1232790048 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Zna?i u Zagrebu nema organizirane divizije? 0 0 2x585k4r 0 0 u_171
6275 6239 1027 0 1232790927 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag Jakke, Ik weet Laakdal wel liggen, juist maar 1 probleem dat ik daar geen enkel cafe ken in de buurt. Het zou dus makkelijker zijn mocht jij mij een plaats kunnen noemen. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 u4bbx88a 0 0 u_618
2454 0 811 0 1211751264 1 1 1 1 for sale 2&amp;3 are both burnley/4th reich available &amp; how much,cheers 0 0 7wydv49w 0 0 u_351
2764 2753 952 0 1212490230 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2l4rsama][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:2l4rsama]tomorrow can i have you write to 11h[/quote:2l4rsama] in the morning yes[/quote:2l4rsama] will whole soft are for you,in the morning,good <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 gA== 2l4rsama 0 0 u_53
2846 2454 1 0 1212712592 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 HAIL KEITH HOPEFULLY YOU HAVE YOURE LPS BY NOW IVE PUT SOME MORE ON IF YOU WANT THEM SEE THE FORUM LPS 5 AND 6 ALL THE BEST NICK 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 n2k387in 0 0 u_811
2460 2454 1 0 1211752293 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 YES MATE £ 5 EACH OK SEND CASH REC OR POSTAL ORDER BLANK NOT CROSSED TO NICK RICH 5 POCOCKS BANK FOUR ELMS NR EDENBRIDGE KENT TN87PR OK. WATCH OUT FOR MORE IVE SOLD A FEW ALLREADY. ALL THE BEST MATE NICK AKA BAD WOLF88. IM NOT A NUMBER IM A FREE MAN. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 or72c6nw 0 0 u_811
6447 0 618 0 1233855587 1 1 1 1 contact Dag Peter, Ik wil je bedanken voor gisteren, ik heb zeer veel bijgeleerd en vindt het ook een uitstekend idee! Ik heb daarstraks een berichtje gestuurd naar een kameraad van me. Maar die zei dat hij problemen had met het gerecht enzo. Ik weet ook niet in hoeverre ik die persoon kan vertrouwen. Ik heb ook die Wim Biront eens een keer opgezocht. Hij hielp op de nieuwjaarsreceptie van het N-SA dus van daar ken ik hem. Als je wil kan je me altijd toevoegen op MSN. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Groeten Jakke 0 0 10jic1pn 0 0 u_1027
6263 6202 2376 0 1232732823 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:ios2p8se]Good meeting up with you and 100% respect for you having the guts to seek your own path against the common herd. Like I said keep your head down and remember the freedom of our land needs brains not simply brawn. Take care Ben, 28.[/quote:ios2p8se] It was great meeting you lot, a great bunch of blokes, oh and thanks for the CDs ive got whitelaw on now, great band.. Hopefully we will meet again soon... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 14/88 0 0 gA== ios2p8se 0 0 u_801
3149 2978 901 0 1214155651 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirt hallo , het is al een tijdje geleden dat ik mijn laatste bericht i.v.m. het &quot;mijn eer heet trouw&quot; T-shirt , maar heb nog geen antwoord ontvangen. Gaat het nog door? 0 0 19ja2617 0 0 u_1083
4347 4340 1340 0 1217593049 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Heilsa, Ok, prima. Zodra ik het geld heb ontvangen pm ik jouw. Groeten 88 0 0 336bag43 0 0 u_850
2826 0 367 0 1212631488 1 1 1 1 Shirts / Intervier Greetings. I'm interested in getting 5 shirts for New Zealand. Also would you be interested in doing an interview for B&amp;H NZ magazine? Cheers 828 Dylan 0 0 3jsmju7z 0 0 u_297
2624 2617 363 0 1212234377 1 1 1 1 Re: koncert wegry witam my bedziemy jechac z malopolski , odezwij sie do mnie na tego maila: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> pozdr. 0 0 c2b0i8bf 0 0 u_1004
6331 6326 353 0 1233067964 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes Rich, Thanks for the quick reply brother. I'm looking for the demo tapes, not the regular releases though. Things like your Last Resort tape, and that Canadian Hammerskin comp. ( hope you didn't sell those yet ?) but especially bands from the early to late 80s. Lots of great music from that time. London Branch, Die Hards, Grade One, Public Enemy etc. all those sort of bands. If you have anything like that, send me a list and I'll send some cash your way. ROA! Joe 0 0 2ihhpulq 0 0 u_1972
2842 0 113 0 1212693135 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor Ben je van ranst zelf of een deelgemeente?? 0 0 27xc3nli 0 0 u_984
2843 2842 984 0 1212695162 1 1 1 1 Re: Stel jezelf even voor [quote=&quot;Kale28&quot;:r38aacux]Ben je van ranst zelf of een deelgemeente??[/quote:r38aacux] Ben van Broechem. 828 0 0 gA== r38aacux 0 0 u_113
3526 0 379 0 1215076048 1 1 1 1 BLOOD&amp;HONOUR NEW ZEALAND Hail m8 sorry for the long wait i have 2 copies left so if you want let me know and i'll post 1 off to you brother 28 perry new zealand B&amp;H 0 0 4kmddpu2 0 0 u_105
2760 2753 952 0 1212489555 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2s2vrv0g]You will be gone 5 days <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> But so long as he can make you well again, it will be worth it, are you in much pain?[/quote:2s2vrv0g] we will sort this an be together i want that,truely i do,then is my dick not to great for you,your first reactions were huy,too large for me <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> ,tomorrow can i have you write to 11h 0 0 gA== 2s2vrv0g 0 0 u_53
2526 2454 1 0 1211837287 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 OK KEITH WICH KLANSMAN LP DO YOU WANT IVE SOLD ONEKLANSMEN REBEL WITH A CAUSE NICK 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 284m5wo7 0 0 u_811
2527 2454 811 0 1211837824 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 sorry mate - should have said fetch the rope from latest list. now looking back can i have no remorse stormtroopers if still available. can you tell me more about triumph of the will - dont know anything about this one. keith 0 0 1qq3j7h8 0 0 u_351
2529 2524 297 0 1211843605 1 1 1 1 Re: Reserve your Unit 28 t-shirts will be as soon as i can corner all the band mebers to get the money should be within 1/2 weeks we order...then however long duds takes to print them...which knowing him will not be long at al.. thanks for the support.. 14/828 0 0 24ka3k1h 0 0 u_785
5263 5262 168 0 1224279783 1 1 1 1 Re: b is afleiding. bel naar de nummer op de flyer. 0 0 15c983v2 0 0 u_174
4981 2013 279 0 1222180789 1 1 1 1 Re: MSN MESSENGER!!! i have added u <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2suowqjp 0 0 u_885
4821 4816 339 0 1221405860 1 1 1 1 Re: Retaliator/Code1/The Wrongdoers/The Hoist No kyllä mulle aina ilmanen levy kelpaa. Jesse Torniainen Unikkopolku 4 00720 Helsinki 0 0 3khm52le 0 0 u_1000
3153 0 976 0 1214171163 1 1 1 1 join B&amp;H salut j'ai 17 ans je suis NS et j'aimerai rejoindre B&amp;H France vers mes 18 ans car j'aurais la voiture, j'habite à st julien en genevois en haute savoie donc si vous pouviez me donner des contacts vers chez moi si'il y en a et des informations pour rejoindre les Blood and honour france. 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2gqf8fh3 0 0 u_539
3096 0 1148 0 1213868151 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! Cheers and Racial Regards! 14/88 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9190#p9190:3vdsu3za]Subject: First Time user on this forum!![/url:3vdsu3za] [quote=&quot;CASUAL 88&quot;:3vdsu3za]Hello and welcome to the site from N.Devon <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:3vdsu3za] 0 0 kA== 3vdsu3za 0 0 u_69
5996 0 2099 0 1230858617 1 1 1 1 Youth Division Alright mate. Just read your thread about a youth division. That would be great, and I would be happy to contribute anything i can. I am lookin to make my own band, and i have several songs already made, just lookin for members, so something like this could really help that. Please let me know anything you hear about it. Cheers Stay safe, stay proud 88 0 0 12uiecvz 0 0 u_297
2575 2454 811 0 1212004143 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale 2&amp;3 hi mate, yeah know/seen trimph of the will. cos listed amongst the other vinyl i was thinking must been title of lp by a band that i'd not heard of - so the question. sorry for getting confused/causing confusion. anyway thanks for your kind reply.keith <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1uod4muv 0 0 u_351
5990 5989 54 0 1230808312 1 1 1 1 Re: thread [quote=&quot;stafford steve&quot;:3mul5lxi]hello beb how are you? just wondered where the thread about the v.f event had gone? any reason for this?[/quote:3mul5lxi] Hi Steve, VF asked me to delete their recent &quot;events&quot; threads. I'm sure they have very good reasons for this, but I didn't ask why. The threads were started by them, it's their events, so if they want them removed I was happy to do so without going into it any further. I wouldn't read too much into it. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> I have deleted the one re their upcoming event in Boston. I have hidden the other two (the one in a few days time, plus the one in April) pending clarification from VF if they meant for those ones to be deleted as well. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3mul5lxi 0 0 u_280
5907 0 54 0 1229339512 1 1 1 1 WAU donation [quote=&quot;WarMaiden&quot;:2rhknx6u][b:2rhknx6u]Thanks to B&amp;H Scotland we have been able to donate to the following people / projects.[/b:2rhknx6u] [b:2rhknx6u]$100[/b:2rhknx6u] for a prisoner in Florida [b:2rhknx6u]$200[/b:2rhknx6u] for Gary Yarbroughs Defense fund [b:2rhknx6u]$100[/b:2rhknx6u] for our welcome to the world little one [b:2rhknx6u]$25[/b:2rhknx6u] for the Frigga Award [b:2rhknx6u]$100[/b:2rhknx6u] for Richard Kemp's Release fund [b:2rhknx6u]$50[/b:2rhknx6u] to be donated next month to our prisoner in Florida [b:2rhknx6u]$50[/b:2rhknx6u] for books for prisoners And we have a little left over for future projects / fundraising.. Unity Is Strength Hails[/quote:2rhknx6u] Hi Vicky, Hope all is going well with you. I&quot;m really pleased the money has gone to such good causes <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Cheers N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 wA== 2rhknx6u 0 0 u_323
5457 5446 203 0 1225667988 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Hi. How are you? The email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. Racial Regards 0 0 cg0xv724 0 0 u_2122
5458 0 2092 0 1225674195 1 1 1 1 t-shirt Heil brother, This is Nexion, a supporter of B&amp;H Portugal. How can i order the t-shirt? Best regards, 88 0 0 3eeem5u2 0 0 u_1691
5459 5458 1691 0 1225707387 1 1 1 1 Re: t-shirt Hello Brother, We accept payment cash to my address in registered airmail letter. Best Regards Mark 28 Bohemia <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 15kqvzmi 0 0 u_2092
2557 0 263 0 1211975031 1 1 1 1 Deleting threads. hello BEB thanks for the soundbite it will be on episode 15 in a day or so. sorry about the swearing and your little girl but i get carried away!! <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> how can i delete old threads on the radio section ? thanks again CS. 0 0 3f4vz97o 0 0 u_54
3136 2898 1018 0 1214053023 1 1 1 1 Re: t shirt brill large please 0 0 2l606cgk 0 0 u_297
6265 6202 2376 0 1232738375 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester Will tune in mate and have a listen, we will be covering the civil war next week i belive, so it may come in handy. We have something in common then, my favourite subjects are history and politics... <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Cheers for tellin us mate <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 14/88 0 0 3lkj52pp 0 0 u_801
6264 6202 801 0 1232736895 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester That programme on usa history is on R4 at 3-45 for 15 mins. The weeks programmes are repeated on Friday at 9-00pm /10-00. If I can ever help you I will be glad to. My degree is Politics &amp; History. 28 Mate. R4 = 93.7 FM in most areas. Tonight deals with the civil war. worth recording if you can. 0 0 tsl0s2jc 0 0 u_2376
2565 0 973 0 1211990600 1 1 1 1 Pub Tonight Not tonight sorry bro not feeling too well <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 t8hfom3r 0 0 u_663
2567 2565 973 0 1211990996 1 1 1 1 Re: Pub Tonight Yeh just feel shit got a throught infection <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 64dbowhz 0 0 u_663
2571 0 802 0 1211993189 1 1 1 1 eej eej vriend alles goed tis me de sven ier kwe ni ofge me nog kent :p was zaterdag bij de jerre :p alles goed? 0 0 2q9gsujd 0 0 u_96
2585 0 171 0 1212055100 1 1 1 1 Re: Sons Of Europe - 23 08 08 Oprosti se sa forumom dok još možeš! Slijedi te ban, jer kako tvoje bahato i arogantno ponašanje u stvarnosti nismo tolerirali, ne?emo ni ovdje. Zbogom! 0 0 1c0v9ska 0 0 u_861
5340 0 2079 0 1224776186 1 1 1 1 help hi can you help me please? im listening to a song on a cd,and im sure who sings it. the first line is when i see the national flag flying in the wind.. some of chorus is your a skinhead and you should be proud of who you are.. thanks oz 0 0 3cstae7c 0 0 u_54
2773 2753 952 0 1212493669 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:29in7k4n][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:29in7k4n][quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:29in7k4n]you go now? i'm not working today with my hand so will be home all day[/quote:29in7k4n] wanted you otherwise,do i have you still not horny made? <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: -->[/quote:29in7k4n] Ahh i should of said ' im not at work today because of my hand' <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->[/quote:29in7k4n] is your pussy back hot,would you like my dick in your hand,how does you like love,what have you like ,what can you still do that i not can in sex <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> 0 0 gA== 29in7k4n 0 0 u_53
5012 5009 1734 0 1222263093 1 1 1 1 Re: cze?? 88. Byc moze,szczerze mowiac to nie zabardzo kojarze.Setki ludzi sie przewinelo ale nie wykluczone <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1kkzrs9l 0 0 u_1001
6721 6663 59 0 1235520035 1 1 1 1 Re: Sending cost Hail 1 shirt is only a couple of uk pounds. Use the shopping cart and it'll tell you the shipping cost before it gets to the payment page 14 Duds 0 0 1h6cdi6d 0 0 u_90
5017 0 1322 0 1222291653 1 1 1 1 .... <!-- s`drunks --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm3.pak/drinks_drunk.gif" alt="`drunks" title="drunks" /><!-- s`drunks --> 0 0 11jcdo6l 0 0 u_284
2591 2565 663 0 1212075691 1 1 1 1 Re: Pub Tonight alright brother how are you feeling hope your o.k? Skinly <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3m0k2cwa 0 0 u_973
3134 3119 1148 0 1214047805 1 1 1 1 Re: Eagle That'll be grand m8!! Keep me updated! Thanks. Paul UK [quote=&quot;si88&quot;:3ghqhk7k]hello mate, not sure if royal mail still do c.o.d will look into it.happy to keep it till then for you though. Si 88[/quote:3ghqhk7k] 0 0 gA== 3ghqhk7k 0 0 u_1138
2595 2557 263 0 1212087636 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleting threads. Thanks BEB I will mention charlie on this show so she can here her name. i look forward to meeting you at the ISD. thanks again. CS. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 m7iabrub 0 0 u_54
2818 2817 952 0 1212573565 1 1 1 1 Re: ??? [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2s5ykhsh]i thought you had left for the hospital?[/quote:2s5ykhsh] Shelley day Shelley wanted see of Serge computer ok is. he is now in hospital . to morning for news ?. Viviane 0 0 gA== 2s5ykhsh 0 0 u_53
2602 2557 54 0 1212096632 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleting threads. [quote=&quot;Captain Scarlet&quot;:1pfyaz6u]Thanks BEB I will mention charlie on this show so she can here her name. i look forward to meeting you at the ISD. thanks again. CS. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:1pfyaz6u] Oh gosh, I can assure you that you will make a little girls YEAR if you do that.. haha. That is very nice of you, thank you! I look forward to meeting you as well, both as Captain Scarlet and also whoever lies &quot;behind the mask&quot;... <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1pfyaz6u 0 0 u_263
6145 0 2362 0 1232284123 1 1 1 1 happy birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2uke78v5 0 0 u_1187
6211 0 2247 0 1232478336 1 1 1 1 email hi pal its ant my email ad is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> c u soon 828 <!-- s`HSalute --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm5.pak/Hitler.gif" alt="`HSalute" title="HSalute" /><!-- s`HSalute --> 0 0 36lhm4cb 0 0 u_70
6147 0 801 0 1232284735 1 1 1 1 Meeting Hi Jon, I would like to set up a meeting with you. What part of Manchester are you from from?. 0 0 2r80m0a0 0 0 u_2422
6148 0 2379 0 1232285053 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H Zdravo brate, ono što me zanimalo jest kako se mogu priklju?iti blood &amp; honouru fizi?ki. 0 0 1rnel8rv 0 0 u_171
6151 0 618 0 1232286155 1 1 1 1 another topic hail comrade, i wrote anoter topic over what's going on here in flanders. Today there is a special meeting for the whole turkisch communitie there are about 15000-23000 turks that has gone to listen to a speech of their premier. If you are intrested in the translation of it just let me know and i'll translate it. 828 0 0 3qusroqp 0 0 u_801
6152 0 2376 0 1232287082 1 1 1 1 Re: Next Event Me number is 077969846234, me msn is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> (dno if its working will try getting on now) and me myspace is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 14/88 cheers mate 0 0 2skwkydm 0 0 u_888
4659 0 1296 0 1220499121 1 1 1 1 hello hello how is going all I want to thank your help to get started chapters of our blood and honour in chile. just spend our first month trial and continue on foot with activities. thank you very much for your help was of great importance. Atte. Sebastian Kretschmer 28 probatory divission Chile español » inglés Traducir 0 0 2x7of0lq 0 0 u_54
4812 0 396 0 1221300365 1 1 1 1 badwolf cheers brother you saved me a 60 mile round trip <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2cw6wwl1 0 0 u_100
5009 0 1001 0 1222247332 1 1 1 1 cze?? 88! Czy my si? przypadkiem nie poznali?my na gigu? Wiem ?e by?o nas du?o:) Pami?tam dobrze Mariusza, i Tomka oni te? mieszkaj? w UK. Ja mia?em na sobie polówke skinheads z ko?em z?batym,na scenie macha?em flag? z trystyk?:) <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> pozdrawiam <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 f7ly7h5x 0 0 u_1734
2777 2753 952 0 1212494612 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3qmyhxit][quote=&quot;serge&quot;which stands have your like for you hot pussy[/quote:3qmyhxit] what is stands <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: -->[/quote] in what position does you like love 0 0 gA== 3qmyhxit 0 0 u_53
3171 0 1195 0 1214312074 1 1 1 1 G'day mate! G'day Justin, This is Scott, Kiwi/Dylan suggested I join the forum and I thought since ISD is coming up again I may as well. I also have a pink cover All Skrewed Up vinyl I'm trying to flog as well so I can't say I don't have an agenda, haha. I'm definitely interested in coming along this year, as are a few other New Right people. Would I need to meet up with you guys again before the event? If so, no worries just let me know when. Anyway, it will be good to talk more. Racial regards!! 0 0 3vyiugyy 0 0 u_295
2613 0 1014 9 1212189411 1 1 1 1 Local 28 Hello mate, im 15 years old and have an interest in white power and Blood and Honour. I would like to know how (if at all) i can get involved in blood and honour, please PM me back if you can. Cheers. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 3ejyf367 0 0 u_65
4641 0 307 0 1220406414 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings From Essex [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10113#p10113:2cioc6ww]Subject: Greetings From Essex[/url:2cioc6ww] [quote=&quot;lone wolf&quot;:2cioc6ww]Greetings from Staffordshire.But i work away in Braintree during the week <!-- s`Flag1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/KgHDOdea1PPmqHh3e1rx+MzFtVg=.gif" alt="`Flag1" title="Flag1" /><!-- s`Flag1 -->[/quote:2cioc6ww] hiya trouble see u at isd and beers are on u lol <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kA== 2cioc6ww 0 0 u_1172
2617 0 1004 0 1212210360 1 1 1 1 koncert wegry witam, widze ze wybierasz sie na gig na Wegry. My z Warszawy takze (bylismy rok wczesniej tez). Daj znac skad bedziecie jechac, mozna by bylo jakos wspolnie ten wyjazd zorganizowac. Jeden hotel zarezerwowac itp pozdrawiam Artur 0 0 1ah5yo72 0 0 u_363
2780 2753 952 0 1212495284 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:24ynnbku]ahh..... the best has to doggy, any thing really where its back to front, ie man behind.... up against a wall or door with man behind <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> you?[/quote:24ynnbku] Doggy <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> than can i very deep in your pussy and while you breast caressing,as your at me chair with dick in you pussy 0 0 gA== 24ynnbku 0 0 u_53
2782 2753 952 0 1212495486 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3seq3u7c]ahh..... the best has to doggy, any thing really where its back to front, ie man behind.... up against a wall or door with man behind <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> you?[/quote:3seq3u7c] my darling my dick is back erect <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> 0 0 gA== 3seq3u7c 0 0 u_53
2784 2753 952 0 1212495863 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1apzko5r][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:1apzko5r][quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1apzko5r]ahh..... the best has to doggy, any thing really where its back to front, ie man behind.... up against a wall or door with man behind <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> you?[/quote:1apzko5r] my darling my dick is back erect <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: -->[/quote:1apzko5r] <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> that dont susprise me hahaha why should i suffer alone <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:1apzko5r] still not done,my ex was in sex cool,no variation on the back and done <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> 0 0 gA== 1apzko5r 0 0 u_53
2786 2753 952 0 1212496231 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:281ntw70][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:281ntw70][quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:281ntw70]ahh..... the best has to doggy, any thing really where its back to front, ie man behind.... up against a wall or door with man behind <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> you?[/quote:281ntw70] my darling my dick is back erect <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: -->[/quote:281ntw70] <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> that dont susprise me hahaha why should i suffer alone <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:281ntw70] my balls are hard like my dick and you pussy very hot and weet? 0 0 gA== 281ntw70 0 0 u_53
5034 5027 115 0 1222451277 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia Hiya, There's a few clips on the jewtube here... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 lyk3z4r3 0 0 u_1008
3133 2898 297 0 1214046748 1 1 1 1 Re: t shirt Let us know what size your after and we'll reserve you one for when they come through.. Thanks for the support...14/828 0 0 1e3o6kf0 0 0 u_1018
2629 2613 65 9 1212257416 1 1 1 1 Re: Local 28 0 0 3mflcj8i 0 0 u_1014
3048 3043 70 0 1213732372 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! hail bro .... its bloody rainin.......... nah not but most of the time.. good to see you on here, you off to gig on the weekend...... 828 0 0 88s0xnt8 0 0 u_1148
2630 2583 67 0 1212264320 1 1 1 1 Re: BM Membership Thanks for your help. 88 0 0 hvz34ib2 0 0 u_115
3601 0 85 0 1215277037 1 1 1 1 Re: NO REMORSE SONG BOOKS FOR SALE I am interested in buying a No Remorse songbook and also 4th Reich &quot;Save The White Race&quot; L.P if you still have them for sale. Could you PM me to let me know how and where to send payment and I'll sort it out ASAP. Cheers, Andy1488 0 0 3n0da5gf 0 0 u_351
6175 6086 2099 0 1232304041 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya Nothin wrong with that :P Newark is about 10 miles from lincoln. I plan to go to every gig i can go to. They're good fun. It was my birthday on 15th of jan. Im 17 now (H) You off to any gigs soon? 88 0 0 1eywyw5w 0 0 u_1838
2825 2823 203 0 1212627092 1 1 1 1 Re: concerto Aparece aqui na minha casa por volta das 14 horas, sais na estação do metro de pedro hispano e já conheces o caminho. O bilhete são 10€ e as bandas é whitelaw de inglaterra , stucker e g.d.h 0 0 322q3beg 0 0 u_506
4703 4685 295 0 1220798412 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello and upcoming ISD arrangements Funnily enough I sent almost the exact same reply... [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:cbcnhutq][quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:cbcnhutq]Hi Nicole, If you'd been in contact a bit earlier I could have let you know that we don't have anything planned for the Thursday and after last year when a bunch of fuckheads turned up to the Friday night dinner we decided not to do a formal B&amp;H activity for the Friday this year, either. We'll be doing the last minute gig preperation stuff anyway. That said, Nikki and a bunch of other people will be getting together in the City on the Friday, so I'd suggest you give her a bell and hook up with her. We'll be letting everyone know the details for the meet up point for the gig on the Saturday itself. Justin[/quote:cbcnhutq] Hi Justin, Thanks for the reply. I hadn't contacted you earlier because I've been interstate and working hell hours for the past 2 months so I wasn't very organised re ISD I'm afraid. I finally finished the project I was working on last Thursday, so was able to focus on booking my flights etc. That's a shame that the dinner won't be on, I had been looking forward to it. I've already been in touch with Nikki and others so I'm already meeting up with them but thanks for the suggestion. I'm coming down early to allow myself some shopping time in Melbourne in preparation for my trip to Europe the following week. Ange from NZ can't make it to ISD this year and has asked me to pick up a couple of t-shirts for her to send over, so if you could put a couple aside for her that would be great, I'll find out what size she is after and will pay for them on Saturday. Also, will there be any 28 Oz t-shirts for sale, as I want to buy some as gifts for people I will be staying with in Europe. If you need any help setting up, or if I can bring some extra flags etc along for decorating the room please let me know. Otherwise I will see you guys on Saturday. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:cbcnhutq] 0 0 gA== cbcnhutq 0 0 u_195
2788 2753 952 0 1212496943 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:aivbzxd7][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:aivbzxd7]my balls are hard like my dick and you pussy very hot and weet?[/quote:aivbzxd7] baby you only gotta talk to me &amp; my body responds to you just found out i'm not alone tonight its his night off work <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> just fun for you then babe!![/quote:aivbzxd7] me alone no,im wait for you,THE JULY ITS CELEBRATION IN BED WITH YOU AND ME,VERY HOT SEX 0 0 gA== aivbzxd7 0 0 u_53
3909 3903 1323 0 1215959486 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND sweet ok i get back to ya how we going to sort it out with the paying i live in australia 0 0 um2ri14v 0 0 u_351
2649 0 1030 0 1212378636 1 1 1 1 greetings Hail beb(Nicole) This is Ruben or formelly d.b.h.b. Had a few issues of late and have once and for all sorted the shit out. Have tried to login in and shit and gotten quite frustrated so decided to re-register under a new name. gaskammer88 is now me. How are things down in your neck of the woods? All good yeah? Thanks for your time, and back with a bang. 828,88. 0 0 2azmyy5o 0 0 u_54
2650 521 122 0 1212396366 1 1 1 1 Re: Rock Invicta 2008 Hello Sergio, ah ok, i will change my money to €. Can you write please a sms to my handynumber (this one where i had give you). Because my internet is down (i write from another computer). So we can be to contact about handy. We see us to 4days my friend, 828. 0 0 2zvs2wby 0 0 u_203
2805 691 200 0 1212524681 1 1 1 1 vinyl hi stuart. long time no hear... how are you matey? just wanted to let you know that i will receive the green and black vinyl shortly. this is the 12&quot; skrewdriver studio session part 2 i was telling you about. also you might be interested in the ULTRA RARE marbled skrewdriver &quot;the faith. the legend&quot; 33&quot; near mint for £45 get back to me, i seem to have lost your mobile number. best wishes, jess 828 0 0 16h97w0s 0 0 u_70
4947 4942 1912 0 1221915680 1 1 1 1 Re: bw he sent you some free photos did you like them hes been around a long time mate and feels left out. steve 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3c6ochg1 0 0 u_396
2708 2682 952 0 1212440432 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:q1ouuz65]i'll always wait for you, <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: -->[/quote:q1ouuz65] my honey im ready for you 0 0 gA== q1ouuz65 0 0 u_53
2809 2804 952 0 1212562764 1 1 1 1 Re: xxx [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3k76haj0]wish you were here...........i miss you, 5 days your be away is going to be hell hsa anybody been to your home? that packet i sent you should of arrived last week, have you had it?[/quote:3k76haj0] Darling,yesterday was internet piece,today all your messages within,also a mail from your. Darling,wait until next week for new mail,otherwise read my father everything ,it are bage not,prefer to site B&amp;H,us come not well match,must your work today,think to me tomorrow 10h UK in the morning <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Wave --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/wavey.gif" alt="`Wave" title="Wave" /><!-- s`Wave --> 0 0 gA== 3k76haj0 0 0 u_53
2811 2804 952 0 1212563157 1 1 1 1 Re: xxx [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1qc9pd6q]yes of course, i didnt know if you could get on here, so i sent the email, just to let you know i am thinking of you[/quote:1qc9pd6q] you packet thursday thanks receveid,you my packet receveid ? 0 0 gA== 1qc9pd6q 0 0 u_53
2813 2804 952 0 1212563544 1 1 1 1 Re: xxx [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:zc3gby6v]No nothing, i didnt think you had sent anything[/quote:zc3gby6v] must my mother news send from me to you?, 0 0 gA== zc3gby6v 0 0 u_53
2761 2753 952 0 1212489582 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2knuc8kg]You will be gone 5 days <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> But so long as he can make you well again, it will be worth it, are you in much pain?[/quote:2knuc8kg] we will sort this an be together i want that,truely i do,then is my dick not to great for you,your first reactions were huy,too large for me <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> ,tomorrow can i have you write to 11h 0 0 gA== 2knuc8kg 0 0 u_53
2815 2804 952 0 1212564409 1 1 1 1 Re: xxx [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3u5g58mz]Yes please, 5 days is far too long with no news[/quote:3u5g58mz] They has promises every days ,bit news from me,Darling quickly yet a tongue kissing and you say i love you,the care state ready ,now everything delete op site from you and me,day my women <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`hug --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/hug.gif" alt="`hug" title="hug" /><!-- s`hug --> <!-- s`Sob --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/sob.gif" alt="`Sob" title="Sob" /><!-- s`Sob --> 0 0 gA== 3u5g58mz 0 0 u_53
2740 2716 952 0 1212444417 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:26bo99mp]imagine its my hands on you, i want you burried so deep inside me so much i could cry, i'm going out of my mind, my hearts pounding, i dont want you make love to me i want to be fucked &amp; fucked so hard NOW[/quote:26bo99mp] will see that my dick in your pussy fits,i must still a condom use 0 0 gA== 26bo99mp 0 0 u_53
4164 0 96 0 1216843579 1 1 1 1 Hallo Hoi , het was om te vragen of er nog van die spullen van je te koop zijn ? Groeten 0 0 3opfwy4x 0 0 u_1340
4165 0 1386 0 1216845031 1 1 1 1 name change alright b.e.b? can you tell me how to change my user name?i said in an earlier post.btw thanks admin for telling me how to do wasnt a pop at you i asked someone else and didnt get a reply. that badwolf is a dick head,a womens place is at home?i dont think much of him to be honest,especially slagging off fox hunting,he dont know what hes talking about. if you can help me with the name change thing then please let me know,ive tried and failed. cheers 14/88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3p4p5w9l 0 0 u_54
2727 2716 952 0 1212442102 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3ngypikd]carry on.....[/quote:3ngypikd] you naket body against my body 0 0 gA== 3ngypikd 0 0 u_53
2832 2829 952 0 1212672128 1 1 1 1 Re: Shelley [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1vi4re2a]Hi Viviane, I'm so glad every thing has gone well, Yes i'm comong over on the 4th July, im getting the eudostar train so will be in Brussels about 9am, Its only a 1hr 40 mins journey!!!, I already have my ticket <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Thank you saying i am welcome that means a lot to me <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Please give Serge a hug &amp; say i will be here sunday when he gets home, &amp; tell him please I am posting a letter to him today. thank you Shell[/quote:1vi4re2a] Shelley at what adress have your that written. the last times was it to me,because serge lives at 24 km of me and come here back ,because he has difficult with a hand. withing ten days may he everything alone will hence the postman in it view keep viviane 0 0 gA== 1vi4re2a 0 0 u_53
2719 2716 952 0 1212441423 1 1 1 1 Re: Fwd: the future [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:2u4e7p3k]I love that <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> we are so far appart <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: -->[/quote:2u4e7p3k] am your alone home?,think that i your throughout kissing 0 0 gA== 2u4e7p3k 0 0 u_53
4635 4479 1053 0 1220383984 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial speech Hi! Sorry for late answer! Speech is ok,just write in it some other sentences about Ian Stuart also,we also celebrate him on this day! Regards:Gabor 0 0 3ca7oj4n 0 0 u_143
2835 2829 952 0 1212673493 1 1 1 1 Re: Shelley [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3qfjupro][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:3qfjupro] Shelley at what adress have your that written. the last times was it to me,because serge lives at 24 km of me and come here back ,because he has difficult with a hand. withing ten days may he everything alone will hence the postman in it view keep viviane[/quote:3qfjupro] Viviane it will come to your house, it will take about 4-5 days to get there. Serge has not given me his address i guess its a trust issue i'm not sure Shell[/quote:3qfjupro] thanks 0 0 gA== 3qfjupro 0 0 u_53
2836 2826 297 0 1212675948 1 1 1 1 Re: Shirts / Intervier We are currently ordering the shirts.Which sizes would you like and we'll reserve them fotr you.Although willl have to find out about postage costs to Nz. And yes we would be really interested in doing the interview.Just send it to the email addy and we'll get cracking with it. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Many thanks for all the support... Guy/Unit 28 0 0 6yv13uc7 0 0 u_367
2837 2829 952 0 1212682442 1 1 1 1 Re: Shelley [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1dc16uao][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:1dc16uao] Shelley at what adress have your that written. the last times was it to me,because serge lives at 24 km of me and come here back ,because he has difficult with a hand. withing ten days may he everything alone will hence the postman in it view keep viviane[/quote:1dc16uao] Viviane it will come to your house, it will take about 4-5 days to get there. Serge has not given me his address i guess its a trust issue i'm not sure Shell[/quote:1dc16uao] address from serge i guess its trust issue ?. think you that serge not reliable is,will that not like hear. will it him say 0 0 gA== 1dc16uao 0 0 u_53
2756 2753 952 0 1212488003 1 1 1 1 Re: good morning [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1c9gznic][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:1c9gznic] Day my great Honey,i hope that you not too much pain have,know you that you it best in my life since long time even for my ex have i that not felt ,can you not miss,feel your that also a bit for me kiss my darling <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> 3[/quote:1c9gznic] hi baby, aye i got lots of pain!!!! me thumbs basicly at the moment useless!!! it just keeps getting stuck!!!! <!-- s:eek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:eek: --> an the bones grate over each other its getting worse, but hopefully it will get sorted. Did you read the messages i sent your mother? she asked me was the love i had for you so deep? I said yes i belived it was, Serge baby i adore you, i love you, &amp; that is hard for me to say its not what i expected to happen, I wish to spend my days at your side &amp; my nights warming your bed <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss -->[/quote:1c9gznic] Darling we mush together life,without your no life,everything read from you and my mum,our intimate stories does i way the love with you must delicious are <!-- s`hug --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/hug.gif" alt="`hug" title="hug" /><!-- s`hug --> <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss --> <!-- s`hug --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/hug.gif" alt="`hug" title="hug" /><!-- s`hug --> 0 0 gA== 1c9gznic 0 0 u_53
2684 2682 952 0 1212425554 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;serge&quot;:140nbgzs][quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:140nbgzs]hi baby, im home now, left work at 4pm, got a problem with my hand!!! going to doctors in the morning for a 2nd opinion[/quote:140nbgzs]my Honey,you still also not <!-- s`Kiss --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/kiss.gif" alt="`Kiss" title="Kiss" /><!-- s`Kiss -->[/quote:140nbgzs] sthal is back 0 0 gA== 140nbgzs 0 0 u_952
6261 6212 61 0 1232703830 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;Dajo&quot;:hsv9gag8]cheers mate i will buy in that shop.. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> some stuff .. take care. ROA[/quote:hsv9gag8] That's OK mate glad to be of help, I spend to much money when I look through that site. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Take care Kirk 828 0 0 gA== hsv9gag8 0 0 u_2123
3128 3099 1116 0 1214031227 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail I was working in pakki land the other day doing up their fucking houses <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> .. you know coppice area ? 0 0 3qvpx7f3 0 0 u_663
5991 5980 88 0 1230813188 1 1 1 1 Re: forum suggestions yea i mean if i click off the site and come back 10 seconds later i have to re-login, can be a real pain. and the blue text is very hard to read on the black background, I have had several people mention to me. you can leave our events deleted, we'll advertise them elsewhere. I am debating removing the VF section as well. I look very forward to meeting some of these oz badboys later this year and putting them to the test as I stalk them down, it's much easier playing at gangsters and bullies and with activists like my brother Welf, I'm a whole different animal. When I go to Europe I'll be visiting spain for our international meeting and then maybe taking a few days to resolve some business with more human garbage in Portugal. I plan on meeting with BH spain and Portugal as well while I am there to help keep VF and BH on very good terms everywhere we have a chapter, excluding oz of course who i view in the same light as their ass-licking buddies. Thats cool you are with Bulldog, I have heard only very good things about him, unfortunately never gotten a chance to meet him yet. It must be difficult having a relationship from so far away. are either of you planning to move? considering our division (US and Canada) covers by far vastly more land and population than any other 3 or 4 divisions combined we have to use many more tools to keep things together, than in the smaller countries where everyone is concentrated in a smaller geographic area smaller than any one of our states, I am sure considering that people will understand. I hope you have a great new years and wish you and bulldog all the best! regards, RK 0 0 kuhcsy7m 0 0 u_54
3130 0 58 1 1214039229 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8994#p8994:3nmf5gnw]Subject: South of the River ???[/url:3nmf5gnw] [quote=&quot;88dirty88&quot;:3nmf5gnw]Im from balham but i live in croydon now... its like livin in a zoo![/quote:3nmf5gnw] Hail Hail Mate <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> Please PM me or e mail and I will contact you asap , this is with ref to you being interested in joining the South London Division ? I am heading the recruitment drive now I am back online and got lots of plans too ! Try and come along to the gig tonight 21st June or contact me asap so we can really get our south london members more active Racial Regards Asgard 0 0 kA== 3nmf5gnw 0 0 u_1137
2689 2682 952 0 1212426202 1 1 1 1 Re: hi [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3vibxfdl][quote=&quot;serge&quot;:3vibxfdl] sthal is back[/quote:3vibxfdl] not for me its not, says 'unable to find website' <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: -->[/quote:3vibxfdl] you and me here 0 0 gA== 3vibxfdl 0 0 u_53
3862 3821 1275 6 1215787367 1 1 1 1 Re: hey [quote=&quot;martillo311&quot;:9yet16ol]happy birthday mate have a great week! brotherhood from chile 28!white power[/quote:9yet16ol] thank you brother and you have a great week as well mte!!The Ox <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 gA== 9yet16ol 0 0 u_1296
3864 0 1116 0 1215800934 1 1 1 1 ta mate :D hey buddy :D .. thanks can you send us the battle of th ebulge version on mp3 please ? :D ..cheers buddy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3rxke0ij 0 0 u_351
3125 3099 1116 0 1213997869 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Hail brother <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> .. im all over the place really , sometimes oldham and sometimes around cheshire .. Depends on work , where you from mate ? 0 0 hhghzoxl 0 0 u_663
2903 0 1012 0 1212881914 1 1 1 1 pictures hi how can i put a pic by my name plz <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":-?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:-? --> 0 0 1yfwu2eu 0 0 u_1012
6342 6337 801 0 1233097736 1 1 1 1 Re: Manchester 4/2/09 Oi gig is a week on Sunday night Manchester. Don't have further inf yet but will next week. I will ask around. If you can make it to W-M's on Sunday you should have a laugh but learn a lot. He can show you a lot about self defence which walking our chosen path might be needed. Training a bit together also increases trust &amp; friendship. To let know Mike pm him or answer on the sparring thread on BFF. Intend being there myself. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1e6810pl 0 0 u_2376
5061 5060 63 0 1222723129 1 1 1 1 Re: WHATS HAPPEN I WILL ALWAYS BE FRIEND NATH, WILL TALK TOMORROW WHEN SHE IS ON NIGHTS X 0 0 28yjdmj7 0 0 u_1937
2910 0 1083 0 1212951674 1 1 1 1 Speelgoed Beste, Ik heb intresse in enkele boksbeugels. Wat is de prijs per stuk? mvg 0 0 8asspqw6 0 0 u_639
5529 5523 1877 0 1226420052 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello hi <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> <!-- s`WhitePower --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/WhitePower.gif" alt="`WhitePower" title="WhitePower" /><!-- s`WhitePower --> 0 0 6anpv9j2 0 0 u_2015
2912 2910 639 0 1212953836 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed 10,80€ maar die moeten uit amerika komen dus der is dan wel nog verzendingskosten en transactie kosten bij!! dus komt dat voor 1 op een 20€!! maar als je ze in grote hoeveelheden koopt word da al wa minder e!! 88 0 0 xxyx744p 0 0 u_1083
2913 2910 1083 0 1212957469 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed Bestel er maar eentje. Indien deze goed aankomt etc, zou ik indien mogelijk n deel meer willen bestellen. Een spaanse matrak is ook welkom, kan u de ijzeren versie nog vastkrijgen ? Mvg 0 0 3drtbvlx 0 0 u_639
2917 2911 90 0 1213025046 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Voor de prijs vraag je maar en voor meer info over iets vraag je me ook maar <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> T-SHIRT’S Mistreat: Where Ready When You Are en Never Forgive... Never Forget – Large White Wash: Hooligan Rock ‘n Roll – Large Fuck You And You People To, 100% Unkosher – Medium Polo: Pit Bull Germany – Large VLAGGEN Zeppeling vlag Wehrmacht vlag 3 Keltisch kruis vlaggen (de rode, de zwarte en met de arend) Kriegsflagge Kleine vlag met hakenkruis (speciaal!) BUTTONS &amp; OPNAAIERS Keltisch Kruis patch Buttons ( gelieve foto te vragen) CD’S Heroes In The Snow: That’s How It Goes Retaliator / The Gits: Polish Your Boots! Noie Werte: Sohn Aus Heldenland Iron Youth: Respect/Defend/Create Endlöser / Kampfhandlung: Unser Kampf Division S: Hate Final War: We Speak The Truth Sturmwehr: Nichts Ist Wie Es Scheint &amp; Zerschlagt den Terror! Vinland Warriors: We Don’t Care Lunikoff: Hier Tobt Der Bär H8Machine: Hardcore For Life Bloodshed: Asche zu Asche Weisse Wölfe: Weisse Wut HKL: Bis aufs Blut &amp; Odins Krieger Straight Laced Nightmare : The Comfort You Give, Is My Torment Angriff: Välkommen Till Riket Edelweiss: Absolution Patriot 19/8: Gegen Das Vergessen Blue Eyed Devils: Holocaust 2000 Krafschlag: Götter Des Krieges Volkszorn: Der Ewige Jude Klänge der Bewegung: verzamel cd Fortress: The Fires Of Our Rage Honor: The Fire Of The Final Battle Berserker: Conquer The World Propaganda: Furchtlos und Trew 0 0 3f8hzcsq 0 0 u_1083
5600 5403 1790 0 1227189395 1 1 1 1 Re: west mid divisions Do you know a way of setting a division up? 0 0 3c1x63m5 0 0 u_549
5528 0 2127 0 1226414833 1 1 1 1 Re: 14/88! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12540#p12540:3i81r9or]Subject: 14/88![/url:3i81r9or] [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3i81r9or]welcome from the midlands <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3i81r9or] Hey there bud...Where in midlands are you? I am at uni at Keele, near Stoke...full of low life...makes me sick. Would be great to have a m88 around! Heil Hitler <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kA== 3i81r9or 0 0 u_53
2923 2911 90 0 1213034304 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Je woont niet echt in mijn buurt en wegens mijn werk en sport heb ik erg weinig tijd maar wil het wel naar iemand anders van je familie, vrienden sturen. Totaal is 75 euro met verzendingkosten en verpakking erbij. Freiheit 28 0 0 kb4i22e7 0 0 u_1083
2924 2910 639 0 1213035008 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed eum dan moet u maar eens zien hoe we het met de betaling moeten doen! Spaanse krijg ik niet, maar wel een uitschuifbare ijzeren matrak, maar zonder elastische bol op de top! Mvg, 88forlive <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1lb435qn 0 0 u_1083
5794 5769 72 0 1228332579 1 1 1 1 Re: ANDOVER Hello Mate Heres my Mates phone number his names is Paul and he lives in Andover 07795312782 <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> All the best.Rob 0 0 3vzuoc64 0 0 u_1409
5526 0 2117 0 1226365523 1 1 1 1 hi Hi beautiful shell. just thought id drop you a quick line see how you mob no is 07941695756 give me a call sometime would love to hear from you.all the best Darren.xx 0 0 bilnu9g6 0 0 u_53
2926 2910 1083 0 1213037302 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed Mnn op hoeveel euro komen die ijzeren matraks per stuk? Ik wil deze gerust ophalen naar de plaats van uw keuze. als deze bestelling vlot verloopt, zou ik er 15 nodig hebben, indien alles goed verloopt en de kwaliteit meevalt. Uzelf bent hoogstwaarschijnlijk organisatie verbonden, zoals ik. Maar dit doet tog niet terzaken voor u mag ik hopen? MVg 0 0 3cqk4zx7 0 0 u_639
6662 6551 297 0 1235140853 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirts and ma1 Sorry to be a pain. But another mate brought the rest ofthe t-shirts yesterday when he come round yesterday as was only waiting to see i you wanted them as he had second dibs. Sorry mate... Will let you know when the money arrives and i send them mate. Guy 14/828 0 0 2k7gvvy8 0 0 u_74
5523 0 2015 0 1226340024 1 1 1 1 Hello <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> what's up? Greetings from Croatia. 0 0 2h7qxww1 0 0 u_1877
2929 2910 639 0 1213040480 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed Eum die matrakken komen op €18,00, zonder verzending en transactie kosten! Met u vraag of ik organisatie gebonden ben weet ik geen hulp! Kan u deze vraag verduidelijken AUB! Mvg, 88forlive <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 bkkuawcz 0 0 u_1083
2930 2910 1083 0 1213040797 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed Neen, was gewoon een vraag die ik mijzelf stelde. Ik moet niet weten of u verbonden bent bij iets of niet. eenieder, die goede acties onderneemt tegen kwaadaardig gespuis is een goede gast. Ben je nu b&amp;h, c18,rvf,nnt maak allemaal niet uit, zolang het hart op de goede plaats zit ! Hoe regelen we dit verder ? ik wil 1 matrak en 1boksbeugel. Mvg 0 0 2pj4iayc 0 0 u_639
2931 2910 639 0 1213041091 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed aah ok ! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> jah ik ben lid van 28! eum, voor de verdere afhandeling zou ik voor stellen als dit voor u gaat om eens af te spreken, zodat ik u MIJN matrak en boksyzer kan laten zien, en dan kan u beslissen of u er wilt, en dan kunnen we direct ook het financiele doen! Mvg, 88forlive <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3n1a8s60 0 0 u_1083
2933 1717 639 9 1213041474 1 1 1 1 Re: verkoop Heil, 10,80€ is de vraagprijs, maar daar moeten dan nog verzending (van USA) en transactie j-kosten van de bank bij! Dus kan je rekenen op een 20€! Maar als je grotere hoeveelheden aankoopt, zal die verzindingskost maar heel licht stijgen, en de transactie kost blijft gewoon het zelfde! Dus is het aan jou! Mvg, 88forlive <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2io0rvy1 0 0 u_802
2934 2910 1083 0 1213041778 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed Ja dat is goed voor me, ik persoonlijk heb geen problemen met 28 vlaanderen, maar sommige mensen met mij wel denk ik. Ikzelf woon niet ver van antwerpen centrum, is een 30 tal minuutjes met de trein, zeg maar waar u wenst aftespreken. Liefst neutraal gebied, ik en jij. Om misverstanden te vermijden. Groeten 0 0 2a1gow4h 0 0 u_639
5524 5519 122 0 1226342748 1 1 1 1 Re: meeting Hello Comrade, Informations cooming to January 2009. 0 0 3sb5j3l3 0 0 u_143
2936 2910 639 0 1213042298 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed eum ik stel voor als het kan, dat je naar mechelen komt! Als het u niet stoort, zou ik dan mogen weten waarom somige niet met u om kunnen? En ik zal u zeker niet ergens heen laten komen waar een hele bende zit hoor! Gewoon rustig op cafe!! Mvg, 88forlive <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3vz9grfq 0 0 u_1083
6663 0 90 0 1235143993 1 1 1 1 Sending cost Hello Duds How much are the sending cost to Belgium for the Doc Martens + 1 t-shirt mate? Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 dvld7i4d 0 0 u_59
2938 2910 1083 0 1213042512 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed Gelul gehad zeg maar :) Mechelen lijkt me goed, indien mogelijk een neutraal cafeke op de markt, liefst met oudere mensen of dergelijk? Ik wil het onzekere voor zekere nemen. Als je van mechelen bent zal ik u wel kennen van naam of van ziens, en andersom. Ik ben bereid tot 5euro extra te betalen per boksbeugel. is het mogelijk om ene te kopen van u e mechelen al? om aan de rest te laten zien. Mvg 0 0 5n6zdnm6 0 0 u_639
2939 2911 1083 0 1213042542 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Geen enkel probleem, Alvast bedankt. 0 0 2wx99dwe 0 0 u_90
2940 2910 639 0 1213043025 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed pff eigenlijk minder, want dan heb ik er zelf geen meer! Je kan foto's nemen en zo, maar of je hem direct kan kopen, daar moet ikdan toch nog even over na denken hoor! zeg maar wanneer, maar ik ben nog student, dus hou er rekening mee dat de examens voor de deur staan! Mvg, 88forlive <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2ucuc9ey 0 0 u_1083
2941 2910 1083 0 1213043156 1 1 1 1 Re: Speelgoed <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Voeg me even toe voor verdere afspraken. Groeten 0 0 hixcxhv7 0 0 u_639
3271 0 358 0 1214618833 1 1 1 1 horribleness You horrible little bastard... What are you doin on here? <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 6v455lf9 0 0 u_1194
2943 2557 54 0 1213047804 1 1 1 1 Episode 15 0 0 1lzlzruo 0 0 u_263
5233 5145 1105 0 1224014964 1 1 1 1 Re: 18 oktober isd Dan zit ik met mijn ouders in ons huisje in de Ardennen... kan ik wel trainen met mijn geweer, maar helaas weer niet uitgaan :( Voor fuiven moet ik op zijn minst 2 maanden van te voren weten :'( 828, Wforumss 0 0 2zftzpxl 0 0 u_1092
5514 5400 103 0 1226238855 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Ok, no probs. Cheers, 88 0 0 3fv45q0l 0 0 u_74
2952 2898 297 0 1213107898 1 1 1 1 Re: t shirt It will be reserved from now for you.. 0 0 2vqyd3jo 0 0 u_1018
2953 1717 639 9 1213111965 1 1 1 1 Re: verkoop <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2j7g17bx 0 0 u_802
4335 0 1482 0 1217457917 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9435#p9435:3szvszqg]Subject: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista[/url:3szvszqg] [quote=&quot;Nexion&quot;:3szvszqg] [b:3szvszqg]E-Jornal que contará com Artigos, Albuns, Entrevistas, Notícias do Movimento Nacional e Internacional em Português etc...e em breve terá um programa de rádio mensal ou bimestral. [/b:3szvszqg] 88[/quote:3szvszqg] Saudações já faz muito tempo que não nos vemos...muito mesmo!Bom pensei que como eu te tivesses completamente afastado(da porcaria que infesta o pretenso nacionalismo em portugal)afinal ainda giras por aí...hahaha...a serio que estava longe de te ver fazer algo como este blog(questão de &quot;marketing&quot;?hehe) Abraço amigo e bom dia lá em casa!!! 0 0 0A== 3szvszqg 0 0 u_460
3494 3493 1 0 1215006879 1 1 1 1 Re: records SORRY COMRADE ITS GONE THANKS FOR ASKING KEEP FIGHTING 88 BAD WOLF <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 310fmepo 0 0 u_182
6357 0 1 0 1233256515 1 1 1 1 88 Greetings, as I can see, there is no Serbian section? Why? 0 0 2swscew8 0 0 u_54
4190 4174 1172 0 1216902287 1 1 1 1 Re: f Im ok yourself? Im not going to the gig because i have a sprained knee!Who is playing?im sure you will have fun.14 words. the wolf.P.S nice to see you active! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3drjlhcn 0 0 u_1221
5586 5585 2161 0 1227003092 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas 2008 jules thanks for that no im not part of dutch division but have ran with storm front nederland in 2000 and they can verify who i im! .steve molenschot,demiry or basjan de lange them names are knowed whit sfn. dont know if there still active. as ive lost contact. but if i can meet some one from newcastle they can tell u that im genuine. thanks kenny 0 0 1pyfev0z 0 0 u_66
4192 4161 143 0 1216905203 1 1 1 1 Re: 10 years of BH Hungary Aha, I see, then I must come on 13th September:). We in Croatia decided that our members will not go to Sons of Europe concert like an act of solidarity with hungarian comrades. 0 0 2a9lgbrr 0 0 u_1053
4090 1108 203 0 1216668286 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Hi I go be in cz republic until 25 of august. When i arrive to Portugal i write you- Best Regards Sergio 0 0 2kdjpr0t 0 0 u_367
5011 4978 210 0 1222256670 1 1 1 1 Re: Interview with HHS Greetings Comrade, thanks for the interest.I will talk about this my Brothers and Sisters,and let you know.Hammerskins usually don't give interviews often,we must save our Nation,but we will see.And you could send me the questions,it would be a help to decide,could we answer or not.Thank you! You could send them to here: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Geri-HHS 0 0 16ob15s8 0 0 u_143
2971 0 90 0 1213205908 1 1 1 1 Re: Stakingsgolf Gegroet Ik heb nog enkele nieuwe boeken liggen over de Duitsers in WW2. Bij interessen pm je me maar. Freiheit 28 0 0 28konapu 0 0 u_408
2972 0 940 0 1213209786 1 1 1 0 pamfletten <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> bedankt! 0 0 3t0quznh 0 0 u_1083
5513 5512 1734 0 1226238457 1 1 1 1 Re: cze?? [quote=&quot;ehre&quot;:1ikl6m1g]88! Jak tam wczorajszy gig si? uda??:) Ja niestety nie mog?em pojecha?..obowi?zki. Pozdrawiam 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:1ikl6m1g] Wyszlo rewelacyjnie! ok 100 ludzi. Kac morderca <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 gA== 1ikl6m1g 0 0 u_1001
2980 0 558 0 1213271839 1 1 1 1 capt 0 0 vt6tvwmh 0 0 u_263
3175 3171 295 0 1214389970 1 1 1 1 Re: G'day mate! G'day Scott, You don't have to meet us again, you're fine, mate. I'll be organizing accomodation well out of the city this year so we don't attract so much attention. I'll let you know the details when I've sorted them in the next week or so. Glad to hear you're coming along. Cheers, Justin 828 0 0 1i7samik 0 0 u_1195
2983 2978 1083 0 1213282476 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirt Ik heb er eentje in het duits, maar daar staat c18 op de linkerzij mouw En ik heb eentje in het nederlands.zonder c18 mvg 0 0 yasls70b 0 0 u_901
2984 2981 1083 0 1213282647 1 1 1 1 Re: Te koop Beste, Alle cds die je vroeg heb ik nog, en nog 1shirt datgene van goodnight left side maat xl kleur van shirt is zwart met witte opdruk. Dat gaat eventueel, wel in het weekend want doordeweek werk ik. Bloed&amp;Eer 0 0 zppoqsck 0 0 u_113
2987 2978 901 0 1213291876 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirt Ok , dan zou ik de Nederlandse versie wel willen kopen. 8€ was het toch ? Hoe kan ik betalen en ontvangen? 0 0 1uuk1w9r 0 0 u_1083
6547 6531 1972 0 1234577205 1 1 1 1 Re: patch ok mate thats fine nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 y6hmkrc4 0 0 u_2362
6333 6309 1027 0 1233079585 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten HAllo, Ik wacht morgen tegen 14.30 in Duffel. Mocht je daar niet raken (ik lees mijn mail nog tijdig na), PM me dan of sms via 0487.47.09.44. Mailen kan ook via <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Info: Op 21.02 is er een filmavond in Roeselare, juiste locatie wordt later meegedeeld. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 139n2ntm 0 0 u_618
3001 2964 203 0 1213357983 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Epa grande texto lol Opa eu não me aparecebi do que se passou antes de aquilo ter acontecido eu sei que eles estavam bebedos, mas disseram eles que tu estavas a provocar e que eles não eram nenhuns estupidos , eu disse-lhes para deixarem isso, e não pensei que eles estivessem a falar a serio, fiz o que podia para separar, mas era dificil parar os dois só quando chegou o alvaro é que conseguimos separar. Mas para outra vez tens de ter mais calma, nem toda a gente é porreira como eu, em lisboa costuma ser assim, quando aparece alguem novo no movimento e fala e contraria etc é quase como uma praxe, depois disso ou ele fica no movimento ou abandona. Não penses mais nisso Vai dizendo qualquer coisa. 1 abraço 0 0 3bv0unr1 0 0 u_506
3002 0 1125 0 1213363330 1 1 1 1 hello i registered my name HARLEY on forum <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Not sure if or when i use it though. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> i will go internet cafe in Wellingborough &amp; check my account, but don`t rely on it! 0 0 1qlvr9b7 0 0 u_210
3003 0 1089 0 1213366908 1 1 1 1 Re: Roll Call [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8776#p8776:2uxpk9mo]Subject: Roll Call[/url:2uxpk9mo] [quote=&quot;Pitbull38&quot;:2uxpk9mo][quote=&quot;DeathsHead88&quot;:2uxpk9mo]Brisbane city. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:2uxpk9mo] There's a solid crew of staunch brothers in Brisbane. If your SERIOUS about hooking up with some racialists send me a pm. HFFH[/quote:2uxpk9mo] G'day mate. I'm going through some stupid shit with my boss at work, but when thats all stitched up I'll drop you a line on here. Or if you're heading for ISD I'll say g'day there. 88 0 0 kA== 2uxpk9mo 0 0 u_145
6043 6041 74 0 1231435823 1 1 1 1 Re: paypal ok great thank u <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 38em69ne 0 0 u_73
4225 0 1221 0 1217020686 1 1 1 1 v hey blue eyed blonde question for you how does one go about becomeing a moderator as id like to be one i think id be good as i spend loads of time on here was just wondering no harm in askin aye pm back commrade <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> WEE_MAN 0 0 38mrmnhf 0 0 u_54
5426 5420 1362 0 1225373327 1 1 1 1 Re: oi oi lol ok then mate, am guessin he has the same beliefs as us tho. i did a quick search the other day and it said he murdered over 100,000 people whoever stood in his way Nick 88 0 0 7b5cat6b 0 0 u_59
5427 5414 1937 0 1225385146 1 1 1 1 Re: TE QUIERO i havent lie. i havent call the police, me no, i think was my mother. the policeman was this comrade what i have say you. you have see that i was crying and have look you all the time, you was knowing that when you have call i have let you in. dont say i lie. you know it. never i can let the man who i love in the street, i was so worried, you can ask all, crying all the night for that you was not here. today crying couse i dont know were you r. alex im worried. i love you. you have say allways together, dont say me this. dont make me more pain. i think every day to kill me couse i need you so much. we need you so much. pls come back. look here for a flat, make the school finish and work. we need you. so you can be in your home and me in the mine. i love you. Nath 0 0 3r6krw40 0 0 u_2003
4970 4964 332 0 1222104739 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD 2008 If you go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... o_ISD.html</a><!-- m --> You can download it!! I have put all the movies in it!! The pasword to open it is: brotherhood28 If you can't see the movies go to: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... wnload.htm</a><!-- m --> and download: Download [ K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 FULL ] Than it should work. The best movies i find number 79 and number 81!! Please let me know if it workt. Greetings 0 0 33dy6bgy 0 0 u_58
3013 3003 1 0 1213422396 1 1 1 1 Re: Roll Call [quote=&quot;DeathsHead88&quot;:1iq1v8ev][url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8776#p8776:1iq1v8ev]Subject: Roll Call[/url:1iq1v8ev] [quote=&quot;Pitbull38&quot;:1iq1v8ev][quote=&quot;DeathsHead88&quot;:1iq1v8ev]Brisbane city. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:1iq1v8ev] There's a solid crew of staunch brothers in Brisbane. If your SERIOUS about hooking up with some racialists send me a pm. HFFH[/quote:1iq1v8ev] G'day mate. I'm going through some stupid shit with my boss at work, but when thats all stitched up I'll drop you a line on here. Or if you're heading for ISD I'll say g'day there. 88[/quote:1iq1v8ev] G'day, No worries mate, feel free to drop me a line if you want. I'll definatly be at the ISD memorial gig so we can have a yarn there as well. Later Hater, Ben HFFH 0 0 kA== 1iq1v8ev 0 0 u_1089
3014 0 295 0 1213426179 1 1 1 1 G'day Hi Nikki, This is Justin, I knew you back in the late 80s when you moved up to Sydney from Melbourne. I used to hang out with Chumley, Jim, and Dave Williams, etc. Nicole just told me you'd joined up here. Anyways, I'm back in the scene doing B&amp;H stuff. Hope you're going to come down for this ISD, we've put in fair bit of work for this one and its shaping up to be a big one. I'm pretty sure Scott and the rest of the boys would be happy to see you again, so yeah, hope you get to come down. There seems to be a whole bunch of people from back in the day coming out of the woodwork. Lindsay came and stayed with me for a while during last ISD, we hadn't been in the same house for 18 years! Also, Jim has poked his head back up, he's living on the Gold Coast. Anyway, hope you're doing ok. Hear you got a 16 year-old. And one who's proud to be an Aryan. That's well done, Nikki. My two boys are young enough that I'm still changing nappies for one and listening to The Wiggles with his older brother, haha. Hopefully they'll be proud to be White when they're 16 as well, if you know what I mean. Ok, I gotta go, someone wants me to watch Buzz Lightyear with him. Catch ya later. Justin 0 0 104rbtm2 0 0 u_1090
5260 5259 2002 0 1224250337 1 1 1 1 Re: OLD SKREWDRIVER GIGS There's those Skrewdriver gigs that I went to, only a handful of others, but I have them listed, details, dates etc. Mainly No Remorse ones not involving Skrewdriver, English Rose/ Violent Storm etc in Baldock in 91, N.R / Skullhead in Goddeston, Norfolk in 1992. St Georges Day effort in London, while I.S.D was inside (Brutal Attack/Public Enemy/Skullhead) a few others like P.E+Index+V both supporting The Business in Tufnell Park, not strictly an R.A.C effort, but involving one time R.A.C bands. Anyway, got exact details of Skrewdriver gigs I was at copied and easy to do copy and paste to an email. Also have plenty of Skrewdriver and other bands pics from gigs from around 87 up to 91, most are pretty good quality. Would prefer to deal with someone trusted with 28 connections, mainly coz a c18 related idiot took advantage when I did stuff like this before. The guy who runs that Ainaskin thing that does Skrewdriver videos, from Sweden, who I believe has c18 connections and is not very well liked anyway. He used loads of my photos and gave me no credit and even blanked my face out in a picture where I'm standing next to I.S.D. I see Skrewdriver pics on the net sometimes, like on sites like Glory days of RAC and 'ainaskin' across them, whereas I have the originals, I was going to send Glory days all my pics. Only problem with pics is that I currently have no scanner, but have some of the pics already on my pc to send anyone who wanted them. my email addy: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1hcsy5ee 0 0 u_72
5196 0 1386 0 1223845701 1 1 1 1 jhdfguw alright blueeyedblonde? this may seam strange,but i want to know what im supposed to do.let me explain. im the only one who has ns views around my area,im an nf member,ive tried to recruit for new members without successs,the only way i get to speak to like minded people is on the net which is dodgey,my computer has been hacked and i had to delete msn friends to protect them from getting hacked,which in turn makes me look dodgey(they wont trust me now will they?) its depressing when you have no one to share your views with,im sending this to you because i think you can hand down a decent bit of advice(women do make more sense than men) and also who is this prick @ndy on slackbastard,i guess you've heard of him. 0 0 3o0m0wuz 0 0 u_54
3042 0 1148 0 1213701999 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9095#p9095:cuvgw4f8]Subject: First Time user on this forum!![/url:cuvgw4f8] [quote=&quot;Warrior&quot;:cuvgw4f8]Welcome comrade[/quote:cuvgw4f8] CHEERS AND ALL THE BEST!! PAUL UK 14/88 0 0 kA== cuvgw4f8 0 0 u_606
3043 0 1148 0 1213702122 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9101#p9101:vokxzx3x]Subject: First Time user on this forum!![/url:vokxzx3x] [quote=&quot;stu 14&quot;:vokxzx3x]welcome from Manchester.... <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:vokxzx3x] Cheers!! Hope alls well up their in Manchester! All the Best! Paul UK 14/88 0 0 kA== vokxzx3x 0 0 u_70
3044 0 1148 0 1213702215 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9102#p9102:ado990eb]Subject: First Time user on this forum!![/url:ado990eb] [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:ado990eb]Welcome from Australia! Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:ado990eb] Cheers! Hope alls well Down Under! All the Best! Paul UK 14/88 0 0 kA== ado990eb 0 0 u_54
3046 0 72 0 1213725179 1 1 1 1 GREETINGS Greetings Mate Yes Rob from Bristol here <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ........not many of the Bath lads about now <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> ......just Hank and Bully <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> What part of the world are you from?? Yours.Rob <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 26aswljd 0 0 u_1148
6260 6230 61 0 1232703748 1 1 1 1 Re: Helo again [quote=&quot;assaSSin&quot;:22i9f8ji]Hello again Kirk. So i've heard that the feeling has no possible comparison. When that little angel comes into the world you'll give him/her unconditional love. I've been preparing myself, to educate and raise my baby the way that would make the Gods proud, and so i hope to be. The pregancy has been really good so far, no sickness or anything out of the ordinary. Well, not long now, but lets just hope that all goes well. Mate, take care and all the best. Berto 828 ROA[/quote:22i9f8ji] Hello mate, yes mate you'll feel so proud &amp; so much love you wont believe how much becoming a Dad changes you in a good way. I'm happy to hear the pregnancy has been a good one, my wife always had good pregnancies apart from a bit of morning sickness &amp; mood swings. Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 22i9f8ji 0 0 u_2138
3060 3046 1148 0 1213764514 1 1 1 1 Re: GREETINGS Ello Rob!! Its Paul from Andover m8...thought I recognised the name! Hank was down my neck of the woods the other eve, missed the lunatic due to piss poor planning!! Hope alls well in Bristol! Is Ricky still kicking about? Redders, Darren and Cherry? They were some gud ole days m8!!! Well gotta go...just done a 12 hour shift although morning its now my fuckin bed time!! 14/88 Paul UK 0 0 2wiqen7n 0 0 u_72
6058 0 801 0 1231530337 1 1 1 1 Ainzy Hi Mate, We met at white xmas. I wondered if you know who is Ainzy?. So far nobody knows him. 828. 0 0 2hx4jnam 0 0 u_284
3078 0 460 0 1213821611 1 1 1 1 88 Viva camarada, td bem? Tive imensa pena de não ter podido ir á gig do dia 7, mas estive em trabalho em Madrid. Espero que tenha corrido tudo bem. No entanto gostava de este ano de ir ao ISD Memorial, algúem da B&amp;H Portugal está a planear ir? Outra coisa, tenho visto que o site da B&amp;H PT está bastante desactualizado, se quizerem podem ir actualizado regularmente com as entrevistas que estou a preparar a várias bandas NS, RAC, WP. O que achas? Pode-se escolher a melhor para a revista e as outras podiam ir para o site. It´s your call. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Um abraço camarada, 88 0 0 32xmr0i3 0 0 u_203
3599 0 1256 0 1215273448 1 1 1 1 free corps just got ww2 british free corps patchs of militaria net. do you think the free corps will have a problem them going on my pilot with me not being a member <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3tk44nn5 0 0 u_1022
3102 3101 1164 0 1213892374 1 1 1 1 Re: Location ight pal yer i would like to go out on week end if im not doing anything lol well i dnt know how to edit my profile well i will have to do it later on tomnite coz my girlfriend is here so i will speak to later on tonite 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1l8pgkdl 0 0 u_801
5506 5360 54 0 1226127956 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's [quote=&quot;Loki28&quot;:ikwtgyk9]O i wanted to send a reply but i think i did something wrong. So here is it again!! If there is a Paswoord it should be Brotherhood28. I have also a trial version, Do you know an other way that i can send them?? Here are things ok, im having a beer know and it's 23.26 hours!! And did you have a nice flight?? Cheers <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:ikwtgyk9] Hi mate, Well I've downloaded the videos (which were great by the way), I had to convert them to wmv format, which I did via freeware, and then I uploaded them to post them last weekend. However the converter software that I used really stuffed up the video/audio synchranisation, and I didn't want the poor quality videos that I created going up there. Do you already have the software to quickly convert the movies to wmv format, and if so, can you please convert them so that I can put them up on the forum. If you don't have the software, just let me know and I will buy some over the weekend and put the videos up. I had a great fight thanks, although it was very long, I'm missing Europe (and Rob <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> ) terribly. Am about to have a champagene to drown my sorrows.... Hope things are well with you. I hear you are back to England for the White Christmas gig, should be great. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== ikwtgyk9 0 0 u_332
5665 5647 1910 0 1227552558 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas ok man thank you very much it will be my first gig thing with blood and honour so would be good to have some faces around that i know a little 0 0 3trtax1f 0 0 u_1713
6887 6874 53 0 1236966921 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton Re: hi Sent: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:06 pm by chubley88 He's not my bloke we are just very close! I'm a member of BFF so its thru that we have come together, hes not a bad fella at all. But like us all wants to do something, he did go back to the meeting place when it was open an cause a stir,they went there in the 1st place as 635 said if they ever turn up they will get battered, so it was basicly a piss take to show 635 they had been there, but the thing is its working the reds have really backed off so much so we went out the other weekend an they tried to start with us but backed down as we didnt run from them an there was only the 2 of us in there pub at 1 of their gigs. Yes i do remember Ken give him my best regards when you next speak to him please 0 0 1fzm3y3l 0 0 u_319:u_886
5882 5875 58 0 1228985115 1 1 1 1 Re: BIRTHDAY Thanks Buddy <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> I had to come in to work though and had flu since Sat night <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> Was good to see you again mate and looking forward to the next year too LMAO Take care mate 828 N 0 0 1yg9bw0c 0 0 u_72
3110 0 1148 0 1213948622 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! Cheers South Yorks. Hope to meet up for a few Beers in the not too distant future! 14/88 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9268#p9268:3qgd6upj]Subject: First Time user on this forum!![/url:3qgd6upj] [quote=&quot;Wiking67&quot;:3qgd6upj]Welcome, from South Yorks comrade 14/88[/quote:3qgd6upj] 0 0 kA== 3qgd6upj 0 0 u_531
5994 5977 65 0 1230827628 1 1 1 1 Re: Empire Falls We are moving on and learning, leave them on the bill and keep doing all the good work and they will stay. We know they/the lead singer will always stay were its best for him and because of principles. There is no point creating any more divisions in the States, that scene really needs some stability. Good luck 828 0 0 24hcqam8 0 0 u_152
3117 0 1138 0 1213971125 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=9301#p9301:1svgdufj]Subject: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale[/url:1svgdufj] [quote=&quot;WE FEAR NO FOE 14/88&quot;:1svgdufj]Could you find out how much the postage would be? Or is postage included within the price? I am interested!![/quote:1svgdufj] hails brother,i would include p&amp;p in sale for £100. Si 88 0 0 kA== 1svgdufj 0 0 u_1148
3118 3105 1083 0 1213971889 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop 88, ik ben regelmatig aan het werken, en heb onverschillende uren vandaar mijn late reactie, Ik heb er iets van vernomen, maar heb de gegevens niet meer van de bbq, kan u deze even sturen? Dn regelen wij dat daar wel? mvg 0 0 3a5qiwhf 0 0 u_113
3119 0 1148 0 1213972036 1 1 1 1 Eagle Alrite Si!! Am defin88ly interested in this plaque! I won't waste your time, I get paid the end of the month and will have the cash sorted is their anyway we can do a cash on delivery with the courier/postal service? 0 0 2pqp9d6h 0 0 u_1138
3120 2898 1018 0 1213986291 1 1 1 1 Re: t shirt hi sorry been ages since checked messages - what do i do about ordering the t shirt cheers 0 0 crnoxhxh 0 0 u_297
6102 0 1027 0 1231941788 1 1 1 1 Translate If there are some items you like to have translated (not that my english is that good, but i can always try my best), i will be glad to do so. Best regards from Flanders <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3jmjw20g 0 0 u_801
3122 3119 1138 0 1213987417 1 1 1 1 Re: Eagle hello mate, not sure if royal mail still do c.o.d will look into it.happy to keep it till then for you though. Si 88 0 0 2nu8n0ns 0 0 u_1148
5995 5982 115 0 1230837119 1 1 1 1 Re: web photos Excellent, thanks! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 21q8bv4r 0 0 u_2002
3177 3154 1164 0 1214400862 1 1 1 1 Re: Kent lol ow it is ok 0 0 xorcnie6 0 0 u_801
3178 3163 203 0 1214402638 1 1 1 1 Re: viva Boas. Nós vamos de avião, e alguem nos recolhe no aeroporto. No inicio de setembro confirmas se vais e eu arranjo mais um lugar. Abraço 0 0 261ixf4n 0 0 u_460
6348 0 618 0 1233161501 1 1 1 1 contacten Dag, Ik heb mijn platen en alles is nu volledig in orde met men auto. Nu zal het een stuk makkelijker zijn om elkaar eens te ontmoeten. Als je een datum geeft en een uur zal ik er zijn. Nu vrijdag kan ik ook ofwel woensdag namiddag. Nogmaals het spijt mij dat ik er vandaag niet kon geraken. Jakke 0 0 enwbv0ci 0 0 u_1027
4924 4922 461 0 1221832701 1 1 1 1 Re: isd Blimey I'm getting calls from everyone now! Why do you they come to little ol' me? I feel like a holiday rep! <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> One of my friends Petras who's been to B&amp;H gigs before is gonna try and take the company van to take the other people, I'm just waiting on him to get back to me on who's going with who, but my two friends live in Stamford Hill so Enfield is only 20 minutes away from them <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 1yd3gicn 0 0 u_396
3187 0 1195 0 1214444903 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia [quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:35ivh1nu]the much-anticipated return of the awesome Ravenous[/quote:35ivh1nu] Is Joel drumming for Ravenous again? 0 0 gA== 35ivh1nu 0 0 u_295
3189 3160 304 0 1214473436 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine Ok une fois que ta fait sa tu m'envoie ton adresse et je t expedie le tout. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 hmp6hiw8 0 0 u_215
3190 0 180 0 1214477409 1 1 1 1 gig ello m8. i spoke to mark earlier about the gig we supposed to be doing in july. our division is not doing it apparently. mark said something about someone from wigan doing it. anyway mark will text or ring you soon m8. thought would let you know on here so you can delete it. cheers, Mick central div 0 0 3di1suhw 0 0 u_63
3192 3187 295 0 1214481788 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia [quote=&quot;Tribalist&quot;:oof4sb6v][quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:oof4sb6v]the much-anticipated return of the awesome Ravenous[/quote:oof4sb6v] Is Joel drumming for Ravenous again?[/quote:oof4sb6v] Nope, Joel is well and truly out of the scene. Why do you ask? 0 0 gA== oof4sb6v 0 0 u_1195
3193 3163 460 0 1214483534 1 1 1 1 Re: viva Ok amigo, sabes mais ou menos em quando é que fica a viagem? Quando puderes diz, para eu orientar os meus trocos. E a gig é em que dia? E quantos dias vamos lá ficar? Desculpa tanta pergunta, mas é só para eu me orientar, pedir esses dias ao meu patrão e tal. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Um abraço, 88 0 0 1blawdly 0 0 u_203
3195 3119 1138 0 1214497578 1 1 1 1 Re: Eagle Hi Paul, i've checked with royal mail &amp; they dont do a c.o.d service anymore im afraid mate. Just thought i'd better let you know. Si 14 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1n5ejag6 0 0 u_1148
3196 3190 63 0 1214501774 1 1 1 1 Re: gig cheers mick! will be at bh meeting on sat usual place! if you are going i will see you there m8! 0 0 172rq9ry 0 0 u_180
3198 3190 180 0 1214503295 1 1 1 1 Re: gig hi m8, i cant make it. i just had a root canal at dentist yesterday. had two days off work. dentist cost me £275 and with the days off i am skint again. so i need to work. cya soon m8 828 0 0 3miir226 0 0 u_63
6343 6326 353 0 1233125961 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes Thanks for the info. Nick. There's definitely more than a few things there I would like to buy from you. I'll have to get some money together. I believe sending the cash registered will ensure that it doesn't get stolen. Did you already sell the Last Resort and Canadian Hammerskin comp? As for your contacts here in the states, My friend Mike told me he used to write to you back in the 80s. His name is Holywar83 on here. If you could put these on hold for me I will send the money next week: 1. Skrewdriver- Live Kensington 1984 2. Skrewdriver- Live Croydon 1987 3. Skrewdriver- demos 4. No Remorse- Live 1987 5. Ovaltinees- Live 1983 6. Ovaltinees- demos 7. Peter &amp; The Wolf- Live 1983 8. Order of The Boot- Live 1988 9. White Lightning- Live Thanks. All the best, Race Over All! <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> Joe 0 0 1vhpr6y0 0 0 u_1972
3206 3187 1195 0 1214530427 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia [quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:3q9x65hz][quote=&quot;Tribalist&quot;:3q9x65hz][quote=&quot;AustMade&quot;:3q9x65hz]the much-anticipated return of the awesome Ravenous[/quote:3q9x65hz] Is Joel drumming for Ravenous again?[/quote:3q9x65hz] Nope, Joel is well and truly out of the scene. Why do you ask?[/quote:3q9x65hz] I've seen him in Bulldog Spirit a number of times, he was pretty good. I haven't been to any gig in ages so I'm looking forward to it. Do you know of any NSBM bands that play Melbourne? 0 0 gA== 3q9x65hz 0 0 u_295
3216 0 1138 0 1214571638 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale Hi Brad, yes its still for sale brother.comrade that was going to buy it has just lost his job &amp; cant afford it now. Simon 88 0 0 3kz89ztx 0 0 u_120
5134 4340 850 0 1223411443 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Beste, alweer enkele weekjes geleden zende u mij een bericht waarin te lezen stond 'word maandag verstuurd'. Die bewuste maandag ligt al were ver achter ons, maar [b:2ltevn0d][u:2ltevn0d]nog steeds[/u:2ltevn0d][/b:2ltevn0d] heb ik [u:2ltevn0d][b:2ltevn0d]niets[/b:2ltevn0d][/u:2ltevn0d] ontvangen. Wanneer wordt hier een werk van gemaakt? mvg 0 0 QQ== 2ltevn0d 0 0 u_1340
5041 0 279 3 1222571904 1 1 1 1 Happy Birthday Im WhiteHammers Son <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Have A Great Day [img:mj40dgxm]http&#58;//img28&#46;picoodle&#46;com/img/img28/3/9/27/f_HappyBirthdm_874e725&#46;jpg[/img:mj40dgxm] <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 CA== mj40dgxm 0 0 u_1711
5502 5400 74 0 1225990283 1 1 1 1 Re: cds hi payment sent from friends paypal account for clingford attack cd cheers danny28 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3roe2vd7 0 0 u_103
4334 0 1482 0 1217457443 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=11545#p11545:19z2am50]Subject: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista[/url:19z2am50] [quote=&quot;Invicta88&quot;:19z2am50]Esta muito bom. Continua o bom trabalho. Ja agora quem estiver interessado em vir a Hungria nos dias 22 e 23 de Agosto para o concerto Songs of Europe digam-me quelquer coisa. Depois se precisares de musica para a radio alem de Guarda de Honra podemos combinar e podes ver os cd)s que temos talvez te possa interessar alguns deles. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:19z2am50] Boas camarada!!!Saudaçoes á malta que conheço no Porto ,espero que tudo vá pelo melhor contigo e com a Linda !!estou muito afastado de tudo e todos(apenas continuo com as actividades anti-americanas e anti israel (ass. de amizade portugal irao ecomite de solidariedade com a palestina)vejo o alvaro muitas vezes e o picha raramente senãoé tudo malta de fora do nacionalismo que muito me desiludiu aqui em portugal...esta gente não interessa mesmo!Bom estou a escrever-te para te perguntar se sabes quem é que faz o blog do assunto deste topico e que o usa como sendo da BH...?se sabes tudo bem (eu sei quem é!) acho estranho mas não te prejudicar tudo bem!!!! Era só isto(acabei de me inscrever aqui)um abraço grande para voçés(ainda são do melhor que existe por este país de falsos nacionalistas(pena não serem mais activos e numerosos...mas se calhar até teem muito mais razão do que isso) Filpeferreira(mishima) 0 0 kA== 19z2am50 0 0 u_203
5582 5572 2119 0 1226962307 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Ich fühle wunderbar. Es tut mir leid mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut. Wo kommst du in Deutschland? Naja, I'm probably going back to school soon hier in Amerika, aber ich denke about going to a university in Bayern oder Österreich because I have family in both places. So I take it your name is Renee? My real name is Hayward, I just go by Skoda on here. Too bad we can't talk on a more personal level. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 38npgatn 0 0 u_1937
4901 0 1711 0 1221812333 1 1 1 1 lift to isd mem hi Goos still any seat in your car? I live in south london but can get somewhere to meet you. My van just broke down. text me 07846342096 Thx Matt 0 0 31bsxy88 0 0 u_396
3233 0 1221 0 1214591684 1 1 1 1 hey hi my fellow white brother how be you this fine day 0 0 2qx2psfq 0 0 u_325
3235 3233 325 0 1214592077 1 1 1 1 Re: hey Good mate, just finished work about to go out and start again 0 0 9hspzofp 0 0 u_1221
3236 0 1221 0 1214592175 1 1 1 1 unlucky how come mate have you got two jobs or something 0 0 3o0vfwi4 0 0 u_325
3241 3236 325 0 1214593401 1 1 1 1 Re: unlucky yeah mate just for a few weks 0 0 nc1t808f 0 0 u_1221
5978 0 337 0 1230692569 1 1 1 1 Hey Bro Hey, I've been meaning to get up with you. Life's been kinda hectic lately with work, family, and holidays. My cellphone fried on me and I don't get in from work until late so it's kinda hard to call at a reasonable hour. I'll try to get up with you after New Year's. I'm sure you'll be busy tommorrow evening. I'm looking forward to it though. On another note, Blood and Honour America has finally got their forum open you should check it out. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. Not many posts as of now but should be growing soon. Also, we have BH Confederate 28 Get-togethers all the time and Volksfront has alot of events coming up......Just thought I'd mention it. Take Care Bro. Clint <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3pn83c55 0 0 u_2119
3586 0 1221 0 1215201138 1 1 1 1 hi are you planning to go to any meets and you seem to like the smiles lol <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> <!-- s~jew --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/Jew.gif" alt="~jew" title="Jew" /><!-- s~jew --> <!-- s`SwiftJustice --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/sstotani.gif" alt="`SwiftJustice" title="SwiftJustice" /><!-- s`SwiftJustice --> <!-- s`pissoncommie --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Norojo.gif" alt="`pissoncommie" title="pissoncommie" /><!-- s`pissoncommie --> 0 0 x1eh73t1 0 0 u_1266
3249 0 53 0 1214595097 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers 0 0 1tf3bpoq 0 0 u_1148
3606 3160 215 0 1215285204 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine Ouai ok pas de soucis, je vous virerais un peu + <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> SERAFINI Jordan 372 chemin de la tuiliere 74370 Pringy Par contre envoie en anonyme, ou file un faux nom parceque les flics me pistent beaucoup, surtout en ce moment, derniere fois que j'ai recu un coli, c'était d'un pote de suisse en + pour des livres, j'ai retrouvé le coli déja ouvert et j'ai eut une perquisition peu de temps apres. Bonne continuation, au fete si jamais vous avez besoin d'aide, demandez moi, je suis frontallier en + 0 0 2s30p4zm 0 0 u_304
3604 3601 85 0 1215283143 1 1 1 1 Re: NO REMORSE SONG BOOKS FOR SALE Ok mate. Cheers anyway 0 0 2ldgt4q9 0 0 u_351
3605 0 1221 0 1215283268 1 1 1 1 h greetings comrade i read your post and saw your new machine i would loved to be tattooed by it ive been after some one who will do nationalist tatts pm back cheers weeman 0 0 1z8atai8 0 0 u_120
3632 0 1221 0 1215386143 1 1 1 1 g greetings commrade someone from the usa how cools that u planning to go to any gigs this year pm back <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3gjt4ce1 0 0 u_987
3552 0 978 0 1215166352 1 1 1 1 Section Wallonia (south belgium) Hello, There is a strong demand for a section in Wallonia Blood and Honour. I recall that the Wallonia region is a white French-speaking Belgium. Wallonia also has a language which is the regional Walloon. Wallonia is a land brother of Brittany in France. Wallonia has been populated of the greatest Celtic tribes. To preserve the identity of the white Wallonia. Blood and Honour, Sieg Heil! Hallo, Es gibt eine starke Nachfrage für einen Abschnitt in der Wallonie Blood and Honour. Ich erinnere daran, dass die Region Wallonien ist eine weiße die französischsprachigen Belgien. Die Wallonie hat auch eine regionale Sprache, die das Wallon. Die Wallonie ist ein Land der Bruder von der Bretagne in Frankreich. Die Wallonie wurde bevölkerungsreichste der größten keltischen Stämme. Zur Wahrung der Identität der weißen Wallonie. Blut und Ehre, Sieg Heil! Bonjour, Il y a une forte demande pour une section Wallonie à Blood and Honour. Je rappelle que la Wallonie est une région blanche de la Belgique francophone. La Wallonie a aussi une langue régional qui est le Wallon. La Wallonie est une terre frère de la Bretagne de France. La Wallonie a été peuplé des plus grandes tribus celtes. Afin de préserver l’identité blanche de la Wallonie. Sang et Honneur, Sieg Heil ! 0 0 38noapsi 0 0 u_53
4691 4479 143 0 1220738403 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial speech Szia. I made corrections to the speech. Here it is: It´s big honour to be here today, to be part of this important event, this year is 15th year without great man, Ian Stuart Donaldson, whose death was a big loss four our movement, but it also gave obligation to us to continue the path of Ian Stuart, the path of blood and honour to this days and beyond. BH Croatia congradulates hungarian comrades 10th anniversary of BH Hungary, we hope that this is first of many BH Hungary decades which will follow in the future, we wish best luck for BH Hungary and whole hungarian NS movement, we also hope that we will strengthen cooperation between our two movements, hungarian and croatian, that we will strenghten our existing friendships and to make new friendships with even more hungarian comrades. BH Croatia also congradulates both, hungarian and german comrades, 10th anniversery of their friendship. Kitartas Horvat-Magyar Baratsag! :) 0 0 1pk7of6y 0 0 u_1053
3299 0 460 0 1214738198 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8073#p8073:7owpa1zo]Subject: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A.[/url:7owpa1zo] [quote=&quot;lusoamerican&quot;:7owpa1zo]Greetings fellow white brothers, I'm new to this forum, hope to make new friends.[/quote:7owpa1zo] Viva camarada, Reparei pelo teu nick de és luso-americano. És de New Jersey certo? Por acaso tenho ai familiares. Eu sou de Portugal e falo de Lisboa. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Abraços 0 0 kA== 7owpa1zo 0 0 u_987
3305 0 1204 0 1214759400 1 1 1 1 help Hey Man, I have been following your posts and it seems you could do with some help. I don't like to see a brother Nazi and nigger hater in trouble! So, tell me about yourself and lets see what we can come up with. Cheers 0 0 3f3l4k9b 0 0 u_351
3306 3304 1172 0 1214759559 1 1 1 1 Re: action! Hi comrade ,where r u from?Im from staffs and am a member of iron state nationalists and knights.keep up the struggle...organise,resist..lone wolf 0 0 n63idfp2 0 0 u_1204
3307 3304 1204 0 1214760863 1 1 1 1 Re: action! Welshpool, so not far. Just now am on holiday in the canary islands {got a pad here} Sounds as if you have got yourself organised. Are you just political or like me enjoy a bit og bovver. If so perhaps you could use some one who can be a bit handy when tooled up.? 0 0 1mplnh0q 0 0 u_1172
3309 3308 1172 0 1214765061 1 1 1 1 Re: hi How old r u brother?rem organise resist.Go to the national front.We will support you <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3bh6cv2g 0 0 u_1221
4674 4641 1172 0 1220631843 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings From Essex Hiya comrade money on phone ran out,are u ok? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 pkx9zsfv 0 0 u_307
6138 5951 2245 0 1232196813 1 1 1 1 Re: Open season demo tape Thanks loads picked up the cassette today cheers mate do you want anything for it if not put this on hold i,ll opening an ebay shop in 3 or 4 weeks see any goody,s you like let me know ok cheers oi again 4 ./ 28 0 0 2mq178aa 0 0 u_1972
6140 6126 618 0 1232213159 1 1 1 1 Re: translation Thats a good name for it, but in what part of the forum? on general information or chat? 0 0 318pystw 0 0 u_801
6173 0 801 0 1232303616 1 1 1 1 Welcome. Can I suggest you go on the Welcome thread and make yourself known. You are certain to be made welcome. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 40vp0u17 0 0 u_2428
6174 6142 2376 0 1232303851 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:39q1c4y5]Ok mate, On behalf of B&amp;H Manchester a couple of us would like to come over and meet up with you. Would it be difficult for you to get to J6 or J7 of the M62 on Thursday night?.[/quote:39q1c4y5] I dont think i would be able to get to either junctions, we could meet somewere else oreven in manchester at the weekend if you wanted to? 0 0 gA== 39q1c4y5 0 0 u_801
3323 0 1 0 1214768562 1 1 1 1 WHERE I LIVE IN KENT HELLO I LIVE AT 5 POCOCKS BANK HOW GREEN LANE FOUR ELMS NR EDENBRIDGE KENT TN87PR ANY HELP 88 NICK RICH <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 11jwedd5 0 0 u_396
3324 3304 1172 0 1214769022 1 1 1 1 Re: action! A comrade i know does security for the bpp.If you want to kick commie ass let me know 0 0 3r5nno1r 0 0 u_1204
4857 0 53 0 1221610152 1 1 1 1 hi Hi seery, welcome to the forum Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1cfq60eq 0 0 u_1888
6169 6160 2376 0 1232296122 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members Added you <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> :) 0 0 xbb6b5m6 0 0 u_2428
6170 0 1713 0 1232297296 1 1 1 1 oi records Alright nick if u still have them ill will have the lot. U might remeber me, i used to live with dave williams and peter crain, have some pics of u at the elmpark skinhead discos and at the summer fests, u on stage with a band, cant remember there name, all the best paul28 0 0 33ko3tgv 0 0 u_2421
6355 6348 618 0 1233251601 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag, Ok volgende week zal er geen belet zijn, daar zal ik voor zorgen. Ik ga zo de route opzoeken naar daar, en dan weet ik ook hoe lang het ongeveer rijden is vanaf hier. Maar ik ga eerst trainen. Ik zal nog wel iets laten weten of het gaat om 14.30 ben niet zeker omdat ik tot 12 uur les heb en dan nog naar huis moet enzo. Jakke 0 0 vea5xq1k 0 0 u_1027
3342 3299 987 0 1214773651 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A. Igualmente. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3lipku44 0 0 u_460
6081 0 210 0 1231767855 1 1 1 1 Member? Hi, I am Geri from Hungarian Hammerskins.I saw,that you use Hammerskin symbol as your avatar here in the forum,and that your location is Belgium,but we don't have any members from there.Who are you?Do we know each others? HFFH Geri-HHS 0 0 9kpuixsx 0 0 u_2330
3344 3299 987 0 1214773900 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A. Do you like SaLazar? Some Portuguese people on this forum say he wasn't a good man, I've always heard good things about him. Can you elaborate on this please. Obrigado. 0 0 ahfo2ime 0 0 u_460
3602 3601 1 0 1215277630 1 1 1 1 Re: NO REMORSE SONG BOOKS FOR SALE SORRY MATE ALL SOLD AND GONE IVE A FEW MORE ITEMS FOR SALE IE THESTOMERS SKREWDRIVER NEWS LETTERS THANKS FOR YOURE INTREST 88BADWOLF <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 ib3ecc2o 0 0 u_85
4854 4847 1 0 1221607802 1 1 1 1 Re: hi <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> oh ok i dont know many people from norfolk that r like us here do u know any1 from or near norfolk from here 0 0 zqq5ep2g 0 0 u_53
5315 0 109 0 1224627282 1 1 1 1 banner software Adobe after effects and flash CS3 0 0 36zi5yat 0 0 u_279
5316 0 212 0 1224630892 1 1 1 1 hey in case you hadn't guessed its your chum from blighty hahahah take it you tried ginger rob? 0 0 29e5tbe8 0 0 u_109
4889 0 1585 0 1221764692 1 1 1 1 cau sa ides na koncert????? <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 v7y0kjrv 0 0 u_1409
4890 0 1074 0 1221769724 1 1 1 1 Hail Alright M8 my ex is from scunny and she is back there with my 3 kids. I visit Scunny most weekends. See you at the ISD I hope, I will be with the Leeds lads. 28 14/8 0 0 3uj0h9aj 0 0 u_1834
5430 5425 552 0 1225464630 1 1 1 1 Re: Moro! 0 0 3draoozq 0 0 u_635
5551 0 2123 0 1226689061 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi From East Anglia [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15977#p15977:362r4d3y]Subject: Hi From East Anglia[/url:362r4d3y] [quote=&quot;easthamskin&quot;:362r4d3y]Hi. I've just joined the forum today. I live in East Anglia, Ipswich in Suffolk. Whereabouts are you my friend?[/quote:362r4d3y] Peterborough, near cambridge! u got messenger?we talk there. 0 0 kA== 362r4d3y 0 0 u_2157
5974 0 850 0 1230497038 1 1 1 1 Re: Support Blood and Honour Brotherhood T-shirt Hi, Are their still some t-shirts available? I would like to have 2 man T-shirts in the sizes large and extra large. Greetings, vlaming [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15514#p15514:1kwq9obs]Subject: Support Blood and Honour Brotherhood T-shirt[/url:1kwq9obs] [quote=&quot;28bohemiabrotherhood&quot;:1kwq9obs]T-shirt &quot;Support Blood and Honour Brotherhood&quot; Men T-shirt (BC 190g, black) price 15,- Euro Size: S, M, L, XL and XXL Women T-shirt (BC 210g, black) price 15,- Euro Size: S, M and L Children T-Shirt (BC 190g, black) price 10,- Euro Size: 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/11 and 12/14 age 1 T-shirt = 5,- Euro shipping 2 and more T-shirts = free shipping Shipping worldwide!!! You like more information, write me PM or email.[/quote:1kwq9obs] 0 0 kA== 1kwq9obs 0 0 u_1691
3992 3989 1 0 1216304569 1 1 1 1 Re: did you get the postal order I POSTED THE BOOK TO YOU TUESDAY MATEI HOPE YOU GOT IT TODAY OR FRIDAY LET ME KNOW ALL THE BEST NICK 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2qj3psx4 0 0 u_70
3618 3617 1017 0 1215371372 1 1 1 1 Re: brothers scotland 14/88 M8 . good to hear from you comrade . i come from the Livi area but spend most of my time in Edinburgh when I'm not at work . eye M8 a meet would be good my name is Scott and if you txt me on 07771592102 we can arrange something in the next couple of weeks . alloa isn't far so there should be no probs , 88 . 0 0 2yj2rwbb 0 0 u_1266
6358 5985 531 0 1233257331 1 1 1 1 Re: Cheers mate !! Eyup mate, if you haven't already sent it, don't forget, it's his birthday tomorrow <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> I'm sending his message later on tonight so he'll def get it on the day. 14/88 Ian 0 0 3nw0dram 0 0 u_69
3384 3216 1138 0 1214827389 1 1 1 1 Re: Lge German eagle Plaque for sale will keep hold of it for as long as you like brad. 828 brother 0 0 p980sk3j 0 0 u_120
3388 3305 1204 0 1214848595 1 1 1 1 Re: help Hey Mate! I hate to hear that one of our own Blood &amp; Honour guys is so down. How bad is your health, can you get around? I ask because when I feel like down I like to go out with a mate late, tooled up looking for a nigger and scare the shit out of him and finish up giving him a good kicking, always works for me. Perhaps you don't have any mates around just nowin which case perhaps we should discuss ways we could get together and have a few laughs!! Let me know your situation and thoughts at least you can let rip on this site and tell me how it is. Cheers 0 0 dektkm1x 0 0 u_351
3389 3304 1204 0 1214849288 1 1 1 1 Re: action! Hey Man! Thanks for the message and I would certainly like to hook up with your security mate .I understand you have to be careful as a member of BNP, but I don't have a public immage to protect and would be no good at public speaking. So, I like to support you guys when I can with donations and turning out, but like to do a little nigger and paki bashing when ever I can but have not yet found a mate who has the balls to join forces with me. Cheers 0 0 1nhjhmyw 0 0 u_1172
5320 5310 279 7 1224655555 1 1 1 1 Re: a song you's could sing... just do it it will deffantly be great well then and again and song by you's would be super <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 10rk8055 0 0 u_297
5321 5315 279 0 1224655679 1 1 1 1 Re: banner software cheers <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2evyaael 0 0 u_109
5323 5297 239 0 1224660754 1 1 1 1 Re: white christmas gig hi no problem, glad i could help out. i was at belgium isd at the weekend it was great. if you are on msn messenger let me know i will add you, cheers bye 28 0 0 2pwxxvi4 0 0 u_1937
5318 5316 109 0 1224652916 1 1 1 1 Re: hey G'day Mate. Yep i let him know, He's thinking about it. Past experience has sorely taught me not to put all my eggs in one basket however. Labels have a hard time keeping up with me haha... J 0 0 3jfg1qod 0 0 u_212
5726 0 58 0 1227899054 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16593#p16593:9mvtvvic]Subject: white X-Mas gig[/url:9mvtvvic] [quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:9mvtvvic]seriously wanting to go and in need of a lift from kent to wherever it is obviously money for petrol and beer will be given to anybody who is nice enough to pick me up and give me a lift back message me back if anybody can help out from kent or around kent[/quote:9mvtvvic] Hail Hail Mate, S London Div should know by Monday if there are still places on our vehicle so if you are still in need I will contact you straight away ok ? Leaving from Croydon area if you could get over here but we will be overnighting OK ? So you will require dough for a share of a room mate <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> 828 Asgard1488 0 0 kA== 9mvtvvic 0 0 u_1910
5268 5255 886 0 1224321024 1 1 1 1 Re: BFF SOCIAL [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:r4pxtr80]Hope all goes well with the social...But being in Southampton its a bit far too travel their and back in one day... But could you keep us posted in if anything else gets organised for the bff. Cheers Guy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:r4pxtr80] Not a problem comrade, and will do 0 0 gA== r4pxtr80 0 0 u_297
4852 4847 1 0 1221605349 1 1 1 1 Re: hi <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> lol cool 0 0 19uluqxx 0 0 u_53
6137 6122 2296 0 1232195108 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! 88 racial regards from scotland ,cheers for reply m8 yes can u send me a list of the cds and can u put a pic of the flags for me as i collect flags but dont regognise the names of the flags so a pic would be sound if thats possible ,your aryan brother from scotland , <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2e2oulhf 0 0 u_90
4396 0 1017 0 1217966595 1 1 1 1 The 16th All right mate how you doing . About that wee meet i posted , it looks like its gonna be on the 16th aug . I know most will be going down to the stinko mem but just in case some ain't im letting you know so that if any one is interested you can contact me about it phone - 07771592102 . And the divisional meet at the end of the month is it for B&amp;H only or can any one come along as i would be more than interested , let me know . cheers skeg . 0 0 3pu87qw2 0 0 u_73
5242 5241 1105 0 1224082400 1 1 1 1 Re: ok Dat weet ik zowieso al... maar voorlopig is 18 april bezet, want de avond ervoor moet ik mee helpen een fuif organiseren (al zou hij verplaatst worden naar 3 april)... Voor de rest: zal proberen <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> (al hangt het dan weer af van mijn ouders die naar mijn punten op school kijken ) 828, Wforumss 0 0 3nmv0ejx 0 0 u_1092
4951 4879 1195 0 1221976897 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey G'day mate, Jemma and I both had a good night, besides of the little crap at the end but such is life. We'll definitely be around at the next event. Cheers Scott. 0 0 6w5v0ak4 0 0 u_295
6083 0 1787 0 1231855431 1 1 1 1 Re: Meet up Hey mate, there will probably be 4 of us from my end coming; my fiancé, myself and 2 of my mates, where do you think is a central meeting point for everyone? Hope all is ok with you your end? <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 o4ms6iww 0 0 u_67
3419 3044 54 0 1214911818 1 1 1 1 Re: First Time user on this forum!! Hi Paul, I was going through my PM's and just realised that I hadn't answered you - sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Things are going really well &quot;down under&quot; thank you for asking, and welcome again to the forum, I hope you enjoy it. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 22f7cn65 0 0 u_1148
5246 0 251 0 1224165731 1 1 1 1 Re: 15.11.2008 Gig France Hail, send me send the information about the gig in Luxembourg with Whitewash, White Resistance, etc.., please. 88 Martin 0 0 krfowf25 0 0 u_230
5142 0 297 0 1223509253 1 1 1 1 88 BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You joined us eventually.. Welcometo the brotherhood.. 14/828 <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 2ekglqve 0 0 u_1931
5143 0 1557 0 1223553322 1 1 1 1 cheers mate that sounds nice hello mate, yeah i would like to meet up with some comrades it would be nice, i would need a few days notice to re-arange work pm me with a date and time and il be there, the only person i normally get to talk to about this stuff is my missis, so it will be nice to get some intleigent conversation! 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2vowoqe6 0 0 u_1713
5975 0 1092 0 1230673334 1 1 1 1 Re: Gelukkig 2009 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17754#p17754:x9sma194]Subject: Gelukkig 2009[/url:x9sma194] [quote=&quot;SHARP-Shooter&quot;:x9sma194]Ranst? Kent gij toevallig de Nico. Kdenk Uytterhoeven, maar ben niet zeker. [size=85:x9sma194]Helden sterben nie vergebens, kannst du ihren Sieg nicht melden, so entstehen neue Helden, aus dem Opfer ihres Lebens.[/size:x9sma194][/quote:x9sma194] <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> das de nico 0 0 lA== x9sma194 0 0 u_2181
5145 0 1092 0 1223567744 1 1 1 1 18 oktober isd al vervoer gevonden voor 18 oktober? Anders ben zelf van westvlaanderen, en kan u gerust mee in de auto. Welke regio bent u? mvg mattke 0 0 ub8ytqhu 0 0 u_1105
4642 0 203 0 1220410007 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista 0 0 EA== 1m7cig68 0 0 u_460
3939 3932 531 0 1215994294 1 1 1 1 Re: d Oh, you know, typical weekend, up, entertain the young man, shopping, visit family, have an hour on pc, the usual family shit. Watched a bit of Pulp Fiction then came upstairs to burn some German marches and Hitler speeches onto some discs, ready for a comrade in Manchester. Done them, and ready for bed, back to the forklift truck in the morning <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> 88 Wiking67 0 0 1am9zs26 0 0 u_1221
5711 5689 59 0 1227835654 1 1 1 1 Re: message Hail MAx Just read it, sorry I've been a bit lax on the emails for that site, been real busy at work and with rune and sword. What do you need to know / what stuff are you after? I didn't even see you at ISD? was a hectic weeknd for me as always, very drunk on the friday night and rushed off my feet on the stall saturday. I meet so many people on the staurday thats its difficult to take it all in. 14 Duds 0 0 wyoapb3f 0 0 u_230
5352 0 1711 0 1224802402 1 1 1 1 *th Nov gig Hail White brothers and sisters Are you comming to *th November ballads evening? I've got all the details and it's near my house. Maybe we should meet before and have some beers? 88 0 0 2jf4tuem 0 0 u_396
4875 4870 650 0 1221685032 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi HeHe sorry I answered a old message from you earlier <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> But yes I would love to come over for the St. Georges gig or just any other gig you have in the future. I will try my best and definetly plan to come to next ISD memorial and make it work out that time. 0 0 2kgcigfv 0 0 u_53
4884 4877 1838 0 1221746574 1 1 1 1 Re: ian stuart memorial 2008 Hi Kabel I've emailed you, but heres my number anyway if you text me on friday ill send you a number to text and they will send you the postcode. 07944552929 Hope you can make it. Rosie 14/88 0 0 pp5232iw 0 0 u_1834
3903 0 1323 0 1215951005 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND yeah is it in good nik <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1hfj8kqs 0 0 u_351
4426 4342 297 0 1218309886 1 1 1 1 Re: cheers Sorry buddy but no cd has been made yet due to lack of funds... will let you know when it is eventualy ready...but may be a while...14/828 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 a3e8z0lq 0 0 u_1362
5622 5608 2161 0 1227298451 1 1 1 1 Re: xmas hi jules thanks for getting back to me . thats great news the money for the coach and the entree is is fab. looking forward to meeting you and the rest . my number is 07516105391.see u in two weeks thanks very much kenny ( dutch) 0 0 2oyvv6g8 0 0 u_66
5973 5968 74 0 1230425808 1 1 1 1 Re: Shadows of Blood sale hi have u STRIKEFORCE UK - HANG YOUR HEADS IN SHAME,and can u get Blood n Honour vol 5 danny88 0 0 1un77z00 0 0 u_276
3587 0 978 0 1215201768 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H Walonîye In feite Ik woon in Wallonië en ik wil graag een open afdeling Wallonië, maar ik weet niet aan wie aan te pakken. 0 0 38puxueo 0 0 u_90
6168 6160 2428 0 1232295568 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members for fuck sake it says its incorrect bloody machine! add me instead my email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1x3p34d9 0 0 u_2376
6349 6327 90 0 1233167425 1 1 1 1 Re: Taalgebruik Gegroet Heb je inderdaad gelijk in kameraad de school opleiding dat onze blanke kinderen krijgen laat de beste wensen over en zeker als je sommigen ziet sms'en maargoed hopelijk leren ze het van thuis uit dan. Ben nog niet zo lang afgestudeerd en de Vlaamse taal wordt verwaarloosd. Surtur heeft zijn moderatorschap nog niet opgegeven, heb hem kunnen overtuigen om even na te denken omdat we hem zeker kunnen gebruiken. Zijn reden van zijn eventueel vertrek is de taal dat er wordt getypt op het forum en het wat lage niveau daarom dat ik je even een pm stuurde om op je Vlaams te letten en hoop zo hem op het forum te kunnen houden. 88 Freiheit 28 0 0 2a82qdth 0 0 u_1027
3781 0 297 0 1215612942 1 1 1 1 Cd Hi again... I know we ask you every gig when the cd will be done...and i guess now we've got our answer...Could you put us by 2 copies of the for me anad one for the other singer as i know he'll want one...I'll give you my addres s to send to and ijust let us know how much postage is....if not i'll get it off you at stinko gig if your going?? Unit 28- 14/828 0 0 26qm7k02 0 0 u_146
3728 3726 53 0 1215554748 1 1 1 1 Re: AT LAST.. Hi Tom were both ok thanks, hope you are 2, thats great news i for 1 cant wait <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> nearly worn out me demo! Aye see ya soon take care Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2g80qusr 0 0 u_146
3825 0 84 0 1215674228 1 1 1 1 pics here are a few pics of irish band celtic dawn plus a few of ian and skrewdriver <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> let me know if the link works 0 0 3ng2oi22 0 0 u_1251
5835 5831 1745 0 1228584021 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig hi good to hear there is someone near me lolol. if you want to chat by email and maybe meet up for a beer sometime my email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->..........all the best mark 0 0 h4furqai 0 0 u_1322
3821 0 1296 6 1215653523 1 1 1 1 hey happy birthday mate have a great week! brotherhood from chile 28!white power 0 0 hwjikt1j 0 0 u_1275
5624 4051 531 0 1227305621 1 1 1 1 Re: Gissa lift please ! Eyup paul, just been on the chat thread, tattoo subject, and I've a sneaky feeling that the sender of the swastika photo is none other than your little friend from ISD <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> I see what you mean when you said it was a big un ! Ian 0 0 3iekdo0n 0 0 u_63
5072 4978 210 0 1222938237 1 1 1 1 Re: Interview with HHS Hi Bojan, if you have the questions already for the HHS interview,then plese send me,we would like to check them,then let you know what's up.You know,we can't give answer to certain questions publicly.This is for defens our Brotherhood.Best regards! Geri-HHS HFFH 0 0 29t9wb4f 0 0 u_143
3493 0 182 0 1214996356 1 1 1 1 records hi do you still have the bodychecks lp? how much with postage to england? and whats the best way to pay? thanks moonie 0 0 3kclaidb 0 0 u_351
3779 3160 215 0 1215603488 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine J'habite sur annecy si tu vois a peu pret ou c'est, a 30min d'annemase. 06-85-05-13-56, Jordan Bonne continuation, MAJ 0 0 1fgk6j55 0 0 u_304
6356 6352 58 0 1233253092 1 1 1 1 Re: Greetings [quote=&quot;BULLDOG DRUMMOND&quot;:8yfyu90s]Hello Mate One of the Croatian lads from the forming asking why he has been banned from the forum, his user name is HELIKOPTER . Is it that he has been banned for being an idiot or is it just a case he needs to change his pass-word for security. Thanks and all the best.Rob[/quote:8yfyu90s] Password problem I would think mate so please let him Know ok and get him to try again. I will check with other admins but it wasnt ME 828 0 0 gA== 8yfyu90s 0 0 u_72
5117 0 1869 0 1223134754 1 1 1 1 hello Hello mate, If you are the same Bossy from London Skinhead Forum, i am surprised that it took you so long to join this forum. Terry.Reaper28 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 34muza9k 0 0 u_1975
3797 3699 58 0 1215638564 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [quote=&quot;oldland14&quot;:3bm4gld3]Hail brother. Yes would definitely be interested, nice to see some B&amp;H activity south of the river. Keep me posted mate. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:3bm4gld3] Hail Brother <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> I was pleased to receive your reply <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Yeah mate dont worry about B&amp;H in this area ha ha ! People need a bit of help in remembering that only as a group of UNITED &amp; MOTIVATED WHITE PEOPLE can we make our way of life continue <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> I want to get a meeting organised for the current interested members of the division, if you are interested in a meet in central sutton give me a call on 07523997157 tomorrow after 10am if poss ok ? RR 1488 neil 0 0 gA== 3bm4gld3 0 0 u_1212
3583 0 1221 0 1215199846 1 1 1 1 hi greetings commrade welcome hope to speak soon <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 f8xtqx6h 0 0 u_1266
5334 0 1973 0 1224704598 1 1 1 1 oi Vraagje het is toch weer zever wat ze nu hebben gedaan met er een paar op te pakken. Als schending van de racisme wet. Wat doen de moslims dan met hun jihad zeggen dat iedereen dat niet moslim wil worden moet worden vermoord. Maar dat is vriendjes politiek. p.s.Wanneer is er nog een iets te doen zoals betoging of propaganda. Weet enkel dat er voorlopig niks is van nsa Trouwens bedankt voor te komen 11oktober geweest 0 0 3c3g78fe 0 0 u_1785
4873 4870 53 0 1221679091 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Nonni, lovely to hear from you, hope you are well, its a shame you cant come this year, perhaps you can come over for our st Georges day gig in April, its our 2nd biggest gig of the year, &amp; always a good 1, stay in touch, take care Shell <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 iz0zh9dr 0 0 u_650
5951 0 2245 0 1229984307 1 1 1 1 Re: Open season demo tape [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=17587#p17587:3cx7borh]Subject: Open season demo tape[/url:3cx7borh] [quote=&quot;BIGE88&quot;:3cx7borh]&quot; i think there are only two tracks on it ill have to get it out and play it pm me with youre name adderss and ill send you a copy ok bige88. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:3cx7borh] Cheers oi pls post to lee c / o 4 hazelcroft churchdown gloucester GL3 2DT let me know what i owe you least have a drink cheers oi 0 0 kA== 3cx7borh 0 0 u_1972
6553 0 1972 0 1234578643 1 1 1 1 donation to 28 &quot;hello mate ive sold an item of wich ill give the money to 28 can i send the money to you ive seen 2 cds im going to buy aswell soon is this ok all the best folks nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3nlytdte 0 0 u_73
3524 3299 460 0 1215039013 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A. [quote=&quot;lusoamerican&quot;:1l4rggxt]Do you like SaLazar? Some Portuguese people on this forum say he wasn't a good man, I've always heard good things about him. Can you elaborate on this please. Obrigado.[/quote:1l4rggxt] Man, i can tell you one thing...Salazar was one of the best portuguese that ever existed. 88 0 0 gA== 1l4rggxt 0 0 u_987
3528 3160 215 0 1215086005 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine J'attend le versement de ma paye pour t'envoyer tout cela car je suis un peu raide niveau tune en ce moment. A+ 0 0 djfznxp5 0 0 u_304
5398 0 2100 0 1225149655 1 1 1 1 hello ok mate. thanks for the help. what whe need is contact with some bands for make a fanzine. i hope you can help us take care sebastian kretschmer <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3vnhw6xw 0 0 u_2092
5399 5284 74 0 1225157760 1 1 1 1 Re: cds hi there have u any whitelaw cds danny88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 y3oah0rs 0 0 u_103
6486 6469 801 0 1234131773 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi gig in Manchester Went home early. Not on top form due too much drinking on Saturday night/Sunday 3-30. Lowlife were on but the venue was shite. Loads of lefties and queers. Sat next to a woman who turned out to be a bloke. Roll on a 28 do where people are civilised. 0 0 3u7nb5i4 0 0 u_284
5402 5395 549 0 1225189735 1 1 1 1 Re: Any help ? morning sorry just got your message that would be nice if you wouldnt mind mate not really fussed about covers dont really look at them anyway <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> if you want my contact details send me a email or a add on msn <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 88 zak <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2mhr4otg 0 0 u_531
3530 3526 105 0 1215098877 1 1 1 1 Re: BLOOD&amp;HONOUR NEW ZEALAND Hail, Do you have an email address? Thanks MArtin 0 0 1agmulr5 0 0 u_379
3531 3299 987 0 1215102114 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A. Thank You. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1rasp6kl 0 0 u_460
5629 5625 780 0 1227372736 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire Ah thats great thanks, Do I need to pay upfront or will it be aright if I pay the £20 on the day? My mobile number is 07914219322 Ive got a mate coming up from Devon but he's got a car so should be pretty easy for me to tell him were The gig is when I know. I herd its somewhere up here? 0 0 22pqxl73 0 0 u_66
5397 5371 297 0 1225146968 1 1 1 1 Re: hi, Hi there,cheers for the support...yeah we're all doing good... And hopefully yes we are putting our names forward to do white xmas.. 14/828 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3o7zyy5d 0 0 u_1959
5331 5274 235 0 1224698622 1 1 1 1 Re: Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross received cd today exellent many thanx boz 0 0 3mnfashf 0 0 u_58
4209 0 1221 0 1216933400 1 1 1 1 v greets brother chubley told me about you and said you was around my age so i fort hey ill say howdy and nice to meet you online that is tell me about urself? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> weeman 0 0 1x5li94k 0 0 u_549
5977 0 152 0 1230686588 1 1 1 1 Empire Falls Just say the word, Simon, &amp; they're gone. We are solidly 28.. No one hates c18 here like VF does! The Hammers here were the ones who brought them out to play that one gig, as well as many others, but we know what c18 is all about--shit. They claim to not be c18 but &quot;dont want drama&quot; etc etc.. I confronted Brian H on these issues in person, &amp; all he could say is &quot;we have friends in all camps&quot; &amp; we like &amp; support everybody, blah blah blah. I will say that he was very respectful &amp; meek when I was asking him about all this, but they need to shit or get off the pot. Over here, we have too many wishy-washy people', Not in BH America, but in many camps; even with folks that supposedly know better ... Anyway, we stand behind Brotherhood 28 100% so I am more than happy to get your opinion on the best way to deal with this without causing a big to-do or damaging a positive event. I know that Randy feels likewise. PS I dont know how often you see Ken McL, but please give him my best regards (Mike in Florida). 0 0 3flet1sq 0 0 u_65
6077 0 54 0 1231746348 1 1 1 1 Your Multiple Accounts Hi Nick, Re: [i:j2e4i18f]its me bige88 ive had to change my accounnt as the admin told me to so if anyone pmd me at my old account cany they contact me here please happy new year every one bige 88 aka adolf hitler[/i:j2e4i18f] I have checked with the other admins and none of them know anything about this. The forum forces you to change your password every 3 months, so I can only assume that you were locked out by this. I have deleted your BIGE888 and BIGE8888 accounts. I have reset your BIGE88 password to Password28 I've checked it and it works. You need to type the new password exactly how I have written it. I will give you a couple of days to log in with it and then I will delete your Adolf Hitler account. Please be aware that we know exactly who you are whenever you re-join the forum as we can trace it through the adminstrator panel. If you cause any futher trouble like you did previously your account will be deleted instantly - no warnings, and it will be deleted every time you come back. Please do not respond to this PM as I am not interested in corresponding with you and I won't reply. BlueEyedBlonde 0 0 IA== j2e4i18f 0 0 u_2373
3550 3160 304 0 1215158993 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine C'est bon file moi ton adresse je te les envoie , tu m'enverra l'argent après que tu la recu , on est pas des juifs kamerade. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 11perfkx 0 0 u_215
3553 0 978 0 1215166435 1 1 1 1 Section Wallonia (south belgium) Hello, There is a strong demand for a section in Wallonia Blood and Honour. I recall that the Wallonia region is a white French-speaking Belgium. Wallonia also has a language which is the regional Walloon. Wallonia is a land brother of Brittany in France. Wallonia has been populated of the greatest Celtic tribes. To preserve the identity of the white Wallonia. Blood and Honour, Sieg Heil! Hallo, Es gibt eine starke Nachfrage für einen Abschnitt in der Wallonie Blood and Honour. Ich erinnere daran, dass die Region Wallonien ist eine weiße die französischsprachigen Belgien. Die Wallonie hat auch eine regionale Sprache, die das Wallon. Die Wallonie ist ein Land der Bruder von der Bretagne in Frankreich. Die Wallonie wurde bevölkerungsreichste der größten keltischen Stämme. Zur Wahrung der Identität der weißen Wallonie. Blut und Ehre, Sieg Heil! Bonjour, Il y a une forte demande pour une section Wallonie à Blood and Honour. Je rappelle que la Wallonie est une région blanche de la Belgique francophone. La Wallonie a aussi une langue régional qui est le Wallon. La Wallonie est une terre frère de la Bretagne de France. La Wallonie a été peuplé des plus grandes tribus celtes. Afin de préserver l’identité blanche de la Wallonie. Sang et Honneur, Sieg Heil ! 0 0 q45gs1cb 0 0 u_54
3554 0 978 0 1215166473 1 1 1 1 Section Wallonia (south belgium) Hello, There is a strong demand for a section in Wallonia Blood and Honour. I recall that the Wallonia region is a white French-speaking Belgium. Wallonia also has a language which is the regional Walloon. Wallonia is a land brother of Brittany in France. Wallonia has been populated of the greatest Celtic tribes. To preserve the identity of the white Wallonia. Blood and Honour, Sieg Heil! Hallo, Es gibt eine starke Nachfrage für einen Abschnitt in der Wallonie Blood and Honour. Ich erinnere daran, dass die Region Wallonien ist eine weiße die französischsprachigen Belgien. Die Wallonie hat auch eine regionale Sprache, die das Wallon. Die Wallonie ist ein Land der Bruder von der Bretagne in Frankreich. Die Wallonie wurde bevölkerungsreichste der größten keltischen Stämme. Zur Wahrung der Identität der weißen Wallonie. Blut und Ehre, Sieg Heil! Bonjour, Il y a une forte demande pour une section Wallonie à Blood and Honour. Je rappelle que la Wallonie est une région blanche de la Belgique francophone. La Wallonie a aussi une langue régional qui est le Wallon. La Wallonie est une terre frère de la Bretagne de France. La Wallonie a été peuplé des plus grandes tribus celtes. Afin de préserver l’identité blanche de la Wallonie. Sang et Honneur, Sieg Heil ! 0 0 17e537eu 0 0 u_58
3555 0 978 0 1215166584 1 1 1 1 Section Wallonia (south belgium) Hello, There is a strong demand for a section in Wallonia Blood and Honour. I recall that the Wallonia region is a white French-speaking Belgium. Wallonia also has a language which is the regional Walloon. Wallonia is a land brother of Brittany in France. Wallonia has been populated of the greatest Celtic tribes. To preserve the identity of the white Wallonia. Blood and Honour, Sieg Heil! Hallo, Es gibt eine starke Nachfrage für einen Abschnitt in der Wallonie Blood and Honour. Ich erinnere daran, dass die Region Wallonien ist eine weiße die französischsprachigen Belgien. Die Wallonie hat auch eine regionale Sprache, die das Wallon. Die Wallonie ist ein Land der Bruder von der Bretagne in Frankreich. Die Wallonie wurde bevölkerungsreichste der größten keltischen Stämme. Zur Wahrung der Identität der weißen Wallonie. Blut und Ehre, Sieg Heil! Bonjour, Il y a une forte demande pour une section Wallonie à Blood and Honour. Je rappelle que la Wallonie est une région blanche de la Belgique francophone. La Wallonie a aussi une langue régional qui est le Wallon. La Wallonie est une terre frère de la Bretagne de France. La Wallonie a été peuplé des plus grandes tribus celtes. Afin de préserver l’identité blanche de la Wallonie. Sang et Honneur, Sieg Heil ! 0 0 flnulrn9 0 0 u_2
3566 3310 1172 0 1215184057 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hi Wee man ,soz for not replying sooner i work away.Have you tryed joining the national front,they will give you guidence and a chance to make m8's at the meetings 88 lone wolf 0 0 qgf21d62 0 0 u_1221
3558 3552 53 0 1215175878 1 1 1 1 Re: Section Wallonia (south belgium) Hi we are looking into it, My self &amp; BlueEyedBlonde, please be patient RR Shell <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 38ywtziq 0 0 u_978
3590 0 379 0 1215241650 1 1 1 1 BLOOD&amp;HONOUR NEW ZEALAND Heil brother i will keep a copy and when the next one is out i will send it to you free of charge 28 brother perry BLOOD &amp; HONOUR NEW ZEALAND 0 0 15q529sk 0 0 u_105
6054 6053 70 0 1231528429 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! [quote=&quot;asgard1488&quot;:ufxtyq02]Hello Buddy , You - Me on at the same time !!! At home on me own tonight and yes working tomorrow and sunday <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> Call ya in a bit ok ? <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:ufxtyq02] good to see you made it home before 8 bro........ money grabber..ha ha . shame about tomorrow bro speak in a bit 828 0 0 gA== ufxtyq02 0 0 u_58
6056 6048 70 0 1231528815 1 1 1 1 Re: Ainzy Will do bro be good even if is for a couple give you call tomorrow 828 0 0 3ser3fx7 0 0 u_801
3648 0 987 0 1215446694 1 1 1 1 what private message send you a private message for what? 0 0 14ob3t44 0 0 u_1221
3649 3632 987 0 1215448110 1 1 1 1 Re: g Sorry about the first message that I sent to you, I couldn't find the message you sent to me so I was a bit confused and asked what message you wanted mr to sent to you. I plan on going to the metal masters tour this summer, the last concert I went to was OZZFEST 2007, and it was great do you plan on going to any concerts this summer? BLACK SABBATH is my alltime favorite band, I love the OZZY years and the DIO Years and The Born Again album with Ian Gillian, the other stuff with Tony Martin, and Glen Hughes I don't like just cant get into it, except for maybe Headless Cross, althought I do like the song the Shining from the eternal Idol album, the seventh star album doesn't do anything for me not one song on there I like. 0 0 3agwx6v5 0 0 u_1221
3652 0 650 0 1215458858 1 1 1 1 Hi Me and at least two friends will come to the ISD memorial this year. I was wondering are you anywhere near Coventry or London? I Will be there and could visit you to buy something from you. 88. 0 0 xkfj4mnc 0 0 u_351
3654 0 247 0 1215462778 1 1 1 1 beating me on ebay mr reaper every time i think i have won a cd on ebay u bleeding beat me.any chance of giving me a break and giving me a list of cds you have allready got that way i will know if i have chance.anyway racial regards 0 0 3u2mfysa 0 0 u_121
3947 3903 1323 0 1216006673 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND 0 0 3bsdyd4x 0 0 u_351
5803 0 618 0 1228408860 1 1 1 1 nsv betoging gegroet, is het eigenlijk aangeraden om in de typische skinhead kledij naar zo'n betoging te gaan? want dat gaat de eerste keer zijn dat ik een betoging mee ga doen, en ik zou graag wat meer mensen met dezelfde gedachten leren kennen. jakke 0 0 31l5wrjw 0 0 u_1092
3948 3903 1323 0 1216006700 1 1 1 1 Re: FOR SALE REAL HITLER YOUTH ARM BAND 0 0 39priufz 0 0 u_351
3659 3622 1017 0 1215470638 1 1 1 1 Re: g trying my best to get you a lift up weeman . the two lads from my org that are from the midds ain't gonna make southport but hang in there you may get lucky yet as there are a couple of people from this forum that are from your area and if we can get you there we will , RR , SKEG . 0 0 roo3auyu 0 0 u_1221
5969 5968 276 0 1230379155 1 1 1 1 Re: Shadows of Blood sale unfortunately what is on the website is all i have your ordered cd is on its way cheers s-o-b 0 0 dc5m79ar 0 0 u_74
5833 0 98 0 1228574679 1 1 1 1 Question Hi there, I read your post regarding WAU; can you please let me know which address you have tried to contact and when you donated, it's possible the address was no longer in use or your mail has been trashed etc. Thanks, WAU 0 0 1puhgk90 0 0 u_1972
5971 0 74 0 1230381170 1 1 1 1 cds 0 0 4nhdfj7v 0 0 u_103
6823 0 54 0 1236603149 1 1 1 1 28 Oz Dramas Hi S, Is this post OK... I'm only concerned as they have very openly named the individual involved... <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=3117">viewtopic.php?f=71&amp;t=3117</a><!-- l --> I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure that the chap in question was the one that I hung out with in Melb the night before the Oz ISD and to be honest - he was a total dick... I talked about how he behaved that night (not admirable) in a thread in the admin section.. can send the details to you if you are interested. I'm asking because as much as I try, I know that I cannot be 100% impartial on 28 Oz based on my personal dealings with them - the shunning prescribed by AustMade in the post is exactly the same &quot;punishment' prescribed to me and to others whom I consider to be good folk. However they are not always wrong - if it's the same chap I am thinking of he was a dickhead, so bearing in mind you have a bigger picture view than me... should we delete the &quot;streetwiseandmean&quot; user account, and/or should we edit/delete the thread. Thanks N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1ywp5sjg 0 0 u_65
4847 0 1 0 1221595834 1 1 1 1 hi <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> if u got msn add me please i got some questions xxxx 0 0 10jbfi3p 0 0 u_53
4200 4164 96 0 1216927201 1 1 1 1 Re: Hallo ah ik was wel geintereseerd in : 1x Nieuwe bomberjack XL zwart 27euro 1x ijzeren pin met swastika 4euro 1x ijzeren pin met duitse adelaar en f SS m 4euro 1x We want our nation back patch met odal rune 4euro 1x Triskle ketting met hanger 10euro Groeten 0 0 2k6efktp 0 0 u_1340
3668 0 1221 0 1215474132 1 1 1 1 y thanks for your help commrade i really hope i can get down there wot u doin up so late anyways <!-- s~jew --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/Jew.gif" alt="~jew" title="Jew" /><!-- s~jew --> 0 0 2gziload 0 0 u_1017
4263 0 1221 0 1217186639 1 1 1 1 hey how you doin lee i said i would pm you how are you it was good meeting you yesterday the gig was amazing hope to see you soon cheers WEE_MAN <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 98nflbe3 0 0 u_663
3942 3941 53 0 1215995342 1 1 1 1 Re: a why not? 0 0 2vfqk7vv 0 0 u_1221
4288 4228 73 0 1217287302 1 1 1 1 Re: meeting what is the meeting all about mate, we have a division meeting pened in for the end of aug just before the isd 0 0 dibfbvh2 0 0 u_1017
4286 4119 1296 0 1217283593 1 1 1 1 Re: hello mate hos much time the t-shirt take in arrive?. take care wp 0 0 39596dnk 0 0 u_73
4287 4228 1017 0 1217286930 1 1 1 1 Re: meeting Ain't sure what date yet mate , but it is gonna be in Edinburgh . [list:34au05sl]but when we get a date will let you know . should find out for this weekend . [/list:u:34au05sl] 0 0 AEA= 34au05sl 0 0 u_73
3940 3937 53 0 1215994522 1 1 1 1 Re: d hahaha, were normally to busy abusing each other......bloody northerners <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> well as soon as you find out anything let me know please. I aint been up to much really, cant go running around all over the place as i'm on the sick from work so i keep a pretty low profile, but did go out last sunday with for a drink with a fella i know from B&amp;H, that was nice, he had mates down this weekend so couldn't do it this weekend, but he has called &amp; says he will call in the week, so who knows <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> U done any thing good? 0 0 t29mgqam 0 0 u_1221
5625 0 780 0 1227360641 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16152#p16152:pfix5ngg]Subject: white xmas coach from yorkshire[/url:pfix5ngg] [quote=&quot;vixen66&quot;:pfix5ngg]3 seats left................[/quote:pfix5ngg] Are there any seats left on that minibus? Sounds ideal because I don't live far from Sheffield Thanks Ryan 14/88 0 0 kA== pfix5ngg 0 0 u_66
3936 3935 53 0 1215994024 1 1 1 1 Re: f No......should he of? 0 0 11tamwrb 0 0 u_1221
5272 5271 109 0 1224401587 1 1 1 1 Re: your original banner- gif no worries... 0 0 1sjol2ff 0 0 u_1008
5767 0 276 0 1228200396 1 1 1 1 white xmas what part of kent you in ? east sussex myself so may be able to help if over this side 0 0 ne2vmjhw 0 0 u_1910
3934 3933 53 0 1215993716 1 1 1 1 Re: d I didn't forget, u got a time yet? Aye we speak most days, mainly text. 0 0 222dxrb4 0 0 u_1221
4877 0 1834 0 1221718156 1 1 1 1 ian stuart memorial 2008 Hi, could you help me somehow? I would really like to go for that meeting again. Last year it was very cool, but I dont know where it will be this year. Can you send me an address, or postcode where to go, or some instructios how to get there? The best way to respond is to send an email : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, or if it will by better for you to text me on mobile no.:07704057991. Thanx for that and best regards, Kabel1488 0 0 xrkg0oqc 0 0 u_1838
6360 5985 531 0 1233258192 1 1 1 1 Re: Cheers mate !! That's great mate, he'll be chuffed ! Thanks a lot mate, appreciate it <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 14/88 Ian 0 0 2zk1xu4i 0 0 u_69
3695 3652 650 0 1215478973 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Allright mate. I hope you get better. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3k582lyy 0 0 u_351
3698 0 58 0 1215493477 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8994#p8994:soqf9g7d]Subject: South of the River ???[/url:soqf9g7d] [quote=&quot;88dirty88&quot;:soqf9g7d]Im from balham but i live in croydon now... its like livin in a zoo![/quote:soqf9g7d] Hail Hail ! Please contact myself if you would like to meet 7 be part of S LONDON DIV RR Asgard <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 kA== soqf9g7d 0 0 u_1137
3699 0 58 0 1215493593 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10263#p10263:1z1dvx1p]Subject: South of the River ???[/url:1z1dvx1p] [quote=&quot;oldland14&quot;:1z1dvx1p]Wallington, near Croydon.[/quote:1z1dvx1p] Hail Hail Brother Contact me asap please if you would like to be part of S LONDON DIV <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Stones throw from where you are my friend !!! RR Asgard 0 0 kA== 1z1dvx1p 0 0 u_1212
3706 3654 121 0 1215529631 1 1 1 1 Re: beating me on ebay I was gonna say it was a different reaper lol. At least we are making some comrade money bidding against each other. The main one i want to win next is Razors Edge Flag Still Flying <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> Terry 0 0 u6at3l4s 0 0 u_247
3707 0 89 0 1215531953 1 1 1 1 Jacket I might have that jacket from you. I might have to pay P+P. I'm only 17 and can't get to many gigs, i'm getting a car the next few months so I can start going to most of the gigs this year. I could get to a gig if it was closer to my home. So i'll let you know if i'm going to have the jacket of you. 0 0 31u76rd1 0 0 u_297
4870 0 650 0 1221675706 1 1 1 1 Hi I am very sorry that I cant come to ISD this year. I will however try to come next year or even before that to see some other gig. I wish you a good time <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Best Regards, Nonni 0 0 1izsn5xu 0 0 u_53
3709 3160 304 0 1215539838 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine jtenvoie sa cette semaine , ok sa roule si t es frontalier envoie moi ton numero on pourra peut-être travailler ensemble. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 1f5tu6u6 0 0 u_215
6047 0 2376 0 1231454252 1 1 1 1 Orite mate My names ben, im from Widnes so not far away from liverpool, if you ever know of any travel arangements such as people going on coaches or trains could you contact me mate, ive never been a B&amp;H gig before and i dont fancy traveling there alone cheers 14/88 <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 2psb4f5w 0 0 u_284
5445 691 70 0 1225575373 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Hello real good to hear from you.... Hope it is all going well and you are settled. Jess I have no problem you staying at mine , there are quiet a few going to white xmas from Manchester and my car is full but could speak with skinheritage so could sort something out re transport to gig. Have a slight prob re Magnus in the fact that my family live other side of country and my mum will be in spain so have no one who could babysit.... know this will not help you... sorry . You are more than welcome to stay at mine anytime and sorry cant be much help re Magnus just really cant think of anyone who could look after him all best stu 0 0 oqiagz6p 0 0 u_200
4001 3984 1 0 1216317325 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF HAIL BEN PM ME A PHOTO OR TWO TO MY PRIVATE E MAIL ADDRESS WICH IS AND GIVE IT TO ANDY NICK RICH <!-- e --><a href="mailto:MOMPERS23649612@AOL.COM">MOMPERS23649612@AOL.COM</a><!-- e --> LOOK FROWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU NICK 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 c7foxpzj 0 0 u_145
5681 5677 761 0 1227649822 1 1 1 1 Re: cd no problem 88 0 0 2x6pe00r 0 0 u_74
5687 5308 279 3 1227702103 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Post... sorry about my dad not answering the phone the resson why is because he's phone got broke and before that i got cut of the internet so i couldnt give u a different number to ring. [b:mqlpwprg][b]88 sieg hail[/b:mqlpwprg][/b] 0 0 QA== mqlpwprg 0 0 u_297
5081 0 1362 0 1222970032 1 1 1 1 oi oi oi oi mate, hope that dibble van wasnt for you =P that stuff u gave me is shit hot! cheers! lol atm am finding out shit on the reds at college, iv made a pretend myspace n commie-ed it up so they aint suspicious, that one who passes ur shop says he will smack a fascist or w/e wenever he sees one, so next time he passes ur shop go out with all ur tats on show n see what he does =P lol its a reet laugh, theyre all thick as fuck XD heil 88 Nick 0 0 2a4b0ca2 0 0 u_59
6912 6879 73 0 1237057615 1 1 1 1 Re: kriss Donald's my number is 07732 085 074 mate cheers paul 0 0 2fotu6el 0 0 u_2584
5717 5708 79 0 1227890388 1 1 1 1 Re: White xmas [b:605e1g5r]Thank you my friend, my contact number is 07725850006 as for a ticket will I need one, are they limited to numbers? I'll get in touch with Benny and save one at the door if I need one?[/b:605e1g5r] 0 0 QA== 605e1g5r 0 0 u_801
5446 0 2122 0 1225577449 1 1 1 1 hello hello, my name is Marc, prospect of Vloksfront US. as you already know VF and B&amp;H for some time have worked together and i would like to see thay cooperation extended in other countries so I would like to ask you if you can give me your msn contact and i will sent it to my VF brothers in Portugal to try make a connection between us all. I apprechiate you attention and hope to hear from you soon. ROA 0 0 1evr252n 0 0 u_203
4348 4164 1340 0 1217593167 1 1 1 1 Re: Hallo Beste, We hebben niets meer van u vernomen, heeft u het geld al opgestuurd? Uw bestelling ligt reeds klaar, indien je deze niet meer wil gewoon even cancellen. Groeten 88 0 0 206aa0am 0 0 u_96
3971 0 901 0 1216146031 1 1 1 1 T-shirt hallo Skingirl , Ik ben wel geintereseerd in de &quot;Good night left side &quot; TS in maat L. Maar hoe kan ik betalen? En zou ik er een foto van kunnen zien? Groeten S-Vl 0 0 3svkyjtm 0 0 u_1340
3972 3971 1340 0 1216146549 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirt Heil dir, Liefst via bankoverschrijving, foto is mogelijk via email. Pm je email maar. 88. [quote=&quot;S-VL&quot;:3s8xk6xp]hallo Skingirl , Ik ben wel geintereseerd in de &quot;Good night left side &quot; TS in maat L. Maar hoe kan ik betalen? En zou ik er een foto van kunnen zien? Groeten S-Vl[/quote:3s8xk6xp] 0 0 gA== 3s8xk6xp 0 0 u_901
3973 3971 901 0 1216146791 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirt Hallo , Dit is mijn e-mail adres : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 24z1lhmr 0 0 u_1340
3748 0 1221 0 1215558417 1 1 1 1 S WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN OZ I REALLY WANT TO GET TATTOOD BY YOU OM BACK COMMRADE <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 222xodjg 0 0 u_120
3955 3914 113 0 1216042973 1 1 1 1 Re: BBQ Hahaha tot dan hé <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 r6bsjjym 0 0 u_102
5342 5339 61 0 1224783381 1 1 1 1 Re: new member [quote=&quot;oz9468&quot;:23yuuwy5][url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15135#p15135:23yuuwy5]Subject: new member[/url:23yuuwy5] [quote=&quot;crazy celt&quot;:23yuuwy5]Hello &amp; welcome from Hampshire. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:23yuuwy5] hi can you help me please? im listening to a song on a cd,and im sure who sings it. the first line is when i see the national flag flying in the wind.. some of chorus is your a skinhead and you should be proud of who you are.. oz[/quote:23yuuwy5] Hello mate, I'm not sure who sing's it, you could post a thread asking as I'm sure someone on here would know. There are so many bands &amp; CD's out now it's hard to keep up with them all. 0 0 kA== 23yuuwy5 0 0 u_2079
4084 3303 76 0 1216647445 1 1 1 1 Re: COACH FOR STINKO MEMORIAL GIG! Heyup Jules.Sent the cheque off this morning with a note with my number on.Dont think i put my name on it though.The mrs wrote the cheque in her name.Ring me when you get it please.88 0 0 g6z5ien2 0 0 u_66
6044 0 143 0 1231436925 1 1 1 1 Day of honour Hello Gabor, all the best for you and your family in new year. Boldog uj evet. Me and my girlfriend will go to Day of honour, is it possible that we come in Nagykanisza in the morning and go with you to Budapest? Bojan 0 0 1fldkuyx 0 0 u_1053
5341 5340 54 0 1224782362 1 1 1 1 Re: help [quote=&quot;oz9468&quot;:347saxxm]hi can you help me please? im listening to a song on a cd,and im sure who sings it. the first line is when i see the national flag flying in the wind.. some of chorus is your a skinhead and you should be proud of who you are.. thanks oz[/quote:347saxxm] Hi there, I answered your question here: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=2235&amp;p=15149#p15149">viewtopic.php?f=2&amp;t=2235&amp;p=15149#p15149</a><!-- l --> Welcome to the forum! Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 347saxxm 0 0 u_2079
3774 3668 1017 0 1215566969 1 1 1 1 Re: y [quote=&quot;WEE_MAN&quot;:25d6bqnu]thanks for your help commrade i really hope i can get down there wot u doin up so late anyways <!-- s~jew --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/Jew.gif" alt="~jew" title="Jew" /><!-- s~jew -->[/quote:25d6bqnu] On the late sift this week M8 . why r u <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 gA== 25d6bqnu 0 0 u_1221
3775 3748 120 0 1215577020 1 1 1 1 Re: S Sorry brother! I just noticed your first message, there's a Tamworth here too, if your ever in this neck of the woods I'd be more than happy to tattoo you! Brad 828 0 0 38clagmp 0 0 u_1221
5659 0 1953 0 1227536419 1 1 1 1 mags if you get no takers i will take them! im in the usa and i have paypal 0 0 3mseqfhz 0 0 u_244
5848 0 143 0 1228701815 1 1 1 1 Honor biography Hello, can you write to me Honor biography ( discography, concerts, etc...)? You can contact me on my e-mail: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> , MSN: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, Skype: slavic_salute Thanks in advance, Slava! 0 0 3jhe0fjl 0 0 u_158
5840 0 323 4 1228620196 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H tees Scotland Hey i'm looking to get my boyfriend some B&amp;H Scotland tees, he wears a xl do you have anything available to buy? I would like a tee in a small also.. Cheers Vicky p.s. i also updated the Frigga Page on our site to say B&amp;H Scotland sorry for the mixup.. 0 0 1eabqx9z 0 0 u_73
5858 0 72 0 1228813034 1 1 1 1 Many Thanks Hello Mate Just a quick note to say, yes everything arreived safely last week <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> ........... Besy regards.Rob 0 0 5xwr7fjy 0 0 u_1713
5844 5803 1092 0 1228652940 1 1 1 1 Re: nsv betoging is elk zen eige stijl en idee, geen skin, minder last met flikken.. zoiezo niets van wapens meepakke! flikken control! 0 0 12kh76n2 0 0 u_618
5437 0 67 0 1225538808 1 1 1 1 Re: Meet up [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15475#p15475:3yqumyso]Subject: Meet up[/url:3yqumyso] [quote=&quot;BODHVAR-BJARKI&quot;:3yqumyso]we've got some foreign born official supporters living in the UK and Ireland, would love to see them working with B&amp;H Wales and getting to know folks an email the can contact? 828[/quote:3yqumyso] <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 828 0 0 kA== 3yqumyso 0 0 u_88
5337 5209 220 0 1224774013 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:azp7x1oa]Jel stigla majica?[/quote:azp7x1oa] Je, brzo je došla. Vidim iz Rijeke si poslao, hvala. 0 0 gA== azp7x1oa 0 0 u_171
5339 0 2079 0 1224775734 1 1 1 1 Re: new member [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15135#p15135:24uu5rpy]Subject: new member[/url:24uu5rpy] [quote=&quot;crazy celt&quot;:24uu5rpy]Hello &amp; welcome from Hampshire. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:24uu5rpy] hi can you help me please? im listening to a song on a cd,and im sure who sings it. the first line is when i see the national flag flying in the wind.. some of chorus is your a skinhead and you should be proud of who you are.. oz 0 0 kA== 24uu5rpy 0 0 u_61
5422 5420 59 0 1225358665 1 1 1 1 Re: oi oi Lo nick Don't worry about who that guy today was, he's sound but anti social with people he doesn't know. He's distrusting of new faces aned rightly so in todays climate. Do an internet search on Che, everyone he killed thats wasn't commie makes him a murderer lol 14 Duds 0 0 2mpechm1 0 0 u_1362
5414 0 1937 0 1225264925 1 1 1 1 TE QUIERO te quiero vuelve conmigo, te nececito mi vida 0 0 3rdwt7ir 0 0 u_2003
5923 5912 2287 0 1229471478 1 1 1 1 Re: Multikul-terreur ik heb daar gewoond, maar nu niet meer. Maar ik kom daar wel vaak, heb namelijk nog veel vrienden van middelbaar daar wonen... ik zal kort zeggen wat ik weet en als je meer wil weten dan schrijf ik het wel uit. -in begin van het jaar probeerde politie een overvaller te arresteren maar het draaide helemaal verkeerd uit. Ze werden nogal brutaal gevraagd om wijk te verlaten, het komt op neer dat er plots uit niets marokkanen verschijnen met wapens enzo... Het was wel relatief goed afgelopen voor agenten aangezien versterking snel ter plaatse was... -maar de beste vind ik eigenlijk feit dat de ambulanciers in borgerhout kogelvrijvesten in de ziekenwagen hebben... <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> vervolg komt later <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3c073mlv 0 0 u_62
5179 4829 1878 0 1223729227 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS hallo, ik heb ooit een mailke gestuurd, ook naar Wehrwulf28, maar heb daar nooit een reactie op ontvangen. zou het tof vinden moest wat contact kunnen houden. groet, Peter 0 0 2g091sx0 0 0 u_90
5329 0 858 0 1224691194 1 1 1 1 Test Test 0 0 2a96lhj3 0 0 u_858
4773 4770 68 3 1221117242 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members Yehh its not long now! Canny' wait!! See you next weekend! Helen -14- 0 0 8028cfgw 0 0 u_1838
5799 0 53 0 1228378420 1 1 1 1 Re: Best British Band of 2008 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=16832#p16832:8khqvexi]Subject: Best British Band of 2008[/url:8khqvexi] [quote=&quot;4BLOOD AND HONOUR&quot;:8khqvexi]whitelaw[/quote:8khqvexi] Hi Tony, I've had to edit this post, &amp; remove the youtube link, we dont allow them on the site. The older forums we did &amp; we were getting spammed to hell, we dont now &amp; the spamming has really dropped. Shell 0 0 kA== 8khqvexi 0 0 u_2247
4842 4829 90 0 1221583124 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS Gegroet Ben van de provincie Antwerpen <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Freiheit 28 0 0 afw1wjnt 0 0 u_1878
4979 4975 1734 0 1222152743 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 :D Eleganckie fotki! Lece do pracy.oDezwe sie wieczorkiem. 88 0 0 3nhma7uy 0 0 u_1711
5282 5277 108 0 1224449407 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu [quote=&quot;Sturmführer&quot;:hi80eswh]karte ?e svaki ?as u prodaju. kaže organizator da ?e se prodavati an ime da se izbjegne falsificiranje pa ?u morati poslati popis kupaca jer ?e se s osobnom ulaziti. upad 50 kuna a karte ?emo uzimati za tjedan-dva.[/quote:hi80eswh] aha,a jel poznajes organizatore?kakvog su usmjerenja?volim bend premda ne bi bilo poželjno naci se u potpunom okruzenju gamadi 0 0 gA== hi80eswh 0 0 u_930
4926 4925 1074 0 1221836931 1 1 1 1 Re: isd No and a redirection may not make it on here today, I asked ISD1488 moderator for ISD memorial thread, I told you was wanting number for redirection. 0 0 19a628g8 0 0 u_1869
4927 4925 1869 0 1221837228 1 1 1 1 Re: isd there is a few people posting messages asking for redirection no. 0 0 wlxwb97q 0 0 u_1074
3828 3825 1251 0 1215686454 1 1 1 1 Re: pics Fantastic pics! Did you take them? Thank you! 0 0 1s2m865w 0 0 u_84
3829 3825 84 0 1215691641 1 1 1 1 Re: pics thanks,i took some of them my friends took the rest at various gigs 0 0 b43awh50 0 0 u_1251
6064 6053 58 0 1231662861 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi Oi ! Yes I have got a copy , I will burn a copy off and send it to you ok mate !! Its well loud and heavy ha ha 828 ere are you pissed and surfing the net ? 0 0 3p57jbib 0 0 u_70
5878 0 2245 0 1228942779 1 1 1 1 swaps do u any swaps available of sunweel chrome pins i,ll a batch of tree of life runes arriveing 2o th jan approx available for swaps 0 0 164f64x4 0 0 u_276
4809 0 100 0 1221290111 1 1 1 1 BW Spoken to badwolf heres his email he wont be on saturday <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> &lt;; 0 0 2zt8g1c3 0 0 u_396
5578 0 115 0 1226952118 1 1 1 1 empire falls Hi, Whats this one about then ? <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> [quote:3g1m6gsz]It's not just &quot;by the HSN&quot; actually.. It's by several different nonpartisan racialists actually, including, but not limited to, Florida Volksfront, Florida CHS, &amp; others as well. ALL positive White Nationalists are welcome to it for it is about the Martyrs, their families, &amp; POWs.[/quote:3g1m6gsz] 0 0 gA== 3g1m6gsz 0 0 u_152
5203 5194 168 0 1223902562 1 1 1 1 Re: Isd geen probleem, had al plek voor jullie voorzien 0 0 18dzpps6 0 0 u_332
5281 0 1386 0 1224437431 1 1 1 1 thanks hi blueeyedblonde. thanks for replying,i appreciate that,im not completely alone then! november 9th is rememberance day and the nf will be in london on that day and hopefully i will be going,if so i will send your other half a message and take it from there. thanks again,im adding you to my friend list! 0 0 3ij7a6xz 0 0 u_54
3843 0 1256 0 1215727877 1 1 1 1 uniforms give <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> a look not bad gear <!-- s`tkflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/c1ee46e3b9c4688807191e4je3.gif" alt="`tkflag" title="tkflag" /><!-- s`tkflag --> 0 0 weklxvke 0 0 u_1116
4686 4680 69 0 1220699416 1 1 1 1 Re: book hey! thanks for that mate..just let me know if you find it and we will get something sorted with regards payment etc ok..thanks again <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3vyll61g 0 0 u_1782
4687 0 1787 0 1220699880 1 1 1 1 No Subject Assuming it's Ian? Good to find you mate. Turner (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) 0 0 nekhlnf0 0 0 u_67
4688 0 1787 0 1220700272 1 1 1 1 Real Ale Consumers! Haha, good to find you on here mate. (BTW, I recall Brad from Blackout telling me your username so I thought I'd look it up!) Turner (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) 0 0 2ayq2gva 0 0 u_284
3846 0 531 0 1215730985 1 1 1 1 Re: jugend uniform and panzerlied mp3 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10540#p10540:2ppukaor]Subject: jugend uniform and panzerlied mp3[/url:2ppukaor] [quote=&quot;panzerfaust18&quot;:2ppukaor]hey again comrades :D .. does anyone know who makes nazi uniforms , ide prefer 2nd ss jugend uni but im open to different divisions , and can anyone send me Panzerlied on mp3 so i can copy to disk please ? .. its a great motivating track and i cant find it anywhere ... cheers comrades <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:2ppukaor] Evening comrade, looks like you're in luck, altho I can do Panzerlied, it's on a cd with shitloads of other marches. If you don't mind that, give me 2 or 3 days to finish downloading and I'll get back in touch. 88 Ian (Wiking67) 0 0 kA== 2ppukaor 0 0 u_1116
3865 3846 1116 0 1215800984 1 1 1 1 Re: jugend uniform and panzerlied mp3 cheers matey :D <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 bfi0oasc 0 0 u_531
3866 3843 1116 0 1215801152 1 1 1 1 Re: uniforms cheers mate :D 0 0 2w94y46e 0 0 u_1256
3867 3864 1 0 1215801805 1 1 1 1 Re: ta mate :D OK MATE I CANT DO THAT AS I ONLY HAVE IT ON AUDIO TAPE SEND US YOURE NAME ADDRESS AND ILL SEND IT TO YOU MINE IS NICK RICH 5 POCOCKS BANK FOUR ELMS NR EDENBRIDGE KENT TN8 7PR IF THATS OK WITH YOU 88 NICK <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 b6ip2wsn 0 0 u_1116
3868 3864 1116 0 1215804258 1 1 1 1 Re: ta mate :D ive got another guy sending it me but cheers bro :D . . . what you upt tnoight , anything good ? 0 0 3dqqyg9y 0 0 u_351
3869 3864 1 0 1215805127 1 1 1 1 Re: ta mate :D OK MATE GOOD IM ON LINE TONIGHT AS IAM MOST NIGHTS I SHOULD BE OFF TO THE WAR AND PEACE SHOW TOMRROW . I HAVE NS ITEMS FOR SALE IF YOURE INTRESED MATE TAKE A LOOK IN THE FOR SALE SECTION IF THERS ANY THING YOU WANT TAKE A LOOK MATE NICK 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1ntat8vd 0 0 u_1116
3878 3771 54 0 1215821529 1 1 1 1 Re: help Hello martillo311, Welcome to the forum, good to have you here. I have passed on your pm to the right people, and they should be in touch with you. In the meantime, I would suggest posting and interacting on the forum as a way of letting people get to know you. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2wrmu3cp 0 0 u_1296
4033 3984 1 0 1216353374 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:2xt1tlcl]hail ben thank you mate this is getting worse and worse about nicole a bloody nightmare imay play it a bit longer and see what happens can you please please ask andy to contact me his best mate nick rich his best mate ever or i was when i spoke to him and the message he left on my phone 2005 hell even my family like him i know he had a kid in egland who sadly died in a car crash and he coudnt get here to see his sons grave i want my old mate back. any help from you would be most welcome are the bhs still going they did some good gigs i really am shocked the more i hear about nicloe shes got graham of avalon eating out of her hand attack him and youre hear all about it i did its nigel browneall over again or worse andy told me about that one and how he went to jail for a bit thanks for youre help comrade keep in contact nick rich britsh movment i was going to join the bhs but i lost touch 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:2xt1tlcl] Yeah she is a royal scumbag, I have no doubt that eventually people overseas will realize what a snobby fake scum she's only a matter of time. If people don't want to listen to the Australian scene has to say about her, well fuck them. Yeah nigel brown.....gggggggrrrrrrr, fuck that scum, if any of us run into him he is getting fucked up for sure. None of us have any idea were he is though, I really hope we find him one day though. Yeah the BHS are still going strong, they're generally at most UK gigs these days. The Hammerskins have a solid presence in most of the ONCE were white countries in the world. There is 9 chapters of HSN in Germany alone. Great to see you're in the BM, I have always had great respect for that group since I was a kid. I have always wanted to get a BM Phoenix tattoo, I have a few real old small photocopied pictures of it, do you have decent sized, real clear pictures of it? Yeah mate, very sad about Andy's kid dying in a car crash in Britian.....that would be very hard for any man to take. He has a new woman &amp; a new born things are going well for him. I will give him you're email address so you can re-connect with your old friend. Solid friendships/brothers are hard to find, so when you find one it's well worth staying in contact as I'm sure you know. 0 0 gA== 2xt1tlcl 0 0 u_351
3885 3846 531 0 1215869762 1 1 1 1 Re: jugend uniform and panzerlied mp3 All done mate, there's around 5 cd's in total, including 2 versions of panzerlied, couple of Hitler speeches etc etc. Send me your address and let me know whether you want all cd's or just the 2 with panzerlied. Won't make much difference cos I aint charging for em, only trouble is there were no covers to download so I'll just have muddle through with cd titles. If you not sure about sending your address out, check me out with Bulldog Drummond &amp; Chubley, they've had things from me before with no problems. 88 Ian 0 0 3cvnigc9 0 0 u_1116
5768 5608 66 0 1228203347 1 1 1 1 Re: xmas hi kenny we get back to york about.. 3.30-4 am ish... you are more than welcome to stay at ours as you will find it hard to get a train back at that time , my husband can pick you up from the station if you come by train as the coach is leaving my house in york... jules 88 0 0 1tv0ewat 0 0 u_2161
4948 4340 850 0 1221935957 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Beste, wordt het stillaan is geen tijd dat u mij het materiaal opstuurt dat ik weken geleden besteld en betaald heb? 0 0 2059iz3m 0 0 u_1340
4949 4340 1340 0 1221942611 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Word maandag verstuurd ! sorry voor het ongemak. wegens teveel bestellingen is het n beetje uit de hand gelopen. mvg 0 0 3pk0dfph 0 0 u_850
3898 0 1306 0 1215917150 1 1 1 1 activisme indien interesse in het serieusere werk neem kontakt op 0 0 38oineic 0 0 u_901
3899 0 1306 0 1215917347 1 1 1 1 kameraad nationalist hallo, indien je interesse hebt om je serieus in te zetten in activiteiten laat dan iets weten 0 0 370cwfwy 0 0 u_802
4673 4604 1082 0 1220619710 1 1 1 1 Re: Sons Of Europe - 23 08 08 [quote=&quot;Forever28Defiant&quot;:1it8gprb]Dekani?u?[/quote:1it8gprb] od kuda znaš moje prezime ? 0 0 gA== 1it8gprb 0 0 u_171
5404 5396 76 0 1225214191 1 1 1 1 Re: MARCH OR DIE.. Will do.Sorry for shit caused. 0 0 ixdceni1 0 0 u_785
5636 5625 66 0 1227433875 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire hi ryan if you could send me the coach money up front that would be ideal.... if its cheque or p.o. please make it payable to julie mcguffog 18 lilbourne drive clifton york north yorkshire yo30 6pz asap .... thanks jules 88 it will be good to see you again 0 0 3l9zbgbe 0 0 u_780
5287 5277 930 0 1224516823 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu Neznam koji je taj heli?. U Karlovcu ima svega, lijevih, desnih i neutralnih. Zna?i punk, trad skinsi, metal, hc i svi su jedna ekipa. Dogovor je da nema petokraka i svastika na tribini što se toga ti?e. Uglavnom ve?ina imaju preko 30 i bendove još iz 80ih tako da su prerasli podjele. Kaže organizator da su boysi naru?ili 300 karata, što ne?e dobiti jer prednost imaju karlov?ani. Nemoraš se uop?e brinuti da ?e ti kakav šugavac srati jer sam siguran da ?e biti i ljevih i desnih hrpa. Prije ?e te zajebavati kakav rije?ki panker. Kažu karlov?ani da nemaju problema s ikim dok je sve mirno. Uostalom Marko se lijepo zabavio preksino?. 0 0 pfn52cxn 0 0 u_108
5264 5194 168 0 1224279906 1 1 1 1 Re: Isd hey, het adres voor morgen is: camping &quot;de ijzerhoeve&quot; kapellestreet 4 8600 diksmuide tot 12uur. 0 0 12w504ju 0 0 u_332
3922 3899 802 0 1215978941 1 1 1 1 Re: kameraad nationalist ik heb er zeker en vast intressen in en ben ook aanwezig op het komende event laat me weten wat het inhoud maar je kan zeker rekene op mijn steun <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> cheerz828 0 0 2d8us2tc 0 0 u_1306
5804 0 2157 0 1228415802 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig Hi Bruv. Did you manage to get a lift? I live in Ipswich and was hoping to catch a lift aswel but with no luck. Cheers 0 0 cfuublsa 0 0 u_1745
3988 3984 1 0 1216261981 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:smeq3l6g]HAIL COMRADE NOW IM TRYING TO HELP BLUE EYED BLONDE IS SHE TAKEN THE PISS BECUSE IM BRITISH AND HATES ME THE ONLY THING I CAN THINK OF IS SHE IRISH BY ANY CHANCE AS I DONT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HER SHE KNOWS ABOUT ME BUT I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HER AS I SAID SHES BEEN GOOD TO ME MY NEXT POST MAY SHOCK HER YOU EVERY ONE ELSE ABOUT WHAT HAPPEND TO ME. AND WHY ILL NEVER SURPORT FOX HUNTING IF THE HUNTS DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO HIDE WHY DO THEY HIRE THUNGS TO BEAT UP ANTI HUNT SURPORTERS LIKE I AS AND I WAS INNOCENT MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS I WILL NEVER FOREGIVE OR FOREGET WHAT HAPPEND TO ME I HATE THE RICH MIDDLE CLASS SNOBS MORE THAN THE NIGGERS PAKIS JEWS AS IT IS THE RICH WHO BROUGHT THEM HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE I WANT VENGAANCE FOR WHAT HAPPEND I NEVER GOT JUSTICE ON MY LOCAL NEWSTHE CAWLEY HUNT WANT EAST SUSSEX LEAGUE OF CRAUL SPORTS BANNED FROM LAND FILMING THEM HUNT WHEN OLD SIR DERK GREENAWAY HES DIED GONE NOW SOS THE HUNT THANK FUCK IF THE WORKING CLASS SURFS ON HIS ESTATE DIDNT SURPORT THE HUNT THEYED BE BOOTED OUT OF THEIR TIED COTTAGES AND LOSE THEIR JOBS CONTCAT ME NICK 88. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:smeq3l6g] G'day brother, I wouldn't bother trying to talk any sense to &quot;beb&quot;, she is a stuck up rich feminest snob and is hated by all in the scene that has met her in here (Hammerskins, B &amp; H etc) Most here have only met her at that one ISD she went to, and took an instant disliking too, I was thinking with my wrong head....(as sometimes us silly men do)..and it obviously clouded my judgement, but it didn't take long to see her true colours. She apparently was a skinhead as a teenager 17-22....after that she left the scene/cause etc....joined the hunt club rich snobby crowd, was secretary of the Canberra hunt club for 20 years, dated a rich upper class MARRIED man for years, hung out with millionares and all those snobby crap that goes along with it, ended up getting married to some wanker in the end etc. She hadn't talked seen or talked to any skin/WP/NS people in 20 years till she started talking to me on the dumbass site stromfront. She was a full lemming, knew nothing about jews/Z.O.G. or NS or race issues. She always posted pics of herself when she was a sexy thin 18yo, not the fat slob she has become now. Long story short, she came to a ISD memorial gig (only one shes ever been too) and we hooked up and started going out together. I lived with her &amp; her daughter for a while in Canberra on her $800,000 property with her 3 horses (which she sometimes wouldn't feed for days, hell 1 was left out in the cold with no shelter....poor thing died in the end....inhumane bitch) her 4WD &amp; her $130,000 BMW sports car. She took me out to ritzy expensive lunches and dinners and to all these richy poserish type places that as a WP skin of 20 years had obviously never been to. In the end (after 10 months or so) I dumped her like a bad habbit as she was a rich, full of herself snob, very bitchy, big time feminist, aggressive abusive drunk, hygiene like a nigger and just a real nasty piece of work. (She also insulted &amp; offended my mother, my family and friends. not supprising they all hated her) We fought often as she many times said to me and I quote- &quot;the British are SCUM, they have no honour!!!&quot; (She even said this &amp; worse in front of my mother, an comrades. They can attest to her foul behaviour.) I am 3/4 British and 1/4 German so I took great offence, it is one of the reasons I left her as she bagged out the English any chance she got, and I told her that she better stop bagging the British as that is my heritage and I'm very proud of it. Not to mention telling her that ISD was English and skins started there etc. She always told me she could never understand the English working class wonder siince shes a rich snooty corporate bitch from hell. (BTW she is 3/4 Austrian &amp; 1/4 RUSSIAN!!!) No wonder shes such a psycho. After leaving her, she didn't go to last years ISD gig and no one is here talks to her at all. She even told me she always thought (even when she was a supposed skinhead) that the I.R.A were Nationalist freedom fighters, and couldn't believe me when I told her they were Marxist terrorist scum. She is in admin in some gob wig job (earning around $170,00 a year) and sees skinheads as her playtime hobby. She likes to think of herself as the queen internet bee, with the skinhead worker drones doing stuff for her like pawns on a chess board. She is active only on the internet, &amp; with people from overseas as they haven't met het to find out what a loser she is. This bitch has NOTHING to do with B &amp; H Australia (the OZ B &amp; H reps even pm'd admins on this site and complained about her being admin being she is not a skin, hasent been one for 20 years and has nothing to do with us. They were messaged back with a brush off &quot;leave her alone shes doing alot for us...kind of shit etc.&quot; Well we in Australia are very pissed off about all this and this will not be the end of it. PS. Sorry to hear about what happened to you by those fox hunting thug scum.....thats just fucked wonder you hate em so much. Racial regards, Ben Southern Cross Hammerskins HFFH 0 0 gA== smeq3l6g 0 0 u_351
3994 3984 1 0 1216309145 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF part 2 as i said i knew nothing about her till what you told me im shocked in a way but then im not surprised as youre see she has a fan club on the forum dare to attack her and see what happens now phoenix nikki her so calld best mate has come back on to the scene now i do know her she made me some good t shirts in the past she hasnt put any posts up yet. i dont know anybody on the bh scene now apart from ken brutal attack and im hopeing to get to the isd this year to change that. she also says shes going to youre isd with skinbyird from new zeland shes just come on to the forum aswell have i been dumb enough to put faith in her i dont know what to do ben whos the dad of her kid? the way she puts it it was some no good aussie skinhead ive got the frortress bully boys dvd bloody good rampage productions sell it did you go wnna swap photos etc wanna buy any of my stuff thats left? books have you a picture of what beb looks like now im 47 and i still dont know fuck all do you like my posts want to comment on my latest onefoot note the police did try to help me one of the huntres was the cheaf copper and a judge so no chance for justice keep in contact ben 88 nick <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 1kb9ojk9 0 0 u_145
3996 3984 1 0 1216312183 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:166crp1z]hail ben what can i say what do i do drop her? she has a fan club on the fourm try attacking her and youre fund out she says shes comeing to england to the isd in the uk in sept and is going to help me get there as you know ive had troubles of my own and she says she will help me? wellnothing has happend as yet see my other posts for help and some of the dumb answers i got beb on nicloe says so will pm you to offer a lift and nothings happend as yet i started sending her photos to a funny po box address of the aussie skin scene from the 1980s to the early 1990sive lots thanks to my best mate ever andy seamanof who ive lost contact he lived lives in brisbane do you or did you know him and chumley ? wore my true best mates . do you know the band legion of st george his wife is an aussie. she semms to know or think she knows moreabout ns than every one else even me now ive been ns for 25 years and im still learning she collects real ns peaces well she can afford to being rich. cant she im not going to talk sense to beb as i know its a waste of time .you wont change someone whos rich she has helpt me in this way by talking about my demon end of part one <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:166crp1z] Hail Nick, What you do about her is up to you mate, I just wanted to give you the facts on Nicole. She exists ONLY on the internet, all the long term comrades here don't give a shit what she does or says, no one speaks or sees her here. She can be a good ACTOR on the net, which is why she spends her time talking to people overseas, people that have never met her in person. I made the mistake of thinking she was alright after talking a fair bit to her online &amp; on the phone. I learned real quick what a snobby rich poser she was after a short time with her. She seems to have some fans ONLINE, people that have never met her so I could care less about that. In fact, some brothers of mine (B &amp; H reps &amp; HSN reps) have talked about doing a poll on this site about boycotting the B &amp; H forum till BE is booted off it......she is pissing everyone off here bigtime........hence why she can only talk to people outside her own country. My brothers Aust-made -Melbourne B &amp; H rep, genocial88- singer of Deaths Head &amp; long standing Hammerskin, Limepitt88, Tattooed Aryan to name a few are Australian comrades on this site that can tell you also what a fake scum Nicole is, ask them if you want a second opinion. That PO box from the 80's skin scene sounds weird, real weird indeed. She reckons shes going to the England ISD hey.....hhhhmmmmm, I'll have to let my British HSN brothers know about her. Shes going to get a rude shock if she comes to our ISD gig shes simply not wanted &amp; we will make that clear. She counts for ZERO in the scene/cause/movement here, and soon enough others overseas will realize it aswell. Here mere know it all arrogant attitude pissed the lads off were ever she opens her big trap. Yeah mate, I know Andy.....we used to hang around him years ago but he dropped out of the scene for years and no one heard from him...... but I ran into him bouncing in the Valley awhile ago and we swapped numbers and shit, so I'm back in contact with him again. Would you believe he's settled down now &amp; has a woman and child!!!! Good for him. Are you on the silly myspace? Cause Andy &amp; I are on there. If your not you should check it out and have a yarn to us there and look at some of our pictures and shit. I know of Legion of St George, but I didn't know his wife was an Aussie. Chumly is from Canberra (I live in Brisbane) and hasn't been around for many years so I never met him. 0 0 gA== 166crp1z 0 0 u_351
3998 3984 1 0 1216313000 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:2vh78d0m]part 2 as i said i knew nothing about her till what you told me im shocked in a way but then im not surprised as youre see she has a fan club on the forum dare to attack her and see what happens now phoenix nikki her so calld best mate has come back on to the scene now i do know her she made me some good t shirts in the past she hasnt put any posts up yet. i dont know anybody on the bh scene now apart from ken brutal attack and im hopeing to get to the isd this year to change that. she also says shes going to youre isd with skinbyird from new zeland shes just come on to the forum aswell have i been dumb enough to put faith in her i dont know what to do ben whos the dad of her kid? the way she puts it it was some no good aussie skinhead ive got the frortress bully boys dvd bloody good rampage productions sell it did you go wnna swap photos etc wanna buy any of my stuff thats left? books have you a picture of what beb looks like now im 47 and i still dont know fuck all do you like my posts want to comment on my latest onefoot note the police did try to help me one of the huntres was the cheaf copper and a judge so no chance for justice keep in contact ben 88 nick <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:2vh78d0m] Quite frankly, fuck her fanclub......if they won't listen to the main Aussie reps and long standing skins then they aint to smart. Nicole hasn't talked to Nikki in 20 years till she joined this site.....Nikki hasn't been in the scene for about that long as well so she isnt know to us either. Ange the NZ skinbird is a friend of mine &amp; is coming to the ISD and that has nothing to do with nicole.........she just likes to drop names &amp; make out like she knows everyone. She might know OF people, but she doesn't know them. Just like she pissed of Jesse in the B &amp; H calendar thread by trying to make out she was mates with him when he HATES her with a passion. The father of her daughter was never a skin nor had anything to do with the scene, he's just a ex-airforce wanker.....fuck that girl lies through her teeth. Yeah mate, I'd be happy to swap photos and stuff, (yeah I've got pics of what nicole looks like aint pretty...I'll send you some) I'll also have a look at what stuff you have for sale as well........I'll see if I or some Aussie brothers can by some of it. Not suprising you got no justice mate, only the rich scum can buy all there twisted lawers and judges to make things go there way. One law for them, another one for us.....fuck em. Good chatting to you Nick, my email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and my myspace url is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Stay strong and safe. Ben 14/88 0 0 gA== 2vh78d0m 0 0 u_351
3999 3984 1 0 1216313730 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF hail ben thank you mate this is getting worse and worse about nicole a bloody nightmare imay play it a bit longer and see what happens can you please please ask andy to contact me his best mate nick rich his best mate ever or i was when i spoke to him and the message he left on my phone 2005 hell even my family like him i know he had a kid in egland who sadly died in a car crash and he coudnt get here to see his sons grave i want my old mate back. any help from you would be most welcome are the bhs still going they did some good gigs i really am shocked the more i hear about nicloe shes got graham of avalon eating out of her hand attack him and youre hear all about it i did its nigel browneall over again or worse andy told me about that one and how he went to jail for a bit thanks for youre help comrade keep in contact nick rich britsh movment i was going to join the bhs but i lost touch 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2id0txb4 0 0 u_145
4000 3617 1266 0 1216314580 1 1 1 1 Re: brothers scotland <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> give me a call mate party on this sat at mines all good skins and guys mate no hassle bring a mate if u want steph <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 s4xjeqjz 0 0 u_1017
5898 0 549 0 1229274886 1 1 1 1 elo elo elo m8y long time no speak :) how have you been doing and hows life treating you just thought i would say hello saying as im back at a proper computer and back at home :) 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1u13lbmn 0 0 u_53
5661 5360 332 0 1227550022 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's Hi, the movies are ready and in AVI format. You can download them here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Pasword is: brotherhood28 Greetings 0 0 1n38c5gu 0 0 u_54
4946 4943 1912 0 1221915519 1 1 1 1 Re: is bad wolf coming why is it a bag of shit ive just spoken to badwolf hes nothing against you mate but he was let down feels a mug for waitng in last saturday all day was it you that was ment to be comeing did you e mail him? is youre name mick if he gets any agro the britsh movment will look after him. mate he needs help as its hard for him as its a year since his brother died so try to understand hes sorry if hes upset you mate he gave you his address perhaps a meet a drink sometime i hope you sall have a good isd alll the best mate badwolf 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2mdvny2g 0 0 u_396
4945 4944 195 0 1221910477 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Magazine (UK) Hi. They are $10 each but you need to go through the website like the post instructed. That way you can see what is available. Cheers 828 [quote=&quot;Aussiegoy&quot;:3tvkw5ik][url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13479#p13479:3tvkw5ik]Subject: B&amp;H Magazine (UK)[/url:3tvkw5ik] [quote=&quot;Clockwork Violence28&quot;:3tvkw5ik]Just so you guys know, 28 Australia is distributing the worldwide magazine localy, so if your interested check out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> for details. 828[/quote:3tvkw5ik] Yeah, I'd like to buy one. Where from and how much are they?[/quote:3tvkw5ik] 0 0 kA== 3tvkw5ik 0 0 u_1008
4013 3984 1 0 1216326580 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF IVE JUST HAD SOME SKREWDRIVER ON MATE THIS SUMS IT UP NICELY I CAN SEE THROUGH YOURE IMAGE YOURE JUST ANOTHER WEATHE FAKE SKREW YOU HOPE YOU GOT MY OTHER PMS NICK TRYD TOGET ON FACE BROOK 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 ih2dkb8b 0 0 u_145
4100 0 147 0 1216686204 1 1 1 1 hey mate Hey, why do you type in caps all the time, theres no point and you come across like you're shouting all the time. 0 0 1vypdbzw 0 0 u_351
5236 0 69 0 1224057383 1 1 1 1 Welcome Hello ...just a message to say welcome to our site... good post you wrote about your region/country..i hope the other members read and maybe understand like you say I have friends in Argentina <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> and sometimes they face hostility from others on the forums etc so dont worry about it 828 best racial regards 0 0 3uih3cgf 0 0 u_1990
5617 5403 549 0 1227273934 1 1 1 1 Re: west mid divisions dont know think theirs about a dozen chubley88 is from west mids but i dont know many more keep seeing people about fancy setting one up <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1vkflmn1 0 0 u_1790
4034 3984 1 0 1216353422 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:217q14fx]HAIL BEN PM ME A PHOTO OR TWO TO MY PRIVATE E MAIL ADDRESS WICH IS AND GIVE IT TO ANDY NICK RICH <!-- e --><a href="mailto:MOMPERS23649612@AOL.COM">MOMPERS23649612@AOL.COM</a><!-- e --> LOOK FROWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU NICK 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:217q14fx] No worries mate. Ben 14/88 0 0 gA== 217q14fx 0 0 u_351
4035 3984 1 0 1216353559 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:2b6q3b2j]IVE JUST HAD SOME SKREWDRIVER ON MATE THIS SUMS IT UP NICELY I CAN SEE THROUGH YOURE IMAGE YOURE JUST ANOTHER WEATHE FAKE SKREW YOU HOPE YOU GOT MY OTHER PMS NICK TRYD TOGET ON FACE BROOK 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:2b6q3b2j] Fuck yeah brother, the true ones will always be around will the fake scum come and go. Yeah mate got your other PM's. Theres alot more comrades on myspace (even though the kike owners boot as off now and again.) so try and make a profile on there &amp; let me know when you do. Ben 0 0 gA== 2b6q3b2j 0 0 u_351
4037 3984 1 0 1216367023 1 1 1 1 Re: HUNTING WHY I HATE IT BY BAD WOLF [quote=&quot;BADWOLF&quot;:3l1ich96]HAIL BEN PM ME A PHOTO OR TWO TO MY PRIVATE E MAIL ADDRESS WICH IS AND GIVE IT TO ANDY NICK RICH <!-- e --><a href="mailto:MOMPERS23649612@AOL.COM">MOMPERS23649612@AOL.COM</a><!-- e --> LOOK FROWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU NICK 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:3l1ich96] I tried to email you at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and it was sent back (delivery failure). What is your exact email? Generally email addys are in lower case I think, who knows, it didn't work for me. When I get your email addy I'll send you some pictures etc. later mate 0 0 gA== 3l1ich96 0 0 u_351
5947 5944 65 0 1229872289 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H badges Email us at my email or west london and ill give you details. Remeber this is all watched. 828 0 0 sebvv3m1 0 0 u_152
5948 0 2038 0 1229903477 1 1 1 1 Réponse de Christophe Salut Thierry! Christophe m'a demandé de te faire passer ce mail, étant donné qu'il n'a plus internet. En espérant que tout s'arrange, je te souhaite de bonnes fetes. Renaud Thierry, si je n'étais pas contraint et obligéde répondre à vos menaces, je te le dis: je supprimerais de ma mémoire ce que j'ai entendu à mon égard. Laissant le temps et la raison apaisser les maux. Mais la gravité des propos ne me laisse pas de marbre. Je mise donc en quelque sorte sur les relations courtoises et amicales que j'ai a ton encontre, pour comprendre enfin la teneur du différent qui est censé nous opposer. Le monde des intententions de notre mouvement ne m'amuse plus. Je veux parler des intentions loin d'etres charitables et lorsqu'elles font naitrent la malfaisance au sein meme de celui-ci. Depuis quelques temps, un corbeau -je n'ai pas trouvé d'autres noms- véhicule la calomnie. Mais plus grave, se distingue en passant pour moi lors de coups de fils anonymes, correspondant en indiquant mon nom et prénom,adresse et numéro de téléphone (que j'ai du changer) à différentes assos de la région. Dénonçant à la mairie le concert de novembre, en indiquant toujours mon patronyme... laisse des sms sur le portable du chanteur de mon groupe en Angleterre en lui disant que je ne veux plus jouer avec... Laisse trainer une odeur de souffre sur un forum C18,sur un pseudo différent entre les assos rac de la région lyonnaise ect... Je n'ai pas idée de cette personne mais il semble qu'elle soit bien informée des noms de tout le monde. Elle gravite au sein du mouvement, toutefois les adresses IP sont vérifiables à partir des forums. Bref, tu peux vérifier tout cela et je te demande de le faire, afin que cesse cette facheuse histoire. Christophe <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> 0 0 1nofeokq 0 0 u_206
4047 0 367 0 1216477709 1 1 1 1 KBK interview Hey there. Dylan from NZ here. I was wondering if you could put me in contact with Kill, Baby Kill! I'm after an interview with them for my new zine called White Hammer. I already have White Wash and Death's Head interviews for it. Also contacted Tom Metzger for a interview. I done the B&amp;H NZ Mag.... could you put me in contact with the right person? Cheers. D 0 0 j5dgjbf4 0 0 u_65
4048 1108 367 0 1216477780 1 1 1 1 Re: Portugal Long time no talk. I am after all back issues of your magazine. 10 copies of each. Can you let me know the price. Also can I have contact with your band again for my White Hammer magazine? Thanks in advance. Dylan New Zealand 0 0 uulj5ytl 0 0 u_203
5152 0 72 0 1223627298 1 1 1 1 OLD MESSAGE [b:c2xre4gy]Sorry about that[/b:c2xre4gy] <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> [b:c2xre4gy]heres the message I sent to your old MYSPACE account[/b:c2xre4gy] Hello Mate Yes its a shame that we never meet but it was a busy weekend and it seemed to be over in a flash !!!!!!!!!! I hope you had a good time?? If you could send the cuttings/mags direct to my Mate 'recorded delivery' it would be much appreciated. CARL BOOTH 37 TRENLEIGH RD WORLE WESTON-SUPER-MARE BS22 6NE Once hes finished copying them he will send them back to you. Bests wishes and many thanks.Rob 0 0 QA== c2xre4gy 0 0 u_1713
4054 1833 123 0 1216558122 1 1 1 1 Hey Hey Graham! I left the Igi-Division and finally we're ready to start 28 Switzerland again. Well I hope we've got already your support for that... A question about the ISD-Memorial in England, will you be there? My girlfriend and me want to go there again and I read in the forums that we have to contact the Kent-Division for help. greetings from Switzerland Roman 0 0 ecig6agp 0 0 u_193
4056 0 1386 0 1216567956 1 1 1 1 slack bastard alright there mate,im new on the forum and read your post &quot;what a wanker&quot; about slack bastard,would that be the prick @ndy?and is slack bastard an aus site? i told him that they should all be lined up and shot for slagging off ian stuart,hes a mouthy twat. 0 0 28ve4k8y 0 0 u_1089
4057 0 1386 0 1216570749 1 1 1 1 name change alright there admin? how do i change my name,i registered as randall yesterday just to check out the forum,well i like what i see and 88radio14 is now my favourite station. 0 0 3osl1aar 0 0 u_2
4058 0 1226 0 1216572026 1 1 1 1 hunting hello mate cheers for still helping me have a pop at all those pro hunt lot! see you're flogging a lot of old vinyl bet you don't have any old shirts knocking about that you want to sell? see you at a gig soon fella Paul 0 0 2mze6mmi 0 0 u_351
4060 4050 606 0 1216586746 1 1 1 1 Re: 26-7-08 Notts Soon as i know anything i will let you know mate 0 0 38wln4dh 0 0 u_801
4066 4002 1 0 1216595692 1 1 1 1 Re: BH MAGS AND SKINGIRL PHOTO BOOK its just come back right my address is 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn87pr and if you send a po dont cross it leave it blank ok yes i have all those bhs nick 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3uj97u2b 0 0 u_351
5119 0 1923 0 1223149516 1 1 1 1 Entrevista Caros camaradas, Sejam muito bem vindos à secção portuguesa! Daqui voz fala um dos administradores da Radio VNS, a única rádio NS a transmitir de Portugal para todo o mundo branco que fala português. Visitem o blogue, oiçam o programa e espalhem-no pelos vossos contactos! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Ps: Importavam-se de responder a uma entrevista para a emissão de Outubro? Heil Hitler! 0 0 36m2y8q3 0 0 u_1726
5162 5143 1713 0 1223653940 1 1 1 1 Re: cheers mate that sounds nice Working away at the mo mate, will mess u when im back, and sort out that beer, regards paul28 0 0 flvgvrv8 0 0 u_1557
5585 0 66 0 1226998184 1 1 1 1 white xmas 2008 hi kenny... im going to leave a message up for you in the forum... and we might be able to get you a lift to gig if not there will be a place on the coach... was you in a dutch division or do you have friends on the forum who can verify who you are ...or are you new to the movement...... we welcome all new members.. we will get you to the gig !! thanks jules 88 0 0 1lmkzyqr 0 0 u_2161
5419 5414 2003 0 1225315848 1 1 1 1 Re: TE QUIERO You are the bigges lier that i have seen in my life. You have let me in the street without clothes, and this is all, YOU have call the police, not me. Go out of my life and let me quiet. You make me the hell in the head. I dont want know nothing more about you. 0 0 2h6rfjtm 0 0 u_1937
5727 0 58 0 1227899386 1 1 1 1 Oi Oi ! Hello mate, Sorry not been in touch but been really busy with work !!!! Just been promoted to Yard Manager and lots to sort out etc YAWN !!! Been in touch with our Polish friend L , and he is supposed to have been discharged today and I will go see him and send greetings from all ok ? How you been keeping mate ? and will we be seeing you next Sat ? Take care N <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3dpbv138 0 0 u_68
5728 5720 2092 0 1227899652 1 1 1 1 Re: ss as soon as i got them i will sent it to you mate take care 88 0 0 2vjml7ae 0 0 u_2100
5729 5689 230 0 1227901801 1 1 1 1 Re: message Hello, Ok perfect. I just ordered the workshirt via ebay USA, it will be shipped to your PO BOX. I'll make the jpeg beginning of next week. For the order I'll take this: Valhalla's Chosen T Shirt Black Extra Extra Large 2XL Valhalla's Chosen Hooded Sweater Black Extra Extra Large 2XL Classic Hooded Sweater Black XL So give me total with shipping costs to France. And how you want to be paid. Max FHS 0 0 3bwbjqbh 0 0 u_59
5730 5625 780 0 1227902397 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire Ah great, I never quite trust the postal service lol Looks like everything is sorted though, <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 14/88 Ryan 0 0 3aulsvs0 0 0 u_66
4108 0 1227 0 1216736050 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10999#p10999:1olwhd0a]Subject: Summertime get togethers[/url:1olwhd0a] [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:1olwhd0a]Re: Summertime get togethers Postby Warrior on Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:25 pm HERE WE GO PEOPLE Aug 9th Get Together After Chubleys little jolly we have some more info, If you are camping it will cost £20 per pitch/tent If you are just visiting for the day there is a £10 charge for parking,we have the option of pre booking which will allow us to cordon off an area to ensure that we are all together.In order to pre book we would have to pay upfront so if you are interested we will need to get the cash together or take pot luck that we are not spread all over the park. If you want to ensure that our little community is together then please choose one of the following- Payment can be made by registered post (pm Chubley or myself) Or if attending the gig next week payment enclosed within an envelope with name can be taken personally (Chubley or myself). Obviously it won't take long for the 9th to come round so we need to move fairly quickly if we are going to pre book. Hope this is ok with everyone and looking forward to your replies and a good weekend. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:1olwhd0a] have you got paypal i pay the extra for the % paypal take too don't worry. cheers oink 0 0 kA== 1olwhd0a 0 0 u_53
4110 4108 53 0 1216737508 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers Hi yes i have, but i've only ever paid out on it never in <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Do i just send you my email addy as thats what i log in under? i realy dont know <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> sorry i'm such a dunce!!!! RR Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3shwu160 0 0 u_1227
5931 5930 70 0 1229553457 1 1 1 1 Re: New B&amp;H Division. Tony that is out of our hands at the mo we were given manchester at the last b and h meeting and is up and running although in its infancy. think last night was good bro and skinly seemed real happy with it . hope you are feeling better. stu 0 0 31z8o2dp 0 0 u_801
5613 5575 1172 0 1227249355 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Yes mate i understand the toys i have a 7 year old daughter lol as for decorating i do it for a living!good to talk again we must meet up if your in the area and im not working away. 0 0 kwyduwzy 0 0 u_531
5354 0 396 0 1224822171 1 1 1 1 november gig big 88 on that one brother.see you soon 0 0 29zmhy2i 0 0 u_1711
5355 0 187 0 1224836536 1 1 1 1 contact Salut, tu es de quel coin? comment t'es tu retrouvé sur le forum28? as tu une adresse msn? salutations Raciales, Bat28 0 0 1uo4zfjz 0 0 u_2063
4771 0 1838 3 1221088406 1 1 1 1 Re: Young Members [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=13052#p13052:vj972a8c]Subject: Young Members[/url:vj972a8c] [quote=&quot;anters&quot;:vj972a8c]alreet...16 form Bolton...needs to know other people from Bolton on ere there must be some lol[/quote:vj972a8c] Helloo, Im 16 too :) I dont know where Bolton is :s Im from Essex. Do you go to gigs? xox 14/88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 kA== vj972a8c 0 0 u_1399
6851 6814 58 0 1236841443 1 1 1 1 Re: cc Hail Hail Lee , If you are attending the gig at the weekend in east London can you bring the Pendants with you and we can sort payment then as Stu14 has a prob with his PC at moment and cant get on his PayPal acct. Contact me and I will try and sort out if you are not able to attend weekend violent storm gig RR Asgard1488 0 0 2pq2m18e 0 0 u_2245
4120 0 1296 0 1216760680 1 1 1 1 hello HEY..thanks for the help really:). i already spoke with the comrades of 28. but i have a few problems because i cant travel to represent my group to to much expensive travel. but thanks for all:) cheers! 0 0 3719g48r 0 0 u_54
4121 0 1322 0 1216761888 1 1 1 1 helloooo that u jules??..tis me vodka girl/marie/marks better half!!!!!!! see ya at stinko gig!!!! <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> x 0 0 2lolz6s8 0 0 u_66
4122 4119 73 0 1216763451 1 1 1 1 Re: hello thanks very much for your order, your t-shirt will be sent out tomorrow (wednessday) is this the right way to write your address sebastian kretschmer waterloo 885 santiago, 9250000 maipu, Chile 0 0 3m7qqf9d 0 0 u_1296
4123 4119 1296 0 1216764162 1 1 1 1 Re: hello the right way is this. sebastian alexis kretschmer miranda chile - santiago maipu villo lo errazuriz waterloo #885 can i ask you a favor can you send me a catalog?. or something to collect here and watch the material you have please .. thanks bye 0 0 25i9jeq6 0 0 u_73
4128 4127 531 0 1216766076 1 1 1 1 Re: u Evening wee man, nah, wouldn't mind seeing Whitelaw but finances dictate otherwise <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> On a brighter note, I've just about got my transport booked for ISD, hope it's Tony who took me down last year, a right character <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Have you got anything sorted for travel to ISD yet ? 14/88 0 0 1zysv1gn 0 0 u_1221
4133 4131 70 0 1216768341 1 1 1 1 Re: f hail wee man, goin well mate but unfortunatly will not be at the gig, hear shell will be takin you....!!!!!!! dont eat all the muffins LOL, your love it bro meet some real good people,,,,, just enjoy and will see you at stinko or the social on 9th if you go ..... cheers stu 14/88 0 0 2n6pmyqo 0 0 u_1221
4142 4108 1227 3 1216791355 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers yes it is the email adress. when you recive mony paypal charge you 3 % of it so if you allow ppl to pay you make sure they pay that little bit extra. thanks and i look forward to it. dajana 0 0 zpuw6slm 0 0 u_53
4632 0 153 0 1220373018 1 1 1 1 my nane could you please change my name to RSN/WI thanks sis! 828 0 0 3ufkmnhf 0 0 u_54
4633 4629 100 0 1220378993 1 1 1 1 Re: video Cheers for that downloaded it and the ainaskin hess doc <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 23y40wdy 0 0 u_128
4756 4712 53 1 1220997551 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;GermanWaffenSS&quot;:3ledbwxo]I will wait for an answer^from you or the german section. I got some money to buy things for our fight.[/quote:3ledbwxo] Post in the other threads i said aswell &amp; some1 on here may be able to help you. I a bit concerned as to the 'i got some money to buy things for our fight' Of course we condone nothing illegial on here. 0 0 gA== 3ledbwxo 0 0 u_1810
6735 0 54 0 1235694788 1 1 1 1 &quot;For Sale&quot; Items Hello Nick, The Admin Team have received quite a few complaints about the barrage of “For Sale” items you are posting on the forum. The purpose of that section is for people to put up the odd item they need to sell occasionally – not for it to be a full time mass sell out. While I appreciate that you may be experiencing some financial difficulties and that is why you are selling things, it really has gone beyond the spirit of what the For Sale section is for. Can you please stop advertising items for sale. Can I suggest you set up your own web page, and list the items there, and just list a link to the page on the forum. Or alternatively, you might get more money selling them on e-bay. Thank you N 0 0 koe1nz0u 0 0 u_1972
5689 0 230 0 1227721434 1 1 1 1 message Hello, I sended you a message via your website <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, did you get it ? email used: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Max FHS 0 0 486cdrjy 0 0 u_59
5349 0 2081 0 1224795499 1 1 1 1 88 Just saying hello... btw, i'm not agree with the subforum to &quot;southlanders&quot;, anwyay... isn't my choice haha. Are u friend of Talena? If u are, then give her greetings from Ricardo of Chile. :). Heil Hitler. 0 0 od6nezt8 0 0 u_54
5992 0 72 0 1230814077 1 1 1 1 Hello Hi BEB Im about if you want to talk on MSN. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 1ja8nvzh 0 0 u_54
5993 5982 2002 0 1230825555 1 1 1 1 Re: web photos Yes, that's fine, help yourself. 0 0 3kib8kgf 0 0 u_115
5512 0 1001 0 1226231747 1 1 1 1 cze?? 88! Jak tam wczorajszy gig si? uda??:) Ja niestety nie mog?em pojecha?..obowi?zki. Pozdrawiam 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 mbalq2n1 0 0 u_1734
4725 4716 121 0 1220871402 1 1 1 1 Re: hello We have 2 man tent and a 6 man tent, wife asked which we are taking, i said we take 2 man tent or we will end up with Polish lodgers lol. I truely recommend going to see the Jousting, it was amazing day out, whole family enjoyed it. We went to Herstmonceux Castle one and will definitely go next year 0 0 14ohr1zn 0 0 u_53
4150 0 110 0 1216797720 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10980#p10980:ie7f5hd0]Subject: tis iere klote[/url:ie7f5hd0] [quote=&quot;Surtur&quot;:ie7f5hd0][quote=&quot;Doomsday88&quot;:ie7f5hd0]We weten nu dus dat het klote is. Nu is het dus tijd om er voor te zorgen dat zij die er voor zorgen dat het klote is zelf op hun kloten krijgen. Dus niet klagen maar vecht terug. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:ie7f5hd0] Inderdaad, stop met zagen en doe eens iets nuttigs. Door er op een forum of aan een toog over te liggen klagen gaat het heus niet veranderen hoor. Ga bij een beweging, doe aan zelf-studie en zelf-ontplooiing, motiveer er anderen door, omhels het Ideaal en wordt militant![/quote:ie7f5hd0] daar zé, de surtur, alles goed met jou, ben weer terug van italia en het heeft me deugd gedaan. 3 maanden zat ik daar om alles op een rijtje te zetten en weer de draad op te pikken met mezelf. Nu gaan we er weer voor, nieuw lief, nieuw werk, nieuw leven !!!! En jij, alles goed, in het werk, met de NSA. Ik moet kijken dat je hier nog altijd aanwezig bent, dacht je ging stoppen met op dit forum te schrijven, je kan het niet laten hé <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> het weer valt hier nog goed mee voor juli te zijn, dat het maar rap weer opwarmt !!! nog nieuweheden die de laatste tijd in dit mooie vlaanderen heeft plaatsgevonden of is alles nog altijd even politiek getint. allé maat, de groeten en tot nog eens fcb 0 0 kA== ie7f5hd0 0 0 u_112
4152 4108 53 3 1216802122 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers ok then hun me addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. Look forward to seeing you there <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> RR Shell 0 0 2b8swz7v 0 0 u_1227
4976 0 1711 0 1222118248 1 1 1 1 www <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> take a look and than tell me if it's ok <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 17oeqei0 0 0 u_58
5286 0 88 0 1224507061 1 1 1 1 B&amp;H / Volksfront Portugal 0 0 dfuw57sz 0 0 u_203
5255 0 297 0 1224184788 1 1 1 1 BFF SOCIAL Hi ther mate.. coud i have more details on the bff social event as may atend.. Cheers Guy / Unit 28 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 hs14kh6s 0 0 u_886
5182 5015 115 0 1223744225 1 1 1 1 Re: greets No worries! Thanks for taking the time to reply! Having read and used your critical analysis upon the so-called movie Zeitgeist I found the same people have made a new &quot;film&quot;. I took the time to watch this today and it starts off explaining how money = debt and debt = money etc. then it goes off onto a super technology society or utopia where we can all live free and never work, never buy anything and have unlimited power. Some kind of resorce based world economy. I think it has one or two good and interesting elements, which we can agree with and use, but it's hidden like the first film in flowery peace and unified love notions.... but anyways..see what you think... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 7695921912</a><!-- m --> 0 0 3a2wupeq 0 0 u_54
5133 4818 332 0 1223407883 1 1 1 1 Re: Isd Flanders Hoi, die jongen van strijdgeest belde me net over hoe of wat bij de ISD?? En vroeg zich af of het nog doorging. Zijn email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> en zijn Telefoonnummer is +31650919748 Of kan ik wat aan hem doorgeven?? 828 0 0 2al36svw 0 0 u_168
4234 0 109 0 1217031274 1 1 1 1 Blue Eyed Blonde 0 0 mzmfd8ab 0 0 u_263
6338 6337 2376 0 1233085227 1 1 1 1 Re: Manchester 4/2/09 Great stuff mate, i will hopefully be attending, any information on that Oi gig? Cheers... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 88 0 0 1u4vcnuj 0 0 u_801
6344 0 2455 0 1233141436 1 1 1 1 re nigger just saw your post about that nigger in your town you should contact wigan-mike or myself at the BFF British freedom fighters,we may be able to advice you better,check out our forum at or you can email the southern bff at the <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> also another group that may be able to help in is the RVF you can contact me there at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or join our forum at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.RVFONLINE.COM">http://www.RVFONLINE.COM</a><!-- m --> 1488 0 0 25fafqlt 0 0 u_1910
5699 5695 1713 0 1227805539 1 1 1 1 Re: NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHRISTMAS CARDS Yeah mate will be at xmas gig, but will send them at the weekend as i will forget to bring them, also got some more stuff for carl 0 0 1hn05ftv 0 0 u_72
5700 5670 79 0 1227806612 1 1 1 1 Re: 88! [b:3l7euhy1]Thank you, I will hear from you at weekend. 828[/b:3l7euhy1] 0 0 QA== 3l7euhy1 0 0 u_1001
5701 0 79 0 1227806874 1 1 1 1 You're friend (Lift to White Xmas) [b:21btu9g7]Hello missus, did you manage to get hold of your friend in Manchester regarding the lift to White Xmas? Please disregard this PM if the friend in question is Ehre on the forum, I'm in discussions with him already lol. RR Earl[/b:21btu9g7] 0 0 QA== 21btu9g7 0 0 u_53
5704 5701 79 0 1227815268 1 1 1 1 Re: You're friend (Lift to White Xmas) [b:1vt7dy91]Cheers Shell, at the moment I'm waiting for Ehre to see if he's working that weekend, he said he'd let me know this weekend though.[/b:1vt7dy91] 0 0 QA== 1vt7dy91 0 0 u_53
5705 0 801 0 1227819881 1 1 1 1 skegs Hi Mike, does Skegs use this site? I was trying to make contact with him. RR. Skinly's Uncle. 0 0 3gv7kxb6 0 0 u_886
5706 5705 886 0 1227820130 1 1 1 1 Re: skegs [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:23upx9a3]Hi Mike, does Skegs use this site? I was trying to make contact with him. RR. Skinly's Uncle.[/quote:23upx9a3] Not really bro, but he's always on ours.. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ive_topics</a><!-- m --> Just incase you haven't got it 0 0 gA== 23upx9a3 0 0 u_801
4789 4765 1810 0 1221169344 1 1 1 1 Re: heil Ja das ist nich so weit, nein habe kein msn oder so. Kennst du gute seiten im netz. suche auch alles originale von 2 wk <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 1kqhn9g3 0 0 u_1761
4708 0 212 0 1220807156 1 1 1 1 hi hello mate, bit premature saying about kbk seeing as im the other guitarist and my flight is tomorrow, oh well fingers crossed i get in with no problems see you very soon =) think it will be a great gig rob 0 0 1mxrm1na 0 0 u_295
4710 0 1322 0 1220818128 1 1 1 1 isd hi missus mark will also be celebrating his 21st again...his bday on 26th.....!!! i might nip over for a bacon butty lolol..marks a veggie and is easier to bring quorn type see ya in 2 weeks marie xxx <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 19o0vqxr 0 0 u_66
5608 0 2161 0 1227223263 1 1 1 1 xmas jules kenny here im trying to get in contact with devision . just send them a message and i spoke to danny he from newcastle but cant make it he hasent got the funds to come . i hope you have still got a seat av. how much is the antree to the gig? will it be in the mag as i havent got it yet. and dont know if ill get it in time. thanks for your help . kenny (dutch) 0 0 3bk3h0i0 0 0 u_66
5084 5069 54 0 1222982566 1 1 1 1 Re: Hails from Finland! [quote=&quot;Hugin18&quot;:17kqd0w9]Hello sister! I dont know if you are wright person to ask this , but i try. is it possible that somebody has been hacked for this site and collect ppls e-mail addresses. This is only site were i'we been rigistered whit this mail, and now i get trash posts every day. others are political links and others promises huge money prices or asks to give money to strange aims. I'we been talking whit my friend about this and he got the same problem. Do you know if someone else get those posts? All the best for you! Jamo/Sniper[/quote:17kqd0w9] Hi Jamo, Yes I am the right person to ask this, I will look into it. Thanks for letting me know. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 17kqd0w9 0 0 u_81
5083 5080 1984 0 1222978258 1 1 1 1 lolkek Ja licno jesam iz Srbije ali TRENUNO zivim u Banja Luci.Na svim sajtovima., koje si naveo, vec sam bila. Steta sto necu doci na ta mars <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> , al kod nas u banja luci svakih pet meseci imamo proteste. Trenutno nemam msn ali me interesuje u kojem si pokretu. Ako te interesuje. kad nabavim msn javicu ti. P.S. Ja se nepodpisujem kao hooligangirl. Pozzz SRBIJA SRBIMA!!! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1xj040kh 0 0 u_817
4244 4194 280 0 1217088964 1 1 1 1 Re: hi hi again yes its a huge relief badwolf is gone whining fart,good your coming over hope you have a good time may bump into you, be sure to say hello, may be in flanders aswell just waiting on conformation if we play or not, as for posting im more of a reader than speaker,to shy ha ha, all the best .steve. 0 0 3r4y9z93 0 0 u_54
4245 3299 460 0 1217092900 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A. Just to tell you that i just started running a NS Radio Show here in Portugal. It´s in Portuguese with a lot of NS bands. Take a look: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 88 0 0 3mlfjjym 0 0 u_987
5065 0 1001 0 1222775891 1 1 1 1 88 Cze??! Tu sa namiary na mnie gg 5619533 msn <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Pozdrawiam <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 20dv9v87 0 0 u_1734
5423 0 59 0 1225358896 1 1 1 1 Shirts Lo m8 Where am I shipping these shirts to? email me an addy please <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> What BA cd's do you have in stock for trade? Cheers 14 Duds 0 0 37sxsgmt 0 0 u_58
4247 3299 987 0 1217113455 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A. Thanks Nexion, I'll check it out. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1usodqxf 0 0 u_460
6124 6078 1959 0 1232122746 1 1 1 1 Re: prisoncw hi. i was told billy was in prison, griff drummer of tnf doing a collection, thats all i was told :( allso told gig on 7thfeb london 0 0 26ydeyyk 0 0 u_53
6125 6081 2330 0 1232131057 1 1 1 1 Re: Member? Thanks for the understanding and as you can see i did change it <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> I proudly and with all pleasure support the HS . 88 greetSS from Belgium 0 0 44h2t48e 0 0 u_210
6126 0 618 0 1232132863 1 1 1 1 translation hello, what do you think whats the best forum to place the article? 0 0 31zjyr4d 0 0 u_801
4251 0 53 0 1217154449 1 1 1 1 Re: Your top 3 most hated 0 0 kg== 2sqjz1uc 1217154487 1 u_1143
4670 0 265 0 1220583532 1 1 1 1 Hello from USA Hi my name is Carl. Just wanted to tell you I liked your interview with the Captain. I have a 11 YO daughter Emily, she loves the Aryan Child song. Take care. Freedom comes from the sword 0 0 3a3fa80l 0 0 u_54
6654 6594 2207 0 1235081199 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi So done. Have delete everything. 828 0 0 t21byqxx 0 0 u_65
5921 5919 2276 0 1229450000 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES i am also from aswell but ZOG is watching so i will not give away my exact position 0 0 icf2xin5 0 0 u_1787
5380 5379 58 0 1225032088 1 1 1 1 Re: FLYER No Problemo mate !! Er Gotta tell you though that since I last spoke or got an e mail from someone else (Swin) I have not heard anything else about a speaker mate !!! Dont know whether it would be such a good thing for a 1st gig , I did ask that whoever the proposed speaker was to forward a few notes of their speech but got no response <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> Not particularly pushing the subject neither mate <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Bit of a HOT bed around here too at the moment EH !!! Speak again soon OK 828 N 0 0 32ng2wqe 0 0 u_72:u_67
5742 0 1362 0 1227986756 1 1 1 1 scarfs you got any more Skrewdriver scarves left? if ya do, put one to the side for me <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> cheers Nick 14/88 0 0 3rv71mpv 0 0 u_59
6220 6212 61 0 1232538850 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;Dajo&quot;:3hqy0bym]hello mate. Who are you?hope ur ok. do u know any website to buy some Bombers Jackets? cheers.[/quote:3hqy0bym] Hello mate, thing's are good here, how's thing's with you? This site sell them &amp; I've bought stuff off them loads of times &amp; they're a good company to deal with, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Rune &amp; Sword sometimes sell them but their site seems to be down at the moment. Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 3hqy0bym 0 0 u_2123
5745 5726 1910 0 1227993787 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig awesome ill look into how to get to croydon from my area so yeah let me know mate 0 0 2krlhwrs 0 0 u_58
5746 5703 109 0 1228002187 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Hello, I think a bank transfer would cost more than the shirt? We were planning on using paypal if you have it, I think postage would be about 12 Australian dollars. If you want a shirt can you email me the order to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> just so its easier for me to keep track of it all. cheers Jesse 0 0 3tj2n5yf 0 0 u_90
5748 5726 58 0 1228039759 1 1 1 1 Re: white X-Mas gig [quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:1yxav75x]awesome ill look into how to get to croydon from my area so yeah let me know mate[/quote:1yxav75x] Not a problem mate <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> I will confirm vehicle asap and more details ok All the best RR 828 N 0 0 gA== 1yxav75x 0 0 u_1910
5421 0 1362 0 1225317179 1 1 1 1 commie kids myspace oi oi again mate, if u wanna neb at his profilem lol the URL is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";friendid=390870580"> ... =390870580</a><!-- m --> lol on his &quot;who id like to meet section&quot; it says &quot;anyone political, agreeing or not, i love a good debate&quot; so he prefers to debate rather than bash the fash, typical commie kid :P <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> stay safe Nick 88 0 0 25rungqn 0 0 u_59
4258 3991 1083 0 1217168699 1 1 1 1 Re: BBQ 88, U houd mij op de hoogte ivm de bbq, kan ik enkele meiden meebrengen uit Duitsland? 2 augustus heb ik mijn auto terug, ik ben zelf woonachtig in de provincie antwerpen, en ik moet die dames nog gaan oppikken in dortmund. Dus gelieve zo spoedig mogelijk iets te laten weten. Welke shirts had u nu graag gekocht ? Mvg 8 white aryan brotherhood 8 0 0 1xmqni2q 0 0 u_113
4950 4340 850 0 1221946574 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Beste, hartelijk dank. ik werd een beetje ongerust dat ik beet genomen was. mvg, vlaming 0 0 2bwj23in 0 0 u_1340
6095 6093 2138 0 1231880949 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello Mate Hiya, heard that Violent Storm will be in London, not sure when but it'll be great if you can make it. Yes, i went to White Xmas with Dajo, i'm sure you now him. Regards. 828 ROA 0 0 2du14rfi 0 0 u_61
6096 0 2402 1 1231883793 1 1 1 1 88 Hi . Are you from Cardiff? Do you know Billy from celtic warriors? If yes ,can you contact me on my email please? <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> I need some contact to him. Thx Tomas 0 0 1oku63y0 0 0 u_67
6097 0 2400 0 1231894243 1 1 1 1 The Crew Hey bud, Im 100% down for the crew and would love to join you guys. I know when we first spoke on that thursday you mentioned that there was union dues for the outings like hammerfest and ect. I can't recall how much you said it was but count me in! I totaly wan't in on the next outing. Or help with the bands release. Just let me know what i can do to help. And count another brother in! 88 0 0 1ut90477 0 0 u_2105
6098 6097 2105 0 1231899515 1 1 1 1 Re: The Crew Great news Brother we'll talk more in person this weekend!! 828 0 0 mglyg2q6 0 0 u_2400
6099 6093 61 0 1231924480 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello Mate [quote=&quot;assaSSin&quot;:2ky6k5or]Hiya, heard that Violent Storm will be in London, not sure when but it'll be great if you can make it. Yes, i went to White Xmas with Dajo, i'm sure you now him. Regards. 828 ROA[/quote:2ky6k5or] Yes mate I know Dajo I've been chatting to him for awhile now. If it is in London that will be great as it will be easy to get to. Take care Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 2ky6k5or 0 0 u_2138
6100 6092 2409 0 1231926382 1 1 1 1 Re: hi ello mate, ta for your msg. my msn is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> you can add me on that if ya like? easier to tlk on there aint it. take it easy mate Nick. 0 0 29y1e03m 0 0 u_2123
4261 4225 54 0 1217170431 1 1 1 1 Re: v [quote=&quot;WEE_MAN&quot;:3iwk9zup]hey blue eyed blonde question for you how does one go about becomeing a moderator as id like to be one i think id be good as i spend loads of time on here was just wondering no harm in askin aye pm back commrade <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> WEE_MAN[/quote:3iwk9zup] Hello Wee_Man, Becoming a moderator is by invitation/arrangement with the admin staff, and is restricted primarily to either non-english speaking sections of the forum, or specialised sections (ie Volksfront etc). The forum admins then look after the entire forum as a whole. We appreciate your offer, but I think that most of the sections are covered at the moment. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3iwk9zup 0 0 u_1221
4262 0 53 0 1217177124 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=11495#p11495:1kolt9ar]Subject: Summertime get togethers[/url:1kolt9ar] [quote=&quot;GYNAZI88&quot;:1kolt9ar]aye this sounds reet good =] PM dates and stuff please, dunno if a can make it, but still PM me dates n times n places, etc =] <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> cheers, Nick 14/88[/quote:1kolt9ar] Its Sat 9th August, camping over night, £20, or just a day pass for the place is £10 their prices not ours, Its in the northants area 0 0 kA== 1kolt9ar 0 0 u_1362
4264 0 1221 0 1217200795 1 1 1 1 d hey chub sorry if i interupted you earlier but i need to dicuss something with you so if you go on messenger later well talk hope you had a good day 14/88 0 0 2u3rb91p 0 0 u_53
5112 0 969 0 1223118462 1 1 1 1 contact no.. hi mate its steve , send us your mobile i have lost .....cheers bud 0 0 20k4v3km 0 0 u_61
4915 0 68 0 1221823994 1 1 1 1 oi oi are you making ur own way up mate? 0 0 2wf85fh3 0 0 u_1745
4916 4907 1869 0 1221824114 1 1 1 1 Re: norma? I saw the message on here saying on here about him getting a kicking, i am about to add to it if i can find it again 0 0 34ih267p 0 0 u_307
5109 5103 53 0 1223077533 1 1 1 1 Re: GIGS/EVENTS DATES 2008 Hi white xmas will be on the 8th Dec <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3uzsbvz3 0 0 u_1298
5369 0 53 0 1224922496 1 1 1 1 Re: New website of 28chile [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=15219#p15219:30ff4qly]Subject: New website of 28chile[/url:30ff4qly] [quote=&quot;bossy6988&quot;:30ff4qly]Must say,got more respect for these guys from chile then that heimdall twat.You change your vieuws like the weather or what?Pathetic.[/quote:30ff4qly] Hi, just a reminder of rules 5 &amp; 6. Its not a police state on here we want you to enjoy this forum, but as we have seen in the past posts like this can quickly turn into a 'free for all' &amp; desend into all out war!!! So this post has been removed. 828 Shell aka Chubley site admin 0 0 kA== 30ff4qly 1224922553 1 u_1975
4865 0 396 0 1221657620 1 1 1 1 pricks dont worry about the 2 pricks that posted.welcome to <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> .they thought you was a man 0 0 hudp409k 0 0 u_1786
4866 4865 1786 0 1221660799 1 1 1 1 Re: pricks <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Thank you!!! 0 0 3bajxet9 0 0 u_396
4266 0 359 0 1217218597 1 1 1 1 Just a short message. Greetings Nicole. Just been going over your post,and let me tell you you are full of shit. What ever happened to the &quot;I hate the working class British&quot; Nicole that I met? Also nice cut and past job on some of the the threads that Jesse,Justin and Ben posted on.Leave up the stuff that makes you look good and delete the ones that criticize you. Very much like the tactics used by the Jewish Media. Anyway have fun boosting your ego on the net,Because that is all you will ever be,a net nazi. In Australia you will never be accepted in the Movement. P.S Don't bother replying,just delete my account. 0 0 3lxkzmtx 0 0 u_54
4267 4108 1227 3 1217228061 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers hiya i just send you £12 via paypal and hope it covers the money and paypal charge. see you at the 9th and thanks that i was able to pay this way. x <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 284x3qjj 0 0 u_53
6782 6777 2645 0 1236248536 1 1 1 1 Re: gday cool how is it over there mate. 0 0 1hvwkmde 0 0 u_74
6783 6779 2645 0 1236248601 1 1 1 1 Re: gday yeah im good as gold. do you play music or something 0 0 125evze3 0 0 u_1787
6134 6122 90 0 1232178530 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Hail I still have 2 flags from the German Zeppeline fahne and one from the officiers from the Wehrmacht and some cd's mate. I've you want a list from the cd's just ask me <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 88 Freiheit 28 0 0 1kp3gt4e 0 0 u_2296
4269 0 112 0 1217236877 1 1 1 1 Re: Sons Of Europe 08 Statement Cheers mate, hope all is fine? What is this stuff about the Hungarian gig? Who is boycotting who and for what reason??:s [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=11424#p11424:uh3vkgru]Subject: Sons Of Europe 08 Statement[/url:uh3vkgru] [quote=&quot;asgard1488&quot;:uh3vkgru]Hail Hail All My Brothers and Sisters <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> The following statement is from Ken Mac Direct and are his words exactly and come from the heart <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> This post is in reference to the Sons Of Europe Event 08 in Hungary ! &quot; Brutal Attack are the Only Original B&amp;H band still Playing and TRUE supporters of B&amp;H should attend this event ! FUCK the personal differences ! BE THERE ! , or be excluded ! Ken Mc.&quot; OK ! these are the words as I was given them and B&amp;H S London Div WILL be supporting this event <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Any PM's or responses can be sent via asgard1488 and I will pass them on to KM for him to deliberate OK ? KM does not understand this BOYCOTT. The organiser is a GOOD MAN with the best intentions and has tried to defend himself here but got the cold shoulder <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> UNITY ! This is the KEY word here Brothers &amp; Sisters <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> Only as a UNITED group can we move our cause forward and this BOYCOTT is a ridiculous move eh ? Come on PEOPLE ! whats going on ? You can sort your personal diffs out in other ways than this !!! Racial Regards asgard1488[/quote:uh3vkgru] 0 0 kA== uh3vkgru 0 0 u_58
4684 4669 54 0 1220697675 1 1 1 1 Re: * B &amp; H Magazine - Issue 39 - Out Now!! * [quote=&quot;anvil&quot;:37uz6vdf] Hi B.E.B. - glad you liked my article Regards, Anvil (from MYSPACE)[/quote:37uz6vdf] Hi there (Ian isn't it??) Yes I really enjoyed your article, I thought it was very well written and spot on. I have written and contributed one alone similar lines, hopefully it will make it into the next edition. I figured you were the same Anvil from MySpace <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 37uz6vdf 0 0 u_67
4685 0 54 0 1220698444 1 1 1 1 Hello and upcoming ISD arrangements Hi Justin and Pete, Just sending you both a quick note to say hello and to tell you my travel arrangements for ISD. I'm arriving on Thursday morning at 9.45am, staying at the Mayflower Thursday and Friday night, and am booked into the motel at Hallam on the Saturday. My mobile number is 0404 468 646. I would appreciate it if you could let me know what is happening on the Thurs and Fri nights so that I can organise myself accordingly. No doubt you've both read the interaction between Jesse, ZZZ and myself. Hopefully we can put the whole thing to rest now and move on. It was silly and pointless. I have never been anything apart from friendly and welcoming to you guys, and have absolutely no interest in trying to &quot;lord&quot; it over 28 Oz or anyone else. I would be happy to get together privately with some of you over the weekend to clear the air, answer questions and talk about how I can help out with 28 Oz, just as I have offered previously. I'm looking forward to catching up with you guys for drink or 10. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 fla09fk6 0 0 u_295:u_195 u_2
4271 4108 53 3 1217239825 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers Thats great thanks very much,, will be in touch soon, Shell 0 0 fa0sojsb 0 0 u_1227
4273 4209 549 0 1217244152 1 1 1 1 Re: v heil mate add me on msn <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> an ill chat to you on their mate internet is abit slow takes about half hour to load up a webpage :( <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1prow5oc 0 0 u_1221
4274 4264 53 0 1217245495 1 1 1 1 Re: d Will i thought we had spoken about this, &amp; i told you in the pub it wouldn't happen, to then go after BEB thats really not good, WEE_MAN wrote:hey blue eyed blonde question for you how does one go about becomeing a moderator as id like to be one i think id be good as i spend loads of time on here was just wondering no harm in askin aye pm back commrade <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> WEE_MAN These positions are given on merit &amp; trust. You have to remember that you are new to this an no one has trust in you as you are unknown. It takes a lot of time to get known &amp; trusted. I also recieved a pm from a mate yesterday his closing comments were 'gonna have a little scout round before Wee Man notices i'm on &amp; send me a pm asking what i'm up to' Will you cannot do this, its drivinng people away, you have to be patient reply to posts an let people get to know you that way, asking people you dont know will only make them question your motives, You will be judged on your actions so bear that in mind Shell 0 0 2cgr3qmk 0 0 u_1221
6122 0 2296 0 1232114672 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=5152#p5152:stu9es3w]Subject: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts![/url:stu9es3w] [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:stu9es3w]I'm selling a few flags, cd's and t-shirts for a list please pm me.[/quote:stu9es3w] 88 just seen your post from 08 if any flags or tshirts left pm me what ones and sizes etc ,thanx,whitescotsman alloa white pride scotland <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kA== stu9es3w 0 0 u_90
6123 6084 65 0 1232115240 1 1 1 1 Re: stigger Just waiting for Stgg to come back, as youve geussed its a long winded process. Just to let you know we have a concert/social in my area on the 7th Feb, hope all is well S 0 0 hmjunrml 0 0 u_200
5937 5925 59 0 1229611460 1 1 1 1 Re: blood and honour mags Lo m8 What was it you were after, I don't have a message with anything on m8. I sent some stuff a couple of weeks ago, did you not get it? 14 Duds 0 0 2ygskztr 0 0 u_1972
6785 6779 1787 0 1236249470 1 1 1 1 Re: gday I'm not in a band atm but I play bass (6 years), guitar (about 3), drums (2) and can sing a little bit! 0 0 18zxixlo 0 0 u_2645
6328 6229 690 0 1233062113 1 1 1 1 Re: hi bloody hell mate hopeyour recovery is going ok.will take the number and give you a call.i pretty sure i can make that gig,speak to you soon.take it easy. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 11r7i8u5 0 0 u_396
6719 6694 58 0 1235491976 1 1 1 1 Re: Sound Bite needed [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:3majh54s]Hi Neil, Just a very quick one...... Any chance you can get Ken Mc to do a quick &quot;hello&quot; sound bite for the new 28Radio show (the worldwide one, not the oz one). Thanks Nicole[/quote:3majh54s] Hi Nicole, Spoke to Ken today and asked about the sound bite ! He said of course he will do it for you <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> We just need to know how you would like it recorded so we can get the best quality ok ? I was thimking a decent Mp3 player and the upload to wherever you like or I can send you the file ??? All the best and I will get on the case straight away 828 N 0 0 gA== 3majh54s 0 0 u_54
5917 5897 337 0 1229399172 1 1 1 1 Re: none I pass Canoe everyday on my way to work. Can't help you out on the females as I am married w/children. As far as the drugs go...Skinheads don't use drugs, so don't worry with that. 0 0 45zazjta 0 0 u_2119
4727 4723 1090 0 1220878303 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey Ok np .. don't stress too much and I'll talk to you Saturday. shame Lindsay can't come but am sure I'll catch him another time. Guess who has popped up on myspace in a new oi band ..... Chumley ha ha .. he rang a friend in England the other night and told him he was on there. See you Saturday. cheers big ears ... <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I haven't heard that for ages ... Nikki 0 0 1784s6eh 0 0 u_295
4728 0 121 0 1220879080 1 1 1 1 rising tee Hello m8, I have been trying to order a Skrewdriver Rising T-shirt from Final Conflict but their site doesn't recogise my password &amp; they not answer my emails. I know you print T-shirts (Very Good Quality, i have couple from you) and was wondering wether you do the Rising one. Terry.Reaper 28 0 0 3p0w9s0y 0 0 u_59
4281 4108 1227 3 1217255826 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers are you on myspace thats me <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";MyToken=28e58655-e9de-4c84-9e45-38cd12b7067a"> ... cd12b7067a</a><!-- m --> 0 0 16lq1yoe 0 0 u_53
4282 0 153 0 1217257626 1 1 1 1 my account can you please change my name? i am no longer a part of VF buy still want to stay a strong supporter of B+H so maybe change me name to BHmanitowoc? thanks jeffrey 0 0 54jqhhg8 0 0 u_2
4289 4119 73 0 1217287461 1 1 1 1 Re: hello to you mate i'd say about 2weeks, it takes just under that for oders to get to the usa 0 0 22hzviot 0 0 u_1296
4290 4119 1296 0 1217287676 1 1 1 1 Re: hello THANKS FOR ALL MATE TAKE CARE AND HAVE A NICE WEEK WHITE POWER 0 0 10nl35jt 0 0 u_73
4291 4228 1017 0 1217289440 1 1 1 1 Re: meeting its just some of the lads from the old ASF forum who get together once a month and have couple of pints and a chinwag about what we want to do about getting active in Scotland . the last 2 have been in Glasgow and we thought we would have one in Edinburgh then the next some where else . but since the ASF split we are a bit stuck for leaflets and things as no one on the new forum has come up with anything on the leaflet side . so if you have any and want them out we would probably consider doing them for you , we are all just sick of siting on our arse's . we ain't to fused about what org its for as we all go on each others forums , ie nf , rvf , power ,bpp and ours and i thought i would put a post up to see if any one from hear was interested . 0 0 3npfepit 0 0 u_73
6130 6128 2421 0 1232139739 1 1 1 1 Re: BIGE88 Account I will try this when i log on again nick. <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 22og4co7 0 0 u_54
4293 4147 1090 0 1217305986 1 1 1 1 thanks aah thanks Justin ... I was arguing with my son the other day .. he kept saying NSM88 were C18 <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> I going too go slap him one on his head <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> nah not really .. he's bigger than me <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> I emailed them today ..they only do Wholesale on cd's ... so will have too find somewhere else anyway ..Don't know any good wholesaler's that sell thor's hammer pendants and other WP jewellery do you?? Nevermind if you don't .. I'll find somewhere eventually .. Cheers Nikki 828 0 0 185na4cq 0 0 u_295
4296 4150 110 0 1217315590 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote [quote=&quot;Surtur&quot;:1t23yikw]Ja 't is erg. Eigenlijk is gans die vlaams nationalistische beweging best maar een marginaal gedoe... ma bon... Daarvoor zijn wij hier, om die Nieuwe Orde uit te roepen.;-) Ja er zit best veel progressie in, hier in brugge hebben we al een mooie kern met een aantal sympathisanten bij en ook nationaal begint het wat te vlotten. Ook qua interessant volk. Zo is er onlangs een uitgever militant geworden.;-) Och dat land is hier helemaal naar de kloten. België bestaat zelfs al niet meer. Die politiekers weten dat maar al te goed maar laten de bevolking nog in de schijn tegen dat ze zelf de meubels wat op het droge hebben. Daarom dat N-SA nooit vanuit het oogpunt van België beginnen denken is maar zelfs al vanaf de start een post-Belgisch gedachtengoed en standpunten heeft. Veel van die klutsers uit de vlaamse beweging snappen dat blijkbaar nog niet. Mja, Italië is idd een leuk land maar goed, ideaal is het ook niet bepaald vind ik. Dat Rom een fascist als burgemeester heeft is uiteraard wel goed maar dat zou door gans het land moeten doorgetrokken worden. Plus de graad van corruptie is daar ook nogal hoog (net zoals in ieder land natuurlijk) groeten[/quote:1t23yikw] wel ja, inderdaad, in Rome lachen ze er niet mee als het om vreemdelingen gaat. ik heb gelezen dat jullie congres doorgaat op 11 oktober, maar er staat geen adres bij of heb ik mis gekeken. Als het niet ver uit westvlaanderen zal zijn zou ik proberen te passeren, laat me anders iets weten als je wilt. En tis just, 11 okt is het toch de isd-memorial, alles valt weer samen, maar ja, ik zou wel weten waar ik niet meer moet zijn. Italia en corruptie gaan natuurlijk samen, maar daar hebben ze het lef om het openlijk te doen, hier doen ze alles met een glimlach en steken ze een mes in je rug. genoeg frustraties voor vandaag, we gaan nu weer werken groeten maat 0 0 gA== 1t23yikw 0 0 u_112
4298 4269 112 0 1217322531 1 1 1 1 Re: Sons Of Europe 08 Statement Thanks mate!! 0 0 cpsg4oag 0 0 u_58
4922 0 396 0 1221831155 1 1 1 1 isd give me a bell or pm me your number and i will ring you 07916 188948 0 0 3nrzifre 0 0 u_461
5082 5080 817 0 1222976334 1 1 1 1 Re: Cisto pozdrav Ja licno nisam skins, a na ovom forumu koji nije nesto poznat i nema srpska selekcija. Sto se tice skinsa u Srbiji, to je deo jedne kulture. Ako oces vishe da se informishes poseti sajt Srpske Krv i Cast divizije, sajt Nacionalnog Stroja, Rasonalista, Stormfront srpsku selekciju, i slicne pro-nacionalsocijalisticke internet grupe. Naravno oni postoje u velikom broju i u realnom svetu, 11-tog oktobra vecina iz ovih organizacija ucestvovace na marshu u Beogradu u 17 h ispred filozofskog. Ako si iz Srbije, dodji i ucestvuj. Jako smo cenjeni u svetu, i pozitivni. Mogao bih do sutra da ti pricam o tome, ali me mrzi trenutno, nego reci bolje odakle si, i imash li naprimer msn, tako bi lakse komunicirali pa me pitaj sta te zanima, posto sam i ja u nacionalsocijalistickom pokretu, i ucestvujem u nekim aktivnostima. Pozzz I jedna koju imam na msnu isto se potpisuje sa huligangirl. 0 0 1250uje4 0 0 u_1984
4301 0 1256 0 1217348544 1 1 1 1 28 hull i`m in the east hull area theres three sometime four in our little groop most of hulls right wing seems to be more 18 than 28 <!-- s`Flag1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/KgHDOdea1PPmqHh3e1rx+MzFtVg=.gif" alt="`Flag1" title="Flag1" /><!-- s`Flag1 --> 0 0 nvlv1st5 0 0 u_1362
4302 3991 1083 0 1217349011 1 1 1 1 Re: BBQ 88, Ok dat is goed. Er is echter wel 1 probleem, ik heb geen gsm nog gsm nummer. Aangezien ik mij bezig hou met andere zaken.En ik geen enkel risico wil lopen. Dus indien het gaat laat me het via dit forum weten, want inet heb ik ook niet thuis, ook wegens veiligheids redenen. Ikzelf verblijf momenteel te dusseldorf, maar ben vrijdag terug in Be. Kan je me eventueel iets laten weten via het forum, waar ik juist moet zijn? Enkele jongens had ik nog gezien op de herdenking van onze kameraad te Duitsland. Groet 828 0 0 jkapvm0x 0 0 u_113
4303 4256 1340 0 1217349268 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spullen te koop [quote=&quot;Vlaming&quot;:1gnhaphd]Hey, je mag er ook nog 1 iron cross key hanger bijdoen, dan komt het mooi op 25 euro. ik zal het geld 1 van deze dagen opsturen naar postbus 40 3200 aarschot zoals je me hebt doorgemaild. mvg, vlaming[/quote:1gnhaphd] Hey, Prima ! ironcross keyhanger zwart of zilver? Groeten 828 0 0 gA== 1gnhaphd 0 0 u_850
4310 4278 59 0 1217361017 1 1 1 1 Re: New Stock update 6 Hi Nikki I have a paypal account I can use every now and then, that will probably be easier for you than sending cash to the po box. If youw ant to pay via paypal, make the order as normal, select cash payments and email me for the paypal id plus your order number Normally takes between 7 and 10 days once shipped, depending on whats ordered it'll take me between 2 and 3 days to print your stuff ready for shipping 14 Duds 0 0 28v93yv5 0 0 u_1090
4311 4161 1053 0 1217362508 1 1 1 1 Re: 10 years of BH Hungary Thanks for your solidarity Croatian Comrades! 0 0 15ofh07j 0 0 u_143
4312 0 112 0 1217364718 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote Alaaf, mail eens <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> zodat ze daar ook je e-mailadres hebben om je op de hoogte te houden van activiteiten [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=11618#p11618:1vpuzk13]Subject: tis iere klote[/url:1vpuzk13] [quote=&quot;jerry1974&quot;:1vpuzk13]Vechten , tja . Het is dweilen met de kraan open precies . Eerst de bevolking is wakkerschudden zodat die kakkers van de Wetstraat eens gaan nadenken . Als die dat al kunnen natuurlijk . <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Grt88[/quote:1vpuzk13] 0 0 kA== 1vpuzk13 0 0 u_102
4313 4312 102 0 1217365826 1 1 1 1 Re: tis iere klote Voila gedaan . <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Nu hebt gij het ook ineens . Was er binnenkort geen Nsa meeting in de Valhalla ? Grt88 0 0 1oi086ld 0 0 u_112
4699 4685 54 0 1220777186 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello and upcoming ISD arrangements Hi Pete, Thanks for the reply. Justin has gotten back to me also and told me that there wasn't going to be anything formally arranged on the Thurs/Fri beforehand. I've already been in touch with Peta and Nikki and we are going to catch up in town, but please feel free to pass on my details to others you trust and that you know are going to be there as well, as it seems silly to have everyone in town and not have the opportunity to meet, especially anyone that is new. I am happy to co-ordinate something if that would help, since you guys are all going to be busy with the bands etc. Also, as I offered to Justin, if you need a hand setting anything up I'm happy to help, plus I can bring some more flags down for decoration if needed. Re the thread, the whole thing is unfortunate and was totally unnecessary - I'm not the enemy, I never have been. As I said, I'm happy to catch up with you guys to discuss it bluntly and openly in person and to clear the air and move on. I'm looking forward to catching up with you again and also meeting your other half. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3sg8t2y7 0 0 u_195 u_2
4682 4676 54 0 1220696516 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello........ [quote=&quot;Reggie73&quot;:1b28ywoq]Hello everyone, I'm from Belgium..... <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> greetz[/quote:1b28ywoq] Hello and welcome to the forum! Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1b28ywoq 0 0 u_1781
4683 4670 54 0 1220697396 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from USA [quote=&quot;beowolf_357&quot;:2qx5wly4]Hi my name is Carl. Just wanted to tell you I liked your interview with the Captain. I have a 11 YO daughter Emily, she loves the Aryan Child song. Take care. Freedom comes from the sword[/quote:2qx5wly4] Hello Carl, Thanks for the pm, I'm glad you enjoyed Captain Scarlets show, I think he's briliant. Yes it's a great song for children to sing along to, it's good to hear someone elses child enjoying it too. Welcome to the forum! Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2qx5wly4 0 0 u_265
5893 5859 1926 0 1229171258 1 1 1 1 Re: ... ok no worries i sent it recorded and air mail so hopefully youll get it soon regards denis 0 0 ogy6ndz6 0 0 u_323
5894 0 72 0 1229176652 1 1 1 1 GREETINGS ROK Yes Mate, its still for sale <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Whats your address and can you pay by PAY PAL?? Hope alls well with you and the rest of the Slovenian lads?? Yours.Rob 0 0 swmaoj74 0 0 u_1631
5895 5308 279 3 1229182452 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Post... ok no probs 88/14 0 0 1emgxmin 0 0 u_297
5914 5910 323 4 1229384434 1 1 1 1 Re: address Thanks, I'll pass the address onto them.. Vicky 0 0 2aq6b3pe 0 0 u_73
5915 5897 337 0 1229390580 1 1 1 1 Re: none Hey Bro, That sounds cool. I'll give you a call soon. I've been working a lot lately. I work at the new casino in Atmore. The job is coming to an end soon so I'm having to work alot of hours, I guess, before they lay me off....Its great hearing from you and hopefully get up with you soon. Take Care. Clint 828! 0 0 1n0rsozw 0 0 u_2119
4321 0 850 0 1217421382 1 1 1 1 leuven Beste, ik heb gezelen op het topic 'stel jezelf even voor' dat u afkomig bent uit Leuven. Waar ergens? Ikzelf ben namelijk ook afkomstig uit Leuven. mvg, vlaming 0 0 zqqpzgtj 0 0 u_967
4322 4194 54 0 1217427752 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hi Steve, Yes the forum does seem a much more pleasant place without all of Badwolfs incessant posts. That's great that you might be playing at the Flanders ISD, it should be a great night (both gigs will be!). I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone in person, I'll have to get everyone to introduce themselves by their forum names or I won't know who they are <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> . I'm sure that we will meet up at ISD and have a drink (or 10 <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ). Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1tocyrhw 0 0 u_280
4323 4279 54 0 1217428447 1 1 1 1 Re: Rune and Sword [quote=&quot;Ph0eNiX&quot;:176q7195]Hey Nicole Hope your good .. was just about to log off, I feel like crap and am about to head to bed, have a bad dose of flu <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> but wanted to ask you, if you could tell me how I can pay for an order from Rune and Sword? Do they accept money orders from Australia? Also how long does an order usually take to get here? Cheers Nikki <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 828[/quote:176q7195] Hi Nikki, Hope you are getting over your flu. Unfortunately Rune and Sword has lost their paypal and credit card access, all part of the ZOG crackdown because of the &quot;terrible&quot; (but perfectly legal) merchandise they sell. You can sell all of the porn and other filth in the world using paypal and credit cards, but woebetide if you want to sell anything promoting white racial pride. However that's all the more reason to try to find ways to support them if you ask me! Duds (who runs it and makes the stuff) is a TOP bloke, very honest and the quality is very high. If you have any problems he will fix it immediately. You can only get money orders from the post office in US dollars, not british pounds. You would have to check with Duds if he can/will accept that. You can get a bank draft in pounds, but the banks charge you a fortune. Send Duds an e-mail or a pm asking the best way around it (he's registered here as Duds haha). I'll talk to him about it next time I chat to him as well. If you really get stuck we can possibly look at sending the money via paypal to one of my mates over there, who can then give the cash to Duds. How long it will take to get here is dependant obviously on how much you want to pay for postage. How heavy/how much are you planning on ordering? Duds is pretty fair with the postage costs, but if you want it for ISD I would be ordering it ASAP just to be sure. Hope things are well with you (apart from your flu). Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 176q7195 0 0 u_1090
6205 0 2296 0 1232456211 1 1 1 1 doh hungry <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> brother thanks for your reply ,i got intouch with bh hungry via croatia ???but they are gona help us loads ie digs and meeting at aiport etc ,this is what its all about white unity ,whitescotsman (steph)14wrds alloa white pride scotland 0 0 2qdgzcmq 0 0 u_65
6206 6205 65 0 1232464603 1 1 1 1 Re: doh hungry Well done, it really is one of the best weekends in the Nationalist calendar and the people are superb. I think some of the West Country 28 are going as well. Good luck 828 0 0 ten879pd 0 0 u_2296
6207 6202 2376 0 1232470797 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello from Manchester Well ive got loads of mp3s mate, loadsa skrewdriver, blue eyed devils, chingford attack, kill baby kill, no remorse, landser, konkwista 88 ect. Have you got any razors edge (cant get any and they are a good band) or any bands i havent listed that would be great... <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Erm and the postcode for the Widnes rugby ground is WA8 7DZ... 88 ben 0 0 1dkxrg0x 0 0 u_801
5452 5449 58 0 1225626559 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? [quote=&quot;Bouddica&quot;:2yn2lp0s]Well it depends where the meeting is really as I'm not driving at the mo and I don't know if anyone can give me a lift (I have been taking my driving lessons for quite a while now so I should be driving soon) <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->[/quote:2yn2lp0s] Close to Tramlink mate ! I can come collect you from there OK ? Contact me on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and I will reply with a contact number for myself ok. Give me a text message and I will then call you to arrange mate <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Got Polo shirts coming this week and I need to get everyone in Div area to let me know if they want 1 and if they can ALL be there next sat night it would be much appreciated ! I know I have not done much to contact people in the area but we ARE here LOL ! RR asgard1488 0 0 gA== 2yn2lp0s 0 0 u_461
4965 4964 332 0 1222101982 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD 2008 Ok great i have 12 movies in total some are better than other!! But the one from BA and from WL are really good!!! Im gonna try to send them right now!! But i don't no howe i can do it!! Can you let me know!! I know how i can send them over with msn!! But i don't no how to do it here!! Cheers!! 0 0 2v3ztjuw 0 0 u_58
4966 0 307 0 1222102565 1 1 1 1 isd if you are worried about putting them up send them 2 me i will put them on youtube 4 u if you <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 3ovbxy1y 0 0 u_332
5138 4818 332 0 1223455919 1 1 1 1 Re: Isd Flanders Ok super komt goed. 828 0 0 w10itpms 0 0 u_168
5880 0 2002 0 1228974684 1 1 1 1 W.X pics <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ^^^ Dig through my pics on mudspace, the W.X folder has the flyer on it anyway. 0 0 196t1cmv 0 0 u_888
4360 4359 606 0 1217674172 1 1 1 1 Re: summertime get togethers Thats spot on mate ,i will be on cokes LOL should be a good laugh and can't wait. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> 0 0 1vus2gha 0 0 u_53
4362 4335 460 0 1217677386 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Quando puderes diz-me o que achaste do programa, todo o feedback que estou a receber servirá para melhorar o próximo programa. Abraço amigo. 88 0 0 24uphlv7 0 0 u_1482
4363 3299 460 0 1217677493 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I'm from N.J. U.S.A. If you can understand portuguese, please tell me what did you think about the show. I´m using all the feedback to improve the next show. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 88 0 0 k85w5qjd 0 0 u_987
6239 0 618 0 1232631159 1 1 1 1 contacten gegroet, Heb jij er misschien een idee van waar ik meer conctacten kan vinden in mijn regio(de kempen). Ik heb het al eens aan surtur gevraagd, en er was weinig volk hier in de kempen. IK heb een paar contacten, maar niet genoeg volgens mij, ik zou graag een keer meer naar gigs komen maar tot nu toe ben ik er nog maar naar 2 kunnen gaan, nu vanaf volgende week zal het wat gemakkelijker zijn voor mij om wat verder te gaan want dan heb ik een eigen auto en moet ik niet gaan zagen bij men moeder om haar auto te lenen. mvg jakke 0 0 3do4uj6v 0 0 u_1027
6444 0 291 0 1233779766 1 1 1 1 Tiedustelu... Tervehdys! Tiedustelisin näistä B&amp;H:n järkkäämistä keikoista, että olisiko mahdollista saada informaatiota tulevista tapahtumista? On myös jäänyt epäselväksi, ovatko nämä keikat ym. K-18? 0 0 2ig040wj 0 0 u_552
6445 6413 606 0 1233781304 1 1 1 1 Re: from nick No worries mate,not been on for a while,busy time of year at work but if i'm about bro i will let you know 88 0 0 18tg0ubh 0 0 u_2409
6446 6440 195 0 1233781565 1 1 1 1 Re: Free Sorry for the problems but 9% isnt up and running yet...there has been a hold up because of some tech problems with the email accounts , but it should be fixed soon. When 9% is ready we will announce it so that you all know. Cheers mate 0 0 3no7mzer 0 0 u_91
6084 0 65 0 1231862321 1 1 1 1 stigger Sorry for delay, personally I wouldnt hold out much hope. I have had to go thru G Rob in the end. If you send me a date he will ask again. Hope all is well S 0 0 1enm8mxv 0 0 u_200
6085 0 2296 0 1231862629 1 1 1 1 project schoolyard vol1 88 bhc i managed to get the above cd ,i got a copy from the download juke box on this site ,a few songs are missing like day of the sword ,but they have that as a dowload to so i just made it up ,just thought id let you know cheers whitescotsman 0 0 dawphyyj 0 0 u_115
6086 0 1838 0 1231864813 1 1 1 1 Hiya Hey I'm 17, where you from? Do you go to/been to any gigs? Rosieee <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 2wplbcfv 0 0 u_2099
6089 0 1787 0 1231872129 1 1 1 1 Re: YOUTH AREA Hey mate, do you have MSN? 28 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3f3gue8b 0 0 u_2276
6090 6089 2276 0 1231872261 1 1 1 1 Re: YOUTH AREA yes by addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> all LOWERCASE 0 0 uo7agvbn 0 0 u_1787
6091 0 2123 0 1231877764 1 1 1 1 hi [c=#C0C0C0][s][b:itdncjht] assa|SS|in ??[/b:itdncjht][/s][/c] diz: olha como vai ficar aquela coisa de arranjar um ingles? - vamos esperar por madrid, e tambem pelo crazy celt, ou como e' ? 0 0 QA== itdncjht 0 0 u_2409
6092 0 2123 0 1231877942 1 1 1 1 hi sorry mate about the other msg, was a mistake. im from Peterborough aswell can u contact me on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> cheers Dajo 0 0 2whe1tnk 0 0 u_2409
6093 0 2138 0 1231879306 1 1 1 1 Hello Mate Greetings CrazyCelt, just thought i'd introduce myself. I'm Dajo's mate and like him i'm too a VFSupporter. Hopefuly we'll have the chance to meet up soon and have a few beers lol. All the best to you mate. Take care. 828 ROA 0 0 x074ttqq 0 0 u_61
6094 6093 61 0 1231880599 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello Mate [quote=&quot;assaSSin&quot;:kfjq3uyx]Greetings CrazyCelt, just thought i'd introduce myself. I'm Dajo's mate and like him i'm too a VFSupporter. Hopefuly we'll have the chance to meet up soon and have a few beers lol. All the best to you mate. Take care. 828 ROA[/quote:kfjq3uyx] Hello mate, yes it would be good to meet up &amp; with a bit of luck I'll make it to a few gig's this year. I missed the White Christmas one as I had no spare money, did you go ? Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== kfjq3uyx 0 0 u_2138
4366 0 53 0 1217713311 1 1 1 1 sommertime Get Together Hi I'm just sending this pm as next weekend is the 'summertime get together' &amp; you have expressed a intrest in attending on the thread. The venue we have selected is at Billing Aquadrome, as we have previously stated it has great amenities, Is pretty central being about 5 miles from Jct 15 on the M1. We would love to see you there, it will be great to have a family orinented social. Its £20 for over night camping &amp; £10 access to the park for the day (their prices). Any time after mid day will be great. If you are still intrested in attending, pm me back an i'll send directions &amp; a phone number, Hope you can make it 828 chubley &amp; warrior 0 0 13st457w 0 0 u_72:u_801:u_146:u_65:u_1362
4367 0 53 0 1217713545 1 1 1 1 Summertime Get Together Hi I'm just sending this pm as next weekend is the 'summertime get together' &amp; you have expressed a intrest in attending on the thread. The venue we have selected is at Billing Aquadrome, as we have previously stated it has great amenities, Is pretty central being about 5 miles from Jct 15 on the M1. We would love to see you there, it will be great to have a family orinented social. Its £20 for over night camping &amp; £10 access to the park for the day (their prices). Any time after mid day will be great. If you are still intrested in attending, pm me back an i'll send directions &amp; a phone number, Hope you can make it 828 chubley &amp; warrior 0 0 3d5qzyli 0 0 u_1148:u_1144
4368 4344 1362 0 1217760726 1 1 1 1 Re: counter terrorism dibble mums a bitch, doesnt want me to be part of it etc etc coz i agree with it n shit, saying that coz the police say B&amp;H is illegal i cant go etc etc n she doesnt want you to talk 2 her about it n shit coz shes just like &quot;the police say tht its illegal n martin will lie through his teeth to tell you it isnt&quot; blah blah blah fucking annoyed as fuck, &quot;your not going until your 18&quot; n all that bollocks n am seriously fucked off about it -.- they didnt bring the phone number thing up really, im gonna drop in sometime next saturday probably coz iv got work next week, 7:30 til 4:30, then we can chat coz i really cba typing all this out. cheers Nick <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> 0 0 9yccmi0n 0 0 u_59
4369 3698 1137 0 1217769729 1 1 1 1 Re: South of the River ??? hey asgard how ya doing im up for meeting mate when and where need a few days notice tho im in the middle of moveing to west wickham nice and white ther keep me posted pls 0 0 3ry4z2mr 0 0 u_58
4370 4367 1148 0 1217771348 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime Get Together Would most defin88ly be interested...please give dates asap as getting time off of work @ the mo is a pretty difficult task, if it all falls on my 4 rest days then I shall be attending! Andover Paul 1488 0 0 ztwzcqq2 0 0 u_53
4371 4367 53 0 1217771471 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime Get Together Hi Paul its next saturday the 9th, an if you want to camp its the 10th aswell! Shell 0 0 3j6scwnd 0 0 u_1148
4372 4367 1148 0 1217771755 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime Get Together Un4tunately thats me out as I am helping out with the Bulldog Bash and I ain't gna be able to swerve that! Hope all goes well! 1488 0 0 1mzdztz3 0 0 u_53
5545 5543 618 0 1226611406 1 1 1 1 Re: NSBM Ok, bedankt! 0 0 1zdj8rx6 0 0 u_112
5630 0 1975 0 1227376252 1 1 1 1 Sorry werewolf,only thing I wanted to say is that caps bullshit is not important ,is it?Been around since 83,Skinhead for life &amp; NS for sure.Thats all.&amp; I!m not buster at all lol.Hope yoy know what I mean as my english is not 100%.There are more important things in life ,thats all I wanted to point out.Bossy88 0 0 2y2tb1hq 0 0 u_65
4380 4367 53 0 1217807519 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime Get Together [quote=&quot;Herefordshire 28&quot;:1jcwkryz]Hi Sis Yes we are still interested but we will only be there for a few hours have a natter with a few comrades and get back home for the dogs lol,can you send us the directions then See you all next weekend then R,R Jackie &amp; Badger H28[/quote:1jcwkryz] Hello me dears, Heres the website directions <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Its much easier than me trying to explain as i've only been there once meself! heres me mobile no 07882144160 for any questions dont hesitate to get in touch, an if you wanna give us a bell when you get there sat we can let you know where we are on site! RR Shell 0 0 gA== 1jcwkryz 0 0 u_1144
4381 4108 53 3 1217808291 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers Hi Dajana, Next weekend will be at Billing Aquadrome in Northants J15 on M1. We are looking to get there around midday. Heres the website addy for directions <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Right there is a slight problem with the payment, as you have paid £12 into my paypal acc i take it you are coming for the day, To gain entrance to the park for a day you just pay at the gate on the way in, so it will be better if i return your £12, Then you can just come in when you get there or i'm going to have to get to the gates, wait for you an then hand over your money!!! So if you can give me a email address i'll send the cash back, Its easier that way. (or i can just give you the cash back next saturday when i see you, its up to you) Any questions dont hesitate to get in touch with either myself or Warrior. Heres my mobile no 07882144160 if you want to call when you get there, then we call all hook up together. Looking forward to meeting you Shell 0 0 39kvxssy 0 0 u_1227
4382 4108 1227 3 1217829598 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers cheers for that you can just go on your paypal account ,on my payment and on the boton of it is a refund link. my paypal adress is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> we will be later then midday becaause i have to wait till paul comes home from work and it takes us about 3 hours up there but we want to come. take care dajana <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 256pzywp 0 0 u_53
4383 4108 53 3 1217841257 1 1 1 1 Re: Summertime get togethers Dajana, Ive sent that £12 back! sorry for the mix up! see you saturday RR Shell 0 0 1m8z7mha 0 0 u_1227
5755 5625 66 0 1228147452 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire hi ryan.....can you get to argos side of meadow hall on sat and be there by 4pm... there will be a bloke called gary or g88 on the forum... who will show you where we meet up here is hes mobile phone number contact him on friday and he'll show you where to go.. gary 07837563117 see you on sat jules 88 0 0 i3sb9oud 0 0 u_780
4385 4278 1090 0 1217858385 1 1 1 1 Re: New Stock update 6 Hi Duds Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you, I've been flat out this week. Paypal sounds good, I will have to set up an account with them, so I will let you know as soon as it's done. You have some great Merch on the site Nikki 828 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 pwt58rtp 0 0 u_59
4386 0 1322 0 1217858951 1 1 1 1 Re: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=11903#p11903:1xblsv8o]Subject: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008.[/url:1xblsv8o] [quote=&quot;Earl&quot;:1xblsv8o][b:1xblsv8o]I know theres a coach going from the Yorkshire area, but I need to get home the same night, is anyone travelling up the M6 on their way home? I'd be grateful of a lift. 828[/b:1xblsv8o][/quote:1xblsv8o] if mark n me r going then u prob cd get lift with him..........marie xx 0 0 0A== 1xblsv8o 0 0 u_79
4387 4279 1090 0 1217859406 1 1 1 1 Re: Rune and Sword Hi Nicole How are you? My Flu is just about gone thanks for asking, it's been a bad one, that will teach me to go running around the City until 4am with BJ (we went out to see Sham 69 about 2 weeks ago) <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> BJ's wife Sharron asked me to ask you, if you remembered her? BJ is pretty good friends with your Ex Ben, anyway she said to say hello. Thanks for all the info, I sent a mssg to Duds and he said he will be able to set up Paypal again, which is great ... now I just have to make an account with them. They have some great stuff for sale on there, I'll probably wait awhile, I don't need it for ISD, but will definitely be buying from there. I just bought stuff from NSM88 and I found some Docs for sale yesterday for a great price on Amazon International $109.00 <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> I couldn't help myself, can't have enough pairs ha ha .. there's a pair of steel cap Doc shoes on there that I want to get next but they are going to have to wait too or I won't have any money left for Melbourne ha ha What day are you going to get down there? I am going to fly down on an early bird flight on the Friday morning and going back probably early Monday. It will be awesome to see you again, there are going to be a lot of people going I haven't seen in ages. Anyway, I am up way later than I meant to be, take care and speak soon Regards Nikki <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 11vm5ret 0 0 u_54
4389 4386 79 0 1217869042 1 1 1 1 Re: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. [b:3he62c1c]I thought you 2 were staying over????[/b:3he62c1c] 0 0 QA== 3he62c1c 0 0 u_1322
4390 4386 1322 0 1217875680 1 1 1 1 Re: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. oh i dunno lol.......let u know when i do!!! do u know where it is exactly? xx 0 0 1kae3mk0 0 0 u_79
5786 5771 1713 0 1228285624 1 1 1 1 Re: Heil Comrade Alright mate, and welcome to the forum, what part of london u from? im from east london, will sort my msn out and add u, all the best paul28 0 0 3iv5ksvc 0 0 u_2138
5583 5572 2119 0 1226962499 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I almost forgot to ask. How are YOU doing, my dear? <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 4c447f06 0 0 u_1937
5584 5555 886 0 1226997874 1 1 1 1 Re: Kent [quote=&quot;crushthesystem&quot;:1unyno11]where about in sittingbourne is it though?[/quote:1unyno11] Not sure mate I think near the center, 0 0 gA== 1unyno11 0 0 u_1910
5256 5240 1775 0 1224184939 1 1 1 1 Re: NEW CD ! Ken McLellan &amp; Arrowcross i know <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> 0 0 230d05ht 0 0 u_74
4402 4340 1340 0 1218036413 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Wij hebben nog steeds niets ontvangen? Gaat de bestelling nog door? Groeten 0 0 227owpky 0 0 u_850
5664 5647 1713 0 1227552041 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas In essex mate, until we get some idea where the gig is, its hard to plan anything, we have a few motors going from round here, so will keep u posted <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 un7dkf58 0 0 u_1910
4405 4164 96 0 1218043392 1 1 1 1 Re: Hallo oh hey sorry , maar heb het druk gehad, als het voor u niet erg is stuur ik dat de 20e augustus op , want heb een paar onverwachte uitgaven gehad. maar ik ga het zeker opsturen dan . groeten 88 0 0 1m2s25sd 0 0 u_1340
5684 5671 53 0 1227662804 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi, ok try <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 phcwuwc4 0 0 u_2119
4556 0 1 0 1219180286 1 1 1 1 gig m8 did u get a bed for the nite saterday ? <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 aap81nx4 0 0 u_297
4557 4556 297 0 1219181476 1 1 1 1 Re: gig Me and my missus passed out in the car as had a lot to drink...the others webt to griff's (last chance singer)house and slept there....cheers fo the concern brother...hope to see you at isd...come over and have a few beers...always looking for people to chat o when Guy / Unit 28 14/828 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 32sszwex 0 0 u_891
5649 5625 780 0 1227473424 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire Ill try get it in the post tomorrow. Will be good to see you again too, were you at the remembrance day gig? 14/88 Ryan 0 0 bjp6is0c 0 0 u_66
5795 5769 1409 0 1228333038 1 1 1 1 Re: ANDOVER <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> mate!! Thank you very much for I waiting for answer from my friend,he may be have one spear seat.If no I will be calling to Paul..cheers mate..all the best foryou aswell.. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 nko3vf21 0 0 u_72
4920 4902 1711 0 1221826989 1 1 1 1 Re: isd Hi whiteandproudf and whitehammer I'll be at lakeside services in dartford on saturday at 9am. I'll be waiting in burger king parking. My van is white and it's a vauxhall combo. any troubles to find me just give me a call 07846342096. THX 88 Matt 0 0 2f3n7woh 0 0 u_307
6339 6309 618 0 1233088464 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag, Ik denk ook dat de klokke het beste idee is. Zeg maar een datum en een uur, dan zal ik tegen dan aan geld proberen te geraken. Ik zit met geld te kort dus. Maar als je een datum zegt kan ik eventueel wel aan geld geraken tegen dan. 0 0 184j8axe 0 0 u_1027
6115 6097 2400 0 1231985064 1 1 1 1 Re: The Crew For sure talk to you soon dude. 0 0 bdes3dpz 0 0 u_2105
6116 6112 618 0 1232038825 1 1 1 1 Re: topic gegroet, Ok, geen probleem, het zou natuurlijk wel eens interessant zijn om eens een keer naar daar af te rijzen en daar contact te zoeken met de juiste mensen. Misschien kan je dat doen op een herdenking of een ander feest daar. Ik zelf wilde naar de white Xmass gig gaan, maar ben daar helaas niet geraakt, had geen vervoer en geen geld enzo, ben namelijk nog student. en we komen elkaar zeker wel eens tegen, als je wil kan je naar de nieuwjaars receptie komen van het N-SA, ik zal daar zeker aanwezig zijn. Als je meer info wil ofzo of mijn MSN wil stuur je maar een PM. 828 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 12ztl9ad 0 0 u_1027
4779 4765 1810 0 1221137466 1 1 1 1 Re: heil 88 Komme aus der nähe von frankfurt am main, und selber? <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1syvn0jo 0 0 u_1761
4429 0 244 0 1218370754 1 1 1 1 I want Skrewdriver on Vinyl for Affordable Prices 0 0 2pu1lgmx 0 0 u_1454
5247 5241 1105 0 1224172297 1 1 1 1 Re: ok Ok, zodra de fuif definitief vastligt zult ge et weten... de naam staat in elk geval al vast: imagination... Het zal een organisatie zijn van alle 5des van de skole 828, Wforumss 0 0 3g4prjr8 0 0 u_1092
4432 4430 107 0 1218394777 1 1 1 1 Re: AANDACHT! wedek goed genoeg liggen ja. Al es problemen gehad daar met albanezen . 0 0 3g2qr4in 0 0 u_1105
4439 0 115 0 1218409139 1 1 1 1 Re: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=11995#p11995:4xeneau7]Subject: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008.[/url:4xeneau7] [quote=&quot;anvil&quot;:4xeneau7]If anyone is stuck for a lift from South Wales, please PM me. 828[/quote:4xeneau7] A Welsh lad got in touch with us regarding trying to get over to the Stinko gig, his email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 kA== 4xeneau7 0 0 u_67
4440 0 115 0 1218409362 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia Hi, Whatever happened to Bobbie from over in NZ, she had a Adolf Hitler tat on the back of her head? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10153#p10153:1lo46dfk]Subject: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia[/url:1lo46dfk] [quote=&quot;NZ_Skinbyrd828&quot;:1lo46dfk]wow, very exciting!! sounds like its going to be yet another rippa....[/quote:1lo46dfk] 0 0 kA== 1lo46dfk 0 0 u_1281
4443 3160 215 0 1218451397 1 1 1 1 Re: fanzine Salut mec, je suis désolé mais je suis pas mal pris par le boulot en ce moment et je suis vriament sérré niveau tune voila pourquoi je ne te rappel pas (hors forfait), cependant, on a prévu avec un pote de monté courant aout, donc je te tient au courant, et redonne moi l'adresse ou adressé l'argent stp (j'ai plus de carte de crédit <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> ) MAJ bonne continuation 0 0 3hwknoou 0 0 u_304
4447 0 284 0 1218473903 1 1 1 1 Hael Hael friend, On the 4-skins topic you said to check out Mouthguard at Rebellion in Blackpool. I saw them and their sound was really good so I bought the CD only to find out when I got home they are reds!! After looking them up on myspace they have links to Antifa. Did you know this? Funny thing is I spent 20 mins talking to one of the band members afterwards neither of us knowing each other leanings ha ha. 0 0 3vrz812d 1218473974 1 u_1089
4448 4440 1281 0 1218480604 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia I seen her a few years ago, she had grown her hair back .... I still think she lives in the same place she has always lived, keeps a low profile these days. 0 0 1g977atx 0 0 u_115
4859 0 1112 0 1221636853 1 1 1 1 Re: LUGDUNUM ISD MEMORIAL hello Shell! Just an little hello! see u soon i hope Chris 0 0 14px37ex 0 0 u_53
5259 0 72 0 1224241024 1 1 1 1 OLD SKREWDRIVER GIGS Hello, In response to your excellent post last week where you listed the Skrewdriver gigs you were be at, would it be possible to email a friend of mine who is attempting to compile a list of every R.A.C. gig that included a British band. (Here is part of the list to give you an idea of what he’s doing <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). You stated that you always listed every gig you go to in a gig diary. My friend is unable to access the B&amp;H forum – the server he uses blocks the site. My friend’s email address is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or if you prefer you could PM me your email address and I’ll get my friend to email you. Thanks, Bulldog Drummond. 0 0 28rp80hh 0 0 u_2002
5265 0 300 0 1224308663 1 1 1 1 Re: Cd's and shirts for sale [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=14887#p14887:3agm0nsx]Subject: Cd's and shirts for sale[/url:3agm0nsx] [quote=&quot;andred&quot;:3agm0nsx]how much are your landser shirts frank <!-- s`SwiftJustice --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/sstotani.gif" alt="`SwiftJustice" title="SwiftJustice" /><!-- s`SwiftJustice -->[/quote:3agm0nsx] 12 US dollars. 0 0 kA== 3agm0nsx 0 0 u_392
4450 4440 115 0 1218487576 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial '08 - Australia Oh wow, I guess people change and such, used to &quot;speak&quot; to her online a good few years ago and the occasional email, kept meaning to ask someone how she was and seeing NZ Skingirl kind of reminded me!! <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 0 0 nlqxh0yv 0 0 u_1281
5105 0 332 0 1223065279 1 1 1 1 Pow+Isd Hoi, die Pow van ons op 6 december word een maand verplaats!! O.a vanwege White X-mass wat op dezelde dag valt!! De herdenking een maand eerder gaat wel door!! We hebben voor die Pow wel Section88 en Unit 28 bereid gevonden om te spelen!! Hoeveel man heb je nog nodig voor de securety?? We hebben zowizo 6 mannen en 2 vrouwen!! Groeten 828 0 0 18kopzxt 0 0 u_168
5544 5543 112 0 1226609169 1 1 1 1 Re: NSBM geen probleem, doe maar. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 0 0 5dcln760 0 0 u_618
5395 0 531 0 1225142757 1 1 1 1 Any help ? Evening comrade, just happened to chance on your posting and it got me thinking, is Music from the Third Reich the name of the album, or is it just general music you're after ? I downloaded quite a few marches, songs, speeches etc if they're any help, total of about 5 cds. Only thing is, I can't do covers, so if you were wanting any, I'm afraid it would be a blank cd with a bit of writing on ! Bulldog Drummond didn't mind when I sent him a cd he wanted, so unless you're a choosy bugger, the offers there mate <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 88 Ian 0 0 3kw1gokl 0 0 u_549
4458 3586 1266 0 1218565689 1 1 1 1 Re: hi <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 88 bro sorry just seen ur post if theres any meets comeup let us know 0 0 2twa2lul 0 0 u_1221
4459 0 72 0 1218569162 1 1 1 1 NEOFOLK Hi SYN We talked briefly at the BLACKPOOL festival <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> .......could you PM when if/when that NEOFLOLK radio show is on STORMFRONT. Thanks.Rob 0 0 21b9nvsi 0 0 u_147
5252 5250 174 0 1224180737 1 1 1 1 Re: vervoer zelfde inkom als vorig jaar. alvast egt bedankt <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 23n0b9kp 0 0 u_1092
5253 4829 90 0 1224182406 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS Gegroet Gewoon mee praten met de topics en zelf topics aanmaken. Freiheit 28 0 0 75tc2uht 0 0 u_1878
4468 0 618 0 1218648646 1 1 1 1 geschiedenis gegroet, ik heb eens een vraagje, mag ik de info van de geschiedenis van het nederlands en vlaams nationalisme gebruiken om volgend jaar op school een spreekbeurt van te maken? mvg jakke 0 0 ievaadjz 0 0 u_1573
4469 4468 1573 0 1218649013 1 1 1 1 Re: geschiedenis Geen probleem! 0 0 2mji2g9h 0 0 u_618
5125 0 276 0 1223241670 1 1 1 1 Flanders Hi, hoping to run a minibus over to Flanders - do you know anyone that might be interested in going - only five of us at the moment. Can pick up in London if need be cheers Lee 0 0 304qhgbe 0 0 u_65
4471 0 1362 0 1218649156 1 1 1 1 right mate been chatting to me mum, shes doing the classic 'im in too much pain to take it all in' coz she has a bad back, iv tried to convince her that B&amp;H is non membership, i think she knows that now, but shes still under a belief that B&amp;H is illegal, so is it mate? nick 0 0 3sav576y 0 0 u_59
4472 0 146 0 1218652891 1 1 1 1 Re: A place to stay for the stinko gig [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12204#p12204:3tv4pn9y]Subject: A place to stay for the stinko gig[/url:3tv4pn9y] [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:3tv4pn9y]We will be travelling up to this gig as we are playing once again however as you can appreciate its a long old drive from down south so we were wondering if anyone had anywhere they could put us up (will be five people)...we dont mind even if its a floor as only one of us can drive and dont fancy falling asleep at the wheel... would really be appreciated if anyone could help us out.... Thanks Unit 28 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:3tv4pn9y] Aye' up brothers greetings from the black country.....can't wait to see ya' all for a beer on saturday,i've sorted ya' a place to can stay with our singer griff.i asked him and he said it would be fine.i would have offered myself but i've got a house full of family at the weekend and it would have been impossible.we could'nt let ya' drive back down there it would'nt have made sense and it's too fuckin' anyway hope that's set ya' straight for a great gig,griff only lives about three miles from venue so everything should be sound anyway take care..see ya' saturday..Tom.LAST-CHANCE. 0 0 kA== 3tv4pn9y 0 0 u_297
4473 0 146 0 1218653162 1 1 1 1 Re: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12267#p12267:3ar8f8fn]Subject: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008.[/url:3ar8f8fn] [quote=&quot;chubley88&quot;:3ar8f8fn][quote=&quot;vixen66&quot;:3ar8f8fn][quote=&quot;Warrior&quot;:3ar8f8fn]The countdown has begun 4 MORE SLEEPS[/quote:3ar8f8fn] you make me laugh so much warrior......soon be 3 sleeps <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:3ar8f8fn] Wait till the weekend me dear an i'll show you a vid that will have you laughing..............Warrior &amp; the locomation!!! <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen -->[/quote:3ar8f8fn] Aye' up shell...i've sorted the unit-28 lads out with a place to stay so no need to worry about that..i'm waitting for the re-direction it's somewhere in halesowen.i'll let ya' know before unless ya' alredy know.and the gig is over our way not cov..hope this puts ya' at ease i'll see ya' saturday take care.Tom. 0 0 kA== 3ar8f8fn 0 0 u_53
4474 4472 297 0 1218655174 1 1 1 1 Re: A place to stay for the stinko gig Thats brilliant.... cheers for the help.. We got a new bas player and its his firs time so we will see how he does...I'll have to buy you and griff a few beers for your help.. take care and see you saturday.. Guy/Unit 28 14/828 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2dq3m1vh 0 0 u_146
4477 4472 146 0 1218661594 1 1 1 1 Re: A place to stay for the stinko gig Any time's no problem,see ya' saturday. 0 0 1dob81zu 0 0 u_297
6046 6045 70 0 1231450600 1 1 1 1 Re: DAY OF HONOUR 2009 Thats just teasing .... now I really want to go, trying to see if anyone is interested it looks really good.828 0 0 1vt0jq93 0 0 u_72
4479 0 143 0 1218673400 1 1 1 1 ISD Memorial speech Szia. I speak with Zoli from Mezokovacshaza, and he sayed that it will be good to someone from B&amp;H Croatia make a speech on koncert. I have speech here, if you agree with it we will read it on koncert. It´s big honour to be here today, to be part of this important moment in the history of BH movement. BH Croatia congradulates hungarian comrades 10th anniversary of BH Hungary, we hope that this is first of many BH Hungary decades which will follow in the future, we wish best luck for BH Hungary and whole hungarian NS movement, we also hope that we will strengthen cooperation between our two movements, hungarian and croatian, that we will strenghten our existing friendships and to make new friendships with even more hungarian comrades. BH Croatia also congradulates both, hungarian and german comrades, 10th anniversery of their friendship. Kitartas! 0 0 a2lfgiv2 1218673481 1 u_1053
4480 4334 203 0 1218713856 1 1 1 1 Re: [Blogue] Voz Nacional Socialista ok Eu quando chegar depois ligo-te. 1 abraco Sergio 0 0 1wo38aro 0 0 u_1482
4485 0 202 0 1218817294 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! Az ne sum se kril be. Ne si pital, ne sum ti otgovoril. Az sum Shenchev, ako iskash neshto da mi kajesh mi govori tuk, nedei zanimavai horata s glupostite si. 0 0 1d9lrcd0 0 0 u_1596
6042 6041 73 0 1231429023 1 1 1 1 Re: paypal yes mate our site still has its paypal 828 0 0 11jrvce9 0 0 u_74
5592 5558 73 0 1227044825 1 1 1 1 Re: cd's wanted i will send you a list tomorrow mate 0 0 1ie1dygg 0 0 u_74
5719 5625 780 0 1227891318 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas coach from yorkshire Hello, just wondered if you got that postal order yet, on the royal mail website it says it was delivered. 14/88 Ryan 0 0 ldfximwi 0 0 u_66
5645 5641 1910 0 1227467212 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas ok kool i dont know how exactly i would be getting there but i hope to be going and i hope to meet you there 0 0 1u0xlk91 0 0 u_53
4511 4485 1596 0 1218965645 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! i kvi sa tea hora be loko ili mutrite teb mai mai ne te znaqt mnoio v tvoita agitka pital sam 2ma kade sa vi kato taror4eta i vaob6te ne podozirat za tvoeto sa6testvuvanie i ko tolkoz lo6o si videl ot nas ama iska6 da si lider4e da te gleat samo v o4i4kite nali te pomna kaf si be mammu7 a za vratza ko sam se pravil na 6a6av mai ti se prai togova govori az maina neam ni6to protiv tebe uvajavam ta tva onova podsmar4a tam a dosta ot moite hora ma pitaha kav e toa i iskaha da ta umaat ama az az im vikam na6e mom4e ot pld tva onova mnoo hora gi drazne6e togava ama nikoi ni6to ama karai ne6to vi stana sled tva fest4e po4nahte tam s usta6ite da drujite s ungarci koeto nlo6o nema za tva ama akciite mnoo vi se ka4iha i na teb i na onia fuhrera vie ste sram za ns be debili do kolko te znam 1 punk si bilo do sea i 2 si se nasiral o t sigyren izto4nik go znam tva ne si go smu4a ot prastite i ne mi govori 3e 6e zagaza 4e po4va6 ve4e naistina da me iznervq6 a sf pld e 130 kil,razumesh picketino zagrebacka <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> 0 0 1tsw97gu 0 0 u_202
4512 4485 202 0 1218972566 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [quote=&quot;karadzic&quot;:ggfhfz0r]i kvi sa tea hora be loko ili mutrite teb mai mai ne te znaqt mnoio v tvoita agitka pital sam 2ma kade sa vi kato taror4eta i vaob6te ne podozirat za tvoeto sa6testvuvanie i ko tolkoz lo6o si videl ot nas ama iska6 da si lider4e da te gleat samo v o4i4kite nali te pomna kaf si be mammu7 a za vratza ko sam se pravil na 6a6av mai ti se prai togova govori az maina neam ni6to protiv tebe uvajavam ta tva onova podsmar4a tam a dosta ot moite hora ma pitaha kav e toa i iskaha da ta umaat ama az az im vikam na6e mom4e ot pld tva onova mnoo hora gi drazne6e togava ama nikoi ni6to ama karai ne6to vi stana sled tva fest4e po4nahte tam s usta6ite da drujite s ungarci koeto nlo6o nema za tva ama akciite mnoo vi se ka4iha i na teb i na onia fuhrera vie ste sram za ns be debili do kolko te znam 1 punk si bilo do sea i 2 si se nasiral o t sigyren izto4nik go znam tva ne si go smu4a ot prastite i ne mi govori 3e 6e zagaza 4e po4va6 ve4e naistina da me iznervq6 a sf pld e 130 kil,razumesh picketino zagrebacka <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: -->[/quote:ggfhfz0r] Trudno razchitam kvo pishesh. Ne se iznervia tolkova. Az s agitki ne sum pretendiral, tova ne znachi, che si nemam problemi zaradi tova, che darjah drugaruvane s takiva kato vas. NIshto ne razbiram za punk munk. Kato e tolkova blizo sofia-plovdiv zapoviadai, shte ti uredim neshto. <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Ne sum srbin, ne razbiram poslednoto... 0 0 gA== ggfhfz0r 0 0 u_1596
4513 4485 202 0 1218974445 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [quote=&quot;karadzic&quot;:3nzom7aa]i kvi sa tea hora be loko ili mutrite teb mai mai ne te znaqt mnoio v tvoita agitka pital sam 2ma kade sa vi kato taror4eta i vaob6te ne podozirat za tvoeto sa6testvuvanie i ko tolkoz lo6o si videl ot nas ama iska6 da si lider4e da te gleat samo v o4i4kite nali te pomna kaf si be mammu7 a za vratza ko sam se pravil na 6a6av mai ti se prai togova govori az maina neam ni6to protiv tebe uvajavam ta tva onova podsmar4a tam a dosta ot moite hora ma pitaha kav e toa i iskaha da ta umaat ama az az im vikam na6e mom4e ot pld tva onova mnoo hora gi drazne6e togava ama nikoi ni6to ama karai ne6to vi stana sled tva fest4e po4nahte tam s usta6ite da drujite s ungarci koeto nlo6o nema za tva ama akciite mnoo vi se ka4iha i na teb i na onia fuhrera vie ste sram za ns be debili do kolko te znam 1 punk si bilo do sea i 2 si se nasiral o t sigyren izto4nik go znam tva ne si go smu4a ot prastite i ne mi govori 3e 6e zagaza 4e po4va6 ve4e naistina da me iznervq6 a sf pld e 130 kil,razumesh picketino zagrebacka <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: -->[/quote:3nzom7aa] Brato, napravo idvai u filibeto, na 30-ti shte te chakame teb, i ako jelaesh dokarai drujkite si s teb. Ako za togava ne mojesh, pishi tuka koga ti e vazmojno da ti dokaram edni &quot;mamuti&quot; ta da ti udvelotvorim jelanieto. Sega ti razumesh li? <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> 0 0 gA== 3nzom7aa 0 0 u_1596
4514 4485 1596 0 1218974664 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! mi 6e doem bate skoro 6e e imah predvid 4e sa mi kazvali 4e samo govori6 malko se bie6 za razlika ot drui hora koito ne haresva6 i gi pliue6 no ima da se u4i6 mnoo tva tyka kade gi drankame tea gluposti nema smisal kat se viim togava 6e se razberem i kvi problemi si imal nemoga da razbera znae6 4e va6te darti sa na6i hora i sa priateli ni sme nacisti ne nekvi lumpeni mom4e koito gleat da se razdelqt hubavo tva si e tvoq precenka 6tom iska6 a si lider4e na 3 4 4oveka 4e mai u pld ne si4ki sa sas vas a tva kade go drankate 4e 6e vi se pra6ta milicia e malko sme6no i neseriozno vse pak imame edni idei hah kolega ?ili nee taka <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 1lvhc2rg 0 0 u_202
4515 4485 202 0 1218975235 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [quote=&quot;karadzic&quot;:29pi42u5]mi 6e doem bate skoro 6e e imah predvid 4e sa mi kazvali 4e samo govori6 malko se bie6 za razlika ot drui hora koito ne haresva6 i gi pliue6 no ima da se u4i6 mnoo tva tyka kade gi drankame tea gluposti nema smisal kat se viim togava 6e se razberem i kvi problemi si imal nemoga da razbera znae6 4e va6te darti sa na6i hora i sa priateli ni sme nacisti ne nekvi lumpeni mom4e koito gleat da se razdelqt hubavo tva si e tvoq precenka 6tom iska6 a si lider4e na 3 4 4oveka 4e mai u pld ne si4ki sa sas vas a tva kade go drankate 4e 6e vi se pra6ta milicia e malko sme6no i neseriozno vse pak imame edni idei hah kolega ?ili nee taka <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:29pi42u5] Ti mnogo pretendirash, che me poznavsh nali taka? <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Togava sus sigurnost shte znaesh, che sum izbegval vsekakvi konflikti. Fakt. Nikoga ne sum trugnal da zaplshavam nekoi s kakvoto i da e bilo. Ama ti tuka da me zaplasgvash men, ili moi hora nema kak da se razmine ako dori opitate da napravite neshto na nekoi. Tova s policiata ne se pravi na lud, shtoto znaesh koi go e kazal. Ot 100 choveka sum go chul. Ama to dori ne se i krie... A sega da te pitam u vraca kakvo te pitah be, ne ti li kazah slednoto-kakvo si govorel za men, che sum hrvatska picka, i ti kazah, che nie sme bulgari, a ne hrvati srbi ili tuzemci, ama ti mai si poveche srbin po mislene. Ili iskash da kajesh , che pak laja? Za lumpeni ne znam, az sus sigurnost ne sum, zanimavam se s otgovorni neshta i poslednoto neshto e da tragna da se hamalia s takiva kato teb, no nali znaesh, kakvoto povikalo takova se obadilo. 0 0 gA== 29pi42u5 0 0 u_1596
4516 4485 1596 0 1218976236 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! mom4e mnoo dobre te vijdam 4e si samo po prikazkite govori si tam praite si spisaniiceto koi da zapla6vam be ko da vi zapla6vam to nema smisal vie sami 6e se naigraete az da tragna se zanimavam s vas lud li si be si gyba vremeto 4e nemoe si izkarvam para 6e hoda se zanimavam s tebe kompitaren plah a za srbite <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> samo moe da se u4i6 ot teh be nema zna4enie vie iskate da ste po umereni badete togava ama nema mi govori6 v neta za grupata za moi priateli i da s prai6 na dupe 6tot ne si izbqgva6tia konflikti sram mom4e sram <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> 0 0 k7xwm3an 0 0 u_202
5879 0 284 0 1228947529 1 1 1 1 Hael Brother Hello Grille, this is Rob! Great to see you again Brother. Apologies for trying to speak German but I do it when I am drunk ha ha. 0 0 m0fn4z5l 0 0 u_1443
5874 5867 606 0 1228935776 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello mate Hail comrades, ofcourse we remember <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> chatted to so many good people that night it was a top gig, looking forward to meeting again in the new year.I must admit the cider went down like water,bloody hangover lasted 3 days lol 0 0 1dwo07vl 0 0 u_2138
4519 4518 61 0 1218989433 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Hello mate &amp; welcome to the forum, there should be a few of us going to the ISD from this area if your going you can meet up with us there if you want. The lad who runs Southland division should be there I think, I think you'll come under Southland. Mind you we were meant to be having a division meeting this year but nothing has come together yet. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2u2fuyeo 0 0 u_1624
5190 5121 174 0 1223811374 1 1 1 1 Re: vervoer geen probleem 1488 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1b3r5abe 0 0 u_618
4524 4518 1624 0 1218995973 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 nice one il be coming wiyh ya <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 24kyrcul 0 0 u_61
4525 0 1624 0 1218996486 1 1 1 1 isd hello mate where is the gig 88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 27r7wr7d 0 0 u_53
4526 4525 53 0 1218997214 1 1 1 1 Re: isd watch the thread, You can find out from there. You will not be told after just joining &amp; 1 post!!! 0 0 d9vq9iv0 0 0 u_1624
4527 4525 1624 0 1218997401 1 1 1 1 Re: isd ok thanks <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 2cm8efk6 0 0 u_53
4530 0 1017 0 1219017719 1 1 1 1 ISD Mem 14/88 sis , how you doing . about the ISD any chance you can let me know what area this is gonna be . as I'm gonna start making plans for it soon . it looks like i'm doing the driving again . cheers skeg . 0 0 1rs4acsp 0 0 u_53
4532 4530 53 0 1219020995 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Mem Hello me dear. I'm good thanks, hope you are too <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> As it stands no one knows where it is yet! Its yet to be decided, its a bloody hard 1 to get early info on. I was told last night there may be a few redirections in place this year to hamper the reds. The best solution is just drive down on the day &amp; stop at a services or summat like, around the midlands, it will be a pain in the arse &amp; you may have to back track a bit but at least you will be a damn site nearer. If you got a mobile no an wanna pass it on nearer the time i'll let you know as soon as the redirect is issued,(have you got my number do Stu pass it on?) At the moment thats the best i can do an say. We are all desperate for a bit of info! Take care RR Shell <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3vk5nq8i 0 0 u_1017
5998 5996 2099 0 1230912331 1 1 1 1 Re: Youth Division Thanks alot mate. Take care 88 0 0 bc33oygl 0 0 u_297
6031 6003 2219 0 1231280350 1 1 1 1 Re: ? they twisted my words and rooted in my place. re-routed my emails and changed-up my posts, made complete strangers into mortal enemies and turned my best friend into some one i would like to drown. she had been doing this to me for about a year, contributing to it anyway. the complete strangers are innocent. you would never want to hurt them. some people are honestly just trying to do the right thing for everybody. even if it is wrong for the person recieveing it. some people will try to hurt you, to somehow keep you safe. perhaps to keep themselves safe, who knows? what a weird world we live in. they make you very sick and hurt any one who tries to honestly help you. some who try to help are doing more harm than good. so you kind of have to be alone or maybe look for some one who wants to be alone with you? havent figured that out yet. makes it harder. i guess, if it were fair play, there would be nothing to fear :) thank you for your kind words. im not going to think about this anymore. cheers 0 0 2gt92r38 0 0 u_2105
5277 0 108 0 1224415802 1 1 1 1 konc u karlovcu Pozz Jesi li vec kupio karte??Jel se mogu nabaviti on-line? Maury 0 0 2xl4x3ag 0 0 u_930
5278 5274 235 0 1224426135 1 1 1 1 Re: Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross its not lettiing me email its coming up The email address you have entered is incorrect. Please re-enter the details. TIP!: An email address can contain numbers and letters. It is made up of two elements, a username, for example john.smith, and a domain name, for example An email address must not contain spaces. my address 13 new cottages wennington road rainham essex rm13 9dr cheers 0 0 cxwqosar 0 0 u_58
5279 4829 1878 0 1224431049 1 1 1 1 Re: vraagje : contactSS vriend, was je in Diksmuide ? ik had het te laat gezien... misschien nog een vraag. Speelt leeftijd daar geen rol ? Ik zie dat zeer veel jongeren ... is het dan ook iets meer dan muziek en zo ? sorry dat ik misschien wat domme vragen stel. :))) gegroet, 0 0 2ydr2m1r 0 0 u_90
5280 5277 930 0 1224436460 1 1 1 1 Re: konc u karlovcu karte ?e svaki ?as u prodaju. kaže organizator da ?e se prodavati an ime da se izbjegne falsificiranje pa ?u morati poslati popis kupaca jer ?e se s osobnom ulaziti. upad 50 kuna a karte ?emo uzimati za tjedan-dva. 0 0 242a2l90 0 0 u_108
4535 4447 1089 0 1219054744 1 1 1 1 Re: Hael Holy fuck, I actually didn't. I've head them a shitload of times and never thought anything of them. I never would've thought twice about their politics, seeing as most Oi here doesn't really go into the leftist shit. Cheers for the heads up. 0 0 1j5i54kc 0 0 u_284
4536 4056 1089 0 1219054972 1 1 1 1 Re: slack bastard That's the one. He's a mouthy cunt for somebody who hides behind a computer screen. 0 0 wng4zda6 0 0 u_1386
6899 6890 61 0 1236976018 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:2vb8xcfy]yeh he wouldve been better just thinking before he spoke .hatchet works well as does a 10bore[/quote:2vb8xcfy] Yeah but they're a bit to messy <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> The bloke's a fool &amp; just seems to want a row with you for next to no reason. I wonder if he'll be at the gig on the 28th, if he is it will be interesting to see if he's as cocky in real life as online. If he's anything like he come over on here he'll be strutting about in a vest telling everyone who he is. 0 0 gA== 2vb8xcfy 0 0 u_319
4540 4340 850 0 1219070749 1 1 1 1 Re: te koop Beste Skingirl, Ik heb het geld meer als 2 weken geleden op de post gedaan, dus dat zou ondertussen toch al netjes aangekomen moeten zijn. Maar ik heb nog niks van jullie gehoord of ontvangen. mvg, vlaming 0 0 uwkuh7vp 0 0 u_1340
4541 2902 850 0 1219070901 1 1 1 1 Re: A few flags, cd's and t-shirts! Beste, ik heb al een hele tijd niks meer van je gehoord, terwijl ik hoopte dat u ondertusse uw adres al had doorgemaild zodat ik u het geld kan verzenden dat ik u nog steeds schuldig ben. mvg, vlaming 0 0 2cdj9xy4 0 0 u_90
4544 4530 1017 0 1219104087 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Mem Eye shell i'm tickity boo , thanks <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Mmmm don't think stu did pass on your number but if i give you mine ( 07507412467 ) can you let me know when you do get some info plzz . also is the camp out thing still on in September , can you tell me who to send the money to , racial regards skeg . 14/88 . 0 0 1gcjonyf 0 0 u_53
4545 0 58 0 1219130166 1 1 1 1 contact hail Hail Smudge88, I am organising the S London Div at the moment and if you get no results on contacts from Guildford area then you are most welcome to join us if you want OK ? I am in the SUTTON area , not too far from you really only up the A3 and head towards Sutton from Tolworth tower !!!! Drop me a PM if of interest to you mate 828 Asgard1488 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1ut7mk9o 0 0 u_1624
4546 4545 1624 0 1219135108 1 1 1 1 Re: contact ok mate aint far from me so yes im intrested please get in touch <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 39wpdy7d 0 0 u_58
5257 5255 886 0 1224188145 1 1 1 1 Re: BFF SOCIAL [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:3r9r46ys]Hi ther ma coud i have more details on the bff social event as may atend.. Cheers Guy / Unit 28 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:3r9r46ys] Of course brother, it will be in the manchester area, we have a DJ food,and it is a unity light hearted event with NS SKINS form different orgs, but of course mainly BFF, its in a quiet pub just on the outskirts, al welcome..£5 towards the event.. WE was gonna have a band but struggled getting a PA system..88 0 0 gA== 3r9r46ys 0 0 u_297
4554 4547 886 0 1219166507 1 1 1 1 Re: 10th Stinko Memorial 16th August 2008. Know worries comrade, ps your very good live m8.. 0 0 18rcliby 0 0 u_297
4660 0 1239 0 1220537733 1 1 1 1 Re: ? Wie ben jij? Arris en Robin zijn inmiddels de beweging uitgetrapt ivm hun verraderlijke verklaringen na die huiszoekingen een tijd terug. Ik weet zeker dat Ed het niet op prijs stelt dat je hier zomaar zijn naam neerzet, evenals Carsten. Verder maak je een aantal goede punten, al is naar mijn mening deze tak van &quot;B&amp;H Vl&quot; niet erg constructief bezig, en voeren ze (danwel niet openlijk) nogsteeds hun anti-C18 strijd verder. Als je een kijkje neemt op <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, de &quot;C18 versie&quot;, zal je zien dat deze kameraden meer geïnteresseerd zijn in betogingen e.d. dan in feestjes vieren. Ook staan ze open voor een samenwerking met elke NationaalSocialistische groepering in binnen en buitenland, zolang zij hier hun idealen (hiermee bedoel ik uiteraard het NationaalSocialisme en niet 1 of ander onzin verhaal over &quot;C18 idealen&quot;) hiervoor niet hoeven te verloochenen. Dit was te zien op recente demonstraties waar ze zij aan zij liepen met vrijwel alle buitenparlementaire actiegroepen uit Nederland, op een betoging in Nederland. Ook zijn ze, zoals te lezen is op de website, er volledig van bewust dat B&amp;H en C18 niet identiek dezelfde organisaties zijn, en het C18 gedeelte underground behoort te verlopen. Bij de Articles sectie kan je een aantal actieverslagen vinden over betogingen, al wordt uiteraard niet van elke actie een verslag gemaakt ;). 828! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12390#p12390:6r8lzc3q]Subject: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ?[/url:6r8lzc3q] [quote=&quot;Skingirl&quot;:6r8lzc3q]Mnn wel een beetje strange, overal in Vl zijn er problemen met 'c18vl' ( als dit dan al bestaat), Maar mensen zoals M.flink , die wel degelijk de naam c18 gronigen gebruikten in het begin met die kleine ukkie's in allerlei Kroegen in Eindhoven en dergelijk. Ik kan het weten aangezien wij er regelmatig bij waren. Neem een voorbeeld aan de kern in nederland vroeger, Arris, Robin, Ed etc en de duitse divisie een 2tal jaar geleden. ( jammer genoeg zijn er hier ook problemen onstaan en ruzies waardoor ze nu uit elkaar zijn) En ivm niets meer horen van M Flink, ja dat is vrijwel zijn eigen fout, begin niets onder een c18 banner, als je er ook geen klote mee te maken hebt. De enige reden waarom marcel naar concerten van 28vl kwam was om steun te zoeken, aangezien hij ruzie heeft met carsten, en de vlaamse mensen ( en nee dan spreek ik niet over de munck lol). en de jongens in groningen zijn meer Bier nazis, onnodige problemen veroorzaken en shit, Ik heb al vaak woorden gehad met M. Oordelen over personen zonder dat je ze kent binnen het NS millieu is een grove fout, en eenieder verdient een 2de kans. Ik geef hem deze ook, maar ik moet van hem niets meer weten. In ieder geval was hij niet zo autonoom als iedereen denkt maar goed. Daar ga ik mij niet over uitlaten. Waarom die naam c18 tog overal gebruiken? C18 was ooit een gewâpende afdeling van BH, een stilzwijgen, een groepering die eind jaren 80 en begin 90 werd gevreest in london zoals men nu, moslim extremisten 'vreest' lol. Maar goed, Bh Vl verdient alle steun die ze kunnen krijgen, een beweging die reikelijk groeit, met goede gasten ! Iemand die meer vragen wilt of wenst, pm maar en ik zend men Huis adres ;) Blue as fuck[/quote:6r8lzc3q] 0 0 kA== 6r8lzc3q 0 0 u_1340
4558 0 985 0 1219191540 1 1 1 1 contact beste kameraad ik wil graag actief deelnemen ik weet ni of je mij kan helpen ? ik ben een overtuigd ns maar ik kan niet ten volle voor mijn overtuiging uitkomen bij de organisatie waar ik al jaren lid van ben mn. het VBJ mijn grootvader was bij het vlaamsch legioen en door al wat hij mij verteld heeft vind ik het ns. het beste stelsel dat er bestaat ik ben woonachtig te Antwerpen en zou graag mensen ontmoeten met hetzelfde gedachtengoed 0 0 16syd8jv 0 0 u_112
4559 4558 112 0 1219208714 1 1 1 1 Re: contact Heilgroet, Ik kan je helpen in contact komen met gelijkgestemde zielen ja. Hoe oud ben je trouwens? Maar wil je een ideologisch onderbouwde organisatie of meer een soort van neo-nazi broederschap? groeten, S. 0 0 23n40gbe 0 0 u_985
4563 0 406 0 1219300518 1 1 1 1 terra Australis dvd Hey Jesse, was just wondering if you can still do a pre-order as Tanz is in the US now &amp; she would like to order 3 of them, she said she tried the email but it bounced back, so am just checking for her.. I'll grab mine at ISD.... cheers mate Talena 0 0 ama8lvwh 0 0 u_109
4564 4563 109 0 1219319706 1 1 1 1 Re: terra Australis dvd Got her email, I just sent the dvds off to be pressed, shouldn't be a problem but between pre orders and copies set aside for the band, there are only about 7 left, So that doesn't leave many for the gig. I'm reluctant to get anymore made up though as we may not move them. I might see if I can get another 20 or so made up and I am sure some people won't pay...Oh well we'll see, anyway I'll put her name down for three and contact here when I get the dvd. cheers jesse 0 0 hkimelbk 0 0 u_406
6117 6086 2099 0 1232059515 1 1 1 1 Re: Hiya Nice to meet you :P I went to White Xmas, awesome night. Twas my first of many. I love it. Where you there? Im from Newark, yourself? Stay safe, stay proud 88 0 0 prp0739p 0 0 u_1838
5401 0 388 3 1225189406 1 1 1 1 hulp gezocht 0 0 ltec54wm 0 0 u_2089
5922 5919 1787 0 1229460020 1 1 1 1 Re: HAIL FROM S.WALES Chuck me an email if you want mate, <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 28 0 0 11j289ul 0 0 u_2276
4566 0 638 0 1219341362 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12220#p12220:b6ebkev8]Subject: ????? ?????!!![/url:b6ebkev8] [quote=&quot;totenkopfverbande&quot;:b6ebkev8]??? ?. ????? ?? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ?????????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ? ????? ??????? ????? <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: -->[/quote:b6ebkev8] ???, ????? ?? ? ???????? ? ???? ?????,?? 0 0 kA== b6ebkev8 0 0 u_1466
4567 0 638 0 1219341592 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12375#p12375:3ullz2im]Subject: ????? ?????!!![/url:3ullz2im] [quote=&quot;totenkopfverbande&quot;:3ullz2im]?? ????? ?? ? ???-??????? ???????? - ?. (??? ? ??????????) ? ????? ??? ? ????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??????... ??? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ?????.?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ? ?????? ????, ??-????? ?? ???????????? ????.[/quote:3ullz2im] ??? ?? ??? ????????, ??? ?? ?? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? 0 0 kA== 3ullz2im 0 0 u_1466
4568 0 638 0 1219342745 1 1 1 1 Re: ????? ?????!!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=12325#p12325:llcm0nmm]Subject: ????? ?????!!![/url:llcm0nmm] [quote=&quot;karadzic&quot;:llcm0nmm]hodil li si v SRBIJA 4e mai ne si a mai mai na edin koncert ne si bil zato se pita mam ne dava ili si imal rabota golemia ns hah ako naistina ste vsikite ns az po do dobre da ne sam a ja vij u SRBJA ko staa hah a ako ide6 na ma4 6e ti padne mnooto kosi4kka koito ima6 hah pa si govori ne mi pre4i6 osven na huia hah sigyrno ima6 2 ma4a moje i pove4e sas slatinci hah hooligans? ili moje bi mama ne si q pital ------------nema6 1 boi mom4e taka 4e ne mi govori i az te poznavam i to mnoo po dobre otkolko ti men i znam 4e mama i tati 6e pomognat ako stane problem ?---istinski may be skins[/quote:llcm0nmm] ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ???, ??? ???????, ?? ?? ?? ?????? 2 ???? ? ?????? ?? ? ?? ?? ???????? ??????... ???? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ??? ?????. ?? ???????? ? ???? ????? ? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ?????????????? ???????. ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?????, ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??????...???? ???? ? ???? ??????.?? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ?????. ?.?. ? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????, ????????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? ? ???????? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ??????.....? ???????? ?? ?? ??????? ????. ??? ??? wanna be skin ??? 1 ??? ? ?????? ??....???? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ??????....???? ?? ? ???? ????????...? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? Thor's Hammer....?? ????????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??!!! 0 0 kA== llcm0nmm 0 0 u_1596
4569 4545 1624 0 1219347397 1 1 1 1 Re: contact hello mate want to get involvedso where do we im no zog or any coopper <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1nuae15r 0 0 u_58
4570 0 219 0 1219351248 1 1 1 1 askem Aright marra there are some comrades in millom and barra or us in west cumbria. if you need any info or want to go to gigs drop us a line on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 828 0 0 2ib40cq0 0 0 u_1665
5508 5400 103 0 1226185312 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Hi mate, Ok sorted. I will post early next week. What address do you want it sent to? Cheers, Greig 88 0 0 indd6g6b 0 0 u_74
5509 0 2119 0 1226189735 1 1 1 1 Happy Birthday! Wishing you a Happy Birthday from America! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 24bo11iu 0 0 u_1937
5510 5400 74 0 1226193683 1 1 1 1 Re: cds just send it to my friends address danny28 0 0 rssvqoj2 0 0 u_103
5511 5360 332 0 1226218893 1 1 1 1 Re: Deleted Pm's Hi Nicole, i have a friend of my and he is very good with computers. I will ask him to change te video. Yesterday whe went to the War burial ground where German Soldiers lying. Whe have had an SS Memorial there that went very good. Yes im going with Ian and Sabse to Rob on the 5e of December. Im looking forward to it. Is Rob still coming to you on X-mass?? Cheers!!! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 trk7jan4 0 0 u_54
5294 5274 58 0 1224525621 1 1 1 1 Re: Ken Mclellan &amp; Arrowcross [quote=&quot;boz&quot;:y1dhgfbg]will post money first thing in morning please let us know when u receive cheers[/quote:y1dhgfbg] Not a problem my friend, you should receive your CD either wednesday or thursday at the latest ok <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> RR Asgard 0 0 gA== y1dhgfbg 0 0 u_235
5296 0 858 0 1224530011 1 1 1 1 The 14 Words Documentary Tomorrow (Oct 21) is the 12 year anniversary of the release of my favorite horror show. Since I am too stupid to download the necessary stuff to upload it on the B&amp;H Forum, I thought perhaps someone with skill (such as yourself) could do it??? <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 0 0 1fnrftgh 0 0 u_54
4575 0 606 0 1219737555 1 1 1 1 Hi Alright Mike,just got back from hols and couldn't get close to a comp. Just wanted to say it was spot on meeting the crew and yourself at the gig and look forward to meeting again and having a chat about the future. Cheers <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 25ly2wi2 0 0 u_886
4576 4517 606 0 1219738514 1 1 1 1 Re: stinko Alright mate,sorry it's taken so long to get back to you,just got back from hols, To be honest mate it is an active org and there are risks involved,i am going to be speaking to them myself soon to see what the crack is.I did have a chat with Wigan at the do and explained that i wouldn't mind getting involved to a degree but i have 3 kids to think about and they come first(i wouldn't be any good to them locked up)so don't make any rash decisions just yet mate. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1m3401mj 0 0 u_663
5250 0 174 0 1224178087 1 1 1 1 vervoer alvast bedankt voor vervoer kameraad 1488 en tot zaterdag <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 pwrspmzc 0 0 u_1092
4611 0 122 0 1220027037 1 1 1 1 new division Hello, the friends of childe and brazil want have a own part in the 28forum, under divisions ( Southlanders &lt;--- is the name), can you please creat this. Thanks, reegard igi. 0 0 3toaqz30 0 0 u_54
4722 4716 121 0 1220870614 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Weather has been strange lately, took kids to a Medievil Festival couple weeks ago, the day we went we got sunburnt it was so lovely, the knights in armour were nearly passing out, but the following 2 days it pissed down so we were lucky. Taking wife to ISD so she can put up the tent, she has more patience than me lol 0 0 1k6wer6e 0 0 u_53
4613 4601 154 0 1220032079 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Neznam. Pitaj ih na myspaceu. 0 0 2x9yq7bd 0 0 u_1721
4614 4601 1721 0 1220034695 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail [quote=&quot;crno_sunce88&quot;:29ubisad]Neznam. Pitaj ih na myspaceu.[/quote:29ubisad] Pitao sam još prije mjesec dana, nisu odgovorili. To mi malo smrdi na to da su jebene balije jer i da su Hrvati ili Srbi to bi s ponosom rekli. Stoga ?u ipak zaobi? taj bend. Pozdrav. 0 0 gA== 29ubisad 0 0 u_154
4615 4601 154 0 1220034865 1 1 1 1 Re: Hail Ma neznam jesu li balije, al znam da mi tekstovi i glazba odgovaraju, pa eto. Zivio mi! 0 0 tt5lwd4d 0 0 u_1721
5308 0 279 3 1224604604 1 1 1 1 Your Post... [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:33kf1zwt]I am hoping to attend this gig with my missus...but wold also like to go the nf rally the next day.. However have no where to saty any help would be greatly apreciated.. pm me if anyone can help...14/828[/quote:33kf1zwt] hail bro you can stay round myne i live in tilbury my dad says no singing lol <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> and bring a sleeping bag as we dont no how many people are coming round my dad's number: 07916 188948 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 gA== 33kf1zwt 0 0 u_297
4617 4612 1090 0 1220081315 1 1 1 1 Re: email Thanks for that, I've been offline for a bit, I was wondering where he disappeared too. Nikki 828 0 0 2rcidn9i 0 0 u_105
5170 5121 174 0 1223664168 1 1 1 1 Re: vervoer ok geen probleem.88 maar liefst na 4 uur werken morge toyt een uur of 3 1488 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 y61hjg0k 0 0 u_618
4763 4479 1053 0 1221055058 1 1 1 1 Re: ISD Memorial speech Ok,that's all right! cheers:Gabor 0 0 s21f1d7t 0 0 u_143
5307 5209 171 0 1224591306 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 Jel stigla majica? 0 0 k8fkyvqc 0 0 u_220
4765 0 1761 0 1221062223 1 1 1 1 heil heil kamerad, wie ich sehe bist du ein deutscher. woher kommste denn? haste vllt auch icq oder msn? sieg heil <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 14l3b6iw 0 0 u_1810
4766 0 1761 0 1221062369 1 1 1 1 heil heil kamerad, ich sehe dass du den für die deutsche abteilung im forum zuständig bist. wollt daher mal fragen ob du auch deutch sprichst? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 9pevdnlx 0 0 u_122
4767 4766 122 0 1221062852 1 1 1 1 Re: heil Heil Dir, ja spreche deutsch. Gruss 0 0 gr2m566g 0 0 u_1761
5368 5363 107 0 1224888322 1 1 1 1 Re: isd Nee ,maar door robby weet ik dat jij het was die daar zat. 0 0 1herybo7 0 0 u_112
5370 0 1959 0 1224927084 1 1 1 1 belgium gig hi, went to belgium, bit of a balls up, even tho i had a gud time, riot police stoped a lot of people going to the gig, i did not c them, i was allready at the gig, but the police chopper was out allday, spek soon kev <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> 0 0 1h8h3z69 0 0 u_53
5371 0 1959 0 1224927150 1 1 1 1 hi, all right m8 hows things??? r u doing the white xmas gig? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 216bzpdr 0 0 u_297
5372 0 1959 0 1224927342 1 1 1 1 hi m8 get to some gigs 14/28/88 kev 0 0 2sfi60fk 0 0 u_1557
5373 5369 1975 0 1224933648 1 1 1 1 Re: New website of 28chile Hi Shell,was a bit carried away.sorry for that,want happen again.saw that pic of you,alex &amp;J.Wasn't J the brother of Dave (Open season)?Not sure,but I think he was at least family.Knew Alex in early 90's when he took &quot;Last chance &quot; over from Jonesy.he was allright back then.all the best,bossy. 0 0 1v1gvu60 0 0 u_53
5091 5089 54 0 1223019285 1 1 1 1 Re: Racial greetings! Hello Nicu, Thanks for your pm. I have passed your request on to the appropriate people who will be in touch, but please be patient, it takes time sometimes. Welcome to the forum! Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> [quote=&quot;ss_nikolaus&quot;:15c5xp7z]Sieg Heil from Romania! My name is Nicu , i`m a national-socialist skinhead. i`m into the nationalist scene/national-socialist scene since i was 16-17 years old. i`m 23 years old at the present time. In the past in my country existed a Blood and Honour Division, which i used to be part of. The &quot;leader&quot; Cezar C. betrayed, he`s now a anti-fascist. i believe that for the start there should be a Romanian section on this forum. i want to rebuild Blood and Honour Romania, it is something needed in Romania, and for the members of the white race that live in Romania. i`m awaiting for an answer... thanks in advance. With respect and honour, Nicu. White Pride World Wide![/quote:15c5xp7z] 0 0 gA== 15c5xp7z 0 0 u_1996 u_65
5092 5080 817 0 1223037974 1 1 1 1 Re: lolkek [quote:42cugqej]Ja licno jesam iz Srbije ali TRENUNO zivim u Banja Luci.Na svim sajtovima., koje si naveo, vec sam bila. Steta sto necu doci na ta mars , al kod nas u banja luci svakih pet meseci imamo proteste. Trenutno nemam msn ali me interesuje u kojem si pokretu. Ako te interesuje. kad nabavim msn javicu ti. P.S. Ja se nepodpisujem kao hooligangirl. Pozzz SRBIJA SRBIMA!!! [/quote:42cugqej] Super, ja sam se slucajno na ovom forumu registrovao, cisto da me ima. Uglavnom ucestvujem na stormfrontu, forumu srpskih patriota od gorana davidovica, nacionalsocijalistickom, i slicno, ali ne svuda mnogo, jel nemam vremena. Pazi, jako je poverljivo reci kojem ns krilu tacno pripadash, tako da to bi ostavio kasnije kad se bolje upoznamo, na msnu naprimer i slicno, jer me cesti vrebuje rezimska policija, ali ih ja nadmurdrim. Ali kao i ti, i mnogi ideoloski sam srpski nacionalsocijalista, preciznije nacional-fasista, SRBIJA SRBIMA 14 0 0 gA== 42cugqej 0 0 u_1984
5093 5080 1984 0 1223041610 1 1 1 1 Re: lolkek isto kao i ti i ja sam na ovome sajtu cisto onako. Ali sam registrovana i na Stormfrontu. I potpuno podrzavam tvoju ideologiji, na neki nacin ja sam odgojena da tako razmisljam, da volim svoju rasu i svoju naciju. Mada imam utisak da mnogi ovde na ovome sajtu nevole srbe <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> SERBIA FOREVER <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 12g3x0a9 0 0 u_817
5094 5080 817 0 1223042732 1 1 1 1 Re: lolkek Ovaj sajt iskreno nema veze sa nacionalsocijalizmom, ovo ti je sve pozerski, i likovi na ovom sajtu nemaju blage veze o zivotu. Stormfront ti je glavna stvar, mada pocinje da mu se kalja ugled.Ja sam ovde da vidim kako razmisljaju hrvati, tj pokatoliceni 0 0 1v4vaj08 0 0 u_1984
5095 5080 1984 0 1223043165 1 1 1 1 Re: lolkek Pa sta misle ti hrvati o nama srbima, iz mojih iskustava nismo im nesto posebno dragi <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: --> Ali dobro, valja ce doci i nasih 500 godina, mada ni u to nisam toliko sigurna <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 23l217vj 0 0 u_817
5202 5196 54 0 1223892014 1 1 1 1 Re: jhdfguw [quote=&quot;sid14&quot;:38njpsvc]alright blueeyedblonde? this may seam strange,but i want to know what im supposed to do.let me explain. im the only one who has ns views around my area,im an nf member,ive tried to recruit for new members without successs,the only way i get to speak to like minded people is on the net which is dodgey,my computer has been hacked and i had to delete msn friends to protect them from getting hacked,which in turn makes me look dodgey(they wont trust me now will they?) its depressing when you have no one to share your views with,im sending this to you because i think you can hand down a decent bit of advice(women do make more sense than men) and also who is this prick @ndy on slackbastard,i guess you've heard of him.[/quote:38njpsvc] Hi mate, This is just a quick reply sorry as I am still on the road in europe - Im currently in belgium typing on a strange keyboard. Many people are in the same boat as you, I certainly am in Australia. The internet is a great way to first find like minded people, but as you know it does have its problems too. I have found skype to be a lot safer than msn for chatting. But a lot of good people steer away from, the internet as well. Basically the best way to start your own network is to just go out to things ie gigs or marches and it will flow on from there. Even if you first meet people who arent in your area; they night be able to introduce you to people who are closer. Unfortunately I am not in the UK so I cant help you. However my other half is in the UK, you can contact him via the forum, his logon name is BULLDOG DRUMMOND (Rob). The next get together is the Remembrance day march on 9 November near Victorian St Station in London,you could catch a train there which shoudnt cost too much and then meet up with Rob. He is travelling with me until Monday, but then he will be back home, but we will have access to email again on Friday. Hang in there, I know it can be frustrating, but there are many good people out there to meet; sometimes it just takes time Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Andy from slackbastard is just a loudmouth leftie keyboard warrior and nothing to worry about. 0 0 gA== 38njpsvc 0 0 u_1386
5098 5080 817 0 1223043606 1 1 1 1 Re: lolkek Hrvati su u josh goroj poziciji nego mi danas. Nego potrudi se da nabavish msn pa da se na taj nacin dopisujemo. Predlazem ti da uzmes neki avatar na kojem je istaknut neki srpski simbol, i dole potpis, i da pisemo malo na hrvatskoj selekciji, ali nemoj da ih nerviras da te ne banuju, cisto da vide da nas ima svuda. Pozzz Srbija Srbima 0 0 2gp7y1la 0 0 u_1984
5099 5080 1984 0 1223044106 1 1 1 1 Re: lolkek Ajoj aj videcu za msn ili nesto slicno pa cu ti javiti, sutra ,eventualno u pon.. Kad smo ves kod banovanja vac su me izbrisali sa jednog sajta zbog iskazivanja moje ideologije, al aj <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> SRBIJA SRBIMA <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 2mqv6ohu 0 0 u_817
5191 4818 332 0 1223815522 1 1 1 1 Re: Isd Flanders Ok top!! We hebben gps dus dat is geen probleem!! Je kan het sturen naar +31648484207 We zorgen dat we er om 12 uur zijn. Gaat een mooie dag worden. O ja de merchandise enzo hebben we ook al van John en hij weet dat het gewoon in NL ligt. Zie je zaterdag en we nemen de banner mee!! Groeten 828 0 0 1eafaki9 0 0 u_168
5197 0 2030 0 1223848172 1 1 1 1 Re: Te koop [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=8842#p8842:1lmslj8p]Subject: Te koop[/url:1lmslj8p] [quote=&quot;Thulewolf&quot;:1lmslj8p]Beste, Wegens dubbelgebruik of niet meer luisteren, verkoop ik enkele cds. Ook shirts verkrijgbaar. Cd`s zijn 7 euro per stuk, - Weisse wolfe - soundtrack zur revolution - Blood&amp;honour volume 1 VERKOCHT - Blood&amp;Honour volume 2 VERKOCHT - Oidoxie - Terrormachine - Race War - Kingdom Of Hate Shirts zijn 8 euro per stuk, - Good Night Left Side xlarge VERKOCHT -Skrewdriver hands across the sea xlarge VERKOCHT - Aryanwear Hoodie xlarge - Fuck Islam large - No remorse Spaggeti topje Small - Wpww vrouwenshirt Small - Mijn eer heet trouw ( met totekopf op) Large VERKOCHT Kan opgestuurd worden,afgehaald, of voor worden afgesproken. Meer informatie nodig,en of intresse, stuur me maar een Pm. Bloed&amp;Ere[/quote:1lmslj8p] die cd van oidoxie met terrormachine zie ik volledig zitte welke regio zit je? grtz 88 0 0 kA== 1lmslj8p 0 0 u_1083
5198 0 2030 0 1223849313 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spullen te koop [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=10680#p10680:1d9r3a5x]Subject: Enkele spullen te koop[/url:1d9r3a5x] [quote=&quot;Skingirl&quot;:1d9r3a5x]Wegens stopzetting van webshop verkoop ik enkele goederen . Alle prijzen zijn inclusief verzendings kosten in vlaanderen, alle artikkelen zijn nieuw, en van zeer goede kwaliteit ! 1x Nieuwe bomberjack XL groen 27euro 1x Nieuwe bomberjack XL zwart 27euro 2x Nieuwe combat cap maat L en XL zwart 10euro p\s 1x Nieuwe winter harrington maat XXL Kleur zwart 35euro 2x Good night left side maat XL\L 15euro p\s 2x ijzeren pin met swastika tekst deutchland erwache 1933 4euro p\s 2x ijzeren pin met swastika 4euro p\s 1x ijzeren pin met duitse adelaar en f SS m 4euro 2x SpringStiletto uit inox, zwart handvat 20euro p\s 2x We want our nation back patch met odal rune 4euro p\s 3x The 14 words patch 3,5euro P\s 2x ironcross black key hanger 4euro p\s 1x Triskle ketting met hanger 10euro 2x Landser tshirt maat S\m voor vrouwen 15euro p\s 1x skrewdriver shirt maat s voor vrouwen 15 euro 2x Totenkopf muts, zwart one size fits all 12euro p\s Alle goederen worden verzonden met de post.Prijzen voor verzending zijn al inbegrepen! fotos kunnen eventueel via msn verzonden worden. 828[/quote:1d9r3a5x] van die 'springstiletto uit inox' en de 'ijzeren pin met duitse adelaar en f SS m' op zou ik wel eens graag een foto zien grtz 88 0 0 kA== 1d9r3a5x 0 0 u_1340
5692 5308 297 3 1227726343 1 1 1 1 Re: Your Post... No worries mate.. We ended up coming homethat night.. chees for the offer anyway.. 14/828 0 0 jihboyi8 0 0 u_279
6185 5980 88 0 1232330103 1 1 1 1 Re: Need a small favour.... i ordered them 3 day shipping as soon as they get here we'll send them fastest shipping method to you, but it's cutting it close, but we'll give it a shot Mr. Randal Krager 3209 Mount Tabor Rd Lakeland, FL 33810 United States <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 503-953-0863 Order Summary Items: $71.98 Shipping: $17.50 Tax: $0.00 Total: $89.48 Payment Details - All charges will appear as CSN Stores Method Status Specifics Amount Credit Card Stld MASTERCARD|***0514 $89.48 Shipping Information Randal Krager 3209 Mount Tabor Rd Lakeland FL 33810 United States <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 503-953-0863 Item #1 Qty Cost Ginkgo Stainless Steel LePrix 20 Piece Flatware Set in Moss Green (079914-20013-4) 2 $71.98 Ships In: Usually ships within 48 to 72 hours Ship Speed: 3 Day Shipping estimate: January 20, 2009 - January 21, 2009 Delivery estimate: January 23, 2009 - January 27, 2009 Status: Order is being processed Returning: See the return policy posted on our web site. 0 0 oi7s0udq 0 0 u_54
5897 0 337 0 1229213316 1 1 1 1 none Hey Bro, I seen you was from Mobile. I am from Pensacola, just wanted to introduce myself. Hows it going? Clint 88 0 0 1ujzn2cv 0 0 u_2119
5675 0 66 0 1227638617 1 1 1 1 white xmas 2008 hi hun ... as far as i knew ehre was going on the coach..... still as seat if you want it? ring me ... see you soon hun , hope sarahs bump is good and she is well xx 0 0 kptyqdsm 0 0 u_79
5237 5236 1990 0 1224057767 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome Thanks a lot! Haha! I know how people from Argentina are hahaha don't worry! If you want to see, the links for youtube videos showing some pictures from South Brazil are: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (the music of this video is from a band called Corrosão, talks about separatist ideas) 828! 0 0 11eofbir 0 0 u_69
5244 5241 1092 0 1224096788 1 1 1 1 Re: ok zorgen voor goede puten he... laat optijd iets weten van die fuif, mss dat ik en paar maten afkomen. eens zien wat voor vlees er in de kuip zit ( wat voor iemand je ebnt dus) 0 0 3ruwnn6m 0 0 u_1105
5245 0 89 0 1224097834 1 1 1 1 Re: NaziPacMan Alrite Mate, Sorry I haven't been on the forum for a while, I got th chance to live with my cousin down blackpool for the last two months, he hasn't got the internet in his flat. I'm back at home know and will be back on the forum as soon as I can log on. I've printed around 300 of those buissness cards and started to leave them around a few places so hoefull we'll get a few people. Did you get the Mic sent it before I left for black pool. How's it going. get back in touch racial regards 0 0 3ot3v0jy 0 0 u_279
5324 5297 1937 0 1224661112 1 1 1 1 Re: white christmas gig heil, i was only in england at the isd gig. im online. if you want you can add. but i havent so much time. my child is awake. 0 0 e89ursz3 0 0 u_239
5325 0 513 0 1224671548 1 1 1 1 isd flanders 2008 Hello mate,is this paul scots lad living down south? My name is Ian..we spoke last year and this year,im the english lad with flanders 28.hope all is well if it is you,all the best mate...regards,Ian 0 0 2hjm9qyu 0 0 u_239
5519 0 143 0 1226271391 1 1 1 1 meeting hello... can you tell me is 28 meeting in Portugal defined and confirmed? Bojan 0 0 vblxdmxv 0 0 u_122
6879 0 2584 0 1236961164 1 1 1 1 kriss Donald's 2 / 3 OF ARE COMING UP FROM DUMFRIES . MEETING SOME MORE IN GLASGOW !! WHAT TIME AND WHERE IS EVERYONE MEETING UP AND WHERE AND WHEN THE SOCIAL ??? 88 0 0 2k20xzcn 0 0 u_73
5327 5281 54 0 1224687779 1 1 1 1 Re: thanks [quote=&quot;sid14&quot;:3qitjzih]hi blueeyedblonde. thanks for replying,i appreciate that,im not completely alone then! november 9th is rememberance day and the nf will be in london on that day and hopefully i will be going,if so i will send your other half a message and take it from there. thanks again,im adding you to my friend list![/quote:3qitjzih] No you are definately not alone, but it definately can be hard and frustrating sometimes <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> I hope you make it to the march on the 9th November (I've just put up a video about it on the forum). Unfortunately I am back in Australia now so I can't go, but please send a PM to Rob, he will look after you. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3qitjzih 0 0 u_1386
4813 4762 171 0 1221303883 1 1 1 1 Re: Request to ban user Thank You Cheers! 0 0 2md8wyje 0 0 u_53
6281 0 54 0 1232800619 1 1 1 1 web Hosting Hi Eric, Have just seen that Radio White is down, am assuming you have been impacted the same way quite a few other sites have been. If you are looking for a new hosting service, we use: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> They have been completely reliable with their service, and excellent to deal with any time I have needed help. Hope things are going well with you and your family. I am in-between overseas visitors at the moment - had some 28 people stay from Switz, and my other half arrives from England early Feb. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 1yn89wdu 0 0 u_858
6282 0 2296 0 1232803755 1 1 1 1 doh hungry 88 bro seen your posts on doh hungry and just to let you know me nad my mate got flights for this years doh 09 for 60pounds return from east midlands airport and a hostels costs 12euros a night m8 ,,ryanair cheep flights just now m8 ..88 whitescotsman 0 0 9uudaes7 0 0 u_70
6283 0 279 10 1232807709 1 1 1 1 BnH email hey i made you this email address it SHOULD work Email: BlueEyedBlonde@BloodAndHonour.828 Password: 123123 OH YEA THE ANSWER TO THE SECRET QUESTION IS zogga if it does work and you ever want any more made i'll get it done A.S.A.P <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> 0 0 peql6jfc 0 0 u_54
6284 6148 171 0 1232825795 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Ne, nikada nije ni postojala. Premda pripadnost diviziji ne mora biti uvjet za ?lanstvo. 0 0 2q8iugfw 0 0 u_2379
6285 5980 88 0 1232887272 1 1 1 1 Re: Need a small favour.... got the silverware, will ship tomorrow quickest possible postage. Free Your Mind Productions no longer exists, can you remove it from the forum, thanks a bunch all the best Randal 0 0 2yojt8tc 0 0 u_54
6286 6148 2379 0 1232888784 1 1 1 1 Re: B&amp;H Shva?am, pa dobro, kada bude nekakav doga?aj nadam se da ?eš mi javiti pa da se i ja tamo pojavim. Još me zanima zašto zagreb nema svoju diviziju, nitko nije inicirao stvaranje ili... 0 0 35zoaq8t 0 0 u_171
6287 0 2452 0 1232889226 1 1 1 1 poster is poster still for sale mate <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1f2zyvyb 0 0 u_1972
6326 0 353 0 1233037406 1 1 1 1 Demo tapes Racial greetings, Just wondered if you could send me a list of your Oi &amp; RAC demo tapes that you have for sale. Do you have a paypal address or do you only take cash? Thanks. 828 Joe Detroit, MI USA 0 0 2kmx6xdf 0 0 u_1972
6327 0 1027 0 1233039987 1 1 1 1 Taalgebruik Dag Freiheit, Allereerst het beste gewenst met je volledige moderatorschap nu surtur ermee gestopt is. En dan het volgende: Ik l as dat je de mensen vraagt om correct taalgebruik en leestekens te gebruiken. Uiteraard is dat een lovend initiatief, onze Vlaamse taal mag best terug wat correcter gebruikt worden, maar ... Ons forum wordt zeer druk bezocht door 16 tot 20 jarigen, en ondanks het feit dat ik me ook soms erger aan hun manier van schrijven (op forums, msn e.d.) moeten we de schuld toch elders gaan zoeken. Ons schoolsysteem is in de laatste jaren steeds verder aangepast naar de normen van de zwaksten in de klassen, en wie zijn dat ... idd., de allochtonen. Ik ben 46 en mocht nog genieten van goed onderwijs in de jaren 70. Ook de oprukkende sms cultuur en daar bijbehorende afkortingen zijn mede schuldig aan het niet meer foutloos kunnen schrijven van onze jeugd. Dus, een beetje door de vingers zien en de schuld bij het schoolsysteem leggen mag wel ... jammer genoeg. Ik hoop je één dezer eens te ontmoeten, misschien op 21.02 in Roeselare, daar zal ik en Darre zeker aanwezig zijn. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2wx43jhd 0 0 u_90
6289 6202 2376 0 1232898005 1 1 1 1 Skinlys anthems Class cd, have them all on constantly, but that skinlys cd i love, cheers mate.. 88 0 0 ngxs1wo8 0 0 u_801
6290 0 90 0 1232904664 1 1 1 1 Re: Islampriester: &quot;Je mag vrouw slaan en verkrachten&quot; Gegroet Darre Alvast bedankt voor de leuke discussies hier op het forum maar mag ik je er even op wijzen hoofdletters, komma's, punten op het einde van een zin te respecteren. Heb al je teksten al verbetert maar gelieve er nu rekening mee te houden. Zie alvast uit naar de volgende gesprekken op het forum <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Freiheit 28 0 0 3fq8th55 0 0 u_992
6291 6290 992 0 1232904940 1 1 1 1 Re: Islampriester: &quot;Je mag vrouw slaan en verkrachten&quot; [quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:1dcxni8w]Gegroet Darre Alvast bedankt voor de leuke discussies hier op het forum maar mag ik je er even op wijzen hoofdletters, komma's, punten op het einde van een zin te respecteren. Heb al je teksten al verbetert maar gelieve er nu rekening mee te houden. Zie alvast uit naar de volgende gesprekken op het forum <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Freiheit 28[/quote:1dcxni8w] Mag ik je er bij deze op wijzen dat er wel degelijk punten en komma's in mijn teksten staan, enkel de hoofdletters 828 0 0 gA== 1dcxni8w 0 0 u_90
6292 6290 90 0 1232905332 1 1 1 1 Re: Islampriester: &quot;Je mag vrouw slaan en verkrachten&quot; [quote=&quot;darre88&quot;:3ckva4cl][quote=&quot;Freiheit 28&quot;:3ckva4cl]Gegroet Darre Alvast bedankt voor de leuke discussies hier op het forum maar mag ik je er even op wijzen hoofdletters, komma's, punten op het einde van een zin te respecteren. Heb al je teksten al verbetert maar gelieve er nu rekening mee te houden. Zie alvast uit naar de volgende gesprekken op het forum <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Freiheit 28[/quote:3ckva4cl] Mag ik je er bij deze op wijzen dat er wel degelijk punten en komma's in mijn teksten staan, enkel de hoofdletters 828[/quote:3ckva4cl] Gegroet Dat klopt kameraad maar hou er rekening mee alstublieft, ga er zeker geen problemen van maken hoor <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Freiheit 28 0 0 gA== 3ckva4cl 0 0 u_992
6293 6290 992 0 1232906134 1 1 1 1 Re: Islampriester: &quot;Je mag vrouw slaan en verkrachten&quot; Heil Freiheit, Zoals je (waarschijnlijk) al gemerkt hebt, heb ik bij mijn laatste posts zelfs hoofdletters gebruikt <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> . Laat mij gemakkelijk meeslepen in een onderwerp en dan vergeet ik die &quot;capitals&quot; wel eens. Maar als het niet gebruiken van hoofdletters mijn enige zonde is, ben ik een gelukkig mens. <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Kameraadschappelijke groet, Darre 0 0 1e9krpzu 0 0 u_90
6294 0 2454 0 1232906666 1 1 1 1 POSTERS hI comrade, i was just wondering if you still had the Mosley posters?. i know its been a while, but if you have let us know, cheers. Blackshirt <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2ajebsmz 0 0 u_1972
6295 6202 801 0 1232908079 1 1 1 1 Re: Skinlys anthems Skinly made it up from my collection. It's a sort of favourites of what we listen too. Was that Civil War prog any use to you?. Try this website but not till I have spoke to you. Text me when you can take a call to save money. 0 0 3715v472 0 0 u_2376
6296 6202 2376 0 1232908245 1 1 1 1 Re: Skinlys anthems Ok mate will give you a text in a little while.. 88 0 0 3fonbkgs 0 0 u_801
6298 6294 1972 0 1232914434 1 1 1 1 Re: POSTERS sorry blackshirt no i sold the posters but ive many audio recordings of oswald mosley if thers any thing you havent got let me know . thanks nick <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 ciwzk8cm 0 0 u_2454
6299 5980 54 0 1232914742 1 1 1 1 Re: Need a small favour.... [quote=&quot;BODHVAR-BJARKI&quot;:ps2436g9]got the silverware, will ship tomorrow quickest possible postage. Free Your Mind Productions no longer exists, can you remove it from the forum, thanks a bunch all the best Randal[/quote:ps2436g9] Thanks a lot for that, as soon as you know the postage amount please let me know and I will put the money in your paypal account. Sory to hear about FYMP, have deleted it from the forum. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== ps2436g9 0 0 u_88
6300 6287 1972 0 1232914754 1 1 1 1 Re: poster &quot; yes if you want the no remorse one right send a po made out to me nick rich not crossed. or if you send cash send it recorded ok to me nick rich 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn87pr ok mate all the best nick 88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3aukfhu6 0 0 u_2452
6301 0 72 0 1232915103 1 1 1 1 SMALL TALK Im on MSN <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: --> 0 0 27mjym1d 0 0 u_54
6302 0 886 0 1232915733 1 1 1 1 BRITISH FREEDOM FIGHTER'S Hey bro its Wiganmike, I met ya before friend of Pino's, I remember you saying that you was interested in looking at doing something about the shit Britain is in, if you are interested why not visit our forum, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Go on as AINZY, so we know who you are,.. Tony was gonna msg ya but he has forgot his phone , take care bro 88 0 0 2yhpghyx 0 0 u_2376
6303 6302 2376 0 1232917050 1 1 1 1 Re: BRITISH FREEDOM FIGHTER'S Ok mate, ive made an account i just await the adminstrator to give me the all clear.. <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 88 Ben 0 0 30zeh47w 0 0 u_886
6811 0 72 0 1236540100 1 1 1 1 Greetings Greetings My Mate is going to make a donation to the WAU on my behalf, does the W.A.U have a PAY PAL account he can use??? Thanks.R 0 0 u6wmdpcb 0 0 u_323
6307 0 1878 0 1232976296 1 1 1 1 Re: Lang leven het systeem terecht gezegd, zware folter en vernedering [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=18733#p18733:36hot75o]Subject: Lang leven het systeem[/url:36hot75o] [quote=&quot;jakke&quot;:36hot75o]Tegen de muur is eigenlijk geen oplossing voor die soort, dan is hij er meteen vanaf zonder pijn of zonder afzien. Voor zo'n soort zouden ze de foltermethodes van de middeleeuwen moeten gebruiken, in vieren delen enzo![/quote:36hot75o] 0 0 kA== 36hot75o 0 0 u_618
6308 0 2463 6 1232984296 1 1 1 1 een vraag die iedereen zich steld waneer gaan ze hier in vlaanderen es wakker schieten en al die vuile toefen buiten gooien??? ik ben het ier zat elke stap die je zet zie je er nie een maar wel 10 het zou wel eens kunnen dat het het einde wordt anders want op school geven ze al die vuile godsdienst van hun zo wil ik mijn kinderen niet opvoeden groeten <!-- s`tkflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/c1ee46e3b9c4688807191e4je3.gif" alt="`tkflag" title="tkflag" /><!-- s`tkflag --> 0 0 1w6fqxnl 0 0 u_90
6309 0 618 0 1232986219 1 1 1 1 contacten Dag, Ik ben eens aan het rondluisteren geweest voor wate cafés. De klokke in Duffel zouden we heen kunnen, maar ik weet niet hoe ik daar moet geraken, of we kunnen naar de leeuw van Vlaanderen in Zandvliet. Ofwel kunnen we ergens in Lier ofzo afspreken aan het station en daar ergens iets gaan drinken. Jakke 0 0 2mdt0ew4 0 0 u_1027
6310 6309 1027 0 1232987850 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag Jakke, De klokke in Duffel is in de klokkestraat ( = het verlengde van de Duffelsesteenweg en eigenlijk de grote verbindingsbaan tussen Kontich en Duffel). <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> De Leeuw van Vlaanderen in Zandvliet is voor mij ook goed maar voor U weer wat verder om te rijden. In Lier zijn er niet zo erg veel Vlaamse cafe's m.i., daar zijn de meeste zaken redelijk burgerlijk ingesteld. Ik denk dus eerlijk gezegd dat het cafe in Duffel de beste keuze is. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 ggnpbi9c 0 0 u_618
6311 6309 618 0 1232989045 1 1 1 1 Re: contacten Dag, De leeuw van Vlaanderen is misschien inderdaad wat ver. Nu het zit zo, ik heb woensdag waarschijnlijk mijn auto terug, die was afgekeurd en tegen woensdag zou hij normaal gemaakt zijn en terug gekeurd zijn dus dan heb ik vrijdag de platen. Ik kan natuurlijk ook met men moeder haar auto rijden, dat moet ik is even overleggen, maar ik denk niet dat dat een probleem zal zijn. Jakke 0 0 1e3hobw6 0 0 u_1027
6608 6594 122 0 1234891590 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Good evening, allright, i understand. We will see what is in the future, i wish good luck this swedish guys. 828 0 0 ha9vr1n8 0 0 u_2207:u_65
6658 6182 53 0 1235125302 1 1 1 1 hi hail 88 0 0 1zoed6yy 0 0 u_801
6812 6353 72 0 1236544564 1 1 1 1 Re: HELLO MATE Hello Mate For the batches is £4 each alright inclusive of p&amp;p??............I know it sounds a lot but all the money will go to the WAU so I have to try to get the maximum I can. Yours.R 0 0 eb7fb66s 0 0 u_297
6813 6617 115 0 1236555420 1 1 1 1 Re: gig Cool, then hopefully then i come as your guest and you can come to st george's day as our guest! <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 30i9i8aj 0 0 u_2207
6453 0 746 0 1233865430 1 1 1 1 Päivitykset Miksi ei päivityksiä tule vähään aikaan? :/ 0 0 20lpt1ag 0 0 u_552
6648 6613 1972 0 1235068494 1 1 1 1 Re: money hello sean got youre money today will send on tuesday as im going to the envlope shop saturday im putting in a free patch aswell all the best nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3q97sqry 0 0 u_2362
6784 0 2645 0 1236248955 1 1 1 1 gday hey dude how are you 0 0 nuxob8wb 0 0 u_2099
6321 6202 801 0 1233005549 1 1 1 1 Re: Skinlys anthems Ainzy, Sorry for the cockup last night. Went out without the phone. Not so mobile eh. <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":-?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:-? --> Whereas the B&amp;H is more social the BFF is more about street action. Don't take this the wrong way but you are below age for that but you can enjoy the site and maybe attend the socials. You are the youngest member but made a very strong impression when we met you. We being Wigan-Mike and myself. He runs the BFF. Take care and let me know when you can take a call. S-H.. 0 0 29wn2p77 0 0 u_2376
6322 6202 2376 0 1233006366 1 1 1 1 Re: Skinlys anthems No worries mate, you should tie it to your jacket with a piece of string <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> ....Wigan mike seems a decent bloke, as do all the bloke i have met threw b&amp;h..anyway..i can take a call at ten past ten if that is okay with you? 88 Ben 0 0 2act4i1y 0 0 u_801
6346 6314 69 0 1233149542 1 1 1 1 Re: lps alright nick..posted off your cash this morning mate ok sent it by recorded delivery so you will have to sign for it ok..safer that way anyway so <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> thanks mate 828 0 0 3m09x13f 0 0 u_1972
6347 6344 1910 0 1233152332 1 1 1 1 Re: re nigger what are those two other websites? and do you not have msn or anything like that i could contact you on? dont particularly like signing upto new forums anymore than i have to, to be honest with you cheers whatever the answer is. 0 0 1b4k2k1c 0 0 u_2455
6352 0 72 0 1233236865 1 1 1 1 Greetings Hello Mate One of the Croatian lads from the forming asking why he has been banned from the forum, his user name is HELIKOPTER . Is it that he has been banned for being an idiot or is it just a case he needs to change his pass-word for security. Thanks and all the best.Rob 0 0 1nho701b 0 0 u_58
6353 0 72 0 1233237082 1 1 1 1 HELLO MATE Hello Mate Sorry for the late reply but as far as I know the patches are still for sale <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> ............not sure how much to ask but anything you give will end up being given to POWs. So just make an offer and send you addy and I will send one or both to you. All the best.Rob 0 0 31gzbnt4 0 0 u_297
6354 0 691 0 1233240268 1 1 1 1 Heil I want to buy a pendant Hammer of Thor (silver) , maybe you can recommand me something.. 14words 0 0 39m8ugnf 0 0 u_98
6362 6326 1972 0 1233261843 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes ok joe no i havent sold the tapes you can have the lot for $70 ok they are yours say hail to mike for me keep fighting nick 1488 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 16f4s809 0 0 u_353
6363 0 558 0 1233267458 1 1 1 1 mags so do ya buy througfh you or the lad on the site ?? regards 0 0 1ozk9u29 0 0 u_72
6365 6363 558 0 1233269381 1 1 1 1 Re: mags ok cheers mate 0 0 ryzx2ar5 0 0 u_72
6366 0 531 0 1233269872 1 1 1 1 Happy birthday ! Eyup Shell, hope you n steve well ! Got a favour to ask if you will, don't know if you remember me talking about my brother Shaun ? He was on forum before he got locked up just over 3 years ago for trying to blind a nonce <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> He went by the name 'nigger hater'. It's his big 4-0 on 30th jan and he's currently in Dovegate near Uttoxeter. I have an account with, and if I give you my login details, could you send him a couple of lines to say happy birthday ? My login details are <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, and the password is holohoax, click on messages, then his name, then type away and click on send when you've done. You don't have to put your address cos it all goes through my account. The good thing about it is that he gets the mail very shortly after you've sent it, same day usually. Casual88 has already sent his, and kruger rvf will be doing so shortly, they were big mates on the outside, I left word with covert for sniper69 to get in touch but heard nowt yet <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> Anyway mi owd luv, it'd be muchly appreciated by me, and it'd put a smile on his face to know he's not been forgotten <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Cheers luv 14/88 Ian 0 0 1ikuyuwc 0 0 u_53
6367 6354 691 0 1233277627 1 1 1 1 Re: Heil Thanks for advice ! <!-- s`BSun --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/blacksun2_Anim_inv.gif" alt="`BSun" title="BSun" /><!-- s`BSun --> 0 0 2qghl2k7 0 0 u_98
6487 6147 801 0 1234132595 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Thanks for the night out. Can't remember when I last had that much to drink. Glad you did not come tonight as it was not a good venue. Too many uwashed lefties. 28 events are far better. 0 0 qbksgyed 0 0 u_2422
6372 6326 353 0 1233284827 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes Nick, I will send the money in the next few days and I will be sure to send Mike a big hail from you too. Thanks again brother! 828 Joe 0 0 1fu0o5dm 0 0 u_1972
6382 6312 54 0 1233398785 1 1 1 1 Re: Scootering [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:2bw2g38v]Not wanting to make work for the sake of it BEB but could you change the title to SCOOTERING / BIKING This would encourage B&amp;H unity in an area where the media in the past has delighted in creating division. RR. S-H. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:2bw2g38v] Hi there, I've gone one better and given you a &quot;Biking&quot; sub-forum of your own, as motor bikes and scooters really are two different things. Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 2bw2g38v 0 0 u_801
6375 6326 1972 0 1233332473 1 1 1 1 Re: Demo tapes hail joe here is my e mail address <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> andill send you all my skrewdriver brutal attack no remorse photos ive put in my data base over 200 and ill send them to you and you can copy them ok all the best nick 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3sfll2l2 0 0 u_353
6569 6564 65 0 1234622749 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas pics we need them at minimum 300 dpi, so its a no go? 828 0 0 5mkpz9yt 0 0 u_2002
6855 0 297 0 1236861060 1 1 1 1 hi and a request Hey chubly, How have you been keeping??been up to much?Been a long time no see,hopefully we are going to st george's day gig soi will catch up then. Was just pm'ing you to ask you a request really as i know you are an admin on here. Could you remove a member from the forum for me as we have since discovered him to be a drug taker who has assosiations with blacks.And have cut all ties with him. His username is david b 88 on here. Cheers again and speak soon. Guy - unit 28 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 aphdguy8 0 0 u_53
6880 0 122 0 1236961411 1 1 1 1 CD Hello, i have interesting for the B&amp;H Australia Samper cd. 0 0 24ur2jb3 0 0 u_109
6574 0 1027 0 1234690347 1 1 1 1 21.02.2009 Hallo, 21 feb. 2009 20.00 u Voordracht door N-SA in 'De Gezelle' in Roeselare. Nu hebben wij niet echt veel interesse in N-SA, maar er zullen er nog enkelen van onze kant zijn. Misschien een mooie gelegenheid om samen eens te 'brainstormen'. Vermits jij van W.Vl. bent is Roeselare niet zo'n grote afstand. Hopelijk tot dan. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3ahl09zk 0 0 u_107
6379 6366 53 0 1233336875 1 1 1 1 Re: Happy birthday ! Done today, no worries on that glad to do it. Have said if he wants to write to me ask you for my addy as thats cool, I do write an visit a young POW whos in long lartin 4 life, so i think we should do our bit for POW's. Hope all is cool with you, just got back from staying at a mates nr wigan, all it does up there is bleeding rain!!! take care Shell 14/88 0 0 3a5eo762 0 0 u_531
6380 6366 531 0 1233347457 1 1 1 1 Re: Happy birthday ! Eyup Shell, thanks for that, appreciate it very much ! I'll find out tomorrow what he had to say when mi mum comes back, he only writes to me occasionally, usually cos there's not much to say. Not sure how long he'll be in Dovegate as he's got people working on a move, hopefully to a secure hospital in Warrington, where he can do his anger management in a deaf environment using sign language. As far as I know, Ade from Stockport was on about adding him to a POW list but I'm not sure what forum it'd be on. Yes, it always seems to be raining in the north west, but then again, they deserve it <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> I'll let you know what he had to say tomorrow. Once again, many thanks mi owd luv <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 14/88 Ian 0 0 3a5ju82h 0 0 u_53
6381 0 54 0 1233398642 1 1 1 1 Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; Hi guys, I have been told (by Bulldog Drummond) that a forum member from Croatia &quot;Helikopter&quot; is unable to log onto the forum. I tried to get in touch with him to arrange to reset his password, but the e-mail address on his user details came back as undeliverable. I can't get his updated e-mail address from Bulldog Drummond as BDD is presently travelling to Australia to visit me.. <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Have any of you guys got a more current e-mail address for Helikopter? Cheers N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> PS. I deleted forum member Division Serbia as he was C18. 0 0 1iqgxg5p 0 0 u_108:u_171
6383 6283 54 10 1233398928 1 1 1 1 Re: BnH email [quote=&quot;88power88&quot;:1vi2thh9]hey i made you this email address it SHOULD work Email: BlueEyedBlonde@BloodAndHonour.828 Password: 123123 OH YEA THE ANSWER TO THE SECRET QUESTION IS zogga if it does work and you ever want any more made i'll get it done A.S.A.P <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: -->[/quote:1vi2thh9] Hi there, Thanks for that... but um I'm a little confused I'm afraid.... <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Where do I go to log into this e-mail account, and what am I meant to use it for? Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1vi2thh9 0 0 u_279
6384 6276 54 0 1233401751 1 1 1 1 Re: Videos [quote=&quot;asgard1488&quot;:8jm9n510]Hi N. Hope you are keeping well &amp; safe my dear ? <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> Ok, I have got a couple of Videos from Our November Remembrance gig on you tube !!! Britain awake from Cental Div was so kind to convert the files and bung em on to you tube for us but they are so good that I want to put them on the forum too <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> I followed the instructions that were given to use a .flv file , But it doesnt seem to want to work ??? I have got about 5 videos from the evening but must just be stupid or something LMAO Can you help out please and give me the exact instructions on how to do all of this as I have not done this before <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> 1-2 of the clips are over 10mb aswell and I would like to be able to get these videos on this weekend Many thanks if you can help Sister . When are you coming back our way ? it would be great to see you again <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Take care OK N <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:8jm9n510] Hi Neil, Sorry for the late reply and that I wasn't able to get back to you to get the videos up last weekend. Have had a hell last 6 weeks at work (4 bids to respond to over Christmas), but am now on 3 weeks holiday, as Rob is arriving on Monday!!!!!!!!! (can't wait!!!!!!!!!!) YouTube files are .flv files. The video script for the forum can only play .wmv files and only if they are in a particular location. So to play on the forum the files will need to be downloaded from youtube, converted to .wmv format and then uploaded to the server. Once converted, if the files are under 10 mb, you can upload them via here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Then I can grab them and put them up for you. If they are over 10mb then they will have to be uploaded via ftp. If you can send me the link then I can download them straight from youtube and upload them for you (happy to do this for all of them if that is easier for you, as I have all of the converting software etc on my pc). I am planning my next visit over there for May, and will be throwing a big “joint” birthday party with Rob (I will be celebrating my 40th), so will keep you posted. I also haven’t forgotten about the ISD videos…… I have just gotten bogged down with work (and tried to get them converted by the guy who took the video, but that didn’t work out …). I will put them up during my holidays. How are you going? Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 8jm9n510 0 0 u_58
6385 6381 108 0 1233406351 1 1 1 1 Re: Forum Member&quot;Helikopter&quot; Heil dir! I dont think so,but i ll try to contact &quot;Helikopter&quot; on our local croatian forum called Domobran(<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)as he has most probably an account there. so i ll let u know in the next couple of days... 828! Mauri 0 0 bee9kqjj 0 0 u_171:u_54
6396 6391 1698 0 1233441803 1 1 1 1 Re: For Security [quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:1zk4tiyz][quote=&quot;Das_Renee&quot;:1zk4tiyz]Hello, I have a question. Some days ago, I read that the Antifa stole Informations from a blood and honour Forum. It was the homepage with .com. They wrote, that de swiss People which wrote &quot;bad&quot; things, they'll get a punish. So I want to ask, could you maybe delete my profile? It's just for Security. Thanks and have a good evening. :)[/quote:1zk4tiyz] The forum was the C18 one, not us. Do you still want your profile deleted? Cheers BlueEyedBlonde <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:1zk4tiyz] I'm not sure. I didn't write anything last time. If I don't write or read anything during the month february, I will send you a message. I think, then you can delete my profile. :) 0 0 gA== 1zk4tiyz 0 0 u_54
6397 6212 2123 9 1233480356 1 1 1 1 Re: hello HELLO mate, hows things? ur not registered in VF FORUM anymore? the forum had some problums and was changed from server, and now everybody need to sign up again. so, any news?u got any POW address allready? its a shame u dont go to the 7 feb gig in London. Take Care Kirk David ROA 0 0 t5xfp39b 0 0 u_61
6398 6212 61 9 1233499107 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;Dajo&quot;:a2zd9l1c]HELLO mate, hows things? ur not registered in VF FORUM anymore? the forum had some problums and was changed from server, and now everybody need to sign up again. so, any news?u got any POW address allready? its a shame u dont go to the 7 feb gig in London. Take Care Kirk David ROA[/quote:a2zd9l1c] Hello mate, yeah I meant to sign up again but I've been busy &amp; keep on forgeting, I'll do so in a minute. I've not spoke to Mick about any POW's yet as his Dad's ill at the moment so I've not wanted to bother him but I'll give him a ring this week &amp; find out. It's a pity I can't make the gig but I hope to make the Violent Storm memorial one. There's going to be a meeting this month of Sothland Division B&amp;H which is my local division so I'll be able to let a few people know about the Volksfront OSC. I'll also ask about any POW's for you mate. How are thing's with you? Everythings good here just busy with family things. Take care Kirk 828 0 0 gA== a2zd9l1c 0 0 u_2123
6401 6212 2123 9 1233511477 1 1 1 1 Re: hello Violent storm is in wales right?do u know the date? 0 0 3pbh4bnw 0 0 u_61
6402 6212 61 9 1233512201 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;Dajo&quot;:26700pxp]Violent storm is in wales right?do u know the date?[/quote:26700pxp] Yes mate Wales on March 14th but it says the date is to be confirmed. 0 0 gA== 26700pxp 0 0 u_2123
6403 6212 2123 9 1233514134 1 1 1 1 Re: hello i would like to go... lets hope i have money, cause im going to spain on 27th feb, and come back on 1st march 0 0 3nn0oiw9 0 0 u_61
6404 6212 61 9 1233518911 1 1 1 1 Re: hello [quote=&quot;Dajo&quot;:3cc02fqj]i would like to go... lets hope i have money, cause im going to spain on 27th feb, and come back on 1st march[/quote:3cc02fqj] With luck we'll both be there &amp; can meet &amp; have a drink &amp; chat mate. 0 0 gA== 3cc02fqj 0 0 u_2123
6406 0 195 0 1233523002 1 1 1 1 28 Radio Hi mate . You can download it from here...glad you enjoyed the show! 828 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 0 0 iq2zkql1 0 0 u_105
6407 6406 105 0 1233525783 1 1 1 1 Re: 28 Radio Thanks mate, ill grab it now, will help kill the boredom of work. God only knows when our sshow will be back up. If you have a new show soon can you give our Violent Storm Memorial a plug? Cheers 0 0 2ps3je2d 0 0 u_195
6408 6406 195 0 1233556026 1 1 1 1 Re: 28 Radio No worries mate. Just email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> with gig details, song requests or anything you want heard or mentioned on the show and the lads will sort it for you. Not sure when they are doing the next one but hopefully we can keep it a regular thing. Any idea when the UK Radio will be back up? Cheers 828 0 0 3r0y7mhk 0 0 u_105
6409 0 2455 0 1233565234 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=19127#p19127:3uhakycr]Subject: 88[/url:3uhakycr] [quote=&quot;skin4life&quot;:3uhakycr]welcome from Leicester <!-- s`FSkin --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/FSkin.gif" alt="`FSkin" title="FSkin" /><!-- s`FSkin -->[/quote:3uhakycr] 88 comrade i to am leicester born and bred new parks est tho moved out from leicester years ago 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 kA== 3uhakycr 0 0 u_1877
6410 0 69 0 1233574201 1 1 1 1 close shave alright mate do you still have the 2 close shave lps..if so ill have them mate..ill send you cash as soon as the others arrive i bought off you ok...let me know if youve already posted them out mate please..thanks rich i sent you the cash recorded delivery so if theres a prob let me know and ill check on the reciept like ok <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2xek4x6l 0 0 u_1972
6411 0 992 0 1233582493 1 1 1 1 vlaggen Adelaar, Je kan bijna alle vlaggen vinden in de volgende zaak: DC special Overbekeplein 7c Kortrijk Of je kan ze laten overkomen van de usa, volgende site is interressant: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Groeten Darre88 0 0 3vbpx620 0 0 u_2482
6412 0 2409 0 1233594093 1 1 1 1 from nick hiya mate, how ya doin? i just thought id drop u a msg to say if u wanted a chat on the net sometime, my msn addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> im from peterborough, so not too far away from ya like. take it easy mate, nick. 0 0 1y23caj3 0 0 u_1877
6413 0 2409 0 1233594193 1 1 1 1 from nick hiya mate, hope ur alright. i noticed from ur profile ur from northamptonshire, just wanted to see if u wanna chat on the net sometime and leave my msn addy, its <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> im from peterborough so not too far away take it easy mate, nick. 0 0 3q7xdj7v 0 0 u_606
6414 0 90 0 1233601526 1 1 1 1 Re: Enkele spulletjes te koop Gegroet Pm me even je e-mail adres door en dan stuur ik je de foto's door. Freiheit 28 0 0 s2ajidyn 0 0 u_2482
6428 0 68 0 1233677829 1 1 1 1 trying to get hold of.. Hiya mate, Hope all is well! Grumpy has been trying to get hold of you!... said can you drop him a txt 07825642507 Hope your ok my dear!! xxxxx 0 0 3q3j0ww6 0 0 u_59
6807 0 396 0 1236491809 1 1 1 1 east london gig details will be up on the day mate.some times a bit hard to get to without a car but i am told this one is ok 0 0 r4md99xy 0 0 u_2322
6808 0 58 0 1236497436 1 1 1 1 Hail Hail Managed to get back on then mate !!! LOL ! Dont forget to change your password and e mail addy this time eh !!!!!!!! Hope your well and ready for the 14th March ? See you soon 828 Asgard1488 0 0 1vlzrokd 0 0 u_801
6417 6410 69 0 1233606777 1 1 1 1 Re: close shave haha alright nick..yeah mate weve had some snow here already ahahah right mate when i get the other lps ill send you the cash for the 2 close shave ones then mate..brilliant thanks ill let you know when they arrive and when ive sent the other cash off then mate ok 828 0 0 3j37n9qz 0 0 u_1972
6419 0 59 0 1233614168 1 1 1 1 Re: Site back up!!!!!! WooHoo!!! [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=19358#p19358:3bf3nnjc]Subject: Site back up!!!!!! WooHoo!!![/url:3bf3nnjc] [quote=&quot;BIGE88&quot;:3bf3nnjc]&quot;pm me duds i cant get fuck all to work bige88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:3bf3nnjc] Should work ok m8, a fair few have re registered now, if you still cant get on the site, empty your cache and history, if it doesnt work after that leave it 24 hours to see if the dns resolves with your isp and try again 14 Duds 0 0 kA== 3bf3nnjc 0 0 u_1972
6420 6419 1972 0 1233617798 1 1 1 1 Re: Site back up!!!!!! WooHoo!!! &quot;ok mate will try will post blood and honours next week nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 302ib5ta 0 0 u_59
6421 0 1972 0 1233621907 1 1 1 1 skrewdriver book &quot; hello mate i sent some photos to you for a skrewdriver book any news on this book yet mate and the oswald mosley radio show you was gonna do ? all the best nick88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 m26sdmq7 0 0 u_72
6422 0 1953 0 1233629325 1 1 1 1 award any winners yet? thanks jeffrey 0 0 1o4rk8sf 0 0 u_323
6423 0 69 0 1233651288 1 1 1 1 cds alright againmate..have u still got the white solidarity cd available? is it the one with max resist singing the track combat 18???..well if it is that and its still available ill have it off you mate..just put it with the 2 close shave lps and what ill do is send you 25 quid saves messing about with loose change..i know it only adds up to 22 really ut i might as well put in the extra for you ok..let me know mate please and we can get it sorted thanks nick.. Rich <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 16ppa9mq 0 0 u_1972
6643 0 2362 0 1235060698 1 1 1 1 payment just checking that the payment arrived ok for the hunter and patch cheers . sean c 0 0 34hcmyid 0 0 u_1972
6427 6423 69 0 1233667963 1 1 1 1 Re: cds thanks mate..send it as soon as other lps arrive mate as i said ok..cheers 828 0 0 313ath05 0 0 u_1972
6485 6469 284 0 1234120103 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi gig in Manchester Alright Tony, Haven't heard anything about a gig in Manchester mate. Let me know how it went. Rob 0 0 2mwfatrh 0 0 u_801
6431 6409 1877 0 1233687657 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 lol,yep i live in newparks. its a small world 0 0 2mcmhace 0 0 u_2455
6432 6409 2455 0 1233687838 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 nice one comrade....i am also x leicester baby squad to...come and join our forum at the RVF <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 0 0 1u1lkfjb 0 0 u_1877
6433 6412 1877 0 1233688089 1 1 1 1 Re: from nick I am not too good with computers, you can see that just by looking at the tattoo photos I put on the 28 forum. but I do have a ps3 with a camera, my tag is &quot;Ivoryninja&quot; I use my lap top about once a week to check e my emails. 0 0 3irou06h 0 0 u_2409
6434 6409 1877 0 1233688303 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 will do. at the moment just trying to put up some pics of my tatts onthe 28 forum. 0 0 f7kltxfw 0 0 u_2455
6435 6409 2455 0 1233689059 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 no probs comrade the rvf forum can be found on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> i run the rvf for the south east of england,i am going of now hope to chat with you on there,i am under the name countrywide and i am gen NS you can check me out by admin on here or ask around everyone no,s me 88 0 0 2qx7nksl 0 0 u_1877
6436 6409 1877 0 1233689696 1 1 1 1 Re: 88 ok bro, also just put my tatts on the forum. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1ddtjqvn 0 0 u_2455
6458 0 746 0 1233925473 1 1 1 1 Päivitykset Okei, aika paska homma. Itse kuitenkin haluaisin tietoja uusista ja loppuvista levyistä, lähettääkö H8System sitten sähköpostilla vastauksen jos kyselee uusista levyistä? Vielä siitä Sniperin levystä, onko H8Systemille tullut jo levyä myyntiin, voiko sitä tilata sähköpostin kautta lähipäivinä? <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 2fwbjdfy 0 0 u_552
6711 0 801 0 1235434937 1 1 1 1 Re: WOTANISM (ODINISM) [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20095#p20095:2yhljewt]Subject: WOTANISM (ODINISM)[/url:2yhljewt] [quote=&quot;Dragon Banner&quot;:2yhljewt]I live by own personal form of Asatru heathenry. My views of the world and life are very much influenced by the laws of Nature and the 9 Noble Virtues which I make public through my behaviour and what I say (particularly when arguing with reds). It is because of this that I firmly believe that for the white race to survive a spiritual revolution is necessary. I think a people with an honest, passionate sense of identity within is much better than just politics. Although the linked website claims that &quot;most of the so-called &quot;Asatru&quot; groups that follow a new-age, universalist belief system that claims all races can embrace our sacred Aryan religion&quot; my Asatruism steers well clear of this inclusive take on this religion. Those people referred to are nothing more than hippies who believe choosing a heathen way is to preach just peace and love but to ignore the struggle for survival in the fear of being labelled racist. I agree with the linked website that White Power is not the way. Mainly because my understanding of Nature decrees that all human life should be able to exist but in the state in which Nature created us - seperate. I think the term White Power suggests authority over all. I wouldn't want this, only the right to self govern our own without taking on the problems of other races. Great link. I look forwarding to reading more.[/quote:2yhljewt] Rob I would like to know more of your views mate. I am uncertain at the moment about my beliefs and am seeking to explore ideas. 0 0 kA== 2yhljewt 0 0 u_284
6747 0 295 0 1235990909 1 1 1 1 singlets Howdy mate, I talked to Jesse today and we're not going to be doing any for a while, but Ruben from Queensland rang me this evening and he said that he's going to be doing some soon and pay for it out of the Qld kitty. I'll let ya know when we get them in. Cheers, Justin 0 0 1we5j0c1 0 0 u_2451
6622 6617 2207 0 1234909643 1 1 1 1 Re: gig That sounds great <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Your are welcome! 0 0 246hsdpm 0 0 u_115
6461 0 108 0 1233948997 1 1 1 1 hi Hi bro,i ve just received your postcard from Sydney,thank u very much.i bet you spent some brilliant days over there.See you in hungary on the DOH. prost Maury 0 0 1hkcyow9 0 0 u_122
6462 6147 2422 0 1233951233 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Hi mate sorry for taking so long to reply.Im from Bury pal. 0 0 3rsqx504 0 0 u_801
6463 6147 801 0 1233956131 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting So am I. What part of Bury? 0 0 glh37h55 0 0 u_2422
6464 6147 2422 0 1233958240 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Tottington mate,do you know it? 0 0 13b066l3 0 0 u_801
6466 6419 1972 0 1233972303 1 1 1 1 Re: Site back up!!!!!! WooHoo!!! hello duds ive never had an accountt or password i just used to look and pick the stuff i wanted so can you do me an account with e mail and password e mail <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> the password id like is tankbuster88 can you do this for me nick 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 p4m92gd2 0 0 u_59
6467 0 295 0 1233978589 1 1 1 1 Hey Lol, just saw you're online here. Funny the people you see around the place <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> Just got an email from Jesse, he said Portugal was weird but good. Hope he's got his longjohns, he's off to England in a day or so and they've got some mini ice-age going on there, haha... Meanwhile we're sweating in a 110 degree plus heat wave... Catch ya around, anyways, mate. Justin 0 0 8wsq1qvu 0 0 u_238
6468 6147 801 0 1233987376 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Whitefield. I know where Tottington is. Although not Totti I sometimes go up to the Hare &amp; Hounds at Holcombe. 0 0 3kyur86w 0 0 u_2422
6469 0 801 0 1233990750 1 1 1 1 Oi gig in Manchester Do you know anything about an Oi gig in Manchester on Sunday night, £5. A few of us hoping to go but a bit of uncertainty about exact location. RR. Tony. 0 0 n4eup02z 0 0 u_284
6472 0 801 0 1234000049 1 1 1 1 Re: MA-1 jacket [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=19512#p19512:1qmhv8qb]Subject: MA-1 jacket[/url:1qmhv8qb] [quote=&quot;BULLDOG DRUMMOND&quot;:1qmhv8qb]When they have them in they're about 40ish but I have also seen Alpha jackets in there as well.............the only problem is the place is like a jumble sale so you have to spend ages rummaging around <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: -->[/quote:1qmhv8qb] Thanks for that reply. On the Scooter section I had hoped that Bikes would be included and mailed B-B about this. The result was a Biking section which is OK but my idea was to create unity between 28 Biker &amp; Scooter lads. Would you as a senior member (respected not age) be able to put together a Rally/camping weekend for 28 two wheel mmembers?. I know it is a bit cheeky but if you don't ask you don't find out. 0 0 kA== 1qmhv8qb 0 0 u_72
6473 6461 122 0 1234003240 1 1 1 1 Re: hi Hello Bro, no problem for the postcard. I hope you like the picture. I hope we can come to the doh this year, we must looking. 828 0 0 l8t99wps 0 0 u_108
6474 6147 2422 0 1234010511 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Hi mate any time you want to meet up just let me know.My name is Jon by the way and my number is 07599073883 0 0 a1nlio2i 0 0 u_801
6475 6147 801 0 1234011692 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Will phone you later today mate. 0 0 1awu2hqd 0 0 u_2422
6693 0 1972 0 1235355496 1 1 1 1 cock sparrer record &quot;hello mate i havent heard from you yet is everything ok all the best nick 88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3p3hq7ep 0 0 u_558
6479 6147 801 0 1234030856 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Good idea to have a pint. Name is Tony. Where and when do you fancy a drink?. 077888-20476. 0 0 1qe8edx0 0 0 u_2422
6481 0 392 0 1234080130 1 1 1 1 Facebook hi, a few of us are on facebook. look in the groups for blood&amp;honour, you will find a few of unit28 on there, and a few from southampton. not sure wether it is a good idea yet, a friend started the group on facebook. it`s not illegal to be 28 yet!!!! see you on there. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 3vgwvwzd 0 0 u_1787
6483 6444 552 0 1234104653 1 1 1 1 Re: Tiedustelu... Tieto keikoista kulkee yleensä suusta suuhun ja H8 SYSTEMin postituslistalaiset saavat tarkemmat tiedot. Postituslistalle pääsee kun tilaa H8 SYSTEMiltä jotain ja käy lunastamassa paketin. Keikat järjestetään pääsääntöisesti ravintoloissa, jolloin ikäraja on 18. Jos olet H8 SYSTEMin postituslistalla, niin silloin tieto tapahtumista tulee sinullekin. Jos et ja olet kuitenkin kiinnostunut tulemaan paikalle, niin ilmoita tänne päin, niin eiköhän tätäkin kautta jotain infoa saa. Mutta ikää tarvitsee kyllä olla sen 18. 0 0 1stc4uqn 0 0 u_291
6484 6458 552 0 1234104951 1 1 1 1 Re: Päivitykset Yleensä tieto levyistä ja keikoista kulkee ainoastaan postituslistalaisille, jotka ovat tilanneet jotain ja lunastaneet paketit. Pelkkiin kyselyihin tulee yleensä huonosti vastauksia, koska kysyjänähän voi olla kuka tahansa, punikit, kytät jne... Laita tiedusteluun että olet tältä foorumilta ja mainitse nimimerkkisi, niin kyllä siinä tapauksessa pääset postituslistalle. Sniperin uutta tulee myyntiin heti, kun levyjä vaan sattuu Suomeen tulemaan. Päivästä ei osaa sanoa, mutta kyllä siitäkin sitten postituslistalaisille tieto kulkee. 0 0 22g17r9v 0 0 u_746
6488 6469 284 0 1234134387 1 1 1 1 Re: Oi gig in Manchester Fucking hell ha ha. Weird! 0 0 62l72a27 0 0 u_801
6497 0 801 0 1234202117 1 1 1 1 Re: London Calling 7/02/09 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=19559#p19559:1zfobtji]Subject: London Calling 7/02/09[/url:1zfobtji] [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:1zfobtji]Once again another great night!!!And a great way to kick off 2009. Cant say any more than anyone else already has really.Was a very enjoyable night and just felt good to get back on stage after such a long break... Thanks again to everyone for all the support...Its very much appreciated.. <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:1zfobtji] Any news on your coming CD?. 0 0 kA== 1zfobtji 0 0 u_297
6498 6444 291 0 1234206766 1 1 1 1 Re: Tiedustelu... Joo, kiitokset vastauksesta. Vihasysteemin postituslistalla jo olenkin, ja maaliskuun keikasta tuli tietoa. Täysi-ikäinen en ole, joten suurin osa keikoista tulee siis jäämään välistä. Sain kuitenkin sellaista tietoa että kerhohuoneella pidetyillä keikoilla ei olisi ikärajoja, pitääkö paikkansa? 0 0 1mubsg60 0 0 u_552
6499 6444 552 0 1234207575 1 1 1 1 Re: Tiedustelu... Joo, pitää paikkansa. Täälä hetkellä vaan hommassa on se huono puoli että kerhoja ei ole kuin Orivedellä ja Kouvolassa. Kouvolan kerhon touhuty on jo pitkään ollut vähän mitä on. He olivat ennen aktiivinen keikkojen järjestäjä, mutta asiat ovat muuttuneet viime vuosina. Orivedellä taas ei varsinaisia keikkoja ole ollut koskaan. Kerholla ei ole lavaa ja muutenkin paikka on liian pieni keikoille. Oriveden keikatkin on järjestetty aina lähiseudun ravintoloissa. 0 0 2celd2or 0 0 u_291
6500 6496 297 0 1234219382 1 1 1 1 Re: gig allrite mate did not make gig, satday, could not get hold of griff so i was shagged for a lift, how was the gig, i shud be makeing the next gig, bin told v storm in wales , again depends on a lift, anyway at least the countrys white again, take care brummie kev Yeah gig was good,the set went really well considering we hadnt played since isd day and onlt had 4 hours practice that morning...hahaha.I know there is a gig next month but all i know is our next confirmed gig is St Georges.But no doubt will either turn up to or be asked to play others before that...You know how it is.. I suppose the snow makes a nice change...About time we saw white everywhere in Britain.. Hope to catch up soon. Guy - Unit 28 0 0 3er201vt 0 0 u_1959
6659 0 801 0 1235126915 1 1 1 1 York Are you going this weekend to the show at York?. 077888-20476 0 0 2hs8jkza 0 0 u_284
6672 0 105 0 1235208039 1 1 1 1 Re: * B &amp; H Magazine - Issue 41 - Out Now! * pm Werewolf. He can sort it for you. 0 0 1icjfani 0 0 u_1953
6502 6496 1959 0 1234272983 1 1 1 1 Re: gig gheers for the reply guy, ok mate shud c u at both gigs, i,ll go 2 most gigs going but its dwn to the lifts 28 mate BRUMMIE KEV <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3mservt1 0 0 u_297
6503 6444 291 0 1234275875 1 1 1 1 Re: Tiedustelu... Harmillista... No jospa meiningin suunta vaihtuisi, tai sitten katsellaan keikkahommia kunhan täysi-ikäisyys koittaa. <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> Tampereella, Helsingissä ja ties missä muualla on vissiin ollut kerhotilat, mitä lie tapahtunut..? <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> Kuulemani mukaan virkavalta taisi sotkea Kuopion touhun heti alkuunsa? Pieni kyselyvimma alkaa iskeä 0 0 4xhlvlv6 0 0 u_552
6504 0 1713 0 1234278220 1 1 1 1 Re: finally .... [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=18975#p18975:2tm58j5v]Subject: finally ....[/url:2tm58j5v] [quote=&quot;celtic_maiden&quot;:2tm58j5v]vicky from hampshire. eventually got back to comin on here, and i even remembered my name and password lol <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> . 28[/quote:2tm58j5v] Is this the cat killer lol <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 kA== 2tm58j5v 0 0 u_1356
6505 6504 1356 0 1234286017 1 1 1 1 Re: finally .... haha yes it is i the cat killer so beware <!-- s~HitlerAngry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/hitlerangry.gif" alt="~HitlerAngry" title="HitlerAngry" /><!-- s~HitlerAngry --> 0 0 2yxg666c 0 0 u_1713
6506 6147 2422 0 1234294178 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Alright pal,yeah had a good night.Sorry I couldnt make it the gig,too much of a hangover. 0 0 2fmnk4ym 0 0 u_801
6507 6496 297 0 1234307335 1 1 1 1 Re: gig Wicked....Catch up with you in person soon no doubt Guy 14/828 0 0 39f90njw 0 0 u_1959
6508 0 72 0 1234319856 1 1 1 1 leon <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> just wodered if you had any info on the LEON DEGRAILLE interview, a few folk have asked what date it was conducted and who conducted the interview? Many thanks.Rob 0 0 2mjtxh41 0 0 u_65
6509 0 105 0 1234335675 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial 2009 London area or midlands mate. 0 0 2g5qeowy 0 0 u_297
6510 0 1654 0 1234338685 1 1 1 1 goede morgen goede morgen kurtje, 't is hier madam van die meneer die hier zo'n lange teksten neerpent 'k heb ook maar een profieltje aan gemaakt zo hoeft hij zijn teksten niet altijd voor te lezen Niet dat ik zo'n groot schrijver ben , maar zo kan ik beter volgen allee, 'k ga wat verder lezen hier, de groetjes van't ventje en mij Nancy van peter dus <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 chaef2um 0 0 u_992
6511 0 54 0 1234342426 1 1 1 1 Hello! Hi Shell, Just saying a quick hello, Rob and I are in Sydney at the moment, living it up in a nice hotel room overlooking the harbour. The visit is going well, it's fantastic to be together again, I don't want him to go back.... Can 90% confirm I will be back in England in early May to hold our joint party, tentatively looking at 9 May, so if you could start to sound out your DJ mate for availability that would be great. Hope you are well, Cheers Nicole 0 0 12llndmm 0 0 u_53
6512 6511 53 0 1234350009 1 1 1 1 Re: Hello! Aww thats soo cool, I'm so glad your having such a great time together, I've just got back (well monday) from spending 5 days at a 'mates' up near Manchester, we had a great time i've been spending more an more time up there with him, just wait an see i guess <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> I'll talk to Stewie later today, we have already spoken this morning an get that date to him to pencil in, Have a great time an true to say i'll see ya soon!!! will be here before we know it Shell <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2y6ztzqg 0 0 u_54
6514 0 746 0 1234359128 1 1 1 1 Päivitykset Terve taas. Lähetin H8Systemille sähköpostia, kerroin että olen tältä forumilta ja kerroin nimimerkinkin ja kyselin siitä postituslistalaiseksi pääsemisestä, mitään vastausta vaan ei ole vielä tullut. Onko ylipäätänsä mahdollista päästä postituslistalaiseksi sähköpostiviestin lähettämällä? 0 0 3vpd9wdw 0 0 u_552
6515 6496 1959 0 1234362153 1 1 1 1 Re: gig mate next gig i think unit 28 lads shud get me a coulple of beers for all my suport and all the good reviews i give about you lol, c u there 828 0 0 1aw2uzjr 0 0 u_297
6516 6509 297 0 1234364076 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial 2009 Brilliant mate cheers. 14/828 0 0 3fwo2oyu 0 0 u_105
6517 0 105 0 1234372478 1 1 1 1 Re: Violent Storm Memorial 2009 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=19650#p19650:3exs55td]Subject: Violent Storm Memorial 2009[/url:3exs55td] [quote=&quot;WhiteJustice&quot;:3exs55td]Where abouts will this be? Just a rough location so i can see how the funds are. Also are whitelaw or unit28 likely to be playing? <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:3exs55td] Gigs either London or Midlands, wont know till later in week but looking like London. No idea on bands except Blackout 0 0 kA== 3exs55td 0 0 u_2099
6593 6527 2105 0 1234810683 1 1 1 1 Re: Welcome back Good meeting you will see you on the 21st,i'll be off the computer for awhile as i just moved and am still settling in.Nice ink you got!! 828. 0 0 2xsrwzr5 0 0 u_2436
6581 6553 1972 0 1234728809 1 1 1 1 Re: donation to 28 thanks mate i would like the arrow cross arrow cross cd and all the klansmen ones ok ill send £14 .50 as i said i have £5 tto send i hope to have £10 to send wtih the next order ok thaks nick <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> . 0 0 18ecvim2 0 0 u_73
6521 6423 69 0 1234452790 1 1 1 1 Re: cds Alright mate ..just to let you know the lps arrived this morning mate so ill be sending you the other 25 quid for close shave lps and white solidarity cd tomorrow mate friday ..same method as before ok thanks nick..hahahah liked the pic too but my bird is better looking <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> ahahaha 828 mate 0 0 3dqw5jmm 0 0 u_1972
6522 0 1691 0 1234453205 1 1 1 1 Re: more rac cds for sale Hello Comrade, You have more CDs for sale? Please, send me your complete actual offer. Thanks and Best Regards Mark 28 Bohemia <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=19675#p19675:175b2rbh]Subject: more rac cds for sale[/url:175b2rbh] [quote=&quot;BIGE88&quot;:175b2rbh]&quot;yet another batch of rare raccds for sale £10 each 1white pride worlod wide hitler cover 2.white pride world widevol 3 3.the blackshirts theblackshirts rise again 4.the naton new beginning pm me if you want to buy bige88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:175b2rbh] 0 0 kA== 175b2rbh 0 0 u_1972
6523 6510 992 0 1234463134 1 1 1 1 Re: goede morgen Dag schatteke, Van harte welkom aan onze nieuwe lezeres...ik wens je veel leesplezier op ons <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 14k5b27m 0 0 u_1654
6524 6522 1972 0 1234470296 1 1 1 1 Re: more rac cds for sale &quot; hello mark im putting up the cds as i go throgh them whats on the for sale section are all the ones im selling take a look and tell me what you want ok and well do a deal nick88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 xb19v07u 0 0 u_1691
6876 6874 319 0 1236960309 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton tell you what mate dont give it the heres my msn your mrs is from shefford next time shes on her way down gis a pm i will see if i can get down there an we can sort it ok 0 0 r0ybhes0 0 0 u_886
6590 6583 1972 0 1234749631 1 1 1 1 Re: patches..? ok ill keep em for you ok all the best guy nick88 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 2wwl1kw2 0 0 u_297
6875 6871 886 0 1236960251 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:39wf0o5p]my problem is every site i go on lately you seem to be talkin shite[/quote:39wf0o5p] Really? Like what and what sites 0 0 gA== 39wf0o5p 0 0 u_319
6527 0 2436 0 1234475029 1 1 1 1 Welcome back u are back .... Cant wait 2 meet u in person man i think we got lots 2 talk about ... mayby see u this weekend 0 0 3ixzwrbj 0 0 u_2105
6627 6084 200 0 1234943700 1 1 1 1 Re: stigger hello si. just wondered if you had any feedback from stigger yet??? i forgot to ask you the other weekend. also, any idea on when the st georges gig is? we are planning on coming over but need a date to book the flights. hope all is good with you and yours, send my love to galina... jess 0 0 3qhgf6nq 0 0 u_65
6530 6147 801 0 1234552532 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting [quote=&quot;Englands Glory&quot;:24ebh991]Alright pal,yeah had a good night.Sorry I couldnt make it the gig,too much of a hangover.[/quote:24ebh991] Like I said it was not a good nights entertainment on stage. Offstage one of our lads faced upto a few Redskins/ Anarchists and the result was they all backed off. We are going down the Midlands this Saturday to help some NS Skins who are getting a bit of grief off Red Scum/ SWP. Taking back the streets. Won't put my name on lists but is there a way in which a sub can be paid to your lot. 28/88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 gA== 24ebh991 0 0 u_2422
6531 0 2362 0 1234552811 1 1 1 1 patch just wondering if you still had the sunwheel patch , if so im interested 0 0 2ik2sq8s 0 0 u_1972
6620 6613 1972 0 1234905400 1 1 1 1 Re: money yes nick 88 0 0 im58zy2j 0 0 u_2362
6534 6531 1972 0 1234554794 1 1 1 1 Re: patch yes mate i have it its yours now you can send cash recorded delivery or po made out to me nick rich not crossed to me nick rich 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn87pr let me know so that i can take it off ok 88 nick <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 1tfgqxip 0 0 u_2362
6716 0 279 3 1235478597 1 1 1 1 Hey!!! i had a quick read of your blog its pretty sweet where are you from??? you should have a listen to my radio: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> my forum: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1bio5qu3 0 0 u_2276
6536 6531 2362 0 1234558400 1 1 1 1 Re: patch [quote=&quot;BIGE88&quot;:18zne3lr]yes mate i have it its yours now you can send cash recorded delivery or po made out to me nick rich not crossed to me nick rich 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn87pr let me know so that i can take it off ok 88 nick <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik -->[/quote:18zne3lr] will send it off in the morning , cheers mate 1488 0 0 gA== 18zne3lr 0 0 u_1972
6688 6687 1972 0 1235335339 1 1 1 1 Re: more rac cds for sale &quot;yes mate do you want it if yes you can a send cash to me recorded or 2 send a po made out to me nick rich do not cross it send it to me nick rich 5 pococks bank four elms nr edenbridge kent tn87pr ok let me know what youre going to do nick as 1488 wants to buy them all nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2i90y13p 0 0 u_142
6685 0 58 0 1235299546 1 1 1 1 Distro 9% Hail Hail All, I am not going to post my comments across the forum as they can still be seen I think ? The question raised bt Duds was a decent 1 and well worth a comment LOL I had been in contact with this guy last year as he was wanting TS gear from me ! Point about donation to B&amp;H is a very good 1 ! How will we know where the money is going to if at all ? Now I am sure that the fellas intentions are truely Honourable but we cant just add another distro without having clarification on this subject. As we all know the deal is that merchandise sold via the forum would automatically justify a donation as We all do at the gigs and events but I just cannot see how we can track this donation from the other side of the world !! I dont have a problem with 9% selling his wares via the forum or by a link as do the other distros but I would like to see the donation arrangements being confirmed beforehand YES ? On another point , The forum user BIGE88 Sells quite alot of ware's via the forum as far as I can see , or rather he posts alot of gear for sale at least which sometimes really clogs the new posts board up ! Does anyone know if He is making regular donations maybe ? I have not got a problem with theses activities by any means but I would like to see some concrete feedback on the Donations side of things ? As we all know , at the gigs &amp; events , the merchandisers contribute a donation from their sales , some do get away with dodging it as they pack up dead early and dissappear <!-- s`angry --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/angry.gif" alt="`angry" title="angry" /><!-- s`angry --> My personal opinion is that anyone who wishes to sell via the forum should also make the necessary arrangements to contribute to B&amp;H before they are given the OK <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Just my personal opinion's on this subject <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> If we can get this subject sorted out then I dont see a problem with 9% having a link on the forum <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> RR 828 Asgard1488 0 0 k72futho 0 0 u_54:u_53:u_59:u_2
6750 6728 1972 0 1236033097 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed no i wasnt taken the piss i had my share of attacks from c18 aswell but i was jumped on by the admin after id taken the c18 stuff off im sorry if you had nothing to do with it? i was told some had moaned even after id taken the stuff off so why is their a for sale section if you cant sell nothing? evry one who has had stuff from me is happy . are you ive been told to go to e bay i cant afford to so ive dumped the stuff ie records books i was only haveing a clear out i was going to help 28 now i cant some have it in for me as i dare to question things and have another view from every one else. life the past 3 years for me has been a kick in the guts i try to get outbut i cant so once again sorry for selling c18 items back to squre one . n 0 0 25uyhlrc 0 0 u_65
6873 6871 319 0 1236960102 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton my problem is every site i go on lately you seem to be talkin shite 0 0 24uh2rrd 0 0 u_886
6657 6283 279 10 1235108760 1 1 1 1 Re: BnH email sorry it took me a while to get back... you use it on msn messenger <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> to chat with people 0 0 2fj6t3a3 0 0 u_54
6709 6704 65 0 1235430751 1 1 1 1 Re: c18 shit That is being dealt with as we speak. We have long found those leeches on our scene are only interested in money, deny them that and they disapear. Where violence, threats and beatings failed, stoping their livlehood works very well! 828 0 0 2dcht7x2 0 0 u_1972
6724 6717 1972 0 1235589685 1 1 1 1 Re: NF meeting &quot;no mate it wasnt me sorry i used to speak at bm meetings as im bm but i did speak at 2 nf meetings 1 in 1984 and 1 in 1985 god god 29 years and 28 years im glad the nf have kept going and i hope they allways will keep up the good work bige88 bm. <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 21w0asx1 0 0 u_279
6713 6684 74 0 1235436655 1 1 1 1 Re: more rac cds for sale hi nick mate yes will have those danny88 0 0 137igidi 0 0 u_1972
6715 6551 74 0 1235478544 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirts and ma1 hi Guy got parcel this morning very happy with it a big thank u keep me informed when cd will be out danny14/828 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 videe5oy 0 0 u_297
6641 6594 2207 0 1234990127 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi I can start with 15, my economy its not so good for the moment.. How much will that cost? My adress is: Wilhelm Törnqvist Änghagsvägen 2 423 49 Torslanda SWEDEN If you want i can do interiews with some young and upcoming bands from Sweden for the mag? We have some good upcoming bands, Revolt, Freke and so on. You can listen on there music at: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> Take care 828! 0 0 75wbfmgl 0 0 u_65
6642 6551 297 0 1235039828 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirts and ma1 Well hopefully we will have a cd by the end of the year.Either off oiur own backs or looking into toning down the lyrics a little bit on a few tracks and going with Rampage. I'll let you know as soon as the money arrives mate. Cheers again Guy 14/828 0 0 334ihmmp 0 0 u_74
6677 6665 1972 0 1235239520 1 1 1 1 Re: confirming yes sean the books yours ill take it of nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 daqdnlam 0 0 u_2362
6781 6779 1787 0 1236246751 1 1 1 1 Re: gday All god here mate, you? 0 0 3npmlfxm 0 0 u_2645
6559 6553 73 0 1234603571 1 1 1 1 Re: donation to 28 yes thats fine mate, also let me know which cds you want and i'll put them to one side 0 0 qw3ga6e9 0 0 u_1972
6650 6613 2362 0 1235068712 1 1 1 1 Re: money cheers mate , much appreciated 0 0 1yu2e7jv 0 0 u_1972
6561 0 65 0 1234610405 1 1 1 1 pics Hi ya, I spoke to you at the bar at L calling regarding discs of white xmas and the gig if poss, I wonder could I have your email and ill give further details. 828 0 0 1vr4f4vl 0 0 u_2002
6562 6147 2422 0 1234613094 1 1 1 1 Re: Meeting Sounds like typical red tactics they are only ever interested it confrontation when they have the numbers,good on the lad for standing up too them,same too in the Midlands.Will ask about donations at the next meeting,not sure if you have to be electrol registered to donate to the party these days I will find out for you.Jon 14/88 0 0 28v96r14 0 0 u_801
6563 0 618 0 1234613919 1 1 1 1 lezing Dag peter, Het lijkt mij zeer interessant om die lezing bij te wonen. Dus als je de kans krijgt om die man nog eens te laten spreken wil ik daar wel bij zijn. Jakke 0 0 310mx1sp 0 0 u_1027
6564 0 2002 0 1234617067 1 1 1 1 white xmas pics <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> The pics I have are reduced to the size where I was able to post them on my space, that's the only way I have them saved, in that state at between 100kb - 250kb as .jpg files. 0 0 2ig9ca78 0 0 u_65
6818 6809 297 0 1236599435 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting Ok then mate. I'll pop something up on here a bit nearer the time. Hope you feel better soon. So what car you getting.Talking of new cars im in the process of selling mine to get something smaller...pain in the arse aint it.. Guy 14/828 0 0 30ffpnss 0 0 u_61
6822 6809 297 0 1236603138 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting Well i have to sell my car first.But then looking for something small.Corsa 1.2 or such like. As lost my job and at the moment only getting weekend work really so not enough to pay to run my car and still pay bills. Where is the meeting??As if it is too far then in all likelyhood i wont go as skint due to lack of work. Guy 14/828 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 ikvpthzg 0 0 u_61
6824 6809 61 0 1236604169 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:15gjt2wb]Well i have to sell my car first.But then looking for something small.Corsa 1.2 or such like. As lost my job and at the moment only getting weekend work really so not enough to pay to run my car and still pay bills. Where is the meeting??As if it is too far then in all likelyhood i wont go as skint due to lack of work. Guy 14/828 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:15gjt2wb] I'm sorry to hear you've lost your job mate. I'll keep my eye's open for any car's going around this way for you. The POW gig is up London on 28th, I'm only going myself because my mate is going back home to Slovakia soon &amp; this will be his last UK gig. I went to the car auctions at Blackbush last week with Luke as he was looking for a 4x4, most of what they sell have low MOT's etc so it's not worth bothering buying from there anymore unless you know a lot about car's. Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 15gjt2wb 0 0 u_297
6572 6564 2002 0 1234643199 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas pics [quote=&quot;werewolf&quot;:swm6bhpg]we need them at minimum 300 dpi, so its a no go? 828[/quote:swm6bhpg] I wouldn't even know how to change them anyway. When I take my pics the camera produces file sizes too big to put the stuff on sites like my space, so I just reduce the size in a paint program and remove any signs of red eye etc, if I can. I used to have pics I took with an old 35mm camera, that landed up in issues of Blood &amp; Honour from the late 80s, I assume you need these for something that needs to be much better quality though. There was a guy next to me at the White Xmas gig who had what looked like a much better quality camera than I had, don't know who he was though. 0 0 gA== swm6bhpg 0 0 u_65
6575 6564 65 0 1234696018 1 1 1 1 Re: white xmas pics ok cheers for the help 828 0 0 78j9kwlk 0 0 u_2002
6576 0 1001 0 1234701250 1 1 1 1 Re: March Manchester Meet Hi Shell is me polish Tom, can you give me more details about room, I mean how many people will be in one room:) I dont wanna sleep with Stu because he is fancy on me hahaha <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Have you got msn, if yes my mail is: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 mqzg1uf1 0 0 u_53
6804 6799 2161 4 1236464317 1 1 1 1 Re: found you alles goed lange ? goed dat het geluk is zoek ff uit hoe het werkt ! bij axis zie je concerten van over heel de wereld. der zitten ook concerten van nederland ,belgie en duitsland. ik spreek je zeker meer a;s je hier op bent . ik zit er best vaak op. ik heb contact met vixson 66 als je die wil en 14skinhead88 uit new castle ik kijk of iets kan regelen als je komt ook alk is het gewoon ff wat zuipen met die lui . snapte ? ik spreewk je gauw <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1f5gjaxk 0 0 u_2686
6671 6670 54 0 1235179931 1 1 1 1 Re: jklm356 [quote=&quot;Skinheritage&quot;:3szznzkj]I do not like the postings by this member. Please investigate. If OK by you fine by me but looks kike to me. Yours, Skinheritage. <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag -->[/quote:3szznzkj] Thanks for that. He was a spammer and I've deleted him. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 3szznzkj 0 0 u_801
6578 6576 53 0 1234707942 1 1 1 1 Re: March Manchester Meet [quote=&quot;ehre&quot;:1qjj169t]Hi Shell is me polish Tom, can you give me more details about room, I mean how many people will be in one room:) I dont wanna sleep with Stu because he is fancy on me hahaha <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> Have you got msn, if yes my mail is: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika -->[/quote:1qjj169t] Hahahahahaha Hello Tom, Right there will be 3 in a room, The room thats all men will have 4 in it, so you can really take your pick who you want in with you. I can try an see if we can book 1 more room if you &amp; Kinga dont want to share, but cant garantee that, its up to you if you want us to try. Ive got Yahoo mesenger it works with msn so will add you ok <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 gA== 1qjj169t 0 0 u_1001
6579 0 1001 0 1234708421 1 1 1 1 ups Can you add me one more time:)? 0 0 3a6nol11 0 0 u_53
6580 6579 53 0 1234712692 1 1 1 1 Re: ups I cant says you already exist in my list so sent you a message you should be able to reply to that an that will connect us i think!!! <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 4ixdwmde 0 0 u_1001
6835 6809 297 0 1236683691 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting Cheers for that.Glad t hear your happy with the new car. I ahve also spoken to one of my brothers mates.He has connections with quite a few unsigned small local bands (he has helped organise a few gigs with good turn outs for individual bands and arranges one each year with some foriegn bands and local talent which i am told always gets a good turn out aswell).He has said some of them will play for free if they are garunteed to play.But they normally slip the like £50 to keep them all happy,which cant be bad.He has said if we want to set up a gig he can contact them for em and see if they would be up for it.So maybe something to work on/think about for the near future? As for the car.. Its a Seat Cordoba 1.6sx. Mettallic Black,106,000 miles (low for the year),P reg 97 It has loads of extra's (alloys,upgraded brakes,lowered 60mm,all bumpers colour code along with quite a few otherbits. Small bit of damage: -needs a new wing mirror -£25 from scrappy -needs new front light (again about £30 from scrappy or ebay) -and being really picky...has a real smalldent onthe back drivers side panel,a small key scratch on the bonnet and a few stone chips. Other than that is mint. After 1300 o.n.o Cheers again...Guy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 158z0f2g 0 0 u_61
6836 0 746 0 1236699544 1 1 1 1 Mistreat Onko siitä Mistreatin 20-vuotis levystä alkanut kuulumaan jo jotain? Koskahan levy mahdollisesti julkaistaisiin? 0 0 3oci3z5n 0 0 u_552
6837 6809 61 0 1236701092 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:1cfu4o04]Cheers for that.Glad t hear your happy with the new car. I ahve also spoken to one of my brothers mates.He has connections with quite a few unsigned small local bands (he has helped organise a few gigs with good turn outs for individual bands and arranges one each year with some foriegn bands and local talent which i am told always gets a good turn out aswell).He has said some of them will play for free if they are garunteed to play.But they normally slip the like £50 to keep them all happy,which cant be bad.He has said if we want to set up a gig he can contact them for em and see if they would be up for it.So maybe something to work on/think about for the near future? As for the car.. Its a Seat Cordoba 1.6sx. Mettallic Black,106,000 miles (low for the year),P reg 97 It has loads of extra's (alloys,upgraded brakes,lowered 60mm,all bumpers colour code along with quite a few otherbits. Small bit of damage: -needs a new wing mirror -£25 from scrappy -needs new front light (again about £30 from scrappy or ebay) -and being really picky...has a real smalldent onthe back drivers side panel,a small key scratch on the bonnet and a few stone chips. Other than that is mint. After 1300 o.n.o Cheers again...Guy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:1cfu4o04] Hello mate, that sound's good about those local bands at the next meeting we'll have to have a goos chat with everyone about it. We'll need to work out how much it will cost to set up etc as we'll need to raise some money first to invest in more fund raising if that makes sense. My Escort is a P reg as well, I've been out &amp; about sorting out bit's for it today, new parcel shelf etc. I'll keep my ears open for anyone looking for a car &amp; let them know about yours for you, I'll let my brother know about it as he knows loads of people &amp; might know of some one. Take care mate, Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 1cfu4o04 0 0 u_297
6839 6829 122 0 1236702163 1 1 1 1 Re: 18.4.2009 Brutal Attack live in France asap ? 0 0 2s9s3dqu 0 0 u_230
6840 0 2322 0 1236715737 1 1 1 1 REPLY Cheers mate, All being well and finishing work on time Ill be coming up the m4 from the south west. Will be my first BH gig so not sure what to expect and looking forward to it !! 0 0 5uqfj36j 0 0 u_58
6841 6829 230 0 1236760585 1 1 1 1 Re: 18.4.2009 Brutal Attack live in France wikipedia is your friend... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Netzjargon</a><!-- m -->)#A It was written on the flyer to not publish it. &quot;Ne pas diffuser sur les forums&quot; = &quot;not publish on boards/forums. 0 0 3gk46gey 0 0 u_122
6585 6583 1972 0 1234740963 1 1 1 1 Re: patches..? no mate i dont know how to do pics yet ive sold the bm ones the awb one is a good one its bigger than the others ive seen want it? nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 38zxu8uq 0 0 u_297
6594 0 2207 0 1234815721 1 1 1 1 Hi RACS dont support c18. We support ISDs Brotherhood 28. Many of us have been Brotherhood 28 supporters since the Nordland/c18 conflict and are even old activits from the swedish Blod &amp; Ära (Blood &amp; Honour) who were active 95-99. 828 and Racial regards Wilhelm &quot;Lolle&quot; Törnqvist RAC Sweden section Västkusten 0 0 27q2oftx 0 0 u_122:u_65
6595 6594 122 0 1234817896 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Good evening, good to know when you support 28 and not c18/system. But i had never heard from 28Members from Sweden, only c18. You know it better than me that c18 is really strong to Sweden. So understand my opinion. Have you not problems mit this peoples when you organised a gig ? 88 0 0 2jibzs0z 0 0 u_65:u_2207
6596 6594 2207 0 1234818896 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Good evening comrade! We dont have any problems with c18 any more, in fact they even not exist in Sweden any more <!-- s`Lachen --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/lachen.gif" alt="`Lachen" title="Lachen" /><!-- s`Lachen --> they are 4-5 active members what i know, after they kicked out Jäsä we havent seen them just on Folkets March june 6... They were more active under jäsäs ledarship than they are now. Many good comrades who were active in B&amp;H/Nordland days under the 90s have now coming back and support RAC Sweden. Take care brother 828! 0 0 1bgmfndu 0 0 u_122
6597 6594 2207 0 1234819043 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi ps; c18 are more stronger i denmark than Sweden... 0 0 3hraczyc 0 0 u_65:u_122
6598 6594 65 0 1234819269 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hail, I know this, I think our Swiss friend just has a big hatred for sCumbag 18 (as all good comrades do) and sees any link at all to them as too much, but other peoples links are not your problem. Good luck with the concert, it is good to see Sweden starting has been dormant for too long and should be one of the biggest scenes in Europe. skinhead regards 828 0 0 3tovx0rp 0 0 u_122:u_2207
6599 6594 65 0 1234819429 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi c18 is no longer strong in Sweden or active........sniper records and info14 told me this, and these people have asked to join us. While any link to scumbag is too much, we cannot really blame them for someone elses links. I have met the sniper record people and I think they are just confused, seemed good people. The RAC Sweden seem very good and it is good to see Sweden starting again, once it was the strongest scene in Europe. 828 0 0 3pokmsrt 0 0 u_2207:u_122
6600 6594 65 0 1234819553 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Thank you, Im sure we could wipe out c18 in Sweden or Denmark if we really wanted too :) or at the very least keep them penned in to those countries, as time goes on we will slowly eradicate that cancer everywhere. 828 0 0 1afhv19p 0 0 u_122:u_2207
6738 6735 1972 0 1235742790 1 1 1 1 Re: &quot;For Sale&quot; Items &quot;i cant afford to do that so fuck it ive taken all my stuff off and im dumping it and if any one is a grade dumb to think im c18 then they are fucking thick a1 as im not boy did i do wrong to upset you for haveing my own views so if any body in futre wants something i may hanve they im not mad i just dont like the underhand way this has been done as no one will say it to my facei have lots of happy buyers whove had stuff of me and i was going to help 28 no i wont sorry nick . 0 0 22eqb3u5 0 0 u_54
6602 6594 2207 0 1234820109 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Good evening comrade! Thanks for the good luck. The Swedish RAC scene will rise again from the ashes. RAC Sweden will have at least one event in month somewhere in Sweden and will even organised a big ISD memorial this year. We will even organise trips to gigs in other countrys. We are planing a trip over to ISD memorial in England this year for example. Many good comrades who were active in B&amp;H/Nordland fraction under the 90s have coming back and support RAC Sweden now. Take care brother 828! 0 0 eu52ohpl 0 0 u_65
6874 0 886 0 1236960179 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton here's my MSN addy if you wanna carry this on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 hi814xbq 0 0 u_319
6865 0 2660 0 1236955324 1 1 1 1 request hi can you please delete my account by request permetley. not using it and dont need it anymore. thanks 0 0 1dk0ex56 0 0 u_54
6866 6443 53 0 1236957826 1 1 1 1 hi Hi mate how are you, so sorry for the delay but life has just become so bloody hetic! since ive been made redundant im so busy, spending at least half a week away at a time, an have been off line due to i think being hacked an its taken a while to sort out. But even with my limited pc skills its running ok now fingers x! hope everything is good with you an yours, Shell 0 0 2dvc4pb8 0 0 u_319
6867 0 53 0 1236957922 1 1 1 1 hi Hi Nicole, as promised on myspace heres my yahoo addy. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, can have a good old chin wag hopefully <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 12vh51s2 0 0 u_54
6868 6443 319 0 1236958310 1 1 1 1 Re: hi ello mate yeh im fine lost my job the other wk aswell. trouble is now have more jobs to do than when was workng. you got pc hacked thats a shit i keep getting that happen thnk its lfe gong on forums etc you still up north. as mailed of wk ginger ken bennet has got back n contact ddnt he go out with your sster before brad 0 0 2obzjxqv 0 0 u_53
6708 6704 1972 0 1235426225 1 1 1 1 Re: c18 shit ok mate ill keep an eye on the sales list and see if they take them off nick88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 2o9ox9li 0 0 u_65
6857 6852 1362 0 1236876294 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale Ah right, for the belt buckle i would like a fiver and possibly 20 quid for gloves, or near offer 0 0 2a98u8lb 0 0 u_73
6872 6443 319 0 1236960031 1 1 1 1 Re: hi ken bennett went around with dave keeney whome you were with at margate when i glassed my self. lol no offence shell but your blokes a proper twat he seriously talks shit and to be honest the pic he put up with him an that other bloke outside a shut red place is a fucking joke they could of got the opening times right makes a mockery of everyone in the right wing 0 0 2vqgbe9c 0 0 u_53
6613 0 2362 0 1234903829 1 1 1 1 money The missus has just informed me that the fiver for the sunwheel patch hasnt been sent and that she wanted the hunter as well so ive got your addy and will send 30 quid first thing in the morning , sorry mate will sort it in the morning myself 88 0 0 3218s3u4 0 0 u_1972
6614 6594 2207 0 1234904367 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Hi again In the future we hope that we are a part of the Brotherhood <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Thanks for the good luck. 828! 0 0 1dwr5ena 0 0 u_122
6615 6613 1972 0 1234904872 1 1 1 1 Re: money pk mate thats fine all the best nick 88 yes hunters a good book nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 3p8txu6z 0 0 u_2362
6616 6613 2362 0 1234904968 1 1 1 1 Re: money so can i have that as well 0 0 3d9b3uax 0 0 u_1972
6748 0 115 0 1236028704 1 1 1 1 swedish Swedish comrades? You going to the this here sweden gig too ? hehe I think some of them are planning to be here for St georges day. 0 0 3s8oqjmu 0 0 u_73
6618 6594 2207 0 1234905147 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi The 28 magazine is not illegal in Sweden so i can take some mags and even some back issues <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> It will be a succes to sell at the gigs i think. I will take some pictures and write a report and send in to the mag. 828! 0 0 8z3x6e8o 0 0 u_65
6619 6617 2207 0 1234905214 1 1 1 1 Re: gig Thanks mate <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> 828! 0 0 3om3dezn 0 0 u_115
6623 0 2566 0 1234915443 1 1 1 1 ...... ooo...sta je reci jos jedan srbin... pa lepo lepo... <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 2jrdg03g 0 0 u_817
6624 0 1362 0 1234915795 1 1 1 1 moving to good old australia hail BlueEyedBlonde! hope your ok <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> iv just posted in the chat section that im moving to australia next year and i want to get connected with Australia B&amp;H, you can read the post for full details if ya like <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> comrade Duds has suggested that i get involved with Australia B&amp;H and gain my australian residence/citizenship and then return to the UK to do British B&amp;H gigs. We should be moving to the south west coast, around Perth and i was wondering if you could connect me with anyone around there so when i move i know im not alone <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":-?" title="Confused" /><!-- s:-? --> <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> any help would be fantastic! Racial Regards GYNAZI88 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3ivgy840 0 0 u_54
6628 0 2362 0 1234950199 1 1 1 1 cash the cash should be winging its way to you now for hunter and the patch , ive also added an extra £2 to help with postage and packing 1488 sean c 0 0 21pww21y 0 0 u_1972
6629 6551 297 0 1234957049 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirts and ma1 Thats wicked mate.I was going to say make sure you send it recorded delivery,you know what these theiving foriegn bastards are like at the sorting Ashame you arent coming to the gig.But will have to catch up some other time.. Guy 14/828 0 0 7f20lo4d 0 0 u_74
6630 6623 817 0 1234957965 1 1 1 1 Re: ...... Pa naishao malo navratio, ako si Srbin, ne zamajavaj se ovde, ima dosta nashih NS sajtova i foruma i to mnogo posecenijih, sa vishe ljudi... <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 d340dxbh 0 0 u_2566
6631 6514 552 0 1234960108 1 1 1 1 Re: Päivitykset Yleensä ei, mutta kyllä se varmaan tällä kertaa onnistuu, kun kirjottelet täällä foorumilla. Eli varmaan jossain vaihessa tulee päivitettyä levylistaa ja keikkainfoa. 0 0 313rial8 0 0 u_746
6632 6444 552 0 1234960389 1 1 1 1 Re: Tiedustelu... Joo, aina jotain ongelmia yleensä ilmenee. Ei se kerhotilojen pyörittäminen ihan yksinkertaista hommaa ole. Usein tulee mutkia matkaan ja joskus ei enää löydy edes kiinnostusta panostaa niin paljon, mitä se homma vaatii. Alussahan kaikki on aina innoissaan, mutta se alkuhohto häipyy kun hommaa pyörittää vuodesta toiseen. 0 0 sb8i8om5 0 0 u_291
6633 6623 2566 0 1234965583 1 1 1 1 Re: ...... ma znam za te sajtove... imala sam pre profile tamo... ali sve dosadi... <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 lsarzmv8 0 0 u_817
6634 6623 817 0 1234973736 1 1 1 1 Re: ...... Aktiviraj se i povezi i u realnom svetu, pocni da radish konkretne stvari za NS, bash kao i ja..., i nece biti dosadno... 0 0 2ngzl5yu 0 0 u_2566
6635 0 1027 0 1234976180 1 1 1 1 ss liederbuch <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";imgrefurl=;usg=__Ew8u88TUPctTsTn46BHpoCucx5E=&amp;h=147&amp;w=100&amp;sz=1&amp;hl=nl&amp;start=5&amp;um=1&amp;tbnid=7eItl4OrcJwyQM:&amp;tbnh=95&amp;tbnw=65&amp;prev=/images%3Fq%3Dss%2Blieder%2Bbuch%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dnl"> ... %26hl%3Dnl</a><!-- m --> 0 0 je42utyw 0 0 u_917
6636 6084 65 0 1234978123 1 1 1 1 Re: stigger Ill ring g rob, but I wouldnt hold out much hope. St G is the 25th ill confirm any day 828 0 0 z54t1beo 0 0 u_200
6780 6777 74 0 1236236533 1 1 1 1 Re: gday no im from newcastle england <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 rn6a25d5 0 0 u_2645
6652 691 200 0 1235073667 1 1 1 1 Re: hello hello stuart. hows things my friend?? just wanted to let you know that we have booked our flights for april, for the st georges gig. there was no way of getting to manchester on the saturday, 25th, so we had to book the friday instead, 24th. would it be possible to stop at yours friday and saturday night? if its not convenient then maybe you know of a cheap b&amp;b near by. also, do we need to hire a car? how far do you live from the airport and can we get a lift to the gig? questions questions...hahah. hope to hear from you soon mate. jessie 828 0 0 ycdz757t 0 0 u_70
6647 6594 2207 0 1235066510 1 1 1 1 Re: Hi Okay, thanks mate <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> I think Freke is the best they will have their debut cd out very soon too. They have no ties to cirkus 18. Asked the guitarist and he said that they want to do an interview. 828! 0 0 a6l3mpme 0 0 u_65
6646 0 2362 0 1235065199 1 1 1 1 happy birthday happy birthday <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3pcm9ucq 0 0 u_107
6878 6874 886 0 1236960437 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:7x4vco6i]tell you what mate dont give it the heres my msn your mrs is from shefford next time shes on her way down gis a pm i will see if i can get down there an we can sort it ok[/quote:7x4vco6i] My mrs is from shefford? Lol you have the wrong person mate but yeah u wanna sort it no probs 0 0 gA== 7x4vco6i 0 0 u_319
6674 6551 297 0 1235217887 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirts and ma1 Hi there Danny, Reveived the money through the post this morning.I am at work at the moment and get back at 5 then have to be at my other job at seven.So cant post today im afraid.So i will Post first thing monday.So they should be with you withina few days from then mate. I'll let you know if i have anything else. Cheers Guy 14/828 0 0 2kakx5h9 0 0 u_74
6791 6749 2349 0 1236277972 1 1 1 1 Re: Straight edge I would say the blokes at Keystone Untd. would be a good bet for a good interview about SxE White Nationalism. I wouldnt mind helping out with it, if possible. I've been SxE for a while, so i know a bit about it. i would check out <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and ask Keystone Division on their forum. that would be my best bet, other than me lol. Hope that helps mate! ROA / 828 George [quote=&quot;BHCentral&quot;:339a4sj7]What sites or people can you recommend to get a good interview from a WN straight-edge view? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=19931#p19931:339a4sj7]Subject: Straight edge[/url:339a4sj7] [quote=&quot;G HxC&quot;:339a4sj7]Edge isnt about being punk, skinhead, whatever it is. its just a way to live your life in a pure form. no drugs, nothing to impair your judgement, and and to be pure under any and all situations. its a very noble lifestyle.[/quote:339a4sj7][/quote:339a4sj7] 0 0 kA== 339a4sj7 0 0 u_115
6790 6694 58 0 1236276388 1 1 1 1 Re: Sound Bite needed Sorry Nicole, Been really busy busy at work and K is off work with an injury at the moment ! can we not add it at a later stage ? neil 0 0 1zz6o9hd 0 0 u_54
6680 6495 1971 0 1235242364 1 1 1 1 Re: keikat Ikävä kyllä en ole mutta tossa olis toi s-posti <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> niin sinne vaan keikka infoa kiitos. 0 0 2zdk1l34 0 0 u_552
6681 0 65 0 1235252319 1 1 1 1 777 828, if you email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> they will track your mag down or resend. good luck 828 0 0 lp3z2p5e 0 0 u_1953
6682 6659 801 0 1235254176 1 1 1 1 Re: York Going on Sunday with 2or3 others; all B&amp;H Skins. Were there any there today?. Is it any good?. Let me know if you can. 077888 - 20476. 0 0 2lqg0jjt 0 0 u_284
6683 6663 59 0 1235257404 1 1 1 1 Re: Sending cost Hail The last pair of boots I sent to Europe cost £25.00 (uk pounds) the shirt would fit in the box with the boots. 14 Duds 0 0 37mfykah 0 0 u_90
6686 0 69 0 1235317012 1 1 1 1 lps Hey Nick... <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> the lps arrived saturday mate thanks for that.... yeah ill order some more vinyl off you i think ..what u got left now mate?..and thanks for the offer of the free mag resistance and cd ..that is good of you...just let me know what you got left lp wise mate and ill see what i want to buy unless i already got them like take care mate hahaahha jenna jameson <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> still makes me laugh 828 0 0 3i74dg1f 0 0 u_1972
6687 0 142 0 1235333583 1 1 1 1 Re: more rac cds for sale Have yoy still got the blackshirts cd? 0 0 2ta766rj 0 0 u_1972
6856 6836 552 0 1236868556 1 1 1 1 Re: Mistreat Ei mitään uutta länsirintamalta. 2-4 biisiä puuttuu kokonaan, mitä ei siis ole vielä edes tehty, ja siihen päälle että biisit treenataan, käydään studiossa, painetaan itse levyt, tehdään kannet jne. Viimeiksi kun asiasta puhuttiin, niin kesällä oli suunnitelmissa saada se ulos, mutta kiirettä pitää jos tästä pidetään kiinni. 0 0 qb9cp55j 0 0 u_746
6775 6752 1972 0 1236199905 1 1 1 1 Re: items available nothing in for sale at the moment im not sure about that service rampage prodctions have some flags for sale or try nichloas morigi they ship worldwide take a look nick88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1fh4b03t 0 0 u_2054
6694 0 54 0 1235358898 1 1 1 1 Sound Bite needed Hi Neil, Just a very quick one...... Any chance you can get Ken Mc to do a quick &quot;hello&quot; sound bite for the new 28Radio show (the worldwide one, not the oz one). Thanks Nicole 0 0 ppiyp77h 0 0 u_58
6695 6694 58 0 1235378364 1 1 1 1 Re: Sound Bite needed Hi Nicole, I will ask him when I see him this week OK ? I am having 2 weeks off work at the moment <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Took my lovely lady away for a romantic weekend to the New Forest in Hampshire for Valentines weekend ! 5 star hotel an all LOL Then had my boy on a 3 day mini tour of England to show him our Great Land for the last couple of days ! Decorating this week , how is life treating you ? I will speak with Ken and see what he says OK 828 N <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 3hde5l8z 0 0 u_54
6697 0 2599 0 1235394106 1 1 1 1 ??? Who is this? -Spider, Volksfront VA/B&amp;H Confederate28 0 0 38djir8n 0 0 u_473
6698 6551 297 0 1235397314 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirts and ma1 Hey there Danny, Sent the parcel first thing this morning.So should be with you very soon. I knew i said i would put in the old ns9 patch nut my idiot brother left it onthe sofa and my new puppy chewwed it to bits so it is no more im afraid.However i have popped a few old pins that that i found recently that i have doubles of.There are in the pocket in the ma1. Take care and let us know when it arrives.Its sent recorded delivery so let us knoiw if you have any problems mate. Guy 14/828 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 3iqjq7xd 0 0 u_74
6877 6443 53 0 1236960382 1 1 1 1 Re: hi He's not my bloke we are just very close! I'm a member of BFF so its thru that we have come together, hes not a bad fella at all. But like us all wants to do something, he did go back to the meeting place when it was open an cause a stir,they went there in the 1st place as 635 said if they ever turn up they will get battered, so it was basicly a piss take to show 635 they had been there, but the thing is its working the reds have really backed off so much so we went out the other weekend an they tried to start with us but backed down as we didnt run from them an there was only the 2 of us in there pub at 1 of their gigs. Yes i do remember Ken give him my best regards when you next speak to him please 0 0 bxtujfjr 1236961123 2 u_319
6826 6809 297 0 1236613611 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting Yeah we tried an auction not long back when i brought my last car (about 6 months ago) and it was the same then. I have seen a few cars around really cheap that are quite good nick,only problem being is i have to sell mine first. I doubt i will beable to make it to the gig mate,much as i would like to.What with money and that,also want to try and put a little miles as possible on the car before i sell it. We have sorted out a phone and number for the re-direction now.And i have contacted paul,he is going to get the bank account dorted out tomorrow. Cheers again Guy 14/828 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1bunz5va 0 0 u_61
6702 6663 90 0 1235420047 1 1 1 1 Re: Sending cost Hail Damn that's a little but to much but what are the sending cost then for 1 shirt to Belgium? Cheers Freiheit 28 0 0 3cfp6rc2 0 0 u_59
6703 6684 1972 0 1235423085 1 1 1 1 Re: more rac cds for sale &quot;ok dannydo you want the patches aswell yours for £15 ok allthe best nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 1lh4tcdd 0 0 u_74
6767 6728 1972 0 1236127176 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed its&quot; ok i wont be posting anymore up here as youre see thier are folk happy with my stuff very happy. i did have some items to put up but ill put em else where now i did have some buf badges and the union jack swastka patch ifl 1936 but im dumb ant i so lets leave it i know youre not to blame for bannig me for selling stuff and i piss some off for being dumb. so leave me alone ok nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> bm my 28th year 0 0 2dk4ccmk 0 0 u_65
6705 6704 1972 0 1235425051 1 1 1 1 Re: c18 shit im sorry yes of corse ill take it off sorry i just wanted to get rid of it nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 119xz23j 0 0 u_65
6706 6704 1972 0 1235425477 1 1 1 1 Re: c18 shit &quot;helolo simon dose that mean aussie blood and honour will have to stop selling razors edge cds aswell check their sales list 9% once again sorry nick <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 2186hk69 0 0 u_65
6766 6752 1972 0 1236126670 1 1 1 1 Re: items available &quot;thanks for youre pm mate ivesold everything britsh sorry if theres anything else you want let me know. nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 108xxwm5 0 0 u_2054
6714 6704 65 0 1235460050 1 1 1 1 Re: c18 shit Rampage have been told and will not touch anything anymore, we are slowly pushing the shit out of all decent circles and back to police tea rooms. 0 0 199ugpdq 0 0 u_1972
6717 0 279 0 1235478774 1 1 1 1 NF meeting heil bige88, are you the same bige that was speaking at the NF meeting if you are , your speech was sweet!!! 0 0 3vk2yla3 0 0 u_1972
6718 6551 297 0 1235481022 1 1 1 1 Re: T-shirts and ma1 Hi there mate. Glad you happy mate speak soon. Guy 14/828 0 0 2he2wu4i 0 0 u_74
6720 6716 2276 3 1235494018 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey!!! hey, 88 mate i am from carmarthenshire in wales, have u got MSN if so my addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 0 0 1eejehej 0 0 u_279
6722 0 59 0 1235521752 1 1 1 1 Distros Hi Hun Read your post about 9% and you say &quot;I think it was reserved for those who we can confirm put all the funds back into 28.&quot; I don't put everything back in to 28, I put in what I can, mainly a donation at gigs or donate the security shirts / high vis vests (or only take the cost if moneys real tight) FC hardly puts anything in, in my opinion, and this has been an irritation to a few of us. 28Kids puts a donation in when pressed and even then has been now to maon (ask gingerRob, he knows more than me about 28Kids) No distro can put everything back in, it still needs to be run as a proper business otherwise it would fall flat on it's face. What we can do, and do best is spread the B&amp;H message, direct people to the forums, introduce them to the music / radio stations (when their up and running) etc etc. Its all part of B&amp;H's tool kit if you like. B&amp;H Aus wouldn't be able to state on a public forum thats bound to have goverment agents from one country or another, that they are receiving funds from the sale of merch, if they do then the tax office / inland revenue or what ever they are called down there, would start sniffing round, never forget they got al capone on tax evasion.... the only thing they could make stick, anyway, hiya and hope everythings ok down there and life is kinda sweet :P 14 Duds 0 0 30wxpbpa 0 0 u_54
6723 6694 54 0 1235534515 1 1 1 1 Re: Sound Bite needed Hi Neil, Thanks for that. Mp3 format would be perfect, and if you could e-mail it to me that would be brilliant. Thank you!!!! Nicole [quote=&quot;asgard1488&quot;:3sq6bgr9][quote=&quot;BlueEyedBlonde&quot;:3sq6bgr9]Hi Neil, Just a very quick one...... Any chance you can get Ken Mc to do a quick &quot;hello&quot; sound bite for the new 28Radio show (the worldwide one, not the oz one). Thanks Nicole[/quote:3sq6bgr9] Hi Nicole, Spoke to Ken today and asked about the sound bite ! He said of course he will do it for you <!-- s:grin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":grin:" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:grin: --> We just need to know how you would like it recorded so we can get the best quality ok ? I was thimking a decent Mp3 player and the upload to wherever you like or I can send you the file ??? All the best and I will get on the case straight away 828 N[/quote:3sq6bgr9] 0 0 gA== 3sq6bgr9 0 0 u_58
6728 0 65 0 1235601727 1 1 1 1 help needed hails, do you know of a BM badge circular with a swastika in middle and british movement around it? never seen it myself prob before my time?? any ideas. Any other badges for me yet?? Aus good as gold removed and got rid of shit, said received as donation and didnt give it a lot of thought...good people 828 0 0 lgl5tcz5 0 0 u_1972
6729 6728 1972 0 1235602898 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed &quot;no i wish i knew wich badge that was i have a phoenix bm activists badge due to my past work with surrey bm a long time a go i have some one else who buys britsh badges of me but ill offer this one to you first its a sheld shape britsh movement bage in red white and blue with bm on it and a red celtic cross any ideas what i can do with the c18 cds i only had the 2 im keeping the rest guess where i got them from ive got them at gigs from billy celtic warroir when he sold cds. ive only the warhammer one and chingford atack ones left now and the razors edge ones the reason i lkie razorz edge they did a lot to help me out when others didnt want to know. that was the past has the c18 site shut down i hope so very dodgey so fuck c18 nick 88 <!-- s`swastik --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Swas.jpg" alt="`swastik" title="swastik" /><!-- s`swastik --> 0 0 5ucpanva 0 0 u_65
6730 0 195 0 1235632662 1 1 1 1 email Gday Duds. I replied to your email the other night but i keep getting some email that says delivery to your email address is temporarily delayed blah blah blah....ive got it about 4 or 5 times now.. Anyway i dont know what thats all about because its only your email that is doing it. Just giving you the heads up on it Cheers Pete 0 0 2qy8mkcr 0 0 u_59
6731 0 74 0 1235652630 1 1 1 1 Re: more rac cds for sale [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20098#p20098:27dc14ms]Subject: more rac cds for sale[/url:27dc14ms] [quote=&quot;BIGE88&quot;:27dc14ms]&quot;i have for sale £10 each 1ss totenkopf ss totenkopf sewdish rac all in english hardcore rac 2.rahoea declartion of war 3. mistreat fatih and fury 4.mistreat the flame of the north pm meif you want to buy bige88 <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 -->[/quote:27dc14ms] hi nick just let me know dannyill have those as well88 0 0 kA== 27dc14ms 0 0 u_1972
6732 0 2362 0 1235655747 1 1 1 1 recieved thanks very much for the book and patches and the extra ones you sent as well recieved today , once again cheers , time for a good read now 1488 0 0 13rj2vq8 0 0 u_1972
6736 0 1996 0 1235737541 1 1 1 1 828 Hey i remember having contact with you... it`s been like 4 years since then... i`m still a NS skinhead... mr jewzar is a piece of shit antifa... Do you still have contact with nordic swan(mira) ? And by any chance you know someone who has the pics with me and those kids in that 14 words action, i can`t find them from no-one. 88 Nicu 0 0 2rid55y8 0 0 u_98
6737 0 1996 0 1235738289 1 1 1 1 88 De unde esti dom`le? ai id de messenger sa discutam? 0 0 17oyd4zw 0 0 u_691
6739 6728 1972 0 1235743063 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed &quot;well youre be pleased to hear ive been banned from seling my stuff and if you think im c18 you must be grade one thick just ask steve who iam the bm badge is not the one you think it is so no sale then and any one else who thinks im c18 is a mug lots of comrades have had things off me and they are more than happy. i cant do fuck all can i nick 0 0 3sh8yvty 0 0 u_65
6740 6686 1972 0 1235743255 1 1 1 1 Re: lps &quot;ive just been banned from selling stuff on the forum so if you want some thing contact me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> do you want the blitz live lp and the vicours rumores lps ? let me know ok all the best nick 88 <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 1f9qiy04 0 0 u_69
6741 6728 65 0 1235756280 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed Well its got nothing to do with me. I dont think anyone thought you were c18, just that you were openly taking the piss, those cunts still slag us all off all the time, they have just said ken is an ageing paedophile and graham steals money from charity tins!!! So you can see why BH people wont touch or like people dealing with that stuff. I suggest you either try and sort it with whoever banned you or join ebay. S 0 0 1m2ufy46 0 0 u_1972
6742 0 230 0 1235757328 1 1 1 1 tours efface asap les infos de l'avant première à Tours; 0 0 tgsas0lt 0 0 u_187
6745 6744 323 0 1235863914 1 1 1 1 Re: 828 Nearly done with the site, then i'll do the Frigga Award, i didn;t want to do it and have no site to be linked.. FTO is gone so i hope to have that up soon too.. I thought you were on my myspace list??? V 0 0 1g3eouyp 0 0 u_1953
6746 0 1926 0 1235926570 1 1 1 1 ... hey vicky hope all is well glad you got the money korea?? lol dont want any recognition regards denis 0 0 wzunl13o 0 0 u_323
6749 0 115 0 1236029145 1 1 1 1 Re: Straight edge What sites or people can you recommend to get a good interview from a WN straight-edge view? [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=19931#p19931:3voyuxc4]Subject: Straight edge[/url:3voyuxc4] [quote=&quot;G HxC&quot;:3voyuxc4]Edge isnt about being punk, skinhead, whatever it is. its just a way to live your life in a pure form. no drugs, nothing to impair your judgement, and and to be pure under any and all situations. its a very noble lifestyle.[/quote:3voyuxc4] 0 0 kA== 3voyuxc4 0 0 u_2349
6751 6728 65 0 1236035059 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed You being kicked off had nothig to do with me, but I could see it coming the minute you started selling shit 18, it was obviously going to happen to you just as any1 else. I asked on sunday why you had been kicked off and i was told c18 shit and you were selling so much you were literally clogging things up........fair play. I also said you were giving money to 28 as it said in some of your posts and was told they will look into it. Im sorry just as with you using kiddie letters and making big mistakes a lot which drove so many people mad, I am sure it because you rush things and do not stop to think first, in future before you post or anything take a second to check things ie re-read or just think what you are saying or doing and you will not keep getting banned. S 0 0 2xpfrqhl 0 0 u_1972
6752 0 2054 0 1236056611 1 1 1 1 items available Heils Mate, Was wondering what items you had currently available. I am especially looking for Britisn NS flags and the like, such as BM movement, etc.., but really anything British related in general. I am from the US, and am of British descent. Anyway, let me know. 88! Regards, -AB 0 0 25w9lz5m 0 0 u_1972
6753 0 2645 0 1236082182 1 1 1 1 just wondering gday mate how are you.. i was wondering if you had any idear how to find a nationalist band.. 0 0 1eusmac5 0 0 u_73
6754 0 2645 0 1236082294 1 1 1 1 gday hey mate i was wondering if you now anything about joing a nationalist band. 0 0 qdxr7czu 0 0 u_2304
6755 6753 73 0 1236082374 1 1 1 1 Re: just wondering i can get in touch with a lot of the bands mate.why you ask mate 0 0 28933ly3 0 0 u_2645
6756 0 2645 0 1236082476 1 1 1 1 music gday i was wondering if you know how to go about joing a nationalist band. can you get back to me on it i want to suport our white race as much as i can and i think music can be powerful.. 0 0 3evh9ocz 0 0 u_2
6757 0 2645 0 1236082610 1 1 1 1 music gday mate i was wondering if you could help me out with finding a nationalist band i want to suport our white race as much as someone can. get back to me thanks. 0 0 1px2rqf0 0 0 u_53
6758 6753 2645 0 1236082774 1 1 1 1 Re: just wondering well i just joined this website i have just found it i have been looking for something like this for a long time and always wanted to join a band where i can send a white message out about the pride every white man should have and to stand your ground.. 0 0 2qkcku86 0 0 u_73
6759 6753 2645 0 1236082894 1 1 1 1 Re: just wondering oh yeah and im from a town in australia called wollongong and i only know my mates that share the same views but i want to further my views so this place seems like a good place for me. 0 0 2hu74opr 0 0 u_73
6760 0 2645 0 1236083178 1 1 1 1 music gday mate im from wollongong and i dont think there is any groups around my way for me to go and see i would like to join a nationalist band and hang with some strong fellow white people would you know any around my area or any that could get in contact with me.. 0 0 3b4kao5o 0 0 u_54
6761 0 2645 0 1236083373 1 1 1 1 gday gday mate i was wondering is there a big white pride seen in france. 0 0 1f9jljty 0 0 u_187
6762 6753 73 0 1236083691 1 1 1 1 Re: just wondering best thing to do then mate is just put a post up under australia saying that you want to join or start a band 0 0 2gdtm72f 0 0 u_2645
6763 6753 2645 0 1236086164 1 1 1 1 Re: just wondering ok then thank mate.. 0 0 1qdv7dmh 0 0 u_73
6764 0 792 0 1236089356 1 1 1 1 hello hello sir.... how are things with you??? just thought i'd drop you a line to see how you are doing. are you goingto the violent storm memorial??? hopefully we should be going to that one... hope all is well and we get to catch up soon.... take care linda 14/88 0 0 2kwqfmgw 0 0 u_73:u_2274
6774 6728 65 0 1236189206 1 1 1 1 Re: help needed You ask for help all the time and when someone tries to help you and give you sound advice you send an answer like that............and you wonder why you piss people of all the time and no one will help you. 0 0 1np1yyf5 0 0 u_1972
6776 6773 2245 0 1236204094 1 1 1 1 Re: Celtic Cross Pendants Wud prefer paypal if poss also u can now contact rune and sword they now have some <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> 0 0 3tf65wpu 0 0 u_2664
6777 0 2645 0 1236233624 1 1 1 1 gday hey mate how are you i was wondering are you from newcastle england or australia.. 0 0 z73sq0m1 0 0 u_74
6778 0 2645 0 1236233872 1 1 1 1 gday hello how are you i have just found this site my name is pezza.. 0 0 wa5w3ys1 0 0 u_1281
6779 0 2645 0 1236234120 1 1 1 1 gday hey mate how are you 0 0 gk3tqqsh 0 0 u_1787
6786 0 2632 0 1236250227 1 1 1 0 88 what area in perth you in? 0 0 3ipgjb26 0 0 u_1896
6787 0 54 0 1236252681 1 1 1 1 &quot;On this day...&quot; sub forum Hi there... We have created a new sub-forum for you to post &quot;todays history&quot; in called &quot;on this day&quot; and have made you the moderator of the forum, which means you can choose to lock, unlock threads, delete posts etc. Unfortunately I also managed to accidentally delete your 5 March post as I was moving it across to the new sub forum, sorry about that <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> , so if you could repost it that would be great. I think it's a brilliant idea and I have found the 2 posts you have put up so far very interesting. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 t2vs2mq4 0 0 u_2658
6788 0 54 0 1236253180 1 1 1 1 9% Productions Hi Pete, I created a new sub forum for 9% productions and made you the moderator for it. Cheers Nicole <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> 0 0 fvy4eye5 0 0 u_195
6793 6779 2645 0 1236304990 1 1 1 1 Re: gday sounds good mate your in the uk tho arent you im in australia it would have been great to start a band. are you a skin maby if i travel soon to europe we could catch up or something. 0 0 2ri53n1m 0 0 u_1787
6794 6777 2645 0 1236305243 1 1 1 1 Re: gday yeah pritty good its my birthday today and its a nice day, gonna go down the coast.. so do you get into many fights in newcastle there is a lot here in wollongong. 0 0 38hy2kyd 0 0 u_74
6795 0 2645 0 1236305321 1 1 1 1 gday hey mate how are you, is the weather fine over there. 0 0 1ryqisfz 0 0 u_2664
6796 6777 74 0 1236374623 1 1 1 1 Re: gday some times i do but not all the time <!-- s`28 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/74.jpg" alt="`28" title="28" /><!-- s`28 --> 0 0 1bdbdviq 0 0 u_2645
6797 6746 323 0 1236400413 1 1 1 1 Re: ... Only thing we are trying to raise $ for is to pay to get David Lanes site back up as well as The Order, we are going to do a raffle soon to help us raise the $500 we need.. Vicky 0 0 3eijewv5 0 0 u_1926
6798 6746 1926 0 1236419182 1 1 1 1 Re: ... ok mail me when you have the tickets ready denis 0 0 2vahll6t 0 0 u_323
6799 0 2686 4 1236425379 1 1 1 1 found you he mafkees alles goed?ik moet dit effe uitzoeken hoe het allemaal werkt stuur effe iets terug dan groetjes lange <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 1g20jkou 0 0 u_2161
6800 0 69 0 1236437625 1 1 1 1 next weeks gig hello mate..right next weekend im taking no chances cos ive booked coach to london !! fed up of being let down wi transport and missing out so <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> im bringing a friend with me over from sweden who im meeting at victoria so if its ok with you like would it be ok for contacting you as regards where im heading to etc etc with her, cos for obvious reasons i want the day to run smooth like ..also do you know of anywhere nearby the gig to stop or whats best arrangments for overnight stops etc cos ill be catching coach back next day any help would be great ..thanks 828 RICH 0 0 3gciuo5l 0 0 u_65
6801 6800 65 0 1236440423 1 1 1 1 Re: next weeks gig Sweden!! what happened to Argentina? Do you want me to find out about local b/b? 828 0 0 1rm0bbem 0 0 u_69
6802 6716 279 3 1236441095 1 1 1 1 Re: Hey!!! yea ill add you when i get my msn sorted right now ive kinda fucked it up lol 0 0 2aw88gxu 0 0 u_2276
6803 6717 279 0 1236441281 1 1 1 1 Re: NF meeting ok m8 0 0 2x82n40n 0 0 u_1972
6805 6800 69 0 1236470175 1 1 1 1 Re: next weeks gig hello no hahaah shes not my girlfriend its just a friend whos wanting to go to the gig hahaha yeah my girl lives back in spain now she moved from argentina and lives back with her mom yes mate that would be a great help if you could find out about the local B&amp;B s cos as i said il catch coach back next day so its all booked now anyway <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) --> i get to victoria saturday at 11.30 time so if you aint doing anything in afternoon perhaps we can meet up or whatever ? thanks for help good to see ya again after so long 828 Rich 0 0 2w8yhi4k 0 0 u_65
6814 0 2245 0 1236586762 1 1 1 1 cc oioi if useing paypal addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> either can be used please leave address blank when paying with paypal and message ur postal addy also can you please choose service as payment for rather than goods or ebay for example, my refs can be seen on ebay under names goody7042003 or 1428camstore also from runeandsword also supplied with celtic crosses ps i now have life runes in stock also. cheers oi lee goody 0 0 l09yubng 0 0 u_58
6815 0 2245 0 1236587215 1 1 1 1 CELTIC CROSS sorry for late reply was not expecting any orders on forum but by private messages please pay if required at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> please message me ur postal addy and leave it blank on paypal also cud you please choose service as payment type available also are life runes chrome finnish and commie free zone all = £3 or mixed batch of 20 = £20 0 0 1pbj0leq 0 0 u_2615
6816 6736 98 0 1236593162 1 1 1 1 Re: 828 Hi there, good to hear from you. Sorry I don't have those pics, in fact I don't even know what pics you mean. No I haven't been in contact with Marjo-Riitta in a long time. Yeah I know about Cezar, saw his Myspace and saw that he's with &quot;other people&quot; now... strange how someone can change in a day like that <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:-| --> Take care Salli 0 0 1x31qg6t 0 0 u_1996
6817 6809 61 0 1236597675 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:2g56qg3v]Hi there buddy,Its Guy. How are you keeping?hope all is well? Just a quick pm to ask if i should post something on the forum about the meeting if people want to attend. I can find out a spare phone/simcard for directions to be given from.Also there is a small pub at the top of the hill (the swan i believe it is called) where me or paul could wait to re direct them,as obviously have to be careful who turns up. See you again soon. Guy <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:2g56qg3v] Hello mate, yeah that's a good idea as there are a few more about on here from near us so we might get some of them to turn up. Good idea about using a re direction point as well as it's best to be carefull. I've been ill all weekend so I've not left the house, my dog's are going mad as they want a good walk! I've got to go out tonight as I'm picking up my new car, not brand new but new for me. I hope all's well with you mate, take care Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 2g56qg3v 0 0 u_297
6819 0 2034 0 1236599542 1 1 1 1 =] I love you =] 0 0 3g22oqp5 0 0 u_1787
6820 6353 297 0 1236599577 1 1 1 1 Re: HELLO MATE Sorry about the delay in reply from your message a while back. I would have brought them both,but i have since been laid off at work and so money is really tight till i find a permanant job as job doing odd jobs here and there at the moment. Sorry to mess you about.But if not sold by the time i sort it all out i'll pm you and see. Guy 14/828 0 0 3lrleyyj 0 0 u_72
6821 6809 61 0 1236601579 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:1wudqok4]Ok then mate. I'll pop something up on here a bit nearer the time. Hope you feel better soon. So what car you getting.Talking of new cars im in the process of selling mine to get something smaller...pain in the arse aint it.. Guy 14/828[/quote:1wudqok4] Nice one mate, yeah car's are a total pain that's for sure. I'm getting an Escort 1.6 LX, it's got a really good stereo with a 6 CD changer thing in it &amp; the milage isn't to bad. What sort of car are you looking for? I'd like to get a mini bus one day to fit all my kid's in but they cost a lot to insure. Are you going to the POW fund raising gig at the end of the month? I'll be there with a couple of mates. Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 1wudqok4 0 0 u_297
6825 6819 1787 0 1236606306 1 1 1 1 Re: =] I love you too angel :D x 0 0 3ar9hcc7 0 0 u_2034
6827 6823 65 0 1236622142 1 1 1 1 Re: 28 Oz Dramas Up to you, leave it if it really goes negative, mayb just delete bige's winge c18 and me posts and mine...just lost my rag with him moaning again,he is a serial victim. Streetwiseand mean? what will banning him achieve , just rejoins with new name but if it helps ozzies and gives them a bit of support, that nob has really stitched them and us up. 828 S 0 0 1lfdeg7q 0 0 u_54
6828 6809 61 0 1236629074 1 1 1 1 Re: Monthly Meeting [quote=&quot;unit-28&quot;:3u0d168f]Yeah we tried an auction not long back when i brought my last car (about 6 months ago) and it was the same then. I have seen a few cars around really cheap that are quite good nick,only problem being is i have to sell mine first. I doubt i will beable to make it to the gig mate,much as i would like to.What with money and that,also want to try and put a little miles as possible on the car before i sell it. We have sorted out a phone and number for the re-direction now.And i have contacted paul,he is going to get the bank account dorted out tomorrow. Cheers again Guy 14/828 <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:3u0d168f] What sort is your car your selling as I'll ask about around here for you &amp; see if anyone is interested. I'm getting a lift to the gig myself otherwise I'd of come down &amp; given a couple of you a lift there. I've just picked up my car &amp; it drives lovely after my old Rover, no more fighting with the steering wheel just to turn lol. Nice one about the re direction number &amp; bank account. I'll have a word with Brian from Andover when I next see him as I'm sure he has said before that he has a mate who books old oi &amp; punk bands for gig's in Andover so I'm hoping he'll have the contacts we'd need to put on a punk gig. We need to find out how much the bands charge for a start. Take care mate Kirk 828 0 0 gA== 3u0d168f 0 0 u_297
6829 0 230 0 1236629792 1 1 1 1 Re: 18.4.2009 Brutal Attack live in France [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/viewtopic&#46;php?p=20575#p20575:3nrg0vuk]Subject: 18.4.2009 Brutal Attack live in France[/url:3nrg0vuk] [quote=&quot;Kelte&quot;:3nrg0vuk][url=http&#58;//www&#46;pic-upload&#46;de/view-1638821/1235945289&#46;jpg&#46;html:3nrg0vuk][img:3nrg0vuk]http&#58;//www&#46;pic-upload&#46;de/08&#46;03&#46;09/ydj6ge&#46;jpg[/img:3nrg0vuk][/url:3nrg0vuk][/quote:3nrg0vuk] delete this flyer ASAP. 0 0 mA== 3nrg0vuk 0 0 u_122
6830 0 58 0 1236663777 1 1 1 1 Fwd: cc -------- Original Message -------- Subject: cc Date: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:19 am From: [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;org/phpBB-3&#46;0&#46;0/phpBB3/memberlist&#46;php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=2245:1e79a9jl]goody704[/url:1e79a9jl] To: asgard1488 [quote=&quot;goody704&quot;:1e79a9jl] oioi if useing paypal addy is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> either can be used please leave address blank when paying with paypal and message ur postal addy also can you please choose service as payment for rather than goods or ebay for example, my refs can be seen on ebay under names goody7042003 or 1428camstore also from runeandsword also supplied with celtic crosses ps i now have life runes in stock also. cheers oi lee goody [/quote:1e79a9jl] 0 0 kA== 1e79a9jl 0 0 u_70
6831 0 396 0 1236669565 1 1 1 1 new show i dont know if its my pc or the new show,but one of them has got a problem <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> 0 0 31yhm7bl 0 0 u_2672
6832 6831 2672 0 1236673358 1 1 1 1 Re: new show [quote=&quot;whitehammer&quot;:1xvkuudl]i dont know if its my pc or the new show,but one of them has got a problem <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH -->[/quote:1xvkuudl] Um, can you be more specific...what exactly is happening/not happening. Can you play the file online? Can you download the file? It's a big file, over 80mb. It works fine on my pc (in both IE and Firefox), and worked fine on someone elses this morning, and they were using Firefox. 0 0 gA== 1xvkuudl 0 0 u_396
6833 6831 396 0 1236676699 1 1 1 1 Re: new show sorry mate one of my kids had fucked with the sound settings on my pc..all good wishes and well done with the new show.14words.828 0 0 ik9i41fo 0 0 u_2672
6834 0 396 0 1236680539 1 1 1 1 this is blood and honour not c18 is the c18 thing about you true 0 0 3t3z5yh8 0 0 u_1896
6846 6617 2207 0 1236790988 1 1 1 1 Re: gig Yes thats sounds great mate. I will come to St Geroge Day <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> Are you coming alone? 0 0 21m6myk6 0 0 u_115
6847 691 200 0 1236791321 1 1 1 1 Re: hello hello stuart, glad you have replied, i was worried you're not gonna be there when we come over. its only me and marc coming over on the friday, arriving at 12:05 lunchtime. if you cant pick us up dont worry, you might have to work or else...we just head into town for a while and meet up with you later. we can hire a car for the saturday night, maybe its best not to hire at the airport as they are too expensive...maybe you know of a local car hire place near your house??? our flight back to germany is leaving manchester at 12:45 on the sunday. well i hope to hear back from you soon or maybe you can leave me your landline number and i will call you, its free for me! best wishes and speak soon, jessie and marc 0 0 2fqzl48g 0 0 u_70
6848 6842 58 0 1236810375 1 1 1 1 Re: East London Present Violent Storm Memorial 2009 Hello Brother. Yes I had wondered where you had gone to LOL <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> Will see you Sat Night ok ? Neil 828 0 0 121rh3bk 0 0 u_1734
6849 6617 115 0 1236813236 1 1 1 1 Re: gig Hi, Well there is a POW gig here the same weekend and many people wil be to that and it is hard because my comrades must work or have not much money, this month is busy! What airport would be best to use? racial regards Arron 0 0 3r0r0v3g 0 0 u_2207
6850 6749 115 0 1236813907 1 1 1 1 Re: Straight edge Hiya, Yep I did an interview with the KSS guys last year, was pretty good, with them in general etc. But the guys here didnt want to use it as they have KSS down as c18 and that. 0 0 1fzhani9 0 0 u_2349
6852 0 73 0 1236844921 1 1 1 1 for sale can you please say what you looking for these - 1 set of weighted gloves - 1x Iron Cross in flames belt buckle 0 0 c926lh65 0 0 u_1362
6853 6852 1362 0 1236850091 1 1 1 1 Re: for sale that didnt make sense, what did you mean? 0 0 2y4uq29m 0 0 u_73
6881 6874 319 0 1236961538 1 1 1 1 Re: Brits Fight back against muslim protest in luton chubbley your mrs. yep im game mate any time 0 0 2th3ojx2 0 0 u_886
6882 6443 319 0 1236961690 1 1 1 1 Re: hi well to be honest shell if he is ok thats fair nuff im not sanist persn in world so liklyhood is will end up ging toe to toe with him but thats life av fun 0 0 1ivjie1k 0 0 u_53
6883 6443 53 0 1236961915 1 1 1 1 Re: hi well thats not the greatist idea at the end of the day we all want the same thing dont we, its pretty pointless going toe to toe over internet chat. an im pretty sure Mike will feel that way 2! 0 0 2gc04xgk 0 0 u_319
6884 6443 319 0 1236962036 1 1 1 1 Re: hi lol well he seems game . maybe it is kinda stupid but some peeps just really get on your tits enuff at times. ows tracy doing still in the old bill 0 0 1dk2jfhq 0 0 u_53
6888 6879 73 0 1236969037 1 1 1 1 Re: kriss Donald's hi mate we tend to start about 2pm mate what i would do mate is text me or phone me on the morning and i will be able to tell you where to go, but the do is not in glasgow it self it's just outside 0 0 3fybcay3 0 0 u_2584
6900 6890 319 0 1236976155 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl i would think he will be with shelly to be honest i watched him on youtube and its fucking terrible if i was him i def wouldnt have put them up as he def aint all that mate 0 0 l09pdd7s 0 0 u_61
6901 6890 61 0 1236976239 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:1j5oaj8w]i would think he will be with shelly to be honest i watched him on youtube and its fucking terrible if i was him i def wouldnt have put them up as he def aint all that mate[/quote:1j5oaj8w] Send me a link to them mate, maybe he's not such a prick in real life but I dought it. 0 0 gA== 1j5oaj8w 0 0 u_319
6890 0 319 0 1236970342 1 1 1 1 dfyghuijkl oioi that twat pm me saying meet at st georges gig to either fight or buy him a pint yet he is straight edge. then i got shelly mailing me saying he is always up for a ruck like im gonna shit it fucking muppets 0 0 1h001rue 0 0 u_61
6891 6890 61 0 1236971455 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:2ul1mzmp]oioi that twat pm me saying meet at st georges gig to either fight or buy him a pint yet he is straight edge. then i got shelly mailing me saying he is always up for a ruck like im gonna shit it fucking muppets[/quote:2ul1mzmp] So now I bet your just quaking in your boots mate <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s`Fighting --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm4.pak/Fighting.gif" alt="`Fighting" title="Fighting" /><!-- s`Fighting --> You going to do the St Georges Day gig now then? If you don't he'll only end up like this <!-- s`crying --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/crying.gif" alt="`crying" title="crying" /><!-- s`crying --> <!-- s`crying --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm2.pak/crying.gif" alt="`crying" title="crying" /><!-- s`crying --> 0 0 gA== 2ul1mzmp 0 0 u_319
6892 6890 319 0 1236971786 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl if i can sort cash or get a job yeh cos at mo i get 52quid a wk giro which is gone as soon as i get it. i would to be honest just meet one on one and kick off no interferance 0 0 51kfd6jv 0 0 u_61
6893 6890 61 0 1236972762 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:1n0uc850]if i can sort cash or get a job yeh cos at mo i get 52quid a wk giro which is gone as soon as i get it. i would to be honest just meet one on one and kick off no interferance[/quote:1n0uc850] Just be carefull his mate's don't join in mate. Make sure not to wear a silly pair of trainers as well as you'll only break your toes! 0 0 gA== 1n0uc850 0 0 u_319
6894 6890 319 0 1236973294 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl haha yeh i fractured my ankle in dm shoes once when i hit the tarmac before someones head. ive just been watching his sparring vids on youtube to be honest kids at martial arts sparred harder 0 0 53ccdw7n 0 0 u_61
6895 6890 61 0 1236974372 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:2q5gm72q]haha yeh i fractured my ankle in dm shoes once when i hit the tarmac before someones head. ive just been watching his sparring vids on youtube to be honest kids at martial arts sparred harder[/quote:2q5gm72q] Your the only person I know who could come out second best in a fight with himself mate <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: --> Have you ever had a fight where you didn't get hurt in some way? <!-- s:razz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":razz:" title="Razz" /><!-- s:razz: --> Always remember only loosers fight fair mate, in other words use a tool! 0 0 gA== 2q5gm72q 0 0 u_319
6896 6890 319 0 1236975043 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl lol even when ive won ive came of worse i went on bff site think im getting slated haha ah well i see i make a great impression oh and tool yeh am sorting something there not something he will like 0 0 12seolz1 0 0 u_61
6897 6890 61 0 1236975434 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl [quote=&quot;bean88&quot;:2ung80w5]lol even when ive won ive came of worse i went on bff site think im getting slated haha ah well i see i make a great impression oh and tool yeh am sorting something there not something he will like[/quote:2ung80w5] Well I supose an internet commando like him would go &amp; slag you off on his site as it must make him feel like he's a real hard man mate. I can't understand why he didn't just ignore you rather than get all wound up &amp; kicking off. I always find hammers can solve most problems mate <!-- s`tbat --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm5.pak/CRACKasthanos.gif" alt="`tbat" title="tbat" /><!-- s`tbat --> 0 0 gA== 2ung80w5 0 0 u_319
6898 6890 319 0 1236975684 1 1 1 1 Re: dfyghuijkl yeh he wouldve been better just thinking before he spoke .hatchet works well as does a 10bore 0 0 1aglkn91 0 0 u_61
6907 0 1427 0 1236992147 1 1 1 1 Allo Oi oi Ainzy, Liverpool skinhead here. Just wanted to say hello really and invite you to link up with us some time if you wanted. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? 0 0 2m9fr6iu 0 0 u_2376
6909 0 53 0 1237026362 1 1 1 1 Re: East London Present Violent Storm Memorial 2009 [quote=&quot;heimdall&quot;:38hq6s10][size=150:38hq6s10][b:38hq6s10]Redirection number for [u:38hq6s10]Saturday only[/u:38hq6s10] 075069934787[/b:38hq6s10][/size:38hq6s10][/quote:38hq6s10] Hi, just had a text about the redirection number I've called it an says you have dialled an incorrect number, any chance of checking it cheers Shell 0 0 xQ== 38hq6s10 0 0 u_105
6910 6909 105 0 1237028065 1 1 1 1 Re: East London Present Violent Storm Memorial 2009 Getting it checked now, send me your email and ill send you redirection pub details. cheers 0 0 34337nl1 0 0 u_53

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2 3 5 0 1199175229 zzz zzz $H$9tSwr.q.I5BwjU6d90bL4ohcGEk5Sa/ 1224917326 0 -104389335224 1227296741 1199351543 1222577814 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2043&start=60 1200820746 0 0 3 0 0 117 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 1 AA0000 3 5 1236082476 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2_1204187356.jpg 1 90 90 729128dd9a3e29db
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3 2 6 0 1199175233 AdsBot [Google] adsbot [google] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 02fbc79c4110568d
4 2 6 0 1199175233 Alexa [Bot] alexa [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 fd5b22da8d8b60bf
5 2 6 0 1199175233 Alta Vista [Bot] alta vista [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 fe7a717d25fe6a4a
6 2 6 0 1199175233 Ask Jeeves [Bot] ask jeeves [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 750d2302d02f48ff
7 2 6 0 1199175233 Baidu [Spider] baidu [spider] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 93fa31a955c2fe47
8 2 6 0 1199175233 Exabot [Bot] exabot [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 54b553766b62f675
9 2 6 0 1199175233 FAST Enterprise [Crawler] fast enterprise [crawler] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 9e6256bc96da92f7
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11 2 6 0 1199175233 Francis [Bot] francis [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 8e8a1a7291fcf0e3
12 2 6 0 1199175233 Gigabot [Bot] gigabot [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 4211f5a92b2c461a
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14 2 6 0 1199175233 Google Desktop google desktop 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 2e7c21ca679f3fdf
15 2 6 0 1199175233 Google Feedfetcher google feedfetcher 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 1721175e2d26a8b8
16 2 6 0 1199175233 Google [Bot] google [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 2a678192448a35b1
17 2 6 0 1199175233 Heise IT-Markt [Crawler] heise it-markt [crawler] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 53eb5b44d210f2d2
18 2 6 0 1199175233 Heritrix [Crawler] heritrix [crawler] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 ca5f7f4743e26fda
19 2 6 0 1199175233 IBM Research [Bot] ibm research [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 6d5371c7f58f8fcd
20 2 6 0 1199175233 ICCrawler - ICjobs iccrawler - icjobs 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 a1f15aca50acacda
21 2 6 0 1199175233 ichiro [Crawler] ichiro [crawler] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 8637c41e201a9169
22 2 6 0 1199175233 Majestic-12 [Bot] majestic-12 [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 4ceeaef1ae3a06e5
23 2 6 0 1199175233 Metager [Bot] metager [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 171a6506b211aac0
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25 2 6 0 1199175233 MSN [Bot] msn [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 bc454a0f07b0ff0d
26 2 6 0 1199175233 MSNbot Media msnbot media 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 3e7ea295f8d7b657
27 2 6 0 1199175233 NG-Search [Bot] ng-search [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 47faf089a756d24a
28 2 6 0 1199175233 Nutch [Bot] nutch [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 eb3d2cb48cf8c66c
29 2 6 0 1199175233 Nutch/CVS [Bot] nutch/cvs [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 718a5ee622262ef0
30 2 6 0 1199175233 OmniExplorer [Bot] omniexplorer [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 f4ae61e217862de9
31 2 6 0 1199175233 Online link [Validator] online link [validator] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 fea1e1cf6b9d5c68
32 2 6 0 1199175233 psbot [Picsearch] psbot [picsearch] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 91045673652465e0
33 2 6 0 1199175233 Seekport [Bot] seekport [bot] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 7ba0785398eca3e0
34 2 6 0 1199175233 Sensis [Crawler] sensis [crawler] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 e0768bf2987752a7
35 2 6 0 1199175233 SEO Crawler seo crawler 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 7535c932cfdd89ee
36 2 6 0 1199175233 Seoma [Crawler] seoma [crawler] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 cd6e23491ab4f9d4
37 2 6 0 1199175233 SEOSearch [Crawler] seosearch [crawler] 1199175233 0 0 0 1199175233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 a171c9a3ec201763
38 2 6 0 1199175233 Snappy [Bot] snappy [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 99dedcaaece4359c
39 2 6 0 1199175234 Steeler [Crawler] steeler [crawler] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 d14502186acd4652
40 2 6 0 1199175234 Synoo [Bot] synoo [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 f433ebc54fca2670
41 2 6 0 1199175234 Telekom [Bot] telekom [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 96cb389b127a78c9
42 2 6 0 1199175234 TurnitinBot [Bot] turnitinbot [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 409d72f5032b6b26
43 2 6 0 1199175234 Voyager [Bot] voyager [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 6f379c20733e1bb0
44 2 6 0 1199175234 W3 [Sitesearch] w3 [sitesearch] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 8ec6ad7c4c071dec
45 2 6 0 1199175234 W3C [Linkcheck] w3c [linkcheck] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 e9b8e535cb000068
46 2 6 0 1199175234 W3C [Validator] w3c [validator] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 d04b4d57515c6220
47 2 6 0 1199175234 WiseNut [Bot] wisenut [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 1dcd63213475d628
48 2 6 0 1199175234 YaCy [Bot] yacy [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 56bbce7ba7c9920c
49 2 6 0 1199175234 Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot] yahoo mmcrawler [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 858fc51fc4007105
50 2 6 0 1199175234 Yahoo Slurp [Bot] yahoo slurp [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 edada70536491b0b
51 2 6 0 1199175234 Yahoo [Bot] yahoo [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 c99abae6c2c2ef5c
52 2 6 0 1199175234 YahooSeeker [Bot] yahooseeker [bot] 1199175234 0 0 0 1199175234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 9E8DA7 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 895 0 0 0 d63f694e32656a83
53 3 5 005m9rzik0zjzik0xs zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 i1cjyo000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc 0 1199268615 chubley88 chubley88 $H$9aIOJKd4eHqbk179.hoA4/U34mebkC/ 1236934958 0 -169729312517 15- 5-1972 1237033011 1199268615 1237026683 viewtopic.php?f=75&p=20839 1236628570 0 0 0 0 0 1120 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 1 AA0000 0 0 1237026689 0 -3 1223901372 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 53_1223955092.jpg 1 90 90 [b:12k6umit]If you worship your enemy, you are defeated. If you adopt your enemy's religion, you are enslaved. If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed. [/b:12k6umit] <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ction.html</a><!-- m --> 12k6umit QA== West Mids line support tech 89fc91e7bf5baee1
60 0 2 0 1199731651 celtic88 celtic88 $H$7XjPWNff129ymWe43tWGMF8STK7.fG. 1216059639 0 137300189326 5- 1-1966 1216059587 1199731651 1207671281 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 3W223VJTJG 1207384768 0 0 3 0 0 15 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207298652 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 tattooist playing in the greatest band ever to walk the planet (this is tongue in cheek) before i get loads of shit for it lolol dcfe06d06de43768
54 3 5 zik0zjzik0zjzik0xs zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc 0 1199270679 BlueEyedBlonde blueeyedblonde $H$9SQltqnMqCa290/APNgEZdW9Owa5uS. 1236946058 0 20803108330 1- 4-1969 1237064933 1199270679 1237033365 viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3148 1236955599 0 0 0 0 0 602 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 1 AA0000 0 0 1236955599 0 -3 1199954247 0 t d 0 t a 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 895 54_1204181494.jpg 1 90 90 One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one — that, by nature, one could not possibly be anything else. [i:258gwp1l]National Socialism is like a great tree... it was cut down in 1945 but it's roots remain deep within the soil.[/i:258gwp1l] Any History that is restricted from being studied must be a lie. The truth never needs protection [img:258gwp1l]http&#58;//i224&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/dd148/BEBlonde1/thejew&#46;gif[/img:258gwp1l] 258gwp1l KA== Canberra, Australia If I told you.... I'd have to shred you... (ha ha) National Socialism, my daughter, my Germanic heritage, history in general, music, fine wine, cooking, horses, driving my car 1791ca8a2bd10cad
83 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1199914984 knuckle dragger knuckle dragger $H$9v5SRtGOQoV3AwwGQ/Agw7L6ZggyUR. 0 0 61238065419 0- 0- 0 1236372980 1199914984 1226694470 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1226096592 0 0 0 0 0 86 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1209663765 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 You know we are right. 1lbou7i0 kent 672d11a097e3854e
193 0 2 0 1200893989 grumpygraham grumpygraham $H$9p5/KxLdfMpSR7/9HFs1aofHIv8nlk. 1232012632 0 133674521123 1232012656 1200893989 1221459685 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2696 0 0 0 3 0 0 18 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 2 1221823922 0 -3 1204921225 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 193_1200894976.jpg 1 85 90 f3f6b4fbf3353475
56 0 2 0 1199363963 grumpygraham1 grumpygraham1 $H$7oejWo4g.6ZOx3LSFSdj6ZJh4kJ61S/ 1200866189 0 210500305227 1199435590 1199363963 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1204040008 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6e6404f484114d5c
58 3 5 005m9rzik0zjzik0xs zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc 0 1199446786 asgard1488 asgard1488 $H$9TIn4noQpV/py70gZymGrvS0ggSm4u0 1236810430 0 137397744925 10-12-1968 1237045783 1199446786 1237019073 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944 1236811094 0 0 0 0 0 246 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 1 AA0000 0 0 1236841551 0 -3 1236414174 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 50 50 [color=#BF0040:u9apwt0c]Hail The New Dawn 14/88 Victory Will be Our's !![/color:u9apwt0c] u9apwt0c Ag== Deep , Dark South london Self employed bird brain !!! 82ca3a18dd09956a
59 0 5 005m9rzik0zjzik0xs zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 i1cjyo000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc 0 1199457425 Duds duds $H$9LFnU9kWSLUZIWcln7IqONGXi2WBNv0 1232654836 0 -65209520918 1237033015 1199457425 1236909696 viewtopic.php?f=133&t=3138 22CFZLKEQK 1235265847 0 0 0 0 0 90 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 1 AA0000 0 0 1235522930 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 895 0 50 50 [url:2k0b4hrj]http&#58;//www&#46;runeandsword&#46;com[/url:2k0b4hrj] [size=150:2k0b4hrj]We do shirts up to 5XL![/size:2k0b4hrj] <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - The new clothing range! 2k0b4hrj FA== 4a5cc31051a2b1c0
93 0 2 0 1200128905 odins call88 odins call88 $H$7w3N79FowsyQwRvQfCPq0mHsiWMSG50 1200128905 0 13496074231 1200128967 1200128905 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1203214641 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dfd3ec0da2605b17
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2281 0 2 0 1229134978 Matts matts $H$9GjBLZo9PnvmDrUTey9lYzhK8XBSCm. 1229134978 0 123319255429 1229167890 1229134978 0 search.php?keywords=&terms=all&author=&fid%5B%5D=41&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d0dae25d5748415d
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62 0 2 0 1199734848 Doomsday88 doomsday88 $H$9XeB6oEP22ovhF3620o7Kzef1U5Rv21 1234900657 0 -33224835922 0- 0- 0 1234900696 1199734848 1229814508 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=151&start=30 SVREXN7GV8 1203894508 0 0 0 0 0 52 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1229466956 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 I'm White,I have my pride. I'm willing to fight. 14/88 10rdfrwh 462492219 just ask me :-) 87058dfb05a71a03
63 0 2 000000000073zik0xs i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjzhb2tc qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1199735001 I.S.D.14/88 i.s.d.14/88 $H$9/86Viam4kFfag.iMIK0dbMQ25Frz9. 1231110677 0 194619191420 1236970166 1199735001 1234275895 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=3121 1222444716 0 0 0 0 0 138 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1231543083 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1919 63_1200108735.gif 1 89 80 UNDER THE SWASTIKA WE WILL FLY UNDER THE SWASTIKA WE WILL DIE UNDER THE SWASTIKA WE WILL FIGHT WE FIGHT UNTIL THE DAY WE DIE UNTIL THE DAY WE DIE <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 2adinm08 5e30573cf7f43227
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64 0 2 0 1199735563 skingirl73 skingirl73 $H$9gucGhXzpHmbJySLIr4XCr6wndOzXR. 1221296423 0 -160395217223 26- 5-1973 1232997666 1200699737 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2126&st=0&sk=t&sd=a 1222204836 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 895 64_1200700414.jpg 1 82 90 East Devon 6aeaabc2802da2a9
190 0 2 0 1200866105 blaz88 blaz88 $H$95e9iHEEaNu9Oh2cQwQBOPsux1ZAxR. 1227475738 0 214127101517 16-12-1987 1230936072 1200866105 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=989 1205448505 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d22b98526e36e379
218 0 2 0 1200946488 lee_1690 lee_1690 $H$7vTChIEIEtT/kFh5yKjoqmh95RqhKQ0 1209060150 0 180521286221 0- 0- 0 1209060699 1200946488 1207521672 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=923&_f_=71x 1TV9WTQJPY 1200946759 0 0 8 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Chelsea FC 3a2c6a0f8fb3d76c
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2322 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1230227181 alpham1a alpham1a $H$9/ezpk01nLTbJd3hpAQj5afpurTpL6. 1230227181 0 75475054220 1237045952 1230227181 1236981441 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&start=40 1236200911 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236464517 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 20ace7610bd9bbc4
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111 0 2 0 1200311091 kalekop kalekop $H$9/8OQQtFNL2fN/3QyIB8zNJLaBp0f31 1226914651 0 31477566017 1233671681 1200311091 0 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2845 1201787669 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fb63122a4ff3445b
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101 0 2 0 1200220394 adhi adhi $H$78QPMKmAXpgM4B.v0V2qpbcf3VU/tF. 1214250263 0 161264286620 17-12-1973 1214250634 1200220394 1200220610 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1385&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=26x 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 White power!!! Fuck islam!!! 1c97n9do Flanders 0f621736b0d83351
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2129 0 2 0 1225729983 WPRnR wprnr $H$9hXJzuq.PQ.Rdh0q8IufkqWd47XWce/ 1225729983 0 -159625297023 1227569394 1225729983 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e2bde94c945465d8
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2285 0 2 0 1229240387 Striker striker $H$9mNdt7gNN8Etg8JgBlSYDalLu6/EoM0 1229240387 0 -117603986618 0- 0- 0 1235173774 1229240387 1232842978 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2760 349SMRZ7VQ 1235173643 0 0 0 0 0 18 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 895 0 0 0 Tomorrow belongs to me... 350wga3d Midgard. Minister for Propaganda. White Survival. ffe515d65068500b
2209 0 2 0 1227675754 Putaou290 putaou290 $H$92k/9CXTRwk/a0g8JU5Ro1t2gjaJxK1 1227675754 0 126965715418 0- 0- 0 1228063104 1227675754 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 qsmojpej 78657744 fb2fea75a207fc65
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92 0 2 0 1200124886 Fallschirmjäger fallschirmjäger $H$9VUGHF0IuCimohVLbIGrN5fP6qMeCc. 1232567309 0 -73997451123 1232783271 1200124886 1232783216 viewtopic.php?f=67&t=13&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=2720 1207933986 0 0 0 0 0 121 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1210915400 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 92_1200125616.jpg 1 90 63 HISST DIE ROTE FAHNE HISST DIE ROTE FAHNE HISST DIE ROTE FAHNE MIT DEN HAKENKREUZ!!! 2vvxzib1 96cb41e5ce204a98
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1896 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221727342 Streetwiseandmean streetwiseandmean $H$9E6UJyuFtS6ltWkRlM1kOWs5GQKEz30 1230337118 0 170811442623 1236632160 1221727342 1236166252 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=6786 1225699278 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1236680540 0 -3 1236166369 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ba81c517d8926b9
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299 0 2 0 1201492061 ruthlesstoothless ruthlesstoothless $H$9W3Ru9SpSnz4t8O6hjSFAMkst7UuWQ0 1223643478 0 121819440332 1223643690 1201492061 1214116470 viewforum.php?f=70&_f_=70x 1216883280 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214286993 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 299_1201492236.gif 1 70 80 c9f84ddcc41ba992
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70 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1199749260 stu 14 stu 14 $H$9uDi.QArQI/vrU9il1rIkoEL31S/DH/ 1229281447 0 -193568471331 13- 0-1972 1237032489 1199749260 1236819187 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3126&start=10 1236101787 0 0 0 0 0 408 en 0.00 0 |d M Y|, H:i 2 0 0 0 1236788417 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 70_1221167407.jpg 1 90 90 manchester 215112568656cc6d
103 0 2 0 1200232589 scootskin scootskin $H$9YV1FGAP9Pl85ZmlF6O7fQXTjIlxsO. 1228955671 0 163708109524 0- 0- 0 1229115838 1200232589 1226238855 index.php 1223500215 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 2 2 1230381170 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 A Scot in Cumbria 5d1fbec085af28f5
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2457 0 2 0 1232912269 vwgIII vwgiii $H$9Gt2szXjAxjHo1JPlZVyF17jW.oH0// 1232912269 0 207087270120 1232915481 1232912269 0 viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2672 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5b837fb577d63c0f
94 0 2 0 1200141363 aoibheal aoibheal $H$7AFnbYao4hblosZsF8KY/xVPr6FfJY/ 1212673105 0 19731562418 1212673232 1200141363 1200356275 index.php 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0a52b0097d6d7674
72 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1199803990 BULLDOG DRUMMOND bulldog drummond $H$9uZ3DgjLuCHtQ2u2sYwqnICXp5KwHd. 1236712891 0 14928344621 0- 0- 0 1237035058 1199803990 1237035693 viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3148&p=20842 1236878387 0 0 0 0 0 488 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236962522 0 -3 1229107689 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 895 0 0 0 [size=150:2dj0gu23]WESTCOUNTRYBLOODANDHONOUR@YAHOO.CO.UK [/size:2dj0gu23] 2dj0gu23 BA== cb2cd877a4572175
73 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjqlo2kg qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjzhb2tc qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1199805123 highlander E C highlander e c $H$9lUulR/uCTSyG/dNYW04ZMDhX0vHGC. 1233914384 0 126648282332 0- 0- 0 1237067195 1231667592 1237057615 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=2524 1236656630 0 0 0 0 0 255 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236996621 0 -2 1228169342 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 0 0 0 blood and honour scotland highlander east coast division <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 2h4oixq1 dundee f004fc397759718d
74 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1199805307 14skinhead88 14skinhead88 $H$9zIQ0TKlWNi03ycQfFgTSiq.TaqGLf1 1232294722 0 -208850499516 5-10-1964 1237049765 1199805307 1237039470 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=12&start=190 1225501321 0 0 0 0 0 176 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236301403 0 -3 1237039612 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 74_1225699658.jpg 1 50 50 newcastle 07a4ef2ea9601ccc
82 0 2 0 1199900093 Spotar spotar $H$7lkOYi3OIDY2u3z6dKBIsyqqw4Feif. 1199900093 0 -178438101335 8- 8-1978 1202488698 1199900093 1202488622 viewtopic.php?f=45&t=27&_f_=45x 271LCI4S1L 1200606281 0 0 0 0 0 39 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 82_1199900353.gif 1 79 79 Russellville, AR, USA 4ec0316563741087
217 0 2 0 1200946368 rorcanga rorcanga $H$7UUw7IaQkgWQPYihgA15iQQVyGi9WP0 1209207654 0 68509414019 1209207807 1200946368 0 viewforum.php?f=24&_f_=24x 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1026362155f983d4
89 0 2 0 1200086155 EnglishandProud englishandproud $H$9qq4SvNdKDXlo6UJbt6KAV2Uc1CJ5p. 1234644585 0 -114260272625 1235507842 1200086155 1234990642 viewforum.php?f=71 1224714370 0 0 0 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215601106 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d8010acfa231c19e
75 0 2 0 1199810064 Reichenburg reichenburg $H$7q/Od2EA1nT0PjeFdOy/XLNHpxJ2uk. 1214728712 0 192161972618 30- 7-1983 1223404517 1199810064 1205584301 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1204370811 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 God of Thunder, God of War. Heil Europe, Heil Thor!!!!! efj1236s Slovenia dca6976664cadb00
348 0 2 0 1201753355 ForVictory forvictory $H$7JLjGudBYNidb48seqjPAoFrRfLfB71 1201753355 0 -12214711513 1205060854 1201753355 1202727708 viewtopic.php?f=56&t=22&_f_=56x 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1201830636 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bloodredeagle&#46;com/:1vd8fy8j][img:1vd8fy8j]http&#58;//www&#46;bloodredeagle&#46;com/bre_header_small&#46;jpg[/img:1vd8fy8j][/url:1vd8fy8j] 1vd8fy8j GA== 8b50ac19bf0888b7
81 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1199898672 Hugin18 hugin18 $H$93ADPpcMjWxCVB0DMi9aCSsMpOD48F. 1231088171 0 184661674623 0- 0- 0 1236579252 1214730769 1232997483 viewtopic.php?f=123&t=2136 1236578887 0 0 0 0 0 49 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1222966772 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 81_1200906703.jpg 1 77 90 Finland 51742766111eecbf
76 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1199811988 G88 g88 $H$9dieIRd6YIgDAE0A3Jvcz0IGKolw4a. 1231597692 0 170798512119 0- 0- 0 1236968740 1199811988 1236803799 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 158 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1225215145 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 76_1200152802.jpg 1 83 83 28.The concept of a multi-racial society violates every natural law for species preservation. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 1rfqoqu7 Coon City.Sheffield 2b3721512cdfa39b
84 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200037672 johnk johnk $H$9AZSWkz9opXspAYHKKa2lcpQZ3zmnR1 1236691247 0 64713413921 0- 0- 0 1236757293 1200037672 1236690547 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=3105 1225804254 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215674231 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 84_1225718254.jpg 1 67 80 DUBLIN 0d685cb15db067dd
191 0 2 0 1200869220 junkers88 junkers88 $H$9ClH/FHQe9fcDC.i3WWpY4EDPDgjQj. 1235189317 0 -50479454418 1235244564 1200869220 1228420608 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2843 0 0 0 1 0 0 14 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 191_1202685066.jpg 1 90 90 3Z7PW3 $H$9wWsnFc5ZBslchL8B0fxWAdCPz338f1 22c2baacf39b09e6
1397 1 2 0 1216630881 antincase antincase $H$72KOEkAB3/ec3vjOdsPSq8gpfIAall. 1216630881 0 -89572287221 0 1216630881 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216630881 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3F2QSU 1d0bbb17080f712b
104 0 2 0 1200232784 Covert Tactics covert tactics $H$7uLbQ55rxrsZ/QFPTu8d4KYLLJ.ctl. 1209640005 0 65849848424 0- 0- 0 1212412205 1200232784 1209640925 viewforum.php?f=61&_f_=61x 1205657120 0 0 6 0 0 29 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1232290436 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 UK Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactics Girls, Pies, Guitars 3410572268c86f22
77 0 2 0 1199837456 D.B.H.B. d.b.h.b. $H$7xwW1y4DmZHfC5vxF7of6gsSChLh47/ 1212504062 0 134093548921 1212504361 1199837456 1200912400 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aea425a4e9439b16
1030 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1212378108 gaskammer88 gaskammer88 $H$9.86lijcXGCw5WX54sqpV8GXBKAcrc/ 1236401227 0 7727815726 1236501205 1212378108 1225276012 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2515 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1212379510 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c814aab155369829
123 0 2 0 1200421886 DivisionHelvetia divisionhelvetia $H$9P1pVnDfHR.mkhKs7V3qydVoQ9SLzZ0 1232317347 0 -183880779323 7- 2-1989 1235842081 1200421886 1216558122 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2646 1224447008 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1208878643 0 -3 1231189102 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 309954845 4e444bfe82de7584
87 0 2 0 1200084429 BEB beb $H$9yEgTRFM6QONU4J2hdTYSsvfnGNVNd. 1221117169 0 -130999559725 1201236366 1200084429 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6931c037b07de165
185 0 2 0 1200858745 Džezvar džezvar $H$9uL40hz4jeiZnWyCbnyaQABD1mcwHN/ 1229079777 0 29600967422 1236028885 1200858745 1203899043 viewtopic.php?f=60&t=2793 1235519007 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6d63ee9484737a83
91 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200095777 blitzkrieg blitzkrieg $H$9sNCnGWeTMCKDd4K3te5VLuxhdzvFP. 1231687841 0 96101602321 10- 6-1990 1237047835 1200095777 1236887135 index.php 1MLUZNJFV6 1236647838 0 0 0 0 0 112 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1233761891 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 91_1233748625.jpg 1 42 42 Hail the law of life. 3i4ulxs8 Great-Savo Gambina. c592f1fcf76b804d
78 0 2 0 1199871602 cms88 cms88 $H$7L0vTqA7YFBhTxA15zd2I4FnGQ0S2Q. 1199871602 0 -126746313921 0- 0- 0 1202462836 1199871602 1202461929 index.php 4RSBUQ36T6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 9.50 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Adelaide, Australia bad1eed114448e5b
526 0 3 0 1203432656 28LUGDUNUM 28lugdunum $H$7BnW09psPupM4e1LFqFVNdRokt.xbx1 1203432656 0 95330151425 0 1203432656 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 415CPF 0f76a040ddd65b5a
79 0 2 0 1199883962 Earl earl $H$91eFx72TGR2UTp2gfPmCd32XcRQK2g. 1229118674 0 -61723836021 1236122628 1199883962 1231937630 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2584 1230251087 0 0 0 0 0 45 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1231630193 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 895 79_1199884499.jpg 1 80 73 [img:g0dhef3h]http&#58;//i15&#46;tinypic&#46;com/4kvaxbq&#46;jpg[/img:g0dhef3h] g0dhef3h CA== 0e2713b4bce7c411
536 0 2 0 1203455413 skinheadroy18 skinheadroy18 $H$7QZHZ./5ySG3PFob8RnF394otc6zbl/ 1203455413 0 -46224041925 1205570594 1203455413 0 viewforum.php?f=75&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 19b88b0d53407823
1263 0 2 0 1215067232 Tezcatlipoca tezcatlipoca $H$7ygZbTOJlA8c4iDDQUJ5hLgVdBrNYI. 1215067232 0 47717380221 1215068375 1215067232 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=765&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 73a9a20aff7d5ab2
124 0 3 0 1200442546 c.j c.j $H$9GFXonOXo6w2PvIKUuq7q2XEAaLbq60 1226085971 0 -59137650121 1226086436 1200442546 1226086421 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1200569191 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1JSMEH b4027b4d755d4f27
97 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200154955 thomas_white_warrior thomas_white_warrior $H$9lG260M72RsD6LP7D8Mh75uMwtuLye/ 1235563817 0 -31681742420 0- 0- 0 1237064307 1200154955 1233167527 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=3131 1204922083 0 0 0 0 0 76 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1210741736 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ec5fb56d5c11038d
234 0 2 0 1201021105 outragious outragious $H$7G7H1geqr5fWAlSkdjz/tg/S6bUieb. 1201021105 0 -201109221718 1202170472 1201021105 1201432126 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=90&_f_=26x 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2a37d0e52db9d5ef
96 0 2 0 1200152616 De Limburger de limburger $H$9MhEm3K8hjgXITiSrYLc.cuen3dOPe0 1234377620 0 44439485019 1234377873 1200152616 1218643653 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2728 1210108052 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1227213785 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c75fafee83d1e051
375 0 3 0 1202071458 Casual_28 casual_28 $H$7dd.Ra0BCXKj.r4eNuwJPsN1Qd79Kp1 1202071458 0 69733118627 0 1202071458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 522ZXD f2fa9a48f5e6b06a
376 0 2 0 1202072136 Serb serb $H$7kPfVnK2CpfJSMjVWSEsuzLSLUrJf30 1202072136 0 -136222172525 1202072225 1202072136 0 viewtopic.php?f=50&t=297&_f_=50x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 00a71d75073d472f
200 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200919246 feathercut828 feathercut828 $H$9NVSG85p.IDLbOC58SaqE/unTHecVc1 1234267084 0 145491099819 1236791320 1200919246 1236791321 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2843 1216723282 0 0 0 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1235073666 0 -3 1202505122 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b6ca196ba6cef2a3
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289 0 2 0 1201386929 pixie88 pixie88 $H$7NPv1FS.m7PvHnUiaxkj/phMYw86dH1 1209623349 0 -200020539823 24-12-1987 1215538399 1201386929 1207863603 posting.php?mode=reply&f=73&t=1598&_f_=73x 1209631155 0 0 0 0 0 17 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1205163595 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 289_1201394693.gif 1 90 90 [img:3jtbc67s]http&#58;//i254&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/hh83/akitsaws88/hhlegionslw9-1&#46;jpg?t=1205107737[/img:3jtbc67s] 3jtbc67s CA== Inverness-shire 251f047e0f0a436c
98 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjqlo2kg i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200163496 FaithFolkFamily faithfolkfamily $H$9tiMNC3O1HY6I3O.VZk1oYEn0yuf9u/ 1236867523 0 -8982399221 0- 0- 0 1237052695 1200163496 1236593162 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2754 1235171510 0 0 0 0 0 56 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1235707154 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 98_1234997036.jpg 1 80 68 Finland acefe1e13e73d92c
99 0 2 0 1200164792 Panzerfaust panzerfaust $H$7GN/emFavW2X0e5vEXcYULGKmIpQs01 1200164792 0 -165797039126 26- 1-1991 1205349657 1200164792 1201952631 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=750&_f_=26x 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Meine Ehre heist Treu, sieg heil, heil Hitler! 390jpesf Belgium student, refused for military service Belgian army, der Führer f874326ec9e01b22
184 0 2 0 1200856082 SteveWPZ stevewpz $H$7ptINa0VO6b4q/Rg.GXBwYjCLFwiYq1 1200856082 0 -128980043225 1208188091 1200856082 1203080987 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 18bed719a68fe7de
125 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200515589 NS88 ns88 $H$98ZkNhmm6hr.0A62jb7TaKp9uN0jNC/ 1236782767 0 -181444096219 1237021750 1200515589 0 viewforum.php?f=118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e89d42d74100c996
296 0 2 0 1201449684 Grietje grietje $H$7HWchCzqBq2GHvIVfv1oTVBXKPk0Wz0 1201449684 0 81921202825 1201466337 1201449684 1201463805 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=184&p=1272&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 01288af8c71ce113
105 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200235043 heimdall heimdall $H$9dX5IwqtXQHARHN5ZgHhBLELF2mNK/1 1236708048 0 -12394340525 1237036873 1209412867 1237028423 viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3148 1236979011 0 0 0 0 0 325 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236979342 0 -3 1218398214 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1919 0 0 0 [color=#FF0000:1ao357yo][b:1ao357yo]If you want to belong to a club you play by the rules. No matter how ridiculous they are. If you don't like it, join another fucking club.[/b:1ao357yo][/color:1ao357yo] 1ao357yo Qg== 2LMWGF $H$7IFcyjM/DZx4pQI3jR6wpIu07O0z65. 46a4e9caafc2f4d5
206 0 2 0 1200932999 28midgard 28midgard $H$9ATztWKjEBayyV1OVNIxFaMJSAM6m81 1226405137 0 141518038721 0- 0- 0 1232578829 1200932999 1224320018 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2715 5ECLSUTC86 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1229803244 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 2k1pqv6y 5ec00b5124edaae7
106 0 2 0 1200235907 Visto-Ville visto-ville $H$7F9xMGgO9zAbCvDZe0od6YrFHgpwDm0 1200235907 0 -142284746020 1207132052 1200235907 0 viewtopic.php?f=123&t=197&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=123x 1200750238 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 245dce60203235a5
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537 0 2 0 1203456430 14kroatien88 14kroatien88 $H$9EK89SFVAaE3fOjnoSEm78sDKqlkBw. 1213460912 0 126788272020 1216906547 1203456430 1215001827 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1727&_f_=24x 1213947877 0 0 4 0 0 20 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a4523866aa49ae1d
127 0 2 0 1200533215 hando-88- hando-88- $H$97kdaaEMROqC50.1KQ60rGffnmvW4C/ 1222957786 0 5165911021 1223220764 1200533215 0 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=73 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 127_1203299699.jpg 1 44 50 8a10e479a9da0ff8
257 0 2 0 1201159687 White Brother white brother $H$776zTWRk.6CNzWl4UKeFUaLhyyLjNM0 0 0 82006388020 1210057986 1201159687 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b116db2a5167a68c
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126 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200526171 triumph88 triumph88 $H$9kVTPnWofRL5kH/DVKJ5BbRKZ1pEml0 1234397010 0 33295951119 1236286821 1200526171 1227655955 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1035&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f1b786e1d88b54ce
2155 0 2 0 1226498287 selllwow selllwow $H$95RFDCa4mjcZrYrocZqMzeTkHXNqdn1 1226498287 0 54146147715 0- 0- 0 1226810459 1226498287 1226521701 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;virdeal&#46;com/:30lie4jd]sell wow gold[/url:30lie4jd] sell wow gold 30lie4jd EA== 123456 450b910b561bb350
1893 0 2 0 1221676255 IronWolf ironwolf $H$9ENGVnAz1iQqv6zDbSNJWvJq/2jC37. 1221676255 0 -57064841622 1224435579 1221676255 1222013362 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 90c01bf76814e202
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181 0 2 0 1200847246 nokturnalHate nokturnalhate $H$7XXchmprrzdxOu7Hen3uJAAq8Ckkyo. 1200850187 0 -110808103617 0- 0- 0 1203545053 1200847246 1203216358 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=556&_f_=73x 1203544601 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 d M Y, H:i 1 0 0 0 1203420698 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 181_1200849803.jpg 1 89 89 blood and honour : just two Words of truth 1rlke3j1 B&amp;H + hate + NSBM + black metal 1debcd804341fb51
122 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjqlo2kg qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjqlo2kg qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200414338 Kelte kelte $H$9SdaVDYAhjK1qptkpNc.1CRqhn0i54. 1236767487 0 -195050278027 0- 0- 0 1237039641 1200517529 1237039474 search.php?search_id=newposts 1236961481 0 0 0 0 0 385 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236980015 0 -3 1202751357 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 122_1223315828.jpg 1 61 90 [i:1l8cpiu0]Stünde ich wieder am Anfang, würde ich wieder handeln ...[/i:1l8cpiu0] [img:1l8cpiu0]http&#58;//www&#46;marktkreisel&#46;ch/fun/002/frames/myst/cateyes&#46;gif[/img:1l8cpiu0] 1l8cpiu0 KA== Switzerland a9050e3a371598c2
2200 0 2 0 1227561208 White_pride white_pride $H$9gsXElzocMes8GCPs99oHBTS9lIfBk1 1227561208 0 -76619935214 1231007661 1227561208 1227561774 viewforum.php?f=26 1229450297 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d6ea0d460d144a7f
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2210 0 2 0 1227701451 RAC rac $H$9IDm1YGjuddKOc6Ucjo3YFTs93KeTX. 1227701451 0 138293977514 1227701654 1227701451 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2062 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 73696f8bcf825027
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129 0 2 0 1200544849 deadwhitefemale deadwhitefemale $H$7/E0H5K4htrSVD.ornE8BuShV3jqPC1 1208676604 0 -21494572927 1208676720 1200544849 1206169858 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=304&_f_=34x 0 0 0 8 0 0 2 en 12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c8cfc1f6cad31ada
117 0 2 0 1200350429 beast28 beast28 $H$7Nm0bFsv4tbbpZHKc/NoTPGlCKPKKl. 1218672675 0 -60858613623 20- 4-1970 1218838637 1200350429 1200351085 index.php 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 16059c2a8197c2fb
1938 0 2 0 1222194982 Condor condor $H$9uaAB4UJiRLC0IIhwAaIugfpApoXcX0 1232124111 0 121487454827 1235260838 1222194982 1233500200 index.php 1235250597 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1232473623 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1938_1232124047.jpg 1 90 90 e0243c55d6508878
114 0 2 0 1200338512 1880 1880 $H$7bSwKDWLCvFDHcSBt8fcUnN15V2onc0 1208261381 0 48606476129 16- 5-1982 1208261381 1200338512 1206729205 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1206030667 0 0 9 0 0 13 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1206014583 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 114_1202332787.jpg 1 35 54 Oi! - RAC - Psychobilly - Rock 'n Roll, Politics, Football (Royal Antwerp FC, West Ham ac7227fbb4a80f77
110 0 2 0 1200307786 fcb fcb $H$9zJUS2ERdeJZE8iE12cYYTcC5HgZCF. 1224593554 0 -21013185811 1224594609 1200307786 1220950602 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=81&_f_=26x 1220949243 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1216887176 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 75df55a38d2bbe7b
188 1 2 0 1200862273 Domobran88 domobran88 $H$71GU6pLASEK4PC2hFavTa3veuQSRwC0 1211625159 0 -27420229222 10- 4-1988 1218398547 1200862273 1218398480 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1061&start=40&_f_=24x GVM9S15RZS 1203726145 0 0 0 3 1218403730 87 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207864986 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 188_1202466115.jpg 1 58 80 [b:12v2bszt]Pro patriam paratus! Za Dom spremni![/b:12v2bszt] [b:12v2bszt]Moj novi/stari mrežopis - [/b:12v2bszt][url=http&#58;//uzados&#46;net:12v2bszt]Uzados.Net[/url:12v2bszt] [img:12v2bszt]http&#58;//img89&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img89/5213/userbar1ro9&#46;png[/img:12v2bszt] [img:12v2bszt]http&#58;//img384&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img384/2584/userbar5ab0&#46;jpg[/img:12v2bszt] [img:12v2bszt]http&#58;//i300&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/nn11/Domobran88/former&#46;jpg[/img:12v2bszt] [img:12v2bszt]http&#58;//img394&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img394/8994/userbar11uo4&#46;jpg[/img:12v2bszt] 12v2bszt WA== Vinkovci, Independent State of Croatia Croatian Nationalist - Ustasha 683aa53464a45bf4
116 0 2 0 1200347657 werewolf88 werewolf88 $H$767Ix0OtfsbT830jV7Ah8znMRPc85n. 0 0 -115358365923 1209325163 1200347657 1205358880 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1202585380 0 0 5 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 116_1200694014.gif 1 50 50 460803a885cdfec5
214 0 2 0 1200945097 vanlaer vanlaer $H$70aXBmCaV.cvlgjm6WWT2ppBtpHOwD1 1200945097 0 -46719927124 24- 8-1986 1202915637 1200945097 1202504575 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=242&_f_=29x 1B9Q7GCSFC 1201765755 0 0 3 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1203215889 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 214_1201192341.jpg 1 46 50 onze helden, vergeet ze nooit!!! stop repressie tegen Nationalisten!!!! 828 3w1mczvj antwerpen QPVKVK $H$7gEndMWa9xy7leZYuppnzFImX6mZBz1 ede2b4593db38c7a
128 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200544374 Highlander 28 highlander 28 $H$9TbXJQSxJk.y89Nr3fN3U8hX6t8Pik/ 1235308630 0 -141228762334 1237022019 1200544374 1236108092 search.php?search_id=newposts 1220893109 0 0 0 0 0 30 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221775665 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3OSJQU $H$92NkrSwfQ4UFUYvp8Ks39l50gg4X/g1 25151d7affdfc71a
112 0 2 0 1200316507 Surtur surtur $H$9TVrCGSAbT2gNULxyo.RmLONXf/BRf/ 1229689173 0 186289280920 1232892914 1200316507 1232295509 viewforum.php?f=26 1204394854 0 0 0 0 0 141 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1229689199 0 -3 1216117690 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 67d11dd225d2e8d7
454 0 2 0 1202727691 IllyrianEagle illyrianeagle $H$7vK4Xy2UooZnc1Y0dfor8FLYK4nK6W. 1202727691 0 130132013618 1202758607 1202727691 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=32&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 684a148fe7c80514
189 0 2 0 1200863189 macskin macskin $H$9hwZ17eZ0/Iug5WeRkJTYnyR2z9.UJ1 1222691211 0 -9032685321 13- 1-1971 1229856539 1210839593 1229856160 index.php 1202383871 0 0 0 0 0 421 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1205846540 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Germany WP keeping the faith looking for brothers in the area 4c8a7be64d1cb9e0
119 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200373225 sharpshooter sharpshooter $H$9sETTNGcLTUCuNNM5pXkc8hHFzqd5F0 1233815482 0 178648212119 0- 0- 0 1237036160 1200373225 1237008132 index.php 1234935849 0 0 0 0 0 176 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 119_1211174303.jpg 1 50 48 Si vis pacem, para bellum 1zjfd8bv FINLAND 8b701718d235ff2d
113 0 2 0 1200328800 Kale28 kale28 $H$90YsDBXKlvphBbEoQsJ9V2TgRlefFg. 1230366966 0 -200021954420 22- 5-1980 1230367337 1200328800 1224791427 index.php 1217490220 0 0 0 0 0 30 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224791643 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 113_1200329867.gif 1 88 70 828 9rqel7xg Flanders e00c11e4a7760703
2443 0 2 0 1232496744 s.m.r. s.m.r. $H$9YQkoIFisoUMlwnfpOtwl/YkDnaj4V0 1232496744 0 49485874329 0 1232496744 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 de29ba633bf46213
2166 0 2 0 1226735261 Gobeaty182 gobeaty182 $H$9slxqhcsz6/T0Sa7CRqu65563Th3LY1 1226735261 0 168896765518 0- 0- 0 1227338582 1226735261 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3n59vom8 56566766 da712b36ca0f2d4c
2167 1 2 0 1226737108 ilinda85 ilinda85 $H$9FygsyYYm6VPoivQt8lpV4gVxGNHNS1 1226737108 0 178070235522 0 1226737108 0 0 0 0 0 1 1226737108 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 41TZ75 0ee028b5c52c52e6
115 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200346703 BHCentral bhcentral $H$9GALYuC01BgL3LbR66tdOmw4BjM2v21 1231971231 0 -188211592224 1236990930 1200346703 1236813907 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2448&p=16643 1236888762 0 0 0 0 0 103 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236555425 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 895 115_1200346961.gif 1 90 90 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 1f8z65s7 3024327bf086d5e7
230 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201011265 FHSParis fhsparis $H$99HE.7WUm5QIbjyfrQwXGlHQIXyBP21 1236760469 0 126448896822 1237040422 1201011265 1236760585 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2801 1234353997 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236760585 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b3bfd0119cedbbef
216 0 3 0 1200946046 lee1690 lee1690 $H$9FhKc/c72K1uB7BXDRYjKAKuCmG/lL/ 1232477440 0 92019057924 1232478125 1200946046 1218663720 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2556 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4388D9 af6f38fe9ecfc8a4
2250 1 2 0 1228356011 Excalibur excalibur $H$9TBqnvkw3LpZ05QatTH/ja0iW/2.ip1 1228356011 0 -4421685119 0 1228356011 0 0 0 0 0 1 1228356011 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2H57WD 339e232b9a39e1a1
192 0 2 0 1200870865 britishfreecorps britishfreecorps $H$7E7qKDSCaHEebGitakb9sxPwLjkWo60 1217368004 0 129077283717 1217961657 1200870865 1211928125 viewtopic.php?f=64&t=605&start=70&_f_=64x 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 67b9b642cb21167f
120 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200382355 tattooed_aryan tattooed_aryan $H$9Kvw/QyWGIloPLRQ4sLa6Cmuf9m54D1 1232515903 0 105339638519 29- 6-1974 1236940221 1200382355 1228222628 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3117 KKD2XK9NED 1216775849 0 0 0 0 0 21 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1216640281 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 120_1214087979.jpg 1 50 50 [url:1sfvvlrb]http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonouraustralia&#46;org[/url:1sfvvlrb] 1sfvvlrb EA== Surfers Paradise, Australia Tattoo Artist Cars, Music, Playstation 3 c40ee8e64e2543cd
221 0 2 0 1200958344 betty*blackshirt betty*blackshirt $H$9KdqIliXPn2/1HWGabVrmAtbhlD7Am. 1225225418 0 -109134017725 1215077680 1200958344 1215077628 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=310&_f_=2x 1203334917 0 0 3 0 0 23 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 edaf732c1f0dc121
652 0 2 0 1205089885 pride of a nation pride of a nation $H$9L4dbG//1wXcrp.qLxh7Md0PDEr9Io. 1221130929 0 -55880808628 1221130942 1205089885 1221085208 viewforum.php?f=71 1205773222 0 0 2 0 0 16 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e114bead2653f9fc
683 0 2 0 1205964346 Algiz algiz $H$7e1M4a3ZoseKQdGHHzHckXSqRHejE./ 1213820277 0 121489323726 1218399613 1205964346 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1758&_f_=31x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c19daf8647fe2019
226 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200995800 Mecheleir mecheleir $H$9w5JZCBg/OFec8sViosmbD1t2eaqhp1 1231521921 0 -124371143725 1236793750 1200995800 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2621 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 69cf65f0d2001bb4
180 0 2 0 1200846969 Mick@central div mick@central div $H$7UyWDm6QL3iRej0HkufWdWvR638sJ0/ 1209590538 0 154369404615 1218131846 1200846969 1216918351 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 2XSROP1HKY 1215346912 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214485895 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1WOBUS $H$7xs8QzGgkLCXWlzVtdq.P0fUkUnhY50 ac6409a495aa792e
229 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200998331 Kamiel kamiel $H$9u//zqi8E0f2Z1Q2W1aVsQ3qbb4Lb9/ 1233009991 0 -60640736222 1237049726 1200998331 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3116 1230827220 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a7b66262883be48c
532 0 2 0 1203448019 BootboyGermany bootboygermany $H$7FLJykVXCFg5yEmbYWXOs3dRkHVnGT. 1203448019 0 -181681526721 1203593415 1203448019 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=40&_f_=12x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1a61f186d8677f74
212 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200942568 Steel_Storm steel_storm $H$99int1SDyJSFCDQnj//X4Cfm.RYl5u0 1234462379 0 159186837223 1237050091 1200942568 1236631448 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&start=0 1233683202 0 0 0 0 0 169 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232375052 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a47d7c705bf18949
1056 1 2 0 1212604341 essereinhicky essereinhicky $H$766c8P2lsgf7mtgUNw2Hv5bWWppQqY. 1212604341 0 42247846824 0 1212604341 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212604341 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 27NJR3 ea588e424b8306ae
1057 0 2 0 1212605345 vossn vossn $H$7YB8neAP9lxwPBW43eryOSGyW6hTi0/ 1212605345 0 164824977720 1212605635 1212605345 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=759&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 967f605cf1a604e6
232 0 2 0 1201015766 tweevissen tweevissen $H$7SGKbsM0WebxO6hW6X6tSnMKgSUaL71 1201015766 0 -68940895725 1201015875 1201015766 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=32&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 50363408fa809b7e
480 0 2 0 1202950398 SKIN23 skin23 $H$7vtM91mNZHmLPrQafI3usUx.fqezJa0 1202950398 0 19668463024 1203011367 1202950398 1202950967 search.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1202951481 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b7b7fa4c8074c37b
639 0 2 0 1204745298 88forlive 88forlive $H$7dqqLfrh7z5YxMSyRq7ZhAgJIWQT2m. 1212763395 0 37081113126 1213120794 1204745298 1213111965 ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox 1207246800 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1213043380 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 73b9ddc2388631da
130 0 2 0 1200701563 maximummax maximummax $H$7Ip36er5exYRM1eQrRTaYmYtyeEngJ1 1200701563 0 85686286825 0 1200701563 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3412eddae991ccb9
1332 0 2 0 1215913040 Tochter-Wotans tochter-wotans $H$90d3KmDMyXsaeJZlKXP5x3YccV2TnN0 1229727105 0 -66191756825 18-11-1981 1229727305 1215913040 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=avatar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 436649282 Kameraden, meine Hunde ........... b85a2781ad95ef03
177 1 2 0 1200834887 Bonehead bonehead $H$71sXm6a2TIOBztA9Y78xkFB75XhIge1 1200834887 0 -131101834828 0- 0- 0 1205953675 1202909387 1203883806 viewforum.php?f=26&_f_=26x 1203525311 0 0 6 3 1218993072 19 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1203099698 0 -3 1201017077 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 &quot;My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right&quot; A.H. 1vnpg3x4 Vlaanderen-Flanders O-Vl. 567cb826a87b172b
131 0 2 0 1200708592 Pfeilkreuz pfeilkreuz $H$7xk.ipmpfOadfPsgQ4O71OxY4oX7x5. 1200708592 0 126061245716 1204877946 1200708592 1200709061 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f7bbe5dfa6c59ab8
489 0 2 0 1203011853 Oldschool oldschool $H$7SOapiSMSJtQBFQ7AcPbglRQ1Wi22N/ 1216578425 0 174913887323 1219929050 1203011853 0 index.php 1203012468 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2VUVWR $H$9UyKdUNlJNd6Qro/S6VCG90F0xWPBC0 c28bc120c8953354
208 0 2 0 1200940057 BulldogSLO bulldogslo $H$7NHnfDbBoQz5tG..RDNVRyxy9WuQ8K/ 1216821681 0 -44324356918 1229445207 1200940057 1208261188 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1210605052 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 208_1203627713.gif 1 78 80 OUR RACE IS OUR NATION OUR FOLK IS OUR FAITH 3mcbac1o 14f268d6e8049320
1205 0 2 0 1214412865 Dogging dogging $H$7M/3EGPQgGTU349NYHp/e.bWq/Tr.J/ 1214412865 0 56379481120 1214416341 1214412865 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1442&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=73x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0f2ba287c49627de
209 0 2 0 1200940367 Panzer28 panzer28 $H$7t7kF0QyiWk//G82VZ2uxKrf3rqQ8S. 1200940367 0 141630999824 1228046399 1200940367 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 795bdc9a52575533
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362 0 2 0 1201866123 Loki loki $H$94nRbmoIdIlhLR8IqcyfAG0L1qqCzZ/ 0 0 183687464730 1229062894 1201866123 1223112942 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1219225222 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1203419664 0 -3 1202758140 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 25uko46d 7214e4c14ec45c42
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133 0 2 0 1200725202 JoeMayhem joemayhem $H$9LNVsgXvlF/vufmrXcKy.3qSMVOT2u. 1221845020 0 -60931171721 1- 6-1981 1221845453 1200725202 1221845426 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&action=quotepost&p=13455 R8LHZFRNFT 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Huntington Beach, CA racialgreetings 24a1b30d62fa73cf
504 0 2 0 1203179291 RAHOWA_88 rahowa_88 $H$7C2LRVBaGLTrGOLvYJ0vT0p0Q8g.OB. 1203179291 0 41449624621 1203179844 1203179291 0 viewforum.php?_f_=75x 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0b90df38bf3ff079
312 0 2 0 1201543488 thure65x thure65x $H$79EZQlnG8jLcCjbNMmwnTizhaTQ2Cu/ 1201543488 0 -151446647625 1- 9-1965 1207499126 1201543488 1203245972 viewforum.php?f=28&_f_=28x 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1203110798 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 312_1202651759.jpg 1 90 60 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;servimg&#46;com/image_preview&#46;php?i=681&amp;u=11686920:1mh4o9qv][img:1mh4o9qv]http&#58;//i27&#46;servimg&#46;com/u/f27/11/68/69/20/banner10&#46;jpg[/img:1mh4o9qv][/url:1mh4o9qv] 1mh4o9qv GA== denderleeuw mouvers driver family / football / music be2756ad83f7ca97
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134 0 3 0 1200725966 croatialion croatialion $H$7fX1VpeaB5wJgJJ9uakvtCIYvWX2vq0 1200725966 0 30378277320 0 1200725966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 265QRW 87fd6672a51b6035
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258 0 2 0 1201173493 Lientje lientje $H$7CZjSy0qEJPYOOwEr/N4Wyb6QImp6Z0 1201173493 0 -38263777034 22- 3-1991 1204528099 1202458492 1204361241 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=654&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1203144869 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3rl7utjy Flanders Student Paganism, music, books, my boyfriend, ... 0873242a6b70d100
374 0 2 0 1202067861 hooligan83 hooligan83 $H$7Nt7wZgd8.UxPGwpS8ekZTztZtT8F81 1202067861 0 121669084224 1217671509 1202067861 0 ucp.php?i=165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 eca78189d0b5b4d5
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135 0 3 0 1200729412 Krikke28 krikke28 $H$7LNnIt.HOzT.yhdKWN/RifK7Wh0Vvz. 1200729412 0 -121756162031 0 1200729412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1YQXHH ad424c5b58801be4
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2411 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1231874008 loki_1963 loki_1963 $H$96gFJlMQW1.MBBb0AUO/UBVDDiFeo7/ 1231874008 0 152933504529 8- 8-1963 1236379196 1231874008 1234379529 index.php 1236379084 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 “The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others.” Adolf Hitler 3bb9mons Van / Forklift Driver Motorbikes (custom) 9359b5fab6506164
644 0 2 0 1204821837 Montag451 montag451 $H$95NQzzCD9fTQ5pCyrV1HZ5j28A4Dfh0 1229360240 0 -200225053918 1229360753 1204821837 1220713905 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0efe1b2a31fc86d1
1413 0 2 0 1216811864 Karlito karlito $H$7vSkhrv5lJm60w86vDNNGDMMhkwvyr1 1216811864 0 -81485910129 1223633177 1216811864 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 3.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 308827ca0478c7c7
2313 0 2 0 1229976588 brighteyes88 brighteyes88 $H$9BI39aesXG5k6Iy/CyArO0VVVO/GJF. 1229976588 0 -13953489425 1229977125 1229976588 0 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=2583&p=17540 1229977069 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6567fe6f47c89b9b
146 0 2 0 1200745928 28R'N'R. 28r?n?r. $H$9pHckXbYR2IrnWCFsleW0.8uDGviKt1 1221165462 0 -170575546927 1221165703 1200745928 1220461982 posting.php?mode=reply&f=75&t=1689 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1218653241 0 -3 1200937293 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b07e63838730748e
147 0 2 0 1200746300 Syn syn $H$9OiHmf0zVFJCmWaGaofpVa9O3CBTrA. 1224550715 0 135850022822 0- 0- 0 1224719353 1200746300 1224719317 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 413TUPLQCZ 1224678707 0 0 0 0 0 32 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1229361867 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 147_1200746674.jpg 1 89 82 [color=#8080BF:2wxyy79v]Ut incepit Fidelis sic permanet=Loyal she began, loyal she remains![/color:2wxyy79v] 2wxyy79v Ag== West of London fb3716ea5312251d
168 0 2 0 1200829705 Wehrwulf28 wehrwulf28 $H$9oFHUfPOhr0VBEPjjWSe3iu9SPD7j40 1221217730 0 1542337718 0- 0- 0 1224525935 1200829705 1224496563 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2210&p=14982 1221307865 0 0 1 0 0 63 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224279915 0 -3 1204186521 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Antwerpen 6642ffb35763ac4e
148 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200747705 croatian_patriot88 croatian_patriot88 $H$9IpYDwhlJVGyQCttKskbkT8oubW0Sy0 1231606157 0 62660140520 0- 0- 0 1236798940 1200747705 1218655800 viewforum.php?f=24 2N3FKAB7RX 1206461850 0 0 0 0 0 45 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1206713250 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 148_1200960439.jpg 1 50 50 N.D.H.-White Zagreb muay thai,pivo,izlasci,nogas.... 15b2615d9d77de61
520 0 2 0 1203356000 oswald oswald $H$9Kyx9vnjtoj0DJhW/9t1mUsC.L1K560 1234891607 0 93625829820 17-11-1979 1234891915 1203356000 1234206284 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2894 1233936377 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 0 0 0 9 sanaa 2hkregix 3a5919aedbf90ad8
233 0 2 0 1201018592 88gedman 88gedman $H$7RyYtT.siGxXtdjvd46DmO.NRbOtaz0 1201018592 0 77692884525 1208261196 1201018592 1201019252 viewtopic.php?f=61&t=864&_f_=61x 1202380460 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d83b0b63a1fadb9b
149 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200750000 Hungaria28 hungaria28 $H$9J8FCc8tB.BZD1cKE6PnbooF7epqVn0 1229617997 0 -190701044816 1236721071 1200750000 1235049130 index.php 1207298526 0 0 0 0 0 36 en 1.00 0 d M Y, H:i 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2558f684d62312a3
179 0 2 0 1200837334 Berserkrr berserkrr $H$9FrvR1p3hD4rVoQzIXQAbH1RTVl5I/0 1228924700 0 -186099401321 1231273002 1200837334 0 viewtopic.php?f=122&t=834 1229653713 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dfa3f795beb36b18
150 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200751487 Rejected rejected $H$9UdVUiQNGxiYa6GaAg1kxD9qYu15d8/ 1236724509 0 47642636617 1237051588 1200751487 1235245632 search.php?search_id=newposts WVCRM6YJ8L 1235600466 0 0 0 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 631a1f00eea39d06
228 0 2 0 1200998166 Corporal28 corporal28 $H$9sbqqLxa8Mmico3WAILN4I4Hmd.0Da/ 1221510021 0 25522979421 1221511033 1200998166 1201626494 viewtopic.php?f=56&t=859 2GT6YZ6TOT 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 21a697468ae0fa0d
176 0 2 0 1200834690 Loyal.28 loyal.28 $H$9d1pZk.JRbFsEbucKtjFo9CAZqoL3H. 1221158721 0 -150193732123 0- 0- 0 1223809346 1200834690 1216284568 viewforum.php?f=38 5Z5HQKNJG3 1215541294 0 0 5 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1209576501 0 -3 1204046974 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 176_1202128946.jpg 1 73 73 [b:he8skp55]I'm the blood of generations, thousands of years old Now those lines I'm sworn to uphold. For the men that took their loyalty to the grave I live for them, I carry the blood of the brave![/b:he8skp55] he8skp55 QA== Slovenia 1a5732896a2e42ff
167 0 3 0 1200828035 Ormurin Langi ormurin langi $H$7.n5u.TjE1U6XKuWNiuaUPd1Wfh4sJ/ 1200828035 0 -74330026516 0 1200828035 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4662CJ c014df165a3a5ef7
151 0 2 0 1200756798 BloodyWay bloodyway $H$7ocbrkNJryiK7TghmpBrhpDAR2ZOQO0 1200756798 0 -137541580320 13-11-1991 1203716567 1200756798 1201438498 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=525&_f_=24x 1S2MZ84CJQ 1200757459 0 0 0 0 0 19 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 151_1200757384.gif 1 90 90 Što Bog da - sre?a juna?ka [img:17kyi2m7]http&#58;//www&#46;freie-nationalisten-gla&#46;de/images/gladbeckbanner2&#46;gif[/img:17kyi2m7] Za Poglavnika i za Dom ! 17kyi2m7 CA== Gladbeck, Germany 348471767 f90373cd7b834f96
771 0 2 0 1207265692 cooke2929 cooke2929 $H$7QCU8rND/SxQnecZ62eG7p3xWZGDyN. 1207265692 0 -205634998419 1213508001 1207265692 1207508843 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1150&_f_=73x NAYPXL94SJ 1207325293 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207515173 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7d910c6f12d90e80
178 0 2 0 1200837176 chas88 chas88 $H$75EqCtKTLNotDeW8oIgo7bMvBZQIue1 1200837176 0 165197210514 1200838006 1200837176 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=61&_f_=73x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 582d480fa15bd1df
152 0 2 0 1200758707 HolyWar83 holywar83 $H$9GdSFm3vJFXlbB/jRSCOgKJ/XCsqys0 1229214230 0 137780360015 0- 0- 0 1235436047 1200758707 1235434206 index.php 1234918232 0 0 0 0 0 92 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232748365 0 -3 1229911358 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Confederate 28! <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> &quot;No king but King Jesus&quot;- George Washington mq4ia7rv The States VF &amp; 28 cc4f4d20031852b9
2180 0 2 0 1227132598 Pitbull pitbull $H$9pqD0C4ec32v5yX2ijSXCd1HiBHRRy/ 1227132598 0 96646028525 1227132985 1227132598 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5eaac05c03c0c036
254 0 2 0 1201123511 JJNEWS jjnews $H$99wbHKCn5wmOwgAmLCau.o30bHxSXl0 1225036320 0 162736585920 1231916082 1201123511 1223704630 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2088&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30 1229657364 0 0 0 0 0 8 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 194124ba68c3707b
1202 0 2 0 1214382493 Peking peking $H$7wpxdeyN4UAK0PZd.kyb0j6tfpkfrb1 1214382493 0 -121449773224 1214387600 1214382493 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=957&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b93ed23c13d75599
153 0 2 0 1200762901 RSN/WI rsn/wi $H$9yMNL04cO2GvdR6eolwl6L.Uv8RrL90 1221202469 0 -131983204522 14-10-1971 1221202551 1200762901 1220373018 search.php?&sr=topics&search_id=newposts&start=25 1215448065 0 0 3 0 0 39 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1220509486 0 -3 1204913385 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 153_1220372968.jpg 1 50 41 [url=http&#58;//pregnancy&#46;baby-gaga&#46;com/:2s5sg0l9][img:2s5sg0l9]http&#58;//tickers&#46;baby-gaga&#46;com/p/fly039pr___&#46;png[/img:2s5sg0l9][/url:2s5sg0l9] 2s5sg0l9 GA== WI/USA jeffrey14_88 skinhead/auto tech 86d031584e748b6a
280 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201330441 stafford steve stafford steve $H$9sDUlHelnHOhk2D1ao/n.bfVWCB73K0 1236796611 0 -134497837425 1237045127 1201330441 1233345071 search.php?search_id=newposts 1233391201 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1230744024 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 29d4107bb71c0abe
2205 0 2 0 1227652899 DrJosephMengele drjosephmengele $H$92WLxTvZjUpCAIzlX/Ijr6JKRZUWdE/ 1235584306 0 -57933069021 1235584347 1227652899 1230245967 posting.php?mode=reply&f=31&t=3002 11LHHMMYLC 1235423498 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 08d9eb4520cd8c3e
273 0 2 0 1201265031 pursang pursang $H$7.gdqjk4gI8oaWWkAmdqfPFQIwWptA. 1201265031 0 94917845415 1201431635 1201265031 1201266839 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=90&_f_=26x 3UCHKHPRUF 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3bd2a47da20d3c13
1333 0 2 0 1215931918 Darek88 darek88 $H$7yxKhQyhuNbP8dvH1l1aKIzl2LQea/1 0 0 -189348668917 1231269757 1215931918 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1222027472 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2a03873ed57f697b
154 0 2 0 1200766665 crno_sunce88 crno_sunce88 $H$7AMe1ePqxqQLanmqyVIt/A6YMdUUgp1 1208542824 0 49781941223 1220034865 1200766665 1220034865 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&action=reply&p=4614 1203770203 0 0 0 0 0 25 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1220034695 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 154_1203621177.jpg 1 90 90 Aryan Culture Preservation! [img:3kqhcdm3]http&#58;//i4&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/y132/erszpeth/Untitled1copy&#46;jpg[/img:3kqhcdm3] 3kqhcdm3 CA== 324d3ad58861222e
256 0 2 0 1201136143 vfchicago28 vfchicago28 $H$9qwbBKcnV.m47.LViXvewWS4jVHvlB1 1232427187 0 1446579921 1234555578 1201136143 0 search.php?fid[]=41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ea6b1b321f2b48e6
235 0 2 0 1201022694 boz boz $H$9zhCPLYISl5uqdrif3EpnCVORmr.kA. 1229447287 0 190177944028 1229447415 1201022694 1226743660 viewforum.php?f=71 1224405573 0 0 1 0 0 21 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224698634 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 eec8b3ac3bb28d91
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2441 0 2 0 1232472500 pula88 pula88 $H$9Uw92cZKxxtM88mxyxphwfO4SDbb4F1 1232472500 0 -51596903619 1232472706 1232472500 0 viewforum.php?f=24&st=0&sk=t&sd=d&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7c279e4e18f6d968
252 0 2 0 1201121277 stomper88 stomper88 $H$7RL7XkacRhH6NSYhJzVJUDvFQTyNB20 1201121277 0 -74540842516 1202925868 1201121277 1202925811 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=443&_f_=24x 1202924486 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 2 3 1226176357 0 -3 1201949713 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 39f9878e61e72ab5
632 0 3 0 1204701275 Ranoch ranoch $H$7pGkgWX5Y/oC4qouTdzf10DdwIfcvr0 1204701275 0 -8644390320 0 1204701275 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1J1BHG a9c28e28ba09abdd
223 0 2 0 1200987960 white beast white beast $H$948RURTVrXM9qPUIkEZyJQNU1LpFE11 1229615011 0 -63693542523 1236181962 1200987960 1236181957 viewtopic.php?f=27&t=527&_f_=27x 1200988831 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232059626 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 223_1200988823.gif 1 90 72 [b:1edh7ax0]Meine ehre heisst treue[/b:1edh7ax0] 1edh7ax0 RA== c190b0c72bd9a095
165 0 2 0 1200821158 TerrorTouch terrortouch $H$7Mc1fUKrcofqC4XAZ7Mn5nIxFJtnRc. 1200821158 0 211423476121 1200821362 1200821158 0 viewtopic.php?f=74&t=65&_f_=74x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 95b2000d72f2c689
775 1 2 0 1207366628 LMDD88 lmdd88 $H$9Gd6HAZWH0JuPveXAmuSCv9kGjfUzg0 1232182926 0 120355560319 1232182873 1207366628 1223790485 posting.php?mode=reply&f=67&t=13&_f_=67x 3VOIS8YH9M 1223790309 0 0 0 2 1232182926 65 en -6.00 1 d M Y H:i 2 0 0 0 1221195661 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1919 0 0 0 Huginn and Muninn sit and tell me a tale...... 3u6bufgs 3GTBC7 cca0b0625347f29c
155 0 2 0 1200772364 blackout blackout $H$9jjJITUvY.43XxAVMjOEW9vsB8wIGa. 1224356533 0 -186749256019 1229857786 1200772364 1200772570 search.php?&sr=topics&search_id=newposts&start=250 1212326900 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 155_1200772837.gif 1 37 40 e2526ffccbd1ce5c
508 0 3 0 1203214419 jmtikhonoff jmtikhonoff $H$7B6SP/dz06AMRail./WPdRSQEEoHC5. 1203214419 0 53850595221 0 1203214419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1EF6BX 3d5a3b40da286a90
1095 0 2 0 1213008366 leeuw_van_vlaanderen leeuw_van_vlaanderen $H$7Nu1KKm19V3GzoV18NoytRr5.6b7e80 1213008366 0 -36737065023 1216120540 1213008366 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1414&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d082ea0f21777f31
156 0 2 0 1200772389 VF HxC vf hxc $H$9zZJNezfvevV0NMl/0Wy3ohtzcN13j. 1229368538 0 -21564139417 27-12-1984 1230569728 1200772389 1224880390 search.php?&sr=topics&search_id=newposts&start=50 1205355481 0 0 0 0 0 19 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2 70 70 [size=150:2h79quul][url:2h79quul]http&#58;//www&#46;VolksfrontInternational&#46;com[/url:2h79quul][/size:2h79quul] &quot;My Blood will drown your flame of Greed&quot; [size=150:2h79quul][b:2h79quul]&quot;From broken homes and dead end roads, from the bottom of the gutter we rose...&quot;[/b:2h79quul][/size:2h79quul] 2h79quul VA== Cleveland, Ohio Lprchn1488 pitbull_nazi_88 working Supporting the efforts of the white working class. b2b9252b5a138ec6
157 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200772561 panzerfaust88 panzerfaust88 $H$9OGAVrL/LqO9ZrtOYLSEy64xBQOlQK. 1229371682 0 -177492765022 1236629365 1200772561 1214415941 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=151&start=30 1222946281 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3882240bbf632d9d
2236 1 2 0 1228159615 brother brother $H$9XvlaMsA0h3GHg7ThPDB3/b6pLlJk4/ 1228159615 0 -105501191528 0 1228159615 0 0 0 0 1 1 1228159615 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 587PWN f46b6116fa0d3af0
2237 0 2 0 1228160085 brother666 brother666 $H$9bQ/QZVNNUgySzn0wLAh8AFEAx6xql0 1228160085 0 -149028471426 1228160475 1228160085 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 895 0 0 0 a32bb933f358db8d
227 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200996650 losfer words losfer words $H$9240W60qiRtPHRFgKd3pJmgJoh6uaN/ 1230787521 0 24024552319 1237033787 1200996650 1234346063 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3117&p=20723 2V1OYN6VP1 1237033780 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 895 0 0 0 f5a00918279fcacd
158 0 2 0 1200773789 beceha beceha $H$9Qfmeq0SozxSUaRAlIkri3SwbUULiC/ 1232159554 0 113979118022 0- 0- 0 1236198849 1200773789 1236198127 index.php 1235344618 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228523404 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f48034dbef8682af
225 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200995304 rightrebel rightrebel $H$9tu08rLDvivuIKHkNtEFzuiolA7ymV0 1236682811 0 -124923965823 1236682783 1224168436 0 index.php 1232448268 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bc18dee8437c653a
174 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200833414 88ruler 88ruler $H$9wnLSN2OTDTZTvQExjmM5V5W.lUlmo1 1236259913 0 -163832254323 2- 9-1983 1236260113 1200833414 1228658491 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1475 1223200840 0 0 3 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224272131 0 -3 1208412864 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 174_1203021518.gif 1 89 80 hail to our fallen comrades. may they feast in valhalla. 14/88 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 28n8p7fj FLanders 5b033aa2e8194652
204 0 2 0 1200930747 legija18 legija18 $H$7Piu3qQMHpm5Gv3og.Vg/DvtK98lBz. 1209065182 0 145763767023 0- 0- 0 1216886743 1200930867 1213362491 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 10 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Varazdin 13b930bc93d7c906
164 0 2 0 1200819520 ozwald ozwald $H$7G5fcGavfI1ufluhEmu48RSsmvqFI2. 1209312704 0 97237273021 20- 3-1987 1221221690 1200819520 1205997655 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1202107722 0 0 1 0 0 4 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3410df89046b3136
175 0 2 0 1200833481 hrco1488 hrco1488 $H$7VyuA6qKnOm6neG893mIz45QDlq8Fz/ 0 0 28740273415 1209382636 1200833481 1202570605 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1202649280 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 175_1200834425.jpg 1 89 81 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![b:1g5iqs4d][color=#FF0000:1g5iqs4d]SLAVA RUSIJI[/color:1g5iqs4d][/b:1g5iqs4d]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1g5iqs4d Qg== 1b81938371e9d2f3
159 0 3 0 1200780398 Link link $H$7cI2erXd9QQy/B3EzU76sFTxFbgSsW1 1215714841 0 -102962066224 1215715245 1200780398 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=618 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 N2HRD8 41e046a1a1fe8855
160 0 3 0 1200783692 whitewizzard whitewizzard $H$7EnEZDopkoknogcs1YGH5vThsS7wNK/ 1200783692 0 143838574923 0 1200783692 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4299GY ba155b4e59f32e66
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215 0 2 0 1200945871 celticfrance celticfrance $H$7Dt0.8Vkjfyfvgj9zvJad67cAKTbPv1 1214042923 0 -32760674722 1226703689 1200945871 1221649890 ucp.php?i=168 1201808361 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215353734 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3e84a0093f7e93e8
161 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200797882 rahowa rahowa $H$9wSSbrxY2uyg39JyiBevBVWAl0z1sq1 1236988881 0 64718359621 1236989027 1200797882 1225701495 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3097 1224949884 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bd5451697130e4c0
1204 0 2 0 1214412406 pewterslate pewterslate $H$7wumj8wAJKNVq0UX8B1q2cS5Zaz/nC0 1214412406 0 205895573418 1217521293 1214415526 1214849288 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1779&_f_=73x 1214759536 0 0 3 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214760869 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 32c8e5a61d8add16
183 0 2 0 1200847968 arhitekt88 arhitekt88 $H$9q7AEcaOK7Ex0Tq1FiteYp/VNfK.BA/ 1229503799 0 195558579714 5- 9-1988 1229504643 1200847968 1207919533 index.php 1229504638 0 0 0 0 0 18 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207846601 0 -3 1201417362 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 &quot;...mogu se boriti samo za ono sto volim, mogu voljeti samo ono sto postujem, a postovati mogu ono sto u najmanju ruku poznajem...&quot; 19alrc28 Novi Marof/Varazdin(Croatia) fax povijest,arhitekura,ns,wp 38f50dadc604401b
182 0 2 0 1200847506 moonie moonie $H$9jHI3dE2zov7Q/s2GRfE.Y5N4ZfFi8. 1224610208 0 -88797907715 1224610272 1200847506 1215883170 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 3 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214996447 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1HZZP8 $H$9EEeq3kI9TnhoytY78wWd8QWEQOVNk0 7605ef25be125dd5
162 0 2 0 1200801701 Arrow arrow $H$7zUJvytUvO8Q/vJNvI0/FbGHnZZw1x0 1212942993 0 131088063222 1212943531 1200801701 1212943525 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1363&p=8697&_f_=4x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -7.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 48edbde129f7a1b2
166 0 2 0 1200822922 Dirlewanger dirlewanger $H$7lGMCbxqJ8rgqm.UfUFGlghdhpqC.T1 1208672171 0 -59566270823 1209907785 1200822922 1208672477 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1119&_f_=26x 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c797da59334b0c78
163 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200805066 DG/88 dg/88 $H$9LcMK64bey/LO8VLuUNjEESxDqnO43/ 1234330596 0 -65086882225 1236734337 1200805066 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2538 1236668773 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a33cf04c0207fde9
1026 0 2 0 1212335780 Sydney Sinner sydney sinner $H$9R9uMqcoA8DQulmaGELicE//9.irmj. 1220334348 0 132381177624 1221388329 1212335780 1213020561 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1728 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c72c95fea71a1ec8
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431 0 2 0 1202528878 wargod wargod $H$7xf3sE8M.8QKgpzWT4uch6lsrvG/Pf0 1202528878 0 83626229117 1203443704 1202528878 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b091ba3ab3b9d663
213 0 2 0 1200943050 Zorn39. zorn39. $H$9.iY7BW9x4FesoW3/4sTA55cUeaQMn1 1221164389 0 -74229091913 1221485262 1200943050 1215446208 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=443&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 1211840744 0 0 3 0 0 16 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1211456188 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 af7d2c808d5a66ea
308 0 2 0 1201528483 FRIGGA frigga $H$7w7ikqOSIIpGVWF3QMOOhbxXbNUNTm. 1201528483 0 53706421521 0- 0- 0 1212138602 1201528483 1208362130 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=568&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1203499796 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 308_1201529315.jpg 1 86 89 ? czknqacy slovenija c5a8c8e398dfc279
1121 0 2 0 1213292401 hrvp hrvp $H$78Daqw946wzoIjLZvJyhqZTfBVjnPe1 1213292401 0 -19098390616 1213798439 1213292401 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8a6f969c679ec180
701 0 2 0 1206138029 Balaclava14 balaclava14 $H$7T3eOemkUaHqjbbFSoL8O2NpBpfRG21 1206138029 0 -213927757329 1207592193 1206138029 1207512770 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=319&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30&_f_=75x 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1206830194 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6cf66e1c26c0b79b
313 0 2 0 1201543634 Niskalenkki niskalenkki $H$7vEeHfV8t3B8VrL5ZheLZbX5tHTgTY1 1201543634 0 -186141027923 1203435340 1201543634 0 viewtopic.php?f=27&t=527&_f_=27x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4f68c38465fd9610
205 0 2 0 1200932940 Albert albert $H$7KMaUvbZX7Pz45qCzCZ2JYHogrrHiF0 0 0 -167626221818 0- 0-1981 1222107613 1200932940 1216668413 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1208968721 0 0 3 0 0 23 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1202579104 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 No Surrender - Never! [url:1uw53h5d]http&#58;//28hellas&#46;blogspot&#46;com[/url:1uw53h5d] [url:1uw53h5d]http&#58;//gloryrac&#46;blogspot&#46;com[/url:1uw53h5d] 1uw53h5d EA== df5db76f85284112
455 0 2 0 1202731345 Keltenkriegerin keltenkriegerin $H$93ILLePSVAe5n3iACWUOGqUWSxV5m4/ 1224139052 0 30833815731 1224140356 1202731345 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1913 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 debc068481b212fb
310 0 2 0 1201532871 pozest pozest $H$7d9JPMl/beHJRsyg6bXunTaZIDsKs61 1201532871 0 153465895823 1201595727 1201532871 1201595723 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=49&_f_=21x 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1202108534 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9c06e9deeebca30d
456 0 2 0 1202735615 tuba88 tuba88 $H$957TSMDdfADO5ifKAWlmkPORsVYr750 1226337445 0 -72464382122 1226337612 1202735615 1205518931 viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1478&_f_=35x 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 895 456_1202763033.jpg 1 72 69 OS LOBOS NÃO USAM COLEIRA!!!!!! 2yjxqvek 52f38f61690d451c
194 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1200894701 WhiteWolf1428 whitewolf1428 $H$9ZDxvPURQjQGEaknpRcIgwXe5/So4U. 1229391563 0 199101425022 1237038643 1200894701 1236731667 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&start=40 1235060594 0 0 0 0 0 26 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9c3fd300578ff0c2
2119 0 2 0 1225480394 Skoda skoda $H$9Ux2H9PilpPTs9agEQvGoQTTqdb4ej. 1225480394 0 111377341426 7- 7-1986 1230888693 1225480394 1230792471 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2088&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 en -7.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 2 2 1232426009 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 2119_1225482382.jpg 1 90 90 &quot;Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.&quot; -- Adolf Hitler 1u0s85lv Mobile, Alabama, USA NSM Berzerk skinhead_berzerk Artist; musician. White Supremacy, music, art, guns, politics, European history, Northern European Physical Anthropology, working-out, reading, self-improvement, drinking, tattoos, etc. d5c6972b517d48ea
306 0 2 0 1201523901 Slovenec1990 slovenec1990 $H$75RyAfj0Qy0pdCQexs/cNFZ690MEXe1 1211653725 0 -111607997724 22-10-1990 1214218401 1201524702 1207593718 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=568&start=10&_f_=38x 1203233775 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207232169 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Slovenia, Celje NS e12f44691255e86f
292 0 2 0 1201430882 RuyterKorps ruyterkorps $H$7VnFaN2/xfet4ZARo/FaU.d6gFYgKg. 1217764241 0 -105513151727 1224246639 1201430882 1213229582 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1877 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1211199003 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 48db7ac399ab0a77
195 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjqlo2kg 0 1200899186 Clockwork Violence28 clockwork violence28 $H$9yxU29R59IMGC6uJkJaCTle7uG8On8/ 1230159884 0 138166257830 0- 0- 0 1236926752 1200899186 1236765180 index.php 1235859988 0 0 0 0 0 30 en 9.50 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236236104 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 0 0 0 <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> [b:220qxvjm]SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL B&amp;H DIVISION[/b:220qxvjm] 220qxvjm QA== South Australia 3597ba7ce59e37ef
522 0 2 0 1203370635 White_Eagle white_eagle $H$7PNzH4AWw3ktrdGCJqXz9WO1vBcHRQ/ 1203370635 0 17771415824 1203960537 1203370635 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=583&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a492e0bbb65f92d5
196 0 2 0 1200901579 hecker hecker $H$7vFdZGm/EWanNfWen5uv.foHW2P6H5. 1209023608 0 141776033518 1209472207 1200901579 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=88&_f_=31x 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1a14b97796501e3f
295 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201443042 AustMade austmade $H$9yITlOW12iGzwZZCeTYkMLRsgrzpxS. 1232967031 0 190453579220 0- 0- 0 1236835001 1201443042 1236818787 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3117 1236671962 0 0 0 0 0 145 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233996776 0 -3 1216378427 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [u:71inii1v][b:71inii1v][/b:71inii1v][/u:71inii1v] 71inii1v QQ== Great Southern Land Business owner Faith, folk, family. Booze, tattoos and V8s. Organizing in the 828 Hate State. 99c005f6952d8467
224 0 2 0 1200993501 mara28 mara28 $H$9YtsQmvtRF.chiOI4U/R0T76Z1kjKU/ 1218456751 0 123450100523 1221747639 1200993501 1210149632 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1164&_f_=75x 1209983107 0 0 1 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cc1d3867f36296a2
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202 0 2 0 1200926314 ThorsHammer thorshammer $H$9DgVRjQgXdUqep6/7CXpOT8C6dolHa1 1229608795 0 -179699290916 1234977703 1200926314 1226747797 index.php 1234895254 0 0 0 0 0 30 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1218975261 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b786aee0c6c15255
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1637 0 2 0 1218700227 mattym1970 mattym1970 $H$9xf.qYJsVLlQgBbtxQ2cJ45B8D6fLl. 1226676979 0 -18364032323 1226677219 1218700227 1220344810 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=263 1220517711 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b6b4accbe608c482
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198 0 2 0 1200905354 Propagandaleiter propagandaleiter $H$7epeUXbGlH65LSopTulBbiyzBhTt81/ 1200905354 0 -196164484426 0- 0- 0 1206655785 1200905354 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1200905890 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 198_1200905783.jpg 1 76 90 NS Propagandist Nationalsozialismus 9cee2587195b0fdf
390 0 2 0 1202221325 SnowWhite snowwhite $H$7HkmHfTbYx8azEa2gYhqHbUMywmOc31 1202221325 0 31889495218 1202825320 1202221325 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c79080326c4bacca
1233 0 2 0 1214755353 werewolf1488 werewolf1488 $H$9G/1F8mKYrrGeFXjm47Uf9Mhc8mtm8/ 1230213861 0 21168295819 19- 7-1966 1230214744 1214755353 1214757069 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1614 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1214759485 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 billericay national socialism , white power, lambrettas 929734c9654010bb
293 0 2 0 1201438019 takethesalute takethesalute $H$9JAhIZtFa2SLd3tGKJmjw5Zkvy9dIn0 1229111085 0 93884578425 1229111396 1201438019 1227548444 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 2 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56c079ca80278b5e
714 0 2 0 1206313200 Someone someone $H$757j1EjYk1Xe2kdlmw.2mFpxvFv.xK1 1206313200 0 -126728690123 1206313408 1206313200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4d54a7b8cc442d32
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645 0 3 0 1204848379 SWAxBANDIT swaxbandit $H$7cviT94wRj2oHz5Zuh3ZghBcWaPvUA. 1204848379 0 43739872024 0 1204848379 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3U31JJ 01b16bf849722f6d
432 0 2 0 1202572770 COSTEL costel $H$7/8wT8Oagd0FSbuK/tEfdbXuZmyLBR0 1202572770 0 149178527519 1202578510 1202572770 1202578506 viewtopic.php?f=32&t=397&_f_=32x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d20e456d5ce958ac
1126 0 2 0 1213368891 opivy opivy $H$7JCDhQ5GzTq.9ZUr7K.cOg4WFpHKNd1 1213368891 0 158850160412 1213369666 1213368891 0 viewtopic.php?f=64&t=605&_f_=64x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3c9837c852413a51
641 0 2 0 1204794623 causeidentitaire causeidentitaire $H$7n/QJb1SIH50So8IMlmQ5Xm3DMc.8q0 1204794623 0 33462333125 1205306017 1204794623 1204825075 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1204843562 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 866e76a912f43ed1
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764 0 2 0 1207182402 LUCKSlilDOLLY luckslildolly $H$7IYnZ6Uqj62c5itc3p3ylfRkuWE.qq1 1207182402 0 -26614039827 1207187878 1207182402 0 viewforum.php?f=75&_f_=75x 1207183037 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37e5a58106acb507
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1362 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1216244251 GYNAZI88 gynazi88 $H$9ufZ/gwt/jMm8p8BIWRYy//bexxXcB1 1232288234 0 199908390622 1237057191 1216244251 1236896396 search.php?search_id=egosearch 1237057192 0 0 0 0 0 56 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236883468 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 &quot;All the noble cultures of the past declined, because the purity and vigour of the originally created race faded out. They were compromised by the seed of lesser races that were attracted to the works of the superior men. The undeniable reason for their decline was then due to a kind of racial blood poisoning. Racial blood must be preserved in its purity at all costs.&quot; - Adolf Hitler 12id63dr be56e13d57a71b51
1423 1 2 0 1216914755 kocmi kocmi $H$7yQak5NMZYHlnfwx6d40LZ4bUyAVxe1 1216914755 0 -178649819117 0 1216914755 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216914755 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 32B2IN 027e060d36b2e21e
1280 1 2 0 1215302971 Emersorie emersorie $H$7nxyUd/8Y086wQzBdrD4Dy6TLuDSqn/ 1215302971 0 77856936124 0 1215302971 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215302971 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4WVN1F 8f6a3e722bd5688d
1281 0 2 0 1215314545 NZ_Skinbyrd828 nz_skinbyrd828 $H$95ERElWz5puqu8O2pYwuxwygAW2Cvf1 1232496787 0 -16986414229 5-12-1978 1232498553 1215314545 1218480604 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2635 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1236233872 0 -3 1215552356 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2 90 90 &quot;people are generally more careful of the breed of their dogs and horse's then of their own children.&quot; 352sxjly Blood and Honour and political activism, survival of our heritage and being a hands on mother 3a767398697389b2
2341 0 2 0 1230488588 Renato28 renato28 $H$9SxuTVmyol8XW2oNn7rnNvN3wBq9rc/ 1230488588 0 -157796463925 1230492247 1230488588 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1514 1230489978 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6267c8655c135cfa
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314 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201543944 beowulf88 beowulf88 $H$9PBWsdkMkY0YWuRKFe.QRVuUHFecd6. 1230755095 0 -109751463423 1230755051 1201543944 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 4EE59RQ5NY 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 14GXAI $H$9po45E9QNTKBOLr0GxHKe.kNMMCbrI. 41a4e94c4058313a
2424 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1232140957 owen owen $H$9WMtZ350mQBbhVK2ta9JPVaB9oSQSy1 1232140957 0 -160529763727 1236790249 1232140957 1232142112 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2597 1232324503 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aecafc84cd5a6f24
1555 1 2 0 1218014281 thor-steinar thor-steinar $H$7YVZxw1sWGgH/LL7ccxNZn2yNPKTIU1 1218014281 0 81333322831 0 1218014281 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218014281 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1PWW71 b1ef5ba55d050e2d
248 0 2 0 1201107419 14NewDawn88 14newdawn88 $H$7zDFwsJJj6Wwyaq21Bzhzmvhc3Zdue0 1201107419 0 -52219965726 27- 5-1988 1207140335 1201107419 1201107755 viewforum.php?f=94&_f_=94x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1201728297 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 *** We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children *** *** Ian Stuart R.I.P. *** *** Heil mein Fuhrer *** 3ft287ck Sarajevo student (security and defense) politics, weapon, history, art, music, NS 205bbad68a61c62d
1327 1 2 0 1215867160 Veeuhon veeuhon $H$7M3sIT3psDP9U1bkb1yGyjrQC4vkDB0 1215867160 0 -83053447617 0 1215867160 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215867160 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4QH4GK aa098f377c36c714
468 0 2 0 1202857953 sh-zg88 sh-zg88 $H$77NWB3xmCBeFhpA6BhaZPuOqWejLig0 0 0 -169172635214 1236011648 1202857953 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fdba15c29d4e5f15
246 0 2 0 1201103144 hak666 hak666 $H$9juIIAsAre.wUHs.PJrEJ4N2kh99Yn. 1233316401 0 -33306502320 1233516584 1201103144 0 viewforum.php?f=29 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 26b83f5aa5b757cb
527 0 3 0 1203433562 28 LUGDUNUM 28 lugdunum $H$7XhYg2GbZIg6xJ.bEBjBN5CzYg.BTc. 1203433562 0 3816870721 0 1203433562 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3HSS3X ce69e5344a687fb9
482 0 2 0 1202953061 killians_mommy killians_mommy $H$7Kwy38EqWSk38IFtnu8fl7qp9U0kO9/ 1202953061 0 -113564282329 1203542347 1202953061 1203062642 search.php?fid[]=71 1203061926 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1202973037 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 035ac964909065ea
737 0 2 0 1206619374 steinern_14 steinern_14 $H$7gPJVTeOM8Rb70xYd1xCrJaFxChiDD. 1206619374 0 118974710318 1206619831 1206619374 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=842&_f_=31x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3fcadf7a130e2a4d
612 0 2 0 1204418313 warlord warlord $H$7NjcGquNZ4sEVrF1SCgGVMFm0jDlWW. 1204418313 0 143397629025 1204418879 1204418313 1204418612 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=59&_f_=10x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 daf3e9b84217ef2d
402 0 2 0 1202300129 power power $H$9TeLmz7adjwoYuH66Na9ORDvD82lsz0 1228374861 0 208909237429 1228375684 1202300129 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c23fea7ba88b4dc0
1325 1 2 0 1215843588 Atila atila $H$7.usKmPn0d9PfsifdyQ/1xt60zobml1 1215843588 0 -159358962114 0 1215843588 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215843588 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3NLIDR 495961cb5d23b8c2
247 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201106101 tonynotts tonynotts $H$93uT/sV1/QyxXT644UNyd8SiE95O8B. 1234082746 0 110289066319 1236889372 1201106101 1221505344 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3052 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221424635 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a719cdaeeeb6662d
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357 0 2 0 1201817964 Aasimar aasimar $H$9s/jNKMuC1nIWw/ez7UGOVx0djSMkb. 1233712392 0 162822063616 1233713874 1201817964 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1061&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30&_f_=24x 1233712908 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4cb99156249bd66c
459 0 2 0 1202765717 Wittmann wittmann $H$7xtnXi1l8H6ggCADJqi66IMew9Bh2o/ 1202765717 0 165350272418 1203286385 1202765717 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=512&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 494b98eef4e88444
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655 0 2 0 1205145940 EBB ebb $H$7L3mS0VhSzbPlREjeFLIDgTYWpZG1K. 1205145940 0 -3358204220 1205148662 1205145940 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 531eb163b9d4bac6
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1310 0 2 0 1215718239 whitemen1488 whitemen1488 $H$76MH2.wvMPqtz2GSE5t10Y6DYNjxz.. 1215718239 0 -117279636221 1218198197 1215718239 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ff93c3615e06dbdc
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355 0 2 0 1201800358 pcomitatus pcomitatus $H$7tOI5WFCkZDt.f/mtuHoERVHzp651p. 1213723566 0 -132151680521 1220386307 1201800358 1203451394 1LQZ1ITHGJ 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1ddd5d3b3cebbce6
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276 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201285956 englishoi englishoi $H$9xnKOLqbihPfWufJMCidapkGjJH2151 1235205790 0 -119498590718 1237041794 1201285956 1233515249 viewforum.php?f=75 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1230390218 0 -3 1231003192 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80af98505bba038d
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761 0 5 005m9rzik0zjzik0xs zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 i1cjyo000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zi000000 zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc zik0zjzhb2tc 0 1207148110 828 828 $H$9zyNKPN531Mmu1XLd50DS8Vspx7RkF0 1231254245 0 -14408639933 1236967189 1207148110 1227649822 viewtopic.php?f=69&t=3020 1233424428 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 13.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 1 AA0000 0 0 1227646554 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6ad41d963f539c0c
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249 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201116777 whitebrit whitebrit $H$9AN5v0MJSyZW3L.m3kf2DPerkiQKRl. 1232389227 0 -118776087314 1236274324 1201116777 1201277166 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2963 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1202592687 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1ab28af64613638f
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442 0 2 0 1202674146 Flak 88 flak 88 $H$7BaEVbeolwJBHpolETMi33bKZvwryq/ 1202674146 0 -107189495418 0- 0- 0 1211404792 1202674146 1206446018 index.php 2BCL83PPB1 1208883089 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 0 0 0 [img:30mbu88g]http&#58;//www&#46;musicalterrorists&#46;com/westwall/images/logo&#46;jpg[/img:30mbu88g] [url=http&#58;//video&#46;google&#46;com/videosearch?q=revizionizem&amp;sitesearch=:30mbu88g][b:30mbu88g]Revizionisti?ni filmi s slovenskimi podnapisi[/b:30mbu88g][/url:30mbu88g] 30mbu88g WA== 9102ed60766272aa
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1317 0 2 0 1215789278 Jochen Peiper jochen peiper $H$9PCNiZY0vLAK4AlKZZGmZ4GLBry0Wd0 1231786190 0 -36901081824 1231786228 1215789278 1227636298 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2325&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 126ca4681180afd4
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734 0 2 0 1206554340 Auf Ruhr auf ruhr $H$70Pnm58fnoEUItLKgGkotrLFK3bLnU. 1206554340 0 -148962155916 1209236563 1206554340 0 search.php?author_id=734&sr=posts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a850d89ba0ee20db
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1041 1 2 0 1212472078 Optifsattania optifsattania $H$7HusS6QWdAVIH.iNFclixrXX4iu1uD. 1212472078 0 -106452409524 0 1212472078 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212472078 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 427ZSQ c3b60a609ac22819
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305 0 2 0 1201520750 Slovenia_28 slovenia_28 $H$96rcz.9i/vVdVTQ2ZGchAFzi4XWJcz/ 1234274238 0 98250850522 5- 9-1983 1234274584 1201520750 1223899731 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2654 1211889258 0 0 4 0 0 8 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 305_1206635316.jpg 1 68 75 THE ROAD AHEAD IS A HARD ONE, A MANY WARRIORS WE'LL LOSE. BUT THE LONG HARD ROAD TO VICTORY. IS THE ROAD THAT I WILL CHOOSE.... [b:1f4mbm52][size=150:1f4mbm52]SIEG HEILL !!!!!!!![/size:1f4mbm52][/b:1f4mbm52] 1f4mbm52 RA== Slovenija e5b59aea8d19c3ea
253 0 2 0 1201123157 Local-88-Patriot local-88-patriot $H$7KHRSlF4.AhuXg1dgfA1I.Kllo.okY/ 1201123157 0 -158099508419 0- 0- 0 1223235027 1201123157 1207946492 memberlist.php?mode=email&u=171 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1204649848 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2 77 74 -WHITE REVOLUTION, ONLY SOLUTION- 2r7q20n1 =DALMACIJA= 29c1e24f77a4f36d
304 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201520548 Luka luka $H$937qJVnXfZnNkKwr7G4MaO485N1hHd1 1233649277 0 -111562139319 1237054273 1201520548 1236189476 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=187 1235300001 0 0 0 0 0 30 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219053754 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7f5c5888d8066369
2153 0 2 0 1226460574 Hohuyoo025 hohuyoo025 $H$9.oHV8oKIijgvMmtXOU4jcDxYWxcjv/ 1226460574 0 -99053289017 0- 0- 0 1226848982 1226460574 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aoc m1ou4xe2 6565332 9e70a875dd602037
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619 0 2 0 1204543266 Aryan Pride][88][ aryan pride][88][ $H$7bCaafTjmzZcYM8lMfI90y2VjFMKrl0 1204543266 0 -151350230029 27- 5-1989 1205367433 1204543266 0 viewtopic.php?f=94&t=273&_f_=94x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 619_1204544228.jpg 1 50 50 Dit land Zwart vrij hebben, en het Zwart vrij tehouden bcc10d2e8c48e942
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320 0 2 0 1201564840 englishpride englishpride $H$7Ltpezh/Xh/CnHFTzMZZtiIRqyLtMy. 1209418142 0 71318031226 1209418181 1201564840 1207919660 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1144&_f_=75x 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9d2ad5e360a7dc5e
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1840 0 2 0 1221081958 joni1488.. joni1488.. $H$98dOr3dtOv2TbCtpxI0JGdFx1ftPPE. 1221081958 0 -70360983624 1233131305 1221081958 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2c46d4e462e3e15a
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494 0 2 0 1203078568 vidarr80 vidarr80 $H$9/BoH.78bsCSrqSxNHKTzbEIIoMGfP. 1233317912 0 196075454815 1233318312 1203078568 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cb3ccdda7fa491c1
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2204 0 2 0 1227639565 Terrormietze terrormietze $H$9iV6xECunuL6N3PHMEd9tEI4gF1HZU0 1227639565 0 116775630023 1227639865 1227639565 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 688846de630f0726
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773 0 2 0 1207330042 Rahowa1488 rahowa1488 $H$76GrqbpBXO1IbEJpXbmCCm5b7TlCET1 1207330042 0 -11432849718 1207330200 1207330042 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=436&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c54282cc81b2ef93
699 0 2 0 1206124697 Valkyrie88 valkyrie88 $H$702oppbngCiLXbcnEivgvi0ElvGHVv. 1206124697 0 -127944423114 1216748768 1206124697 1206125805 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1K3TCLSUQX 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d441eb1d03b492e9
594 0 2 0 1204187440 Anti-Antifa anti-antifa $H$7LyMrbuIgEfpWQ2cWUOKlzJllRn4JL/ 1204187440 0 -5818447823 1206610810 1204187440 1206608640 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 af937a1772dc27d0
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2222 0 2 0 1227959182 Gjani gjani $H$9tgPIyPZKMtGGWSeJpC7bjXX2n9aZP. 1227959182 0 -121530525621 1227960661 1227959182 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ed63720f3a36c8b2
1941 0 2 0 1222205976 Time of truth time of truth $H$9/WUHQP5c01Gi0dYXdJrr3du73Ek38. 1222205976 0 109296205322 1225193446 1222205976 1222206936 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=989 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 04aa2f1a7eff1c98
530 0 2 0 1203439911 nordland28 nordland28 $H$9tWHhYKuXqIpiyfrlknbMfB08sL6r4/ 1231593540 0 -145195937622 1231594114 1203439911 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1a3155d2551f52c7
1348 1 2 0 1216016867 BetReecefofslipp betreecefofslipp $H$7fxliynwp4MfFdi3OPx//HPtB1LxWH0 1216016867 0 141764614123 0 1216016867 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216016867 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 FXVQ5O ea67dd19e3dabecb
381 0 2 0 1202128525 amigoJorge88 amigojorge88 $H$9z7qI8fzHuvtuFB2uxew6981As3B1z0 1226024089 0 105202907224 5-12-1988 1226024639 1202128525 1212924367 viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1451 1204067943 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 d M Y, H:i 2 0 0 0 1204067946 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 381_1202690427.jpg 1 90 89 ArbeiterKlasse d45js5kz Portugal fb4a65baa98a8608
307 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201525301 whitenproudf whitenproudf $H$9NTmTTwM6uBrQwHuHzcymGTj1eCLYU1 1231351988 0 -51362802428 1236530918 1220553646 1236530910 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&p=20578 1232204946 0 0 0 0 0 50 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224593784 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ad8632b6365a4f5e
303 0 2 0 1201517163 Lokkur lokkur $H$9fsaNrpDEUC57Lo.fgDY8hPju7RszD/ 1232634111 0 -176834748920 1232634256 1201517163 0 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=80&_f_=40x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 32a4b130b28d3919
262 0 2 0 1201199650 wartooth wartooth $H$7rHWkydnPk4m.LqM7wdF23YLCyJeHF. 0 0 143147656324 1213894028 1201199650 1201434695 ucp.php?i=168 1201523848 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3004184644b15db1
1125 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1213358911 Harley harley $H$9ZtWqPSRNd3KlnIASfB3Cl/RLiVQD6. 1233439757 0 37386308826 1237061700 1213358911 1228045994 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=130 1233439857 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1213447160 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ea002a43a2c6828
458 0 2 0 1202759717 AryanSoldier28 aryansoldier28 $H$9IrR3Iifw2gTjD9DBujLJ.3COEfVuO/ 1220950724 0 -5967892425 23- 7-1988 1220984313 1202759717 1207757303 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1924&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1204657868 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Flanders! 6bc89d8ebd457153
388 0 2 0 1202210410 morehairthenbrains morehairthenbrains $H$9AGxFXtDDrwoI7SymV/a2zvdsOQx2H/ 1221150339 0 9999331316 1226775647 1202210410 1225189406 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2354 1209898429 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f11501e3aab00a34
283 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201354269 woden woden $H$9hsLh1/CdJeQL9Ioc0EoYaovEVPNFK0 1233483540 0 28081485219 1236384463 1201354269 1208183802 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3097 3YS1K4LC7W 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6794b82b5f434c3c
263 3 2 005m9rzik0zjzik0xs i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201203001 Captain Scarlet captain scarlet $H$7j8c7vxeeJWY17yAys57uRa56bFR7z. 1211204895 0 -146765310728 0- 0- 0 1212971445 1201203001 1212971260 viewtopic.php?f=77&t=602&_f_=77x MMT4FX51VQ 1211766394 0 0 3 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 4 4 1220344810 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 263_1201538846.jpg 1 88 74 Captain Scarlet will defend the earth and the white Race from all sub human scum and the long reach of the RED menace!! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!-- s`Flag1 --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/NSFlags.pak/KgHDOdea1PPmqHh3e1rx+MzFtVg=.gif" alt="`Flag1" title="Flag1" /><!-- s`Flag1 --> 3t8u8qby Cloud Base Defender of the white race and general allround good guy. 58397X $H$96rPjW/GMfVJ4162TU5N69lSczTn5l/ d6dfc054be65754c
727 0 2 0 1206491454 mangala1488 mangala1488 $H$7I63z6I/74IQT2MePevledO3/4wHAd. 1206491454 0 149902560020 11- 3-1980 1207178919 1206491454 0 ucp.php?i=168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Asheville NC. USA. mangalss88 carpenter my pitt bulls, and my guns. 5494453f676a48e4
491 0 2 0 1203019655 Nille1975 nille1975 $H$71.w77EV99lr9H1TwYW75rfn2wuRn40 1203019655 0 69749373816 1216047004 1203019655 1205572670 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1b8d620ea9852ad1
650 0 2 0 1204938224 Göbbels göbbels $H$9Hjm/v1yf59k7AKA0uZhDgs/Y3hYV9/ 1228955667 0 -82807892724 1234999421 1204938224 1222221145 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2998 1205067672 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1222186528 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6966d84ab09a0c09
2206 0 2 0 1227655811 den_tomaz den_tomaz $H$9qEhYmTWf7D5f/Y6yxHbMIUBZgaUEb. 1227655811 0 -59652789517 1227657446 1227655811 0 viewtopic.php?f=45&t=2275 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ea3eedbee4fe443e
281 0 2 0 1201334033 Anders S anders s $H$7NZ3pCADn.KoLDZddnBQyy0maOyVfl/ 1201334033 0 207759547423 1203066802 1201334033 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=68&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ed17b071092efd9
264 0 2 0 1201204210 Raffles raffles $H$738x.z4buoOnZTaSb0G8mIxaKbvLRl1 1201204210 0 147015157124 1208116393 1201204210 1202852125 viewtopic.php?f=60&t=733&p=4525&_f_=60x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7915db38590b54ec
272 0 2 0 1201261487 Lolle lolle $H$7dOkI5EiL3Z8mZTu3XJzBH99SIioZh1 1201261487 0 148313136421 0 1201261487 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 228f9e9529e4cd71
385 0 2 0 1202156154 pitbullz pitbullz $H$7hHmTZ1UOG7ndEquPv2l9EfUQ6xlH20 1202156154 0 20958396128 1202156661 1202156154 0 search.php?search_id=newposts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9268db3f85be8bc4
479 0 2 0 1202950161 mommybyrd2be mommybyrd2be $H$7du8po3Q0eu0mKGEUQSeYUc1I0a80a0 1202950161 0 3401370819 0 1202950161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0c428570c7c86446
317 0 2 0 1201551990 celticwarrior celticwarrior $H$7BTXNkSKMRpP50sjqK5vpWMN.XJ2tK1 1201551990 0 29436679323 1201655682 1201551990 1201655633 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1201661480 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a154d4befde3b520
433 0 2 0 1202584880 lynncumbria lynncumbria $H$91kKXsDJpDA/DPcZp2lxFyjHHcEYvP. 1221679759 0 -146333053828 1221679853 1202584880 0 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=225&start=10&_f_=4x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4170ded070d46983
628 0 3 0 1204622770 Utagrd utagrd $H$70PN.PHZaq5MWI34rQSpfdnC8fHIXe1 1204622770 0 -79414512419 0 1204622770 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1CKYD7 0dcf9a34692b5a7f
488 0 2 0 1203005761 kaiser88 kaiser88 $H$7GvHvciUJjwEMPWN8leOb536HtQiQG0 1203005761 0 187011777422 1203007000 1203005761 1203006281 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=454&_f_=115x 1203006294 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7aadbbc79b4afc93
265 0 2 0 1201207311 beowolf_357 beowolf_357 $H$9rSyDqB/iRO21BDkkFZan7Zlo5UjWd1 1220582773 0 -106071803423 1220760709 1201207311 1220583532 viewforum.php?f=4&_f_=4x 1220716635 0 0 2 0 0 2 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1220583658 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 291b159f7ce3303e
290 0 3 0 1201389707 28Bohemia 28bohemia $H$7e/QHueU99xDBMSA3d9V3R.ed8AQ9B/ 1216032520 0 -184394712819 1216033856 1201389707 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1056&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20&_f_=75x 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ANQPZ ed56a48499a2d7c1
410 0 2 0 1202397607 blackshirts1488 blackshirts1488 $H$9P0FTUG7QpQkl2Qhz9NmDPVtLPQVsO1 1228394937 0 161044512526 1228397370 1202397607 0 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 056a5bd136e14234
266 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201207572 whitr rider whitr rider $H$9/7pbP2KgXOGO8jhc5Q2a9Uu3dYTy/0 1234127527 0 31045158918 1236635799 1201207572 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 115a72d719079504
2409 0 2 0 1231797874 ssnick21 ssnick21 $H$9Qj99fpKNlVLYokNlLdWegHiYg5X1b/ 1231797874 0 41680850529 6- 7-1987 1234806738 1231797874 1233862026 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2933 2FX6SGGCUN 1233767388 0 0 0 0 0 36 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233767535 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Peterborough, England 8733b25693cb58bb
2138 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1225907119 assaSSin assassin $H$9SykxYYB38slypeYO/Z72OfmkPVRde/ 1233773651 0 117406883015 0- 0- 0 1236890603 1225907119 1236459659 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=2827 1232568959 0 0 0 0 0 44 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232657621 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2138_1235949652.jpg 1 70 70 Volksfornt Supporter Club UK <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> [img:2x7cszis]http&#58;//www&#46;volksfrontinternational&#46;com/images/supporterbanner&#46;jpg[/img:2x7cszis] 2x7cszis CA== London area b349f41c3a3230df
267 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201208721 tiago600 tiago600 $H$9dOgpKY0ktOEOS5cHbx6IH.iVCtJBM1 1229182227 0 -84594975218 1236524295 1201208721 0 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1960debb1fc31f2f
268 0 2 0 1201211941 SthrnHate sthrnhate $H$72D6CRwHrr0Mwl0UzodEeNjmxK4zoC0 1201211941 0 -154845436219 1201212011 1201211941 0 viewforum.php?f=2&_f_=2x 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5ID9UY $H$7tfFMQbpmszbxA6.NOB5WZDtcdl7nP1 f9049084b1f6391e
383 0 2 0 1202141812 SthrnHateNC sthrnhatenc $H$7q1PYVkyrkTMz0qyYqTCnaaOe.nV9Z/ 1202141812 0 -45036348018 1202672816 1202141812 1202221167 posting.php?mode=reply&f=2&t=310&_f_=2x 2H56KHQY4R 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 89591984e874e8b4
269 0 2 0 1201221457 ray ray $H$7MDeRSzBXeLsKdyTUIsyzhxuq/TsUP/ 1201221457 0 127645634224 1203440428 1201221457 0 search.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43e2c3757c09b1e0
1326 1 2 0 1215861687 mskalis mskalis $H$7FnBUrB8jRFAplIlqRQ/BKnFSGNtGY1 1215861687 0 151923162220 0 1215861687 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215861687 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4U3VW7 6cf763c973ae3f4c
437 0 2 0 1202595291 097 097 $H$7wL4WlgerUYDUVEbxHrHwGusUYy0Z90 1202595291 0 67352082920 1202744174 1202595291 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=315&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fd4e12e38b483cbb
270 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201239291 Deathsquad deathsquad $H$9fv618odDpkHyMI3nuAMNVsKFrwM/R. 1233418712 0 -109342527721 1236970360 1201239291 1233421651 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3060 1230242339 0 0 0 0 0 32 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1205478996 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5e071fc960e2a3a3
717 0 2 0 1206384214 KVZ kvz $H$7G9itIGw1CSv8xD8w.i6uQuo28iiKh. 1218747596 0 -57097500913 1218748828 1206384214 1209067449 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3N36ZB $H$9LBa1kqKtMWf1T.S4bICTPYgCrtDG6/ b1c6415fdab3db5f
444 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1202675198 whiteblade88 whiteblade88 $H$ 1229812449 0 -122260019916 27- 3-1973 1237040438 1202675198 1228512533 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=3089&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221075886 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2 51 90 Midlands Chef Family, SUFC, Carp Fishing, 8d499c76246a7b15
707 0 2 0 1206264238 terrorteam_bg terrorteam_bg $H$7X/4ZIZ/6.wSXgtMcJsP5XNRB.dju60 1206264238 0 -97435693719 1213634756 1206264238 0 viewforum.php?f=52&_f_=52x 1207313874 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 758f645e7184e041
359 0 2 0 1201831754 limepit88 limepit88 $H$9N/0OOBuDiOpijgMbm.Sz691FRL9HV/ 1226130414 0 -45573570021 1226130419 1201831754 1217218597 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1203661091 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cac2c0ef2d520c9d
457 0 2 0 1202742416 Gosvald gosvald $H$7f1o4sBhZiAP6aDsCSLwF4UeKD52ey/ 1218290328 0 158096725817 1218290548 1202742416 1203627681 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=568&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=38x 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9e63fc9cb8f0ad4c
1091 0 2 0 1212947313 Aixskin88 aixskin88 $H$7Zc7DJv2zWfH6t3l0diAFGF8eIoYem/ 1212947313 0 58880322518 1214261273 1212947313 1213807593 search.php?keywords=antipatik&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aa7b465c76b6d1bb
358 0 2 0 1201829314 AntiNegro UK antinegro uk $H$75SGgRR5tBm9T3VwWwA9jJ6npSJ0T61 1212264790 0 96893165227 0- 0- 0 1214619137 1201829314 1214618833 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=31&p=3464&_f_=4x 1214467195 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 358_1201829997.gif 1 89 66 UK Cleanser(ethnic) Smashing reds, killing paki`s etc... a1da5315f89975f0
297 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201461118 unit-28 unit-28 $H$9P8Y9AJeOaiq4X8uA0rOzMgeflJ.RI0 1236949476 0 151964380824 1236982084 1201461118 1236951765 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3117 1234969296 0 0 0 0 0 217 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236861689 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ce55b5fa1b6868df
1265 1 2 0 1215157708 trastuso trastuso $H$7McTpZmLW3xcDlZz0l3G.qeowI.dwv/ 1215157708 0 174913223820 0 1215157708 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215157708 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4GF377 eab845b2e869e0d8
712 0 2 0 1206302435 hater hater $H$7KdiyL5ZwhUSzabI1OSXHRO4Nie8oW/ 1215377337 0 -62521170013 1221896667 1206302435 1206558472 viewtopic.php?f=77&t=1948 3W9NTWBXZV 1220426200 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 42c6bd346cdc202d
298 0 2 0 1201467066 WhiteMan whiteman $H$94zaPclxziJDS.mL6vc3Kkhp8y/bTE0 0 0 81436216619 0- 0- 0 1225995321 1201467066 0 viewtopic.php?f=124&t=1368&_f_=124x 1207597676 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a304519cec9284c7
2401 0 2 0 1231691095 ippolyth-GR ippolyth-gr $H$9egq6CLTOU0TBMM1QRIqErDQDpTvLo. 1231691095 0 203902527424 1231691455 1231691095 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5eba8172594ca399
1033 0 2 0 1212422344 oi skinhead92 oi skinhead92 $H$7yfQOO3A7VR4Zs3PvdoLvDklPoIEMM1 1212422344 0 173040291329 0 1212422344 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d42549b4217d4a8c
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719 0 2 0 1206388860 Ragnarok.Fanzine ragnarok.fanzine $H$7vtYSoQ3vY.c8QBgoqq40bYhHUTjWw/ 1206388860 0 162555392228 1209551713 1206388860 1207729355 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=1680&_f_=0x 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207730488 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 49efc6a3ed01aef0
1307 1 2 0 1215708272 mayor koing mayor koing $H$75X0/FQJS9jVwb/lwTpLXP1yF/v9Ew0 1215708272 0 84353099022 0 1215708272 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215708272 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2NCW7R bbfc35eb06fe7d45
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300 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201499106 Frank frank $H$9AdTcp1B3E12nw8KrIo0EqVHaegz2m1 1233804182 0 -24772369121 1236556442 1236556442 1234844045 index.php?hash=2dbd1d8c&mark=forums 1219774691 0 0 0 0 0 10 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 0 0 1212464571 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b5c783ffa9fd2828
1890 0 2 0 1221622395 chrismo chrismo $H$9yFhOxJTcRGLK6CC.fZdL8EZPLWIy2. 1221622395 0 160180008520 1221623662 1221622395 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 585a01ea7fa53634
604 0 2 0 1204311702 limburgunderground limburgunderground $H$7nWTyGSkt8pDETqCe4pKzAUTehjUuS0 1213197434 0 184865477515 1219152140 1204311702 1217714809 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=988&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=26x 3P499HLSO7 1217714028 0 0 0 0 0 28 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1209812213 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80c025c57cb116e2
2007 0 2 0 1223306575 za_mi za_mi $H$9VYWU2146YDDRZs378RELykrV9DX2L1 1223306575 0 115698520423 1223556739 1223306575 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5406531d1cd23420
434 0 2 0 1202587741 gothboi30 gothboi30 $H$7uM12yAlk29029y4T1vkwGt9/Wb9Ma/ 1214988823 0 111975117319 1214993779 1202587741 1202590454 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=47&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0bffa3d9aaaddb54
1163 0 2 0 1213876634 fata fata $H$97HE.gfOmDljqDyXeRbpBiN0iqANki1 1223902565 0 -109501379116 1223903047 1213876634 0 viewforum.php?f=75&_f_=75x 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b3817378facd2c8b
369 0 2 0 1202032594 OziCro88 ozicro88 $H$77Vl5mXBMqC/wVMWLeDGu9zbTbTrKG/ 1212620246 0 73974442618 1212620428 1202032594 1206327114 viewforum.php?f=24&_f_=24x 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 53cd48c45e1d3d52
370 0 2 0 1202037638 Langemarck langemarck $H$77crb.BtQBM.9DczLMeCWBxqMFWyAK. 1202038422 0 -75525399125 28- 9-1974 1206435460 1202037638 1206273126 ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 2 1222572058 0 -3 1206273241 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Limburg 09653fce5dbad26c
322 0 2 0 1201572027 rundal88 rundal88 $H$7eNHVwmNhI4DmrC5zgvD9htQNLSmj31 1201572027 0 188008161425 1201644966 1201572027 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9b7cfa4777a76768
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354 0 2 0 1201798360 Erik White erik white $H$7Y5yypVrPUVD6J7a3kQ8uXCOma0a6l. 1201798360 0 -198496335324 1201798469 1201798360 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e84710d83b3b737d
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344 0 2 0 1201707195 gansske gansske $H$9ydKNfJrbdNcAFYhn8Q0KkCk7jh/az1 1224184102 0 177102008319 27-11-1988 1227288277 1201707195 1227288190 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=38&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80b387df04e06ee6
631 0 2 0 1204658695 Outlaw88 outlaw88 $H$7WfLMJP2E799zsV/2agF6EG0jqZjyZ1 1204658695 0 102361079417 1209855640 1204658695 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4e716c429332025e
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659 0 2 0 1205226277 concernedkiwi concernedkiwi $H$7T3x225cR0fNAQZp4143em0A3hjlpG1 1213642213 0 149263840323 1213642280 1205226277 1212206599 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=304&_f_=34x 1HIMEF1JSP 1207646596 0 0 6 0 0 18 en 12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1fc6b0539cc9f086
506 0 2 0 1203200649 Doutor Martins doutor martins $H$7YGbkbhTqQeU3AlsBrewQjS4/.3Dll0 1211048718 0 -126359377420 0- 0-1988 1216246836 1203200649 1214838815 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=203 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1213293426 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 506_1203201618.jpg 1 75 75 &quot;Existem os que desejam saber e os que preferem crer&quot; - [b:3mup5s1n]Nietzsche[/b:3mup5s1n] 3mup5s1n QA== Portugal Sou uma pessoa muito ocupada ... mas não sou interesseiro 80221d6bba71c7e3
762 0 2 0 1207165863 wewelsburg18 wewelsburg18 $H$7nYJn5bfEY.Jy/dtwkupH1FcKzfcHM0 1207165863 0 82790242123 1207173917 1207165863 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1298c31b3d926a72
646 0 2 0 1204897130 justa_skinhead justa_skinhead $H$7nHswYxOqYMQOAkdS2j5BS5SoJrc2B. 1204897130 0 155188612424 1204897707 1204897130 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 619143235f61f05c
507 0 2 0 1203213729 yope yope $H$7hEDTHBzyN6Zd78tck997pctHoOo9J/ 1203213729 0 7114262616 1203214211 1203213729 0 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=151&_f_=33x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ff9741cbcef54b76
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324 0 2 0 1201598850 enzuk enzuk $H$9uTTqMJvq0xc0BM2Jos6CirrJMX4c1/ 1230695722 0 -212650835919 1232878109 1201598850 1202816218 viewforum.php?f=3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d7bcaea9e731c0ae
352 0 2 0 1201792448 siegfried siegfried $H$7nb6NlqqdVeowm8yFYlfmYH8abecLh0 1201792448 0 199335545421 1202411156 1201792448 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 660f12762227f614
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326 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201603973 headcase headcase $H$9Vnf5zNayUlbHeeXET.ZZeVdpyZ3Xy0 1233521981 0 35724457523 1236970025 1201603973 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0c8de209cea4e836
484 0 2 0 1202990983 Katjusa katjusa $H$7.PuUFr2bo1YkD7td6KM95gYr7.g7R1 1202990983 0 -196170967420 3- 2-1988 1228299952 1202990983 0 viewforum.php?f=38&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Kranj b91700fa44797ada
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460 0 2 0 1202776489 Nexion nexion $H$9KSBERsLGv3oS7yfRRad1gsXwFpMI30 1218995267 0 84496325214 1219877114 1202776489 1219877109 viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1836&_f_=36x 1214510860 0 0 3 0 0 35 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1220410007 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 381bbab837e8c39f
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1298 0 2 0 1215601255 hail-blood&amp;honour hail-blood&amp;honour $H$71gMFo75OqWcmsLmYw9686EtJXOdfz1 0 0 -128673049325 18- 6-1991 1228319843 1215601255 1223059816 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=5109 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1223061180 0 -3 1218892352 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 28/88!!!soilders of the right proud to be white!!!14/88 1dsa4q48 new miltion dorset chef blood&amp;honour,football,music,cooking,drinking beer!! ab94fbfbf9b03f4c
1290 1 2 0 1215474545 zarkakoy zarkakoy $H$7CmAwvvWTUSd4jiZS.ogohcIedEOE21 1215474545 0 -101836547618 0 1215474545 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215474545 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3KDQ4X 8ccae06762116ba6
1644 1 2 0 1218830893 fatbloke fatbloke $H$7NPQVgxMuKhx5qCEwSPpxgAVTAAXsM. 1218830893 0 -45847641925 0 1218830893 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218830893 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3W9AUO 1279ff95d340da9a
1123 1 2 0 1213311280 gothupp gothupp $H$7mwVIIbp/PF7AT4su82xlpMGFEy1LS1 1213311280 0 19399291617 0 1213311280 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213311280 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 TDM6E5 ce4933aae276e4f3
1119 0 2 0 1213279960 Slavonski ustaša slavonski ustaša $H$748tqa0ndC.unsTQv25T1pUBzvqS2R. 0 0 -43950968029 26- 9-1990 1231003461 1213279960 1215593468 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1119_1213280511.jpg 1 90 52 NDH Osijek Ja sam hrvatski nacionalist, dakle ustaša. Politika, žene 35189cc39893d628
441 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1202664169 gregorygp gregorygp $H$9ZmJ4C1hcmBEaWJQXYprVYJ3CH7c/0. 1230318011 0 -71960802625 1236384492 1202664169 1211398476 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3033 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9b5f0a1deeda0d5f
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408 0 2 0 1202381517 SC1302 sc1302 $H$9v9ssiRZXgd36NppV4GVqG10cjBtT8. 1231579317 0 -162687633825 1231579414 1202381517 1213194386 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2097&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 1209809451 0 0 4 0 0 8 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1213205147 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f17c37b4714fc5d6
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447 0 2 0 1202697903 Outlaw outlaw $H$7oqOhEwNGBOBojPwkgxOasMHsXTolO1 1202697903 0 -54734032925 1202770522 1202697903 0 viewforum.php?f=13&_f_=13x 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f1d92408d5917dc7
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405 0 2 0 1202332469 Tormac tormac $H$7lDPqVDnpKVgzvs6FwBcwop4bferoD/ 1202332469 0 38114511317 1221429580 1202332469 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ab9a20b03f8fe2f6
378 0 2 0 1202097305 sardon sardon $H$7JS9rTYBeMSHJ4Q./fDrQWY49qmIMH. 1202097305 0 -129949808323 1220489931 1202097305 1202799116 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7ada00ef5d08643b
1378 1 2 0 1216434831 ecimic ecimic $H$7mJAh7Bx.cS6ht8hPa9U7Z4CpC/Em6. 1216434831 0 191696712421 0 1216434831 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216434831 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 MKLMLE 38d6453367aa416d
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751 0 2 0 1206876556 Disrespect disrespect $H$70e8/VnYHM4z5nEEHJzS1c44Qh8dw2. 1206876556 0 -5382872418 1206877949 1206876556 0 viewtopic.php?f=94&t=719&_f_=94x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9ed378a09a943cd7
379 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1202105962 BLOOD&amp;HONOUR.NZ blood&amp; $H$9TKIH7gAdozU22KqoQtM3P0DWLqAYh/ 1236989646 0 -82821839926 1236989931 1202105962 1215241650 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1611&_f_=34x 1203808450 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1215076054 0 -3 1205387189 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ad40a1b3762b7896
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438 0 2 0 1202638673 TMF828 tmf828 $H$7wEyYbWpMIyCBU1AXB64gJiZYOCPby. 1202638673 0 214122451428 6-10-1959 1208511293 1202638673 1202678411 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1005&_f_=4x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 438_1202639381.jpg 1 80 80 Lake St louis, Missouri Security and Loss Prevention f0ea94093225054e
368 0 2 0 1202019306 Babssg babssg $H$9QFDHS/4F3Xee/gMRqpO3yaYDRhOjb1 1227162144 0 -52412725125 11-10-1982 1233815994 1202019306 1233387679 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2845 2ZT9O7YGAN 1233815989 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1202138432 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 368_1202109356.gif 1 64 64 One day to, i may fall. I will entre odins hall. I wil die sword in hand. My name and my deeds will scorch the lands. 3m425mp2 Rotterdam Housewife/mother my child, ww2, cars and truck ,fishing and my snakes. 766baedc9582b669
334 0 2 0 1201648862 Siggi siggi $H$9ljdXTPhs7B.8pll3TM6fonqRUhNov0 1228516055 0 -203703506729 1235065440 1201648862 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1329&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 be75de591e5c3c76
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1179 1 2 0 1214071516 effervext effervext $H$7NeciNg9MET4lVfqZMm9hSuC2cIeq8. 1214071516 0 94483797124 0 1214071516 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214071516 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2EUF4G 61e01fcdd48abb52
331 0 2 0 1201633388 carl88 carl88 $H$9xwfEKMWPlhen5XLXS7MvrF.UG6eSw1 1221226228 0 172695530016 1221226491 1201633388 1202240197 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5913277279421725
419 0 2 0 1202489308 Zakky zakky $H$7hlCOt9Ot8Bg.wJG1T7Rd0oZSpDq5y0 1202489308 0 -168964581921 1202490046 1202489308 0 search.php?keywords=aarschot&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 1202489955 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 020b1fd3fe3ab54a
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372 0 2 0 1202058909 Ninja88 ninja88 $H$7TXFpmR3sEPBH7rUuA/b/PLN97bXHS. 0 0 -211535691022 1223848374 1202058909 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 58ff24961cb8e305
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705 0 2 0 1206202610 Terrorkorps terrorkorps $H$78KkLGm.hCekuJS7JWihkSI3zWr5Pf/ 1206202610 0 -189774249117 1211577207 1206202610 0 viewtopic.php?f=37&t=798&_f_=37x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 88c4f4574f8cb246
574 0 3 0 1203853208 strongerthanbe4 strongerthanbe4 $H$72VKF7YmDRWE1l.AHKcrqjQd/QeYzl. 1203853208 0 -67046446720 0 1203853208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 532RJ1 45c9ca342f7c29d6
540 0 2 0 1203504127 triso88 triso88 $H$75/tHsGN0ev8uE7AO0ot76zT4SSBHj/ 1212673024 0 -45775650729 1212673108 1203504127 0 search.php?keywords=bordelboys&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 75c1beaa4208b924
332 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201639202 Loki28 loki28 $H$9INOjA/ugEJmgB865h7rMGC3H8C85R1 1229619280 0 144012321026 1236690715 1201639202 1234816113 index.php 3CQECVPSE7 1210771211 0 0 0 0 0 26 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1226427912 0 -3 1214155233 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b48fe20e28f0e84d
684 0 2 0 1206009673 braunebruder braunebruder $H$79hJ9nQCAS32hP/QTA9.cNSUsL06fk. 0 0 -155502691422 1222520285 1206009673 1219941359 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ea2a2b8856324ac
496 0 2 0 1203094440 5ra88 5ra88 $H$9gT1yh.hJ/MkCATBxju2aW25b0ltff/ 1228317438 0 80403731724 1228318029 1203094440 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=241&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0ade2339dd43cbb6
350 0 2 0 1201776422 Cernunnos cernunnos $H$7jaw6yOF6kQkFYvJPyUehHXaIQfD/y. 1201776422 0 -130862834522 1211982344 1201776422 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1b99cced8b3d58ca
333 0 2 0 1201640842 VALKYRIA828 valkyria828 $H$9jVQj3Ae9yCUZKoNp8P4I00Wni.sxX. 0 0 153875635622 1232468922 1201640842 1222713641 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cc71c019c32a7de6
2442 0 2 0 1232474772 manulla manulla $H$9jcahZanNMRuAt7tobv0QqQdxj8fj8. 1232474772 0 194749695119 1235342233 1232474772 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2399 1232476578 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 12be57bf3d311675
549 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1203612056 stokeybacon stokeybacon $H$9EwqVag850DqIIRKkWOjnsYqrm13u90 1231157651 0 -114212245826 0- 0- 0 1237032580 1203612056 1236767001 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=263 1232028250 0 0 0 0 0 41 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1227192930 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 S-O-T at collage but i fix pitbikes and get them running shooting fishing gaming music . blood and honour f34bf510521c0300
2255 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1228647564 Doktor14 doktor14 $H$9Nq.aIauhfvsKBy7HWYsg8jUdxJzsh0 1236476008 0 208174670619 1236900737 1228647564 1236541894 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=174 1236900732 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1236900402 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 780ed76393f416ec
2256 1 2 0 1228659788 010Binnenlander 010binnenlander $H$9Xi3rrcqTPxZLOP0A21trZr1hkLg/.1 1228659788 0 -95871676322 0 1228659788 0 0 0 0 0 1 1228659788 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2V1Q2M 4b724ef57c045175
2257 0 2 0 1228666115 DZ86 dz86 $H$9j6rOuIDoUW7onCQP9.1NrV2odzWgr. 1228666115 0 15536704825 1228668758 1228666115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 84ce1b3ac23a8415
2233 0 2 0 1228139911 lincalonca lincalonca $H$9TAOK.oOH8ZKt0ta8dM0vTwsKTpCjO. 1228139911 0 80282557623 1228846574 1228139911 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2fa01467f8585461
483 0 2 0 1202973684 neo nazi neo nazi $H$7OHS0FeamyiFEIgs0GylSD.n8HJ.VO. 1202973684 0 -202412205624 1202974574 1202973684 0 index.php 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1202974570 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43b21db7569c974f
524 0 2 0 1203426877 zvonchica88 zvonchica88 $H$7fmO3frtw58rLEYsgNNZuOgmcFbRMr1 1203426877 0 -160305202518 1206196388 1203426877 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 28f3b34900e3edb5
1291 1 2 0 1215503538 wori?e worice $H$7h/3hHOaNZ3oRLzl8nobkSYXYF9HBX1 1215503538 0 82922453517 0 1215503538 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215503538 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4X1CSA a456643fb5cc4de1
1302 0 2 0 1215629676 santy25 santy25 $H$7f.zy2wKs3b0v6Xm4KrekBopZ.VQwz/ 1215629676 0 96555556624 1216388475 1215629676 0 faq.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 631e28178d2fd45f
430 0 2 0 1202520406 Billy Wood billy wood $H$7YA6tXo013CfKYXMSmtLV6N5j7dw1Z1 1213373713 0 -200041510722 1215359843 1202520406 1202530903 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fee1fb9d8bbee668
680 0 2 0 1205958884 blindwolf blindwolf $H$7LynMBTcfl2Eog5hJ5DmS8ms/OZJB3/ 1205958884 0 180289454423 1213885163 1205958884 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ceeac730f679c6d7
672 0 3 0 1205595145 MM_Brazil mm_brazil $H$7fNMDY5YmzkhToP29QzmV9fpglROuV1 1205595145 0 -178564719424 0 1205595145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3OGP1Y 5b2a14afc87795bc
490 0 2 0 1203018444 White_Crusader white_crusader $H$7DJbspYGXzhFuXvL9FB4S8DNvqdR4o/ 1203018444 0 191249121524 1203018674 1203018444 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=329&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ede209368b071552
1282 1 2 0 1215318216 entigngloro entigngloro $H$7clBi32O9Ef/HIWWhkZZMz/ZOB7KPU/ 1215318216 0 -173131818519 0 1215318216 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215318216 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 496H8I adb772f9cff71058
335 0 2 0 1201660029 wimmetje wimmetje $H$7CorN3R8GeKwxJaPe3js1NOKuxpnFT1 1201660029 0 -9314369220 1201660051 1201660029 0 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=151&_f_=33x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 39f82fcac8fbe9ad
387 0 2 0 1202207057 nathan28 nathan28 $H$7Zrpkp7AAUZRgm25BbwfJbiaE0YVjf1 1202207057 0 -187067750726 1202301891 1202207057 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1202207596 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a67ce9202727fdea
642 0 2 0 1204815765 skingirlbex1488 skingirlbex1488 $H$9rlJD9huc.2gmj4nLRE/Yf9xyKC8Lh. 1233760851 0 50550709927 1234457501 1204815765 1222359230 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2843 1221859457 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1EZBGB $H$9yJDGa7c/GsNAwp.AIsji38Q8rYGe6/ 8b8e8ffaed637f6a
336 0 2 0 1201661606 thorson thorson $H$9t9phLhVciKHvjQ33vLll45qyI2d5W0 1233792244 0 158887843622 1233800820 1201661606 1206140870 viewtopic.php?f=64&t=1835 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1181593b3b01056b
721 0 2 0 1206399093 Invictus invictus $H$9OwAfzYyJ3.IlooKsw32.ANZY8p8NP1 1226752294 0 -27452449016 29-11-1977 1226752647 1206399093 1226752516 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=886&_f_=2x 1211634090 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 721_1206399335.jpg 1 90 90 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;enationalist&#46;com/forum:3olnb8lt]eNationalist[/url:3olnb8lt] 3olnb8lt EA== White Earth 9620824e8fce77ba
337 0 2 0 1201661621 celticwarrior83 celticwarrior83 $H$9wgGU2DVatIOZbu/mj5kN6MmvXDdLU0 1228354330 0 5473100824 1235067862 1201661621 1234309052 viewforum.php?f=101 1233800445 0 0 0 0 0 14 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233800645 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cb1766de102015ba
356 0 2 0 1201811437 PublicEnemy28 publicenemy28 $H$9i1GxjTn55h.jvHrUxNjyHHBBzxTSt. 1221160846 0 -45950596226 1225804288 1201811437 1223991983 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1731&start=40 1223991989 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1221598179 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9a3abb539707c648
371 0 2 0 1202052564 ravenwingss ravenwingss $H$7/SZfGeM5uQwe5jg4O2w7kYrmdR/480 1210268683 0 94773826222 1210268906 1202052564 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c25de4bae647cea7
338 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201667712 BH-SF bh-sf $H$9XOrdcFaT2UDtlFt4OOUT8Xq/RoE050 1234208413 0 147701154823 1236673887 1201667712 1213866652 viewtopic.php?f=124&t=3088 1217591850 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4e14d0bec6072b90
493 0 2 0 1203066421 Rudolf rudolf $H$7U6D509C9VowmmPK4sn7hRG2lmgnc.1 1203066421 0 -108782023411 1210925357 1203066421 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 01596908af929a60
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365 0 2 0 1201979866 Vengeance vengeance $H$75tbt.2EFS/UnuuqZOOTDQlM074sip1 1209950022 0 -53855911322 1209950180 1201979866 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1075&_f_=71x 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fd8097ac795b4ff9
1360 0 2 0 1216198727 Stuka1488 stuka1488 $H$9tcMRg1LOvFyRcXL.qr.D9QDJCvuAj. 1224441564 0 179728424728 1234592612 1216198727 1223085419 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 506f507c39f8359f
2364 0 2 0 1231004857 vbrcic vbrcic $H$91mtWQahFafAjyOfgH4kRFexSbXU1F. 1231004857 0 64940257916 1232256265 1231004857 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4c8615b2b1c02c99
450 0 2 0 1202719199 Big River big river $H$7gRX3o/PSAHizGkwqxFdeG74ON18oR/ 1217543239 0 99341321626 1217547725 1202719199 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=436&_f_=71x 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3bc324e079b17cfd
478 0 2 0 1202939818 drejko drejko $H$7aTdD5KhS4HwkBcKyXxqRbwEeH9mWb/ 1202939818 0 -57345901826 1204211476 1202939818 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=597&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 478_1203182156.jpg 1 89 89 e2ce07139174330e
363 0 2 0 1201973644 Bunker84 bunker84 $H$9R0wNBKfCT9MWGNTa3cy6KnlZ9DZ/b0 1221231173 0 -69432577814 0- 0- 0 1221231200 1201973644 1217922145 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 4J8G3RI6S7 1209925225 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1218303555 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Poland 72882c9d3169d51e
347 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201731184 ReichnRoll88 reichnroll88 $H$7BPN4mhERP5by38QBiG7OaHRekBKMg/ 1201731184 0 -4132609222 1236825687 1201731184 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a85b9f37e36f2d37
339 0 2 0 1201696242 Perkele perkele $H$9k87lXqoMoXl0/tVLro5s.Ph.lj6J91 1229962981 0 -70074292722 1235812205 1204569866 1230293332 index.php 1Y9G512WG2 1230302630 0 0 0 0 0 39 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234115798 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4KGIJJ $H$7l8M1etA2DnYTuoQcwl3wxSwRdOsj./ 27110e088a1c5764
505 0 2 0 1203185263 Domoljub domoljub $H$7IBWgBayf4LeWtEkUhRiTIf02sGs4J. 1203185263 0 10411627118 1203510151 1203185263 0 viewtopic.php?f=95&t=376&_f_=95x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9ea2cc9541351085
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340 0 2 0 1201699198 patrick bateman patrick bateman $H$9G0ybHSX/5rMLJSb6LySa4R0m/NMXu. 1228774659 0 213918449722 1231095836 1201699198 1218980956 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2025&start=10 1KZX33W7JA 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 0 0 1202513851 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c89b2f1e975ff2ea
386 0 2 0 1202194409 RazY razy $H$7h/4ct4fFyrAqPkmOQvXdWGiD5V37Y/ 1211992142 0 -209518271118 1211992963 1202194409 1202194601 viewforum.php?f=38&_f_=38x 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 367d9ae055722b6d
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735 0 2 0 1206563029 Kallo kallo $H$9iiAFaj2a9Ip3nZ/qqWK6iB7ST6tbX. 1231458873 0 -161001037317 1233212140 1206563029 0 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&author_id=1971&start=10 1233212075 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 893843d8f3278f2b
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343 0 3 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1201706134 cervik88 cervik88 $H$9B0fhVPz/g.mLme0lbgQiH1PoKQvya. 1234718742 0 142538018818 1236647753 1201706134 1236647505 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1913 1235515520 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b8c1ae367d11771d
345 0 2 0 1201715992 WhitEye whiteye $H$76K0W0M.tWgVP9ld5pocqg2hbGJ5gn/ 1210189686 0 -125564987021 1215599246 1201715992 1211625808 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1208281863 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bf9e601776d56916
366 0 2 0 1201991053 Gianni88 gianni88 $H$9/w1/s75WWQF4efgnml1GoqLXJh5791 1233440256 0 90746940425 5- 3-1992 1233613417 1201991053 1233613241 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=759&start=30 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1203533340 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Roeselare ijshockey, ns 335ea9f53f8ec650
1076 1 2 0 1212755599 fleerceta fleerceta $H$7jxzvABXfGvn96egqGtKG0aR4A92rC1 1212755599 0 -192562877025 0 1212755599 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212755599 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2L5IAN 11c8dc503c99a820
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622 0 2 0 1204572269 mitchel mitchel $H$7anKCkQvLzhZobqT4oXjB8qHwmqDfN. 1217875213 0 -43882811328 27-10-1991 1217876731 1204572269 1209670688 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=12&_f_=12x 1ULVJO27KL 1206718122 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 belgium (west-vlaanderen) 5a8fd9d7d42ae494
763 0 2 0 1207170654 Niederdonau niederdonau $H$7Xw8upWjXuEK5T41SPaQFmZ.Dh6ZtR. 1207170654 0 171912667220 1207172198 1207170654 0 memberlist.php?first_char=w&mode= 1207171926 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56fdc3a1c0d2bf3f
393 0 2 0 1202238081 scorpio88 scorpio88 $H$7E5Zm2GIfio1VhVoAADdBYSM2M/yQi. 1210699004 0 -99996324923 1210844990 1202238081 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1009&_f_=26x 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d57687cc8885e50e
495 0 2 0 1203084277 14Miller88 14miller88 $H$7EEwiXjmE8nKSOQwoRkIQdZnVx9pFq. 1203084277 0 82883118522 1203084345 1203084277 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d256004ab066064b
394 0 2 0 1202242956 vmmo vmmo $H$7srSAmy58N1IurK22ZlAOWB5ddRFOd/ 1202242956 0 52692493611 1202244165 1202242956 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=236&_f_=24x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6d7a82e0ec3e4b75
1342 1 2 0 1215983586 whitescotblood whitescotblood $H$7fSY69vmxXlZlybSpeKLEon4qi3thH1 1215983586 0 -39608280125 0 1215983586 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215983586 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 CJVV8B 0aced95b218f29a9
681 0 2 0 1205961474 MC_Stojan_BG mc_stojan_bg $H$7s5qNKJIjwcNRwvFHEcQUxfP18IU9R/ 1214620910 0 62564086117 0- 0- 0 1214620972 1205961474 1208204607 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=836&start=30&_f_=121x 1214620935 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1208205744 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [b:1gen6wkf]?? ????? ????????![/b:1gen6wkf] [img:1gen6wkf]http&#58;//www&#46;banskobuildingcompany&#46;com/img/gerb1&#46;gif[/img:1gen6wkf] 1gen6wkf SA== Plovdiv 331033c2b4c954ab
667 0 2 0 1205456775 Mariosaa mariosaa $H$7byXLq.6r7ds.kf41I9tZ7y3ubv9hn1 1205456775 0 -115690128617 1205457501 1205456775 0 viewtopic.php?f=35&t=356&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=35x 1205456909 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bccabdf6776d2ab3
499 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1203162627 bolloxx bolloxx $H$9S4iGGSRzZmX1lIwwp0iG5qlhzOEAX1 1230301880 0 92491143517 1236931218 1203162627 0 viewtopic.php?f=123&t=2651 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 74b7f38cbf94421a
1928 0 2 0 1222097984 Kranjcan28 kranjcan28 $H$9etknzqYJsItUyQM677LnLXKBxqbFm. 1222097984 0 -104273921918 1222354661 1222097984 1222100186 viewforum.php?f=38 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d3a2911934dae207
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428 0 2 0 1202511084 kruger828 kruger828 $H$75/XEXxClschWVIwhevyX8Y4jDJAxw. 1202511084 0 180924607521 1208174999 1202511084 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d7c1a5e060138648
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1517 1 2 0 1217724241 freevideoa freevideoa $H$7esuQxg1rixWaVHo3KnapgzAdD/oIe. 1217724241 0 85115395720 0 1217724241 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217724241 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4XX58I c87e4d10c76c20dc
697 0 2 0 1206122337 X-iter x-iter $H$9UT/n5CjcQ9CFwRklNOptSoBXJoqQK. 1218400568 0 -146316098516 1220950193 1206122337 1206122518 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=1189&_f_=121x 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b51e0f0e9e7656a2
396 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1202264768 whitehammer whitehammer $H$9itPIiTevkdujYaPBKyOUr5YcO7.XD/ 1232026393 0 150475932324 0- 0- 0 1237041731 1202264768 1237041271 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3145 1237017556 0 0 0 0 0 185 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 0 0 1236670219 0 -3 1235228172 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 396_1211545627.gif 1 72 46 a 18 year old pair of twin girls bed teen banger dreaming 5e325ee45b3fa3ad
2292 1 2 0 1229378719 fuckallnazis fuckallnazis $H$9Ij3rV1M.zzzh/.prG9lGsZVaYLqMn. 1229378719 0 -91263588620 0 1229378719 0 0 0 0 0 1 1229378719 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2HRFTJ 78a524d0fe5d2c1a
538 0 2 0 1203463044 Chaos88 chaos88 $H$7DRblofO/k3FJ5k2gQ.7LG9sZpryT71 1203463044 0 42816040020 1204213999 1203463044 1203547258 viewforum.php?f=20&_f_=20x 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a86d62436c772837
1092 0 2 0 1212949475 mattke mattke $H$9yDy5rNYTL3EeCGXyKXtCd0SV6DNjV. 1228653221 0 -186740443321 1234986609 1212949475 1233566683 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=20&start=100 1228329689 0 0 0 0 0 47 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228653312 0 -3 1223567147 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7c53b022247710c1
1093 0 2 0 1212959543 Dilemma dilemma $H$7JJSq0pTCLXFf3KLJE/KHDyyxeO88o. 0 0 119033246023 1224503537 1212959543 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3547ff08646369d0
397 0 2 0 1202278375 Knife 88 knife 88 $H$7VTvlfPMkuSC/dWCNv6/AGOPDUBWZi. 1202278375 0 98215181219 1214170827 1202279937 1210013034 ucp.php?mode=sendpassword 2U8FGWDJMY 1207846382 0 0 0 0 0 17 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207145940 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 397_1205433966.jpg 1 73 88 882d422d33d07580
713 0 2 0 1206303522 Fritz fritz $H$7DOnNKU8HV.PvLz1YxZRB4L7jAYwKQ0 1206303522 0 75761283522 1206303645 1206303522 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=790&_f_=31x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3687611f5d96478d
398 0 2 0 1202280734 G_M_70 g_m_70 $H$7wnF4o4kzmEzy8xHZdsW6H7orCLyMD0 1202280734 0 -129902379413 1205392701 1202280734 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=735&_f_=29x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6a41736943e16aa7
723 1 3 0 1206400316 lebenistkampf lebenistkampf $H$7XaPky4ZPvZP33HvZAHceI1zb.fGtp. 1206400316 0 -87270346321 0 1206400316 0 0 0 0 0 1 1206400316 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3HG5JX ca1c5b149d7a01c7
399 0 2 0 1202283878 Devokulator devokulator $H$7JWoWVAl1cAup6PHeh7vEjVvzPQ6cy0 1202283879 0 127578746418 1202284396 1202283879 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2de5f8f39f5c824b
1358 0 2 0 1216153979 smarko88 smarko88 $H$7Pjvn5vsaVHU8ut11.FZqTzPZz/DcG0 1216153979 0 49336993922 1221001556 1216153979 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=75x 1221000948 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 721dfeb924136fa8
512 0 2 0 1203284209 dareback dareback $H$77ynAyO.YQGqsYoLh3CeADKhtF64CO0 1203284209 0 189892755917 1203287157 1203284209 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=44&_f_=44x 1203284414 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 72932bafca55c13c
1345 1 2 0 1215990603 AllopleRupCut alloplerupcut $H$7XkZ1VmP0Af9298X2HranDZnIgbciB0 1215990603 0 162568244119 0 1215990603 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215990603 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37W3PB 2b1a438bb59ea17d
1346 0 2 0 1215991193 cairns cairns $H$7kVgSqs9fC7Z..yfp.Oh6ghkn4AlDX0 1215991193 0 2156513622 1215991720 1215991193 0 viewforum.php?f=50&_f_=50x 1215991382 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e2a84036b2793aaf
400 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1202289416 ODALRUNE odalrune $H$9IM0a8QQ6KcjF.zrJ595tBJr6rh6hx1 1234647055 0 -29524372522 18-11-1966 1237031233 1237031206 1237031175 viewforum.php?f=134 1235985458 0 0 0 0 0 26 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 400_1202290737.png 1 45 30 Front Eolh <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 1ajnc4r1 Wallonie 4996c44f07f42d5d
696 0 2 0 1206119138 Koci koci $H$7pkWvt.yPl9jEJpzlIGGVHiMbtrGvd0 1206119138 0 131412654319 1206779710 1206119138 1206119357 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=836&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20&_f_=121x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9e2d43e73eefea9f
670 0 2 0 1205577507 revision revision $H$7mxmVm/8Qgf4/2WIG5cKShRj.S20ld1 1214722951 0 -21301960118 1214723008 1205577507 1212696305 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 3LLU6XCTNP 1211699420 0 0 0 0 0 37 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fd715f4f75aadd5b
754 0 2 0 1206892587 apolo apolo $H$7.mv1Wj.D783./WSTD/s.y1ao/nLRt1 1206892587 0 158545114721 1206893470 1206892587 0 search.php?keywords=argentina&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7b82ac8a4d2cc676
439 0 2 0 1202644046 Skaddi skaddi $H$9BcRInhf48XEflK.PtTJgIL0Kj9wJ21 1228663251 0 20283163020 1234820370 1202644046 1230908416 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2556 1231430088 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 439_1202644747.jpg 1 70 80 ffbe2a5329e563da
426 0 2 0 1202503354 bald bassist bald bassist $H$9/AoycFjjVFdrD2ceAYvzTLUb96caO0 1222168109 0 108418886216 1226088531 1202503354 1222281845 viewforum.php?f=71&_f_=71x 0 0 0 7 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9IB7C2 $H$91g7TG1FKfNMmzYNEA.t7xaIoJEm1y0 ede1efae39318d4e
401 0 2 0 1202296747 Rockagainstyou rockagainstyou $H$90jUuuhi5G.EN1vJvAmCYJffvPglFx0 1224577834 0 42606517428 1231193684 1202296747 0 viewforum.php?f=75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d5095cb515c6ed55
2445 0 2 0 1232734279 MoshPitMatt1488 moshpitmatt1488 $H$9QU/G1hKIpfZRW7cH9epIA6guOyXON1 1232734279 0 168194724623 1232734839 1232734279 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a3a7b5b1af64ff42
498 0 2 0 1203155468 wiganwolf wiganwolf $H$78iBpcTz0doyxaFtefQYDSJnkLkvc90 1203155468 0 26239821820 1203158112 1203155468 0 viewtopic.php?f=48&t=451&_f_=48x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 498_1203157391.gif 1 90 45 ee820f5a629dcd97
651 0 2 0 1205087720 blue eyes blue eyes $H$7fwbtLoRKJW8xMZxqHI.AQuLI9cmb8/ 1205087720 0 -184710067922 1205088338 1205087720 0 index.php 1205088043 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 920bdb3a1d2b3360
768 0 2 0 1207244663 Niki niki $H$79FtAiaAXQBZv/xbyde3TXyN6cNDrq0 1207244663 0 -182973558718 1207246436 1207244663 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=856&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=28x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 be7824b9f68bb664
403 0 2 0 1202305764 POGO88 pogo88 $H$9Xu5DQpPVOcWjs/pV5HYREUTIWBcVx/ 1226249845 0 64922428417 1233078391 1202305764 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1895 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 362928b8456431cf
1148 0 2 0 1213626587 WE FEAR NO FOE 14/88 we fear no foe 14/88 $H$9GK0UB5b2.M/s4CF4yJU7Qg5F9TRFC. 1223045811 0 -196189017219 16- 5-1968 1228988884 1213626587 1228823221 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2434 1228822871 0 0 0 0 0 45 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1217602227 0 -3 1214555473 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Andover Dog Handler/Security Lots of em! Millwall F.C, Politics, R.A.C, GSD's, Socialising with Good Loyal White persons, Motorbikes, Travel and the Great Outdoors!! 42b62c0aa1976d86
1114 0 2 0 1213208830 Thör thör $H$7dyiSYSky0c6xQwJtT/skkzV/keeJJ1 1213208830 0 184119612723 1230149650 1213208830 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1875&_f_=28x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d68fc503a8582ecf
404 0 2 0 1202321194 reinaert88 reinaert88 $H$9VhjNUO4Sw0SrozLr/AUPKmvINQq931 1224591540 0 98978838220 1224688322 1202321194 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1785 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cdc7d1d7cdada771
446 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1202686282 Thora thora $H$9mftqusy2I6XSe2al5rleqqd544jut/ 1231461482 0 -24333741619 1236643208 1202686282 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1329&_f_=75x 1212186108 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d442b3de6713d98e
637 0 2 0 1204721529 leandro88 leandro88 $H$7M0CZ8hJUUVI8HAniAzNOrkorxE6Ub1 1204721529 0 9265182428 31- 1-1979 1205859013 1204721529 1205859007 viewtopic.php?f=74&t=824&_f_=74x 1205858877 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1204742546 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 southern brazil NS activist comrades , white girls hehe , 04b6ca867fe1bd87
476 0 2 0 1202922839 möff möff $H$7lRBD8tXEh9knqc1bluiZtwfHDsQzN1 1202922839 0 163426513017 1202923338 1202922839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3764b3eda3a82de2
635 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1204716687 WPWWFinland wpwwfinland $H$9rVzadg2gXSANMzVY2A1r5eZHsIRsy0 1236879200 0 -46409643719 0- 0- 0 1237040250 1204716687 1235408219 viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2766 1225444107 0 0 0 0 0 50 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1225444445 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Get a life - Get WN! 3j0whtbq 1cc4d99bd309bab5
1155 1 2 0 1213743291 OlimpineszaidynesX olimpineszaidynesx $H$7n1QszBm.KRdH2MRRGwMXXer0qqipb/ 1213743291 0 131579301428 0 1213743291 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213743291 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2VGDI6 c8d1296119871c26
620 0 2 0 1204567674 dykehunt dykehunt $H$7rR8iDNZ1/PJA0SIGQtckFBvdNy.XI. 1204567674 0 152386659648 1204567870 1204567674 0 viewforum.php?f=36&_f_=36x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4673c5fef9a0e580
679 0 2 0 1205955263 28PlovdivWolf 28plovdivwolf $H$7gJDU0cg2h6audK9UFbbhLQfQ7QD2L. 1205955263 0 91448671316 1206114081 1205955263 1206113809 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=270&_f_=12x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0612c56019260a52
511 0 2 0 1203278551 ss.88 ss.88 $H$7u3abIu72ZfQ3vHLQCrn/QPIX9B9rk/ 1203278551 0 -3003203819 1203278785 1203278551 0 viewforum.php?f=38&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5fb578e6c772249c
406 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1202349187 h8full bitch h8full bitch $H$9Z4DM2J2dhHgKFHyqIpOzF5pGW.Xcj1 1231119488 0 58632514520 0- 0- 0 1236728493 1202349187 1234834435 index.php 1236728018 0 0 0 0 0 15 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219301094 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Adelaide, Australia 81ee64d893cf23af
407 0 2 0 1202351322 TheAntiVenom theantivenom $H$73Tv0xQX7YwSEGleZGTz0Q5Z0MWiIB0 1202351322 0 3465831525 28-10-1979 1204099485 1202351322 1203314544 viewtopic.php?f=52&t=101&p=3883&_f_=52x 1202558149 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1202620562 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [img:27uhfoud]http&#58;//i57&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/g216/kittykat6257/white/whitefist&#46;jpg[/img:27uhfoud] [b:27uhfoud]Together We Stand Strong As One People[/b:27uhfoud] 27uhfoud SA== Brisbane Youth Worker / Student My partner and my family, music, books, art, culture, Celtic history... 4e7ad6caf784cfc9
1131 0 2 0 1213439062 swindonNF swindonnf $H$97P3pIUth/ioAtS09/uiFcouNF86tp. 1221130248 0 -172062855725 1223908081 1213439062 1222701068 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=542&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 18AY9K44CX 1223907934 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1222304455 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9b8c5395302b5745
732 0 2 0 1206550754 Panik panik $H$7.bpuzomDgKnhQ0AgIxSWpJTO0gj3T1 1206550754 0 -104395864112 1206551252 1206550754 0 1206551058 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4c3bd2db25c9df38
687 0 2 0 1206057019 English_Rose english_rose $H$70eLOJh4PKwdjzPC0RC3V8F/DoFKEl/ 1206057019 0 -58868877319 12- 5-1987 1208193149 1206057019 1206494182 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=319&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30&_f_=75x 1206294859 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Lancashire c6cf0333858d8d7c
513 0 2 0 1203289101 white_squadron white_squadron $H$911JsYbYhcPVqwUOtV6Y/6uQelEFZQ. 1232536770 0 -185240154418 1236079819 1203289101 1235513933 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2025 1235581971 0 0 2 0 0 12 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224673613 0 -3 1206479529 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 834881a1f7d918f7
2154 0 2 0 1226468315 Wolfest wolfest $H$9wbbBg0HuOt3FFWRNEce1XKXyC02eq0 1226468315 0 -175907092716 1226870223 1226468315 1226468569 index.php 1226468870 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8aef1cc338058839
617 0 2 0 1204539059 Fighting Breed fighting breed $H$7r/NPNm29UQNztI7J6OtuJp0sxzTQ1/ 1204539059 0 -183573159328 1210362688 1204539059 1207735207 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=847&p=7562&_f_=73x 1206267522 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1206032515 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Comrades, the voices of the dead battalions, Of those who fell that Britain might be great, Join in our song, for they still march in spirit with us, And urge us on to gain the fascist state 2v3kjxl0 eb0c840142415336
634 0 2 0 1204704100 wolf28 wolf28 $H$72qipV4Ti91li3g40ZwHEMxLRP3CtT. 1212664001 0 181438868221 1217499744 1204704100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5a71508249e8007b
1225 1 2 0 1214626821 realiru realiru $H$7g8tWNAX8qHXTTDlJwSNsB6DseFJim. 1214626821 0 57897367019 0 1214626821 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214626821 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 RT2K8J e550e1396b99f449
1226 0 2 0 1214632671 sxe sxe $H$7eO19lzR4WSgkEE4zxpwn/K9IkPDC60 1214632671 0 41681701222 1216925066 1214632671 1216925386 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 3 0 0 21 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1216580384 0 -3 1216310559 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c262529c33f0f6e1
1227 0 2 0 1214632759 oink oink $H$9X6ch.fILoTyuczBawDCeXmSlMpRzF/ 1224076168 0 125987112413 0- 0- 0 1224076251 1214632759 1218263592 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1134&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 1218378504 0 0 3 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1217829602 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 south england 22a74ac41975d451
485 0 3 0 1203001480 whitepowerboy whitepowerboy $H$7cTITmBmclCuSjh/.HwAH3VDERJTaV1 1203001480 0 195236603926 0 1203001480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1WK7TT 08d7d21aa6db188c
1240 0 2 0 1214830289 28Croatia 28croatia $H$7/cjWU/veKXWXcBd9VnbOyMA0YCWRg. 1214830289 0 -174271584719 1219928869 1214830289 0 viewtopic.php?f=64&t=605&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=64x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3052e5efdc85e6af
420 0 2 0 1202494896 darthana darthana $H$7/4PJR1mw7WzyhWTWZRdCnRWspjVXL0 1202494896 0 -21689301320 1203365421 1202494896 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=388&_f_=24x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2f16b0f82e15711a
618 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1204539590 jakke jakke $H$9VhkN7/SYwoiAMkvaL/E2ZgOjbcXSz0 1232640093 0 -178147841428 0- 0- 0 1237064099 1204539590 1237020862 viewtopic.php?f=132&t=2850 1233417354 0 0 0 0 0 39 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233681262 0 -3 1232629957 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 618_1210107720.gif 1 90 90 Flanders 47bb5d44a4fb07de
503 0 2 0 1203170834 heller28 heller28 $H$74IUpkmZK8bOiNEpk5ZB3FbJpElS8q. 1203170834 0 70631220723 0- 0- 0 1204415471 1203366616 1203364127 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=558&_f_=40x 1203366621 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2 90 90 Switzerland 19c7d2376141e999
411 0 2 0 1202414474 warlord1488 warlord1488 $H$7a1T5WArSeIjfGxz2j/pXZ7eDZFMsK1 1210867498 0 -84885691520 1210867650 1202414474 0 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=1147&p=7494&_f_=33x 1210867650 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ee42c7ceb54aaf9d
423 0 2 0 1202500142 psv psv $H$9wGvM2m6qgwr9o0ngtrGxMhKPBvRbx0 1228574310 0 -76890923322 1231674349 1202500142 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=212 1221845191 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 063dd7f0b1dc2e52
413 0 2 0 1202427864 kaman kaman $H$9Rfx3FPi2G67bNx1F/pJRo1To9wqRd0 1228174115 0 -169758366618 1228174649 1202427864 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1278&_f_=26x 1228174291 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3e22a0bc436e2d51
412 0 2 0 1202421925 Marshall BullT marshall bullt $H$7J8akrnTbZeZl3eJJKxnxEgOpU6zYQ0 1202421925 0 99472373533 1202422288 1202421925 0 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=87&_f_=13x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e697ba9d692b8572
649 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1204930520 skinheadrevolt skinheadrevolt $H$9p7qXiAMuTgtv4ocjay1LKsYWNYXN51 1230312211 0 -209790731215 1236968029 1204930520 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 62988a164c0b9e1a
421 0 2 0 1202496469 Charlemagne55 charlemagne55 $H$7Df2/nCZNxQEieIWU3P8KzxRmvBUHS. 1202496469 0 -78353820129 1203244109 1202496469 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=385&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=28x 1202545496 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6708171412ae8c2a
414 0 2 0 1202428910 whitman whitman $H$7vBz4YseXOExOvOgKqCJp6uoDYdfKc. 1202428910 0 -69184702427 1222016322 1202428910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d08b08cb3e6baf97
415 0 2 0 1202429464 fierevlaaming fierevlaaming $H$7G4FAAqXK6NiBV1jxOiQ/To2sz/xFG0 1202429464 0 178291814023 0 1202429464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 93b54fd4640139be
486 0 2 0 1203002399 hate8core hate8core $H$7GLGDXdR8n3hV4MQSpUjDo3yf4SByY/ 1210956265 0 -201426024221 1210956338 1203002399 1210338486 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=878&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=31x 0 0 0 10 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8332aad5683034e4
682 0 2 0 1205962767 storm28 storm28 $H$7dhYM7dsWauXRGbiAxWtgFLSfYKVFf/ 1205962767 0 62058239124 1213396619 1205962767 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=557&_f_=101x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37c92a857a2a3f93
502 0 2 0 1203168045 Boter boter $H$7d3RbeCPqLOuTexWx2zSUTptrmNTSq0 1203168045 0 174396083025 1210089691 1203168045 1206113327 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1017&p=6408&_f_=38x 53M7KZ1HZY 1205352610 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3dfe5c7b67614a0c
416 0 2 0 1202434747 A.H.N.D a.h.n.d $H$7RJtKkG9Q4LKz16RD634A6f1URVmTy/ 1202434747 0 -40846861931 1202439109 1202434747 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c88b5a30ae4bcb88
422 0 2 0 1202499796 fredrik38 fredrik38 $H$7fAkNUCnB8N9GjCk.hO85AeaBhYtM6. 1202499796 0 92666356916 1227986953 1202499796 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e382feafd9cf3df0
1322 0 2 0 1215810428 shovethedove shovethedove $H$9imH6zLMlwVTGCjeOGgT04WCIGSKZ3. 1232985573 0 181009152920 1235512032 1215810428 1228743385 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&start=20 1228743190 0 0 0 0 0 23 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228743409 0 -3 1225056543 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 0 0 0 5f6b1f4ae6770b51
2462 0 2 0 1232980440 White1488Rider white1488rider $H$9Ryn5k1OWU9UCjtOXJCpnlQPAW6q3j1 1232980440 0 72718710528 1233232439 1232980440 1233232369 posting.php?mode=quote&f=73&p=18973 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a0445291e147e336
2141 1 2 0 1225973386 soldat soldat $H$9tz4pwPuaNoKfDJSuRVocJfFB876u.. 1225973386 0 171116785120 0 1225973386 0 0 0 0 0 1 1225973386 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 129CBK a2c5b94f08cee7d2
2142 0 2 0 1225977930 DICKIE dickie $H$9BrbxheC3h7hPrVt/rAbZXhaKzFZHz1 1225977930 0 -158433639828 1226323669 1225977930 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c040cb0c20354a8b
2430 0 2 0 1232346485 pijak pijak $H$90zKCowQLu77xjDEib3S3E3/Ltvt19. 1232346485 0 106085804411 1232379985 1232346485 0 1232378636 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b75c4951df2ca6f5
1344 0 2 0 1215988873 FAF88 faf88 $H$7TGYOVSNNlSS9YU7dmggD4jxYTAWEL. 1215988873 0 105320345821 0- 0- 0 1215991269 1215988873 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1344_1215990699.jpg 1 37 42 FRANCE 8d081150781e0596
1355 0 2 0 1216132730 faff faff $H$7AclEwgKo/Veg6jPA7KjItKBTaq.980 1216132730 0 49599907416 1221585130 1216132730 0 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=1189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7ce3a99ce6fb8657
1323 0 2 0 1215838081 WA.Skin $H$7/lxYEXYpVc7MFVSCx7mr1cvb8MwcS/ 1215838081 0 1914385721 1216023370 1215838081 1216006700 ucp.php?i=pm&folder=-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215966224 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f0b7cf589c9ad511
417 0 2 0 1202436813 chemisenoir chemisenoir $H$9TyBo/bXsUbDE3ejDmJpvTx5jNUXjd1 1221607426 0 144167958923 1222323123 1202436813 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&start=350&st=0&sk=t&sd=a 1221609642 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 240faf5312871ba6
1228 1 2 0 1214636863 white crusader white crusader $H$7jVlyl7JpBBEKRi2blTDSyG9Jy5K7Q/ 1214636863 0 -52774122920 0 1214636863 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214636863 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ROAE9 dfba5b96be12591b
418 0 2 0 1202439365 Dennis dennis $H$9YvVgAWo.lBeE/DfjaAnz9u/22mSHJ0 1202439365 0 155709297825 1202614636 1202439365 1202440199 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=20&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=40&_f_=26x 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 418_1202439993.jpg 1 90 90 9934371434b61b5d
1183 0 2 0 1214130806 scot88 scot88 $H$7A60tLH.C7BAPmk9KxwWAeGDgD.2KS1 1214130806 0 146474949425 1231070242 1214130806 0 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=options 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 38fb528146330791
424 0 2 0 1202501208 romperstomper14 romperstomper14 $H$9PB2gyCxMWTz.3qiaj.942jq7EP8ky/ 1233980263 0 -153023340027 1233980677 1202501208 0 viewforum.php?f=75&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc2253835897ac60
487 0 2 0 1203003234 vanlaer. vanlaer. $H$9Cpq9FaVqXVBf7jzmnvOryoGdGvoAk. 1227653091 0 -30205548426 1228434558 1203003234 1227654427 viewforum.php?f=26 1212796902 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1203943426 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 487_1203003304.jpg 1 46 50 onze helden vergeet ze nooit!!! stop repressie tegen nationalisten 828 1jir7ilg ae9f6832b269be97
1256 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1215026989 bernie bernie $H$9hRccwgHmVRbDn02TRj6V37ilPhawt1 1236888212 0 113326016023 17-11-1966 1236968931 1215026989 1236275483 search.php?st=7&sk=t&sd=d&sr=topics&search_id=active_topics&start=25 1231622410 0 0 0 0 0 124 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228329483 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 895 1256_1215387000.gif 1 50 50 yorkshire security white pride scoots beer 6488c5e359bf65f6
1234 1 2 0 1214772061 whitepower1 whitepower1 $H$79KlaSyWflBxMZy3RdD5zpQRLqsXlq. 1214772061 0 -64906761014 0 1214772061 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214772061 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5AEGTC af580528259762f6
1224 0 2 0 1214602154 patak_14/88 patak_14/88 $H$7RIQmKgO4rBaSJJczQmdz6WkoDXZQi. 1214602154 0 -108407941223 0- 0- 0 1225408916 1214602154 1214692189 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 osijek dca4be45e1820451
1097 1 2 0 1213016476 imitrex imitrex $H$7N.VReRt8mEs/k3yJg8wJEAD0JaNWb. 1213016476 0 -71582274816 0 1213016476 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213016476 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3ILKLZ da3982a20060253a
596 0 2 0 1204216560 TOTENKOPF totenkopf $H$7Po8Noq/Wu1HxBlYOO.nCqnPkwq9.S. 1204216560 0 -104702109420 1204216591 1204216560 0 index.php 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e3081664173ae6ef
765 0 2 0 1207189319 Thuringen thuringen $H$77MlAMYNh3W7fXdnFMUBDPabapbHDk/ 1218113407 0 -48029192124 1218114766 1207189319 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e532a95cfea716c1
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1103 0 2 0 1213090936 sgtrock27 sgtrock27 $H$9dhzJtzdL9CFwQpKR/k49PZq.apBXC1 1225826490 0 -110272031526 1225826599 1213090936 0 1225826599 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 50190d8b8ec8957d
1925 1 2 0 1222086314 werwolf14 werwolf14 $H$9ybpDqOOi.5OdXMoE8X0dlT3Rf/4fu/ 1222086314 0 -191365033122 0 1222086314 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222086314 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4WA2K4 197fe327ae40d64f
543 0 2 0 1203527780 Survive&amp;Evolve survive&amp;evolve $H$7dy2IL14xuHB6XKrMm.coUHaetvmCR1 1203527780 0 67252549033 1209198487 1203527780 0 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=905&_f_=4x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5b2d786e80f98836
1047 1 2 0 1212482640 Excatocox excatocox $H$7MWdI4m8BGR2jftDwJ48RgtAGnNJpG0 1212482640 0 213935444027 0 1212482640 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212482640 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3DFXUB a8c48c21679d28a0
1048 1 2 0 1212483728 uniniutty uniniutty $H$73B6O1gMFULcKcTAAmkrLT7.o08iUQ1 1212483728 0 71621111122 0 1212483728 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212483728 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3ZPJMP fc8a40d7808bb486
481 0 2 0 1202950793 mammbyrd2be mammbyrd2be $H$7JghulCDI2tecbYvCUD2xuRYQ7lijK1 1202950793 0 54752770119 0- 0- 0 1203307242 1202950793 1203099494 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1202950853 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 mammabyrd2be boot_bitch1488 f41b60a7aa8c972e
462 0 3 0 1202808600 andy88 andy88 $H$7Yea6MlUJ8H8dwnZlBwLmxXZlbNA2F1 1202808600 0 -16628941329 0 1202808600 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2Y8YDY 8de82938c34f5e07
1115 1 2 0 1213210305 CoolWhipSupreme coolwhipsupreme $H$7hnk.8zAmVimKQKverYtJvbBQevU6r0 1213210305 0 174058805826 0 1213210305 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213210305 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3ZB6HA a100956e092460f7
1116 0 2 0 1213210493 panzerfaust18 panzerfaust18 $H$9VO82SoByrK/S0YmoGAjwjs6Yx/KB50 0 0 57583875033 26- 4-1978 1230626925 1213210493 1215804258 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1748&_f_=71x 1214239351 0 0 0 0 0 14 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215805623 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1116_1213212231.gif 1 72 72 [url=http&#58;//imageshack&#46;us:1zfqax0o][img:1zfqax0o]http&#58;//img299&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img299/319/hitlerjugend1wn6&#46;jpg[/img:1zfqax0o][/url:1zfqax0o] 1zfqax0o GA== manchester FLT THE WIFE, MA BABY BOY,AND BLACK METAL ALL THE FUCKING WAY 80eaef8ad997e305
463 0 2 0 1202810910 kaca kaca $H$7dnP1WTqKWigiGZSkdmQx12RYDq63Y/ 1202810910 0 -115755611522 1204185529 1202810910 0 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=485&_f_=18x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f61012fde9b59c28
464 0 2 0 1202812574 kenjiro kenjiro $H$73kOuwlzplVDIWtm8BQuPTxtrFWS1S. 1202812574 0 -26931014825 1202947394 1202812574 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=180&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4a547684a63d17d5
521 0 2 0 1203362844 wel18 wel18 $H$7BDjnhME/ZW4jByliHkXfYkVldEDKh0 1203362844 0 68801224719 1203363455 1203362844 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e258bd9f70f18878
1356 0 2 0 1216133525 celtic_maiden celtic_maiden $H$9ZSzm1ifXZiqiwxFgpm.YozSWkV.HQ/ 1233007311 0 -53611253023 14- 5-1970 1235824683 1216133525 1234568174 1216133639 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234220027 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1356_1233095926.jpg 1 90 78 &quot;14 words&quot; 1cn2w2c7 Hampshire 67c41f914a87dd55
500 0 3 0 1203165718 niphater niphater $H$7kLnjIWk37PzNQw91ZlHgD/uqHNljq1 1203165718 0 -186386490233 0 1203165718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2RX7QY c1de66d1f27b0cbe
501 0 2 0 1203165841 doberman doberman $H$7IG4W.6L7nNgItvqwe258PwMHhxPZb. 1203165841 0 -63511356730 1203166846 1203165841 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=380&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 53f21bdb1b82f7f3
1181 0 2 0 1214095080 Crevel crevel $H$7FXI2gvKxjxlbEcxid7TQotwiCsD.a. 1214095080 0 147329700217 1214095417 1214095080 0 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=699&_f_=66x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 af211240789d8432
725 1 3 0 1206433922 14ivan88 14ivan88 $H$727kp1jb1SXNItLc87paoVOH4shL.U1 1206433922 0 69950107110 0 1206433922 0 0 0 0 0 1 1206433922 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 LCAR53 f43bdca6dbafa790
517 0 2 0 1203325928 tast tast $H$7RoD8cwnoE2FYp36dOlkFUJdfkMj5W1 1203325928 0 168729874317 1217961645 1203325928 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8ff4d10dd22c7b84
726 0 2 0 1206485084 Fallschirmjager88 fallschirmjager88 $H$7rj76pwaC5.rVCZHwxEfpp523yKt5r/ 1206485084 0 85409609223 1206748536 1206485084 0 viewtopic.php?f=41&t=217&_f_=41x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5ecccabc00b55ef3
657 0 2 0 1205165019 glorybound14 glorybound14 $H$7pXW9zVofl8JhufJkAfFz/msRmn.A/1 1205165019 0 136602309822 1211861076 1205165019 1207993201 ucp.php?mode=login 1210094572 0 0 0 0 0 4 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 482760e58d15035b
1634 0 2 0 1218685163 numone007 numone007 $H$7fVGcYrahpg1eTqCGd0J47gC9UCfFF0 1218685163 0 -144738618618 0- 0- 0 1223956642 1218685163 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 I love game ,[url=http&#58;//www&#46;wowgoldprice&#46;com:2fw7jn4y]wow gold[/url:2fw7jn4y] too 2fw7jn4y EA== 12345678 5430a83cbc554a3a
1930 0 2 0 1222177193 razor88 razor88 $H$9habSCmaH9VjAZZ7RufXlaBhSIx4Yq1 1222177193 0 173505746121 1224972714 1222177193 1222208059 viewtopic.php?f=102&t=1511 1224354721 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bdb88fc4899863e6
1931 0 2 0 1222177483 david b 88 david b 88 $H$9jxG31Z69aV9IcEqIvsWiwnXQ2ctrg/ 1222177483 0 -63140189227 6- 5-1987 1224613268 1222177483 0 1222854760 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1223509132 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 southampton 5977ef3406498302
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627 0 3 0 1204620493 Antiantifa antiantifa $H$7fasbOWrc5v6RUbbGSEddglmllBfxf1 1215372281 0 -175404134621 1215372848 1204620493 0 viewforum.php?_f_=28x 1206371661 0 0 8 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23FSI4 acb0e1c0896729c1
518 0 2 0 1203326755 Thom1488 thom1488 $H$78WPVFgT9kFRwCgkiWkfQJW4I5ADmh/ 1203326755 0 63112422717 1203351093 1203326755 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=232&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c4201fc1f7ad12b4
497 0 2 0 1203148629 Firearm. firearm. $H$7Mymm3gfnDQRaZNZDoojjFePKTxm6d/ 1203148629 0 -4203236723 1216489478 1203148629 1210156824 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1203696701 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1208949597 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d269c3a0505ff2d9
1211 0 2 0 1214488229 Helga helga $H$73PICkQBL2boYu6mOJ7AnzXEkyQi.H0 1214488229 0 154172063423 1214488426 1214488229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 73ce7b7a6bace399
465 0 2 0 1202833769 JvH jvh $H$9Qt7CpoARIKiB4L2jy/5HyZPdGw/Hk1 1224172487 0 -96817333921 1225494940 1202833769 1210881037 index.php 1225485010 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1211993893 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3ecaccba199681fa
933 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1210962394 Landser57 landser57 $H$9V40QPjZqRH6rggzb745xjeIRagjKk. 1232898483 0 114376587023 20- 5-1957 1236970228 1210962394 1236631344 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2474 1211393165 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1211229824 0 -3 1225023770 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Das war nicht nur für Deutschland! 2pbefj0j Paris,France white pride 15f3fe30d67c5875
542 0 2 0 1203512154 skull skull $H$72xWqinS7Zgc3OZ0DlgzzWhC/2oR6T1 1203512154 0 3346095621 1203512225 1203512154 0 viewforum.php?f=38&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0f58d79eba57a026
1117 1 2 0 1213218616 AvaVincent avavincent $H$7dw3t4OFtL/DkVIi8rdFF3X.Op8xej0 1213218616 0 105793262118 0 1213218616 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213218616 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3SLW1V 000ccca84c4d9ce7
475 0 2 0 1202918940 Barndoor barndoor $H$9KGWX74.U9uKI65EbnG7C3iKhZU0mY0 1233682789 0 -163877515832 1234193302 1202918940 1214490305 viewtopic.php?f=115&p=18915 1214049107 0 0 0 0 0 56 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1220537079 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 475_1203807054.jpg 1 37 50 There is no innocence, only different degree's of Guilt bsedsf2n 8acc9765add43649
466 0 2 0 1202842555 Metropola metropola $H$7JGmUim6qFFEDWBRo6O54lzmfKzZo50 1202842555 0 -26397709816 1203086789 1202842555 1202844668 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1203000337 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 466_1202843573.jpg 1 87 87 eecd12c9c184817f
629 0 2 0 1204648432 blutundkrieg666 blutundkrieg666 $H$7qe5zy3a.q7lZTzcy4.f6BrKyQTcdR0 1204648432 0 45344810028 1204648745 1204648432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0056551fd3805739
1248 0 2 0 1214863854 migz migz $H$7O.Bk6b6FyX66tDapayD/BhpxIgIBr. 1214863854 0 -144812615417 1214864866 1214863854 1214864716 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 71a6ca61f213275a
556 0 2 0 1203682903 yhvhsrvnt83 yhvhsrvnt83 $H$7Bjd3dSJQOElfS.sSwttkJyFhIPbG70 1213197234 0 -212867682518 1213198586 1203682903 1210171648 0 0 0 11 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1210170527 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1ffd5160ee93a7f9
1206 1 2 0 1214417363 Puaro puaro $H$7NbsKs/aJb9uQAyR1yAM15PZvfaA5L/ 1214417363 0 187389229123 0 1214417363 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214417363 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 17VT6H 7f975d5906caa999
467 0 2 0 1202846527 Domobran domobran $H$79y7rt4If22wgM3yfDoJK6OHdHIVBn/ 1211229827 0 181598233322 1211229847 1202846527 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=443&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20&_f_=24x 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4781ad633558a5fe
474 0 2 0 1202916300 Matc matc $H$7T9N4cdXhAyBsMumk3O/1yem21Jfge1 1202916300 0 -155121156419 1202916790 1202916300 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=203&_f_=24x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9316f2f1dcf48959
534 0 2 0 1203451759 sjors11 sjors11 $H$9GUHJHCU6T9sLadGf6MF1Qg90pMXlB. 1226748890 0 -33519923726 9- 7-1983 1226863162 1203451759 1226749654 viewtopic.php?f=67&t=13&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=2460 1226863136 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1208547985 0 -3 1204918037 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Fight for white Pride day and night 2k47nq9q 936330836afea8ec
1271 0 2 0 1215203096 West Londoner west londoner $H$7ChyXoIcdMzsJI1DuaNP4XeXMEeZ5p/ 1215203096 0 -192608991023 1220900400 1215203096 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2d2d132d931bccdf
1272 0 2 0 1215203468 jim jim $H$7VZVjsRkxkjvdosDNUx6ZSpHJBQev7. 1215203468 0 163487114226 1215203731 1215203468 0 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=316&_f_=10x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4f398c4168c2b587
1364 1 2 0 1216274743 versous versous $H$7bEV84RisMddZvQ5GvSfxl./JxxL5o. 1216274743 0 -40702904422 0 1216274743 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216274743 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 253IXX 915d4b40e48f8820
1393 1 2 0 1216591042 tourist tourist $H$7U8QTEBd89J04Pab0G/pSWFNOlWxFw. 1216591042 0 210338604918 0 1216591042 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216591042 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4B6PBZ 8bd30b03bf6f40ec
469 0 2 0 1202859268 Townie14/88 townie14/88 $H$7lpGiTwVFgXyH54XTAZbWlPcjL0WNR1 1211481438 0 -164709884918 1211481927 1202859268 1205318592 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=12&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=40&_f_=66x 1205318622 0 0 7 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 141af11958ed79e1
640 0 2 0 1204747159 alexthejock alexthejock $H$7/i.YgshLHciuN/jkxxoB6NyUM6mQm/ 1204747159 0 75352728025 1204747642 1204747159 1204747352 ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox 1204747522 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9f5e6e94a47d2828
1120 0 2 0 1213291875 SzittyaSzandi szittyaszandi $H$7lQHhUdVtc11ie6fuZGyO.su4UP.1M. 1213291875 0 187698218425 12- 5-1990 1215963224 1213291875 1213697546 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1584&_f_=75x 1213698617 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Our dream is a white revolution! White revolution is the only solution! yogd9sal 67fd31383b4166e1
693 0 2 0 1206113857 Sharpshooter_BG sharpshooter_bg $H$7L20j.mS5KcrUKLyhO07WqRpGEAlXP1 1206113857 0 -139207017817 1206794729 1206113857 1206177828 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=894&_f_=121x 2AT1KGKYI4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 693_1206114424.gif 1 90 90 ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? ????? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ????? ??? !!! 14/88 3290rgrs 4511e18a55f647d7
1132 0 2 0 1213447070 Dutch Brutality dutch brutality $H$7AVBcceQB5JyRVWHcrZDBRAiDEECwH1 1213447070 0 -170831473912 0- 0- 0 1215540074 1213447070 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1195 1214146833 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1132_1213891631.jpg 1 84 87 [b:bnp6quz0]Wat mensen van elkaar weten, is vaak net genoeg om zich in elkaar te kunnen vergissen[/b:bnp6quz0] bnp6quz0 QA== Nederland d484205a16e12231
602 0 2 0 1204245188 papa_luigi papa_luigi $H$7KiCpimjUEQlUizvXhJKuq.WQ9YsIY0 1204245188 0 171927798325 1204245466 1204245188 0 viewtopic.php?f=104&t=172&_f_=104x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 651ed37780dc97b0
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472 0 2 0 1202891080 HaVi havi $H$9pHtY6JyrG4jPTlWq8JlkC8dhbS6hY/ 1234701173 0 -180363454018 1234742925 1202891080 1234702161 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=568&start=10&_f_=38x 1205252608 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207931073 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1e01160ba57e5421
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473 0 2 0 1202892497 BloodAndHonourVA bloodandhonourva $H$7514NyM7kUKnqO84MdNxsnGgvINVMc. 1202892497 0 -90500143026 1202940464 1202892497 1202892628 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1235394106 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 273f6811c83c4fce
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759 1 2 0 1207096893 AUSSIENIGE aussienige $H$7BbZkoGUXqT.wVLsz9qd.hk59nSLaz. 1207096893 0 -40964729818 1208136544 1207096893 1208136468 viewforum.php?f=21&_f_=21x 1208135951 0 0 0 3 1208170951 2 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1207619336 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aad0b201431d7e40
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638 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1204738551 BHBulgaria bhbulgaria $H$9alfatDiAv5moO/Q7cUf9ZgIewexgg0 1230563625 0 -176206899618 0- 0- 0 1236459393 1204738551 1235337479 viewtopic.php?f=77&t=2991 1225046996 0 0 0 0 0 36 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228230592 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 571946bbcbd390eb
686 0 2 0 1206026191 Fody fody $H$7ivmhsIQe0BpprdXkzm4W2baSH4Tc1. 1215003392 0 163421282322 1215003477 1206026191 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c4f831f76a5b050d
509 0 2 0 1203248593 Bassa bassa $H$7w/dq3EkuIzyU4Dd0MRnDKbJ7uMXyk1 1203248593 0 -52620317223 1203433711 1203248593 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=437&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 57327b2d0b423a8c
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733 0 2 0 1206552912 xxKimmixx xxkimmixx $H$7Ti68OpB9wb3pPADTeDRyGiUC4wrD31 1206552912 0 178599849313 1206553207 1206552912 0 viewforum.php?_f_=96x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c13b6a25485d69a7
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749 0 2 0 1206830218 benza benza $H$7As1xCT7rifPigtqOVRHGpNNUgQlfF. 1215615977 0 -126143351119 1235461463 1206830218 1216827111 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3BHNW6 $H$7bWoJF2IEuGWXN9yFBsXLBOOLG0uEy. 59bd87279bb3d667
730 1 3 0 1206548395 Rage Records rage records $H$7UKxriQEGovAmnwLMDyLn4qClHaEe./ 1206548395 0 -189791525023 0 1206548395 0 0 0 0 0 1 1206548395 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1CTCIK fb00a47fe54222b0
731 0 2 0 1206549561 RageRecords ragerecords $H$7cpCoaIH04wbF9jPPhO22S/REm1lRa0 1206549561 0 -118827923623 1211476397 1206549561 1208627511 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3b8153f23715c9d5
1223 1 2 0 1214579948 MIGLIORELLIKatherine migliorellikatherine $H$7WWCbVG0.jHPBZqAoS4CGHtdXUrKh61 1214579948 0 -7003863016 0 1214579948 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214579948 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ETMLRR 15546b4f03d2746c
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1296 0 2 0 1215563185 martillo311 martillo311 $H$9noaahL.ZYFcWJILggi3B7xU3bXTvT1 1224637052 0 -181784421320 4-12-1989 1224865034 1215563185 1224865029 viewtopic.php?f=102&t=1511&p=15195 1224800198 0 0 3 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1216937366 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1296_1215564179.gif 1 50 50 FOR RACE AND NATION.[img:3v5cm7n3]http&#58;//www&#46;bloodandhonour&#46;com/forum/images/misc_mns/mns7_logo&#46;gif[/img:3v5cm7n3] 3v5cm7n3 CA== chile gastronomu music and reed e3d31ad467f00c45
689 0 2 0 1206088370 deblauwemolen deblauwemolen $H$9GQi2SGs94ygsxu7EfEzX1No2DxebT/ 1220430148 0 -193685179723 1220430323 1206088370 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b4937dff6f34ad52
1018 1 2 0 1212247168 Skin67 skin67 $H$7u32nXiwogDjzs7XIK05gA1Y7MSG0t. 0 0 132817243328 1214655646 1212247168 1214655195 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=670&p=9217&hilit=west+london&_f_=73x 372QMA1SQR 1214655004 0 0 0 2 1214655688 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214046621 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3JPZYT 1ba51ce865145167
1066 1 2 0 1212656751 Bombardier bombardier $H$7PN.ON0hFV3BHe3M15hMjhc.2WLVo/1 1212656751 0 -61488418319 0 1212656751 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212656751 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3KIG8Z dfd095c7990a1119
1236 0 2 0 1214777429 spanner spanner $H$7xJrAALUUIbMF6u3Jq8VjWO0rj2aAr. 1214777429 0 -115747330021 1214777609 1214777429 0 memberlist.php?mode=&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5bc93b0584b9cfaf
572 0 2 0 1203800830 rob and the ss rob and the ss $H$7UHeLYOPWzmqJiVtFkZxVGdHj9B7SM. 1216544345 0 -137308710524 1216544396 1203800830 0 viewforum.php?f=75&_f_=75x 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 389bd1ac666a17b1
1106 1 2 0 1213102494 ThichomoBuh thichomobuh $H$71RDMcba0/O7eVy4Jc3iFl0jHLrLD0/ 1213102494 0 -180819047120 0 1213102494 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213102494 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 W4EEBE fb88d7d1727d34ba
1112 0 2 0 1213179665 28-LUGDUNUM 28-lugdunum $H$99tI.ZR7uhnNJI1V9xHA18A8h1QxjA/ 1221635742 0 -144888388419 1223622715 1213179665 1221636853 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&author_id=53&start=60 1223622518 0 0 3 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1223936764 0 -3 1221919799 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1112_1214158718.jpg 1 70 70 b3144b2fe9876404
1107 0 2 0 1213106914 brooky18 brooky18 $H$9Hf80R5eYLgdTgv21XUQNO64ELKUm4/ 1226797755 0 90050178530 1226875316 1213106914 0 search.php 1226875240 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9b1bc32df07b9d50
614 0 2 0 1204452839 Brandiss Of Hate brandiss of hate $H$78xtsruVV46CYQ7oquhx9IDuCbU5W81 1207022305 0 183365449223 12- 4-1973 1208071766 1204452839 1208071753 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&p=1709 1207747006 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 0 1 1207906853 0 -3 1204532310 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 0 0 0 Bris-Vegas/QLD/AUST NS, some NSBM,Metal,Hatecore,Hardcore,R.A.C, Australia, War, f26360b9a44db993
544 0 2 0 1203584202 arhitekt arhitekt $H$7ZCoslSRZNQ3fjuXMURbJ3BNyKKKi/. 1203584202 0 31639102918 1205834389 1203584202 1205399917 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=443&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30&_f_=24x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c5ef7bd232c95c8a
774 0 2 0 1207341400 Hannibal hannibal $H$7R0/TlJmPUP3PZRGHqRB.NLCK/xMWt1 1207341400 0 52146537923 1207342390 1207341400 0 1207342358 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9feb8105d22ba50a
1129 1 2 0 1213426193 marswits marswits $H$7YvY1un21.P3KeniEbl0pnUx6qwuet. 1213426193 0 -43390168118 0 1213426193 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213426193 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YMB3S 694d94e74411cbae
548 0 2 0 1203607963 Wansee wansee $H$7xZYbvPhvgViIkNDFPBSo7.f/Gqkei0 1203607963 0 117360959322 1218381355 1203607963 1203608598 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7a14e819e4a25b5e
1324 1 2 0 1215838435 WA.28 wa.28 $H$7V8Fucs3eL6r6Q3lxmAEdTvt2LEiLo0 1215838435 0 -12742516522 0 1215838435 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215838435 0 en 8.75 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 586FFY b1d31bebc08d7443
738 0 2 0 1206619519 NSDAP nsdap $H$7UwCGOKCAU3kPMl2b8TrCUHbdjWORA1 1206619519 0 -18445422515 1206619901 1206619519 0 viewtopic.php?f=79&t=279&_f_=79x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a846ab13fb412217
545 0 2 0 1203590975 Bombshell bombshell $H$7FG758xSi4YT/7iPvafWj7qXk7rFxl. 1203590975 0 -110876661227 1203591401 1203590975 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=61&_f_=73x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 050dae3bfd3c53d1
1084 0 2 0 1212842289 putte1971 putte1971 $H$7hYoJklgh.YdOsIfWhj28MAMD4ETOA1 1212842289 0 182713880124 1212843224 1212842289 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=70&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 50871c0bbeeaf87e
752 0 2 0 1206884467 White Devil white devil $H$9EnQpRrXksOMVJfu/ifDlnjDGm4cIP/ 1221213837 0 19519661822 1230642928 1206884467 1218918742 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1207686744 0 0 2 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 15749ce5f3a5e869
546 0 2 0 1203596585 WaRpRoDuCeR warproducer $H$7anlYM4tFv7Lc69AydLaNGuJXI.vkX1 1203596585 0 106476518123 1205876394 1203596585 0 index.php 1205876234 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 746276dc10f3bb17
791 0 2 0 1207660004 capo capo $H$7wnhssO.M3bEQj1nRVPakU/vufeKBP1 1207660004 0 177047452019 1207660111 1207660004 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=496&_f_=101x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c24da4f4d0cbe640
547 0 2 0 1203597803 AfrikaKorps afrikakorps $H$7o.pzB3XVi3jJYFEuGn88.9f.3Cm7K/ 1203597803 0 145586578919 1203598797 1203597803 1203598435 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=279 2LQPKYVGQX 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3d04f5a74cd6a3e3
1118 1 2 0 1213226226 underinxe underinxe $H$7R/IXB6.XUvAe9XLRn8YlyaTnS4wro1 1213226226 0 84580900919 0 1213226226 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213226226 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3XCHGI cf50cbfd253b4933
1214 1 2 0 1214502032 onexhoosync onexhoosync $H$74mB1YiyyDUKatWr.JiimaZIYnMOaJ1 1214502032 0 46273238120 0 1214502032 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214502032 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4U3NNS ea1b38222d3d7554
1215 0 2 0 1214502493 gag gag $H$7aX43yG0iKmIWaDfMgmDNVHf/e385P/ 1214502493 0 32919873214 1214908615 1214502493 1214502871 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c7d3a209bd0fa5ed
1094 1 2 0 1212982448 wallkirio wallkirio $H$7arR5b//CJ5qjMynGW7.Pf6.ta3npd/ 1212982448 0 -49561376219 0 1212982448 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212982448 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 579WIE ff30a8c4dbe1be1c
1231 1 2 0 1214704082 DonMandronas donmandronas $H$72QUj20TnMVpW6SEQ87t0VlOVKYdzO/ 1214704082 0 -69174750919 0 1214704082 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214704082 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2OWT1Y 9aef246a51c93a8d
716 0 2 0 1206347803 mossel mossel $H$93bsC1H1k/1FILxPRfVbkpJ9L0TTMu1 1228517891 0 -67423584120 1235736632 1206347803 0 viewforum.php?f=12 1213611620 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 507fcd5aad9fcddc
1626 0 2 0 1218610413 loitthuuo loitthuuo $H$7AvEK8qJIAJ4QaumlSItVQmW9N/.Xe1 1218610413 0 -39363837517 0- 0- 0 1218945627 1218610413 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 good zvew4ilj 895678 116744ca59b1bb9e
1932 0 2 0 1222178000 vlaamse woede vlaamse woede $H$9ilO9Bpb2N48D3cEDlbrJws8CSSM.j. 1222178000 0 19139375621 1223764300 1222178000 0 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=1899 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7e98bf2590af6f28
1303 1 2 0 1215670573 bacikap bacikap $H$7qzpEys0OKESEKIKQCxjcoe/R9LWUQ1 1215670573 0 -145789967320 0 1215670573 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215670573 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 28Y3XQ 8708ee572f785d85
1299 1 2 0 1215606366 Billybossman billybossman $H$7whCqXCI6qysNvPHvU.9W/JRaZelM// 1215606366 0 53848235522 0 1215606366 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215606366 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1DV3NJ 3d7cfe98bdc51ed4
1311 0 2 0 1215727637 Wicked wicked $H$7CKvwazRqgPJJfv6lqGg5TfOyEmEqh. 1215727637 0 148597558813 0- 0- 0 1215897651 1215727637 1215733734 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1651&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Vlaanderen 0cebaa9111ae7226
1294 1 2 0 1215543600 kartridzhej kartridzhej $H$7Eg1JWztof6bq.UEjQXFJR0O8RTruA1 1215543600 0 -35177372922 0 1215543600 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215543600 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5A7NJL 823cc394a7a3f7b8
1478 1 2 0 1217449321 VW1488 vw1488 $H$7lKjIvPNfVz/jfaX5/nOMkqJ3Ysql11 1217449321 0 87342254127 0 1217449321 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217449321 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ILGPJ c10ebe6500d16a64
1295 0 2 0 1215554300 Tzimitce tzimitce $H$7Aj8JpWYp09PPhEclKf9TcOesuYucQ. 1215554300 0 -129815504818 1215554530 1215554300 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1579&_f_=73x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a397cc31999bede9
550 0 2 0 1203614676 Der nette Mann der nette mann $H$7N0LNVnIeHqbpWxKXeyD1S9QaBdWyo/ 1203614676 0 19560517719 31- 1-1992 1203622829 1203614676 1203621158 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 0 0 0 ce9b1fc6c922e007
609 0 2 0 1204389114 wm-hml wm-hml $H$9TczMSi5KPE6y6FnMe4.PCNhUxELml1 1220452993 0 157407455617 1231099255 1204389114 1224569888 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1204679573 0 0 0 0 0 23 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1208634681 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9cc790d99f66e611
778 1 3 0 1207401700 rectum rectum $H$7k9r890p8adshqt1pXJwlyDxeRKBWj1 1207401700 0 213795501218 0 1207401700 0 0 0 0 0 1 1207401700 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 34Y1HC 3afb719fcbe384b6
551 0 2 0 1203622296 WhiteLadyPride whiteladypride $H$7lewUoMmmYTr08owdYddzBi.J89qTY1 1203622296 0 87983561526 1212941661 1203622296 1204729273 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature 1204760659 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 551_1203632109.jpg 1 90 89 IN PRIDE WE STRIDE...... 8s0wmeoe 7adde48f85a078ea
692 0 2 0 1206110020 pitdog67 pitdog67 $H$9in04FpjblIBDOaQt3AdDJyC6qrKLS. 1230499463 0 -26656103313 1230499908 1206110020 1230499720 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=814 1217618968 0 0 0 0 0 10 en -7.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 692_1217619700.jpg 1 50 50 189ba9c1bf1cb4dd
552 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjqlo2kg qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjqlo2kg qlc4pjqlo2kg qlc4pjqlo2kg qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1203623405 B&amp;H Finland b&amp;h finland $H$9FFm7o3naHWQZ8FCQ9n5YSiXxSG2BI/ 1235646741 0 33424273417 1237073060 1203623405 1237072976 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=2772 1234164585 0 0 0 0 0 47 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236607163 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8a1388448e0e7f1b
643 0 2 0 1204820372 Evil evil $H$7gqWjP4LD1yyOMM2SaveXKhrN30M6y0 1204820372 0 112745696323 1209224989 1204820372 0 viewtopic.php?f=39&t=793&_f_=39x 1205843705 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37312d4de48200fd
559 0 2 0 1203691542 skingirl67 skingirl67 $H$7PPD/YK6.FLHAZ0Ebqr20OItfu89qH. 1203691542 0 -113926337823 1209307132 1203691542 0 memberlist.php?first_char=t&mode=&start=25 1209306833 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 49a1451a74dcc30b
755 0 2 0 1206905649 Posljednji vitez posljednji vitez $H$983.8APqoTDRYvQIQc57xOBawoAGC8/ 1226383331 0 -89218478121 1226383674 1206905649 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=881&_f_=44x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80488907a7b3f7f5
1151 1 2 0 1213686294 Bakalinvadbad bakalinvadbad $H$7bC.UpZpuUOpdSnSaeVYTuZxBjHE2G. 1213686294 0 201723055727 0 1213686294 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213686294 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 BMIUCC c192eb04b2ce2ff2
553 0 2 0 1203626322 John_M john_m $H$7HZYxHy1KLjVADSFsYhIgcJJsnvD9j/ 1203626322 0 -174469736928 26-10-1990 1206492146 1203626322 0 index.php 1203629975 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Northern ireland b0e246e16807a3d4
610 0 2 0 1204393840 tank_fv101 tank_fv101 $H$7vS4LAyxgQKOxED2bgC8rd32VXTCVR1 1204393840 0 -113048813830 1204393989 1204393840 0 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=102&_f_=102x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f1f215878ec0559d
728 0 2 0 1206533484 penio penio $H$7m/UJ8TXQnP7/yFUSZHXJekS6mPy6v/ 1206533484 0 -18426241617 1206534082 1206533484 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 adfea6097a460e8d
710 0 2 0 1206294853 ILskinTN ilskintn $H$9OxUWGMSE.yakA6qFJ7qM7hOoSpMvv1 1227068499 0 90682762425 1227068799 1206294853 0 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=12&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 833dcf93455dfb4c
706 0 2 0 1206204646 Grimnir grimnir $H$7Orb.SVyQ/usdGIo2oi4iw79/cHd4e/ 1206204646 0 117107876316 1206205454 1206204646 0 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=814&_f_=106x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 06c136c0bd5e9383
767 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1207241627 snow_white snow_white $H$9yxCqGPUKtshEhtxy1/OZ0N39zRj8z0 1231560887 0 206790439820 1236835661 1207241627 1215615210 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2126&p=17203 1236829462 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b6deaa1304796425
554 0 2 0 1203631841 skindog skindog $H$7hfzHOPEhpSfC2rDa3L35VBeCXZfWl. 1214085172 0 -197240102614 1214085296 1203631841 0 search.php?&sr=topics&search_id=newposts&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fbcbbd3143ee3fff
555 0 2 0 1203631894 Greg greg $H$7AR9amehPh0xsnfi2TecOj21dXzczi1 1203631894 0 -167500663614 1203632275 1203631894 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f98d666e965413a0
1277 0 2 0 1215274678 Naziskin88 naziskin88 $H$7L83NgGTuWwQ8FKNaeKcNe6bwBdTUi. 1215274678 0 173987655833 0 1215274678 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e56aea373fcc7c8f
769 1 3 0 1207245127 herr-wolf herr-wolf $H$7rJYnfco/SVlqXtL/55DkPWF5XoaF/. 1207245127 0 158455504626 0 1207245127 0 0 0 0 0 1 1207245127 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 UNEADF 0b318a3c93745f0e
770 0 2 0 1207245135 nikkki nikkki $H$7dTm18nGSRKScTBOHUe6ww0j9fL0UT1 1207245135 0 23373456519 1207245600 1207245135 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=856&_f_=28x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c7ee15135369c490
1049 1 2 0 1212484849 Keliobete keliobete $H$7DkJqhOOHl6r8J9vh4maPhJ3UQEkem/ 1212484849 0 -197860778121 0 1212484849 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212484849 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 62DTYH 981d79b062d8d6de
1262 0 2 0 1215062765 mijnstreekoost mijnstreekoost $H$90rJvt5Tk1z6OAdrQSbqn7uDxD.jln1 1224258631 0 46899661722 1232915239 1215062765 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e1bf142190ac23f9
648 0 2 0 1204927409 original B&amp;H original b&amp;h $H$7MLWst7i.OVTTvHGqE./6sUQ10foti1 1214052848 0 143109125422 1214052848 1204927409 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1205864928 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2594995d271dc62e
600 0 3 0 1204223719 gaston88 gaston88 $H$7RMmPu89wm6Jguzu.LASFME5Y55Bz1/ 1204223719 0 -101951318919 0 1204223719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 476J9T 034cdc337d9adfb4
566 0 2 0 1203711035 russ c russ c $H$70Fr1UZMltjuF8VpxbtcPBIqXiJuwX. 1203711035 0 -8208379320 1203711242 1203711035 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 75f43172264e27e8
1134 0 2 0 1213455501 someone007 someone007 $H$7H5G2f7t9mAgeo9V3l0pQgf34zu7xd0 1213455501 0 98660391931 1213455611 1213455501 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1072&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fbbb8d677b3ea19a
1209 1 2 0 1214479082 StabunubSuilt stabunubsuilt $H$7GCWrLooH97D3pqOZlGsVSJ6vC8y251 1214479082 0 70217444418 0 1214479082 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214479082 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2P693J 25eb9c810d4e31d3
1319 1 2 0 1215799301 illewlyMica illewlymica $H$7AA2qErMIiDWaj8zyFJ7yA2ReD/EBv1 1215799301 0 -107745822221 0 1215799301 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215799301 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1P72LT 26aa048e257b36fe
700 0 2 0 1206131306 Skinababy28 skinababy28 $H$7CewArg4J1TIEiIfMGTtuJXq8cpffj0 1206131306 0 -166762770318 1217503677 1206131306 1206131705 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=836&start=30&_f_=121x 1207493348 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 788fcad2ced7e49e
557 0 2 0 1203687260 joanne joanne $H$71aTzIWNzj6UbI98XdaWzfLK2WI3Ik/ 1203687260 0 -89718740127 1203695970 1203687260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ec8f58f909761d6e
756 0 2 0 1206908322 ANDY301 andy301 $H$70KL4Ok6OIfebuE10UMVMK1Xnh.qIK/ 1217450071 0 207362504827 16- 5-1974 1217452937 1206908322 0 viewforum.php?f=120&_f_=120x 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Leicester, England eac5f2914d7a0f53
558 0 2 0 1203687582 cov68 cov68 $H$9Ni5fDn7YNc.w7uPgEe66JS5W9HM4X0 1231033316 0 -68164427618 1236164382 1203687582 1233916448 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2418 1232623513 0 0 0 0 0 19 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1234482739 0 -3 1211049853 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a01e5e141421b360
748 0 2 0 1206814554 Pebble pebble $H$7SFnQQUQLg9rzLld7ZxJTIQ/Dvs9uk1 1206814554 0 -106564520928 1206907082 1206814554 0 viewforum.php 1206816101 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6fea024c63d4bc5d
1113 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1213187124 Topsukka topsukka $H$9xJGVOGhkj6f5CNOwRs.dd6FmUxlkb. 1229276834 0 -134286522722 1236262280 1213187124 1230129319 viewforum.php 1222808016 0 0 0 0 0 18 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7f3b8d4897c442b7
599 0 2 0 1204223203 Landser88 landser88 $H$7ooLYsWnpRrzGJ1ayzRAYMOYhfhmMC. 1204223203 0 130448671719 1204223518 1204223203 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=597&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bf6b71bcf0b38b9f
603 0 2 0 1204296712 warcriminal warcriminal $H$7xEd2jBEhO6ZV/5fMAGxo6V/v1dEJ2. 1204296712 0 172115575120 1204296810 1204296712 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=32&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2fb7004485e761da
720 0 2 0 1206395045 Ahnenerbe ahnenerbe $H$7VcoBHkc394D5t9QOMCcK86mi3v10D1 1206395045 0 -115099936128 1206395301 1206395045 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5f57cb8591f530eb
560 0 2 0 1203696384 killroy_1488 killroy_1488 $H$7M5Qd3rPXN9hLPIFEEl.FBCrgnWAmP/ 1211631569 0 161500426725 0- 0-1989 1211631535 1203696384 1210952519 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 3BEN6HVXGB 1205257488 0 0 1 0 0 39 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1204668778 0 -3 1203790618 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 560_1203701379.jpg 1 50 50 .:SS:. Mijn eer is Loyaliteit .:SS:. 3529nkqf Vlaanderen r.a.c. NS 4619ffe169280fb3
561 0 2 0 1203696997 Sawyers Mrs sawyers mrs $H$77ug0VnMWlUmHvyJZlaY8ikIJav2gN. 1203696997 0 -136753166416 1203697272 1203696997 0 viewforum.php?f=75&_f_=75x 1203697205 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 64a86a52f82a19f5
1244 0 2 0 1214837199 Treue treue $H$91RilOQPopiWNxAPZFxhwLSzFhx3LO1 1226524081 0 -136471407824 1226524598 1214837199 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 008e642f2423f49b
1245 1 2 0 1214841481 Escogsbof escogsbof $H$7fbfP.os88WEQdXKYUejuPDfwPvRDS/ 1214841481 0 190942970624 0 1214841481 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214841481 0 en -3.50 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4AQXPA a6f63ed669a19b3b
1237 0 2 0 1214818942 concernedkiwi88 concernedkiwi88 $H$7637jJFpdbSW1oAoT79wuw.XauYJeb0 1214818942 0 -186549401327 1217848423 1214818942 0 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1728&_f_=21x 1214819431 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 894 0 0 0 765be3bb8c174863
562 0 3 0 1203703588 88forlife 88forlife $H$97MwycbefloXUS27.EeqLpMAyh382F1 1221595726 0 21978968022 1221596366 1203703588 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1221596108 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7H2KT4 d3584d3229b8766c
1247 1 2 0 1214862377 Agomgrierry agomgrierry $H$7MQ1jpzHs9RYgO/.R1KxxJ2Ea30ay5. 1214862377 0 29095181319 0 1214862377 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214862377 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 47JCWI e98d2f27cef3cad5
1418 0 2 0 1216847206 euphoniea euphoniea $H$7akAQq/3g9UkuGJjVAoQ.oSrY6UHJu. 1216847206 0 190825762324 1216849376 1216847206 1216848792 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e977f26bc5e8d5d6
608 0 2 0 1204388555 WestLondonSkin westlondonskin $H$7wvpz6R4ZlG7KOZbe3VV6CoaGSBO840 1205572722 0 4724951532 1206740447 1204388555 1204744131 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=904&_f_=125x 1206642829 0 0 8 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1204743586 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2aa16f215b07e864
1330 1 2 0 1215898760 picco88 picco88 $H$7ywKQhJ4Jj0GlZ1HPPt2YQrsHcpUfO1 1215898760 0 121150008415 0 1215898760 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215898760 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3W8PDT 71a2438334e257ae
747 0 2 0 1206811447 skinbird1994 skinbird1994 $H$7MTCkEeCZI51Fv/3RwTXYB0VD.w6/m/ 1206811447 0 30162831925 1206815143 1206811447 0 viewtopic.php?f=96&t=882&_f_=96x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 424a04dd13b5f4b3
563 0 2 0 1203706118 SlOvEnC slovenc $H$7elCsdS.dWYEJir.cdh5mU0Qq2v53k0 1203706118 0 -9046933522 1203706267 1203706118 0 viewtopic.php?f=92&t=479&_f_=92x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9bdb452b021f7200
1104 1 2 0 1213092681 obrashu obrashu $H$7dX/HqP.wU1QXQZyDBAY/C/Qb1fAJT. 1213092681 0 -127920787617 0 1213092681 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213092681 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1IAT8T 7c0515cb9ac8e1e4
564 0 2 0 1203707913 peruner peruner $H$9oq5/h9i/VrnFXvf0AvzZalMU1MLFO1 1233527752 0 81842588817 1233529095 1214092913 1208736029 viewforum.php?f=120 1227451546 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url:2q145obp]http&#58;//www&#46;racnoi&#46;peruner&#46;com[/url:2q145obp][img:2q145obp]http&#58;//olifant&#46;peruner&#46;com/banner&#46;jpg[/img:2q145obp] 2q145obp GA== 966cd3aa45f1d6a3
565 0 2 0 1203708728 chelsealoyal chelsealoyal $H$9AudyozYrb66zBib5tm4duTsJ849jk1 1230746616 0 -88975259021 1230746900 1203708728 0 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1673 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [img:1qw0nu8x]http&#58;//i39&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/e158/chelsealoyal/valhalla_jpg_w560h420-1&#46;jpg[/img:1qw0nu8x] WHEN THE PEOPLE WHERE SLEEPING THE EVIL CREPT IN !!!!!!!!! 1qw0nu8x CA== e0295a0abed07f0a
1109 0 2 0 1213148544 yappy yappy $H$7wQBWBpUKyTZ/oCogiYyQxvYj6Yh57/ 1213148544 0 -11496688418 1213151152 1213148544 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1378&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0ecaefb3f874c0b2
1111 0 2 0 1213172515 Sassy_Celt sassy_celt $H$7MMiJI8sChW3E12s6YilflskwhIhxk0 1213172515 0 -191272681222 1214057415 1213172515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1e684aa789c14052
745 0 2 0 1206783638 Wibeke wibeke $H$7UU6hcAsNYJe3t426bN07RtSO2DzoF0 0 0 -175609684121 1232898861 1206783638 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 19b264598f41f2a0
567 0 2 0 1203730672 jordanh jordanh $H$7N6r55oOGQiGSkJ3qmG8sZhmHRHgul0 1203730672 0 206448643824 1203730950 1203730672 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 acce379b12dca464
703 1 2 0 1206179157 London_Pride london_pride $H$9HMD5o/OCPYcCLOBwMrk1VFwpI0Bi21 1222971094 0 -129993174321 1222970928 1206179157 0 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=905&_f_=4x 1208882019 0 0 0 2 1222971094 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 G7VMVB 4031cc4306a2a814
757 0 2 0 1206915036 marbro1 marbro1 $H$7bBvwxX1wSUOrcYjH5Ad3tymUGuqLB0 1206915036 0 139042363320 1215555911 1206915036 1207605597 index.php 1213397646 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 757_1210456555.gif 1 68 80 44fc129989a3dbda
1090 0 2 0 1212934569 Ph0eNiX ph0enix $H$9QE0fkd.fMBB5BgKAsJw/4pTRDvS1N1 1220869803 0 -95855295221 0- 0- 0 1220878309 1212934569 1220878303 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1677&_f_=71x 1217306237 0 0 0 0 0 16 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1220871482 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1090_1213445970.jpg 1 60 90 Brisbane Australia Animal Attendant 4fb0075c68fd47ed
656 0 2 0 1205154721 80km 80km $H$7IpnvQrJHEJjI749UqDxxPx2PTt0zz0 1216160884 0 -831278321 1216161463 1205154721 0 viewforum.php?f=73&_f_=73x 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [img:bvc28945]http&#58;//b&#46;imagehost&#46;org/0231/banner02&#46;gif[/img:bvc28945] bvc28945 CA== 95cfa2a2b437401e
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591 0 3 0 1204067155 witmann witmann $H$7FfMzxyFTjkFRj0lYXs3A.APtIdCzC/ 1204067155 0 -121851475816 0 1204067155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1X1ZKA 94014f60e1102b07
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571 0 2 0 1203785697 bubi 88 bubi 88 $H$7hXD.2pCditSsEFrBA.Zpr4CJoprmZ0 1203785697 0 124459656816 1203961520 1203785697 1203786711 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=568&_f_=38x 1203961281 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 afa21904a1bd31e5
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607 0 2 0 1204372542 O.R.I.O.N o.r.i.o.n $H$7iYlzkSMFArDbP00/BSnts/01twokb0 1204372542 0 40763052320 1211548444 1204372542 0 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80e00f9309e6941e
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587 0 2 0 1204017961 Sokol sokol $H$7sKg0jsjNo9ZJpQogEsTqdsL5ZAXxp1 1204017961 0 211990221414 1204199181 1204017961 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=568&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6bfa49596bc7684b
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573 0 2 0 1203801412 wasted wasted $H$9g6qbKCbckhU61AQysm4gZRpimN3Gp1 1229277806 0 -154913263717 1236183709 1203801412 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 20ac41c5d4d1ae57
1300 1 2 0 1215608296 The_Gurt the_gurt $H$73IKLwuNw9j1eWM/IUiexmaiQWIDB4. 1215608296 0 187791987015 0 1215608296 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215608296 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 166Z24 8e48ee7da90e2a66
1301 0 2 0 1215608391 Gurt gurt $H$7hVOjmPffkmvucmlKqJIc2pKtaKjWJ. 1215608391 0 67572238719 1215610242 1215608391 0 viewforum.php?f=2&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5ed67ae13ebc71cd
664 0 2 0 1205394267 DeathCharge9 deathcharge9 $H$7YwPpdczUR8mMvRbYKkVW0K7Ak9H2b/ 1205394267 0 -101709199225 0- 0- 0 1206998271 1205394267 1205805385 viewtopic.php?f=52&t=101&_f_=52x 1BA2ZHXUFU 1206067477 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1887 0 0 0 New Zealand Student Hacking, Computers, Research Into Wars 29055fcb51290e7b
1105 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1213101996 wforumss wforumss $H$9WJN3TQ7cY0iq.ATU6WM/wON9JLdJW0 1231015442 0 -88673791022 10- 8-1991 1236377693 1213101996 1235848395 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2663 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224082413 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Probably the only National socialist in my school... Wforumss Meine Ehre Heisst Treue 3s5o0s2b West-Flanders Student/ Webdesign in free time National socialism (reading Mein Kampf), computers... 4ef93bf86ae9f2b0
1184 0 2 0 1214151481 mick88 mick88 $H$774ize5d7x2tYhXQpSpStWSHIJnbnN. 1214151481 0 169323508927 1214152168 1214151481 1214152025 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=542&_f_=72x 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23e05f80219d6470
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760 0 2 0 1207133664 motty motty $H$7GqINYMdlXLZNH0W2D6snJXe9FSGtj/ 1207133664 0 -51785893921 1207363583 1207133664 0 memberlist.php 1207264723 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 90335e6296fc8d6a
1101 0 2 0 1213032004 acab acab $H$78dCOCl1o.1btYDJ4jHm4nHEZDHYfx/ 1213032004 0 20723736220 1213035337 1213032004 0 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&keywords=drugs&start=10 1213035134 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f76afa4ad5baeefc
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586 0 2 0 1203989292 Christisking28 christisking28 $H$7j0aUCeikHW5Lj56oCsTQ07b9GdpIf. 1203989292 0 -47572697524 1206413217 1203989292 1204480089 posting.php?mode=reply&f=52&t=101&_f_=52x 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1204414920 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 57d8b0ca70d8907f
625 0 3 0 1204593984 zerokiller zerokiller $H$7IzbwoxqAkWPhZ9gjTOrTvYBrWX/Ha. 1204593984 0 90684190520 0 1204593984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5DF7CR 08f49b6bb1b78f13
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685 0 2 0 1206014177 CambSkin cambskin $H$9i2JJrT7lGhg/jpp7mmaAlv6InWejM/ 1229182219 0 -186179149520 1232481599 1206014177 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e6174bea7240086e
1641 0 2 0 1218744725 defg798 defg798 $H$7qzJArV5XjboPVrIEHfeOge.wt2tIl/ 1218744725 0 149052554620 1219358141 1218744725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;fcsgame&#46;com/:ozx0hc8v]wow gold[/url:ozx0hc8v] ozx0hc8v EA== 6bd062ad5dd278ba
1269 0 2 0 1215189913 dolfke dolfke $H$9npq0IEOINNmqeBXaXrx.bW5K8ouPr/ 1224856174 0 -71022876924 1224856360 1215189913 0 ucp.php?i=168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5615ef1fe4d0e810
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581 0 3 0 1203897149 Stabilo stabilo $H$7dGnhpiU3SfSoZyTMvUmARYHOQgucg. 1203897149 0 -136970099925 0 1203897149 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3MFK39 20be9dec56c3d692
577 0 3 0 1203874209 BrotherHood brotherhood $H$7vBXaoiZEPk.g2qZoAIQufO5bpVFG.1 1203874209 0 -75598610835 0 1203874209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43MQQB 82d7d1ecd74ce941
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605 0 2 0 1204318878 NO_SHAME_JUST_PRIDE no_shame_just_pride $H$7e7XwRyTURZiYwm2vImolsj6ICADrv0 0 0 -151079104917 1216558880 1204318878 1211321740 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0ae65ac7c54202df
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1241 1 2 0 1214832676 kamikazee kamikazee $H$7JPT02696KVd72ITCcvs1.d3Kpbn1H/ 1214832676 0 -113873459916 0 1214832676 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214832676 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 48Z8TH 7ce8a1a3295fc29c
1242 1 2 0 1214833258 uugakom uugakom $H$70TU7S3TVkSq2QNZpv0HMyODBXL3fN1 1214833258 0 55918581317 0 1214833258 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214833258 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 A29XOQ 3191c5d8559ce1bf
1243 0 2 0 1214835142 madduffman madduffman $H$7wphoy.PYf5KTKvYW.4HzQH0EeZKVk1 1214835142 0 -136645944424 1214838757 1214835142 0 viewtopic.php?f=102&t=1511&_f_=102x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 91099c5ddbf68c02
1339 1 2 0 1215966175 misboiy misboiy $H$7sVqGj.28tk.obOuPU3iGSuXRT8xtd. 1215966175 0 50391746119 0 1215966175 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215966175 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3J4HFL f5bb0bd9676a4e84
580 0 2 0 1203882799 ixlegion ixlegion $H$7qdbTwn8FOEnvvtBgXAisF4.Ugy5El1 1203882799 0 -184496769120 1204211949 1203882799 1203883085 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=249&p=1882&hilit=ix+legion&_f_=75x 1204211939 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 283383f7d6bcaadf
1334 1 2 0 1215942326 Touptercore touptercore $H$7flth4Fd9Y5gwrW3qPUi9bE5f5vMoX1 1215942326 0 177298617322 0 1215942326 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215942326 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4DQF9X 82755dc2b9f3a25c
1278 1 2 0 1215278860 Olchik olchik $H$7w/2uhBpV8/AjPUFEiR6FEdB7cqP3i. 1215278860 0 -70173986025 0 1215278860 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215278860 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4OAE46 1e5ef8936fd32bf8
1275 0 2 0 1215270044 nox88 nox88 $H$7o05ANyjhVU3cdMWlSI2n/XDu5QkiP/ 1215270044 0 -28599100322 10- 7-1974 1217083967 1215270044 1217083660 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=1646&_f_=101x 1217083663 0 0 0 0 0 11 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1225494551 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1275_1215271321.jpg 1 80 67 [b:380mtrbl][size=150:380mtrbl][color=#BF80BF:380mtrbl]FROM WORDS TO ACTION FROM CITICISM TO DESTRUCTION FROM HOPES TO VISIONS FROM DISPAIR TO VICTORY[/color:380mtrbl][/size:380mtrbl][/b:380mtrbl] 380mtrbl Rg== Washington State. U.S.A Fry cook Putting my boots to niggers teh 4b7fe81db4ff3176
1276 0 2 0 1215271150 linderdof linderdof $H$7OPmm6A0Wxwt3lhUIctp0hmSGq/mZu1 1215271150 0 -134496549419 1215274490 1215271150 0 viewforum.php?f=104&_f_=104x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7c1068cb8611535a
736 0 2 0 1206579583 beachbummin1969 beachbummin1969 $H$7NzFsPp6kaS2JLSuH2nN3yQwYpP2mP/ 1206579583 0 105813844125 1206579699 1206579583 0 1206579625 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 427337e98f4aefcb
674 0 2 0 1205626408 KittyKat kittykat $H$7y42A3UH7vS6J36MjTrvpHjhVNYwlt/ 1205626408 0 -100624067223 1205626855 1205626408 0 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=643&_f_=17x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2d4f27a3b076fd83
582 0 2 0 1203897359 **Stabilo** **stabilo** $H$7kPkEkm8HdrzKGUe.3Hh1pGhdxY8M31 1203897359 0 -105936557319 0 1203897359 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5bcd07aff55a3027
780 0 2 0 1207415945 whitelad88 whitelad88 $H$9gKU7fYiOYOY1JTtscq.tUvyYTuR4o1 1232557835 0 -136983618325 1236192826 1207415945 1235792614 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2997 32ZQ4FFDQB 1236192525 0 0 0 0 0 30 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1227974656 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80e6e973ed97f5a3
630 0 2 0 1204651389 schneidemuhl schneidemuhl $H$7yRIYO9VQUrIx8aGdZRUjjqOPjDi.Y. 1216838085 0 82315863914 1220733776 1204651389 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=70&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5e44006cb8b9468b
583 0 2 0 1203911567 HAB hab $H$7gM63oDSRQyGXLIy0PaZfmx/kCzbqH. 1203911567 0 56072379423 1204561435 1203911567 1204052076 posting.php?mode=quote&f=21&p=789&_f_=21x QY994GYKQQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8a83b2456dfa9343
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1645 0 2 0 1218839398 tuvw741 tuvw741 $H$7fCYwsg23MN6KliNqVdPkqST0T.DSm0 1218839398 0 156204516320 1219728385 1218839398 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//wow&#46;igxe&#46;com:f7jd1pqn]wow gold[/url:f7jd1pqn] f7jd1pqn EA== 038a6cc36b05b44a
669 0 2 0 1205528564 damo1488 damo1488 $H$7mFQc81YhEDCnhRSCiWNQgWlnLxuQi1 1205528564 0 -167490877323 17- 1-1985 1215459435 1205528564 1206349939 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1207981817 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 669_1205686005.gif 1 80 80 Damo 14/88 1k776ric Chelmsford (Essex) &amp; East London Pest Control Technician Music, Friends, Beer, Smoking, Gigs, Writing And Playing Music, Football (WHUFC)...ect f13ef805c6060e38
590 0 2 0 1204047427 jepa jepa $H$7/enUOBRGJFovFRc16z.HYHcjcAzWr/ 1204047427 0 -181928246115 1205679805 1204047427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3004b4ce697ec294
698 0 2 0 1206122814 H8Machine h8machine $H$9YE6T5ifiNt4pMAPdSlNG7VIlc8nW10 1229374675 0 -71365765113 1235759998 1206122814 0 viewtopic.php?f=41&t=2650 1230891893 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 54IAAR $H$7Or8RyxbeQFQRaYA7kDgaHkkm150JL1 d03ced788f6fad98
585 0 2 0 1203974670 blacx blacx $H$79/9o.NjEwns.tBnrZwZHVSyrYdHNL1 1203974670 0 -133266689120 1203974861 1203974670 0 viewforum.php?f=12&_f_=12x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 167db2a29f8e7f22
636 0 3 0 1204720620 southernskins88 southernskins88 $H$7qJda2xPkjFR0b4Hk.e6DZ431zmM06. 1204720620 0 -88238970432 0 1204720620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 JN2W4Y 81f8b9981e2b8c2b
665 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1205413435 lucas lucas $H$9p8OAhbYXZ09uwm3BMmnVg/Hqn8c7O1 1230829481 0 -181724354518 1236975195 1205413435 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2352 1236975159 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e134a6a5c7fef979
2243 0 2 0 1228282879 yutrero159 yutrero159 $H$9nJwWAwaxUYDAk5HBUI/gcnxUjpcTu0 1228282879 0 34575249319 0- 0- 0 1228675788 1228282879 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4nw112m2 35233332 e3280e8c5d8b3d93
709 0 2 0 1206284370 Brat brat $H$757KIDOtxNXEMN8gf/YJmx06nbtRYO1 1214129229 0 117472455221 1215556523 1206284370 1206374167 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=865&_f_=121x 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fbbc729f45cefeb1
678 0 2 0 1205951894 nyomkereso05 nyomkereso05 $H$7Y8OFulCtFKXzNnNh/MnJL1Ouxs.GC1 1205951894 0 146497775525 1206032092 1205951894 0 memberlist.php?mode=group 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c6e8b00fe4df4549
592 0 2 0 1204081319 Marks marks $H$9dOt5cGxgL.f.h3uOV5JqDRcuUURIT1 1234081342 0 196036006824 1234082589 1204081319 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2681 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9ed13dc3f373b5cb
722 0 2 0 1206399806 ??? 666 $H$78.2JTgEWVGAgvsJn0zirkyqeIrhIC. 1206399806 0 -162146023014 1207336977 1206399806 0 viewforum.php?f=41&_f_=41x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 271688069e3e88c4
746 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1206791915 WhitePower whitepower $H$9Bo7uFJ/AtO1.vFHf4W9Yo8tzZhE/d. 1236883632 0 202581354124 0- 0- 0 1237059936 1206791915 1236699544 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2994 1236699318 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236778807 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 856eb48a66839c15
588 0 2 0 1204025871 White88 white88 $H$7q0CYKtKgLGqMearIGgb0uA6AyOnnI. 1204025871 0 -156488861328 1210940368 1204025871 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=588 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0a453521d0fa774b
663 0 2 0 1205359423 SKINLY skinly $H$9u6sR/u2qwNuwKd./jIgzBEj9G300t. 1232741917 0 -43361315127 16-12-1989 1232742582 1205359423 1222388837 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=801 1227654243 0 0 0 0 0 72 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219726274 0 -3 1205570157 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 663_1205372205.gif 1 89 66 [b:1202vpys]White Power [/b:1202vpys] 1202vpys RA== Manchester Skrewdriver, Getting Pissed Being a Nazi Skinhead 43cf02a04990b8c1
611 0 3 0 1204402423 white_fist_cov88 white_fist_cov88 $H$7RLfnN/.3aWcDULblgWU6Wy/1Gki5q1 1204402423 0 51847032921 1228823575 1204402423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1Y4WOR 4b23a8830fb4c539
589 0 2 0 1204037841 Thrud88 thrud88 $H$7exsWRg5VLWbbAw1DHlJLKD3w4WCqj0 1204037841 0 51411973822 1204038044 1204037841 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=68&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d2290c8b8c35251f
1100 0 2 0 1213031739 WoYA woya $H$7gyPwgtJiDjk7MyFMQV34Fk4PHH/qx. 1213031739 0 -178600017925 1213031952 1213031739 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 14c5cb7b83623f9e
1341 0 2 0 1215983436 whitescot whitescot $H$7ImXH6OQIWMFG8O5BEKl9nH34xVcgv1 1215983436 0 94044165914 0- 0- 0 1216149559 1215983436 1215984181 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aberdeen.. scotland worker cars, n niger slapping 736f4504b8486026
1335 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1215949269 chris chris $H$9raSA3YfwJCbeCB1GrDrJurViKf9U9. 1233620134 0 -9051998515 1236813871 1215949269 1234220707 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3124 1234724715 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d4977fff959a01d1
624 0 2 0 1204585922 freya freya $H$7f4DQuprNw.9GSHVaiQE7QanSQ1cgK. 1204585922 0 -3389076016 1204586301 1204585922 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=242&_f_=29x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f903ef04ae541352
1377 0 2 0 1216425792 Wolfsey3 wolfsey3 $H$7w8yinLUpaUL5X7xgfp7RXrLQHgSYc1 1216425792 0 -83403722224 1216425888 1216425792 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1690&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bc426b42180eff4a
1235 0 2 0 1214775445 werewolf8814 werewolf8814 $H$7ymoswHhoV6uLLtSrZA1IbKDwQrDKf0 1214775445 0 159610702021 1216852029 1214775445 1215902385 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 74e242dac8e0d824
1127 0 2 0 1213375818 totenkopf18 totenkopf18 $H$7z6z4nwMn.tU7RdLgG8.LF4hfyLPwx/ 1213375818 0 -6778934321 1220455202 1213375818 1214649736 index.php 1213379429 0 0 3 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3920a88b0cc247b0
1128 0 2 0 1213378928 moff moff $H$7bdpYHjtfL2Ya.AceQ23tXVxkWuOe41 1213378928 0 -71316634725 1215878469 1213378928 0 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=437&_f_=115x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d891138e5d22fc8c
1133 0 2 0 1213451476 Dunkelheit dunkelheit $H$74Bm9skv7elANedZJ.raJkqe9p67OK. 1213451476 0 -146851736421 1213453115 1213451476 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1283&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 34d50e7309974637
676 0 2 0 1205788446 FFAF ffaf $H$7L9yViRUJhTdEqk5z/wHH.TOW3cl7J0 1213891617 0 -16683677921 1213892037 1205788446 1207372610 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1308&_f_=18x 1208284974 0 0 10 0 0 3 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ec5228d42a84494c
1188 0 2 0 1214227274 DOINGO88 doingo88 $H$7H692Xw3.fUuarCFsbTR36Wm773VuW/ 1214227274 0 83031999924 1214227626 1214227274 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fbda52d1445f7d12
796 0 2 0 1207923464 ali ali $H$78OLlCCSaErZdve7qW8j3t5ETOKFjf1 1207923464 0 -39963584922 1207923669 1207923464 0 search.php?keywords=&terms=all&author=Robby+Cura%C3%A7ao&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d207dcbd9d70ac2a
1210 1 2 0 1214479611 Vodoley vodoley $H$7um5YPd4w2PRf6qCgmr7I02fJOti4x/ 1214479611 0 -84638710419 0 1214479611 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214479611 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4UGKHU 422c3b527206b6da
1257 1 2 0 1215027386 Blue Eyed Devil blue eyed devil $H$7E.qmdXS2MlpkrxfKCH7vvSRutuEtl. 1215027386 0 -170441948628 0 1215027386 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215027386 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1Z7K12 996cda8ed0dc3833
1258 0 2 0 1215030689 Crux crux $H$7AXd8BckCSLCs1aYItlLfulu4TOamb0 1215030689 0 131893775428 1215031228 1215030689 0 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=1147&_f_=33x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 54f24f9191aa901e
1069 1 2 0 1212685485 takumant takumant $H$7dalyZI9bgyZrBP4m7hk.ulqfgcD2X0 1212685485 0 14625441218 0 1212685485 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212685485 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4728HG b753311f941bedf5
688 0 2 0 1206070059 OJT0809 ojt0809 $H$7EoKekxfV2i1uenVxSxVHB9M.6G9yx. 1206070059 0 -137212041922 1206070372 1206070059 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 63b5ed90623db377
666 0 2 0 1205419714 storm storm $H$7JlxHulT5G6eh3AiblRy66yR/kKVba1 1205419714 0 -42366113325 1205420096 1205419714 0 viewforum.php?f=101&_f_=101x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7602755846c22a6f
753 0 2 0 1206891248 AH88 ah88 $H$9RoJjEdMDrteDWicmIn.WJyFiqcoZn1 1234572159 0 -74249518624 1235385063 1206891248 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2621 1210753533 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3610b22cfbf75601
662 0 2 0 1205262183 section88 section88 $H$7YILlNfMzYGq1kClLAXuDpfET4dLez. 1213978727 0 77931048316 0- 0- 0 1213978756 1205262183 1209895043 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1175&_f_=3x 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1206105807 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> yirgaw5k northampton,middle of england!!! gas man lots 5ae81902a3177904
661 0 2 0 1205257442 Ste28 ste28 $H$7RovrpqF/lIiXHztUHX.cJriooT3Op/ 1205257442 0 -30597729523 0- 0- 0 1205343737 1205257442 1205260102 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=108&_f_=25x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 661_1205259400.jpg 1 90 90 Switzerland ff576cff51b161aa
694 0 2 0 1206114429 ns-skinhead ns-skinhead $H$7EgP6.TtVPxf7coE9c7pzp3oYYT5OO/ 1206114429 0 44324676114 1207310632 1206114429 1206295854 viewforum.php?f=121&_f_=121x 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 694_1206296142.jpg 1 77 72 [img:3sp810gd]http&#58;//i186&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/x138/Kraftschlag/HateCore-1&#46;jpg[/img:3sp810gd] 3sp810gd CA== 61c9cfa5dec3943c
658 0 2 0 1205220555 plevnik88 plevnik88 $H$7lhrJ3uo0rZ3QB.eUAHnfntk7jvDvs0 1205220555 0 166143602323 1225443659 1205220555 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=512&start=10&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 20505ae61c5864b8
776 0 2 0 1207399007 whiteboy88 whiteboy88 $H$7ly9N5K9zBPMEMFeyly8IUkZ52gIZp1 1207399007 0 149272830821 1207400208 1207399007 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 776_1207400156.jpg 1 82 71 ea21cd93a51fba3a
782 0 2 0 1207495798 Terrorwolfe terrorwolfe $H$7r/p16FOIWZyyn9PApt4SBjSEYWzE4/ 1207495798 0 151080554323 1207496612 1207495798 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=168&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 06457030c0f0eedf
801 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1207942521 Skinheritage skinheritage $H$9h9eZJdHCN6SQueRUxGHiBPEkInHIX1 1236415967 0 -196635356417 0- 0- 0 1237013100 1207942521 1237012999 viewtopic.php?f=19&t=3142 1236514503 0 0 0 0 0 232 en -1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236468444 0 -3 1236514537 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 383 801_1232592079.jpg 1 90 90 Lancashire Bikes, Music WN&gt;Classical. Big fan of Skrewdriver &amp; Brutal Attack. Being a 28 Skinhead. History. 2E5NEM $H$9cyoHEyv1uzfDlsi0UpttuyL3Fa3T./ eb2cca05e692879d
758 0 2 0 1206946066 Seva seva $H$7LP56Q3eJe9EZm3u9NpeUelUjEyuzk. 1206946066 0 -7028126121 1206946215 1206946066 0 viewtopic.php?f=74&t=824&_f_=74x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 88a4d43364a6edc8
660 0 2 0 1205236919 laurak88 laurak88 $H$7F2yq3CcvNSofm0p83bwfkF4rTCf550 1205236919 0 -211188203719 1205362798 1205236919 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=319&_f_=75x 1205254752 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 386a0f65a7103108
1283 1 2 0 1215344054 rinkDrairty rinkdrairty $H$7wegK5nRzx3OpSBYsdVt0JbFhF/htq0 1215344054 0 208440574017 0 1215344054 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215344054 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YT3U4 22a738ded7628526
718 0 2 0 1206387120 Kerigi kerigi $H$7FweWXYau0s2eKH6gkeoSh/fhaYblr1 1206387120 0 -123428459513 1206387161 1206387120 0 viewforum.php?f=74&_f_=74x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6f49bb46fef612f5
1286 1 2 0 1215456545 dsedrass dsedrass $H$7DheWA4BX19mrOk7vZo6hyql8BxaRr/ 1215456545 0 -127872283918 0 1215456545 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215456545 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2PKKPT cbf46da8aff507de
1287 1 2 0 1215456935 Spoogssnall spoogssnall $H$7WktffHV60pYp.enWJg5m7Gg9G9nuE0 1215456935 0 -41327239519 0 1215456935 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215456935 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43ABR6 5f6c6945e4ec637c
711 0 2 0 1206299704 White_Rider_ZG white_rider_zg $H$9sGBK.K0Xga8GMtX1FYJxKqCz/VEbw. 1220551444 0 -180705236716 0- 0- 0 1221552883 1206299704 1213981283 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=878&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 3K7BCRO9BB 0 0 0 4 0 0 10 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 711_1206310829.jpg 1 73 90 Furchtlos und Treu 32uwg9o3 Zagreb / Croatia 355da61312bcd7dd
1013 0 2 0 1212159133 Bulten bulten $H$7i8h2QnZGiWWmLjyA23TJwgHScskLD/ 1212159133 0 -15391985918 1212165413 1212159133 0 viewtopic.php?f=51&t=1059&_f_=51x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7b2582d950834975
1198 0 2 0 1214341138 bloody bloody $H$9e9lj0i/gZsffDuHmgWJBf77R5RDTK. 1225304152 0 30896448514 1225304533 1214341138 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8e89242c62b80414
1014 0 2 0 1212161100 AdamBloodAndHonour adambloodandhonour $H$7Fz9O2wPI/JIcJQlRYWEFKp72yTbwv/ 1212161100 0 -58349777226 1212231889 1212161100 1212189411 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=817&_f_=25x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1212257416 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d879d4580380d871
740 0 2 0 1206717241 chesn chesn $H$9WYWDvZgTYCxYW1ymIqJ4.ccZUBDP.. 1219310624 0 -20864025427 1219311192 1206717241 1206721485 viewforum.php?f=26&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1206717254 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cc28a1a8ec644740
772 0 2 0 1207308506 Frank1933 frank1933 $H$79zVZc39HB4oyLp1D0Uf8KHk4sFmUf1 0 0 -20776762016 1216146725 1207308506 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ac7a7d0955e778e8
1085 1 2 0 1212864491 vocalipt vocalipt $H$78HkQ/SAn5GKMcHJ5YVs.hPvIjW3iu/ 1212864491 0 -74767954918 0 1212864491 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212864491 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 33RU1H 9c5186572d62cc7d
1232 0 2 0 1214718621 bestdefenseva bestdefenseva $H$7Mw8n0Z9Ye0pYyKSK8NEHbp/lpyv9m1 1214718621 0 37262086017 1214719023 1214718621 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6ef939c5fdc5e43e
1087 0 2 0 1212877611 skinnyX skinnyx $H$7AtsbQ.RpsWYFh56OEuquAbYHXlRfR/ 1212877611 0 -210942361819 1213801798 1212877611 1212884409 viewforum.php?f=26&_f_=26x 1213129189 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 85b448b6915c0a90
741 0 2 0 1206736382 Violence violence $H$7GfKa7QuPTkChG.yDLxQzpRGh34jcd/ 1206736382 0 -78289408719 1206736669 1206736382 0 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=437&_f_=10x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f76d79a7dddbacb7
742 0 2 0 1206766029 teemu niemelä teemu niemelä $H$7i6WPNsYVNUNBYsF84mjdzF1ibPykm0 1206766029 0 182841458124 0 1206766029 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 de55f289b5e9c9ed
743 1 3 0 1206768290 sonnet sonnet $H$7P21YoDEiySfGaoU6sjQSLXaPRKCyp. 1206768290 0 -152122098222 0 1206768290 0 0 0 0 0 1 1206768290 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 12AEB4 5e3c0b6cc0205dd1
744 0 2 0 1206768764 Sonnet1815 sonnet1815 $H$73cGsqe8elOWbnpmh90e8NZE1VIv.70 1206768764 0 -173153923022 1206769205 1206768764 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5437716ac29d5038
777 0 2 0 1207399244 kazbek kazbek $H$7Ll4nGUde0i2jJFRZx/ShBRKngN1sN. 1207399244 0 13741158520 1213731801 1207399244 0 viewtopic.php?f=30&t=789&_f_=30x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 571ba489d3113482
1193 0 2 0 1214276701 gav gav $H$7PSjOvXGhoXsU5XbmBJR5x73npWFTW. 1214276701 0 170026866524 8- 7-1972 1214373046 1214276701 1214373023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214277941 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 282b2a745149e776
779 0 2 0 1207415363 Ymir ymir $H$7OOKftosWb5equdGETx4EiR.ZfSG9u0 1207415363 0 57379989318 1207415886 1207415363 0 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=814&_f_=106x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 95733127b2729ff5
1297 1 2 0 1215567878 chimchans chimchans $H$7FM6vsjHEyBvpj9j5feE.MIvAWOmN/1 1215567878 0 83293075219 0 1215567878 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215567878 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56FBGE 949178d48b931da5
1260 0 2 0 1215037285 sneddon sneddon $H$9qAsyD09DhPpSoEpQWcqioNHl1c84z. 0 0 114189951721 10-11-1991 1233257662 1215037285 1215046160 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1215782511 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1229912171 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Scotland, Grangemouth Student 933962a748b3c092
1510 1 2 0 1217685264 Wreroitravino wreroitravino $H$7ObaNPpp76gQmKfgoTWZrygnY8GSxi1 1217685264 0 59710857225 0 1217685264 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217685264 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4V4ISM 0d9fea1d4d636751
1145 1 2 0 1213612485 ClumanX clumanx $H$7bOGYDB3ygBGbP/CoF9Dv8VVlUEeeO/ 1213612485 0 -26362843821 0 1213612485 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213612485 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1742G4 6d94cb308a058d50
1146 0 2 0 1213613686 Fascista fascista $H$9WUnjqZzll/U4GyPhWzXplvr9kVDmP1 1230699432 0 126508743621 1230700467 1213613686 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1213617532 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 337ee5ce7f339f71
1082 0 2 0 1212830987 avion avion $H$7ez9UnFGCwsbmIySLLua7W7H98GAnF/ 1212830987 0 82939498023 1220938738 1212830987 1220619710 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1221040900 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3d50c993559a53dd
1172 0 2 0 1213976045 lone wolf lone wolf $H$9pulutE.W0pSw9MZDzHHNS9.m4Xxk81 1234979044 0 181208875724 20- 8-1968 1234979052 1213976045 1227249355 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1228671473 0 0 0 0 0 99 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1227249362 0 -3 1223491465 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1172_1217762829.jpg 1 67 80 Staffordshire,Cannock Builder My family,Martial arts,History. 4c6b32de232ebbb4
1089 0 2 0 1212928418 DeathsHead88 deathshead88 $H$7st0O0mA1zfcVtxQgMi/kUcliwhVRd1 1212928418 0 122070319725 0- 0- 0 1219055107 1212928418 1219054972 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=991&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=13x 4B6U1HZ1HN 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 10.00 0 |d M Y|, H:i 2 0 0 0 1216124575 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 1089_1213362878.jpg 1 90 90 Australia Reading, fitness, art, music. f3ecc52bd66cadd0
781 0 2 0 1207416358 fritze fritze $H$920KN02wL.cru8sSpmwrVhTaWBJD4C. 1231245881 0 -13821756418 1233783900 1207416358 1231246163 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1207811524 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e8af65a7b0ba12d1
1229 1 2 0 1214681814 spivevelf spivevelf $H$7oOpkqGH38Sps8cj3MtSQHJyUdmpPb1 1214681814 0 -188019517722 0 1214681814 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214681814 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1BVLW7 a7cf39c42cb7d6e4
1388 1 2 0 1216554401 hatevox hatevox $H$7X7ffFCRsDcv5i3mcEhIFa.nPgkl9t0 1216554401 0 -103878225824 0 1216554401 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216554401 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5EQQNY 96df73f747b089a6
1230 0 2 0 1214688967 kinggrouch kinggrouch $H$78T20QHfZmEH61yyW7cGMWJjaMEK.e/ 1214688967 0 -137403532224 1218810927 1214688967 0 viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1157&_f_=46x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 62f675c9f67586e4
1083 0 2 0 1212841476 Thulewolf thulewolf $H$9h84RuP1Si8iLJefho/P8Ki1KzqHsm1 1227711986 0 -157960999228 0- 0- 0 1227712223 1212841476 1217349011 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2376 1217065113 0 0 1 0 0 13 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1217800478 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 50b17ba092d154d0
959 1 2 0 1211420593 Voginowooke voginowooke $H$7N.Ukrq4JWWpbZ/kuiAj9EGRHKgm4y/ 1211420593 0 -69596036724 0 1211420593 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211420593 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3BMEEB 366610288275a16a
1149 0 2 0 1213640685 zeitgeist zeitgeist $H$963/UlyEgzImKcrTyucODAEmpd5j9l0 1224166165 0 -102247273722 1224166293 1213640685 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7d89a920b4fa4def
1168 1 2 0 1213914517 berserkr88 berserkr88 $H$7F9ap28s.h5ewAzK.ODggTAH73uupr0 1213914517 0 -164665322120 0 1213914517 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213914517 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2E2KE2 fa7f78a4f6af7ce5
810 0 2 0 1208068950 AVV avv $H$95rAY31ID23OLyrFruCVmbt35dBKcG1 1225657374 0 -123750429327 1225658077 1208068950 1209715264 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1837 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ae2115020c3cbf2f
1054 1 2 0 1212583746 amromis amromis $H$7OccA1HKQVflvCW4FCiuzJ8v7qXYnp/ 1212583746 0 -197314551417 0 1212583746 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212583746 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1OPSAX d7ca01314ac82bb3
972 0 2 0 1211569213 WhiteOutlaw28 whiteoutlaw28 $H$9FdfkJLZUbPqkAZi/YYpVfjbwkNqam0 1220281470 0 138544576521 3- 9-1986 1225807658 1211569213 1218020162 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2210 1220874746 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 972_1211800642.jpg 1 50 50 Vlaanderen Arbeider Politics,Football,Hooliganism,... c3885acc26c9c5f5
2444 0 2 0 1232612035 SH-OS sh-os $H$9Z46Pd7YZsrvREjr.XaF/e9DmRt8uq1 1232612035 0 -165908703516 1233063073 1232612035 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2073&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9f7a398bdcb35f38
2437 0 2 0 1232431798 Katolik katolik $H$9qgDOdWAaAD1fKiZUjzeh81stxUeyI1 1232431798 0 -70640978529 1232432358 1232431798 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2073 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 577e32c7d9481d66
1055 1 2 0 1212590941 zeonchar zeonchar $H$7keDLArhTAFy9j2MJyQgRkYMcHrfFj. 1212590941 0 185421990726 0 1212590941 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212590941 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 45NCZR 5ab57c18854c42ad
1250 1 2 0 1214892779 Etexiainire etexiainire $H$7yurQRrk9/ILei3xmymuSNW72EkhlL0 1214892779 0 -109235072920 0 1214892779 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214892779 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YSAJ2 0aa1cb273c813d31
1238 1 2 0 1214820512 nelson nelson $H$7wCnestGy3YARJOTP0v9r3XE21BdkR1 1214820512 0 -92314574115 0 1214820512 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214820512 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 294GST 152e04e3528bf54d
970 1 2 0 1211516192 llBlackSlutsll llblackslutsll $H$7Lm2l/uQGHZRGtEQ5e68fCRzmcVqdv. 1211516192 0 30697862317 0 1211516192 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211516192 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1E3MSA fd255755dcff5b98
783 0 2 0 1207504519 Svarog svarog $H$9YUxRK57KUObSNqBqHBcdwcA7SVYZd0 1230930778 0 86677081123 0- 0-1982 1233600753 1207504519 1223726602 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 783_1208209957.jpg 1 87 88 Lika bde9cae62e0df4dc
1139 1 2 0 1213528764 hate society hate society $H$7CCoxB89c.rD6l6GyZ286hXUOVa7cx1 1213528764 0 -87523435439 0 1213528764 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213528764 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 38EUUO 178c89319475f895
973 0 2 0 1211574237 Stuka stuka $H$91zzlM0PzXceiq1Yjsz5fcxY.rrS7I. 1224108840 0 35580706917 27- 8-1987 1226347145 1211574237 1225137947 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=12 1226346625 0 0 0 0 0 17 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1212011718 0 -3 1211828161 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Rossendale Coal man 487b453d25c4600e
879 0 2 0 1209054019 KnuckleHead knucklehead $H$783uXcdmncSIlf1I7RrnAg.oI6Owyg/ 1209054019 0 190479194624 5- 4-1983 1210093215 1209054019 0 viewforum.php?f=120&_f_=120x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -7.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1209056198 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 879_1209054959.jpg 1 85 76 Salt Lake City, Utah,USA The advancement of the White Race in the multi-ethnic societies in which we are forced to dwell. 5db23c5ebf020ab6
784 1 3 0 1207565498 berserkr berserkr $H$7.KHtN709NtsXWPPBFIHIjik5vkYIe/ 1207565498 0 -120984505920 0 1207565498 0 0 0 0 0 1 1207565498 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 IMAL5U 737b11669c78777b
785 0 2 0 1207571050 Ms Dragon Banner ms dragon banner $H$9re91x9quwEa.Zx.Q9JF4KbQTekQVk1 0 0 204208170923 0-10- 0 1234809484 1207571050 1231709625 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1228859314 0 0 0 0 0 26 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1225145436 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 785_1207573599.png 1 50 48 Lancashire lass in Leeds b54dadaa80ffe1e0
1203 1 2 0 1214391080 Impomiumb impomiumb $H$7JP1Dd0mm1hjtZrRHI/4cTg9Flil/Y/ 1214391080 0 -165436106430 0 1214391080 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214391080 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2XL59G ee29390f5ebf7b60
1152 1 2 0 1213695187 Mubtausia mubtausia $H$7sFo3M0nVtXm3.kn9GMSUAPdyd.iDY0 1213695187 0 -178267844222 0 1213695187 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213695187 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1A9E2F d44d97f8f73e5a10
786 0 2 0 1207573930 blinking blinking $H$763IdhW96aBwWFNstyfZYkteex1vlJ0 1207573930 0 214688439835 1207574452 1207573930 1207574303 viewforum.php?f=71&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9d7f10a761ac18ce
1261 0 2 0 1215053541 Fenrir Lothringen fenrir lothringen $H$9qpVzt4CXUTA89hSXsqdwpCuE.eZMI. 1222889703 0 203344739621 1228820991 1215053541 1225995430 viewforum.php?f=28 1226185533 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 beb9cdd62e5c3c18
787 0 2 0 1207578053 AyrshireWolf ayrshirewolf $H$7EIP0IpfE12lr6Ur28.bdIM09p.6GE. 1207578053 0 -122102630729 1211905705 1207578053 1207579233 index.php 1207578543 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 375aef4803cea513
788 0 2 0 1207581338 RAGE18 rage18 $H$7VjR9TgMlDRgVSKIpupBrT1TINlnya0 1207581338 0 100999767123 1209552874 1207581338 0 viewforum.php?f=75&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 97fa443fcc7a2cb4
1110 1 2 0 1213164470 Piclaska piclaska $H$7lOUmI0zjCQyE.LrvPk.6MnL5AeJ.r. 1213164470 0 -19658481121 0 1213164470 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213164470 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2GKRWO 8414636c3d28fad4
1078 0 2 0 1212769704 ukskingirl88 ukskingirl88 $H$ 1212769704 0 -49997875220 1213019503 1212769704 1212930563 memberlist.php?mode=&first_char=a 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 191f8d5fada65769
1160 0 2 0 1213840009 Raidmaxxxx raidmaxxxx $H$7z8/NlHtWvXslsd26t/FBBtG33.o1T. 1213840009 0 -132976778021 1213962930 1213840009 1213840360 viewtopic.php?f=41&t=1209&_f_=41x 1213840425 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 69d2898739de831a
1079 1 2 0 1212771173 Jeactiotorers jeactiotorers $H$761sjJcBOCxoTymBpmfAVEnncxyw.81 1212771173 0 45239841621 0 1212771173 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212771173 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5DQTYU 650fbfdf90ec42a5
1080 1 2 0 1212779794 elephesenuh elephesenuh $H$7.VyQDQqxhJob9Mm2I7QO3JVwJEnYx0 1212779794 0 121827591023 0 1212779794 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212779794 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 59SNS9 d1fa0d891089ce76
789 0 2 0 1207597057 sadiqta sadiqta $H$7fJTGH40vuwX1WcWPoSoteGvQLQ./I1 1207597057 0 -17754447818 1214499871 1207597057 0 viewforum.php?f=71&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3c322343db24049b
790 0 2 0 1207609848 metz metz $H$7Qao1TdB89kYVNN0nEZSAqkv3w0Llr. 1207609848 0 -153661065119 1207612198 1207609848 0 viewtopic.php?f=52&t=101&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=52x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 09e5ed68420c36d1
1072 1 2 0 1212713789 tutkupsi tutkupsi $H$7PfcWVTcinU31LUGTuXtYVqhg3ebG0. 1212713789 0 172162732318 0 1212713789 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212713789 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4PN8TR ea2b2d3f839bc296
1073 1 2 0 1212739516 gurnZoono gurnzoono $H$7/jUMTZRXA3g6ZDM7CHzymoXPylDke1 1212739516 0 -96240647526 0 1212739516 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212739516 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4EX3EI 9cf6b4055ba4359a
1175 0 2 0 1213989318 28forlife 28forlife $H$9.zSGTOH.bLKqt1QaPvBA9cgbZ4..Y. 1226153808 0 162966058927 1226154027 1213989318 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 deca712bb6314f72
1075 0 2 0 1212748752 Hardbone hardbone $H$9Iyoz1etyASfORA.wrhK5gh6xAixB51 1220896006 0 182848645322 0- 0-1987 1220896202 1212748752 1213815521 viewforum.php?f=10&_f_=10x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1075_1213814087.gif 1 78 79 Fuck You Antifa ! Let`s fight ! We are ready ! 1qbm6nrf Turku aef3d1a035de2123
1124 1 2 0 1213326220 Fainsetd fainsetd $H$7CChQxmAUWwSn895ehQpYZsC8N1P9C1 1213326220 0 24228435816 0 1213326220 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213326220 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2H5SDQ f808de61c0a69444
1192 0 2 0 1214261612 c14ns88 c14ns88 $H$7PoCchAkNs95YlBWU8QC1gGFSByR1v1 1214261612 0 -177292263319 1214261811 1214261612 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 05fc47d60a2de80a
1165 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1213888864 foxy foxy $H$7dqY6YTdoXZ3.e/7cZcpbYisP6iB6o0 1213888864 0 128851806421 1236360085 1213888864 1217759214 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1220868601 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bfd893f33813bcad
1098 1 2 0 1213017584 Valentanchur valentanchur $H$7Mp0Vw1UJi3Y2qwnWZenFxQpctJ/cr1 1213017584 0 144662571019 0 1213017584 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213017584 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 T3ZCOP 63d58ab45ede0fee
792 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1207683376 nutty-tweenie nutty-tweenie $H$9nXXgLDgqCpOad5YemRr9GAaf6sQ0W0 1233268013 0 -197220675920 0- 0- 0 1236286049 1207683376 1236089356 viewforum.php?f=75 1228865077 0 0 0 0 0 27 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236089471 0 -3 1228246518 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [b:t3y0jq8l]TAKE CARE AND HAVE FUN ALWAYS... 14/88[/b:t3y0jq8l] t3y0jq8l QA== derbyshire fe0020ffbc9aa327
1182 1 2 0 1214129323 dropnon dropnon $H$7Iv08h6LwGnZbiAD10vVZ5Y8/ztNWi/ 1214129323 0 -144542098717 0 1214129323 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214129323 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3QZ23R edf5ca92c53c5511
1071 0 2 0 1212692965 wpr wpr $H$7j7D299AX8n0tUGwtCoTSii19wysea. 1212692965 0 124451323822 1212694235 1212692965 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=825&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9b79ca0f1846dca5
793 0 2 0 1207730538 In_Aeternum in_aeternum $H$9RoXhKtNUh4JAQFHQD8VxtR.Z1NlGR1 1233706180 0 33932887524 15-11- 0 1233707660 1207730538 1209551813 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=2102 1209555575 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 I'm also writes for the Fanzine &quot;Ragnarök&quot;, to contact us, simply ask me, the user &quot;Ragnarok.Fanzine&quot; or e-mail to: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->! Swedish Resistance Movement - Courage, Fidelity, Comradeship! White Revolution without Mercy! 18in6549 Säffle, Sweden Taking care of my 9 months old Daughter, my 2 Pitbulls, working with the fanzine &quot;Ragnarök&quot; and are an activist in the Swedish Resistance Movement. Dogs, History and THE STRUGGLE! 4b790e6b58efd6a1
1336 1 2 0 1215951759 oltmishi oltmishi $H$7Q8KUHZg6jHPHO6HpNnT5NMgMcCoDS. 1215951759 0 184468195418 0 1215951759 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215951759 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 55MVQS 52dcba37bfee7531
1313 1 2 0 1215761455 PR-shik pr-shik $H$7mWK85zliV39k0iW.R8p9YT97Teoun0 1215761455 0 15983222226 0 1215761455 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215761455 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1RTKMQ d133f14f6b6eed60
1312 0 2 0 1215738474 thermitepeckerwood thermitepeckerwood $H$7.6hN5RnVR8.jJoumxIxy6NoghvZS61 1215738474 0 99989291134 13-10-1981 1215815098 1215738474 1215738891 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=1516&_f_=120x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -7.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Denver Colorado Miner 2b18121073705747
1314 1 2 0 1215764133 oprazdnic oprazdnic $H$7M8W.xRADPuug3z4snQ5M.NWfmvIPr1 1215764133 0 -196738073718 0 1215764133 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215764133 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 478EWQ be97dcf1713514ed
1315 0 2 0 1215767179 geedee69 geedee69 $H$7CpruCx1V9BrCPsF7D0aHaWgn3bDWA0 1215767179 0 -157280770821 0 1215767179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ffea12ca640bb4d
1273 0 2 0 1215233774 kovac kovac $H$73g5qvVoyhIIDAFBC15k2yXRg1angC. 1215233774 0 85216205923 1215234441 1215233774 0 viewtopic.php?f=56&t=859&_f_=56x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 00d3b2a17a40cca2
1099 1 2 0 1213029286 Hess hess $H$7jyoOvnMpmDttPa04x3EHWmT6YkosU. 1213029286 0 -21699790812 0 1213029286 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213029286 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4FS97G e2b3c9ae902bbe9a
794 0 2 0 1207812672 -88- -88- $H$7/hMyjUZc9yRjNuVTEt/XcC7fGJ.Nw0 1207812672 0 -123048678823 1211875041 1207812672 1207813768 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 35f9eb011466b8eb
795 0 2 0 1207820878 Walkyrie walkyrie $H$7l3PewAtSGtNgmOMtprcusBey7hzp.1 1207820878 0 -66072909723 1212409229 1207820878 0 viewforum.php?f=20&_f_=20x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc43fbb67e254b1b
797 0 2 0 1207929556 Legion legion $H$9daI.8JKV3BCgj2.5ILdGpo/fV/zVZ. 1232236339 0 -64852241624 1235078471 1207929556 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2972 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 98d946b9d9c34ea1
988 0 2 0 1211694438 NagyMagyar nagymagyar $H$9Mxd4aQq.u4HCK08rq64/b/2NW43z31 0 0 -67073905418 1221568026 1211694438 1218137598 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 84c7ee5f8a4a5ab4
1186 1 2 0 1214191762 kibexpext kibexpext $H$7PSYZPALe2xA1nQCwo5od248riIaCA/ 1214191762 0 184619626123 0 1214191762 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214191762 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4OON1R ef645e0a4f1bc77f
1158 1 2 0 1213802973 Ctorrents ctorrents $H$7MVuN9Tq24S5eE2SFCiJDWmt3rweh3. 1213802973 0 126175583317 0 1213802973 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213802973 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ZORUS c39f4e14ff7f0996
1159 0 2 0 1213805856 morgoth318 morgoth318 $H$9Z4zqDfEVQ9sU7x2BGlctEcxXrt80c/ 1224094865 0 -93045163924 1224094948 1213805856 1213807355 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 430aec33f73f0e48
1011 0 2 0 1212095414 hannah hannah $H$9.V0A5J7phgzR.YPqaoV87RkwWNLl0. 1221287327 0 160244274627 1228240967 1212095414 1228240326 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=437 1228239510 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d47604b54fc918d4
986 1 2 0 1211676656 Osteobibitery osteobibitery $H$7p3BIlWaL1OCmLT0ra5fe90lcSlKpd. 1211676656 0 100689438423 0 1211676656 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211676656 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1L9RSV b8a938af1d7d305c
798 0 2 0 1207931144 divi88 divi88 $H$7J4RVi/4spCTSzkhNpGzXGXuGPDo6a0 0 0 108821888721 1221397343 1207931144 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=437&_f_=31x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c3aa406b7b84480a
799 0 2 0 1207936460 knight88 knight88 $H$7/9AbLu5IlHHPUAyCrunAHkWtfEOKO. 1207936460 0 65276299424 1208008598 1207936460 0 search.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 42069c8b7dd8cf19
1067 0 2 0 1212674688 Galland galland $H$99IxTa5R5uCgn/E0VHwJJgWh74h9E01 1223459184 0 -104300066716 0- 0- 0 1223459921 1212674688 1214122254 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=989 1223459243 0 0 3 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 048597baa4d42e22
1070 0 2 0 1212690293 2yt4u 2yt4u $H$918xIh3RufkkHx1wPzaaKnUbPee9ym. 1222802498 0 213918560921 1223977038 1212690293 1222802598 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 34bd01c3b11cf90c
1068 0 2 0 1212683177 Dominik1488 dominik1488 $H$7sPAdC7miAaGwCBG.OlGodVlSLeFBI. 1212683177 0 18682406523 1213032214 1212683177 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1144&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 32a72133c6516d33
800 0 2 0 1207938439 ala18 ala18 $H$7DhAV7sqnrHVtv1mE2CtoRkFMQBv3o1 1207938439 0 -108456094214 1218609920 1207938439 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8afa3e4f054d3cf2
1170 0 2 0 1213969054 joseph joseph $H$7zrYZkt5M3b6W3sPdjojOVbpxkjQtV1 1213969054 0 144632649221 1213969532 1213969054 0 search.php?search_id=active_topics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9d97b6007bfd02d8
1007 1 2 0 1212029523 Vieliocrego vieliocrego $H$7N.JCS/qts/zclVfcPLOQT4qkGDb0X/ 1212029523 0 129015485632 0 1212029523 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212029523 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3LHAYA d17e7a8ae0db86a0
802 0 2 0 1207990254 sven verheyden sven verheyden $H$97kUVxYYTx.b6lDvx4bZvdB0kmvEP.. 1228484551 0 -28065176826 24- 5-1993 1228485376 1207990254 1215978941 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215699005 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 berlaar weg gaan met vrinde vrinde kring uitbrijde met het juiste gedachte goed en mekaar steune en helpen e16bb552ff75dcc8
1171 0 2 0 1213969573 osier ivo osier ivo $H$7W0ITGoRoXPKS7sx687hFwKbOBrn8u1 1213969573 0 -152367903321 0 1213969573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1cca2584e426117d
812 1 3 0 1208088573 pacal88 pacal88 $H$7uXo/VuVe.jPRO9TMxMEPgaKA0h8fw. 1208088573 0 7673901817 0 1208088573 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208088573 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ZLMBT ff23a520e8a9527b
1285 0 2 0 1215439330 FlemishLion flemishlion $H$7XKDYy/yDvmX4A3H6nfUbmFZb27Gyy. 1215439330 0 179037586026 1215439810 1215439330 0 index.php 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 40a062a51aca9c60
1135 0 2 0 1213463616 avalong avalong $H$7aI/1leAHFb07NC7/oaQAcQLHKr4Zw1 1213463616 0 -50204493531 1213464187 1213463616 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=61&_f_=73x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c2022c2e49e20de1
1216 0 2 0 1214513840 carl1960 carl1960 $H$73iuHA6gxqQbpcD7OHCR.QVPnSmpOT0 1214513840 0 -54467900930 1219263216 1214513840 0 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716&_f_=115x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3d08e2737d7fecd5
1267 1 2 0 1215170406 abutscasY abutscasy $H$7KiHKFCmt3XUO8fTwI73Rir9yJIaj3. 1215170406 0 39436359217 0 1215170406 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215170406 0 en -3.50 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1WWBVQ fd7599ec3121ef75
803 0 2 0 1208002484 IrishSpider8814 irishspider8814 $H$9arenPbjZQdigI2ZZR86O1f1nY56MI1 1225638723 0 -74115909427 0- 0- 0 1229271848 1208002484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -3.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Norfolk, Virginia, USA Union ironworker bd3825f56fc2d1f8
1266 0 2 0 1215165336 steph1488 steph1488 $H$9Zb/rGobkvmsS6Cf/6j4.Ap4oP50bf/ 1223130702 0 51057773721 1223130762 1215165336 1222108521 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=390 5AQOPFG7JS 1223130746 0 0 3 0 0 8 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1215250648 0 -3 1222171914 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5041e6683dcb5f7b
1255 1 2 0 1215015893 valkyrie828 valkyrie828 $H$785w8MDVCnslivGu7ZmVjTjv1d0OJd1 1215015893 0 -141853730128 0 1215015893 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215015893 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1UVLN4 2530105deb257774
814 0 2 0 1208101556 WhiteDevils whitedevils $H$79ZTfqRc71GFKZnlYr/DvAMdSGqx2d1 1208101557 0 96095731914 1208105819 1208101557 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=48&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 63f811370eceb9cf
804 1 3 0 1208008396 Hungarista hungarista $H$79dqvz2taCjwDg3U9mmzdhzctepN3s. 1208008396 0 103034433719 0 1208008396 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208008396 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 35P8CJ 66732007240b0e5f
805 0 2 0 1208018139 mravkata mravkata $H$7x5dwCOvkHiauOqgi9z0APFqJpHRpq1 1216290750 0 -93779144216 1230149549 1208018139 0 ucp.php?i=163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cc04a94f3f6d1015
807 0 2 0 1208023404 ACAB-COMBAT18 acab-combat18 $H$71bFBHe9obnHXeMmp/Kjyxw3vuHWGB0 1208023404 0 82395299716 4- 6-1979 1208024118 1208023404 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Denmark b8b19d9f922379c6
806 0 2 0 1208019095 ans ans $H$7dgIyGXBl.l0b6YrazKvitpX42btan. 1208019095 0 140293654520 1217179121 1208019095 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1215611521 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 93ca03959fcf999b
1028 0 2 0 1212366326 Martywhiley martywhiley $H$7vNlsDnB6JOozkz1Etn3g26qhIE2nm1 1212366326 0 201612755621 1212367736 1212366326 0 viewtopic.php?f=41&t=1209&_f_=41x 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 de756dce4944690e
1029 0 2 0 1212367570 H4iiL HiiTL3R !! h4iil hiitl3r ?? $H$7yChIMNwAcGhx3ZQtNcFN2v8Dea/4S1 1212367570 0 279594722 1212627607 1212367570 1212627297 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1290&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1221090209 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b2ae1482407c5f22
1254 1 2 0 1214998524 ???? ???? :) ?a?a ?a?a :) $H$7g94Z6izsAAwa5cyhs0Gd6yeV24Cmr/ 1214998524 0 6666304918 0 1214998524 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214998524 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4BSFIE 2b5cd95042d3e189
1003 0 2 0 1211974278 6000000 Rats 6000000 rats $H$9No.BJNEypvw9VCtITeyuhHciR0F7Y. 1231537857 0 -86914228225 11- 4-1980 1236186607 1211974278 1215147912 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=1306 1216478603 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1003_1211985695.gif 1 57 64 Kyiv, Ukraina punk, hardcore, grindcore, death metal, thrash metal, jazz, trip hop, classic music, racelogy, history, goths, early christianity, inquisition, Crusades, Reformation, WW2, straight edge, vegetarianism 07847569980e87e9
1359 1 2 0 1216158671 derbyshire derbyshire $H$7BE4qu0kbAJYfg03K5TjhVuckHTcGK/ 1216158671 0 -57270897416 0 1216158671 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216158671 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 PUSDII ae84ad16e288ef6f
808 0 2 0 1208025758 vl soldier @ belgium vl soldier @ belgium $H$7AahmBAKMFykx3CKPGP1pQWg80dK1Q0 1208025758 0 -19785265725 1208031685 1208025758 0 ucp.php?i=166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 920e688e6ed26bc2
1640 0 2 0 1218738573 speedskin speedskin $H$7t19ltmSQoqouufNKYZN/0q7y3zYc91 1218738573 0 -108981956620 1222364195 1218738573 1219956567 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=330 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 100% NEGATIVE fuck you trying to tell me that rap music is good How about i stab you in the face listen to you squeal NOW THATS MUSIC btexk8xq f93602958f11a953
1150 1 2 0 1213657301 Olimpineszaidynes olimpineszaidynes $H$74z9efK.OljnxL.DDfDo8zEGsYFExk1 1213657301 0 -90858996327 0 1213657301 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213657301 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 48H7JH 4ca50dd90d6adcb4
809 1 3 0 1208038110 arco88 arco88 $H$79SoXv2dq6z9ddRL8HyfXm9ENcAj3.1 1208038110 0 -45001141920 0 1208038110 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208038110 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1I9DXN 5451552abec7b847
1012 0 2 0 1212158758 futharkrune futharkrune $H$7rd7y26k4KsqCxg8yqEPCKXeIOkJ.x0 1215466231 0 -174903468919 0- 0- 0 1218313696 1212158758 1212881914 search.php 1218312691 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1212755499 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1012_1215466152.jpg 1 74 89 sussex househusband my sons and sea fishing 2453b582ffb3475f
815 1 3 0 1208139153 jayden jayden $H$7T6/HWbbGvJuNUjGGXoWbWdB.cmjDG. 1208139153 0 97210577819 0 1208139153 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208139153 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3Q6HHG 06081a4c152274bc
974 1 2 0 1211582783 aaaa aaaa $H$7jKic2Bx/qteZPESDb75.gG6pTFlFJ. 1211582783 0 -61686771916 0 1211582783 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211582783 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3TJ9UG 329df033ddb1f4f2
813 0 2 0 1208090472 ytwitch828 ytwitch828 $H$7OrG5B7e2Wa/kne.Ysx7ZU.YL59iP3/ 1208090472 0 -145367068921 1215090822 1208090472 1208091531 viewtopic.php?f=56&t=859&_f_=56x 35J1U4MMFY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 53fcf4b58fbe3eb8
1010 0 2 0 1212087312 PrinzEugen prinzeugen $H$7OwgAg5vPqeKYGMsuGGzRjv3e3.eJ81 1212087312 0 -68453685623 1222697285 1212087312 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 495d05dfb20a82f5
872 0 2 0 1208950347 FlemishPride flemishpride $H$7yMt41UKovjZwftRtk2RwB.ISdP0ec0 1208950347 0 773509321 1214507098 1208950347 1211834378 index.php 3SM65JY3JS 1208950904 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1208950969 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e43f81e19c1fec6a
827 0 2 0 1208295588 millwall millwall $H$7rega55qZzK6PDSX9.5eBaaTLcKr7f. 0 0 44312431226 1223674203 1208295588 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6bad6ac1fff7292c
1251 0 2 0 1214911397 yhvhsrvntVF yhvhsrvntvf $H$9VCj/b6bUuLGHGD66u1huZydTE216w/ 1231859851 0 64662498319 1236185777 1214911397 1235746872 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215686664 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9951dba482382d64
1880 0 2 0 1221494189 UPRISING uprising $H$93M7j5PUB5p8Ml/lU8KuMU81C6zfd01 1229463051 0 37448674726 1229463916 1221494189 1222010167 viewforum.php?f=3 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 48386fa9dbce3435
862 0 2 0 1208725686 LightHammer lighthammer $H$7ZGJ7G6.PnQGe2jRM6xrsOMxt77uBn1 1208725686 0 -154706188020 1210535447 1208725686 0 viewforum.php?f=1&_f_=1x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 60df0f6f5c33c521
821 0 2 0 1208205428 whitepridecroatia whitepridecroatia $H$7JqaNG1E5ahCXK4oUlc5FBlnE624/q0 0 0 134025256916 0- 0-1987 1222972804 1208205428 1208463821 viewforum.php?f=18&_f_=18x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Croatia 192c20a075814ca3
816 0 2 0 1208139775 Val88 val88 $H$7TMsxGewe.nQQlGnhqD8.AQZi3Qisp1 1208139775 0 -174728582820 1234396552 1208139775 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -9.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 53793f179b58b4c7
1270 0 2 0 1215191169 kib88 kib88 $H$7BkRCN9a5UDnsgw6dYfmoVJ/tBt/hj. 1215191169 0 177402383421 1215191677 1215191169 0 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=437&_f_=115x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 411d1eb95107385d
1253 1 2 0 1214970943 CHANDLERJENNIFER chandlerjennifer $H$7s3NQxcM/msi6DUBz2p0mP6HLZmOM7. 1214970943 0 -202668775215 0 1214970943 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214970943 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4BDE93 d0113c09bd94338c
817 0 2 0 1208160665 Knez Danilo II knez danilo ii $H$9jjvsrRtJ6tgEyeC96ATlRMNlN1Nsg0 0 0 14954571621 30-11-1991 1234973745 1208160665 1234973736 index.php 1223042796 0 0 0 0 0 24 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234957986 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 817_1208162476.jpg 1 50 50 Sieg Hail, Serbia to Serbs!!! 3p6aq1v2 Greater Serbia Serbia Nationalism, race, History, fighting sports, gun. . . bc219a5b007296cf
1001 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1211904860 ehre ehre $H$9UopwnR/6fQm/VqGaIFff9AKGYFHcu0 1228937764 0 116613022425 1236582909 1211904860 1236423728 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2843 1223915582 0 0 0 0 0 14 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234708679 0 -3 1225372462 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1bf5b624a4477667
2483 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1233539900 chris_28 chris_28 $H$9Mk2L8UU0BmvIyZlGQws7oVlaGVAfk. 1233539900 0 196692524524 0- 0- 0 1237075370 1233539900 1236414878 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1514 1234945370 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 2483_1233736941.jpg 1 85 77 Blood &amp; Honour 1wyvyzt9 Australia 182409c6a18a18a5
818 0 2 0 1208167677 force14 force14 $H$73RpW6V52rnLN8wqFUJ0BCFrnJJ4CQ0 1208167677 0 160458638124 1208169232 1208167677 0 viewforum.php?f=125&_f_=125x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 73002015ed161f8b
1000 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1211887370 tomscs tomscs $H$9R.eAHyEwp4iJaOzmy9pI3rOZdEF9W1 1236804386 0 29489565419 1237046526 1211887370 1232811985 viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3149 1234427398 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221397609 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5754df5c45b811ed
819 0 2 0 1208180479 skinny88 skinny88 $H$7aIMcoBCiiV6Z5L5WE0r7rjJSyW636/ 1208180479 0 -126407671322 16- 7-1987 1231366252 1208180479 1208780489 ucp.php?i=163 1208780214 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1208780494 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 819_1209398728.jpg 1 90 88 belgium w-vl (kortrijk) 5f47c3e04cc95593
999 0 2 0 1211881389 Frior frior $H$7F5V5dgRWKjGrSYZhPU0G8QpmaeVqY. 1211881389 0 -189308288719 1212062034 1211881389 0 viewforum.php?f=34&_f_=34x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a7a8d2607b3d2087
1208 0 2 0 1214424838 duckanddiver duckanddiver $H$7mQYT8u3t4C0KvM1AlNoUB4FeWnh.q. 1214424838 0 104991674922 1230311102 1214424838 1214425475 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c0caafaaa02f5ac9
820 1 3 0 1208186342 patrick1971 patrick1971 $H$7DRtf3Zo8GdKoqdYHdvocc.xrhBszl/ 1208186342 0 -153090776026 0 1208186342 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208186342 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 27OACO 619c27896e981636
823 0 2 0 1208255831 Németh János németh jános $H$7eF9lzvEUdqfeo4VAghOwVwUVzyryb/ 1208255831 0 -127540235522 1208255974 1208255831 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=437&_f_=44x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d0dc2b64c2b86f57
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1053 0 2 0 1212577726 B&amp;H Hungary b&amp;h hungary $H$7/sugqlGe4iMamm826Re4jKsPnLr0N1 0 0 -96612545722 1226247557 1212577726 1226247549 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=930&_f_=3x 1220289265 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1231436925 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f08ea347fe2d0cc2
2455 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1232906134 countrywide countrywide $H$9tvdDhg5HYTPwdVIIe5CYv.cUWJ/eI/ 1232906134 0 101615069933 0- 0- 0 1236855545 1232906134 1236677956 index.php 1233997112 0 0 0 0 0 18 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233689696 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1919 2455_1233130221.jpg 1 67 80 <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 1nfkwjoz somewere in the south east of england lurchers,longdogs,terriers,ferrets,fishing,foxhunting,shooting,lamping 1a369ec212dd2027
1156 0 2 0 1213795456 neotrix neotrix $H$7VBAoz7qFrzUugs2UWzscALszigkFl. 1213795456 0 -187843063729 1213795925 1213795456 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1278&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cd8e96f2874ebc2e
998 0 2 0 1211880406 lord_ike lord_ike $H$7nJSQUqSh.PnkYMqc5rLzbE71wxLQd0 1211880406 0 -182069728016 1211891719 1211880406 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=881&_f_=44x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 29b93d7c74387a98
1138 0 2 0 1213526594 si88 si88 $H$7aZVE2QaXZiFLxdEnp0qEl.smpVAUG1 1213526594 0 207518136824 20- 7-1968 1216641387 1213526594 1216641387 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1278&_f_=26x 1216037885 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1216294796 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Lincoln 99ae2fc2a1ffd208
828 1 3 0 1208302421 destroyer88 destroyer88 $H$7wmzpMfo9arhfF4pYgUqv6Wxhdq76d/ 1208302421 0 53305430923 0 1208302421 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208302421 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2WP6B3 03f2b423e99efb6f
825 0 2 0 1208274918 kingaxy kingaxy $H$7p83xRtDrSfUnlFpvpogVoGBDMIl1C/ 1208274918 0 -164741077122 0- 0-1979 1208275419 1208274918 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=437&_f_=73x 1208275303 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 825_1208275168.jpg 1 90 78 0a264631caa81282
1219 0 2 0 1214535574 vlaanderen vlaanderen $H$7.NnehWVWmszvlK25qgYSStnXEB5RS1 1214535574 0 49193841325 1214536062 1214535574 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=300&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f592444db6b29738
1016 0 2 0 1212176522 PalasAtena palasatena $H$7lJsa5k/0HfIioHkOJAH8F0ZeQbesE/ 1212176522 0 58194308626 1212176657 1212176522 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 94969965bfb28cf1
826 0 2 0 1208280349 holo holo $H$75mUGbjKZ9HOTgDcskxxbiEgb1P06m1 1208280349 0 138484468016 1208281059 1208280349 0 1208280966 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1a762df4bf75299e
1059 1 2 0 1212624650 Autonoxissito autonoxissito $H$7p1r9hcRULyoIVdhwM1LZC7cIboIXo. 1212624650 0 -203336238722 0 1212624650 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212624650 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5Z1WXW 08cac953ab07e3c3
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829 0 2 0 1208302642 Bob88 bob88 $H$7gYqDoDU1LnUPSuBwfosICNEY6CYZp0 1208302642 0 -39699732723 1209395203 1208302642 1208302923 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=814&_f_=106x 1208409965 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 becbafa5921fc953
1050 0 2 0 1212494920 brecht420 brecht420 $H$7xazCeDDansPKVCj9MC9G74q6XRzCY0 1212494920 0 -174816003221 1212495466 1212494920 0 viewtopic.php?f=122&t=976&_f_=122x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 08e36d9f206d1a89
830 1 2 0 1208303509 ARYANCHILD aryanchild $H$7Mkz3K6i1RTTvzM4XwSDM5gvhQ2p4N0 1208303509 0 57892580018 1208306776 1208303509 1208306518 viewforum.php?f=2&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 3 1208371203 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0a9205818803ba4f
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849 0 2 0 1208532118 fissh88 fissh88 $H$7muXqNnkw02W5dTHfbTK53UqxyTk1X. 0 0 -81016106424 0- 0- 0 1223807716 1208532118 1208533449 ucp.php 1209730388 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1208532802 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bcbf279e9491cf2e
831 0 2 0 1208312756 Division28 division28 $H$7F3y2iJMohYwabllQ7tWa4L7Ph/Fn50 1208312756 0 -109222373922 28- 5-1984 1208625618 1208312756 0 memberlist.php?mode=group 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 831_1208313675.gif 1 86 70 Victory-Or-Valhalla 222o66wl Nederland f7bcc86763736bc7
1207 0 2 0 1214421338 Fatso fatso $H$7QSvriEgynIqv6HzItZlR0o45CAL/M/ 1214421338 0 143947773922 1214421597 1214421338 0 viewforum.php?f=120&_f_=120x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 21ce5541b221914c
997 1 2 0 1211821496 Fildermac fildermac $H$7tQpLZWHkwMek0dvcIdSHvHu5pFi4h0 1211821496 0 -118196271923 0 1211821496 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211821496 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1ETPU3 8943576b6b52481f
924 0 2 0 1209846892 lee88 lee88 $H$7OZyKrsjlN7llo1k4AxHNwPYxTq3h/1 1209846892 0 -44284295825 25- 6-1985 1209848052 1209846892 1209847760 viewtopic.php?t=1144 4B3E2S4Y16 1209847948 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 55c5e372638810d9
832 0 2 0 1208324886 white-youth white-youth $H$76Ey7P0QXzVqmXaXXf3NCTSEL8mxoi0 1208324886 0 -101703976426 1209968538 1208324886 1208422995 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1148&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bf6c87b3ee1d1013
1566 1 2 0 1218082362 antici antici $H$7SHb1.moqXku3M3fsQyEzHESJh6/.j. 1218082362 0 60513252317 0 1218082362 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218082362 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 15G2DK 15c4bfbbdb6c44b8
1074 0 2 0 1212746273 Townie1488 townie1488 $H$9CHODksg7tWExSxie5sqP7c/6f2CRx/ 1221587507 0 16918382319 1228237420 1212746273 1222893270 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2126&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221827129 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 17d820d5afd8443d
1052 0 2 0 1212517502 bes bes $H$7NKgvD9FFe7hpvWpHJClug96Yd04QY0 1212517502 0 -169854809015 1212551907 1212517502 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=69&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8437ee4a46ddddfd
842 0 2 0 1208463940 Belochka belochka $H$7AA8NPULZL.SDMXJot.lXDeUrDvLQb. 1208463940 0 11657395719 1208463968 1208463940 0 index.php 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 472329c800966c01
833 0 2 0 1208355372 Maxa maxa $H$7Yal/8kD8BikBNMul.0p3fCufG3h.b. 1208355372 0 110681735027 1208355706 1208355372 0 viewforum.php?f=26&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ab8a9b779dbf741
1222 1 2 0 1214568420 Lawotep lawotep $H$7TSOalgjOTA0PQsYQTpaVdKKEcqp811 1214568420 0 182924244920 0 1214568420 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214568420 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YRK21 687f5b56790c9407
1009 1 2 0 1212069410 Toindinue toindinue $H$7f3q.ud5o1sACBC3Ry7rw1hjce4.Ja1 1212069410 0 81469166728 0 1212069410 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212069410 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4TI1KG 99ef49230c9e9732
1002 0 2 0 1211921503 brumpatriot29 brumpatriot29 $H$719MF2oE5oNnprd0.23McQqnDa/Wrg1 1211921503 0 -112840987729 1212266669 1211921503 1211922305 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1304&_f_=2x 1211922309 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d63fd8d025f0968c
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1032 0 2 0 1212415274 jonathan jonathan $H$7JzYPlaIqluSBAUyblug.tWK2Kpt1h/ 1212415274 0 -126204919319 1221496802 1212415274 0 ucp.php?i=168 1215972516 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c3730f35241483bd
1180 1 2 0 1214087526 texpondo texpondo $H$7UcRHFzNXbcHz1w8gnYInScRwuRo6x1 1214087526 0 64022197018 0 1214087526 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214087526 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 59KHAW 066098f49745547d
836 0 2 0 1208401232 Bostonal bostonal $H$9LRAw0pHXjBOOlVEv7JhM2UoDV1HnR. 1228714227 0 -135878001518 1228717066 1208401232 0 viewforum.php?f=1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9b68a03fc00f308a
996 0 2 0 1211808557 klu_klux_kitty klu_klux_kitty $H$75F8NYOY7aBpon12aLePis6f9JuxkU. 1211808557 0 -212084401726 0- 0- 0 1211877781 1211808557 1211877130 search.php?search_id=egosearch 1211877781 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 996_1211809117.jpg 1 82 90 [img:3cjb0qop]http&#58;//i226&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/dd159/JDC818/whitepride&#46;gif[/img:3cjb0qop] 3cjb0qop CA== Hampshire UK Web Designer Wife Of BigCraig on here. I'm a boring old 28 year old fart who's sick of living in Multi Cultural England! The goverment are tossers! They take the fucking golly wogs off the jam jars because the niggers nick them to use as passport photo's. a7dd3af5cca79b5d
837 0 2 0 1208407517 HUN14 hun14 $H$7edhrpuTA1pe5Xvyj7E7j9TXmbWBsI0 1208407517 0 133826205916 1221994121 1208407517 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 825dd87be8cf3ace
838 0 2 0 1208432414 speedloader9 speedloader9 $H$9/2vfgPavnD4hbULdHFOc34Wgx7MGp. 1227805083 0 81460615122 1227805934 1208432414 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1785 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43e0db0e68c7bcc2
839 1 3 0 1208449339 Daniëlss daniëlss $H$7scQB9tuCqb0Bos4vt0CzYld0ZqgxF/ 1208449339 0 -22124229824 0 1208449339 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208449339 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3YK6ZB 4f862166f3cfe524
841 0 2 0 1208459423 BMforever88 bmforever88 $H$91C155VAOc6gC2uiMQl0q60VUgO/IB1 1223926761 0 -107365007828 1226346911 1208459423 1225538274 viewforum.php?f=75 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f93e5e6a5cbc2518
840 0 2 0 1208457463 BB28 bb28 $H$7rwPvJtQWyj5jpizBigPnFISRN7KLv1 1216843190 0 -142396063119 1221865594 1208457463 1209409834 viewtopic.php?f=64&t=605&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=40 11DC3OF31P 1209409952 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ac64ec4a52eb1e21
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1108 0 2 0 1213122534 Capone capone $H$7Wl80LxloFdjBhGjZcDQqvUQJeiqck0 1213122534 0 118333113322 1213122636 1213122534 0 viewtopic.php?f=14&t=437&_f_=14x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0097487e5e7a1b96
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1040 1 2 0 1212470974 Cheermenets cheermenets $H$7QjFLqYxUYX0Wu/8oHUJb4cbSmuyD/. 1212470974 0 20086991623 0 1212470974 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212470974 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4S2K1T f90a2e69f4e2c693
844 0 2 0 1208465513 wanorde wanorde $H$9HTkapMXLdOzaPAeD7EFTN9W3r7lq4/ 1232627732 0 147155388420 1235043497 1208465513 1223996158 viewforum.php?f=75 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 592eb5589554e434
845 0 2 0 1208466492 Firewolf14 firewolf14 $H$7iHpzTQZHhAsew1y5q5Ny4viU7soos/ 1208466492 0 170801778724 1208467474 1208466492 0 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=814&_f_=106x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 28524c09adb29cda
846 0 2 0 1208468410 gegen-zog gegen-zog $H$7KUgO7Uwlb0Oglt6tat5EGWVr6.Iji. 1208468410 0 135238801822 1218237379 1208468410 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4768ef8c16430617
1190 0 2 0 1214249884 dreSScode dresscode $H$7XsMgyiqozjTozkFrTw89776Htujut. 1214249884 0 -124072800822 1214251556 1214249884 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=496&_f_=101x 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9ad36f67bac2f7c0
847 0 2 0 1208506438 stef4o stef4o $H$7Hepxbv9C1Akk08GocVT1v/tUVzlFJ0 1208506438 0 88299240813 1208507385 1208506438 0 viewforum.php?f=105&_f_=105x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3de816bb6125cc8f
1034 1 2 0 1212428892 Asistond asistond $H$71D4MoJ6MsEsJ3KMwJ3LWWQtV/hnaj. 1212428892 0 175458807527 0 1212428892 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212428891 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 BHOVL7 20004c057371b8af
991 1 2 0 1211740082 loveyourcountry loveyourcountry $H$7vBaewzyXeouiqiwJ4alHMGYhdgPxX1 1211740082 0 -148118598325 0 1211740082 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211740082 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 HGL8KR 8a490abc30c571e5
992 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1211744479 darre88 darre88 $H$99WgRTZA3aMI01T/B.YOjSZdHwnVY0/ 1229260557 0 -71798235214 16- 4-1965 1236978027 1217430630 1236970115 index.php 1232912750 0 0 0 0 0 77 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234112804 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 992_1230743787.jpg 1 80 80 i'm a white european, true skinhead loyal to my race, untill i'm dead rlp0281m W-Vl, Belgium ea87d75c74692804
848 0 2 0 1208526176 rambootje rambootje $H$7t5L1w9ZkA.jyuadSn8coqrqawx4FW. 1208526176 0 101825012819 1208526702 1208526176 0 viewtopic.php?t=81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 730a79e5b96966d8
1021 1 2 0 1212261309 Freeltstece freeltstece $H$7JDIgdLB9FDZea4HX6aWlU5FIf3XAu. 1212261309 0 200718429419 0 1212261309 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212261309 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 PV4U6F 6cdae498b9ad0054
1042 1 2 0 1212474415 briguineetrib briguineetrib $H$7o0Y6XYsNDKs5j9b2NuEkQjzOchxaL. 1212474415 0 -94304104921 0 1212474415 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212474415 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 42TJPL 53c89ba869a8fd20
1043 1 2 0 1212475681 Tosifers tosifers $H$7mn945obkz1qZ.jLGwP6/Vcx3gt8BQ0 1212475681 0 -210994469513 0 1212475681 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212475681 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4XZXXL 70cbff3877394e51
1044 1 2 0 1212479363 pausessefrecy pausessefrecy $H$7pfZDqBMOcqSgPsR4OtbfNRrB75v7p0 1212479363 0 139797686125 0 1212479363 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212479363 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1LJGPN b1c27b4a5e6b662b
1046 1 2 0 1212481561 KiresGektaike kiresgektaike $H$7qCN08NHzY8NwYlCjN.QAY.8kzR3TJ0 1212481561 0 104118731226 0 1212481561 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212481561 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5D3XWP 9f2aa77dbece9a56
859 0 2 0 1208682246 staffy14 staffy14 $H$7T5fIUo11NMofMyzLm7ykPq.I8Qa43. 1208682246 0 -162868796021 1208682881 1208682246 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 9.50 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b3cb5f0f0096a23e
851 0 2 0 1208548067 Vlaams Lint vlaams lint $H$77JxU4gLCFnm0h9VXi9TX/oeOBK2XH. 1208548067 0 147869805723 0 1208548067 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 991a4028f88400e3
850 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1208542534 Vlaming vlaming $H$9AqYu70x7uuCHEgJZAfk37pdDUkcf1. 1234475327 0 -188671911524 1236971523 1208542534 1236810679 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3132 1226795412 0 0 0 0 0 41 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1230497042 0 -3 1213280167 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 850_1209850270.jpg 1 81 81 df82686d28436bfa
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1017 0 2 0 1212236319 88SKEG 88skeg $H$9uj6xY3ucbAyssc1Oz7daRUJi9XMwF1 1220995354 0 -196445282415 0- 0- 0 1234136705 1212236319 1228738333 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1218063044 0 0 0 0 0 54 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219017974 0 -3 1222115108 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1017_1214874565.jpg 1 90 90 [b:375z0cf6]WHAT EVER IT TAKES . WPWW .[/b:375z0cf6] 375z0cf6 QA== CENTRAL SCOTLAND Modding cars , meeting other NS comrades , paki slapping . aae38c4ea47a0122
987 0 2 0 1211682314 lusoamerican lusoamerican $H$9.0FVV1orJQFkjAlNLrQERpeQtv0bm1 1230928411 0 -143608006318 8- 8-1970 1230928501 1211682314 1217113455 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1216512262 0 0 0 0 0 13 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1217655495 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 987_1211686726.jpg 1 75 49 We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children GOD RACE NATION! 3jds82ke New Jersey U.S.A. chemical operator I'm into amphibians particularly frogs, and heavy metal music a43adf4096525c63
852 1 3 0 1208578200 Juano juano $H$7886DxQWYfKoDfuy9NADZD0LvKf13Q. 1208578200 0 -207440932825 0 1208578200 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208578200 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3STYTR d83925d933cb9a8a
853 0 2 0 1208606344 sleipnir sleipnir $H$7XBXZI75IlQpN2OVQEmbMfTCZ/NLvB/ 1208606344 0 -36529604426 1208607579 1208606344 0 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=818&_f_=120x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aa96616fbba754fc
1293 0 2 0 1215530038 ric33flair ric33flair $H$7sIJTq4uoHv2xvvB8zxHwzMX.Lpw6T0 1215530038 0 116208328724 1222047231 1215530038 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ec08f0876e6a1167
989 1 2 0 1211722342 Detalus detalus $H$7Vjzvz2HbnFBUthmBXlBv82Ye/CF9w. 1211722342 0 132875448622 0 1211722342 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211722342 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 JIYS7Q 1ae3ce97a3f42362
990 0 2 0 1211724175 White Tiger white tiger $H$7DU00eOHJegpiQ0P98POboNXIN83jB. 1211724175 0 180621419015 1215639402 1211724175 0 viewtopic.php?f=92&t=571&_f_=92x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c2c675fc0d4cd25e
1088 1 2 0 1212921284 IDLDLVIDLKLD idldlvidlkld $H$7PenO0aImBeqIEQkZeS6Po9N2VwFeh1 1212921284 0 -124428690218 0 1212921284 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212921284 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2Y753I cbdc9f4765572538
854 1 3 0 1208608749 sami` sami` $H$7aNmvdUkGzPoml6jz1B9RJBnMZYLP3/ 1208608749 0 -27983857619 0 1208608749 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208608749 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1IOPXC ff844aa0836a3866
855 0 2 0 1208609078 sami^ sami^ $H$78cS3AfVZugxWsLzWCeiEqzMZrJ7gC0 1208609078 0 208268441522 1208609723 1208609078 0 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=316&_f_=10x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a0927629d2505367
856 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1208613261 Werwolf spirit 59 werwolf spirit 59 $H$9HbqrFMvqLMXubOFejSLe7TzaprZws0 1236003340 0 -14661969226 1236984697 1208613261 1236984689 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2333&p=20819 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 28a462f1113ed906
1246 1 2 0 1214846253 Plunsesysleve plunsesysleve $H$7RSoBn2XnHT28QpEEWBcvWyQpGN.v6. 1214846253 0 139712094918 0 1214846253 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214846253 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1F48V7 c8f7d911fc842e16
857 0 2 0 1208624137 wotan wotan $H$7njWoHnYUMWEwZUyWOULcDVgyFZ/K41 1208624137 0 -109526970731 1213720174 1208624137 1210189170 viewtopic.php?f=56&t=859&_f_=56x 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 857_1210179976.gif 1 79 53 d43e51ad8034de50
858 0 2 0 1208634798 Eric Davidson eric davidson $H$9ZmY614RINTewTSArtET82loCu0UmJ0 1224529544 0 -196376560214 21- 8-1961 1232122180 1216600049 1232119755 viewtopic.php?f=41&t=695 1R6XKIKIKK 1224860918 0 0 0 0 0 11 en -8.00 0 d M Y, H:i 2 0 1 2 1232800619 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 858_1208635215.jpg 1 75 75 <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 110yiqhf California, USA Father, Sales &amp; part-time drama coach NS, World History, Art, Music - Brief Bio: Involved with New Order &amp; White Lightning Ent. 1980's. Editor B&amp;H North American edition 1993-95. Pres/General Manager Resistance &amp; Panzerfaust Records 1997 -2000. Currently co-host, Gambler's Luck Live Show at: with the nom de guerre... &quot;Mr.D&quot; 7316f72842695eca
985 0 2 0 1211663237 rudolf18 rudolf18 $H$93N8m6/9nXffGHuDaMatRujOrO36V1. 1224728564 0 -100053486130 1224729143 1211663237 1219191540 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=20&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=90 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219191567 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 79b26b8305187527
951 0 2 0 1211235584 Hedge hedge $H$7NG8Wwv40ejcoV1eDYozz4IaCSarsc. 1211235584 0 140955234627 18-11-1968 1213393482 1211235584 1211683365 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=881&_f_=44x 1211409537 0 0 0 0 0 4 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 9xbzry58 Boston... Production Manager... White interests... ecc36f41cae4a2f6
1220 0 2 0 1214555729 malinwa malinwa $H$9u2YHhwqwfmGHyWjU8QHbncuz4EMEv0 1232742274 0 -152249812119 1232743449 1214555729 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8afe72c885dbff65
874 1 3 0 1208979065 dagadt88 dagadt88 $H$75BY.mVOtWI4ob5a5HKqAvmLJYAuFA. 1208979065 0 57076211519 0 1208979065 0 0 0 0 1 1 1208979065 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2OO7OC fefd0a46163838e7
865 0 2 0 1208807511 charelJ charelj $H$7AOzvllpnrJT1/cwmtHCw/TQ8pT2Op. 1208807512 0 -157953029223 1208875544 1208807512 1208808136 1208808143 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ed66c7ba09de4ffc
860 1 3 0 1208703132 troublemakerone troublemakerone $H$7BWRK9.PRLooyDV1OPtvWPrghjm69c. 1208703132 0 -205993266822 0 1208703132 0 0 0 0 0 1 1208703132 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 VF3ZPG d936a6a45be86be0
861 0 2 0 1208710755 medved medved $H$7J8Mt08gTzggLVlFnn44Bf2qpszcqn1 1208710755 0 -51646168420 1212334681 1208710755 1211964685 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1212041196 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2a1b806f6541991f
1061 0 2 0 1212627875 Leeuwentrots leeuwentrots $H$7cz.D982aw68wAPX0OIjDYHI01ANsr0 1212627875 0 -18896569937 1212752419 1212627875 1212628291 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1348&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ca0e327f722017a
1191 0 2 0 1214253516 slephnir slephnir $H$7HB0UMb/1FWvu3p7dzejcfln28suAn/ 1214253516 0 -108709210313 1214314512 1214253516 0 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1322&_f_=18x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 60214ae5d9210249
1147 0 2 0 1213621421 aussie1488 aussie1488 $H$7HLEv7ggFxqeeHpxfrgkgatg/0dHz6/ 1213621421 0 -164954145320 1213626190 1213621421 1213623022 viewtopic.php?f=49&t=437&_f_=49x 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 83cd7fb750258def
863 0 2 0 1208784954 m88 m88 $H$7MRYQFvB6bJSq89mSdmpRvdWBO8m3K0 1208784954 0 -5738134921 1208785305 1208784954 0 viewforum.php?f=18&_f_=18x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56b467a9ea529c6b
984 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1211660603 pagadder pagadder $H$9.7CS4/nE9e5jr.FJcIW7iyeUEcW0V0 1235402544 0 199000927222 1237026312 1211660603 1230553211 viewforum.php?f=26 1224255965 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1212693135 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e099efc548e42ab7
1921 0 2 0 1221976947 mik mik $H$9iyJdnCGOWL/4NLoL2KvxcB4EWTqn81 1221976947 0 46977607215 1222068552 1221976947 0 viewforum.php?f=99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 79bf720c42e1bc32
1006 1 2 0 1212021130 GILLILANDTRISHA gillilandtrisha $H$7yRoICX./mlCTqXzOL6fWDeHsg6q8d0 1212021130 0 122402943417 0 1212021130 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212021130 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3KYLHV c253d6cd74793577
1213 1 2 0 1214497684 buy-viagra-enus buy-viagra-enus $H$7/HzbgaWSMbu97BEYfk0PV8F2IaJF10 1214497684 0 58946731622 0 1214497684 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214497684 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5A7KDH 893c836c69fa77d9
983 1 2 0 1211660595 flitlyAchieft flitlyachieft $H$7AGfXcBoX59EfMJOxCVBgqFJ46YrF7. 1211660595 0 -35159713819 0 1211660595 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211660595 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 KLK41G b785c6fa6cb4ff78
864 0 2 0 1208804730 jim666 jim666 $H$7haEYWWwZH1FvxXRHcgOCty/8ejQRA1 1208804730 0 -83666786416 1208805925 1208804730 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23a137c730658f01
1036 0 2 0 1212452075 Führerholm14/88 führerholm14/88 $H$7bcAzGGcGwi.4JzDO.TLsciEufiHZ7. 1212452075 0 -1841538227 1212454079 1212452075 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1265&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 98928a60c351997a
982 0 2 0 1211653575 cousinofchris cousinofchris $H$79NpmgJWJuA17EhIzdy8nD.t22X./N. 1211653575 0 81505420227 1216658262 1211653575 0 index.php 1212938557 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6a3c9e3947c415d3
869 0 2 0 1208873043 CSisawesome csisawesome $H$72WURBW267nWpGq1wQv9LRD3adKbji. 1208873043 0 -169855908718 1209217300 1208873043 1208873600 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=437&_f_=115x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9a156f32d055ff84
894 0 2 0 1209475002 SickSpiridon sickspiridon $H$7bFhqq/rvb1vAw0FdZ/jt8thH964rc1 1209475002 0 8015522722 1209475101 1209475002 0 viewforum.php?f=31&_f_=31x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8d0ca281e946f798
866 0 2 0 1208853781 Sara sara $H$7SJBgusBu5UplUURxUvuzgkhPRm2lk1 1208853781 0 195020225524 1208864757 1208853781 0 viewforum.php?f=120&_f_=120x 1208854171 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4f86e763b98db7f2
867 0 2 0 1208856583 Blasius blasius $H$7c1856tEb9gxVfeep3K5ofC1xJ0RPP. 1217877955 0 -71626831621 1218050692 1208856583 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1056&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9e33e20d2af5b51a
868 0 2 0 1208871200 brit45dog brit45dog $H$7MOW7jQ3r7zBPwFW0BQkdrobI/uMjA/ 1208871200 0 -91557691823 1214169776 1208871200 0 viewforum.php?f=17&st=0&sk=t&sd=d&start=50&_f_=17x 1214169441 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 293f6ef1b814cd70
981 0 2 0 1211650410 bigcraig bigcraig $H$76ccEOzhwOYd4jtrjy2OWP6DuL4kyz0 1211650410 0 -144172102223 9- 5-1976 1213115731 1211650410 1212418868 ucp.php?i=165 1213115405 0 0 0 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 981_1211806681.jpg 1 90 90 r6a8il61 Hampshire UK Photographer and the wife is a Graphic/web designer. Married couple..ages 32 (me) and 28 (Nikki the wife) young family with two kids. e393f3f678b5d009
870 0 2 0 1208875345 allah allah $H$7R2x8X1XCO2z3Drm6Jd4336l6AXp0x1 1208875345 0 -118510613819 1208878051 1208875345 0 viewforum.php?f=72&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 27417503eeec206d
941 0 2 0 1211089503 Gilbert gilbert $H$9ihUPadZSeRatUeBRygOVHtxDwD6rn/ 1211089503 0 -203081254121 1228925886 1211089503 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c4010253f56ebfc4
871 0 2 0 1208896926 daren88 daren88 $H$9fZ5iAtE.Ri2taquj6rV.T34ISGfgt1 1228668293 0 212981371420 1229798486 1208896926 1229039517 index.php 1228865161 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228738579 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d027e88c99918ca5
977 0 2 0 1211619001 Thorwulf thorwulf $H$7poo7ckO2cZTqJzgifDHgk54wrYpvk1 1211619001 0 206706212923 1212431943 1211619001 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1072&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 98bb7ec2717046de
1176 1 2 0 1214030367 jobananac jobananac $H$7IgV3KsF2onF2uOnW/ec3Rj749rb7k0 1214030367 0 -125548533619 0 1214030367 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214030367 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 M6W7QN 5f20ae038a106157
978 0 2 0 1211634668 Cansoun cansoun $H$9mPwCEOnoWm0UIMDm9XJKankZkKohA. 1220692852 0 -123886431625 1223407086 1211634668 1223063304 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2014 0 0 0 3 0 0 16 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215267421 0 -3 1215166511 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a4b5b74bd7d04e61
1045 1 2 0 1212480475 Pypenonlepe pypenonlepe $H$7fGESFqqxFM2Gr3gASr2PXnJkMwKAe1 1212480475 0 28131504626 0 1212480475 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212480475 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 YB3F94 4f412b143ba122dd
892 0 2 0 1209410506 albionpride albionpride $H$7fd5Ce7yrdzpp4ilTq/aL1nsf2ZZxg0 1218742050 0 -41856697422 1218742398 1209410506 1210799777 viewforum.php?f=75&_f_=75x 1218742055 0 0 10 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1225817756 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ecb71f98df98384e
873 0 2 0 1208950396 LINJEinc linjeinc $H$7bzcra3qg1IbzDCOcl5l.DMosyktsJ/ 1208950396 0 -11967909121 1208953633 1208950396 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6b59ec9950341eb0
1081 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1212829481 14vž88 14vž88 $H$78hNsM1YxcxV5RjzpayiL.y7CtSssJ1 1212829481 0 49368551420 1237045117 1212829481 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0cd0d2313b9ff835
1646 0 2 0 1218845770 Bloodhound bloodhound $H$7jk/WhpasJbAxKyX4ZOfHPcCsUTML8/ 1218845770 0 146161573322 1221057727 1218845770 0 viewtopic.php?f=114&t=1895 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4f2342671b311e14
1035 0 2 0 1212434506 sarolf sarolf $H$92c9i4SC7nsXSk.oSPh3g0aGpJGGpd0 1222198287 0 -44145230927 1222198573 1212434506 1212605578 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c77788b85c05eb6d
875 0 2 0 1208979183 skinhead37 skinhead37 $H$7S3WMh3yfi8sbRaHE5fKSgo3FHswWr0 1208979183 0 135915070426 1208979279 1208979183 0 viewforum.php?f=125&_f_=125x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e7c53f1fa3eacd77
876 0 2 0 1208979306 dagadt8814 dagadt8814 $H$9EOO7KTOCCybuuWBI0qJMZPpwFGLgG1 1225297450 0 174959757418 1225297454 1208979306 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1217662915 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5cfbf21c81797007
2328 0 2 0 1230318631 anti-antifaTO anti-antifato $H$9hcJyP3krY3LDf1b.BFm.NTsg2aLME. 1230318631 0 8571385720 1230319870 1230318631 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f148aabbec730b37
2247 0 2 0 1228327471 4BLOOD AND HONOUR 4blood and honour $H$9y0uKWm2f8CuPYP0wahnj9Cg8Sdx7A/ 1228327471 0 -157305635426 17- 1-1980 1236095575 1228327471 1235922922 viewforum.php?f=101 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232479000 0 -3 1228336502 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2247_1228336225.jpg 1 88 77 Manchester n.s, the 14 words, gigs, movies, and socialising 1b8a59404238e6a5
1005 1 2 0 1212003051 LibermanYork libermanyork $H$7OpW2EJzWztq8u/csS8nebQwVEvVdE/ 1212003051 0 -11879168519 0 1212003051 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212003051 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 EO9XJH 6e4307ac40bdd906
877 0 2 0 1209036845 szemil33 szemil33 $H$7uK6xIkiC2xvDivyh.fUlGtpqBFl2Y1 1209036845 0 -54757550621 1209037499 1209036845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3f78e222602d371d
1239 0 2 0 1214823944 Langemarck828 langemarck828 $H$9NVU4/VKmNwRQz0KyRQOVblKkyp5XS. 1231175217 0 84657389018 1233848454 1214823944 1220972966 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1888&st=0&sk=t&sd=a 1218141758 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1EYRLN $H$9tS67f/uK0jomTm8uIbZHCusEeAR.e0 7fabee478879ef56
878 0 2 0 1209038994 Svargoslav svargoslav $H$7Qwa6sz3ABPoF9TWH1.aCSf9iMqiee/ 1209038994 0 142607906719 1214746767 1209038994 0 index.php 1214745986 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 3.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 044a1eddea58ff8e
1027 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1212362036 88-LCS-88 88-lcs-88 $H$9hAWF3PTiqSxgHzHuCg/gjsMC.qTAj0 1232145979 0 -13432457233 19-11-1962 1236981593 1212362036 1236583552 viewforum.php?f=26 1234691387 0 0 0 0 0 34 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234607102 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1027_1212362617.jpg 1 55 57 Antwerpen - Vlaanderen 22f7a04fca307dcb
1157 0 2 0 1213796033 mangel91 mangel91 $H$77MUK1fyX4xLCAp7vbWZR6vcgser8U/ 1213796033 0 -125291127922 1213796622 1213796033 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e500f6b49c8bd764
1140 0 2 0 1213537703 Panzergirl panzergirl $H$7MNv1yjrISc.9A0AMagsC8K.vZt9pk/ 1213537703 0 30096063726 1213537942 1213537703 0 viewforum.php?f=28&_f_=28x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 94f3a5d865c822f2
1279 1 2 0 1215281426 alleptani alleptani $H$72NX6MDR9JOSHTUa3LUkITa8sRkoVG1 1215281426 0 97189678430 0 1215281426 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215281426 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3QKAPO ea19997364040899
880 0 2 0 1209225132 asgaird asgaird $H$70hnncoUkRZ3vAny5WLYkZKPS0i4531 1217065428 0 -90167755717 1224940997 1209225132 1221494232 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1213902647 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f00050515ad9f180
975 1 2 0 1211601390 HollyGirl hollygirl $H$7GafXL118UwIPBfJxY83E3TqWrtyjS. 1211601390 0 33108914213 0 1211601390 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211601390 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 236A39 7a0413a6d213292b
881 0 2 0 1209239262 kuspia2 kuspia2 $H$7.BDTU0ai7bnlfJM3tL6lX0hVG7FcB/ 1217252541 0 -50830358321 1217252574 1209239262 0 index.php 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c31e097c725d7d09
884 1 3 0 1209310451 Panzer4 panzer4 $H$7WuL/6IdITTx7Jhz/9R0LcCvbERDhZ1 1209310451 0 135456424230 0 1209310451 0 0 0 0 1 1 1209310451 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 51MF18 351f3d2c3307c117
882 0 2 0 1209264974 wf87 wf87 $H$7nbyovgImgRqNjzEYn9zR6I4amEXLR/ 1209264974 0 100574511920 16-10-1987 1209393017 1209264974 1209332820 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=12&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=70&_f_=66x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1209332108 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ce813948234812d
929 0 2 0 1209933060 pride pride $H$7cN6xEImH8E3CbjDUyq74FXbadxQIF0 1209933060 0 -26850860922 1209982424 1209933060 0 4V9Q62X17K 1209933707 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 40324fe5defe4d0c
899 0 2 0 1209552728 sturmgewehr sturmgewehr $H$74ktmEwnmwhZ2NPL.l5Kmu1INT8VAe/ 1209552728 0 45821701525 1209553127 1209552728 0 viewforum.php?f=26&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9cff32f745f9d30e
883 0 2 0 1209306776 lonewolf lonewolf $H$7eyaXUOntdrApq9QqZr0164HHRtqp90 1209306776 0 -144032912423 0 1209306776 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5ed10627318715a8
885 0 2 0 1209310616 PANZER3 panzer3 $H$9UaYgUHarQj00jQ3gC3z1TX1/5MF2W0 1222978715 0 130525859915 3-10-1988 1222978898 1209310616 1209678413 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=885 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1209939602 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 885_1209661865.gif 1 78 77 Scotland Student NSM88, BLOOD &amp; HONOUR, N9S, RNU, COMBAT 18... 970f8e4bea5a6d4b
886 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1209319084 WIGANMIKE wiganmike $H$9S6FW.ULZMQGGj7OrJyi2MF64FC7hz. 1235189214 0 -176731301224 0- 0- 0 1237025055 1209319084 1237025049 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3126&p=20833 26TY4L9ZMW 1237024948 0 0 0 0 0 96 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236965775 0 -3 1235991621 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 FIGHT BACK WHITEMAN <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 5vk6ivrr WIGAN-MIKE@HOTMAIL.CO.UK b939afb2c066ff66
1144 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1213580159 Herefordshire 28 herefordshire 28 $H$9y/B4D.EHQ8aSmx0dA2s2wxS5hRyTI0 1229620200 0 69635579025 1236522028 1213580159 1217800235 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=817 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1217800904 0 -3 1215968465 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1144_1216001444.jpg 1 80 60 782ea5ea38725369
887 0 2 0 1209320689 bryn bryn $H$7TEJxFOiQpb5JX293zjGXArxnn9myu/ 1209320689 0 210448782123 1209320749 1209320689 0 viewtopic.php?f=74&t=824&_f_=74x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a782fa108cdb76f0
890 0 2 0 1209397851 ProudB&amp;HMember proudb&amp;hmember $H$7QO6iBMG2F/zvHEScyFqJZQ8MlV4mf0 1209397851 0 -124328450926 1209397919 1209397851 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1bbd04adf533ad8f
1959 0 2 0 1222367232 brummie kev brummie kev $H$95dTIQBuBKep/glEFUsuEEy0U/ZU4d0 1231759005 0 -121080686524 1234362159 1222367232 1234362153 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&p=6515 1232122590 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234272982 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 69abd301cd4fb650
888 0 2 0 1209326773 Pino88 pino88 $H$9RJX4Bwd/G4cFieFihwxTadAI5YmSi1 1228133495 0 -72512626321 0- 0- 0 1232649756 1209326773 1232287549 search.php?search_id=newposts 1232287576 0 0 0 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232239254 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Liverpool, UK 3becac243511c467
971 1 2 0 1211551812 GuenGoorsewes guengoorsewes $H$7isJgsOQL.bJu0FWpSAgenNCz/fsbC0 1211551812 0 148415438020 0 1211551812 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211551812 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3P7U7L 3d7fcb72b10091ed
903 0 2 0 1209579798 msu1488 msu1488 $H$9aJSujrCMwGrqKbDLgSuwgNMZExtkJ0 1226347258 0 209187716117 1226347425 1209579798 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=557&_f_=101x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 3.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 70bc2a8badc7b5c6
889 0 2 0 1209374208 angantyr angantyr $H$7WFsoh1IIz/QR9NJ.YRdIYAVh.tGXR0 1209374208 0 131635553424 1209374624 1209374208 0 1209374591 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5f6c0996e168a0c1
1177 1 2 0 1214044069 Maratua maratua $H$7WaZCxJn6l0PqLhJH5DlMV9HAfs2F.1 1214044069 0 3812018516 0 1214044069 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214044069 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7KG3PX 1c37df09bcccefd5
893 0 2 0 1209455548 vladoo vladoo $H$744Q8SqBFhJevA5L3wDuGoh2UcDKVO/ 1209455548 0 -8392255621 19- 6-1989 1209456448 1209455548 0 ucp.php?i=165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 baff908decea404b
976 0 2 0 1211618965 croisé28 croisé28 $H$7GKcPJyATEdFv4BHhtJzrdVgVV6KOl. 1211618965 0 -13969476924 1214550925 1211618965 1214171163 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1211807977 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7bfb8bc600dcb409
928 0 2 0 1209915333 flanders78 flanders78 $H$7D.Hgxr3Cvu8kI8K1HMJYHJk..GuhZ1 1209915333 0 129320870423 1211543801 1209915333 0 viewforum.php?f=2&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 151e6efc328fbc73
1153 1 2 0 1213701560 hutopire hutopire $H$7/K1ePC4fu7hRB.MRT/iPuaVMWOJt3. 1213701560 0 -196888795815 0 1213701560 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213701560 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4E3PS8 44d10295f6cc0d7b
980 0 2 0 1211649250 VierKleur Kavalier vierkleur kavalier $H$7lZCfryQB9AInorK.3I4lol7oEPsUW0 1211649250 0 30977297222 1235940002 1211649250 1215439946 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 980_1215358919.jpg 1 80 80 99f963ed9908beba
1164 0 2 0 1213879171 stormtrooper88 stormtrooper88 $H$7WXSk6hnP8j7AkX2.x9bjbmeeNzI2f/ 1213879171 0 204958381727 15- 3-1991 1221428375 1213879171 1214400862 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&author_id=70&start=10 1221428353 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214400894 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 manchester college football, drinking, meeting new people 9c8cd258616c4236
895 0 2 0 1209478453 dicanio dicanio $H$7WBwS0/rLXk6Sq4NdNSiNiqimvukN10 1209478453 0 -207478720617 1209478901 1209478453 0 viewforum.php?f=3&_f_=3x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80185d08fb58b19b
1268 0 2 0 1215177159 Red Rum red rum $H$798u7vZVlbebkrtuLjzMzfwvpwqY5G1 1215177159 0 -212309182120 1215178469 1215177159 0 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=836&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30&_f_=121x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ac2f45c414cb3554
896 0 2 0 1209487779 warrior418 warrior418 $H$9x3tWuiFI6AxN7b3OEqYunLJb6L8/B1 1233165477 0 -178509703022 1233166262 1209487779 1220711948 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2727 1224696797 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f17b0e440e0c6d67
1065 1 2 0 1212648440 pieterke69 pieterke69 $H$7Pp7ttA35ODYCBvClg/vD.9GMlFXZq0 1212648440 0 48169865225 0 1212648440 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212648440 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4VOBSP cc1a3aad700e7ddc
897 0 2 0 1209498835 stanly blade stanly blade $H$74MxKQfrpxG7mmjfyX/byOlc1zBlui0 1209498835 0 195350309526 1209498907 1209498835 0 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1107&_f_=17x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e3424443fee13d97
1259 0 2 0 1215033257 bunkerman bunkerman $H$92FL8pGDfZwqzH2i6CM..1n/AC0YuZ1 1236193402 0 -87255843626 1236193929 1215033257 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=54 1215634777 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d7b1269caa1a8951
898 0 2 0 1209527673 BIG-RED-BOOTS big-red-boots $H$7q2T74/7btoeGxeGIvqJjwKEcxGVzt1 1209527673 0 -75597191428 1219900590 1209527673 1210451752 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1213313992 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 40ef4342a1ee85d5
1063 0 2 0 1212642052 loyalblood81 loyalblood81 $H$7dK.Q5IZ9/kVJB2tlc4MgmiCCuC1IS0 1212642052 0 173117137120 1213049168 1212642052 0 index.php 1213048247 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 088e4b5420af5ec3
969 0 2 0 1211488896 dark lord dark lord $H$9qWU7fjmxoTUAUySwaB7Jmy03jjtA7. 1222105287 0 -49286215216 1224987804 1211488896 1223727736 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1281 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 00e35abbcb121a34
900 0 2 0 1209557296 grand grand $H$7bPiPISR.p1LTE9bW4nwuLC/EC.SEF. 1209557296 0 -116295368821 1210620641 1209557296 0 index.php 1209557576 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 70f740b0b9c80a3d
901 0 2 0 1209565968 S-VL s-vl $H$9Dw8pKhc3WXg0AH17lrePf3mUoboB5/ 1235207496 0 -65228144327 0- 0- 0 1235208426 1209565968 1224070242 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2923 1225625042 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1216050990 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 21i7vsgv Vlaanderen 68ca7f06e3913133
1142 1 2 0 1213556338 SiniValkoinen sinivalkoinen $H$7NDOWnYa4mJk1K3/nrYe3YuyyoKJWI/ 1213556338 0 -179084537727 0 1213556338 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213556338 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 35IN7E 70cfc7ae94745de2
1143 0 2 0 1213556623 SiniValkoinen88 sinivalkoinen88 $H$7HTWxP7y/jvuSRYsD31Fc9AiJk4kKS. 1213556623 0 99137164727 1217152766 1213556623 1217152597 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1754&_f_=29x 1217002303 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1217154450 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f1d2d1372a2bd060
1173 1 2 0 1213977189 Bigmon bigmon $H$7xHbCFOBdfHAi5I31ZAzgIsamCYcSN0 1213977189 0 -143103466622 0 1213977189 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213977189 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 25NAY6 d7fb4f8b305e021b
902 0 2 0 1209578178 laci laci $H$9EF3v9hWuRJyDVJ5TVwbJrhOBOSijk/ 1220893003 0 115195266020 1220893520 1209578178 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dd62a6f9f591e42a
1020 1 2 0 1212255976 hiskett28 hiskett28 $H$7I2.Xz9DOiAUVKtZ8jFVoFtLtiW0zW. 1212255976 0 -121606683424 0 1212255976 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212255976 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4TGZQD 0e1fa498c7dbf976
904 0 2 0 1209617262 jocelyn88 jocelyn88 $H$7AyzLW9aOG4CQ3yqiCG3UZLCRW1kRq/ 1209617262 0 75984953522 9-11-1975 1209872616 1209617262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Ohio, USA d0446ae5d5e2e6ee
906 0 2 0 1209632468 breizhman breizhman $H$7XbOUG5ZCFPu02isHJw.V5i2v.qbSz0 1209632468 0 109200188824 1214077485 1209632468 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1012&_f_=28x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 025bb4c6b4310e8d
1064 1 2 0 1212645580 Enverieinfava enverieinfava $H$7hoECP95IIJA7.iORFS5d8jTFqxfMB0 1212645580 0 144196442929 0 1212645580 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212645580 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2UQRG1 c5cb70727d69d436
920 1 3 0 1209803467 WIGAN-MIKE wigan-mike $H$7hQjsT5vvShy4Rw/A/w0IDKEi2g95k1 1209803467 0 27515386224 0 1209803467 0 0 0 0 0 1 1209803467 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3BNOI1 d7bb950307747af7
905 1 3 0 1209625155 JANI jani $H$707Y51qSAH5VkZ4eXmBKxEo94YrOme. 1209625155 0 -138375747321 0 1209625155 0 0 0 0 0 1 1209625155 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2LEUYX 01583afd0a9e1586
955 0 2 0 1211352967 NERV nerv $H$7atPPrsUU0ELtEG2dANovBFtHHRx4p1 1211352967 0 -26210631318 1211885771 1211352967 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9be45fd9530f8995
1024 1 2 0 1212276056 Welsh_PB_Fan welsh_pb_fan $H$70vya1Myg9rd9u//UVVp8udwvXGEe8. 1212276056 0 210543391624 0 1212276056 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212276056 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 341XSU e99e3ca16209f0d4
912 0 2 0 1209715534 lars828 lars828 $H$9DtZBd.GHqd3pdrSuIeNPVT0An8xL80 1221237123 0 -152205398427 1226072770 1209715534 1217622555 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1005 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4c96cf5e9bcdc29f
907 0 2 0 1209648259 cours cours $H$7FcuSWJ3Pz7yTTfAQ3OleQycepIbXU1 1209648259 0 -103426199318 8- 1-1990 1227122504 1209648259 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1212930061 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ôpkomme vo ons volk 1c5830326fc95800
908 0 2 0 1209665600 Boter28 boter28 $H$7wguwSCZVV9i..fJtVTwUZ601XYhpw/ 1209665600 0 -101965181820 1221573407 1209665600 1209665662 viewforum.php?f=38&_f_=38x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d9e8e1cdfc18d837
909 0 2 0 1209665691 1880patriot 1880patriot $H$95oS3GmsLg807oCkEZY8mCQTBAwe2I. 1221137465 0 166620984425 1231419034 1209665691 1223386182 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2308 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d129f38ef69115b8
921 0 2 0 1209825875 Avalon avalon $H$7tuKPH30lHKj2oU8M6ylxs.Sl4mjRr0 1209825875 0 -186451633723 1210690569 1209825875 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=918&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 97298c78bc17b7bd
910 0 2 0 1209669041 partiden partiden $H$7eUiL2fryIayKNbJzMHfVOMWNxC/PK/ 1209669041 0 102351069017 1210530012 1209669041 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Stately Stara planina, next to it the Danube sparkles, the sun shines over Thrace, flames over Pirin. Refrain: Dear Motherland, you are paradise on earth, your beauty, your charm, ah, they are boundless.(twice) Countless fighters fell for our beloved nation, Mother, give us manly strength in their steps to follow. 2a8ifcu3 ad9a3e1d2c0102e1
916 0 2 0 1209751679 serbian28skins serbian28skins $H$741PPPL5pzgXap3UhZ8GMGUw19dvEz/ 1209751679 0 -6635211122 1209904169 1209751679 0 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=2060&_f_=0x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1209751738 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ac071e709b0fb7ac
967 0 2 0 1211479571 Vlaanderen de leeuw vlaanderen de leeuw $H$96d6WNIzAh.mG7gZan8q.gA4SQkYCx1 1219261701 0 127139176518 1219261792 1211479571 1217870588 viewforum.php?f=26&_f_=26x 1214164011 0 0 0 0 0 28 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1215454007 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2eac0398b47d56f5
917 0 2 0 1209758866 Tyranny88 tyranny88 $H$9vjVMI3b3xab88WAMfuZT9YTBrEUKg/ 1227820731 0 -159471575027 1235225177 1209758866 1234969258 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=6635 1234969498 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234969497 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e26bfc3432b8d441
915 0 2 0 1209743071 Versace versace $H$7yhe6ybxVoIOV3QQ4NR95vsbXsficG. 1209743071 0 -12127729431 1209743260 1209743071 0 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=118&_f_=118x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 665bf9331566ba0c
911 0 2 0 1209673297 firefighter firefighter $H$7MTHrWJZBXgKJF4hrvF/dPCuVBmmNg1 1209673297 0 205638081434 1209674028 1209673297 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=911 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 01d7415d3d814e23
1025 1 2 0 1212295780 MASSAROJeanette massarojeanette $H$7EZpEMkb2FD.yoyjoveX.grPeU.VKj. 1212295780 0 67402403314 0 1212295780 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212295780 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 76J41B e7d1af65d06ede8a
913 0 2 0 1209719387 skinny skinny $H$7YVtv.wfM6k92E9IYOe8oi9QB/nhel1 0 0 146101657328 1223671159 1209719387 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details NBVT13CZZU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 what i have to do than wiwehmz7 4I1DYT $H$9yuGXNoSIHLJKbDPTblfXFfrvU9ujL0 e68db32eed96b311
1167 0 2 0 1213911403 autonom1488 autonom1488 $H$98K97feC2QISNWO99b5ZQBWQkfp7tY. 1221832114 0 47937630421 1221832182 1213911403 0 1221832182 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8ac0ffc3f81b5759
922 0 2 0 1209834700 Schlageter schlageter $H$7iklpOmRhee/BAKADFcxVfC/svqJs9/ 0 0 -170341834716 1226532555 1209834700 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6436867423d3f6d1
914 0 2 0 1209722766 sheryl sheryl $H$7nlVVT0WVls1HrV6Grr24jJJacclDa1 1209722766 0 180790284926 1209723081 1209722766 0 viewforum.php?f=33&_f_=33x 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 17cd63a3f49d00a0
1379 0 2 0 1216445923 kruger kruger $H$76PV.VN20xdXCHWl6.0ohGAZrEgS9q0 1216445923 0 31572532729 30- 1-1964 1219883428 1216445923 0 index.php 1216790693 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 west australia kalgoorlie miner 0af00292877c38e3
968 0 2 0 1211482151 nationalstolz nationalstolz $H$7LMVlrmN/Mfvi48xmIwZR8k82TuJgI0 1211482151 0 -74031026816 0 1211482151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e9eac9bd7f04989f
918 0 2 0 1209761811 JANI88 jani88 $H$9eD.lYkDqRtbvXaxz7EfFTaEoE.VnY/ 1224267433 0 -103760298128 1224267380 1209761811 1212604482 index.php 4K3ASKVXBZ 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 58e793a4e7a5e127
1178 0 2 0 1214054699 DOCTER docter $H$7d7ut4hkH.gTYeIC/kl4inFklZmNeq1 1214054699 0 -147694542228 1214055189 1214054699 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1309&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 58f5e76555916eef
960 1 2 0 1211420971 LibmanWer libmanwer $H$7p4C8lYsO3raJlCC0XXY0dcGND0Z/x0 1211420971 0 140949454722 0 1211420971 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211420971 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 19LDBR 1f82a4e32f751f95
925 0 2 0 1209876174 instigator88 instigator88 $H$7mTVoLTTSOv1kgoavMhFjDPKvaJOAW/ 1209876174 0 -189056900720 1209877878 1209876174 0 viewforum.php?f=120&_f_=120x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 44ce6abd736a2a7d
919 0 2 0 1209779578 ricardo ricardo $H$7ZIxfU176LuLMKtEtu.2YcVuZnWqYE1 1209779578 0 -67378981221 1209780953 1209779578 0 viewforum.php?f=62&_f_=62x 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a85d05738241c9da
1633 1 2 0 1218679909 rstu391 rstu391 $H$7sqJWg/oCwcGXGE8.qV/crv6fSBxmv. 1218679909 0 -92755881015 0 1218679909 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218679909 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2JTGY9 63b61496bc5c78dd
1161 1 2 0 1213845164 kokonvey kokonvey $H$7Pom340VVUFljPBLf3Qb265VR7HZi80 1213845164 0 -112085282918 0 1213845164 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213845164 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3DRQQ6 7220989ed6d7cbf7
1185 0 2 0 1214163943 brython brython $H$78vll0dk/LjhAeCZRJJP/ffrW9/azA0 1214163943 0 -201431325623 1214168550 1214163943 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=1313&_f_=101x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8d60038188395f6f
1141 0 2 0 1213547037 VanZan vanzan $H$7JbfBYuyc5p5yP6ifmrWoJNyd3nSJi. 1213547037 0 -210012731621 1213547374 1213547037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 64217f2e750b2733
923 0 2 0 1209838480 Stahlhelm stahlhelm $H$78aDsPChkfcwHeDbnLIm61tPt6cnrT/ 1209838480 0 113904580325 1209849535 1209838480 0 index.php 1209838919 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1209838504 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9c435d83abd6ca6b
1062 0 2 0 1212641157 LVX lvx $H$7pURT8auRdffOrKwHPVHqkIoje9pcZ1 1212641157 0 -111117350520 1212641401 1212641157 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1278&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 16ce1f25a98554f9
1154 0 2 0 1213704283 wozzaskin14 wozzaskin14 $H$7hsBC8QHCIbVoHXnmosyZWcH6yxIPW0 1213704283 0 -192115404321 1218818531 1213704283 0 viewforum.php?f=17&_f_=17x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1e18212e40fd57b3
1919 0 2 0 1221931865 SA88 sa88 $H$9tFU03p9eZJKoK6/O0hUJQsV7I..yE. 1232905418 0 -50938289828 1232905456 1221931865 0 index.php 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 4.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 27add1ce95cf4529
964 0 2 0 1211458481 Ritmo_Dell_Diavolo ritmo_dell_diavolo $H$7IQAvqs5cFzbDKwJOBwjEmZ0P2rEIR/ 1211458481 0 45833321021 1211459041 1211458481 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b590204414aeead6
926 0 2 0 1209879016 rene rene $H$77GNNZD5q2fFy3/e4KzcTfKduMHKbh0 1209879016 0 -160451247419 1209879558 1209879016 0 viewtopic.php?f=19&t=917&_f_=19x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c9fa9e007f2295e3
927 0 2 0 1209896272 rebel rebel $H$7EvJv4zJm5cE3gz28aCfBsVlug9Cw11 1217698961 0 39971350924 1217699235 1209896272 0 viewtopic.php?f=57&t=1758&_f_=57x 1217543527 0 0 13 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 069640f329b2a163
961 1 2 0 1211431174 zonasitesla zonasitesla $H$7E.nmwuhSS4u9wXlNGgOVly9vSThZh/ 1211431174 0 187816714422 0 1211431174 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211431174 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1GVAYO 19683e0688318235
962 0 2 0 1211431256 panzerkraft panzerkraft $H$7u56BK4T0sLgqohgEMBSDY7p2uX9T// 1211431256 0 193266968312 1212262808 1211431256 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 148f34b252ddcc41
942 0 2 0 1211102141 Wolfsangel88 wolfsangel88 $H$9Pb8pH3moe5QgsMOBt7yewL.u7b7EP. 1220984979 0 -208489779824 1225302004 1211102141 1223911847 index.php 1WGVGMCEZ4 1223478173 0 0 3 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6f4addd4cb65182e
2231 0 2 0 1228136621 Mieke mieke $H$9Yy68TFfm7n29JHrF9Bsz48Uqo5UYQ. 1228136621 0 87137956223 1228136718 1228136621 0 viewtopic.php?f=128&t=2293 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 29349b1713d9c92c
2161 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1226621540 kprskin kprskin $H$9hXdQOK3KFWJhtZrwrfp5E4RLmyQyh1 1236339001 0 -55597057625 25- 5-1981 1236987006 1226621540 1236986998 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3145 4S2BQWCEDW 1236723251 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236417713 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 new castle chef football, riots, 53583bd4efea317a
1037 1 2 0 1212466069 eterdolve eterdolve $H$7.fgBkUuTuqpmX5w4ry60QS1tTVayn0 1212466069 0 -132722935722 0 1212466069 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212466069 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 IF8CC6 4d867280524e4f35
1038 1 2 0 1212468318 honcoosqueMus honcoosquemus $H$7zph.rZHuUVAQSi8VCMcF3kqLr23TP1 1212468318 0 114172687726 0 1212468318 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212468318 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3OBYEP a08de191597660f6
1039 0 2 0 1212470232 ocalijean ocalijean $H$7iDp5AsWa2yZtlCbg.x34DcTPb.mGH. 1212470232 0 90478882219 1212471581 1212470232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 374216c34c426f90
930 0 2 0 1209938785 Sturmführer sturmführer $H$9g/MmC19JH7v6CnHprU/B9Wp9lqJEY0 1224436675 0 -151043312821 1227715470 1217406927 1225032213 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2073&p=15282 1225032051 0 0 0 0 0 16 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 0 0 1225136982 0 -3 1216300000 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 0 0 0 d43ff75145d72f80
2346 0 2 0 1230534747 vwxy079 vwxy079 $H$9.6zeA7xq0PL5TrEmsFhf7z7gxZaQa1 1230534747 0 19426769025 0- 0- 0 1236025520 1230534747 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;bjyhtf&#46;com:3aiwgs06]????[/url:3aiwgs06] 3aiwgs06 EA== 42182456 2716dd8566af112b
958 0 2 0 1211398940 theoderich theoderich $H$7i81ELUHKA9v4lnyDpZoqokceP5/F9/ 1211398940 0 206054652616 1211579935 1211398940 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=962&_f_=31x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3e56045d3c72c171
931 1 3 0 1209984952 punk79 punk79 $H$7pFVmJ7olGFjDzru.xuwPMsk5iTx/M1 1209984952 0 -29626602923 0 1209984952 0 0 0 0 0 1 1209984952 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4IONA8 406e2578913b367c
935 0 2 0 1210971486 neo-jelle neo-jelle $H$7/l.JfwRxJ.ZMFbjJ4G3f/J5ZLdUm41 1210971486 0 -26334879130 5-11-1992 1211029640 1210971486 0 posting.php?mode=reply&f=120&t=998&_f_=120x 3X65SR89LT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 guns a24181f53917346f
1414 1 2 0 1216812562 ysvetv ysvetv $H$70JJY1N3aIrzwpd8eDog9GnH0tDX4s. 1216812562 0 -127928457120 0 1216812562 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216812562 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 31XP6H 0db80298bfcbd074
1415 0 2 0 1216812685 vic vic $H$7LHrVKbvpKqxGWtOAb9neGGWtOFNCt/ 1216812685 0 205690264521 1216820409 1216812685 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 25a7a8cca2295249
936 1 2 0 1210978677 mk-medical mk-medical $H$7Y73EUSe3LOfE/IQ0WAk7MBEiZcY2f. 1210978677 0 90815587423 0 1210978677 0 0 0 0 0 1 1210978677 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4LVK5U 72a59795e02d99c1
1187 0 2 0 1214210531 flanders' girl flanders? girl $H$94DSILXaNF0wDetyxrcZPXckSr951h1 1222793952 0 -176037172728 18- 1-1991 1228720442 1214210531 1214427671 viewforum.php?f=26 1222802480 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1232284123 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 There is a road and it leads to Valhalla where only the chosen are allowed. 2thgnih9 west-vlaanderen a2f4769749f5b27e
1194 0 2 0 1214299887 willyj willyj $H$7RTzabCQ86jffQuhwExH9pxFPkL/MX. 1214299887 0 65875635025 1215961053 1214299887 0 1215960335 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214300326 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9d88699427728dab
1642 0 2 0 1218796798 nas nas $H$9pHgrFM8YYtL9Q6TCEecn46cmUjp461 1218873861 0 -51534732420 1218797065 1218796798 0 viewtopic.php?f=51&t=1758&_f_=51x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3de5ee0b8e4dc060
1647 0 2 0 1218877099 Marina marina $H$9gOEbB2moFITi6F7YUzxdD5Tb1pKYD0 1218877099 0 23978935614 1218877696 1218877099 0 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=1758&_f_=121x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fbd671b7eab16faa
1918 0 2 0 1221928526 burn88 burn88 $H$9PMu6LFDPjsk5soFWmeAM97mfiVh/71 0 0 -67457199732 1229791182 1221928526 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1229591808 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 78e33201abbb95be
1340 0 2 0 1215978782 Skingirl skingirl $H$9WUkl45tkVJ5n/98Rvfqy73mWv9n/O1 1224315148 0 -119145812024 1224316450 1215978782 1221942611 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1134&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 0 0 0 7 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 2 2 1232146429 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 889a89c310ddf2bc
1166 1 2 0 1213898295 EssenceRec essencerec $H$7BZ5V1FxBkcGxDKgEgHFWxXm1GbE.P. 1213898295 0 -4588250720 0 1213898295 0 0 0 0 0 1 1213898295 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4MDE6G 89a10a7cd6685bf6
956 1 2 0 1211372170 healthnation healthnation $H$7Szv/fi0bljmiNjYFstMYqIq050lE4/ 1211372170 0 -120903679827 0 1211372170 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211372170 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4SW9RE b287e3bdf86c2d6c
1632 0 2 0 1218656638 vintgar vintgar $H$7yarqYAKPbuLmlGVxfPFqjm/IFR4y7/ 1218656638 0 158372671318 1218656855 1218656638 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1217&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 be97e9ce796d776e
1200 0 2 0 1214345955 El_Bathory el_bathory $H$7qSagacvODt.RJZvjjV5tpZ0lNN4JQ1 1214345955 0 172754264523 1214509373 1214345955 1214509228 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b8a5034349e9d7ca
1305 0 2 0 1215687815 Advance14 advance14 $H$7U0OcVw7.uhOENwYHsOV1qbofMKOe7/ 1215687815 0 212568974828 1218998784 1215687815 0 viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1328&_f_=36x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8d02fbe81fb79968
1304 0 2 0 1215675128 UltraSSur ultrassur $H$9C9x7CiijzqoNqpC2y21Y//bYcC/gY/ 1235446191 0 -8007113825 1236039607 1215675128 1229151218 viewtopic.php?f=56&t=859 146NX4ITJI 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 en -8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4c4181f952996692
1874 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221412755 dario888 dario888 $H$9vIfySm4jSsVArarVCAG.3EfR9JVzO0 1221412755 0 -101469678416 1236454505 1221412755 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1221765800 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ae9f2f1a1f7031af
1249 0 2 0 1214867329 Dahmer dahmer $H$7A4bAc5LlREAWZ49bSYicvFKPkHSsv/ 1214867329 0 124704027618 1214868461 1214867329 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=390&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30&_f_=12x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fa35e3e2e3aa6d08
1351 1 2 0 1216072530 xolonho xolonho $H$7DIBi7CxxH/Vga55UHpVkJmvjhUwRu. 1216072530 0 165857366518 0 1216072530 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216072530 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3RYJBT d235e828b6875b0d
1264 1 2 0 1215123444 Billyboyka billyboyka $H$7CajQvH9J4Nte9noNoe8Y3dZWdKMHL. 1215123444 0 128362871923 0 1215123444 0 0 0 0 0 1 1215123444 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2J1A9F 2ba23a9b25ccf729
1031 1 2 0 1212387982 Dravyprussy dravyprussy $H$7xOQ5YLvZ7SCy5sJV9gpnzg75MMcvy0 1212387982 0 100381994724 0 1212387982 0 0 0 0 0 1 1212387982 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 NVCITQ 962eb86326caaf50
1169 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1213921734 whiteulster whiteulster $H$9nEEmv89GnJbutOMMjwIgYt1TlB/V40 1230834199 0 -14202171924 1236692884 1213921734 0 viewforum.php?f=39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ac1c9c333bb7a1ef
938 0 2 0 1211039826 British_Thule british_thule $H$7/9ei8LmyfRzNaDvztxqygudcxB3gp/ 1211039826 0 -187190541626 1211050439 1211039826 1211050385 index.php 4PHUZV7EOW 1211050163 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5e3b4311c4d5f81c
1352 0 2 0 1216079410 bluesky bluesky $H$7N7f6UAVWHcbSGQp0/.3AZ6.ZYjnC40 1216079410 0 500310321 1216082891 1216079410 0 memberlist.php?mode=&start=200 1216082864 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 351674555d3cd453
932 1 2 0 1210961697 MaiscogsCadia maiscogscadia $H$7ggUMJD8v9by2zkyBCQy707d02WNmQ. 1210961697 0 53623811020 0 1210961697 0 0 0 0 0 1 1210961697 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 O9ZWGJ 11ab2d3320fdbb1c
1221 0 2 0 1214560566 WEE_MAN wee_man $H$7qP2nyWm.sNBmoJwpm4F8BAXUPK7V./ 1214560566 0 -123337097826 15- 9-1990 1223385086 1214560566 1217798850 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=4274 1214592232 0 0 0 0 0 60 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1219091727 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 lichfield england fec689404e8070f1
979 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1211637211 widerstand18 widerstand18 $H$91hL.Nck8t3Frh0fO.9a96iuRASl1N/ 1237058286 0 -183231327424 1237058474 1211637211 1222608492 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2590 1229788552 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219836769 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 05a17b64ab77f5b1
2434 0 2 0 1232401736 Otrovni Patuljak 88 otrovni patuljak 88 $H$9XUAMxogPA4z6857aWlQUBmqXrNmnj0 1232401736 0 -97448438419 0- 0- 0 1232711922 1232401736 1232409568 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=6259 1232450563 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232637224 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 N.D.H -Vukovar f29988ca2199ed55
1174 0 2 0 1213984388 masterrace masterrace $H$7bldHyRn8rBMu1FvtoiMKVOKAOhqaj1 1213984388 0 -158276900514 1213985100 1213984388 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=881&_f_=44x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1dcd6d36669c77f3
1058 0 2 0 1212609447 Lee Westland lee westland $H$94HGu5pa4xaqiHijraYzNArdWsQbnb. 1221160081 0 -198573404827 27- 2-1987 1225769358 1212609447 1223519789 viewforum.php?f=73 4PVIOA5DM8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221163037 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1058_1212611263.gif 1 90 54 West London DISCIPLINE1987 Airside Engineer For British Airways 51SP97 $H$9OGo0YCc3fTjxVFgwKGOxRvqqAozZ41 cd711686e204191c
934 1 2 0 1210966016 JalilMan jalilman $H$7/57ZxM.pOekeqUDR15i7v7X8EyAft0 1210966016 0 -67827567420 0 1210966016 0 0 0 0 0 1 1210966016 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5I9MVW 9fe95a012abe3b32
940 0 2 0 1211056601 mister c mister c $H$7oVz9TLr.Q1O8CTT3Ygd7eDv74QGUE. 1211056601 0 -80112202022 1213643803 1211056601 1213209786 viewforum.php?f=26&_f_=26x 1213209460 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b248f8c45add8eae
939 1 2 0 1211047724 Westomkew westomkew $H$7WnZsAodXY2Ba9xaHB3EfcSHg8sNPz1 1211047724 0 42225707928 0 1211047724 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211047724 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5C2DE9 c7a72b03c994e3a1
937 1 2 0 1211025464 Lundun lundun $H$7XR73lLRIfnBXYUS/piZDWCkG/mqUf1 1211025464 0 73779944622 0 1211025464 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211025464 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2HLI2M 4a976aed43fe3ad6
943 1 2 0 1211107041 mewopemiCic mewopemicic $H$7LVIY9l4sE58mMJDyccq2kITC5uzwP/ 1211107041 0 91130385428 0 1211107041 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211107041 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2C4QRO 2be5cf7f0b0272c4
1019 0 2 0 1212248231 SS Stephan ss stephan $H$7q2fvAFs0bKANkOd/mWv/mjw9bYGZN1 1212248231 0 -131484114324 1212248787 1212248231 0 posting.php?mode=post&f=2&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7aba130180d530a1
946 1 2 0 1211122242 seneorita seneorita $H$7gOxK8SsRMmh8w/PDnndpytb8vcsPr1 1211122242 0 137130739314 0 1211122242 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211122242 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 297LZ9 6ee9b03fb8d63fdc
952 0 2 0 1211241076 serge serge $H$7ozrPCVS9fF902H/GstUS7/YkmJjvu0 1211241076 0 106976026725 1212946910 1211241076 1212682442 ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox 1212397940 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1212760939 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 white people 37bmst3x b3c5f633fe935df7
944 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1211114171 spike spike $H$9PuBDP5v/SgFO7e4TKy5PUTTBeowrd0 1236277578 0 205379077624 1236289811 1211114171 1221824454 viewforum.php?f=75 1213871123 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1214053326 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7d7bc497b123ae9a
2417 0 2 0 1231953570 joanne88 joanne88 $H$9EaahE33O4yMCpZZ5rq7jEIrRYY8K81 1231953570 0 56418242822 1232396137 1231953570 1231954892 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bd69a60803c1c52d
1023 0 2 0 1212265265 CJ!!! cj??? $H$7GuFXQRfUHNzpmb67ZoXSJQP3lH2Tg/ 1212265265 0 -43316263323 1212565837 1212265265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e21f5285e8091e01
1189 1 2 0 1214235633 bypeuttex bypeuttex $H$7MRcs.SvEbgnG18AONoZfiCGD3HyD9/ 1214235633 0 179923298119 0 1214235633 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214235633 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 233Z5G 0d8e3394d28ef82c
945 1 2 0 1211115984 Maxxttestra maxxttestra $H$7nwX7WLMXbMIQNZtqKcu0heO/F9.j70 1211115984 0 48857423719 0 1211115984 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211115984 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4XAPN5 de358c30f1afc315
947 0 2 0 1211139228 sGildenVriend sgildenvriend $H$9bEkgcWQnXY5LezJSsP.ixn3IB3EUF0 1220027914 0 172241325429 4-10-1985 1226853185 1211139228 1224438846 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1924&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30 1226852613 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1212000518 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Flanders, Limburg Operator Music, girlfriend, politics, life itself, occultism, ... cc24ab08187197b0
954 0 2 0 1211275286 mickeyell mickeyell $H$75DxqGaxtPsUnbH2IeTw21.Sp79TIq/ 1211275286 0 194294056923 1211277419 1211275286 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1229&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cb4e46a36d7a4879
1022 0 2 0 1212264929 Wolfenstein wolfenstein $H$9hJyzrgvHzLpCOZjBFYwvX8BXJ1aSE/ 1232665532 0 53007406419 1232666932 1212264929 1232666172 index.php 1232665614 0 0 0 0 0 19 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1214854113 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5e363b9c19661d95
1635 1 2 0 1218692366 Enlakekly enlakekly $H$7AJtcgG2ajroDCGkZY8/wFb2s6PKmw. 1218692366 0 -96764328624 0 1218692366 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218692366 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1RO2ZW c0697b6a11fcc568
1636 0 2 0 1218695517 cdef049 cdef049 $H$7HOYA4Xmzo6bK6GkUe/6rlxZOL8fxn. 1218695517 0 -141999323925 0- 0- 0 1218869845 1218695517 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;wowgold1000&#46;com:2qcm4o2l]Buying World Of Warcraft Gold[/url:2qcm4o2l] 2qcm4o2l EA== 8888888 6e75d0d886867647
953 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1211252153 wau_wi wau_wi $H$9.MkpMn7fbXkDQFLVh1Y8klUwiB34X/ 1229569922 0 137390796316 11- 4-1970 1237038680 1211252153 0 viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3148 1236653456 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 USA ireland_punk_mom 9d235f1483a6a724
948 0 2 0 1211210998 RiotGirl riotgirl $H$9CX33eCCuzwVxysZQG4orenkdnkv8H/ 1224250038 0 -107372908524 1234536494 1211210998 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6a1b258da6471aaf
965 1 2 0 1211460740 lyclephem lyclephem $H$73FOO/0.5kIipyRyCtYTRn80zmTh4e/ 1211460740 0 -209653756518 0 1211460740 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211460740 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 T2CLVO af7c25484c95f028
1274 0 2 0 1215248614 CategoryC categoryc $H$7hzJKfReo7qGfQIgDl.AbVTFAS/IjQ0 1215248614 0 -83868408113 1215249292 1215248614 0 viewtopic.php?f=65&t=1502&_f_=65x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 091a775b3ec61725
966 0 2 0 1211462832 totenkopf22 totenkopf22 $H$7jCkVjHUmfLnIsSuVsf2Gq/xaH3MNE1 1211462832 0 -3049075714 1212177941 1211462832 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=892&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9e6fd911278990c1
949 0 2 0 1211218317 woestijnvos woestijnvos $H$7L4g0YXNlxkcbDtNFLOJTyJk4/SSh7/ 1211218317 0 53284388424 1211235516 1211218317 0 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=151&_f_=33x 1211219441 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f06533ece565582e
1218 0 2 0 1214529707 instigator_88 instigator_88 $H$7Pn33yJQM7.ATt.ycEBNCNbsmjFFrL0 1214529707 0 -10719867920 1214530515 1214529707 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23180768df3b693b
957 1 2 0 1211398730 WIEGAND-BRUSSJOSEPH wiegand-brussjoseph $H$78N5t1KTZaT5zJ0HcBkmZnpFwappai/ 1211398730 0 25830440620 0 1211398730 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211398730 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 26QCRD 6ab70918e7a2e833
950 1 2 0 1211231037 bestcheapviagra bestcheapviagra $H$76W21xCtyY0Og8O4hnqKSjFxyav4bH0 1211231037 0 149297987923 0 1211231037 0 0 0 0 0 1 1211231037 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2XCLFV 09148341c4d2c5c9
1199 0 2 0 1214344582 Lentus lentus $H$7OCx/XKZ7dTh1zOn72WjcXkmD9sgBQ. 1214344582 0 167585393516 1214499092 1214344582 1214498933 index.php 1214344700 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ae991224388d4506
1137 0 2 0 1213521236 88dirty88 88dirty88 $H$7i0t1hybtetHAHxy1uOv9zVBg5T9O/0 1213521236 0 -35595816719 0- 0-1972 1233394542 1213521236 1218889763 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219925495 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1887 1137_1213523046.gif 1 78 78 london 9842f1cd22a09277
994 0 2 0 1211802073 Gabor28 gabor28 $H$7mH4VYVhF2vW4FSZhZ304Bc6Lvm5Se0 1211802073 0 97854699023 0- 0- 0 1220722335 1211802073 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=881&_f_=44x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Hungary d80c0abd2370a0fa
1197 1 2 0 1214317688 djmuzru djmuzru $H$7XjkdiZyk4m2K2o9L4XNCZBHkuFt7v/ 1214317688 0 -172688277217 0 1214317688 0 0 0 0 0 1 1214317688 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3IESUO 08562f60259edeb5
1162 0 2 0 1213857944 white rider white rider $H$7dsuAUckiu2E2DwSdN9LYwcXPHGZp01 1213857944 0 -168696967315 1213858141 1213857944 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2d1203e5cc27b950
1361 1 2 0 1216202720 prapear prapear $H$7kUi7vgAM031jBAGjvu7W05PDVqwu61 1216202720 0 92243144219 0 1216202720 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216202720 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2RFZ11 96b97d5f08481c94
1623 1 2 0 1218554447 080812jk 080812jk $H$7N2eAZ88dQu3ORqcKzIuRvpY61djKC1 1218554447 0 101889815820 0 1218554447 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218554447 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37X2HE 68f0aa361ba5d90c
1500 1 2 0 1217645484 akgame akgame $H$7iViwN2VVd53sYYQ6uKmInYAeQu8ir0 1217645484 0 -53564426921 0- 0- 0 1217645559 1217645484 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 3 1218292308 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;akgame&#46;com:23pwk2pr]cheap wow gold[/url:23pwk2pr] 23pwk2pr EA== 44497771 184edf8aa4015ea2
1376 1 2 0 1216408334 marine marine $H$7eA2wdyHqmn3AQDilwclmRiHK2PLqk1 1216408334 0 -35365503317 0 1216408334 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216408334 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4SDT14 c1a954bbc924f540
1363 0 2 0 1216254594 deutsches mädel deutsches mädel $H$7hBvz8h86NCO6qP.yk2khjFwk7SY.u. 1216254594 0 -28581616716 1216255065 1216254594 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ac72853e5779ecfe
1365 1 2 0 1216274950 vmm vmm $H$79iE4.v6Ko0TXQ30Sn/eMlHO29LKLN/ 1216274950 0 76483027118 0 1216274950 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216274950 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5FNBW9 806cb5a98ab5b726
1380 0 2 0 1216462744 foxoo7 foxoo7 $H$7OYkdKkOHvc6JYqT5XfuWLOEusu6MJ0 1216462744 0 184647306113 1216463243 1216462744 0 viewforum.php?f=2&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b1917f8e93086ed7
1425 0 2 0 1216925630 british boy british boy $H$7G3Uqr07Vyq4FR80BYxKeBQ48UbzXl. 1216925630 0 -162830992323 1229683757 1216925630 1216985985 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1222286871 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8cc0eca0e5d962dd
1366 1 2 0 1216299039 besterses besterses $H$7iN/H.5bYbX7KZEzYPGAgR7eWk03Px0 1216299039 0 94760129319 0 1216299039 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216299039 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1YO2K6 bbd1a936491f550b
1367 1 2 0 1216303115 FumphepeOrete fumphepeorete $H$7dgnubNF7315MRdK5Xx9.Vy5rWOLHg0 1216303115 0 -41180203917 0 1216303115 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216303115 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 AM8Q8V 2d32687209cfe532
1369 0 2 0 1216316654 Blackout28 blackout28 $H$7z/wcwL8sWBnabht4sqf0p66Pby9TH. 1216316654 0 -205093694423 1227564098 1216316654 1218974438 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 493c715cf6fcc84f
1426 1 2 0 1216933597 privettutja privettutja $H$7bH03LtOJ.40IbE9Aso3dCIqojamuk0 1216933597 0 -33812640022 0 1216933597 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216933597 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4XAG9N c6aefad0ea355b71
1370 0 2 0 1216325546 Major Hotplate major hotplate $H$72NfC3v5zn1n.lP93sHLksiLENjFfB0 1216325546 0 -64487927820 1216326266 1216325546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f9daace80190b3dd
1627 1 2 0 1218631306 aggreSSor aggressor $H$7M1wLgLnOpiaBHdwDZlkSWZrNJ6Qif. 1218631306 0 -16338030823 0 1218631306 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218631306 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 33FFDW a59c66bcc76f5bb7
1371 0 2 0 1216326267 Finny finny $H$9EsEKcTd.K9nuM4FUvyIO4c/1mkMNH0 1226929589 0 -111460516817 1227277353 1216326267 0 viewtopic.php?f=122&t=1197 1226939025 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fadc6547fec7210b
1374 1 2 0 1216332685 pitirma pitirma $H$7/b1HVVLOm9r09ybNF5dDp0fbFHo9j1 1216332685 0 -40287104822 0 1216332685 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216332685 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3TMZP3 8c6dbd21149269a1
1375 0 2 0 1216380732 skinhead88 skinhead88 $H$7zrSV3DprXdfuzDjGawCBtFvUjL7Qz1 1216380732 0 -67274270821 1216384695 1216380732 1216384473 viewforum.php?f=101&_f_=101x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 688464e6bcecabd1
1373 0 2 0 1216331559 wildboar88 wildboar88 $H$7BBqqmO5S/ENGD/BaJAy/BEyKbfr8H. 1216331559 0 208787521922 1217443098 1216331559 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1525&p=10113&_f_=2x 1216770867 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 acb9248221046fd8
1399 0 2 0 1216640813 anters anters $H$7J6BZeErITz1kc9etDkFjjHqc711FV0 1216640813 0 -208519067424 26- 9-1991 1226954253 1216640813 1221594667 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 31D4596D6A 1218056438 0 0 4 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221594671 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Bolton Student db9af64081a58706
1629 0 2 0 1218647928 hooop hooop $H$7Ihx/Uh.83mcqxHuOkxBFxzIRF4Pmp/ 1218647928 0 60693872217 1219857380 1218647928 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=573&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2337f702ec115416
1913 1 2 0 1221885318 match retour match retour $H$9OE0zpKX9J1nk2D2da2eveU1UY0qxs0 1221885318 0 17195155418 0 1221885318 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221885318 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 495MZ8 ed68f425f8a8bfc2
1914 0 2 0 1221888041 Kölyök kölyök $H$9dpkc5bQdzNcpUhZ1kXm9IFpHPNB.N. 1221888041 0 47589212122 1230849630 1221888041 1224100278 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1712 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fa4bf9652e909e6a
2147 0 2 0 1226259815 kiosque88 kiosque88 $H$9/B34yCbQ5enr.aFrfAIMIfLf0PrOx1 1226259815 0 -55842539419 1226260153 1226259815 0 viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7aa759b01175c0f1
1381 0 2 0 1216466121 monkeyboots monkeyboots $H$73VcqgNs/psSH91Q8nz9wH8H8973t01 1216466121 0 -204817523725 0- 0- 0 1220645723 1216466121 1216582359 search.php?keywords=ulster&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 1220645723 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1919 0 0 0 ulster hunting foxes 12e2e9a3be67cc6b
1382 1 2 0 1216466378 COOPER-BRYANTALWILDA cooper-bryantalwilda $H$7Lh8nmoueKLB74xc5P66DBmdMB0l.Y. 1216466378 0 65880926413 0 1216466378 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216466378 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1YGXOS 813687055e4c9ed9
1383 1 2 0 1216468083 taisarfasuave taisarfasuave $H$78GRMPVWLhzwKofPIUXNnQkd.ptzQ71 1216468083 0 206617492722 0 1216468083 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216468083 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2NUHCG 8a59301edb91d677
1384 0 2 0 1216472942 jordy666 jordy666 $H$71JSQ0KRZS6mINH1vAf2bQ4bEnWOR30 1216472942 0 48995408527 1216473997 1216472942 0 ucp.php?i=164 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a04990c65c1d99b5
1385 1 2 0 1216478127 Undizineany undizineany $H$72hLENr8sw5y/X.Tx0RAOwegxKYLNH. 1216478127 0 35721764820 0 1216478127 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216478127 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 48YLJH a008740389365ee6
1509 0 2 0 1217681105 passoa passoa $H$7D28KEiDqP3FZ1phur7Om4HkTVl6im. 1217681105 0 193669994827 0 1217681105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc101c263591c40b
1402 1 2 0 1216664985 tesak tesak $H$7N3SRQ1pFfAu856tWCwksIKGuJ7dbB. 1216664985 0 -174956737513 0 1216664985 0 0 0 0 1 1 1216664985 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 32A9G3 9e2e4b26d8a7edb5
1429 0 2 0 1216999973 zxcvbnm zxcvbnm $H$7O2I5Qh8sOeQ.hXvVIf29wjphIycPk1 1216999973 0 -101088419321 1217000218 1216999973 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 da58f79d4d889cfc
1386 0 2 0 1216506829 sid14 sid14 $H$9q3.KF.evUlmpEB0zK/u3gGAGzwuts/ 1224437182 0 -69556273621 20- 4- 0 1224689047 1216506829 1224437431 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=5327 1223752441 0 0 0 0 0 16 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224437436 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1386_1216596206.gif 1 78 88 devon football,boxing,hunting,speedway,ww2,history of britain 062012debb94e8ed
1400 0 2 0 1216640855 Frank Vdb frank vdb $H$7fNQ7pdTxz63w2nyWl/geiM3Ljs8wc/ 1216640855 0 -41261471322 1216641202 1216640855 0 viewtopic.php?f=51&t=519&_f_=51x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 54f52da9d1a36531
1387 1 2 0 1216537277 anszona anszona $H$7PdqmWWB8xAOJA7qzF/cAfv2fwvnOO1 1216537277 0 186935287621 0 1216537277 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216537277 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2Q1QNM e77608384862524a
1389 0 2 0 1216556503 ken88 ken88 $H$7bF5/PD5HTG9AuPuha.cbgal7iKauC1 1216556503 0 -20963078729 0 1216556503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 25eeef527a643b1a
1404 1 2 0 1216709451 flovent445 flovent445 $H$71Wy0v2TFTW545Zj9LBFXrKo5AGVPA1 1216709451 0 28673449519 0 1216709451 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216709451 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 51SXNJ b7eb2d7145fd6103
1390 1 2 0 1216562312 Trousymourf trousymourf $H$7r3r52AwU/mBqU42NXXEVQg0Kw1RYX0 1216562312 0 139874435221 0 1216562312 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216562312 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 39AT3P 90f74e302792456c
1427 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1216944643 Skrewed skrewed $H$9NgGiQrF46Zgujmoqh1f353fq16qLJ0 1236858483 0 -79678956420 22- 5-1989 1236994685 1216944643 1236992147 viewtopic.php?f=102&t=2784 1217225496 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1237048944 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1427_1216947855.jpg 1 63 65 North-West 99a32214c8731f22
1391 1 2 0 1216577244 LotirNite lotirnite $H$7kbE5cdmte.WD6n0V5fICnWPQxzpgs. 1216577244 0 -3407259723 0 1216577244 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216577244 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7DMH1I 99df6427272ec09d
1435 0 2 0 1217035718 dotegreene dotegreene $H$7bQMETSCCPktNkAddY4mPjUSQg4lFS0 1217035718 0 -138352876720 0- 0- 0 1217059995 1217035718 1217059997 posting.php?mode=reply&f=26&t=1393&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;wowgolds&#46;co&#46;uk:2jeeowz8]wow gold[/url:2jeeowz8] 2jeeowz8 EA== 7346223 2f8c436b1846bab9
1392 1 2 0 1216577500 Derpindets derpindets $H$7CdKj5gml2CJiJAqflHSaj50sAAE/T0 1216577500 0 173845255322 0 1216577500 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216577500 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1N3BDB 1ee2c582e373a254
1474 1 2 0 1217392010 lmno325 lmno325 $H$7BviOiZz32.mCA6RDVskprMAPIGc6I/ 1217392010 0 55316278416 0 1217392010 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217392010 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3QB9AB 078e740035c4d7ec
1394 1 2 0 1216598786 angrysoldier angrysoldier $H$7unhpyMhry.6WZ0h82tIxqrLK4U384/ 1216598786 0 193461241322 0 1216598786 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216598786 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1O2K1M b5991cdc3b5e51d1
1395 1 2 0 1216599373 laing laing $H$7CRKKItN.ErasZvQ6bAwSfNpUyoFdS1 1216599373 0 2505327318 0 1216599373 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216599373 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1RFKRQ 74181e76bdd5faea
1396 1 2 0 1216600007 muckle muckle $H$7lW9tVdVZxw.jyPm2P28l2mjsuITJ10 1216600007 0 -89114243320 0 1216600007 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216600007 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 168U9T 440963c2b9fc118a
1581 0 2 0 1218187367 swatooyoo swatooyoo $H$72REeFEBn1MGikRSsZdZ9WWy8pqSAh0 1218187367 0 -50659247419 1218187583 1218187367 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7fa4bfeef2065df4
1871 0 2 0 1221403300 saimen1 saimen1 $H$9PifW/gUo2YCJ6RyyUu7nhM6y3Zpjo0 1221403300 0 151253769226 1222023173 1221403300 0 faq.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cf765562b3d39549
1597 0 2 0 1218319170 buck88 buck88 $H$9BQyMAME0SZeVRJQneBx9jHWWOTfkn. 1230245907 0 76125162024 23-11-1974 1235779449 1218319170 1230488570 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=12&start=190 13U3I44U2Q 1230943656 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1221087185 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 why do we let them in? why do we let them win? its our country, its our race. its our nation, its our place. 21ls51kv iceland c97fa5ead257b77c
1401 1 2 0 1216656886 Atmommamisk atmommamisk $H$7HJByiqQJbiWwHLx.RQRn9Co.BRn8e0 1216656886 0 19630449618 0 1216656886 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216656886 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3HSSVV 39ac6d91231d5c62
1408 0 2 0 1216741712 dream-X dream-x $H$718Ei94rhYPWcVwQ.jALdT2Ozt9ZVu/ 1216741712 0 2692029030 1222027197 1216741712 0 viewforum.php?f=26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d8658122f2702eec
1405 0 2 0 1216716411 WAU_Hungary wau_hungary $H$71zNbqiUwsmIZBoYThWnYznJU2Yo641 1216716411 0 -64091684421 1219856340 1216716411 1219765764 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1056&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=40&_f_=75x 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f604e99d1bd6e596
1407 0 2 0 1216738937 R.S.O.K. r.s.o.k. $H$9TxLiFJ0d5nGNFfj0up2jS.TwZTjDE. 0 0 173864078718 1233241564 1216738937 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e6eb8503d39d3c02
1406 1 2 0 1216728417 lifesoc lifesoc $H$7iDMey34TDxZTHTHXGOJ.wY9uvnAPC/ 1216728417 0 -51187037417 0 1216728417 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216728417 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43DHU2 0edab2c3214bd052
1409 0 2 0 1216743895 slovakia88 slovakia88 $H$9TtM4fUoRGen6LEKnlxbNxbHVTtHXa0 1229449782 0 -75777529520 1229449894 1216743895 1228675363 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2126&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60 1228919568 0 0 0 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228775818 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d1c4eb94aa14fdde
2403 1 2 0 1231785975 eminsong eminsong $H$9YkSEOnRxnUR2B7KThQsdtYYqJ/SEx1 1231785975 0 -90891741020 0 1231785975 0 0 0 0 1 1 1231785975 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 HRYFGY fa86c48dcb6f2387
1410 0 2 0 1216755704 hotshot hotshot $H$7ycW134NCqFXVIje7KPx4G5g4vRkOJ. 1216755704 0 -211639692717 1225542121 1216755704 1222802200 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1OWFUJE488 1222801649 0 0 0 0 0 13 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219182691 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 50274857a1d2b69c
2248 0 2 0 1228331906 Nationalist-Hibernia nationalist-hibernia $H$9AjbzLlNg3y6ZaqEVQ1/ihP54pi3JG1 1228331906 0 18466530922 1228332816 1228331906 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=avatar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 17bd326524188adf
1411 0 2 0 1216756471 h(hunter h(hunter $H$7vXQgMEKAz1vNlgsBpj4WCzke1euHZ. 1216756471 0 -100957484723 1220894654 1216756471 0 viewforum.php?f=26&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c8c324188e352c47
1412 1 2 0 1216788048 Scarlet scarlet $H$7pGjtiMxM3onYRdunsKLDZ/kxeSc/O. 1216788048 0 -5892618419 0 1216788048 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216788048 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3QBV4L 4b0e292233bb3645
1431 0 2 0 1217006639 lisa_2008 lisa_2008 $H$7F85rCskdCRCFSYstM7Abw36Hia0XZ. 1217006639 0 213448334513 1217013630 1217006639 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 1zir6vhv 642eb15452e0306a
1420 1 2 0 1216878556 marduk marduk $H$7AoY9sjci5./1RLd4ZNOMuyBoLA6Fr/ 1216878556 0 61287210316 0 1216878556 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216878556 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 JLP5P6 91af4349e5e3485d
1619 1 2 0 1218535158 hc-united hc-united $H$7nVTPcbdzlayeaaqpvXrMDPmao0y.0. 1218535158 0 -207580294726 0 1218535158 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218535158 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23ZWVW 05792c41b4197087
1416 0 2 0 1216845377 steph88 steph88 $H$76f4P5CvVL8XgLrrCIMwejOa/ecVST/ 1216845377 0 -99163568817 1216845630 1216845377 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3e3f891679cc814d
1417 1 2 0 1216845655 NUNZIATOELIZABETH nunziatoelizabeth $H$77ypwUIsTN8npi1ezrmVhVnaFkGZc0. 1216845655 0 34074905717 0 1216845655 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216845655 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2THVDK 01a2af931eda01ac
1419 1 2 0 1216853474 KikemraN kikemran $H$7YkehBKibISZogmUULt4FEMOfnqvuR1 1216853474 0 -187305200820 0 1216853474 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216853474 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2JUKYF 7d81977b52895381
1421 1 2 0 1216886849 avalmibelia avalmibelia $H$7/E2W/nA/xKP6frwWFyc3ovt6sFonp/ 1216886849 0 17531437521 0 1216886849 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216886849 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4RRVMV 1ce2cf56954272b4
1422 0 2 0 1216897720 atr atr $H$7AnrhT5xwMph43tHVcnudL6k16vroN1 1216897720 0 -157587914519 1216898219 1216897720 1216898183 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=963&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 00050e6d779ef190
1428 0 2 0 1216991417 SDW sdw $H$7dvxMPul0Ioqfrjq9bi8/tNItBtN8J. 1216991417 0 -10916831528 1217504920 1216991417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 793cd25d3e4f64cb
1424 1 2 0 1216917785 Kasepseunse kasepseunse $H$78zqxcCc4Y07xESmtQVJJtCUx/lXiN/ 1216917785 0 -107306718614 0 1216917785 0 0 0 0 0 1 1216917785 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3GJU2N a0fda1d8f71caa48
1544 0 2 0 1217933774 Wilhem_Beisel wilhem_beisel $H$7q0PS5jb8hzs8Gk/Vzel1d2sKCr/9X. 1217933774 0 -52514824526 1217934021 1217933774 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0278359328882d9a
1430 1 2 0 1217001220 marykay marykay $H$7EcfmBuTmtDn3Ln.bTAes0FhuifS2V/ 1217001220 0 16061355422 0 1217001220 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217001220 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 42GUKA 0dbb31e6e32839e4
1622 0 2 0 1218552801 Ractafrance ractafrance $H$9sGK72kwTfZTYCzmHj/mXi6iVWDEWy0 1221297038 0 -53845345220 1221297067 1218552801 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1474 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ba051216b7ddd115
1433 1 2 0 1217017368 pnfeeoo pnfeeoo $H$71BnP9hzHJqwVsVG2xbo0o9aVEFw7X0 1217017368 0 137926889215 0 1217017368 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217017368 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 JAK7BG cb796ce91ba400a5
1497 1 2 0 1217579030 080801jk 080801jk $H$7AlIDIA25TgjCv5Eluc3T6WkyqOrab1 1217579030 0 -42228440119 0 1217579030 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217579030 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 39ID6F 6872857fe42dc957
1434 1 2 0 1217023178 marin marin $H$78rF3e1iI0ZcrxxqDWJp1SV8iKb0WU/ 1217023178 0 -136058725217 0 1217023178 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217023178 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 HRRZ5M a7156c1414016d14
1601 1 2 0 1218379000 pasik pasik $H$7hcU6y9J2yD8tbmSX/QFAVIygTYC/R/ 1218379000 0 -165669218417 0 1218379000 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218379000 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1NJCOQ 15f27ce106015ff0
1436 1 2 0 1217036043 080726jk 080726jk $H$73awMxyyi6PXJI3EbQBp8emfIXyz2u/ 1217036043 0 -33908229619 0 1217036043 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217036043 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1QYCH7 f881dfc973c130af
1467 0 2 0 1217292566 wehrwolfgrecof wehrwolfgrecof $H$7AcDSyBtwuAAvhDXmNSYerShIyo94d/ 1217292566 0 81257072819 1218133421 1217292566 1217293518 search.php?search_id=egosearch 1218133097 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 118ac77c38f5a7ac
1624 0 2 0 1218571290 smudge88 smudge88 $H$7O.oeOsVDq1kPkjE5UEUxyenNq1cnL. 1218571290 0 35953961018 1222795485 1218571290 1219845311 search.php?search_id=egosearch 1222795485 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219347524 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9f2cdda338c01e7e
1441 1 2 0 1217061655 vb12530b vb12530b $H$7Z5wCBHIIJjz9YNm6sW5akNn.TvWRW1 1217061655 0 -58595083415 0 1217061655 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217061655 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4MXJ1Y 73c829e4c9ffeef4
1571 1 2 0 1218112734 Anerturry anerturry $H$7S1lPCQxRQs91.jQGRkCV.hlLzuggk/ 1218112734 0 -160351810415 0 1218112734 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218112734 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 13YJSH 5bf7e3d32eb101b1
1556 1 2 0 1218018453 meiyunas meiyunas $H$7V5MmIN6xWWlSrFMdmXYR4Na2/dIFL. 1218018453 0 118267710018 0 1218018453 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218018453 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3J9GKD 1d1e56fcda84bd61
1442 1 2 0 1217070594 hijk332 hijk332 $H$7aZC0jsFyLGZseg9kTECr6GHdId.uL. 1217070594 0 122423549218 0 1217070594 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217070594 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5EN4H5 918887d9abe196db
1443 0 2 0 1217074265 grille88 grille88 $H$9BiYS5VcLrc2ulZnXo7QLQyX3mJuZ5. 0 0 -162142219815 1234796457 1217074265 1228918332 viewforum.php?f=77 4AJVJATQW1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228918338 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1443_1224398250.jpg 1 66 80 e17e19ff3d2856cf
1620 1 2 0 1218544372 wealseTam wealsetam $H$7EZNHXIXbpC6o3GFxvSi2x8DNBPXSN. 1218544372 0 -51298358423 0 1218544372 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218544372 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3NGGTU 3816c20766d6be3d
1621 1 2 0 1218544402 ademansderty ademansderty $H$7tnUtnna7gaTFkKIoDRIo5ID2LDoOn. 1218544402 0 -150478400121 0 1218544402 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218544402 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1LX23C e41d63f1ef4c54af
1479 0 2 0 1217449578 VW/1488 vw/1488 $H$7L4kYHzy0nBTzOFJEoLqSGo26IHfiI1 1217449578 0 -167299597225 0- 0-1990 1217774263 1217449578 1217452918 index.php 1217451132 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Northern Ireland VW / volkswagen beetles f9c5d6af63b36786
1445 0 2 0 1217083124 seb14288 seb14288 $H$7MBXK/m6KCcpgHc05PTA1xRA3L5v6X/ 1217083124 0 -156800658621 1218834599 1217083124 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a1f6000438fee642
1464 0 2 0 1217257264 white666 white666 $H$7baUKvLARV6Z8Vcd1MXwlL43lcXzqQ/ 1217257264 0 205211472723 1217345215 1217257264 1217258053 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1772&_f_=2x 51XVXOJHBW 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6c97c1d3553ba96c
1454 0 2 0 1217129891 _Inked_ _inked_ $H$7QgZwep/EhwN8PWpupadxZfD8f7Taw. 1217129891 0 -109927759718 1217326210 1217129891 1217139161 search.php?fid[]=2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 11.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1218370754 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 baed726211303623
1447 1 2 0 1217089308 qrst778 qrst778 $H$7tPj2x97g5Gz7IuS4ZlcowXFsbI5OD/ 1217089308 0 27090119223 0 1217089308 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217089308 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 12ADAP 85a320e1ba306f70
1448 0 2 0 1217095064 Nuilsken nuilsken $H$7R2PN9uphT1ZjDIt7Dp5i23tB59z380 1217095064 0 108040297626 1217095196 1217095064 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1475&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e6d7980350888c5c
1451 0 2 0 1217118256 cailstar cailstar $H$77tqiyAHh76CQZlG2w/NKf8bzHmqzL. 1217118256 0 11412439319 1217118616 1217118256 0 viewforum.php?f=50&_f_=50x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f9f63770fa533fa3
1449 1 2 0 1217100187 istoretinoineen istoretinoineen $H$7LQwzT790v0SPebF9oElsYDD77y6t1. 1217100187 0 31535068418 0 1217100187 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217100187 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2J6KYT ef7300b9a134283e
1450 1 2 0 1217107431 Choosyjes choosyjes $H$7Apl1ImYw70iFesZnJiV7IrQ1Mq.O40 1217107431 0 151574823317 0 1217107431 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217107431 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3UZX57 e941efc98f540f2c
1452 1 2 0 1217119578 wowgold91 wowgold91 $H$7mVNwGa.SF0vnklM4wvcd.Zk1lLK.P1 1217119578 0 -72644907017 0 1217119578 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217119578 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23BIZC d136b684f83cc7a0
1455 1 2 0 1217159955 sextube sextube $H$7LYX.OTmiJlHkYZswr4DSjcshynqBb1 1217159955 0 -131153003416 0 1217159955 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217159955 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3GT2YS ba86c176bafbca63
1463 1 2 0 1217248735 KiraPlast kiraplast $H$7iRSwCRUivs/pGqu12kdPyDUww1vms. 1217248735 0 -59308701021 0 1217248735 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217248735 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3PJI54 b087d89cd91a0e62
1456 1 2 0 1217169870 Unioftort unioftort $H$7d7dw0A6XddeSEXxgRD.15dawLpVGI0 1217169870 0 52709273915 0 1217169870 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217169870 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 42BIL6 43af491a842e42ea
1457 0 2 0 1217187097 toto toto $H$9.yoihjBHI6apP2ETTblv8gmNqyXU7. 1228937231 0 204809559420 1234204995 1217187097 1234102566 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2325&start=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37c523065d46be92
1847 0 2 0 1221159177 slider slider $H$9B97TPajRdKdY6QHafSZHfpMPBD3EM0 1221159177 0 143243591121 1221159774 1221159177 0 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=1213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c26ac6f713720383
1686 1 2 0 1219245913 Petersonpopersonu petersonpopersonu $H$9iqO8SsuJsoSnLJLQJ01c73TVxC30p. 1219245913 0 -50956671629 0 1219245913 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219245913 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56GB27 5de81529b2bf492d
1688 1 2 0 1219254592 Gaildclemmer gaildclemmer $H$9e0Tt0GS3hoIrsk45efaP/jBH3Ioa10 1219254592 0 -153697990624 0 1219254592 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219254592 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1D4MSO 0472ec0896052b05
1909 1 2 0 1221845850 kosa8814 kosa8814 $H$9jE1E9IrPz.rr27xTOgR3UY4zjTaUh0 1221845850 0 91523913314 0 1221845850 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221845850 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 GY8C1V a99e32c659575956
1513 1 2 0 1217695677 adviseeIllize adviseeillize $H$7wh17TF2bp9vYIvrhdnkzJWkfrIFqp. 1217695677 0 -65773739220 0 1217695677 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217695677 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 548UD4 62938313675bd80b
1514 0 2 0 1217695950 Skinzie skinzie $H$7q0e7S9GdMLW1pCKlDnfNqLXFsG9SX1 1217695950 0 -157764504128 1217696203 1217695950 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3e01b17e9d93d835
1459 1 2 0 1217213657 Trevobberviet trevobberviet $H$7/FSHjEJG5HkYprqNjH.F/NM1dR4KA. 1217213657 0 -88030356920 0 1217213657 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217213657 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1Y32H2 956b9027bd7381f5
1465 0 2 0 1217261923 Germania germania $H$7QO0KaVmagZlqL6dTe/boWuaaQ5Epx0 1217261923 0 106153144722 1227723261 1217261923 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1217262178 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 94710c1e23828d96
2339 1 2 0 1230470770 patrickkiauka patrickkiauka $H$9Bfpye..NfNYY5CC5WAMhYjcXvNab1/ 1230470770 0 105460051818 0 1230470770 0 0 0 0 1 1 1230470770 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 47SKGX fdce400390ae0c4c
1870 0 2 0 1221401865 trevorb78 trevorb78 $H$9LA.cb9iPt18MIlHoBdoilbUdRKFDe/ 1221401865 0 -188268062823 1221511139 1221401865 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8a6a0de2ab8e9ff9
1470 1 2 0 1217319913 eryereo eryereo $H$7syjgzKXnZ1WoodtdeWHkhzp8pvMfN0 1217319913 0 -67355175916 0- 0- 0 1218122490 1217319913 0 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 0 3 1218292453 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 easy 34rirlai 5678220 4a0ffb38fad8109c
1462 0 2 0 1217240529 Sparrow318 sparrow318 $H$7LyjbDPvOcnVkfpzlOrDUoQWP7G3jg/ 1217240529 0 -158431262520 1217240784 1217240529 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1680&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c23173ee08c7268a
1606 1 2 0 1218416410 labudash labudash $H$76/lIQmF06QWUPGghMv5vBGF0UBrev0 1218416410 0 194950447218 0 1218416410 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218416410 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 26OVK8 1bc1f0123d76d5b8
1573 0 2 0 1218126790 Zandworm zandworm $H$7pNgdrWYUvvYd155EA1oy6ypQPYCJt1 1218527576 0 -24316380223 0- 0- 0 1226307057 1218126790 1223210030 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2090 1225619480 0 0 0 0 0 44 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1218580886 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1573_1218573641.jpg 1 85 64 Faith Folk Family of36odlz 0fb269f872f8d13f
1605 1 2 0 1218414410 VladimirasRussl vladimirasrussl $H$79P528y7rKdATaR6Inr1/uZjw5gTv3. 1218414410 0 17163948128 0 1218414410 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218414410 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1KKYXL bd899c105ac5172b
1466 0 2 0 1217283146 totenkopfverbande totenkopfverbande $H$7NytzzhlLznhu5vA/fv7SmU0YMtYJk/ 1217283146 0 -99918400924 1220098503 1217283146 1219917898 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219917912 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fd0900c52a8cfb47
1908 0 2 0 1221845091 Dani88 dani88 $H$9F7KBOTsWnVCqh23DkzaSKFdOHqc/a/ 0 0 -82659304517 1230374431 1221845091 1222413757 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c20b94c3604f26cb
2467 0 2 0 1233063460 Moxicus moxicus $H$9gwwwadXiWbnHMBE3bOVwEyfc554hV/ 1233063460 0 53018558422 1233063704 1233063460 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2654 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a858d7269e25fcf9
1614 0 2 0 1218503689 yuyotuiie yuyotuiie $H$798oM8YPLw0tzwmtkXQlhkyknnCPy00 1218503689 0 -115434703717 0- 0- 0 1218895258 1218503689 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 easy 2wx450su 5252312 5076fea0557d002e
1615 1 2 0 1218504299 iDragula idragula $H$7bpKdhiuPFGLyGL8pEiW40i0UKNNXl. 1218504299 0 23280254217 0- 0- 0 1218731942 1218504299 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 3 1218746614 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3vn125mb 1456788 ef1da908fccc88b5
1616 0 2 0 1218505645 Aleksei aleksei $H$7qOfPCknZEO/6WzyN3tSOpUGyvjJ1Y/ 1218505645 0 177013780419 1218506987 1218505645 0 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1819&_f_=17x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 df3ef2c736e3f50d
1468 1 2 0 1217296189 trialsoft trialsoft $H$72/Ubi9pMAmKGiTg3oenOtimvVzK85. 1217296189 0 101080205217 0 1217296189 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217296189 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1G6MY4 1cc1574710f4ab06
1469 1 2 0 1217311742 080729jk 080729jk $H$7ylDanyEnDnQionDanrQzMETQU2X2G0 1217311742 0 15244305719 0 1217311742 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217311742 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3JTERK 41c71a4edd0104c0
1472 0 2 0 1217337611 SaS sas $H$9zfCuHjP1zHdnH7fBr7M4EnKGG0ySh. 1225742879 0 197371611921 1225743311 1217337611 1217368481 viewforum.php?f=37 1217353229 0 0 3 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a391ad9edf4f3438
1522 1 2 0 1217770573 freevideob freevideob $H$734qmkl6JUyfjlZF58Nk0YYYq0.axA. 1217770573 0 63461142318 0 1217770573 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217770573 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2Q1GWV ea3fed93dc211fb8
1473 0 2 0 1217352741 micu88 micu88 $H$7REny6tDsEwUDmAVPkCmM7R.ZW/1ih. 1217352741 0 10573133418 1220470044 1217352741 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1056&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=40&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 253d13d94849a2aa
1477 0 2 0 1217446476 apo_helvetia apo_helvetia $H$7uyMuC.9Baskw0SxWq/252pFH6oM011 0 0 37073669027 1221244537 1217446476 0 viewtopic.php?f=46&t=412&_f_=46x 1217446911 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1217447176 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 47966e4a60c8a85b
1549 1 2 0 1217990449 BaBeBiLaaa babebilaaa $H$7PZs0EUc4lQ1BhMF81Di61FJyfQlXO0 1217990449 0 174670743517 0 1217990449 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217990449 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 193I2K 3658b993b6af982c
1485 0 2 0 1217496131 Gabriel gabriel $H$7WjCU4gXflu3aBS3UZqedNpDeSLAeD1 1217496131 0 -131801665921 1217496241 1217496131 0 viewforum.php?f=95&_f_=95x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 14ebdbfced285b1f
1475 1 2 0 1217408912 kevin7903 kevin7903 $H$7VIPqDsAAVr/G74lW70oOBglucbhC4/ 1217408912 0 81305837119 0- 0- 0 1218258609 1217408912 1217431015 posting.php?mode=reply&f=125&t=1534&_f_=125x 0 0 0 0 3 1218292474 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;setsbedding&#46;com:2evycpz2]bedding sets[/url:2evycpz2] [url=http&#58;//www&#46;www&#46;shendafurniture&#46;com:2evycpz2]Office furniture[/url:2evycpz2] 2evycpz2 EA== 1234567 e147f3b425afab21
1476 0 2 0 1217408959 Blitz blitz $H$741xRUr.yV6ixqRdVrdVaFsfJfUrYB. 1217408959 0 12173852616 1228459976 1217408959 1223556219 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1224864892 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 923a05d481ac9429
1534 0 2 0 1217844735 Roial roial $H$9sLmi89azFB0DbK5PqGPI7AlkuLYAX. 1221230353 0 -100463364024 1221231497 1217844735 1221230575 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature 32DVRZRZWO 1221230399 0 0 5 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url:2lha9l5u]http&#58;//gloryrac&#46;blogspot&#46;com/[/url:2lha9l5u] [url:2lha9l5u]http&#58;//28hellas&#46;blogspot&#46;com/[/url:2lha9l5u] 2lha9l5u EA== 897d167380beeb20
1481 1 2 0 1217456170 hammergeorge hammergeorge $H$7qUhI0SE4cc8sxsfaN2viuKCAtDLQv1 1217456170 0 -77751803229 0 1217456170 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217456170 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1K9V8P 56c0b7bdf2d84a0b
1482 0 2 0 1217456402 degrelle degrelle $H$7KMXuh0nQGhNr0XvWWIyarWYpaAhMg1 1217456402 0 -101308639122 1218757881 1217456402 1218639056 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=4480&_f_=0x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1218639066 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ff3672653b3744cc
1507 1 2 0 1217675619 pillikoli pillikoli $H$7fIfEiilM/u6g2QNEnWgcvnfhfFHvf1 1217675619 0 84227613421 0 1217675619 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217675619 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2XWSZH 76c333070c2d2929
1487 1 2 0 1217503828 Skinbaby28 skinbaby28 $H$7MxxXSPxnUTSMKn2Qt4BpFZBC.W8UK1 1217503828 0 -55096651616 0 1217503828 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217503828 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4DJSD5 ca54617b75bf6dfe
1489 0 2 0 1217528325 SkinnyWiest88 skinnywiest88 $H$76lRQfSZo5WlnJba7hntPkzg9fkhhu0 1217528325 0 116866134123 1217528489 1217528325 0 posting.php?mode=reply&f=72&t=1739&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a6b41714f2f36dfe
1488 1 2 0 1217528105 subramaniam subramaniam $H$7tCNz7yfrW/lTDVf5o7HoZzu9IwUwo0 1217528105 0 -110516671822 0 1217528105 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217528105 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2WIRSL f1fd265f7c06a48b
1490 1 2 0 1217528701 kaye kaye $H$7U4EM5SO5it9glwBtnOPFLWc4uy7050 1217528701 0 -130501565119 0 1217528701 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217528701 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1CX2UH 661914cb55f7626f
1493 0 2 0 1217546782 jen87 jen87 $H$7U9.DldmEO6sgH1g5wkJVKUGomvveU. 1217546782 0 -85043365326 1217626497 1217546782 1217546940 viewforum.php?f=3&_f_=3x 1217547182 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0931e03f13c4c939
1927 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1222096038 Mikelatz mikelatz $H$9tjdDP.CX2iGv/HFYzowvJOcrRkq.H1 1231397065 0 -134056288022 0- 0- 0 1236261926 1236261923 0 1236261871 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 d M Y, H:i 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 895 1927_1222097021.jpg 1 80 80 [i:2bagtttc]Nun, Volk, steh auf und Sturm brich los! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->[/i:2bagtttc] 2bagtttc IA== Vasconia cd1c59ca6b653a4e
1492 0 2 0 1217534328 honour/14 honour/14 $H$9qRr/SUvSTOndOBCRHZfunIrVzj64E0 1228133516 0 129604776523 1228133539 1217534328 1218340812 ucp.php?i=167 1223743185 0 0 4 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1492_1217668804.jpg 1 90 90 3303182f9ce40cac
2422 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1232072617 Englands Glory englands glory $H$9OZln0q5wdtYzNxFydJFoDgVMHCqAT1 1232075254 0 165129567622 0- 0- 0 1237030432 1232072617 1235482428 viewforum.php?f=60 ALZ4OG7BLI 1232982912 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234294223 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 895 0 0 0 Manchester Builder/Joiner ba39b215f6a4b19d
1906 0 2 0 1221837214 jim154 jim154 $H$9QwffTIIcOE/OajsYWH6X3y6W6koqf/ 1221837214 0 71562783627 1223503845 1221837214 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2010 1221843099 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9ddd57805ea6081e
1494 1 2 0 1217557959 Kayanylar kayanylar $H$7iJEY9T.yf5HwrlYBOUoLXaYMSGK1V1 1217557959 0 -194316595525 0 1217557959 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217557959 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 32A1EI 0f54105e2c78977e
1495 1 2 0 1217560065 constra constra $H$7QOmtcNKHs3fawOgqhh1PiJFRfvlCI1 1217560065 0 -173510431513 0 1217560065 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217560065 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1WG6TN cf2b307da5cb704f
1496 0 2 0 1217576103 heidenwut heidenwut $H$91Sa0QFJqeFX2o/tzHkaKZSXME07HD1 1221143262 0 -134797756035 1221143612 1217576103 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=130 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3490b0143dfd237f
1505 0 2 0 1217670603 dead_white_female dead_white_female $H$9GGbiU9k6ZbnygUQCKmaMS1CV3y68V1 1231920960 0 174188133729 1231920985 1217670603 0 ucp.php?i=168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4a3ad7d502d31fe6
1499 0 2 0 1217602831 divisionhate divisionhate $H$77joaCLHCUpRSYoKvMKqm40Jgtq54i/ 1217602831 0 35426336518 1221071140 1217602831 0 viewtopic.php?f=94&t=719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3b680371c55d23d3
1503 1 2 0 1217658386 AlexSunSilk alexsunsilk $H$ 1217658386 0 172799589228 0 1217658386 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217658386 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3S4I7F 45e8e3d66f518599
1506 1 2 0 1217672398 tommy88 tommy88 $H$7tYutntv7QinYTbavKu49aIQB6aYzb0 1217672398 0 -100073012123 0 1217672398 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217672398 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1CXESA 2f1311d9516e7cef
1508 0 2 0 1217676847 TIPTON PATRIOT tipton patriot $H$748ba62dMTxSbg3Kzr.0wZwY7xuxSQ1 1217676847 0 -107996222017 1217933817 1217676847 0 viewforum.php?f=59&_f_=59x 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80df166f73d1b168
1613 0 2 0 1218481987 xxx xxx $H$96ctGq1lp9WHkjbKeIthU7ZKpJD.zz0 1234964230 0 -100706010025 1236116364 1218481987 1233333534 viewtopic.php?f=123&t=2362 1F64MKDL34 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 38011fd776cc0f48
1515 0 2 0 1217700829 Ketzer ketzer $H$7uz7zYxy5vJcQR93PeIF77bQsTie3F. 1217700829 0 -78282879019 1217701080 1217700829 0 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=437&_f_=4x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aa4f2202af3f2208
1516 1 2 0 1217708014 firesickn firesickn $H$70vzZ9ipqwIHFM.wzUxGkCkIH0NYwX1 1217708014 0 87689272517 0 1217708014 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217708014 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3Q9L3E 25ccb15a0e3fd7a1
1523 0 2 0 1217774045 nation1488 nation1488 $H$7QIfYylZudx42swYh5Gq2.G8R9e/Xd0 1217774045 0 -86989258420 1222448516 1217774045 0 viewtopic.php?f=105&t=591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9a7a44614f37cd40
1518 1 2 0 1217733632 alerturdedy alerturdedy $H$7wlDM/uRKFizsDaS0a2NXLjiPnoP6s. 1217733632 0 22788849521 0 1217733632 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217733632 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2BFEGA 750b2358ebd1b2ad
1519 1 2 0 1217734552 gate08721 gate08721 $H$70gVpiV8mntRatd4R8Qb34Lvy9tgyF. 1217734552 0 -25328609019 0- 0- 0 1217734587 1217734552 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 3 1218292399 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;hohotrade&#46;com:232xdpgu]wholesale[/url:232xdpgu] 232xdpgu EA== 65756456 479674a984232802
1661 1 2 0 1219064085 amagmansiok amagmansiok $H$9BuHWBvQJpf4xR3HEfFl6uU1uwVP1B. 1219064085 0 -79914118518 0 1219064085 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219064085 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2BW7GA dd40a86b23582110
2385 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1231372035 Lena lena $H$9ok0xDiZxSbXpc/upGfRk1ljru1R741 1231372035 0 135152669320 1236890127 1231372035 1234725781 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=3090 1235511824 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d80b0431632a1cf5
1599 0 2 0 1218360838 underthehammer underthehammer $H$9NRD5owQiuvYDQuV1qd0aOzwmIFyze1 1226232597 0 -160111439223 1232202476 1218360838 1227183318 viewforum.php?f=128 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9ba74b47a3b7687d
1607 1 2 0 1218433850 080811jk 080811jk $H$7iCJjeoHCLbTfgEeV3idR9aHgrnzTw. 1218433850 0 -67865038720 0 1218433850 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218433849 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1H4BAN fd492bb687a2673c
1520 0 2 0 1217750931 14cov88 14cov88 $H$7cEqRxMl7l219wGOMx034lCXoGzDLQ1 1217750931 0 -13779317322 1217751920 1217750931 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 724b000f688e5b2c
1521 1 2 0 1217761891 enusaudinia enusaudinia $H$7xp3AsxDCljwWpufOAsAHQgcHB5zbr0 1217761891 0 14121724427 0 1217761891 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217761891 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4GH3WE 8ba358b35efa0e5f
1524 0 2 0 1217797851 daren1488 daren1488 $H$7fMmP2fr2dWQz63awLytEO.CKCTvXL1 1217797851 0 38949868423 1219055364 1217797851 1219055121 1218880311 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 07ea3eb02fa0e41b
1570 0 2 0 1218108416 bolingwebseo bolingwebseo $H$7o99LaxT/43bqPNvEYvJ7fjG6pCzTT1 1218438782 0 -10499837022 0- 0- 0 1218416929 1218108416 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 146zm8zw 3429980 e1f22794515cf423
1525 1 2 0 1217807936 RonaldNYC ronaldnyc $H$7pUtyHJlyaTu6jV1vBvSwTDMUKJkrz/ 1217807936 0 47201356719 0 1217807936 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217807936 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 25HBTR eff306ce48dde08c
1526 1 2 0 1217809886 Blededica blededica $H$7gyI0/Rq40K12F6qvWcqSGaZI7IvXM/ 1217809886 0 -128437995215 0 1217809886 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217809886 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4LCT1H 7ce73bef3862356f
1528 1 2 0 1217819426 PseusyNuape pseusynuape $H$7IfenLkF/NqAaf72apm9RHsOQgSsXY/ 1217819426 0 -155403307823 0 1217819426 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217819426 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3V5YV2 7995c499eb7ba7d4
1529 0 2 0 1217823880 Srb srb $H$7qytBTRaQ.VngUWGHANStRT4MDNdiz. 1217823880 0 -162032910623 1218473770 1217823880 1217827073 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a1f149072b5a560e
1533 0 2 0 1217843648 hellboy88 hellboy88 $H$7SjYvCaNl./sYJSmxq8vXuy7UntpjZ1 1217843648 0 -97417653426 1222269243 1217843648 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=765&_f_=26x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bc8dc20c9157cdfe
1537 1 2 0 1217874292 SpectorDays spectordays $H$7UF4s3bvp2P6S62ap/9NuK.VGTsYsV1 1217874679 0 34582380021 1217874632 1217874292 0 1217874441 0 0 0 2 1217874679 0 en -5.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2JSIDN 06846acf57b475b5
1530 1 2 0 1217834222 cabral cabral $H$7Pe2/uR8LrJqe7gkEm2DY6e6YovdHH/ 1217834222 0 4779028319 0 1217834222 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217834222 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3YQJAF f2e7e14b15a40a14
1531 1 2 0 1217834790 basics basics $H$77CtnJg/DgVx3ZvWdsDBO3m7lWDFS80 1217834790 0 200762114218 0 1217834790 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217834790 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1OWRIW 47aa12aaa4d27adf
1532 1 2 0 1217836760 LikeMesLolka likemeslolka $H$7xTHJ.2kGzYWy1dYNAxXegbYL3WEnK/ 1217836760 0 -188012019827 0 1217836760 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217836760 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 31JRRZ 11df14c2d2f5389d
1535 0 2 0 1217848189 davidmn davidmn $H$7JtPF/CDpW7WIN7OxwKhaWj2/azhiU1 1217848189 0 -213261099219 1217886923 1217848189 1217886919 viewforum.php?f=75&start=0&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e692ece89aeb98a4
1536 0 2 0 1217870722 Sary1987xx2a sary1987xx2a $H$7X3Rlkqg8ukJTUuYFyYxMdD/YZmbB70 1217870722 0 -98019474718 0 1217870722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2yt30mim 05e51ce97847318f
1538 0 2 0 1217874688 djguiltybrainblower djguiltybrainblower $H$7Rir0vwpavllmeEETF4qTsd7zQLGPN/ 1217874688 0 -149659613530 1217875494 1217874688 0 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=12&_f_=12x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 22ac269afd5bab1e
1539 1 2 0 1217875771 Anna Nova anna nova $H$7BUx6MHbMg2jEld0O1ltSCEym6W7x/1 1217875771 0 53501440121 0 1217875771 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217875771 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4VB2DP dfc763de492528be
1639 0 2 0 1218735767 UlfsarkSS ulfsarkss $H$7ORjWx9fYf7Lte6jkr2A2F0ubxF9CQ0 1218735767 0 -115384238131 29-10-1987 1218918393 1218735767 1218736864 index.php 1218917966 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Mexico City Student The web can`t be post but this is the url White Pride Wolrd Wide and make the people seen the true of the real history eda45676384de5c2
1934 0 2 0 1222181329 Landser_cro landser_cro $H$9RYnrIilKtskSOzFnvBZhqpao42tlx1 1222181329 0 -206859915421 1222181439 1222181329 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f51c610c378ea275
2064 0 2 0 1224546143 smitty88 smitty88 $H$9EYGdh1iiuj/dXM2F.eeMnPR8VOgGn/ 1224546143 0 114622319019 1229233031 1224546143 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b2d406cd0dee6d3d
2379 0 2 0 1231250543 SS-VG ss-vg $H$9fb0lFqNYwY0HaChyofeLLpUWanKfQ0 1231250543 0 -142354768521 23- 7-1991 1233221040 1231250543 1232888784 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2736&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 1231592074 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232790052 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2379_1231251195.jpg 1 42 50 Croatia, Zagreb e5846170c04dedf5
1540 0 2 0 1217879976 Kralj Matjaz kralj matjaz $H$9ygjmX7Ci67FHwhK5TKriMQBAJ2lxU. 1228043707 0 -21155330914 1228043730 1217879976 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=568&start=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2c7334a66efbefcd
1557 0 2 0 1218020984 willj88 willj88 $H$9wJgFnsl4CxxG/4EUetH3bzMFWqq.z/ 1226275544 0 -160261165122 8-12-1985 1226275644 1218020984 1223553322 viewtopic.php?f=75&p=15851 A8X5DSXIXH 1223645636 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1223655625 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 essex, ig10 security spending time with my son, socialising, tattos, nu metal, metal, ultra nationalism. 4f71e7def6482796
1565 1 2 0 1218076768 hiyaegagagm1 hiyaegagagm1 $H$7ZNFOeaOGlege4c8OVkhVISWpe0Svv. 1218076768 0 -61769237719 0 1218076768 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218076768 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4QW4ZF a1b1b9265472cd50
1546 0 2 0 1217943880 Aragorn aragorn $H$7xhqT1A/LIkA9JiyKu/ih3bdK33FMe/ 1217943880 0 25370842913 1224572324 1217943880 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 1220875221 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2b4a4cb436cc8419
1545 1 2 0 1217941393 sector sector $H$7I/XtCFvpPJ9u12BuBGaqS.6cjFmD4/ 1217941393 0 -206573117319 0 1217941393 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217941393 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2U7KCV 4a99f7e1eaa0814b
1542 0 2 0 1217915178 Wevelsburg wevelsburg $H$7QbWlIxq9lcynJhf5AoHEfy9lrvT6t1 1217915178 0 185425751218 1219922553 1217915178 0 viewtopic.php?f=99&t=1823&_f_=99x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b1289dc2c6a37355
1902 0 2 0 1221783900 iHydra ihydra $H$94YeVx/.szGhB3ZZnX.U9DFG4ryVDB1 1221783900 0 123770672018 0- 0- 0 1223265667 1221783900 1223265661 viewforum.php?f=49&start=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23n6ljyy 1456788 e59589472a5e8a38
1543 0 2 0 1217915998 Toma88 toma88 $H$7qIGv4btSeJSpm8N2VHyAdilraqxwk/ 1217915998 0 -43987830419 1217916426 1217915998 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0c803dd2d187e628
1547 0 2 0 1217947294 Ideal ideal $H$7DS6vV/p4Wzes08wYioaqqKwbONW6g/ 1217947294 0 -6474099523 1222026541 1217947294 1219781279 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=290 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 965bf131b7b4232f
1901 0 2 0 1221775157 spider_88 spider_88 $H$9UcZcncmXA7003ug.PeeDZYKGnxyJp. 1221775157 0 839943731 8- 4-1989 1227568599 1221775157 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 birmingham well i like to drink party and sleep a616cb2f374fafe1
2426 0 2 0 1232237955 Cathbad cathbad $H$9ScltrZv6dJcCZCg0UVgBmTI7tj/6O/ 1232237955 0 175714755924 15- 2-1980 1232239324 1232237955 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2426_1232239070.jpg 1 90 90 Cantabria, North Spain 65c6a4debd08c53c
1611 1 2 0 1218467146 Wehrwolf28 wehrwolf28 $H$70QzOXdYHsCjkw4NLasPxqRQ0wejqs/ 1218467146 0 113072116126 0 1218467146 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218467146 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2EUXD4 b8f4eb4dac45d8a7
1548 1 2 0 1217950066 pivaolas pivaolas $H$7TewOHgmdJO1ETCon.YgyN2.nnAcLs0 1217950066 0 96584348618 0 1217950066 0 0 0 0 0 1 1217950066 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 345EYL 200f3c0f34c2cd71
1551 1 2 0 1218002545 Greettot greettot $H$7xhF3TVbczpwK.fYvf7L0jDK9HjToq0 1218002545 0 -105960202517 0- 0- 0 1218033094 1218002545 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 3 1218292260 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 easy jtu2683z 895698 f76283d7de33a122
1552 0 2 0 1218003873 fatskin4life fatskin4life $H$7jHObSwX3G08WtobkvesC6CzgmHuFb. 1218003873 0 -81153527626 1218364373 1218003873 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=496&_f_=101x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43e19870eb2987e6
1610 0 2 0 1218466952 karen1488 karen1488 $H$7bhwx5KOaVuTBTNsw.8F5UA3/7YnpF1 1218466952 0 -179805900526 1218469383 1218466952 0 viewforum.php?_f_=102x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 501cf3de3caa7363
2475 0 2 0 1233255617 CuoreNero cuorenero $H$9HWDJNLYn8ePVPAizhUT3KI6rPImLe1 1233255617 0 -158199629319 1235148326 1233255789 0 search.php?keywords=sikito&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 1235148192 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 91df2ec00037169a
1569 0 2 0 1218098974 Kopecký kopecký $H$7gT9okiL3Qm7/JowMnNGGvPB0Ajj9s. 1218098974 0 -135397619419 1227437856 1218098974 0 viewtopic.php?f=77&t=437&_f_=77x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2d56f6fff9b8f4a4
1553 0 2 0 1218005408 mark18 mark18 $H$7SQp7Q646Wq.7eBW4WRxgbkuFPRBat0 1218005408 0 -1744316719 1219300398 1218005408 0 memberlist.php?mode=&first_char=b 3MUI7W2UO6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cb501db72bb8048a
1554 0 2 0 1218007004 yeksemes yeksemes $H$732o6rMcekNQBqLlIlaS.O6bvV3izs/ 1218007004 0 -138679505520 1218007845 1218007004 0 index.php 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 05617a54d7997caf
1558 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1218024195 NordicWarrior nordicwarrior $H$9yBFz5uWnlh0/lZLHCMmGQ/hzLUE5u1 1234716840 0 117381728020 1236983373 1218024195 1235192813 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2495&start=10 1224741190 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3d3bc5e17040ab32
1559 1 2 0 1218025682 Unochearrinah unochearrinah $H$7Buy0NlwYBsaPCuSpmo.J6cZ2U.jvO1 1218025682 0 210032497825 0 1218025682 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218025682 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2XIWMM 5cee40a71bfb96d7
1580 1 2 0 1218180177 stuv137 stuv137 $H$7MYJrpKGy8L2.9EY2VSEK52Ne4Hwe/1 1218180177 0 -93021577519 0 1218180177 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218180177 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2RPGDG c32e71c10fac57da
1560 0 2 0 1218026877 voiceofanger voiceofanger $H$7D3TIvBLB4M6HAoLQxBBOqKONvFY5f0 1218026877 0 -44827271128 0- 0- 0 1218105140 1218026877 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1781&_f_=2x 3AWBTPU7BY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Bruges Flanders 491a6f24316abaf1
1561 0 2 0 1218028265 six six $H$7Nk0PjV85OsncP5SY8oJNcz6umq2s01 1218028265 0 9000953421 1218028505 1218028265 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1744&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8484a9cf6eaef66d
1562 0 2 0 1218028268 FatBrit18 fatbrit18 $H$7xuHtXLQpZSBsR4jS.5kPxUkpUXQE/. 1218028268 0 37164202221 1219145239 1218028268 1218029147 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1750&_f_=73x 1218898652 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6e00d56f6e842652
1936 0 2 0 1222190329 Feytens feytens $H$9dgb911f1Xm63QKRa4.5HAHu.YQFsQ0 1222190329 0 7241395925 1222802062 1222190329 0 viewforum.php?f=65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f436f9f3bacd39d0
1898 0 2 0 1221766242 skinbears skinbears $H$9m06dxTia9h58Vt0MmLqlFJzlXSS2n/ 1233682082 0 41777654420 1235775330 1221766242 0 viewforum.php?f=12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cb53b74eba001af7
1899 1 2 0 1221766670 chuck chuck $H$9T1O0YqperNspVJuOruUvRyPPb66AT1 1221766670 0 -12923538317 0 1221766670 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221766670 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4Z6HO7 cb7519e31839dfb4
1563 1 2 0 1218028833 RonaldNYW ronaldnyw $H$7uOaq3RoIn2.20DYu486Qe1OM5JHyy/ 1218028833 0 3446725419 0 1218028833 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218028833 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4JBU26 41f8e74d49c66f2e
1564 0 2 0 1218037428 bro4golds bro4golds $H$7M3V5eHsrbLC3GSj.sI64.BKijt0ex/ 1218037428 0 -102280934016 0- 0- 0 1218107613 1218037428 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//goleveling&#46;com/:1gx6v4h1]wow gold[/url:1gx6v4h1] 1gx6v4h1 EA== 254685421 2522c169d369b23b
1577 1 2 0 1218151023 annajenf annajenf $H$7bbDTtmJKGKU8h6T6oCdDaInJoJlCD1 1218151023 0 -47361280018 0 1218151023 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218151023 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3YLJYS 57bc3606f8f68376
1567 1 2 0 1218082981 fishbone fishbone $H$7zYD7jjtCGqpd5SMls9LOUYcMkCg6X. 1218082981 0 -198582592822 0 1218082981 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218082981 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2NZI9M 11963629c4218d71
1568 0 2 0 1218083504 virdealtop virdealtop $H$7pdiCuStLc/vg8550ggXY3lxP0kNSR. 1218105432 0 -125797928415 0- 0- 0 1218105454 1218083504 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> sell wow gold to us thank you 1jwm5pmj 123456 999581f3f284b907
1582 0 2 0 1218198486 qwerty88 qwerty88 $H$7hBGF9pPUdGyeiMK.LKO.OVgys1RKs1 1218198486 0 -98877533414 1218464534 1218198486 1218198986 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1831&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7abc282332d608e3
1924 0 2 0 1222084614 CupraBitch cuprabitch $H$90lEtNJcRGeqpA8t815inXGpI2jgzs/ 1222084614 0 198528029626 1222090514 1222084614 0 viewforum.php?f=105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 93d1a62028cc3cb8
1952 0 2 0 1222317657 BradfordLoneWolf bradfordlonewolf $H$9c6XUOkli2naV8E3pi9.n9mOK5wXBW1 1233573021 0 -123163251120 1233573551 1222317657 1222358344 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=54 1233573523 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f742a5e272241902
1585 0 2 0 1218226841 KOCKA kocka $H$7odGuqiqlvppe3fSxxynZo6PS5J8po/ 0 0 29441337619 1234085852 1218226841 1221764692 viewforum.php?f=75 1219176594 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 aac242650cf81954
1575 0 2 0 1218133357 stalker2006 stalker2006 $H$7b8.bWGStjz7O4SxstiY4YfbJxHQzf/ 1218133357 0 209523522424 1218213793 1218133357 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 75f12d4cfc4694b9
1576 0 2 0 1218142470 kungfu888 kungfu888 $H$70hh4ZjpYq/adm7UtAYHmr.g5QfU.90 1218142470 0 174795519519 0- 0- 0 1219291130 1218142470 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 China's traditional culture <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 17dfskz8 3c38ad7ec11b2943
2113 0 2 0 1225370541 Goodkat goodkat $H$9y3SGcyo51kmIPVLW7EwDEUPH3v1Xw1 1225370541 0 -40117515416 1225371476 1225370541 0 posting.php?mode=reply&f=26&t=1385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b0ecea2a9374961a
1578 0 2 0 1218164444 noba2278 noba2278 $H$7Oonr9c559heEqMpjxR8C0S2BsVIlM. 1218164444 0 -12684149722 1222502788 1218164444 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;usfine&#46;com/World-of-Warcraft-USA-c-51&#46;html:ie72it3g]Buy WoW Gold[/url:ie72it3g] ie72it3g EA== 7ccefd027e5a0ae5
1579 1 2 0 1218178119 sgirllezbix sgirllezbix $H$7KQcONaUMCsVQAkuCkmZRQSYvLIzyZ1 1218178119 0 -81380737820 0 1218178119 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218178119 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5BUHNT f4599c8569520130
1583 1 2 0 1218217931 palenga palenga $H$754EZhE3wt7MzCOFcaLVbFWmtxptMI/ 1218217931 0 195413987616 0 1218217931 0 0 0 0 0 3 1218218445 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1cb2fjy4 07840db117f36c58
1587 0 2 0 1218249984 H88ter h88ter $H$76ZNBUJW6PTmVsK3tUjJxmc/3AZp46/ 1218249984 0 185943434927 1219006559 1218249984 1218326106 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c0ddc2b2f0473894
2371 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1231104916 NIGHTMARE13 nightmare13 $H$9DicQ9S0EGaa1RiF/n6O207bdnBEjS0 1231104916 0 86672740221 1236510741 1231104916 0 viewforum.php?f=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 db51ccb09cfcf563
1589 1 2 0 1218255282 means means $H$7r496gJDQi.hO4up6rc13GEApN79ba. 1218255282 0 -130210449020 0 1218255282 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218255282 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 11JQ3D 57ca3c4a71aaffb4
1590 1 2 0 1218255794 zimbob zimbob $H$7X3V.V4sAo/ktSVZV7/HVcRkKyieDH/ 1218255794 0 -73023878719 0 1218255794 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218255794 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4NYJIB f54c167a67b1fa79
1809 1 2 0 1220820584 gobobasoloff gobobasoloff $H$9dXAEjoqzUDeZjGHqb/fffyyh9btxh0 1220820584 0 -10757158331 0 1220820584 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220820584 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3EURL3 e303b4e885fcac61
1591 0 2 0 1218271905 WP Kristof wp kristof $H$7K9L35KHZh65pQFBrDInO6ErAz/vPk. 1218271905 0 166742479326 1218272421 1218271905 0 memberlist.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dac1aa9c1437ec9e
1609 0 2 0 1218456012 heil_28 heil_28 $H$7ubJqlUQ4osnPcJfKyiuZj6oAila2m0 1218456012 0 203756801426 1218474381 1218456012 1218456206 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9e5d1a37b314c675
1592 1 2 0 1218272530 anyubim anyubim $H$7PiXKrzeTyp1aZ1qecKFcs01xfDAyg1 1218272530 0 30500411717 0 1218272530 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218272530 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3AYTNG 778790c524e26ebd
1593 0 2 0 1218274699 absurd28 absurd28 $H$9OrLxspqUoEn98KIILR5GxbHz2E3p7. 1226689785 0 -22314644717 1226690108 1218274699 0 viewforum.php?f=75 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ffd414e751dc5f87
1594 0 2 0 1218286818 ==&gt; ==&gt; $H$9NYnRokbBDaLLFQLXwbWtUpgcuVdNy0 1233704031 0 -107687384315 1233704326 1218286818 1219003819 viewforum.php?f=75 P7Z2XAC77T 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1219346855 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8cf7bae8d09038bc
1595 1 2 0 1218289576 alisasisy alisasisy $H$76G1OBUFH8whFTrEC0cesgIXTP.0Oh1 1218289576 0 58794288919 0 1218289576 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218289576 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4II2WN e7f6afce5ee56eea
1596 0 2 0 1218302144 karadzic karadzic $H$7iERF8FYlOKrWJj1wrrYejWk8Lnqci1 1218302144 0 196433655514 1222082126 1218302144 1218976236 viewforum.php?f=121 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1219048334 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8c24afc7920f37fc
1877 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221489867 skin4life skin4life $H$9/Qvdui/dgTW55exAKh1Wmq8azelEz1 1229266909 0 70593450318 8- 6-1966 1236871071 1221489867 1236870544 index.php 1234180347 0 0 0 0 0 196 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233503070 0 -3 1221921519 0 t d 0 t d 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 No matter how much I am hated I will never give up. skinhead, nationalist, white and proud. 24x0czp3 Midlands. England 67930c6271c6aea9
1608 0 2 0 1218455217 cyberdevil cyberdevil $H$7fzCi0Su7TfBJM/kxZoohYtpMZd9kq0 1218455217 0 -8888194818 1218455522 1218455217 0 viewforum.php?f=73&_f_=73x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 3.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fc90c4216648a9f6
1897 0 2 0 1221735758 aussiemurray aussiemurray $H$9x8AUROulXIahVIIwhw4/lH6SDG2ZN0 0 0 -186783138325 1232856421 1221735758 1221737905 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1221737118 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 9.50 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b105071c8d9008b0
2415 0 2 0 1231940337 haterock88 haterock88 $H$9/HWzS8X/82MOQIqmNp8erL5/vqai71 1231940337 0 -139626422324 1236208066 1231940337 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f82e5b6110cc9c99
1603 1 2 0 1218402703 silomsex silomsex $H$7RQrNVHO5CFEa.Z5Zjy7E.N27n1GPs1 1218402703 0 212748307418 0 1218402703 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218402703 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 38CGDD cae1640265a5255a
1612 1 2 0 1218479304 Ralf28 ralf28 $H$7NpHBxV8RIthrkf8jL5VC3ZtE9QHS00 1218479304 0 -74003168118 0 1218479304 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218479304 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2C7O4L 721efb372bb374b6
1916 0 2 0 1221902356 dazdaw dazdaw $H$9dfRJGqiI6W2.C3heAofM59cPIOgIJ1 1221902356 0 -73118262420 1221902557 1221902356 0 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=1979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 62558583524c5017
1648 0 2 0 1218881641 johan johan $H$90Xgg2gC3cg0BgCyFy4kCya8AuR.De0 1218881641 0 -88201954025 1221168169 1218881641 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8920474f0701789a
2305 0 2 0 1229845174 Uoyuo033 uoyuo033 $H$9tvgbsrS5miEaw6hGnjZjfz7g/3YbE. 1229845174 0 -105982171817 0- 0- 0 1231085802 1229845174 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1alnjj2e 5656352 9368d3741a999f83
1888 0 2 0 1221609840 seery seery $H$9JO2imbEnYQ57bvxVS4hPG.2WSmcGC1 1221609840 0 10372136818 1221616420 1221609840 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221610016 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 208ffea520ee7910
1834 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221025864 kabel88 kabel88 $H$9lJk4049G7f3T33wKpziTCwqw088p00 1231312100 0 -58572554116 1236331293 1221025864 1228569759 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2126&start=70 1231312152 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228551376 0 -3 1228203256 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 88 2j82jq6x 05fd7a403ddcd559
1649 1 2 0 1218889366 benderkoz benderkoz $H$9vWM2uEViyRJG9SeOPXsEbwDbPdSv2/ 1218889366 0 -153003003319 0 1218889366 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218889366 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 465U6W acf7efd7c90c8b9c
1650 1 2 0 1218892942 28 rebel 28 rebel $H$97LCTB.n8UVaE9mKqPS26IpyKx984H. 1218892942 0 97140971522 0 1218892942 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218892942 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2HXR4U d59871fa61cf3ec4
1822 0 2 0 1220934286 Label56 label56 $H$9Lkbof./4GCumD1/N4GRh7FYPL71S31 1220934286 0 310871621 1220971021 1220934286 1220936448 search.php?search_id=egosearch 1220971021 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 def666f69d4c4aa5
1651 0 2 0 1218902265 apc apc $H$9XvJYjYaTB8ISclAfYwG3XlMyoam.x/ 1218902265 0 138151723429 1233373101 1218902265 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1223296912 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e8d737457c0decfd
2133 0 2 0 1225862582 uplander uplander $H$97QU8g9Wr6fGhNRj9nkewgl8rRWX1O0 1225862582 0 -45584463526 1226549258 1225862582 0 viewtopic.php?f=51&t=1060 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 87a4de9a3939191b
2468 0 2 0 1233087866 Ad Hominem ad hominem $H$9mb5ZrYMCfPeDdYmXcXyjZd9lV1gWc/ 1233087866 0 156442925120 1233088312 1233087866 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c515e31cb5d5be49
1652 0 2 0 1218911204 tuvw920 tuvw920 $H$9WjBUv7Bh6x.bEjYIgoWFADlSsSCts1 1218911204 0 122561774120 0- 0- 0 1219322007 1218911204 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http;//]wow gold[/url] 377cx4rn EA== 9965487 61174ec5da5855fb
1903 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221786669 Brent brent $H$9J19M3jNftU12XNX.8dGS5xcYRY4Fn0 1234430852 0 -99728067826 1236682176 1221786669 0 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3083 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b49b93a592f4df3d
1895 0 2 0 1221726010 Steelcap Boot steelcap boot $H$9Is8sUKae8dj8i2As9z9UxrMvWW1MT. 1221726010 0 76184237920 0- 0- 0 1225318787 1221726010 1222940821 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1993 1222980649 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 8.75 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221728701 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1919 1895_1221727858.jpg 1 75 75 &quot;We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children&quot; ya0lldal Always on the move. To remain occupied. I find them interesting however others do not. 42663a96ddd1eb1f
1831 0 2 0 1220995895 14Rich88 14rich88 $H$9mv3.Sm65vJOnJIdaI0F04So2j8GUl0 1220995895 0 -37767175723 1220996094 1220995895 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2a06ea76e58da47e
2342 0 2 0 1230502794 IL_skinhead_14 il_skinhead_14 $H$9PBnZIfi7cwUsYgUpm2/lNVmqifWhX/ 1230502794 0 -36673721425 1230503347 1230502794 0 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=2524 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 030f152feb4267f2
2289 0 2 0 1229328796 jack11 jack11 $H$9O/1YU7O83q6k/Q48wotqtFTzaf1kJ1 1229328796 0 -157874754920 1229329845 1229328796 0 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1122 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 9.50 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6818b89d240d3faf
1866 1 2 0 1221345144 PURE ARYAN BLOOD pure aryan blood $H$9ixd9eCj58QoPBbuhVcXYd.muCDiBB0 1221345144 0 -28342601326 0 1221345144 0 0 0 0 1 1 1221345144 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2RAJOF df77e00f69b6c86d
1867 0 2 0 1221345598 PURE ARYAN BLOOD1488 pure aryan blood1488 $H$9/1nr35B1sRbRGSQZF15HOiroY4VE9/ 1221345598 0 -36375031528 0- 0- 0 1221347334 1221345598 1221346681 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=279 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1225139685 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1919 1867_1221347029.jpg 1 90 90 great britain b673fbb59a0d7894
1832 1 2 0 1221006716 donnerschlag donnerschlag $H$9xV.z8yJJ6AXyf7gyqD4ilm8jTtNsc1 1221006716 0 121068584814 0 1221006716 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221006716 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 PYSZYR 8b33a813f9031449
1917 0 2 0 1221925509 paralegal paralegal $H$9EjwYvP7RKkbBP5DDt9COJOKGUb6sV1 1221925509 0 -208901079225 1221925712 1221925509 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e8db51e52a74bf17
1653 0 2 0 1218923745 IronFist ironfist $H$9mfhPy/hLeCIISUSKZUWdnbLjV8/x./ 1218923745 0 172689234022 1218975151 1218923745 0 viewforum.php?f=71&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23cd7dc10a5a48c0
1876 0 2 0 1221462962 Macclad macclad $H$9A8SbhMl8afhTCwWbcAg.4k3cPwJNX. 1221462962 0 209624074822 1222811911 1221462962 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1474&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 429f94ff7510e351
2325 0 2 0 1230291657 AlexGERMANY alexgermany $H$9yk7XkE5IdX7G/77VoO1FKij3Nwgn1/ 1230291657 0 -130897626329 1230402966 1230291657 1230293506 viewforum.php?f=29 1230293535 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b0b6c563fc598b59
2400 0 2 0 1231689966 jake_McHaris jake_mcharis $H$9VFQO16ThCzH/PmWHIiTZSrH3urnDV. 1231689966 0 67754480424 1234117938 1231689966 1232250985 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1231894248 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23ceea98a3188c1d
2279 0 2 0 1229034484 Sturmlied sturmlied $H$9ka/F7/Ymv3fuMxgoeLVg84sEvxtrV1 1229034484 0 -76427399321 1229035332 1229034484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0ff844788a2fbfac
1878 0 2 0 1221490748 peter balcaen peter balcaen $H$9m9vGtYIp3pRyliWsif0QXxdl2litK1 1232976033 0 31703383921 1233061150 1221490748 1233004838 viewforum.php?f=26 1233005337 0 0 6 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224007786 0 -3 1221504670 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 472c76c2a77aa03c
1885 0 2 0 1221588610 Skum skum $H$9Cl56EymzvfE0Z1CbQHI8dcPKIqsSd/ 1221588610 0 -100090027721 1221590686 1221588610 0 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=814 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b41eb62882e81b73
2407 0 2 0 1231794784 RoelVB roelvb $H$9RPi0lJ0ywV0B6XgRMELItWXOnWSjt. 1231794784 0 -2339107524 1231798673 1231794784 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1731&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 69f47ca7821ef097
2404 0 2 0 1231790775 Simões simões $H$9RI1KpfWSo3JV8Avb7TQfE5/HXWO9A1 1231790775 0 -121242028419 1231792768 1231790775 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=506 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 45e9e4a3d61e4584
2139 0 2 0 1225938100 Oeelidu35 oeelidu35 $H$9A7GYJXofNJfDk1E7.lm4peD/0mBD80 1225938100 0 131753012318 0- 0- 0 1226218644 1225938100 1226192792 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;wow-powerleveling&#46;org:3fx91jrd]WoW Gold[/url:3fx91jrd] 3fx91jrd EA== 1117862 c367332925f8906f
1654 0 2 0 1218980160 PSyChOtiekske psychotiekske $H$9vrxEIiSpJWEFajBifHokQG8/ajAIc. 1234338159 0 -210304381725 1234345417 1218980160 1234339194 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=20&p=18804 1234345360 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 1 1 1234463134 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 537fe729bdcc752e
1656 1 2 0 1218992804 USAAlexas usaalexas $H$9GjXaOQoPnZd8eXY4L3fxW291XTRHZ/ 1218992804 0 130183853421 0 1218992804 0 0 0 0 0 1 1218992804 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 418E74 393f8b8e5f014bad
1655 0 2 0 1218991546 White Fate white fate $H$9g.uwXZaR6C4kcONiP6GXg1AlpJ/hx0 1218991546 0 -111209634525 1218992501 1218991546 0 viewforum.php?f=114&_f_=114x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a2fb3c062e38bc52
1830 0 2 0 1220993405 Machtwille machtwille $H$9FtVnrN5kVJ4x5N53PuFiC1.Sbyg4O. 1220993405 0 -149207919217 1220993733 1220993405 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43e6f0953e4f985c
1657 0 2 0 1218996399 Skallagrim skallagrim $H$9s..mN8KYt1.JCTkFwQI4QBaklSCLM1 1218996399 0 -2184507123 1218997126 1218996399 0 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=814&_f_=106x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cfb208007f9ea0f6
2090 0 2 0 1224961892 14_kroatien_88 14_kroatien_88 $H$9JIrdAmcOXvaHWMiK33Y5/Sq30BWk.1 1224961892 0 39750297228 1230321051 1224961892 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2073&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a54937d11f2b652b
2102 0 2 0 1225151677 Mon mon $H$9GkTAq4IRl7IFAIP1bEFHfP1xQ2GHt/ 1225151677 0 -189730400921 1225155506 1225151677 0 viewforum.php?f=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3677e37506d8d307
2137 0 2 0 1225904748 evil_diamonds evil_diamonds $H$91e3w/VyboRBBrphjqpssFrumUa5QX. 1225904748 0 -18369019826 1225905804 1225904748 0 viewforum.php?f=72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5f26827e6a216761
2380 0 2 0 1231281001 3nt1ty 3nt1ty $H$9wU.UJQ7LsCtI2RNYHWyRZrKwZLno2/ 1231281001 0 37717322022 1231281526 1231281001 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1231281522 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 998e29d501247e9c
2197 0 2 0 1227543348 wittekracht wittekracht $H$9PEXEoaNo9fAB9lX2MFTHBP08LJSp70 1227543348 0 13427521020 1227544421 1227543348 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9a24cefa7f1d7a92
1904 0 2 0 1221831136 Madl madl $H$9HakJ.YnlWM12jjRlJ89YmFNl88HTL1 1221831136 0 -3400443419 1221831664 1221831136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 21e11776345f0d86
1658 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1219002806 serg828 serg828 $H$9AgHWqSgorb6Ofy2xOWVR8x5ZZuk6G/ 1237036267 0 86872416723 21- 9-1990 1237036359 1219002806 1222114169 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2843 5CT3S9FV6J 1222114538 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 0 0 0 southampton chef B&amp;H bff1bae919b77749
2202 0 2 0 1227618451 kamerad88 kamerad88 $H$91T1YYeu0AtcpSQZL8/Y1YPZwRm5EM1 1227618451 0 -20808159319 1229877055 1227618451 1227619160 viewforum.php?f=29 1227618985 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d35e107746fbefd5
1667 0 2 0 1219096612 efgh335 efgh335 $H$9GxSYnvUB2m9H7KL4HX3sqGcWPDEdT0 1219096612 0 1673816416 0- 0- 0 1219369428 1219096612 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;138009818&#46;com/:35und6vq]??????[/url:35und6vq] 35und6vq EA== 138009828 b6940d1a5865dd2a
1821 1 2 0 1220925797 Lyncenzyday lyncenzyday $H$9utHO/E0rwHrN9UvoXndZ/xxeq3nuC1 1220925797 0 145594246526 0 1220925797 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220925797 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2BMF1S f058629c710a44b2
1823 0 2 0 1220959909 gunther gunther $H$9VkU787NfbfcTKRQLw8qwLpfl8AOBg. 1220959909 0 75000305826 1220960129 1220959909 0 search.php?search_id=egosearch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0e918c76b910098c
1801 0 2 0 1220790365 skrewdriver0666 skrewdriver0666 $H$93Dz2J9udRMxiiY.GiqJjyL76Rf3MJ/ 1220790365 0 55775706724 1220942832 1220790365 0 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 de29f73a22eb96ec
1778 0 2 0 1220634925 entaroadun entaroadun $H$97LU2wYCReXuHzjuk5nltaUN8QbDUC0 1220634925 0 -48205645818 1220635214 1220634925 0 search.php?keywords=turkish&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 1220635215 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dd548d67443352d3
1862 0 2 0 1221328156 ntcu2 ntcu2 $H$9yTk7bZ8zuRxuSUF3Z8sVH4HeZuEqw/ 1221328156 0 -141009845915 1221347150 1221328156 0 viewtopic.php?f=118&t=1828 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4e7ac1e886532f94
1659 1 2 0 1219019620 080818jk 080818jk $H$9ynplkK8TRkpnbEoYDeC0G91zvsG2r/ 1219019620 0 85576307424 0 1219019620 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219019620 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1VU97H 4f4249325d71db7e
2463 0 2 0 1232983606 white-noice white-noice $H$9.GQS6bKUtgueOcG9EVRXXk62j3gml0 1232983606 0 -152615652121 12-10-1990 1233061912 1232983606 1232984296 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2572 3P9F6WTLYT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 938cbbfd6db00547
2428 0 2 0 1232288029 Titch titch $H$9g1AUFA3O1rkEUwWeUiN0yUwR9aKwy0 1232288029 0 102354560123 1235411456 1232288029 1232492570 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2997 U3BNLPKZC9 1232492164 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232296947 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 67fc8533ac60f610
1660 0 2 0 1219029876 hoeeilot hoeeilot $H$9DveoqS1kbzq24oxXjWQYOmWWbTcoT0 1219029876 0 -164727586017 0- 0- 0 1219342732 1219029876 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 good 3aufljv4 895678 4abc94007001f9e8
2406 0 2 0 1231793966 Gestapo gestapo $H$9ldRZXH1l3lWmY.FzowzCNtL9rzw9C/ 1231793966 0 55920256020 1231795165 1231793966 0 viewtopic.php?f=92&t=1721 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 68a8d8f0471c67a3
2150 0 2 0 1226331721 ALEXAGONY alexagony $H$91FLUgcrxq3a7XpUeEDfaIwoUDdRmU/ 1226331721 0 -11704489321 1226893219 1226331721 1226654485 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2315 1226893156 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 182a6d5e1d008678
2362 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1230946872 sean c sean c $H$9o/ghAbDrmz98X.AAi85hVXXJ/7uik. 1230946872 0 -78166822225 1237047029 1230946872 1235859499 viewforum.php?f=105 1235065206 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1235236808 0 -3 1234904576 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2362_1231629165.jpg 1 90 90 <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> 1488 1p01c507 2f5b596af053dc72
1855 1 2 0 1221186689 fearlesshero fearlesshero $H$9jKCHV8hZMqOHW8rTcCtYXdBuAH7lW. 1221186689 0 -184247948023 0 1221186689 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221186689 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3BK4NE d229be478df3ee08
1662 1 2 0 1219069356 anomalie anomalie $H$9ytXDeVQVIy9g1wt8dqzFtC4g2DH2d/ 1219069356 0 -48315376515 0 1219069356 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219069356 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3596D7 38f99c5c633a2930
1663 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1219069455 vodka vodka $H$9VJYwTYo.D292rC6U1vFh6KTZIEfn5/ 1219069455 0 148935448321 1236519041 1219069455 0 ucp.php?i=168 1219775946 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b0371ecc94cd44f9
1804 1 2 0 1220802364 Advedague advedague $H$9J6ch8PJqpsutxTp0xPOaAja/sUEDn0 1220802364 0 -18116978033 0 1220802364 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220802364 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5YOOWZ 06d028c1593b1425
1664 1 2 0 1219072183 DeutscheMessen deutschemessen $H$9JqXOsgFxh7Z.4wGCcKnkWz2hUlJy30 1219072183 0 -108792726420 0 1219072183 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219072183 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5B1F6V d2469207bb028368
1665 0 2 0 1219079506 VALLHALA vallhala $H$9N.Lf3aRh7l7X7z38.XPPddtJ/gY.e/ 1219079506 0 20611008122 1223972234 1219079506 1223972184 index.php 182NVZOILD 1223971689 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1219089767 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c44b0f7568136251
1827 0 2 0 1220983807 Div Lothr div lothr $H$9jxPcOJM80IKpyZ9U1y8.6MWUCpsbA. 1220983807 0 104989408625 1222360043 1220983807 0 viewforum.php?f=28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1220987291 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ae7383cd19d90dd5
1833 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221020991 Jarhd jarhd $H$97eoXOGxy1TQ0z1P0G4hEINFP9IEmI0 1229054897 0 171994511320 1236532435 1221020991 1235629187 index.php 3TXKG5MPHL 1235629561 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2b8eb6aa99da67d2
1666 0 2 0 1219089436 sam sam $H$94PWfjcPVdTqniR/RX.NCUHjgCh21o1 1219089436 0 -172897829023 1219090974 1219089436 0 index.php 1219090480 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 82df4ed9ca6eb858
1864 1 2 0 1221336093 sooz sooz $H$9tWvqtSsuAlM/k0r/mH6HRZPynAnGT0 1221336093 0 56063726819 0 1221336093 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221336093 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2F8NRR 988fd65b8ab05648
1824 1 2 0 1220967747 Landser-SS-88 landser-ss-88 $H$92nkVvCOD81JslwvMbvXwlgbAcda3X. 1220967747 0 -6061558716 0 1220967747 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220967747 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4NCIFK c95ab9a693f6ce5d
1825 1 2 0 1220968045 White-Brotherhood88 white-brotherhood88 $H$9wcnmvALniLfuIt3cmcpcfjSneDrzh/ 1220968045 0 -212174366415 0 1220968045 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220968045 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 49ZA1P 188185e42361c315
1826 1 2 0 1220977319 puzobok puzobok $H$9rQer4DBIKo9A6/O3CxtKrj2ZjKdly/ 1220977319 0 -167206236317 0 1220977319 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220977319 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23K3UR 2eb666b8dc9dd9d2
1886 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221589163 satanbaby satanbaby $H$97vWD3GJk2Jdn3bVmZon9JsNJxREuh/ 1234678973 0 89113367722 1236371720 1221589163 0 1221591199 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fe744e4faa87e938
1668 1 2 0 1219097276 maripossa maripossa $H$9aX94227o5uPzk2DUDuej6jT4Fwfle. 1219097276 0 -84934465518 0 1219097276 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219097276 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 29KVPX fbd3cedef4a4f9d8
1669 1 2 0 1219097492 commfanders commfanders $H$9mxyqrLkh76UedCU5WX7zWi0Vh1N2Y1 1219097492 0 50345774718 0 1219097492 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219097492 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 KXWE6K 607f4d5587e83347
1670 0 2 0 1219105599 mulkman mulkman $H$9AyV31q9tdxpsYWlz4NQtTjwHJ.Vvt1 1219105599 0 -77508465824 1219105661 1219105599 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 78b3c733edbd73ed
1892 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221675578 aryan28 aryan28 $H$9x0U1iPaJsBj1FVk.MQqFx1kLtkHvs/ 1229534647 0 -64851943926 1236621143 1221675578 0 viewtopic.php?f=124&t=3088 1231266365 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 796494393da2858b
1671 1 2 0 1219109216 visodfg visodfg $H$9OqUZYzoVUfEYWg/mlFFHIIhb6ibRw1 1219109216 0 169715552218 0 1219109216 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219109216 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4FA1VI 8f822a686d1354f3
1672 1 2 0 1219109718 loveledfg loveledfg $H$90Ruj1RjubMVtLTs1S.CaqSJwO2ExE. 1219109718 0 117979410316 0 1219109718 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219109718 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 32IDW4 5bdf4c31fd0224c2
1677 0 2 0 1219163935 champie champie $H$92yP6uY1lZOrGm4DB1eNqwKdHwNRnR/ 1219163935 0 -9276000125 1219164404 1219163935 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=759&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d5782831a25a67e1
1737 0 2 0 1220366164 welink welink $H$9p1ILZSc6Mc/FOdEePsYpkRUMF4GUa/ 1220366164 0 -46054959520 1220366639 1220366164 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1739&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=72x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 40cf4dec2b7ba850
1673 1 2 0 1219136035 TimEricsson timericsson $H$9NCR4t/F63v.RLtVlQSK6cClTZATD/0 1219136035 0 -53200834317 0 1219136035 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219136035 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 36BX1K b4ce3cfd7c06d363
1674 1 2 0 1219136358 niceangelbaby niceangelbaby $H$9G4PTg0gJ.6q4qccZG1Ad.FzpFDqQV0 1219136358 0 -108468921020 0 1219136358 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219136358 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1HR234 d3d1a90c7c8d7985
1675 0 2 0 1219139168 tomvo tomvo $H$9PlzqBzWgkKTYx7ZER7jSh7FzpFhh1. 1219139168 0 -82787463726 1219139391 1219139168 0 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1238&_f_=18x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0769e1491e96add0
1808 0 2 0 1220811828 Wulfhelm wulfhelm $H$92dsjuWyJjNH/f8PIBycdh5vGlRlHH1 1233505458 0 -23243043120 1233505629 1220811828 0 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=2152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8f13ba908cc8af62
1810 0 2 0 1220826034 GermanWaffenSS germanwaffenss $H$92mvodm4/mGw5hEpHVbwGDxkUUZ3gE1 1220826034 0 -9171840526 1221231331 1220826034 1221169344 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=4786 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1221169348 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e26636c334086558
1838 0 2 0 1221061117 Rosie28 rosie28 $H$9r0CMiad1N0E/AKxaFqvwyvu..y.2v1 1231864384 0 136203085631 7-12-1991 1235672506 1221061117 1233071074 index.php 1235672302 0 0 0 0 0 21 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232572520 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1838_1221142329.jpg 1 76 89 East London Student Horse Riding. e01a5d4da5ca2f1b
2345 0 2 0 1230532666 90da92vh31 90da92vh31 $H$9nvVRWOCt7oZKIjMykhjatFCAW4i4H0 1230532666 0 148436787918 0- 0- 0 1230662142 1230532666 1230568419 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2hdk79ao 577a0647f9dd8cfa
1678 1 2 0 1219169555 Jamilcbrown jamilcbrown $H$9Tu3tkWqZLytIGnkinShRnvrq0UKr3/ 1219169555 0 -203235073423 0 1219169555 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219169555 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4C9EBU cfb2178cceed7eb9
1679 0 2 0 1219170231 Franssen franssen $H$9PSPlLEQvf6gbaO07LtWJSJ.ASvlu/1 1219170231 0 50683776324 1219189343 1219170231 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 790b5d31b9ee7e9a
1680 0 2 0 1219172063 steven2312 steven2312 $H$99lTJWjP9jbeV3ICkGDBNRMUF5HV8P1 1219172063 0 -21110792822 1226234837 1219172063 1225916883 index.php 1219172281 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 08afbec80877a15e
1818 1 2 0 1220899162 sselldumps sselldumps $H$9ulHI0HL7PD9TC89qdslUt8bjMZf.8/ 1220899162 0 -88564629019 0 1220899162 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220899162 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Y8BFL2 c4461e67e72861a3
1815 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1220882576 Kari76 kari76 $H$9eLaJQbMlWKow7a5P0a.zUAGon.RBF/ 1231686157 0 183842817821 0- 0- 0 1237050356 1220882576 1236706770 viewforum.php?f=73 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Finland 480ae3e4f969a417
1681 0 2 0 1219175143 NSF_Vmo nsf_vmo $H$91eUl2eV5GFcXcrzAsL6aP/W1achsR. 1230827223 0 -160732481719 1230827640 1219175143 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1093 1224212551 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e9cb8eb2b86240c2
1687 1 2 0 1219253740 accisyday accisyday $H$9t2tfpBqFk.OAQMogOKRlkeDIq0v6C0 1219253740 0 -153234327825 0 1219253740 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219253740 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ETKNS 21a2eef7b186a756
1887 1 2 0 1221599673 KingArthur kingarthur $H$9V98K15VAdyK6mIRqYyx0r3YWQmScJ. 1221599673 0 5076932427 0 1221599673 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221599673 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 M8K3YC a7225e10db860cb8
2282 0 2 0 1229168869 Gwlad gwlad $H$96vl8buXJ1sBiRP.SDbtMJJCG0lW2.. 1229168869 0 35888618822 1229805471 1229168869 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1739&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 de6fd4abbb649441
2116 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1225401006 skintoy skintoy $H$9dVupIf3ZMb6fNHWj06FnXhyGSA9/01 1236885782 0 3823602118 1236885787 1225401006 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=825 1232276782 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 212396381e7fbd0f
1682 1 2 0 1219203084 pqrs860 pqrs860 $H$9lgESit2bQgO0G1WSMoBr88k9O7s.b1 1219203084 0 12909005717 0 1219203084 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219203084 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3E5NJV 32486acbab0b464c
1683 1 2 0 1219207682 Carrollmuliganu carrollmuliganu $H$9HZtFmxxTGeubkPVGD2wEiXF4w/pKf1 1219207682 0 -189767863027 0 1219207682 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219207682 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2S2ZZL f4e312d10f531d82
1881 0 2 0 1221495763 Darnand87 darnand87 $H$9VptAx0HjHpzL./DUmlZqT.mdLY8tl. 1221495763 0 49387731528 1225396238 1221495763 1221671275 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2229 1221676295 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5c67ebe94518eba9
1684 0 2 0 1219230352 Bischoff bischoff $H$9duthKsSpaS84Rq4ZM2itzcwHUvheQ/ 1219230352 0 -131280707020 1219231414 1219230352 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9f80a2419e3cfa32
1859 1 2 0 1221237525 vagabund vagabund $H$9Y/01TVNkcBoid6EbNd6VCyOveL6.L. 1221237525 0 -186572485718 0 1221237525 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221237525 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2BSPSL 699f01fd12012795
1736 1 2 0 1220315400 TRS trs $H$9DwRVk7ElBAZU6T7Ai/.ClsfXZAnkZ1 1220315400 0 150736673320 0 1220315400 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220315400 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 55VPLQ 88f2f5d19ec3a12f
1685 0 2 0 1219237361 John john $H$9hfq1wbmgo.1i0V35FtCu3Gb56JPD/. 1219237361 0 96677599424 1219275800 1219237361 1219237744 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1866&_f_=2x 586BZR5G7T 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3dcd59d3254ae643
1905 0 2 0 1221835327 van8814 van8814 $H$9MGqVV9tQgSDTeGF46NpXW.MYh8lW61 1229702213 0 -121296018822 1229702406 1221835327 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 606bb8ae9e037dc2
2162 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1226671319 triskelon triskelon $H$9IRlLJbE8rSO3C2fHC1z9FT.2544Bu1 1226671319 0 -37593776824 1236882257 1226671319 1227537006 viewtopic.php?f=124&t=1368 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9940846dc90f57f8
1816 0 2 0 1220884127 marioneo marioneo $H$9w3WbYIjk1OWvveyH.rrKPftn206ou/ 1220884127 0 -89918566918 1220885496 1220884127 0 index.php 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 59c05af454bc3646
1689 0 2 0 1219258918 thesting78 thesting78 $H$9374J58RQVO37j0iTgeNEtMG7C7C440 1219258918 0 35560217415 1219260115 1219258918 0 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&keywords=bulgaria&start=30 1219259502 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e1bb25198d359d5d
1690 1 2 0 1219259269 ActinkStinc actinkstinc $H$9HFc/JRXNktOFT3eiLTpwegOadavQZ. 1219259269 0 -121161996818 0 1219259269 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219259269 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ORH4X4 b7377110cb096221
1691 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1219273563 28bohemiabrotherhood 28bohemiabrotherhood $H$9teGrpekzF0AAEqkzIixQGfOIz/4rx. 1227570498 0 -142252024931 1236982230 1219273563 1234453205 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234453331 0 -3 1223330715 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 98803a5e930c453a
1857 0 2 0 1221226818 erin go brath erin go brath $H$9oQws7So0z8gY2l5C2WXUDGcHAn6X41 1221226818 0 112719809322 1221227206 1221226818 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 132c67fb7808cadf
1868 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221384109 gripper gripper $H$9ySQsmvD6vkSezr8jPfPs1gI.gWx6U1 1229448266 0 38570542022 1236984272 1221384109 0 viewtopic.php?f=124&t=2896&start=10 1233637666 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2a3d9c0e7960c723
1858 0 2 0 1221232143 blueeyedbabe0880 blueeyedbabe0880 $H$9nPxMq/bjaGNOUFliEJBScj5wN/4Lq0 1221232143 0 -26613377727 1221644838 1221232143 0 ucp.php?mode=login 1221234265 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221233553 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6449b3e6fd9f27d4
1900 0 2 0 1221770047 whata57 whata57 $H$9vNCHEL16yTHy6YAdFCrB7YbtfiQfm0 1221770047 0 184856927525 1221770486 1221770047 0 posting.php?mode=post&f=2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4034f050919afe9e
1692 1 2 0 1219303662 beyonikc beyonikc $H$99jNindF0TfLJKGwd155EYN0Ocsiz4/ 1219303662 0 -96408974918 0 1219303662 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219303662 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 CIH2CO 1289a92e3ec87e70
2005 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1223290945 Thomas28 thomas28 $H$9eBWgaU3jhyglCvBoGeoMrXOb30Z7Y0 1232283812 0 -19740796813 1236853711 1223290945 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=3079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 41f50a2dc681c2ef
2132 0 2 0 1225815003 Weerwolf weerwolf $H$9s08X/EeLrPhC2vxszORxboi8lNsVk/ 1235073203 0 1212014518 1235073660 1225815003 1225815641 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2728 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d78683620debce28
2145 0 2 0 1226232650 HCcedricHC hccedrichc $H$9s8gkwC9U9M3p7eO/sLsB4m313zmsl/ 1226232650 0 45475565827 7- 7-1991 1227017608 1226232650 1226232943 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1925 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Belgium school 125f05d68af57c48
1710 1 2 0 1219845171 Terrorscull terrorscull $H$9SMu4jo8.xc7dgURTlF8Yr0Vmg/y1U/ 1219845171 0 184018896512 0 1219845171 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219845171 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2UP148 ebfe9fed5e4e675a
1693 0 2 0 1219325307 SS punisher ss punisher $H$9ahyHyQ2w1E4K1sJnDV6uZpuxpBFae0 1221141760 0 51130091320 1230899425 1219325307 0 ucp.php?i=168 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 352bd6f489189576
2357 0 2 0 1230727487 DefenderoftheFaith defenderofthefaith $H$92i.MZNd/AibhQ8toKuVkAr/QTBrQD. 1230727487 0 -49926990425 1230728509 1230727487 0 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&author_id=88&start=30 1230728172 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fb5b234d082f0835
2329 0 2 0 1230330880 magnus magnus $H$9A6bIVdBa/qU6LhVQr.3KMi4.l1FBX1 1230330880 0 40203531728 1230331042 1230330880 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 46d7d2a1f61fb7e1
2077 0 2 0 1224709146 bretanne200265 bretanne200265 $H$9nBKj4.WzJ2bWzErT1J2wP2UwdbNcv/ 1224709146 0 -165826843622 0 1224709146 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d47557310550586e
2366 0 2 0 1231021240 mdj mdj $H$9mr0cTJuBjFiGZTv.QPI4WQE54M.T2. 1231021240 0 118176876521 1231873007 1231021240 0 viewtopic.php?f=25&t=108&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 1231022900 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ff7d9ca205d1934
1694 0 2 0 1219329859 druid88 druid88 $H$9DHeuhoBvxyHqDEiXV069hezcXxjoX0 1219329859 0 -58888485217 1219337071 1219329859 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=557&_f_=101x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 799f15ab4de2dde0
1695 0 2 0 1219339180 mitio88 mitio88 $H$92w.TpRG6yXsXUP6Mjpwuz7e4h.g/d1 1219339180 0 -9284849015 1228935711 1219339180 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c5ea0fae066eb37a
1814 1 2 0 1220877516 Masha_omon masha_omon $H$9U2aJX41HRe6m295CwNXHaQ0Ybmcym. 1220877516 0 -7696801520 0 1220877516 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220877516 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 PRI2QE 8750a71b11009282
2343 0 2 0 1230515069 lucifere85br lucifere85br $H$9Ta9QF.WRdx2X3NDlQtgV0wzeOclfF1 1230515069 0 -51894388028 1230515677 1230515069 0 viewtopic.php?f=51&t=1744 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -3.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc781784dc35757f
1872 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221405166 kuspia3 kuspia3 $H$98hcLnrf8827LSxYgIxhnKrTL9dL/L1 1229270231 0 45638246317 1236887727 1221405166 1236887656 viewtopic.php?f=122&t=2040 1235197807 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d878ed1917b2463d
2189 0 2 0 1227395270 nsmtampabay nsmtampabay $H$9JRYsnOUHi9FAjaUyGASl/WuOZbBwj. 1227395270 0 -32432944821 1227396697 1227395270 1227395489 viewforum.php?f=2 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cfe34faeb873a93a
1720 0 2 0 1219923577 DiDaS didas $H$9y6aKJM0s4Hlq/WvktHi02wj0o3sY10 1219923577 0 -112141591815 1222474852 1219923577 0 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=1189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 df0e5249018f1351
1704 0 2 0 1219772464 abcd266 abcd266 $H$9SpQccwz7wS1cFu2Pb9LyBtM75tR7x1 1219772464 0 45940050916 0- 0- 0 1220069702 1219772464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Professional [url=http&#58;//power4leveling&#46;com/:1h7lz7em]wow gold[/url:1h7lz7em] store 1h7lz7em EA== 88542141 cfa04661cce8f785
1696 0 2 0 1219356478 After after $H$9K.CjjHzI/ZajTcLmxVhRjp2nhSeOm. 1219356478 0 -198811952718 1219356856 1219356478 0 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=121&_f_=121x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ef35ba24e8df8690
2286 0 2 0 1229268681 gdh gdh $H$94R0J38AsF6vvT3DQ4GeLfqyJPanYJ/ 1229268681 0 91165961423 1229698447 1229268681 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 871e3c77f7c23fb0
1697 1 2 0 1219368124 Padiseedulley padiseedulley $H$9AWxPFK1.F.llfGxX94GDEbn3yxlot0 1219368124 0 -155655840826 0 1219368124 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219368124 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1LH3UT babb9453f3099536
1829 0 2 0 1220989164 the_berzerkr the_berzerkr $H$9lYSCTXbT76tsxjsdJzoU0wA8eWnau0 1220989164 0 -82572001620 1221313741 1220989164 0 viewforum.php?f=2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0d910030039579d1
1700 1 2 0 1219757000 hoalliabeap hoalliabeap $H$9tSYt2IunPuvKd5eLOOqAPndt0oQJR/ 1219757000 0 87525738016 0 1219757000 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219757000 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8MUZKY e2f465951ecdd301
1699 0 2 0 1219752000 angloceltic angloceltic $H$9G65ZAoHMbTDHwcF6SLFPOhvDSmNtY/ 0 0 183505622025 1229696081 1219752000 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1759f5b0cced1b3d
1717 0 2 0 1219877919 AlexSScho alexsscho $H$9YkSAx573iN1/2j9.TEWeDOmMCn.7h. 1229707550 0 -50650247915 1229898830 1219877919 1229707652 index.php 1219878322 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bea2d0c9c8ee9aa4
1698 0 2 0 1219739337 Das_Renee das_renee $H$9ybOrImPDzayQUcQg5MCWcCfJ1vYEg/ 1233419317 0 -52234021919 28- 7-1989 1233441807 1219739337 1233441803 search.php?search_id=egosearch 51GX8PVBRO 1233418360 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233419271 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 36a434effe56eabb
1819 1 2 0 1220915374 larbastigolab larbastigolab $H$94Z9gnA988rdcEpgSbemG98T51vyD9. 1220915374 0 -49626934027 0 1220915374 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220915374 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4DIQDF cae5a70b7a191ba0
1701 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1219761136 Beowulf beowulf $H$9bfSyYA2uwOUfl1Zw0JyyLdC94sJ16/ 1236646320 0 -39216961925 1236646596 1219761136 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=831&hilit=indecent+exposure&start=10 1236646356 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ec1362155fbcad5
2393 0 2 0 1231547988 polski88 polski88 $H$9bPPAux8xWLGkUgNUkVWvBXizxZCLh/ 1231547988 0 -97149335821 1231548864 1231547988 0 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 16fc160b75934097
2297 1 2 0 1229592120 dfedgn12130 dfedgn12130 $H$9i1tuNWa5o5V0YHjik4AMJm3xMxu59/ 1229592120 0 -16379428914 0 1229592120 0 0 0 0 0 1 1229592120 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2E8JW4 8efee5673a8f40e8
1702 1 2 0 1219764690 jeffreysgr jeffreysgr $H$997PZNm4jp/ju8AtpBySVUshkeKyMR0 1219764690 0 132094682818 0 1219764690 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219764690 0 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1FDIZ9 d032c226ebc123e1
1920 0 2 0 1221961980 KayleighRebeccaLewis kayleighrebeccalewis $H$9/3cwP/64cB6128fqyi6VyAg2FFgre0 1221961980 0 -78522000722 12- 1-1990 1224271607 1221961980 0 search.php?keywords=stinko&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 1224271607 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Your gone with the breeze, but you'll always be there in my mind Your gone with the breeze, just the memory of those times Your gone with the breeze, but you left alot of people who loved you Your gone with the breeze, but I'll remember you 3gircye3 Merthyr Tydfil 2d501a122907b133
2259 0 2 0 1228701109 wewet1351478 wewet1351478 $H$9i3S3j6SPyG4iY/I/RESihMnwGU0/g. 1228701109 0 -90199679818 0- 0- 0 1229459901 1228701109 1229348200 viewforum.php?f=97&start=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 p19fx10g 9218f0271a078a0d
1912 1 2 0 1221869015 tigertank tigertank $H$9fKw7w5gebSFMj6nLFtpeKqOZX4pDN/ 1221869015 0 -212337887521 1222046265 1221869015 1222045180 viewforum.php?f=120 1222045004 0 0 1 3 1222068965 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 3 3 1231382497 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c94c438f22ebb47f
1703 1 2 0 1219768716 BomzhikKR bomzhikkr $H$9IsPcVnkA.xrkHnvCf2qE6LKP2MoYW0 1219768716 0 -80337018019 0 1219768716 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219768716 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3JN4UY 05fdffc5f036d984
1705 0 2 0 1219776282 andyboys andyboys $H$9E04KG.q1bsTYdxykErgyDMHKI/Tgd0 1219776282 0 -138497951622 1222500405 1219776282 0 search.php?fid[]=14 1220899273 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 52d632d24624161d
1707 1 2 0 1219818897 JohnfAclambrJA johnfaclambrja $H$9Xc9uhXmP.84XFjDTrGY9ygwFZ.RXY1 1219818897 0 181147877819 0 1219818897 0 0 0 0 0 1 1219818897 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2KLKW8 0f5341ddde24dcd5
1910 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221846556 crushthesystem crushthesystem $H$9oZCjK3t.0HbzGtnA6NJBytYDZzLxI/ 1230861628 0 121397203126 0- 0- 0 1236615870 1221846556 1233785528 viewtopic.php?f=113&t=382 1236528371 0 0 0 0 0 16 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233080880 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1887 1910_1221873619.jpg 1 83 86 [size=150:vst99qou][b:vst99qou]We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children! WPWW[/b:vst99qou][/size:vst99qou] vst99qou RA== Kent England Playing bass, tattoos and piercings c35b335dc33c589d
2368 0 2 0 1231044490 bjhoostal bjhoostal $H$9s3hCMbGpWDAh6KdHuSmp391NdsSB61 1231044490 0 158680738519 5- 2-1971 1233412956 1231044490 1231044987 index.php 1233412744 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Frisian &amp; Welsh Heritage, National Socialism, Holohoax Revisionism 27f9dc0173f4594f
1911 0 2 0 1221847764 hateboy hateboy $H$9MZP/r6iPjyfBgIRmDISIKfkSdob7S. 1234549081 0 -30656901018 1234549568 1221847764 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2181 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8d0c36c6ea952a1f
2327 0 2 0 1230309471 evanj5 evanj5 $H$9R5HMP/t0o8iihtgIX3Pbe4s9QjZ2h0 1230309471 0 -58518679228 1230318956 1230309471 1230311638 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1898&p=12716 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e338a23a577276f0
2172 0 2 0 1226864799 resurrected resurrected $H$98jv4B/z3Tn4vuefK6MR9fn1V1Q4LZ1 1226864799 0 24982541429 1228511164 1226864799 0 viewforum.php?f=2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cf522208f80393eb
2169 0 2 0 1226770951 Breto breto $H$90pkNN/SWxwhoLY7uq.oouGhgto4Hi. 1226770951 0 138171288517 1226771083 1226770951 0 viewforum.php?f=101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 79f7d015d79b7a26
1869 0 2 0 1221397927 terry.reaper28 terry.reaper28 $H$94XTU8Zu/CPh1dTYhij18PbIwcjWzt1 1229184818 0 -20617582428 1229632371 1221397927 1229007856 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2093 1227341160 0 0 0 0 0 34 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1223135298 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8231d9a3d7f238be
1828 0 2 0 1220986342 Wolfpack88 wolfpack88 $H$90UKjjLJT3KBmEVxLl1Mo7h3PZWVlM/ 1220986342 0 60945131324 1220987079 1220986342 0 viewtopic.php?f=124&t=838&_f_=124x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4c8782a4735704ce
1805 0 2 0 1220804107 no-surrender no-surrender $H$9ueN/fIoWd0tIwi/YRSwpQpkW65s9t1 1220804107 0 195743463120 1220808795 1220804107 0 viewforum.php?f=2&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 25e22bc9c47c4b97
1853 1 2 0 1221168083 Loyalty loyalty $H$99ezKmzmdV0pvwIO1ctyPRDZvDLkvV/ 1221168083 0 -209050436523 0 1221168083 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221168083 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 KH4S3E 9f3239908757066f
1863 1 2 0 1221330485 THIS IS ENGLAND this is england $H$9bZlgKKDSJMOPO0lwItClLZfRpkY8J/ 1221330485 0 -207539251022 0 1221330485 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221330485 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 45LZHF 097fea4db2426fec
1854 0 2 0 1221171935 southend essex southend essex $H$9uqZQd2S2XdQIufaMmEA375KUrD7K.0 1221171935 0 179653310119 1221857106 1221171935 0 viewforum.php?f=2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6be7a0b0afb194e4
1806 0 2 0 1220804479 spain28outlaw spain28outlaw $H$9y3kfkDykJgq.xUrW2ySA2.fnjdeH50 1220804479 0 -7994070620 1228243118 1220804479 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4f0b8a3028cfb730
2324 0 2 0 1230286328 hodge 88 hodge 88 $H$9YcNrC.iw2ISJKuefrkof98/SO4jno0 1230286328 0 63758951019 25- 6-1985 1235866517 1230286328 0 index.php 1231778411 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 oxfordshire;ref=profile Plasterer I play guitar, Adolf hitler, A real master race. 172cec489f18b043
1706 0 2 0 1219812287 sztin10 sztin10 $H$9Bp4auW3m4Jn0o6iQE/5swJ6NyH4tQ/ 1219812287 0 93243163423 0- 0- 0 1231093959 1219812287 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 184bvapp 654542122 51217941d1e91b6e
1803 0 2 0 1220796840 Hans88 hans88 $H$9DfSWqK8S9knTegemwj02xVyLbdRbD1 1220796840 0 143676524216 1220899614 1220796840 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1760&_f_=29x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8549165ecd898f48
1807 0 2 0 1220808371 Jelle88 jelle88 $H$9vvPCHd4wrjmvaK0phCk.3qXztJ4pp0 1232290633 0 140939836522 1232290631 1220808371 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f5a8e01094a25671
1725 0 2 0 1219955841 Balder balder $H$91jkZo.XTCZt8CJaXqLgGzrxHzvfQx/ 1219955841 0 52507266022 1219956913 1219955841 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a764b41003aa185f
1708 0 2 0 1219832265 waurms waurms $H$9PqxdxyPnEQVgasnV0yPgDCJRalBQz/ 1219832265 0 29039763817 1229976875 1219832265 1223224485 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 410ee0f86fa3bf56
1939 0 2 0 1222199216 WHITEPOWERDT whitepowerdt $H$9TOV8ChFReY5IvqJS9IX6KbQrsCZbk. 1222199216 0 113035162822 1222200922 1222199216 0 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ae1ccfd0b259904a
2337 0 2 0 1230431538 Moab Macareis moab macareis $H$9QEdYAZbO7qI4v5p30DMjXWYsWhOi0/ 1230431538 0 43787630230 1230438972 1230431538 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2339 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f08271838bd944fd
2277 0 2 0 1228949735 ^Brannik^ ^brannik^ $H$9bxlgEXHGlI8LQXexTskeJYzGswf2c1 1228949735 0 -191570978520 1229251690 1228949735 0 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=1189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 223fbd5c94640bb2
1709 0 2 0 1219838196 Nadine8828 nadine8828 $H$9V4RvxZ8RGsA7bkRgU2Mqo0s05QCd41 1219838196 0 -99113014621 1224255170 1219838196 1219839280 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1134&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6454b7ee587e9bf9
1711 0 2 0 1219846148 Pitbull88 pitbull88 $H$9zCvfjVmIJLj2Z/U6kxm9dsI1Z7eCa1 1232473107 0 3517772418 28- 9-1980 1233043105 1219846148 1224802402 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2043&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60 1221808008 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1226792529 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Carshalton 4899c96be4806375
1798 1 2 0 1220763106 Jasonstawnosaa jasonstawnosaa $H$9a4xRLwmCsPl9s7d2FixZZWTMALuVD. 1220763106 0 -24009578728 0 1220763106 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220763106 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ZY8DX 631460c23535c247
1799 1 2 0 1220774656 obnalichka_msk_ru obnalichka_msk_ru $H$9AVFnPzSjy2g0VICYYvKDpHKbjKNcu0 1220774656 0 50233005619 0 1220774656 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220774656 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 14GXDU 6146b1a3e0259078
1712 0 2 0 1219847488 jossy666 jossy666 $H$9t3GyJxDzxe/aXWdUX4ImC7TJZVv1W/ 1219847488 0 131443700522 8-10-1966 1230027543 1219847488 1219848902 1224511747 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2 50 42 WE MUST SECURE THE EXISTENCE OF OUR PEOPLE AND A FUTURE FOR WHITE CHILDREN 2d6s76qs rugeley my family, gigs,footie and fishin' (when i get chance) faafa0be910078f2
1851 1 2 0 1221162289 HeilRobbo88 heilrobbo88 $H$93mOCX0MUYxB3T/C2JQ.StPwWi1bE2/ 1221162289 0 144050799120 0 1221162289 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221162289 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1Z5DQC 53dcaf9fd7d53ca5
1852 0 2 0 1221162426 HeilRobbo1888 heilrobbo1888 $H$9NTbG5t5YGuBlGx7.dJ14D5ondDLDC0 1221162426 0 40436809826 1221163137 1221162426 1221162974 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1329 HXYXVSO9NQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bf4598d9b4607045
1713 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1219852685 paul28 paul28 $H$9HUWVjG4wUX6RPsd/ps2Cx0Et3jmg21 1236719956 0 -115708930025 1237031557 1219852685 1236064785 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&start=40 1232315854 0 0 0 0 0 52 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234278449 0 0 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f7b0ad60229746f7
1796 1 2 0 1220746599 dvdcattrisept dvdcattrisept $H$9sWE2EsPrOSVir9zp1wNGn8T.QoRyK0 1220746599 0 110820092517 0 1220746599 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220746599 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4137N8 b7e3e567abcfeafd
1714 0 2 0 1219854770 alfie alfie $H$9mEXp9kRq4ULnzY7GAyFNYWmQuSZI80 1219854770 0 198866324322 1219855234 1219854770 0 viewforum.php?f=71&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 02b166d4282c1a2b
1792 0 2 0 1220724462 nopq806 nopq806 $H$9eG1sGZ0/FbaGcdIZIcysgswa70x/J1 1220724462 0 -2140241822 0- 0- 0 1221232096 1220724462 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;wow-gold&#46;eu:ogggbjj0]wow power leveling[/url:ogggbjj0] ogggbjj0 EA== 123123 f5c8ff839b30414b
1715 0 2 0 1219864974 Montu montu $H$9jV/noZZYyO8D4nWmzx5VSq7zxkZNW0 1219864974 0 59122957722 1232400810 1219864974 0 viewforum.php?f=10&_f_=10x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ce57b8f5cdf86ac
1873 0 2 0 1221411665 L0wTeCh l0wtech $H$9E9f./K7ctTlWhe2V0qbV/qPk21EIT1 1221411665 0 -71175702624 1226836925 1221411665 0 viewforum.php?f=64 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 32V9A2 $H$9eBOYZ6ZNX2XIAWUU1gru2q9/ApS7u1 44c61c37452e3fc6
1716 0 2 0 1219869335 tuvw163 tuvw163 $H$98ZGAncE7b3FOMBqDc1SDMMB6oMkeP. 1219869335 0 -147696487720 0- 0- 0 1219947638 1219869335 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 i like [url=http&#58;//www&#46;coolingame&#46;com:1uu0i3ar]wow power leveling[/url:1uu0i3ar] service. 1uu0i3ar EA== 124862 f3b675bb8f0ee08f
1907 0 2 0 1221838035 skin64 skin64 $H$9CH7rOyacKEmhBs6opBYJFYdejGVcd0 1221838035 0 174761603617 1221856308 1221838035 0 viewforum.php?f=75&st=0&sk=t&sd=d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9e626a673be06fee
1923 0 2 0 1222012973 vnsradio vnsradio $H$9j2vMt0NITWLEjmny8jysSBTqxYxUg/ 1222012973 0 -59401679431 0- 0- 0 1223150907 1222012973 1223150699 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1921 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1225543430 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 deb6c0d39817ec24
1849 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1221160852 udar88 udar88 $H$9MYAFz9DJK1oIfvIzF0ilJYDAWS3Kf. 1229376774 0 -20244352124 1236613457 1221160852 0 viewforum.php?f=121 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1cc1673911b5fda8
1718 0 2 0 1219888937 daianna780 daianna780 $H$9MVHuX13jkBcQdA5csuyjFQj1BVPDt/ 1219888937 0 74783184017 1219889130 1219888937 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//brogame&#46;com:1jfxmnxq]wow gold[/url:1jfxmnxq][url=http&#58;//www&#46;oforu&#46;com:1jfxmnxq]wow gold[/url:1jfxmnxq] 1jfxmnxq EA== 9170bb6b5c429ac6
1926 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1222095535 loyalty_england loyalty_england $H$9b/pVjLueNBU21lBpWW/f2eTrpoOWb0 1235926388 0 -82747979718 1237058941 1222095535 1236963497 viewtopic.php?f=113&t=3121 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236379710 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e8c30cc562ecb473
1719 0 2 0 1219899475 efgh579 efgh579 $H$9kbE4WOsgxK9bGhEa7ehUOLtR9aOzQ0 1219899475 0 -26769267917 0- 0- 0 1222153510 1219899475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3jdbkcv1 752147247 4dfbfaa2d65d54dd
1800 0 2 0 1220785762 dorine dorine $H$9zabSbXkQauWMvFtFLS5z.vmNoLIAq1 1220785762 0 2600534324 0 1220785762 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5e13dd3ea51f449e
1846 0 2 0 1221149891 Kira kira $H$93PP9W23P3Duol2Yc/jQczYIG023Oq0 1221149891 0 -139796326826 1221151645 1221149891 0 viewtopic.php?f=118&t=1828 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9d247f86b3d968de
1790 0 2 0 1220713105 DWC dwc $H$9iS6zTFVABtKUa2sf5g4fp4yzz2SVq0 1228568111 0 114166853024 0- 0- 0 1235878497 1220713105 1235854212 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=3037&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1227269885 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Hail Victory! White Power! White Pride! World Wide! Sieg Heil! Heil Hitler! 14/88 WE MUST SECURE THE EXISTENCE OF OUR PEOPLE AND A FUTURE FOR WHITE CHILDREN The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others. Adolf Hitler 2x0816no Birmingham, England Looking for work, but do odd jobs now and then 2200b7ea0ff28510
1865 0 2 0 1221344692 Dimi dimi $H$9WB5P.Sdy3ClTYqgkiSMhfhr1sImtU1 1221344692 0 -83034253723 1221347189 1221344692 0 viewforum.php?f=26&st=0&sk=t&sd=d&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1221347102 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dfbc6a6e31b3ca68
1813 0 2 0 1220875827 count_0 count_0 $H$9kXhrv6Psl78DH6AZFhm9t0RhlaT4P. 1220875827 0 -175199656320 1220876650 1220875827 0 viewforum.php?f=31&_f_=31x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 3.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 186282bc47e0b202
2178 0 2 0 1227097827 NSkullhead nskullhead $H$9cwar1f17VPI0avaCZZnpyGIFtrRTH0 1227097827 0 211772796915 1227098025 1227097827 0 viewforum.php?f=2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 14ee0c7de5160447
2242 0 2 0 1228268569 seoceo2008 seoceo2008 $H$9RPwd/q9KMXQ3atjVy.dHq5pmoARym1 1228268569 0 161784697717 1235192205 1228268569 1228541057 posting.php?mode=reply&f=31&t=1702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3hrgtxrf e0faaffaf0bac2b6
2227 0 2 0 1228054202 Magnuskin magnuskin $H$9/1XAFQHzdynqmBfBiNtAH92gd2vKz/ 1228054202 0 113846449121 1228399987 1228054202 1228162612 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2227_1228055552.jpg 1 67 80 926b1ddea0941d80
1721 0 2 0 1219937101 Wehrmacht wehrmacht $H$9cWqd5jcDKYLEL9ZRY0MHJVrwIqsNd0 1232355098 0 47519976618 0- 0- 0 1235468147 1219937101 1235467820 index.php 1220035840 0 0 0 0 0 11 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1220012969 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Croatia N/A Creativity, Paganism, NS, NSBM eeb2b60edec017f7
2288 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1229298592 Faith &amp; Unity faith &amp; unity $H$97EJqIrOzS6x54ZiagTSGGNioBNxwn0 1229298592 0 63500053320 1236704439 1229298592 1235587672 index.php 3SXCK2RGX5 1233284312 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2fdeb037c2242711
1797 1 2 0 1220758338 nanakon37 nanakon37 $H$9SKUojuGa0YETjuV6Dum8XY2etQtKT/ 1220758338 0 46671248121 0 1220758338 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220758338 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 A6FY4Q 1db7c79112bc52eb
1789 1 2 0 1220697820 antwerpfan antwerpfan $H$9byWmQxXrvgE5Cs4cKnWgbrAgKsYYb0 1220697820 0 -53084840222 0 1220697820 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220697820 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2SR278 fffb48fac2ad2c5f
1722 0 2 0 1219937527 frederiktkint frederiktkint $H$9zCaWJo8SK8vVIAn71oP7e2qVKzQSU0 1219937527 0 -71603418325 12-12-1990 1235900287 1219937527 1219938022 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3d1dd83606a7f4a5
1817 0 2 0 1220897391 HEINRICH heinrich $H$9ZUqaTbqELPynN8wJQZeu71M/sCuAX. 1229257665 0 65827072520 0- 1-1971 1229257883 1220897391 1221072025 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=20&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 1228818772 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 895 1817_1221210372.jpg 1 82 82 provincie antwerpen kempen historie derde rijk,historie algemeen,kelten en germanen,zeevolken,stonehenge,wewelsburg vooral,zwarte zon,thule,rudolf hess, 8dec07ea850f18ed
2276 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1228945389 ALEXD!£88 alexd?£88 $H$9VhZl7tR2y9O5bTM7gIC9u3Fd770iZ0 1228945389 0 126989300220 1236792154 1228945389 1236720852 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3056 1234132240 0 0 3 0 0 104 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236420813 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 READ MY BLOG!!!: [url:2ienz8k8]http&#58;//theunderground88-alexd1488&#46;blogspot&#46;com/[/url:2ienz8k8] 2ienz8k8 EA== d34ad15e34498761
1723 0 2 0 1219938188 dc-vlaanderen dc-vlaanderen $H$9tWoV7l0xxYU4RKZJx.Bn5IWMpMbRz. 1219938188 0 93835336318 1219942031 1219938188 1219939630 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1322&_f_=18x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9bb12bafc9b5f2cf
1724 0 2 0 1219939965 revolution revolution $H$9xXFtRogKAp77v/gJid/MMvdL6TM1A/ 1219939965 0 -110709846229 1222189249 1219939965 0 viewtopic.php?f=118&t=681 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d5aef0a6be4fb0af
2308 0 2 0 1229868479 kerfank kerfank $H$9UPp7pOac1GPoosm05O.qX8WNmJ8C71 1229868479 0 -60593681321 1230540929 1229868479 0 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&keywords=%2Acombat+18%2A&start=60 1230540623 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1f0722d92c8d78d0
2389 0 2 0 1231471049 Fulucy343 fulucy343 $H$9yQeFFAQm/lSlC2PZRjSMNEoI3iuvb. 1231471049 0 -68804467118 0- 0- 0 1233193548 1231471049 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 akgkbu8z 7622230 d6f98b33f09fffc7
2367 0 2 0 1231026974 Goebbels goebbels $H$9QZOQYT2wLGbJ9cQvcIP3e6Iak9uO5. 1231026974 0 8699486928 1231027270 1231026974 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 57dfa6bb20939255
2348 0 2 0 1230554022 ill ill $H$9Pax2S..6L15sjWoexrBKj/qo1GYBf. 1230554022 0 160702673615 1230801462 1230554022 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d766b28076bb1279
1848 0 2 0 1221159841 himmler himmler $H$9IZvOgLsvpE69k6C6.7LAeynJfblmw1 1221159841 0 -115833664815 1221160359 1221159841 0 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&action=post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 528fbc1f1dbcc844
1860 0 2 0 1221313273 FTS fts $H$9V9Ollq9ApsmEkkko6a83GqWBvuQFE. 1221313273 0 105188016120 1221845328 1221313273 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1468 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b99e21240118b50c
2334 0 2 0 1230398011 skin_psv skin_psv $H$9vp.Y4wBPdMo8JrcOEFIHQcd1NsjzD1 1230398011 0 -68948383020 1230398876 1230398011 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23f2024ecea64b46
2384 0 2 0 1231358896 germaneagle88 germaneagle88 $H$9EIIZ2yk1tE08rf40AlpO.v2vE3V44. 1231358896 0 -127010172020 1231440933 1231358896 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=1313 1231359732 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 15c129352b55ec82
1861 1 2 0 1221319635 H8system h8system $H$9Ce2Z2.mp7fydZPLhjhv9dprm.M.Pa/ 1221319635 0 143265856015 0 1221319635 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221319635 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2PK9WO d2adce39fc7875a4
1743 0 2 0 1220441463 begi begi $H$9nysOinOiqXEwIKeJBDn1tWgIfT0t7. 1221123638 0 -124008521118 1221123751 1220441463 0 viewforum.php?f=101 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3d90cbfa84faeb60
1726 0 2 0 1220054033 Rish-Brazil28 rish-brazil28 $H$9.ehimgouLwwXicVxgswUB3ktKI3GE0 1220054033 0 -5558224424 1224335859 1220054033 1222872048 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1223594168 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 370ce03412fd6406
1727 0 2 0 1220068065 Paulista88 paulista88 $H$9DoVt/9cxRD5amoxb27LHLJ.Cc0q1K1 1220068065 0 61415539724 0 1220068065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1bba8c4b9c69232a
1728 0 2 0 1220076833 tomiki88 tomiki88 $H$9X/GZAaB8D2JXGL99I04SeRjEQzCMo/ 1220076833 0 -105466537315 1220390263 1220076833 0 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=1444&_f_=125x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8aa0cd8eb2306f67
2436 0 2 0 1232411187 Whitereaper whitereaper $H$9ByLisksjoxBQjc/L6opNO6vu7s3Nk/ 1232411187 0 11123423622 0- 0- 0 1235176410 1232411187 1234475029 index.php 293L5FCTPE 1235176344 0 0 0 0 0 5 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234599207 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c8abe973c1151305
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2311 0 2 0 1229938646 WSS wss $H$90k6RFeL8GMvh9zRrU9pihvSufLWFK0 1229938646 0 168134220818 1229943369 1229938646 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 be768b170bdc0bca
1729 0 2 0 1220291914 beast828 beast828 $H$9JIJpnakpj/4bLZZ/Zdt5l2508Hs7// 1220291914 0 175908688422 1220873381 1220291914 0 viewforum.php?f=33&_f_=33x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 02ae117a56c2037a
1786 0 2 0 1220689201 Accolada accolada $H$9.9skq1hwHpSRaO2cm2kCioFdZcZwz0 1220689201 0 -36265925019 1221660816 1220689201 1221660799 search.php?search_id=egosearch 1221541163 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221541163 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 33b2976e927be9f1
1730 1 2 0 1220294128 sapo_berseker88 sapo_berseker88 $H$94OfaAykOTZlIyJchTD3nCzMw/Ibrg0 1220294128 0 -67548988919 0 1220294128 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220294128 0 en -2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1FX4P2 e6d7728dc3dafcec
1731 1 2 0 1220294390 junior junior $H$9sdV40sjMzOJs7xaqv6/x4P7sshZy10 1220294390 0 -212332055823 0 1220294390 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220294390 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4WQRG1 e300b007d57308d1
1732 1 2 0 1220300805 Schütze schütze $H$92lDysKNszuQ0g0NUlEoR/3V9x0vhm1 1220300805 0 68528326720 0 1220300805 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220300805 0 en -3.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 14VEL7 78ec3d33392e3b85
1733 1 2 0 1220303291 letmelogin letmelogin $H$9VlxG.zlIE3k6HLyJMUUFsYOKIC6Od1 1220303291 0 111536175018 0 1220303291 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220303291 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 36XI86 29ab42e24eae0f44
1734 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1220304532 lucas_uk lucas_uk $H$9Fw/fh3EsdHxA.wYZoVRiB4fDbLwgk0 1236339696 0 -172109679223 0- 0- 0 1237021968 1220304532 1236765624 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&start=40 1222204715 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236794580 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1734_1220709083.jpg 1 89 55 London - SW 75e565450cf4cb0a
2387 0 2 0 1231420490 white powerdad white powerdad $H$99TqsdI9dyLBXH82rLOr9MDcUwlwKW1 1231420490 0 60927674131 1231423111 1231420490 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d247cfaf4c06e142
1735 0 2 0 1220305575 4m4nd4 4m4nd4 $H$9tO6WySkSkGoKLxI8zTv2BO2JB1zpK1 1220305575 0 103721617315 1220966248 1220305575 0 memberlist.php?mode=&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6e0195aee4bb4c47
1980 0 2 0 1222609385 xxxDYSxxx xxxdysxxx $H$9ymcTET9iGpc7ptmjMEq6davEOznpv1 1222609385 0 142399545817 1222611816 1222609385 0 viewtopic.php?f=41&t=217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 eaba836e36dd79fd
1915 0 2 0 1221896908 duds2000 duds2000 $H$96rTUzsbSonW46aY53O3y6lCG8BAE30 1221896908 0 78858532125 1221897262 1221896908 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&start=270 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3d171e1ab6e413c0
1883 1 2 0 1221504450 Agr3ssor agr3ssor $H$9zEpixJYsauPFQf6v73NphZ3XV2IBO0 1221504450 0 -183707578525 0 1221504450 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221504450 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 SPGOQX 7196b2b3617ab101
1784 1 2 0 1220667297 cervik1488 cervik1488 $H$9Uk5PKj6y6kC35zSh1ZJTR9p71jUGs. 1220667297 0 166370528719 0 1220667297 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220667297 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4PB46Q 78bc18819f9af31f
2253 0 2 0 1228489160 bebo_1905 bebo_1905 $H$9h2jI.6RhpMBxW58NiOTNwhNOFpm24/ 1228489160 0 174497309716 1228559300 1228489160 1228489740 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=5820 WQI5JFNY8V 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228489739 0 -3 1228489715 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 538e25e064ff9714
1820 1 2 0 1220923312 zalyliai zalyliai $H$9lV18sTP/7wG0jQMy2NQ5Q2fML/d5a1 1220923312 0 144486292817 0 1220923312 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220923312 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 AWHJLE 58d47febafb87b49
1738 0 2 0 1220368899 evegoth evegoth $H$9pD5ikg1pXK2PtCH8L60vw2KsUWhz6/ 1220368899 0 109561589019 1220457204 1220368899 0 index.php 1220456756 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5b034c7b9c60a2f6
1843 0 2 0 1221120477 speedy speedy $H$9QNjr1EToUd9gqO9iolmWt.pYqrOY0. 1221120477 0 -129905963225 1222344384 1221120477 0 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=151 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e20a829fa4fb0960
2212 0 2 0 1227726092 public enemy public enemy $H$9ea2n3BTesxxsw2L4/11RoT/3oRBVT. 1227726092 0 45539406916 1233004817 1227726092 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 53ed0f04cf6c4e37
2353 0 2 0 1230640516 KAISERJAGER kaiserjager $H$9r4ds73DJOtT8eZ.is4mfFYnE4n1hT. 1230640516 0 -128183040522 1230640880 1230640516 0 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2519&start=10&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=white+girl 1230640843 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a2a7b4b1d2aca34f
1746 0 2 0 1220462446 dephball dephball $H$9edoEMI7xysMssstjO6JvLOp8yRh/W/ 1232917069 0 -1532566818 1232917083 1220462446 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7a6f74655f78bcf8
1937 0 2 0 1222193012 renee1488 renee1488 $H$9rgLQfjUMgf18dCUAyCrwIshFegozW/ 1232786613 0 -1908759222 8-11-1986 1234363889 1222193012 1232786872 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2088&start=10 1234363878 0 0 0 0 0 86 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1226953218 0 -3 1228078054 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 1937_1222210289.jpg 1 38 55 &quot;Wir sind nicht die letzten von Gestern, wir sind die ersten von morgen.... 14/88&quot; &quot;We are not the last from yesterday, we are the first from tomorrow....14/88&quot; 1f06ba1v Germany f7e4aaa6c41c8871
1787 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1220689553 Revolution28 revolution28 $H$9v/M0iI7ctD0AORAxqYsgNl4.ui4zS/ 1236687758 0 170912882629 23- 3-1989 1236977571 1220689553 1236809201 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2984&start=10 1233066900 0 0 0 0 0 408 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236549712 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1787_1229510531.gif 1 90 52 [color=#FF0000:1g3cloqk][b:1g3cloqk]&quot;I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just some bastard with a torch, bringing me more work.&quot;[/b:1g3cloqk][/color:1g3cloqk] - David Brent 1g3cloqk Qg== South Wales, UK c797ccacb3076f2c
1739 0 2 0 1220394204 Sensim sensim $H$9mPQXvJs6WxuHpXWzapAOSRtdhojYF. 1220394204 0 122404951717 1220395272 1220394204 0 viewtopic.php?f=118&t=1828&_f_=118x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6ed65ea8883ec9af
2333 0 2 0 1230378354 88vlaanderen 88vlaanderen $H$9uWmNi7MwRurjPDiaoAxQsRkxlyi2q0 1230378354 0 -185772736025 1230379022 1230378354 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d13880dd3b89d834
2429 1 2 0 1232308812 robrecht de vlaming robrecht de vlaming $H$9CR5wDhJODQ6FWTNg.PwAeCqKlcPxH/ 1232308812 0 -52561338125 0 1232308812 0 0 0 0 0 1 1232308812 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4M848Q 827ec735b89294db
1740 1 2 0 1220396272 tedvatcatitest tedvatcatitest $H$9ER/9wvESJ3wYyt0S.xKsxILD5hJqY. 1220396272 0 180810372717 0 1220396272 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220396272 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2FD5FV afc4b77173f9ba87
1761 0 2 0 1220553266 Landser14 landser14 $H$9BtIFA2pcVnAChTe0KHy0/axPp5c2Q1 1221219821 0 96898410020 1221827768 1220798815 1221219955 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=889 1220798717 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1221164811 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cdbcd45670f6db6b
1747 0 2 0 1220468582 Sid24960 sid24960 $H$9YlZGh1DobDgg54iTX1mluekcLRN/K. 1220468582 0 -213064237126 1220469961 1220468582 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1893&_f_=71x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b5006b78af7deaa8
1741 0 2 0 1220425176 markc18 markc18 $H$9XoIjo3XijwrNjIJs0kYYhgrUa3Ryb/ 1220425176 0 -194482257320 1220425537 1220425176 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=74 1220425379 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 767ec2557506ab27
2419 0 2 0 1232027823 Kinsey kinsey $H$9he3LQYB5FrbPoF/QyMaTx23dHiKkA1 1232027823 0 -173092967722 23- 1-1995 1233270846 1232027823 1232028068 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details RDRZKONKI4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -7.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2419_1232028377.jpg 1 50 50 We are marching on, we are marching on.... <!-- s:SH --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sieg Heil.gif" alt=":SH" title="Sieg Heil" /><!-- s:SH --> viq38rlm d7a0d7655ccb508f
2397 0 2 0 1231646982 j_v_88 j_v_88 $H$9DzRWeTH9TyxRjbT/Ot9vO6n82HEl50 1231646982 0 186497341925 1231647602 1231646982 0 viewforum.php?f=125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9073c1ed58fa2bbe
1781 0 2 0 1220645470 Reggie73 reggie73 $H$9LHZim8WQDC02fqwQEFOFv0js1SAXR/ 1220645470 0 -120454055722 1220698618 1220645470 1220645935 ucp.php?i=163 36SHXMKFPN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1220647518 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7bff1388b5858a77
2278 0 2 0 1229023793 kralj matjaž kralj matjaž $H$9uvXpdDT1lvCSGA.7Stkv2YhP41DA1/ 1229023793 0 199775308824 1231592440 1229023793 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 45f1b5342c1daec3
2287 0 2 0 1229293325 el3ctr6 el3ctr6 $H$99BCqQHyAZonIh/JUtRrUGS28/NHtU. 1229293325 0 127589783221 1229471482 1229293325 1229471478 search.php?search_id=egosearch 1229471482 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1229378388 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d4c293ace1e12487
2318 0 2 0 1230136191 H8core_or _die h8core_or _die $H$9D8PzRATlSF8LyxY9162CbdsshejUt/ 1230136191 0 -196207297917 1230145313 1230136191 0 viewtopic.php?f=94&t=506 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f141bbaa9135ded6
1879 0 2 0 1221492841 blackthorn88 blackthorn88 $H$9zcU8GvVKwrKK4sIFO/Dg7PutL0Av7/ 1221492841 0 11922583632 1226539175 1221492841 0 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=1979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7d251a31bb0bd454
2301 1 2 0 1229643512 SHmarnica shmarnica $H$9NpM6xazCfB674v1doJAtozValoeAC0 1229643512 0 -76815817218 0 1229643512 0 0 0 0 0 1 1229643512 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1CJYIE e3b9c936ad0ae1cd
1922 0 2 0 1221992799 twojastara twojastara $H$9LGmctJr/Q6s5pg6VnFJM3pM8qr04m. 1221992799 0 -169912494721 1222274895 1221992799 0 viewtopic.php?f=77&t=1978 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0c59f33b02cdb55a
2283 0 2 0 1229195366 barbaryan1488 barbaryan1488 $H$9EIcIDhlc8IbcZZBjwlZlRxGufjQF5/ 1229195366 0 -66534716821 1231020226 1229195366 0 viewforum.php?f=120 1229217457 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -7.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1229218006 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4bdd1488a7b4c897
1742 0 2 0 1220437386 stormwarning88 stormwarning88 $H$97oJaRrS1MSkKn7VqYZdxCTp7Zh2Ez/ 1220437386 0 -153333385428 1221591361 1220437386 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ad0be586fe6fc3e8
1812 0 2 0 1220873076 MKA mka $H$9c1cTXrQdS7/F8F5ZBYBSAud/hRbn61 0 0 -132629588020 1232113794 1220873076 1227019079 viewtopic.php?f=123&t=2362 3JPDDXGN1T 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e7e188b624d74d47
2449 0 2 0 1232804792 blue blue $H$9Lu3NvD7Ito9QBc/0/aBxu93V2iXJh/ 1232804792 0 -102972121827 1232805103 1232804792 0 viewtopic.php?f=118&t=1828 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ca3e8c25c1424a2e
1788 0 2 0 1220690883 croatia_blood honour croatia_blood honour $H$9FkbXlMvUawQ7DYtkVU9F8cPTRd04f1 1220690883 0 -149432886718 1220867295 1220690883 1220695725 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1016&_f_=24x 1220695790 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -6.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1788_1220696150.jpg 1 67 80 f70ff50942841d8f
2386 0 2 0 1231406806 ariesuk28 ariesuk28 $H$9WIRRVG6XeSlWL2CJNYT1fKERjWEzv. 1231406806 0 103755304216 1233509520 1231406806 1232796915 viewtopic.php?f=130&t=767&start=60 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 daf928b502eb6b54
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1745 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1220449307 celtic1488 celtic1488 $H$9FG/v0nb4cTvx.jXmRhlnGfi9l2XPh/ 1236865709 0 68824801613 1237040944 1220449307 1236804742 index.php 1228584081 0 0 0 0 0 16 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228842560 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 72ee329117dc1d7a
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1782 0 2 0 1220650850 onionhead onionhead $H$91lHAIr22XNjoRs5UAhLz3sRLLkG/h. 1221163372 0 -167814879823 0- 0- 0 1224391946 1220650850 1223681249 viewforum.php?f=39 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 0 0 1220679137 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 1782_1220772352.jpg 1 57 90 indiana steel foundry worker Carp fishing ba08da365a733a1a
2027 0 2 0 1223805183 h8edge h8edge $H$9bNdorxUVMHOF3ZsyKLvC3vY4ngSp.0 1223805183 0 13755175218 1224170178 1223805183 0 viewtopic.php?f=54&t=861 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c64f1ed9a7fe1de8
1841 1 2 0 1221090138 dormstone dormstone $H$9ganfeVfGPkmsYvma2IbSp83mfYaH6. 1221090138 0 -166335843321 0 1221090138 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221090138 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3T6P8O 93dd96f6507ebf5a
1783 0 2 0 1220659186 terrible88 terrible88 $H$9JhkTzgsVDz0epi5I58/GZ7TM.ErqR. 1220659186 0 16533445529 1220659319 1220659186 0 ucp.php?mode=activate&u=1783&k=14XTAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c92c6e75ad757d91
1748 0 2 0 1220471617 3Poluvrijeme 3poluvrijeme $H$9lIMA7wVxdee3TqIu6RqTOLsUuxvSz0 1220471617 0 188419611222 1220471845 1220471617 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1805&_f_=24x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5bdb5d38343933f9
2396 1 2 0 1231617222 haterock haterock $H$9L3cMvkdNcC0zojNgTYZAASAfiWyKP0 1231617222 0 -183204685428 0 1231617222 0 0 0 0 0 1 1231617222 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2TPLDY fd8a2983e4093323
2261 0 2 0 1228741839 fippe fippe $H$9AxPqjnHEn4rHZk7x6/l/w6qgxtTBQ1 1228741839 0 91409995422 1228852062 1228741839 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=817 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b6f86bb9317da7c5
1749 0 2 0 1220474157 Panzerfaust_88 panzerfaust_88 $H$92Yu7g2VMykFC.34DNv1PZ8Ri9M61./ 1231674686 0 26900057723 1231674838 1220474157 0 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2418 1224145588 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0c134304f681c381
2241 0 2 0 1228250417 Radioselective radioselective $H$9fU/188L.AMTk9cgZ4FmG.1kfN86./. 1228250417 0 133904396330 1228250791 1228250417 0 memberlist.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3ffc7d4085dadb90
1894 0 2 0 1221677340 Cassy cassy $H$9AElPAeTizr0iTDCtVecicp.GLNLRQ0 1221677340 0 100845759733 1227385579 1221677340 1226830006 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1186 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f0d20773b06c7f12
2136 0 2 0 1225900215 NEOTHO neotho $H$9EI2O2hGiIux0IpkKMScroO9Iwo1oS1 1225900215 0 79858646125 1226028382 1225900215 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=20&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=100 1226026882 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1226026603 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2e302069957b6fb2
2296 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1229537455 white scotsman white scotsman $H$9KN/uHGnbv6fFHXJW7B9jF68zRbarG0 1229537455 0 -210141696318 1237035367 1229537455 1237035360 viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3149 1231862317 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232456218 0 -3 1237034834 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0cfb560928bc7caf
1752 0 2 0 1220480119 doublequarterpounder doublequarterpounder $H$90Q0iOpk4kQ.yhnsVoAOFIiLCUylOD1 1220480119 0 146936335720 1220480906 1220480119 0 viewforum.php?f=3&_f_=3x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9afeb8c4e28aa03b
1779 0 2 0 1220635720 PortisPL portispl $H$9di5T7YeX4dWS6vtTHE.WO3jkcN95D/ 1220635720 0 -136278601613 1220635931 1220635720 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1689&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=100&_f_=75x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 34cd086f6564640d
1750 0 2 0 1220479471 UrBayer26 urbayer26 $H$9o/Z4plciuiS1sRqDghwbMf/ffMpHQ1 1220479471 0 67382010516 1220479905 1220479471 0 viewforum.php?f=29&_f_=29x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4544d29b768f50e4
1775 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1220622373 helikopter helikopter $H$9QNsPMYKOOzOoULG2PRQqpE7It5Uho1 1229429041 0 -157044699217 1236698539 1220622373 1232549239 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3052 1224303836 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224069586 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9e2772142954e57d
1751 0 2 0 1220479666 Der nette Man der nette man $H$9/pYnZ2kjuJltQPMSRBRx9CHUSImYI. 1220479666 0 -64624609815 1220479957 1220479666 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ba24f03d84ae5363
1774 1 2 0 1220621642 krevet krevet $H$91N2V.FmsiE1w3NrvVIyOD81E5E.f41 1220621642 0 -108999954219 0 1220621642 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220621642 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8KCC7M 4413c631410474df
1835 0 2 0 1221045096 wim wim $H$9CbFpsUwEFQpktu/o9e8.H9q3XBUtT0 1221045096 0 -184775501821 1221045366 1221045096 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1793&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b1ff6580ad676903
1836 1 2 0 1221053660 Mohawk932 mohawk932 $H$9Ylp1lmh3Ynn96tS68cUjDUFjirvRF1 1221053660 0 -152087607626 0 1221053660 0 0 0 0 0 1 1221053660 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 379MA3 c394375b19b6491a
1776 0 2 0 1220631457 In the jungle in the jungle $H$9gATdTIg94zuGS9YYzzhJIvhIPCzKt. 1220631457 0 211099723322 1220768101 1220631457 1220632342 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1914&_f_=2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cd07166c616190a5
1753 1 2 0 1220514517 abc abc $H$9kCx8P0UlMhTGgpsViOpBTGR/48VaR0 1220514517 0 32486772115 0 1220514517 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220514517 0 en 2.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1JPUSF 9dfe46969efca895
1754 0 2 0 1220521932 SkaraBrae skarabrae $H$9ppZtvd5WoM9S7uhj1jTphO/GCbXJI0 1220521932 0 119198738616 1225872300 1220521932 0 viewforum.php?f=29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c3a17df537018fd8
2134 0 2 0 1225885978 hinneke hinneke $H$9GEXtV2d/L2TCog9SmpHMpxs9hCUtr/ 1225885978 0 -103569107120 6- 4-1979 1225960556 1225885978 1225886527 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 0 0 0 f7ec28ca1c66607f
1837 0 2 0 1221057134 Irish skin irish skin $H$9FKxxp8w/eKpiqnuIsRaw4fBmMQ/t8/ 1221057134 0 124343547924 0- 0- 0 1223490886 1221057134 1221060339 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1474&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1837_1221060242.jpg 1 50 30 Eire 59ea3c34b96b50ff
1811 1 2 0 1220830506 UndureTeare undureteare $H$9NoxgaCf2Zd0nMfBYr/y5BMUTJwT/1/ 1220830506 0 4417923423 0 1220830506 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220830506 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5FWY8Z 81c659ebe5552757
1756 0 2 0 1220536329 andymac andymac $H$9fhTHykfgZFt88yYN7eM3MZ7Arc0h71 1220536329 0 74689679330 1223157663 1220536329 1220978398 1220541389 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1756_1220541668.gif 1 78 62 c358f7fde2cc093d
1802 1 2 0 1220794594 graveworm graveworm $H$96RLEkPLHHOf0Y2XBWvCyCWnp5mWTG/ 1220794594 0 -37568857725 0 1220794594 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220794594 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ME8WU 184a80841e12c578
1772 1 2 0 1220620776 delfin delfin $H$9qH2E1bGWv7thwRWufvEs3PcJ4G.AU0 1220620776 0 -131397263315 0 1220620776 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220620776 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1MIEGF 32193d48532366c3
1773 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1220620779 ttomass ttomass $H$9F/WzqN2JB8.PpuDCSwujyzMTTnFdR0 1236351198 0 -144455768013 1236360864 1220620779 1233488233 viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2417 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1228645197 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 926822578d4a8b47
1757 1 2 0 1220545227 greantinamn greantinamn $H$9dZqyYqUwtytBQZ76ka1uUHuTc.xZz0 1220545227 0 -164077011729 0 1220545227 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220545227 0 en -12.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2FJZF9 a6ba33828b83050e
1758 0 2 0 1220548038 berserkergermany berserkergermany $H$9CdrOObmMDGfTeCTuaBnbGBCqRgk6U. 1220548038 0 21350344222 1220548283 1220548038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c4fefe6a22896525
1759 1 2 0 1220551864 goodnightwhitepride goodnightwhitepride $H$9AJI4wb9UC9ny3dTsu4R06f/a/ix3t. 1220551864 0 82180952114 0 1220551864 0 0 0 0 1 1 1220551864 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1SFH9F ca0271768ce2a15c
1760 1 2 0 1220552019 Skini skini $H$9U/tunfFhxiWwlDQW2eZqsgoN0o9hA. 1220552019 0 53134512716 0 1220552019 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220552019 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4VL3DN edb739291f74f253
1762 0 2 0 1220553426 maddog maddog $H$9iTp3WUWFZLgdNZo8RLTl1727rpQhj1 1221159638 0 -195069657323 1226252433 1220553426 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1739&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9669d3e31ecc2d6c
2228 0 2 0 1228054927 wecaoniddmabb789 wecaoniddmabb789 $H$9KGVVMi27GiOiIxXE94U2mB3ueFoeq0 1228054927 0 181830669823 0- 0- 0 1228124138 1228054927 1228060144 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 29ap4oua 0 16eb44583cacf21f
1785 0 2 0 1220672050 isd_sog_828 isd_sog_828 $H$9ZMx4/IYFF0BWTKirn6bcJcBf92ldD. 1236012558 0 75949350619 1236013439 1220672050 1225904689 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2325&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a 1236012597 0 0 0 0 0 23 en 1.00 0 d M Y, H:i 2 0 0 0 1224076239 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 0 0 0 8aa8470000ea4227
1771 1 2 0 1220616566 WEFEARNOFOE1488 wefearnofoe1488 $H$9xULxuy1mKwPtVY1wDljahG3JU3Ell. 1220616566 0 -16485652620 0 1220616566 0 0 0 0 3 1 1220616566 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 13CX3Z 39a90df9a71976b3
1763 1 2 0 1220554442 betze89 betze89 $H$9NdDJlu2vcXmLsq9v.0s1k7shGYxfJ/ 1220554442 0 -172905859920 0 1220554442 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220554442 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2VO61T 12d516c6b224fc86
1764 0 2 0 1220554545 german89 german89 $H$9L6DeLbNZFrpZHIxOnuunOpCbRS4o50 1220554545 0 -160692133318 1220558012 1220554545 0 viewtopic.php?f=96&t=687&_f_=96x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d06f942da19ad92e
1770 1 2 0 1220610865 SONY88 sony88 $H$9l9vbV6feo8B1SiV0IRAOckgYBvUvm. 1220610865 0 -18299033019 0 1220610865 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220610865 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2XRHHP 54be4966e1a8cc0b
2381 0 2 0 1231329214 Hazafi hazafi $H$9.CEn5u9xhaZISspgnw3fwYbdZidjp0 1231329214 0 59446805518 1234541326 1231329214 1234541319 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2654&p=19734 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8efdc77750d27437
2331 1 2 0 1230350117 weose33 weose33 $H$9q1FrFhwV1GW9QQMb4hwievF2UvaJU0 1230350117 0 -130311319017 1230355640 1230350117 1230358218 ucp.php?mode=login 0 0 0 0 3 1230361865 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 daa80086ebdbff04
1765 0 2 0 1220554788 Siersreich88 siersreich88 $H$9YpbOyD1pj6WUt/DHjKtSNTkpvtukV/ 1220554788 0 18755646131 1220556378 1220554788 0 viewforum.php?f=113&_f_=113x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4a52cc092a36236e
2073 0 2 0 1224607071 XaS xas $H$9BwjsOxFYkMSghd2nxmTaQVvgX4agD1 1224607071 0 29619810226 1224607304 1224607071 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f4c0e966114e4310
1766 0 2 0 1220556453 Kopa kopa $H$9vvrVUfROSJAv8LkiUkVzLRuI7g7Pf0 1220556453 0 141909859519 1220556844 1220556453 0 viewtopic.php?f=122&t=969&_f_=122x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 70f83d862886424c
1767 0 2 0 1220556810 Hermann hermann $H$9/PTs3m3pgxPyDOL0OWkdr1Da9tyLk0 1220556810 0 -121089685617 1220606370 1220556810 0 memberlist.php?mode= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 33172b073ef1c129
2446 0 2 0 1232735551 arkan arkan $H$983aXLRfYTPYg6KppzCLt.1tdKq0aR0 1232735551 0 96546794530 1232807864 1232735551 1232806585 viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2766 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4f1f3557c3c8e99e
2447 0 2 0 1232736962 SurvivoR survivor $H$9U5BrE7ha/u5vFxXVSyahhoFwK8926/ 1232736962 0 -53204524120 1232831720 1232736962 1232743618 search.php?keywords=tom+cruise&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 226OQALTHD 1232831721 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2447_1232738970.gif 1 82 31 Theres no crime in being White! 3icqtb6q ff25edec86213d17
1933 0 2 0 1222180587 Iron1488 iron1488 $H$93zkSA08HcpaJP5eE6BvxyNoFzk6Ne0 1222180587 0 150036469522 0- 0- 0 1223646509 1222180587 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Vlaanderen,Herent a2622187a60199e6
1768 0 2 0 1220566498 boozehound boozehound $H$99Nb41X.qiefRMnQ/qLl4IjIMrLa3j0 1220566498 0 95808179819 1220567826 1220566498 0 viewtopic.php?f=74&t=1428&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10&_f_=74x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 55786cbc13546af7
1769 1 2 0 1220568022 apocolips apocolips $H$9GrieiC3bPqbXUOpDf1/7W8ROv/wxl1 1220568022 0 101773194221 0 1220568022 0 0 0 0 0 1 1220568022 0 en 0.00 0 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3L53G1 e486bebef55d64cd
2171 0 2 0 1226834586 Birdy birdy $H$9KniwCvyNhmL8pP7kR36eksm51.tIY. 1226834586 0 35378715821 1226835083 1226834586 1226835078 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6ad288f858eefcc3
1891 0 2 0 1221644401 Honvedo88 honvedo88 $H$9ly91eiv8mxhZiO.bQK8qPk7JMvnqk0 1221644401 0 80754228819 1225661121 1221644401 0 viewforum.php?f=10 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1221646092 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c51a1c061e326ce4
1940 0 2 0 1222203553 Madi88 madi88 $H$9.7eFIYJBxttCcC6u.aA57UIk2gyrb0 1222203553 0 -187032427231 1222259634 1222203553 1222210831 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1951 1222259619 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1bbc98dc373700f2
2226 0 2 0 1228043814 sven88 sven88 $H$9yObLIObgaePyav1.2pvk8t0fTpPxL/ 1228043814 0 -72146762420 1228044358 1228043814 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 52f8f031f8307bd5
2464 1 2 0 1232994366 bean1488 bean1488 $H$9NLYWwImrlnC2ORR5Sa.HQeECXOTj1. 1232994366 0 -33886868121 0 1232994366 0 0 0 0 0 1 1232994366 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 58MMOW 3af016bbf9bf927c
2438 0 2 0 1232450484 East Athens Skinhead east athens skinhead $H$9Ac.lCYPmq15Oulw/Hwknu.90qTwet. 1232450484 0 19074386923 1232450748 1232450484 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e1a9ffbbaf1cb8c2
1942 0 2 0 1222210430 bigskin7286 bigskin7286 $H$9e9etLi1eHiMRCFx0mSR6pdSMaAgBW. 1222210430 0 -116086089316 1222561587 1222210430 1222290986 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1951 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc40dfb05f780001
2274 0 2 0 1228916270 paul paul $H$9cgnvVrmy/sifu5gMEMzWrJRcPG3vV/ 1228916270 0 -201992139420 0 1228916270 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 2 2 1236093193 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 813aeb2387d34004
2280 0 2 0 1229091231 Hatefront hatefront $H$9hY1EaymFbGXVvbQIAEjvJjSa0jC2q0 1229091231 0 198231770818 1232478289 1229091231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1229091586 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a9789f89b389a078
1943 0 2 0 1222220127 tragedy6996 tragedy6996 $H$9PtNnNrthkYdoKNFfHRPBARR4rSZQ.0 1222220127 0 47973701923 1222480960 1222220127 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1418 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5157443bc3604281
2177 0 2 0 1227037532 Question question $H$98Qy3t1sBE0X9rDqSHgkw7FSFTAQJ/. 1227037532 0 -116825767422 1227037760 1227037532 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ee435f14004a9a5d
2160 0 2 0 1226609035 evil1 evil1 $H$9hOsXTHd1dEtG/8uuYM.UP2OyXfX4b. 1226609035 0 32474312222 1226610257 1226609035 0 index.php 1226609284 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 97762875b466db89
1944 0 2 0 1222263706 blueeyes828 blueeyes828 $H$9/athfiLXOHHOKbdYa5tf/JbBMvGwc0 1222263706 0 92465418022 1223296407 1222263706 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 68ff0f7c41f8e1f9
2391 0 2 0 1231528924 12ape 12ape $H$9.zfTzt6qldULT4SRdJq/z/3YYxSKy. 1231528924 0 81474815821 1231529555 1231528924 0 viewtopic.php?f=102&t=2449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1646df45e876ecd7
2402 0 2 0 1231708360 Tomas88 tomas88 $H$9okxXZU0mYOoxveC1Mho5kxJI2brF5. 1231708360 0 114847169420 1234827725 1231708360 1234827720 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2988 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1231876049 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0bbc4f1b90f90476
2390 0 2 0 1231521318 iwan iwan $H$9zU7RD3UM90ODAO5.r1hAh.Xj6Vzhn. 1231521318 0 -122492439315 1231531266 1231521318 1231530692 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7c9b07fd55651e11
1945 0 2 0 1222269315 xandraxmx88 xandraxmx88 $H$96WpF05bfF9eL2zfGec1XUsW3rew991 1222269315 0 -210016021619 1232137669 1222269315 0 memberlist.php GHWDOTNY4L 1222375315 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 310dbf27cd2a5de2
2272 0 2 0 1228858215 hatecore311 hatecore311 $H$9rEWcBBXNL2XdV1.fsAYPEzQ035P6e1 1228858215 0 54944199022 1232313996 1228858215 1231457426 viewtopic.php?f=126&t=2239 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c23244b7ba927415
2271 1 2 0 1228850414 berube berube $H$9cDGNQ2SHzA8X5EENEgdN0WPWSWJfG/ 1228850414 0 111236934525 0 1228850414 0 0 0 0 0 1 1228850414 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2U5VRD 2193ee9ceed44763
1946 0 2 0 1222277470 Kristjan.Podobni kristjan.podobni $H$9xjsFtjOVvxXTUw9eIWcFMlAEX8/zh. 1222277470 0 -129503381423 1229263504 1222277470 1222277629 viewtopic.php?f=54&t=861 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 38450fca59a91327
2377 0 2 0 1231201659 kille kille $H$9xQdB02BsLopH3v/V3xXbmli.wWIUe0 1231201659 0 127532645816 0 1231201659 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d794d7bdc7e76a1f
1947 0 2 0 1222278311 28Hungary 28hungary $H$9oFdmY8hGfvGVsXSiN2Q3NrMlxDIcu/ 1222278311 0 -202009543821 1226247696 1222278311 1222677431 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1703 1226247183 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 79b17659d06d9b88
1948 0 2 0 1222278864 ville88 ville88 $H$91jLXuJIifbiA1.ZkqZdQ84YlDvqnY1 1222278864 0 -29968621727 1222279346 1222278864 1222279341 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1234164732 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2e825b9d2f64808b
2269 0 2 0 1228823724 chang chang $H$9PDPZfC4HYhzgjP0qSSPy/mN2/2Vq41 1228823724 0 46070754021 1234642887 1228908392 1229114749 viewforum.php 1230027017 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1229195772 0 -3 1229113740 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 86354ab74dc0d382
1949 0 2 0 1222279094 kirstywhitelaw kirstywhitelaw $H$94ELHqDGzVySGrVWAq/O4tw/8q31DL/ 1222279094 0 6189474030 17-12-1991 1223645677 1222279094 1222721096 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1373 1222723872 0 0 4 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1222720701 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 goin 2 gigs and supporting my country. Football n hairdressing 735f641122654743
2360 1 2 0 1230910413 qrva qrva $H$9FZiQrcl3N21vfq5fJ7DpLqdKggcfl/ 1230910413 0 -89838766520 0 1230910413 0 0 0 0 0 1 1230910413 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4RCKL2 5d689f488a70327b
2240 1 2 0 1228243464 Frésnee frésnee $H$9baEl.FFgUvtPEvIc3PGH20blfmJjq0 1228243464 0 112404480623 0 1228243464 0 0 0 0 0 1 1228243464 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 PPHE3F 1316a331d14c48d1
1981 0 2 0 1222648627 Swifty swifty $H$9X3LxfG483kc8Ft9Tw/3eg19M5/pGe. 1222648627 0 45071001622 1-10-1990 1222816569 1222648627 1222816343 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=2061 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children 3ozqdltm Lincs RAF Regiment 3rd Reich Militaria Axis Weapons Beer 958019c277cd32ca
2284 0 2 0 1229237686 Soeloie88o soeloie88o $H$9O7SEUIohHTVChW.Tp8D7Eu.QApM6M1 1229237686 0 44687448118 0- 0- 0 1230917478 1229237686 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 19hn8gfs 9883532 6447183825c82bda
1950 1 2 0 1222282830 jgumb123 jgumb123 $H$94CDZxk6PYPjrBHgf8I1eL6WIUkx3o. 1222282830 0 128131489418 0 1222282830 0 0 0 0 0 3 1222284142 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6582e716a2d77216
1982 0 2 0 1222681394 Söldner 65 söldner 65 $H$90tnLIzaO7tUcNAckQk8G3zZ7czWsh0 1222681394 0 43157547019 0- 0- 0 1228181546 1222681394 1228181253 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//eolhfront&#46;wordpress&#46;com:21gdl3wm][img:21gdl3wm]http&#58;//img401&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img401/7447/bannersweb2ki7tb4&#46;png[/img:21gdl3wm][/url:21gdl3wm] 21gdl3wm GA== Var / France 860059cd42f27399
2006 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1223301040 em28 em28 $H$93aXXLMoY3.ZekGtZlJ/3vnTQ9IS2J0 1231340311 0 103951057323 0- 0- 0 1237041158 1223301040 1235593588 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716 1235592578 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 England 83818643e3dad4e1
2262 0 2 0 1228751268 jonrobbinson jonrobbinson $H$9/bJnCosrSqrOHonW8sDCUEdIGOWp41 1228751268 0 140780285926 1228752085 1228751268 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7143cab408c86647
1953 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1222325345 RSNwisconsin rsnwisconsin $H$9y/FjNduw.gnG3wKtofv1xulefn.0A1 1230162998 0 61157906820 1236997415 1222325345 1236462647 search.php?search_id=newposts 1224475125 0 0 0 0 0 22 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1235841487 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1953_1225248903.jpg 1 80 84 728f0264ed80faeb
1960 0 2 0 1222372769 mdx mdx $H$9AhjDcIGmXkm3/oLaAZZMbiPuvQnPl1 1222372769 0 33187014323 1222419949 1222372769 0 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1373 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fa6bc58606178172
2469 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1233167085 sonsofeurope sonsofeurope $H$9hL6CYvHWz1j7KNYRjz1MiEIkXFJ3D. 1233167085 0 -164349965721 1237062150 1233167085 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c6dd5e4c4af6a5b6
2245 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1228289115 goody704 goody704 $H$9MgwvLR0EBlTR2yxZMKvQFvLSOkHc0. 1236203947 0 37252532222 1236920799 1228289115 1236920775 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=-2&p=6862 4B5CTN45ML 1236836525 0 0 0 0 0 13 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236836678 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a732aa2910819e74
1954 0 2 0 1222333632 skullhead skullhead $H$9RcT64lhjMiqElCw.oQ65PXud9N.XS0 1222333632 0 102954014920 1224243273 1222333632 0 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=836&start=70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 61b0b0bd05e80064
1955 0 2 0 1222334611 kokot88 kokot88 $H$9MVwuiQaTmB9jjeN0SnDLvyjzTMSlO1 1222334611 0 26275624716 1222338071 1222334611 0 viewforum.php?f=120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a011aa54b56d7476
2268 0 2 0 1228808844 Ropiiol687 ropiiol687 $H$9zSQvzjKLHLeX2/HKAFGBLmpq8ZO4S1 1228808844 0 -76338094018 0- 0- 0 1230069840 1228808844 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fsmgfj1k 6753532 69f002cf51efb725
2270 0 2 0 1228830526 Djelle djelle $H$9LAf34OBhCnGzmce6ONiaqV8JGHQFn1 1228830526 0 -49563108720 1229775571 1228830526 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1cb212362e3685a2
1956 0 2 0 1222340205 kellysetsfire kellysetsfire $H$9U3C76dlYA0B9YK5D29PVnAcvM2foi1 1222340205 0 13160767917 1222340303 1222340205 0 viewtopic.php?f=74&t=1428 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ba640a30eb31b7a5
2265 0 2 0 1228775740 blut_und_ehre blut_und_ehre $H$9K3ZQM4q66jCVQsvbKOOjCEgw1vYZk1 1228775740 0 -62479495222 1229985410 1228775740 1229959287 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1321 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228864986 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dae12127510e128f
2266 0 2 0 1228776984 zorzo666 zorzo666 $H$9sktwgkWbecgT1G47s9olNAkvK1G7R0 1228776984 0 29470624320 1232706963 1228776984 0 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=781 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a805af9556b42f4a
1957 1 2 0 1222350124 bhguy bhguy $H$9sZLuLunA4QRjtyXbR6gh.iCJuj3Og. 1222350124 0 92571077217 0 1222350124 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222350124 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1O38S7 485e68245187aae7
1958 0 2 0 1222361064 hailhitler hailhitler $H$9N2wnbUG5lqR.s/xjXmPsfmAeJ0aSy0 1222361064 0 84239855615 1222364442 1222361064 0 viewforum.php?f=26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d659fd471c86d376
2398 0 2 0 1231683436 Finkelstein.Project finkelstein.project $H$9Elov4rL3YvE3b/PTAWQQhHEd8Hgjo0 1231683436 0 -194533802629 1231683798 1231683436 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 96e6c6cee0f83ede
2399 0 2 0 1231683493 Tamch. tamch. $H$93uJ/95/R57vLC1MHnhT3sxu31CFz91 1231683493 0 40998881620 1231701972 1231683493 1231701576 index.php 1231701697 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1231701832 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0b4bdb5c1a3ece80
1961 0 2 0 1222377498 dale2366 dale2366 $H$9NTSVw7v7De/SGLiKHVtvWFcW2wwuZ0 1222377498 0 89068464226 2- 3-1966 1234129654 1222377498 1222979693 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1222980300 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 keighley west yorkshire construction moterbikes road and enduro raceing .oi! beer, bnp meetings. 8970db3d5d6f2bf3
1962 0 2 0 1222379319 IRE88 ire88 $H$9eCNHs9tgI6IkHkE4pKxy6A8ed3kJd0 1222379319 0 167176127920 1233954615 1222379319 1223759003 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 3GZP1RPFQ1 1222380185 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1962_1222380143.jpg 1 88 88 fa5e8df776a2b4df
1963 1 2 0 1222379646 WHITEVENGENCE whitevengence $H$9jvcV6Q7u20UzLJ/X7/3PylT26unSq/ 1222379646 0 127843214818 0 1222379646 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222379646 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 DGFE2R 8100859c111793f5
1964 0 2 0 1222381578 fretmonkey fretmonkey $H$95qlCSr57CbwH7kgpLlS7k/VXTHwrm0 1222381578 0 86920635324 1227682675 1222381578 0 viewforum.php?f=19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8909672f1febc91c
1965 1 2 0 1222382509 WHITEBEAST whitebeast $H$9m/30GSc9MirqHaLZL8DLOkFhLP7L9. 1222382509 0 -194141884419 0 1222382509 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222382509 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ZND77 08ab5f803037b637
1966 0 2 0 1222402796 fuils onair fuils onair $H$9ua84wZYCMsNO2ftMwNh7dtm8g.tHj/ 1222402796 0 197735411319 1227388343 1222402796 1227387452 search.php?search_id=newposts 1227365935 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 eac07126195d7cf0
2221 0 2 0 1227953149 Iss iss $H$9QFs3OU7hIF14e2SjmjUrlhHvSUNcM. 1227953149 0 -113281026016 1227953710 1227953149 0 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&keywords=plovdiv 1227953690 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1a15c69f2e551eb0
1967 0 2 0 1222413033 lwb1447y lwb1447y $H$9A49bUXtRqU/lEu.o6VZZ79khvHOJ11 1222413033 0 -119354765526 0- 0- 0 1223372417 1222413033 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3p2pqzxg 8956421 7ca08cda041c0e1b
2309 0 2 0 1229884129 Nani nani $H$93MwYMuFrr3/bKxG2aKPsAtf36lR3x1 1229884129 0 72666601126 1235912447 1229884129 1231701831 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2841 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1231173249 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dae7bad755310663
1968 0 2 0 1222413624 mmoinn1221 mmoinn1221 $H$9hzywRTHw9rFKtZeeatKUQhWgDuoIU/ 1222413624 0 -47036858519 0- 0- 0 1222413739 1222413624 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;mmoinn&#46;com:1h078vyv]wow gold[/url:1h078vyv] 1h078vyv EA== 752147247 fc9106c90276ecf1
2264 0 2 0 1228759404 friederike8 friederike8 $H$9thrx1NsPu0nk8v25gInfjNrz6voW8/ 1228759404 0 179376506326 1228760211 1228759404 0 viewforum.php?f=29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 af10ca9f08dbc43a
1969 0 2 0 1222421811 BERSERKER berserker $H$9J4K7LK5j0K0Mf9rfdK1d8riZ.etka1 1222421811 0 197184251223 16- 9-1982 1222441644 1222421811 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1969_1222425352.jpg 1 50 50 &quot;LIGHTNING STRIKES WHEN MJOLNIR BITES&quot; 2cqwdnbq AUSTRALIA MEDICAL VIKING/NORSE MYTHOLOGY, HITLER AND THE 3RD REICH, HORROR NOVELS AND MOVIES, EUROPEAN METAL. 2aa08b69fe1ecd86
2267 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1228778773 Spooner spooner $H$9WEJ1k8xFqT0EKOKqLxgODRPOdKDiR1 1236798408 0 184866974916 1236799420 1228778773 1229046141 viewtopic.php?f=128&t=2293 1229384251 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1343b78ebd99751d
2330 0 2 0 1230345092 N.L.R.jarheadN.L.R. n.l.r.jarheadn.l.r. $H$9SnFSiZh.GD1g6l64kyhJ89kKOxELz/ 1230347744 0 -7012791426 6- 9-1986 1232310863 1230345092 1232131057 ucp.php?i=166 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232131168 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 2330_1232131168.gif 1 90 90 Life is a battle , i'm a fighter . Fighting to keep my children , loved one's and my brothers and sissters safe . Fighting for you and me , sight by sight , til the world is free . vqrqcs1h Ag== Genk i'm in construction . drink ,hanging with mates , gun and knife collecting , visiting my brothers in belgium ,netherland and england and of course my soon to be wife . 7930a4a1fe27c985
2315 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1230085534 peabrain peabrain $H$9hfPRXC0EeX/YEdvjwlUTZBFaxMjL3. 1230085534 0 114192902319 1237063471 1230085534 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2254&p=15843 1237063472 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1230087786 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 895 0 0 0 0dcd2d31665b8996
2263 0 2 0 1228755122 orel83 orel83 $H$9wo6cWXSFwEH..DDGjoOaTFgu4ntZU. 1228755122 0 116743735523 1231439700 1228755122 0 viewforum.php?f=38 1228855468 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3846469619f0e062
1983 1 2 0 1222702242 hooligirlacab hooligirlacab $H$9TGBYX0eryPso9jWakQjTV/rjyT2N01 1222702242 0 148569262223 0 1222702242 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222702242 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2X5TKV 821bbe3d429faec6
1970 1 2 0 1222441109 klansman klansman $H$9jQE/CdaZxy9uybpbt880fKNGSPbTs1 1222441109 0 -138136094622 0 1222441109 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222441109 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3H2WP6 2477c6b6b9902d67
1971 0 2 0 1222445899 pommikone pommikone $H$9w2CY9ahE8sdnM5KM2Y8Gee.WrTVLu0 1235242522 0 -84197744917 0- 0- 0 1235243263 1222445899 1235242918 viewtopic.php?f=122&t=2040 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1229514828 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1971_1223539267.gif 1 78 77 thank god i´m born WHITE! 2vvye1ku Espoo 472a71f2f24ca7c4
2106 0 2 0 1225257291 wowgolds987 wowgolds987 $H$9bnG1l.rIqLMhFv8VTKQAPympOqa9a1 1225257291 0 205080431621 0 1225257291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 622647ff9f00ad83
2251 0 2 0 1228403245 redscum1 redscum1 $H$92uyIpvo.o5pU05i1rwEczHo6eJEva0 1228403245 0 -64046665520 1234799010 1228403245 0 1228817819 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 7.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 74ad51baabf65f30
2238 0 2 0 1228168728 hatecore38 hatecore38 $H$9cqi1XVZ/Sl2SWoHXs5zd8S12RBZDs/ 1228168728 0 -82934499121 1228169109 1228168728 0 viewtopic.php?f=126&t=2259 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f6927678d9c679ec
1977 1 2 0 1222559459 attack28 attack28 $H$9yriPbI2xHq6aPVpCYgjyN.f/rYbX41 1222559459 0 -130192935328 0 1222559459 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222559459 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1CQ685 cef1a4ccd485c83b
1972 1 2 0 1222451972 BIGE88 bige88 $H$9QdGzUXi2Wuc.3jh0XeurE50Q/vFEf/ 1231745703 0 10554338221 1236616762 1222451972 1236616755 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3117&p=20614 1226267695 0 0 0 3 1236658189 239 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236200886 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 de585c3ef56258a1
1973 0 2 0 1222459628 bubsy bubsy $H$9RcpM6x/wMLd0kovTgyJuyaNQBjq0c0 1231448482 0 199150908033 1231448673 1222459628 1228075154 index.php 4KWWY9AXRB 0 0 0 3 0 0 18 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1225376991 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 45JD3K $H$9Pfh2qVx/x4AX7.wUYFhapi8HE5GWt. 26dd0f0dd1f6e4b3
2358 1 2 0 1230860236 sellwowgold3 sellwowgold3 $H$9aND/JUF8UULpwW4m1hV/ajtiYPV/n. 1230860236 0 25808713817 0 1230860236 0 0 0 0 0 1 1230860236 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 55UN6A 1271fa5d363a66d3
2299 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1229632306 Auferstehung2009 auferstehung2009 $H$9DpnUQf.goSpbsuK9.MbBINIn5hIUF0 1229632306 0 116623472922 1236599210 1229632306 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c9a1013e2fe19a24
2300 0 2 0 1229641808 bmwbiker bmwbiker $H$98u7ODWTDbuGa/sZ0r.nO.ms7Ekp6T. 1229641808 0 110974454531 1- 1-1976 1230498426 1229641808 1229957468 viewtopic.php?f=67&p=17658 1230155939 0 0 0 0 0 21 en 1.00 1 |d M Y|, H:i 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1919 0 0 0 BMW motorrad uber alles!!! 2bmfugto motor riding, NS a4cfed4523cc618f
2349 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1230571511 G HxC g hxc $H$9Rh2otjy9IxfJqfn0tgVfL/kS8Dtbi1 1230571511 0 -5767170725 27-12-1984 1236363227 1230571511 1236363101 viewtopic.php?f=132&t=3082&start=20 1233253478 0 0 0 0 0 19 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1236813907 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2349_1230659058.jpg 1 67 80 &quot;[b:eynewt8m]Fear is the passion of slaves[/b:eynewt8m].&quot; - Patrick Henry <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> eynewt8m QA== Cleveland, Ohio, USA working the White working class. 672ce9b2c582dfe6
2214 0 2 0 1227879787 sellwowgold1 sellwowgold1 $H$9Uww/hPG8PhLuXq0juCCq1mCa9T6mB. 1227879787 0 -17072908015 0- 0- 0 1228532606 1227879787 1227882513 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;virdeal&#46;com/:ys38abmy]sell wow gold[/url:ys38abmy] sell wow gold ys38abmy EA== 123456 cae6a699b9142469
2448 0 2 0 1232752378 Overkill1488 overkill1488 $H$9nWETFhp9ll9hJsPiZN7UF2g9SEidq0 1232752378 0 -175122865418 1232826374 1232752378 1232826371 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=2627&p=18797 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1c8b4c86e62fe674
2185 0 2 0 1227310637 Hautkopf hautkopf $H$9AMN4ey5wo/Pxf8rsNElhgT4Br63xA. 1227310637 0 80779713418 1227392221 1227310637 1227343739 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=610 3TVQXOP2YE 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1139cbd71552926f
1974 0 2 0 1222534232 Horst wessel horst wessel $H$9nkApUIyv0gzkaNMDFFaNaIAaO8hC0/ 1222534232 0 -68331430021 1222594923 1222534232 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=avatar 1222534726 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cc4c773368d29778
1975 0 2 0 1222537101 bossy6988 bossy6988 $H$9ir2xC2661JTaCA82TlPsK3FnI.mSq. 1230374693 0 -211070160321 0- 0- 0 1230374693 1222537101 1227474134 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1227524156 0 0 4 0 0 27 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224914912 0 -3 1224443565 0 t d 0 t a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 895 0 0 0 6ab8f3c0546b0750
1976 1 2 0 1222539906 ATTACK1488 attack1488 $H$9Zkr8CTM1EApnMO8KEuJLhxoQoaI6a0 1222539906 0 -209365000126 0 1222539906 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222539906 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2J977R f279af3884e5aaed
2275 1 2 0 1228929049 Razoe Edge razoe edge $H$9nvM9QfzzfFdo3NP14oKqWFggI0Qnc. 1228929049 0 172328350526 0 1228929049 0 0 0 0 0 1 1228929049 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 223R15 7d31bb574b386eca
1978 0 2 0 1222586895 Edward edward $H$9YWoyzBOsxPyuQ.3uWTidaBZV7f6Wx. 1222586895 0 206291665721 1231058955 1222586895 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a56558cb5e44132d
2307 0 2 0 1229855302 ostkreis ostkreis $H$9pmv/5ur/HVjPBHGxvY.SyZGd3Vj3m0 1229855302 0 140886905617 1230566839 1229855302 0 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=2505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 84fa936894b34971
2461 1 2 0 1232977688 White_Rider white_rider $H$9iY1cu26mn2/k/rplvxTmJ9CdLo.gB0 1232977688 0 -129124953530 0 1232977688 0 0 0 0 0 1 1232977688 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37J7ZK 5a498067edaed72b
2082 0 2 0 1224838075 Hated&amp;Proud hated&amp;proud $H$9mfMiKc2rkfyHs10KNOYJg0o6DfDMz1 1224838075 0 -56130415522 1232443828 1224838075 1231362944 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 815307944830a9de
1979 0 2 0 1222600554 Suzie suzie $H$9CPxhjoScKJ3aLBhkgx6iS1chh1uYt1 1222600554 0 143283369619 1222609606 1222600554 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 27e16eab0dbf614e
2196 0 2 0 1227537201 Terror8318 terror8318 $H$9/Hywb7Fg01GGRD9x.XgOxwz9bEyU5/ 1227537201 0 6760134038 1227546755 1227537201 0 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=2360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cc4616bdf439b2d6
2335 0 2 0 1230406418 nat85 nat85 $H$95Y4Grixr5eNZhWbVk75BrzIO2AAJK/ 1230406418 0 -94787419319 1231182805 1230406418 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2106 1231181160 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3f8fbc95268f1d4c
2471 1 2 0 1233251078 SSLOVENIA88 sslovenia88 $H$9j5gBMxwlzMzQl1b6CQqPtjhjSBut.0 1233251078 0 92290122617 0 1233251078 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233251078 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 22XS4K e560d9cb7633b6cb
2472 0 2 0 1233251307 strangler strangler $H$9Rv2XLxuyHqnea/z/yewJIAcqussqA0 1233251307 0 33285243822 1233854036 1233251307 0 viewforum.php?f=29 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bdc4569dd2af387a
2220 0 2 0 1227947372 Styria28 styria28 $H$9I6BovMtabVkN0JLG1lM.Ro98QP4Zx0 1227947372 0 -30004530620 1232648859 1227947372 1231182503 index.php 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 95b91052d9cc379f
2433 1 2 0 1232379338 damir88 damir88 $H$9W77elklZ2AVpnbw0gCWsOO5lWaO.Q1 1232379338 0 -137778133314 0 1232379338 0 0 0 0 2 1 1232379338 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2OV94O f02a6080e262445a
2229 0 2 0 1228061492 kruger_rvf kruger_rvf $H$9uDdQG1omJJmbp9F.J.rS6eWXssEww. 1228061492 0 -3974810423 1228999848 1228061492 1228697805 viewforum.php?f=73 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c887fa6714c7ef4d
2306 0 2 0 1229855095 Grasper grasper $H$9gsPm4uF0QJ3qh.ACXrraZ0pg9ROTn/ 1229855095 0 84817393119 1229855275 1229855095 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2559 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e623cc72644debf4
2304 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1229819885 hemppu hemppu $H$9W40BY4DfrDyM4YBZTHaG3lN5cHyrP0 1229819885 0 157057656519 1236979792 1229819885 0 index.php 1236178533 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 1 1236082028 0 -3 1236100817 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc68bedf99f332a6
2435 0 2 0 1232406743 paccinno paccinno $H$9Kn08Fq8I9mPlXGZF9coP1QG6Py7dk1 1232406743 0 156694516421 1232407135 1232406743 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56b436c269f59855
2452 0 2 0 1232888345 gazb1488 gazb1488 $H$9.lucNnQXja6G8.DeQya2fKpbDFxDf0 1232888345 0 -149129006423 1232921577 1232888345 1232889226 ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232889686 0 -3 1232888983 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56185618ffe760ad
2312 0 2 0 1229946931 wewetq5829288 wewetq5829288 $H$9xg7awYPnM1f8Lv/VKnbqWs9MSbd061 1229946931 0 102253746614 0- 0- 0 1230241506 1229946931 1229963110 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 18m0h0wv 14d03877d5f281cd
2254 0 2 0 1228612190 PrinceKoopa princekoopa $H$9rm51J5k.yXlw1QNA3Vd5DPyVmaMgK/ 1228612190 0 -16468616321 1228617670 1228612190 0 viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ec8568d9f87fef6
1984 0 2 0 1222711804 hooligirl88 hooligirl88 $H$9jp38m2AblxtakqR6.8ZFU3f0TaocY. 1222711804 0 10841288922 6-12-1993 1225017154 1222711804 1223044106 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2173 1224341445 0 0 1 0 0 2 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1222979489 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1984_1222979243.jpg 1 75 50 Serbia School art cb9956d5e3e9a5ee
2131 0 2 0 1225750290 omerta omerta $H$9zSq6rwBFG.D086iE.1DfuA0Lydz71/ 1225750290 0 135977409725 1225750718 1225750290 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c0ae55c4c9d11e91
2165 0 2 0 1226733507 bsfn bsfn $H$9QubN07nDNvSxd2YCfL2R1iFL5QaDJ1 1226733507 0 14378981411 1226908055 1226733507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7f98b3037b59f0ea
2219 0 2 0 1227944128 little little $H$9y5m2rHoIjkBvhksoJ0S1JjRSSJBQ0. 1227944128 0 157869255025 1235429804 1227944128 1231280350 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&p=5857 1231018061 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1231223834 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 895 0 0 0 b1fdc946f7cab8b1
2109 0 2 0 1225312015 XZero xzero $H$9PM30eeNX9cis6m30ZDwZrGp5LB817. 1225312015 0 123260136617 1225312547 1225312015 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1540&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5ad87870ba54a8f7
1985 0 2 0 1222719671 colonel kilgore colonel kilgore $H$9ftmPB9KvcnBXdMJIodQmC13cIOdJm1 1222719671 0 -168262356626 1222720964 1222719671 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4ZV781 b406547c2c3458ae
2195 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1227515023 Hrvatina032 hrvatina032 $H$9dqujy7ojY2doTlI9Pge11XCU2kDH0. 1236627958 0 -18181975526 0- 0- 0 1236627975 1227515023 0 viewforum.php?f=24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [color=#000000:qr2dj7ty][b:qr2dj7ty]ZA DOM SPREMNI! VRATIT ?E SE 1941. GODINA![/b:qr2dj7ty][/color:qr2dj7ty] qr2dj7ty Qg== NDH, Vinkovci šubu lubu 9f5ef2e2c51696d0
2383 0 2 0 1231355228 ChrisDillen chrisdillen $H$9s3DoTVaSnuvD.7Aclm2axE1GlJvc5. 1231355228 0 28491106326 1231356763 1231355228 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=113 2BAO53RFS5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1231356709 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c8efce99a9043852
1998 0 2 0 1223050614 hateforce hateforce $H$9M0kQp5fcou2aK1yOND9A3D3CsC4Py/ 1223050614 0 -88986215321 1227041964 1223050614 0 viewtopic.php?f=54&t=861 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1af552d403140c2c
2410 0 2 0 1231831898 Hooligal8814 hooligal8814 $H$9oA0OdQxuE9rsIYtmectQ40t7UitfF. 1231831898 0 -123065622029 0- 0- 0 1231892785 1231831898 1231892626 memberlist.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2410_1231890613.gif 1 89 80 SoCal Graphic Design Shopping,Unity among white Folk,Music,Shows,Sports,odin,Vikings and if you care to know anymore feel free to ask 818. 2acbc910d5010ea8
2459 0 2 0 1232968265 shield-maiden shield-maiden $H$99g9s/OiGTD0HRy/wI1XJDCIuZFG/e0 1232968265 0 97068327125 1234498244 1232968265 1232972460 ucp.php?mode=login 1232983693 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 52342860508702bd
1987 0 2 0 1222879128 bootboy bootboy $H$9T/o3tfy/A3izUzY5ywEYUGKkAlY7G/ 1233964524 0 164733221725 1233969353 1222879128 0 search.php?t=742 1233968300 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 906c154da324aa53
2118 0 2 0 1225475790 miSSradical missradical $H$9gwvadju5HV2d5RPYKyYRg4thUWX0x1 1225475790 0 -84742612820 5- 3-1992 1226069200 1225475790 1225476751 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2079&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20 1225477808 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Hungary af82dcbdce1b9f3f
2105 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1225231949 Big Mac big mac $H$9fNSomtyXONSCeacmacQzCVKDJbm4l1 1233959766 0 -64707443821 1237072336 1225231949 1236730243 ucp.php?mode=login 1232668467 0 0 0 0 0 25 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234385856 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3d2f8a624c4aed08
1989 0 2 0 1222916876 femme_sp femme_sp $H$9morJ7TIPM4YFsy5YoI4xwn2P4mF8m. 1222916876 0 23676030221 1222976488 1222916876 0 memberlist.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dcc6e4818ccdb9e3
2001 1 2 0 1223197746 ludiqt ludiqt $H$9j5F6tzEAyfBJZuaJKW3axvZAuE11q1 1223197746 0 -97143941918 0 1223197746 0 0 0 0 0 1 1223197746 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3C9OQK b9555c2d66096265
1986 0 2 0 1222807833 warmachine14 warmachine14 $H$9Wj5.xjLt4oqaHsN6CF1idQYxkuzaY1 1222807833 0 196962131823 1222808109 1222807833 0 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 06c40deeafe11292
1996 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1222998650 ss_nikolaus ss_nikolaus $H$98VhqqnZc2.69VtMSndOqSwZUsUIV71 1235670096 0 13296187921 19- 1-1985 1236634624 1222998650 1235760283 index.php 1235812734 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1235924544 0 -3 1223000277 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1919 1996_1222999628.gif 1 46 47 Romania Proud White Man 14words 831f31c4bb75fc57
2099 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1225122722 WhiteJustice whitejustice $H$9yRJJqU3NeynhY73dX3n1I62P7bmRx/ 1233143548 0 -148582667521 15- 1-1992 1237019166 1225122722 1237019092 search.php?search_id=active_topics SK3HRMGPP2 1237019106 0 0 0 0 0 99 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236521327 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1919 2099_1233745587.gif 1 50 50 Should be allowed to speak your mind, Without being inprisoned or fined, Why should it be against the law for you? To speak about what you see is true! pcx8fwpb Music, Camping, Gigs, My Vespa, 6848bfbd20d09003
1988 0 2 0 1222879479 Roxy roxy $H$9c4mX4XynGGqIA.7nNLWd.RAgAa4FE1 1222879479 0 114711777825 0- 0- 0 1227719388 1222879479 1227719431 posting.php?mode=reply&f=29&t=2431 1223053644 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1988_1223315543.jpg 1 90 69 Europe c3735f76058a96d0
2159 0 2 0 1226597688 forever_white14 forever_white14 $H$9rf/zHoXgMTQ4J2GJRemzj.8mS26Jo/ 1226597688 0 129467391021 1227909368 1226597688 1226771072 viewtopic.php?f=57&t=724 1227029340 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 df1ce54719832680
2130 1 2 0 1225735223 arab arab $H$93fdO0Acf6cp0tp5AbUHDPFI7zkYSA/ 1225735223 0 -172773896723 0 1225735223 0 0 0 0 0 1 1225735223 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YFNYQ 523ba761c383d9db
1993 1 2 0 1222958750 Agnar agnar $H$9Mui3LApG271ql6nxm1Bmd/A3SaDJM0 1222958750 0 -29036423525 0 1222958750 0 0 0 0 0 1 1222958750 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2KWJMJ e6c7d7752cd1e32b
2009 0 2 0 1223439125 azert azert $H$9qV96USZvNOGkK3qdIyOKXNO5xOoTB1 1223439125 0 184318688320 1223439580 1223439125 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=988 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c2e6a3187dfd3756
2193 0 2 0 1227460053 FoniFon fonifon $H$9mi1Ns1DF0rYec03S20g56v96EU13v. 1227460053 0 -139223917717 1227893164 1227460053 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2182 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d1950533ae8359b9
2372 1 2 0 1231111002 VL_PUFFY_88 vl_puffy_88 $H$9fcBr8zdc4x3lwlAAsBNeipr7YJSi31 1231111002 0 96358115225 0 1231111002 0 0 0 0 0 1 1231111002 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1VMDHN 61bed7da7f21054e
1990 0 2 0 1222918548 SchützeCWB schützecwb $H$9eOugh77lKhlBGZtJX8vXPdW2TbYy10 1222918548 0 79402908825 0- 0- 0 1231549025 1226376956 1224858987 ucp.php?mode=login 1224054357 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1223961799 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 1990_1224058297.jpg 1 90 89 Southern Brazil White separatist! 370dd2fe646d2e63
1991 0 2 0 1222926106 OAS oas $H$9AVNUUr1avsjNG83lB8PMpLJIncWYH. 1222926106 0 154984944523 1227380730 1222926106 1223203869 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2219 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2d73ed2a96eca104
2215 0 2 0 1227891320 Emit14 emit14 $H$9kLVjLsYRKUpuo9JQcUlTNgTepwpGH0 1227891320 0 58722402921 1227893435 1227891320 0 viewtopic.php?f=67&t=13&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=2500 1227892405 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 05e88f3c1710e461
1992 0 2 0 1222948513 volunteer volunteer $H$94gKjK1UpdmPyMKqEjTQpMaZx1dW5X. 1232728215 0 -110641660420 1232729142 1222948513 1232729082 viewtopic.php?f=36&t=2447 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e00e343ee3c4d29c
2192 0 2 0 1227442026 Barbaryan barbaryan $H$9mHrgAoVyRvR9inEZFYJry1hx8VQZ41 1227442026 0 -146696065015 1231190143 1227442026 0 viewforum.php?f=52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e297dbe2d80c500f
2216 0 2 0 1227895145 ribelleOi1488 ribelleoi1488 $H$9GhMxy7ipXQOxy3egCmq2ejIhkcSO10 1227895145 0 109370917725 1227896774 1227895145 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 76a705e42b933406
1994 0 2 0 1222965473 Galg galg $H$9zusd699nnXmIouJTDh7RSpuiO6KSC1 1222965473 0 -78972735327 1236113355 1222965473 1222966995 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e94d4dadfcb94698
2244 0 2 0 1228285672 aussie aussie $H$9XcNuJWgsAfS4nVl4ahgySFkz.HrbV1 1228285672 0 -31397129922 1233788753 1228285672 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2538 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e0aae942f927efb3
2239 0 2 0 1228180361 dipapo dipapo $H$9LADsIqm.DGvVJZ7sqU5n1lH2Xb6wT1 1228180361 0 155795032817 1228182538 1228180361 0 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&keywords=hitler&start=40 1228182154 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1472e136dd477ba9
2065 0 2 0 1224547100 Sturmgebet1488 sturmgebet1488 $H$93bIC2jrwa8ua6CknllJ8puLz7wtiD1 1232388987 0 -212862852822 1232390182 1224547100 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=788 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8888f3e49d3cf203
2194 0 2 0 1227469553 h8tank h8tank $H$9Ij8O41vyNBVfKLTlMHoH8yfzgoofQ. 1227469553 0 -205324964219 1231522191 1227469553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1228147357 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2b6d900d6fe5ab93
1995 0 2 0 1222976207 Blank Frank blank frank $H$9DpCCewALgH3rdOtEpIv10Tgqaadvs1 1222976207 0 -95938419619 1222976517 1222976207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7ce1d175d83728ce
2351 0 2 0 1230607213 luxuvious88 luxuvious88 $H$95hVIZCALohdbT.ScNs/IWD4bMSfQe0 1230607213 0 42715855624 1233176071 1230607213 0 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1943 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bb5bf3b1fe86bcf0
2388 0 2 0 1231440570 28odin88 28odin88 $H$99jKIbkl7PFtsYt79f9Ln0gFVeuIXh. 1231440570 0 93323633216 1231441724 1231440570 0 viewforum.php?f=75&st=0&sk=t&sd=d&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fc375fb61616994f
1999 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1223061178 Imperium imperium $H$9cJcmowxWVaosP5WHN5wJ0h1NN4q5S/ 1232113158 0 -116970931116 1237047640 1223061178 1225108862 viewforum.php?f=24 1228481469 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1223062350 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5363137f28f64b1b
2207 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1227661075 Lolle88 lolle88 $H$9AWGYhJHqhQ.1DfB0/XFyS7Qsnbqog0 1236465882 0 177768333523 10- 1-1985 1236806264 1227661075 1236790988 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2175 1229372174 0 0 0 0 0 23 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1236813236 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2207_1234642809.gif 1 90 90 Sweden Construction. Music, tattoos, bodybuilding and politic. 0c42069ff7f7ee24
2454 0 2 0 1232905667 blackshirt blackshirt $H$9Fbr50ZCXwkhUYH/kvcpJewZxHI5fG1 1232905667 0 -156549360521 1233235809 1232905667 1232906666 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2803 1233235445 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1232908933 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2454_1232905809.png 1 90 87 Britain awake ! arise from slumber ! Soon comes the daybreak of Rebirth. We lift again thy trampled banners, Our marching legions shake the earth. We gather from thy lanes and cities, With men of action at our head. In us division and delusion, And all hypocrisies are dead. We fight for Union and Mosley, We fight for freedom and for bread 1dq9tzkt 772bc040c18bb43e
2225 0 2 0 1228040542 stepo88 stepo88 $H$9vYfkIcPa73Moxny5Zkre6mpn5vwa.0 1228040542 0 187892949222 1229626418 1228040542 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b9443d2243125a17
2176 0 2 0 1227005682 Killed_by_death killed_by_death $H$9ym99uBGK.jH.fApNfI1uSEYnDUGJj/ 1227005682 0 137485427323 1227006334 1227005682 0 viewforum.php?f=125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fafb69cd98417b85
2115 0 2 0 1225382510 JaneFear janefear $H$9AIbl99e6RXphFWUDuDsKUzFCLSeGS. 1225382510 0 194561783721 1226064180 1225382510 1225724361 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1df831b5b9879535
2083 0 2 0 1224856137 justus justus $H$9Jns93EAtbiYQ/AVUhpyS/8P05UQkj1 1224856137 0 2623246221 1224857567 1224856137 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1785&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 218573df010c757b
2000 0 2 0 1223124388 Strikeforce318 strikeforce318 $H$9aXFuvThKhGIea.dZiZacnFEC1fEJ2/ 0 0 -47952141517 1230934744 1223124388 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1810 1223125137 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fd80c49760125132
2476 0 2 0 1233344948 Bram bram $H$9fiClxurEzzEzstXrrlX8Pg1u0BY7v/ 1233344948 0 -3334923326 1234209756 1233344948 1233345896 posting.php?mode=reply&f=72&t=204 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2d8a03326594565a
2190 0 2 0 1227398044 THORBEAR 1488 thorbear 1488 $H$9PDQ5oXUKTLJwXLdJLPDJgtn76QGy00 1227398044 0 -37940155920 0 1227398044 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0d5ad214c1843a11
2291 0 2 0 1229377198 SKINGIRL88cro skingirl88cro $H$951aIfHyIAALzQV2OoPCofWkrwuhY71 1229377198 0 86838624817 0- 0- 0 1229993511 1229377198 0 viewforum.php?f=24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dd642dccdcaf64e2
2002 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1223210607 mickle mickle $H$9WKc8Ph7yXvHAsDrNrkbRmNwrxAgHf. 1231429756 0 116357066415 1237041224 1223210607 1236725408 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&start=40 2XRRRTIMOU 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234693793 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 39811eae79359f02
2126 0 2 0 1225639928 kriSSi krissi $H$9KquFBir00f.G9IaLvWXzmijWtnmEP/ 1225639928 0 54566020313 1225642495 1225639928 0 viewtopic.php?f=121&t=836&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2c7355c5a4052f94
2013 0 2 0 1223494780 odinswolf88 odinswolf88 $H$90qD9oyK6XC0yrEe3uChalM/SpeZCB0 1223494780 0 21921095918 1223562271 1223494780 0 viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 44aac2850c1f1b5d
2003 0 2 0 1223227520 Irminsul_NS irminsul_ns $H$92HB48hXBZ2kO5bRaYyP/w3lk/Jowh1 1223227520 0 165646513424 1229464453 1223227520 1225315848 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2265 2NGI1YPXEE 1229464431 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 1 d M Y, H:i 2 0 0 1 1228214880 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 2003_1223313353.jpg 1 83 72 The colour of your skin is your unifform of war!! 34dmmraz 2e32469db912462e
2023 0 2 0 1223704194 FreeFight freefight $H$9XaC6ZRcH.vmW4YxdqOHfI7aF2VIBN0 1223704194 0 -33281282124 1236070509 1223704194 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2023_1236070412.jpg 1 90 90 75a45a1b0fe36811
2098 0 2 0 1225119658 georgies georgies $H$9.Ojsbk1QXWDrVk54tWgIWYl5WXMCv0 1225119658 0 -13411560024 1225120641 1225119658 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f7ad0672737d1cab
2004 0 2 0 1223241069 Mydia mydia $H$9KOw08VzPdned5Z/rJ3GMj5ZMWowKN0 1223241069 0 -150529427720 1224601356 1223241069 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a85dc9b7c5e6f9a9
2201 0 2 0 1227564313 cosa_nostra cosa_nostra $H$9xjMvVC7KESVtVLvEcks.3fjgw1KAo. 1227564313 0 -104220668711 1227564423 1227564313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7d5eb7561e9d9f62
2010 0 2 0 1223472356 Bastarnae bastarnae $H$9NgU4XbKSG0S2h6ln8uroQFOHcZYS1/ 1223472356 0 -178743731423 1223496111 1223472356 0 memberlist.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f75ae70c895c4aec
2470 1 2 0 1233220729 Chemichal chemichal $H$9.HwCsOq8ItFIvHkTT5FG/.VMF.gAr. 1233220729 0 104054057019 0 1233220729 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233220729 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 24PRUM 72cebcc67522148d
2466 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1233058758 LittleEnglander littleenglander $H$9yncDbesVngvUMeAtGzKTgwCZCm18s0 1233058758 0 -163483347228 1236777877 1233058758 0 viewforum.php?f=62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bb749008bdfc8b33
2187 0 2 0 1227383226 skingirl_slovenia skingirl_slovenia $H$977jODCxJf9t43oOgfxENyA1pCYxqV0 1227383226 0 108901588317 1235121113 1227383226 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1235070462 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1d05923376be3501
2026 0 2 0 1223799784 xpanic88 xpanic88 $H$9Wu2anFcEkI4vy/iJ8jvm5rjfmPyaK0 1223799784 0 -45294604219 1223800065 1223799784 0 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fc9d7254a7528976
2273 1 2 0 1228864782 ValkiryWarrior88 valkirywarrior88 $H$9w88lChRB9YYwGX18rCzAtTP4Scp4u/ 1228864782 0 -62262606226 0 1228864782 0 0 0 0 0 1 1228864782 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 35MVYA b4015d387fb24d4c
2008 1 2 0 1223380989 resistance816 resistance816 $H$9BhJ9VHUb5kdWvuWIUJdTmyWNIs40d. 1223380989 0 130720873125 0 1223380989 0 0 0 0 0 1 1223380989 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 378MHF f4aaa61c3b797976
2025 0 2 0 1223743554 Vinny vinny $H$9EV5zTxQh0ubaoQ7Ezi8xb18b5qDGK0 1223743554 0 -157095207722 1223743991 1223743554 0 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 92e291aa5ebd6b0e
2450 0 2 0 1232828952 fight the ystem fight the ystem $H$9OLN0dUMZM3qOrqyGqBNPPijRgaxRs. 1232828952 0 12089535625 1232829874 1232828952 0 ucp.php?i=167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e4bc96a9eec5e33a
2036 0 2 0 1223947975 elfrik elfrik $H$9IOQfKxcjkP9NpseiXQxceJE36KTGw/ 1223947975 0 32249306318 1224132658 1223947975 1223959942 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1925 1224014628 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 63d7d9a30edaa681
2203 0 2 0 1227623094 TwistedMind88 twistedmind88 $H$9A9jg59puSuYZ/QPb6Kx.xTY44WEVv. 1227623094 0 -212230162816 1234510112 1227623094 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=759 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8250f3836ca1f396
2014 0 2 0 1223509894 bigboylyno bigboylyno $H$9Hknn9BUCqFFbySNXRvZ1gQmOHn1Fp0 1223509894 0 16664838918 1228563852 1223509894 1225808141 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=5574 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1225937638 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ddc352472c8f6c0
2112 0 2 0 1225362500 ROBINSS robinss $H$9excjwDpZ.QDj8MOs4WYWDpywPNKWr. 1225362500 0 -204770449827 1228729514 1225362500 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d4d22c7dcc8a4a0c
2140 1 2 0 1225965023 wecaonimabb789 wecaonimabb789 $H$9cktR8qSSsh4760B8Wp/THCwt48IV61 1225965023 0 91440002518 0 1225965023 0 0 0 0 0 1 1225965023 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4GN3MG 812fdc46929b71e3
2223 1 2 0 1227977436 Borg borg $H$9lyti70aEFSUJkdPXW3xbVNajypmI10 1227977436 0 -138312415328 0 1227977436 0 0 0 0 0 1 1227977436 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3YGDW4 f76a70e98a47bc54
2012 0 2 0 1223485900 de stormmeeuw de stormmeeuw $H$9T50xMFYbqA8PI5WZ2sZvNC/OJF67B. 1223485900 0 -144785419522 1223486065 1223485900 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2058 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1f7f525112d40376
2011 1 2 0 1223477067 bulc28 bulc28 $H$9PaIUraEeTdfasUwg.sFf3D.xqFUvc. 1223477067 0 -141396332214 0 1223477067 0 0 0 0 0 1 1223477067 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4R9F1I b3bd61c74c754833
2340 0 2 0 1230480580 haggin haggin $H$9mRCj/iq/tKaQ/MisjUsl2KK6Xy0ak/ 1230480580 0 143284314620 1230723343 1230480580 0 viewforum.php?f=28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 740908035274ad06
2298 0 2 0 1229607623 fghi250 fghi250 $H$9kr7dpoCue.3mS55DbVHCjp6x8d4ea1 1229607623 0 186307902421 0- 0- 0 1233261828 1229607623 1229611581 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 - Buy - cheap - [url=http&#58;//www&#46;inwowgold&#46;com/:22e9msdd]wow gold[/url:22e9msdd] - US - EU- 22e9msdd EA== 45345343 a50df5a95a8e0056
2146 1 2 0 1226235337 bombel_ksg bombel_ksg $H$9iIoY6cMHRINGzrD0rNlLefyk/KCDD0 1226235337 0 37409007816 0 1226235337 0 0 0 0 0 1 1226235337 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1OAC6I 158974022bfde21a
2156 0 2 0 1226523529 pinhead pinhead $H$9ldYmq.w/AHDQ7A2lDY/rp9cimIYWE/ 1226523529 0 -174639895428 1231876473 1226523529 1229076097 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 409d8f8407dbb77e
2303 0 2 0 1229725614 scooterboy63 scooterboy63 $H$9vKjuQxBVS.f5kleCJEt1cYGnUFJB.1 1229725614 0 -38463081130 1229894981 1229725614 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d69a8fdfdbb05349
2092 0 2 0 1224983320 radio28 radio28 $H$9a1.WLJek2g8lBwYSiN0eBxwc0ZM21/ 1233746448 0 -28117157516 1236196808 1224983320 1234184641 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3052 1224989317 0 0 0 0 0 32 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1226529414 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [b:34epv5lc][/b:34epv5lc] [b:34epv5lc]The first &amp; only national socialist radio in Portugal! Broadcasted by B&amp;H Portugal supporters.[/b:34epv5lc] 34epv5lc QA== db1cd7e2d6c55c5e
2015 0 2 0 1223569693 pride_honor 88 pride_honor 88 $H$9XL1CH3hpEbeqxz5Q7YoHP.SsSq0l9/ 1223569693 0 40505291820 5- 3-1992 1227717211 1223569693 1226340024 ucp.php 4WV3UL2FOM 1223573362 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1226348646 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Pula,Croatia 29df5718e1cdc17b
2016 0 2 0 1223575344 Perun14 perun14 $H$9Ij9c0Daohfaw4Ez/RVdTpPsxwEx0W. 1223575344 0 -186235394818 1224370891 1223575344 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cf66a074526e0975
2302 1 2 0 1229695298 roadtovalhalla roadtovalhalla $H$9.M8MPzrlz4Ex0EAbzq/a3uRxAyXDv. 1229695298 0 -160315687517 0 1229695298 0 0 0 0 0 1 1229695298 0 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2J4N3K f9f0ce92d12b0d99
2184 0 2 0 1227277830 Hella hella $H$9aLaOjbsTdvqQCx/k7NDjrkKIu.j9F. 1227277830 0 169108304225 1227278315 1227277830 0 search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&keywords=holland&start=10 1227278236 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 22bd9904f40144d1
2017 0 2 0 1223579734 White white $H$9M9Sdjz7IwEk2nclxHkaztq/iL8Eii1 1223579734 0 160851222519 21- 1-1983 1223583365 1223579734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2017_1223583247.gif 1 20 20 Caerphilly Unemployed ba997b0da29cb27d
2458 0 2 0 1232936485 ss langemarck ss langemarck $H$9xSDkGMgD/PNL1WIiTD6eUOxnqS.rI. 1232936485 0 -141881071523 1236139603 1232936485 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3060 1236024316 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5f9f9ebf61ef9b59
2018 0 2 0 1223584191 Sachsenhausen88 sachsenhausen88 $H$9Or0kzUXyzWFbvv.M0oTz8HzCPcv/q0 1223584191 0 -101522010821 1224695247 1223584191 0 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2018_1224694872.gif 1 41 27 38556ef9ac3cd978
2188 1 2 0 1227384487 whit_girl whit_girl $H$9wo1QoDduyUOKUdp7LCVLZrNB2SUry0 1227384487 0 -114185821022 0 1227384487 0 0 0 0 0 1 1227384487 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 JS95MA e7447de103667273
2183 0 2 0 1227218801 Lone Wulf lone wulf $H$9/5NpvobMbzSd5Qn0aZfHRHTh2asS/. 1227218801 0 14506626824 24- 8-1990 1227542422 1227218801 1227317979 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2377 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Plumber/student music, Blood and Honour, White History 9c0a2955f9ab24ef
2019 0 2 0 1223589879 Secret Empire secret empire $H$9cWUh6tToiJtbsSdF0SeOPvn6Jp/yy1 1223589879 0 -96798921625 1228226388 1223589879 1227731920 1228226375 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 eda961cb1d762797
2020 0 2 0 1223598618 nathan lyle nathan lyle $H$9dLcAfDGVYr1ws2M3pYPRQmfUrNPi91 1223598618 0 175385918124 1223598815 1223598618 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 791db4d2d2b585e3
2294 0 2 0 1229456538 Lanchyta lanchyta $H$9fpf0C43DCuCNPWcX.EQDzkMRvL9.m1 1229456538 0 212531410918 0 1229456538 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e85fc7bbb10c4e9c
2021 1 2 0 1223601375 little brian little brian $H$9yhfFUA1LJ3NI54LxAj8CRyvKauYUl1 1223601375 0 184729455127 0 1223601375 0 0 0 0 0 1 1223601375 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 EBJR8S ca4979091b334273
2022 1 2 0 1223670071 ultra69 ultra69 $H$9oDEsUx6vl97KxDruwRxG2THZo.vxd/ 1223670071 0 -7226779320 0 1223670071 0 0 0 0 0 1 1223670071 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 325JJ1 97ce6fa29d488a14
2040 0 2 0 1224002810 TP14 tp14 $H$9h4uVkbuV.3lXW6R6LahlXsYUUPC.l/ 1224002810 0 -177490702529 1224003561 1224002810 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a238fb89f3350a35
2423 0 2 0 1232120534 diethere diethere $H$9JcZ7me3ZxC5UFgWxWSRJSKf2xlj6s1 1232120534 0 52385661722 1234968726 1232120534 0 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2854 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 802979953160edec
2378 0 2 0 1231228221 Rutru0661 rutru0661 $H$9LxMw5jTpNrZpi0uaNaZTUaH05Yfcr/ 1231228221 0 -11040990618 0- 0- 0 1233169734 1231228221 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 11xld0f9 8789855 28d7a4273901070d
2024 0 2 0 1223741121 Norbert norbert $H$9rEOO9F8nQoJhneLLLFfv/aZveCze/. 1223741121 0 -113697525420 1231695544 1223741121 1230991118 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1231150396 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f4588b93e430879c
2258 0 2 0 1228698612 sailor28 sailor28 $H$9NNuxwGPJ6PxnyQuqj9aBy0lMkyhgG. 1228698612 0 50708211024 1228699068 1228698612 0 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1363&p=11658&hilit=captain+scarlet 1228698869 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 105ab03918f00a02
2316 0 2 0 1230087013 GermanNS88 germanns88 $H$9p4Vfw1RE3lDrwCZbmp9W6w/4/0ROs1 1230087013 0 138727080620 1230197837 1230087013 1230090718 viewtopic.php?f=118&t=1202 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 895 2316_1230090386.gif 1 88 89 476aed88e80ce830
2085 0 2 0 1224859004 N.I.Dave n.i.dave $H$95bGFf4ak2Mn8sfqlLIw7Mu.KhnkJH. 1224859004 0 95122836524 1224859276 1224859004 0 search.php?keywords=&terms=all&author=*+lambretta+sieg+heil&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 18bc78058c45a1dd
2363 0 2 0 1230996677 rossina rossina $H$9Zyv7wauceKdnUTYS..ew8uoG8mFPy/ 1230996677 0 -166555855124 1230997719 1230996677 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2199&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c7299117fe9f9951
2338 0 2 0 1230463623 herrschmitt herrschmitt $H$9zCKuKlsz41v/PJ2V9WuM1X60BQt2d. 1230463623 0 -31817539121 1233351071 1230463623 1233071070 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a0264672cd173137
2246 0 2 0 1228307736 44x2 44x2 $H$9B9hCNzqD6r3ki.tbF1p2A3xHdVUNz/ 1228307736 0 72621347117 1228314623 1228307736 0 viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b7474a8d838cc482
2127 0 2 0 1225646465 duke_666 duke_666 $H$9lrwxvL/O7LGDtFz/kbnGvrodFBEAs/ 1225646465 0 116499501227 1226414992 1225646465 1226414833 viewtopic.php?f=79&t=279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d6e695d20c785a31
2416 0 2 0 1231944048 The.EVF the.evf $H$9ixHQL6qYTM/6UCv.HwpR2RH78wd/S1 1231944048 0 148091868225 1231944259 1231944048 0 search.php?keywords=jihad&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 1231944260 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 949c9d9adb36b46f
2028 0 2 0 1223825575 collabo collabo $H$9gtFqoF4DSPlcm61543d6yFvoGG94Q/ 1232531418 0 44404666515 1232531456 1223825575 1224172602 search.php 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5036f849c0841448
2029 0 2 0 1223843836 JacobiteBFF jacobitebff $H$9yZF//vSWxcJJZZvOwwqsAfcTIE8OT. 1223843836 0 -79781843928 1225551570 1223843836 1225144652 viewtopic.php?f=65&t=902 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4OBTVH $H$9ql1ifKPtHdofHXq1SquRkSTEfpuzz/ ac97df04cddbc5eb
2030 0 2 0 1223845263 big-t big-t $H$9f11TX0OjQo6eeOYwljnLza9.87Q3O. 1223845263 0 -5291204922 1224010046 1223845263 1223849313 viewforum.php?f=26&st=0&sk=t&sd=d 1223846750 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1223847988 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 0 0 0 1d8c0d12e8139197
2144 0 2 0 1226183186 alli alli $H$9NyaBYpeIlKBGXbA4yUNQN4ckLtL1u0 1226183186 0 156405764122 1227313428 1226183186 0 viewforum.php?f=120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8983aff2a32449e4
2031 0 2 0 1223847718 Stahlhart stahlhart $H$9xuCSxyQRgPLh1OWzZPhx6VfKWdrYa1 1223847718 0 -76904551418 1223927868 1223847718 1223927863 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2147&p=14635 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3a682127700fd71a
2100 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1225129726 chile28 chile28 $H$93DO1zLOFxr9Ptd55/PVE47LxYQkVv1 1225129726 0 -72374472022 4-12-1989 1236972180 1225129726 1231481099 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1231970176 0 0 0 0 0 8 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1227891400 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2100_1225130612.gif 1 50 49 CALIDAD ANTES QUE CANTIDAD.division de prueba chile <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 3905zapb chile student ALL ABOUT MY RACE 87088e65d5c78c9b
2035 0 2 0 1223912733 valhalla valhalla $H$9kZUfjGuz2G906AYA9z4ZDKsDd80RC/ 1223912733 0 181066945113 1223921410 1223912733 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=279 1223921114 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6372002e006383a7
2369 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1231082548 aryan blood aryan blood $H$9dES9NJ4CwTIimO138/cyAsUys4Q1P/ 1236557861 0 137556271821 1236557882 1231082548 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4b2b608751f3b7de
2032 0 2 0 1223864209 Dufangoer dufangoer $H$9KwmdSI/fwuUHyDWJoMiTqBzibj2.i/ 1223864209 0 -138829057518 0- 0- 0 1224428943 1223864209 1224396625 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1-80 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;sf10001&#46;cn:qnxmhbwk]wow power leveling[/url:qnxmhbwk] qnxmhbwk EA== 34329990 1957acd410ee32ed
2079 0 2 0 1224771120 oz9468 oz9468 $H$9HleDoVkZdyLBaIJ5bVU576r8abEaB0 1224771120 0 172469605618 1225282464 1224771120 1224785164 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 4SVQ7H3PZF 1224775853 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224777916 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 0c9bee3d43465685
2056 0 2 0 1224442309 bob-acab bob-acab $H$9ILl2XWqXI97TDBAckWnTJvPdS6OtN1 1235347367 0 -111558113619 1235347698 1224442309 1224542956 viewforum.php?f=28 2B2SICIGWK 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 068bd71da4909bde
2033 0 2 0 1223899172 fritze28 fritze28 $H$9s1vj5mSRl.AfO87PFx4qSl3oaUwsz0 1233783402 0 182138807019 1233783452 1223899172 0 viewforum.php?f=3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56cdffa45db98241
2097 0 2 0 1225114941 Scott1488 scott1488 $H$9Z0y2AvEP0DFEh7DJAt3g4xvALSiBG1 1225114941 0 159012016420 1230062510 1225114941 0 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=2588 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 80fc022fb35c1a55
2373 0 2 0 1231121620 adolf hitler adolf hitler $H$9HBHU5ajnvUIglUPjcFZwuUw7Ak6cU/ 1231121620 0 132772243322 1231777031 1231121620 1231776959 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2684 0 0 0 3 0 0 12 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1231731065 0 -3 1231720112 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 251a31edf8b1b904
2034 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1223906863 Jade28 jade28 $H$9VXUw0iyTIlrhRso6/qVMmiwi/8/qL/ 1236191301 0 -184006683824 10- 5-1990 1236948533 1223906863 1236948128 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=12&start=160 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1236603070 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1919 0 0 0 For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled. cjpjrjv2 South Wales UK College Student Herpetology, archeology, history, politics, modelling 9d8b9d3964640f5d
2217 1 2 0 1227911342 Jade828 jade828 $H$9nmc0WezmTpGvy8z6FK5.ZGLlKGAmU0 1227911342 0 -167493918816 0 1227911342 0 0 0 0 0 1 1227911342 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 IW1R1S b6ba94dc2006727e
2039 0 2 0 1223998446 theydaretospeakout theydaretospeakout $H$97bpcozJbBH6SgD2JKltwPsp1kSa5c. 1223998446 0 136694185328 1226865063 1223998446 1223999255 viewforum.php?f=73 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5ad06a1b7eb8f1ba
2110 0 2 0 1225320663 sturmabteilung sturmabteilung $H$9K2fhcyLOlwdv4pxpBW3.9Zba2T3fR0 1225320663 0 -168101294723 20- 2-1993 1227715847 1225320663 1225321842 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2174 49Q5R1WN7C 1227715842 0 0 3 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 <!-- s~swastika --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssswastika.gif" alt="~swastika" title="Swastika" /><!-- s~swastika --> Xbox360 :- Comrade_SVD <!-- s~ssflag --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/Sm1.pak/ssflag.gif" alt="~ssflag" title="SSflag" /><!-- s~ssflag --> g0sln9tm 6caeb29c70380415
2066 0 2 0 1224581689 pasilac pasilac $H$9IhLbtcmfOsdTh7BR1cJkcQRECzLRF. 1224581689 0 -198152747417 1227863781 1227863752 0 viewforum.php?f=2 1224582603 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a7a900aaef2dbd18
2293 1 2 0 1229448656 hail_flanders_88 hail_flanders_88 $H$9UN8W7CU6zHuYpKPl7Qwv/aaVl4PgL. 1229448656 0 -79325044425 0 1229448656 0 0 0 0 0 1 1229448656 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 23A14H 4068ef4cb30cf1e7
2317 0 2 0 1230128612 cubecity cubecity $H$9rQHM2eF90GyTUaob9mLX2FUyMPwNw1 1230128612 0 -204098012418 1230129243 1230128612 0 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=2554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 da0a0b54edd16d98
2053 0 2 0 1224419601 bert bert $H$9fN2aFQGvvAErAvovewxJDV/K2atmd1 1224419601 0 72013536925 1224420505 1224419601 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 49e5961802a289f2
2037 0 2 0 1223953391 Lunikoffbg lunikoffbg $H$9RjHS6WArlXGBt36D8ITJSVouCd44m. 1223953391 0 72020987323 1223953484 1223953391 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 efbeed52f5aa5d44
2460 0 2 0 1232969566 Pride Honour pride honour $H$9cd7jA4eBQaL5VGgOGVgsjZzT0yC4R. 1232969566 0 -76248311218 1233577941 1232969566 0 viewforum.php?f=52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7f6cb43033ce1f3d
2405 0 2 0 1231792777 whitewash whitewash $H$9f7jaq0TB/99/QDEGuSvvBEVn7uzqe1 1231792777 0 -203347227624 1231793187 1231792777 0 search.php?author_id=2245&sr=posts 1231793187 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8dada524d30d76eb
2199 0 2 0 1227559499 zazawie zazawie $H$9tyeTGzzVGHKIJSytdnbcBLY7NpUFo/ 1227559499 0 25829799723 1227559917 1227559499 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7f270c24a90dea6a
2158 0 2 0 1226584670 Croatian Legion croatian legion $H$9SLikcTM65oAmfohnbUcDGvJQPHNvd. 1226584670 0 164842454725 1229905937 1226584670 0 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5e45fb69409db7e4
2038 0 2 0 1223972560 gone gone $H$9649MDQLuRbWg5SvZjj24ogT2aVRvp. 1223972560 0 144031272628 1233289619 1223972560 1231076879 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1229901576 0 0 2 0 0 12 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 46045192e7cf2040
2465 0 2 0 1233010154 Swift_Justice swift_justice $H$9ioTxEwZPzhSG4/lDj0UZhDb7w7Ili0 1233010154 0 -44305009827 1233096727 1233010154 0 viewtopic.php?f=41&t=2655 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 72a84ac87b53fa55
2376 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1231200257 Ainzy ainzy $H$9Otdvl77SNB6867WmG7.5FvkItvC4J0 1231200257 0 133200101321 1237068610 1231200257 1237048943 ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox 1237049392 0 0 0 0 0 30 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236966256 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2376_1232212235.jpg 1 50 50 Wake up Whiteman!!! 12uo9v6n 53e011f969dc72dc
2041 0 2 0 1224006385 BarFly barfly $H$9C/2JSq7t/rXEOGS/zuiP9EAnDmATc0 1224006385 0 45560063128 1224618327 1224006385 1224012525 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1891&st=0&sk=t&sd=a 1224258459 0 0 2 0 0 1 en -4.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f1109217df63e0f6
2123 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1225581229 Dajo dajo $H$9OYNLcN/4cu7lpbyZoUN7i.rOGkvMs/ 1233480605 0 -141171044917 26- 6-1980 1237060168 1225581229 1234254408 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944&start=0 1231269047 0 0 0 0 0 13 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233514139 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2123_1225641458.jpg 1 78 80 [img:3g7kqne7]http&#58;//www&#46;volksfrontinternational&#46;com/images/supporterbanner&#46;jpg[/img:3g7kqne7] Volksfornt Supporter Club UK <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 3g7kqne7 CA== 1ef9110809d0e15e
2096 0 2 0 1225107411 Viking88 viking88 $H$9CnhJnZuZ8ws1Z55DuXnZGuAgdEBKi1 1225107411 0 152265073122 1225410962 1225107411 1225107838 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=814 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4b591410d2bb8e51
2421 0 2 0 1232056017 meagain88 meagain88 $H$9A07gl0WaqA3kbyH5m7sDAmr18FbAU0 1232056017 0 -85115958620 1232315676 1232056017 1232310734 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716 0 0 0 4 0 0 8 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1232316628 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f27f26e2bd774976
2218 0 2 0 1227913651 Prelaat prelaat $H$9Dqp9lMINZ9ADeb18qHfdb5bEpZWGJ0 1227913651 0 -189791907215 1227914978 1227913651 0 search.php?keywords=Hitler&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 1227914980 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 477524b6c7c87116
2431 0 2 0 1232360293 Norne norne $H$9qnj0lQ0Il3n4LVJggQAol2eyeNDPd. 1232360293 0 -190600231712 1236247155 1232360293 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2574 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 099862ad03328e9c
2152 0 2 0 1226418952 BeemerF beemerf $H$980tIJX0.DAF/K4eRMnOvjMD83HvQM. 1226418952 0 131622983021 1226419066 1226418952 0 viewforum.php?f=26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 75b953a5a3ee53ed
2042 0 2 0 1224014099 biscuit biscuit $H$9qCtx7iHGJUjNLShysO7wBYqCc1uLb0 1224014099 0 -125071072325 1227992497 1224014099 1227992066 viewforum.php?f=77 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a2b896e132e9e0c6
2094 1 2 0 1225076512 28 Southland 28 southland $H$914RSQLwsJJ6OAxghVRiCu3BsQKuWq0 1225076512 0 37081896832 0 1225076512 0 0 0 0 0 1 1225076512 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2C18J1 b029ef3c9a48ca85
2095 0 2 0 1225089022 Huitogi84 huitogi84 $H$9VyaxP7MKsRcszkFbBsVTk9LeT4tCG. 1225089022 0 127026120817 0- 0- 0 1225514484 1225089022 1225481898 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;powerleveling-wow&#46;com:1s04ss3q]wow power leveling[/url:1s04ss3q] 1s04ss3q EA== 65753634 b87aa8237b0fb54c
2051 0 2 0 1224196570 NewDawn newdawn $H$9PvjM8kkQcHoBwzf9XYxQ1I/GtKlX3. 1224196570 0 -180265803422 1226881685 1224196570 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 09a413e50dfebdb6
2043 0 2 0 1224031785 ethan scroggins ethan scroggins $H$9uJkbI03U3cwnDrZXqzKjcPMg01l9e1 1224031785 0 89025553224 1230158553 1224031785 0 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=696 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -4.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cc8691bab2826aa0
2412 0 2 0 1231877219 Jack jack $H$99PRsaDC7pijllRQJvJLcJkjAjnBij. 1231877219 0 -13776410326 1231926623 1231877219 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1385&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 1231879075 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bc6637325f51ed19
2413 1 2 0 1231877688 jacky jacky $H$9d77M7ptJ5aCgcYlW2bn50l4Urd5A50 1231877688 0 -24714312925 0 1231877688 0 0 0 0 0 1 1231877688 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1IE4EW b0a484dfa3310b8b
2044 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1224078144 hunter28 hunter28 $H$94gPXHT79QhGq/a0EUeZApvUC1ErJh1 1234297526 0 40938167916 1236968806 1224078144 1225034387 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=279 1236967182 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9ea91b246f54e542
2163 0 2 0 1226674549 nazi_skinhead_14_88 nazi_skinhead_14_88 $H$9tgXs8d3ISQBw8AJu.dR/szqtm4Go.1 1226674549 0 69144700718 1229623190 1226674549 0 viewtopic.php?f=118&t=1202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 199ef3842cb2eda5
2117 0 2 0 1225436570 sons of liberty sons of liberty $H$9Ht.wOlnxKYjq0zMsXYwD9ecZmcCcJ/ 1234398474 0 199900429026 1234660310 1225436570 1234490968 search.php?&sr=topics&search_id=newposts 1234660263 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 1 0 0 0 1225842780 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc962aedb063bc06
2743 1 2 0 1237044156 taxObtaimiNah taxobtaiminah $H$9M1KQ5AOygLG3MHtNBcF57MkUkr6pO1 1237044156 0 -6761572323 0 1237044156 0 0 0 0 0 1 1237044156 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3HGJER 93b14908d2192eea
2114 0 2 0 1225379918 Helvetia helvetia $H$9/k3vSilpT0XpkF60OTAMKFMY/kcW8/ 1225379918 0 -12703527418 1225550246 1225379918 1225380375 posting.php?mode=reply&f=22&t=730 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3bbad4cfb660c367
2414 0 2 0 1231925245 mitz mitz $H$9Dz9URoIgssROutRr9Wga399Q3RYRX1 1231925245 0 -68160297119 1231925409 1231925245 0 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8ea2a682c1376a98
2086 1 2 0 1224880084 kris666 kris666 $H$9uWfvwEg3kLIUUzsVXaK.SAMQPvMYr/ 1224880084 0 129645344527 0 1224880084 0 0 0 0 0 1 1224880084 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 GESVNC 687c6d9edb4023ba
2319 0 2 0 1230195169 Rugevit rugevit $H$9qxsyJZCORXYYnljDWkPOnKfV6rcXQ/ 1230195169 0 -34203029918 1230214501 1230195169 0 viewforum.php?f=24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 944bad0b95fc3bea
2314 0 2 0 1230039652 Fatherland88 fatherland88 $H$9JwZj2glaWmqAfHZVkDElwqhgd1VJy0 1230039652 0 175450128019 1232392983 1230039652 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a5616f5b7a6cdffb
2045 0 2 0 1224107326 Layenne layenne $H$9iVvH5UG.zyywP3Chn25piWPQygala1 1224107326 0 -142225630722 1224142573 1224107326 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1134&start=20 1224107716 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f122997c2d5533bf
2135 0 2 0 1225890487 Loki1488 loki1488 $H$9he/gwUPcuWSFKDnsucaalweVdc2rK. 1225890487 0 167105975017 1227693046 1225890487 1225896342 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2181 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 868ef2b966bfb53a
2054 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1224426853 Albion1488 albion1488 $H$9pjyXnUHprWUW0IojwrMKhY5fIx1C81 1232925053 0 169922127823 1236793565 1224426853 1236128833 viewtopic.php?f=54&t=861 1233540690 0 0 0 0 0 7 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236128837 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a853153909f7fce1
2046 0 2 0 1224132125 Jurman jurman $H$9mxUC8TDA52tZK.jUwFPlt//HuuGDX1 1224132125 0 -94511900620 1224132492 1224132125 0 viewforum.php?f=120&st=0&sk=t&sd=d&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 02d85ea20bd98c4e
2174 0 2 0 1226892469 Nemesis nemesis $H$9F472M14NpATAkjRUdJIg3AvDrPBLM. 1226892469 0 -117613327123 1226893534 1226892469 0 viewforum.php?f=65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bfa9b5e1cd88661e
2213 0 2 0 1227735877 IwishIwasSS iwishiwasss $H$9mStlWAZVvSH.194SEQtL4CfYviPTz0 1227735877 0 -122681726427 1227737371 1227735877 1227736330 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1005 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7d002da951008b3e
2439 0 2 0 1232460099 bodycount bodycount $H$9bybASEjg7U6Yb1GcpOwAraOzpyYFa0 1232460099 0 -60056956625 1232821485 1232460099 1232821485 posting.php?mode=reply&f=26&t=2763 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1232460495 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2a5f24994bf8dee9
2374 0 2 0 1231124281 julienke julienke $H$93GmyPlhSFTC03gJ1V2icqcY4U.piQ1 1231124281 0 199970849726 1232638907 1231124281 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9cf7261b65fbdf31
2170 0 2 0 1226817208 Prestigio prestigio $H$9VVyEzQ4.qocEUZS1xTNwhHnQ.7qCe. 1226817208 0 -15178545219 1226818519 1226817208 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a23eacc2259918f7
2124 0 2 0 1225587073 CDB cdb $H$9Uo8Nf5rEh.Vp94XKrxRFBh1wUQlJO/ 1225587073 0 99046120823 1225587708 1225587073 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 05fb314b27b3be43
2252 0 2 0 1228407444 senty828 senty828 $H$9ob9tAXlwHTUv2nWwo/NHDuF2w6fQc/ 1228407444 0 129299745818 1235759439 1228407444 1235593237 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://WWW.28SLOVENIA.COM">http://WWW.28SLOVENIA.COM</a><!-- m --> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 2puywvq2 786f7707c47220f6
2047 0 2 0 1224152236 Filosofem filosofem $H$95yYFfoBIo3PgfRTybolf2jGHdHMLP1 1224152236 0 67197687521 1224206145 1224152236 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1b4c477cf9e5b181
2392 0 2 0 1231546091 blood &amp; honour pula blood &amp; honour pula $H$9BT2Kug/RQW.n9pe0VnwOVYTHmyPmc. 1231546091 0 -60869044815 1232318459 1231546091 1231547453 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 27cc47b1e0dd2f2b
2125 0 2 0 1225627150 FrozenHearts frozenhearts $H$9K52Lh1ZNexCEeQOP4C2SxcL8CrOGe. 1225627150 0 61665940323 1225627578 1225627150 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=2295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 835accf506a7e930
2149 0 2 0 1226328794 BiggerBrit biggerbrit $H$9icB6j06vpepT1yGe5XR8lOMzot5lB0 1226328794 0 51432761822 1228742385 1226328794 1228672233 viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2342&p=17012 1228742385 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1c194228d7b94575
2049 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1224180048 RAF1889 raf1889 $H$9UYgBRyjHxH4E9LLZ46MJTl9VHRHFO. 1224180048 0 31235631024 16- 1-1979 1236771240 1224708229 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1224709245 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ANDERLECHT ,Brussels ,Belgium SIEG, B&amp;H i'm from the belgium and i'm search peapol vrom me contry HEIL. 7d66c9131a34e0d5
2048 0 2 0 1224176731 Combat18-MVP combat18-mvp $H$9B.S7cg/QrdBNNI2jOuIc84yHk6tH40 1224176731 0 6822417028 1224177207 1224176731 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=390 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8aa4dabb28028979
2181 0 2 0 1227133085 SHARP-Shooter sharp-shooter $H$9TFVONGqpPH4r5RE1V.nri.g3ugIww1 1227133085 0 -150538919626 1233082948 1227133085 1230671317 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2325 1227730055 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 2 1230671361 0 -3 1227134301 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2181_1227191462.jpg 1 90 90 3b70cfcf4d24fd4e
2175 0 2 0 1226909362 fatty fatty $H$9BFg0ZiNs/hXn7O8fS17Cz5Tbl7UnI. 1226909362 0 133139931821 1227287497 1226909362 0 search.php?search_id=egosearch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 932c7da05aa9141f
2290 0 2 0 1229366087 norn88 norn88 $H$9inaNtSOJub25ciLpxT/AZUV8fjI4U0 1229366087 0 112373350829 1229367680 1229366087 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2310&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5de37477aa499cf6
2235 0 2 0 1228147932 cheesy cheesy $H$9a0JqK9Du2jhZ5TqPc0Luol86Ys/cH0 1228147932 0 160922687327 1228214920 1228147932 1228214898 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d8555db2c079988f
2050 0 2 0 1224190874 holydave holydave $H$9N0v.WWgh9WGWNPeqOzxpkpa4owLoZ. 1224190874 0 1118578428 29- 8-1977 1224192050 1224190874 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=avatar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 belgium boss swimming 921882fd8e1c1f2e
2310 0 2 0 1229889337 freshcut freshcut $H$9xX.HvU/1meINK9jwiKD0Z9ApvlaN6/ 1229889337 0 -151572137418 1233537835 1229889337 0 viewforum.php?f=24&start=25 1229903327 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4acbc04efe5e1700
2224 0 2 0 1227993745 chris28 chris28 $H$93ymBhFT.prj4p0TX4/fEheRz8F6tB1 1227993745 0 -130516537230 7- 6-1973 1230006478 1227993745 1230006461 posting.php?mode=reply&f=67&t=13 1228334675 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 humberside streetfighers,scooters,beer 4b9f32465f4af560
2427 0 2 0 1232278006 gaetan89 gaetan89 $H$9UP3mkK5jSaQs0VCeEjdNLeaKCG./K0 1232278006 0 -156620990421 1232480589 1232278006 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ff05a9c7df4652b5
2350 0 2 0 1230603984 pumpkinhead pumpkinhead $H$9TKN2LQJazC5I7o/PuJnhHZbqcL4EB0 1230603984 0 -22683758024 1230604131 1230603984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 356db6faa3dc137f
2370 0 2 0 1231102295 whitefighter whitefighter $H$97AVA6hEl8qWJY5lOD5zxybZsmWFYr0 1231102295 0 -28236933523 1232878158 1231102295 0 viewforum.php?f=24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 851b2c05ef72d346
2052 0 2 0 1224268464 LONSDALE88 lonsdale88 $H$9P1jIgYJogNQRPWgGRRz5wXID5hySy1 1224268464 0 138902580523 1232531785 1224268464 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c60fa7ea4c1fc323
2474 0 2 0 1233255554 Testadiferro testadiferro $H$92BYY8UQNkfs3wlxBPNcGHJ25k5q08/ 1233255554 0 -78608750225 1233257686 1233255554 0 viewforum.php?f=3 1233256450 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 53dbd02f82694af2
2111 0 2 0 1225326033 estwing estwing $H$9ihtMKIilyoynDEnWe7c6.88H2l4y61 1225326033 0 81493926220 21-11-1972 1226298871 1225326033 1226297805 index.php 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1919 2111_1225326447.jpg 1 80 80 [url=http&#58;//crew38&#46;com:2inx5xl7][img:2inx5xl7]http&#58;//img222&#46;imageshack&#46;us/img222/230/support38ie0&#46;png[/img:2inx5xl7][/url:2inx5xl7] 2inx5xl7 GA== FLORIDA estwing838 282f3228bef23b45
2103 0 2 0 1225213484 Ph. ph. $H$9q7YtRmytVsyM4qNTa/Dt1zYSxkFen/ 1225213484 0 -77770040525 1225222896 1225213484 0 viewforum.php?f=26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b11607bddeb9ed8a
2093 0 2 0 1225062334 skinhead danny skinhead danny $H$96JII4RoW4pQTHxPgc7UYLUz8T2mAQ1 1225062334 0 8533470028 1227464990 1225062334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fd6d047aa108bbb1
2078 0 2 0 1224764338 mordaeatjews mordaeatjews $H$92/QQFErSWNu.t1XyqgoaKdiJpq7/v/ 1224764338 0 -171627910623 1224764465 1224764338 0 viewforum.php?f=2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6aca4a5533ed6b07
2326 0 2 0 1230302892 OdioAntisociale odioantisociale $H$9lD8NIinzmCp3iLcAKaGyggK48kpfR/ 1230302892 0 113014692926 1230303428 1230302892 0 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=1255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d6614c128b954f13
2055 0 2 0 1224432908 Karolina karolina $H$94POAbz/sJaiYfF73kF/v6z/eAsF9Q/ 1224432908 0 -146708792421 1224433469 1224432908 0 index.php 1224433130 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 474375e1a6489096
2063 0 2 0 1224533212 Aryan_girl aryan_girl $H$95Xf.POPBMUHAimpqONI7VDOwTq6WD0 1224533212 0 115869830718 1232492847 1224533212 1224892055 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details 1224937868 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1224937882 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 895 2063_1224880667.jpg 1 90 90 Meine Ehre heisst Treue 121bmtv0 40e58afb634807f1
2057 0 2 0 1224446085 angrywhiteandprouduk angrywhiteandprouduk $H$9FZlRnvLLw8xunmoqFYSsaHyyAHLBk. 1224446085 0 -68966479224 1226788867 1224446085 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6b1915543a3ea588
2058 0 2 0 1224449928 Erssu erssu $H$9uzG3dCz5N1yNrqh81cP9tqw3ibA6U0 1224449928 0 91131671319 1227717117 1224449928 0 viewtopic.php?f=122&t=969 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dd290b7b3f475e0c
2059 1 2 0 1224450996 radicalrockeur radicalrockeur $H$9f5f66ytKu870X01s1W2Jext5R6vsS. 1224450996 0 -125455532623 0 1224450996 0 0 0 0 0 1 1224450996 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3TET4H 27407fd97b189889
2122 0 2 0 1225570748 BWVF bwvf $H$9PWcqs3X7jCzu3iPzwX1ee5gjJevMV/ 1225570748 0 -136567785526 1229275464 1225570748 1225851306 viewforum.php?f=41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1225644062 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 11f69cf5b2b2cc4d
2061 0 2 0 1224523518 spille spille $H$97GmlvkW6sMRrIl3I0SOxGUScjAboP. 1224523518 0 52834653733 1225031066 1224523518 0 index.php 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 59e53154505123ed
2062 0 2 0 1224528920 stiksels stiksels $H$9pHd8/gR.Xeb2ujmKl9cJ2ZXg2mui9/ 1224528920 0 -114847351618 1224529520 1224528920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a5f5b2797547753d
2320 0 2 0 1230212387 frankie24 frankie24 $H$95W2jgs2YsqLmqiqP0Y8uino/WzUUt0 1230212387 0 66091876037 1230212987 1230212387 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 82e9f1283ef79d20
2060 0 2 0 1224495669 PättPit pättpit $H$9uOYBmYLfuR5seCVEHNoZoGVUNyvop. 1224495669 0 -80178042625 1225267359 1224495669 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 31dc07fc53d37f14
2148 0 2 0 1226274482 pinkbyrd88 pinkbyrd88 $H$9r.ooWgOyjG9W6jSNH.b.Vm2kkGMJi. 1226274482 0 -123084604924 1226274752 1226274482 0 posting.php?mode=reply&f=75&t=2043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9383976442e303c9
2108 0 2 0 1225282310 Hard Skin hard skin $H$9z770bOmvB6EY9uU4NNdpPsefI5CeZ1 1225282310 0 211947582120 1225711806 1225282310 0 ucp.php?i=168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8116d3816abb6b4a
2107 0 2 0 1225270896 Terry terry $H$9jhbq8gNy91D4UGfo3ddjCfUxAsM0Y0 1225270896 0 -40323798019 1225401322 1225270896 1225271593 1225272366 0 0 3 0 0 1 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5425740db797626c
2232 0 2 0 1228139884 lonewpf lonewpf $H$9n5/yGtugVzXj3FYQ2DqvBCYYn5tD/0 1228139884 0 -19549063530 1228235637 1228139884 1228149792 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2168 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3a4d75dfa8dd382f
2432 0 2 0 1232365153 englishguy1066 englishguy1066 $H$9o.gwmm7sZYGdl443ISJ14Hsay4YCh. 1232365153 0 -204854503228 1232365668 1232365153 1232365374 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1739&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b3b77c10e83c50b5
2354 0 2 0 1230686207 deutschnational deutschnational $H$977UoDD6wXNzI5MlyJtLbq5OxnDZMr. 1230686207 0 48853916426 1230688898 1230686207 0 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2621 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e162b1eeb5c33dc0
2408 0 2 0 1231794821 heil hitler heil hitler $H$9Us1YTlqx7EW7NWQ3tczLug6TXcMKq. 1231794821 0 -70832687510 1232093753 1231794821 1231869258 viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2147 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7bfd7f691ba5d909
2067 0 2 0 1224585907 Schatten schatten $H$9en/KifhJEwPX9aV27KjVVuua/W53C. 1224585907 0 146187635914 1224586626 1224585907 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1873 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3c5668b8b23e3046
2068 1 2 0 1224589834 Standaard standaard $H$9uADiVpKIrqTg1jl.eRH2ekfRnAb.7/ 1224589834 0 -112079961326 0 1224589834 0 0 0 0 0 1 1224589834 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 45LPIN bae914650e1a6efd
2069 0 2 0 1224590829 kristof22 kristof22 $H$9vZUK4Nl06PmyyI3Ozd.chpoW4w2DO1 1224590829 0 95038217921 1224591920 1224590829 0 viewtopic.php?f=66&t=1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 effd66109d855b46
2120 0 2 0 1225493703 HEILKKK88 heilkkk88 $H$9Hfoin8f8PBAEMwVedFtvZS0hBi1nq1 1225493703 0 73421361930 1225495740 1225493703 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 75263241851485c1
2179 0 2 0 1227101711 shufei4397697 shufei4397697 $H$96GWpX2b.e9inOoxs0hajxLfxivtG91 1227101711 0 71308020016 0- 0- 0 1227140979 1227101711 1227126427 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 tkpf3fwo e206f8709c2d2732
2164 0 2 0 1226689860 Landser landser $H$9nsjrDm12j8M8.zR0yY6zApmaqi5X10 1226689860 0 210635515122 22-11-1988 1226692856 1226689860 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 London odins_metalhead_4life 5144a8eaecf6ed3c
2121 0 2 0 1225495122 empyre empyre $H$9sad/cQe1ASrmtmP5DP1JFjXCZnFyu/ 1225495122 0 -106612535226 1225496075 1225495122 0 1225495780 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 158cac90924f7a6b
2295 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1229513752 Panzer panzer $H$98ZzxyxzIId3NAzOBYx1RpnNvGnedM. 1229513752 0 -9990512523 0- 0- 0 1236898414 1229516396 1233430117 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2295_1229515182.jpg 1 90 90 Za Dom Spremni / Sieg Heil 3ucq4mc5 Croatia 999e0f4c17daca24
2070 0 2 0 1224593588 aryan_virgin_babe aryan_virgin_babe $H$9Neti7GsTyejvi5hovBjqEXhp6zC0V1 1224593588 0 90304706123 31-10-1987 1227465099 1224593588 1225541387 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2300 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1225137971 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 art 7a3f32911ffdfc28
2336 0 2 0 1230417612 sipdip sipdip $H$94hQxj6oRCD3TZ09.WWL3JdVqMovld. 1230417612 0 -48332027017 1230417804 1230417612 0 search.php?keywords=armenian&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 1230417804 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4440d664b3daf017
2151 0 2 0 1226342530 filip46 filip46 $H$9Gc7Yp.Whpd8zEQZn89P.sTN7W3o2s0 1226342530 0 -99949614721 1226342897 1226342530 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1739 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c0c37f9d2e4aa510
2072 0 2 0 1224601289 Von Strijd von strijd $H$9IDAv9LqIjDr3EmcKPGhB5c5jUu9O00 1226498483 0 45765552518 13- 3-1987 1233582272 1224601289 1231956841 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=2772 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2072_1226498291.gif 1 40 38 Black metal ist krieg! 3ty19jw2 Germania 460eaeb7c08ea049
2071 0 2 0 1224598986 popeye_jow popeye_jow $H$9RXzzWpJMXP9CjCsrmKPsB4u28eHO.0 1224598986 0 -148891337022 1225792219 1224598986 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1895 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2c1f97a87ebfadf4
2234 0 2 0 1228140941 TomorrowBelongsToMe tomorrowbelongstome $H$9mYQJUILN.L0i7GwExtt9xnaxleVpl/ 1228140941 0 -56196036330 20- 9-1987 1228521523 1228140941 1228240713 index.php 1228514642 0 0 0 0 0 12 en 14.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 This one's for the British Movement and it's called White Power 2cusy3vw Newcastle UK 7d0877d64d7598fc
2323 0 2 0 1230279368 Tuyir2e0e tuyir2e0e $H$9a/cRL1CHrEOKCJkl1dm1RhE0bQrN6/ 1230279368 0 136085784718 0- 0- 0 1234084538 1230279368 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;wotlkgolds&#46;com:1ilw4or0]wow gold[/url:1ilw4or0] 1ilw4or0 EA== 67666352 95281a22b1e1c214
2074 0 2 0 1224609621 oldsoldier oldsoldier $H$96KLE8FD3ZxM8b.nIyN1gVkBjsZ2yP1 1224609621 0 -152306313721 1224610761 1224609621 0 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=1147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f2f7391576bec341
2321 1 2 0 1230215460 patriot patriot $H$9HVPGEfBboR33LAu9Xc.Xjp3ymxlgm1 1230215460 0 122269064521 0 1230215460 0 0 0 0 0 1 1230215460 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3G8GI2 7bd0469a498e3d08
2157 0 2 0 1226582023 easthamskin easthamskin $H$9cxTxtKTa3grpWjsiRsSZe6IxA3DOm/ 1226582023 0 -191878074424 1233322514 1226582023 1233321243 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2704&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10 1233322514 0 0 0 0 0 21 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1228849183 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d5dbc7b930b1f10d
2075 0 2 0 1224623902 sskrieger sskrieger $H$9pZ3urworX150MZ6o7tWE0hf0rtqMt. 1224623902 0 121395045025 1224690256 1224623902 0 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bd01cda20e108b0f
2104 0 2 0 1225223535 FilthGrinder filthgrinder $H$9U5z3N8blkZlaw7MRp9r9NRn56H33J0 1225223535 0 133957358224 1225813143 1225223535 0 viewtopic.php?f=100&t=1776 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 318ca906896fc239
2084 0 2 0 1224857654 pozzi pozzi $H$9cvhbVitZqUW/pyyZzgZGqn7SsW1C4/ 1224857654 0 -201360291218 1224859151 1224857654 0 viewtopic.php?f=96&t=1316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 48a5fd3900890ff0
2173 0 2 0 1226867994 Lemmy lemmy $H$90uAvWMS7Hj.fhyul7U0VugWcxuiDk1 1226867994 0 143455929919 11-11-1974 1231513577 1226867994 1227696408 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2399 1227659195 0 0 3 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2173_1227696577.jpg 1 80 62 Sweden 98a53cacb54f1eda
2076 0 2 0 1224669214 jimmy jimmy $H$96WjJhze4r2YDEEYG27WinwYwNUblX1 1224669214 0 70326687826 1229004164 1224669214 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&p=17150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ae1c25684f9b28b5
2081 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1224790590 Freikorp freikorp $H$9cOpc4svz5EqtEpzpAF/K5dc.jM2II. 1234295692 0 -211338265316 1- 2-1989 1236630149 1224790590 1225073294 viewforum.php?f=128 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1225073466 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Chile Studiant. Music, culture, reading, sports, cooking... ad83a5808956d4a9
2168 0 2 0 1226759699 tuzaro tuzaro $H$9rMDb0uvJqXuPKiswrBa6pCYvkigBs. 1226759699 0 175229541924 1234295464 1226759699 1226760008 posting.php?mode=smilies&f=121 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 163613e95b68d898
2425 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1232144223 14Aryan-moikku88 14aryan-moikku88 $H$95cTHfPSh8D7oc3IKmXWbTDmTIAYyK0 1232144223 0 150606244026 1236772296 1232144223 1233556798 posting.php?mode=post&f=123 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5ff35e4e0689de84
2382 0 2 0 1231355006 Blidi88 blidi88 $H$9S1dK8y/QePE3TDrCZfEohVFCBcS0i0 1231355006 0 172056313617 1235605721 1231355006 1235498078 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 09142473875835f2
2080 0 2 0 1224774073 valkyria valkyria $H$9u0G3l472kuSUktaYI4sH63TXs919k0 1224774073 0 148606798520 1235122675 1224774073 0 ucp.php?i=167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 04f601378a85eb94
2089 0 2 0 1224953718 Charlotte charlotte $H$9EkarnJiYyuYxAGFyu0EaSpj6DXDFm. 1224953718 0 57584065721 0 1224953718 1224954498 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1225189406 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a492e92eae445f3d
2332 1 2 0 1230370794 Popeye popeye $H$90LzybVvDYGFnMgdk4DGoprPS8FqHG1 1230370794 0 55655357823 0 1230370794 0 0 0 0 0 1 1230370794 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4UYBYN b4117f98f80093c7
2365 0 2 0 1231013564 krisi88 krisi88 $H$94sUXHVH21wv/Zt3b36IqJ/3J9XLYi1 1231013564 0 19568430727 1231353742 1231013564 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 da7cb8e304bf9b3e
2745 1 2 0 1237053300 maennerrat maennerrat $H$9/odlHD7BzqV3pHSKc/s3PI6rIebtB/ 1237053300 0 116279796227 0 1237053300 0 0 0 0 0 1 1237053300 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2O33KO 0dc706cc0ca8ef3c
2477 0 2 0 1233404806 oto oto $H$9X3rM4HyEw7MUh7IGQr/3PMr6OpBgP0 1233404806 0 -195013999719 1235309580 1233404806 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b5991840f56f8655
2478 0 2 0 1233408254 whitesoldierforever whitesoldierforever $H$9OVxnLLU0yDsu1gymaEqzkjQ45AOwV/ 1233408254 0 188200709727 1234305034 1233408254 0 viewtopic.php?f=132&t=2914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1ae047a21ebe1bb3
2612 1 2 0 1235586134 fdaapproved fdaapproved $H$9DaTgKDRbYM20n7lsnVmCEBG9D0Rkl0 1235586134 0 -37911007121 0 1235586134 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235586134 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5AAZ8Q 4331245c50ddcf3f
2486 1 2 0 1233559976 jklm303 jklm303 $H$9dK0zVn/GbIi.y60q8DCmqF7eFXDR41 1233559976 0 -6507293922 0 1233559976 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233559976 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4JZSKC 43ef2ef0b3aad486
2698 1 2 0 1236591186 Volksgrenadier volksgrenadier $H$99oL0hLg00qYbibj27hxDDKj.Vg6yt1 1236591186 0 -68342170424 0 1236591186 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236591186 0 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2GJ2E2 a2afba1e29b8151a
2479 0 2 0 1233424757 SkinGirl88 skingirl88 $H$9Y13l30JOIxmarMwBq26800Nwrj6aG0 1233424757 0 101495624720 1233425718 1233424757 0 memberlist.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 55f8e74aee47dee6
2734 1 2 0 1236958251 Heaccally heaccally $H$9VoeqaCJz368mBLh5s3iLm10FF19qH. 1236958251 0 -52956600319 0 1236958251 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236958251 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 44XAGV a46a7ea924b9d880
2735 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236960472 TRNU trnu $H$9oKcznHYfAD/nRkp5YNYGZwv/MzRFI/ 1236960472 0 -143081090920 1237072486 1236960472 1237072449 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 bf56387509f07ccf
2736 1 2 0 1236961167 Kenny kenny $H$9XG3EEq8sM6KYEbpiGCPgJJunInJf3. 1236961167 0 68751141521 0 1236961167 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236961167 0 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1FJWED 75f9eedb274c48d5
2679 1 2 0 1236299012 femmolly femmolly $H$9wKmciR7NjUnmap4vJQTLBSYMbotQO1 1236299012 0 197956282217 0 1236299012 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236299012 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 11RW2E a11d8b50c68200b3
2680 1 2 0 1236300306 alibighrzq alibighrzq $H$9LDeZHIp6LeFM4V9.Ftprv/iuGO2QF0 1236300306 0 -121329177820 0 1236300306 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236300306 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 BODATY 130ef8ea58331b2c
2522 0 2 0 1234291979 MichaelO michaelo $H$97hEWxD4zSILFswfw6fDAq/0U67vMi. 1234291979 0 114985249715 1234293551 1234291979 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2254&hilit=austria&start=10 1234293099 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 45c3989b6bbdda4e
2674 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236255560 Chez66uk chez66uk $H$9UL5vzkoxUMW4ktSyVJVHuPbqDBKwB. 1236255560 0 137489251920 1237048342 1236255560 1237048205 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cfe298e84f236354
2482 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1233517494 adelaar adelaar $H$9kM6qr4gSp8F5I9UTGcEOvf7y2Z63G. 1233517494 0 -30919330927 1236589217 1233517494 1233604478 ucp.php?mode=login 1233734194 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1233668827 0 -3 1233664861 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 84fce8bddf9477d4
2480 1 2 0 1233498745 Aryan Rebell aryan rebell $H$9vn393DNSEsx6EWk2avG368vgShY7B0 1233498745 0 -90084728821 0 1233498745 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233498745 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1B3J7K 01c242015ce5f64b
2481 0 2 0 1233499410 Eugenik eugenik $H$9NAPuC9U2hOfpoEfCx.YbLlj4RVtV2. 1233499410 0 -69160686826 1233500382 1233499410 0 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1330 1233499857 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1af72d69a606a124
2487 1 2 0 1233579270 frolik frolik $H$9dB6pUFS1bLUjqQ2biO.Tz2M6fX9Hm0 1233579270 0 66284641623 0 1233579270 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233579270 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3AGH47 cb7e8a713c76b82d
2678 1 2 0 1236293655 accePtannic acceptannic $H$9IZGMrBkG6a8URjPyMJzjNkuhME0Kb. 1236293655 0 -161142237621 0 1236293655 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236293655 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4UOHHQ ae00f3b53c63a123
2691 1 2 0 1236515010 videomamaya videomamaya $H$9EsiJSQzg1h8qTlAu2ewexGM8ooen3/ 1236515010 0 -64720768519 0 1236515010 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236515010 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 WT5UY2 96670904d2958a97
2741 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1237020452 Doyota5792 doyota5792 $H$9vMhHiDKNznAV.Zir0DUmZV0BXg6Pd0 1237020452 0 -45960588717 0- 0- 0 1237020697 1237020452 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2vi8g184 3222331 e2e901cba95183ca
2677 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236284125 Munkii munkii $H$9L3W96yTnifHkzDihfotnGUECjNzOB1 1236284125 0 185454194318 1236346295 1236284125 0 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=2627 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c6e67dab3de56092
2676 1 2 0 1236276704 spike69 spike69 $H$9DW4DJNjGpz3qd5DCRvP9KDhRM2iM4. 1236276704 0 -104671388324 0 1236276704 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236276704 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3H9ME5 f356fc7c819051c0
2488 0 2 0 1233612297 cyclon88 cyclon88 $H$9I.qpalhvu8XICEyUKmgdmZaUDL9Yk1 1235684306 0 78956966923 1235684726 1233612297 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 489111afc00da63a
2489 0 2 0 1233630044 Qiuene08 qiuene08 $H$987x3qqKumSQ9ZuyXuBRTt3IgeUSXw0 1233630044 0 65952019118 0- 0- 0 1235563562 1233630044 1234264187 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 us [url=http&#58;//www&#46;eing&#46;com:1910p8dx]wow gold[/url:1910p8dx] 1910p8dx EA== 86500230 020d5e37687fcf4c
2732 1 2 0 1236943427 mallorcasex mallorcasex $H$9VJqErBDSYwQva3ZgadJi1MoUzS0qh1 1236943427 0 139262259027 0 1236943427 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236943427 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 OHSTN7 fa81201f8c8b3f69
2733 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236949444 me28 me28 $H$9FsJ..6DM69YaXdMzANIlH7lSQTqPU/ 1236949444 0 -198425528924 1236950135 1236949444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a1530a24b897e2d9
2746 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1237055073 Mein treuer Heinrich mein treuer heinrich $H$93JoCHAUuEp.uADJq2QTCmlZMv2wk80 1237055073 0 206190720118 1237055928 1237055073 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=881 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b5be501c8e98458d
2747 1 2 0 1237055296 bounce79 bounce79 $H$9GZaYUtRzqw270gqfFQPITddzm91lm/ 1237055296 0 -69771860726 0 1237055296 0 0 0 0 0 1 1237055296 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 45M6OY 432fa979d54af81c
2675 1 2 0 1236261142 phochumournob phochumournob $H$9F8V30sbkEpa6KGxqnNLMbRP0FFEJ61 1236261142 0 -16125728922 0 1236261142 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236261142 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 55KH16 01c6ae314f8b0440
2490 0 2 0 1233725481 vagabund18 vagabund18 $H$9ALAttI3R3AheF54L0CpJVnwFknAPX0 1233725481 0 -88787250019 1234014789 1233725481 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2704&start=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 704dccca372009bd
2731 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236930084 qisolu694o qisolu694o $H$99C3PcC7RR0H/sWks3rJTQFoo8VZDj1 1236930084 0 114606355618 0- 0- 0 1236936341 1236930084 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1h42tixp 9991139 cc2c55a1cba84495
2515 1 2 0 1234146272 FipVabsnaibia fipvabsnaibia $H$9NyjR2LF1iSrRNSh6b5wB.6163JcN0. 1234146272 0 -92850978018 0 1234146272 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234146272 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2FVEXA 8b5357b325372d03
2491 0 2 0 1233746776 Leader leader $H$9ovp6Ngdlc8NZD9msYchWAOITWrvoe/ 1233746776 0 201023848525 1234127660 1233746776 1233769080 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2878 1233769300 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4905ede772ffdaa2
2727 1 2 0 1236905143 potenzmittelkaufen potenzmittelkaufen $H$9HFXN0r2GA65VoY6uukLcKr75C9/j20 1236905143 0 -104012083837 0 1236905143 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236905143 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1CQXMQ a12f10399b430d5f
2728 1 2 0 1236907363 Fiernepar fiernepar $H$9MtLd5f8LEYah1uHMKopGsQpMjTAXZ1 1236907363 0 -4659186220 0 1236907363 0 0 0 0 1 1 1236907363 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 IZEU1F 68eadd384ec57ea0
2729 0 2 0 1236909442 BIGE89 bige89 $H$9V2GTl4mDqrLbnFZ3i.kdI3eMbQinV/ 1236909442 0 -127702648721 1236952243 1236909442 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1311bf533ff293a1
2643 1 2 0 1235948024 JackDude jackdude $H$9AtmIGGPdru5tWdHVMwmYcooZzx4841 1235948024 0 -38986694118 0 1235948024 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235948024 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5BW4IF ab369ca68c7fd62b
2492 0 2 0 1233757277 BlitzkriegSS88 blitzkriegss88 $H$9ICqiJ7XPHuIoFG2.W9tEpIJka2YhB0 1233757277 0 -73328195826 1233758826 1233757277 0 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1895 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 9.50 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 296ab56e783c4158
2724 1 2 0 1236885918 Meeffillplogy meeffillplogy $H$9EbPOBuxojm6PY8AeV0.QUkAFbfL6w0 1236885918 0 8450220821 0 1236885918 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236885918 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4WYJDS f09db28290148d36
2725 1 2 0 1236887511 everwhite everwhite $H$9oQOqRv1nw7h8wHn/v.0/D5eal2Eha0 1236887511 0 -14804869520 0 1236887511 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236887511 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3S6E56 3db38a3714d0b8c4
2726 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236887563 welsh pride welsh pride $H$9flY3.Zt7yAr8Kz2Xp9XFb1FelVhBO1 1236887563 0 92544258614 1237057199 1236887563 0 viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b6278bc1c0e48b7a
2501 1 2 0 1233944544 businbgp businbgp $H$93B7D667lPbqOE9pO4w.snJnMm0L2d/ 1233944544 0 64626377322 0 1233944544 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233944544 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2XZ2B2 a844c210f6dee1ab
2493 0 2 0 1233764687 chins chins $H$9wCw5KKp2ou79zHwLxmg8aS1pnAt1Z1 1233764687 0 -52161840528 1233766218 1233764687 0 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1953 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6f905fddd0eda310
2722 1 2 0 1236875947 swindonboy1 swindonboy1 $H$9ln5d0kqQtQIKjufFVpKgsBbnrLQeI1 1236875947 0 -35683067120 0 1236875947 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236875947 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 HM6X61 e90219fbca2e11da
2723 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236879197 stevie stevie $H$9H5IAuIwQGTBEx8GB.LKdAPZhkXY9C/ 1236879197 0 103884872522 10- 6-1976 1237031480 1236879197 1236950527 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 2723_1236950187.jpg 1 50 50 SKINHEAD AND PROUD,FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ajpgqchz bath,england chef wolves fc,my 2 kids e98748177dad6131
2730 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236918763 llik llik $H$9JdIqaL0DnSJDIaa6sqW6usNNO3mcT0 1236918763 0 119869666622 1236919194 1236918763 0 viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8b6b50c5e8a58154
2496 0 2 0 1233829291 radikal radikal $H$9tWHBC.ru443yuZkwi//4c5KWZPWFu. 1233829291 0 203181936824 1234437114 1233829291 0 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2733 1234437972 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37a807b5afc1f0fc
2494 1 2 0 1233788397 fixeFX fixefx $H$9sI6m.rsLwbilLozxPf.UtHTOt9oNf. 1233788397 0 -173663488426 0 1233788397 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233788397 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2I7ZVF 40a7c9fd2e4ce4c1
2495 1 2 0 1233794793 Hooveupsece hooveupsece $H$9jW4Ub.YIgAO0gGu/fJKr3OJspKqzm0 1233794793 0 -1026055721 0 1233794793 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233794793 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3J5LT8 8d1f9ed5ff0c2514
2706 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236735000 defg357 defg357 $H$9yS6djdKNxcT1nSufQFiO67gN6q.AJ1 1236735000 0 -161218778921 0- 0- 0 1236735027 1236735000 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;800millions&#46;com:1czlnchf]runescape accounts[/url:1czlnchf] 1czlnchf EA== 7896456 35c6146f9e2c5035
2707 1 2 0 1236750461 abrammity abrammity $H$92AKOdGXoCMIm0L4xESbpChw5ty6o30 1236750461 0 165691312915 0 1236750461 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236750461 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2EWDPO c1a0f5b4c4e1ca43
2708 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236752901 vwxy036 vwxy036 $H$9XQcCBWRlo22iE0u5cdk5kNhUYt4DA/ 1236752901 0 75771072316 0- 0- 0 1236752944 1236752901 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;polo-shirts&#46;us:5yvfu6g1]polo shirts[/url:5yvfu6g1] 5yvfu6g1 EA== 6892707100 602bc335258c8f9b
2720 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236859211 skingirl828 skingirl828 $H$9FVCs6V51vuqAl2OHzp0Gxf5BKdFTH/ 1236859211 0 -47859519426 1236859956 1236859211 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 152b2552abd3a0cb
2497 1 2 0 1233829460 dedlyBriree dedlybriree $H$9TWs3dJqrDxvN3ghRR0eo7S8LN6jGM/ 1233829460 0 203881497225 0 1233829460 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233829460 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YHYJ2 ec6f3a222150b591
2648 1 2 0 1235992124 turistanov turistanov $H$9SXq2UHsZHgUmh75TA4zp1J0dTOGi9/ 1235992124 0 -160670257921 0 1235992124 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235992124 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 AYJO8Y 961f41fbfb6e2918
2699 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236598097 SSkin88 sskin88 $H$9CLGDwoK0E2iZSvdSt0GPrP5TNMhg/1 1236598097 0 20461178022 1236952246 1236598097 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 00c08f142aa5feb7
2498 0 2 0 1233844652 scottish101 scottish101 $H$9h.FVXP8JbioQcvg5yFujjdYfkFW7.0 1233844652 0 -47940261627 1233930634 1233844652 0 viewforum.php?f=60 1233845374 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 6d00e6d88ddde97b
2719 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236847230 Doloy4237 doloy4237 $H$9VfppJFN/0LbS52NqpqE5IeXfXP1x10 1236847230 0 175506598417 0- 0- 0 1236847865 1236847230 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1q5o39me 8999022 5f0e9ddb39be55de
2499 1 2 0 1233860656 APWWCAB 1488 apwwcab 1488 $H$933xrwNrRyjKrs5Xc0wiRcszNHG/ju/ 1233860656 0 -195015366525 0 1233860656 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233860656 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2FS1MY 1b217cc5a0b74ee9
2681 1 2 0 1236345399 dood_aan_de_makakken dood_aan_de_makakken $H$94AHNHEPWImxWmv0y8xDye7hqXk0sc. 1236345399 0 56975867426 0 1236345399 0 0 0 0 2 1 1236345399 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 369AB2 a78a0e30dfb92cb0
2500 0 2 0 1233870073 UBF ubf $H$9Y4rAvGSb28hiaWoZuvTq2YNyY37p/. 1233870073 0 122474264119 1233871449 1233870073 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 99d19cee7e5aa678
2502 1 2 0 1233973188 careandhealth careandhealth $H$9h6sWI./J9HTVPRj8EPez4aolgZq5e/ 1233973188 0 -85021547016 0 1233973188 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233973188 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 54KJO6 469fc8189a5279ab
2503 1 2 0 1233977348 epicaignasikask epicaignasikask $H$96nFKxAQb1BbIbsXFbrAtqFIQMvPFP/ 1233977348 0 -78859405928 0 1233977348 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233977348 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3UAELS 165142222a9ac52f
2504 0 2 0 1233995272 Kris kris $H$9KE4PHxKLGCFRAfh9XaxqeeJK.Dfsr/ 1233995272 0 -187782495115 1233995887 1233995272 0 viewforum.php?f=74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 727f02e90e6ab36a
2718 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236829281 whitelawtowers whitelawtowers $H$9zC714LsuXF4nDxtRSy/MQSauA4L3n. 1236829281 0 213833949028 1236829607 1236829281 0 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 de6daaaf5593f300
2505 1 2 0 1233996728 jomb3 jomb3 $H$99C6nhzzEwUHA14raFRo5h.PiDoL3B0 1233996728 0 109977317919 0 1233996728 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233996728 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2P6DSK 770509cafb260300
2506 1 2 0 1233996886 SokeUnrernden sokeunrernden $H$9poHOEgLSSsAAFy1/RyxjFKHxEiVxQ0 1233996886 0 -51319000419 0 1233996886 0 0 0 0 0 1 1233996886 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3B3CTL 0cf4b9c5aa4f4a7e
2507 0 2 0 1234005792 LondonGeeza88 londongeeza88 $H$9Pbzr0JcOUWznLGPkrq8/b1Etf3QNt0 1234005792 0 180160149221 1234111753 1234005792 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2704&start=30 1234025180 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 98d272caf4f73d17
2717 1 2 0 1236824472 swittilidix swittilidix $H$9u/pxjjk0d06ZqtIRFRmYQrDZjxEbQ/ 1236824472 0 -85556431035 0 1236824472 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236824472 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2PGMPY e1e1723660c08935
2609 1 2 0 1235492034 HarryBoda harryboda $H$9.k0.HSuvjzRv7fgnvg/XVyURF72mi1 1235492034 0 183238018518 0 1235492034 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235492034 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1IV5XR 8bd313c111331855
2508 1 2 0 1234014488 EnhadyVah enhadyvah $H$9MVA9EvE/kSfrkMXplvFvK.eqiBHdr/ 1234014488 0 121425020120 0 1234014488 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234014488 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 16AHI8 1594ce77e5ca92b0
2509 1 2 0 1234016047 ImipiemogeD imipiemoged $H$91OJHSMM5t8YrQRvZGZyq8ZNDzi76Z0 1234016047 0 -29551294319 0 1234016047 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234016047 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 WJUFNX 4555414d95a6bf27
2510 1 2 0 1234059285 fantomspbru fantomspbru $H$9ecyZqt2tjnDWKHyiGDBwiGXl8x5BT0 1234059285 0 -117951869019 0 1234059285 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234059285 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37DLYP 3d920a02c8bcfad1
2511 1 2 0 1234064170 corpotsun corpotsun $H$9aFRAhsJ.YvoUANsUCjbmGq.kSKFm0. 1234064170 0 -192373355923 0 1234064170 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234064170 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1FHWSS c4b4a213e20353b8
2513 0 2 0 1234128090 pouchirory pouchirory $H$9EJR0CN7eAYYe6CEZpzRVOq.0jJlJ90 1234128090 0 -166308136720 1234128379 1234128090 0 viewtopic.php?f=67&t=13&start=2770 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f24d4689027142c1
2713 1 2 0 1236797077 WhitePole whitepole $H$9.R7FpIGSXRNtIOExoun46lTQK54Dx1 1236797077 0 52218109924 0 1236797077 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236797077 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 37WDC8 6edce52bfa953746
2714 1 2 0 1236797092 Cenoopike cenoopike $H$9m97uGuITQ/EFKmRVrluio9VKT5sbL0 1236797092 0 156972548421 0 1236797092 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236797092 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3T8NLR 735214159fb95051
2721 1 2 0 1236864763 top top $H$9B8vT96rvDCChaQReflGdtH9BRC7e7/ 1236864763 0 171235359413 0 1236864763 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236864763 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1B15SI 0057b2fb7d2c4b94
2715 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236821127 Reaperman reaperman $H$9wRF.ssde3373dZIBf97udN4K9ch9V. 1236821127 0 196386861820 1236831347 1236821127 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 29baecd595e75e3c
2716 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236821823 Skull88 skull88 $H$92UGR0AIoTGaK.qxxnY142ZSxkNGVS1 1236821823 0 171238600129 1236944777 1236821823 1236822589 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1363&start=20 2YSQWTA9T4 1236822717 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 567f4586bd01ef36
2512 1 2 0 1234124254 rotoBrainny rotobrainny $H$9TvNJQnmuNrxoHq4DlsBVMaTaNTsZo. 1234124254 0 201991581825 0 1234124254 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234124254 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2IM4FL 3cf52d219df01bb5
2514 1 2 0 1234135446 eroticsprevatsl eroticsprevatsl $H$9XJjNurMG7FfP6/3CavndUUIHk2yn31 1234135446 0 -206877527230 0 1234135446 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234135446 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 F56L1R 2058c2af0fac81f8
2535 0 2 0 1234497089 maddogbff maddogbff $H$9RkU8fb8994.l7mT9X4T8JIzZiH50r/ 1234497089 0 187519807319 1235348151 1234497089 1234497207 viewtopic.php?f=71&t=437 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5004409e66aa1ee9
2516 1 2 0 1234153684 jourbusc jourbusc $H$9806gE7voT9sjgL9Ngyn6UUoYtvof21 1234153684 0 -6427023520 0 1234153684 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234153684 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4A2NWH c4307be4fb3337f3
2517 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1234208579 Aryan_Soldier_88 aryan_soldier_88 $H$9gSEf40R0xfTU2h/aS9aJoDNVbONFu1 1234208579 0 -187167991429 9- 7-1988 1236649213 1234208579 1235453619 viewforum.php?f=120 1KZD4PTZ6H 1234234341 0 0 0 0 0 17 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 2517_1235406115.gif 1 50 50 I act according to the mind of the Almighty Creator in taking up the struggle against the Jews. I am fighting for the work of the Lord. Adolf Hitler 1w91nls6 Kentucky Aryan_Soldier_14_88 Working Hard For My Race White Power 2bc03a3402bd5571
2519 1 2 0 1234247513 Lilleuese lilleuese $H$9x.i6c9GN/iEMK00tGOoZ/KDiIOL9A0 1234247513 0 10077128919 0 1234247513 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234247513 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1I4COJ 55d3cb8d9ad43f8b
2518 1 2 0 1234233287 dingodongoo dingodongoo $H$9KC9vb1dy10jWqJoeIBoM8lpIZj0BG. 1234233287 0 204085057027 0 1234233287 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234233287 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4LNRDA 28a7c05142f0dba0
2520 0 2 0 1234270893 hess88 hess88 $H$9NAUhnPYI6khWY8hGlqSioJ3uGWfFn0 1234270893 0 -185772822221 1235741821 1234270893 1234271591 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2942 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3f6f8dc8bc855077
2521 0 2 0 1234271025 hunter24 hunter24 $H$9wT8yTPOiatE3OinySHITMJ6WDVdvs0 1234271025 0 180973965824 1234273255 1234271025 0 viewtopic.php?f=100&t=1865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 24c118ee1eaf95f9
2705 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236715372 dolfke88 dolfke88 $H$9htia47LzxD12lYClSV6Hzl1RPGg0t. 1236715372 0 50635639118 1236716488 1236715372 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1236716114 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7c26816124204b76
2692 1 2 0 1236527522 avtomotoslalom avtomotoslalom $H$97b9nfrN5XoboTYA.hraUJEUvNeLMJ0 1236527522 0 -182977836624 0 1236527522 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236527522 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3YLYBP ddecfb7f7cc65120
2693 1 2 0 1236537476 Tusaniator tusaniator $H$9eFI2MYeaHAwwaJfvOutfvDXOjp3.n1 1236537476 0 43711390419 0 1236537476 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236537476 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1EU8RZ ee1c33ab0748c7ca
2703 1 2 0 1236638770 ROBFRERNE robfrerne $H$9smPnCAvtYyryxOqPIPfOgPpOPI.Cy1 1236638770 0 124974862023 0 1236638770 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236638770 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 LOQCYT 793dcb3897131865
2694 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236542538 dennus88 dennus88 $H$9lSG/Jq3DsMJ.0I5gVImiVpZrxDZZT. 1236542538 0 -191971157018 1236628558 1236542538 1236628520 viewtopic.php?f=133&t=3118&p=20620 55STKK8WO8 1236543515 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 881bdcc041529905
2618 1 2 0 1235612124 thatsbettersa thatsbettersa $H$96WAlKryOx4B9h0sMgvyfnpUPDL/21. 1235612124 0 -180908511120 0 1235612124 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235612124 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3BXCZP ce77e9ea7ee16361
2737 1 2 0 1236965044 gareundubab gareundubab $H$9s1wWoowVGVmHrvnBuabVDCWJ/8OFH1 1236965044 0 -137827929223 0 1236965044 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236965044 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3BUZPI efa89825bb8aad33
2738 1 2 0 1236967740 TahWhisse tahwhisse $H$9VjEhhmaYfP8Fbl/19mblW8Ji1jALv0 1236967740 0 -151288774428 0 1236967740 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236967740 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4TGZEX f84d33d31b1e9b80
2529 0 2 0 1234363830 in4eto_lsfc in4eto_lsfc $H$9cY/MVXR24/7EVzF24CpnaO.w1F7Bm/ 1234363830 0 54179990518 1234364398 1234363830 0 posting.php?mode=reply&f=125&t=2312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -2.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7efe74d5110c27f5
2523 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1234309227 patriot08 patriot08 $H$9ZivYUYJAxc86tYVdSWWE1sQ5KrzNg. 1234309227 0 27570826031 1236856419 1234309227 0 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3121 1234309543 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 355a2ea13fcb5bd4
2524 1 2 0 1234317322 KWP kwp $H$9FGBT2C3ofmrg4Nv.gbfvn.QziiFad1 1234317322 0 -82036603523 0 1234317322 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234317322 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 12V4TE 1bd7534f1ff95ff2
2532 0 2 0 1234413037 brotheraron brotheraron $H$9xdc9kAMvX7C1Cio1XZ0ECGAhKlO3H0 1234413037 0 -101131893022 1234415484 1234413037 0 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=2916 1234414639 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a5373cf0645a2a94
2689 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236491183 hijk583 hijk583 $H$99i5CGTKEOTpKSUWw/l1FG71TDgB6Q/ 1236491183 0 -24365575620 0- 0- 0 1236491222 1236491183 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;12hot&#46;com/:26lowc8x]tattoo[/url:26lowc8x] 26lowc8x EA== 233361128 8e96640e3e649c44
2525 1 2 0 1234333862 musiclover musiclover $H$9CKm5R.VlSn3JIg4TZ/wXYDFJDLk8v1 1234333862 0 -76321687219 0 1234333862 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234333862 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1BQ3BD a3da290a96ffe090
2526 1 2 0 1234349512 imhraabas imhraabas $H$9AcxahdGej2.s5/PC3mDBgQR6b6i01/ 1234349512 0 -160465745917 0 1234349512 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234349512 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 WLWHN1 44f7f9ddc32860e3
2531 0 2 0 1234394452 barnetloyal barnetloyal $H$9UGi/U.I0wbgRTRL8JhR652UrdSd7Q/ 1234394452 0 63946738423 1236104675 1234394452 0 1234619654 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8e4efdb83dfe6945
2527 0 2 0 1234352978 pain pain $H$9G4W2nVpC.Q1ikbvCLTCam6QJUiodI0 1234352978 0 61786302614 1235991124 1234352978 1234848963 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2538 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f90176818356bd75
2528 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1234356767 Lady-of-88lcs88 lady-of-88lcs88 $H$9OmT/YZUTnoY2p8v6.5y6VKn/pupWJ. 1234356767 0 -115803702325 1236980112 1234356767 1236620660 viewforum.php?f=26 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2528_1234379362.jpg 1 66 90 0338e8b601bfd730
2593 1 2 0 1235278754 Luliestere luliestere $H$9XuXSYnoZQJbwPhl4wc72xulXGoZKC0 1235278754 0 -137759611721 0 1235278754 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235278754 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 GUQJ36 6f13c08dcf7e90e8
2530 1 2 0 1234365446 grobokopatelsto grobokopatelsto $H$9cuzzBzbbddJR0koqxYjUS41yaXjMr/ 1234365446 0 -9768655530 0 1234365446 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234365446 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 35X2KI 002d0d4464246559
2704 1 2 0 1236681706 warewolf00 warewolf00 $H$9Wu1z70HOIaFthndWl2dEm3ed3Mbxb/ 1236681706 0 -45310327330 0 1236681706 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236681706 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 QBZC2K 4f566c897ba2f78f
2712 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236785197 RaceWarComing racewarcoming $H$9Ka.80e33hscLqZLEbz.XbQrF7Lexs1 1236785197 0 -34586717527 1236936878 1236785197 1236936890 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5c52abe29cb6ce4f
2589 0 2 0 1235217234 legija legija $H$9sQVhzETw3Y1QieEDqURlqvpomcEMb. 1235217234 0 -3516262620 0- 0- 0 1236093176 1235217234 0 viewforum.php?f=24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Varaždin 44197f241f2dc551
2540 0 2 0 1234576384 Gjemle gjemle $H$9dguFaJKICL7obVwjmnIUsTI648aUk. 1234576384 0 109065564818 1234577546 1234576384 0 viewtopic.php?f=74&t=2407 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5fa6a1dffa3b6c74
2534 1 2 0 1234474053 doysellandfa doysellandfa $H$9eJwEo6ILSCWOcNLNdzsJ1z0ssbryn1 1234474053 0 175291296724 0 1234474053 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234474053 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3MFGYU 84e3a7d40cd6c3a0
2709 1 2 0 1236753756 cipamygiegree cipamygiegree $H$9cPeuIJtS5kCX627U3ueAyNlr0cx.z. 1236753756 0 79818807623 0 1236753756 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236753756 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3WOOXD 6e678cf774a847d0
2710 1 2 0 1236757601 Acammaskync acammaskync $H$9ZdjteXOjQMP4lVuIAZ77EXxIV/fP00 1236757601 0 151336810322 0 1236757601 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236757601 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 16TG3F 6a1c33109933352e
2711 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236773322 Chopper88/77 chopper88/77 $H$9mmOfcaQmFa32pAky1FTRwtliclUBt/ 1236773322 0 -64172963325 1236773888 1236773322 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b86730908edef879
2536 1 2 0 1234514501 Vitticeacroft vitticeacroft $H$95TJW3NDwew5wpW5Jvg6dgoS/s2Tyq0 1234514501 0 65304210930 0 1234514501 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234514501 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5EX9WO 9a33c35cb14ea8fa
2702 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236621836 Wewelsass18 wewelsass18 $H$9O9qEMh8W626Y5F6.j4fCKepulAzkw. 1236621836 0 101265574218 1236622364 1236621836 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 65a957cc61824aca
2537 1 2 0 1234523799 LellHeedo lellheedo $H$9jNF9uQLl2HJPcrR2M6rKO/oCjUrXX0 1234523799 0 -176395583017 0 1234523799 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234523799 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1JMOVF 805ee920a45756db
2538 0 2 0 1234524542 Key key $H$9lafTyHQeFW5IwUlxZJrh6qO.jB.DD/ 1234524542 0 193053654614 1234524752 1234524542 0 viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e1c42cd3e89495ee
2539 0 2 0 1234526072 Ostdeutscher ostdeutscher $H$94d6f3zBSGdTzuAeHJ.V1FZYGR0vdi1 1234526072 0 -201072478527 1234526909 1234526072 1234526904 viewtopic.php?f=125&t=2969 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 291e564e9076dc83
2695 1 2 0 1236568511 monikashita monikashita $H$9on8WGZ.rIsI0rYHli6vP5o7SRGMMo0 1236568511 0 119834272829 0 1236568511 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236568511 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1JKTTV 5148786ba50fd2a1
2701 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236615759 mcmigy88 mcmigy88 $H$9nzEsZn/Oqfue2Yuk6tvVZ0cDj4vGT1 1236615759 0 -4919686416 11- 9-1987 1236616653 1236615759 0 ucp.php?i=168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 WARRINGTON 460689763 689af33266b3b578
2541 1 2 0 1234578382 AliseCarter alisecarter $H$9yz0R.zJbeuRN9Kjs0/m7ecFqVmPVL. 1234578382 0 -859714022 0 1234578382 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234578382 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4LIT4R 07da1e0b5ee19318
2542 0 2 0 1234597347 patrick1922 patrick1922 $H$90Co3YvjTFWY.L2oD66TeeyOUh4vwz0 1234597347 0 -78002054724 1234597561 1234597347 0 search.php?keywords=ZAHAL&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 07adc48a50169e44
2543 1 2 0 1234597887 lenkannnodin lenkannnodin $H$98ff6taxq/EzZsl8rSDHhs05gBtu8t/ 1234597887 0 -150305530324 0 1234597887 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234597887 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 57H1KV 19a4a6da9a174913
2544 1 2 0 1234611203 Hyhodolof hyhodolof $H$9arO7HikcUMRNjcKIVzF5rKc2Pi3pB0 1234611203 0 65009136821 0 1234611203 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234611203 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1JEXAW 9c906f279e12b746
2580 0 2 0 1235099010 uuuio013 uuuio013 $H$9zR3i.V1s8vCZN/gflrO/BMv2k15UI0 1235099010 0 -195718897417 0- 0- 0 1236601186 1235099010 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 gojkd6z8 5745755 640e774e8e610169
2545 1 2 0 1234641719 guliverhellgh guliverhellgh $H$9Vnh/JMwowEimwdWAcvQANO9IojTUm/ 1234641719 0 -150631242321 0 1234641719 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234641719 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1P594L a4bdaa29f0253923
2742 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1237022916 Addertand addertand $H$97wb4UGDKPUWX8uI99M2AVwXWgxXm50 1237022916 0 19647708322 1237057723 1237022916 1237023656 viewtopic.php?f=33&t=671 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 35dca6dadfb0e6c2
2549 1 2 0 1234774389 illinoysuhg illinoysuhg $H$9ebcTUSjUdAJUCCLsWRyCG72pSRgYg. 1234774389 0 178273601919 0 1234774389 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234774389 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3WO3IQ c1f6480e34b5e5d4
2565 0 2 0 1234906996 ragman ragman $H$9wu5Y6y8ziwNQ23aiqRHBtSj78wb47. 1234906996 0 -183473151822 1235172045 1234906996 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=1892 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 1235171697 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 27e3c5597b76024e
2546 0 2 0 1234713099 malinwa18 malinwa18 $H$9RQD2NEmZOtBGKXrZ6.biKe/dXmpih1 1234713099 0 130768474221 1234713682 1234713099 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 63e8562f6b234443
2700 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236604600 rstu067 rstu067 $H$9l3HmN2z7CwcqcPeilfmqiBvQ0f5dF. 1236604600 0 -76987690021 0- 0- 0 1236604837 1236604600 1236604831 posting.php?mode=reply&f=38&t=1017 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 All is possible! e33v4cbl 245848755 ac8a282233653a21
2547 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1234715716 turbo turbo $H$9PaXGsmJ3byHkmUHRxspxyiLzmbjYn. 1234715716 0 53643385629 1236956559 1234715716 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f211817cf7521d6c
2696 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236577638 Gossioii6 gossioii6 $H$96VEe4R9lXs9Lyz6Xnd8XpSn8HuZ0U/ 1236577638 0 -118860673918 0- 0- 0 1236604533 1236577638 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 q054gmjb 33559000 cfc31ee3877e7273
2548 1 2 0 1234718722 VicDovbysh vicdovbysh $H$9F4VpioopESkFl2RCRn1/KKUvsvoHV1 1234718722 0 139287593023 0 1234718722 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234718722 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2O9519 874fd03e5f84af82
2587 1 2 0 1235192423 MEDscleros medscleros $H$90zjHSX/Zjh0QTxSHzTkNmAQ2Jn0lG0 1235192423 0 -157859518923 0 1235192423 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235192423 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 22MH1X 631d1cbaf168bd82
2550 0 2 0 1234775213 BENDominique bendominique $H$9eju1XAlBFbxGF3WeJP3NI9bGLQPQ/0 1234775213 0 188641619329 0 1234775213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -4.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fd967a8a0e5ed3a9
2553 0 2 0 1234818868 lionlice lionlice $H$9WnhyxvIp0QzOP.kpjYTub5udBfhIf. 1234818868 0 -111827514424 1234819854 1234818868 0 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ae0922da854b98d3
2557 1 2 0 1234848447 Bluepicle bluepicle $H$9cccjcILLIdGVhwxR.gQdi4QCDzl8P1 1234848447 0 -68100864516 0 1234848447 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234848447 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YADTB b1c4b072f4277dda
2551 0 2 0 1234800862 anonimo anonimo $H$9HF0NEebZWV/JNKYhI4iuNvF4XlTm3. 1234800862 0 -45356254425 1234801794 1234800862 0 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2763 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 97ac4bf3428c1b0e
2552 1 2 0 1234813591 BarraMocco barramocco $H$9Xsjf7JWB8OQabm3rNOM4PVQ1rwRQh. 1234813591 0 -90867367720 0 1234813591 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234813591 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1M9J6F a64d96133694ed24
2554 0 2 0 1234823583 NonkelSimon nonkelsimon $H$9aJPx7wb26W3yUXeapUB7laG43f1.D/ 1234823583 0 -154591067823 1234823758 1234823583 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 61a6c3bc24b0e823
2555 1 2 0 1234823860 CardOfferstOnlyNow cardofferstonlynow $H$9PjQE2gT/qVSaZGc1Oq9nGsLhYJ02d0 1234823860 0 -192192196619 0 1234823860 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234823860 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2R2VAS e65190d795219355
2556 0 2 0 1234837852 ForEngland forengland $H$9.NeLKWGOBQ01O82ZR68QZ9S6F0ZQu/ 1234837852 0 -165764318628 1234881627 1234837852 0 viewtopic.php?f=60&t=2793 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e6c09c1898298a38
2558 1 2 0 1234854825 ToittyCrity toittycrity $H$9uUu1qSnf3J8UhevRxgWnuwAtSU3kU/ 1234854825 0 -98348481117 0 1234854825 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234854825 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 TFPRHJ 1ccb272580bd29cb
2559 1 2 0 1234861873 psypeJeme psypejeme $H$9ectPCOC0YgoUb5sADGTWXuEkORIby0 1234861873 0 48716902317 0 1234861873 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234861873 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 XWEDFV c901cf629fd20de0
2560 0 2 0 1234868928 SS nick ss nick $H$9HwBaCSzVJI7h7038jXr4AnmyHLiCR/ 1234868928 0 49250889019 1234869164 1234868928 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8eef13f7f8a53b88
2561 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1234881194 P_Kraft p_kraft $H$9DTa6u.lmQueL/onsNlzHFAz0iXW7b1 1234881194 0 21951387122 1236461670 1234881194 1235879306 1235247776 0 0 0 0 0 6 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2561_1234885112.jpg 1 90 90 Arbeite du für den Sieg! <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> 2nst6jof 05113e4b7e5fec92
2562 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1234887611 JohnnyRebell johnnyrebell $H$9DCClFRkKcA1aXaesHOvyZ3h3ME2Qz. 1234887611 0 110850941219 1236966720 1234887611 0 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=3044 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 baed839fc72bb363
2563 0 2 0 1234896537 SKINGIRL ines skingirl ines $H$9S6TspD8q0dmfeRNyM9TVk0pibUgPS/ 1234896538 0 167684899218 2- 2-1992 1235207119 1234896538 1234897561 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=74 1234960874 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 2563_1234897416.jpg 1 60 80 415712072 9849659e91138609
2688 1 2 0 1236447212 johniitunes johniitunes $H$9zOR49XhkdfYxCTnPD3rjPTDUXqW6y. 1236447212 0 -135330541919 0 1236447212 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236447212 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1TP1BL 81aca06472720924
2564 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1234901343 nuluone nuluone $H$9N74xqWgBH9jXUTt9MmACFE/TaZt4e/ 1234901343 0 -198825788917 1236976035 1234901343 1236805448 viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3001&p=19916&hilit=merchandise 4H56BDKFN7 1236805616 0 0 0 0 0 3 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 7ffa0880d0a78d6d
2569 0 2 0 1234993995 JJvB jjvb $H$9Skr224a01qwsNyAvfihGqRu4avUuA1 1234993995 0 -133307614521 1236185516 1234993995 1236185501 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=63 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b868b509b4f9c338
2697 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236586717 English_Aryan english_aryan $H$9tiwl23zFSqkzsA6BIsC.fhmGSbKvb1 1236586717 0 140984662625 1236785126 1236586717 1236785097 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ae030cee03e3616d
2566 0 2 0 1234914374 alice_in_wonderland alice_in_wonderland $H$98qu2rxiwqxPayD9dRYNcRD6xAPby61 1234914374 0 70734897923 6-12-1993 1236180659 1234914374 1234965583 index.php 1234914958 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1234971485 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 129b26d48a181237
2567 0 2 0 1234933505 bcde523 bcde523 $H$9E1mHw6sOIMGdCbFsiqtA1J0vvhgCQ0 1234933505 0 165997893918 0- 0- 0 1236334159 1234933505 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 [url=http&#58;//www&#46;agoodic&#46;com/:2clcvj0f]China wholesale phone[/url:2clcvj0f] 2clcvj0f EA== 0000000 f72e54b06ec20acb
2686 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236416002 giant skinhead giant skinhead $H$9LnltjR/lFqSMMFUtg15v9lYHG0RRb1 1236416002 0 202452381625 1237014604 1236416002 1236425379 ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox 1236425148 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236502424 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 52f0326a72a36d20
2690 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236510138 Volkssturm volkssturm $H$9pyTWz794rvcbtPbUH7Zdjxx16Iibu/ 1236510138 0 -20402207521 1236510369 1236510138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 468703f82149c61c
2568 1 2 0 1234934622 SendGobePon sendgobepon $H$9C.rqsuwiUatCypMEVdMY5pm2lRAyE/ 1234934622 0 78795305622 0 1234934622 0 0 0 0 0 1 1234934622 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3JFRUE db7f5b1c649d48e7
2687 1 2 0 1236436523 Tauffpari tauffpari $H$9gE/cnz6zOmYv/bBS5HRJxXZArvXiR/ 1236436523 0 -159216955225 0 1236436523 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236436523 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4HNTQU b37211a265826378
2610 0 2 0 1235525091 ruprecht ruprecht $H$9s86o/UwtXuWehyc7CWyibFBQ2jzIM0 1235525091 0 118081707322 1235525694 1235525091 0 viewonline.php 1235525544 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 41a61e80a5d63e68
2611 1 2 0 1235580720 Crew28-Netherlands crew28-netherlands $H$9bSWLqWawmwajOB0FuAjAjmRbfb4V/. 1235580720 0 -134486564116 0 1235580720 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235580720 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 EHJZP8 e905a3a136eeb769
2744 1 2 0 1237051215 terre de france terre de france $H$9b9dZNxTUJaC/zuK6RHuzcipeqZqlE1 1237051215 0 -30252140822 0 1237051215 0 0 0 0 0 1 1237051215 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 53F9B9 bf7938e6e8aec369
2749 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1237072272 qwpx qwpx $H$9ZUJNJU6urgwJ9QgW5VZg823LFjezl0 1237072272 0 -56457059217 1237074392 1237072272 0 1237073981 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 afad73c6c2299e6c
2573 1 2 0 1235034875 Seesmethy seesmethy $H$9B3TnTB8dxLDxfe5zE2HBXkz2YhX3b0 1235034875 0 102809903823 0 1235034875 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235034875 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3WS9TK 49850536e0f05978
2598 0 2 0 1235346534 PoisonIvy poisonivy $H$9YhBNd5AVrjHfhgDuJLlG/l39fbsPh0 1235346534 0 -18694563220 1235433227 1235346534 0 viewtopic.php?f=35&t=792 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 da94b10c59f44f3e
2570 0 2 0 1235009205 Yougssio01 yougssio01 $H$9nCpMWtTEQUdI1EGW3SwQaQitowekF0 1235009205 0 27293584718 0- 0- 0 1236931322 1235009205 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2uwf1c0b 7867867 63ae744d2c207abe
2571 1 2 0 1235025988 Neagmaaffok neagmaaffok $H$9q.orKnTFnjUA9PXOKmGdU4PXiSvgw0 1235025988 0 -73403060716 0 1235025988 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235025988 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2UUC8G 0df3fe6e8561e4a3
2572 0 2 0 1235030087 wlash wlash $H$92VlxWNW.nOsaeIxU/CqpzEh.LBt1/1 1235030087 0 41991510812 1235030400 1235030087 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b60650d63ff4f1b7
2576 0 2 0 1235072390 jig jig $H$9.aaAMOgZ33Y2axsh860yiUIOg5ac61 1235072390 0 -193066742822 1235073920 1235072390 0 viewforum.php?f=113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 25f3a2bebe13e8f3
2574 0 2 0 1235048219 Projectyle projectyle $H$90wYu1WRCCckaDnS/QHUSVC5pyx8oT1 1235048219 0 203558185216 1235050231 1235048219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56baeb0c8be84216
2591 1 2 0 1235244733 ApplyForAcardToday applyforacardtoday $H$9TlW9AX.KAmrfMWlPyY7dJkdKinSeW. 1235244733 0 70919663419 0 1235244733 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235244733 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4EAN46 ffe1f93854e19914
2575 0 2 0 1235050042 gfd33 gfd33 $H$9X1MsdXkWWUA89aSlkLmRXitRdAntK/ 1235050042 0 -75834748417 0 1235050042 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1e7dd56e41b65acb
2623 0 2 0 1235680527 AdolfHitler adolfhitler $H$9Mbr4rDy/VapgS0BVCiwD79d9xS2zP0 1235680527 0 170073583717 1235681318 1235680527 0 viewtopic.php?f=130&t=767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a195b12dc12c4d9b
2577 0 2 0 1235073029 Humungus humungus $H$9ZVllleDeA0jJLbVQ.1IAhEXTQsrbj1 1235073029 0 130309777919 1235140919 1235073029 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en -6.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cdbcce0f8ac86468
2684 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236376784 miss 88 miss 88 $H$9CDCl7ekbruwUd0xRK2qS5AZD4alEZ/ 1236376784 0 50154759019 25-11-1991 1237026537 1236376784 1236952029 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3095 1237026289 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 2684_1236441932.jpg 1 47 47 [b:r4w2us1m]Meine Ehre heisst Treue[/b:r4w2us1m] r4w2us1m QA== france (nord) student in Belgium 8c33bf774613f625
2579 0 2 0 1235088719 FFG ffg $H$9QYnL5PErZo9WQmJUcWcdB57MSuKRQ/ 1235088719 0 115955406029 1235089380 1235088719 0 viewforum.php?f=99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fa6b440c55329663
2578 1 2 0 1235083352 Tiffabnorttit tiffabnorttit $H$9WG.n1qNHK08K/qK4LnsefuWoSj7iG0 1235083352 0 175331475731 0 1235083352 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235083352 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YL4TG 06c408d3b2dfa0c6
2582 1 2 0 1235118568 a28 a28 $H$9pcp8JbYu9fvtFW1BYiYRysNXzYIiz0 1235118568 0 156020910420 0 1235118568 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235118568 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 57VUC3 4325d67e803c5b70
2739 1 2 0 1236983869 Attedsoppog attedsoppog $H$9PNMA1RgCxuhkuQspAaaMt/y7mFhW/0 1236983869 0 195786407323 0 1236983869 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236983868 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 16GGK3 f56f543539d04ded
2740 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236994768 S.H.A.R.P SHOOTER s.h.a.r.p shooter $H$92wd1pJDvQFeoi5DSi3i4yg2WKWln21 1236994768 0 -35467650126 0- 0- 0 1237000116 1236994768 1236998016 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3146 1236998099 0 0 0 0 0 1 en -8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 2740_1236996236.jpg 1 70 70 'No longer will weaklings rule the White Man by lies and deceit,but,the warrior will make his comeback and rule by strengh,honesty and love for his race.' -Ian Stuart Donaldson- R.O.A 27rir0p4 OREGON 7ff5a281e027b89e
2583 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235122903 kamnik_28 kamnik_28 $H$9Ga78B5Yr.G4ibt2Idz17u.tyUMhx5. 1235122903 0 -111040570120 1236954447 1235122903 1236797074 viewforum.php?f=38 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9b4749e110d5633a
2590 0 2 0 1235229098 joeytje joeytje $H$9g7kbELBwRBo7KLEAGdLGMoakz4PQf0 1235229098 0 -121888302430 1235230116 1235229098 0 viewforum.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3bb131469ff6fa19
2584 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235144339 honour honour $H$9TR5VrElEzRoDp6bq4n8t.KHXWlbEx1 1235144339 0 -178209353029 1237061201 1235144339 1237024123 memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=73 1235326829 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1237042597 0 -3 1236940216 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4905d80ba9857463
2585 0 2 0 1235159823 waegeman rolf waegeman rolf $H$9KNCkMIVCVDwfYQjZnvawc9kUFyu9D/ 1235159823 0 4932288524 0 1235159823 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 b0406731d148d2c3
2586 1 2 0 1235177316 Pevyvelield pevyvelield $H$9CqkUqDdD3VtKMpAppx9E9v/.uM7Gb0 1235177316 0 -145119913323 0 1235177316 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235177316 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4WERFB 5f4b6afc5b19b35d
2682 1 2 0 1236362262 AngelinaAkerman angelinaakerman $H$9XNoKRWFr0BZ8SfOq7i64UW7Cmu9Mp/ 1236362262 0 -194413080225 0 1236362262 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236362262 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4EO3LI ba25fc9f0223ce61
2588 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235212683 ibrox1873 ibrox1873 $H$9JhYJEcfBl9JuxoDMzYv3h3j3aAqwt. 1235212683 0 -60610016923 1236413911 1235212683 0 viewforum.php?f=118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 43bd9b67e0553970
2683 1 2 0 1236372911 biggirish08 biggirish08 $H$9eomnXnK7YfhSbX7kbSYkc.mgKgMXv/ 1236372911 0 140674579521 0 1236372911 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236372911 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 RNR32P ef426d2d622c045a
2592 0 2 0 1235249148 jonny_bs_lfc jonny_bs_lfc $H$9sTZLW9WzZNjGeCYCeIpn9zQt2etjL0 1235249148 0 91170940226 1235249592 1235249148 0 viewforum.php?f=3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc0cc03a2ec58a57
2595 0 2 0 1235334875 Act of vengeance act of vengeance $H$9UqI4nxBXPO3jtdEKfw36LoikgGjXD. 1235334875 0 115465261421 1235335204 1235334875 0 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f4423b9afa97e17a
2634 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235855452 dragec88 dragec88 $H$9wPTfcXeLWGmJkqlMlvlphSUmc36qd. 1235855452 0 -1630458425 1236959464 1235855452 0 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=881 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 c0ebe61951f94d87
2594 0 2 0 1235318369 spiderskin88 spiderskin88 $H$9flCl3T/xgS.6ir38pF9n80S.OkOFu/ 1235318369 0 140428389920 1235319212 1235318369 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2837 1235319112 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 a2d32bac3272824d
2596 1 2 0 1235338615 wouddineedutt wouddineedutt $H$9HP.WHinVHOeFx32TVCLbr.WTRfsoL1 1235338615 0 -70739399620 0 1235338615 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235338615 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 GDP6NM a5988f304101afb7
2597 1 2 0 1235340564 toveapofede toveapofede $H$9ovr3bJgHYrITf5TpHsK1g/sPdPiYN. 1235340564 0 186217793522 0 1235340564 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235340564 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3O5LAZ ccc688cd94144f9c
2685 1 2 0 1236400576 Meargestast meargestast $H$9BiYj7MUy.JG66x7zzGmBiSt55JyXH. 1236400576 0 185503881819 0 1236400576 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236400576 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 17S9LK 4bdcac509f36ce50
2748 1 2 0 1237064982 MillsHaverly millshaverly $H$ 1237064982 0 -113286596924 0 1237064982 0 0 0 0 0 1 1237064982 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5AYKKM c44c7ed9152344cd
2602 1 2 0 1235409733 SoreGrato soregrato $H$9JUzMziqOydENf3VZ51VbjdkRb9Ybo. 1235409733 0 181914209112 0 1235409733 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235409733 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3VIJ7L adf8b4ec73980e00
2599 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235393372 Spider83 spider83 $H$9kHuL48jWMlOMPKQ.o4QQnbUHe7A6I. 1235393372 0 195649095223 1236267163 1235393372 1236266829 1236015511 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2599_1235393626.jpg 1 70 70 [i:15e96mvg]Virginia's Finest[/i:15e96mvg] 15e96mvg JA== a9a45ec7ad45bc04
2600 1 2 0 1235403171 Plestabseby plestabseby $H$93vefg293DprXROidimo6GcmzWN/fb. 1235403171 0 74261359129 0 1235403171 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235403171 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1GYOYQ 033cbb48ef66da0c
2601 1 2 0 1235403538 skactlmng skactlmng $H$90/Q8CKTPc6GWNHZdGvtwSEr2ZeWen0 1235403538 0 -28217415016 0 1235403538 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235403538 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4MK1LQ 3472846105f783cd
2603 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235416721 Dani828 dani828 $H$9EweJQKrPGYzZBhfGzElx3k7gMAIy61 1235416721 0 201579021621 1236712846 1235416721 0 index.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d000ddae23cdaa39
2614 0 2 0 1235597194 FuckTheSociety fuckthesociety $H$9jlyUZ9rBWdDjPv5R/cy9C99fgWZpN/ 1235597194 0 79276024016 1235751641 1235597194 0 1235751588 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 ba868603dd3f968c
2604 1 2 0 1235450575 helginh helginh $H$9HBf.PY/uzQZtLzEXEbF4VbT2R6cJq/ 1235450575 0 143491433318 0 1235450575 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235450575 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5FY8ZR c8921508f3f80665
2656 0 2 0 1236051741 Poero0201 poero0201 $H$9KBGLyRNeI813F.m4h6/IeEhVzW1n00 1236051741 0 -95528606918 0- 0- 0 1236052133 1236051741 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2fgx57ff 3339911 3b723ff68542ef95
2605 1 2 0 1235458675 gohetastoma gohetastoma $H$9JW7ypXJFFGgelbIHRBu/Ex1Q.ucX8/ 1235458675 0 -92204326324 0 1235458675 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235458675 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 UDUG8M 94208ad53315cce9
2606 1 2 0 1235461696 benzaa benzaa $H$9AnsWOqIbYDzoMhJHcOMgNdzJz6q8/1 1235461696 0 186609171314 0 1235461696 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235461696 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4E5UUD 2578c9579a36e887
2607 1 2 0 1235471020 DostiHome dostihome $H$9Z3Buq/PzvCft/NK/R1eIiMmKlVrcy. 1235471020 0 164429992419 0 1235471020 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235471020 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4QKBEU 59af398a93441a1c
2608 1 2 0 1235478380 radiovaan radiovaan $H$95I.YTZ/ht268DWRFU67764ma/FZ2f/ 1235478380 0 198713839623 0 1235478380 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235478380 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 479V2N 0f548dec255a3e71
2613 0 2 0 1235589087 1777 1777 $H$93nzQuz87AiTUv/OYbWtoFozGK5Fyn/ 1235589087 0 108551049910 1235657674 1235589087 1235589543 viewtopic.php?f=120&t=2807&p=20167 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 df26a778c2bcd34f
2615 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235599432 wolfman wolfman $H$9t1wAhq2IbnPRJo52IsCqHQhgVrxVd/ 1235599432 0 125529393616 1237028978 1235599432 1236287217 ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=6815 1236298374 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236618237 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5b19aaab9c982246
2616 1 2 0 1235602675 thatsbetters thatsbetters $H$9MkT7TdgRdxCniQNIqdMkKeuQUpeAu0 1235602675 0 -209186994220 0 1235602675 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235602675 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2ISTGM 636076d4756f26e2
2617 1 2 0 1235604012 BestoCardoOfferto bestocardoofferto $H$9FR.8XF7srK7H4Rxqe5julvfVEG94d1 1235604012 0 204466607819 0 1235604012 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235604012 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1TP9XC 0e54bbc234f6a39e
2619 0 2 0 1235621708 steelscreek steelscreek $H$9hLEyVi21NOscBSyqWaq6BVPDZrc3K. 1235621708 0 161888056125 1235968681 1235621708 1235968555 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1916 4L53JRV4QE 1235624390 0 0 0 0 0 1 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1919 0 0 0 9a46e475c1bc6050
2620 0 2 0 1235647201 drunkskin drunkskin $H$9ulvd9FrWQ8s6z.U8t5rD3zCDs7a15/ 1235647201 0 124520833527 1235648048 1235647201 0 viewtopic.php?f=72&t=2345&start=20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9e0a901124adc241
2621 1 2 0 1235647338 metrogoessub metrogoessub $H$9ZSYxjNnBe0ylVjqk4jaUnbE9N/p4M/ 1235647338 0 -144090367820 0 1235647338 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235647338 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1RJ81L 12fb48d4614db785
2622 0 2 0 1235647985 retired retired $H$9V6hJyIAFbWLZr6PiV7pY.50iTh5/6. 1235647985 0 -6517188922 1235648205 1235647985 0 1235648143 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9457a98ab5c747a3
2624 0 2 0 1235694722 zombi zombi $H$97LDXqRKW17ywrsoBF/o80H3z7frAa1 1235694722 0 -156980753722 1235944330 1235694722 0 viewforum.php?f=118 1235944110 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 d574c26137453230
2625 0 2 0 1235747538 ss-Bohmen ss-bohmen $H$9apv0jdWGsmh2qhW6kjlEWIUPBftcR. 1235747538 0 144854214218 1236006247 1235747538 0 posting.php?mode=reply&f=29&t=2352 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 59e312e1d57793e4
2626 1 2 0 1235755656 crazy crazy $H$95wkYD2k0GX..ld8UiZYme7BjdWXWl. 1235755656 0 -190486522625 0 1235755656 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235755656 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4AJJWG e5f2f842c3861c1c
2655 1 2 0 1236034652 Vlaendrensbloed vlaendrensbloed $H$9463eP2g1p0FZhFuDYXoFUfxGgk8oE/ 1236034652 0 -59810458327 0 1236034652 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236034652 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1RSFOJ 4492b913e9654e67
2627 1 2 0 1235756719 Gigmaliab gigmaliab $H$9Sb/V7re4LJKzaB5cKhslJYXukU8Rv1 1235756719 0 14192915218 0 1235756719 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235756719 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 51UDKN a0d417fe2b497a1f
2628 1 2 0 1235770416 Gonitockick gonitockick $H$950wFt9TjJ0glqgV9M9W3hqW6niz7A1 1235770416 0 -38010274427 0 1235770416 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235770416 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 GXDBO4 5f4dd88c14242d82
2629 0 2 0 1235771589 danny88 danny88 $H$9ckrgeuXJtqeNr5oZlWBCWvrfSaGhr. 1235771589 0 -143655921024 1235851955 1235771589 1235851904 viewtopic.php?f=105&t=2096 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 1 1 1236990646 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2c7d7da95ab68900
2630 1 2 0 1235783699 SwareeInterry swareeinterry $H$9EDn1d7lAbPKuXqtqBr/oHWTrDXWMS0 1235783699 0 -58613687221 0 1235783699 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235783699 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 CXH7EC b68f817b5357401e
2631 1 2 0 1235830835 spouroascerry spouroascerry $H$9bZvFJRV6y70G9qmB8wVgoy7b88FtK. 1235830835 0 -85877756321 0 1235830835 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235830835 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2HUFIR 30f08047660a2ccc
2632 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235834110 mussol mussol $H$9FCISZl87Dp0pL5W4UKGwRX3rbVt9b/ 1235834110 0 -82981536919 1237046640 1235834110 1236250227 viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3057 1237046583 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4260b687415d289f
2672 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzrzhb2tc i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236254992 28 Radio 28 radio $H$97uChhoGbjzd.Hkwpb5OVKYWvpr.Tf1 1236256874 0 -46406987719 0- 0- 0 1236843567 1236254992 1236673358 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236676080 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 2672_1236256450.jpg 1 90 87 <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> 26nbr1f6 Spectrum Headquarters Fighter Pilot Saving the white race! 396a148c87d40b08
2635 1 2 0 1235860857 grouffift grouffift $H$9yGI6EkuOE7IrenbWCyQyzvgYNBwe6. 1235860857 0 83665315818 0 1235860857 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235860857 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1OJFBO 76e74e60be78f09c
2633 1 2 0 1235854276 myadler myadler $H$9yBMAyr8hz5ni0IiWqQKmgh7ce8j.B. 1235854276 0 51036316626 0 1235854276 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235854276 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3TK3QW 9259c2e16032cad7
2637 1 2 0 1235877896 TentaclePrince tentacleprince $H$9tlcZGNXQgid9X12CmQLhWYl9SMkrZ1 1235877896 0 147282863626 0 1235877896 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235877896 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 Y7EYHJ 13729b5f31fcc1bc
2636 1 2 0 1235869511 potenzmittel potenzmittel $H$9aj8oLx7HzzaXK7.crHdvtxkfJtHmD. 1235869511 0 -109730734226 0 1235869511 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235869511 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 47LSDN 0cacda4e0a31ba2e
2638 0 2 0 1235905489 MENGELE mengele $H$91FfgqOzWFiCV8VjzHQQSsJxqbJM9e0 1235905489 0 46209103215 1235905745 1235905489 0 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 cd17932f4750f335
2640 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235921649 Gaspee gaspee $H$9vElH6CzirjJVzkDudPbUxalZddbpz/ 1235921649 0 -7542581617 1237013284 1235921649 1236642916 viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2944 1236643059 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 9812a7fe5dab35f1
2646 1 2 0 1235966008 TRIP trip $H$9yY.X/JNHtSsYns9MzMhSse8NixPNZ1 1235966008 0 -73015378320 0 1235966008 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235966008 0 en -5.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1CCTSL 6b763d52952a66b4
2651 0 2 0 1236004535 blood&amp;honour_14828 blood&amp;honour_14828 $H$9NID.LXiz7EGLg5Po.tKUdc1xQBe1r/ 1236004535 0 208344919329 18- 6-1991 1236094581 1236004535 1236031251 viewtopic.php?f=73&t=2088 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 new milton, hampshire chef blood and honour,football,tattoos, 285523a607908e5d
2639 1 2 0 1235911840 MyBestCreditOffers mybestcreditoffers $H$9AIafTdx8eVw.RcTpkjhCsW.6LWNwg0 1235911840 0 -2556425919 0 1235911840 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235911840 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4YMY9K 5d1299ad890215d0
2641 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235929516 jungerwolf jungerwolf $H$9kWLM.HbB2MOV5SPTtmfj5qjHasRlw. 1235929516 0 -115756234419 1236876430 1235929516 1236876425 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2452&p=20746 58XLKOXEWM 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 10a5453b0686e63c
2653 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236020145 internalspark internalspark $H$9qEFrDRCXpKTW7LiUzaAaMIOZBuBxh. 1236020145 0 -33329297025 1236714888 1236020145 0 memberlist.php?&first_char=r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 fde2e97459ccdf01
2642 1 2 0 1235938610 loohotel loohotel $H$9c0axQGoyn5viqk7ARhcccSHOE90va. 1235938610 0 4979421221 0 1235938610 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235938610 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 2PQ1OH 11e20dafa6e75a6f
2657 0 2 0 1236070994 X~EDGE~X x~edge~x $H$9JM8iRcVdygla.Pu.sYvDWMDyFtj3Y. 1236070994 0 -213628791717 1236071353 1236070994 0 posting.php?mode=post&f=12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 e8eaaf64d50a7cde
2647 1 2 0 1235983103 bestforumusieum bestforumusieum $H$96vIbW6q.l4VkTajKocJwljvqllWxc/ 1235983103 0 187403630727 0 1235983103 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235983103 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 56EAG3 3a973c5ab6ba4de8
2644 1 2 0 1235955377 Suffertieweew suffertieweew $H$94x3ufARHlLYeuEVTE5wcz9gJVA0xZ/ 1235955377 0 -80406234026 0 1235955377 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235955377 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3T6AX3 88268219e04e3857
2645 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1235958369 Nidhoggr nidhoggr $H$9HcQus6lPMldh5W8ZRhPLGyM2Z7TGX0 1235958369 0 -74588053726 1237020103 1235958369 1236305321 viewtopic.php?f=128&t=2293 3I2AZ5G2QA 1236930520 0 0 0 0 0 9 en 10.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236305335 0 -3 1236079219 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 2645_1236078070.gif 1 85 83 78a945af811b3452
2649 1 2 0 1235993617 Bradd882009 bradd882009 $H$9XtOJTbX4PKVpls055wyYMKCRLpjhF0 1235993617 0 -43888380224 0 1235993617 0 0 0 0 0 1 1235993617 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3GKZCX d9d96dc54465e929
2658 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pjqlo2kg qlc4pi000000 0 1236099742 War1889 war1889 $H$9TLNXiz7GBtJFXsBBUbrr6Kfc9AYMw/ 1236099742 0 -138659818522 1237057212 1236099742 1237026879 viewforum.php?f=133 1236372452 0 0 0 0 0 13 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236265450 0 -3 1236371850 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 dc7c75ad4e8a4c87
2652 1 2 0 1236012123 division828 division828 $H$96djbcNMvER5uWrcNbhw9AuakAvHDU. 1236012123 0 37378240129 0 1236012123 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236012123 0 en 1.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 38OAQ9 51fb7d6a686fd608
2654 1 2 0 1236031601 JotsrousRooks jotsrousrooks $H$9hEDNO3vII1JUNWQWXTFY99RaA/VLn/ 1236031601 0 150547587821 0 1236031601 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236031601 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 5Z1C3U a563d501b414f03a
2659 1 2 0 1236107765 Krazollis krazollis $H$9COtbcfdUngZaE7lZUzBbyAFmIBd/v. 1236107765 0 114603223825 0 1236107765 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236107765 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4PNZ3I f5fc5632d98d624a
2665 1 2 0 1236166368 A.C.A.B a.c.a.b $H$9WA1IvURyeTDEXfIQFDNWHx3IDvWkj0 1236166368 0 15852261820 0 1236166368 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236166368 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 PF7WQY 4102c7df38efc699
2660 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236120078 straightedge straightedge $H$9B9VmNS6qMgQTt.EZKcKAT18hm6HN31 1236120078 0 -179646222722 1237053290 1236120078 1236955324 5BGPWG1D63 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 3224b0b1e5c447e7
2670 1 2 0 1236219542 laxiaPrap laxiaprap $H$9Ms5b3cp2wmnSOpOE3slmM5Y5HHjgL0 1236219542 0 -171076191619 0 1236219542 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236219542 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 4171SV 14de6676d3f7bc65
2661 1 2 0 1236152452 DuroArort duroarort $H$9z/lpM9tMAZLjh4PBZpybllCYbGMLg0 1236152452 0 34309476719 0 1236152452 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236152452 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 VHLIR2 b2d3c3b4e02466d4
2662 0 2 0 1236153448 Hoppi15311 hoppi15311 $H$9I2VAVzknROsrBwZdQojL6WICvI9LP0 1236153448 0 -189123570317 0- 0- 0 1236153495 1236153448 0 ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 8.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 1a164soh 6685561 277effed82e9d6d7
2663 0 2 0 1236155427 seb_BI seb_bi $H$9PNMUvvNyu7vZEX2qHwZuIIlNm0kc11 1236155427 0 -187503881720 1236164250 1236155427 0 viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2816 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8c32a7e2f7f2aaf4
2664 0 2 00000000006xv1sszk i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlctzq000000 i1cjyo000000 qlctzq000000 xu9tk4000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 xu9tk4000000 i1cjyo000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 i1cjyo000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 qlc4pi000000 0 1236161211 Wolfshook88 wolfshook88 $H$9de2qqMzOvgZyFk8BEVGB792vDMABn. 1236161211 0 -177197546924 25-12-1966 1236332816 1236161211 1236183357 viewtopic.php?f=115&t=1716 1236163981 0 0 0 0 0 2 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 1236258792 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 We Must Secure the Existence of Our People and a Future for White Children. For the Beauty of the Aryan Woman Must Not Perish from the Earth. 37uw92wr Yorkshire, England ZOG wage slave Politics, Music and Political Music 739d2bd2138ab499
2666 0 2 0 1236179922 fasi fasi $H$9Ay4s/tUrpqX.OSY9Xbi7Fv1jYHNzo/ 1236179922 0 138869781224 1236193201 1236179922 0 memberlist.php 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 f1856810e0fc382e
2667 0 2 0 1236195134 blueyed blueyed $H$9ghPbvuMQaHMYGw1dRwzhzhlmIxpzz. 1236195134 0 179215022220 1236195559 1236195134 0 1236195537 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 177fa9db4e615c68
2668 0 2 0 1236195930 blood blood $H$9OmSqsgE.qOVKbsRbMx9c4o6U9cH2M. 1236195930 0 119132494124 0 1236195930 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 05123e22166513e7
2669 1 2 0 1236200063 FirstepForUp firstepforup $H$9BSOJ9Q75wOBvNyAAjsQn7hnJsI7U2/ 1236200063 0 -175209950020 0 1236200063 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236200063 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 NP585P bef7aa20f9a1bff9
2671 0 2 0 1236246895 East warrior east warrior $H$9nEHPsVvpqS9xyDlEjYTH22C9u89JT. 1236246895 0 95617999616 1236248444 1236246895 0 viewforum.php?f=75&start=25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en 0.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 8fe1ca06bfebc912
2673 1 2 0 1236255468 rustamchik rustamchik $H$9Uo5kwTOpF3zLYmjquI9YPIlKuHhsH0 1236255468 0 48979900919 0 1236255468 0 0 0 0 0 1 1236255468 0 en -12.00 1 D M d, Y g:i a 2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 t d 0 t a 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 895 0 0 0 BZC422 37ff68da7e3a38c8