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Matt Hale info and my Creativity items for sale - handmade WCOTC books!!

Matt Hale has an appeal going now that he actually might win. Maybe, I hold no hope for anglo prisons! Once he gets out he'll wring James Logsdon's neck for fucking up the TCM!!
Also, I have handmade, by a White man, Creativity books for sale!!
These are HANDMADE BY A WHITE MAN!! Kind of like "FUBU"!
Prices vary, and shipping takes 3-6 weeks. These are ALL hardback, except the Little White Book, which is softback.
I also have some original WCOTC/TCM items for sale!!
These are costly since they are originals and out of print!!
I sold a HUGE lot of these items several months ago, but have a few left!!
I also have original ANP items!!
StormTrooper mags and such!!
And I have a copy of the very hard to get "Loiuse Beam" speech!!!!
No one else sells this!!!!
Plus I have Matt Hale, Ben Klassen and other audio speeches on cassette that I can copy for ya, soon...!
Also, once my book is finished I am going to sell a hardback and a softback for cost!! And will GIVE AWAY FREE a cheap version of my book to anyone who e-mails me or writes!!
Contact me!
Hardy Lloyd, the crazy fucker!!

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